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NURS 4923 Capstone in Informatics
Approach to Improve Diabetes Through Education
Divya Bastola
Texas Woman’s University
Dallas, Texas
Author Note
Divya Bastola, Texas Woman’s University, Mathematics & Computer Science
Table of Contents
Problem Identification 3
Literature Review 5
Search Process 5
Findings 6
Formulation of Innovative Approach for Clinical Problem 6
Outcomes and Associated Evaluation Criteria 7
Appendix A: Visual Analytic Dashboard for Support of Diabetes Type 2, Inpatient 10
Appendix B: Infographic 11
References 13
Approach to Improve Diabetes Through Education
Problem Identification
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2020), 34.2 million US adults have diabetes in which 1 out of 5 do not know they
have it. There are mainly 4 types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, Newly found diabetes, and
Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your
body turns food into energy (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). The food that
we eat, especially carbohydrates, is broken down into a simpler form called glucose in the small
intestine and released in the bloodstream so that blood can take to the cells and tissue. Insulin
produced by the beta cells of pancreatic islets helps in absorbing the blood glucose level into the
cells and tissue to convert it into energy. However, sometimes there is not enough insulin
produced or sometimes cells in our body do not recognize the insulin therefore leaving too much
glucose level in the bloodstream which leads to Diabetes. The number of diabetes cases is
increasing every day. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. and the number one
cause of several other diseases like kidney failure, lower limb amputation, and adult blindness.
Type 1 Diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes occurs at every age, in people of every race, and every shape and size (American
Diabetes Association, 2020). According to the CDC, in the United States, there are nearly 1.6
million people that have Type 1 diabetes out of which 187,000 are children and adolescents. 5-
10% of diabetic patients fall under Type 1 diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
2020). In this type of diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Different factors lead
to Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can be inherited risk factors from parents. If a parent has
Type 1 diabetes, the odds for their child developing diabetes is 1 in 17. The chance of getting
diabetes is 1 in 17 for a type 1 diabetic mother who gives birth to a child before the age of 25 and
1 in 100 if she gives birth after she turns 25 (American Diabetes Association, 2020). Food habits
might be another factor in developing diabetes. In experiments that followed relatives of people
with type 1 diabetes, researchers found that most of those who later got diabetes had certain
autoantibodies in their blood for years before developing diabetes (American Diabetes
Association, 2020). Type 1 diabetes can be managed with the help of insulin therapy, treatments,
a healthy diet, and enough exercise.
Type 2 Diabetes
According to the CDC, Type 2 diabetes is more common than Type 1. Unlike Type 1 diabetes,
the body does not use insulin properly as a result cannot control sugar and increases blood sugar
level (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). The term insulin resistance is most
appropriate to describe this condition, about 90-95% of people who have diabetes are diagnosed
with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes develops over many years and is usually diagnosed in adults, but
more and more in children, teens, and young adults (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
2020). Individuals should consider the risk factors of developing diabetes such as having
prediabetes, overweight, 45 years or older, having a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes
and physically active less than 3 times a week to be conscious ahead of time. Pregnant women
often develop gestational diabetes which may later develop into type 2 diabetes (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Type 2 diabetes is highly linked to family history,
environmental factors, lifestyle, food habits, and obesity. Children who are introduced to an
unhealthy food diet from their parents are more likely to develop diabetes. Things like healthy
eating, exercising, compliance with prescribed insulin medication, injectable medications, and
oral diabetes medicine can treat Type 2 diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Newly Found Diabetes
According to the American Diabetes Association, 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with
diabetes this year. Diabetes can develop at any age. Although it may seem frightening and
stressful, there are always ways people can manage and control diabetes. Individuals with
diabetes can live longer than in the past, by practicing healthy measures. Individuals with type 1
or type 2 diabetes can manage this disease with diet and exercise (American Diabetes
Association, 2020). Eating foods that include a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, non-
dairy products, lean meats, and healthy fats to acquire nutrients can help reduce the risks of
developing diabetes. Being physically active and decreasing stress levels can lower the risk of
developing diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2020).
The purpose of this paper is to identify resources for individuals with diabetes to improve and
prevent diabetes with support and education.
Literature Review
A summary of the literature review to support the topic of Diabetes Mellitus is provided.
