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Helps in Cases of an Overly
Aggressive Immune Response:
For years, colostrum has
been used successfully as a
whole food for health support
by persons with autoimmune
disorders—including immune
defi	ciency,	 multiple	 sclerosis,	
diabetes, heart disease, rheuma-
toid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma,
chronic fatigue syndrome, aller-
gies, cancer and more. One of the
reasons is, that it is a particularly
rich source of bioactive immune
factors. These many immune fac-
tors in Anovite Colostrum6 work
together to provide incredibly
valuable immune support bene-
fi	ts.	Don’t	think	of	colostrum	as	
a	 cure.	 It	 isn’t	 that,	 but	 it	 does	
offer several keys to health.
Help for Underactive or Over-
active Immune Systems:
An overactive immune
system has been implicated in
autoimmune diseases such as
multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus, scleroderma,
chronic fatigue syndrome, and
allergies. An underactive system
is implicated in increased risk
for infectious conditions, cancer
and bacterially related heart dis-
ease. Anovite colostrum is by no
means a cure but offers strategic
health support. This is thanks in
part to Anovite colostrum being
a rich source of a hormone called
proline-rich polypeptide (PRP).
PRP is a hormone that regulates
the thymus gland, stimulating an
underactive immune system or
subduing an overactive immune
system. In a 1979 study published
in Immunology, it was shown that
PRP could either stimulate or
suppress the immune response.
PRP	 causes	 the	 body’s	 immune	
cells to produce cytokines. Cyto-
kines are proteins that regulate
the duration and intensity of the
body’s	 immune	 response.	 They	
also are responsible for cell-to-
cell communication; boost T-cell
activity;	and	stimulate	the	body’s	
production of immunoglobulins.
Help for Multiple Sclerosis:
Previous virological and
immunological studies have sug-
gested that multiple sclerosis
is an autoimmune disease trig-
gered by a virus infection. In a
study published in 1984, a spe-
cially produced colostrum was
orally administered every morn-
ing to 15 patients with MS at a
daily dosage of 100 milliliters for
30 days. A measles-negative anti-
body control colostrum was oral-
ly administered to 5 patients. As
a result, among seven high-symp-
tom	patients,	fi	ve	recipients	im-
proved and two remained un-
changed. Among 8 low-symptom
patients,	 fi	ve	 patients	 improved	
and three remained unchanged.
Among those receiving the pla-
cebo, two patients remained un-
changed and three worsened.
No side effects were observed
in colostrum recipients. “These
fi	ndings	 suggest	 the	 effi	cacy	 of	
orally administered anti-mea-
sles colostrum in improving
the condition of MS patients.”
The Doctor’s Prescription:
First-milking colostrum is
taken from dairy cows within 0
to 6 hours after birth of the calf.
This is important to know. The
sooner the colostrum is collect-
ed, the less diluted it is by the
subsequent production of milk,
and the greater the concentra-
tion of immune factors, growth
factors, antioxidants and anti-in-
fl	ammatory	agents.	Unfortunate-
ly, much of what today is sold
as colostrum—especially on the
mass market and over the Inter-
net by companies that purchase
it as simply another bulk com-
modity item—comes from the
fi	rst	four	to	six	milking’s	after	the	
birth of the calf and is as old as
72 hours. “At Anovite we collect
colostrum once,” notes Anthony
Kleinsmith,	 PhD.	 “Our	 product	
is	comprised	only	of	‘fi	rst-milk-
ing’	colostrum.	It	is	never	dilut-
ed with transitional milk—never
adulterated—never fractionated.”
Anovite colostrum comes in
capsules, powder, chewables and
lozenges. The usual dosage is
six capsules or chewables dai-
ly. If using powder, take ½ tea-
spoon twice daily with water.
Do you or a loved one suffer from?
• Diabetes
• Lupus
• Crohn’s
• Fat
• Alzheimer’s
• Heart Disease
• Arthritis
• Allergies
• Autism
• Osteoporosis
• Asthma
• Fibromyalgia
• MS
• Inflammation
...and more!
