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macOS native symposium #06

Takuto Nakamura
RunCat TweetShot ScreenPointer Measures

• macOS 

• NSBezierPath
• NSGraphicsContext
ref. Apple Inc. "Coordinate system" (2018)
iOS macOS
• Core Graphics
- CGPath (CGMutablePath)
- CGContext
• AppKit
- NSBezierPath
- NSGraphicsContext
• Core Graphics
- CGPath (CGMutablePath)
- CGContext
• AppKit
- NSBezierPath
- NSGraphicsContext
• Core Graphics
- CGPath (CGMutablePath)
- CGContext
• AppKit
- NSBezierPath
- NSGraphicsContext
• CGPath (CGMutablePath)

• CGContext

• NSBezierPath

• NSGraphicsContext

• Core Graphics
- CGPath (CGMutablePath)
- CGContext
• AppKit
- NSBezierPath
- NSGraphicsContext
class CustomView: NSView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.move(to: NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10))
path.line(to: NSPoint(x: 150, y: 120))
path.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 10),
controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 225, y: 180),
controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 165))
class CustomView: NSView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.move(to: NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10))
path.line(to: NSPoint(x: 150, y: 120))
path.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 10),
controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 225, y: 180),
controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 165))
path.stroke() //
path.fill() //
• 2 4 

path.appendRoundedRect(rect:, xRadius:, yRadius:)
path.appendArc(from:, to:, radius:)
path.appendArc(withCenter:, radius:, startAngle:, endAngle:)
let face = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 60, y: 40,
width: 80, height: 80))
let earL = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 50, y: 105,
width: 40, height: 40))
let earR = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 110, y: 105,
width: 40, height: 40))
path.lineWidth = 3
path.lineCapStyle = .round
path.lineJoinStyle = .bevel
path.miterLimit = 5
path.setLineDash([8.0, 12.0], count: 2, phase: 0)
extension NSBezierPath {
func printPathElement() {
var points = [CGPoint](repeating:, count: 3)
for i in (0 ..< self.elementCount) {
switch self.element(at: i, associatedPoints: &points) {
case .moveTo:
print("move:", points[0])
case .lineTo:
print("line to:", points[0])
case .curveTo:
print("curve to:", points[2])
print("controlPoint1:", points[0])
print("controlPoint2:", points[1])
@unknown default:

