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Science and Man
                                                                                                                           D Rajeev

Throughout ancient times, man held he is divine in origin; the purpose
of his existence being one of continually perfecting himself, one of
                                                                                      “…everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit
fundamentally transcending this plane of existence.
                                                                                      of science becomes convinced that a spirit is
Present-day science, on the other hand, paints a different picture of                 manifest in the laws of the Universe — spirit vastly
reality for us. From childhood, we are told that we are but an evolved                superior to that of man, and one in the face of
animal, that all our thoughts and perception of what we are, are but                  which we with our modest powers must feel
creations of the brain, that our purpose is but the moment’s survival.                humble. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a
                                                                                      religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed
All in the Brain?                                                                     quite different from the religiosity of someone more
Modern science holds that human thoughts, personality, likes, dislikes,               naive." –Einstein
all originate in the brain, that the brain is the seat of our consciousness,
our perception of the world, and of who we ourselves are.

But then, many observations contradict the theory.

A surgical procedure called hemispherectomy, employed in the treatment of epilepsy, involves removal of half the
brain, a hemisphere of it. If the brain were the seat of our personality, the very sense of who we are, our memories,
consciousness, etc. – one would expect all these to be severely damaged or altered with the surgery. But,
according to the Scientific American, “Unbelievably, the surgery has no apparent effect on personality or memory.”

This holds irrespective of which hemisphere is removed such: memory, personality, likes, dislikes, all remain intact.
The same is observed in those who have survived gun-shot wounds to the brain. Motor functions, as the ability to
do physical actions, or express things accurately through language, etc., are hampered, though.

Modern science has no way of explaining this clearly.
In the 9 Chapter of Zhuan Falun, the role of the human brain is explained such:

“So what functions does the human brain have? As I see it, in the form of this physical dimension, the human brain is only a
processing factory. The actual message is sent forth by the Primordial Spirit. What is transmitted, however, is not language, but a
message of the universe that represents a certain meaning. Upon receiving such a command, our brains will process this into our
present language or other such forms of expression; we express it through hand gesturing, eye contact, and complete movement.
The brain has only this effect. The actual commands and thoughts come from one’s Primordial Spirit. People usually believe that
they are direct and independent functions of the brain. In fact, the Primordial Spirit is sometimes in the heart, so some people can
indeed feel their hearts thinking” – Zhuan Falun

The above excerpt not just explains why memory and personality would stay intact in such a scenario, but also why
motor functions are likely to be hampered.
Understanding Physical Reality

One of the greatest limitations of today’s paradigm of science is that it limits itself to the study of phenomenon in
a single material dimension.

Throughout history, irrespective of the tradition, it was held that there exists a hierarchy of physical dimensions in
the Cosmos. Phenomenon in this dimensional layer evolves as a layer, and has causatives in, phenomenon of
higher dimensions, according to traditional sciences.

Modern science, as it has not yet come to understand the presence of such dimensions, or even dimensional
spaces in the same realm, has such thought still way out of its framework.

There is a fundamental reason why modern science has difficulty knowing that higher dimensions exist. Matter of
a realm, differs, in its nature, from matter in other realms. The very physical nature being different, matter in
different realms, do not interact as material particles within the same realm does. Our surface human eyes, and all
our scientific instruments, are made of matter in this dimension; and, thus, they do not directly interact with
higher dimensional matter, and, for that reason, cannot perceive or directly detect the presence of higher planes,
or higher-dimensional matter.

The human, however, is himself a multi-dimensional being, with bodies in various material dimensions, the surface
body being but a body in this material dimension. Thus, he carries, within himself, a latent ability to see and
perceive things of higher realms. An innate potential of the human which allows him to transcend, to directly
comprehend the physical Cosmos, is spoken of in all traditions.

Such thought, of a hierarchy of dimensions, is in fact present in traditions around the world - from theories of
Socrates and Plato to Chinese, Indian and Mayan traditions. In spiritual traditions, such as the Buddhist, such
planes were referred to with terminology such as realms of Heavens.

Understanding Axioms
Before we let our world-view be limited by what we think of are “truths of science,” we need to thoroughly
understand what science itself is.

