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These slides showthe most common APA
style errors students make in their papers. We
ask that you alert your students to the
patterns of their errors. You need not correct
every instance—just enough to showthem
the kinds of APA errors they are making.
• Documentation
• Formatting and Variations
• Numbers, Spelling, and Punctuation
• Quirks and Oddsand Ends
In-Text Citations: Bottom Line
– Writers must supply page numbers for
direct quotes from print sources or ¶
number for electronic ones.
– You must use quotation marks if
quoting a source directly (unless block quote).
– Per APA 3.39,you are not required to
provide page numbers for paraphrases,
but “authors are encouraged to do so.
How to Cite Sources
• Follow the conventions of the style
–In-text citations on pp. 117-122 &
–Reference lists chapter 5 (5th ed.)
–See the APA StyleAsylum in the writing
center for more examples.
APA style uses author-date citations only.
The authors (or in their absence, the title of the work) appear
first, followed by the year
of publication, and often a page number at the end of a
After first reference in a paragraph, you need not cite the year
in the same paragraph. You
must cite the year on first reference in subsequent paragraphs.
When citing multiple authors in parentheses, use
an ampersand.
Nuance was determined to be irrelevant (Gerstein,
Morrison, & Glazer, 2000, p. 211).
When not in parentheses, use the word and.
Gerstein, Morrison, and Glazer (2000) found
that “nuance is far overrated” (p. 211).
Note where the punctuation belongs.
The plural of p. is pp. {space}
(pp. 211-212).
Space after a p. or pp.
(In parentheses, use &)
Not in parentheses, use and
“Place the final punctuation after
the parentheses” (Tom, Dick, &
Harry, 2001).
On Formatting Block Quotes
• Block form for direct quotes 40 words or
• Use only rarely; instead, paraphrase.
• Indent the same as a paragraph tab; same
margin on the right.
• The final punctuation comes before the
parenthetical element.
. . . and unpatriotic. (p. 285)
➫ No
Steinbrink and Cook (2003) wrote that
the post-September 11 discussion in the U.S. media,
based on fear of additional terror, showed an
overwhelming preoccupation with nationalistic images
and icons. The media’s “us versus them” discourse is
based on patriotic motifs (U.S. flags everywhere);
human-interest stories about the 9/11 victims that
reinforce nationalism; and narratives that demonize
“them,” such as reports about Taliban brutality and
Palestinian suicide bombers. (p. 285)
➫ ➫ No
In-text citation of Web page
Show retrieval date for nonpermanent
Web sources. Electronicsources:
para. or ¶ or
p. 2 of 6.
Bestà Method section, ¶ 3.
If you’re listing groups of authors, they
go in alphabetical order:
Ya di ya di ya di da (Bonds, Van Slyke,
Bonilla, & Bell, 1990; Mazeroski & Groat,
1960; Stargell, Alou, & Clemente, 1970)
Reference Lists
– As discussed on page 326 in the APA manual,
single-spaced reference lists are easier to read
than double-spaced ones.
– Use a hanging indent.
– Alphabetize the references.
– If there’s no author, the article title in the
– Use (n.d.) if no date is indicated.
Steinbrink, J. E., & Cook, J. W. (2003).
Media literacy skills and the war on
terrorism. Clearing House, 76(6),
space comma
+ &
lower case
Steinbrink, J. E., & Cook, J. W. (2003).
Media literacy skills and the war on
terrorism. Clearing House, 76(6),
284-288. Retrieved October 21, 2006,
from Academic Search Premier
The manual is ambiguous about when
you can
use [Electronic version]. If a database was
used, per the manual, students should cite the
Pesto, R. I., & Lutefisk, N. J. (2003).
Lemonade, lemonade:You know you
like it. New York: Longman.
Space Comma
+ &
case italics
Review: Key Points on Citations
1. You must use quotation marks if you are
quoting directly.
2. You must indicate the page number or
paragraph number of a direct quote.
Secondary Sources
3. Students cannot pretend to have read
somethingfirsthand they did not read. Some
programs prohibit secondary sources. If you
allow students to use a secondary source, then
they showit as follows:
Sometimes a cigaris just a
cigar(Freud, as
cited in Cohen, 1999).
The year Freud wrote his piece doesn’t
here, nor is Freud in the reference list.
Another Common Error
It is not spelled,et. al, etal,,la.te,or
It’s et al., followed by a comma.
Yadi yada overrated
(Culpepper et al., 2005)
2. Check the manual for when you can use et
Formatting and Variations
Because the APA manual was written for
submissions to journal articles, theremay not be
one standard “right way”to format a course
Here are somehelpful guidelines.
Margins: Course Papers
My Wonderful Research
1 in. from
the edge of
paper for
top, bottom,
right side
margin is
1” from
the left
edge of
Margins: Page Numbers
The page
number goes
1” down.
1.5” down
You must change Word’s default: Go to File, Page
Setup, Margins.
Formatting Lists
• Vertical lists, go
• In the paragraph, use (a), (b), (c). . . .
tab 1.tabIn a vertical list like this
one, tab the 1. over, and tab again.
2. Double space. As in the last
sentence, go back to the left margin.
