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 Religion is a fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a group of people.
These set of beliefs concern the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, and involve devotional
and ritual observances. They also often contain a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Ever since the world began, man has demonstrated a natural inclination towards faith and worship of
anything he considered superior/difficult to understand. His religion consisted of trying to appease
and get favors from the supreme being he feared. This resulted in performing rituals (some of them
barbaric) and keeping traditions or laws to earn goodness and/or everlasting life.
Christianity has always stressed a personal relationship with God as the touchstone of religion. When
God created Adam and Eve, He walked with them in the Garden of Eden, in the cool of the day, and
enjoyed their fellowship. Religion was, and still is, a close, personal, and satisfying relationship with the
creator God.
 Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development
leading to Insight into the true nature of reality. Buddhist
practices like meditation are means of changing yourself in
order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and
wisdom. The experience developed within the Buddhist
tradition over thousands of years has created an
incomparable resource for all those who wish to follow a path
— a path which ultimately culminates in Enlightenment or
Buddhahood. An enlightened being sees the nature of reality
absolutely clearly, just as it is, and lives fully and naturally in
accordance with that vision. This is the goal of the Buddhist
spiritual life, representing the end of suffering for anyone who
attains it.
 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), more commonly known as the "Mormon"
church, is a religion derived from Christianity that traces its origins to Joseph Smith. Founded by
Smith in 1830 C.E. in New York, Mormonism developed as a sectarian movement in a turbulent
period of American religious history. Joseph Smith claimed to have been called by God to restore the
church that Christ had established on the earth, but which had been lost after the deaths of the
original apostles. Smith said that heavenly messengers, including John the Baptist, visited him and
conferred upon him the divine authority to perform valid Christian baptisms. Later, Smith introduced
the practice of plural marriage as part of his desire to reintroduce all biblical practices into the
modern world. The Mormons moved several times during the 1830s and 1840s, often due to violent
persecution and disputes with their non-Mormon neighbors. After Smith's murder in 1844,
leadership of the church passed to Brigham Young, a dynamic organizer and frontiersman who led
the church to the relative isolation and security of the American West. The church abandoned
polygamy in 1890, and gradually found a place within traditional American culture. Today, members
of the church maintain strict dietary laws that prohibit the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, and
the use of tobacco and illegal drugs. The church is also known for its emphasis on traditional family
life, a strong work ethic, and a respect for authority and order. The Mormons also have distinct
theologies including a unique doctrine of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit in which the three are separate
entities, and continuing revelation through modern prophets.
 The Iglesia ni Cristo was first preached by the late Brother Felix. Y. Manalo in
the Philippine capital city of Manila. Its first local congregation was
established in Punta, Sta. Ana. On July 27, 1914, the Church was registered
with the Philippine government. In 1915, Brother Felix Manalo, as the first
Executive Minister of the Church, started training ministers to assist him in the
propagation of the gospel.
 By 1918, ministers and volunteer preachers were being sent to provinces
around Manila. In its tenth year, the first ecclesiastical district was organized in
Pampanga province.By 1939, the Church had already expanded to as far as
Ilocos Norte province in Northern Luzon to Cebu province in the Visayas with
the addition of 14 districts. It reached farther south in Mindanao in 1946 with
the establishment of a district in Cotabato. When Brother Eraño G. Manalo
assumed overall administration in April 1963, the Church had established
districts in more than half of all Philippine provinces.
Jehovah's Witnesses
believe that Jesus is God's only
direct creation, that everything
else was created through Christ
by means of God's power, and
that the initial unassisted act of
creation uniquely identifies
Jesus as God's "only-begotten
 The Rizalista religious movement refers to the new religious movement adopted
by a number of ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that believe in the
divinity of Jose Rizal, the Philippines' de-facto national hero. But there are also
people condemned towards the group that it may be an occultism. Join us , As “I
love Tansyong “ and BSA Students from University Rizal System attempt to
investigate. The Rizalista religious movement refers to the new religious
movement adopted by a number of ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that
believe in the divinity of Jose Rizal, the Philippines' de-facto national hero. But
there are also people condemned towards the group that it may be an occultism.
Join us , As “I love Tansyong “ and BSA Students from University Riza attempt to
investigate.The Rizalistas, as they are collectively and commonly called, are
different group of people having different beliefs but focuses on one faith. It is
their faith to the Philippine's national hero Dr. Jose Rizal that binds them together.