Science, and all its theories, are but a framework built on what we perceive are axiomatic truths. Notions of our
mind, which seems to us are “self-evident truths.” Our very perception that 1+1 gives 2 is but a mere notion, of a
particular plane of thinking, arising from how our mind is materially constituted. Let’s measure the perception
against objective physical reality: According to special relativity, when adding velocities, the notion 1+1=2 does not
hold. In quantum mechanics, multiple physical wave functions overlap forming a single system – again, in objective
physical reality, 1+1=2 seems to play no role.

Science, however, builds itself on such a set of notions – a set of perceptions of a state of human thinking, of a
realm of human thinking. Any theory built on such a set of axioms is limited, in the expanse of phenomenon it can
model, to a framework created by the perceptions of that surface state of the human mind.

Theories and Models
Theories are but models we come up with to explain phenomenon. The word theory derives from the Greek word
theoria, meaning to see, perceive, a view.
Our current theoretical models, in fact, are extremely limited in their ability to explain observed reality. We still
cannot explain why galaxies rotate as solid disks, at extreme contradiction with our theory of gravity; we know of
no force that could account for the observation that the rate of expansion of the Cosmos is increasing. Not just
physics, but from medicine to biology the mysteries science has not been able to penetrate are many.

Homeopathy, for instance, cannot possibly work if we look at it from the perspective of Avagadro’s theory. But
from a boarder, more encompassing theory, as Quantum Mechanics, some scientists have suggested mechanisms
which could explain how homeopathic medicines work in apparent “super-molecular dilutions.”

Science is to be understood as a tool for understanding reality, a set of models which we must constantly re-
analyze and re-perfect – absolutely not a set of immutable facts to live by, and to measure all observed
phenomenon by. It is not that phenomenon that cannot be explained by present day science need to shoved aside
as “superstitious,” but that we must open mindedly observe nature, take a careful at our theories, and improve
upon them to account for observed phenomenon.

Anthropology and Evolution

Figure 1. Ancient Glyphs resembling a helicopter and      Figure 2. Underwater structures near Yonaguni, Japan
airplanes at Egypt's oldest temple, at Abydos.

Much as the theory that we are but an extension of a flesh brain interpreting reality,
another cornerstone of present-day science is that we evolved from the ape just a
few hundred thousand years back.

Within the scientific community itself, the notions of anthropology spread in
mainstream as truths are being increasingly challenged. Countless artifacts often
referred to as OOP-Arts, have been found which clearly are products of human
intelligence but would not fit into the present day theory of evolution or
anthropology (hence called Out Of Place). This has lead many researchers to                 Figure 3. An ancient stone
speculate that there have been cycles of civilization in which man reached                  block – a single stone
                                                                                            weighing around 2.4
technological peaks and then suffered major catastrophes that threw civilization back       million pounds. No modern
to a primitive state.                                                                       crane could move it.
Scale models of airplanes dating to the pre-Columbian period, architectural anomalies which still to-date do not
allow for explanations as to how they could have been built, remnants of cities found underwater, anomalous
artifacts discovered around the world, all should inspire a fresh look at our world.

The interested reader will find a lot of material online and in the interesting NBC documentary “The Mysterious
Origins of Man.”

Traditional thought, be it Indian, or Chinese, or Plato’s Atlantis, all held that human society evolves in cycles.

Mankind and Science
Recently, in The Epoch Times, I came across an article which reported that “For the first time, scientists have
isolated pure air particles of nearly pre-industrial conditions.” If we have been irreversibly polluting the very world
we live in, in pursuit of quick “progress,” is this paradigm truly marching us on a path of progress?

Another news article speaks of RFID tags being made mandatory in some Japanese Schools to ensure discipline; an
Associates Press article reports that similar tags as are used on farm animals are being made mandatory in an
American school. Plans for unique IDs for all citizens are underway in many countries, including India. The next
natural step to such a process, in this path of development, is obviously bionics. Implants which will be used to
indentify us, trace locations, ensure security, aid people with medical disorders, improve productivity at work, aid
decision making, and so on.

