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Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
HPA Press
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
PSYCHOANALYSIS. Chapter 3. Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds
To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images?
Translated by Kate Bazilevsky
© 2005 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk
Translation © 2017 Kate Bazilevsky
© 2017 HPA Press
All rights reserved.
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
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Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.”
How Archetypal Are Images?
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Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Research in the field of the human psyche in search of its base (as a principle underlying
psychical life in general and the specific structure underlying psychophysiology of a
specific individual in particular) focused on studying the unconscious as that mythical
stone, "which the builders rejected," but which eventually became the "chief
cornerstone."1 It is logical to argue that the most important information about a human
was implanted by nature specifically at this implicit level of psyche that is out of reach
by both consciousness and work of human intellect. After all, processes that occur in
human unconscious (which essentially are psychical proto-reality) are characterized by
that a person cannot influence them only with his or her will, without special means.
Perhaps nature intended to hide all vitally important information in psychical area that
is out of reach by intellect and consciousness. By hiding information about the very
essence of a human in this way, nature reliably protected it first of all from a human
himself (like the so-called "fool-proofing" mechanism in modern technology).
Recognizing the unconscious as not only the main guardian of psychical content, but
also the forming beginning of human psyche, psychoanalysts (including Carl Gustav
Jung, who was the first to include the concept of an archetype in psychology) correctly
thought that it should not be touched by the intellect.
However, the complexity of studying the unconscious, which confused many researchers
of human psyche, from our point of view, cannot stand in the way of its actual study. C.
G. Jung, the founder of the analytical direction in psychology, wrote in his book titled
Man and His Symbols: “Our unconscious is somehow attuned to our surroundings ... to
the space-time continuum and the whole of nature” (205). The answer to this question
has been found: a human is connected with nature through his psyche; study of the
unconscious as a place where, by definition, it is possible to find the location of the soul,
as the cause and the fundamental principle of psyche, has led us to individual
archetypes and their conglomerates in the form of archetypal patterns located there. We
found out that recording of absolutely all human psychophysiological parameters
occurs specifically in, as we called them, individual archetypal patterns. This record
contains all information about each person: from individual particularities of his
physiology to particularities of his psychology, his individuality. The general conclusion
was that each individual as if gets manufactured by nature according to specific
individual project located in his individual unconscious. However, the most interesting
and surprising result of research was that the individual project of any person can be
While considering individual archetypal pattern located in the unconscious part of
psyche, we found out that it is recorded by images. In this case, it was reasonable to
suggest that if absolutely all information about the psychophysiology of a human is
recorded specifically by images in the individual archetypal pattern of a particular
individual, then specifically images determine the semantic content of this record.
In itself, the term “image” originated from a Latin word that means imitation, and most
of ways of its use in psychology either way revolve around this concept. The most
common synonyms of this term include the following concepts: “similarity”, “copy”,
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
“reproduction”, “duplicate.” This raises the question: who or what exactly do images of
human unconscious reproduce, what do they duplicate, carry similarity with whom or
what, what are they, strictly speaking, a copy of? The answer is simple: images of the
individual unconscious, as something implanted in a human by nature, already by
definition can imitate, reproduce, duplicate, only those objects or phenomena of reality,
which are directly related to exclusively natural phenomena and objects. Why is this so?
First of all, this is so because unconscious (as the main, fundamental part of human
psyche), unlike consciousness, is an archaic, ancient structure by definition. It
specifically controls all vital physiological processes in the human body, as well as many
important psychical processes because it contains the most important, instinctive part of
the entire human psychophysiology as a whole.
Logically, it turns out that the unconscious as a forming origin, as a matrix for
construction of the entire human psychophysiology appeared at least
simultaneously with appearance of a human. Therefore, unconscious as the baseline
of human psyche already existed at the time when a human did not yet speak and, of
course, had no idea about any symbols and signs, which were created (and, created by
him), but much later.
