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The Recap from Chapter 4 that sets up Chapter 5:
 Jesus was speaking to the crowd in parables. However, He explained the parables plainly to His disciples (the
secrets of the Kingdom revealed to them while it was remained hidden to the crowd).
 Jesus spoke in parables to illustrate a truth or life lesson. It was intended for those in the crowd who were willing
to hear and obey what Jesus was conveying.
 Jesus calmed the storm at sea (while crossing over to the side-Gerasenes region) which not only frightened the
disciples but caused them to question who He is (for the disciples still did not fully understand who Jesus is).
 Jesus will demonstrate to His disciples that He is God and has power and authority over demons, sickness, and
even death.
*VERSES 1-20* *VERSES 21-24 & 35-43* *VERSES 25-34*
 Gerasenes (which literally means those
who come from a pilgrimage or fight) was a
region populated mostly with Gentiles
(not much Jewish in this region)
 Jesus and His disciples are met by this
man while they got off the boat and set
foot upon the region.
 The man’s name is never mentioned in
the Gospel account. However, the
demons who possessed the man said
they were called “Legion”, for they
were many in him.
 A Legion in the Roman army consisted
of 6,000 Roman soldiers in the battalion.
 The demons who possessed this man
gave him super human strength (as he
would often break the chains and fetters
that bound him and no one was able to
subdue him) and supernatural
knowledge as He knew Jesus is the Son
of the Most High God.
 They would often torment this man
night and day by crying out in the
tombs while cutting himself with
 He lived among the tombs as the people
of the region drove him out (for they
didn’t want such a mad man to live
among them) and was found to be
naked (as he was found clothed and in
his right mind).
 The demons feared Jesus and came
and fell at his feet. They begged Jesus
 When Jesus departed from Gerasenes and
crossed over to other side of the lake, he
was met by a large crowd and by man
named Jairus (my light, the one who diffuses
 Jairus was known as the ruler of the
Synagogues (who must have been closely
affiliated with the Pharisees and Scribes)
 The job for a ruler of the synagogue was
to look after the building, its contents,
and its arrangements for worship.
 He fell at Jesus’ feet in humility and
begged Jesus to heal his daughter who
was on the verge of death.
 Jesus agrees to follow him while the large
crowd accompanies them as well.
 After Jesus heals the woman of the blood
issue, people from Jairus’ household
announced the death of his daughter.
 John, Peter, and James (brother of John)
are allowed to go with Jesus into Jairus
home while the rest of the disciples and
the large crowd wait outside.
 Jesus sees those in Jairus home mourning
and weeping (assuming these were hired
mourners in those days) over the death of
Jairus’ daughter.
 The fearful and hopeless Jairus is
instructed by Jesus to not be afraid but
only believe!
 Jesus tells everyone present that the child
is not dead but is sleeping (which
 Jesus and his disciples encountered a
woman who suffered a blood issue for
12 years while on the way to heal
Jairus’ daughter.
 The woman’s name is never mentioned
in the Gospel account. However, Jesus
calls her “Daughter”. This may
indicate Jesus calling her a daughter
because she believed in Him.
 She was among the crowd that pressed
against Jesus.
 She was desperate to see Jesus as she
had spent all her money on doctors
and physicians to heal or treat her
condition (assuming it led her to being
poor). However, they couldn’t find a
cure for her disease and she had gotten
worse ever since.
 She heard of reports of Jesus in the
area and His reputation of healing
people miraculously and she joins the
large crowd following after Jesus who
was on his way to heal Jairus’
 She blended in with the crowd to get
close to Jesus in order to at least touch
the hem of his garments (in hopes of
getting healed). Doing this in secret
will not draw attention to herself (as
the Law of Moses states anyone with
this kind of disease is unclean and
whoever touches her will be unclean).
She was in fear of getting exposed and
to not torment them and not send them
out of the country. However, they
bargained with Jesus as they begged
him to enter into the pigs that were
feeding by the nearby hillside.
 Jesus grants them their request and they
enter into the pigs and jump off the cliff
into the sea (which they end up
 The Herdsmen who witnessed all that
had taken place went into to town to tell
 When they return, they see the once
possessed man clothed and in his right
mind which made them fear Jesus.
 The Irony: The Demons begged Jesus
not to send them away but when the
people of the town and the herdsmen
see that the man is back to normal, they
beg Jesus to be sent away from their
region out of fear. However, we now
see the man begging Jesus to go with
him. Yet Jesus tells him to go back home
and tell his friends what the Lord has
done and that the Lord has shown
mercy upon him.
 Conclusion: The man goes away and
began to tell in the Decapolis (ten cities)
how much Jesus had done for him
(which the people marveled at his
prompts the mourners to laugh and
ridicule him).