The paradigm of understanding from within which we are seeking solutions – be it criminology or medicine or
education – is marching us into a more and more mechanized social structure, where human moral dignity, mutual
trust, freedom, and abilities all make way to the machine’s decision. It is this very paradigm we live to push
forward each day, working as bolts in a larger machine that is marching humanity to a state where everything
human – from trust to values of the heart – become increasingly alien to us, as we lean more and more on

Traditional sciences hold that plants and different types of food have properties at different realms. Its qi, its
essence, all have an impact on the human body. Genetically modified food lacks in such aspects and we are coming
to discover that they are harmful to health, in many ways. Meat of cloned animals and their descendents are
already in the supermarkets. It may not be far before a majority of food we eat are genetically modified or cloned.
Such tinkering with nature seems safe to the scientist in his limited single-dimensional paradigm, which ignores
that plants and animals have a nature(as qi for instance, that is referred to in traditional Chinese medicine) that
transcends material properties of this plane, a nature that is lost when we mess with it.

There are alternate paths of progress, where a fundamental evolution of the human and his abilities is given focus
to, and in some ancient cycles of civilization the paths of progress taken leaned more towards such a paradigm.

Traditions and Science
Today’s technology-oriented science has increasingly presented itself as an omniscient
entity, as man’s savior – textbooks paint a picture of history where with science came
man’s freedom; an age where man knew nothing, and an era of emergence of this
technological science that led to man being freed from his superstitious beliefs.

What’s of concern is how far we deviate from objective reality when trumpeting the
glory of modern science in such terms. I remember being taught in school, again for

                                                                                               Figure 2. Alchemical painting "Le
                                                                                               triomphe hermetique, 1689." carries
                                                                                               symbolism of Yin (symbolized by the
                                                                                               moon) and Yang(symbolized by the
                                                                                               sun), the Kundalini of Tibetan
                                                                                               Buddhism, etc.
absolute fact, and forced to repeat it as such, lest I fall back in grade points, that alchemy was the precursor of
chemistry. Alchemists, I was told, were essentially primitives who did not understand science, greedy folks who
attempted to transmute lead to gold – the predecessors of modern chemists.

If we pull our head out of the chemistry text-book and take a look at what alchemy was, it quickly becomes
obvious that it had nothing to do with chemistry but was a profound system of philosophy that aimed at perfection
of the man, achieving an objective understanding of the Cosmos, and often symbolism was used in their writings
                               and references were made to the elements, transmutation, etc. The science had as
                               much to do with chemistry as the ancient Chinese texts of spiritual alchemy had; or
                               the concept of dan in Chinese traditions had to do with mercuric suifide. The
                               science of Alchemy, like many traditions in the east, dealt with self perfection –
                               transmutation of the lead (the grosser human self) to gold – a pursuit of spiritual

                                          Traditions spoke of dimensional realms of the Cosmos in which the physical plane of
                                          man and earth is, apparently, from a perspective, at a central position in the
                                          heavenly hierarchies. This idea, found in all traditions from Greek to Indian and
                                          Chinese, was later distorted to a simplistic belief that the stars and the planets

Figure 3. The alchemical painting         rotate around the Earth.
cosmographical glasse, 1559,
represents the earth as at a central
                            Galileo was persecuted by the then
realm in the dimensional hierarchies of
the Cosmos                  Church for pointing out their wrong
                                                                                   “Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate
                            perceptions and him labeled as
                                                                                   though secret tendency to the love of Good in his
attacking the Bible. Today’s science has fallen into a similar
                                                                                   main-spring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at
paradigm with a set of beliefs as the theory of evolution being
                                                                                   present a sad jar of atoms.” – Lord Byron
adamantly held up, all those who question which are labeled
ignorant, of backward thought, attacked, and thrown out of
academic circles.

This blind faith in today’s science, rooted in a simplistic education, is not leading us to a state of freedom but to a
state where man is without trust in man, is fundamentally destroying himself and the very planet he is living on,
and working hard to chain himself down to state of absolute dependence on a set of machines. To quote Goethe,
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Forms, Art, and Noble Pursuits
A greater loss, perhaps, is that with the advent of this paradigm of science, and the notion, to quote Byron, that
man is but a “jar of atoms,” we have lost the very understanding that there is deeper Goodness in the human, and
a higher potential latent in him. Most that go through such an education are quick to abandon the very idea that
there could be a higher goal to human existence, or that man is fundamentally a moral being.