Get the answers you’re looking for at:
First-Milking Colostrum Helps Arthritic
Joints Feel Young Again
	 Here’s a statistic that’ll
make you rub your knuckles:
more than 20 percent of Amer-
icans suffer from some form of
arthritis. Whether it’s osteoar-
thritis, caused by wear and tear,
or rheumatoid arthritis, caused
by an overactive immune system
turning against its own tissues,
joint pain is so common, most of
us just consider it an inevitable
fact of aging. But it doesn’t have
to be that way. New research is
showing that we can support
our body’s health against arthri-
tis by ingesting a substance we
usually encounter only when
we’re very young: colostrum.
Colostrum, also known as “first
milk,” is a fluid produced in
the mammary glands of female
mammals in late pregnancy and
the first hours after giving birth.
	 The first “meal” for a rap-
idly growing, immune-deficient
newborn, colostrum is rich in
the insulin-like growth factor
(IGF-1) super family of proteins,
as well as immune factors like
proline-rich polypeptides (PRP),
and anti-inflammatory sulfur
compounds, like MSM. IGF pro-
teins aid in the growth of cells,
thereby helping to generate new
tissues and repair damaged ones.
MSM, of which colostrum is a
rich natural source. MSM is a
well-established analgesic and
anti-inflammatory.   In combin-
ing tissue regenerating growth
Colostrum Helps Combat Type 2 Diabetes
	 We have all heard the
alarming reports on the preva-
lence of type 2 diabetes, but do
we know how it works? Or one
of the most promising new ways
to help fight it? According to mi-
crobiologist Alfred E. Fox, PhD,
“Type 2 diabetes is considered to
be a metabolic deficiency treat-
able by exercise, dietary con-
trol and supplementation.” One
of the most important supple-
ments to consider is high-qual-
ity first-milking colostrum, like
that from Anovite. Colostrum
contains important components
to help support metabolism and
thus help combat type 2 diabetes.
	 Insulin-like growth fac-
tor 1 (IGF-1), which is a potent hormone that
interacts with almost every cell in the body, is
found abundantly in colostrum and may help
fight diabetes.  Leptin, also present in colostrum,
is a hormone like protein that may help sup-
press appetite and regulate metabolism of fats.
	 Colostrum, coupled with a well-bal-
anced diet and exercise, may contribute to
a leaner body mass and as a result decrease
the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
	 “It is also very, very important to recog-
nize that all colostrum products are not the same
and, despite the claims made by their manufac-
turers, they do not all contain every beneficial
component at an optimum concentration and,
in many cases, they have been manipulated and
may be missing some of the essential compo-
nents,” says Fox. “When choosing a colostrum
product, you should be certain it is made from
only first-milking bovine colostrum collected
within six to eight hours after birth of the calf
and that the colostrum is ‘complete’ and that
none of the components have been removed, in-
cluding the fat.” Fox goes on to say, “I have per-
sonally been responsible for testing of several
different brands of colostrum for human use and
can attest that the results prove that the products
distributed by Anovite contain the highest-qual-
ity complete bovine colostrum available today.”
	 I started using the Colos-
trum6 powder, 1/2 teaspoon four
times a day along with taking
one packet of the LimuZ once a
day. I was in pretty good health
for I have been on a regiment of
good organic product for years. I
started taking LimuZ twice a day,
one morning and one in the eve-
ning. I’m seventy years old my
next birthday and I’m doing ev-
erything I can to stay off doctors
medication. Since I have been
taking that extra LimuZ my en-
ergy shot way up, my focus is so
much better and I am more alert.
I just feel good and I tell you, it
feels good to feel good. Thank you
Dr. K for these wonderful prod-
uct’s. God bless you and yours,
-Min. John E. Cooper
factors then both of those with
pain-relieving anti-inflamma-
tory components, colostrum
provides a holistic natural sup-
plement to support one’s health
against arthritis. And, unlike
non-steroidal anti-inflammato-
ry drugs like Tylenol and aspi-
rin, colostrum will not inflame
the lining of your intestines.
	 Alas, not all colostrum
supplements are created equally,
nor do all provide colostrum’s
most beneficial components at
optimal concentrations. When
choosing a colostrum supple-
ment, you should be certain it is
only made from colostrum col-
lected within hours of a birth,
and that the colostrum is “com-
plete,” with none of its compo-
nents having been removed.
