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Apa Format
Updated 11/01/2011 Running head: APA FORMAT EXAMPLE A maximum of 50 characters 1 How
to Do that Annoying APA Format Stuff: A Brief Overview of the 6th Edition Scott W. Plunkett
California State University, Northridge Noh Wahnelse and I. M. N. Oyed University of Invisible
Students Authors' names should appear in order of their contribution to the manuscript. Author Note
Scott W. Plunkett, Department of Psychology, California State University Northridge. Noh
Wahnelse, Department of Paranormal Experiences and Life Events, University of Invisible Students.
I. M. N. Oyed, Department of Anger Management, University of Invisible Students. Special thanks
to Bill White in the Management Department at Liberty University for more
Woo hoo! What a bonus! Margins and Fonts 4 Margins and fonts. The top, bottom, left, and right
margins should be one inch. Use 12point font. You should use a conservative, serif font type (e.g.,
Times New Roman, Cambria). By the way, serif font means that each letter has a little ledge to
stand on. Sans (i.e., without) serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica, Calibri, and Arial) should not be used
(except in tables and figures) because they are more difficult to read and increase eyestrain
(bummer!). Do not use script fonts because some are just annoying (e.g., Braggadocia) while others
are hard to take serious (e.g., Comic Sans). Paragraphs and Spacing Paragraphs should be indented
5–7 spaces or 1/2 inch. Make sure your indent is consistent throughout the whole paper. The best
way to do this is to use the tab key on your computer. All 'sub–sub' (Hey, I got to say it again)
headings should be indented the same as other paragraphs. APA FORMAT EXAMPLE Citations
and the Reference Section If a document you cite has only one or two authors, then cite it like so
(Knowitall & Allknowing, 2002; Urkel, 1998). Notice that I used a semi–colon to separate the two
different citations. Also, the citations are in alphabetical order within the parentheses (i.e.,
"Knowitall & 5 Allknowing" came before "Urkel"). If there are three to five authors, then cite all the
authors and date (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, & Plunkett, 2005). If you use the same source cite
again that has
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APA Format Essay
APA Format
As for me, I am more a free–spirited person. I don't look for religion to be in public schools.
Religion is more towards private schools. In the video, it talks about religion, copyrighted laws,
teacher liability, and child abuse. While watching this video, I don't think any of this will affect
me when it comes to teaching. I agree as a teacher it is your responsibility when the kids are under
your supervision. When a child gets hurt, you are the one to get the blame because those kids are
your responsibility. I think it's best for a teacher to help those students who are being attacked. You
are legally responsible for the safety of children under your supervision. The courts employ the
principle of in loco parentis, which more content...
As for a future teacher, I would have to disagree with the school's administrators on religion being in
public schools. When I teach my students, I would only teach them to learn and know the truth.
I'm not religious; everyone has a different religion. I would teach my students the truth and what I
believe they should be aware not based on what they need to know from a biblical perspective.
I'm all for a school to teach religious freedom and acceptance of all religious beliefs, but "teach"
religion in public school is not acceptable. If this was a Christian school or Islamic school, that is
an entirely normal thing to teach religion. I don't believe that public schools should oppress kids
with religion. Especially children that don't understand the religion and conform just because
others show their belief. Everyone should have the choice. Private schools, on the other hand, it is
up to the school. Agree or disagree doesn't matter to me. I think it's okay to teach about other
religions, but not necessarily to prepare them to become part of the faith. Like if they want to do
more research and become a member of that faith, cool, I don't want to force them one way or
another. But I still think it's an important part of history, and an important step in breeding tolerance,
to make students aware of the basics and their options I guess. Teach about it, not for it if that makes
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APA Writing Style Essay
American Psychological Association (APA) writing style exists for a reason and this reason is
because writers' must give "credibility where credibility is due"(Walden Writing Center, 2015) .
During my BSW program I learned this and also, the importance of integrity in college level
writing. In my opinion, two aspects of APA that I think will not challenge me are direct
quotations and listing references. I have to admit I prefer to quote intellecutual matter directly
rather than, use paraphazing. I believe this is approriate to do if the quote you utilize is short and
all of your agrguments regarding, the content of the quote, are your own ideas. Another thing that
will come easily to me is listing my references. This comes easily to me because during my
undergraduate education, I excelled in this area. The reason for this is because everytime I wrote a
reference page I always refered to my courses APA manual.
Eventhough I have had a through exposure to APA, it has been a year since I have utilized this
writing style. Also, my current position does not require the use of APA. Therefore, a saying comes
to mind "if you don't use it you lose it". Currently, this is my situation. As a result, Walden
University's module on Passive more content...