In periods when traditional morality, values, and thought drove human conduct and pursuits, the art that sprung
forth from such a state of society was one that had an impact of making the human fundamentally evolve. Its
impact on the mind was objectively good and men’s thought and minds soared under the influence of such art.
Music was understood by the ancient Greeks as capable of purifying
the mind; the ancient Chinese understood it as capturing the Cosmos
in its evolution. What’s interesting is that the very musical scale was
distorted with the advent of science – the whole number ratios of the
notes which the Pythagoreans and the Chinese understood as capable
of capturing the Cosmos in its evolution, gave way to a scale based on
division into equal intervals. That music could capture higher truths,
or that deeper meaning resided in the whole number ratios of the
notes, were dismissed as superstitious.

Ancient Chinese held that the best judge of a people was the kind of
music they enjoy, and if one note was out of place, it could be said
                                                                          Figure 4. Water crystals exposed to Beethoven's 9th
that the society had degenerated in a particular aspect. Now all music    symphony. Research by Dr. Masaru Emoto suggests water
is composed on a scale where every note is out of place.                  crystals evolve based on the nature of conscious energy it
                                                                          is exposed to. This, in turn, would imply that art has an
                                                                          objective impact on all matter, including man and his
Lyrics that were set to music in the time of Beethoven and Schiller       surroundings.
captured divine thoughts, the innate goodness of man, of brotherhood, thoughts which inspired man to a state of
perfection, and the music played a similar role. In a society where the man is “freed” by science of his inner nature
and traditional thoughts, the music is dissonant, the words set to music, and thus influencing society at large, are
often the worst thoughts the human is capable of.

Architecture, it was understood by the ancients, played a profound role in human wellbeing. The Greeks compared
architectural forms of their buildings with the modes of their music. Even today some speak of experiencing, at
sites as the Parthenon, a sense of peace, which continues to linger for days.

Architecture as today, of the sky scrapers and the office buildings drive man into a mechanical, machine-like mode
of thinking, numbing down his faculties and his nature. All traditional architectural forms – be it the lofty
European palace, or the humble traditional cottage, has, on the other hand, a calming and elevating effect on the
human mind.

It seems men had achieved higher realms of thought, culture, had achieved a higher, more objective
understanding of the Cosmos, and had social structures which allowed a greater freedom to pursue self-perfection,
and live with a higher sense of human dignity than we currently hold in our technology-molded culture.

