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Advantages Of Apa Format
APA format not only is good for research in the child development filed, but it is also another way
to protect the researchers from plagiarizing others work. By writing APA format other individuals
will be able to understand the research in an efficient way, due to the simplicity and concise form
of research. By using APA, research will be more organized and more effective. APA format is used
by people in child development field, psychology filed and plenty more. moreover, by writing in
APA or doing research with the same method, it will help the researcher and the writer to stay away
from the bias opinion of the researcher and the writer.
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Examples Of APA Style
APA STYLE: The term APA Stands for "American Psychological Association" APA style is a
format for academic documents such as journal articles and books. It is modified in the style
guide of the American Psychological Association (APA), titled the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association. The APA states that the guidelines were developed to assist
reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences, for clarity of communication. APA
style is widely used, either entirely or with modifications, by hundreds of other scientific journals
which includes all business, medical and other public health journal and in many textbooks and in
academia for papers written in classes. APA considers one of the major style regimes for such work.
EXPLANATION OF APA STYLE GUIDELINES: Here are some of the APA Style Guidelines which
help us more content...
The Title of the article should summarize the paper's main idea and identify the variables under
discussion and it shows the relationship between them. The Running head is a shortened version of
the article's full title and it is used to help readers for identifying the titles of published articles. Even
if our paper is not intended for publication, our paper should still have a running head. The Author
note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author's department and institution
affiliation and any other changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any financial support
received. It also provides contact information. An author note is optional for students in writing class
papers, thesis etc. The Abstract is a brief summary of the paper. It allows the readers to quickly
review the main points and purpose of the article. The Introduction presents the problem that the
paper addresses. It introduces the main sources and problems of the
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Importance Of Apa Format
It is important to learn and use APA formatting as a student to prevent plagiarism and to properly
write your paper. APA format also helps guide and reference your paper. When you write a paper
you want to give credit where credit is due. You do that by documenting information you may have
obtained through a video, a quote, or pictures. As a student at Bethel University plagiarism is frown
upon and punishable. You get three offenses and after the third offense you will be expelled from
Bethel Univerity.
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Apa Formatting Style Essay
Bethel University requires their students to use APA formatting style/in–text citations making it a
necessity. Some jobs that involve a substantial amount of writing or research required that the author
cite where their resources have come from. It is very important that APA is not only utilized but
utilized correctly because not doing so could cost an individual more than he or she is willing to
pay, meaning that there are consequences to be endured should a student break this rule.
Academically speaking, not citing the sources you chose to use depicts the writer/student in an
un–pleasant light; it means that either you were ignorant to what is correct and acceptable or you
did not care leaving the paper you wrote under unprecedented amounts of scrutiny losing all
credibility. From an instructor's viewpoint, not citing sources properly or at all does not give the
author of the piece you used for your paper or essay the proper credit he or she deserves. Presenting
someone else's ideas thoughts and emotions as your own either out of sheer ignorance or malicious
intent is academic dishonesty. In court, not citing more content...
Seeing that our class is an online, writing based class, all the facilitator has to go on in regards to us
as individuals is our work.You are absolutely correct. Just as an employer may not "really" know
us as individuals they form an opinion about us based on our quality of work and or work ethic;
in the academic setting it's the same concept. Another topic or that peaked my interest in your
reply was respect. I believe respect goes a long way and reaches across every area of our lives.
Presenting someone else's ideas, thoughts, beliefs or work as your own either out of ignorance or
ill–will is perposterous to say the least. Show the original author respect for their work. I definitely
would not one my work to be stolen from me, therefore out of respect for myself, the author and the
school I attend, I will cite my
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APA Format Essay
APA Format
As for me, I am more a free–spirited person. I don't look for religion to be in public schools.
Religion is more towards private schools. In the video, it talks about religion, copyrighted laws,
teacher liability, and child abuse. While watching this video, I don't think any of this will affect
me when it comes to teaching. I agree as a teacher it is your responsibility when the kids are under
your supervision. When a child gets hurt, you are the one to get the blame because those kids are
your responsibility. I think it's best for a teacher to help those students who are being attacked. You
are legally responsible for the safety of children under your supervision. The courts employ the
principle of in loco parentis, which more content...