 Jesus goes in with his closest disciples
along with Jairus and his wife to see
Jairus’ daughter’s lifeless body.
 Jesus takes the dead girl by the hand and
commands her to get up which she stands
up and walks (which amazes the
disciples, the wife of Jairus, and Jairus
 Jesus gives strict orders not to let anyone
know about what He did to Jairus’
 Conclusion: He instructs them to get her
something to eat (proving she is alive and
 NOTE: Jesus proved to everyone present
that she was truly raised to life:
1. He takes her by the hand
2. She immediately awakens and gets
3. She begins walking
4. He instructs them to give her
something to eat.
ostracized for her uncleanness either
by the disciples, the Lord Himself, or
by the large crowd.
 She found herself instantly healed after
touching Jesus (the blood dried up and
she felt in her body that she was freed
from such affliction). Jesus felt His
power had gone out from Him-but He
knew who had touched him through
the large crowd.
 The woman fell at his feet out of
trembling fear and told Him the truth
(expecting Jesus would scold her for
touching Him as she was unclean).
However, it was the opposite. Jesus
comforts her and states that it was her
faith in Him that healed her.
 Conclusion: Jesus tells her to go in
peace and be free from her affliction.
 NOTE: Notice that the woman was
instantly healed of her affliction. Many
so called “faith healers” cannot heal
instantly like Jesus. This proves these
faith healers you see on T.V. to be none
other than “fake healers.” They are
nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing
who are exploiting vulnerable people
into giving them money for their selfish
The Problem: Man was under the power and
control of the Devil.
The Problem: Jairus’ daughter fell victim by
the power and control of death.
The Problem: The woman with the blood issue
was afflicted by the effects of sin.
The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power
over demons by setting the man free from
demonic possession and to return to the society
that rejected him.
The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power
over death by raising his daughter to life
regardless of the delay and to give her a second
chance at life.
The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power to
heal any sickness or disease regardless of how
many years she suffered that affliction.
Nationality: He was of Gentile decent
Nationality: Her and her father Jairus were of
Jewish decent
Nationality: She was of Jewish decent
Posture: Demons displayed fear in the presence
of Jesus
Posture: Jairus displayed humility in the
presence of Jesus
Posture: Woman was timid and fearful in the
presence of Jesus
Spiritual Condition: LOST Spiritual Condition: LAST Spiritual Condition: LEAST
The Request:
Demons begged Jesus:
“Send us to the pigs, so we may enter them”.
The Request:
Jairus begged Jesus:
“My little daughter is at death’s door. Come
lay hands on her so she can get well and live”.
The Request:
The woman begged Jesus in her heart:
“If I can just touch the hem of his garments, I’ll
be made well”.
What the Lord Says:
“Come out of the man, you unclean spirit”!
“What is your name”?
“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the
Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on
What the Lord Says:
“Do not be afraid! Only believe”!
“Why all this commotion and wailing! The child is
not dead but asleep!”
“Talitha Koum!” (which translates, Little Girl, I say to
you, Get Up!)
What the Lord Says:
“Who touched me”?
“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in
peace and be healed of your affliction.”
What the Lord Does:
 Demons are casted out and entered the
pigs. They eventually jump off the cliff
to their deaths (drowning in the sea).
 Man is set free (he is clothed and is in
his right mind).
What the Lord Does:
 The Lord raises her from the dead.
 She is able to stand up.
 She is able to walk.
 She is given something to eat after
being raised to life.
What the Lord Does:
 The Lord shows compassion to her
(rather than scolding her).
 She is instantly healed of her affliction.
 Notice the difference: Her faith in Jesus
is what healed him. Not faith in herself!
What did this miracle reveal about Christ?
 He is God in the flesh!
 He is the Son of the Most High God!
 He is sovereign over the devil and his
 He is the Lord who shows mercy
 He is the God of both Jews and Gentiles
What did this miracle reveal about Christ?
 He is God in the flesh!
 He is the Messiah of Israel
 He is the Resurrection
 He is the Life (Life-giver)
 He is sovereign over death!
What did this miracle reveal about Christ?
 He is God in the flesh!
 He is the Messiah of Israel
 He is sovereign over sickness and
 He is full of grace and truth!
What Seemed Impossible:
 No man can subdue him (he would
often break the chains and fetters that
bound him)
 He was a lost cause to the society
around him. Not even those in society
and those who cared for him had hope
in him.
 He was tormented day and night by the
demons inhabiting him.
 He lived in the tombs alone and away
from his home, family, and friends.
 The herdsmen considered him to be
more of a wild animal than their pigs.
What Seemed Impossible:
 She died before Jesus got to her which
prompted Jairus’ household to be
hopeless and tell Jairus to stop
bothering Jesus of this request.