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Man and science

  • 1. Science and Man D Rajeev Throughout ancient times, man held he is divine in origin; the purpose of his existence being one of continually perfecting himself, one of “…everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit fundamentally transcending this plane of existence. of science becomes convinced that a spirit is Present-day science, on the other hand, paints a different picture of manifest in the laws of the Universe — spirit vastly reality for us. From childhood, we are told that we are but an evolved superior to that of man, and one in the face of animal, that all our thoughts and perception of what we are, are but which we with our modest powers must feel creations of the brain, that our purpose is but the moment’s survival. humble. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed All in the Brain? quite different from the religiosity of someone more Modern science holds that human thoughts, personality, likes, dislikes, naive." –Einstein all originate in the brain, that the brain is the seat of our consciousness, our perception of the world, and of who we ourselves are. But then, many observations contradict the theory. A surgical procedure called hemispherectomy, employed in the treatment of epilepsy, involves removal of half the brain, a hemisphere of it. If the brain were the seat of our personality, the very sense of who we are, our memories, consciousness, etc. – one would expect all these to be severely damaged or altered with the surgery. But, according to the Scientific American, “Unbelievably, the surgery has no apparent effect on personality or memory.” This holds irrespective of which hemisphere is removed such: memory, personality, likes, dislikes, all remain intact. The same is observed in those who have survived gun-shot wounds to the brain. Motor functions, as the ability to do physical actions, or express things accurately through language, etc., are hampered, though. Modern science has no way of explaining this clearly. th In the 9 Chapter of Zhuan Falun, the role of the human brain is explained such: “So what functions does the human brain have? As I see it, in the form of this physical dimension, the human brain is only a processing factory. The actual message is sent forth by the Primordial Spirit. What is transmitted, however, is not language, but a message of the universe that represents a certain meaning. Upon receiving such a command, our brains will process this into our present language or other such forms of expression; we express it through hand gesturing, eye contact, and complete movement. The brain has only this effect. The actual commands and thoughts come from one’s Primordial Spirit. People usually believe that they are direct and independent functions of the brain. In fact, the Primordial Spirit is sometimes in the heart, so some people can indeed feel their hearts thinking” – Zhuan Falun The above excerpt not just explains why memory and personality would stay intact in such a scenario, but also why motor functions are likely to be hampered.
  • 2. Understanding Physical Reality One of the greatest limitations of today’s paradigm of science is that it limits itself to the study of phenomenon in a single material dimension. Throughout history, irrespective of the tradition, it was held that there exists a hierarchy of physical dimensions in the Cosmos. Phenomenon in this dimensional layer evolves as a layer, and has causatives in, phenomenon of higher dimensions, according to traditional sciences. Modern science, as it has not yet come to understand the presence of such dimensions, or even dimensional spaces in the same realm, has such thought still way out of its framework. There is a fundamental reason why modern science has difficulty knowing that higher dimensions exist. Matter of a realm, differs, in its nature, from matter in other realms. The very physical nature being different, matter in different realms, do not interact as material particles within the same realm does. Our surface human eyes, and all our scientific instruments, are made of matter in this dimension; and, thus, they do not directly interact with higher dimensional matter, and, for that reason, cannot perceive or directly detect the presence of higher planes, or higher-dimensional matter. The human, however, is himself a multi-dimensional being, with bodies in various material dimensions, the surface body being but a body in this material dimension. Thus, he carries, within himself, a latent ability to see and perceive things of higher realms. An innate potential of the human which allows him to transcend, to directly comprehend the physical Cosmos, is spoken of in all traditions. Such thought, of a hierarchy of dimensions, is in fact present in traditions around the world - from theories of Socrates and Plato to Chinese, Indian and Mayan traditions. In spiritual traditions, such as the Buddhist, such planes were referred to with terminology such as realms of Heavens. Understanding Axioms Before we let our world-view be limited by what we think of are “truths of science,” we need to thoroughly understand what science itself is. Science, and all its theories, are but a framework built on what we perceive are axiomatic truths. Notions of our mind, which seems to us are “self-evident truths.” Our very perception that 1+1 gives 2 is but a mere notion, of a particular plane of thinking, arising from how our mind is materially constituted. Let’s measure the perception against objective physical reality: According to special relativity, when adding velocities, the notion 1+1=2 does not hold. In quantum mechanics, multiple physical wave functions overlap forming a single system – again, in objective physical reality, 1+1=2 seems to play no role. Science, however, builds itself on such a set of notions – a set of perceptions of a state of human thinking, of a realm of human thinking. Any theory built on such a set of axioms is limited, in the expanse of phenomenon it can model, to a framework created by the perceptions of that surface state of the human mind. Theories and Models Theories are but models we come up with to explain phenomenon. The word theory derives from the Greek word theoria, meaning to see, perceive, a view.