As I stated earlier, I prefer to avoid paraphazing in my writing. The reason for this is because the
arguments I construst in my papers are straight forward, to the point, and my own ideas. Also,
gradewise, I did not get penalized for this in my BSW program. However, Walden Univerisity's
Passive Plagarism module taught me that it is ok to directly quote material, but paraphazing is
strongly prefered in college level writing. During my Master of social work program, I will utilize
more paraphazing in my papers. On the same note, quoting directly can be considered a more
systematic approach to APA
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Compare And Contrast Apa And Mla Format
The different types of formatting I had to learn in college is getting out of hand. The all of the
different formats are loosely connected. The MLA format and endnotes are very similar in that
they are found at end of a paper, but you do not give put the author last name and page number
after it. I choose to use footnotes, because my laptop cannot decide what it wants to do. Another
difference is the lack of putting your last name before the page number in the header, but is similar
is APA Format. As you can tell I wrote off the script, because the paragraph was so lackluster. The
front, size of the front, the title located in the middle, and the front should stay in normal style. If I
had footnote after every single sentence, did even
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Apa Format For Research Paper
Write a 3–5 page paper in APA format (minimum of two references) addressing the following based
on your responses to the above:
What influenced the similarities and differences in your answers?
How do these influences contribute to the meanings we assign to messages?
Next, consider the following four professions: minister, salesperson, lawyer, and television executive.
How do you think that most people in these professions would react to the four statements?
Again, what does that tell us about how meanings are influenced? How accurate can you be about
your perceptions of the meanings others might assign? How do your perceptions inform how you
communicate with others?
What about the saying, "it is not just 'what' you say, more content...
Without organizational communication, it would be extremely difficult to know what an organization
stands for, why it exists, who its customers are, how work is completed, who has authority over
others and so on. "Organizational communication serves as the glue that holds everything together
while, at the same time, acting as a magnifying glass by making this clearer" (Hartzell, Sherri;,
2003–2015) What this means to me is that, be clear, and have everyone on the same
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APA Style Analysis
The APA format for writing papers is just one of the two mail writing styles used in the United
States (Gorman, 2014.) Well, let us start off with where APA came from. APA stands for the
American Psychological Association. The APA format began back in 1929 in a brief journal article
(Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition, 2010) and by setting
standards in writing research papers. The article was written by a number of psychologists at that
time, to set rules for writing and to help ease reading comprehension. So we will be asking how we
write APA papers by first asking the basics and second by, discussing the credibility of thepaper and
then the style guidelines. Then finally, we also discuss how APA protects the writer from plagiarism.
APA more content...
First, APA guidelines use a twelve point Times New Roman font (Gorman, 2014.) The APA format
helps the writer to organiize their content, and uses a first person writing style (Gorman, 2014.) A
person can format their citations and their reference pages in the Word program to use easily to
document their papers. Also an APA paper usually have four main sections; title page, abstract page,
the main body of the paper and the reference page (Gorman, 2014.)
Credibility and Style Guidelines
The audience, who is reading this paper or listening from the writer, allows them to focus on your
thoughts and ideas. Plus this format shows that you are aware of the audience and will establish
your credibility. With style guidelines, this type of format helps you get your point of view
across and able to conveyed your research in a concise writing style. The writer can control on
how the readers receive the information and at all times to avoid bias (Gorman, 2014.) Just
remember to use plain language and do not use any kind of schemes or devices in your paper.
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How To Write A Research Paper In Apa Format
APA Citation Format is a set of formal rules written by the American Psychological Association for
documenting sources when writing research papers for any of the social science disciplines.
The most recent set of guidelines can be found in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association released in July 2009. The purpose of the manual is to provide
a set of formal conventions that ensure clarity of communication, aid reader comprehension, avoid
plagiarism and build accurate reference citations.
The Basics
When writing a research paper, APA stylerequires that citations are located both in the text of the
body, as well as in a formal reference list section of the document. This article provides some
general guidelines on how in–text citations should be formatted. For a more in–depth explanation,
consult pages 169–179 of the Publication more content...
When using APA format follow the author
–date method of in–text citation. This means that the
author's last name and the year of publication for the source document should appear in the text like
(Richards, 2001). A more complete citation should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.
When writing your report, if you're just referring to an idea from another source, but not directly
quoting the material, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your
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APA Style Analysis
APA Style Sample
APA (American Psychological Association) style is primarily used in the social science disciplines.
It is formatted like MLA, and shows many similarities, but is unique in several key points.
APA uses parenthetical (or in–text) citations within sentences, but rather than indicating the author's
name and page number, APA includes author's name anddate of publication. The page number,
represented with a p. or a pp., is only added to the citation when using a direct quote (not a summary
or paraphrase). If the author's name is mentioned in the sentence, then place the date of publication in
parentheses directly after the name. If the name more content...
All of the interviewees have been called 'exceptions to the norm' (Strong & Porter, 1998, p.
Note the first example paraphrases an author that is named in the sentence, the second example
paraphrases authors that are not named in the sentence, and the third example provides a direct
quote (thus the inclusion of the page numbers) but also does not identify the authors within the
sentence. If the authors were identified within the sentence in the third example, the authors' names
would be followed by the year of publication and only the page numbers would be in the parentheses
at the end of the quote.