 Jairus was fearful and was doubting
Jesus could even raise her from the
 The mourners were crying and weeping
as she died at a young age.
 The mourners believed Jesus was crazy
when he said “She’s not dead but
asleep”. They assumed she is dead and
gone and there’s nothing He could do
for her.
What Seemed Impossible:
 She endured 12 years of this affliction.
 No doctor or physician can treat or heal
her affliction.
 She spent all of her money to find a cure.
However, this led to her poverty.
 The large crowd became an obstacle for
her to get near to Jesus.
 Her affliction was getting worse which
made her desperate even more to see
Jesus (to be healed).
 She was afraid that Jesus would scold
and humiliate her in the midst of the
large crowd.
Names Mentioned:
 Man is unnamed
 Demons inside the man give their name
to Jesus (Legion)
Names Mentioned:
 Jairus is named
 Daughter of Jairus is unnamed
 Jesus calls her “little girl”
Names Mentioned:
 Woman is unnamed
 Jesus calls her “Daughter”
Jesus tells the man to go home and tell his
friends what the Lord did for Him and that the
Lord showed mercy on Him.
He instructs all those who witness her raising
from the dead to not say anything about what
had happened. We are not told as to why Jesus
instructed them not to but what was written
was meant for us to know.
Out of all the people in the large crowd, Jesus
heals only her and grants her request to be
made well. He tells her to go in peace and be
freed from her affliction. This indicates she left
healed and we can only assume that she told
everyone who cared for her about Jesus!
Modern Day Application:
 Jesus comes to seek the lost and can
truly save the most evil, demonic, vile,
and wicked person in the world.
Although our society may consider
them as a lost cause, the Lord sees them
as worthy to be saved and redeemed!
 There is no one in this world that is out
of His reach for Him to save and
 Not even the Kingdom of darkness can
stand up against Him! As we clearly see
in this Gospel account that even a
legion of 6,000 demons feared, begged,
and fell at the feet of Jesus!
 The will of the Devil is to kill, steal, and
destroy! These demons who possessed
the man were carrying out the will of
the Devil through the man. However,
when Jesus came on the scene, He put a
stop to all of that! The Bible states that
Jesus came to destroy the works of the
devil and through His death, He
defeated the one who had the power of
Modern Day Application:
 When death entered the world through
sin (through Adam and Eve), Christ
came to this world to die for our sins
and to give us eternal life. Hence, He
came to reverse the curse!
 The Lord compared physical death to
sleep as it is not the end for the believer.
 Physical death is the temporary
separation of the soul from the body.
Not even death can separate us from
the love of God.
 Jesus tasted death for everyone so that
we may not fear death any longer. He
rose from the dead so that we too can
share in His resurrection (that means
we will obtain a resurrected and
glorified body just as He had a
resurrected and glorified body when He
appeared to His disciples). He
conquered death for us so that death
has no power over us. Therefore, we
have conquered death because of Him.
 The gates of Hell cannot prevail against
His Church! The Church will never fail,
though generation after generation,
succumbs to the power of physical
Modern Day Application:
 Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy that He
took our infirmities and bore our
 Jesus can heal anyone of any disease or
sickness they are suffering. Nothing is too
impossible for Him to do.
 God can use different forms of healing:
 Natural Healing (God created our
bodies to heal and recover on its
 Healing through Modern Medicine
(through doctors and physicians-
 Supernatural Healing (instant
healing that is attributed by the
power of God-Immediately)
 Healing does not come from our faith in
our prayers! Healing can only come
through faith in God alone who
determines if He wants to heal you or not.
 It is not always God’s will to heal us.
However, we must continue to trust Him
and persevere in our faith because He may
have another plan to demonstrate His
glory through our afflictions.
 God may use suffering to conform us in
the image of His Son. Producing
 Darkness bows to the Light of the
World (Jesus) and it is His light that
exposes the darkness.
 Although Jesus came to save the lost
sheep of Israel (Jews), He also came to
save the other sheep (Gentiles). Jesus
would later appoint Paul to be the
apostle to the Gentiles to open their
eyes, so that they may turn from
darkness to light, from the power of
Satan to God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sin and a place among
those who are sanctified by faith in
 We should never forget what God did
for us: He has rescued us from the
dominion of darkness and brought us
into the Kingdom of His Dear Son Jesus.
 Just as the man was enslaved by
demons, we too were slaves to sin
prior to being saved. Yet Jesus came to
seek us out and free us from our sins
so that we may be able to freely serve
death, yet other generations will rise to
preserve the spreading of the Gospel!
The Church will continue to fulfill the
Great Commission until the Lord
returns for His Church!
 Death has no sting over the
Resurrection and the Life (Jesus).