3. Use a #., not a #) or (#).
but O’Reilly and Hannity (2000) blamed the
following for disruptive behavior among
1. Not saying the Pledge of Allegiance at
school in the morning.
2. Irresponsible parents.
3. The elimination of paddling.
Blah blah Clinton (2006), who said it was
(a) the right thingto do, (b) a mistake, and
(c) the right thingto do but a mistake.
But: Blah blah Robertson (2005), who
encouraged prohibiting (a) atheism; (b)
pinkos, especially pinko demagogues; and (c)
coed dancing.
Headings (APA 3.31)
• Keep your reader from getting lost.
• A series of road signs.
• Some choices dependingon how many
levels you have.
• All levels belong in the table of contents,
which on most word processing programs
can be generated automatically.
Here’s how you’d do threelevels:
Highest Level [L1]
Next Level [L3]
Next level. [L4]
Here’s how you’d do three levels:
Twentieth-Century Theorists {L1}
Abraham Maslow {L3}
Harmony, beauty, and justice. {L4} This
concept arose during the theorist’s days at a deli
counter on Murray Avenue in the Squirrel Hill
area of Pittsburgh.
Table of Contents
Twentieth-Century Theorists [L1]……………….14
Abraham Maslow [L3]…………………… …14
Harmony, beauty, and justice…...…….16
Justin Timberlake [L3]………………………18
Justin on quantum physics..……………25
Twentieth-Century Theorists [L1]
Blah blah blah these are really swell guys that I’ll be
Abraham Maslow (1954) [L3]
Blah blah svelt Maslow (1954) blah blah ya da da da da da self-
actualization blah blah hungry but blah blah think sex is more
Harmony, beauty, and justice . [L4] Self-actualization blah
blah papers
written by graduate students blah blah but did he ever play ice
Justin Timberlake [L3]
Blah blah blah Timberlake (2004) blah blah ya da da da da da
talented and
intelligent blah blah famous performance at the Super Bowl
blah blah.
Justin on quantum physics. The erudite performer (2004) blah
blah whose
secret work at the NSF was only recently revealed blah blah. . .
Tables and Figures
The APA manual has excellent guidelineson tables
and figures. In APA style, anything that is not a
table is a figure—not a chartor graph or
Note that the table title goes flushleft, above the
The figure caption goes flushleft, under the figure.
Table 4
Comparison of Boys and Girls by Height and Weight
Note. From “Analysis of Seventh Graders’
Hormones,” by W. Steeves, 2001, Journal of
Despair, 98, p. 11. Reprinted with permission.
Figure 13. Causes of stress and its effects
graduate students. But is this really necessary?
According to whom?
By the way, number tables and figures
that is, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3; Figure
1, Figure 2. . . .
Pressure from
Pressure from
Dangerous Levels of Medications
• Normally, double space.(See p. 326 in the
APA manual.)
• Insert only one space after a period or
Numbers, Spelling, and Punctuation
On Numbers (APA 3.42-3.45)
• Normally, numbers 10 and higher are written as
numerals. Nine and lower are written out.
• But thereare exceptions where numbers 9
lower appear as numerals, too—mainly (a)
elements of time,(b) participants in a study,
(c) greatbig numbers, like 4 million.
• All eightboys threw rocks at a carp.
14 catfish nipped at Mrs. Thatcher’s arm.
• Every 2 or 3 years my lovely bride
and I spend a
weekend in Crawford, TX, discussing the positive
effects of oil profits on luxury boat sales.
• There were like 4 million people at the
concert last night.
• Exactly 60 boys and 8 girls participated.
Percentages (APA 3.42d) are straightforward.
Use a numeral and percentage sign unless at
the start of a sentence or if you’re quoting
directly from a source that used a different
style manual.
• Sixteen percent favor death by lethal
• Another 12% favor Cheez-Whiz, and 2%
marked “Hemlock.”
Insert a serial comma in a series of
three or more nouns or noun phrases
before the words and or or:
Moe, Larry, and Curly
Wait. I missed that one.
What was that again?
Cheese, mushrooms, green
peppers, and onions.
ß-Serial comma per APA
Check the tables in chapter 3 for rules on
hyphenation. In general, words with prefixes such
as non, semi, pre, post, anti, multi, and inter are
hyphenated: pretest, posttest, antibiotic,antisocial,
nonprofit, semipro, multiphased, subsample. But
self-esteem, self-concept.
Possessives of proper nouns ending in s
get ’s
Rogers’s, Wilks’s lambda, Jones’s bottle of rum.
On Abbreviations
• Italicize statistical abbreviations
• Uppercase N means population;
lowercase n means subsample
• Use etc., e.g., and i.e. only inside
(e.g., means for example)
(i.e., means that is)
• My sister has three/3 children
• The plane was two/2 hours late.
• I plan to eat lunch, take a nap and spend
whole evening writing a course paper.
• I plan to eat lunch, take a nap, and spend
whole evening writing a course paper.
• I may have turned 52/fifty-two, but I do not
feel a day olderthan 50/fifty.
• I’m/I am not old; I’m/Iam a non-traditional/
nontraditional student.