As for a future teacher, I would have to disagree with the school's administrators on religion being in
public schools. When I teach my students, I would only teach them to learn and know the truth.
I'm not religious; everyone has a different religion. I would teach my students the truth and what I
believe they should be aware not based on what they need to know from a biblical perspective.
I'm all for a school to teach religious freedom and acceptance of all religious beliefs, but "teach"
religion in public school is not acceptable. If this was a Christian school or Islamic school, that is
an entirely normal thing to teach religion. I don't believe that public schools should oppress kids
with religion. Especially children that don't understand the religion and conform just because
others show their belief. Everyone should have the choice. Private schools, on the other hand, it is
up to the school. Agree or disagree doesn't matter to me. I think it's okay to teach about other
religions, but not necessarily to prepare them to become part of the faith. Like if they want to do
more research and become a member of that faith, cool, I don't want to force them one way or
another. But I still think it's an important part of history, and an important step in breeding tolerance,
to make students aware of the basics and their options I guess. Teach about it, not for it if that makes
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APA Style Format
I seem to be having issues grasping the APA style format. Thanks to the instructors advice, and
utilizing the student success center, I am seem to have a better understanding of this task. I
understand it is very important to cite your sources to avoid possible plagiarism, and to cite those
soruces properly usins the APA format. I hope I did that successful. Best wishes to everyone on thier
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APA Writing Style Essay
American Psychological Association (APA) writing style exists for a reason and this reason is
because writers' must give "credibility where credibility is due"(Walden Writing Center, 2015) .
During my BSW program I learned this and also, the importance of integrity in college level
writing. In my opinion, two aspects of APA that I think will not challenge me are direct
quotations and listing references. I have to admit I prefer to quote intellecutual matter directly
rather than, use paraphazing. I believe this is approriate to do if the quote you utilize is short and
all of your agrguments regarding, the content of the quote, are your own ideas. Another thing that
will come easily to me is listing my references. This comes easily to me because during my
undergraduate education, I excelled in this area. The reason for this is because everytime I wrote a
reference page I always refered to my courses APA manual.
Eventhough I have had a through exposure to APA, it has been a year since I have utilized this
writing style. Also, my current position does not require the use of APA. Therefore, a saying comes
to mind "if you don't use it you lose it". Currently, this is my situation. As a result, Walden
University's module on Passive more content...
As I stated earlier, I prefer to avoid paraphazing in my writing. The reason for this is because the
arguments I construst in my papers are straight forward, to the point, and my own ideas. Also,
gradewise, I did not get penalized for this in my BSW program. However, Walden Univerisity's
Passive Plagarism module taught me that it is ok to directly quote material, but paraphazing is
strongly prefered in college level writing. During my Master of social work program, I will utilize
more paraphazing in my papers. On the same note, quoting directly can be considered a more
systematic approach to APA
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APA Reflection Paper
I share the same concerns on my writing as you. The APA guidelines are a continuing source of
learning of rime. It is a goal of mine to master the APA guidelines. Regarding the course writing
assignments I appreciate the Rubics. It serves as a map for me when I am completing my writing
assignments. The Rubic also helps with the flow of my papers. When I am writing my assignments I
approach my paper as a puzzle and allow the Rubics to serve as my guide. It is easier and less
complicated for me to research, write and compile my paper. It may sound a little off but the
process works for me. The information in the APA writing guide is extremely helpful. I am able to
answer questions regarding my writing by referring the APA writing guide (APA,
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Apa Format Analysis
It is very important to use APA formatting of in–text citation and reference as a Bethel University
student. APa formatting will make our articles and essays reliable, as the reader will know exact
source of information. It will also give credit to the author and the publisher. In my opinion that it's
our way to thank the author.APA formatting allows us to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious
academic offense. At Bethel University there are serious consequences for not crediting the author
and the source. They can be anywhere from begin on probation to failing the class. We have a lot
of help to make sure our formating is right. we have tools like Easybib and we have a librarian
available to help us. Both of the help sources can be
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Apa Plagiarism Essay
APA Citation Style and Plagiarism
Maria Carolina Manalili
Introduction to Computer – – AP 108
International College of Cayman Islands
The librarian visited our class to do a presentation regarding the APA Citation Style and Plagiarism.