→ move 

let path = NSBezierPath()
path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150))
path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 40, y: 30, width: 70, height: 60))
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150))
let ellipse = NSBezierPath()
ellipse.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 80, height: 70))
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.windingRule = .evenOdd
path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150))
path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 80, height: 70))
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.appendRoundedRect(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100),
xRadius: 15, yRadius: 15)
path.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -50, byY: -50))
path.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1.2, byY: 1.4))
path.transform(using: AffineTransform(rotationByRadians: CGFloat.pi / 3))
path.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: 120, byY: 120))
π / 3 60°
class CustomView: NSView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.windingRule = NSBezierPath.WindingRule.evenOdd
let apple = NSBezierPath()
// Apple
apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 105.97, y: 108.09), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 109.5, y: 102.41), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 107.87, y: 105.37))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.64, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.39, y: 111.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 101.27, y: 114.37))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 91.5, y: 119.4), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 97.11, y: 118.13), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 94.4, y: 119.33))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 83.99, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 89.42, y: 119.4), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 86.91, y: 118.8))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 75.9, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 81.06, y: 116.39), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 78.36, y: 115.79))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.58, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 73.31, y: 115.79), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 70.54, y: 116.39))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 60.39, y: 119.49), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 64.61, y: 118.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 62.21, y: 119.43))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 52.07, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 57.6, y: 119.61), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 54.83, y: 118.38))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 45.44, y: 107.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 50.3, y: 114.24), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 48.09, y: 111.58))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 38.44, y: 93.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 42.6, y: 103.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 40.27, y: 99.14))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 77.15), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 36.48, y: 88.09), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 82.53))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 39.48, y: 61.21), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 70.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 36.82, y: 65.67))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 47.8, y: 52.74), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 41.56, y: 57.63), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 44.33, y: 54.81))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 59.06, y: 49.54), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 51.27, y: 50.67), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 55.02, y: 49.61))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.76, y: 51.58), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 61.27, y: 49.54), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 64.16, y: 50.23))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.67, y: 53.62), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 71.35, y: 52.94), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 73.66, y: 53.62))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 82.33, y: 51.22), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 75.42, y: 53.62), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 77.98, y: 52.82))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 92.73, y: 49.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 86.43, y: 49.73), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 89.9, y: 49.12))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.05, y: 58.53), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 100.43, y: 49.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 106.2, y: 53.03))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.83, y: 76.13), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.17, y: 62.72), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 99.77, y: 68.59))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 106.17, y: 90.76), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 99.89, y: 82), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 102.01, y: 86.88))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 112.5, y: 94.94), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 108.05, y: 92.56), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 110.16, y: 93.95))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 111.99, y: 96.42), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 111.46, y: 97.84))
// Leaf
apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 88.25, y: 42.23), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 33.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 91.58, y: 38.26))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.1, y: 49.26), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 84.23, y: 46.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 79.37, y: 49.69))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 47.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74.03, y: 48.71), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 48.13))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 79.3, y: 34.51), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 43.1), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 75.91, y: 38.38))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 85.76, y: 29.63), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 80.99, y: 32.55), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 83.15, y: 30.93))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.15, y: 27.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 88.37, y: 28.35), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 90.83, y: 27.65))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.22, y: 28.14), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 28.75))
apple.line(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1, byY: -1))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -75, byY: 77))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scale: 2.0))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: frame.midX, byY: frame.midY))
class CustomView: NSView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.windingRule = NSBezierPath.WindingRule.evenOdd
let apple = NSBezierPath()
// Apple
apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 105.97, y: 108.09), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 109.5, y: 102.41), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 107.87, y: 105.37))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.64, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.39, y: 111.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 101.27, y: 114.37))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 91.5, y: 119.4), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 97.11, y: 118.13), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 94.4, y: 119.33))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 83.99, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 89.42, y: 119.4), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 86.91, y: 118.8))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 75.9, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 81.06, y: 116.39), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 78.36, y: 115.79))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.58, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 73.31, y: 115.79), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 70.54, y: 116.39))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 60.39, y: 119.49), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 64.61, y: 118.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 62.21, y: 119.43))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 52.07, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 57.6, y: 119.61), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 54.83, y: 118.38))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 45.44, y: 107.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 50.3, y: 114.24), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 48.09, y: 111.58))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 38.44, y: 93.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 42.6, y: 103.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 40.27, y: 99.14))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 77.15), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 36.48, y: 88.09), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 82.53))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 39.48, y: 61.21), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 70.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 36.82, y: 65.67))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 47.8, y: 52.74), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 41.56, y: 57.63), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 44.33, y: 54.81))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 59.06, y: 49.54), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 51.27, y: 50.67), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 55.02, y: 49.61))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.76, y: 51.58), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 61.27, y: 49.54), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 64.16, y: 50.23))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.67, y: 53.62), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 71.35, y: 52.94), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 73.66, y: 53.62))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 82.33, y: 51.22), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 75.42, y: 53.62), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 77.98, y: 52.82))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 92.73, y: 49.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 86.43, y: 49.73), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 89.9, y: 49.12))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.05, y: 58.53), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 100.43, y: 49.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 106.2, y: 53.03))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.83, y: 76.13), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.17, y: 62.72), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 99.77, y: 68.59))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 106.17, y: 90.76), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 99.89, y: 82), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 102.01, y: 86.88))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 112.5, y: 94.94), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 108.05, y: 92.56), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 110.16, y: 93.95))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 111.99, y: 96.42), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 111.46, y: 97.84))
// Leaf
apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 88.25, y: 42.23), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 33.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 91.58, y: 38.26))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.1, y: 49.26), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 84.23, y: 46.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 79.37, y: 49.69))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 47.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74.03, y: 48.71), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 48.13))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 79.3, y: 34.51), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 43.1), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 75.91, y: 38.38))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 85.76, y: 29.63), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 80.99, y: 32.55), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 83.15, y: 30.93))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.15, y: 27.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 88.37, y: 28.35), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 90.83, y: 27.65))
apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.22, y: 28.14), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 28.75))
apple.line(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1, byY: -1))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -75, byY: 77))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scale: 2.0))
apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: frame.midX, byY: frame.midY))
} 