• My sister has three/3 children
• The plane was two/2 hours late.
• I plan to eat lunch, take a nap and spend
whole evening writing a course paper.
• I plan to eat lunch, take a nap, and spend
the whole evening writing a course paper.
• I may have turned 52/fifty-two, but I do not
feel a day olderthan 50/fifty.
• I’m/I am not old; I’m/Iam a non-traditional/
nontraditional student.
Quirks and Oddsand Ends
First rule: The verb tensemust make sense.
Corporations lack the trust many Americans had in
them a decade ago.
The U.S. manned space program has experienced
setbacks / experienced a major setback. . .
There are growing concerns about the shortage of
water in the American West.
The crime rate fell during the 1990s.
Second rule: Report the literature in past tense.
Freud (1917/1980) explained [not explains] that
sometimes a cigaris just a cigar.
Deming (1982) argued that blah blah.
Bennis (1980) believed [not believes]
Linus (2000) found that
Calvin and Hobbes (2001) wrote that
Dagwood (2004) demonstrated/indicated/opined
Third rule: Report the literature in past tense,
but it
has to make sense.
Parker (1935) claimed that boys seldom make
passes at girls who wear glasses.
Bausch and Lomb (2002) studied male heterosexual
college students (N=100) at Princeton and found
75% of the students made passes at girls who
• Data and media are plural nouns and take
plural adjectives, pronouns, and verbs.
• Use respectful and inclusive language.
• Avoid contractions.
APA Formatting and Style Guide
Purdue OWL staff
Brought to you in cooperation with the Purdue Online Writing
The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is
the most commonly used format for manuscripts in the social
APA regulates:
• Stylistics
• In-text citations
• References
What is APA Style?
Personal pronouns where appropriate
•✓: “We conducted an experiment…”
•✗: “The authors conducted an experiment….”
Active voice rather than passive voice
•✓: “We asked participants questions.”
•✗: “The participants have been asked questions by the
Point of View &Voice
Language in an APA paper should be:
• Clear: be specific in descriptions and explanations
• Concise: condense information when you can
• Plain: use simple, descriptive adjectives and minimize
figurative language
The Literature Review:
• Summarizes scientific literature on a particular research
• Includes:
• a title page,
• introduction, and
• a list of references
Types of APA Papers
The Experimental Report:
• Describes your experimental research
• Includes:
• a title page,
• abstract,
• introduction,
• methods, results, and discussion sections,
• a list of references,
• appendices,
• tables, and
• figures
Types of APA Papers
If your paper fits neither category:
•Follow the general format
•Consult the instructor
•Consult the APA Publication Manual
Types of APA Papers
Your essay should:
•be typed,
•have 1” margins,
•use 10-12pt. Standard font (ex. Times New Roman), and
•be printed on standard-sized paper (8.5”x 11”)
[Note: If you are writing a manuscript draft, APA suggests
using two spaces between
sentences to aid readability (see pp.87-88 in the APA manual).]
General APA Format
Every page of your essay should:
•Include a page header (Title, all caps) in the upper left-
hand corner and
•the page number in the upper right
General APA Format
Your essay should
include four major
Main Body
Title page
General APA Format
(in the upper half of the
page, centered)
name (no title or degree)
+ affiliation (university,
Page header:
(use Insert Page Header)
title flush left + page
number flush right.
Title Page
Page header: do NOT
include “Running
Abstract: centered, at
the top of the page
Write a 150- to 250-
word summary of your
paper in an accurate,
concise, and specific
Abstract Page
• Number the first text page as page number 3
• Type and center the title of the paper at the top of the
• Type the text double-spaced with all sections following
each other without a break
• Identify the sources you use in the paper in
parenthetical, in-text citations
• Format tables and figures
Main Body (Text)
• Center the title (References) at
the top of the page. Do not
bold it.
• Double-space reference entries
• Flush left the first line of the
entry and indent subsequent
• Order entries alphabetically by
the surname of the first author
of each work
Reference Page
• Invert authors’ names (last name first followed by initials)
• EX:“Smith, J.Q.”
• Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and
subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title,
and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the
second word in a hyphenated compound word.
• EX: The perfectly formatted paper: How the Purdue
OWL saved my essay.
References: Basics
• Capitalize all major words in journal titles
• Italicize titles of longer works such as books and
• Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the
titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays in
edited collections
References: Basics
APA is a complex system of citation. When compiling the
reference list,
the strategy below might be useful:
1. Identify the type of source:
Is it a book? A journal article? A webpage?
2. Find a sample citation for this type of source
Check a textbook or the OWL APA Guide: http://
3. “Mirror” the sample
4. Make sure that the entries are listed in alphabetical order and
the subsequent lines are indented (Recall References: Basics)
Making the Reference List
In-text citations help readers locate the cited source in the
References section of the paper.
Whenever you use a source, provide in parenthesis:
• the author’s name and the date of publication
• for quotations and close paraphrases, provide the
author’s name, date of publication, and a page number
In-text Citation: Basics
When quoting:
•Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase
•Include the author’s name, year of publication, and page
•Keep the citation brief—do not repeat the information
In-Text Citation:
Provide the author’s last name and the year of
publication in parenthesis after a summary or a paraphrase.