Generally, this group immortalizes and worships Jose Rizal as a divine being. Many
of these sects or religious movements believe that Rizal is still living and that he
will deliver his followers from oppression and poverty.
 Born again Christian beliefs are based on accepting Jesus Christ in your life as
Savior. This is often called the “Gospel.” It is the basic understanding of God’s gift
of salvation.
 Born again Christian beliefs include:
The Gospel. We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father,
sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the
creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He
died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose
from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your
heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be
saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
 The resurrection power of God. He alone is transforming our lives daily. In
resurrecting Jesus from the grave, God proclaimed His absolute sovereignty over life
and death. This amazing fact is what separates the Christian faith from all others. All
other religions are based on works of a powerless deity or person. The leaders of all
other religions die and remain dead. The Christian faith is based on Christ crucified
resurrected to life (1 Corinthians 15:14).
The deity of Christ. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is God. In His dealings with the
Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus claimed to be God.
Salvation by grace through Jesus alone. Our salvation is not merited. Jesus’ death
alone pays the penalty for the sins of mankind. “For it is by grace you have been
through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that
no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is found through no one else (Acts
 There is one God. The Bible presents monotheism, the belief that there is one
God to be worshipped and served (Exodus 20:3).
The Trinity. The trinity is one God existing in three Persons—the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.
Faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and
assurance about what we do not see.”
Judy, a born again Christian says, “I have been a born again Christian for over 30
years. When I called out to Him in the midst of pain and suffering, I knew God
touched my heart and life supernaturally. Rebirth had come! It was as if I had
seeing through a dark glass and had put glasses on for the first time. After being
reborn, I longed to read and study God’s Word. I was thirsty for the things of
My life started changing and today I’m still changing. You may ask how can I be
reborn? God loves you and it is His desire for you to receive salvation.”
 Almost all atheists claim that, because (supposedly) there is no God, their own
worldview is not a religion. Many of them would argue that they have a “nonbelief.”
 One of the definitions of religion in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, however, is this:
“a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
 Atheism certainly fits that definition, and many of its adherents are quite zealous about
their faith system.
 Atheists have an active belief system with views concerning origins (that the universe
and life arose by natural processes); no life after death; the existence of God; how to
behave while alive; and so much more. Honest atheists will admit their worldview is a
faith. Atheism is a religion!
 One candid atheist wrote, “My attitude is not based on science, but rather on faith . . . .
The absence of a Creator, the non-existence of God is my childhood faith, my adult
belief, unshakable and holy.”
 At first, the claim that atheism is a religion might sound ridiculous.
 It certainly can be a surprising claim.
 And it’s one that many people, including western atheists, might initially dismiss out of hand.
 But there’s more to the story here.
 There is a case to be made that, in a very real sense, atheism is a religion.Words mean what people
use them to mean. So whether atheism counts as a religion will depend on how you use the term
“atheism” and how you use the term “religion.”
 There is no single right way or wrong way to use terms. Their boundaries can be drawn differently
by different people, and their meanings can change over time.
 As a result, I’m not going to be claiming in this piece that there is a single right or wrong way to
define our two terms.
 In fact, I don’t really care about the terms. What I’m interested in is the reality that the two terms
 My claim, therefore, is that the reality of what is commonly called “atheism” has much in common
with the reality of what is commonly called “religion.”
 The two have so much in common that there is a sense in which atheism can be seen as a religion.
 Islam is a religious system begun in the seventh century by Muhammad. Muslims follow the teachings of
the Qur’an and strive to keep the Five Pillars.
The History of Islam
 In the seventh century, Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel visited him. During these angelic visitations,
which continued for about 23 years until Muhammad's death, the angel purportedly revealed to
Muhammad the words of Allah (the Arabic word for “God” used by Muslims). These dictated revelations
compose the Qur'an, Islam's holy book. Islam means “submission,” deriving from a root word that means
“peace.” The word Muslim means “one who submits to Allah.”
The Doctrine of Islam
 Muslims summarize their doctrine in six articles of faith:
 1. Belief in one Allah: Muslims believe Allah is one, eternal, creator, and sovereign.
 2. Belief in the angels
 3. Belief in the prophets: The prophets include the biblical prophets but end with Muhammad as Allah’s final
 4. Belief in the revelations of Allah: Muslims accept certain portions of the Bible, such as the Torah and the
Gospels. They believe the Qur'an is the preexistent, perfect word of Allah.