Therefore, it is illogical to even think that any artifacts as objects created by a human
(which include all phenomena of cultural, social and religious life) can serve as
preimages: after all, a human appeared before culture. In fact, culture was created by a
human. Therefore, archetypes as preimages, as those blueprints with the help of which
numerous individual variants of project “Human” have been made, can contain only
properties of natural objects and not artifacts; in other words—can have a natural, but
not cultural origin.
This raises questions: does archetype semantics in its traditional sense correspond to
the concept of “an image” if we begin considering an image specifically in terms of “a
copy”, “a duplicate?” Is it possible to seriously consider an archetype of culture as
something that directly forms individual human psyche, as a structure that emerged
long before symbolism?
Is it correct to consider an archetype as a structural element of the collective
unconscious, as proposed by the author of analytical theory in psychoanalysis—C. G.
Jung, as something directly related to the individual archetypal pattern of an individual?
To read more purchase an eBook or an AudioBook.
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
1 Luke 20:7
2 The concept of "Self" in psychoanalytic tradition of the Jungian school can be defined
as an internal regulatory center that differs from personal consciousness and constantly
directs development and maturation of an individual. This innate, but hidden wholeness
of an individual is considered by followers of the analytic concept as innate instead of
manifested ability (Marie-Louise von Franz, “The Process of Individuation”). "The ego is
considered subordinate and included in the Self—the center of total, unlimited and
undefinable psychical personality" (Jung, Archetype and Symbol). In our opinion, in
terms of qualities, properties and functions—in this sense, this concept is similar to
individual archetypal pattern, as a certain proto-principle discovered by us in the
unconscious. The only difference is that Jung considered this psychical substance
"undefinable," while we learned how to define it, considering it a real concrete and
identifiable structure of psyche (see official website of the Special Scientific Info-
Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls and the Human Population Academy—
Jung, C. G. (1991). A. M. Rutkevich (Ed.). Arkhetip i simvol [Archetype and Symbol].
Moscow: Renessans.
Jung, C. G. (1994). (Trans. from German). Problemy dushi nashego vremeni [Problems
of the Soul of Our Time]. Fwd. A.V. Brushlinsky. Moscow: Izdatel'skaya Gruppa
Progress, Univers.
Jung, C. G. (1997). Bozhestvennyy rebonok: Analiticheskaya psikhologiya i vospitaniye
[Divine Child: Analytical Psychology and Education]. Moscow: Olimp; OOO Izdatelstvo
Jung, C. G., Samuels, A., Odajnyk, V., & Hubback, J. (1997). V. V. Zelensky & A. M.
Rutkevich (Eds.). Analiticheskaya psikhologiya: Proshloye i nastoyashcheye
[Analytical Psychology: Past and Present]. Moscow: Martis.
Jung, C. G., von Franz, M.-L., Henderson, J. L., Jacobi, J., & Jaffé, A. (1998). S. N.
Sidorenko (Ed.). Chelovek i yego simvoly [Man and His Symbols]. Moscow:
Serebryanyye Niti.
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Monographic Series
Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis.
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Ed.). Anonymous (Trans.).
Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 1. From
Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal
Patterns. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
9781301447688.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311820082
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern.
Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Can Archetypal Images
Contain Chimeras? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
978130184859.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310658570
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). Arkhetipicheskiy Pattern. Osnovy
Netraditsionnogo Psikhoanaliza [Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional
Psychoanalysis]: Vol. 3. Archetype Semantics: How This Corresponds to the Concept of
an ‘Image’. How Archetypal Are Images? (Composed 2005.). Marina Del Rey, CA:
Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301337309
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern.
Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 4. Society As A Community Of
Manipulators And Their Subjects. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in
Russian, ISBN 9781301399901.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311809353
Catalog of Human Population - Non-Fiction Series
Individual (Subtype) Human Programs
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Programmnoye
Obespecheniye Dushi Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rodivshikhsya <Data> [Catalog of
Human Souls: Software of Soul of Men/Women Born On <Date>] (Vols. 1-218. In
Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
[Available at in all languages].