First, the literature review process will be described followed by the key literature review
findings. Details of the top sources for relevance are provided in Table 1.
Search Process
The university Library’s EBSCO database was used to search the articles related to
diabetes. Some important keywords like Medline, diabetes mellitus, prevention, control, and
inpatients were used to locate the 5 articles. The top 5 selected articles are presented in Table 1.
Five articles are selected out of which all of the studies demonstrate positive outcomes.
From enhancing diabetes care to impact of glucose control management, outcomes following
certain surgeries in diabetic patients are topics of interest found in the article. The articles are
retrospective in nature and the glucose level is measured before glucose control management is
conducted and after and complication flowing the surgeries in diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Formulation of Innovative Approach for Clinical Problem
The proposed approach for the topic of Diabetes II is to identify resources for individuals with
diabetes to improve and prevent diabetes with support and education (McLendon et al., 2019).
The specific components of this approach in order of sequence are:
1. Approach step/component #1 Literature Review – Literature Review is conducted and
finding were significant reduction in hyperglycemic events after the implementation
of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control management program (Momesso et
al., 2018) and potential for improving diabetes control after access to specialty care
through telemedicine and reduction of health care utilization costs (McLendon et al.,
2019). (See Table 1)
2. Approach step/component #2 Visual Analytic Dashboard – Created a Geomap by zip
codes, Bar chart by sex and race, and another Bar chart by age to display the dense of
diabetes prevalence in 17 zip codes of North Texas. (Data source is THCIC,
QlikView is the business intelligence tool to extract records, and Tableau is used to
create a visual analytic dashboard. (See Appendix A)
3. Approach step/component #3 Infographic – Created Infographic to exhibit the ways
to manage diabetes through education, counseling, meal/diet, and exercise and
potential comorbidities in the diabetic patient that undergoes surgeries. (See
Appendix B)
Outcomes and Associated Evaluation Criteria
Diabetes prevalence in the patient that went through Total Hip Replacement (THR) and
Total Knee Replacement (TKR) was 11 percent. Health care facilities utilizing this approach can
be expected to find out the increase/decrease in pain, function, complication, and length of
hospital stay in patients with diabetes vs without diabetes and patients with poorly controlled
diabetes vs well-controlled diabetes (Lenguerrand et al., 2018). Several specific outcomes
relating to the approach were noted. For example, the median length of stay was 1 day longer in
a patient with diabetes (p = 0.004), but this attenuated after adjustments for BMI and
comorbidities (p = 0.3) (Lenguerrand et al., 2018). Weight loss program from the Veterans
Affairs Diabetes Prevention Program (VD-DPP) showed a change in weight and hemoglobin
A1c with a short period which attenuates the complications (Moin et al., 2017).
Another specific outcome was inpatient pain was greater for patients with diabetes but attenuated
some adjustments. Controlled blood glucose levels achieved from glucose control management
programs like inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control can be effective to reduce pain and
complications if done before surgeries (Momesso et al., 2018). The 12-month postoperative
subscales were similar by diabetes status following adjustment and there was little evidence of a
difference in outcomes according to glycemic control (Lenguerrand et al., 2018).
Table 1
Literature Review Articles
1. Title
2. First Author
3. Date
4. Country
5. Patient
6. Sample Size
7. Intervention of Interest
8. Design (Experiment,
observation, etc.)
9. Level of Evidence (I - VI)
10. Comparison of
11. Outcome of
12. Results of Study
13. Conclusion
14. Strengths
15. Limitations
1. Enhancing
diabetes care
through care
telemedicine, and
Evaluation of rural
pilot program.
2. Susan
3. 2019
4. United States
5. Adult
6. 59
7. Provide a grant-funded
pilot diabetes care program
to control diabetes.
8. Experiment
9. Analysis
10. Pre and post
diabetes cases
through care
telemedicine, and
11. Improved
12. Statistically
reduction in A1C,
DSME (Diabetes
Education) test
improvement, and
13. Rural models
show potential for
improving diabetes
14. Not listed
15. Delay in
staffing and
Telemedicine: a
new model in
health care
system’s primary
care and broad
band internet
1. Impact of an
glucose control
2. Denise
3. 2018
4. Brazil
5. Teenager
and adult
6. 389 patients
in May 2014,
545 patients in
June 2015, and
475 patients in
May 2017
7. Evaluate the impact of
implementation of an
inpatient multidisciplinary
glucose control
management program on
glucose control in
hospitalization patients.
