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Orientações Metodológicas .......................................................... 2
Apresentação do Projeto.............................................................. 4
1. Manual ............................................................................ 4
2. Workbook e Cool Stuff ....................................................... 7
3. CD Áudio do Aluno e do Professor ........................................ 8
4. Apresentações em PowerPoint ........................................... 8
5. Leitura Extensiva ............................................................. 8
6. Caderno de Apoio ao Professor ........................................... 8
7. Livro de Testes ................................................................ 9
8. Planificações / Planos de Aula ............................................ 9
9. Cartazes ......................................................................... 9
Guião de Utilização do Material Multimédia ..................................... 10
Guião de Utilização de Apresentações em PowerPoint ...................... 12
Guião de Utilização das Fichas de Extra Activities ............................ 13
Guião de Utilização de Speaking Activities ...................................... 14
Guião de Utilização dos Cartazes ................................................... 14
Fichas Extra Activities ................................................................ 15
Speaking Activities .................................................................... 39
Extra Activities – Keys ................................................................. 45
Nota: Este caderno encontra-se redigido conforme o novo Acordo Ortográfico.
A conceção deste projeto pedagógico assentou na necessidade de criar um manual, apoiado por um conjunto
de materiais auxiliares, que desse resposta à grande heterogeneidade de turmas com a qual os professores se
veem confrontados diariamente na sua prática letiva.
Trata-se de um projeto que, seguindo as linhas orientadoras do Programa, permite uma gestão flexível do
mesmo, de modo a auxiliar o professor na sua tarefa diária de organizar o processo ensino/aprendizagem ade-
quando-o às características específicas dos seus alunos: conhecimentos, capacidades, ritmos, estilos de aprendi-
zagem, interesses e motivações.
Este projeto visa, igualmente, o desenvolvimento de competências específicas que conduzam à construção de
uma competência global em língua estrangeira de acordo com as Metas de Aprendizagem definidas pelo
Ministério da Educação e as orientações do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas através da
articulação entre o Programa e a organização dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem.
Privilegia-se uma abordagem cujo enfoque é o desenvolvimento do aluno não só a nível cognitivo, mas tam-
bém nos domínios afetivo, social e moral (Programa – pág. 40), recorrendo a metodologias centradas no aluno.
Neste quadro, são delineados percursos de aprendizagem diversificados, após uma seleção dos conteúdos a
mobilizar no desenvolvimento das competências específicas e das situações de aprendizagem a proporcionar
aos alunos.
Nesta ordem de ideias, é tarefa do professor, enquanto orientador e facilitador da aprendizagem, assegurar
que as diferentes necessidades e interesses dos alunos sejam tidos em consideração, estruturando formas diver-
sificadas de organização da aprendizagem.
É nesta vertente que este projeto é inovador, pois apresenta propostas de trabalho delineadas de modo a per-
mitir atender à diversidade de conhecimentos dos alunos, possibilitando aprendizagens diversificadas e diferen-
ciadas. O trabalho do professor fica, assim, bastante simplificado e muito apoiado.
Orientações Metodológicas
Tomando as sugestões do programa como ponto de partida, os conteúdos programáticos estão estrutu-
rados em planos de trabalho (tasks), isto é, definido um determinado objetivo a atingir, é traçado um percurso
através do qual o aluno vai adquirindo as ferramentas necessárias para realizar a atividade final (objetivo a
Por outro lado, a fim de motivar e empenhar os alunos, tornando-os mais responsáveis e construtores de
aprendizagens significativas, afigura-se absolutamente necessário que os objetivos a atingir sejam claros.
Os alunos deverão compreender a utilidade dos conteúdos selecionados, das atividades a realizar, das estra-
tégias e dos recursos a utilizar. Daí a importância da página de entrada de cada task através da qual é possí-
vel clarificar todos estes aspetos. Aqui também estão referidas as páginas do Workbook nas quais são
trabalhados os conteúdos do manual em atividades complementares que podem servir como consolidação,
remediação e/ou aprofundamento.
p. 45/47
p. 45-46
p. 46/48
Task A Hurray
for school trips!
I really enjoy visiting
new places! My school
friends and I visited
school trips!
Have a go!
Visiting a city
p. 97
Activity 1 Reading
Our school trip
to London
p. 98
Activity 2 Grammar
Past Simple
- Regular verbs p. 100
Activity 3 Speaking
regular verbs p. 101
Activity 4 Writing
Martha’s diary p. 101
Activity 5 Listening
London city
p. 102
Activity 6 Grammar
p. 103
Activity 7 Reading
Greg’s interview p. 104
Cool culture! p. 105
Project work
p. 105
p. 29/31
p. 29-30/31-32
p. 30/32
Task B
Have a go!
Fun activities
and places p. 55
Activity 1 Reading
Cool things
to do at
the weekend p. 56
Activity 2 Grammar
Present Continuous p. 58
Present Simple /
Present Continuous p. 60
Activity 3 Listening
A pyjama
party invitation p. 61
Activity 4 Grammar
Question tags p. 61
Activity 5 Writing
A pyjama party p. 62
Cool culture! p. 63
Project work p. 63
Have a g
Fun act
and pla
Activity 2
Activity 3
A pyjam
party in
Activity 4
Activity 5
A pyjam
Cool cult
Project w
This task is about
fun at the weekend.
I usually meet my friends
and we have a great
time together.
fun at the weekend.
we have a great
time t
O New Cool Kids, versão do aluno, é um projeto composto por um Manual que inclui um apêndice des-
dobrável, Kids’ Help, um Kids’ mini-dictionary e uma lista de verbos irregulares com tradução, um
Workbook, um Cool Stuff, uma lista de sites, um conto de Leitura Extensiva e um CD Áudio com a gravação
dos textos de Reading do Manual, dos exercícios de pronúncia, de alguns textos de contextualização de gramáti-
ca, das canções e do texto da Leitura Extensiva.
Este projeto disponibiliza, para o professor, um Manual com todos os elementos acima referidos e, exclusi-
vamente para o professor, em barras laterais, as sugestões metodológicas, as soluções dos exercícios, com o
objetivo de facilitar a sua consulta, bem como a indicação de outros recursos disponíveis.
Disponibiliza, também, um Workbook e um Cool Stuff, um Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, incluindo um
conjunto de fichas (Extra Activities e guiões de utilização dos diferentes recursos), dois CD Áudio (que
incluem a leitura dos textos das atividades de Reading e de Listening, dos testes de Listening e da correção de
alguns exercícios), um Livro de Testes, 4 Cartazes, um livro de Planos de Aula que inclui também as planifica-
ções anual/trimestral e diversos recursos digitais, que estão integrados na plataforma de apoio ao professor «20
AULA DIGITAL», disponível em CD-ROM e também on-line, em
O Manual está divido em 6 sets. Estes dividem-se em tasks que apresentam atividades especificamente deli-
neadas para que o aluno, depois de as realizar, tenha seguido um determinado percurso que o conduziu à conse-
cução do objetivo definido para essa task. O objetivo é apresentado logo na página de entrada.
Cada task apresenta atividades diversificadas e de diferentes tipologias, textos atualizados e exercícios
contextualizados que motivam os alunos. Também não foi descurada a vertente lúdica na abordagem dos conteú-
dos, sempre associada à vertente didática, tão importante, especialmente neste nível de ensino.
O manual assenta numa metodologia task-based, pondo em evidência de forma equilibrada as 4 skills:
Speaking, Listening, Reading e Writing, uma das quais é sempre posta em evidência em cada task.
O Manual possibilita aos alunos aprendizagens diferenciadas, através de atividades/exercícios variados e de grau
de complexidade diferente. O trabalho do professor é igualmente apoiado na implementação desta metodologia.
Ao longo das tasks, são propostos exercícios de grau de complexidade diferente: menor grau de dificuldade e
maior grau de dificuldade. Consideramos que este Manual oferece um vasto leque de possibilidades de trabalho,
pelo que deverá ser considerado como um menu, de onde o professor poderá escolher as atividades que estão
mais de acordo com os seus alunos. No entanto, outras estratégias são possíveis: os alunos poderão realizar os
exercícios mais fáceis na aula, como primeira etapa, e os mais difíceis, por exemplo, como trabalho de casa ou de
consolidação dos conteúdos.
Apresentação do Projeto
A diferenciação que o Manual permite não diz apenas respeito aos conhecimentos e capacidades dos alunos.
Tivemos, também, em consideração os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, pelo que se podem encontrar ativida-
des a diversos níveis: visual, auditivo, cinestésico e do ler e escrever. Como exemplos, podemos citar: puzzles, qua-
dros exemplificativos, quadros de sistematização, ilustrações para suporte de situações a abordar, textos de
leitura de natureza variada (diálogos, poemas, canções, pequenos textos narrativos e descritivos, ...), construção
de pequenos diálogos, etc.
Por vezes, a diferenciação situa-se ao nível da escolha que o aluno pode fazer: numa determinada atividade
pode tomar decisões sobre o percurso a seguir, os exercícios a realizar, as perguntas a que quer responder, seguindo
as propostas que estão mais de acordo com as suas capacidades/conhecimentos.
O projeto pedagógico New Cool Kids apresenta estratégias de concretização e desenvolvimento dos domínios
da compreensão, interação e produção oral e escrita de forma a obter uma competência global em língua estran-
geira. Para atingir estas metas este projeto pedagógico propõe:
•uma metodologia task-based;
•percursos de aprendizagem diferenciados;
•um leque de desempenhos em situações diversificadas;
•uma reflexão constante sobre as regras da Língua Inglesa;
•espaços dedicados a competências de comunicação oral e escrita;
•trabalhos de projeto e ainda de pares e/ou de grupos, promovendo o desenvolvimento de atitudes de coope-
ração e de responsabilidade;
•espaços dedicados à autorreflexão;
•a utilização de documentos verbais e não-verbais de natureza diversa e de acordo com o nível etário dos alunos.
1.3.1 Have a go!
Este primeiro momento comum a todas as tasks tem por objetivo:
•rever/consolidar conteúdos trabalhados no 5.0
•motivar para a aprendizagem de conteúdos novos.
1.3.2 Grammar
Com este espaço pretende-se, por um lado, a sistematização dos conteúdos gramaticais e, por outro lado,
a interação entre conhecimentos anteriores e aspetos gramaticais novos.
1.3.3 Hey you!
Trata-se de uma chamada de atenção para alguns aspetos particulares da língua inglesa.
0-17 Oops! 18-27 Good! 28-37 Hurray!
Oh dear!
Review all the contents!
You can do better!
Not bad!
But you still need some
You can go on…
1.3.4 Vocabulary
Neste espaço, traduz-se algum vocabulário importante, valorizando-se a comparação com a língua materna.
Ocasionalmente, os alunos são incentivados a consultar o dicionário, a fim de desenvolverem a prática da sua
1.3.5 Language Functions
Nestes quadros, apresentam-se as funções da língua necessárias à concretização de situações de comunicação.
1.3.7 Project work
Ao longo do Manual, no final de cada task, sugerem-se trabalhos de projeto que visam a socialização e criam
oportunidade para os alunos realizarem pesquisas noutras fontes que não o manual escolar. Para além disso, possi-
bilitam a utilização de diferentes competências, consolidação de conhecimentos e desenvolvimento da autonomia.
1.3.8 Culture
Estes espaços, que se podem encontrar no final de cada task, possibilitam a identificação de aspetos da socie-
dade e cultura anglo-americana, bem como o reconhecimento de afinidades/diferenças entre a cultura portugue-
sa e a cultura anglo-americana.
1.3.9 How am I doing?
Neste espaço, o aluno reflete e regista, de uma forma muito simples e na língua materna, as suas opiniões
sobre as atividades realizadas, bem como o seu progresso. A indicação das páginas onde foram trabalhados os
conteúdos referidos orienta os alunos no seu trabalho de remediação e permite desenvolver a sua autonomia.
1.3.10 Now it’s my turn!
No final de cada set, Now it’s my turn! é um momento específico de avaliação formativa, com apresentação de
um teste para que o aluno possa aferir as suas aprendizagens.
As soluções, no final do Manual, permitem que os alunos corrijam as suas próprias fichas e analisem os resultados
1.3.11 Kids’ Help
O Kids’ Help é um apêndice desdobrável, correspondente a uma extensão da contracapa do Manual, ao qual os
alunos podem recorrer para melhor compreensão de assuntos gramaticais trabalhados no Manual ou para alar-
gamento de vocabulário dos assuntos tratados.
O objetivo deste desdobrável é não só facilitar a resolução das atividades propostas, mas também criar hábi-
tos de trabalho autónomo.
Ao longo do Manual são feitas remissões para o Kids’ Help, para que seja mais fácil e mais direta a sua utiliza-
ção por parte dos alunos.
1.3.10 Kids’ Mini-dictionary
Os alunos podem ainda usufruir da consulta do Kids’ Mini-dictionary desenvolvendo, desta forma, a sua auto-
1.3.11 List of irregular verbs
A inclusão desta lista permite aos alunos consultarem facilmente as formas e o significado na língua portu-
guesa dos principais verbos irregulares.
A cada task do Manual corresponde uma ficha no Workbook com atividades relativas aos aspetos que conside-
rámos mais importantes ou suscetíveis de serem mais problemáticos para os alunos.
Ao elaborarmos o Workbook também tivemos em linha de conta a diferenciação das aprendizagens, como já
referimos no manual. Assim:
•A tipologia de exercícios é diversificada, numa tentativa de ir ao encontro dos diferentes estilos de aprendi-
•O trabalho autónomo é potenciado, respeitando os diferentes ritmos dos alunos e permitindo a autocorreção.
•As atividades referentes a cada task estão elaboradas em dois graus de complexidade: a cada task do
manual correspondem duas fichas no Workbook – uma de menor grau de complexidade (ficha A) e outra de
maior grau de complexidade (ficha B).
No que diz respeito às fichas, o professor deverá informar os alunos sobre qual a ficha mais adequada para
cada um deles. Poderá, em certas situações, deixar que seja o próprio aluno a escolher. Uma outra alternativa é
os alunos, depois de realizarem a ficha de menor grau de complexidade, fazerem a outra como extensão.
Ao longo do Manual são feitas remissões para o Workbook, para que seja fácil e prática a sua utilização a par e
passo com o Manual.