In-Text Citation:
Summary or Paraphrase
Include the author’s name in the signal phrase, followed by the
year of publication in parenthesis.
In-Text Citation:
Summary or Paraphrase
When including the quotation in a summary/paraphrase, also
provide a page number in parenthesis after the quotation:
In-Text Citation:
Summary or Paraphrase
Introduce quotations with signal phrases, e.g.:
According to Xavier (2008), “….” (p. 3).
Xavier (2008) argued that “……” (p. 3).
Use such signal verbs such as:
acknowledged, contended, maintained,
responded, reported, argued, concluded, etc.
Use the past tense or the present perfect tense of verbs in signal
when they discuss past events.
In-Text Citation:
Signal Words
When the parenthetical citation includes two or
more works, order them in the same way they appear in the
reference list—
the author’s name, the year of publication—separated by a semi-
In-Text Citation:
Two or More Works
When citing a work with two authors, use
In the signal phrase, use “and” in between the authors’
In parenthesis, use “&” between names
In-Text Citation:
Works with Two Authors
When citing a work with three to five authors, identify all
authors in the
signal phrase or in parenthesis.
(Harklau, Siegal, & Losey, 1999)
In subsequent citations, only use the first author's last name
followed by "et
al." in the signal phrase or in parentheses.
(Harklau et al., 1993)
In-Text Citation:
Works with 3-5 Authors
When citing a work with six and more authors, identify the first
name followed by “et al.”
Smith et al. (2006) maintained that….
(Smith et al., 2006)
In-Text Citation:
Works with 6+ Authors
When citing a work of unknown author:
•use the source’s full title in the signal phrase
•cite the first word of the title followed by the year of
publication in
According to “Indiana Joins Federal Accountability System”
(“Indiana,” 2008)
Articles and Chapters = “ ”
Books and Reports = italicize
In-Text Citation:
Unknown Author
When citing an organization:
•mention the organization the first time you cite the source in
the signal
phrase or the parenthetical citation.
•If the organization has a well-known abbreviation, include the
in brackets the first time the source is cited and then use only
abbreviation in later citations.
In-Text Citation:
When citing authors with the same last names, use first initials
the last names.
(B. Kachru, 2005; Y. Kachru, 2008)
When citing two or more works by the same author and
published in
the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) after the year of
publication to order the references.
Smith’s (1998a) study of adolescent immigrants…
In-Text Citation:
Same Last Name/Author
When citing interviews, letters, e-mails, etc., include the
name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date
of the
Do not include personal communication in the reference list.
In-Text Citation:
Personal Communication
When citing an electronic document, whenever possible, cite it
in the
author-date style. If electronic source lacks page numbers,
locate and identify
paragraph number/paragraph heading.
In-Text Citation:
Electronic Sources
APA uses a system of five heading levels
APA Headings
Level Format
1 Centered, Boldfaced, Upper & Lowercase Headings
2 Left-aligned, Boldface, Upper & Lowercase Headings
3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period.
4 Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with
5 Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period.
Here is an example of the five-level heading system:
Label tables with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The
label and title
appear on separate lines above the table, flush-left and single-
Cite a source in a note below the table.
Table 1
Internet users in Europe
Country Regular Users
France 9 ml
Note: The data are adapted from “The European Union and
(2007). Retrieved from
Label figures with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The
label and the
title appear on the same line below the figure, flush-left .
You might provide an additional title centered above the figure.
Cite the source below the label and the title.
Figure 1. Internet users in Europe. Adapted from The European
Union and
Russia: Statistical comparison by Eurostat Statistical Books,
2007, Retrieved
The Purdue OWL:
The Purdue Writing Lab @ HEAV 226
Composition textbooks
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,
6th ed.