Human Manipulation Modes
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013-2014). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Kak
Podchinit' Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rozhdonnykh <Data>. Zhenskiy/Muzhskoy
Мanipulyativnyy Сtsenariy. [Catalog of Human Souls: How To Subdue Men/Women
Born On <Date>. Female/Male Manipulation Scenario.] (Vols. 1-39. In Russian.
Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages].
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The
Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center). (Composed 2001.
Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311277848.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310032189
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The
Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria
Vladimirovna. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN
9781310150340.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311970152
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Religions.
Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593
Political Science
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their
Role In The Historical Process (Political History Of Russia). (Composed 2003. Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310199929.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310199929
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics
Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making. (Composed 2003. Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310037832). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310104558
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Elitist Political Concepts. (Composed 2005.
Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310223228). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310822858
General Non-Fiction
Bazilevsky, K. (2012). Human Population Academy: Laws of Human Nature Based on
Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA:
HPA Press. ISBN 9781301986781 ISBN 9780988648500
Davydov, A. (2013). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing:
Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?] (Composed 1999. Originally pub. 1999 in Russian in
Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
ISBN 9781301590391
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Davydov, A. (2013). “Shan Khay Tszin” i “I Tszin” – Karta Psikhofiziologicheskoy
Struktury Cheloveka? [Shan Hai Jing and I Ching – Map of Human Psychophysiological
Structure?] (Composed 2002.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). AHNENERBE: Your
Killer Is Under Your Skin (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN
9781311356741.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311266682
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Connection Of The
Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The
Catalog Of Human Population. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310139352
Catalog of Human Souls – Non-Fiction Series
Book 1
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 1. Homo Sapiens
Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software.” (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN
9781310973109.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310865893 ISBN
Book 2
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 2. Hack anyone’s
soul. 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population.
(Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781311815101.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310984785 ISBN 9780996731218
Book 3
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 3. Human
Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated.
(Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310250521.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781311918598 ISBN 9780996731225
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Book 4
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2015). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Catalog of Human Souls:
Vol. 4. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Sеlected Scientific Articles And Presentations
At Conferences. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310498299.). San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310750373 ISBN 9780996731232
Book 5
Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 5. Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered
With Blood. The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310149979.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310766732 ISBN 9780996731249
A Man And A Woman
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). 21 Female Clichés. San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310096686
Non-Fiction Series
A Log With Legs Spread Wide
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread
Wide: Vol. 1. How Men Turn Women Into Nothing. (Original work published 2014 in
Russian, ISBN 9781310388125.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311155771
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread
Wide: Vol. 2. How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. World History Of Turning Women
Into Mats. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311238894.). San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311915603
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 3. Women’s
Thirst For Power Over Men Is The Pathway To Become A Garbage. (Original work
published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301553075.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of
Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301435500
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 4. The Head
– In The Underpants. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
9781301051281.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Manipulative Games For Women
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya
Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 1. March 23: Instruction for
Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow:
SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101333). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls
GP. ISBN 9781301803521
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 2. April 6: Instruction for Exploitation of Men
(2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101302). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 3. October 13: Instruction for Exploitation of
Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101326). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 4. December 7: Instruction for Exploitation of
Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101319). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Secret Sexual Desires
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men/Women Born On <Date> Or Secret Sexual
Desires of 10 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A.
Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. (Vols. 1-10). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men & Women Born On March 5 Or Secret
Sexual Desires of 20 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries
by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301087204
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). Secret Sexual Desires of 100 Million People—Seduction Recipes
For Men & Women: Demos From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov
& O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9780988648579 ISBN
9781301135035 ISBN 9780988648586
A list of all publications related to our scientific research can be found at
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was
founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of
the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing, as well as other ancient texts, and
creation of the Catalog of Human Population. The technology of uncovering individual
structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey
Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or
theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy.
Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy‘s
mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of
the Catalog of Human Population. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human
Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials
from this Catalog to the public.