 5. Belief in the last day of judgment and the hereafter: Everyone will be resurrected for judgment into either
paradise or hell.
 6. Belief in predestination: Muslims believe Allah has decreed everything that will happen. Muslims testify to
Allah’s sovereignty with their frequent phrase, inshallah, meaning, “if God wills.”
The Five Pillars of Islam
 These five tenets compose the framework of obedience for Muslims:
 1. The testimony of faith (shahada): “la ilaha illa allah. Muhammad rasul Allah.” This
means, “There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” A person
can convert to Islam by stating this creed. The shahada shows that a Muslim believes
Allah alone as deity and believes that Muhammad reveals Allah.
 2. Prayer (salat): Five ritual prayers must be performed every day.
 3. Giving (zakat): This almsgiving is a certain percentage given once a year.
 4. Fasting (sawm): Muslims fast during Ramadan in the ninth month of the Islamic
calendar. They must not eat or drink from dawn until sunset.
 5. Pilgrimage (hajj): If physically and financially possible, a Muslim must make the
pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once. The hajj is performed in the
month of the Islamic calendar.
 A Muslim's entrance into paradise hinges on obedience to these Five Pillars. Still,
may reject them. Even Muhammad was not sure whether Allah would admit him to
paradise (Surah 46:9; Hadith 5.266).
 Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We
consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction Sola
Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.
 Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six
categories—the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life
last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and
infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.
Major Adventist Beliefs:
 The major beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church can be summed up with
words or phrases each beginning with the letter S: Scripture, Salvation, Sanctuary,
Sabbath, Second coming, State of the Dead, and the Spirit of Prophecy.
 The foundation of all Adventist beliefs hinge upon the Bible and the inspiration of its
writers by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21) in contrast to teachings coming from doctrines
or traditions of men (Matthew 15:9). In addition, the Bible is useful for correction,
rebuke, and instruction (2 Timothy 3:16), as well as for guidance (Psalms 119:105).
tenant or fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventist Church can be
 Biblical salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ and His righteousness—and not by any
works or merit. Ephesians 2:8 states this fact plainly, “For by grace are ye saved through faith;
that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Sin separates humanity from God and we deserve to
die; but Jesus gave His life as a gift so all humanity can have eternal life (Romans 6:23). Galatians
3:13 expounds upon this stating, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having
become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’).”
 Salvation through Jesus was so important to God, that He illustrated its inner workings to
through the services of an earthly temple or sanctuary patterned after the true sanctuary in the
heavens (Hebrews 8:1-2). Additionally, the sanctuary on earth allowed God to dwell among His
people without destroying them by His glory (Exodus 25:8, Leviticus 16:2). The temple services
visually demonstrated how humanity could be made right with God by the death of a perfect
lamb, symbolizing the future death of Jesus, the spotless lamb of God (John 1:29). Thus, Jesus’
death opened a new and living way (Hebrews 10:20), making it possible for all humanity to come
boldly to the throne of grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:15-16).
 Picture the Sabbath as a sanctuary built in time. Just as the physical sanctuary was a
special location set apart to meet with God, so the Sabbath is a special 24-hour rest
period set apart to meet with God (Exodus 20:8-11). God is love (1 John 4:8). Love
desires relationship. Because of this love, He created the Sabbath (Genesis 2:2-3) as a
special anniversary or date each week to cultivate His relationship with humanity.
Moreover, this anniversary serves as a sign to remind mankind that God will save and
sanctify them (Ezekiel 20:12).
Second Coming
 Because God wants a personal face-to-face relationship with humanity, He soon will
send Jesus, to gather those who love Him from the earth (John 14:1-3 & 1
Thessalonians 4:16-18). Jesus’ second coming will be an unmistakable event. He will
come with the sound of a great trumpet (Matthew 24:31), every eye will see Him
(Revelation 1:7) and His coming will be like lightning flashing from the east to the
(Matthew 24:27). Jesus also warns that many deceptions will precede His coming.
will come in His name and false prophets will arise to deceive even the elect if it were
possible (Matthew 24:4, 5, 11, 24).
