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2008 A����� R�����
Table of Contents
3     Introduction
5     Message from the President and Chairman
7     New Exhibitions and Programs
11    Educational Programming
15    Festivals and Guest Speakers
17    Conservation
21    Volunteers
23    Fundraising Successes
29    Major Donors
33    Financial Overview
34    Administration

                                                Annual Report Staff
                                                Alexi Holford, Editor and Writer
                                                Andrew Reitsma, Graphic Designer
                                                Cecile Fisher, Editorial Advisor and Copy Editor
A Celebration of the
Aquarium and Staff
Enisaliqui tin ulla feu faccummy nis aut nulput augiam vel dolore et, quisse
dionullum eugue exerit etummy nos ad tem amet aut wis ametum ad dunt wisi bla
faccum ipisisciduip euis num dolore dolortinibh et inci bla accum irit eugait nibh

Aliqui Tin tueraestrud modolenibh er si                          measures ranging from reducing peak period energy usage to
                                                                 implementing environmentally friendly construction in an ef-
The Aquarium’s multifaceted Catch a Wave program featured        fort to increase energy efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, and
numerous exhibits, programs, and events on the science,          demonstrate leadership in sustainability.
power, and beauty of waves. Catch a Wave was a truly cross-      The Aquarium of the Pacific continued to play important roles
departmental effort that resulted in an educational and en-      in our community and in making positive change in soci-
tertaining experience for guests. They not only learned about    ety. One of the Aquarium’s most important roles is to bring
tsunamis and wind waves, but also the history of surf culture    together experts, policy- and decision-makers, and diverse
and animals that live in the surf zone.                          stakeholders to identify and explore alternative strategies to
The Aquarium was pleased to introduce three new sea lions        deal with ongoing issues that affect our ocean and our planet.
and a seal in 2007. Our Shorebird Sanctuary also opened in       For example, we hosted a city-wide forum on making Long
2007, providing opportunities to learn about tidal wetlands,     Beach a greener city in October 2007. Through an expanding
shorebirds, and several species of fishes and plants. And we     number of collaborations, we bring the resulting ideas to the
were pleased to break ground on a new public exhibition on       public through the Aquarium. We take the long view and do
watersheds and classroom that will open in 2008.                 not shy away from complex, often controversial issues and
The Aquarium continued its partnership with Cesar Chavez         strategies.
Elementary School in Long Beach in 2007. The improvement
in science scores at Cesar Chavez Elementary since the begin-
                                                                 Aliqui Tin tueraestrud modolenibh er si
ning of the partnership with the Aquarium in spring 2005 is
dramatic. The school’s academic performance for the 2006-        The Aquarium continues to expand its portfolio of programs
2007 schoolyear demonstrates marked progress in relation         in education, conservation, and outreach. Many of these
to its scores in prior years as well as in comparison to other   programs are possible only because of our growing network of
schools in Long Beach and California.                            partnerships with outstanding organizations across the coun-
The Aquarium became the first among U.S. zoos, aquariums,        try, such as the City of Long Beach, the State of California, the
and museums to earn the status of a Climate Action Leader™       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the
by successfully certifying its greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-        National Research Council. Helping visitors become environ-
sions inventory with the Climate Action Registry in 2007. By     mental stewards who are committed to conservation is a key
joining the Registry, the Aquarium demonstrated its concern      part of the Aquarium’s mission. Thank you for your support.
regarding global climate change. In addition to participating
in the Registry’s rigorous program, the Aquarium developed
Aquarium Exhibits
              Engage and Inspire Guests
              Each year the Aquarium of the Pacific offers a new program and
              exhibit that is debuted in the summer.

              Ocean on the Edge opened in June 2008 and included a new            Gulf of California
              exhibit in the changing gallery, as well as a corresponding film,   In April the Aquarium reopened the Gulf of California exhibit,
              lectures, and programs. Other highlights were the opening of        formerly called the Sea of Cortez exhibit. This updated
              the Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific and the updated          exhibit is a component of the Aquarium’s partnership with
              Gulf of California exhibit. Through educating 1.5 million           the World Wildlife Fund to provide public education on this
              guests with these presentations, exhibits, and programs, the        fragile ecosystem. Featuring graphics in both English and
              Aquarium is able to inspire stewardship and further advocacy        Spanish, the displays highlight the animals that rely on the
              for the ocean and its inhabitants.                                  Gulf of California, the threats they face, and what we can do
                                                                                  to help protect them. In addition, a new free film created by
              Ocean on the Edge: Top Ten Ocean Issues                             the Aquarium about this region, entitled A Sea on the Edge,
              In celebration of the Aquarium’s 10th Anniversary, the Ocean        began showing daily in the Honda Theater concurrent with
              on the Edge: Top Ten Ocean Issues gallery opened in June            the exhibition opening.
              with exhibits showcasing the ten top issues facing the World
              Ocean today, including subjects such as climate change, by-         Ocean Today Kiosk
              catch, overfishing, pollution, and ocean literacy. The Aquarium     In coordination with the September opening of the Sant
              utilized animal exhibits, interactives, graphics, and videos to     Ocean Hall at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural
              engage guests to explore the most important issues facing           History in Washington, D.C., the Aquarium unveiled an Ocean
              our ocean planet. This exhibit furthered our vision to serve        Today kiosk in the Northern Pacific Gallery. Linked to the kiosk
              as a communicator of ocean science issues to the public, and        in the Sant Ocean Hall, the Aquarium’s kiosk provides guests
              many of the guest speakers in 2008 focused on these themes.         with a national feed of ocean news and video features as well
              Because of the complexity and high level of public interest         as local stories created by the Aquarium. The Aquarium was
              in these issues, additional educational staff provided “mini        one of the first five pilot interactive stations that also included
              tours” throughout the summer in this gallery to engage guests       the Shedd Aquarium, National Aquarium, JL Scott Marine
              in conversation about these topics.                                 Center, and the Mississippi River Museum. Ocean Today
                                                                                  kiosks will be ultimately featured in the entire network of 21
              Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific                              Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers throughout the United
              In November 2008 the Aquarium announced the opening                 States and Mexico.
              of its Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific exhibition and
              classroom, the largest expansion since Shark Lagoon. An             Online Media
              interactive model demonstrates how local watersheds func-           The Aquarium of the Pacific uses its website and the internet
              tion, how watersheds affect us, how we affect them, and what        as an educational tool to immerse the public in ocean topics.
              we can do to reduce human impacts on these vital freshwater         In 2008 the Aquarium was selected as a laureate finalist
                                         pathways. A new LEED-certified           by the international Computerworld Honors Program for its
                                         platinum classroom, adjacent to          Web 2.0 efforts. The Aquarium’s entry featured FISH TV, the
                                         the watershed exhibit, provides          live feed from our exhibits to the families of Miller Children’s
                                         a venue for small classes and for        Hospital; our Oceanpedia website, which provided a forum
                                         bringing together stakeholders on        for national scientists to develop the content for the Ocean on
                                         various topics for meetings. The         the Edge gallery; and the Build-a-Fish educational interactive
                                         interactive exhibit, classroom,          on the Aquarium website. The Aquarium’s online guests can
                                         and surrounding native garden            also find videos of guest lectures and aquacasts on a variety
                                         educate both visitors and school         of topics. A photo group on Flickr and YouTube videos of the
                                         groups on what we can do to help         Aquarium were also added in 2008.
                                         conserve water and protect these

4 2008 Annual Report
Being Green
is a Priority
The Aquarium sets a strong example of sustainability
and stewardship for the environment.

A leader in its efforts to be environmentally friendly, the           The Aquarium’s annual Endangered
Aquarium’s internal business practices are in line with what is   Species Habitat Restoration Day is a
advocated to guests throughout the Aquarium. In addition to       collaborative event with the Seal Beach
recycling and participating in conservation efforts in the com-   National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was
munity, the Aquarium makes numerous decisions on day-to-          established nearly 40 years ago to protect
day choices that lessen the impact on the environment.            the California Least Tern and the Light-
                                                                  footed Clapper Rail, two of the state’s most-
Sustainable Building                                              threatened avian subspecies. Each year
The Aquarium’s new watershed classroom (see page x)               volunteers prepare habitat for these birds in
was built using sustainable practices and is expected to be       anticipation of the breeding season.
certified as LEED (Leadership in Environmental and Energy             The weekend-long Earth Day celebra-
Design) platinum. To achieve this standard, the Aquarium          tion hosts over a dozen organizations with
used nature-inspired design choices that incorporated a           environmental and conservation-oriented
sustainable site, energy efficiency, water conservation, and      missions. The Aquarium encourages the public to properly          Del dipismo lor-
green materials and resources wherever possible. The 1,300        recycle common electronics and prevent pollution by offering      pero do eugait
square-foot building is powered by solar energy. Landscaping      discounted admission for those that bring in e-waste.             am quis dolore
around the exhibit uses native plants representing the coastal        California Coastal Cleanup Day takes place every year         modolobor at,
regions of California’s watersheds, and reclaimed water ir-       on the third Saturday in September. Each year the Aquarium        consequipit,
                                                                                                                                    sum quis-
rigates the 4,000 square-foot garden area. The classroom’s        participates in the state-wide beach cleanup by hosting
                                                                                                                                    modit, verit
green roof allows water to be absorbed and reduces runoff.        several locations.                                                volesti smol-
The classroom also uses materials that do not release toxic                                                                         ortie magna
gases to ensure good air quality.                                 Marine Conservation Research Institute
                                                                                                                                    conummy nos
     In its second year of reporting to the California Climate    The Aquarium’s Marine Conservation Research Institute             alissed te eugait
Action Registry, the Aquarium took further initiative by          supports ocean research and brings the results of research        ex ese feugait
reporting its emissions for all six Kyoto Protocol greenhouse     into the conservation process through forums. Two impor-          iurem quat vent
gases (GHGs) in 2008. The Aquarium decided to begin               tant forums were held at the Aquarium in September 2008.          wis adiat.
reporting carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluo-      The Aquarium brought together government agencies,
rocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride in ad-       aquaculture entrepreneurs, environmentalists, academic
vance of what the Registry requires. By joining the Registry      scientists, and other stakeholders to explore solutions for
and exceeding its requirements, the Aquarium demon-               dealing with the looming seafood crisis. Also in September
strates its concern regarding global climate change and its       the Aquarium brought together water managers and other
commitment to being a leader in working on this threat to         water experts in Southern California to discuss how we will
the ocean planet. In 2007 the Aquarium certified its GHG          address losses to our water supply due to pumping restric-
emissions inventory with the Registry to become the first         tions to protect threatened fish species.
among museums, zoos, and aquariums in the United States                MCRI funded research included the fifth
to earn the status of a Climate Action Leader™.                   year of sending an Aquarium aviculturist to
                                                                                                                     The Aquarium also continued
     In 2008 the Aquarium signed up for increased coverage        Matinicus Rock off the coast of Maine for two
                                                                                                                     with several ongoing research
from its insurance broker, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.       weeks in July 2008 to participate in research on   projects, including…
Participating in their new Upgrade to Green add-on program        Atlantic Puffins and other sea birds that is being
will pay for environmentally friendly upgrades if portions of     conducted by a group called Project Puffin.        •	 Crested Auklet Research
the Aquarium facility ever needs to be rebuilt.                   Also, Curator of Fishes Sandy Trautwein and        •	 Hydrodynamic Study
                                                                  Assistant Curator Chris Plante participated in a      of Vertebrates
Community Outreach                                                four-day abalone population survey cruise with
                                                                                                                     •	 Kelp Reforestation
The Aquarium’s annual neighborhood street cleanup                 the California Department of Fish and Game            Project (see page x)
brought together local families, students, and Vice Mayor         at San Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands.
                                                                                                                     •	 Reef Check Surveys
Bonnie Lowenthal to pick up trash that might have otherwise       Officials from the California Department of Fish
ended up in the ocean or on local beaches. Using Cesar            and Game inspected the abalone in our exhibit      •	 Sea Turtle Monitoring
Chavez Park and Cesar Chavez Elementary School as the             as part of a two-year certification process, which •	 Sediment Circulation
meeting place, the cleanup had 340 participants who picked        may ultimately allow the Aquarium to display          Studies
up over 1,200 pounds of trash.                                    and possibly breed endangered white abalone.

                                                                                                                              2008 Annual Report     5
Educational Programming
              for All Ages
              The Aquarium’s education department
              offers a selection of more than 40
              interactive classroom, theater, and
              auditorium programs that align with
              California science standards.