ref. Apple Inc. "Graphics Contexts" (2012)
source outclear exclusionsource in
multiplyhue color burnluminosity
class CustomView: NSView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
guard let context = NSGraphicsContext.current else { return }
let pathA = NSBezierPath()
context.compositingOperation = NSCompositingOperation.clear
let pathB = NSBezierPath()
ScreenPointer clear
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 200))
let pattern = NSImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "pattern")
NSColor(patternImage: pattern).setFill()
let start = NSColor(red: 0.549, green: 0.757, blue: 0.847, alpha: 1.0)
let endA = NSColor.clear
let endB = start.withAlphaComponent(0.0)
let gradientA = NSGradient(starting: start, ending: endA)
gradientA?.draw(in: NSRect(x: 5, y: 5, width: 150, height: 150), angle: 90)
let gradientB = NSGradient(starting: start, ending: endB)
gradientB?.draw(in: NSRect(x: 160, y: 5, width: 150, height: 150), angle: 90)

Thank you!

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  • 4.
  • 5. AppKit • macOS • NSBezierPath • NSGraphicsContext •
  • 6. ref. Apple Inc. "Coordinate system" (2018) iOS macOS
  • 8. • Core Graphics - CGPath (CGMutablePath) - CGContext • AppKit - NSBezierPath - NSGraphicsContext
  • 9. • Core Graphics - CGPath (CGMutablePath) - CGContext • AppKit - NSBezierPath - NSGraphicsContext 😖
  • 10. • Core Graphics - CGPath (CGMutablePath) - CGContext • AppKit - NSBezierPath - NSGraphicsContext 🤔
  • 15. • Core Graphics - CGPath (CGMutablePath) - CGContext • AppKit - NSBezierPath - NSGraphicsContext
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 19. class CustomView: NSView { override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { super.draw(dirtyRect) let path = NSBezierPath() path.move(to: NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10)) path.line(to: NSPoint(x: 150, y: 120)) path.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 10), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 225, y: 180), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 165)) path.close() path.stroke() } }
  • 20. class CustomView: NSView { override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { super.draw(dirtyRect) } }
  • 21. let path = NSBezierPath() path.move(to: NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10)) →
  • 23. path.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 10), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 225, y: 180), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 240, y: 165)) →
  • 25. • 2 4 • ⚠ P0 P1 P2 P3P0 P1
  • 27. path.relativeMove(to: path.relativeLine(to: path.relativeCurve(to:, controlPoint1:, controlPoint2: ※
  • 28. let face = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 60, y: 40, width: 80, height: 80)) let earL = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 50, y: 105, width: 40, height: 40)) let earR = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 110, y: 105, width: 40, height: 40)) // face.append(earL) face.append(earR) face.fill()
  • 29. // path.lineWidth = 3 // path.lineCapStyle = .round // path.lineJoinStyle = .bevel // path.miterLimit = 5 // path.setLineDash([8.0, 12.0], count: 2, phase: 0)
  • 30. extension NSBezierPath { func printPathElement() { var points = [CGPoint](repeating:, count: 3) for i in (0 ..< self.elementCount) { switch self.element(at: i, associatedPoints: &points) { case .moveTo: print("move:", points[0]) case .lineTo: print("line to:", points[0]) case .curveTo: print("curve to:", points[2]) print("controlPoint1:", points[0]) print("controlPoint2:", points[1]) case.closePath: print("close") @unknown default: fatalError() } } } }
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. let path = NSBezierPath() path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150)) path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 40, y: 30, width: 70, height: 60)) path.fill()
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. let path = NSBezierPath() path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150)) let ellipse = NSBezierPath() ellipse.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 80, height: 70)) // path.append(ellipse.reversed) path.fill() OK
  • 38. let path = NSBezierPath() // path.windingRule = .evenOdd path.appendRect(NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 190, height: 150)) path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 80, height: 70)) path.fill()
  • 39. let path = NSBezierPath() path.appendRoundedRect(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100), xRadius: 15, yRadius: 15) path.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -50, byY: -50)) path.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1.2, byY: 1.4)) path.transform(using: AffineTransform(rotationByRadians: CGFloat.pi / 3)) path.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: 120, byY: 120)) path.fill() →
  • 40. π / 3 60°
  • 41. class CustomView: NSView { override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { super.draw(dirtyRect) let path = NSBezierPath() path.windingRule = NSBezierPath.WindingRule.evenOdd path.appendRect(self.frame) let apple = NSBezierPath() // Apple apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 105.97, y: 108.09), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 109.5, y: 102.41), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 107.87, y: 105.37)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.64, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.39, y: 111.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 101.27, y: 114.37)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 91.5, y: 119.4), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 97.11, y: 118.13), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 94.4, y: 119.33)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 83.99, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 89.42, y: 119.4), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 86.91, y: 118.8)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 75.9, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 81.06, y: 116.39), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 78.36, y: 115.79)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.58, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 73.31, y: 115.79), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 70.54, y: 116.39)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 60.39, y: 119.49), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 64.61, y: 118.