I have learned a lot more information on how to avoid plagiarism and how to cite it appropriately.
APA offers guidelines for overall paper layout, citations, abstract, style, and references. Students are
often asked to adhere to the APA guidelines whenwriting papers, research essays, and reports.
Understanding and following the rules of APA can assist a student in writing a well
–formatted and
professional looking academic paper. Preparing a paper using APA format creates a presentation
that is uniform in appearance, which can make a paper easier to follow. According to the 6th Edition
of the APA Publication Manual, papers have 1 inch margins, are double
–spaced and use a 12–point
font. There are also guidelines for running headers and proper numeration, which adds to overall
presentation. A formatted title more content...
APA recommends four major sections of a paper: title page, abstract, body and reference page. A
properly formatted abstract, which is a precise summary of the research conducted, will give the
reader an idea of what will come in the body of the paper. A reference page will allow the reader to
further investigate the research presented.
Learning APA format can improve the writing skills of students, by asking them to consider word
choice and writing style. An APA
–formatted paper follows guidelines in regards to voice, point of
view, and clarity. For example, APA suggests that a writer aim for a clear and concise voice, absent
of bias and poetic language. The guidelines also suggest using the active voice in papers, which
makes a writer more aware of sentence
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Apa Style
[pic]APA style
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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|[pic] |This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this
article if you can. The talk page may |
| |contain suggestions. (November 2010) |
| |
|Style guides |
|ACS Style Guide |
|AMA Manual of Style |
|The Associated Press more content...
xiii).[3] Created under the sponsorship of the United States National Research Council, its
originators included psychologists, anthropologists, and publishing professionals.
In 1952, the booklet was expanded and published as a 55–page supplement in Psychological Bulletin
with revisions made in 1957 and 1967 (APA, 1952, 1957, 1967).[4][5][6] The first edition covered
word choice, grammar, punctuation, formatting, journal publication policies, and "wrapping and
shipping" (APA, Council of Editors, 1952, p. 442).
In response to the growing complexities of scientific reporting, subsequent editions were released in
1974, 1983, 1994, and 2001. Primarily known for the simplicity of its reference citation style, the
Publication Manual also established standards for language use that had far–reaching effects.
Particularly influential were the "Guidelines for
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Apa Format
Updated 11/01/2011 Running head: APA FORMAT EXAMPLE A maximum of 50 characters 1 How
to Do that Annoying APA Format Stuff: A Brief Overview of the 6th Edition Scott W. Plunkett
California State University, Northridge Noh Wahnelse and I. M. N. Oyed University of Invisible
Students Authors' names should appear in order of their contribution to the manuscript. Author Note
Scott W. Plunkett, Department of Psychology, California State University Northridge. Noh
Wahnelse, Department of Paranormal Experiences and Life Events, University of Invisible Students.
I. M. N. Oyed, Department of Anger Management, University of Invisible Students. Special thanks
to Bill White in the Management Department at Liberty University for more
Woo hoo! What a bonus! Margins and Fonts 4 Margins and fonts. The top, bottom, left, and right
margins should be one inch. Use 12point font. You should use a conservative, serif font type (e.g.,
Times New Roman, Cambria). By the way, serif font means that each letter has a little ledge to
stand on. Sans (i.e., without) serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica, Calibri, and Arial) should not be used
(except in tables and figures) because they are more difficult to read and increase eyestrain
(bummer!). Do not use script fonts because some are just annoying (e.g., Braggadocia) while others
are hard to take serious (e.g., Comic Sans). Paragraphs and Spacing Paragraphs should be indented
5–7 spaces or 1/2 inch. Make sure your indent is consistent throughout the whole paper. The best
way to do this is to use the tab key on your computer. All 'sub–sub' (Hey, I got to say it again)
headings should be indented the same as other paragraphs. APA FORMAT EXAMPLE Citations
and the Reference Section If a document you cite has only one or two authors, then cite it like so
(Knowitall & Allknowing, 2002; Urkel, 1998). Notice that I used a semi–colon to separate the two
different citations. Also, the citations are in alphabetical order within the parentheses (i.e.,
"Knowitall & 5 Allknowing" came before "Urkel"). If there are three to five authors, then cite all the
authors and date (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, & Plunkett, 2005). If you use the same source cite
again that has
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Apa Essay Format Generator