 Just as the large crowd became a
stumbling block for Jairus to get to
Jesus, Religion and Pride can become
stumbling blocks to our faith in the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The only
way to overcome Religion and Pride is
by humility! God draws near to those
who humble themselves!
endurance, character, and hope in and
through us!
 Although we may suffer pain, sickness,
and disease in this life, we are promised
that in Heaven, there will be no more
pain, sickness, and disease!
 The Lord is both the Divine Physician
and the Cure over all our sickness and
 Just as the large crowd became a
stumbling block for the woman to get to
Jesus, doubt and anxiety can become
stumbling blocks to our faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ. The only way to overcome
doubt and anxiety is to simply place your
faith in Christ alone! Whatever the
circumstance you are going through, trust
Him with all your heart! Even if we lose
everything like this woman did, we
should never lose our hope in Him!
 Like the crowd pressing onto Jesus, you
can hear and bump into Jesus in church
but if you do not reach out and touch
Jesus in faith, then you have never
experienced a real relationship with
Jesus. Do you truly know Him as Lord
and Savior? Or do you know Him just as
an acquaintance?
 Does Jesus see you among the crowd like
He did with the woman?
It was the demons’ faith in Jesus that
brought the man to the Lord (that lead to
His salvation).
NOTE: The demons expressed faith in Jesus only out of
dreadful fear of being tormented by Him (pronouncing
judgment upon them). This not a true saving faith as
saving faith submits and surrenders willfully to Christ.
It was Jairus’ faith in Jesus that gave his
daughter a second chance to live again.
NOTE: Jairus was a pharisee like Nicodemus and
Joseph of Arimathea who believed in Jesus. We
are not given any details if he was a secret
follower or not. One thing we do know is that he
It was the woman’s faith in Jesus that
brought instant and complete healing to
NOTE: The Law of Moses labeled her as unclean and
she was not able to be enter the temple and partake in
worship with other Jews as that was the dwelling place
of the Most Holy God (it was the holiest place in all of
Man was freed due to the intercession of
the demons inhabiting him.
He was given a normal life to live thanks to
Jairus’ daughter’s life was given back to her
(raising from the dead) because of her
father’s intercession on her behalf.
She can grow up and live a normal life
thanks to Jesus!
Woman was freed from her affliction
when she interceded for herself.
She was given a normal life to live free
from her affliction thanks to Jesus!
Demons were casted out from the man
Evil angels casted out
Death was casted out of the young girl
Wages of Sin (Death) casted out
Disease was casted out of the woman
Effects of sin (affliction) casted out
N/A Jairus’ daughter was 12 years old when she
Woman suffered the affliction for 12 years
N/A Jairus was among the large crowd Woman was among the large crowd
N/A Jairus was wealthy (he was a ruler of the
Woman was wealthy until she spent all the
money she had to treat or heal her affliction
Demons begged desperately and fell at Jesus’
Jairus begged desperately and fell at Jesus’ feet Woman begged desperately and fell at Jesus’
Demons trembled with fear in the presence of
Jairus trembled with fear when he received news
that his daughter had died
Woman trembled with fear in the presence of
Demons were desperate to not be sent out of
the country
Jairus was desperate for Jesus to heal his
daughter who is on the verge of death
Woman was desperate for Jesus to heal her
Man lived alone in the tombs Young girl died and body was left alone in the
Woman lived alone (as she was unclean
because of her affliction)
Man was often bound in chains and fetters
(which he always broke free from)
Young girl was bound by death Woman was bound by her affliction
Man had an unclean spirit in Him and lived in
tombs (unclean place) that was nearby unclean
animals (pigs)
Young girl was unclean as she was dead and
now a corpse (ready for burial).
Woman was unclean because of her affliction.
Fear God and not evil (demons)
Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who can set
us free from sin!
Fear God and not death
Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who overcame
death for us!
Fear God and not your afflictions
Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who can heal
us physically, mentally, and spiritually!
Demons abandoned their power and control
over the man when they encountered Jesus
Their fear in Him brought the man over to
Jairus abandoned religion and humbled himself
when He encountered Jesus
His faith (in Christ) led him to the One who has
power over death.
Woman abandoned the fear of rejection and
condemnation of the Law when she
encountered Jesus.
Her faith in Jesus alone brought her to Him.
Demons caused the man to cut himself
Demons entered the pigs (touched) after being
cast out of the man
Jairus believed if Jesus laid hands on her
she will be well and alive.