Only Anovite’s Colostrum6 ful-
fills these demands, as it’s the
only colostrum supplement to
be certified by associates of Cor-
nell University as “true colos-
trum.” Colostrum6 is low heat
spray dried, chemical-free, and
uses no fillers. Furthermore, the
bovine colostrum that goes into
making Colostrum6 is recovered
from cows within zero-to-six
hours of them giving birth. Since
it is a “first milking” colostrum,
this means all of its nutrients are
intact, including natural chymo-
sin, which helps enter the gut.
	 Help your body move
and feel young again with the
joint health-supporting ben-
efits of Anovite’s first-milk-
ing Colostrum6 products.
	 I’m an ITP disease carrier
and I pass it along to my chil-
dren. It’s hard to believe that
things went so well - especially
since all the medical tests said
this 3rd baby would be so dif-
ficult. With my second baby, I
had to have14 IVIG treatments,
this time there were only 4 and
they were so much different.
This baby is healthier and I feel
so much better. I no longer have
any symptoms of colitis. Colos-
trum6 was an answer to many
heartfelt prayers and you just
can’t imagine how grateful we are.
-Laura Sessions
LimuZ and Aging: Superfamily of 87 Proteins
Evidence suggests that
premature human aging results
from	 the	 individual’s	 neuro-en-
docrine-immune (NEI) system
reacting to a stressful environ-
ment. Mood, memory and focus
are functions of the neurological
system. When the nervous sys-
tem weakens, it negatively affects
many areas of the body. An indi-
vidual becomes insulin-resistant,
muscle loses tone and the body
starts to take on an apple shape.
Cholesterol, triglycerides and
blood pressure increase; fatigue
sets in; sleep becomes restless.
The hormonal or endo-
crine system controls everything
from metabolic function to the
repair and regeneration cycles of
cells. As we age, hormonal levels
change and the ability to repair
and regenerate is reduced. The
purpose of the immune system
is to keep infectious bacteria, vi-
ruses and fungi out and destroy
microorganisms that attempt to
invade the body. The immune
system engulfs and destroys
genetically damaged cells. Im-
paired immune performance
causes the body to fall prey to
serious infections, injury and dis-
ease. With premature aging, the
immune system becomes less ef-
fective and the body cannot rid
itself of toxins. It takes longer to
recover from illnesses and we
become vulnerable to disease.
Repair and Rebuild
	 The	NEI	complex’s	ability	
to reduce, repair and rebuild—
conditions necessary to youth—
will be destroyed without chemi-
cals that cause them to regenerate.
The future of nutritional science
lies in supplements that address
major body systems simulta-
neously.	 LimuZ,	 an	 effervescent	
powder that can be mixed with
2-4oz. of water, delivers vitamin
C	 with	 fi	rst-milking	 colostrum,	
Limu,	 zeolite	 and	 acetyl-l-car-
nitine for a direct effect on the
neuroendocrine-immune axis.
Nei to Senility:
Premature aging can be
slowed with supplements con-
taining the insulin-like growth
factor-1 (IGF-1) super family of
protein-based peptides. These
tiny hormone-like substanc-
es are part of a superfamily of
87 proteins that govern cell
and tissue repair. First milk
contains the entire IGF-1 su-
perfamily and delivers them
intact into the bloodstream.
One Hundred Years of
Life without Cancer:
There is an island off the
coast of Okinawa called Hachi Jo,
known	as	the	Island	of	Longevi-
ty. This island has a reputation
of producing a disproportional
number of centenarians—people
who live over 100 years of age.
In fact, the residents are rarely
stricken with modern diseases
such as cancer, irregular blood
pressure, strokes, cardiac infarc-
tion	or	Alzheimer’s	disease.	Cu-
rious health-minded researchers
questioned their superior lon-
gevity, vigor, disease resistance
and overall bodily strength and
stature. The relative longevi-
ty and health was attributed to
their	consumption	of	Limu.	Re-
cent studies credit continuous
consumption	 of	 seaweed	 (Limu)	
in providing the people of Ha-
chi Jo with a distinct advantage
over	the	rest	of	the	world’s	pop-
ulations.	Limu	has	been	labeled	
“one of the most important ma-
rine medicinal foodstuffs…
to prevent obesity and diabetes.”