  • 1. Advantages Of Apa Format APA format not only is good for research in the child development filed, but it is also another way to protect the researchers from plagiarizing others work. By writing APA format other individuals will be able to understand the research in an efficient way, due to the simplicity and concise form of research. By using APA, research will be more organized and more effective. APA format is used by people in child development field, psychology filed and plenty more. moreover, by writing in APA or doing research with the same method, it will help the researcher and the writer to stay away from the bias opinion of the researcher and the writer. Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of APA Style APA STYLE: The term APA Stands for "American Psychological Association" APA style is a format for academic documents such as journal articles and books. It is modified in the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA), titled the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The APA states that the guidelines were developed to assist reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences, for clarity of communication. APA style is widely used, either entirely or with modifications, by hundreds of other scientific journals which includes all business, medical and other public health journal and in many textbooks and in academia for papers written in classes. APA considers one of the major style regimes for such work. EXPLANATION OF APA STYLE GUIDELINES: Here are some of the APA Style Guidelines which help us more content... The Title of the article should summarize the paper's main idea and identify the variables under discussion and it shows the relationship between them. The Running head is a shortened version of the article's full title and it is used to help readers for identifying the titles of published articles. Even if our paper is not intended for publication, our paper should still have a running head. The Author note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author's department and institution affiliation and any other changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any financial support received. It also provides contact information. An author note is optional for students in writing class papers, thesis etc. The Abstract is a brief summary of the paper. It allows the readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the article. The Introduction presents the problem that the paper addresses. It introduces the main sources and problems of the Get more content on
  • 3. Importance Of Apa Format It is important to learn and use APA formatting as a student to prevent plagiarism and to properly write your paper. APA format also helps guide and reference your paper. When you write a paper you want to give credit where credit is due. You do that by documenting information you may have obtained through a video, a quote, or pictures. As a student at Bethel University plagiarism is frown upon and punishable. You get three offenses and after the third offense you will be expelled from Bethel Univerity. Get more content on
  • 4. Apa Formatting Style Essay Bethel University requires their students to use APA formatting style/in–text citations making it a necessity. Some jobs that involve a substantial amount of writing or research required that the author cite where their resources have come from. It is very important that APA is not only utilized but utilized correctly because not doing so could cost an individual more than he or she is willing to pay, meaning that there are consequences to be endured should a student break this rule. Academically speaking, not citing the sources you chose to use depicts the writer/student in an un–pleasant light; it means that either you were ignorant to what is correct and acceptable or you did not care leaving the paper you wrote under unprecedented amounts of scrutiny losing all credibility. From an instructor's viewpoint, not citing sources properly or at all does not give the author of the piece you used for your paper or essay the proper credit he or she deserves. Presenting someone else's ideas thoughts and emotions as your own either out of sheer ignorance or malicious intent is academic dishonesty. In court, not citing more content... Seeing that our class is an online, writing based class, all the facilitator has to go on in regards to us as individuals is our work.You are absolutely correct. Just as an employer may not "really" know us as individuals they form an opinion about us based on our quality of work and or work ethic; in the academic setting it's the same concept. Another topic or that peaked my interest in your reply was respect. I believe respect goes a long way and reaches across every area of our lives. Presenting someone else's ideas, thoughts, beliefs or work as your own either out of ignorance or ill–will is perposterous to say the least. Show the original author respect for their work. I definitely would not one my work to be stolen from me, therefore out of respect for myself, the author and the school I attend, I will cite my Get more content on