Finally, the bibliographic page in APA style differs from MLA, what APA calls the Reference page.
You will notice a few immediate differences from the MLA Works Cited format. With APA you
include the initial of the author's first name rather than the complete name, the publication date
immediately follows the author's name in parentheses, and titles of articles are not surrounded with
quotation marks (however titles of books, magazines, journals, etc are still underlined). The lists are
still alphabetized by author's last name (or title in the absence of an author) and the first line is flush
left while subsequent lines in the same entry are indented in (approximately 5 spaces or one tab). For
journals and magazines, publication title and volume number are both underlined,
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APA Style Format
I seem to be having issues grasping the APA style format. Thanks to the instructors advice, and
utilizing the student success center, I am seem to have a better understanding of this task. I
understand it is very important to cite your sources to avoid possible plagiarism, and to cite those
soruces properly usins the APA format. I hope I did that successful. Best wishes to everyone on thier
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Reflection Of APA Style Writing
First of all I would like to thank you for the time and hard work you put in this semester to teach
my classmates and me. This semester I learned a lot in your class such as APA style writing, how
to write different format essays and Bloom's Taxonomy. In your course I not only lesrned how to
become a better learner but also a better person. I still remember how nervous I was feeling the
first day of class. This was my first semester attending college, which made me feel worse. Since
the first day I came into your class I was expecting this course to help me improve my writting
skills in English. I consider spelling to be my greatest weakness in writing because my first language
is Spanish and I have a lot of trouble learning English. In this letter I will let you know what I
learned and how I have met the programs standards of focus, development and clarity because I have
practice APA style, writting assays and using Bloom's Toxonomy
When I was in my senior year of high school, I learned a little about writing in APA style. In your
course I learned that I was making some mistakes when I thought I was using APA style the
correct way. Something that I considered to be very helpful for me was getting the help from the
librarian on how to use APA style using different kind of sources such as books, newspapers and
vedios.The yellow sheet he gave us in his presentation was allot of help throughout the semester
because I would always use it when It was time to do writing assignments. Learning how to
properly use Apa style was very helpful for me becuse now I apply those skills on my assignments
and I do a better job than befor. Now I feel way more comfortable and confident while writting.
Before learning the proper way of using APA style I was always unsure If I was giving credit to the
sources I was using. I'm planning on applying this writing skill in and out of class to have a clear
and smooth writing when It gets to give credit to sources.
Throughout the semester we practice literature by writing several essays such as diagnostic,
narrative, current event and common exit essay. In all these four essays the two that I found to be the
hardest ones was the narrative and the current even. I consider the narrative
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Apa Format
Example Paper: This Paper is an Example of APA Format Dallas M Stout University of the
Rockies Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide you with written instructions on some of
the basic guidelines with the new APA format (American Psychological Association, 2009). In
addition, this paper is written in APA format to provide you with a visual image of how many
aspects of papers should be written, from the title page, to headings, to references in text, and the
reference page. This paper is not met to be a comprehensive explanation of APA format, but will
provide the reader with the basics. So, please buy the manual and read it. Example Paper: This
Paper is an Example of APA Format Setting up the APA Format in Word First, more content...
Paraphrasing is more acceptable and should be done frequently, again with appropriate references
of the author's name and publication date. Should several paragraphs be from the same reference,
each paragraph needs to have the reference at least once, usually after the first or last sentence.
However, it is appropriate to use multiple references in a paragraph. When this is done, place the
reference after each new reference so that the reader knows from where the information came. It is
critically important to look up the format for referencing in text as well as at the end of the paper.
Several variations exist depending on the type of reference, the number of authors including the use
of et al., and whether or not you are quoting from a paper document or an Internet source. In
addition, the way in which quotes are used varies depending on how the quote is framed in the
sentence and depending on length (especially if more than 40 words). For each reference, look up
the style in the manual until this information is memorized, which will not take long after writing
several papers in this program. For the reference page, notice every comma, every use of
capitalization, italicizing, and other formatting issues. This is where new students make the most
amount of errors, especially with the issue versus the number on journal articles. Finally, it is crucial
that you check the references in text and compare them
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APA Style Guidelines
Knowing APA style is important because it gives guidelines and rules that must be followed when
writing a research paper. APA style guidelines suggested that writers use page header, insert number,
abstract, title page and, Times New Roman font 12 pt. Also, it is important to include in–text
citations and references. This format helps writers to prove their credibility, provide clarity and
concise information for readers to follow in a research paper. I am sure after this course I will have a
much better understanding of APA
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Apa Format Analysis
It is very important to use APA formatting of in–text citation and reference as a Bethel University
student. APa formatting will make our articles and essays reliable, as the reader will know exact
source of information. It will also give credit to the author and the publisher. In my opinion that it's
our way to thank the author.APA formatting allows us to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious
academic offense. At Bethel University there are serious consequences for not crediting the author
and the source. They can be anywhere from begin on probation to failing the class. We have a lot
of help to make sure our formating is right. we have tools like Easybib and we have a librarian
available to help us. Both of the help sources can be
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of APA Writing Style
1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear
communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the
correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a
publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among
journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts
might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book.
Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such
variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style
becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics.
2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style.
Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct
exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is
complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body,
reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the
body of your text paired with a full citation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list
last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation
involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving
adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What
is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the
format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise
citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research.
On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just
about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a
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Apa Format
Running head: INTERNET AND DISTANCE ED 1 Internet and Distance Education Delivery
Models Jane Ford EDU 400 Distance Education Prof. John Smith July 27, 2010 In the top half of
the page, centered and double–spaced, include: title of the paper, your first and last name, course
number and name, instructor name, and date of submission. Please note that Ashford University
APA guidelines require title pages to include the course instructor's name and date. This requirement
is specific to Ashford and is not included in the APA publication guidelines as outlined in the APA
Publication Manual (6th edition). To center a line in MS Word 2007, select the Home tab. In the
Paragraph section, choose the Center symbol (multiple more content...
Correspondence with the instructor is primarily conducted via the online course discussion forums
and email. The blended learning model is a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous
delivery. The instructor may have a set lecture time during which all students log into the system to
listen and interact with the class. The remainder of the week's instruction may then be The entire
paper should be double–spaced. Use the automatic double–spacing command. Select the Page Layout
tab. In the Paragraph section, click on the small symbol on the lower right corner of the section
(downward–right facing arrow in a tiny box). This will open the Paragraph dialog box. In the
Spacing section, select "double" from the line spacing menu. Click OK. Align the text of the essay
along the left margin. Select the Page Layout tab. In the Paragraph section, click on the small
symbol on the lower right corner of the section (downward–right facing arrow in a tiny box). This
will open the Paragraph dialog box. In the General section, select "Left" from the alignment menu.
Click OK. INTERNET AND DISTANCE ED 3 August 2010 conducted asynchronously by having
students post additional discussions and questions to a specific location within the learning system.
Regardless of the delivery method, all distance–learning systems include course management. Within
the course management system,
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Advantages Of Apa Format
APA format not only is good for research in the child development filed, but it is also another way
to protect the researchers from plagiarizing others work. By writing APA format other individuals
will be able to understand the research in an efficient way, due to the simplicity and concise form
of research. By using APA, research will be more organized and more effective. APA format is used
by people in child development field, psychology filed and plenty more. moreover, by writing in
APA or doing research with the same method, it will help the researcher and the writer to stay away
from the bias opinion of the researcher and the writer.
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Reflective Essay: Why I Choose APA Format
I have had many previous experiences to online writing as well as Microsoft formats since my
freshman year in high school (2014). Likewise, I am currently six to eight months away from
receiving my associates degree in Criminal Justice; however, I wish this course could have been
available during my first term at Florida Institute of Technology to guide me on proper academic
writing. In my first few months, I endlessly searched YouTube videos on how to establish the
correct APA format as well as how to save that format permanently to my Microsoft Word document.
By not having direct guidance, I did receive several deductions on paper assignments for improper
use. With this being said, I have several expectations that I hope to receive from this
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APA Strengths And Weaknesses
APA Strengths and Weaknesses After taking the second APA workbook (Mastering APA Style)
term paper familiarization test I feel even more comfortable writing in APA format than I did
before I took the first test. APA is one of the few methods that I am familiar with. As much as I
would lie to say that I'm an expert in it, I'm from that. Up until this class I have been utilizing
tortial videos on YouTube regarding how to write in APA format. I understand that Purdue Owl is
a great tool, but I'm a visual learner so I prefer to utilize YouTube since I can rewatch or slow
down a video to my liking. The only thing that I have to be mindful about is that everyone on
YouTube isn't correct, so I will double check with Purdue Owl if I'm hesitant about
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Importance Of Apa Format
It is important to learn and use APA formatting as a student to prevent plagiarism and to properly
write your paper. APA format also helps guide and reference your paper. When you write a paper
you want to give credit where credit is due. You do that by documenting information you may have
obtained through a video, a quote, or pictures. As a student at Bethel University plagiarism is frown
upon and punishable. You get three offenses and after the third offense you will be expelled from
Bethel Univerity.