              Of the 1.5 million people who visited in 2008, more than        Day Camps
              260,000 students and teachers participated in self-guided       Seven choices of day camps were offered during the winter
              tours, sleepovers, standards-based classes, theater programs,   school break and the summer season in 2008. At summer
              or visits from the Aquarium on Wheels. The Aquarium also        camps in 2008, almost 500 children, ranging from 3- to
              offers programs for the public, such as Aqua Tots, Preschool    14-years-old, participated in science activities and helped
              Programs, family classes, day camps, and birthday parties.      feed the fishes through the week-long Ocean Adventure,
                                                                              Job Shadow, Junior Biologist, Marine Science Sleepover, Sea
              AFFY Award                                                      Squirt, and Fish Fry Camps. The half- or full-day classes pro-
              In April the education department received the 2008 AFFY        moted the building of science skills though interactive activi-
              Award from the Alliance for Distance Education in California    ties, games, and crafts. Catering to pre-K through ninth grade
              (ADEC), the California chapter of the United States Distance    levels, students are given the chance to go behind the scenes,
              Learning Association. ADEC’s AFFY Awards recognize              interact with husbandry staff, and help take care of animals at
              outstanding distance learning projects that incorporate         the Aquarium. Many of the students continue to participate in
              cooperation between education segments (K-20 and lifelong       these programs year after year.
              learning), innovative uses of educational technology, and the
              involvement of community institutions.                          Outdoor and Up-close Programs
                                                                              The Aquarium offers several ways to see nature up close
                                                                              through educator-led kayaking tours, coastal and wetland
                                                                              tours, and whale and dolphin watching trips. Throughout
                                                         Del dipismo lor-     various trips, Aquarium guests have been able to see blue,
                                                         pero do eugait       fin, gray, humpback, minke, sperm whales, and even orcas.
                                                         am quis dolore       Newly added for 2008 was the Dolphin Sea Life cruise, in
                                                         modolobor at,        which bottlenose, common, Risso’s, and Pacific white sided
                                                         consequipit,         dolphins were seen. The Aquarium also increased its schedule
                                                         sum quis-
                                                                              of Behind-the-Scenes Tours onsite as to meet the increased
                                                         modit, verit
                                                         volesti smol-
                                                                              demand to learn more about the animal collection.
                                                         ortie magna
                                                         conummy nos          Homeschool Days
                                                         alissed te eugait    Almost 2,000 homeschoolers came to the Aquarium for spe-
                                                         ex ese feugait       cial Homeschool Days in 2008. In September the Aquarium
                                                         iurem quat vent      hosted two days with approximately 1,500 students and
                                                         wis adiat.           parents in attendance. During their visit, homeschoolers got a
                                                                              chance to interact with education staff, including in classroom
                                                                              programming that involved hands-on activities and through a
                                                                              chance to meet an Aquarium diver. An additional 477 home-
                                                                              schoolers attended a Homeschool Day in December that was
                                                                              added to accommodate requests.

6 2008 Annual Report
Miller Children’s Hospital                                   Ocean Art Contest                                               (L-R) The Our
The Aquarium continued its partnership with the Miller       The Aquarium of the Pacific, in partnership with the            Watersheds: Pathway
Children’s Hospital in 2008. In addition to live video be-   Coastal America organization, hosted an Ocean Art               to the Pacific exhibit;
ing fed from Aquarium exhibits to video monitors in the      Contest in 2008. The contest was open to students               winners of the national
hospital lobby, Aquarium volunteers visited the hospital     of all ages, from kindergarten through the university           Ocean Art Contest met
                                                                                                                             President George Bush
monthly to share educational information, hands-on           level. Original paintings and drawings were submitted
                                                                                                                             in Washington D.C.;
activities, and crafts with patients. Bed-side versions      by more than 2,000 students nationwide to contests              students observe a
of the program are offered to those children who are         hosted at Coastal Ecosystems Learning Centers (CELC).           Giant spider crab in the
unable to attend the program in the hospital playrooms.      Each piece was accompanied by a written narrative               Northern Pacific Gallery;
Aquarium-designed activity books as well as small toy        explaining how the art reflected essential principles of        Aquarium staff brings
sharks were given to the patients. Through an endow-         ocean literacy. Each CELC’s first- and second-place re-         out an American kestrel,
ment, this program will be offered in perpetuity.            gional winners’ artwork advanced to a national competi-         one of the program
                                                             tion in Washington, D.C. Eight national winners came            animals
Cesar Chavez Elementary Partnership                          from the Aquarium of the Pacific, and two were flown to
The Aquarium partners with Cesar Chavez Elementary           Washington D.C. in September for a ceremony in which
School, a Title I School that would not be able to provide   they met Dr. Sylvia Earl and President George W. Bush.
comprehensive science education to students without the
Aquarium’s help. Cesar Chavez Elementary faces some          Aquarium on Wheels
of the greatest challenges among elementary schools in       The Aquarium’s popular outreach vehicle provides a
Long Beach Unified School District and in California as a    tidepool exhibit for children and adults. By providing direct
whole. Over 95 percent of Chavez students have incomes       interaction with marine animals such as sea stars, swell
low enough to qualify for free school meals and 49 percent   sharks, anemones, and sea cucumbers, the Aquarium
learned English as a second language. The 2007-2008          on Wheels brings an ocean experience to schools and
schoolyear established a marine science and ocean literacy   community groups. The activities are accompanied by
program that will bridge integral themes of the language     standards-based auditorium and classroom programs
arts and science curriculum at Chavez Elementary.            focused on topics such as waves and marine animal adap-
                                                             tations. With 199 visits in 2008, over 37,000 children and
University Partnerships                                      adults were served by this unique mobile learning tool.
In 2008 the Aquarium had partnerships with the
University of Southern California (USC); California State    Iliff Infectious Enthusiasm Fund Award
University, Long Beach (CSULB); and the University           In honor of Warren Iliff, the          Sophak Kong
of California, Irvine (UCI). Through the COSIA               Aquarium’s founding president,         with
(Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences)         the Iliff Infectious Enthusiasm Fund
program, Aquarium educators were awarded a subcon-           was created in 2006. Thanks to the
tracting position on a National Science Foundation Grant.    support of donors, the Aquarium
Through this program they co-teach with a USC professor      established an endowment to fund
a class on how to communicate science. Graduate and          a program in which teachers spend
undergraduate science students from USC learn teach-         three to five days at the Aquarium
ing theory and how to apply this theory on the floor of      learning about marine science,
the Aquarium. Through CSULB, the Aquarium hosted             ocean literacy, and conservation
five workshops for pre-service teachers in 2008. The         issues. In 2008 Lakewood teacher
Aquarium continued to provide UCI students the oppor-        Sophak Kong became the first re-
tunity to serve as Aquarium interns, observing classroom     cipient of the Warren Iliff Infectious
programs and working at the exhibits as volunteers.          Enthusiasm Fund Award.

                                                                                                                             2008 Annual Report   7
Volunteers Make
                                                                                    It All Possible
                            Volunteers play a significant role at the Aquarium. Almost every department benefits from
                            their passion and dedication, which inspires and ignites the energies of our paid staff.

              The 2008 team of 656 active volunteers contributed 118,457            education volunteers in 2008, which helps the Aquarium
              hours of work, the equivalent of 57 full-time employees,              keep its education programs cost efficient.
              extending the operating budget by $2,311,096.*                            Another noteworthy volunteer program is the
                   The Aquarium’s dive team had 215 volunteer divers in 2008.       VolunTEENs program, with 69 students enrolled in 2008.
              These specialized volunteers logged a total of 14,017 dives for the   Through collaboration with St. Anthony High School’s
              year, which adds up to just over 294 consecutive days underwa-        Marine Science Academy, 20 students contributed almost
              ter. This included 2,983 presentation dives for the public.           1,000 hours in 2008. University of California Irvine volun-
                   The Aquarium’s education department had over 400                 teer interns also increased their presence at the Aquarium
              volunteers in 2008. Over 44,000 hours were donated by the             this year. These programs enhance our exhibit interpretation

                                              Rhonda Kurtz                          the responsibilities of her Lorikeet Forest job description,
                                                                                    so she started to look for another way to volunteer at the
                                              Volunteering as a
                                              Life’s Purpose
                                                                                         Kurtz soon began working in the development depart-
                                                Since May 1999 Rhonda               ment on mailings, organizing the filing system, preparing for
                                                Kurtz has volunteered at the        and staffing special events, and contributing to numerous
                                                Aquarium in many roles: as          office improvements. “Whatever needs to be done, I do. It’s
                                                an educator, working with           my Aquarium,” says Kurtz. “It’s second nature. I don’t know
                                                the lorikeets, interacting with     why it’s such a big deal,” she says.
                                                guests, and providing behind-            While Kurtz has been able to do the same jobs as many
                                                the-scenes support for the          other volunteers, her hearing disability has enabled her to
                                                development department. Her         connect with some guests in a special way. Kurtz recounted
              enthusiastic attitude makes her a natural when it comes to            many instances where she met guests with hearing disabili-
              engaging with people.                                                 ties. She has given tours to groups of children who are deaf.
                  Working outside at the Ray Touchpool one day, Kurtz               She also interpreted for the volunteer services manager when
              noticed a young boy and his mother using sign language to             a new volunteer who was deaf came on board.
              talk. Kurtz joined them, explaining that rays are related to               One of the biggest contributions that Kurtz has made
              sharks and the spines on their tails are clipped. The child’s         at the Aquarium is spear-heading additional accommoda-
              mouth dropped open in surprise. Kurtz signed to him that              tions for people with hearing disabilities. “When there is
              she is deaf too. Because Kurtz reads lips very well, most             no communication, you cannot learn,” she explains. “You
              people do not even realize she is deaf. She certainly does not        go somewhere hoping to learn, but you are sitting in the
              define herself by her disability.                                     dark. It’s frustrating.” Over time Kurtz provided input to the
                  Kurtz started to volunteer at the Aquarium in the guest           Aquarium on how to improve the experience for people who
              services department. She and other volunteers were respon-            are deaf or hard of hearing.
              sible for welcoming school children to the Aquarium. After                 So that guests who cannot hear can still enjoy education
              six months, Kurtz moved to the education department to                presentations, Kurtz helped to develop written scripts, which
              give presentations in the galleries. She also did behind-the-         can now be checked out at the Information Desk. For movies
              scenes tours and worked at the discovery labs. Next Kurtz             in the Honda Theater, headsets that translate the audio into
              moved into a position in husbandry, working in Lorikeet Forest.       infrared text are now available due to Kurtz’s help. Closed
              Eventually some significant health problems interfered with           captioning was added to the LCD monitors with video com-
              Kurtz’s ability to stick to her volunteer commitments. In 2002        ponents throughout the Aquarium as well.
              Kurtz had to undergo three surgeries in six months as well as              In November 2008, on National Philanthropic Day,
              chemotherapy. Kurtz kept telling herself, “Once I get back to         Kurtz was honored for being an outstanding volunteer by
              the Aquarium, I know I’m better.” She was grateful that the           the Association of Fundraising Professionals. After meeting
              husbandry team would let her come in for as little as an hour         Rhonda Kurtz, it is very easy to see that one person can make
              a week, just to be among her human and feathered friends.             a difference. One can only begin to imagine the collective
              After two more surgeries, Kurtz decided she could not fulfill         impact people can make for each other and our planet.

                                                                                         *According to figures provided by The Independent Sector in Washington D.C.

8 2008 Annual Report
Cultural Festivals
and Guest Speakers
Provide Learning Experiences
The Aquarium is a resource for the community as an
alternative option for lifelong learning.

With one of the most diverse audiences of any aquarium in
the United States, the Aquarium of the Pacific brings people
of many cultures and backgrounds together during its cultural
festivals. The Aquarium also draws scientists, researchers,
photographers, filmmakers, and authors from across the
country to speak on relevant topics.
     Notable figures such as authors Carl Safina and Richard
Ellis, Los Angeles Times environmental journalist Ken Weiss,
and climate expert Bill Patzert were among the 37 guest
speakers at the Aquarium in 2008. The series presented
informative lectures on a vast array of topics, ranging from
elephant seals to urban design. These lectures offer an edu-
cational resource for Aquarium guests who are interested in
lifelong learning.

   Festivals and Honorees
   Every year the Aquarium hosts cultural festivals represent-
   ing our diverse community. Each event honors distinguished
   community members with the Aquarium’s Heritage Award. A
   list of those honored is below.

    Festival of                    Southeast Asia Day
    Human Abilities                Pich Yon
    Glenn McIntyre
                                   Baja Splash
    African                        Jose Zertuche
    Heritage Festival
    Reggie Harrison

    Dia del Nino
    Emily Brooke Pearson           Autumn Festival
                                   FilAm ARTS
    Islander Festival
    Mona Porotesano
                                                                 Del dipismo lorpero do eugait am quis dolore mod-
    Moompetam                                                    olobor at, consequipit, sum quismodit, verit volesti
    Anthony Morales                                              smolortie magna conummy nos alissed te eugait ex
                                                                 ese feugait iurem quat vent wis adiat.

                                                                                                                2008 Annual Report   9
Fundraising for Our
                                             Mission of Stewardship
                                                      The Aquarium depends on private donations and grants to
                                                      realize our mission and provide our 1.5 million annual guests
                                                      with a world-class educational experience.