One active component is alginic
acid and another fucoidan, an an-
ti-infl	ammatory	with	antioxidant	
action that blocks buildup of
betaamyloid protein (A beta) in
the brain. Beta-amyloid concen-
trates	in	the	brains	of	Alzheimer’s	
patients.	LimuZ	has	40	pounds	of	
Limu	 (Laminaria	 japonica)	 con-
densed down to one pound, a 40:1 ratio to give the highest concen-
tration available. The content of fucoidan is between 2.5 and 4%.
The	concentration	level	of	fucoidan	extract	in	LimuZ	is	over	90%.
Protect Brain Tissue:
Originating as volcanic rock with a complex unique struc-
ture of a crystalline honeycomb that has the power to trap and re-
move	heavy	metals,	zeolite,	specifi	cally	Clinoptilolite,	is	only	one	of	
the few minerals in nature that is negatively charged. It attracts toxic
metals then captures and cages them in its honeycomb structure.
Nerve Growth:
	 Acetyl-l-carnitine	 (ALC)	 increases	 the	 levels	 and	 utili-
zation of nerve growth factor (NGF) in old rats. The stimula-
tion	 of	 NGF	 levels	 can	 be	 attained	 when	 ALC	 is	 given	 either	 for	
long	 or	 short	 periods.	 Long-term	 use	 of	 ALC	 completely	 pre-
vents the loss of acetylcholine activity in aged rats “suggesting
that	 ALC	 may	 rescue	 cholinergic	 pathways	 from	 age-associat-
ed	 degeneration.”	 Dementia	 is	 a	 common	 mental	 health	 problem.
Pull Isotonic into Blood:
	 LimuZ	 with	 the	 antioxidant	 acai	 can	 be	 put	 into	 any	
liquid and is absorbable into the bloodstream because of
the isotonic technology. It has the same level of electrolyt-
ic balance as our blood so it is pulled into your system.
	 Today’s	lifestyle	is	taking	a	heavy	toll	on	our	health.	We	are	ex-
periencing higher stress levels and more toxicity than our parents or
even their parents did. Yet, our nutritional intake is far from optimal
results	from	using	LimuZ	on	a	daily	basis.	Your	body	will	thank	you!
The potential benefits:
• Anti-Aging
• Improved Mental Clarity
• Increased Natural Energy
• Clearer Skin Tone
• Inch-Loss
• Heavy Metal Reduction
Remove the roadblocks to having your major systems work-
ing	 in	 the	 correct	 manner	 is	 what	 LimuZ	 was	 designed	 to	 do!
The	fi	rst	fi	ve	people	to	answer	all	fi	ve	questions	
correctly	will	be	sent	a	bottle	of	Colostrum6!	The	
contest will renew at the beginning of every month.
1. What is the average amount of colostrum that can be collected from
a	mature	dairy	cow	in	the	fi	rst	milking	(within	the	fi	rst	six	to	eight	
hours after birthing)?
2. How many components are found within Colostrum?
3. What will happen with Colostral fat 14 days before parturition?
4.	Name	fi	ve	Immune	Helpers	inside	of	Colostrum.
5.	Who,	within	three	days	of	starting	on	fi	rst-milking	colostrum,	was	
sleeping	through	the	night	and	within	seven	days,	the	fl	uid	buildup	in	
wwand drainage from his ears, nose and back of throat had ceased?
Call or email with your answers today at: 877-295-1269,
Suffering from Crohn’s, Leaky
Gut, IBS or Diverticulitis?
	 The newborn gut is unique
in that it has not completed mat-
uration at the time of birth and
needs the growth factors and
other components of colostrum
to complete its development.
The incomplete development of
the gut benefits to the newborn
as it allows large proteins, such
as immunoglobulins, to easily
enter the body. However, intesti-
nal permeability is not good for
older children or adults as it can
contribute to conditions such
as leaky gut syndrome—a very
common (often undiagnosed)
condition in which the lining
of the small intestine becomes
inflamed. Inflammation causes
damage to the tissue, resulting
in excess permeability and un-
usually large spaces between the
cells of the mucosal lining, which
allows bacteria, viruses, fungi
and other potentially toxic ma-
terials to enter the bloodstream.