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Aspects Of Using Apa Format
The following paper will increase ones knowledge on academic style writing and why APA format
is used. Academic style is used everywhere however, why do we use this form of writing, and why
do we use APA format in writing these papers. What are the most important aspects of using APA
format in our writing? APA is a form ofwriting that is used everywhere; there are specific ways of
using APA format and there are also rules you have to follow. These so
–called rules are set in place
so that people are given credit where credit is do. Therefore when people are working on publishing a
paper it needs to be in APA format so others know that they did not do all the research on their own;
they had help from others before them on the topic. If a certain
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Apa Format For Essays

  • 1. Apa Format Updated 11/01/2011 Running head: APA FORMAT EXAMPLE A maximum of 50 characters 1 How to Do that Annoying APA Format Stuff: A Brief Overview of the 6th Edition Scott W. Plunkett California State University, Northridge Noh Wahnelse and I. M. N. Oyed University of Invisible Students Authors' names should appear in order of their contribution to the manuscript. Author Note Scott W. Plunkett, Department of Psychology, California State University Northridge. Noh Wahnelse, Department of Paranormal Experiences and Life Events, University of Invisible Students. I. M. N. Oyed, Department of Anger Management, University of Invisible Students. Special thanks to Bill White in the Management Department at Liberty University for more content... Woo hoo! What a bonus! Margins and Fonts 4 Margins and fonts. The top, bottom, left, and right margins should be one inch. Use 12point font. You should use a conservative, serif font type (e.g., Times New Roman, Cambria). By the way, serif font means that each letter has a little ledge to stand on. Sans (i.e., without) serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica, Calibri, and Arial) should not be used (except in tables and figures) because they are more difficult to read and increase eyestrain (bummer!). Do not use script fonts because some are just annoying (e.g., Braggadocia) while others are hard to take serious (e.g., Comic Sans). Paragraphs and Spacing Paragraphs should be indented 5–7 spaces or 1/2 inch. Make sure your indent is consistent throughout the whole paper. The best way to do this is to use the tab key on your computer. All 'sub–sub' (Hey, I got to say it again) headings should be indented the same as other paragraphs. APA FORMAT EXAMPLE Citations and the Reference Section If a document you cite has only one or two authors, then cite it like so (Knowitall & Allknowing, 2002; Urkel, 1998). Notice that I used a semi–colon to separate the two different citations. Also, the citations are in alphabetical order within the parentheses (i.e., "Knowitall & 5 Allknowing" came before "Urkel"). If there are three to five authors, then cite all the authors and date (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, & Plunkett, 2005). If you use the same source cite again that has Get more content on
  • 2. APA Format Essay APA Format As for me, I am more a free–spirited person. I don't look for religion to be in public schools. Religion is more towards private schools. In the video, it talks about religion, copyrighted laws, teacher liability, and child abuse. While watching this video, I don't think any of this will affect me when it comes to teaching. I agree as a teacher it is your responsibility when the kids are under your supervision. When a child gets hurt, you are the one to get the blame because those kids are your responsibility. I think it's best for a teacher to help those students who are being attacked. You are legally responsible for the safety of children under your supervision. The courts employ the principle of in loco parentis, which more content... As for a future teacher, I would have to disagree with the school's administrators on religion being in public schools. When I teach my students, I would only teach them to learn and know the truth. I'm not religious; everyone has a different religion. I would teach my students the truth and what I believe they should be aware not based on what they need to know from a biblical perspective. I'm all for a school to teach religious freedom and acceptance of all religious beliefs, but "teach" religion in public school is not acceptable. If this was a Christian school or Islamic school, that is an entirely normal thing to teach religion. I don't believe that public schools should oppress kids with religion. Especially children that don't understand the religion and conform just because others show their belief. Everyone should have the choice. Private schools, on the other hand, it is up to the school. Agree or disagree doesn't matter to me. I think it's okay to teach about other religions, but not necessarily to prepare them to become part of the faith. Like if they want to do more research and become a member of that faith, cool, I don't want to force them one way or another. But I still think it's an important part of history, and an important step in breeding tolerance, to make students aware of the basics and their options I guess. Teach about it, not for it if that makes Get more content on
  • 3. APA Writing Style Essay American Psychological Association (APA) writing style exists for a reason and this reason is because writers' must give "credibility where credibility is due"(Walden Writing Center, 2015) . During my BSW program I learned this and also, the importance of integrity in college level writing. In my opinion, two aspects of APA that I think will not challenge me are direct quotations and listing references. I have to admit I prefer to quote intellecutual matter directly rather than, use paraphazing. I believe this is approriate to do if the quote you utilize is short and all of your agrguments regarding, the content of the quote, are your own ideas. Another thing that will come easily to me is listing my references. This comes easily to me because during my undergraduate education, I excelled in this area. The reason for this is because everytime I wrote a reference page I always refered to my courses APA manual. Eventhough I have had a through exposure to APA, it has been a year since I have utilized this writing style. Also, my current position does not require the use of APA. Therefore, a saying comes to mind "if you don't use it you lose it". Currently, this is my situation. As a result, Walden University's module on Passive more content... As I stated earlier, I prefer to avoid paraphazing in my writing. The reason for this is because the arguments I construst in my papers are straight forward, to the point, and my own ideas. Also, gradewise, I did not get penalized for this in my BSW program. However, Walden Univerisity's Passive Plagarism module taught me that it is ok to directly quote material, but paraphazing is strongly prefered in college level writing. During my Master of social work program, I will utilize more paraphazing in my papers. On the same note, quoting directly can be considered a more systematic approach to APA Get more content on