              Income Sources
                                                                                were trained and provided with educational tools to share
              General Support                                                   with their classrooms, these Aquarium experiences contribute
              The Aquarium of the Pacific relies on unrestricted gifts from     to the greater understanding of the World Ocean and the
              members, donors, corporations, foundations, and other             environment around us. Including offsite programs such as
              partners to fulfill its day-to-day operating needs, and the       the Aquarium on Wheels, our educational programs served
              Aquarium’s 10th anniversary year was no exception. In 2008        over 243,000 students, educators, and community members
              we were able to advance our efforts to promote science and        in 2008. Major contributions to the Aquarium Education Fund
              ocean literacy among a broad reach of learners of all ages,       were provided by Wells Fargo Foundation, The Capital Group
              boost student involvement, expand our reach to underserved        Companies, and many other dedicated donors.
              communities, and ensure that a vast and growing audience is
              able to share in the excitement that comes from understand-       Ocean Conservation Awards Gala
              ing and learning about the natural world. American Honda          The annual Ocean Conservation Awards Gala honors the
              Motor Co. Inc.’s continued status as the Aquarium’s largest       June anniversary of the Aquarium’s opening by presenting
              corporate sponsor with more than $387,000 in multiple gifts       awards to key individuals and institutions making significant
              and The Annenberg Foundation’s continued support of our           contributions to the environment. At the 10th Anniversary
              operating budget with a grant of $150,000 were just two of        Gala celebration in 2008, we honored Governor Arnold
              the important donors who made our success possible.               Schwarzenegger and the State of California along with Vice
                                                                                Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. (U.S. Navy Retired)
              Membership                                                        and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
              Membership continues to be the Aquarium’s largest source          (NOAA). Approximately 700 guests enjoyed a gourmet
              of unrestricted income. For the 2008 fiscal year, $3,226,040      meal in a clear-top tent that was set up on the Aquarium’s
              in operating revenue was generated through membership and         front lawn. Those that attended were the first to see the
              its related programs. The Aquarium’s members are entitled to      Aquarium’s 10th Anniversary tribute film and the new exhibit,
              unlimited visits throughout the year as well as the opportunity   Ocean on the Edge: Top 10 Ocean Issues. This black-tie event
              to participate in special events, activities, and promotions      surpassed all others in attendance and support, bringing in
              created exclusively for them. Our members take great pride in     over $565,000 for the Aquarium’s conservation and educa-
              knowing that their membership dollars help in supporting all      tion programs. The success of 2008’s Gala was greatly sup-
              of the Aquarium’s efforts.                                        ported by major sponsorship grants from lead sponsor KUD
                                                                                International, major gifts from the Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller
              Pacific Circle                                                    Foundation, and significant support from Molina Healthcare,
              In 2008 Pacific Circle members contributed more than              Inc.; The Simons Foundation; and Occidental Petroleum
              $530,000 in support of the Aquarium’s programs. Individual        Corporation and their subsidiaries THUMS Long Beach
              donors, foundations, and corporate supporters that join the       Company and Tidelands Oil Production Company.
              Pacific Circle provide critical support for the Aquarium’s op-
              erating budget. Nearly 65 percent of Pacific Circle members       Sea Fare
              have been members since the Aquarium opened in 1998, and          The 10th Anniversary Sea Fare fundraising event exceeded all
              new donors continue to join each year.                            previous years’ earnings, bringing in more than $143,000 from
                                                                                ticket sales, auction bids, and sponsorships. Approximately
              Aquarium Education Fund                                           580 guests enjoyed food, beer, wine, and desserts from local
              The Aquarium is a valuable partner in the greater educational     restaurants while bidding on unique auction items and playing
              community. Whether through a class attended by students,          the “Go Fish” opportunity game. All auction items were 100
              an informational lecture for adult learners, or teachers who      percent donated to the Aquarium.

10 2008 Annual Report
Honda Dream Raffle
Every year since 2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. has
donated the prize for a summer-long raffle as an additional
contribution to the Aquarium. The 2008 raffle featured a
Honda Pilot and raised just under $70,000 towards the
Aquarium’s general operating fund. The winner was Kathy
Nash of Yorba Linda.

Adopt an Animal
The Aquarium’s Adopt an Animal Program continued as
an opportunity for our supporters to sponsor the care and
feeding of a favorite animal. All of the “parents” received a
personalized certificate, a photo of the chosen animal, and a
fact sheet about the species. They also receive an invitation to
the annual Parent Night when they can participate in animal
crafts, explore the Aquarium free of charge, and meet the
staff members who are responsible for the care and feeding
of their adopted animal. The Adopt an Animal Program raised          and performance in science and environmental learning. The         Children
nearly $25,000 in 2008.                                              Water Replenishment District of Southern California, the Earl      explore the
                                                                     B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation, and The Boeing Company        Aquarium’s Our
Item Donations                                                       were among the many supporters who renewed their support           Watersheds:
In addition to the hundreds of companies that contribute             for the Aquarium Scholarship Fund in 2008.                         Pathway to the
                                                                                                                                        Pacific exhibit.
items to the Sea Fare auction, the Aquarium also receives
                                                                                                                                        The interactive
in-kind gifts that help to increase income and reduce costs.         Chavez Elementary School Partnership                               display il-
These donations include everything from business services to         Since 2005 the Aquarium has partnered with Cesar E. Chavez         lustrates the
animals. The Aquarium partnered with ECO-CELL to recycle             Elementary School, a local Title I school that would not           watersheds
cell phones, with commissions supporting the Aquarium’s              otherwise have been able to provide comprehensive science          of San Pedro
mission. In addition, supporters donated cars to the BLOK            education to its students. Over the last four years science        Bay region,
Charity Auto Clearance where the proceeds benefitted the             test scores of Chavez students have drastically improved, as       demonstrating
Aquarium.                                                            measured by California Standards test scores released by the       how freshwater
                                                                     California Department of Education in 2008. Major funding          flows from the
Matching Gifts                                                       for this project in 2008 was provided by California Coastal        mountains to
                                                                                                                                        the ocean.
Many employers encourage employee donations by providing             Commission from its Whale Tail funding and from Occidental
matching gifts that double or triple the effect of individual con-   Petroleum Corporation and THUMS Long Beach Company.
tributions. In 2008 matching gift companies that contributed
to the Aquarium for multiple employees included The Boeing           Kelp Forest Restoration
Company, California Community Foundation, The Capital                The Orange County Kelp Restoration Project has made sig-
Group Companies, Chevron, Texaco, ExxonMobil, GE, Los                nificant headway towards the restoration and monitoring of
Angeles Times, Merrill Lynch & Co., Microsoft Corporation,           Orange County’s historically important kelp beds. In 2008, 49
Nissan North America, Inc., and many more.                           Aquarium volunteer divers conducted 260 dives accounting
                                                                     for 1,028 hours of kelp planting, urchin removal, and monitor-
                                                                     ing surveys. This equates to approximately 10,000 square
Education Projects
                                                                     meters of restored kelp beds in Crystal Cove and Laguna
The Aquarium of the Pacific conducts several unique education
                                                                     Beach. In addition, more than 1,350 students have become
projects that extend our reach to the disadvantaged and under-
                                                                     citizen scientists, learning about kelp and marine ecology,
served communities of Long Beach and the greater Southern
                                                                     growing kelp in their classrooms, and teaching the public
California region. To learn more about the Aquarium’s education
                                                                     about this vital habitat.
programs, please see page xx.

Aquarium Scholarship Fund                                            Abalone Captive Rearing, Education, and Outreach
In 2008 the donations from individuals, foundations and              To support the objectives laid out in NOAA’s National Marine
corporations allowed more than 20,000 students to visit              Fisheries Service (NMFS) Abalone Draft Recovery Plan
the Aquarium or have the Aquarium on Wheels visit them.              (2006), the Aquarium developed captive abalone rearing and
This valuable scholarship program introduces students                cultivation techniques for red abalone in 2008 and began a
from Title I schools and community organizations—many of             two-year certification process to ensure the abalone facility is
whom have never seen the ocean before—to the wonders of              free of disease. In addition to the conservation and research
the underwater world. Hands-on activities and standards-             components of the project, the Aquarium will also create an
based classes provide each scholarship recipient with a solid        interactive educational display to inform its visitors of the
foundation to further increase their interest, enthusiasm,           ecological, economic, and cultural significance of this valuable

                                                                                                                              2008 Annual Report   11
coastal species. The abalone project is the first of its kind at       the Greater Los Angeles area, seafood consumption is more
              the Aquarium, paving the way for us to serve as an additional          than twice the national average and more than 80 percent
              West Coast abalone culturing and out-planting resource                 of the seafood is imported. Seafood for the Future will build
              while contributing to the conservation efforts of a statewide          on local, national, and international markets that are from
              initiative. NMFS, the key funder of the Aquarium’s project,            sustainable, healthful, and socially responsible sources, thus
              officially designated white abalone (2001) and black abalone           making a difference in protecting wild fish stocks and pro-
              (2009) as endangered under the federal Endangered Species              tecting the marine environment by reducing harmful fishing
              Act. With these designations, there is an increasing need to           practices, overfishing, and bycatch.
              raise public awareness about the plight of all of California’s
              diminishing abalone populations.                                       Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific
                                                                                     With the November 2008 opening of Our Watersheds:
              Special Projects                                                       Pathway to the Pacific exhibit and environmental classroom,
              Funding from private sources is essential to ensure that the           the first phase of the expansion began the process of connect-
              Aquarium can continue to engage in unique projects and provide         ing visitors to critical environmental stories. The classroom
              educational experiences. Special projects such as new exhibits,        is expected to be the first LEED® (Leadership in Energy and
              enhanced education programs, and innovative conservation               Environmental Design) certified Platinum building in Long
              projects continue to serve the needs of our community in fresh         Beach. This addition illustrates the Aquarium’s commitment
              and interesting ways.                                                  to environmentally responsible practices that educate the
                  With increasing annual attendance already meeting the              public on sustainable building design, native landscaping,
              capacity limits of the current Aquarium facility, the Aquarium         and the critical nature of our water resources in Southern
              needs additional space, exhibits, and educational programs to          California. An anonymous foundation provided a $100,000
              continue in its role as a leader in ocean and environmental educa-     grant in 2008 to complete the solar energy installation that
              tion. A new campus masterplan was developed by staff and the           powers this exhibit and classroom.
              Board of Directors and now guides a series of important projects.
              Major gifts received in 2008 to support the general expansion          Animal Care Center
              plan were contributed by The Boeing Company, Breslaur-Soref            A new 18,000-square-foot Animal Care Center, due to open
              Foundation, Ed & Maryann Feo, SAVOR…, and many others.                 in June 2010, will centralize state-of-the-art diagnosis, treat-
                                                                                     ment, and recovery facilities for the more than 11,500 animals
              Endowment                                                              at the Aquarium. In the spirit of the Aquarium’s commitment
              Endowment funds are unique because they provide a per-                 to interactive learning, the Animal Care Center will reach
              manent source of income. Funds are kept in perpetuity, while           beyond the confines of an animal hospital and serve as an
              only the interest is spent on programs and exhibits each year.         interactive public exhibit, including a public viewing area
              This creates a very stable form of funding that continues to           where visitors can watch surgeries, animal examinations,
              grow in time, making sure that the Aquarium’s mission can              and interact with veterinary staff. Through this direct and
              be fulfilled far into the future. All bequests and other planned       unique experience, visitors will be provided with a new sense
              gifts help fund the Aquarium’s endowment fund, unless                  of awareness and animal conservation that can translate into
              otherwise restricted by the donor. Nautilus Society members            how they interact with animals in the natural world. Gifts
              are those supporters who have named the Aquarium of the                received in 2008 to support this project were received from
              Pacific as one of the beneficiaries of their will, trust, 401(k), or   Molina Healthcare, Inc., Mario and Therese Molina, Janet and
              insurance policy. In 2008, the Aquarium received a bequest of          Laurence Watt, and other members of the Molina family, for
              $53,505 from David L. Kiesling.                                        whom the new center will be named.

              Sea Otter Habitat Enhancements                                         Pacific Visions and Changing Exhibit Gallery
              We marked the second year of our four-year expansion plan              Blending technology, entertainment, science content, and
              for the popular Sea Otter Habitat exhibit, thanks to a gift            groundbreaking research, Pacific Visions will tangibly show
              from the BP Foundation. In June the exhibit designers and              the interconnectivity between individual animals, habitats,
              Aquarium staff met with sea otter experts to discuss the               and the global environment. The two-story multi-sensory,
              new habitat design, which will be based on the habitat of the          multi-dimensional immersive center will be a groundbreak-
              Southern sea otter, the species at the Aquarium of the Pacific.        ing interactive experience designed to transport our guests
              All visual and habitat upgrades to the exhibit will be based           into the furthest reaches and deepest mysteries of the Pacific
              on the California coastal region where this species lives, from        Ocean. Working in tandem with the changing exhibit gallery,
              Monterey Bay to Santa Barbara.                                         which will be doubled in size, the combined exhibit space will
                                                                                     not only reinforce stories told in our permanent exhibits, but
              Seafood for the Future                                                 also will continuously reinvent the visitor experience, intro-
              With the support of a $142,000 annual installment on a                 duce new themes, and foster repeat attendance. During 2008
              multi-year grant from Pacific Life Foundation, the Aquarium            the Aquarium of the Pacific received a $75,000 grant from
              has embarked on a new project to enlist Southern California            The Kresge Foundation to support a planning project to reach
              restaurants to provide sustainable seafood on their menus. In          LEED Platinum certification for the project.