APA’s website:
Additional Resources
The End
APA Formatting and Style Guide
Brought to you in cooperation with the Purdue Online Writing

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You will select a psychologist (Skinner or Freud ) and conduct a bri.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docxYou will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docxyou will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docxYou will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docxYou will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docxYou will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docxYou will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docxYou will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docxYou will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docxYou will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docxYou will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docxYou will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docxYou will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docxyou will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docxYou will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx

More from justine1simpson78276 (20)

You will submit a 1-2 page double spaced paper, plus references, des.docx
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You will submit a 1-2 page double spaced paper, plus references, des.docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary -Reasons for the .docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary -Reasons for the .docxyou will submit a 150-200 word reading summary -Reasons for the .docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary -Reasons for the .docx
You will submit a 1500 word fully-referenced critical essay .docx
You will submit a 1500 word fully-referenced critical essay .docxYou will submit a 1500 word fully-referenced critical essay .docx
You will submit a 1500 word fully-referenced critical essay .docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary The story of real.docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary The story of real.docxyou will submit a 150-200 word reading summary The story of real.docx
you will submit a 150-200 word reading summary The story of real.docx
You will select an enterprise-level risks that impact an organizatio.docx
You will select an enterprise-level risks that impact an organizatio.docxYou will select an enterprise-level risks that impact an organizatio.docx
You will select an enterprise-level risks that impact an organizatio.docx
You will select a psychologist (Skinner or Freud ) and conduct a bri.docx
You will select a psychologist (Skinner or Freud ) and conduct a bri.docxYou will select a psychologist (Skinner or Freud ) and conduct a bri.docx
You will select a psychologist (Skinner or Freud ) and conduct a bri.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docxYou will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
You will select a hot button issue from current or relatively re.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docxyou will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docxYou will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as lon.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docxYou will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as lo.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docxYou will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research one womens movement that we have not discussed in.docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docxYou will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will research a Native American or African communitys culture, .docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docxYou will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will receive 15 points extra credit (added to the homework p.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docxYou will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will provide a short analysis of the interaction of group member.docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docxYou will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce and submit a Powerpoint  of screenshots related to .docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docxYou will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized.docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docxYou will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will present ADP and Paychex as the recommendations to the VP .docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docxYou will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choo.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docxyou will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the consumer infor.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docxYou will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx
You will post a 250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply r.docx

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  • 1. APA ERRORS! Purpose These slides showthe most common APA style errors students make in their papers. We ask that you alert your students to the patterns of their errors. You need not correct every instance—just enough to showthem the kinds of APA errors they are making. Topics • Documentation • Formatting and Variations • Numbers, Spelling, and Punctuation • Quirks and Oddsand Ends In-Text Citations: Bottom Line – Writers must supply page numbers for direct quotes from print sources or ¶ number for electronic ones. – You must use quotation marks if quoting a source directly (unless block quote).
  • 2. – Per APA 3.39,you are not required to provide page numbers for paraphrases, but “authors are encouraged to do so. How to Cite Sources • Follow the conventions of the style manual. –In-text citations on pp. 117-122 & 207-214 –Reference lists chapter 5 (5th ed.) – –See the APA StyleAsylum in the writing center for more examples. APA style uses author-date citations only. The authors (or in their absence, the title of the work) appear first, followed by the year of publication, and often a page number at the end of a sentence. After first reference in a paragraph, you need not cite the year in the same paragraph. You must cite the year on first reference in subsequent paragraphs. When citing multiple authors in parentheses, use an ampersand.
  • 3. Nuance was determined to be irrelevant (Gerstein, Morrison, & Glazer, 2000, p. 211). When not in parentheses, use the word and. Gerstein, Morrison, and Glazer (2000) found that “nuance is far overrated” (p. 211). Note where the punctuation belongs. The plural of p. is pp. {space} (pp. 211-212). Space after a p. or pp. WAIT I MISSED THOSE. (In parentheses, use &) Not in parentheses, use and “Place the final punctuation after the parentheses” (Tom, Dick, & Harry, 2001). On Formatting Block Quotes • Block form for direct quotes 40 words or more. • Use only rarely; instead, paraphrase.
  • 4. • Indent the same as a paragraph tab; same margin on the right. • The final punctuation comes before the parenthetical element. . . . and unpatriotic. (p. 285) ➫ ➫ No punctuation Steinbrink and Cook (2003) wrote that the post-September 11 discussion in the U.S. media, based on fear of additional terror, showed an overwhelming preoccupation with nationalistic images and icons. The media’s “us versus them” discourse is based on patriotic motifs (U.S. flags everywhere); human-interest stories about the 9/11 victims that reinforce nationalism; and narratives that demonize “them,” such as reports about Taliban brutality and Palestinian suicide bombers. (p. 285) ➫ ➫ No punctuation In-text citation of Web page Show retrieval date for nonpermanent Web sources. Electronicsources:
  • 5. para. or ¶ or p. 2 of 6. Bestà Method section, ¶ 3. WAIT! I ALMOST FORGOT! If you’re listing groups of authors, they go in alphabetical order: Ya di ya di ya di da (Bonds, Van Slyke, Bonilla, & Bell, 1990; Mazeroski & Groat, 1960; Stargell, Alou, & Clemente, 1970) Reference Lists – As discussed on page 326 in the APA manual, single-spaced reference lists are easier to read than double-spaced ones. – Use a hanging indent. – Alphabetize the references. – If there’s no author, the article title in the author slot. – Use (n.d.) if no date is indicated. STANDARD FORMAT FOR A JOURNAL REFERENCE
  • 6. Steinbrink, J. E., & Cook, J. W. (2003). Media literacy skills and the war on terrorism. Clearing House, 76(6), 284-288. space comma + & lower case italics STANDARD FORMAT FOR AN ONLINE JOURNAL REFERENCE Steinbrink, J. E., & Cook, J. W. (2003). Media literacy skills and the war on terrorism. Clearing House, 76(6), 284-288. Retrieved October 21, 2006, from Academic Search Premier database. The manual is ambiguous about when you can use [Electronic version]. If a database was used, per the manual, students should cite the database.