O Cool Stuff é um caderno de atividades que, numa perspetiva lúdica, apresenta situações que motivam os
alunos para a aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. Por outro lado, como respeita os conteúdos do manual, este
caderno pode ser utilizado para trabalho de consolidação/remediação/revisão.
Do projeto fazem parte dois CD: um para o aluno e outro para o professor, com diferentes registos para ativida-
des de Listening, dramatizados por falantes nativos, possibilitando aos alunos ouvir a língua inglesa em diferen-
tes situações (entrevistas, diálogos, exercícios de pronúncia, soluções de alguns exercícios do Manual e testes de
Os tapescripts estão disponíveis para o professor numa pequena brochura que acompanha o CD.
O CD do aluno contém algum material que julgamos útil para uma aprendizagem mais autónoma e motivante
da Língua Inglesa, enquanto o do professor contém todo o material para atividades que envolvam a competência
de Listening.
Do projeto faz parte um conjunto de apresentações em PowerPoint de oferta ao professor.
A importância crescente das TIC é uma realidade comprovada pela implementação do Plano Tecnológico da
Educação nas escolas dotando-as de equipamentos tecnológicos (computadores, quadros interativos), permitin-
do, por um lado, o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras e interativas e, por outro, ir ao encontro
das motivações e interesses dos alunos e, assim, melhorar a sua aprendizagem.
Nesta medida, criámos este conjunto de apresentações que pretende auxiliar o professor na apresentação,
recuperação e/ou consolidação de conteúdos da língua inglesa e socioculturais. Assim, os conteúdos vão sendo
apresentados à turma de uma forma dinâmica e com recurso a imagens, diagramas, cores, etc. para uma melhor
compreensão dos conteúdos por parte dos alunos.
A Scottish Summer é um conto de leitura extensiva, de oferta ao professor e aluno, que pretende motivar os
alunos para a leitura e desenvolver processos de interação com o texto. Este conto é acompanhado de atividades
de pre-reading, while-reading, after-reading e extra-reading com as respetivas soluções
A leitura do conto encontra-se gravada no CD Áudio do aluno, pelo que os alunos poderão ouvir a história
enquanto a leem.
O Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, para além de apresentar o projeto, articula todos os materiais do projeto
como um todo. Inclui:
•Um conjunto de fichas (Extra Activities) de desenvolvimento (nomeadamente para os alunos que têm mais
facilidade em aprender os conteúdos lecionados) e/ou de recuperação (caso dos alunos que apresentem
dificuldades de aprendizagem), que podem ser fotocopiadas.
•Guiões de utilização das apresentações em PowerPoint, do material multimédia, das fichas de Extra
Activities, dos cartazes e das Speaking Activities.
O projeto inclui ainda algumas propostas de guiões de testes orais que permitem avaliar esta competência em
sala de aula. São acompanhados por grelhas de recolha de informação, facilitando a avaliação desta competência.
O projeto contém um caderno que inclui uma compilação de testes: um Placement Test, testes de nível dife-
renciado para cada um dos sets (teste A, de grau de complexidade menor, e teste B, de grau de complexidade
maior) e testes de Listening. O professor tem, assim, a possibilidade de escolha do teste que melhor se adequa às
características dos seus alunos. Sublinha-se que, uma vez que é facultado ao professor um CD–ROM com este
material, será possível adaptar os testes propostos de modo a fazê-los corresponder melhor ao nível real que os
alunos apresentam num determinado momento.
Este projeto apresenta também um caderno que inclui as planificações anual/trimestrais, bem como planos
de aula. Estes são apenas orientações/sugestões para abordar os conteúdos. Cada professor terá sempre de os
adaptar à realidade e necessidades dos seus alunos.
Disponibilizam-se 4 cartazes, cuja exploração permitirá a consolidação
de conteúdos através de práticas mais dinâmicas e motivadoras.
O Manual New Cool Kids encontra-se enriquecido com uma componente multimédia a que o professor pode
aceder, através da plataforma Aula Digital. Nessa plataforma, estruturada de acordo com o índice do manual, o
professor encontra todos os materiais multimédia associados a cada set e respetiva task.
Em cada set o professor tem disponíveis apresentações em PowerPoint, com sistematização de vocabulário
e aspetos gramaticais. Para além disso, encontra também ilustrações animadas dos textos principais comple-
mentadas com atividades interativas, que promovem a exploração do vocabulário e da gramática, bem como a
compreensão escrita e oral.
São disponibilizados também testes interativos, com dois níveis de dificuldade diferentes. Para além dos tes-
tes pré-definidos, o professor terá, igualmente, a possibilidade de criar testes personalizados a partir de um banco
com mais de 200 questões disponíveis.
As atividades apresentadas no projeto, que associam a aprendizagem a uma vertente lúdica, são reforçadas
com jogos interativos, contextualizados com as personagens e os temas abordados, bem como com canções
interativas em formato karaoke.
O professor tem também à sua disposição flashcards digitais com imagem, áudio e escrita associados, com
possibilidade de impressão, podendo assim escolher a opção que melhor se adeque às estratégias pedagógicas
em contexto de sala de aula.
Para além disso, é ainda facultado um banco de imagens de forma a enriquecer e promover a aprendizagem
do vocabulário, bem como dois relógios interativos, em formato digital e analógico.
Mapas interativos do Reino Unido e do Mundo são outras ferramentas presentes, com as quais o professor
poderá abordar questões mais culturais. No mapa do Reino Unido, o professor poderá explorar os países que o
compõem, as respetivas capitais, imagens das mesmas e de elementos culturais significativos. No mapa do
Mundo, há especial referência a alguns países de expressão de língua inglesa, onde se encontram enumeradas as
respetivas capitais e imagens, mostrando aos alunos o impacto da língua inglesa e a sua diversidade no mundo.
A componente multimédia possibilita também a consulta de sites na Internet, diretamente associados aos
diversos conteúdo do manual.
Finalmente, são disponibilizados Planos de Aula, criados especificamente para o projeto explorando sequên-
cias de recursos orientada para a exploração nas aulas, quer através do projetor, quer através do quadro interativo.
A plataforma Aula Digital está disponível em CD-ROM e na Internet, em
Guião de Utilização do Material Multimédia
•Diversificar as estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula.
•Utilizar um conjunto diversificado de materiais interativos, dinâmicos, que torna o desenvolvimento das
aulas mais apelativo e motivador.
•Facilitar a aprendizagem.
•Desenvolver a autonomia dos alunos.
Sugestões de utilização:
Cabe ao professor a decisão de utilização destes materiais, adaptando-os ao ritmo de aprendizagem dos seus
alunos, através da seleção dos recursos disponíveis, que permitem:
•Consolidar/complementar os recursos utilizados nas aulas.
•Motivar os alunos para uma participação mais ativa nas atividades das aulas, em particular dos alunos que
apresentam maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem, através dos jogos interativos, das canções em formato
karaoke, das animações para apresentação de vocabulário e textos.
•Avaliar as aprendizagens e conhecimentos de forma fácil, através dos testes pré-definidos, ou personaliza-
dos à medida de cada turma (mais de 200 questões disponíveis).
•Acompanhar a evolução das aprendizagens através de relatórios de avaliação detalhados, bem como usu-
fruir de funcionalidades de impressão, envio e correção automática de testes.
•Explorar as sequências de recursos digitais dos Planos de Aula criados para o professor.
•Personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados pelo professor.
O projeto New Cool Kids inclui um conjunto de apresentações em PowerPoint que permite sistematizar de
uma forma interativa, dinâmica e atual alguns dos conteúdos de língua inglesa abordados ao longo do Manual.
Por outro lado, a utilização de novas metodologias/abordagens pedagógicas inovadoras propiciará uma motiva-
ção acrescida para os alunos e contribuirá para uma aprendizagem de sucesso.
Sugere-se que os slides sejam trabalhados em momentos de apresentação ou sistematização/consolidação
dos conteúdos selecionados.
Caberá ao professor decidir o ritmo em que os elementos que compõem o slide se sucedem.
Antes da aula, o professor poderá fotocopiar o slide apenas parcialmente preenchido, permitindo, assim, que
os alunos interajam com a apresentação (oralmente e por escrito), completando-o.
Enquanto a apresentação decorre, o professor vai elicitando as respostas por parte dos alunos, antecipando a
apresentação/sistematização que é feita no slide.
Guião de Utilização de Apresentações em PowerPoint
Table of contents Contents
Set 0 Verb to be
Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives
Asking questions
Clothes, footwear and accessories
Verb to have got
Possessive case
Possessive pronouns
Daily routine
Present Simple
Adverbs of frequency
Personal pronouns (object)
Set 1 Prepositions of place
Present Continuous
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Comparatives and superlatives
Set 2 Verb to be (Past Simple)
There + to be (Past Simple)
Set 3 Past Simple (regular verbs)
Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Set 4 Be going to
O projeto New Cool Kids contém um conjunto de fichas de recuperação/consolidação, Extra Activities, que
abordam conteúdos essenciais da língua inglesa, que os alunos irão rever ou consolidar.
•Rever / recuperar conteúdos essenciais abordados em anos anteriores.
•Consolidar estruturas básicas da língua inglesa e vocabulário.
•Apoiar o trabalho desenvolvido em aula.
Estas fichas poderão ser utilizadas nas aulas de Inglês ou em casa.
Guião de Utilização das Fichas de Extra Activities
Ficha Conteúdos
Extra Activities 1 Personal identification
Extra Activities 2 Verb to be
Extra Activities 3 Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives
Extra Activities 4 Indefinite and Definite articles
Extra Activities 5 What time is it?
Extra Activities 6 Daily routine – questions and answers
Extra Activities 7 Present Simple
Extra Activities 8 Adverbs of frequency
Extra Activities 9 Personal pronouns (object)
Extra Activities 10 School facilities / Verb there + to be (Present Simple)
Extra Activities 11 Shops, public buildings and directions / Prepositions of place
Extra Activities 12 School timetable / Plurals
Extra Activities 13 Present Continuous
Extra Activities 14 Present Simple / Present Continuous
Extra Activities 15 Comparatives / Superlatives
Extra Activities 16 Verb to be (Past Simple)
Extra Activities 17 There + to be (Past Simple)
Extra Activities 18 Past Simple (regular verbs)
Extra Activities 19 Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Extra Activities 20 Be going to
O projeto New Cool Kids apresenta três propostas de guiões – guidelines – para o desenvolvimento de ativida-
des orais, que têm por base a preocupação de desenvolver nos alunos uma maior competência comunicativa em
situações diversificadas.
As orientações fornecidas privilegiam os seguintes processos de aprendizagem:
•caracterização do contexto do ato comunicativo;
•seleção, no conjunto de saberes disponíveis, de enunciados, estruturas linguísticas e vocábulos necessários
aos desempenhos comunicativos;
•cooperação mútua no esclarecimento de significados e de intenções comunicativas.
•Promover atitudes de autoconfiança e de empenho no saber-fazer pela criação de condições que potenciem
desempenhos orais de sucesso.
•Apoiar os alunos na organização e preparação de uma participação adequada em atos comunicativos.
•Contribuir para a criação de um clima de trabalho favorável ao envolver todos os alunos da turma na ativi-
dade oral através da recolha de informação a registar em grelha própria (em note form).
Guião de Utilização das Speaking Activities
•Diversificar as estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula.
•Rever / consolidar conteúdos.
•Sistematizar vocabulário e conteúdos gramaticais.
•Desenvolver os domínios da interação e produção oral.
•Sempre que se justifique, ao longo do ano pode-se recorrer, por exemplo aos mapas para localizar cidades,
estados e alguns aspetos culturais.
•Localizar e contextualizar a aprendizagem.
•Devido à versatilidade dos cartazes caberá ao professor decidir qual a melhor abordagem e o momento
mais adequado para a sua utilização.
•Motivar os alunos para uma participação mais ativa nas atividades das aulas.
Guião de Utilização dos Cartazes
Extra Activities
Topic: Personal identification
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. What’s her first name? 6. What’s her phone number?
_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
2. What’s her surname? 7. How old is she?
_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
3. Where is she from? 8. When is her birthday?
_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
4. Is she Spanish? 9. What’s her favourite food?
_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
5. Is her address 10, Alonso Duro St? 10. Is her favourite drink water?
_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
B. Use the information in the fact file and write a text similar to the one about Lolita.
Hello! My first name is Lolita and my surname is Nunez. I am from
Barcelona, in Spain. I am Spanish. My address is 15, Fernandez Duro St,
Barcelona and my phone number is 93 426 90 45. I am 11 years old and
my birthday is on 16th March. My favourite food is paella and my
favourite drink is apple juice.
First Name: Jean
Surname: Didier
Country: France
Nationality: French
Address: 26, Allée Ser, Bordeaux
Phone number: 630 906583
Age: 14
Birthday: 23rd May
Favourite food: croissant
Favourite drink: milk
His first name…
New York
Topic: Verb to be
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be.
1. We _____________________from Canada. 6. He _____________________ from Cambridge.
2. She _____________________(neg) eleven years old. 7. _____________________ her favourite drink coke?
3. They _____________________ Italian. 8. You _____________________ German.
4. My phone number _____________________ 020 4982 1163. 9. _____________________ this your father?
5. _____________________ I a student? 10. They _____________________ (neg) French.
B. Put the words in order to write correct sentences.
1. Angola / from / is / she / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. old / Nigel / years / is / nine / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Irish / Jenny / is / ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. surname / my / isn’t / Taylor / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. they / from / where / are / ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. drink / our / is / milk / favourite / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Look at the pictures and write the sentences with the verb to be.
1. ______________Ricky ten years old?
No, he ______________. He ______________
twelve years old.
2. _________________________________________?
3. _________________________________________?
The students
Topic: Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete the table with the personal pronouns or possessive adjectives missing.
B. Replace the words in bold with the correct personal pronoun.
1. Simon is Canadian. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Bill and Greg are English. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Martha and I are friends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Are you and Kyle American? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. How old is Sam? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
6. The phone number is 020 5673 4987 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Choose the correct possessive adjective.
1. I am German. My / Your name is Hans.
2. Simon and Henry are from Canada. Their / Our city is Toronto.
3. Martha is Australian. Their / Her birthday is on 14th March.
4. Kyle is 10 years old. Her / His surname is Swift.
5. Sam: Jonathan and I are Scottish. Our / Their surname is McGregor.
6. My cat is brown. My / Its name is Brownie.
Topic: Indefinite article: a / an – Definite article: the
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete with: a / an.
1. What’s this?
It’s _____________ school card.