12 2008 Annual Report
2008 Major Donors
The mission-driven programs mentioned throughout this annual                                              In 2007 the donors and members of the Pacific Circle generously
report are made possible largely through contributions from indi-                                         supported the conservation, education, and environmental pro-
viduals, foundations, corporation, and government partners.                                               grams of the Aquarium with gifts of $1,000 or more. We deeply
                                                                                                          appreciate and thank each donor recognized below.

$250,000+                                       DeMenno Kerdoon                                          Los Angeles County Board of                                    Lettuce Entertain You
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.                  The Green Foundation                                                       Supervisors: Don Knabe                                                    Enterprises, Inc.
 BP Foundation Inc.                              Bob and Jennifer Hagle                                  Steven and Niko Mayer                                         Michael and Vanessa Lewis
  Molina Healthcare, Inc.                         Halbert, Hargrove/Russell                               Jack and Mary McFerran                                        Edmund and Teresa Lohr
                                                    Roy and Elda Hearrean                                   Paul and Patti Mickelsen                                      Barbara Long and Bill Waterhouse
$100,000+                                            Institute of Museum and Library                         Phyllis Miller                                                Gary and Gretchen Marlotte
The Annenberg Foundation                                              Services                                Robert and Georgia Nichol                                     Raul and Sabrina Martinez
 The Boeing Company                                  KCSWest                                                  Parker  Covert LLP                                           Margaret A. Maw
  Edison International                                KUD International                                        Steven and Robin Roffer                                       Neil McClean and
   Allen  Charlotte Ginsburg                          Peri Marek and Peg Urvoas                                Eunice Knight Saunders Foundation                                                   Hilary Garland
           Wilderness Experience Foundation              Milbank, Tweed, Hadley                                  Sidney Stern Memorial Trust                                  Kelly Sutherlin McLeod and Steven B.
    Mario and Therese Molina                                          McCloy LLP                                   Sims Metal                                                                        McLeod
     National Marine Sanctuary Foundation                Moffat  Nichol International                             Richard and Elizabeth Steele Fund                           Mona and Dr. Jeffrey W. Morris
      Port of Long Beach                                  Northrup Grumman Corporation                              THUMS Long Beach Company                                    William and Kathleen Mudd
       Port of Los Angeles                                 The Olson Company                                         Tidelands Oil Production Company                            Marsha Naify
                                                             Stephen and Brenda Olson                                  Tom Turney and Jill Boivin                                  Michael K. Nakashoji
$75,000+                                                      Ms. Lynne M. Preslo and Dr. Wayne                         Union Bank of California                                    Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Long Beach Water Department                                           N. Sawka                                           Union Pacific Foundation                                    Orange County Teachers Federal
                                                               Kurt Schulzman and                                                                                                                     Credit Union
$50,000+                                                               Richard Neri                      $2,500+                                                                        Patrick V. Gough Co., Inc.
Steve and Fran Conley                                          The Simons Foundation                   Anonymous                                                                      Dennis C. Poulsen and Suzanne M.
 California Coastal Conservancy                                 Jeanne B. Sleeper                       Dr. Mary Jane Adams                                                                         Poulsen
  Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller                                  Michael and Mildred Sondermann          ADJG                                                                          Jonathan and Barbara Roth
        Foundation                                                 UBS                                     Daniel and Theresa Aranda                                                     Securitas Security
   John and Michelle Molina                                        University of Southern California       Bank of the West                                                                         Services USA, Inc.
    Water Replenishment District of                                                                          John and Corinne Bertrand                                                    Richard C. Smith and
        Southern California                    $5,000+                                                         Yvonne M. Bogdanovich                                                                  Patricia Frobes
     Wells Fargo                              Anonymous                                                       Bonnie Brae                                                                 Sony Pictures Entertainment
                                                The Abbey Company                                               Barbara A. Pollack and John A.                                              Paul and Marcia Stelling
$25,000+                                         Barratt American, Inc.                                                                        Burkholder                                     Barbara H. Stevens
Bank of America                                  Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation                                     Catalina Express                                                             Scott Sweetow and
 Croul Family Foundation                          Begin Today for Tomorrow Charitable                            Stephen and Patricia Chazen                                                        Lisa Green-Sweetow
  Employees Community Fund of Boeing                                      Foundation                               Citi Community Relations                                                    Peter and Virginia Ueberroth
            California                              Boeing Gift Matching Program                                    Dameron Family Foundation                                                   Mick and Louise Ukleja
   Edwin and Maryann Feo                            BP America Inc.                                                 Gordon and Susan DesCombes                                                  Verizon Communications, Inc.
    King’s Seafood Company                           Carlton Forge Works                                             ERM Foundation                                                              The Weiler Foundation
     Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris                  Doug and Holly Carpenter                                        James and Sue Femino/Femino
            Foundation                                  City Light  Power, Inc.                                                               Foundation
      The Pepsi Bottling Group                                                                                                                                               $1,500+
                                                         Donald and Sally Clark                                         Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation
       Savor... Catering by SMG                                                                                                                                              Anonymous (2)
                                                          Comerica Bank                                                  William A. Garlin Jr.
        Jerry R. and Margaret H. Schubel                                                                                                                                      Tamara Achauer
                                                           Kenneth and Jeanne Conklin                                     Frederick and Leslie Gaylord
         University of California Berkeley                                                                                                                                     Doug and Connie Baker
                                                            Crevier BMW                                                    Geosyntec Consultants
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mark and Joyce Barnett
                                                             Farmers  Merchants Bank                                       Gibson, Dunn  Crutcher LLP
$10,000+                                                                                                                                                                          Rob Bellevue and Agnes Mulhearn
                                                              John Fielder and                                               John and Elizabeth Hancock
Josephine M. Molina-Battiste and                                                                                                                                                  Barbara Bixby Blackwell
                                                                           Donita Van Horik                                    Ron Heiman and Janice Riley Heiman
             Michael Battiste                                                                                                                                                       Phil and Charlene Bosl
                                                               First In Our Hearts Foundation                                  Madeline and Donald Heimark
 Brek Manufacturing Company                                                                                                                                                         Richard Boucher and Andrea Amram
                                                                Ron and Susan Gastelum                                          Radm John and Nancy Higginson
  The Breslauer-Soref Foundation                                                                                                                                                     George and Judy Breshears
                                                                 Grand Prix Foundation of                                        Mark and Mary Hoover
   Jeanne M. Brodeur                                                                                                                                                                  Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
                                                                           Long Beach                                              Matt and Lisa Humphreys
    BT Infonet                                                                                                                                                                         Lee and Joseph Cerrell
                                                                  HDR Engineering, Inc.                                            Dr. Masashi and Teruko Itano
     California Coastal Commission Whale                                                                                                                                                Bill and Wren Chais
                                                                   Bess J. Hodges Foundation                                        David and Lindley Hasenauer
             Tail License Plate                                                                                                                                                           Charles Durnin Apartments
                                                                    Keesal, Young  Logan                                            Gary and Cheryl Justice
      The Capital Group Companies                                                                                                                                        Andrew and Portia Cohen
                                                                     Coral and Ron Levin                                              Kim Ketterman and Art Rodriguez
       John W. Carson Foundation, Inc.                                                                                                                                    Consortium for Oceanographic
                                                                      Long Beach Area Convention                                      Graham and Mary Ellen Kilsby
        Esther S.M. Chao                                                                                                                                                                     Research  Education
                                                                           Visitors Bureau                                               The Kleiner Cohen Foundation
         Citi Foundation                                                                                                                                                   Marjorie Countryman
                                                                       Long Beach Transit                                                Patrick M. Kohler
          Dominic and Margaret DeCristofaro                                                                                                                                 John Crochet
                                                                                                                                           Trish and Don Lange

                                                                                                                                                                                                    2008 Annual Report             13
Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher                                                                    Russell S. Schwartz and Susan D.                                             Richard and Donice Pancost                                                   Trump National Golf Club
                                                                       Guest                                                     Goland                                                  Anthony Pichardo and Morgan                                                  Wilson Creek Winery
      Disney© “EARS to You” Program                                                                       John T. Shadden, Smith Barney                                                                  Barrows                                                      Wyland Worldwide
       Steve and Jackie Dodge                                                                              Cynthia K. Shelton                                                           Securitas Security Services
        Laura and Andria Dougherty                                                                          Jenny and Dave Shlemmer                                                                      USA, Inc.
         David and Adrianne DuMond                                                                           Sidley Austin LLP                                                           Sam’s Club Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In Honor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      To commemorate a special occasion,
          Don and Gay Durward                                                                                 Marilyn and Ron Sion                                                        Tina and Brian Sarty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       milestone, or birthday, donations can be
           Steven L. and Karen M. Eakle                                                                        Jean Bixby Smith                                                            Ned and Irene Sasaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       made to the Aquarium of the Pacific. The
            Viktoria Engel Tyer and                                                                             Sondria Stephens                                                            Bob and Gail Schack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       following individuals have been honored
                                                                       Emily Engel                                Eiko and Floyd Stewart                                                      Charles and Ellen Steinmetz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in 2007:
             Charles Z. and Meri L. Fedak                                                                         Alexandra and Terrence Sullivan                                             Dr. Preston and Nancy Smith
              Cecile Fisher and Isaias Castellanos                                                                 The Ruth and Vernon Taylor                                                  Valin Corporation                                                   Jeanne Brodeur
               Adele W. Fortune and                                                                                             Foundation                                                       Paul and Stacey Von Berg                                            Esther Chiu-Chao’s Birthday
                                                                       Steve Nash                                    Janie Thompson                                                               Whitney Young Children’s Foundation                                 Pat Fisher and Ed Hunter’s Wedding
                Russ and Karen Frerer                                                                                William and Karen Timberlake                                                 Mike and Lorri Whitney                                              Ron and Coral Levin
                 Fugro West                                                                                           Richard and Amy Toyama                                                       Windes  McClaughry                                                 Will Sherwood’s Birthday
                  Debbie and Bob Fults                                                                                 John and Judi Uphold                                                         Randy and Nancy Wolfe                                               Terry Tibor
                   Geof Garth and Jean Egan                                                                             Chris and Peter Valli                                                        Dicky and Dottie Yee                                                Tom Turney and Jill Boivin’s Wedding
                    Sandra B. George                                                                                     Wal-mart Stores, Inc.                                                                                                                             Terry Whittlinger and Dennis Gill’s
                     Jacky Glass                                                                                          Wells Fargo Foothill                                                                                                                                 Wedding
                      Rob Bellevue and Agnes Mulhearn                                                                      Howard and Jane Wright
                                                                                                                                                                                       In Kind Donors
                                                                                                                                                                                        The following contributors donated
                       Gray Grimm and                                                                                       Leah C. Young
                                                                       Linda Dakin-Grimm
                                                                                                                                                                                         goods or services to the Aquarium in                                        In Memory of
                                                                                                         $1,000+                                                                         2007 valued at $1,000 or more:                                               Friends and family donated thoughtful
                        Dr. Carl, Elise and Shelby Hartman
                                                                                                         Anonymous                                                                                                                                                    gifts in memory of their loved ones,
                         Otto and Shirley Henke                                                                                                                                        American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
                                                                                                          David and Merryl Alpert                                                                                                                                     recognizing their love for the ocean
                          Ann M. Herring                                                                                                                                                Anthony W. Batts, Chief of Police
                                                                                                           Ivan Altamirano and Christina Olivas                                                                                                                       and support of the Aquarium. All of us
                           Joseph Herron and Patricia Baird                                                                                                                              Belmont Brewing Company
                                                                                                            Beverly T. Anthony                                                                                                                                        at the Aquarium extend our deepest
                            John and Corinne Heyning                                                                                                                                      The Boeing Company
                                                                                                             Arts Council for Long Beach                                                                                                                              sympathies to the family and friends of:
                             Albert C. Hu and Michele E. Brantner                                                                                                                          Bradford Renaissance Portraits
                              Hans and Valerie Imhof                                                         Len and Karen Atkins                                                          Brew-Haus Coffee  Tea                                                  Beverly Anthony
                               International Resources Group                                                  Robert and Debbie Autrey                                                      Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.                                                   Shannon (Shane) Balazy
                                Christopher and Karen Jennings                                                 Kam Babaoff                                                                   Buono’s Authentic Pizzeria                                              Robert Boles
                                 Michael and Diane Jensen                                                       Bernard and Debbie Babcock                                                    California Pizza Kitchen                                                Elizabeth and Alice Henderson
                                  Mary F. Kiddie                                                                 Ellis Beesley and John Silkey                                                 The Camello Family                                                      John Heyning
                                   Michael and Catherine King                                                     Catalina Water Company                                                        Casco Group                                                             Warren Iliff
                                    Jeanne and Ron Kipp                                                            CBS Productions “CSI Miami”                                                   Cha Cha’s Caribbean Fusion Cuisine                                      Evelyn Kronick
                                     Irene Kurata                                                                   John F. Cermak                                                                Chipotle Mexican Grill                                                  Virginia McCallum
                                      Richard and Linda Landes                                                       Vince and Devon Cichoski                                                      The Coffee Bean  Tea Leaf                                              Michael and Lillian Preslo
                                       Robert and Nancy Latimer                                                       Andrew and Diana Cohen                                                        The Daily Grill Long Beach                                              Mary Sawka
                                        Thomas and Jae Lee                                                             David Comer and Elsie Tucker                                                  Gary and Dawna DeLong
                                         Mike and Georgie Lynch                                                         Deanna Davisson                                                               Extreme Pizza
                                          Ed and Deb Lyszczek                                                            Deemer Family Foundation                                                      Farmers  Merchants Bank
                                           John and Jacklyn Marcus                                                        Councilmember Gary and Dawna                                                  Gippy’s Internet Solutions, LLC
                                            Cindy L. Matsumoto and Gary Y.                                                                             DeLong                                             Rebekah E. Halpern
                                                                       Matsumoto, Ed.D.                                     Vito and Theresa Demonte                                                       Islands Fine Burgers  Drinks
                                             Norman and Suzanne Metcalfe                                                    Desert Commercial II, LLC                                                                               Restaurant
                                              Henry J. Meyer                                                                 Alan Erlbaum and Jane George                                                  JBS  Associates
                                               Lee and Saundra Minshull                                                       Virginia S. Frankenfield                                                      Bob and Jennifer Hagle
                                                David and Cynthia Mirsky                                                       Taylor, Deacon, and Otis Frey                                                 JetBlue
                                                 Barry Molnaa                                                                   Ann Gardener                                                                  Ken Kurtis
                                                  Lindsey Philpott and                                                           Neil McClean and Hilary Garland                                               King’s Fish House
                                                                       Kim E. Moore                                                Rocky and Deborah Gentner                                                     King’s Seafood Company
                                                   Jeffrey Morgan and Kim Knepper                                                  Jim and Gail Gray                                                             KTLA TV
                                                    National Charity Support Foundation                                             Gregg Young and the 2nd Street Band                                           Los Angeles Lakers
                                                     Charles and Rennee Nicholas                                                     Muriel Horacek                                                                Mrs. Lynne M. Preslo and
                                                      David and Tina Nishida                                                          HSBC North America                                                                            Dr. Wayne N. Sawka
                                                       Nissan North America, Inc.                                                      Richard Katz                                                                 Mai Tai Bar
                                                        NOAA Coastal Services                                                           Q. Scott and Hiroe Kaye                                                      Parkers’ Lighthouse
                                                         Alex and Margie Norman                                                          Jean and Charles Lane                                                        Rossmoor Pastries
                                                          Luther and Ginger Nussbaum                                                      Sam Lantinga and Lauren MacDonell                                            Rowley Portraiture
                                                           Rosellen and Harry Papp                                                         LBS Financial Credit Union                                                   Shark Trust Wines
                                                            Joan B. Pauloo                                                                  Laura Loftin                                                                 Sheridan  Associates Law
                                                             Nancy and Byron Pinckert                                                        John and Linda Loftus                                                                  Corporation
                                                              Lyn and John Pohlmann                                                           Mark IV Capital, Inc.                                                       Sidley Austin LLP
                                                               Will J. Reid Foundation                                                         Margie and Jon Masterson                                                    SMG Catering
                                                                Janet and Fred Riedman                                                          Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust                                          Southern California Edison
                                                                 John and Susanne Rouse                                                          Jerry and Colleen McDonald                                                  Taco Beach Cantina
                                                                  Nicholas L. Saakvitne and Sharon L.                                             Robert McNeel and                                                           Ten Salon Inc.
                                                                       Heritage                                                                         Ronald Rulison                                                           The Portofino Hotel  Yacht Club
                                                                   Jonathan and Jamie Saltman                                                      Alex G. Nason Foundation, Inc.                                               Tokyo Wako