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 62.21, y: 119.43)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 52.07, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 57.6, y: 119.61), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 54.83, y: 118.38)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 45.44, y: 107.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 50.3, y: 114.24), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 48.09, y: 111.58)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 38.44, y: 93.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 42.6, y: 103.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 40.27, y: 99.14)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 77.15), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 36.48, y: 88.09), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 82.53)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 39.48, y: 61.21), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 70.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 36.82, y: 65.67)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 47.8, y: 52.74), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 41.56, y: 57.63), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 44.33, y: 54.81)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 59.06, y: 49.54), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 51.27, y: 50.67), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 55.02, y: 49.61)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.76, y: 51.58), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 61.27, y: 49.54), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 64.16, y: 50.23)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.67, y: 53.62), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 71.35, y: 52.94), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 73.66, y: 53.62)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 82.33, y: 51.22), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 75.42, y: 53.62), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 77.98, y: 52.82)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 92.73, y: 49.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 86.43, y: 49.73), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 89.9, y: 49.12)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.05, y: 58.53), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 100.43, y: 49.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 106.2, y: 53.03)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.83, y: 76.13), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.17, y: 62.72), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 99.77, y: 68.59)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 106.17, y: 90.76), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 99.89, y: 82), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 102.01, y: 86.88)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 112.5, y: 94.94), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 108.05, y: 92.56), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 110.16, y: 93.95)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 111.99, y: 96.42), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 111.46, y: 97.84)) // Leaf apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 88.25, y: 42.23), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 33.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 91.58, y: 38.26)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.1, y: 49.26), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 84.23, y: 46.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 79.37, y: 49.69)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 47.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74.03, y: 48.71), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 48.13)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 79.3, y: 34.51), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 43.1), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 75.91, y: 38.38)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 85.76, y: 29.63), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 80.99, y: 32.55), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 83.15, y: 30.93)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.15, y: 27.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 88.37, y: 28.35), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 90.83, y: 27.65)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.22, y: 28.14), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 28.75)) apple.line(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36)) apple.close() apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1, byY: -1)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -75, byY: 77)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scale: 2.0)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: frame.midX, byY: frame.midY)) path.append(apple) path.fill() } }
  • 42. class CustomView: NSView { override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { super.draw(dirtyRect) let path = NSBezierPath() path.windingRule = NSBezierPath.WindingRule.evenOdd path.appendRect(self.frame) let apple = NSBezierPath() // Apple apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 105.97, y: 108.09), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 109.5, y: 102.41), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 107.87, y: 105.37)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.64, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.39, y: 111.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 101.27, y: 114.37)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 91.5, y: 119.4), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 97.11, y: 118.13), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 94.4, y: 119.33)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 83.99, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 89.42, y: 119.4), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 86.91, y: 118.8)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 75.9, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 81.06, y: 116.39), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 78.36, y: 115.79)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.58, y: 117.59), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 73.31, y: 115.79), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 70.54, y: 116.39)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 60.39, y: 119.49), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 64.61, y: 118.