2. Is this a dress? No, it isn’t.
It’s _____________ uniform.
It’s my school uniform.
3. The teacher has got _____________
English dictionary.
B. Fill in the blanks with: a / an.
1. My father is _____________ doctor. 4. Have you got _____________ big family?
2. He’s got _____________ Italian car. 5. This is _____________ American boy.
3. There is _____________ cat in the garden. 6. My mother is _____________ assistant.
C. Fill in the blanks with: the / Ø (zero article)
1. He is from _____________ USA. He’s _____________ American.
2. My favourite hobby is playing _____________ guitar.
3. Are you from _____________ Spain? Yes, I am. I’m _____________ Spanish.
D. Fill in the blanks with: a / an / the.
1. _____________ capital of _____________ USA is Washington, DC.
2. There is _____________ American boy in class. His name is John Harris.
3. Open _____________ English book on page 31 and read _____________ text.
4. Phineas and Ferb is _____________ cartoon.
4. London is _____________ city.
5. It’s _____________ clock.
6. Bill has got _____________
dog, Buddy.
First name:
First na
4. Ibrushmyteethin _____________ morning
and in _____________ evening.
5. _____________ Bill is British.
6 5
6 5
6 5
Topic: What time is it?
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
6 5
6 5
6 5
1. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________
A. Complete the boxes with the expressions: quarter to / quarter past / half past / o’clock.
B. What time is it?
C. What time is it?
1. 08:30 It’s ________________________________________________________ 3. 11:00 _________________________________________________________
2. 04:50 It’s ________________________________________________________ 4. 02:15 _________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
Topic: Daily routine – questions and answers
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Answer the questions.
1. What time does he wake up in the morning?
2. What time does he brush his teeth?
3. What time do they have lunch?
4. What time do they have dinner?
B. Write questions and answers. Follow the example.
Example: How often do you read the newspaper? (you / read / the newspaper)
I never read the newspaper. (never)
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (she /wake up / 6 o’clock)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (sometimes)
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (they / be / late for school)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (never)
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (he / have toast for breakfast)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (usually)
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (you / watch TV after school)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (always)
Topic: Present Simple
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. What do they usually do in the afternoon? Look at the pictures and write correct sentences.
B. Circle the correct option.
1. Sophie phone/phones her grandparents every Saturday. 4. I usually eats/eat pizza every Sunday.
2. The boys run/runs in the park on Saturday morning. 5. You get/gets up early.
3. He plays/play computer games before dinner. 6. We never study/studies on Sunday.
C. Write the sentences in the negative form.
1. I swim for one hour every morning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. We have lunch in the school canteen. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Alice studies in the afternoon. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. My parents go to work at 8.30. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. You love playing basketball. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
She / listen to music
They / play football
He / read book
They / watch TV
He / ride bike
She / write emails
D. Complete with do or does. Then answer the questions.
1. ___________________________________ Alison make her bed every morning? Yes, she ___________________________________.
2. ___________________________________ you have breakfast in the kitchen? No, I ___________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________ the children go to school by car? Yes, they _______________________________________.
4. ___________________________________ Kyle have lessons in the afternoon? No, he _______________________________________.
5. ___________________________________ Sarah have cereal for breakfast? Yes, she _________________________________________.
E. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple.
1. Mr and Mrs McGregor _______________________ (read) the newspaper every morning.
2. Mike _______________________ (not/ride) his bike to school. His father always _______________________ (drive) him.
3. Bill and Sam _______________________ (not/go) to school on Sundays. They usually _______________________ (meet) their
friends in the shopping centre.
4. Lucinda always _______________________ (study) in the afternoon.
5. I sometimes _______________________ (watch) TV in the evening.
F. Ask the questions.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
Sam goes to school by bike.
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
Johnny always studies in his bedroom.
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
They watch TV after dinner.
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
I get up at 7.30 every morning.
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
We live in London.
Topic: Adverbs of frequency
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete the diagram with the adverbs of frequency:
B. Complete the sentences with the correct words: after / before.
Example 1: My brother always has orange juice for breakfast.
He doesn’t usually drink milk.
1. The adverbs of frequency come __________________________________ the main verb.
Example 2: We’re always at school during the day.
She is never home in the morning.
2. The adverbs of frequency come __________________________________ the verb to be.
C. Insert the adverb of frequency in the correct place.
1. My mother goes to bed after ten o’clock. (often)
2. They’re on time for school. (always)
3. Do you go to the cinema on Saturday? (usually)
4. We don’t have lunch in the dining room. (often)
D. Order the words.
1. in the evening / Simon / sometimes / is / sleepy
2. watch TV / usually / after dinner / Greg / doesn’t
Topic: Personal pronouns (object)
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
We use personal pronouns (object) to avoid repetitions.
Example 1:
Example 2:
A. Now complete the table.
B. Circle the correct option.
1. Hello, Bill. Your new glasses are nice. I really like it / them.
2. This is my friend Justin. I go to school with her / him.
3. Sam and Bill: Alison, do you want to come to the cinema with us / you?
4. My father drives them / me to school every day.
5. You’ve got a nice bike. I like it / him a lot.
C. Fill in the blanks with object pronouns.
1. Your friend Alison is very friendly. We like ___________________very much.
2. You’ve got homework! Please do ___________________before dinner.
3. I usually meet my friends after school. I meet ___________________in the library.
4. Bill’s mother wakes ___________________up at seven o’clock.
Subject pronouns I You He She It We You They
Object pronouns
Mary has got a really nice T-shirt. She likes her T-shirt a lot.
Mary has got a really nice T-shirt. She likes it a lot.
Sam and Bill are nice kids.We like Sam and Bill.
Sam and Bill are nice kids.We like them.
Topic: School facilities / There + to be
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Label the pictures of St Andrew’s School. Choose from the list.
B. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences about St Andrew’s School.
1. There is / are 9 computers in the computer room. 4. There is / are a gymnasium.
2. There isn’t / aren’t two music rooms. 5. Is / are there a canteen? Yes, there is / are.
3. Is / Are there three music rooms? No, there isn’t / aren’t. 6. There isn’t / aren’t a swimming pool.
C. Answer the questions about St Andrew’s School.
1. Is there a gym? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Is there an auditorium? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. How many music rooms are there? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Are there 30 computers in the computer room? ______________________________________________________________________________
• 1 Auditorium
• 1 Library
• 1 Music room
• 1 Gym
• 1 Canteen
• 2 Football fields
• 1 Computer room
(9 computers)
• 2 Tennis courts
• Newsagent’s
• Cinema
• Railway Station
• Supermarket
Topic: Shops, public buildings and directions / Prepositions of place
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Where can Fiona buy these things? Write the words under the correct place.
B. Label these signs. Choose from the box.
C. Fill in the blanks with prepositions of place.
1. The library is ____________________ of the café.
2. The café is ____________________ the hotel and the library.
3. The post office is ____________________ the museum.
4. The bookshop is ____________________ of the restaurant.
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
1. 2. 3. 4.
• pens
• milk
• a magazine
• biscuits
• train tickets
• cinema tickets
turn left turn right take the second turning on the right take the second turning on the left
Topic: School timetable / Plurals
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Choose the correct question on the right to complete the dialogue.
Celine: 1. _________________________________________________________________________?
Josh: My first lesson on Tuesday is History.
Celine: 2. _________________________________________________________________________?
Josh: On Monday I have PE at 11 o’clock.
Celine: 3. _________________________________________________________________________?
Josh: I have French on Thursday at 9 o’clock.
Celine: 4. _________________________________________________________________________?
Josh: Yes, I do. I have Maths on Wednesday.
B. Look at Celine’s timetable and answer the questions.
1. What time does she have PE on Tuesday? ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Does she have English before lunch on Friday? ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Does she have Science on Monday? ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. What’s her first lesson on Wednesday? ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. When does she have Art? ___________________________________________________________________________________
C. Circle the correct preposition of time.
1. He doesn’t have History on / at Friday. 3. We usually have French before / at lunch.
2. She has English on / in the morning. 4. I have Music in / at 3 o’clock.
a) Do you have Maths on Wednesday?
b) When do you have French?
c) What’s your first lesson on Tuesday?
d) What time do you have PE on Monday?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09.00 French Geography PE
10.30 / 11.00 BREAK
11.00 PE French English
12.30 / 14.00 LUNCH
14.00 History Science
15.00 Music Art
Topic: Present Continuous
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Look at the pictures and write True or False. Correct the False ones.
B. Write correct sentences in the Present Continuous.
1. I / write / an email ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. thedog/notrun/inthegarden ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. he / watch / the dolphins? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. she / walk / the dog ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. they / climb / trees / now? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.
1. Emma _____________________________ (not/make) her bed. She _____________________________ (sleep).
2. _____________________________ your father _____________________________ (wash) his car? No, he _____________________________.
3. _____________________________ you _____________________________ (play) the guitar? Yes, I _____________________________.
4. The girls _____________________________ (have) a pillow fight. They _____________________________ (not/watch) a film.
5. I _____________________________ (not/swim). I _____________________________ (play) basketball.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
She is playing the guitar.
They are making the bed.
They are doing their homework.
He is walking the dog.
I am drinking juice.
We are driving our cars.
Topic: Present Simple / Present Continuous
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Circle the correct option.
1. Martin usually watches / is watching TV after dinner.
2. Now Brian drinks / is drinking orange juice.
3. Robert and Judy are listening / listen to a new CD at the moment.
4. I always am studying / study after school.
5. Now we do / are doing cool things at the adventure camp.
B. Follow the example to write sentences.
1. Lisa at weekends / ride bike at the moment / watch TV
2. David every morning / swim right now / play basketball
3. Diane in the afternoon / listen to music at the moment / climb ropes
4. Mr Moor after dinner / read newspaper now / play chess
1. At weekends Lisa rides her bike but at the moment she is watching TV.
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Write the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Sophie __________________________ (not/meet) her friends in the shopping centre on weekdays.
2. At the moment Jenny __________________________ (skate) with her sister.
3. My brother __________________________ (do) his homework now. He usually __________________________ (study) before dinner.
4. The children sometimes __________________________ (play) in the park. At the moment they __________________________
(watch) an animal show.
Topic: Comparatives / Superlatives
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete the table with the comparative form of the adjectives.
B. Use the comparative form of the adjective. Follow the example.
Example: (My school / small / your school)
My school is smaller than your school.
1. (Climbing / dangerous / playing football)
2. (Bill / old / Sam)
3. (Bowling balls / heavy / tennis balls)
C. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Johnny is _______________________________________ Simon. (tall)
2. Sam is _______________________________________ at skateboarding _______________________________________ Bill. (good)
3. My mobile phone is _______________________________________ your mobile phone. (modern)
4. Simon is _______________________________________ Bill. (young)
5. Doing after-school activities is _______________________________________ staying at home. (exciting)
Adjective Comparative
fast faster than
D. Complete the table with the superlative form of the adjectives.
E. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. The Sports Club is _____________________________ club in the school! (good)
2. Eco Club helps protect the planet. It’s _____________________________ club in the school. (important)
3. Johnny and Sam are _____________________________ students in their class. (fast)
4. I really like Young Scientists Club. Lab activities are _____________________________ activities for me! (interesting)
5. Who is _____________________________ student in the class? (small)
F. Circle the correct option.
1. It’s not difficult to play tennis. It’s easier than / the easiest playing chess.
2. Surf boards are longer than / the longest skate boards.
3. My school basketball team is better than / the best team in London.
4. Tell me, Bill, which is more exciting than / the most exciting club in your school?
5. The football coach is funnier than / the funniest teacher in my school.
Adjective Superlative
fast the fastest
Topic: Verb to be (Past Simple)
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Write where they were () and where they weren’t () yesterday.
1. ____________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________
B. Circle the correct form of the verb to be in the Past Simple.
1. Where was / were the Clarks yesterday? 4. We was / were at the park last Saturday.
2. Last week it was / were Sam’s birthday. 5. You weren’t / wasn’t at the school party.
3. Robert weren’t / wasn’t at home last night. 6. Was / Were Alison in Paris last month?
C. Write sentences with the verb to be in the Past Simple.
1. I / at the adventure camp / yesterday ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. the food / delicious? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. she / not / at her grandparents’ / last Sunday ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. my friends / at the Zoo / last week ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. you / at the shopping centre last Saturday? _______________________________________________________________________________________
Julia Hugh and Lyn Derek
At the museum
At a party
At the park
At the cinema
At the library
At school
Topic: There + to be (Past Simple) / Indefinite pronouns
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Circle the correct form.
1. Was / Were there many students at the party? Yes, there were / was.
2. There was / were some baskets of fruit.
3. There weren’t / wasn’t any fizzy drinks.
4. Was / Were there a party at school last Saturday? Yes, there was / were.
5. There weren’t / wasn’t anyone at school yesterday.
B. Look at the menu and complete the sentences with the verb there to be in the Past Simple.
1. _______________________________ any vegetarian dishes.
2. _______________________________ grilled fish.
3. _______________________________ any hamburgers.
4. _______________________________ any chocolate cake? No, _______________________________
5. _______________________________ fruit salad.
6. _______________________________ any fizzy drinks? No, _____________________________________
7. _______________________________ any water? Yes, ____________________________________________
C. Complete with something, someone, nothing, anything, nobody, anybody, anyone.
1. There wasn’t ________________________________ in the classroom.
2. There was ________________________________ in the kitchen.
3. There is ________________________________ in the fridge. I need to go shopping.
4. Was there ________________________________ delicious to eat at the party?
5. There is ________________________________ under the table. What is it?
6. Does ________________________________ know where the new restaurant is?
7. There is ________________________________ at home.
• Vegetarian dishes
• Grilled fish
• Hamburgers
• Chocolate cake
• Fruit salad
• Fizzy drinks
• Water
Topic: Past Simple (regular verbs)
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Complete the table. Follow the example.
B. Look at the pictures and write the sentences.
1. Yesterday _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ yesterday.
(they / watch / TV) (she / not / visit / the museum)
3. ___________________________ 4. _________________________________________
___________________________ ___________________________last night.
(he / play / football) (you / not / study / English
C. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.
1. When __________________________the restaurant __________________________? (open)
It _________________________in 2010.
2. She __________________________(not like) the visit to the park last week.
3. Our teacher __________________________(organise) the school trip to Lisbon last month.
4. They __________________________(start) the game but I wasn’t there!
5. __________________________you __________________________(like) the film?