  • 5. APA Format Essay APA Format As for me, I am more a free–spirited person. I don't look for religion to be in public schools. Religion is more towards private schools. In the video, it talks about religion, copyrighted laws, teacher liability, and child abuse. While watching this video, I don't think any of this will affect me when it comes to teaching. I agree as a teacher it is your responsibility when the kids are under your supervision. When a child gets hurt, you are the one to get the blame because those kids are your responsibility. I think it's best for a teacher to help those students who are being attacked. You are legally responsible for the safety of children under your supervision. The courts employ the principle of in loco parentis, which more content... As for a future teacher, I would have to disagree with the school's administrators on religion being in public schools. When I teach my students, I would only teach them to learn and know the truth. I'm not religious; everyone has a different religion. I would teach my students the truth and what I believe they should be aware not based on what they need to know from a biblical perspective. I'm all for a school to teach religious freedom and acceptance of all religious beliefs, but "teach" religion in public school is not acceptable. If this was a Christian school or Islamic school, that is an entirely normal thing to teach religion. I don't believe that public schools should oppress kids with religion. Especially children that don't understand the religion and conform just because others show their belief. Everyone should have the choice. Private schools, on the other hand, it is up to the school. Agree or disagree doesn't matter to me. I think it's okay to teach about other religions, but not necessarily to prepare them to become part of the faith. Like if they want to do more research and become a member of that faith, cool, I don't want to force them one way or another. But I still think it's an important part of history, and an important step in breeding tolerance, to make students aware of the basics and their options I guess. Teach about it, not for it if that makes Get more content on
  • 6. APA Style Format I seem to be having issues grasping the APA style format. Thanks to the instructors advice, and utilizing the student success center, I am seem to have a better understanding of this task. I understand it is very important to cite your sources to avoid possible plagiarism, and to cite those soruces properly usins the APA format. I hope I did that successful. Best wishes to everyone on thier essays. Get more content on
  • 7. APA Writing Style Essay American Psychological Association (APA) writing style exists for a reason and this reason is because writers' must give "credibility where credibility is due"(Walden Writing Center, 2015) . During my BSW program I learned this and also, the importance of integrity in college level writing. In my opinion, two aspects of APA that I think will not challenge me are direct quotations and listing references. I have to admit I prefer to quote intellecutual matter directly rather than, use paraphazing. I believe this is approriate to do if the quote you utilize is short and all of your agrguments regarding, the content of the quote, are your own ideas. Another thing that will come easily to me is listing my references. This comes easily to me because during my undergraduate education, I excelled in this area. The reason for this is because everytime I wrote a reference page I always refered to my courses APA manual. Eventhough I have had a through exposure to APA, it has been a year since I have utilized this writing style. Also, my current position does not require the use of APA. Therefore, a saying comes to mind "if you don't use it you lose it". Currently, this is my situation. As a result, Walden University's module on Passive more content... As I stated earlier, I prefer to avoid paraphazing in my writing. The reason for this is because the arguments I construst in my papers are straight forward, to the point, and my own ideas. Also, gradewise, I did not get penalized for this in my BSW program. However, Walden Univerisity's Passive Plagarism module taught me that it is ok to directly quote material, but paraphazing is strongly prefered in college level writing. During my Master of social work program, I will utilize more paraphazing in my papers. On the same note, quoting directly can be considered a more systematic approach to APA Get more content on
  • 8. APA Reflection Paper I share the same concerns on my writing as you. The APA guidelines are a continuing source of learning of rime. It is a goal of mine to master the APA guidelines. Regarding the course writing assignments I appreciate the Rubics. It serves as a map for me when I am completing my writing assignments. The Rubic also helps with the flow of my papers. When I am writing my assignments I approach my paper as a puzzle and allow the Rubics to serve as my guide. It is easier and less complicated for me to research, write and compile my paper. It may sound a little off but the process works for me. The information in the APA writing guide is extremely helpful. I am able to answer questions regarding my writing by referring the APA writing guide (APA, Get more content on
  • 9. Apa Format Analysis It is very important to use APA formatting of in–text citation and reference as a Bethel University student. APa formatting will make our articles and essays reliable, as the reader will know exact source of information. It will also give credit to the author and the publisher. In my opinion that it's our way to thank the author.APA formatting allows us to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. At Bethel University there are serious consequences for not crediting the author and the source. They can be anywhere from begin on probation to failing the class. We have a lot of help to make sure our formating is right. we have tools like Easybib and we have a librarian available to help us. Both of the help sources can be Get more content on