Research Supervisor of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—
Catalog of Human Souls
Andrey Davydov is a sinologist, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific
discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the
ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. He
authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In
2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of
employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB),
who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog
of Human Souls
Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, researcher, one of the developers of the
Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co-
author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the
USA together with A. Davydov.
Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special
Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Soul
Kate Bazilevsky is a psychologist, researcher, director of the Human Population
Academy, author and translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She
founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA
Press in 2012.
Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images?
Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
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Similar to Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images?

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Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls Lab
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Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls Lab
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Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls Lab
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Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls Lab
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Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images?

  • 1.
  • 3. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk ARCHETYPAL PATTERN. FUNDAMENTALS OF NON-TRADITIONAL PSYCHOANALYSIS. Chapter 3. Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images? Translated by Kate Bazilevsky © 2005 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk Translation © 2017 Kate Bazilevsky © 2017 HPA Press All rights reserved.
  • 4. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk Table of Contents Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images? Other Books Related To Our Scientific Research About Us Connect With Us
  • 6. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Research in the field of the human psyche in search of its base (as a principle underlying psychical life in general and the specific structure underlying psychophysiology of a specific individual in particular) focused on studying the unconscious as that mythical stone, "which the builders rejected," but which eventually became the "chief cornerstone."1 It is logical to argue that the most important information about a human was implanted by nature specifically at this implicit level of psyche that is out of reach by both consciousness and work of human intellect. After all, processes that occur in human unconscious (which essentially are psychical proto-reality) are characterized by that a person cannot influence them only with his or her will, without special means. Perhaps nature intended to hide all vitally important information in psychical area that is out of reach by intellect and consciousness. By hiding information about the very essence of a human in this way, nature reliably protected it first of all from a human himself (like the so-called "fool-proofing" mechanism in modern technology). Recognizing the unconscious as not only the main guardian of psychical content, but also the forming beginning of human psyche, psychoanalysts (including Carl Gustav Jung, who was the first to include the concept of an archetype in psychology) correctly thought that it should not be touched by the intellect. However, the complexity of studying the unconscious, which confused many researchers of human psyche, from our point of view, cannot stand in the way of its actual study. C. G. Jung, the founder of the analytical direction in psychology, wrote in his book titled Man and His Symbols: “Our unconscious is somehow attuned to our surroundings ... to the space-time continuum and the whole of nature” (205). The answer to this question has been found: a human is connected with nature through his psyche; study of the unconscious as a place where, by definition, it is possible to find the location of the soul, as the cause and the fundamental principle of psyche, has led us to individual archetypes and their conglomerates in the form of archetypal patterns located there. We found out that recording of absolutely all human psychophysiological parameters occurs specifically in, as we called them, individual archetypal patterns. This record contains all information about each person: from individual particularities of his physiology to particularities of his psychology, his individuality. The general conclusion was that each individual as if gets manufactured by nature according to specific individual project located in his individual unconscious. However, the most interesting and surprising result of research was that the individual project of any person can be identified. While considering individual archetypal pattern located in the unconscious part of psyche, we found out that it is recorded by images. In this case, it was reasonable to suggest that if absolutely all information about the psychophysiology of a human is recorded specifically by images in the individual archetypal pattern of a particular individual, then specifically images determine the semantic content of this record. In itself, the term “image” originated from a Latin word that means imitation, and most of ways of its use in psychology either way revolve around this concept. The most common synonyms of this term include the following concepts: “similarity”, “copy”,