8. Observation.
9. Analysis
10. Glucose
obtained by
POCT (Point of-
Care Testing)
before the
of the MGCP
Glucose Control
11. Improved
12. Significant
reduction in
13. Implementation
of an inpatient
14. Not listed
design, absence of
a concurrent
control group and
potential for type I
error (i.e. a false-
positive result).
1. Title
2. First Author
3. Date
4. Country
5. Patient
6. Sample Size
7. Intervention of Interest
8. Design (Experiment,
observation, etc.)
9. Level of Evidence (I - VI)
10. Comparison of
11. Outcome of
12. Results of Study
13. Conclusion
14. Strengths
15. Limitations
Program) in May
2014 and after its
implementation in
June 2015 and
May 2017.
program improved
clinical outcomes.
1. Outcomes
following hip and
knee replacement in
diabetic versus
nondiabetic patients
and well versus
poorly controlled
diabetic patients: a
prospective cohort
2. Eric
3. 2018
4. United States
5. Adults
6. Total Hip
(THR) =300
Total Knee
(TKR) = 287
7. Impact of diabetes and
glycemic control in
outcome of Total knee and
Hip replacement.
8. Observation
9. Analysis
10. Pain,
complication, and
length of hospital
stay in diabetic
and nondiabetic
patients receiving
THR or TKR and
compared these
outcomes with
poorly controlled
versus well
11. Not listed
12. patients with
diabetes had longer
hospital stays,
more severe acute
postoperative pain
and worst
outcomes than
13. Association
between diabetes
and worse
outcomes were due
to obesity and
14. Not listed
15. THR and TKR
patients were
analyzed together
to ensure a
sufficient sample in
which to
disparities in
outcome by
diabetes and
glycemic status
1. Diabetes
Prevention Program
Translation in the
Veterans Health
2. Tannaz
6. 720
7. Effectiveness of the
Veterans Affairs Diabetes
Prevention Program with
care management program
in the Veterans Health
Administration health
10. Compare the
VA-DPP to the
MOVE diabetes
11. Improved.
12. Weight loss
13. VA-DPP
participants had
higher participation
and weight loss
14. Not listed
15. Trail may limit
19% of participant
did not complete
follow up HbA1c
1. Title
2. First Author
3. Date
4. Country
5. Patient
6. Sample Size
7. Intervention of Interest
8. Design (Experiment,
observation, etc.)
9. Level of Evidence (I - VI)
10. Comparison of
11. Outcome of
12. Results of Study
13. Conclusion
14. Strengths
15. Limitations
3. 2017
4. Unites States
8. Prospective, pragmatic,
and non-randomized study.
9. Analysis
rates, HbA1x, and
health expenditure
at 12 months
compared to
Participations were
not randomized,
1. Determinants of
hemoglobin A1c
level in patients with
type 2 diabetes after
in-hospital diabetes
education: A study
based on continuous
glucose monitoring.
2. Keiichi
3. 2017
4. Japan
6. 54
7. Investigate the
relationship between blood
glucose profile and
hemoglobin A1c and 12
weeks after discharge of
type 2 diabetic inpatient.
8. Retrospective study
9. Analysis
10. Compare the
blood glucose
level of the
inpatient at
discharge and
HbA1c at 12
weeks of
11. HbA1c level at
12 weeks after
correlated with
MBG (Mean Blood
Glucose) level.
12. HbA1c
correlates with
MBG level.
13. Blood glucose
level profile at
discharge using
CGM (Continuous
Monitoring) seems
useful to predict
HbA1c level.
14. Not listed
15. Treatment goal
differentiated from
patient to patient, it
was a retrospective
study carried out in
two hospitals and
the interindividual
variability in the
educational effect
was not included in
the analysis.
Note: Instructions are for each of the main articles (at least five) in support your proposed evidence-based practice approach, provide as many of these 15
characteristics as possible. Indicate N/A if not available.