  • 7. STANDARD FORMAT FOR A BOOK REFERENCE Pesto, R. I., & Lutefisk, N. J. (2003). Lemonade, lemonade:You know you like it. New York: Longman. Space Comma + & Lower case italics Review: Key Points on Citations 1. You must use quotation marks if you are quoting directly. 2. You must indicate the page number or paragraph number of a direct quote. Secondary Sources 3. Students cannot pretend to have read somethingfirsthand they did not read. Some programs prohibit secondary sources. If you allow students to use a secondary source, then they showit as follows:
  • 8. Sometimes a cigaris just a cigar(Freud, as cited in Cohen, 1999). The year Freud wrote his piece doesn’t appear here, nor is Freud in the reference list. Another Common Error It is not spelled,et. al, etal,,la.te,or ּ‫עתּא‬ It’s et al., followed by a comma. Yadi yada overrated (Culpepper et al., 2005) 2. Check the manual for when you can use et al. Formatting and Variations Because the APA manual was written for submissions to journal articles, theremay not be one standard “right way”to format a course paper. Here are somehelpful guidelines.
  • 9. Margins: Course Papers My Wonderful Research ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 1 in. from the edge of paper for top, bottom, right side margins Left margin is 1” from the left edge of paper Margins: Page Numbers 2 ___________________ ___________________
  • 10. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ The page number goes 1” down. FIRST LINE OF TEXT IS 1.5” down You must change Word’s default: Go to File, Page Setup, Margins. Formatting Lists • Vertical lists, go 1. 2. 3. 4. • In the paragraph, use (a), (b), (c). . . . tab 1.tabIn a vertical list like this
  • 11. one, tab the 1. over, and tab again. 2. Double space. As in the last sentence, go back to the left margin. 3. Use a #., not a #) or (#). but O’Reilly and Hannity (2000) blamed the following for disruptive behavior among adolescents: 1. Not saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school in the morning. 2. Irresponsible parents. 3. The elimination of paddling. Blah blah Clinton (2006), who said it was (a) the right thingto do, (b) a mistake, and
  • 12. (c) the right thingto do but a mistake. But: Blah blah Robertson (2005), who encouraged prohibiting (a) atheism; (b) pinkos, especially pinko demagogues; and (c) coed dancing. Headings (APA 3.31) • Keep your reader from getting lost. • A series of road signs. • Some choices dependingon how many levels you have. • All levels belong in the table of contents, which on most word processing programs can be generated automatically. Here’s how you’d do threelevels: Highest Level [L1] Next Level [L3] Next level. [L4] Here’s how you’d do three levels:
  • 13. Twentieth-Century Theorists {L1} Abraham Maslow {L3} Harmony, beauty, and justice. {L4} This concept arose during the theorist’s days at a deli counter on Murray Avenue in the Squirrel Hill area of Pittsburgh. Table of Contents Twentieth-Century Theorists [L1]……………….14 Abraham Maslow [L3]…………………… …14 Harmony, beauty, and justice…...…….16 Justin Timberlake [L3]………………………18 Justin on quantum physics..……………25 Twentieth-Century Theorists [L1] Blah blah blah these are really swell guys that I’ll be discussing. Abraham Maslow (1954) [L3]
  • 14. Blah blah svelt Maslow (1954) blah blah ya da da da da da self- actualization blah blah hungry but blah blah think sex is more important. Harmony, beauty, and justice . [L4] Self-actualization blah blah papers written by graduate students blah blah but did he ever play ice hockey? Justin Timberlake [L3] Blah blah blah Timberlake (2004) blah blah ya da da da da da talented and intelligent blah blah famous performance at the Super Bowl blah blah. Justin on quantum physics. The erudite performer (2004) blah blah whose secret work at the NSF was only recently revealed blah blah. . . . Tables and Figures The APA manual has excellent guidelineson tables and figures. In APA style, anything that is not a table is a figure—not a chartor graph or illustration.
  • 15. Note that the table title goes flushleft, above the table. The figure caption goes flushleft, under the figure. Table 4 Comparison of Boys and Girls by Height and Weight Note. From “Analysis of Seventh Graders’ Hormones,” by W. Steeves, 2001, Journal of Despair, 98, p. 11. Reprinted with permission. Figure 13. Causes of stress and its effects among graduate students. But is this really necessary? According to whom? By the way, number tables and figures consecutively, that is, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3; Figure 1, Figure 2. . . . Pressure from School Pressure from Work Dangerous Levels of Medications Spacing
  • 16. • Normally, double space.(See p. 326 in the APA manual.) • Insert only one space after a period or colon. Numbers, Spelling, and Punctuation On Numbers (APA 3.42-3.45) • Normally, numbers 10 and higher are written as numerals. Nine and lower are written out. • But thereare exceptions where numbers 9 and lower appear as numerals, too—mainly (a) elements of time,(b) participants in a study, and (c) greatbig numbers, like 4 million. • All eightboys threw rocks at a carp. Meanwhile, 14 catfish nipped at Mrs. Thatcher’s arm. • Every 2 or 3 years my lovely bride and I spend a weekend in Crawford, TX, discussing the positive effects of oil profits on luxury boat sales.