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 62.21, y: 119.43)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 52.07, y: 115.79), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 57.6, y: 119.61), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 54.83, y: 118.38)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 45.44, y: 107.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 50.3, y: 114.24), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 48.09, y: 111.58)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 38.44, y: 93.82), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 42.6, y: 103.8), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 40.27, y: 99.14)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 77.15), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 36.48, y: 88.09), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 82.53)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 39.48, y: 61.21), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 35.5, y: 70.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 36.82, y: 65.67)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 47.8, y: 52.74), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 41.56, y: 57.63), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 44.33, y: 54.81)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 59.06, y: 49.54), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 51.27, y: 50.67), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 55.02, y: 49.61)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 67.76, y: 51.58), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 61.27, y: 49.54), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 64.16, y: 50.23)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.67, y: 53.62), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 71.35, y: 52.94), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 73.66, y: 53.62)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 82.33, y: 51.22), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 75.42, y: 53.62), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 77.98, y: 52.82)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 92.73, y: 49.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 86.43, y: 49.73), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 89.9, y: 49.12)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.05, y: 58.53), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 100.43, y: 49.98), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 106.2, y: 53.03)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 99.83, y: 76.13), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 103.17, y: 62.72), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 99.77, y: 68.59)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 106.17, y: 90.76), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 99.89, y: 82), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 102.01, y: 86.88)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 112.5, y: 94.94), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 108.05, y: 92.56), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 110.16, y: 93.95)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 110.89, y: 99.2), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 111.99, y: 96.42), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 111.46, y: 97.84)) // Leaf apple.move(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 88.25, y: 42.23), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 33.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 91.58, y: 38.26)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74.1, y: 49.26), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 84.23, y: 46.96), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 79.37, y: 49.69)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 47.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74.03, y: 48.71), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 48.13)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 79.3, y: 34.51), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 74, y: 43.1), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 75.91, y: 38.38)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 85.76, y: 29.63), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 80.99, y: 32.55), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 83.15, y: 30.93)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.15, y: 27.52), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 88.37, y: 28.35), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 90.83, y: 27.65)) apple.curve(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36), controlPoint1: NSPoint(x: 93.22, y: 28.14), controlPoint2: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 28.75)) apple.line(to: NSPoint(x: 93.25, y: 29.36)) apple.close() apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scaleByX: 1, byY: -1)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: -75, byY: 77)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(scale: 2.0)) apple.transform(using: AffineTransform(translationByX: frame.midX, byY: frame.midY)) path.append(apple) path.fill() } } 
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. ref. Apple Inc. "Graphics Contexts" (2012)
  • 48.
  • 49. source outclear exclusionsource in multiplyhue color burnluminosity NSCompositingOperation
  • 50. class CustomView: NSView { override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { super.draw(dirtyRect) guard let context = NSGraphicsContext.current else { return } context.saveGraphicsState() // let pathA = NSBezierPath() // // context.compositingOperation = NSCompositingOperation.clear // let pathB = NSBezierPath() // context.restoreGraphicsState() } }
  • 52. let path = NSBezierPath() path.appendOval(in: NSRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 200)) let pattern = NSImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "pattern") NSColor(patternImage: pattern).setFill() path.fill()
  • 53. let start = NSColor(red: 0.549, green: 0.757, blue: 0.847, alpha: 1.0) let endA = NSColor.clear let endB = start.withAlphaComponent(0.0) let gradientA = NSGradient(starting: start, ending: endA) gradientA?.draw(in: NSRect(x: 5, y: 5, width: 150, height: 150), angle: 90) let gradientB = NSGradient(starting: start, ending: endB) gradientB?.draw(in: NSRect(x: 160, y: 5, width: 150, height: 150), angle: 90)
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.