  • 4. Compare And Contrast Apa And Mla Format The different types of formatting I had to learn in college is getting out of hand. The all of the different formats are loosely connected. The MLA format and endnotes are very similar in that they are found at end of a paper, but you do not give put the author last name and page number after it. I choose to use footnotes, because my laptop cannot decide what it wants to do. Another difference is the lack of putting your last name before the page number in the header, but is similar is APA Format. As you can tell I wrote off the script, because the paragraph was so lackluster. The front, size of the front, the title located in the middle, and the front should stay in normal style. If I had footnote after every single sentence, did even Get more content on
  • 5. Apa Format For Research Paper Abstract Write a 3–5 page paper in APA format (minimum of two references) addressing the following based on your responses to the above: What influenced the similarities and differences in your answers? How do these influences contribute to the meanings we assign to messages? Next, consider the following four professions: minister, salesperson, lawyer, and television executive. How do you think that most people in these professions would react to the four statements? Again, what does that tell us about how meanings are influenced? How accurate can you be about your perceptions of the meanings others might assign? How do your perceptions inform how you communicate with others? What about the saying, "it is not just 'what' you say, more content... Without organizational communication, it would be extremely difficult to know what an organization stands for, why it exists, who its customers are, how work is completed, who has authority over others and so on. "Organizational communication serves as the glue that holds everything together while, at the same time, acting as a magnifying glass by making this clearer" (Hartzell, Sherri;, 2003–2015) What this means to me is that, be clear, and have everyone on the same Get more content on
  • 6. APA Style Analysis The APA format for writing papers is just one of the two mail writing styles used in the United States (Gorman, 2014.) Well, let us start off with where APA came from. APA stands for the American Psychological Association. The APA format began back in 1929 in a brief journal article (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition, 2010) and by setting standards in writing research papers. The article was written by a number of psychologists at that time, to set rules for writing and to help ease reading comprehension. So we will be asking how we write APA papers by first asking the basics and second by, discussing the credibility of thepaper and then the style guidelines. Then finally, we also discuss how APA protects the writer from plagiarism. APA more content... First, APA guidelines use a twelve point Times New Roman font (Gorman, 2014.) The APA format helps the writer to organiize their content, and uses a first person writing style (Gorman, 2014.) A person can format their citations and their reference pages in the Word program to use easily to document their papers. Also an APA paper usually have four main sections; title page, abstract page, the main body of the paper and the reference page (Gorman, 2014.) Credibility and Style Guidelines The audience, who is reading this paper or listening from the writer, allows them to focus on your thoughts and ideas. Plus this format shows that you are aware of the audience and will establish your credibility. With style guidelines, this type of format helps you get your point of view across and able to conveyed your research in a concise writing style. The writer can control on how the readers receive the information and at all times to avoid bias (Gorman, 2014.) Just remember to use plain language and do not use any kind of schemes or devices in your paper. Avoiding Get more content on
  • 7. How To Write A Research Paper In Apa Format APA Citation Format is a set of formal rules written by the American Psychological Association for documenting sources when writing research papers for any of the social science disciplines. The most recent set of guidelines can be found in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association released in July 2009. The purpose of the manual is to provide a set of formal conventions that ensure clarity of communication, aid reader comprehension, avoid plagiarism and build accurate reference citations. The Basics When writing a research paper, APA stylerequires that citations are located both in the text of the body, as well as in a formal reference list section of the document. This article provides some general guidelines on how in–text citations should be formatted. For a more in–depth explanation, consult pages 169–179 of the Publication more content... When using APA format follow the author –date method of in–text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source document should appear in the text like (Richards, 2001). A more complete citation should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. When writing your report, if you're just referring to an idea from another source, but not directly quoting the material, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your in–text Get more content on
  • 8. APA Style Analysis APA Style Sample APA (American Psychological Association) style is primarily used in the social science disciplines. It is formatted like MLA, and shows many similarities, but is unique in several key points. APA uses parenthetical (or in–text) citations within sentences, but rather than indicating the author's name and page number, APA includes author's name anddate of publication. The page number, represented with a p. or a pp., is only added to the citation when using a direct quote (not a summary or paraphrase). If the author's name is mentioned in the sentence, then place the date of publication in parentheses directly after the name. If the name more content... All of the interviewees have been called 'exceptions to the norm' (Strong & Porter, 1998, p. 565). Note the first example paraphrases an author that is named in the sentence, the second example paraphrases authors that are not named in the sentence, and the third example provides a direct quote (thus the inclusion of the page numbers) but also does not identify the authors