	 A high-quality first-milk-
ing colostrum can be of sub-
stantial value in this regard. The
immune factors in colostrum
contain a number of antibodies
that bind to invading microor-
ganisms and hold them in check
	 “When I first started taking colostrum, I was experi-
encing the symptoms of several autoimmune diseases—sys-
temic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I had
digestive problems—colitis, chronic constipation and divertic-
ulitis. I had tried a number of natural remedies, but colos-
trum made an almost immediate difference with my digestive
disturbances. Within several days, I no longer needed laxa-
tives, and I knew I was onto something important. My energy
picked up, and the aches and pains which were so familiar
began to recede. I felt like I did during my younger years.
But then, almost as quickly as the relief had come, my symp-
toms began to return when I carelessly purchased a differ-
ent colostrum product. I tried several other brands of colos-
trum—some worked better than others—but nothing out there
worked like complete, first-milking Colostrum6 from Anovite.”
— Carol Gail Gaylor
while they are destroyed by white
blood cells. The most important
of these antibodies are of the im-
munoglobulin A (IgA) type. Not
only do they attach themselves
to an invading microorganism,
but they are also able to stick to
tissues, making it easier for white
blood cells to destroy the immo-
bilized pathogen. The growth
factors in colostrum are also of
substantial benefit in leaky gut
syndrome. It is well document-
ed that growth hormone and the
insulin like growth factor (IGF)
superfamily of proteins aid in
the proliferation of new cells.
These and other factors in co-
lostrum can actually help repair
the damaged mucosal tissues.
	 “Anovite makes top-notch
complete first-milking colos-
trum collected within zero to
six hours after the birth of the
calf. This means that unlike oth-
er colostrum brands, when you
use Anovite Colostrum6, you can
rest assured that all important
nutrients are intact and ready
to help you obtain optimum in-
testinal health.” —Julie Powell
	 Since my wife and I have
been taking LimuZ, we notice the
increased energy , gives a calm-
ing effect on stressful days, and
gives you a restful sleep-you
wake up in the morning feeling
very alert and rested. We dont
want to go without the product!
-Darryl Thomas Sr
	 I was having horrible GI is-
sues last week... Nausea after every
meal being the worst symptom.
All of my symptoms went away
in 24 hours with Colostrum6!
The Herxheimer – Getting Rid of the Trash
	 The body has an amaz-
ing capacity for storing toxins
and suppressing the effects of
poor eating and environmen-
tal pollution. Years of accumu-
lated toxins may be held deep
within the tissues of our bodies,
waiting for an opportunity to
be released. If that opportuni-
ty never comes, the toxins con-
tinue to build up – eventually
causing sickness and disease.
	 Dietary supplements and
lifestyle changes which sup-
ply the body with extra energy,
provide an opportunity for the
body to finally remove stored
waste. This is what is known as
a “Herxheimer.” This process can
sometimes be uncomfortable as
toxins are dumped into the sys-
tem to be expelled. It is often ac-
companied by fatigue, headaches,
fever, bad breath, body odor, skin
eruptions, irritability, nausea, di-
arrhea and or flu-like symptoms.
	 It can last from as little as
a few hours to several days, de-
pending on an individual’s health.
Healthier people experience
shorter periods of discomfort
with fewer, if any, symptoms. The
“detox” refers to the onset of heal-
ing and symptoms
usually disappear
once the body ad-
justs to the process.
After that, detox-
ification can con-
tinue without no-
ticeable symptoms.
and Dr. Anthony
Kleinsmith’s formu-
las are supplements
which can provide
significant amounts
of cellular ener-
gy which the body
wisely uses to expel
the buildup of ac-
cumulated toxins.
A good portion of
waste is stored with-
in fatty tissue and it is no wonder
that many individuals struggle
with excess weight. Fat actually
serves to keep toxic buildup away
from other tissues of the body.
When toxic build up is removed,
the fat often fades away, too.