  • 7. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk “reproduction”, “duplicate.” This raises the question: who or what exactly do images of human unconscious reproduce, what do they duplicate, carry similarity with whom or what, what are they, strictly speaking, a copy of? The answer is simple: images of the individual unconscious, as something implanted in a human by nature, already by definition can imitate, reproduce, duplicate, only those objects or phenomena of reality, which are directly related to exclusively natural phenomena and objects. Why is this so? First of all, this is so because unconscious (as the main, fundamental part of human psyche), unlike consciousness, is an archaic, ancient structure by definition. It specifically controls all vital physiological processes in the human body, as well as many important psychical processes because it contains the most important, instinctive part of the entire human psychophysiology as a whole. Logically, it turns out that the unconscious as a forming origin, as a matrix for construction of the entire human psychophysiology appeared at least simultaneously with appearance of a human. Therefore, unconscious as the baseline of human psyche already existed at the time when a human did not yet speak and, of course, had no idea about any symbols and signs, which were created (and, created by him), but much later. Therefore, it is illogical to even think that any artifacts as objects created by a human (which include all phenomena of cultural, social and religious life) can serve as preimages: after all, a human appeared before culture. In fact, culture was created by a human. Therefore, archetypes as preimages, as those blueprints with the help of which numerous individual variants of project “Human” have been made, can contain only properties of natural objects and not artifacts; in other words—can have a natural, but not cultural origin. This raises questions: does archetype semantics in its traditional sense correspond to the concept of “an image” if we begin considering an image specifically in terms of “a copy”, “a duplicate?” Is it possible to seriously consider an archetype of culture as something that directly forms individual human psyche, as a structure that emerged long before symbolism? Is it correct to consider an archetype as a structural element of the collective unconscious, as proposed by the author of analytical theory in psychoanalysis—C. G. Jung, as something directly related to the individual archetypal pattern of an individual? ... To read more purchase an eBook or an AudioBook.
  • 8. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Footnotes 1 Luke 20:7 2 The concept of "Self" in psychoanalytic tradition of the Jungian school can be defined as an internal regulatory center that differs from personal consciousness and constantly directs development and maturation of an individual. This innate, but hidden wholeness of an individual is considered by followers of the analytic concept as innate instead of manifested ability (Marie-Louise von Franz, “The Process of Individuation”). "The ego is considered subordinate and included in the Self—the center of total, unlimited and undefinable psychical personality" (Jung, Archetype and Symbol). In our opinion, in terms of qualities, properties and functions—in this sense, this concept is similar to individual archetypal pattern, as a certain proto-principle discovered by us in the unconscious. The only difference is that Jung considered this psychical substance "undefinable," while we learned how to define it, considering it a real concrete and identifiable structure of psyche (see official website of the Special Scientific Info- Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls and the Human Population Academy— Bibliography Jung, C. G. (1991). A. M. Rutkevich (Ed.). Arkhetip i simvol [Archetype and Symbol]. Moscow: Renessans. Jung, C. G. (1994). (Trans. from German). Problemy dushi nashego vremeni [Problems of the Soul of Our Time]. Fwd. A.V. Brushlinsky. Moscow: Izdatel'skaya Gruppa Progress, Univers. Jung, C. G. (1997). Bozhestvennyy rebonok: Analiticheskaya psikhologiya i vospitaniye [Divine Child: Analytical Psychology and Education]. Moscow: Olimp; OOO Izdatelstvo AST-LTD. Jung, C. G., Samuels, A., Odajnyk, V., & Hubback, J. (1997). V. V. Zelensky & A. M. Rutkevich (Eds.). Analiticheskaya psikhologiya: Proshloye i nastoyashcheye [Analytical Psychology: Past and Present]. Moscow: Martis. Jung, C. G., von Franz, M.-L., Henderson, J. L., Jacobi, J., & Jaffé, A. (1998). S. N. Sidorenko (Ed.). Chelovek i yego simvoly [Man and His Symbols]. Moscow: Serebryanyye Niti.
  • 9. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk OTHER BOOKS RELATED TO OUR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH
  • 10. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Monographic Series Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Ed.). Anonymous (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 1. From Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Patterns. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301447688.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311820082 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 978130184859.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310658570 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). Arkhetipicheskiy Pattern. Osnovy Netraditsionnogo Psikhoanaliza [Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis]: Vol. 3. Archetype Semantics: How This Corresponds to the Concept of an ‘Image’. How Archetypal Are Images? (Composed 2005.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301337309 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 4. Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301399901.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311809353 Catalog of Human Population - Non-Fiction Series Individual (Subtype) Human Programs Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Programmnoye Obespecheniye Dushi Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rodivshikhsya <Data> [Catalog of Human Souls: Software of Soul of Men/Women Born On <Date>] (Vols. 1-218. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages]. Human Manipulation Modes Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013-2014). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Kak Podchinit' Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rozhdonnykh <Data>. Zhenskiy/Muzhskoy Мanipulyativnyy Сtsenariy. [Catalog of Human Souls: How To Subdue Men/Women Born On <Date>. Female/Male Manipulation Scenario.] (Vols. 1-39. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages].