Jesus took the young girl by the hand (touched)
Woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment
Jesus’ power went out from him and healed
the woman of her affliction (touched)

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  • 1. “THE THREE THAT FELL AT JESUS’ FEET” MARK 5:1-43 NOTES The Recap from Chapter 4 that sets up Chapter 5:  Jesus was speaking to the crowd in parables. However, He explained the parables plainly to His disciples (the secrets of the Kingdom revealed to them while it was remained hidden to the crowd).  Jesus spoke in parables to illustrate a truth or life lesson. It was intended for those in the crowd who were willing to hear and obey what Jesus was conveying.  Jesus calmed the storm at sea (while crossing over to the side-Gerasenes region) which not only frightened the disciples but caused them to question who He is (for the disciples still did not fully understand who Jesus is).  Jesus will demonstrate to His disciples that He is God and has power and authority over demons, sickness, and even death. THE SUMMARY OF THE THREE STORIES (MAN, GIRL, WOMAN) *VERSES 1-20* *VERSES 21-24 & 35-43* *VERSES 25-34* THE MAN POSSESSED WITH MANY DEMONS THE DEATH OF JAIRUS’ 12-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER THE WOMAN WHO WAS AFFLICTED WITH A 12 YEAR BLOOD ISSUE BEFORE: FROM BEING A SLAVE TO DEMONS AFTER: TO BEING SET FREE BY CHRIST BEFORE: FROM DYING YOUNG AFTER: TO BEING RAISED TO LIFE BY CHRIST BEFORE: FROM SUFFERING A 12 YEAR DISEASE AFTER: TO BEING INSTANTLY HEALED BY CHRIST
  • 2.  Gerasenes (which literally means those who come from a pilgrimage or fight) was a region populated mostly with Gentiles (not much Jewish in this region)  Jesus and His disciples are met by this man while they got off the boat and set foot upon the region.  The man’s name is never mentioned in the Gospel account. However, the demons who possessed the man said they were called “Legion”, for they were many in him.  A Legion in the Roman army consisted of 6,000 Roman soldiers in the battalion.  The demons who possessed this man gave him super human strength (as he would often break the chains and fetters that bound him and no one was able to subdue him) and supernatural knowledge as He knew Jesus is the Son of the Most High God.  They would often torment this man night and day by crying out in the tombs while cutting himself with stones.  He lived among the tombs as the people of the region drove him out (for they didn’t want such a mad man to live among them) and was found to be naked (as he was found clothed and in his right mind).  The demons feared Jesus and came and fell at his feet. They begged Jesus  When Jesus departed from Gerasenes and crossed over to other side of the lake, he was met by a large crowd and by man named Jairus (my light, the one who diffuses light).  Jairus was known as the ruler of the Synagogues (who must have been closely affiliated with the Pharisees and Scribes)  The job for a ruler of the synagogue was to look after the building, its contents, and its arrangements for worship.  He fell at Jesus’ feet in humility and begged Jesus to heal his daughter who was on the verge of death.  Jesus agrees to follow him while the large crowd accompanies them as well.  After Jesus heals the woman of the blood issue, people from Jairus’ household announced the death of his daughter.  John, Peter, and James (brother of John) are allowed to go with Jesus into Jairus home while the rest of the disciples and the large crowd wait outside.  Jesus sees those in Jairus home mourning and weeping (assuming these were hired mourners in those days) over the death of Jairus’ daughter.  The fearful and hopeless Jairus is instructed by Jesus to not be afraid but only believe!  Jesus tells everyone present that the child is not dead but is sleeping (which  Jesus and his disciples encountered a woman who suffered a blood issue for 12 years while on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter.  The woman’s name is never mentioned in the Gospel account. However, Jesus calls her “Daughter”. This may indicate Jesus calling her a daughter because she believed in Him.  She was among the crowd that pressed against Jesus.  She was desperate to see Jesus as she had spent all her money on doctors and physicians to heal or treat her condition (assuming it led her to being poor). However, they couldn’t find a cure for her disease and she had gotten worse ever since.  She heard of reports of Jesus in the area and His reputation of healing people miraculously and she joins the large crowd following after Jesus who was on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter.  She blended in with the crowd to get close to Jesus in order to at least touch the hem of his garments (in hopes of getting healed). Doing this in secret will not draw attention to herself (as the Law of Moses states anyone with this kind of disease is unclean and whoever touches her will be unclean). She was in fear of getting exposed and