  • 17. • There were like 4 million people at the DMB concert last night. • Exactly 60 boys and 8 girls participated. Percentages (APA 3.42d) are straightforward. Use a numeral and percentage sign unless at the start of a sentence or if you’re quoting directly from a source that used a different style manual. • Sixteen percent favor death by lethal injection. • Another 12% favor Cheez-Whiz, and 2% marked “Hemlock.” Insert a serial comma in a series of three or more nouns or noun phrases before the words and or or: Moe, Larry, and Curly Commas Commaì
  • 18. Wait. I missed that one. What was that again? USE A SERIAL COMMA. Cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, and onions. ß-Serial comma per APA Spelling Check the tables in chapter 3 for rules on hyphenation. In general, words with prefixes such as non, semi, pre, post, anti, multi, and inter are not hyphenated: pretest, posttest, antibiotic,antisocial, nonprofit, semipro, multiphased, subsample. But self-esteem, self-concept. Possessives of proper nouns ending in s get ’s added: Rogers’s, Wilks’s lambda, Jones’s bottle of rum. comma On Abbreviations • Italicize statistical abbreviations • Uppercase N means population;
  • 19. lowercase n means subsample • Use etc., e.g., and i.e. only inside parentheses (e.g., means for example) (i.e., means that is) • My sister has three/3 children • The plane was two/2 hours late. • I plan to eat lunch, take a nap and spend the whole evening writing a course paper. • I plan to eat lunch, take a nap, and spend the whole evening writing a course paper. • I may have turned 52/fifty-two, but I do not feel a day olderthan 50/fifty. • I’m/I am not old; I’m/Iam a non-traditional/ nontraditional student. POP QUIZ • My sister has three/3 children • The plane was two/2 hours late. • I plan to eat lunch, take a nap and spend the whole evening writing a course paper. • I plan to eat lunch, take a nap, and spend
  • 20. the whole evening writing a course paper. • I may have turned 52/fifty-two, but I do not feel a day olderthan 50/fifty. • I’m/I am not old; I’m/Iam a non-traditional/ nontraditional student. POP QUIZ Quirks and Oddsand Ends VERB TENSES First rule: The verb tensemust make sense. Corporations lack the trust many Americans had in them a decade ago. The U.S. manned space program has experienced setbacks / experienced a major setback. . . . There are growing concerns about the shortage of water in the American West. The crime rate fell during the 1990s. VERB TENSES
  • 21. Second rule: Report the literature in past tense. Freud (1917/1980) explained [not explains] that sometimes a cigaris just a cigar. Deming (1982) argued that blah blah. Bennis (1980) believed [not believes] Linus (2000) found that Calvin and Hobbes (2001) wrote that Dagwood (2004) demonstrated/indicated/opined VERB TENSES Third rule: Report the literature in past tense, but it has to make sense. Parker (1935) claimed that boys seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. Bausch and Lomb (2002) studied male heterosexual college students (N=100) at Princeton and found that 75% of the students made passes at girls who wore glasses. Miscellaneous • Data and media are plural nouns and take plural adjectives, pronouns, and verbs.
  • 22. • Use respectful and inclusive language. • Avoid contractions. APA Formatting and Style Guide Purdue OWL staff Brought to you in cooperation with the Purdue Online Writing Lab The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is the most commonly used format for manuscripts in the social sciences. APA regulates: • Stylistics • In-text citations • References What is APA Style? Personal pronouns where appropriate •✓: “We conducted an experiment…” •✗: “The authors conducted an experiment….” Active voice rather than passive voice
  • 23. •✓: “We asked participants questions.” •✗: “The participants have been asked questions by the researchers.” Point of View &Voice Language in an APA paper should be: • Clear: be specific in descriptions and explanations • Concise: condense information when you can • Plain: use simple, descriptive adjectives and minimize figurative language Language The Literature Review: • Summarizes scientific literature on a particular research topic • Includes: • a title page, • introduction, and • a list of references Types of APA Papers
  • 24. The Experimental Report: • Describes your experimental research • Includes: • a title page, • abstract, • introduction, • methods, results, and discussion sections, • a list of references, • appendices, • tables, and • figures Types of APA Papers If your paper fits neither category: •Follow the general format •Consult the instructor •Consult the APA Publication Manual Types of APA Papers Your essay should: •be typed, •double-spaced, •have 1” margins,
  • 25. •use 10-12pt. Standard font (ex. Times New Roman), and •be printed on standard-sized paper (8.5”x 11”) [Note: If you are writing a manuscript draft, APA suggests using two spaces between sentences to aid readability (see pp.87-88 in the APA manual).] General APA Format Every page of your essay should: •Include a page header (Title, all caps) in the upper left- hand corner and •the page number in the upper right General APA Format Your essay should include four major sections: References Main Body Abstract Title page
  • 26. General APA Format Title: (in the upper half of the page, centered) name (no title or degree) + affiliation (university, etc.) Page header: (use Insert Page Header) title flush left + page number flush right. Title Page Page header: do NOT include “Running head:” Abstract: centered, at the top of the page Write a 150- to 250- word summary of your paper in an accurate, concise, and specific
  • 27. manner. Abstract Page • Number the first text page as page number 3 • Type and center the title of the paper at the top of the page • Type the text double-spaced with all sections following each other without a break • Identify the sources you use in the paper in parenthetical, in-text citations • Format tables and figures Main Body (Text) • Center the title (References) at the top of the page. Do not bold it. • Double-space reference entries • Flush left the first line of the entry and indent subsequent lines • Order entries alphabetically by the surname of the first author of each work