14 2008 Annual Report
Aquarium of the Pacific 2008 Annual Report
Aquarium of the Pacific 2008 Annual Report

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Aquarium of the Pacific 2008 Annual Report

  • 2. Table of Contents 3 Introduction 5 Message from the President and Chairman 7 New Exhibitions and Programs 11 Educational Programming 15 Festivals and Guest Speakers 17 Conservation 21 Volunteers 23 Fundraising Successes 29 Major Donors 33 Financial Overview 34 Administration Annual Report Staff Alexi Holford, Editor and Writer Andrew Reitsma, Graphic Designer Cecile Fisher, Editorial Advisor and Copy Editor
  • 3. A Celebration of the Aquarium and Staff Enisaliqui tin ulla feu faccummy nis aut nulput augiam vel dolore et, quisse dionullum eugue exerit etummy nos ad tem amet aut wis ametum ad dunt wisi bla faccum ipisisciduip euis num dolore dolortinibh et inci bla accum irit eugait nibh eraessi. Aliqui Tin tueraestrud modolenibh er si measures ranging from reducing peak period energy usage to implementing environmentally friendly construction in an ef- The Aquarium’s multifaceted Catch a Wave program featured fort to increase energy efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, and numerous exhibits, programs, and events on the science, demonstrate leadership in sustainability. power, and beauty of waves. Catch a Wave was a truly cross- The Aquarium of the Pacific continued to play important roles departmental effort that resulted in an educational and en- in our community and in making positive change in soci- tertaining experience for guests. They not only learned about ety. One of the Aquarium’s most important roles is to bring tsunamis and wind waves, but also the history of surf culture together experts, policy- and decision-makers, and diverse and animals that live in the surf zone. stakeholders to identify and explore alternative strategies to The Aquarium was pleased to introduce three new sea lions deal with ongoing issues that affect our ocean and our planet. and a seal in 2007. Our Shorebird Sanctuary also opened in For example, we hosted a city-wide forum on making Long 2007, providing opportunities to learn about tidal wetlands, Beach a greener city in October 2007. Through an expanding shorebirds, and several species of fishes and plants. And we number of collaborations, we bring the resulting ideas to the were pleased to break ground on a new public exhibition on public through the Aquarium. We take the long view and do watersheds and classroom that will open in 2008. not shy away from complex, often controversial issues and The Aquarium continued its partnership with Cesar Chavez strategies. Elementary School in Long Beach in 2007. The improvement in science scores at Cesar Chavez Elementary since the begin- Aliqui Tin tueraestrud modolenibh er si ning of the partnership with the Aquarium in spring 2005 is dramatic. The school’s academic performance for the 2006- The Aquarium continues to expand its portfolio of programs 2007 schoolyear demonstrates marked progress in relation in education, conservation, and outreach. Many of these to its scores in prior years as well as in comparison to other programs are possible only because of our growing network of schools in Long Beach and California. partnerships with outstanding organizations across the coun- The Aquarium became the first among U.S. zoos, aquariums, try, such as the City of Long Beach, the State of California, the and museums to earn the status of a Climate Action Leader™ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the by successfully certifying its greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- National Research Council. Helping visitors become environ- sions inventory with the Climate Action Registry in 2007. By mental stewards who are committed to conservation is a key joining the Registry, the Aquarium demonstrated its concern part of the Aquarium’s mission. Thank you for your support. regarding global climate change. In addition to participating in the Registry’s rigorous program, the Aquarium developed
  • 4. Aquarium Exhibits Engage and Inspire Guests Each year the Aquarium of the Pacific offers a new program and exhibit that is debuted in the summer. Ocean on the Edge opened in June 2008 and included a new Gulf of California exhibit in the changing gallery, as well as a corresponding film, In April the Aquarium reopened the Gulf of California exhibit, lectures, and programs. Other highlights were the opening of formerly called the Sea of Cortez exhibit. This updated the Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific and the updated exhibit is a component of the Aquarium’s partnership with Gulf of California exhibit. Through educating 1.5 million the World Wildlife Fund to provide public education on this guests with these presentations, exhibits, and programs, the fragile ecosystem. Featuring graphics in both English and Aquarium is able to inspire stewardship and further advocacy Spanish, the displays highlight the animals that rely on the for the ocean and its inhabitants. Gulf of California, the threats they face, and what we can do to help protect them. In addition, a new free film created by Ocean on the Edge: Top Ten Ocean Issues the Aquarium about this region, entitled A Sea on the Edge, In celebration of the Aquarium’s 10th Anniversary, the Ocean began showing daily in the Honda Theater concurrent with on the Edge: Top Ten Ocean Issues gallery opened in June the exhibition opening. with exhibits showcasing the ten top issues facing the World Ocean today, including subjects such as climate change, by- Ocean Today Kiosk catch, overfishing, pollution, and ocean literacy. The Aquarium In coordination with the September opening of the Sant utilized animal exhibits, interactives, graphics, and videos to Ocean Hall at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural engage guests to explore the most important issues facing History in Washington, D.C., the Aquarium unveiled an Ocean our ocean planet. This exhibit furthered our vision to serve Today kiosk in the Northern Pacific Gallery. Linked to the kiosk as a communicator of ocean science issues to the public, and in the Sant Ocean Hall, the Aquarium’s kiosk provides guests many of the guest speakers in 2008 focused on these themes. with a national feed of ocean news and video features as well Because of the complexity and high level of public interest as local stories created by the Aquarium. The Aquarium was in these issues, additional educational staff provided “mini one of the first five pilot interactive stations that also included tours” throughout the summer in this gallery to engage guests the Shedd Aquarium, National Aquarium, JL Scott Marine in conversation about these topics. Center, and the Mississippi River Museum. Ocean Today kiosks will be ultimately featured in the entire network of 21 Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers throughout the United In November 2008 the Aquarium announced the opening States and Mexico. of its Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific exhibition and classroom, the largest expansion since Shark Lagoon. An Online Media interactive model demonstrates how local watersheds func- The Aquarium of the Pacific uses its website and the internet tion, how watersheds affect us, how we affect them, and what as an educational tool to immerse the public in ocean topics. we can do to reduce human impacts on these vital freshwater In 2008 the Aquarium was selected as a laureate finalist pathways. A new LEED-certified by the international Computerworld Honors Program for its platinum classroom, adjacent to Web 2.0 efforts. The Aquarium’s entry featured FISH TV, the the watershed exhibit, provides live feed from our exhibits to the families of Miller Children’s a venue for small classes and for Hospital; our Oceanpedia website, which provided a forum bringing together stakeholders on for national scientists to develop the content for the Ocean on various topics for meetings. The the Edge gallery; and the Build-a-Fish educational interactive interactive exhibit, classroom, on the Aquarium website. The Aquarium’s online guests can and surrounding native garden also find videos of guest lectures and aquacasts on a variety educate both visitors and school of topics. A photo group on Flickr and YouTube videos of the groups on what we can do to help Aquarium were also added in 2008. conserve water and protect these ecosystems. 4 2008 Annual Report
  • 5. Being Green is a Priority The Aquarium sets a strong example of sustainability and stewardship for the environment. A leader in its efforts to be environmentally friendly, the The Aquarium’s annual Endangered Aquarium’s internal business practices are in line with what is Species Habitat Restoration Day is a advocated to guests throughout the Aquarium. In addition to collaborative event with the Seal Beach recycling and participating in conservation efforts in the com- National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was munity, the Aquarium makes numerous decisions on day-to- established nearly 40 years ago to protect day choices that lessen the impact on the environment. the California Least Tern and the Light- footed Clapper Rail, two of the state’s most- Sustainable Building threatened avian subspecies. Each year The Aquarium’s new watershed classroom (see page x) volunteers prepare habitat for these birds in was built using sustainable practices and is expected to be anticipation of the breeding season. certified as LEED (Leadership in Environmental and Energy The weekend-long Earth Day celebra- Design) platinum. To achieve this standard, the Aquarium tion hosts over a dozen organizations with used nature-inspired design choices that incorporated a environmental and conservation-oriented sustainable site, energy efficiency, water conservation, and missions. The Aquarium encourages the public to properly Del dipismo lor- green materials and resources wherever possible. The 1,300 recycle common electronics and prevent pollution by offering pero do eugait square-foot building is powered by solar energy. Landscaping discounted admission for those that bring in e-waste. am quis dolore around the exhibit uses native plants representing the coastal California Coastal Cleanup Day takes place every year modolobor at, regions of California’s watersheds, and reclaimed water ir- on the third Saturday in September. Each year the Aquarium consequipit, sum quis- rigates the 4,000 square-foot garden area. The classroom’s participates in the state-wide beach cleanup by hosting modit, verit green roof allows water to be absorbed and reduces runoff. several locations. volesti smol- The classroom also uses materials that do not release toxic ortie magna gases to ensure good air quality. Marine Conservation Research Institute conummy nos In its second year of reporting to the California Climate The Aquarium’s Marine Conservation Research Institute alissed te eugait Action Registry, the Aquarium took further initiative by supports ocean research and brings the results of research ex ese feugait reporting its emissions for all six Kyoto Protocol greenhouse into the conservation process through forums. Two impor- iurem quat vent gases (GHGs) in 2008. The Aquarium decided to begin tant forums were held at the Aquarium in September 2008. wis adiat. reporting carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluo- The Aquarium brought together government agencies, rocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride in ad- aquaculture entrepreneurs, environmentalists, academic vance of what the Registry requires. By joining the Registry scientists, and other stakeholders to explore solutions for and exceeding its requirements, the Aquarium demon- dealing with the looming seafood crisis. Also in September strates its concern regarding global climate change and its the Aquarium brought together water managers and other commitment to being a leader in working on this threat to water experts in Southern California to discuss how we will the ocean planet. In 2007 the Aquarium certified its GHG address losses to our water supply due to pumping restric- emissions inventory with the Registry to become the first tions to protect threatened fish species. among museums, zoos, and aquariums in the United States MCRI funded research included the fifth to earn the status of a Climate Action Leader™. year of sending an Aquarium aviculturist to The Aquarium also continued In 2008 the Aquarium signed up for increased coverage Matinicus Rock off the coast of Maine for two with several ongoing research from its insurance broker, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. weeks in July 2008 to participate in research on projects, including… Participating in their new Upgrade to Green add-on program Atlantic Puffins and other sea birds that is being will pay for environmentally friendly upgrades if portions of conducted by a group called Project Puffin. • Crested Auklet Research the Aquarium facility ever needs to be rebuilt. Also, Curator of Fishes Sandy Trautwein and • Hydrodynamic Study Assistant Curator Chris Plante participated in a of Vertebrates Community Outreach four-day abalone population survey cruise with • Kelp Reforestation The Aquarium’s annual neighborhood street cleanup the California Department of Fish and Game Project (see page x) brought together local families, students, and Vice Mayor at San Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands. • Reef Check Surveys Bonnie Lowenthal to pick up trash that might have otherwise Officials from the California Department of Fish ended up in the ocean or on local beaches. Using Cesar and Game inspected the abalone in our exhibit • Sea Turtle Monitoring Chavez Park and Cesar Chavez Elementary School as the as part of a two-year certification process, which • Sediment Circulation meeting place, the cleanup had 340 participants who picked may ultimately allow the Aquarium to display Studies up over 1,200 pounds of trash. and possibly breed endangered white abalone. 2008 Annual Report 5