Appendix A: Visual Analytic Dashboard for Support of Diabetes Type 2, Inpatient
Appendix B: Infographic
American Diabetes Association. (2020). The path to understanding diabetes starts here.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). What is Diabetes?
httpDepartment of State Health Services, (DSHS). (2020). Texas Health Care
Information Collection (THCIC).
Lenguerrand, E., Beswick, A. D., Whitehouse, M. R., Wylde, V., & Blom, A. W. (2018).
Outcomes following hip and knee replacement in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients and
well versus poorly controlled diabetic patients: a prospective cohort study. Acta
Orthopaedica, 89(4), 399-405. 10.1080/17453674.2018.1473327
McLendon, S. F., Wood, F. G., & Stanley, N. (2019). Enhancing diabetes care through care
coordination, telemedicine, and education: Evaluation of a rural pilot program. Public
Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.), 36(3), 310-320. 10.1111/phn.12601
Moin, T., Damschroder, L. J., AuYoung, M., Maciejewski, M. L., Datta, S. K., Weinreb, J. E.,
Steinle, N. I., Billington, C., Hughes, M., Makki, F., Holleman, R. G., Kim, H. M.,
Jeffreys, A. S., Kinsinger, L. S., Burns, J. A., & Richardson, C. R. (2017). Diabetes
Prevention Program Translation in the Veterans Health Administration. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(1), 70-77. 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.11.009
Momesso, D. P., Costa Filho, R. C., Costa, J. L. F., Saddy, F., Mesquita, A., Calomeni, M.,
Silva, C. D. S., Farret, J., Vasques, M. L., Santos, A. G., Cabral, A. P. V., Ribeiro, D.,
Reis, L., Muino, Maria de Fátima M., Vitorino, R. S., Monteiro, C. A., Tinoco, E., &
Volschan, A. (2018). Impact of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control
management program. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 62(5), 514-522.
Torimoto, K., Okada, Y., Sugino, S., & Tanaka, Y. (2017). Determinants of hemoglobin A1c
level in patients with type 2 diabetes after in-hospital diabetes education: A study based
on continuous glucose monitoring. Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 8(3), 314-320.

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Approach to Support Diabetes through Data Visualization

  • 1. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 1 NURS 4923 Capstone in Informatics Approach to Improve Diabetes Through Education Divya Bastola Texas Woman’s University Dallas, Texas Author Note Divya Bastola, Texas Woman’s University, Mathematics & Computer Science
  • 2. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 2 Table of Contents Problem Identification 3 Literature Review 5 Search Process 5 Findings 6 Formulation of Innovative Approach for Clinical Problem 6 Outcomes and Associated Evaluation Criteria 7 Appendix A: Visual Analytic Dashboard for Support of Diabetes Type 2, Inpatient 10 Appendix B: Infographic 11 References 13
  • 3. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 3 Approach to Improve Diabetes Through Education Problem Identification According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020), 34.2 million US adults have diabetes in which 1 out of 5 do not know they have it. There are mainly 4 types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, Newly found diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). The food that we eat, especially carbohydrates, is broken down into a simpler form called glucose in the small intestine and released in the bloodstream so that blood can take to the cells and tissue. Insulin produced by the beta cells of pancreatic islets helps in absorbing the blood glucose level into the cells and tissue to convert it into energy. However, sometimes there is not enough insulin produced or sometimes cells in our body do not recognize the insulin therefore leaving too much glucose level in the bloodstream which leads to Diabetes. The number of diabetes cases is increasing every day. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. and the number one cause of several other diseases like kidney failure, lower limb amputation, and adult blindness. Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes occurs at every age, in people of every race, and every shape and size (American Diabetes Association, 2020). According to the CDC, in the United States, there are nearly 1.6 million people that have Type 1 diabetes out of which 187,000 are children and adolescents. 5- 10% of diabetic patients fall under Type 1 diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). In this type of diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Different factors lead to Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can be inherited risk factors from parents. If a parent has Type 1 diabetes, the odds for their child developing diabetes is 1 in 17. The chance of getting
  • 4. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 4 diabetes is 1 in 17 for a type 1 diabetic mother who gives birth to a child before the age of 25 and 1 in 100 if she gives birth after she turns 25 (American Diabetes Association, 2020). Food habits might be another factor in developing diabetes. In experiments that followed relatives of people with type 1 diabetes, researchers found that most of those who later got diabetes had certain autoantibodies in their blood for years before developing diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2020). Type 1 diabetes can be managed with the help of insulin therapy, treatments, a healthy diet, and enough exercise. Type 2 Diabetes According to the CDC, Type 2 diabetes is more common than Type 1. Unlike Type 1 diabetes, the body does not use insulin properly as a result cannot control sugar and increases blood sugar level (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). The term insulin resistance is most appropriate to describe this condition, about 90-95% of people who have diabetes are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes develops over many years and is usually diagnosed in adults, but more and more in children, teens, and young adults (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Individuals should consider the risk factors of developing diabetes such as having prediabetes, overweight, 45 years or older, having a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes and physically active less than 3 times a week to be conscious ahead of time. Pregnant women often develop gestational diabetes which may later develop into type 2 diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Type 2 diabetes is highly linked to family history, environmental factors, lifestyle, food habits, and obesity. Children who are introduced to an unhealthy food diet from their parents are more likely to develop diabetes. Things like healthy eating, exercising, compliance with prescribed insulin medication, injectable medications, and