  • 28. Reference Page • Invert authors’ names (last name first followed by initials) • EX:“Smith, J.Q.” • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word. • EX: The perfectly formatted paper: How the Purdue OWL saved my essay. References: Basics • Capitalize all major words in journal titles • Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals • Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays in edited collections References: Basics APA is a complex system of citation. When compiling the reference list,
  • 29. the strategy below might be useful: 1. Identify the type of source: Is it a book? A journal article? A webpage? 2. Find a sample citation for this type of source Check a textbook or the OWL APA Guide: http:// 3. “Mirror” the sample 4. Make sure that the entries are listed in alphabetical order and that the subsequent lines are indented (Recall References: Basics) Making the Reference List In-text citations help readers locate the cited source in the References section of the paper. Whenever you use a source, provide in parenthesis: • the author’s name and the date of publication • for quotations and close paraphrases, provide the author’s name, date of publication, and a page number In-text Citation: Basics
  • 30. When quoting: •Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase •Include the author’s name, year of publication, and page number •Keep the citation brief—do not repeat the information In-Text Citation: Quotations Provide the author’s last name and the year of publication in parenthesis after a summary or a paraphrase. In-Text Citation: Summary or Paraphrase Include the author’s name in the signal phrase, followed by the year of publication in parenthesis. In-Text Citation: Summary or Paraphrase When including the quotation in a summary/paraphrase, also provide a page number in parenthesis after the quotation: In-Text Citation: Summary or Paraphrase
  • 31. Introduce quotations with signal phrases, e.g.: According to Xavier (2008), “….” (p. 3). Xavier (2008) argued that “……” (p. 3). Use such signal verbs such as: acknowledged, contended, maintained, responded, reported, argued, concluded, etc. Use the past tense or the present perfect tense of verbs in signal phrases when they discuss past events. In-Text Citation: Signal Words When the parenthetical citation includes two or more works, order them in the same way they appear in the reference list— the author’s name, the year of publication—separated by a semi- colon. In-Text Citation: Two or More Works When citing a work with two authors, use In the signal phrase, use “and” in between the authors’ names
  • 32. In parenthesis, use “&” between names In-Text Citation: Works with Two Authors When citing a work with three to five authors, identify all authors in the signal phrase or in parenthesis. (Harklau, Siegal, & Losey, 1999) In subsequent citations, only use the first author's last name followed by "et al." in the signal phrase or in parentheses. (Harklau et al., 1993) In-Text Citation: Works with 3-5 Authors When citing a work with six and more authors, identify the first author’s name followed by “et al.” Smith et al. (2006) maintained that…. (Smith et al., 2006) In-Text Citation: Works with 6+ Authors
  • 33. When citing a work of unknown author: •use the source’s full title in the signal phrase •cite the first word of the title followed by the year of publication in parenthesis. According to “Indiana Joins Federal Accountability System” (2008) OR (“Indiana,” 2008) Titles: Articles and Chapters = “ ” Books and Reports = italicize In-Text Citation: Unknown Author When citing an organization: •mention the organization the first time you cite the source in the signal phrase or the parenthetical citation. •If the organization has a well-known abbreviation, include the abbreviation in brackets the first time the source is cited and then use only the abbreviation in later citations. In-Text Citation:
  • 34. Organization When citing authors with the same last names, use first initials with the last names. (B. Kachru, 2005; Y. Kachru, 2008) When citing two or more works by the same author and published in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) after the year of publication to order the references. Smith’s (1998a) study of adolescent immigrants… In-Text Citation: Same Last Name/Author When citing interviews, letters, e-mails, etc., include the communicator’s name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date of the communication. Do not include personal communication in the reference list. In-Text Citation: Personal Communication
  • 35. When citing an electronic document, whenever possible, cite it in the author-date style. If electronic source lacks page numbers, locate and identify paragraph number/paragraph heading. In-Text Citation: Electronic Sources APA uses a system of five heading levels APA Headings Level Format 1 Centered, Boldfaced, Upper & Lowercase Headings 2 Left-aligned, Boldface, Upper & Lowercase Headings 3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period. 4 Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with period. 5 Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Headings Here is an example of the five-level heading system: Headings
  • 36. Label tables with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and title appear on separate lines above the table, flush-left and single- spaced. Cite a source in a note below the table. Table 1 Internet users in Europe Country Regular Users France 9 ml Note: The data are adapted from “The European Union and Russia” (2007). Retrieved from Tables Label figures with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and the title appear on the same line below the figure, flush-left . You might provide an additional title centered above the figure. Cite the source below the label and the title. Figure 1. Internet users in Europe. Adapted from The European Union and
  • 37. Russia: Statistical comparison by Eurostat Statistical Books, 2007, Retrieved from Figures The Purdue OWL: The Purdue Writing Lab @ HEAV 226 Composition textbooks Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. APA’s website: Additional Resources The End APA Formatting and Style Guide Brought to you in cooperation with the Purdue Online Writing Lab