State of the Dead
 The joy of Jesus’ second coming will be amplified by the resurrection of the dead at
last trumpet, when the righteous who sleep will be awakened from their graves (1
Thessalonians 4:13-18). At that moment, humanity will be given immortality and
incorruptible bodies. “Death will be swallowed up in victory,” there will be no sting in
death and Jesus Christ will give mankind the victory over death (1 Corinthians 15:50-
Spirit of Prophecy
 The Bible states that, “The Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His
servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7 & Numbers 12:6). Throughout the Bible, because of
His love, God sent prophets to guide humanity to a deeper relationship with Him and
to prepare them for the coming of Jesus. These messengers were filled with the spirit
of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), however, they were mocked, tortured, and killed
because their instruction was not welcome (Matthew 23:37).
 The Roman Catholic Church portrays itself as the one legitimate heir to New Testament
Christianity, and the pope as the successor to Peter, the first bishop of Rome. While those details
are debatable, there is no question that Roman church history reaches back to ancient times. The
apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans about AD 55 and addressed a church body that existed
prior to his first visit there (but he made no mention of Peter, though he greeted others by name).
Despite repeated persecutions by the government, a vibrant Christian community existed in Rome
after apostolic times. Those early Roman Christians were just like their brethren in other parts of
the world—simple followers of Jesus Christ.
 Things changed drastically when the Roman Emperor Constantine professed a conversion to
Christianity in AD 312. He began to make changes that ultimately led to the formation of the
Roman Catholic Church. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted freedom of worship
throughout the empire. When doctrinal disputes arose, Constantine presided over the first
ecumenical church council at Nicaea in AD 325, even though he held no official authority in the
churches. By the time of Constantine’s death, Christianity was the favored, if not the official,
religion of the Roman Empire. The term Roman Catholic was defined by Emperor Theodosius on
February 27, 380, in the Theodosian Code. In that document, he refers to those who hold to the
“religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter” as “Roman Catholic
Christians” and gives them the official sanction of the empire.
 The fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Catholic Church are really two
branches of the same story, as the power was transferred from one entity to the
other. From the time of Constantine (AD 312) until the fall of the Roman Empire in
476, the emperors of Rome claimed a certain amount of authority within the
church, even though it was disputed by many church leaders. During those
formative years, there were many disputes over authority, structure, and doctrine.
The emperors sought to increase their authority by granting privileges to various
bishops, resulting in disputes about primacy within the churches. At the same
time, some of the bishops sought to increase their authority and prestige by
accusing others of false doctrine and seeking state support of their positions.
Many of those disputes resulted in very sinful behavior, which are a disgrace to
the name of Christ.

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  • 2. THIS IS MY BLOG 
  • 3. WHAT IS RELIGION?  Religion is a fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a group of people. These set of beliefs concern the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, and involve devotional and ritual observances. They also often contain a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Ever since the world began, man has demonstrated a natural inclination towards faith and worship of anything he considered superior/difficult to understand. His religion consisted of trying to appease and get favors from the supreme being he feared. This resulted in performing rituals (some of them barbaric) and keeping traditions or laws to earn goodness and/or everlasting life. Christianity has always stressed a personal relationship with God as the touchstone of religion. When God created Adam and Eve, He walked with them in the Garden of Eden, in the cool of the day, and enjoyed their fellowship. Religion was, and still is, a close, personal, and satisfying relationship with the creator God.
  • 5.  Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to Insight into the true nature of reality. Buddhist practices like meditation are means of changing yourself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and wisdom. The experience developed within the Buddhist tradition over thousands of years has created an incomparable resource for all those who wish to follow a path — a path which ultimately culminates in Enlightenment or Buddhahood. An enlightened being sees the nature of reality absolutely clearly, just as it is, and lives fully and naturally in accordance with that vision. This is the goal of the Buddhist spiritual life, representing the end of suffering for anyone who attains it.