  • 5. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 5 oral diabetes medicine can treat Type 2 diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Newly Found Diabetes According to the American Diabetes Association, 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with diabetes this year. Diabetes can develop at any age. Although it may seem frightening and stressful, there are always ways people can manage and control diabetes. Individuals with diabetes can live longer than in the past, by practicing healthy measures. Individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can manage this disease with diet and exercise (American Diabetes Association, 2020). Eating foods that include a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, non- dairy products, lean meats, and healthy fats to acquire nutrients can help reduce the risks of developing diabetes. Being physically active and decreasing stress levels can lower the risk of developing diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2020). The purpose of this paper is to identify resources for individuals with diabetes to improve and prevent diabetes with support and education. Literature Review A summary of the literature review to support the topic of Diabetes Mellitus is provided. First, the literature review process will be described followed by the key literature review findings. Details of the top sources for relevance are provided in Table 1. Search Process The university Library’s EBSCO database was used to search the articles related to diabetes. Some important keywords like Medline, diabetes mellitus, prevention, control, and inpatients were used to locate the 5 articles. The top 5 selected articles are presented in Table 1.
  • 6. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 6 Findings Five articles are selected out of which all of the studies demonstrate positive outcomes. From enhancing diabetes care to impact of glucose control management, outcomes following certain surgeries in diabetic patients are topics of interest found in the article. The articles are retrospective in nature and the glucose level is measured before glucose control management is conducted and after and complication flowing the surgeries in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Formulation of Innovative Approach for Clinical Problem The proposed approach for the topic of Diabetes II is to identify resources for individuals with diabetes to improve and prevent diabetes with support and education (McLendon et al., 2019). The specific components of this approach in order of sequence are: 1. Approach step/component #1 Literature Review – Literature Review is conducted and finding were significant reduction in hyperglycemic events after the implementation of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control management program (Momesso et al., 2018) and potential for improving diabetes control after access to specialty care through telemedicine and reduction of health care utilization costs (McLendon et al., 2019). (See Table 1) 2. Approach step/component #2 Visual Analytic Dashboard – Created a Geomap by zip codes, Bar chart by sex and race, and another Bar chart by age to display the dense of diabetes prevalence in 17 zip codes of North Texas. (Data source is THCIC, QlikView is the business intelligence tool to extract records, and Tableau is used to create a visual analytic dashboard. (See Appendix A) 3. Approach step/component #3 Infographic – Created Infographic to exhibit the ways to manage diabetes through education, counseling, meal/diet, and exercise and
  • 7. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 7 potential comorbidities in the diabetic patient that undergoes surgeries. (See Appendix B) Outcomes and Associated Evaluation Criteria Diabetes prevalence in the patient that went through Total Hip Replacement (THR) and Total Knee Replacement (TKR) was 11 percent. Health care facilities utilizing this approach can be expected to find out the increase/decrease in pain, function, complication, and length of hospital stay in patients with diabetes vs without diabetes and patients with poorly controlled diabetes vs well-controlled diabetes (Lenguerrand et al., 2018). Several specific outcomes relating to the approach were noted. For example, the median length of stay was 1 day longer in a patient with diabetes (p = 0.004), but this attenuated after adjustments for BMI and comorbidities (p = 0.3) (Lenguerrand et al., 2018). Weight loss program from the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Prevention Program (VD-DPP) showed a change in weight and hemoglobin A1c with a short period which attenuates the complications (Moin et al., 2017). Another specific outcome was inpatient pain was greater for patients with diabetes but attenuated some adjustments. Controlled blood glucose levels achieved from glucose control management programs like inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control can be effective to reduce pain and complications if done before surgeries (Momesso et al., 2018). The 12-month postoperative subscales were similar by diabetes status following adjustment and there was little evidence of a difference in outcomes according to glycemic control (Lenguerrand et al., 2018).