  • 10. Apa Plagiarism Essay APA Citation Style and Plagiarism Maria Carolina Manalili Introduction to Computer – – AP 108 International College of Cayman Islands The librarian visited our class to do a presentation regarding the APA Citation Style and Plagiarism. I have learned a lot more information on how to avoid plagiarism and how to cite it appropriately. APA offers guidelines for overall paper layout, citations, abstract, style, and references. Students are often asked to adhere to the APA guidelines whenwriting papers, research essays, and reports. Understanding and following the rules of APA can assist a student in writing a well –formatted and professional looking academic paper. Preparing a paper using APA format creates a presentation that is uniform in appearance, which can make a paper easier to follow. According to the 6th Edition of the APA Publication Manual, papers have 1 inch margins, are double –spaced and use a 12–point font. There are also guidelines for running headers and proper numeration, which adds to overall presentation. A formatted title more content... APA recommends four major sections of a paper: title page, abstract, body and reference page. A properly formatted abstract, which is a precise summary of the research conducted, will give the reader an idea of what will come in the body of the paper. A reference page will allow the reader to further investigate the research presented. Learning APA format can improve the writing skills of students, by asking them to consider word choice and writing style. An APA –formatted paper follows guidelines in regards to voice, point of view, and clarity. For example, APA suggests that a writer aim for a clear and concise voice, absent of bias and poetic language. The guidelines also suggest using the active voice in papers, which makes a writer more aware of sentence Get more content on
  • 11. Apa Style [pic] [pic]APA style From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search |[pic] |This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can. The talk page may | | |contain suggestions. (November 2010) | | | |Style guides | |ACS Style Guide | |AMA Manual of Style | |The Associated Press more content... xiii).[3] Created under the sponsorship of the United States National Research Council, its originators included psychologists, anthropologists, and publishing professionals. In 1952, the booklet was expanded and published as a 55–page supplement in Psychological Bulletin with revisions made in 1957 and 1967 (APA, 1952, 1957, 1967).[4][5][6] The first edition covered word choice, grammar, punctuation, formatting, journal publication policies, and "wrapping and shipping" (APA, Council of Editors, 1952, p. 442). In response to the growing complexities of scientific reporting, subsequent editions were released in 1974, 1983, 1994, and 2001. Primarily known for the simplicity of its reference citation style, the Publication Manual also established standards for language use that had far–reaching effects. Particularly influential were the "Guidelines for Get more content on
  • 12. Apa Format Updated 11/01/2011 Running head: APA FORMAT EXAMPLE A maximum of 50 characters 1 How to Do that Annoying APA Format Stuff: A Brief Overview of the 6th Edition Scott W. Plunkett California State University, Northridge Noh Wahnelse and I. M. N. Oyed University of Invisible Students Authors' names should appear in order of their contribution to the manuscript. Author Note Scott W. Plunkett, Department of Psychology, California State University Northridge. Noh Wahnelse, Department of Paranormal Experiences and Life Events, University of Invisible Students. I. M. N. Oyed, Department of Anger Management, University of Invisible Students. Special thanks to Bill White in the Management Department at Liberty University for more content... Woo hoo! What a bonus! Margins and Fonts 4 Margins and fonts. The top, bottom, left, and right margins should be one inch. Use 12point font. You should use a conservative, serif font type (e.g., Times New Roman, Cambria). By the way, serif font means that each letter has a little ledge to stand on. Sans (i.e., without) serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica, Calibri, and Arial) should not be used (except in tables and figures) because they are more difficult to read and increase eyestrain (bummer!). Do not use script fonts because some are just annoying (e.g., Braggadocia) while others are hard to take serious (e.g., Comic Sans). Paragraphs and Spacing Paragraphs should be indented 5–7 spaces or 1/2 inch. Make sure your indent is consistent throughout the whole paper. The best way to do this is to use the tab key on your computer. All 'sub–sub' (Hey, I got to say it again) headings should be indented the same as other paragraphs. APA FORMAT EXAMPLE Citations and the Reference Section If a document you cite has only one or two authors, then cite it like so (Knowitall & Allknowing, 2002; Urkel, 1998). Notice that I used a semi–colon to separate the two different citations. Also, the citations are in alphabetical order within the parentheses (i.e., "Knowitall & 5 Allknowing" came before "Urkel"). If there are three to five authors, then cite all the authors and date (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, & Plunkett, 2005). If you use the same source cite again that has Get more content on