  • 3. to not torment them and not send them out of the country. However, they bargained with Jesus as they begged him to enter into the pigs that were feeding by the nearby hillside.  Jesus grants them their request and they enter into the pigs and jump off the cliff into the sea (which they end up drowning).  The Herdsmen who witnessed all that had taken place went into to town to tell others.  When they return, they see the once possessed man clothed and in his right mind which made them fear Jesus.  The Irony: The Demons begged Jesus not to send them away but when the people of the town and the herdsmen see that the man is back to normal, they beg Jesus to be sent away from their region out of fear. However, we now see the man begging Jesus to go with him. Yet Jesus tells him to go back home and tell his friends what the Lord has done and that the Lord has shown mercy upon him.  Conclusion: The man goes away and began to tell in the Decapolis (ten cities) how much Jesus had done for him (which the people marveled at his testimony). prompts the mourners to laugh and ridicule him).  Jesus goes in with his closest disciples along with Jairus and his wife to see Jairus’ daughter’s lifeless body.  Jesus takes the dead girl by the hand and commands her to get up which she stands up and walks (which amazes the disciples, the wife of Jairus, and Jairus himself).  Jesus gives strict orders not to let anyone know about what He did to Jairus’ daughter.  Conclusion: He instructs them to get her something to eat (proving she is alive and well).  NOTE: Jesus proved to everyone present that she was truly raised to life: 1. He takes her by the hand 2. She immediately awakens and gets up 3. She begins walking 4. He instructs them to give her something to eat. ostracized for her uncleanness either by the disciples, the Lord Himself, or by the large crowd.  She found herself instantly healed after touching Jesus (the blood dried up and she felt in her body that she was freed from such affliction). Jesus felt His power had gone out from Him-but He knew who had touched him through the large crowd.  The woman fell at his feet out of trembling fear and told Him the truth (expecting Jesus would scold her for touching Him as she was unclean). However, it was the opposite. Jesus comforts her and states that it was her faith in Him that healed her.  Conclusion: Jesus tells her to go in peace and be free from her affliction.  NOTE: Notice that the woman was instantly healed of her affliction. Many so called “faith healers” cannot heal instantly like Jesus. This proves these faith healers you see on T.V. to be none other than “fake healers.” They are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing who are exploiting vulnerable people into giving them money for their selfish gain.
  • 4. THE CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE THREE CHARACTERS IN THE STORIES (MAN, GIRL, WOMAN) THE MAN POSSESSED WITH MANY DEMONS THE DEATH OF JAIRUS’ 12-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER THE WOMAN WHO WAS AFFLICTED WITH A 12 YEAR BLOOD ISSUE The Problem: Man was under the power and control of the Devil. The Problem: Jairus’ daughter fell victim by the power and control of death. The Problem: The woman with the blood issue was afflicted by the effects of sin. The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power over demons by setting the man free from demonic possession and to return to the society that rejected him. The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power over death by raising his daughter to life regardless of the delay and to give her a second chance at life. The Solution: Jesus demonstrated His power to heal any sickness or disease regardless of how many years she suffered that affliction. Nationality: He was of Gentile decent (Non-Jew) Nationality: Her and her father Jairus were of Jewish decent Nationality: She was of Jewish decent Posture: Demons displayed fear in the presence of Jesus Posture: Jairus displayed humility in the presence of Jesus Posture: Woman was timid and fearful in the presence of Jesus Spiritual Condition: LOST Spiritual Condition: LAST Spiritual Condition: LEAST The Request: Demons begged Jesus: “Send us to the pigs, so we may enter them”. The Request: Jairus begged Jesus: “My little daughter is at death’s door. Come lay hands on her so she can get well and live”. The Request: The woman begged Jesus in her heart: “If I can just touch the hem of his garments, I’ll be made well”. What the Lord Says: “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit”! “What is your name”? “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” What the Lord Says: “Do not be afraid! Only believe”! “Why all this commotion and wailing! The child is not dead but asleep!” “Talitha Koum!” (which translates, Little Girl, I say to you, Get Up!) What the Lord Says: “Who touched me”? “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction.”