  • 8. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 8 Table 1 Literature Review Articles 1. Title 2. First Author 3. Date 4. Country 5. Patient Population 6. Sample Size 7. Intervention of Interest 8. Design (Experiment, observation, etc.) 9. Level of Evidence (I - VI) 10. Comparison of Interest 11. Outcome of Interest 12. Results of Study 13. Conclusion 14. Strengths 15. Limitations A. 1. Enhancing diabetes care through care coordination, telemedicine, and education: Evaluation of rural pilot program. 2. Susan 3. 2019 4. United States 5. Adult patients. 6. 59 7. Provide a grant-funded pilot diabetes care program to control diabetes. 8. Experiment 9. Analysis 10. Pre and post diabetes cases through care coordination, telemedicine, and education. 11. Improved 12. Statistically reduction in A1C, DSME (Diabetes Self-Management Education) test score improvement, and reduced hospitalization. 13. Rural models show potential for improving diabetes control. 14. Not listed 15. Delay in staffing and credentialing, Telemedicine: a new model in health care system’s primary care and broad band internet strength. B. 1. Impact of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control management program. 2. Denise 3. 2018 4. Brazil 5. Teenager and adult 6. 389 patients in May 2014, 545 patients in June 2015, and 475 patients in May 2017 7. Evaluate the impact of implementation of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control management program on glucose control in hospitalization patients. 8. Observation. 9. Analysis 10. Glucose monitoring obtained by POCT (Point of- Care Testing) before the implementation of the MGCP (Multidisciplinary Glucose Control Management 11. Improved 12. Significant reduction in hyperglycemic events. 13. Implementation of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose management 14. Not listed 15. Nonrandomized design, absence of a concurrent control group and potential for type I error (i.e. a false- positive result).
  • 9. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 9 1. Title 2. First Author 3. Date 4. Country 5. Patient Population 6. Sample Size 7. Intervention of Interest 8. Design (Experiment, observation, etc.) 9. Level of Evidence (I - VI) 10. Comparison of Interest 11. Outcome of Interest 12. Results of Study 13. Conclusion 14. Strengths 15. Limitations Program) in May 2014 and after its implementation in June 2015 and May 2017. program improved clinical outcomes. C. 1. Outcomes following hip and knee replacement in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients and well versus poorly controlled diabetic patients: a prospective cohort study. 2. Eric 3. 2018 4. United States 5. Adults 6. Total Hip Replacement (THR) =300 Total Knee Replacement (TKR) = 287 7. Impact of diabetes and glycemic control in outcome of Total knee and Hip replacement. 8. Observation 9. Analysis 10. Pain, function, complication, and length of hospital stay in diabetic and nondiabetic patients receiving THR or TKR and compared these outcomes with poorly controlled versus well controlled diabetes. 11. Not listed 12. patients with diabetes had longer hospital stays, more severe acute postoperative pain and worst outcomes than non-diabetic patients. 13. Association between diabetes and worse postoperative outcomes were due to obesity and comorbidities. 14. Not listed 15. THR and TKR patients were analyzed together to ensure a sufficient sample in which to investigate disparities in outcome by diabetes and glycemic status D. 1. Diabetes Prevention Program Translation in the Veterans Health Administration 2. Tannaz 5.Adults 6. 720 7. Effectiveness of the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Prevention Program with care management program in the Veterans Health Administration health system. 10. Compare the VA-DPP to the pre-program MOVE diabetes management. 11. Improved. 12. Weight loss significant 13. VA-DPP participants had higher participation and weight loss 14. Not listed 15. Trail may limit generalizability, 19% of participant did not complete follow up HbA1c testing,