  • 3. Our current theoretical models, in fact, are extremely limited in their ability to explain observed reality. We still cannot explain why galaxies rotate as solid disks, at extreme contradiction with our theory of gravity; we know of no force that could account for the observation that the rate of expansion of the Cosmos is increasing. Not just physics, but from medicine to biology the mysteries science has not been able to penetrate are many. Homeopathy, for instance, cannot possibly work if we look at it from the perspective of Avagadro’s theory. But from a boarder, more encompassing theory, as Quantum Mechanics, some scientists have suggested mechanisms which could explain how homeopathic medicines work in apparent “super-molecular dilutions.” Science is to be understood as a tool for understanding reality, a set of models which we must constantly re- analyze and re-perfect – absolutely not a set of immutable facts to live by, and to measure all observed phenomenon by. It is not that phenomenon that cannot be explained by present day science need to shoved aside as “superstitious,” but that we must open mindedly observe nature, take a careful at our theories, and improve upon them to account for observed phenomenon. Anthropology and Evolution Figure 1. Ancient Glyphs resembling a helicopter and Figure 2. Underwater structures near Yonaguni, Japan airplanes at Egypt's oldest temple, at Abydos. Much as the theory that we are but an extension of a flesh brain interpreting reality, another cornerstone of present-day science is that we evolved from the ape just a few hundred thousand years back. Within the scientific community itself, the notions of anthropology spread in mainstream as truths are being increasingly challenged. Countless artifacts often referred to as OOP-Arts, have been found which clearly are products of human intelligence but would not fit into the present day theory of evolution or anthropology (hence called Out Of Place). This has lead many researchers to Figure 3. An ancient stone speculate that there have been cycles of civilization in which man reached block – a single stone weighing around 2.4 technological peaks and then suffered major catastrophes that threw civilization back million pounds. No modern to a primitive state. crane could move it.
  • 4. Scale models of airplanes dating to the pre-Columbian period, architectural anomalies which still to-date do not allow for explanations as to how they could have been built, remnants of cities found underwater, anomalous artifacts discovered around the world, all should inspire a fresh look at our world. The interested reader will find a lot of material online and in the interesting NBC documentary “The Mysterious Origins of Man.” Traditional thought, be it Indian, or Chinese, or Plato’s Atlantis, all held that human society evolves in cycles. Mankind and Science Recently, in The Epoch Times, I came across an article which reported that “For the first time, scientists have isolated pure air particles of nearly pre-industrial conditions.” If we have been irreversibly polluting the very world we live in, in pursuit of quick “progress,” is this paradigm truly marching us on a path of progress? Another news article speaks of RFID tags being made mandatory in some Japanese Schools to ensure discipline; an Associates Press article reports that similar tags as are used on farm animals are being made mandatory in an American school. Plans for unique IDs for all citizens are underway in many countries, including India. The next natural step to such a process, in this path of development, is obviously bionics. Implants which will be used to indentify us, trace locations, ensure security, aid people with medical disorders, improve productivity at work, aid decision making, and so on. The paradigm of understanding from within which we are seeking solutions – be it criminology or medicine or education – is marching us into a more and more mechanized social structure, where human moral dignity, mutual trust, freedom, and abilities all make way to the machine’s decision. It is this very paradigm we live to push forward each day, working as bolts in a larger machine that is marching humanity to a state where everything human – from trust to values of the heart – become increasingly alien to us, as we lean more and more on technology. Traditional sciences hold that plants and different types of food have properties at different realms. Its qi, its essence, all have an impact on the human body. Genetically modified food lacks in such aspects and we are coming to discover that they are harmful to health, in many ways. Meat of cloned animals and their descendents are already in the supermarkets. It may not be far before a majority of food we eat are genetically modified or cloned. Such tinkering with nature seems safe to the scientist in his limited single-dimensional paradigm, which ignores that plants and animals have a nature(as qi for instance, that is referred to in traditional Chinese medicine) that transcends material properties of this plane, a nature that is lost when we mess with it. There are alternate paths of progress, where a fundamental evolution of the human and his abilities is given focus to, and in some ancient cycles of civilization the paths of progress taken leaned more towards such a paradigm. Traditions and Science Today’s technology-oriented science has increasingly presented itself as an omniscient entity, as man’s savior – textbooks paint a picture of history where with science came man’s freedom; an age where man knew nothing, and an era of emergence of this technological science that led to man being freed from his superstitious beliefs. What’s of concern is how far we deviate from objective reality when trumpeting the glory of modern science in such terms. I remember being taught in school, again for Figure 2. Alchemical painting "Le triomphe hermetique, 1689." carries symbolism of Yin (symbolized by the moon) and Yang(symbolized by the sun), the Kundalini of Tibetan Buddhism, etc.