  • 7.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), more commonly known as the "Mormon" church, is a religion derived from Christianity that traces its origins to Joseph Smith. Founded by Smith in 1830 C.E. in New York, Mormonism developed as a sectarian movement in a turbulent period of American religious history. Joseph Smith claimed to have been called by God to restore the church that Christ had established on the earth, but which had been lost after the deaths of the original apostles. Smith said that heavenly messengers, including John the Baptist, visited him and conferred upon him the divine authority to perform valid Christian baptisms. Later, Smith introduced the practice of plural marriage as part of his desire to reintroduce all biblical practices into the modern world. The Mormons moved several times during the 1830s and 1840s, often due to violent persecution and disputes with their non-Mormon neighbors. After Smith's murder in 1844, leadership of the church passed to Brigham Young, a dynamic organizer and frontiersman who led the church to the relative isolation and security of the American West. The church abandoned polygamy in 1890, and gradually found a place within traditional American culture. Today, members of the church maintain strict dietary laws that prohibit the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, and the use of tobacco and illegal drugs. The church is also known for its emphasis on traditional family life, a strong work ethic, and a respect for authority and order. The Mormons also have distinct theologies including a unique doctrine of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit in which the three are separate entities, and continuing revelation through modern prophets.
  • 9.  The Iglesia ni Cristo was first preached by the late Brother Felix. Y. Manalo in the Philippine capital city of Manila. Its first local congregation was established in Punta, Sta. Ana. On July 27, 1914, the Church was registered with the Philippine government. In 1915, Brother Felix Manalo, as the first Executive Minister of the Church, started training ministers to assist him in the propagation of the gospel.  By 1918, ministers and volunteer preachers were being sent to provinces around Manila. In its tenth year, the first ecclesiastical district was organized in Pampanga province.By 1939, the Church had already expanded to as far as Ilocos Norte province in Northern Luzon to Cebu province in the Visayas with the addition of 14 districts. It reached farther south in Mindanao in 1946 with the establishment of a district in Cotabato. When Brother Eraño G. Manalo assumed overall administration in April 1963, the Church had established districts in more than half of all Philippine provinces.
  • 10. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is God's only direct creation, that everything else was created through Christ by means of God's power, and that the initial unassisted act of creation uniquely identifies Jesus as God's "only-begotten Son".
  • 12.  The Rizalista religious movement refers to the new religious movement adopted by a number of ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that believe in the divinity of Jose Rizal, the Philippines' de-facto national hero. But there are also people condemned towards the group that it may be an occultism. Join us , As “I love Tansyong “ and BSA Students from University Rizal System attempt to investigate. The Rizalista religious movement refers to the new religious movement adopted by a number of ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that believe in the divinity of Jose Rizal, the Philippines' de-facto national hero. But there are also people condemned towards the group that it may be an occultism. Join us , As “I love Tansyong “ and BSA Students from University Riza attempt to investigate.The Rizalistas, as they are collectively and commonly called, are different group of people having different beliefs but focuses on one faith. It is their faith to the Philippine's national hero Dr. Jose Rizal that binds them together. Generally, this group immortalizes and worships Jose Rizal as a divine being. Many of these sects or religious movements believe that Rizal is still living and that he will deliver his followers from oppression and poverty.
  • 14.  Born again Christian beliefs are based on accepting Jesus Christ in your life as Savior. This is often called the “Gospel.” It is the basic understanding of God’s gift of salvation.  Born again Christian beliefs include: The Gospel. We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
  • 15.  The resurrection power of God. He alone is transforming our lives daily. In resurrecting Jesus from the grave, God proclaimed His absolute sovereignty over life and death. This amazing fact is what separates the Christian faith from all others. All other religions are based on works of a powerless deity or person. The leaders of all other religions die and remain dead. The Christian faith is based on Christ crucified resurrected to life (1 Corinthians 15:14). The deity of Christ. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is God. In His dealings with the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus claimed to be God. Salvation by grace through Jesus alone. Our salvation is not merited. Jesus’ death alone pays the penalty for the sins of mankind. “For it is by grace you have been through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is found through no one else (Acts 4:12).
  • 16.  There is one God. The Bible presents monotheism, the belief that there is one God to be worshipped and served (Exodus 20:3). The Trinity. The trinity is one God existing in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Judy, a born again Christian says, “I have been a born again Christian for over 30 years. When I called out to Him in the midst of pain and suffering, I knew God touched my heart and life supernaturally. Rebirth had come! It was as if I had seeing through a dark glass and had put glasses on for the first time. After being reborn, I longed to read and study God’s Word. I was thirsty for the things of My life started changing and today I’m still changing. You may ask how can I be reborn? God loves you and it is His desire for you to receive salvation.”