  • 6. Educational Programming for All Ages The Aquarium’s education department offers a selection of more than 40 interactive classroom, theater, and auditorium programs that align with California science standards. Of the 1.5 million people who visited in 2008, more than Day Camps 260,000 students and teachers participated in self-guided Seven choices of day camps were offered during the winter tours, sleepovers, standards-based classes, theater programs, school break and the summer season in 2008. At summer or visits from the Aquarium on Wheels. The Aquarium also camps in 2008, almost 500 children, ranging from 3- to offers programs for the public, such as Aqua Tots, Preschool 14-years-old, participated in science activities and helped Programs, family classes, day camps, and birthday parties. feed the fishes through the week-long Ocean Adventure, Job Shadow, Junior Biologist, Marine Science Sleepover, Sea AFFY Award Squirt, and Fish Fry Camps. The half- or full-day classes pro- In April the education department received the 2008 AFFY moted the building of science skills though interactive activi- Award from the Alliance for Distance Education in California ties, games, and crafts. Catering to pre-K through ninth grade (ADEC), the California chapter of the United States Distance levels, students are given the chance to go behind the scenes, Learning Association. ADEC’s AFFY Awards recognize interact with husbandry staff, and help take care of animals at outstanding distance learning projects that incorporate the Aquarium. Many of the students continue to participate in cooperation between education segments (K-20 and lifelong these programs year after year. learning), innovative uses of educational technology, and the involvement of community institutions. Outdoor and Up-close Programs The Aquarium offers several ways to see nature up close through educator-led kayaking tours, coastal and wetland tours, and whale and dolphin watching trips. Throughout Del dipismo lor- various trips, Aquarium guests have been able to see blue, pero do eugait fin, gray, humpback, minke, sperm whales, and even orcas. am quis dolore Newly added for 2008 was the Dolphin Sea Life cruise, in modolobor at, which bottlenose, common, Risso’s, and Pacific white sided consequipit, dolphins were seen. The Aquarium also increased its schedule sum quis- of Behind-the-Scenes Tours onsite as to meet the increased modit, verit volesti smol- demand to learn more about the animal collection. ortie magna conummy nos Homeschool Days alissed te eugait Almost 2,000 homeschoolers came to the Aquarium for spe- ex ese feugait cial Homeschool Days in 2008. In September the Aquarium iurem quat vent hosted two days with approximately 1,500 students and wis adiat. parents in attendance. During their visit, homeschoolers got a chance to interact with education staff, including in classroom programming that involved hands-on activities and through a chance to meet an Aquarium diver. An additional 477 home- schoolers attended a Homeschool Day in December that was added to accommodate requests. 6 2008 Annual Report
  • 7. Miller Children’s Hospital Ocean Art Contest (L-R) The Our The Aquarium continued its partnership with the Miller The Aquarium of the Pacific, in partnership with the Watersheds: Pathway Children’s Hospital in 2008. In addition to live video be- Coastal America organization, hosted an Ocean Art to the Pacific exhibit; ing fed from Aquarium exhibits to video monitors in the Contest in 2008. The contest was open to students winners of the national hospital lobby, Aquarium volunteers visited the hospital of all ages, from kindergarten through the university Ocean Art Contest met President George Bush monthly to share educational information, hands-on level. Original paintings and drawings were submitted in Washington D.C.; activities, and crafts with patients. Bed-side versions by more than 2,000 students nationwide to contests students observe a of the program are offered to those children who are hosted at Coastal Ecosystems Learning Centers (CELC). Giant spider crab in the unable to attend the program in the hospital playrooms. Each piece was accompanied by a written narrative Northern Pacific Gallery; Aquarium-designed activity books as well as small toy explaining how the art reflected essential principles of Aquarium staff brings sharks were given to the patients. Through an endow- ocean literacy. Each CELC’s first- and second-place re- out an American kestrel, ment, this program will be offered in perpetuity. gional winners’ artwork advanced to a national competi- one of the program tion in Washington, D.C. Eight national winners came animals Cesar Chavez Elementary Partnership from the Aquarium of the Pacific, and two were flown to The Aquarium partners with Cesar Chavez Elementary Washington D.C. in September for a ceremony in which School, a Title I School that would not be able to provide they met Dr. Sylvia Earl and President George W. Bush. comprehensive science education to students without the Aquarium’s help. Cesar Chavez Elementary faces some Aquarium on Wheels of the greatest challenges among elementary schools in The Aquarium’s popular outreach vehicle provides a Long Beach Unified School District and in California as a tidepool exhibit for children and adults. By providing direct whole. Over 95 percent of Chavez students have incomes interaction with marine animals such as sea stars, swell low enough to qualify for free school meals and 49 percent sharks, anemones, and sea cucumbers, the Aquarium learned English as a second language. The 2007-2008 on Wheels brings an ocean experience to schools and schoolyear established a marine science and ocean literacy community groups. The activities are accompanied by program that will bridge integral themes of the language standards-based auditorium and classroom programs arts and science curriculum at Chavez Elementary. focused on topics such as waves and marine animal adap- tations. With 199 visits in 2008, over 37,000 children and University Partnerships adults were served by this unique mobile learning tool. In 2008 the Aquarium had partnerships with the University of Southern California (USC); California State Iliff Infectious Enthusiasm Fund Award University, Long Beach (CSULB); and the University In honor of Warren Iliff, the Sophak Kong of California, Irvine (UCI). Through the COSIA Aquarium’s founding president, with (Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences) the Iliff Infectious Enthusiasm Fund program, Aquarium educators were awarded a subcon- was created in 2006. Thanks to the tracting position on a National Science Foundation Grant. support of donors, the Aquarium Through this program they co-teach with a USC professor established an endowment to fund a class on how to communicate science. Graduate and a program in which teachers spend undergraduate science students from USC learn teach- three to five days at the Aquarium ing theory and how to apply this theory on the floor of learning about marine science, the Aquarium. Through CSULB, the Aquarium hosted ocean literacy, and conservation five workshops for pre-service teachers in 2008. The issues. In 2008 Lakewood teacher Aquarium continued to provide UCI students the oppor- Sophak Kong became the first re- tunity to serve as Aquarium interns, observing classroom cipient of the Warren Iliff Infectious programs and working at the exhibits as volunteers. Enthusiasm Fund Award. 2008 Annual Report 7
  • 8. Volunteers Make It All Possible Volunteers play a significant role at the Aquarium. Almost every department benefits from their passion and dedication, which inspires and ignites the energies of our paid staff. The 2008 team of 656 active volunteers contributed 118,457 education volunteers in 2008, which helps the Aquarium hours of work, the equivalent of 57 full-time employees, keep its education programs cost efficient. extending the operating budget by $2,311,096.* Another noteworthy volunteer program is the The Aquarium’s dive team had 215 volunteer divers in 2008. VolunTEENs program, with 69 students enrolled in 2008. These specialized volunteers logged a total of 14,017 dives for the Through collaboration with St. Anthony High School’s year, which adds up to just over 294 consecutive days underwa- Marine Science Academy, 20 students contributed almost ter. This included 2,983 presentation dives for the public. 1,000 hours in 2008. University of California Irvine volun- The Aquarium’s education department had over 400 teer interns also increased their presence at the Aquarium volunteers in 2008. Over 44,000 hours were donated by the this year. These programs enhance our exhibit interpretation presence. Rhonda Kurtz the responsibilities of her Lorikeet Forest job description, so she started to look for another way to volunteer at the Volunteering as a Aquarium. Life’s Purpose Kurtz soon began working in the development depart- Since May 1999 Rhonda ment on mailings, organizing the filing system, preparing for Kurtz has volunteered at the and staffing special events, and contributing to numerous Aquarium in many roles: as office improvements. “Whatever needs to be done, I do. It’s an educator, working with my Aquarium,” says Kurtz. “It’s second nature. I don’t know the lorikeets, interacting with why it’s such a big deal,” she says. guests, and providing behind- While Kurtz has been able to do the same jobs as many the-scenes support for the other volunteers, her hearing disability has enabled her to development department. Her connect with some guests in a special way. Kurtz recounted enthusiastic attitude makes her a natural when it comes to many instances where she met guests with hearing disabili- engaging with people. ties. She has given tours to groups of children who are deaf. Working outside at the Ray Touchpool one day, Kurtz She also interpreted for the volunteer services manager when noticed a young boy and his mother using sign language to a new volunteer who was deaf came on board. talk. Kurtz joined them, explaining that rays are related to One of the biggest contributions that Kurtz has made sharks and the spines on their tails are clipped. The child’s at the Aquarium is spear-heading additional accommoda- mouth dropped open in surprise. Kurtz signed to him that tions for people with hearing disabilities. “When there is she is deaf too. Because Kurtz reads lips very well, most no communication, you cannot learn,” she explains. “You people do not even realize she is deaf. She certainly does not go somewhere hoping to learn, but you are sitting in the define herself by her disability. dark. It’s frustrating.” Over time Kurtz provided input to the Kurtz started to volunteer at the Aquarium in the guest Aquarium on how to improve the experience for people who services department. She and other volunteers were respon- are deaf or hard of hearing. sible for welcoming school children to the Aquarium. After So that guests who cannot hear can still enjoy education six months, Kurtz moved to the education department to presentations, Kurtz helped to develop written scripts, which give presentations in the galleries. She also did behind-the- can now be checked out at the Information Desk. For movies scenes tours and worked at the discovery labs. Next Kurtz in the Honda Theater, headsets that translate the audio into moved into a position in husbandry, working in Lorikeet Forest. infrared text are now available due to Kurtz’s help. Closed Eventually some significant health problems interfered with captioning was added to the LCD monitors with video com- Kurtz’s ability to stick to her volunteer commitments. In 2002 ponents throughout the Aquarium as well. Kurtz had to undergo three surgeries in six months as well as In November 2008, on National Philanthropic Day, chemotherapy. Kurtz kept telling herself, “Once I get back to Kurtz was honored for being an outstanding volunteer by the Aquarium, I know I’m better.” She was grateful that the the Association of Fundraising Professionals. After meeting husbandry team would let her come in for as little as an hour Rhonda Kurtz, it is very easy to see that one person can make a week, just to be among her human and feathered friends. a difference. One can only begin to imagine the collective After two more surgeries, Kurtz decided she could not fulfill impact people can make for each other and our planet. *According to figures provided by The Independent Sector in Washington D.C. 8 2008 Annual Report
  • 9. Cultural Festivals and Guest Speakers Provide Learning Experiences The Aquarium is a resource for the community as an alternative option for lifelong learning. With one of the most diverse audiences of any aquarium in the United States, the Aquarium of the Pacific brings people of many cultures and backgrounds together during its cultural festivals. The Aquarium also draws scientists, researchers, photographers, filmmakers, and authors from across the country to speak on relevant topics. Notable figures such as authors Carl Safina and Richard Ellis, Los Angeles Times environmental journalist Ken Weiss, and climate expert Bill Patzert were among the 37 guest speakers at the Aquarium in 2008. The series presented informative lectures on a vast array of topics, ranging from elephant seals to urban design. These lectures offer an edu- cational resource for Aquarium guests who are interested in lifelong learning. Festivals and Honorees Every year the Aquarium hosts cultural festivals represent- ing our diverse community. Each event honors distinguished community members with the Aquarium’s Heritage Award. A list of those honored is below. Festival of Southeast Asia Day Human Abilities Pich Yon Glenn McIntyre Baja Splash African Jose Zertuche Heritage Festival Reggie Harrison Dia del Nino Emily Brooke Pearson Autumn Festival FilAm ARTS Pacific Islander Festival Mona Porotesano Del dipismo lorpero do eugait am quis dolore mod- Moompetam olobor at, consequipit, sum quismodit, verit volesti Anthony Morales smolortie magna conummy nos alissed te eugait ex ese feugait iurem quat vent wis adiat. 2008 Annual Report 9