  • 5. absolute fact, and forced to repeat it as such, lest I fall back in grade points, that alchemy was the precursor of chemistry. Alchemists, I was told, were essentially primitives who did not understand science, greedy folks who attempted to transmute lead to gold – the predecessors of modern chemists. If we pull our head out of the chemistry text-book and take a look at what alchemy was, it quickly becomes obvious that it had nothing to do with chemistry but was a profound system of philosophy that aimed at perfection of the man, achieving an objective understanding of the Cosmos, and often symbolism was used in their writings and references were made to the elements, transmutation, etc. The science had as much to do with chemistry as the ancient Chinese texts of spiritual alchemy had; or the concept of dan in Chinese traditions had to do with mercuric suifide. The science of Alchemy, like many traditions in the east, dealt with self perfection – transmutation of the lead (the grosser human self) to gold – a pursuit of spiritual perfection. Traditions spoke of dimensional realms of the Cosmos in which the physical plane of man and earth is, apparently, from a perspective, at a central position in the heavenly hierarchies. This idea, found in all traditions from Greek to Indian and Chinese, was later distorted to a simplistic belief that the stars and the planets Figure 3. The alchemical painting rotate around the Earth. cosmographical glasse, 1559, represents the earth as at a central Galileo was persecuted by the then realm in the dimensional hierarchies of the Cosmos Church for pointing out their wrong “Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate perceptions and him labeled as though secret tendency to the love of Good in his attacking the Bible. Today’s science has fallen into a similar main-spring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at paradigm with a set of beliefs as the theory of evolution being present a sad jar of atoms.” – Lord Byron adamantly held up, all those who question which are labeled ignorant, of backward thought, attacked, and thrown out of academic circles. This blind faith in today’s science, rooted in a simplistic education, is not leading us to a state of freedom but to a state where man is without trust in man, is fundamentally destroying himself and the very planet he is living on, and working hard to chain himself down to state of absolute dependence on a set of machines. To quote Goethe, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Forms, Art, and Noble Pursuits A greater loss, perhaps, is that with the advent of this paradigm of science, and the notion, to quote Byron, that man is but a “jar of atoms,” we have lost the very understanding that there is deeper Goodness in the human, and a higher potential latent in him. Most that go through such an education are quick to abandon the very idea that there could be a higher goal to human existence, or that man is fundamentally a moral being. In periods when traditional morality, values, and thought drove human conduct and pursuits, the art that sprung forth from such a state of society was one that had an impact of making the human fundamentally evolve. Its impact on the mind was objectively good and men’s thought and minds soared under the influence of such art.
  • 6. Music was understood by the ancient Greeks as capable of purifying the mind; the ancient Chinese understood it as capturing the Cosmos in its evolution. What’s interesting is that the very musical scale was distorted with the advent of science – the whole number ratios of the notes which the Pythagoreans and the Chinese understood as capable of capturing the Cosmos in its evolution, gave way to a scale based on division into equal intervals. That music could capture higher truths, or that deeper meaning resided in the whole number ratios of the notes, were dismissed as superstitious. Ancient Chinese held that the best judge of a people was the kind of music they enjoy, and if one note was out of place, it could be said Figure 4. Water crystals exposed to Beethoven's 9th that the society had degenerated in a particular aspect. Now all music symphony. Research by Dr. Masaru Emoto suggests water is composed on a scale where every note is out of place. crystals evolve based on the nature of conscious energy it is exposed to. This, in turn, would imply that art has an objective impact on all matter, including man and his Lyrics that were set to music in the time of Beethoven and Schiller surroundings. captured divine thoughts, the innate goodness of man, of brotherhood, thoughts which inspired man to a state of perfection, and the music played a similar role. In a society where the man is “freed” by science of his inner nature and traditional thoughts, the music is dissonant, the words set to music, and thus influencing society at large, are often the worst thoughts the human is capable of. Architecture, it was understood by the ancients, played a profound role in human wellbeing. The Greeks compared architectural forms of their buildings with the modes of their music. Even today some speak of experiencing, at sites as the Parthenon, a sense of peace, which continues to linger for days. Architecture as today, of the sky scrapers and the office buildings drive man into a mechanical, machine-like mode of thinking, numbing down his faculties and his nature. All traditional architectural forms – be it the lofty European palace, or the humble traditional cottage, has, on the other hand, a calming and elevating effect on the human mind. It seems men had achieved higher realms of thought, culture, had achieved a higher, more objective understanding of the Cosmos, and had social structures which allowed a greater freedom to pursue self-perfection, and live with a higher sense of human dignity than we currently hold in our technology-molded culture.