Yes, I __________________________. And my friends _________________too.
Verb Affirmative Negative Interrogative
wait I waited I didn’t wait Did I wait?
Topic: Past Simple (irregular verbs)
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. Look at the example and do the same with the other sentences.
e.g. Affirmative: I went to the cinema yesterday.
Negative: I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.
Interrogative: Did I go to the cinema yesterday?
1. Affirmative: She saw a film last week.
Negative: She a film last week.
Interrogative: she a film last week?
2. Affirmative: They swam in the lake.
Negative: They in the lake.
Interrogative: they in the lake?
B. Ask and answer as in the example.
e.g. you /travel by train/by car 2. He / drink orange juice / coke
Did you travel by train?
No, I didn’t. I travelled by car.
1. She/write a report/ an article 3. They/buy a CD/a book
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________? ______________________________________________________?
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. Yesterday he _______________________(not go) to school by bus. He _______________________(ride) his bike.
2. Two days ago my mother _______________________(buy) a new TV set.
3. _______________________they _________________________(swim) for one hour last Thursday?
4. Andrew ________________________(not eat) fish and chips. He ________________________(eat) hamburger.
5. I ________________________(write) an email to my friend Margaret.
6. We _______________________(have) dinner at a restaurant last Sunday.
D. Ask the questions.
1. ___________________________________________________________? (Where / Rita / go / last month)
Last month Rita went to Greece.
2. ___________________________________________________________? (How / she / travel)
She travelled by boat.
3. ___________________________________________________________? (What / she / see)
She saw museums and art galleries.
4. ___________________________________________________________? (she / have / great time)
Yes, she did. She had a great time.
E. This is the list of things Rita did and didn’t do last
Saturday. Write sentences.
1. Last Saturday Rita met her friends.
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
• Meet friends
• Read magazine
• Have dinner out
• Go to the cinema
• Eat ice cream
Topic: Be going to
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________
A. It’s Greg’s birthday. What are they going to do at his birthday party?
Write sentences with be going to. Follow the example.
Example: Bill is going to drink orange juice.
(Bill / drink / orange juice)
1. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________
(Alison / dance) (Martha / have / some cake)
2. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________
(Johnny and Sam / play / computer games) (Greg’s parents / take / pictures)
3. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________
(Simon / listen to / music) (Mary / watch / TV)
B. Look at the pictures and write sentences with be going to.
Example: (Brad / drink ice tea / eat pizza)
Brad isn’t going to drink ice tea. He is going to eat pizza.
1. (the sisters / listen to music / pack their suitcases)
2. (Alice’s father / drive his car / catch the plane)
3. (it / rain / be sunny)
This is my school
Prepare your presentation. You can bring a picture of your school to class…
Choose the correct option:
1. What is your school like?
My school is…
2. How many buildings are there? Tick the answer.
There is only one building. There are two buildings.
3. How many floors are there in the main building? Tick the answer.
There is only one floor. There are two floors.
4. Is there a football field?
There is…
There isn’t…
5. Is there a playground?
There is…
There isn’t…
8. Where is the headmaster’s office?
It is…
9. What other rooms are there in your school?
There is…
There are…
10. Now describe your school. Use the prepositions of place! (on the right, on the left, next to, between, opposite…)
big small modern old
6. Is there a gym?
There is…
There isn’t…
7. Is there a lab?
There is…
There isn’t…
This is my daily routine
Step 1: Fill in the boxes with the information about yourself.
Step 2: Present your daily routine to the class.
Start by: “In the morning I usually get up at...”
What time do you get up?
What do you do next?
(have a shower, get dressed …)
Where do you have breakfast?
(kitchen/dining room …)
How do you go to school?
(by car, bus, bike, train, on foot …)
What time do you go to bed?
What do you do after dinner?
(watch TV/listen to music/study)
What time do you have dinner?
What do you do next?
(have a snack/do the homework…)
Where do you have lunch?
(school canteen, home …)
What time do you go back home?
Go this way:
Next summer holiday
Prepare your presentation. You can bring a picture of your destination to class…
Choose the correct option:
1. Where are you going to go?
I’m going to go…
2. When are you going to go on holiday? Tick the answer.
July August September
3. How are you going to travel?
4. Where are you going to stay?
5. What are you going to pack? Complete the list.
6. What are you going to do?
Sunbathing Taking pictures
Going on a sightseeing tour Writing postcards
Swimming in a lake/in the sea Playing computer games
Visiting a museum Riding a bike
Rock climbing Going shopping
6. Now tell the class about your next summer holiday.
seaside mountain countryside abroad
Things I can’t forget:
• Sunglasses
plane camping car car train
hotel campsite friend’s house with family
A. 1. Her first name is Lolita.
2. Her surname is Nunez.
3. She is from Barcelona in Spain.
4. Yes, she is.
5. No, it isn’t. Her address is 15, Fernandez Duro St, Barcelona.
6. Her phone number is 93 426 90 45.
7. She is 11 years old.
8. Her birthday is on 16th March.
9. Her favourite food is paella.
10. No, it isn’t. Her favourite drink is apple juice.
B. His first name is Jean and his surname is Didier. He is from
Bordeaux in France. He is French. His address is 26, Allée Ser,
Bordeaux and his phone number is 630 906583. He is 14 years
old and his birthday is on 23rd May. His favourite food is
croissant and his favourite drink is milk.
A. 1. are 2. isn’t 3. are 4. is 5. Am 6. is; 7. Is 8. are
9. Is 10. aren’t
B. 1. She is from Angola.
2. Nigel is nine years old.
3. Is Jenny Irish?
4. My surname isn’t Taylor.
5. Where are they from?
6. Our favourite drink is milk.
C. 1. Is / isn’t / is
2. Is Melanie Portuguese? No, she isn’t. She is English.
3. Are the students from New York? No, they aren’t.
They are from Paris.
A. 1. my 2. you 3. his 4. she 5. its 6. we 7. your 8. their
B. 1. He is Canadian.
2.They are English.
3.We are friends.
4.Are you American?
5.How old is she?
6.It is 020 5673 4987.
C. 1. My 2. Their 3. Her 4. His 5. Our 6. Its
A. 1. a 2. a 3. an 4. a 5. a 6. a
B. 1. a 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an
C. 1. the / Ø 2. the 3. Ø/Ø 4. the / the 5. Ø
D. 1. The / the 2. an 3. the / the 4. a
B. 1. It’s half past one.
2.It’s five to ten.
3.It’s twenty past seven.
4.It’s ten past five.
5.It’s twenty to twelve.
C. 1. It’s half past eight.
2.It’s ten to five.
3.It’s eleven o’clock.
4.It’s quarter past two.
A. 1. He wakes up at seven o’clock in the morning.
2.He brushes his teeth at half past seven.
3.They have lunch at half past one.
4.They have dinner at quarter past seven.
B. 1. How often does she wake up at 6 o’clock?
She sometimes wakes up at 6 o’clock.
2.How often are they late for school?
They are never late for school.
3.How often does he have toast for breakfast?
He usually has toast for breakfast.
4.How often do you watch TV after-school?
I always watch TV after-school.
A. 1. They watch TV.
2. He rides his bike.
3. She writes emails.
4. She listens to music.
5. They play football.
6. He reads a book.
B. 1. phones 2. run 3. plays 4. eat 5. get 6. study
C. 1. I don’t swim for one hour every morning.
2. We don’t have lunch in the school canteen.
3. Alice doesn’t study in the afternoon.
4. My parents don’t go to work at 8.30.
5. You don’t love playing basketball.
D. 1. Does / does 2. Do / don’t 3. Do / do 4. Does / doesn’t
5. Does / does
E. 1. read 2. doesn’t ride / drives 3. don’t go / meet 4. studies
5. watch
6 5
quarter past
half past
quarter to
F. 1. How does Sam go to school?
2.Where does Johnny always study?
3.When do they watch TV?
4.What time do you get up every morning?
5.Where do you live?
A. never / sometimes / often / usually / always
B. 1. before 2. after
C. 1. My mother often goes to bed after ten o’clock.
2.They’re always on time for school.
3.Do you usually go to the cinema on Saturday?
4.We don’t often have lunch in the dining room.
D. 1. In the evening Simon is sometimes sleepy.
2.Greg doesn’t usually watch TV after dinner.
B. 1. them
C. 1. her
A. 1. Library 2. Canteen 3. Auditorium 4. Music room
5. Gym 6. Computer room
B. 1. are 2. aren’t 3. Are/ aren’t 4. is 5. Is/is 6. isn’t
C. 1. Yes, there is.
2.Yes, there is.
3.There is one music room.
4.No, there aren’t. There are 9 computers in the computer
A. 1. supermarket: pens; milk; biscuits
2. Newsagent’s: a magazine
3. Railway station: train tickets
4. Cinema: cinema tickets
B. 1. take the second turning on the left 2. turn right 3. turn left
4. take the second turning on the right
C. 1. on the right 2. between 3. opposite 4. on the left
A. 1. c) 2. d) 3. b) 4. a)
B. 1. She has PE at 11 o’clock on Tuesday.
2. Yes, she does.
3. No. she doesn’t. She has Science on Thursday.
4. Her first lesson on Wednesday is Geography.
5. She has Art on Thursday.
C. 1. on 2. in 3. before 4. at
A. 1. T.
2. F – They are washing the car.
3. T.
4. T.
5. F – I am eating a sandwich.
6. F – We are riding our bikes.
B. 1. I am writing an email.
2. The dog isn’t running in the garden.
3. Is he watching the dolphins?
4. She is walking the dog.
5. Are they climbing trees now?
C. 1. isn’t making / is sleeping
2.Is… washing / isn’t
3.Are… playing / am
4.are having/ aren’t watching not swimming / am playing
A. 1. watches 2. is drinking 3. are listening 4. study 5. are doing
B. 2. Every morning David swims but right now he is playing
3. In the afternoon Diane listens to music but at the moment
she is climbing ropes.
4. After dinner Mr Moor reads the newspaper but now he is
playing chess.
C. 1. doesn’t meet
2. is skating
3. is doing / studies
4. play / are watching
A. older than / more popular than / prettier than / thinner than /
better than / more beautiful than
I You He She It We You They
me you him her it us you them
B. 1. Climbing is more dangerous than playing football.
2.Bill is older than Sam.
3.Bowling balls are heavier than tennis balls.
C. 1. taller than
2.better… than
3.more modern than
4.younger than
5.more exciting than
D. the oldest / the most popular / the prettiest / the thinnest /
the best / the most beautiful
E. 1. the best
2.the most important
3. the fastest
4. the most interesting
5. the smallest
F. 1. easier than
2.longer than
3.the best
4.the most exciting
5.the funniest
A. 1. Julia was at the Museum. She wasn’t at a party.
2.Hugh and Lyn were at the park. They weren’t at the cinema.
3.Derek was at the library. He wasn’t at school.
B. 1. were
2. was
3. wasn’t
4. were
5. weren’t
6. Was
C. 1. I was at the adventure camp yesterday.
2. Was the food delicious?
3. She wasn’t at her grandparents’ last Sunday.
4. My friends were at the Zoo last week.
5. Were you at the shopping centre last Saturday?
A. 1. Were / were 2. Were 3. Weren’t
4. Was / was 5. Wasn’t
B. 1. There weren’t 2. There was 3. There weren’t 4. Was there /
There wasn’t 5. There was 6. Were there; there weren’t
7. Was there / there was.
C. 1. anyone / anybody
2. nobody / someone
3. nothing
4. anything
5. Something
6. anyone / anybody
7. someone / nobody
B. 1. Yesterday they watched TV.
2.She didn’t visit the museum yesterday.
3.He played football.
4.You didn’t study English last night.
C. 1. did / open / opened
2.didn’t like
5.Did / like / did / liked
A. 1. see / didn’t see / did / see
2.swim / didn’t swim / did / swim
B. 1. Did she write a report? No, she didn’t. She wrote an article.
2.Did he drink orange juice? No, he didn’t. He drank coke.
3.Did they buy a CD? No, they didn’t. They bought a book.
C. 1. didn’t go / rode
3.Did / swim
4.didn’t eat/ate
D. 1. Where did Rita go last month?
2.How did she travel?
3.What did she see?
4.Did she have a great time?
E. 2.She read a magazine.
3.She didn’t have dinner out.
4.She went to the cinema.
5.She didn’t eat ice cream.
A. 1. Alison is going to dance.
2.Johnny and Sam are going to play computer games.
3.Simon is going to listen to music.
4.Martha is going to have some cake.
5.Greg’s parents are going to take pictures.
6.Mary is going to watch TV.
B. 1. The sisters aren’t going to listen to music. They’re going to
pack their suitcases.
2.Alice’s father isn’t going to drive his car. He’s going to catch
the plane.
3.It isn’t going to rain. It’s going to be sunny.
Verb Afirmative Negative Interrogative
wait I waited I didn’t wait Did I wait?
finish I finished I didn’t finish Did I finish?
listen I listened I didn’t listen Did I listen?
study I studied I didn’t study Did I study?
apontamentos 5º livro de testes cool.pdf

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apontamentos 5º livro de testes cool.pdf

  • 1. Orientações Metodológicas .......................................................... 2 Apresentação do Projeto.............................................................. 4 1. Manual ............................................................................ 4 2. Workbook e Cool Stuff ....................................................... 7 3. CD Áudio do Aluno e do Professor ........................................ 8 4. Apresentações em PowerPoint ........................................... 8 5. Leitura Extensiva ............................................................. 8 6. Caderno de Apoio ao Professor ........................................... 8 7. Livro de Testes ................................................................ 9 8. Planificações / Planos de Aula ............................................ 9 9. Cartazes ......................................................................... 9 Guião de Utilização do Material Multimédia ..................................... 10 Guião de Utilização de Apresentações em PowerPoint ...................... 12 Guião de Utilização das Fichas de Extra Activities ............................ 13 Guião de Utilização de Speaking Activities ...................................... 14 Guião de Utilização dos Cartazes ................................................... 14 Fichas Extra Activities ................................................................ 15 Speaking Activities .................................................................... 39 Extra Activities – Keys ................................................................. 45 ÍNDICE Nota: Este caderno encontra-se redigido conforme o novo Acordo Ortográfico.