	 Ultimately, this results
in greater energy and weight
loss for some. It is important
to understand that this process
is short-term and that it is nor-
mal, natural, and healthy. The
uncomfortable symptoms result
as the immune system sends out
an army of white blood cells to
engulf the waste materials which
have been suddenly let loose
into the blood and lymphatic
systems. This is the same thing
that happens when the body at-
tacks a virus or bacterial infec-
tion. Mucus is produced, joints
become stiff and sore, head-
aches result and fatigue sets in.
	 If you experience a herx-
heimer, you can either reduce
the level of colostrum for sev-
eral days and give your body
a chance to catch up with the
detoxification process, or you
can support the detox by do-
ing any or all of the following:
• Drink plenty of pure water
(not tap water)
• Eat simply (fresh fruits and
vegetables) Avoid food with ad-
ditives and preservatives
• Breath deeply (rapidly & deep-
ly for 60 seconds every hour)
• Take Epsom salt or sea salt
• Get plenty of rest
• Have a massage or brush the
skin (towards the liver)
	 Helping your body
through a herxheimer can make
a difference in how quickly and
how thoroughly you are able to
detoxify. Taking over-the-counter
remedies for symptoms will ei-
ther prolong or stop the process.
Drugs may produce temporary
relief, but they often drive tox-
ins back into the tissues. Once
through the “crisis,” your body will
begin to function more efficient-
ly and the resultant level of vital-
ity will be well worth the effort.
#1 Choice for Kids’ Immune Protection
Of all the thousands of
children’s	 vitamins	 and	 supple-
ments	 marketed	 today,	 we’ve	
pretty much narrowed down
our choices to just a few. Well,
my three kids have done the
work	for	me.	Like	all	kids,	they	
have very particular opinions
on how supplements taste and
feel on their tongue and if they
don’t	 feel	 right,	 they	 won’t	 take	
them,	 which	 means	 I’ve	 bought	
my kids a lot of products that
couldn’t	 pass	 their	 own	 taste	
tests. One supplement that has
not only passed but that they
actually	 LOVE	 and	 that	 I	 LOVE	
them taking daily is actually one
of the very best for making them
immune	 to	 common	 colds,	 fl	u,	
allergies and all sorts of yucky
germs that they will come into
contact with during the school
year. As a parent, I love Anovite
Colostrum6 Strawberry tablets
because	 I	 know	 that	 fi	rst	 milk-
ing colostrum is a great whole
food supplement that really
helps kids. We usually think of
colostrum	as	the	fi	rst	milk	of	all	
mammals following birth, rich in
immune and growth factors, as
important for the newborn, and
it	defi	nitely	is.	But	consumption	
by humans of the colostrum pro-
duced when a dairy animal gives
birth is an established tradition
in many traditional societies to
improve	people’s	health.	Modern	
researchers also recognize the
multitude of immune factors in
fi	rst-milking	 colostrum	 protect	
children of all ages (as well as
adults). At the Center for Stud-
ies of Sensory Impairment, Ag-
ing and Metabolism, Guatemala
City, Guatemala, researchers are
also	very	interested	in	fi	rst-milk-
ing colostrum as a means of
protecting malnourished, im-
poverished children worldwide.
“The growth, development and
health conditions for children
living under deprived conditions
in developing countries are so
adverse that immediate public
health measures to reduce mor-
bidity and improve nutrition
are urgently needed,” notes a re-
port in the August 2002 issue of
the European Journal of Clini-
cal Nutrition. “Preventing and
shortening the course of diar-
rhoeal episodes, eliminating pro-
tozoal colonization and balanc-
ing	 intestinal	 microfl	ora	 would	
all contribute to these goals.