  • 18.  Almost all atheists claim that, because (supposedly) there is no God, their own worldview is not a religion. Many of them would argue that they have a “nonbelief.”  One of the definitions of religion in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, however, is this: “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”  Atheism certainly fits that definition, and many of its adherents are quite zealous about their faith system.  Atheists have an active belief system with views concerning origins (that the universe and life arose by natural processes); no life after death; the existence of God; how to behave while alive; and so much more. Honest atheists will admit their worldview is a faith. Atheism is a religion!  One candid atheist wrote, “My attitude is not based on science, but rather on faith . . . . The absence of a Creator, the non-existence of God is my childhood faith, my adult belief, unshakable and holy.”
  • 19.  At first, the claim that atheism is a religion might sound ridiculous.  It certainly can be a surprising claim.  And it’s one that many people, including western atheists, might initially dismiss out of hand.  But there’s more to the story here.  There is a case to be made that, in a very real sense, atheism is a religion.Words mean what people use them to mean. So whether atheism counts as a religion will depend on how you use the term “atheism” and how you use the term “religion.”  There is no single right way or wrong way to use terms. Their boundaries can be drawn differently by different people, and their meanings can change over time.  As a result, I’m not going to be claiming in this piece that there is a single right or wrong way to define our two terms.  In fact, I don’t really care about the terms. What I’m interested in is the reality that the two terms represent.  My claim, therefore, is that the reality of what is commonly called “atheism” has much in common with the reality of what is commonly called “religion.”  The two have so much in common that there is a sense in which atheism can be seen as a religion.
  • 20. ISLAM
  • 21.  Islam is a religious system begun in the seventh century by Muhammad. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and strive to keep the Five Pillars. The History of Islam  In the seventh century, Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel visited him. During these angelic visitations, which continued for about 23 years until Muhammad's death, the angel purportedly revealed to Muhammad the words of Allah (the Arabic word for “God” used by Muslims). These dictated revelations compose the Qur'an, Islam's holy book. Islam means “submission,” deriving from a root word that means “peace.” The word Muslim means “one who submits to Allah.” The Doctrine of Islam  Muslims summarize their doctrine in six articles of faith:  1. Belief in one Allah: Muslims believe Allah is one, eternal, creator, and sovereign.  2. Belief in the angels  3. Belief in the prophets: The prophets include the biblical prophets but end with Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet.  4. Belief in the revelations of Allah: Muslims accept certain portions of the Bible, such as the Torah and the Gospels. They believe the Qur'an is the preexistent, perfect word of Allah.  5. Belief in the last day of judgment and the hereafter: Everyone will be resurrected for judgment into either paradise or hell.  6. Belief in predestination: Muslims believe Allah has decreed everything that will happen. Muslims testify to Allah’s sovereignty with their frequent phrase, inshallah, meaning, “if God wills.”
  • 22. The Five Pillars of Islam  These five tenets compose the framework of obedience for Muslims:  1. The testimony of faith (shahada): “la ilaha illa allah. Muhammad rasul Allah.” This means, “There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” A person can convert to Islam by stating this creed. The shahada shows that a Muslim believes Allah alone as deity and believes that Muhammad reveals Allah.  2. Prayer (salat): Five ritual prayers must be performed every day.  3. Giving (zakat): This almsgiving is a certain percentage given once a year.  4. Fasting (sawm): Muslims fast during Ramadan in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. They must not eat or drink from dawn until sunset.  5. Pilgrimage (hajj): If physically and financially possible, a Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once. The hajj is performed in the month of the Islamic calendar.  A Muslim's entrance into paradise hinges on obedience to these Five Pillars. Still, may reject them. Even Muhammad was not sure whether Allah would admit him to paradise (Surah 46:9; Hadith 5.266).
  • 24.  Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction Sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.  Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories—the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.
  • 25. Major Adventist Beliefs:  The major beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church can be summed up with words or phrases each beginning with the letter S: Scripture, Salvation, Sanctuary, Sabbath, Second coming, State of the Dead, and the Spirit of Prophecy. Scripture  The foundation of all Adventist beliefs hinge upon the Bible and the inspiration of its writers by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21) in contrast to teachings coming from doctrines or traditions of men (Matthew 15:9). In addition, the Bible is useful for correction, rebuke, and instruction (2 Timothy 3:16), as well as for guidance (Psalms 119:105). tenant or fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventist Church can be
  • 26. Salvation  Biblical salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ and His righteousness—and not by any works or merit. Ephesians 2:8 states this fact plainly, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Sin separates humanity from God and we deserve to die; but Jesus gave His life as a gift so all humanity can have eternal life (Romans 6:23). Galatians 3:13 expounds upon this stating, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’).” Sanctuary  Salvation through Jesus was so important to God, that He illustrated its inner workings to through the services of an earthly temple or sanctuary patterned after the true sanctuary in the heavens (Hebrews 8:1-2). Additionally, the sanctuary on earth allowed God to dwell among His people without destroying them by His glory (Exodus 25:8, Leviticus 16:2). The temple services visually demonstrated how humanity could be made right with God by the death of a perfect lamb, symbolizing the future death of Jesus, the spotless lamb of God (John 1:29). Thus, Jesus’ death opened a new and living way (Hebrews 10:20), making it possible for all humanity to come boldly to the throne of grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:15-16).