  • 2. 2 Introdução A conceção deste projeto pedagógico assentou na necessidade de criar um manual, apoiado por um conjunto de materiais auxiliares, que desse resposta à grande heterogeneidade de turmas com a qual os professores se veem confrontados diariamente na sua prática letiva. Trata-se de um projeto que, seguindo as linhas orientadoras do Programa, permite uma gestão flexível do mesmo, de modo a auxiliar o professor na sua tarefa diária de organizar o processo ensino/aprendizagem ade- quando-o às características específicas dos seus alunos: conhecimentos, capacidades, ritmos, estilos de aprendi- zagem, interesses e motivações. Este projeto visa, igualmente, o desenvolvimento de competências específicas que conduzam à construção de uma competência global em língua estrangeira de acordo com as Metas de Aprendizagem definidas pelo Ministério da Educação e as orientações do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas através da articulação entre o Programa e a organização dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem. Privilegia-se uma abordagem cujo enfoque é o desenvolvimento do aluno não só a nível cognitivo, mas tam- bém nos domínios afetivo, social e moral (Programa – pág. 40), recorrendo a metodologias centradas no aluno. Neste quadro, são delineados percursos de aprendizagem diversificados, após uma seleção dos conteúdos a mobilizar no desenvolvimento das competências específicas e das situações de aprendizagem a proporcionar aos alunos. Nesta ordem de ideias, é tarefa do professor, enquanto orientador e facilitador da aprendizagem, assegurar que as diferentes necessidades e interesses dos alunos sejam tidos em consideração, estruturando formas diver- sificadas de organização da aprendizagem. É nesta vertente que este projeto é inovador, pois apresenta propostas de trabalho delineadas de modo a per- mitir atender à diversidade de conhecimentos dos alunos, possibilitando aprendizagens diversificadas e diferen- ciadas. O trabalho do professor fica, assim, bastante simplificado e muito apoiado. Orientações Metodológicas
  • 3. Tomando as sugestões do programa como ponto de partida, os conteúdos programáticos estão estrutu- rados em planos de trabalho (tasks), isto é, definido um determinado objetivo a atingir, é traçado um percurso através do qual o aluno vai adquirindo as ferramentas necessárias para realizar a atividade final (objetivo a atingir). Por outro lado, a fim de motivar e empenhar os alunos, tornando-os mais responsáveis e construtores de aprendizagens significativas, afigura-se absolutamente necessário que os objetivos a atingir sejam claros. Os alunos deverão compreender a utilidade dos conteúdos selecionados, das atividades a realizar, das estra- tégias e dos recursos a utilizar. Daí a importância da página de entrada de cada task através da qual é possí- vel clarificar todos estes aspetos. Aqui também estão referidas as páginas do Workbook nas quais são trabalhados os conteúdos do manual em atividades complementares que podem servir como consolidação, remediação e/ou aprofundamento. SET 3 workbook p. 45/47 p. 45-46 47-48 p. 46/48 SCHOOL TRIP TO LONDON Task A Hurray for school trips! I really enjoy visiting new places! My school friends and I visited London… school trips! London… Have a go! Visiting a city p. 97 Activity 1 Reading Our school trip to London p. 98 Activity 2 Grammar Past Simple - Regular verbs p. 100 Activity 3 Speaking Pronunciation: regular verbs p. 101 Activity 4 Writing Martha’s diary p. 101 Activity 5 Listening London city p. 102 (song) Activity 6 Grammar Adverbs p. 103 Activity 7 Reading Greg’s interview p. 104 Cool culture! p. 105 Project work p. 105 ook k k 5/47 5-46 7-48 /48 3 workbook p. 29/31 p. 29-30/31-32 p. 30/32 SET 1 WEEKEND FUN Task B Have a go! Fun activities and places p. 55 Activity 1 Reading Cool things to do at the weekend p. 56 Activity 2 Grammar Present Continuous p. 58 Present Simple / Present Continuous p. 60 Activity 3 Listening A pyjama party invitation p. 61 Activity 4 Grammar Question tags p. 61 Activity 5 Writing A pyjama party p. 62 Cool culture! p. 63 Project work p. 63 Have a g Fun act and pla Ac Activity 2 Present Present Present Activity 3 A pyjam party in Activity 4 Questio Activity 5 A pyjam Cool cult Project w Hi! This task is about fun at the weekend. I usually meet my friends and we have a great time together. fun at the weekend. we have a great time t
  • 4. 4 O New Cool Kids, versão do aluno, é um projeto composto por um Manual que inclui um apêndice des- dobrável, Kids’ Help, um Kids’ mini-dictionary e uma lista de verbos irregulares com tradução, um Workbook, um Cool Stuff, uma lista de sites, um conto de Leitura Extensiva e um CD Áudio com a gravação dos textos de Reading do Manual, dos exercícios de pronúncia, de alguns textos de contextualização de gramáti- ca, das canções e do texto da Leitura Extensiva. Este projeto disponibiliza, para o professor, um Manual com todos os elementos acima referidos e, exclusi- vamente para o professor, em barras laterais, as sugestões metodológicas, as soluções dos exercícios, com o objetivo de facilitar a sua consulta, bem como a indicação de outros recursos disponíveis. Disponibiliza, também, um Workbook e um Cool Stuff, um Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, incluindo um conjunto de fichas (Extra Activities e guiões de utilização dos diferentes recursos), dois CD Áudio (que incluem a leitura dos textos das atividades de Reading e de Listening, dos testes de Listening e da correção de alguns exercícios), um Livro de Testes, 4 Cartazes, um livro de Planos de Aula que inclui também as planifica- ções anual/trimestral e diversos recursos digitais, que estão integrados na plataforma de apoio ao professor «20 AULA DIGITAL», disponível em CD-ROM e também on-line, em 1. MANUAL O Manual está divido em 6 sets. Estes dividem-se em tasks que apresentam atividades especificamente deli- neadas para que o aluno, depois de as realizar, tenha seguido um determinado percurso que o conduziu à conse- cução do objetivo definido para essa task. O objetivo é apresentado logo na página de entrada. Cada task apresenta atividades diversificadas e de diferentes tipologias, textos atualizados e exercícios contextualizados que motivam os alunos. Também não foi descurada a vertente lúdica na abordagem dos conteú- dos, sempre associada à vertente didática, tão importante, especialmente neste nível de ensino. O manual assenta numa metodologia task-based, pondo em evidência de forma equilibrada as 4 skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading e Writing, uma das quais é sempre posta em evidência em cada task. 1.1 DIFERENCIAÇÃO O Manual possibilita aos alunos aprendizagens diferenciadas, através de atividades/exercícios variados e de grau de complexidade diferente. O trabalho do professor é igualmente apoiado na implementação desta metodologia. Ao longo das tasks, são propostos exercícios de grau de complexidade diferente: menor grau de dificuldade e maior grau de dificuldade. Consideramos que este Manual oferece um vasto leque de possibilidades de trabalho, pelo que deverá ser considerado como um menu, de onde o professor poderá escolher as atividades que estão mais de acordo com os seus alunos. No entanto, outras estratégias são possíveis: os alunos poderão realizar os exercícios mais fáceis na aula, como primeira etapa, e os mais difíceis, por exemplo, como trabalho de casa ou de consolidação dos conteúdos. Apresentação do Projeto
  • 5. 5 A diferenciação que o Manual permite não diz apenas respeito aos conhecimentos e capacidades dos alunos. Tivemos, também, em consideração os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, pelo que se podem encontrar ativida- des a diversos níveis: visual, auditivo, cinestésico e do ler e escrever. Como exemplos, podemos citar: puzzles, qua- dros exemplificativos, quadros de sistematização, ilustrações para suporte de situações a abordar, textos de leitura de natureza variada (diálogos, poemas, canções, pequenos textos narrativos e descritivos, ...), construção de pequenos diálogos, etc. Por vezes, a diferenciação situa-se ao nível da escolha que o aluno pode fazer: numa determinada atividade pode tomar decisões sobre o percurso a seguir, os exercícios a realizar, as perguntas a que quer responder, seguindo as propostas que estão mais de acordo com as suas capacidades/conhecimentos. 1.2 ARTICULAÇÃO DAS METAS DE APRENDIZAGEM COM O PROJETO PEDAGÓGICO NEW COOL KIDS O projeto pedagógico New Cool Kids apresenta estratégias de concretização e desenvolvimento dos domínios da compreensão, interação e produção oral e escrita de forma a obter uma competência global em língua estran- geira. Para atingir estas metas este projeto pedagógico propõe: •uma metodologia task-based; •percursos de aprendizagem diferenciados; •um leque de desempenhos em situações diversificadas; •uma reflexão constante sobre as regras da Língua Inglesa; •espaços dedicados a competências de comunicação oral e escrita; •trabalhos de projeto e ainda de pares e/ou de grupos, promovendo o desenvolvimento de atitudes de coope- ração e de responsabilidade; •espaços dedicados à autorreflexão; •a utilização de documentos verbais e não-verbais de natureza diversa e de acordo com o nível etário dos alunos. 1.3 COMPONENTES DO MANUAL 1.3.1 Have a go! Este primeiro momento comum a todas as tasks tem por objetivo: •rever/consolidar conteúdos trabalhados no 5.0 ano; •motivar para a aprendizagem de conteúdos novos. 1.3.2 Grammar Com este espaço pretende-se, por um lado, a sistematização dos conteúdos gramaticais e, por outro lado, a interação entre conhecimentos anteriores e aspetos gramaticais novos. 1.3.3 Hey you! Trata-se de uma chamada de atenção para alguns aspetos particulares da língua inglesa.
  • 6. 0-17 Oops! 18-27 Good! 28-37 Hurray! Oh dear! Review all the contents! You can do better! Not bad! But you still need some revision… Congratulations! You can go on… 6 1.3.4 Vocabulary Neste espaço, traduz-se algum vocabulário importante, valorizando-se a comparação com a língua materna. Ocasionalmente, os alunos são incentivados a consultar o dicionário, a fim de desenvolverem a prática da sua utilização. 1.3.5 Language Functions Nestes quadros, apresentam-se as funções da língua necessárias à concretização de situações de comunicação. 1.3.7 Project work Ao longo do Manual, no final de cada task, sugerem-se trabalhos de projeto que visam a socialização e criam oportunidade para os alunos realizarem pesquisas noutras fontes que não o manual escolar. Para além disso, possi- bilitam a utilização de diferentes competências, consolidação de conhecimentos e desenvolvimento da autonomia. 1.3.8 Culture Estes espaços, que se podem encontrar no final de cada task, possibilitam a identificação de aspetos da socie- dade e cultura anglo-americana, bem como o reconhecimento de afinidades/diferenças entre a cultura portugue- sa e a cultura anglo-americana. 1.3.9 How am I doing? Neste espaço, o aluno reflete e regista, de uma forma muito simples e na língua materna, as suas opiniões sobre as atividades realizadas, bem como o seu progresso. A indicação das páginas onde foram trabalhados os conteúdos referidos orienta os alunos no seu trabalho de remediação e permite desenvolver a sua autonomia. 1.3.10 Now it’s my turn! No final de cada set, Now it’s my turn! é um momento específico de avaliação formativa, com apresentação de um teste para que o aluno possa aferir as suas aprendizagens. As soluções, no final do Manual, permitem que os alunos corrijam as suas próprias fichas e analisem os resultados combasenasinformaçõesfornecidasnofinaldapágina,contribuindotambémparaodesenvolvimentodaautonomia.
  • 7. 7 1.3.11 Kids’ Help O Kids’ Help é um apêndice desdobrável, correspondente a uma extensão da contracapa do Manual, ao qual os alunos podem recorrer para melhor compreensão de assuntos gramaticais trabalhados no Manual ou para alar- gamento de vocabulário dos assuntos tratados. O objetivo deste desdobrável é não só facilitar a resolução das atividades propostas, mas também criar hábi- tos de trabalho autónomo. Ao longo do Manual são feitas remissões para o Kids’ Help, para que seja mais fácil e mais direta a sua utiliza- ção por parte dos alunos. 1.3.10 Kids’ Mini-dictionary Os alunos podem ainda usufruir da consulta do Kids’ Mini-dictionary desenvolvendo, desta forma, a sua auto- nomia. 1.3.11 List of irregular verbs A inclusão desta lista permite aos alunos consultarem facilmente as formas e o significado na língua portu- guesa dos principais verbos irregulares. 2. WORKBOOK E COOL STUFF A cada task do Manual corresponde uma ficha no Workbook com atividades relativas aos aspetos que conside- rámos mais importantes ou suscetíveis de serem mais problemáticos para os alunos. Ao elaborarmos o Workbook também tivemos em linha de conta a diferenciação das aprendizagens, como já referimos no manual. Assim: •A tipologia de exercícios é diversificada, numa tentativa de ir ao encontro dos diferentes estilos de aprendi- zagem. •O trabalho autónomo é potenciado, respeitando os diferentes ritmos dos alunos e permitindo a autocorreção. •As atividades referentes a cada task estão elaboradas em dois graus de complexidade: a cada task do manual correspondem duas fichas no Workbook – uma de menor grau de complexidade (ficha A) e outra de maior grau de complexidade (ficha B). No que diz respeito às fichas, o professor deverá informar os alunos sobre qual a ficha mais adequada para cada um deles. Poderá, em certas situações, deixar que seja o próprio aluno a escolher. Uma outra alternativa é os alunos, depois de realizarem a ficha de menor grau de complexidade, fazerem a outra como extensão. Ao longo do Manual são feitas remissões para o Workbook, para que seja fácil e prática a sua utilização a par e passo com o Manual. O Cool Stuff é um caderno de atividades que, numa perspetiva lúdica, apresenta situações que motivam os alunos para a aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. Por outro lado, como respeita os conteúdos do manual, este caderno pode ser utilizado para trabalho de consolidação/remediação/revisão.