  • 10. Fundraising for Our Mission of Stewardship The Aquarium depends on private donations and grants to realize our mission and provide our 1.5 million annual guests with a world-class educational experience. Income Sources were trained and provided with educational tools to share General Support with their classrooms, these Aquarium experiences contribute The Aquarium of the Pacific relies on unrestricted gifts from to the greater understanding of the World Ocean and the members, donors, corporations, foundations, and other environment around us. Including offsite programs such as partners to fulfill its day-to-day operating needs, and the the Aquarium on Wheels, our educational programs served Aquarium’s 10th anniversary year was no exception. In 2008 over 243,000 students, educators, and community members we were able to advance our efforts to promote science and in 2008. Major contributions to the Aquarium Education Fund ocean literacy among a broad reach of learners of all ages, were provided by Wells Fargo Foundation, The Capital Group boost student involvement, expand our reach to underserved Companies, and many other dedicated donors. communities, and ensure that a vast and growing audience is able to share in the excitement that comes from understand- Ocean Conservation Awards Gala ing and learning about the natural world. American Honda The annual Ocean Conservation Awards Gala honors the Motor Co. Inc.’s continued status as the Aquarium’s largest June anniversary of the Aquarium’s opening by presenting corporate sponsor with more than $387,000 in multiple gifts awards to key individuals and institutions making significant and The Annenberg Foundation’s continued support of our contributions to the environment. At the 10th Anniversary operating budget with a grant of $150,000 were just two of Gala celebration in 2008, we honored Governor Arnold the important donors who made our success possible. Schwarzenegger and the State of California along with Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. (U.S. Navy Retired) Membership and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Membership continues to be the Aquarium’s largest source (NOAA). Approximately 700 guests enjoyed a gourmet of unrestricted income. For the 2008 fiscal year, $3,226,040 meal in a clear-top tent that was set up on the Aquarium’s in operating revenue was generated through membership and front lawn. Those that attended were the first to see the its related programs. The Aquarium’s members are entitled to Aquarium’s 10th Anniversary tribute film and the new exhibit, unlimited visits throughout the year as well as the opportunity Ocean on the Edge: Top 10 Ocean Issues. This black-tie event to participate in special events, activities, and promotions surpassed all others in attendance and support, bringing in created exclusively for them. Our members take great pride in over $565,000 for the Aquarium’s conservation and educa- knowing that their membership dollars help in supporting all tion programs. The success of 2008’s Gala was greatly sup- of the Aquarium’s efforts. ported by major sponsorship grants from lead sponsor KUD International, major gifts from the Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Pacific Circle Foundation, and significant support from Molina Healthcare, In 2008 Pacific Circle members contributed more than Inc.; The Simons Foundation; and Occidental Petroleum $530,000 in support of the Aquarium’s programs. Individual Corporation and their subsidiaries THUMS Long Beach donors, foundations, and corporate supporters that join the Company and Tidelands Oil Production Company. Pacific Circle provide critical support for the Aquarium’s op- erating budget. Nearly 65 percent of Pacific Circle members Sea Fare have been members since the Aquarium opened in 1998, and The 10th Anniversary Sea Fare fundraising event exceeded all new donors continue to join each year. previous years’ earnings, bringing in more than $143,000 from ticket sales, auction bids, and sponsorships. Approximately Aquarium Education Fund 580 guests enjoyed food, beer, wine, and desserts from local The Aquarium is a valuable partner in the greater educational restaurants while bidding on unique auction items and playing community. Whether through a class attended by students, the “Go Fish” opportunity game. All auction items were 100 an informational lecture for adult learners, or teachers who percent donated to the Aquarium. 10 2008 Annual Report
  • 11. Honda Dream Raffle Every year since 2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. has donated the prize for a summer-long raffle as an additional contribution to the Aquarium. The 2008 raffle featured a Honda Pilot and raised just under $70,000 towards the Aquarium’s general operating fund. The winner was Kathy Nash of Yorba Linda. Adopt an Animal The Aquarium’s Adopt an Animal Program continued as an opportunity for our supporters to sponsor the care and feeding of a favorite animal. All of the “parents” received a personalized certificate, a photo of the chosen animal, and a fact sheet about the species. They also receive an invitation to the annual Parent Night when they can participate in animal crafts, explore the Aquarium free of charge, and meet the staff members who are responsible for the care and feeding of their adopted animal. The Adopt an Animal Program raised and performance in science and environmental learning. The Children nearly $25,000 in 2008. Water Replenishment District of Southern California, the Earl explore the B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation, and The Boeing Company Aquarium’s Our Item Donations were among the many supporters who renewed their support Watersheds: In addition to the hundreds of companies that contribute for the Aquarium Scholarship Fund in 2008. Pathway to the Pacific exhibit. items to the Sea Fare auction, the Aquarium also receives The interactive in-kind gifts that help to increase income and reduce costs. Chavez Elementary School Partnership display il- These donations include everything from business services to Since 2005 the Aquarium has partnered with Cesar E. Chavez lustrates the animals. The Aquarium partnered with ECO-CELL to recycle Elementary School, a local Title I school that would not watersheds cell phones, with commissions supporting the Aquarium’s otherwise have been able to provide comprehensive science of San Pedro mission. In addition, supporters donated cars to the BLOK education to its students. Over the last four years science Bay region, Charity Auto Clearance where the proceeds benefitted the test scores of Chavez students have drastically improved, as demonstrating Aquarium. measured by California Standards test scores released by the how freshwater California Department of Education in 2008. Major funding flows from the Matching Gifts for this project in 2008 was provided by California Coastal mountains to the ocean. Many employers encourage employee donations by providing Commission from its Whale Tail funding and from Occidental matching gifts that double or triple the effect of individual con- Petroleum Corporation and THUMS Long Beach Company. tributions. In 2008 matching gift companies that contributed to the Aquarium for multiple employees included The Boeing Kelp Forest Restoration Company, California Community Foundation, The Capital The Orange County Kelp Restoration Project has made sig- Group Companies, Chevron, Texaco, ExxonMobil, GE, Los nificant headway towards the restoration and monitoring of Angeles Times, Merrill Lynch & Co., Microsoft Corporation, Orange County’s historically important kelp beds. In 2008, 49 Nissan North America, Inc., and many more. Aquarium volunteer divers conducted 260 dives accounting for 1,028 hours of kelp planting, urchin removal, and monitor- ing surveys. This equates to approximately 10,000 square Education Projects meters of restored kelp beds in Crystal Cove and Laguna The Aquarium of the Pacific conducts several unique education Beach. In addition, more than 1,350 students have become projects that extend our reach to the disadvantaged and under- citizen scientists, learning about kelp and marine ecology, served communities of Long Beach and the greater Southern growing kelp in their classrooms, and teaching the public California region. To learn more about the Aquarium’s education about this vital habitat. programs, please see page xx. Aquarium Scholarship Fund Abalone Captive Rearing, Education, and Outreach In 2008 the donations from individuals, foundations and To support the objectives laid out in NOAA’s National Marine corporations allowed more than 20,000 students to visit Fisheries Service (NMFS) Abalone Draft Recovery Plan the Aquarium or have the Aquarium on Wheels visit them. (2006), the Aquarium developed captive abalone rearing and This valuable scholarship program introduces students cultivation techniques for red abalone in 2008 and began a from Title I schools and community organizations—many of two-year certification process to ensure the abalone facility is whom have never seen the ocean before—to the wonders of free of disease. In addition to the conservation and research the underwater world. Hands-on activities and standards- components of the project, the Aquarium will also create an based classes provide each scholarship recipient with a solid interactive educational display to inform its visitors of the foundation to further increase their interest, enthusiasm, ecological, economic, and cultural significance of this valuable 2008 Annual Report 11
  • 12. coastal species. The abalone project is the first of its kind at the Greater Los Angeles area, seafood consumption is more the Aquarium, paving the way for us to serve as an additional than twice the national average and more than 80 percent West Coast abalone culturing and out-planting resource of the seafood is imported. Seafood for the Future will build while contributing to the conservation efforts of a statewide on local, national, and international markets that are from initiative. NMFS, the key funder of the Aquarium’s project, sustainable, healthful, and socially responsible sources, thus officially designated white abalone (2001) and black abalone making a difference in protecting wild fish stocks and pro- (2009) as endangered under the federal Endangered Species tecting the marine environment by reducing harmful fishing Act. With these designations, there is an increasing need to practices, overfishing, and bycatch. raise public awareness about the plight of all of California’s diminishing abalone populations. Our Watersheds: Pathway to the Pacific With the November 2008 opening of Our Watersheds: Special Projects Pathway to the Pacific exhibit and environmental classroom, Funding from private sources is essential to ensure that the the first phase of the expansion began the process of connect- Aquarium can continue to engage in unique projects and provide ing visitors to critical environmental stories. The classroom educational experiences. Special projects such as new exhibits, is expected to be the first LEED® (Leadership in Energy and enhanced education programs, and innovative conservation Environmental Design) certified Platinum building in Long projects continue to serve the needs of our community in fresh Beach. This addition illustrates the Aquarium’s commitment and interesting ways. to environmentally responsible practices that educate the With increasing annual attendance already meeting the public on sustainable building design, native landscaping, capacity limits of the current Aquarium facility, the Aquarium and the critical nature of our water resources in Southern needs additional space, exhibits, and educational programs to California. An anonymous foundation provided a $100,000 continue in its role as a leader in ocean and environmental educa- grant in 2008 to complete the solar energy installation that tion. A new campus masterplan was developed by staff and the powers this exhibit and classroom. Board of Directors and now guides a series of important projects. Major gifts received in 2008 to support the general expansion Animal Care Center plan were contributed by The Boeing Company, Breslaur-Soref A new 18,000-square-foot Animal Care Center, due to open Foundation, Ed & Maryann Feo, SAVOR…, and many others. in June 2010, will centralize state-of-the-art diagnosis, treat- ment, and recovery facilities for the more than 11,500 animals Endowment at the Aquarium. In the spirit of the Aquarium’s commitment Endowment funds are unique because they provide a per- to interactive learning, the Animal Care Center will reach manent source of income. Funds are kept in perpetuity, while beyond the confines of an animal hospital and serve as an only the interest is spent on programs and exhibits each year. interactive public exhibit, including a public viewing area This creates a very stable form of funding that continues to where visitors can watch