  • 27. Sabbath  Picture the Sabbath as a sanctuary built in time. Just as the physical sanctuary was a special location set apart to meet with God, so the Sabbath is a special 24-hour rest period set apart to meet with God (Exodus 20:8-11). God is love (1 John 4:8). Love desires relationship. Because of this love, He created the Sabbath (Genesis 2:2-3) as a special anniversary or date each week to cultivate His relationship with humanity. Moreover, this anniversary serves as a sign to remind mankind that God will save and sanctify them (Ezekiel 20:12). Second Coming  Because God wants a personal face-to-face relationship with humanity, He soon will send Jesus, to gather those who love Him from the earth (John 14:1-3 & 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Jesus’ second coming will be an unmistakable event. He will come with the sound of a great trumpet (Matthew 24:31), every eye will see Him (Revelation 1:7) and His coming will be like lightning flashing from the east to the (Matthew 24:27). Jesus also warns that many deceptions will precede His coming. will come in His name and false prophets will arise to deceive even the elect if it were possible (Matthew 24:4, 5, 11, 24).
  • 28. State of the Dead  The joy of Jesus’ second coming will be amplified by the resurrection of the dead at last trumpet, when the righteous who sleep will be awakened from their graves (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). At that moment, humanity will be given immortality and incorruptible bodies. “Death will be swallowed up in victory,” there will be no sting in death and Jesus Christ will give mankind the victory over death (1 Corinthians 15:50- 57). Spirit of Prophecy  The Bible states that, “The Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7 & Numbers 12:6). Throughout the Bible, because of His love, God sent prophets to guide humanity to a deeper relationship with Him and to prepare them for the coming of Jesus. These messengers were filled with the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), however, they were mocked, tortured, and killed because their instruction was not welcome (Matthew 23:37).
  • 30.  The Roman Catholic Church portrays itself as the one legitimate heir to New Testament Christianity, and the pope as the successor to Peter, the first bishop of Rome. While those details are debatable, there is no question that Roman church history reaches back to ancient times. The apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans about AD 55 and addressed a church body that existed prior to his first visit there (but he made no mention of Peter, though he greeted others by name). Despite repeated persecutions by the government, a vibrant Christian community existed in Rome after apostolic times. Those early Roman Christians were just like their brethren in other parts of the world—simple followers of Jesus Christ.  Things changed drastically when the Roman Emperor Constantine professed a conversion to Christianity in AD 312. He began to make changes that ultimately led to the formation of the Roman Catholic Church. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted freedom of worship throughout the empire. When doctrinal disputes arose, Constantine presided over the first ecumenical church council at Nicaea in AD 325, even though he held no official authority in the churches. By the time of Constantine’s death, Christianity was the favored, if not the official, religion of the Roman Empire. The term Roman Catholic was defined by Emperor Theodosius on February 27, 380, in the Theodosian Code. In that document, he refers to those who hold to the “religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter” as “Roman Catholic Christians” and gives them the official sanction of the empire.
  • 31.  The fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Catholic Church are really two branches of the same story, as the power was transferred from one entity to the other. From the time of Constantine (AD 312) until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476, the emperors of Rome claimed a certain amount of authority within the church, even though it was disputed by many church leaders. During those formative years, there were many disputes over authority, structure, and doctrine. The emperors sought to increase their authority by granting privileges to various bishops, resulting in disputes about primacy within the churches. At the same time, some of the bishops sought to increase their authority and prestige by accusing others of false doctrine and seeking state support of their positions. Many of those disputes resulted in very sinful behavior, which are a disgrace to the name of Christ.