  • 8. 8 3. CD ÁUDIO DO ALUNO E CD ÁUDIO DO PROFESSOR Do projeto fazem parte dois CD: um para o aluno e outro para o professor, com diferentes registos para ativida- des de Listening, dramatizados por falantes nativos, possibilitando aos alunos ouvir a língua inglesa em diferen- tes situações (entrevistas, diálogos, exercícios de pronúncia, soluções de alguns exercícios do Manual e testes de Listening). Os tapescripts estão disponíveis para o professor numa pequena brochura que acompanha o CD. O CD do aluno contém algum material que julgamos útil para uma aprendizagem mais autónoma e motivante da Língua Inglesa, enquanto o do professor contém todo o material para atividades que envolvam a competência de Listening. 4. APRESENTAÇÕES EM POWERPOINT Do projeto faz parte um conjunto de apresentações em PowerPoint de oferta ao professor. A importância crescente das TIC é uma realidade comprovada pela implementação do Plano Tecnológico da Educação nas escolas dotando-as de equipamentos tecnológicos (computadores, quadros interativos), permitin- do, por um lado, o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras e interativas e, por outro, ir ao encontro das motivações e interesses dos alunos e, assim, melhorar a sua aprendizagem. Nesta medida, criámos este conjunto de apresentações que pretende auxiliar o professor na apresentação, recuperação e/ou consolidação de conteúdos da língua inglesa e socioculturais. Assim, os conteúdos vão sendo apresentados à turma de uma forma dinâmica e com recurso a imagens, diagramas, cores, etc. para uma melhor compreensão dos conteúdos por parte dos alunos. 5. LEITURA EXTENSIVA A Scottish Summer é um conto de leitura extensiva, de oferta ao professor e aluno, que pretende motivar os alunos para a leitura e desenvolver processos de interação com o texto. Este conto é acompanhado de atividades de pre-reading, while-reading, after-reading e extra-reading com as respetivas soluções A leitura do conto encontra-se gravada no CD Áudio do aluno, pelo que os alunos poderão ouvir a história enquanto a leem. 6. CADERNO DE APOIO AO PROFESSOR O Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, para além de apresentar o projeto, articula todos os materiais do projeto como um todo. Inclui: •Um conjunto de fichas (Extra Activities) de desenvolvimento (nomeadamente para os alunos que têm mais facilidade em aprender os conteúdos lecionados) e/ou de recuperação (caso dos alunos que apresentem dificuldades de aprendizagem), que podem ser fotocopiadas. •Guiões de utilização das apresentações em PowerPoint, do material multimédia, das fichas de Extra Activities, dos cartazes e das Speaking Activities.
  • 9. 9 O projeto inclui ainda algumas propostas de guiões de testes orais que permitem avaliar esta competência em sala de aula. São acompanhados por grelhas de recolha de informação, facilitando a avaliação desta competência. 7. LIVRO DE TESTES O projeto contém um caderno que inclui uma compilação de testes: um Placement Test, testes de nível dife- renciado para cada um dos sets (teste A, de grau de complexidade menor, e teste B, de grau de complexidade maior) e testes de Listening. O professor tem, assim, a possibilidade de escolha do teste que melhor se adequa às características dos seus alunos. Sublinha-se que, uma vez que é facultado ao professor um CD–ROM com este material, será possível adaptar os testes propostos de modo a fazê-los corresponder melhor ao nível real que os alunos apresentam num determinado momento. 8. PLANIFICAÇÕES/PLANOS DE AULA Este projeto apresenta também um caderno que inclui as planificações anual/trimestrais, bem como planos de aula. Estes são apenas orientações/sugestões para abordar os conteúdos. Cada professor terá sempre de os adaptar à realidade e necessidades dos seus alunos. 9. CARTAZES Disponibilizam-se 4 cartazes, cuja exploração permitirá a consolidação de conteúdos através de práticas mais dinâmicas e motivadoras.
  • 10. 10 O Manual New Cool Kids encontra-se enriquecido com uma componente multimédia a que o professor pode aceder, através da plataforma Aula Digital. Nessa plataforma, estruturada de acordo com o índice do manual, o professor encontra todos os materiais multimédia associados a cada set e respetiva task. Em cada set o professor tem disponíveis apresentações em PowerPoint, com sistematização de vocabulário e aspetos gramaticais. Para além disso, encontra também ilustrações animadas dos textos principais comple- mentadas com atividades interativas, que promovem a exploração do vocabulário e da gramática, bem como a compreensão escrita e oral. São disponibilizados também testes interativos, com dois níveis de dificuldade diferentes. Para além dos tes- tes pré-definidos, o professor terá, igualmente, a possibilidade de criar testes personalizados a partir de um banco com mais de 200 questões disponíveis. As atividades apresentadas no projeto, que associam a aprendizagem a uma vertente lúdica, são reforçadas com jogos interativos, contextualizados com as personagens e os temas abordados, bem como com canções interativas em formato karaoke. O professor tem também à sua disposição flashcards digitais com imagem, áudio e escrita associados, com possibilidade de impressão, podendo assim escolher a opção que melhor se adeque às estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula. Para além disso, é ainda facultado um banco de imagens de forma a enriquecer e promover a aprendizagem do vocabulário, bem como dois relógios interativos, em formato digital e analógico. Mapas interativos do Reino Unido e do Mundo são outras ferramentas presentes, com as quais o professor poderá abordar questões mais culturais. No mapa do Reino Unido, o professor poderá explorar os países que o compõem, as respetivas capitais, imagens das mesmas e de elementos culturais significativos. No mapa do Mundo, há especial referência a alguns países de expressão de língua inglesa, onde se encontram enumeradas as respetivas capitais e imagens, mostrando aos alunos o impacto da língua inglesa e a sua diversidade no mundo. A componente multimédia possibilita também a consulta de sites na Internet, diretamente associados aos diversos conteúdo do manual. Finalmente, são disponibilizados Planos de Aula, criados especificamente para o projeto explorando sequên- cias de recursos orientada para a exploração nas aulas, quer através do projetor, quer através do quadro interativo. A plataforma Aula Digital está disponível em CD-ROM e na Internet, em Guião de Utilização do Material Multimédia
  • 11. 11 Objetivos: •Diversificar as estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula. •Utilizar um conjunto diversificado de materiais interativos, dinâmicos, que torna o desenvolvimento das aulas mais apelativo e motivador. •Facilitar a aprendizagem. •Desenvolver a autonomia dos alunos. Sugestões de utilização: Cabe ao professor a decisão de utilização destes materiais, adaptando-os ao ritmo de aprendizagem dos seus alunos, através da seleção dos recursos disponíveis, que permitem: •Consolidar/complementar os recursos utilizados nas aulas. •Motivar os alunos para uma participação mais ativa nas atividades das aulas, em particular dos alunos que apresentam maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem, através dos jogos interativos, das canções em formato karaoke, das animações para apresentação de vocabulário e textos. •Avaliar as aprendizagens e conhecimentos de forma fácil, através dos testes pré-definidos, ou personaliza- dos à medida de cada turma (mais de 200 questões disponíveis). •Acompanhar a evolução das aprendizagens através de relatórios de avaliação detalhados, bem como usu- fruir de funcionalidades de impressão, envio e correção automática de testes. •Explorar as sequências de recursos digitais dos Planos de Aula criados para o professor. •Personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados pelo professor.
  • 12. 12 O projeto New Cool Kids inclui um conjunto de apresentações em PowerPoint que permite sistematizar de uma forma interativa, dinâmica e atual alguns dos conteúdos de língua inglesa abordados ao longo do Manual. Por outro lado, a utilização de novas metodologias/abordagens pedagógicas inovadoras propiciará uma motiva- ção acrescida para os alunos e contribuirá para uma aprendizagem de sucesso. Sugestões: Sugere-se que os slides sejam trabalhados em momentos de apresentação ou sistematização/consolidação dos conteúdos selecionados. Caberá ao professor decidir o ritmo em que os elementos que compõem o slide se sucedem. Antes da aula, o professor poderá fotocopiar o slide apenas parcialmente preenchido, permitindo, assim, que os alunos interajam com a apresentação (oralmente e por escrito), completando-o. Enquanto a apresentação decorre, o professor vai elicitando as respostas por parte dos alunos, antecipando a apresentação/sistematização que é feita no slide. Guião de Utilização de Apresentações em PowerPoint POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS Table of contents Contents Set 0 Verb to be Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives Asking questions Clothes, footwear and accessories Verb to have got Possessive case Possessive pronouns Daily routine Present Simple Adverbs of frequency Personal pronouns (object) Set 1 Prepositions of place Present Continuous Present Simple / Present Continuous Comparatives and superlatives Set 2 Verb to be (Past Simple) There + to be (Past Simple) Set 3 Past Simple (regular verbs) Past Simple (irregular verbs) Set 4 Be going to Holidays
  • 13. 13 O projeto New Cool Kids contém um conjunto de fichas de recuperação/consolidação, Extra Activities, que abordam conteúdos essenciais da língua inglesa, que os alunos irão rever ou consolidar. Objetivos: •Rever / recuperar conteúdos essenciais abordados em anos anteriores. •Consolidar estruturas básicas da língua inglesa e vocabulário. •Apoiar o trabalho desenvolvido em aula. Sugestões: Estas fichas poderão ser utilizadas nas aulas de Inglês ou em casa. Guião de Utilização das Fichas de Extra Activities Ficha Conteúdos Extra Activities 1 Personal identification Extra Activities 2 Verb to be Extra Activities 3 Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives Extra Activities 4 Indefinite and Definite articles Extra Activities 5 What time is it? Extra Activities 6 Daily routine – questions and answers Extra Activities 7 Present Simple Extra Activities 8 Adverbs of frequency Extra Activities 9 Personal pronouns (object) Extra Activities 10 School facilities / Verb there + to be (Present Simple) Extra Activities 11 Shops, public buildings and directions / Prepositions of place Extra Activities 12 School timetable / Plurals Extra Activities 13 Present Continuous Extra Activities 14 Present Simple / Present Continuous Extra Activities 15 Comparatives / Superlatives Extra Activities 16 Verb to be (Past Simple) Extra Activities 17 There + to be (Past Simple) Extra Activities 18 Past Simple (regular verbs) Extra Activities 19 Past Simple (irregular verbs) Extra Activities 20 Be going to
  • 14. O projeto New Cool Kids apresenta três propostas de guiões – guidelines – para o desenvolvimento de ativida- des orais, que têm por base a preocupação de desenvolver nos alunos uma maior competência comunicativa em situações diversificadas. As orientações fornecidas privilegiam os seguintes processos de aprendizagem: •caracterização do contexto do ato comunicativo; •seleção, no conjunto de saberes disponíveis, de enunciados, estruturas linguísticas e vocábulos necessários aos desempenhos comunicativos; •cooperação mútua no esclarecimento de significados e de intenções comunicativas. Objetivos: •Promover atitudes de autoconfiança e de empenho no saber-fazer pela criação de condições que potenciem desempenhos orais de sucesso. •Apoiar os alunos na organização e preparação de uma participação adequada em atos comunicativos. •Contribuir para a criação de um clima de trabalho favorável ao envolver todos os alunos da turma na ativi- dade oral através da recolha de informação a registar em grelha própria (em note form). 14 Guião de Utilização das Speaking Activities Objetivos: •Diversificar as estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula. •Rever / consolidar conteúdos. •Sistematizar vocabulário e conteúdos gramaticais. •Desenvolver os domínios da interação e produção oral. Sugestões: •Sempre que se justifique, ao longo do ano pode-se recorrer, por exemplo aos mapas para localizar cidades, estados e alguns aspetos culturais. •Localizar e contextualizar a aprendizagem. •Devido à versatilidade dos cartazes caberá ao professor decidir qual a melhor abordagem e o momento mais adequado para a sua utilização. •Motivar os alunos para uma participação mais ativa nas atividades das aulas. Guião de Utilização dos Cartazes
  • 16. 16 Topic: Personal identification EXTRA ACTIVITIES 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What’s her first name? 6. What’s her phone number? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What’s her surname? 7. How old is she? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Where is she from? 8. When is her birthday? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Is she Spanish? 9. What’s her favourite food? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Is her address 10, Alonso Duro St? 10. Is her favourite drink water? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ B. Use the information in the fact file and write a text similar to the one about Lolita. Hello! My first name is Lolita and my surname is Nunez. I am from Barcelona, in Spain. I am Spanish. My address is 15, Fernandez Duro St, Barcelona and my phone number is 93 426 90 45. I am 11 years old and my birthday is on 16th March. My favourite food is paella and my favourite drink is apple juice. First Name: Jean Surname: Didier Country: France Nationality: French Address: 26, Allée Ser, Bordeaux Phone number: 630 906583 Age: 14 Birthday: 23rd May Favourite food: croissant Favourite drink: milk His first name…
  • 17. 10 12 Ricky Portuguese English Melanie New York Paris 17 Topic: Verb to be EXTRA ACTIVITIES 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. 1. We _____________________from Canada. 6. He _____________________ from Cambridge. 2. She _____________________(neg) eleven years old. 7. _____________________ her favourite drink coke? 3. They _____________________ Italian. 8. You _____________________ German. 4. My phone number _____________________ 020 4982 1163. 9. _____________________ this your father? 5. _____________________ I a student? 10. They _____________________ (neg) French. B. Put the words in order to write correct sentences. 1. Angola / from / is / she / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. old / Nigel / years / is / nine / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Irish / Jenny / is / ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. surname / my / isn’t / Taylor / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. they / from / where / are / ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. drink / our / is / milk / favourite / . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Look at the pictures and write the sentences with the verb to be. 1. ______________Ricky ten years old? No, he ______________. He ______________ twelve years old. 2. _________________________________________? _________________________________________ _________________________________________. 3. _________________________________________? _________________________________________ _________________________________________. The students
  • 18. 18 Topic: Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives EXTRA ACTIVITIES 3 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete the table with the personal pronouns or possessive adjectives missing. B. Replace the words in bold with the correct personal pronoun. 1. Simon is Canadian. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Bill and Greg are English. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Martha and I are friends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Are you and Kyle American? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How old is Sam? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The phone number is 020 5673 4987 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Choose the correct possessive adjective. 1. I am German. My / Your name is Hans. 2. Simon and Henry are from Canada. Their / Our city is Toronto. 3. Martha is Australian. Their / Her birthday is on 14th March. 4. Kyle is 10 years old. Her / His surname is Swift. 5. Sam: Jonathan and I are Scottish. Our / Their surname is McGregor. 6. My cat is brown. My / Its name is Brownie. PERSONAL PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Singular I your he her it PERSONAL PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Plural our you they
  • 19. 19 Topic: Indefinite article: a / an – Definite article: the EXTRA ACTIVITIES 4 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete with: a / an. 1. What’s this? It’s _____________ school card. 2. Is this a dress? No, it isn’t. It’s _____________ uniform. It’s my school uniform. 3. The teacher has got _____________ English dictionary. B. Fill in the blanks with: a / an. 1. My father is _____________ doctor. 4. Have you got _____________ big family? 2. He’s got _____________ Italian car. 5. This is _____________ American boy. 3. There is _____________ cat in the garden. 6. My mother is _____________ assistant. C. Fill in the blanks with: the / Ø (zero article) 1. He is from _____________ USA. He’s _____________ American. 2. My favourite hobby is playing _____________ guitar. 3. Are you from _____________ Spain? Yes, I am. I’m _____________ Spanish. D. Fill in the blanks with: a / an / the. 1. _____________ capital of _____________ USA is Washington, DC. 2. There is _____________ American boy in class. His name is John Harris. 3. Open _____________ English book on page 31 and read _____________ text. 4. Phineas and Ferb is _____________ cartoon. 4. London is _____________ city. 5. It’s _____________ clock. 6. Bill has got _____________ dog, Buddy. SCHOOL CA SCHOOL CARD A Age: First name: First na SCHOOL CARD Canadian : eller K Ke : SCHOOL CARD 4. Ibrushmyteethin _____________ morning and in _____________ evening. 5. _____________ Bill is British.