within the sentence. If the authors were identified within the sentence in the third example, the authors' names would be followed by the year of publication and only the page numbers would be in the parentheses at the end of the quote. Finally, the bibliographic page in APA style differs from MLA, what APA calls the Reference page. You will notice a few immediate differences from the MLA Works Cited format. With APA you include the initial of the author's first name rather than the complete name, the publication date immediately follows the author's name in parentheses, and titles of articles are not surrounded with quotation marks (however titles of books, magazines, journals, etc are still underlined). The lists are still alphabetized by author's last name (or title in the absence of an author) and the first line is flush left while subsequent lines in the same entry are indented in (approximately 5 spaces or one tab). For journals and magazines, publication title and volume number are both underlined, Get more content on
  • 9. APA Style Format I seem to be having issues grasping the APA style format. Thanks to the instructors advice, and utilizing the student success center, I am seem to have a better understanding of this task. I understand it is very important to cite your sources to avoid possible plagiarism, and to cite those soruces properly usins the APA format. I hope I did that successful. Best wishes to everyone on thier essays. Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Of APA Style Writing First of all I would like to thank you for the time and hard work you put in this semester to teach my classmates and me. This semester I learned a lot in your class such as APA style writing, how to write different format essays and Bloom's Taxonomy. In your course I not only lesrned how to become a better learner but also a better person. I still remember how nervous I was feeling the first day of class. This was my first semester attending college, which made me feel worse. Since the first day I came into your class I was expecting this course to help me improve my writting skills in English. I consider spelling to be my greatest weakness in writing because my first language is Spanish and I have a lot of trouble learning English. In this letter I will let you know what I learned and how I have met the programs standards of focus, development and clarity because I have practice APA style, writting assays and using Bloom's Toxonomy When I was in my senior year of high school, I learned a little about writing in APA style. In your course I learned that I was making some mistakes when I thought I was using APA style the correct way. Something that I considered to be very helpful for me was getting the help from the librarian on how to use APA style using different kind of sources such as books, newspapers and vedios.The yellow sheet he gave us in his presentation was allot of help throughout the semester because I would always use it when It was time to do writing assignments. Learning how to properly use Apa style was very helpful for me becuse now I apply those skills on my assignments and I do a better job than befor. Now I feel way more comfortable and confident while writting. Before learning the proper way of using APA style I was always unsure If I was giving credit to the sources I was using. I'm planning on applying this writing skill in and out of class to have a clear and smooth writing when It gets to give credit to sources. Throughout the semester we practice literature by writing several essays such as diagnostic, narrative, current event and common exit essay. In all these four essays the two that I found to be the hardest ones was the narrative and the current even. I consider the narrative Get more content on
  • 11. Apa Format Example Paper: This Paper is an Example of APA Format Dallas M Stout University of the Rockies Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide you with written instructions on some of the basic guidelines with the new APA format (American Psychological Association, 2009). In addition, this paper is written in APA format to provide you with a visual image of how many aspects of papers should be written, from the title page, to headings, to references in text, and the reference page. This paper is not met to be a comprehensive explanation of APA format, but will provide the reader with the basics. So, please buy the manual and read it. Example Paper: This Paper is an Example of APA Format Setting up the APA Format in Word First, more content... Paraphrasing is more acceptable and should be done frequently, again with appropriate references of the author's name and publication date. Should several paragraphs be from the same reference, each paragraph needs to have the reference at least once, usually after the first or last sentence. However, it is appropriate to use multiple references in a paragraph. When this is done, place the reference after each new reference so that the reader knows from where the information came. It is critically important to look up the format for referencing in text as well as at the end of the paper. Several variations exist depending on the type of reference, the number of authors including the use of et al., and whether or not you are quoting from a paper document or an Internet source. In addition, the way in which quotes are used varies depending on how the quote is framed in the sentence and depending on length (especially if more than 40 words). For each reference, look up the style in the manual until this information is memorized, which will not take long after writing several papers in this program. For the reference page, notice every comma, every use of capitalization, italicizing, and other formatting issues. This is where new students make the most amount of errors, especially with the issue versus the number on journal articles. Finally, it is crucial that you check the references in text and compare them Get more content on
  • 12. APA Style Guidelines Knowing APA style is important because it gives guidelines and rules that must be followed when writing a research paper. APA style guidelines suggested that writers use page header, insert number, abstract, title page and, Times New Roman font 12 pt. Also, it is important to include in–text citations and references. This format helps writers to prove their credibility, provide clarity and concise information for readers to follow in a research paper. I am sure after this course I will have a much better understanding of APA Get more content on