“Recent advances in food
technology in industrial dairying
allow for continuous availabil-
ity of stabilized bovine colos-
trum concentrate, both natural
and hyper immunized against
specifi	c	 human	 pathogens.	 This	
is safe for the calves of the pro-
ducers themselves, for labora-
tory animals, and generally for
humans, with the caveat of the
milk allergic. Moreover, substan-
tial amounts of orally ingested
bovine colostrum concentrate
survive their passage through the
stomach to remain intact and ac-
tive in the lower reaches of the
bowel. Studies in animals, human
volunteers and naturally infect-
ed humans have demonstrated
a	 therapeutic	 effi	cacy	 of	 oral	
bovine colostrum with certain
infections. Similarly, attempts to
prevent gastrointestinal infec-
tions in animals, exposed volun-
teers and at risk populations have
met with limited success with
specifi	c	 pathogens.”	 The	 article	
notes that it is time to begin to
assess the feasibility and poten-
tial	 effectiveness	 and	 effi	ciency	
of employing seasonal or chron-
ic bovine colostrum feeding in
populations of deprived infantile
populations to reduce the rates
of recurrent gastroenteritis and
to improve vitality and nutri-
tional status in early life. But hey
some of these germs are lurk-
ing here in North America too.
I mean, how many of our kids
at one time or another have suf-
fered from an episode of stomach
upset so bad that it causes diar-
rhea? And what about those little
bugs	that	cause	lingering	sniffl	es	
and	 snuffl	es?	 The	 good	 news	 is	
that my kids are rarely under
the weather and I attribute this
to their daily use of a great mul-
tivitamin and, of course, Anovite
Colostrum6 Strawberry tablets.
Have your child chew
three	to	six	strawberry	fl	avored
chewables daily.
	 “Children	 truly	 benefi	t	 from	 fi	rst-milking	 colostrum.	
Anovite Strawberry Moo Chews make taking colostrum
easy.	 Don’t	 think	 of	 colostrum,	 however,	 as	 simply	 a	 nutri-
tional supplement. Rather, think of it as a whole food con-
centrate,	 for	 that’s	 truly	 what	 our	 fi	rst-milking	 colostrum	
is. If your child has recurrent respiratory illnesses, mid-
dle ear infections or too many other common infectious
maladies	 such	 as	 colds	 or	 fl	u,	 you	 will	 be	 so	 happy	 to	 see	
his or her health improve with this wonderful formula.”
—David	Steinman
Adverse Effects of Oxygen Starvation
OxyQuest is a revolutionary breakthrough in oxygen supplements. It contains only negatively charged
electrolytes in a non-toxic formulation. The genius of the formula lies in using two of the most abundant and
important	electrolytes	in	body	fl	uids,	sodium	&	chloride,	to	act	as	oxygen	carriers.		It	addresses	the	3	root	caus-
es of almost every ailment and disease in our modern society:
• PH - the acid/alkaline balance within the body
• Candida - the overgrowth of yeast in the intestines which can migrate to any other part of the body
•	Leaky	Gut	Syndrome	-	excessive	permeability	of	the	intestinal	lining,	linked	to	allergies,	autoimmune	condi-
tions, malnutrition and a host of other chronic conditions
OxyQuest is highly alkaline, stabilized oxygen. When taken daily in drinking water, it not only supplies oxygen,
but it helps to move the body to a more alkaline pH. This is so critical for optimum health that it cannot be
overemphasized -especially since it has now been proven that disease cannot exist in a properly alkalized body.
OxyQuest is considered to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, working to rid the body of
unwanted	organisms	that	fl	ourish	in	an	acidic	environment	-	including	candida.		OxyQuest	has	the	ability	to	
impact the level of candida in the body. Oxygen, alone can kill bacteria, fungus, and many parasites and viruses.
OxyQuest is so safe that it has been approved for use intravenously and since the oxygen is stabilized, it will
not contribute to free radical damage. A weak solution (1 drop/1 tsp of distilled water) can be used safely in
the eyes for many eye infections. Colostrum6 and OxyQuest can also be mixed together in a paste and applied
to	areas	of	the	mouth	and	gums.	(Tooth	decay	results	from	bacteria	which	fl	ourish	in	an	acidic	environment).		