surgeries, animal examinations, grow in time, making sure that the Aquarium’s mission can and interact with veterinary staff. Through this direct and be fulfilled far into the future. All bequests and other planned unique experience, visitors will be provided with a new sense gifts help fund the Aquarium’s endowment fund, unless of awareness and animal conservation that can translate into otherwise restricted by the donor. Nautilus Society members how they interact with animals in the natural world. Gifts are those supporters who have named the Aquarium of the received in 2008 to support this project were received from Pacific as one of the beneficiaries of their will, trust, 401(k), or Molina Healthcare, Inc., Mario and Therese Molina, Janet and insurance policy. In 2008, the Aquarium received a bequest of Laurence Watt, and other members of the Molina family, for $53,505 from David L. Kiesling. whom the new center will be named. Sea Otter Habitat Enhancements Pacific Visions and Changing Exhibit Gallery We marked the second year of our four-year expansion plan Blending technology, entertainment, science content, and for the popular Sea Otter Habitat exhibit, thanks to a gift groundbreaking research, Pacific Visions will tangibly show from the BP Foundation. In June the exhibit designers and the interconnectivity between individual animals, habitats, Aquarium staff met with sea otter experts to discuss the and the global environment. The two-story multi-sensory, new habitat design, which will be based on the habitat of the multi-dimensional immersive center will be a groundbreak- Southern sea otter, the species at the Aquarium of the Pacific. ing interactive experience designed to transport our guests All visual and habitat upgrades to the exhibit will be based into the furthest reaches and deepest mysteries of the Pacific on the California coastal region where this species lives, from Ocean. Working in tandem with the changing exhibit gallery, Monterey Bay to Santa Barbara. which will be doubled in size, the combined exhibit space will not only reinforce stories told in our permanent exhibits, but Seafood for the Future also will continuously reinvent the visitor experience, intro- With the support of a $142,000 annual installment on a duce new themes, and foster repeat attendance. During 2008 multi-year grant from Pacific Life Foundation, the Aquarium the Aquarium of the Pacific received a $75,000 grant from has embarked on a new project to enlist Southern California The Kresge Foundation to support a planning project to reach restaurants to provide sustainable seafood on their menus. In LEED Platinum certification for the project. 12 2008 Annual Report
  • 13. 2008 Major Donors The mission-driven programs mentioned throughout this annual In 2007 the donors and members of the Pacific Circle generously report are made possible largely through contributions from indi- supported the conservation, education, and environmental pro- viduals, foundations, corporation, and government partners. grams of the Aquarium with gifts of $1,000 or more. We deeply appreciate and thank each donor recognized below. $250,000+ DeMenno Kerdoon Los Angeles County Board of Lettuce Entertain You American Honda Motor Co., Inc. The Green Foundation Supervisors: Don Knabe Enterprises, Inc. BP Foundation Inc. Bob and Jennifer Hagle Steven and Niko Mayer Michael and Vanessa Lewis Molina Healthcare, Inc. Halbert, Hargrove/Russell Jack and Mary McFerran Edmund and Teresa Lohr Roy and Elda Hearrean Paul and Patti Mickelsen Barbara Long and Bill Waterhouse $100,000+ Institute of Museum and Library Phyllis Miller Gary and Gretchen Marlotte The Annenberg Foundation Services Robert and Georgia Nichol Raul and Sabrina Martinez The Boeing Company KCSWest Parker Covert LLP Margaret A. Maw Edison International KUD International Steven and Robin Roffer Neil McClean and Allen Charlotte Ginsburg Peri Marek and Peg Urvoas Eunice Knight Saunders Foundation Hilary Garland Wilderness Experience Foundation Milbank, Tweed, Hadley Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Kelly Sutherlin McLeod and Steven B. Mario and Therese Molina McCloy LLP Sims Metal McLeod National Marine Sanctuary Foundation Moffat Nichol International Richard and Elizabeth Steele Fund Mona and Dr. Jeffrey W. Morris Port of Long Beach Northrup Grumman Corporation THUMS Long Beach Company William and Kathleen Mudd Port of Los Angeles The Olson Company Tidelands Oil Production Company Marsha Naify Stephen and Brenda Olson Tom Turney and Jill Boivin Michael K. Nakashoji $75,000+ Ms. Lynne M. Preslo and Dr. Wayne Union Bank of California Occidental Petroleum Corporation Long Beach Water Department N. Sawka Union Pacific Foundation Orange County Teachers Federal Kurt Schulzman and Credit Union $50,000+ Richard Neri $2,500+ Patrick V. Gough Co., Inc. Steve and Fran Conley The Simons Foundation Anonymous Dennis C. Poulsen and Suzanne M. California Coastal Conservancy Jeanne B. Sleeper Dr. Mary Jane Adams Poulsen Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Michael and Mildred Sondermann ADJG Jonathan and Barbara Roth Foundation UBS Daniel and Theresa Aranda Securitas Security John and Michelle Molina University of Southern California Bank of the West Services USA, Inc. Water Replenishment District of John and Corinne Bertrand Richard C. Smith and Southern California $5,000+ Yvonne M. Bogdanovich Patricia Frobes Wells Fargo Anonymous Bonnie Brae Sony Pictures Entertainment The Abbey Company Barbara A. Pollack and John A. Paul and Marcia Stelling $25,000+ Barratt American, Inc. Burkholder Barbara H. Stevens Bank of America Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation Catalina Express Scott Sweetow and Croul Family Foundation Begin Today for Tomorrow Charitable Stephen and Patricia Chazen Lisa Green-Sweetow Employees Community Fund of Boeing Foundation Citi Community Relations Peter and Virginia Ueberroth California Boeing Gift Matching Program Dameron Family Foundation Mick and Louise Ukleja Edwin and Maryann Feo BP America Inc. Gordon and Susan DesCombes Verizon Communications, Inc. King’s Seafood Company Carlton Forge Works ERM Foundation The Weiler Foundation Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Doug and Holly Carpenter James and Sue Femino/Femino Foundation City Light Power, Inc. Foundation The Pepsi Bottling Group $1,500+ Donald and Sally Clark Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation Savor... Catering by SMG Anonymous (2) Comerica Bank William A. Garlin Jr. Jerry R. and Margaret H. Schubel Tamara Achauer Kenneth and Jeanne Conklin Frederick and Leslie Gaylord University of California Berkeley Doug and Connie Baker Crevier BMW Geosyntec Consultants Mark and Joyce Barnett Farmers Merchants Bank Gibson, Dunn Crutcher LLP $10,000+ Rob Bellevue and Agnes Mulhearn John Fielder and John and Elizabeth Hancock Josephine M. Molina-Battiste and Barbara Bixby Blackwell Donita Van Horik Ron Heiman and Janice Riley Heiman Michael Battiste Phil and Charlene Bosl First In Our Hearts Foundation Madeline and Donald Heimark Brek Manufacturing Company Richard Boucher and Andrea Amram Ron and Susan Gastelum Radm John and Nancy Higginson The Breslauer-Soref Foundation George and Judy Breshears Grand Prix Foundation of Mark and Mary Hoover Jeanne M. Brodeur Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Long Beach Matt and Lisa Humphreys BT Infonet Lee and Joseph Cerrell HDR Engineering, Inc. Dr. Masashi and Teruko Itano California Coastal Commission Whale Bill and Wren Chais Bess J. Hodges Foundation David and Lindley Hasenauer Tail License Plate Charles Durnin Apartments Keesal, Young Logan Gary and Cheryl Justice The Capital Group Companies Andrew and Portia Cohen Coral and Ron Levin Kim Ketterman and Art Rodriguez John W. Carson Foundation, Inc. Consortium for Oceanographic Long Beach Area Convention Graham and Mary Ellen Kilsby Esther S.M. Chao Research Education Visitors Bureau The Kleiner Cohen Foundation Citi Foundation Marjorie Countryman Long Beach Transit Patrick M. Kohler Dominic and Margaret DeCristofaro John Crochet Trish and Don Lange 2008 Annual Report 13
  • 14. Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Russell S. Schwartz and Susan D. Richard and Donice Pancost Trump National Golf Club Guest Goland Anthony Pichardo and Morgan Wilson Creek Winery Disney© “EARS to You” Program John T. Shadden, Smith Barney Barrows Wyland Worldwide Steve and Jackie Dodge Cynthia K. Shelton Securitas Security Services Laura and Andria Dougherty Jenny and Dave Shlemmer USA, Inc. David and Adrianne DuMond Sidley Austin LLP Sam’s Club Foundation In Honor of To commemorate a special occasion, Don and Gay Durward Marilyn and Ron Sion Tina and Brian Sarty milestone, or birthday, donations can be Steven L. and Karen M. Eakle Jean Bixby Smith Ned and Irene Sasaki made to the Aquarium of the Pacific. The Viktoria Engel Tyer and Sondria Stephens Bob and Gail Schack following individuals have been honored Emily Engel Eiko and Floyd Stewart Charles and Ellen Steinmetz in 2007: Charles Z. and Meri L. Fedak Alexandra and Terrence Sullivan Dr. Preston and Nancy Smith Cecile Fisher and Isaias Castellanos The Ruth and Vernon Taylor Valin Corporation Jeanne Brodeur Adele W. Fortune and Foundation Paul and Stacey Von Berg Esther Chiu-Chao’s Birthday Steve Nash Janie Thompson Whitney Young Children’s Foundation Pat Fisher and Ed Hunter’s Wedding Russ and Karen Frerer William and Karen Timberlake Mike and Lorri Whitney Ron and Coral Levin Fugro West Richard and Amy Toyama Windes McClaughry Will Sherwood’s Birthday Debbie and Bob Fults John and Judi Uphold Randy and Nancy Wolfe Terry Tibor Geof Garth and Jean Egan Chris and Peter Valli Dicky and Dottie Yee Tom Turney and Jill Boivin’s Wedding Sandra B. George Wal-mart Stores, Inc. Terry Whittlinger and Dennis Gill’s Jacky Glass Wells Fargo Foothill Wedding Rob Bellevue and Agnes Mulhearn Howard and Jane Wright In Kind Donors The following contributors donated Gray Grimm and Leah C. Young Linda Dakin-Grimm goods or services to the Aquarium in In Memory of $1,000+ 2007 valued at $1,000 or more: Friends and family donated thoughtful Dr. Carl, Elise and Shelby Hartman Anonymous gifts in memory of their loved ones, Otto and Shirley Henke American Honda Motor Co., Inc. David and Merryl Alpert recognizing their love for the ocean Ann M. Herring Anthony W. Batts, Chief of Police Ivan Altamirano and Christina Olivas and support of the Aquarium. All of us Joseph Herron and Patricia Baird Belmont Brewing Company Beverly T. Anthony at the Aquarium extend our deepest John and Corinne Heyning The Boeing Company Arts Council for Long Beach sympathies to the family and friends of: Albert C. Hu and Michele E. Brantner Bradford Renaissance Portraits Hans and Valerie Imhof Len and Karen Atkins Brew-Haus Coffee Tea Beverly Anthony International Resources Group Robert and Debbie Autrey Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Shannon (Shane) Balazy Christopher and Karen Jennings Kam Babaoff Buono’s Authentic Pizzeria Robert Boles Michael and Diane Jensen Bernard and Debbie Babcock California Pizza Kitchen Elizabeth and Alice Henderson Mary F. Kiddie Ellis Beesley and John Silkey The Camello Family John Heyning Michael and Catherine King Catalina Water Company Casco Group Warren Iliff Jeanne and Ron Kipp CBS Productions “CSI Miami” Cha Cha’s Caribbean Fusion Cuisine Evelyn Kronick Irene Kurata John F. Cermak Chipotle Mexican Grill Virginia McCallum Richard and Linda Landes Vince and Devon Cichoski The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf Michael and Lillian Preslo Robert and Nancy Latimer Andrew and Diana Cohen The Daily Grill Long Beach Mary Sawka Thomas and Jae Lee David Comer and Elsie Tucker Gary and Dawna DeLong Mike and Georgie Lynch Deanna Davisson Extreme Pizza Ed and Deb Lyszczek Deemer Family Foundation Farmers Merchants Bank John and Jacklyn Marcus Councilmember Gary and Dawna Gippy’s Internet Solutions, LLC Cindy L. Matsumoto and Gary Y. DeLong Rebekah E. Halpern Matsumoto, Ed.D. Vito and Theresa Demonte Islands Fine Burgers Drinks Norman and Suzanne Metcalfe Desert Commercial II, LLC Restaurant Henry J. Meyer Alan Erlbaum and Jane George JBS Associates Lee and Saundra Minshull Virginia S. Frankenfield Bob and Jennifer Hagle David and Cynthia Mirsky Taylor, Deacon, and Otis Frey JetBlue Barry Molnaa Ann Gardener Ken Kurtis Lindsey Philpott and Neil McClean and Hilary Garland King’s Fish House Kim E. Moore Rocky and Deborah Gentner King’s Seafood Company Jeffrey Morgan and Kim Knepper Jim and Gail Gray KTLA TV National Charity Support Foundation Gregg Young and the 2nd Street Band Los Angeles Lakers Charles and Rennee Nicholas Muriel Horacek Mrs. Lynne M. Preslo and David and Tina Nishida HSBC North America Dr. Wayne N. Sawka Nissan North America, Inc. Richard Katz Mai Tai Bar NOAA Coastal Services Q. Scott and Hiroe Kaye Parkers’ Lighthouse Alex and Margie Norman Jean and Charles Lane Rossmoor Pastries Luther and Ginger Nussbaum Sam Lantinga and Lauren MacDonell Rowley Portraiture Rosellen and Harry Papp LBS Financial Credit Union Shark Trust Wines Joan B. Pauloo Laura Loftin Sheridan Associates Law Nancy and Byron Pinckert John and Linda Loftus Corporation Lyn and John Pohlmann Mark IV Capital, Inc. Sidley Austin LLP Will J. Reid Foundation Margie and Jon Masterson SMG Catering Janet and Fred Riedman Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust Southern California Edison John and Susanne Rouse Jerry and Colleen McDonald Taco Beach Cantina Nicholas L. Saakvitne and Sharon L. Robert McNeel and Ten Salon Inc. Heritage Ronald Rulison The Portofino Hotel Yacht Club Jonathan and Jamie Saltman Alex G. Nason Foundation, Inc. Tokyo Wako 14 2008 Annual Report