  • 13. Apa Format Analysis It is very important to use APA formatting of in–text citation and reference as a Bethel University student. APa formatting will make our articles and essays reliable, as the reader will know exact source of information. It will also give credit to the author and the publisher. In my opinion that it's our way to thank the author.APA formatting allows us to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. At Bethel University there are serious consequences for not crediting the author and the source. They can be anywhere from begin on probation to failing the class. We have a lot of help to make sure our formating is right. we have tools like Easybib and we have a librarian available to help us. Both of the help sources can be Get more content on
  • 14. Advantages And Disadvantages Of APA Writing Style 1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book. Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics. 2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style. Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body, reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the body of your text paired with a full citation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research. On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a paper, Get more content on
  • 15. Apa Format Running head: INTERNET AND DISTANCE ED 1 Internet and Distance Education Delivery Models Jane Ford EDU 400 Distance Education Prof. John Smith July 27, 2010 In the top half of the page, centered and double–spaced, include: title of the paper, your first and last name, course number and name, instructor name, and date of submission. Please note that Ashford University APA guidelines require title pages to include the course instructor's name and date. This requirement is specific to Ashford and is not included in the APA publication guidelines as outlined in the APA Publication Manual (6th edition). To center a line in MS Word 2007, select the Home tab. In the Paragraph section, choose the Center symbol (multiple more content... Correspondence with the instructor is primarily conducted via the online course discussion forums and email. The blended learning model is a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous delivery. The instructor may have a set lecture time during which all students log into the system to listen and interact with the class. The remainder of the week's instruction may then be The entire paper should be double–spaced. Use the automatic double–spacing command. Select the Page Layout tab. In the Paragraph section, click on the small symbol on the lower right corner of the section (downward–right facing arrow in a tiny box). This will open the Paragraph dialog box. In the Spacing section, select "double" from the line spacing menu. Click OK. Align the text of the essay along the left margin. Select the Page Layout tab. In the Paragraph section, click on the small symbol on the lower right corner of the section (downward–right facing arrow in a tiny box). This will open the Paragraph dialog box. In the General section, select "Left" from the alignment menu. Click OK. INTERNET AND DISTANCE ED 3 August 2010 conducted asynchronously by having students post additional discussions and questions to a specific location within the learning system. Regardless of the delivery method, all distance–learning systems include course management. Within the course management system, Get more content on
  • 16. Advantages Of Apa Format APA format not only is good for research in the child development filed, but it is also another way to protect the researchers from plagiarizing others work. By writing APA format other individuals will be able to understand the research in an efficient way, due to the simplicity and concise form of research. By using APA, research will be more organized and more effective. APA format is used by people in child development field, psychology filed and plenty more. moreover, by writing in APA or doing research with the same method, it will help the researcher and the writer to stay away from the bias opinion of the researcher and the writer. Get more content on
  • 17. Reflective Essay: Why I Choose APA Format I have had many previous experiences to online writing as well as Microsoft formats since my freshman year in high school (2014). Likewise, I am currently six to eight months away from receiving my associates degree in Criminal Justice; however, I wish this course could have been available during my first term at Florida Institute of Technology to guide me on proper academic writing. In my first few months, I endlessly searched YouTube videos on how to establish the correct APA format as well as how to save that format permanently to my Microsoft Word document. By not having direct guidance, I did receive several deductions on paper assignments for improper use. With this being said, I have several expectations that I hope to receive from this Get more content on
  • 18. APA Strengths And Weaknesses APA Strengths and Weaknesses After taking the second APA workbook (Mastering APA Style) term paper familiarization test I feel even more comfortable writing in APA format than I did before I took the first test. APA is one of the few methods that I am familiar with. As much as I would lie to say that I'm an expert in it, I'm from that. Up until this class I have been utilizing tortial videos on YouTube regarding how to write in APA format. I understand that Purdue Owl is a great tool, but I'm a visual learner so I prefer to utilize YouTube since I can rewatch or slow down a video to my liking. The only thing that I have to be mindful about is that everyone on YouTube isn't correct, so I will double check with Purdue Owl if I'm hesitant about Get more content on
  • 19. Importance Of Apa Format It is important to learn and use APA formatting as a student to prevent plagiarism and to properly write your paper. APA format also helps guide and reference your paper. When you write a paper you want to give credit where credit is due. You do that by documenting information you may have obtained through a video, a quote, or pictures. As a student at Bethel University plagiarism is frown upon and punishable. You get three offenses and after the third offense you will be expelled from Bethel Univerity. Get more content on
  • 20. Aspects Of Using Apa Format The following paper will increase ones knowledge on academic style writing and why APA format is used. Academic style is used everywhere however, why do we use this form of writing, and why do we use APA format in writing these papers. What are the most important aspects of using APA format in our writing? APA is a form ofwriting that is used everywhere; there are specific ways of using APA format and there are also rules you have to follow. These so –called rules are set in place so that people are given credit where credit is do. Therefore when people are working on publishing a paper it needs to be in APA format so others know that they did not do all the research on their own; they had help from others before them on the topic. If a certain Get more content on