  • 11. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk Ideologies Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center). (Composed 2001. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311277848.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310032189 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310150340.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311970152 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Religions. Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593 Political Science Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their Role In The Historical Process (Political History Of Russia). (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310199929.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310199929 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310037832). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310104558 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Elitist Political Concepts. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310223228). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310822858 General Non-Fiction Bazilevsky, K. (2012). Human Population Academy: Laws of Human Nature Based on Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301986781 ISBN 9780988648500 Davydov, A. (2013). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing: Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?] (Composed 1999. Originally pub. 1999 in Russian in Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301590391
  • 12. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Davydov, A. (2013). “Shan Khay Tszin” i “I Tszin” – Karta Psikhofiziologicheskoy Struktury Cheloveka? [Shan Hai Jing and I Ching – Map of Human Psychophysiological Structure?] (Composed 2002.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301510009 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). AHNENERBE: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311356741.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311266682 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Connection Of The Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The Catalog Of Human Population. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310139352 Catalog of Human Souls – Non-Fiction Series Book 1 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 1. Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software.” (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310973109.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310865893 ISBN 9780996731201 Book 2 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 2. Hack anyone’s soul. 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781311815101.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310984785 ISBN 9780996731218 Book 3 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 3. Human Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310250521.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311918598 ISBN 9780996731225
  • 13. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk Book 4 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2015). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 4. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Sеlected Scientific Articles And Presentations At Conferences. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310498299.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310750373 ISBN 9780996731232 Book 5 Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 5. Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered With Blood. The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310149979.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310766732 ISBN 9780996731249 A Man And A Woman Non-Fiction Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). 21 Female Clichés. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310096686 Non-Fiction Series A Log With Legs Spread Wide Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 1. How Men Turn Women Into Nothing. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310388125.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311155771 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 2. How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. World History Of Turning Women Into Mats. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311238894.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311915603 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 3. Women’s Thirst For Power Over Men Is The Pathway To Become A Garbage. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301553075.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301435500 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 4. The Head – In The Underpants. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301051281.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
  • 14. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Manipulative Games For Women Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 1. March 23: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101333). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301803521 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 2. April 6: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101302). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301069286 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 3. October 13: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101326). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301900824 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 4. December 7: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101319). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301413065 Secret Sexual Desires Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men/Women Born On <Date> Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. (Vols. 1-10). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men & Women Born On March 5 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 20 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301087204 Bazilevsky, K. (2013). Secret Sexual Desires of 100 Million People—Seduction Recipes For Men & Women: Demos From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9780988648579 ISBN 9781301135035 ISBN 9780988648586 A list of all publications related to our scientific research can be found at
  • 15. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk ABOUT US
  • 16. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing, as well as other ancient texts, and creation of the Catalog of Human Population. The technology of uncovering individual structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy. Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy‘s mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials from this Catalog to the public. LEADERSHIP ANDREY DAVYDOV Research Supervisor of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory— Catalog of Human Souls Andrey Davydov is a sinologist, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. He authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In 2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB), who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.
  • 17. Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk OLGA SKORBATYUK Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, researcher, one of the developers of the Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co- author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the USA together with A. Davydov. KATE BAZILEVSKY Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Soul Kate Bazilevsky is a psychologist, researcher, director of the Human Population Academy, author and translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA Press in 2012.
  • 18. Archetype Semantics:HowItCorrespondsToThe ConceptOf “An Image.”How Archetypal Are Images? CONNECT WITH US
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