  • 20. 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 20 Topic: What time is it? EXTRA ACTIVITIES 5 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 1. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ A. Complete the boxes with the expressions: quarter to / quarter past / half past / o’clock. B. What time is it? C. What time is it? 1. 08:30 It’s ________________________________________________________ 3. 11:00 _________________________________________________________ 2. 04:50 It’s ________________________________________________________ 4. 02:15 _________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________
  • 21. 21 Topic: Daily routine – questions and answers EXTRA ACTIVITIES 6 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Answer the questions. 1. What time does he wake up in the morning? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2. What time does he brush his teeth? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. What time do they have lunch? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. What time do they have dinner? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ B. Write questions and answers. Follow the example. Example: How often do you read the newspaper? (you / read / the newspaper) I never read the newspaper. (never) 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (she /wake up / 6 o’clock) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (sometimes) 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (they / be / late for school) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (never) 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (he / have toast for breakfast) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (usually) 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________? (you / watch TV after school) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (always)
  • 22. 22 Topic: Present Simple EXTRA ACTIVITIES 7 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. What do they usually do in the afternoon? Look at the pictures and write correct sentences. B. Circle the correct option. 1. Sophie phone/phones her grandparents every Saturday. 4. I usually eats/eat pizza every Sunday. 2. The boys run/runs in the park on Saturday morning. 5. You get/gets up early. 3. He plays/play computer games before dinner. 6. We never study/studies on Sunday. C. Write the sentences in the negative form. 1. I swim for one hour every morning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. We have lunch in the school canteen. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Alice studies in the afternoon. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. My parents go to work at 8.30. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. You love playing basketball. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ She / listen to music ______________________________________________ They / play football ______________________________________________ He / read book ______________________________________________ They / watch TV ______________________________________________ He / ride bike ______________________________________________ She / write emails ______________________________________________
  • 23. 23 D. Complete with do or does. Then answer the questions. 1. ___________________________________ Alison make her bed every morning? Yes, she ___________________________________. 2. ___________________________________ you have breakfast in the kitchen? No, I ___________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________ the children go to school by car? Yes, they _______________________________________. 4. ___________________________________ Kyle have lessons in the afternoon? No, he _______________________________________. 5. ___________________________________ Sarah have cereal for breakfast? Yes, she _________________________________________. E. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. 1. Mr and Mrs McGregor _______________________ (read) the newspaper every morning. 2. Mike _______________________ (not/ride) his bike to school. His father always _______________________ (drive) him. 3. Bill and Sam _______________________ (not/go) to school on Sundays. They usually _______________________ (meet) their friends in the shopping centre. 4. Lucinda always _______________________ (study) in the afternoon. 5. I sometimes _______________________ (watch) TV in the evening. F. Ask the questions. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Sam goes to school by bike. 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Johnny always studies in his bedroom. 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? They watch TV after dinner. 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? I get up at 7.30 every morning. 5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? We live in London.
  • 24. 24 Topic: Adverbs of frequency EXTRA ACTIVITIES 8 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete the diagram with the adverbs of frequency: ALWAYS OFTEN NEVER USUALLY SOMETIMES B. Complete the sentences with the correct words: after / before. Example 1: My brother always has orange juice for breakfast. He doesn’t usually drink milk. 1. The adverbs of frequency come __________________________________ the main verb. Example 2: We’re always at school during the day. She is never home in the morning. 2. The adverbs of frequency come __________________________________ the verb to be. C. Insert the adverb of frequency in the correct place. 1. My mother goes to bed after ten o’clock. (often) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. They’re on time for school. (always) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you go to the cinema on Saturday? (usually) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. We don’t have lunch in the dining room. (often) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Order the words. 1. in the evening / Simon / sometimes / is / sleepy ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. watch TV / usually / after dinner / Greg / doesn’t ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 25. 25 Topic: Personal pronouns (object) EXTRA ACTIVITIES 9 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ We use personal pronouns (object) to avoid repetitions. Example 1: Example 2: A. Now complete the table. B. Circle the correct option. 1. Hello, Bill. Your new glasses are nice. I really like it / them. 2. This is my friend Justin. I go to school with her / him. 3. Sam and Bill: Alison, do you want to come to the cinema with us / you? 4. My father drives them / me to school every day. 5. You’ve got a nice bike. I like it / him a lot. C. Fill in the blanks with object pronouns. 1. Your friend Alison is very friendly. We like ___________________very much. 2. You’ve got homework! Please do ___________________before dinner. 3. I usually meet my friends after school. I meet ___________________in the library. 4. Bill’s mother wakes ___________________up at seven o’clock. Subject pronouns I You He She It We You They Object pronouns Mary has got a really nice T-shirt. She likes her T-shirt a lot. Mary has got a really nice T-shirt. She likes it a lot. Sam and Bill are nice kids.We like Sam and Bill. Sam and Bill are nice kids.We like them.
  • 26. 26 Topic: School facilities / There + to be EXTRA ACTIVITIES 10 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Label the pictures of St Andrew’s School. Choose from the list. B. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences about St Andrew’s School. 1. There is / are 9 computers in the computer room. 4. There is / are a gymnasium. 2. There isn’t / aren’t two music rooms. 5. Is / are there a canteen? Yes, there is / are. 3. Is / Are there three music rooms? No, there isn’t / aren’t. 6. There isn’t / aren’t a swimming pool. C. Answer the questions about St Andrew’s School. 1. Is there a gym? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Is there an auditorium? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many music rooms are there? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Are there 30 computers in the computer room? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________ 6. SCHOOL FACILITIES: • 1 Auditorium • 1 Library • 1 Music room • 1 Gym • 1 Canteen • 2 Football fields • 1 Computer room (9 computers) • 2 Tennis courts
  • 27. • Newsagent’s • Cinema • Railway Station • Supermarket 27 Topic: Shops, public buildings and directions / Prepositions of place EXTRA ACTIVITIES 11 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Where can Fiona buy these things? Write the words under the correct place. B. Label these signs. Choose from the box. C. Fill in the blanks with prepositions of place. 1. The library is ____________________ of the café. 2. The café is ____________________ the hotel and the library. 3. The post office is ____________________ the museum. 4. The bookshop is ____________________ of the restaurant. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. FIONA’S SHOPPING LIST: • pens • milk • a magazine • biscuits • train tickets • cinema tickets 1. turn left turn right take the second turning on the right take the second turning on the left ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________
  • 28. 28 Topic: School timetable / Plurals EXTRA ACTIVITIES 12 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Choose the correct question on the right to complete the dialogue. Celine: 1. _________________________________________________________________________? Josh: My first lesson on Tuesday is History. Celine: 2. _________________________________________________________________________? Josh: On Monday I have PE at 11 o’clock. Celine: 3. _________________________________________________________________________? Josh: I have French on Thursday at 9 o’clock. Celine: 4. _________________________________________________________________________? Josh: Yes, I do. I have Maths on Wednesday. B. Look at Celine’s timetable and answer the questions. 1. What time does she have PE on Tuesday? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does she have English before lunch on Friday? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Does she have Science on Monday? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What’s her first lesson on Wednesday? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. When does she have Art? ___________________________________________________________________________________ C. Circle the correct preposition of time. 1. He doesn’t have History on / at Friday. 3. We usually have French before / at lunch. 2. She has English on / in the morning. 4. I have Music in / at 3 o’clock. a) Do you have Maths on Wednesday? b) When do you have French? c) What’s your first lesson on Tuesday? d) What time do you have PE on Monday? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 09.00 French Geography PE 10.30 / 11.00 BREAK 11.00 PE French English 12.30 / 14.00 LUNCH 14.00 History Science 15.00 Music Art
  • 29. 29 Topic: Present Continuous EXTRA ACTIVITIES 13 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Look at the pictures and write True or False. Correct the False ones. B. Write correct sentences in the Present Continuous. 1. I / write / an email ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. thedog/notrun/inthegarden ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. he / watch / the dolphins? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. she / walk / the dog ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. they / climb / trees / now? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous. 1. Emma _____________________________ (not/make) her bed. She _____________________________ (sleep). 2. _____________________________ your father _____________________________ (wash) his car? No, he _____________________________. 3. _____________________________ you _____________________________ (play) the guitar? Yes, I _____________________________. 4. The girls _____________________________ (have) a pillow fight. They _____________________________ (not/watch) a film. 5. I _____________________________ (not/swim). I _____________________________ (play) basketball. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. She is playing the guitar. ______________________________________________ They are making the bed. ______________________________________________ They are doing their homework. ______________________________________________ He is walking the dog. ______________________________________________ I am drinking juice. ______________________________________________ We are driving our cars. ______________________________________________
  • 30. 30 Topic: Present Simple / Present Continuous EXTRA ACTIVITIES 14 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Circle the correct option. 1. Martin usually watches / is watching TV after dinner. 2. Now Brian drinks / is drinking orange juice. 3. Robert and Judy are listening / listen to a new CD at the moment. 4. I always am studying / study after school. 5. Now we do / are doing cool things at the adventure camp. B. Follow the example to write sentences. 1. Lisa at weekends / ride bike at the moment / watch TV 2. David every morning / swim right now / play basketball 3. Diane in the afternoon / listen to music at the moment / climb ropes 4. Mr Moor after dinner / read newspaper now / play chess 1. At weekends Lisa rides her bike but at the moment she is watching TV. 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Write the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. Sophie __________________________ (not/meet) her friends in the shopping centre on weekdays. 2. At the moment Jenny __________________________ (skate) with her sister. 3. My brother __________________________ (do) his homework now. He usually __________________________ (study) before dinner. 4. The children sometimes __________________________ (play) in the park. At the moment they __________________________ (watch) an animal show.