  • 5. What the Lord Does:  Demons are casted out and entered the pigs. They eventually jump off the cliff to their deaths (drowning in the sea).  Man is set free (he is clothed and is in his right mind). What the Lord Does:  The Lord raises her from the dead.  She is able to stand up.  She is able to walk.  She is given something to eat after being raised to life. What the Lord Does:  The Lord shows compassion to her (rather than scolding her).  She is instantly healed of her affliction.  Notice the difference: Her faith in Jesus is what healed him. Not faith in herself! What did this miracle reveal about Christ?  He is God in the flesh!  He is the Son of the Most High God!  He is sovereign over the devil and his demons!  He is the Lord who shows mercy  He is the God of both Jews and Gentiles What did this miracle reveal about Christ?  He is God in the flesh!  He is the Messiah of Israel  He is the Resurrection  He is the Life (Life-giver)  He is sovereign over death! What did this miracle reveal about Christ?  He is God in the flesh!  He is the Messiah of Israel  He is sovereign over sickness and diseases  He is full of grace and truth! What Seemed Impossible:  No man can subdue him (he would often break the chains and fetters that bound him)  He was a lost cause to the society around him. Not even those in society and those who cared for him had hope in him.  He was tormented day and night by the demons inhabiting him.  He lived in the tombs alone and away from his home, family, and friends.  The herdsmen considered him to be more of a wild animal than their pigs. What Seemed Impossible:  She died before Jesus got to her which prompted Jairus’ household to be hopeless and tell Jairus to stop bothering Jesus of this request.  Jairus was fearful and was doubting Jesus could even raise her from the dead.  The mourners were crying and weeping as she died at a young age.  The mourners believed Jesus was crazy when he said “She’s not dead but asleep”. They assumed she is dead and gone and there’s nothing He could do for her. What Seemed Impossible:  She endured 12 years of this affliction.  No doctor or physician can treat or heal her affliction.  She spent all of her money to find a cure. However, this led to her poverty.  The large crowd became an obstacle for her to get near to Jesus.  Her affliction was getting worse which made her desperate even more to see Jesus (to be healed).  She was afraid that Jesus would scold and humiliate her in the midst of the large crowd. Names Mentioned:  Man is unnamed  Demons inside the man give their name to Jesus (Legion) Names Mentioned:  Jairus is named  Daughter of Jairus is unnamed  Jesus calls her “little girl” Names Mentioned:  Woman is unnamed  Jesus calls her “Daughter”
  • 6. Testimony: Jesus tells the man to go home and tell his friends what the Lord did for Him and that the Lord showed mercy on Him. Testimony: He instructs all those who witness her raising from the dead to not say anything about what had happened. We are not told as to why Jesus instructed them not to but what was written was meant for us to know. Testimony: Out of all the people in the large crowd, Jesus heals only her and grants her request to be made well. He tells her to go in peace and be freed from her affliction. This indicates she left healed and we can only assume that she told everyone who cared for her about Jesus! Modern Day Application:  Jesus comes to seek the lost and can truly save the most evil, demonic, vile, and wicked person in the world. Although our society may consider them as a lost cause, the Lord sees them as worthy to be saved and redeemed!  There is no one in this world that is out of His reach for Him to save and deliver!  Not even the Kingdom of darkness can stand up against Him! As we clearly see in this Gospel account that even a legion of 6,000 demons feared, begged, and fell at the feet of Jesus!  The will of the Devil is to kill, steal, and destroy! These demons who possessed the man were carrying out the will of the Devil through the man. However, when Jesus came on the scene, He put a stop to all of that! The Bible states that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and through His death, He defeated the one who had the power of death! Modern Day Application:  When death entered the world through sin (through Adam and Eve), Christ came to this world to die for our sins and to give us eternal life. Hence, He came to reverse the curse!  The Lord compared physical death to sleep as it is not the end for the believer.  Physical death is the temporary separation of the soul from the body. Not even death can separate us from the love of God.  Jesus tasted death for everyone so that we may not fear death any longer. He rose from the dead so that we too can share in His resurrection (that means we will obtain a resurrected and glorified body just as He had a resurrected and glorified body when He appeared to His disciples). He conquered death for us so that death has no power over us. Therefore, we have conquered death because of Him.  The gates of Hell cannot prevail against His Church! The Church will never fail, though generation after generation, succumbs to the power of physical Modern Day Application:  Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy that He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.  Jesus can heal anyone of any disease or sickness they are suffering. Nothing is too impossible for Him to do.  God can use different forms of healing:  Natural Healing (God created our bodies to heal and recover on its own-Gradually)  Healing through Modern Medicine (through doctors and physicians- Eventually)  Supernatural Healing (instant healing that is attributed by the power of God-Immediately)  Healing does not come from our faith in our prayers! Healing can only come through faith in God alone who determines if He wants to heal you or not.  It is not always God’s will to heal us. However, we must continue to trust Him and persevere in our faith because He may have another plan to demonstrate His glory through our afflictions.  God may use suffering to conform us in the image of His Son. Producing
  • 7.  Darkness bows to the Light of the World (Jesus) and it is His light that exposes the darkness.  Although Jesus came to save the lost sheep of Israel (Jews), He also came to save the other sheep (Gentiles). Jesus would later appoint Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sin and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Him.  We should never forget what God did for us: He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of His Dear Son Jesus.  Just as the man was enslaved by demons, we too were slaves to sin prior to being saved. Yet Jesus came to seek us out and free us from our sins so that we may be able to freely serve Him! death, yet other generations will rise to preserve the spreading of the Gospel! The Church will continue to fulfill the Great Commission until the Lord returns for His Church!  Death has no sting over the Resurrection and the Life (Jesus).  Just as the large crowd became a stumbling block for Jairus to get to Jesus, Religion and Pride can become stumbling blocks to our faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The only way to overcome Religion and Pride is by humility! God draws near to those who humble themselves! endurance, character, and hope in and through us!  Although we may suffer pain, sickness, and disease in this life, we are promised that in Heaven, there will be no more pain, sickness, and disease!  The Lord is both the Divine Physician and the Cure over all our sickness and diseases.  Just as the large crowd became a stumbling block for the woman to get to Jesus, doubt and anxiety can become stumbling blocks to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The only way to overcome doubt and anxiety is to simply place your faith in Christ alone! Whatever the circumstance you are going through, trust Him with all your heart! Even if we lose everything like this woman did, we should never lose our hope in Him!  Like the crowd pressing onto Jesus, you can hear and bump into Jesus in church but if you do not reach out and touch Jesus in faith, then you have never experienced a real relationship with Jesus. Do you truly know Him as Lord and Savior? Or do you know Him just as an acquaintance?  Does Jesus see you among the crowd like He did with the woman?