  • 10. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 10 1. Title 2. First Author 3. Date 4. Country 5. Patient Population 6. Sample Size 7. Intervention of Interest 8. Design (Experiment, observation, etc.) 9. Level of Evidence (I - VI) 10. Comparison of Interest 11. Outcome of Interest 12. Results of Study 13. Conclusion 14. Strengths 15. Limitations 3. 2017 4. Unites States 8. Prospective, pragmatic, and non-randomized study. 9. Analysis rates, HbA1x, and health expenditure at 12 months compared to MOVE. Participations were not randomized, etc. E. 1. Determinants of hemoglobin A1c level in patients with type 2 diabetes after in-hospital diabetes education: A study based on continuous glucose monitoring. 2. Keiichi 3. 2017 4. Japan 5.Adult 6. 54 7. Investigate the relationship between blood glucose profile and hemoglobin A1c and 12 weeks after discharge of type 2 diabetic inpatient. 8. Retrospective study 9. Analysis 10. Compare the blood glucose level of the inpatient at discharge and HbA1c at 12 weeks of discharge 11. HbA1c level at 12 weeks after discharge correlated with MBG (Mean Blood Glucose) level. 12. HbA1c correlates with MBG level. 13. Blood glucose level profile at discharge using CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) seems useful to predict HbA1c level. 14. Not listed 15. Treatment goal differentiated from patient to patient, it was a retrospective study carried out in two hospitals and the interindividual variability in the educational effect was not included in the analysis. Note: Instructions are for each of the main articles (at least five) in support your proposed evidence-based practice approach, provide as many of these 15 characteristics as possible. Indicate N/A if not available.
  • 11. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 11 Appendix A: Visual Analytic Dashboard for Support of Diabetes Type 2, Inpatient
  • 12. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 12 Appendix B: Infographic
  • 13. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 13
  • 14. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 14 References American Diabetes Association. (2020). The path to understanding diabetes starts here. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). What is Diabetes? httpDepartment of State Health Services, (DSHS). (2020). Texas Health Care Information Collection (THCIC). Lenguerrand, E., Beswick, A. D., Whitehouse, M. R., Wylde, V., & Blom, A. W. (2018). Outcomes following hip and knee replacement in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients and well versus poorly controlled diabetic patients: a prospective cohort study. Acta Orthopaedica, 89(4), 399-405. 10.1080/17453674.2018.1473327 McLendon, S. F., Wood, F. G., & Stanley, N. (2019). Enhancing diabetes care through care coordination, telemedicine, and education: Evaluation of a rural pilot program. Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.), 36(3), 310-320. 10.1111/phn.12601 Moin, T., Damschroder, L. J., AuYoung, M., Maciejewski, M. L., Datta, S. K., Weinreb, J. E., Steinle, N. I., Billington, C., Hughes, M., Makki, F., Holleman, R. G., Kim, H. M., Jeffreys, A. S., Kinsinger, L. S., Burns, J. A., & Richardson, C. R. (2017). Diabetes Prevention Program Translation in the Veterans Health Administration. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(1), 70-77. 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.11.009 Momesso, D. P., Costa Filho, R. C., Costa, J. L. F., Saddy, F., Mesquita, A., Calomeni, M., Silva, C. D. S., Farret, J., Vasques, M. L., Santos, A. G., Cabral, A. P. V., Ribeiro, D., Reis, L., Muino, Maria de Fátima M., Vitorino, R. S., Monteiro, C. A., Tinoco, E., & Volschan, A. (2018). Impact of an inpatient multidisciplinary glucose control
  • 15. Running head: APPROACH TO SUPPORT DIABETES 15 management program. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 62(5), 514-522. 10.20945/2359-3997000000071 Torimoto, K., Okada, Y., Sugino, S., & Tanaka, Y. (2017). Determinants of hemoglobin A1c level in patients with type 2 diabetes after in-hospital diabetes education: A study based on continuous glucose monitoring. Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 8(3), 314-320. 10.1111/jdi.12589