  • 31. 31 Topic: Comparatives / Superlatives EXTRA ACTIVITIES 15 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete the table with the comparative form of the adjectives. B. Use the comparative form of the adjective. Follow the example. Example: (My school / small / your school) My school is smaller than your school. 1. (Climbing / dangerous / playing football) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. (Bill / old / Sam) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. (Bowling balls / heavy / tennis balls) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Johnny is _______________________________________ Simon. (tall) 2. Sam is _______________________________________ at skateboarding _______________________________________ Bill. (good) 3. My mobile phone is _______________________________________ your mobile phone. (modern) 4. Simon is _______________________________________ Bill. (young) 5. Doing after-school activities is _______________________________________ staying at home. (exciting) Adjective Comparative fast faster than old popular pretty thin good beautiful
  • 32. 32 D. Complete the table with the superlative form of the adjectives. E. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. The Sports Club is _____________________________ club in the school! (good) 2. Eco Club helps protect the planet. It’s _____________________________ club in the school. (important) 3. Johnny and Sam are _____________________________ students in their class. (fast) 4. I really like Young Scientists Club. Lab activities are _____________________________ activities for me! (interesting) 5. Who is _____________________________ student in the class? (small) F. Circle the correct option. 1. It’s not difficult to play tennis. It’s easier than / the easiest playing chess. 2. Surf boards are longer than / the longest skate boards. 3. My school basketball team is better than / the best team in London. 4. Tell me, Bill, which is more exciting than / the most exciting club in your school? 5. The football coach is funnier than / the funniest teacher in my school. Adjective Superlative fast the fastest old popular pretty thin good beautiful
  • 33. 33 Topic: Verb to be (Past Simple) EXTRA ACTIVITIES 16 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Write where they were () and where they weren’t () yesterday. 1. ____________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ B. Circle the correct form of the verb to be in the Past Simple. 1. Where was / were the Clarks yesterday? 4. We was / were at the park last Saturday. 2. Last week it was / were Sam’s birthday. 5. You weren’t / wasn’t at the school party. 3. Robert weren’t / wasn’t at home last night. 6. Was / Were Alison in Paris last month? C. Write sentences with the verb to be in the Past Simple. 1. I / at the adventure camp / yesterday ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. the food / delicious? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. she / not / at her grandparents’ / last Sunday ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. my friends / at the Zoo / last week ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. you / at the shopping centre last Saturday? _______________________________________________________________________________________ Julia Hugh and Lyn Derek At the museum At a party At the park At the cinema At the library At school
  • 34. 34 Topic: There + to be (Past Simple) / Indefinite pronouns EXTRA ACTIVITIES 17 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Circle the correct form. 1. Was / Were there many students at the party? Yes, there were / was. 2. There was / were some baskets of fruit. 3. There weren’t / wasn’t any fizzy drinks. 4. Was / Were there a party at school last Saturday? Yes, there was / were. 5. There weren’t / wasn’t anyone at school yesterday. B. Look at the menu and complete the sentences with the verb there to be in the Past Simple. 1. _______________________________ any vegetarian dishes. 2. _______________________________ grilled fish. 3. _______________________________ any hamburgers. 4. _______________________________ any chocolate cake? No, _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ fruit salad. 6. _______________________________ any fizzy drinks? No, _____________________________________ 7. _______________________________ any water? Yes, ____________________________________________ C. Complete with something, someone, nothing, anything, nobody, anybody, anyone. 1. There wasn’t ________________________________ in the classroom. 2. There was ________________________________ in the kitchen. 3. There is ________________________________ in the fridge. I need to go shopping. 4. Was there ________________________________ delicious to eat at the party? 5. There is ________________________________ under the table. What is it? 6. Does ________________________________ know where the new restaurant is? 7. There is ________________________________ at home. MENU • Vegetarian dishes • Grilled fish • Hamburgers • Chocolate cake • Fruit salad • Fizzy drinks • Water
  • 35. 35 Topic: Past Simple (regular verbs) EXTRA ACTIVITIES 18 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Complete the table. Follow the example. B. Look at the pictures and write the sentences. 1. Yesterday _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ yesterday. (they / watch / TV) (she / not / visit / the museum) 3. ___________________________ 4. _________________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________last night. (he / play / football) (you / not / study / English C. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. When __________________________the restaurant __________________________? (open) It _________________________in 2010. 2. She __________________________(not like) the visit to the park last week. 3. Our teacher __________________________(organise) the school trip to Lisbon last month. 4. They __________________________(start) the game but I wasn’t there! 5. __________________________you __________________________(like) the film? Yes, I __________________________. And my friends _________________too. Verb Affirmative Negative Interrogative wait I waited I didn’t wait Did I wait? finish listen study
  • 36. 36 Topic: Past Simple (irregular verbs) EXTRA ACTIVITIES 19 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. Look at the example and do the same with the other sentences. e.g. Affirmative: I went to the cinema yesterday. go Negative: I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday. Interrogative: Did I go to the cinema yesterday? 1. Affirmative: She saw a film last week. Negative: She a film last week. Interrogative: she a film last week? 2. Affirmative: They swam in the lake. Negative: They in the lake. Interrogative: they in the lake? B. Ask and answer as in the example. e.g. you /travel by train/by car 2. He / drink orange juice / coke Did you travel by train? ______________________________________________________ No, I didn’t. I travelled by car. ______________________________________________________? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 1. She/write a report/ an article 3. They/buy a CD/a book ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________? ______________________________________________________? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
  • 37. 37 C. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. 1. Yesterday he _______________________(not go) to school by bus. He _______________________(ride) his bike. 2. Two days ago my mother _______________________(buy) a new TV set. 3. _______________________they _________________________(swim) for one hour last Thursday? 4. Andrew ________________________(not eat) fish and chips. He ________________________(eat) hamburger. 5. I ________________________(write) an email to my friend Margaret. 6. We _______________________(have) dinner at a restaurant last Sunday. D. Ask the questions. 1. ___________________________________________________________? (Where / Rita / go / last month) Last month Rita went to Greece. 2. ___________________________________________________________? (How / she / travel) She travelled by boat. 3. ___________________________________________________________? (What / she / see) She saw museums and art galleries. 4. ___________________________________________________________? (she / have / great time) Yes, she did. She had a great time. E. This is the list of things Rita did and didn’t do last Saturday. Write sentences. 1. Last Saturday Rita met her friends. 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ • Meet friends • Read magazine • Have dinner out • Go to the cinema • Eat ice cream
  • 38. 38 Topic: Be going to EXTRA ACTIVITIES 20 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________ A. It’s Greg’s birthday. What are they going to do at his birthday party? Write sentences with be going to. Follow the example. Example: Bill is going to drink orange juice. (Bill / drink / orange juice) 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ (Alison / dance) (Martha / have / some cake) 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ (Johnny and Sam / play / computer games) (Greg’s parents / take / pictures) 3. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ (Simon / listen to / music) (Mary / watch / TV) B. Look at the pictures and write sentences with be going to. Example: (Brad / drink ice tea / eat pizza) Brad isn’t going to drink ice tea. He is going to eat pizza. 1. (the sisters / listen to music / pack their suitcases) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. (Alice’s father / drive his car / catch the plane) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. (it / rain / be sunny) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 39. 39 SPEAKING ACTIVITY This is my school Prepare your presentation. You can bring a picture of your school to class… Choose the correct option: 1. What is your school like? My school is… 2. How many buildings are there? Tick the answer. There is only one building. There are two buildings. 3. How many floors are there in the main building? Tick the answer. There is only one floor. There are two floors. 4. Is there a football field? There is… There isn’t… 5. Is there a playground? There is… There isn’t… 8. Where is the headmaster’s office? It is… 9. What other rooms are there in your school? There is… There are… 10. Now describe your school. Use the prepositions of place! (on the right, on the left, next to, between, opposite…) big small modern old 6. Is there a gym? There is… There isn’t… 7. Is there a lab? There is… There isn’t…
  • 41. 41 SPEAKING ACTIVITY This is my daily routine Step 1: Fill in the boxes with the information about yourself. Step 2: Present your daily routine to the class. Start by: “In the morning I usually get up at...” What time do you get up? What do you do next? (have a shower, get dressed …) Where do you have breakfast? (kitchen/dining room …) How do you go to school? (by car, bus, bike, train, on foot …) What time do you go to bed? What do you do after dinner? (watch TV/listen to music/study) What time do you have dinner? What do you do next? (have a snack/do the homework…) Where do you have lunch? (school canteen, home …) What time do you go back home? Go this way:
  • 43. 43 SPEAKING ACTIVITY Next summer holiday Prepare your presentation. You can bring a picture of your destination to class… Choose the correct option: 1. Where are you going to go? I’m going to go… 2. When are you going to go on holiday? Tick the answer. July August September 3. How are you going to travel? 4. Where are you going to stay? 5. What are you going to pack? Complete the list. 6. What are you going to do? Sunbathing Taking pictures Going on a sightseeing tour Writing postcards Swimming in a lake/in the sea Playing computer games Visiting a museum Riding a bike Rock climbing Going shopping 6. Now tell the class about your next summer holiday. seaside mountain countryside abroad Things I can’t forget: • Sunglasses plane camping car car train hotel campsite friend’s house with family
  • 45. 45 KEYS EXTRA ACTIVITIES 1 A. 1. Her first name is Lolita. 2. Her surname is Nunez. 3. She is from Barcelona in Spain. 4. Yes, she is. 5. No, it isn’t. Her address is 15, Fernandez Duro St, Barcelona. 6. Her phone number is 93 426 90 45. 7. She is 11 years old. 8. Her birthday is on 16th March. 9. Her favourite food is paella. 10. No, it isn’t. Her favourite drink is apple juice. B. His first name is Jean and his surname is Didier. He is from Bordeaux in France. He is French. His address is 26, Allée Ser, Bordeaux and his phone number is 630 906583. He is 14 years old and his birthday is on 23rd May. His favourite food is croissant and his favourite drink is milk. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 2 A. 1. are 2. isn’t 3. are 4. is 5. Am 6. is; 7. Is 8. are 9. Is 10. aren’t B. 1. She is from Angola. 2. Nigel is nine years old. 3. Is Jenny Irish? 4. My surname isn’t Taylor. 5. Where are they from? 6. Our favourite drink is milk. C. 1. Is / isn’t / is 2. Is Melanie Portuguese? No, she isn’t. She is English. 3. Are the students from New York? No, they aren’t. They are from Paris. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 3 A. 1. my 2. you 3. his 4. she 5. its 6. we 7. your 8. their B. 1. He is Canadian. 2.They are English. 3.We are friends. 4.Are you American? 5.How old is she? 6.It is 020 5673 4987. C. 1. My 2. Their 3. Her 4. His 5. Our 6. Its EXTRA ACTIVITIES 4 A. 1. a 2. a 3. an 4. a 5. a 6. a B. 1. a 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an C. 1. the / Ø 2. the 3. Ø/Ø 4. the / the 5. Ø D. 1. The / the 2. an 3. the / the 4. a EXTRA ACTIVITIES 5 A. B. 1. It’s half past one. 2.It’s five to ten. 3.It’s twenty past seven. 4.It’s ten past five. 5.It’s twenty to twelve. C. 1. It’s half past eight. 2.It’s ten to five. 3.It’s eleven o’clock. 4.It’s quarter past two. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 6 A. 1. He wakes up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2.He brushes his teeth at half past seven. 3.They have lunch at half past one. 4.They have dinner at quarter past seven. B. 1. How often does she wake up at 6 o’clock? She sometimes wakes up at 6 o’clock. 2.How often are they late for school? They are never late for school. 3.How often does he have toast for breakfast? He usually has toast for breakfast. 4.How often do you watch TV after-school? I always watch TV after-school. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 7 A. 1. They watch TV. 2. He rides his bike. 3. She writes emails. 4. She listens to music. 5. They play football. 6. He reads a book. B. 1. phones 2. run 3. plays 4. eat 5. get 6. study C. 1. I don’t swim for one hour every morning. 2. We don’t have lunch in the school canteen. 3. Alice doesn’t study in the afternoon. 4. My parents don’t go to work at 8.30. 5. You don’t love playing basketball. D. 1. Does / does 2. Do / don’t 3. Do / do 4. Does / doesn’t 5. Does / does E. 1. read 2. doesn’t ride / drives 3. don’t go / meet 4. studies 5. watch 12 6 5 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 1 2 o’clock quarter past half past quarter to
  • 46. 46 KEYS F. 1. How does Sam go to school? 2.Where does Johnny always study? 3.When do they watch TV? 4.What time do you get up every morning? 5.Where do you live? EXTRA ACTIVITIES 8 A. never / sometimes / often / usually / always B. 1. before 2. after C. 1. My mother often goes to bed after ten o’clock. 2.They’re always on time for school. 3.Do you usually go to the cinema on Saturday? 4.We don’t often have lunch in the dining room. D. 1. In the evening Simon is sometimes sleepy. 2.Greg doesn’t usually watch TV after dinner. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 9 A. B. 1. them 2.him C. 1. her 3.them 4.him EXTRA ACTIVITIES 10 A. 1. Library 2. Canteen 3. Auditorium 4. Music room 5. Gym 6. Computer room B. 1. are 2. aren’t 3. Are/ aren’t 4. is 5. Is/is 6. isn’t C. 1. Yes, there is. 2.Yes, there is. 3.There is one music room. 4.No, there aren’t. There are 9 computers in the computer room. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 11 A. 1. supermarket: pens; milk; biscuits 2. Newsagent’s: a magazine 3. Railway station: train tickets 4. Cinema: cinema tickets B. 1. take the second turning on the left 2. turn right 3. turn left 4. take the second turning on the right C. 1. on the right 2. between 3. opposite 4. on the left EXTRA ACTIVITIES 12 A. 1. c) 2. d) 3. b) 4. a) B. 1. She has PE at 11 o’clock on Tuesday. 2. Yes, she does. 3. No. she doesn’t. She has Science on Thursday. 4. Her first lesson on Wednesday is Geography. 5. She has Art on Thursday. C. 1. on 2. in 3. before 4. at EXTRA ACTIVITIES 13 A. 1. T. 2. F – They are washing the car. 3. T. 4. T. 5. F – I am eating a sandwich. 6. F – We are riding our bikes. B. 1. I am writing an email. 2. The dog isn’t running in the garden. 3. Is he watching the dolphins? 4. She is walking the dog. 5. Are they climbing trees now? C. 1. isn’t making / is sleeping 2.Is… washing / isn’t 3.Are… playing / am 4.are having/ aren’t watching not swimming / am playing EXTRA ACTIVITIES 14 A. 1. watches 2. is drinking 3. are listening 4. study 5. are doing B. 2. Every morning David swims but right now he is playing basketball. 3. In the afternoon Diane listens to music but at the moment she is climbing ropes. 4. After dinner Mr Moor reads the newspaper but now he is playing chess. C. 1. doesn’t meet 2. is skating 3. is doing / studies 4. play / are watching EXTRA ACTIVITIES 15 A. older than / more popular than / prettier than / thinner than / better than / more beautiful than Subject pronouns I You He She It We You They Object pronouns me you him her it us you them
  • 47. 47 B. 1. Climbing is more dangerous than playing football. 2.Bill is older than Sam. 3.Bowling balls are heavier than tennis balls. C. 1. taller than 2.better… than 3.more modern than 4.younger than 5.more exciting than D. the oldest / the most popular / the prettiest / the thinnest / the best / the most beautiful E. 1. the best 2.the most important 3. the fastest 4. the most interesting 5. the smallest F. 1. easier than 2.longer than 3.the best 4.the most exciting 5.the funniest EXTRA ACTIVITIES 16 A. 1. Julia was at the Museum. She wasn’t at a party. 2.Hugh and Lyn were at the park. They weren’t at the cinema. 3.Derek was at the library. He wasn’t at school. B. 1. were 2. was 3. wasn’t 4. were 5. weren’t 6. Was C. 1. I was at the adventure camp yesterday. 2. Was the food delicious? 3. She wasn’t at her grandparents’ last Sunday. 4. My friends were at the Zoo last week. 5. Were you at the shopping centre last Saturday? EXTRA ACTIVITIES 17 A. 1. Were / were 2. Were 3. Weren’t 4. Was / was 5. Wasn’t B. 1. There weren’t 2. There was 3. There weren’t 4. Was there / There wasn’t 5. There was 6. Were there; there weren’t 7. Was there / there was. C. 1. anyone / anybody 2. nobody / someone 3. nothing 4. anything 5. Something 6. anyone / anybody 7. someone / nobody EXTRA ACTIVITIES 18 A. B. 1. Yesterday they watched TV. 2.She didn’t visit the museum yesterday. 3.He played football. 4.You didn’t study English last night. C. 1. did / open / opened 2.didn’t like 3.organised 4.started 5.Did / like / did / liked EXTRA ACTIVITIES 19 A. 1. see / didn’t see / did / see 2.swim / didn’t swim / did / swim B. 1. Did she write a report? No, she didn’t. She wrote an article. 2.Did he drink orange juice? No, he didn’t. He drank coke. 3.Did they buy a CD? No, they didn’t. They bought a book. C. 1. didn’t go / rode 2.bought 3.Did / swim 4.didn’t eat/ate 5.wrote 6.had D. 1. Where did Rita go last month? 2.How did she travel? 3.What did she see? 4.Did she have a great time? E. 2.She read a magazine. 3.She didn’t have dinner out. 4.She went to the cinema. 5.She didn’t eat ice cream. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 20 A. 1. Alison is going to dance. 2.Johnny and Sam are going to play computer games. 3.Simon is going to listen to music. 4.Martha is going to have some cake. 5.Greg’s parents are going to take pictures. 6.Mary is going to watch TV. B. 1. The sisters aren’t going to listen to music. They’re going to pack their suitcases. 2.Alice’s father isn’t going to drive his car. He’s going to catch the plane. 3.It isn’t going to rain. It’s going to be sunny. Verb Afirmative Negative Interrogative wait I waited I didn’t wait Did I wait? finish I finished I didn’t finish Did I finish? listen I listened I didn’t listen Did I listen? study I studied I didn’t study Did I study?