  • 8. THE SIMILIARITIES OF THE THREE CHARACTERS IN THE STORIES (MAN, GIRL, WOMAN) THE MAN POSSESSED WITH MANY DEMONS THE DEATH OF JAIRUS’ 12-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER THE WOMAN WHO WAS AFFLICTED WITH A 12 YEAR BLOOD ISSUE It was the demons’ faith in Jesus that brought the man to the Lord (that lead to His salvation). NOTE: The demons expressed faith in Jesus only out of dreadful fear of being tormented by Him (pronouncing judgment upon them). This not a true saving faith as saving faith submits and surrenders willfully to Christ. It was Jairus’ faith in Jesus that gave his daughter a second chance to live again. NOTE: Jairus was a pharisee like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea who believed in Jesus. We are not given any details if he was a secret follower or not. One thing we do know is that he believed. It was the woman’s faith in Jesus that brought instant and complete healing to her. NOTE: The Law of Moses labeled her as unclean and she was not able to be enter the temple and partake in worship with other Jews as that was the dwelling place of the Most Holy God (it was the holiest place in all of Israel). Man was freed due to the intercession of the demons inhabiting him. He was given a normal life to live thanks to Jesus! Jairus’ daughter’s life was given back to her (raising from the dead) because of her father’s intercession on her behalf. She can grow up and live a normal life thanks to Jesus! Woman was freed from her affliction when she interceded for herself. She was given a normal life to live free from her affliction thanks to Jesus! Demons were casted out from the man Evil angels casted out Death was casted out of the young girl Wages of Sin (Death) casted out Disease was casted out of the woman Effects of sin (affliction) casted out N/A Jairus’ daughter was 12 years old when she died Woman suffered the affliction for 12 years N/A Jairus was among the large crowd Woman was among the large crowd N/A Jairus was wealthy (he was a ruler of the synagogue) Woman was wealthy until she spent all the money she had to treat or heal her affliction Demons begged desperately and fell at Jesus’ feet Jairus begged desperately and fell at Jesus’ feet Woman begged desperately and fell at Jesus’ feet
  • 9. Demons trembled with fear in the presence of Jesus Jairus trembled with fear when he received news that his daughter had died Woman trembled with fear in the presence of Jesus Demons were desperate to not be sent out of the country Jairus was desperate for Jesus to heal his daughter who is on the verge of death Woman was desperate for Jesus to heal her completely Man lived alone in the tombs Young girl died and body was left alone in the room Woman lived alone (as she was unclean because of her affliction) Man was often bound in chains and fetters (which he always broke free from) Young girl was bound by death Woman was bound by her affliction Man had an unclean spirit in Him and lived in tombs (unclean place) that was nearby unclean animals (pigs) Young girl was unclean as she was dead and now a corpse (ready for burial). Woman was unclean because of her affliction. Fear God and not evil (demons) Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who can set us free from sin! FAITH IN GOD TRIUMPHS OVER ALL EVIL! Fear God and not death Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who overcame death for us! FAITH IN GOD TRIUMPHS OVER FEAR OF DEATH! Fear God and not your afflictions Jesus is the only Lord and Savior who can heal us physically, mentally, and spiritually! FAITH IN GOD TRIUMPHS OVER ALL SUFFERING! Demons abandoned their power and control over the man when they encountered Jesus Their fear in Him brought the man over to Jesus Jairus abandoned religion and humbled himself when He encountered Jesus His faith (in Christ) led him to the One who has power over death. Woman abandoned the fear of rejection and condemnation of the Law when she encountered Jesus. Her faith in Jesus alone brought her to Him. Demons caused the man to cut himself (touched) Demons entered the pigs (touched) after being cast out of the man Jairus believed if Jesus laid hands on her (touched), she will be well and alive. Jesus took the young girl by the hand (touched) Woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment Jesus’ power went out from him and healed the woman of her affliction (touched)