When OxyQuest is combined with the Colostrum6 and applied under the arms, it provides energy almost
immediately and is a great support for the lymphatic system. It may also kill bacteria which contribute to body
First-milking Colostrum6
is a powerful dietary aid for pro-
moting great health. This quality
fi	rst-milking	 colostrum	 product	
helps quench your appetite, pro-
motes energy, improves immune
health, and enhances overall
sense of well-being. To date, over
700 different components have
been	 isolated	 from	 fi	rst	 milk-
ing colostrum. These work to-
gether synergistically to produce
the profound healing, health
maintenance and rejuvenation
support	 that	 only	 fi	rst-milking	
colostrum can provide. The bi-
ologically active components
in	 complete	 fi	rst-milking	 colos-
trum can be divided into cate-
gories based upon the health
aspect where they exert their
greatest	 infl	uence.	 As	 we	 go	
through the discussion of what
these substances do, you will
see that in some cases the func-
tions of these components can
be clearly separated into such
categories, while, in many cases,
the dividing line is not as clear.
The major categories are the
immune factors (immune help-
ers), growth factors (tissue repair
helpers), and metabolic factors.
Immune Helpers: Many
people	 know	 that	 fi	rst-milking	
colostrum is great for their im-
mune health. Many different
types of immune helpers are pres-
ent	 in	 fi	rst-milking	 colostrum.	
These include the following.
Proline-rich polypep-
tide (PRP): is a hormone that
helps regulate the immune sys-
tem, keeping it in balance be-
tween under- and over-activity.
This is extremely important for
those persons with autoimmune
disease. Proline-rich polypeptide
has a balancing effect on the im-
mune response and can suppress
an overactive immune system in
cases where it has begun to attack
the tissues of the body. It is also
a	 powerful	 anti-infl	ammatory	
agent that may help relieve pain.
Immunoglobulins: also
called antibodies, neutralize
pathogens in the lymphatic and
circulatory systems. Many people
take colostrum for the immuno-
globulins (Ig) in an effort to re-
ceive immunity for a wide range
of pathogens. Thanks to its im-
munoglobulins,	fi	rst-milking	co-
lostrum consistently has an effect
on pathogens that may invade
the intestinal tract causing diar-
rhea and gastrointestinal illness.
Lactoferrin:An iron-bind-
ing protein that aids the body in
utilizing iron. The ability of lac-
toferrin to bind iron is important
in keeping invading bacteria in
check since they require iron to
multiply. Many other functions
have been attributed to lactofer-
rin, including antimicrobial and
antiviral activities, immune regu-
lation and cell-growth regulation.
Lactoferrin	enhances	phagocyto-
sis	(the	engulfi	ng	of	harmful	or-
ganisms by white blood cells) and
plays a powerful role in reducing
the	 infl	ammation	 that	 accom-
panies many health problems.
Thymosin: A hormone
composed of two protein-based
chains, known as alpha or beta
chains, which are separately
present in bovine colostrum. The
chains act on the thymus gland
independently or in concert with
each other to stimulate activa-
tion, development and mainte-
nance of the immune system.
Transfer factors: Small
proteins produced in response
to	 the	 body’s	 exposure	 to	 cer-
tain types of microorganisms,
particularly those that reside in
deep tissues for a long period
of time, like the bacterium that
causes tuberculosis. They are
specifi	c	 for	 a	 particular	 micro-
organism and are carried inside
certain types of specialized white
blood cells. Transfer factors work
in concert with various white
blood cells and other factors in
an attempt to keep pathogenic
microorganisms under control.
Tissue Repair Help-
ers: The tissue repair help-
ers	 in	 fi	rst-milking	 colostrum	
are responsible for helping
us	 to	 fi	ght	 premature	 aging.	
Among these are the following:
Growth hormone (GH):
The single most abundant hor-
mone produced by the body,
affecting almost every cell. GH
levels are highest during teen-
age years and they fall rapidly
thereafter. GH increases metab-
olism, reduces fat and increases
muscle mass. It is involved in the
regeneration of heart, lung and
liver tissue, as well as many oth-
er organs and tissues throughout
the body. GH stimulates protein
synthesis, which is critical for
the renewal of skin and bones.
It is also considered to be an
immune stimulant because it
helps the body produce antibod-
ies, T-cells and white blood cells.
GH even affects neurotrans-
mitters in the brain, improv-
ing moods and mental acuity.
Insulin-like growth fac-
tors (IGF) I and II: Belong to a
whole family of hormones con-
tained in colostrum, called the
IGF super family. IGF-I is con-
sidered to be the most potent
of these. It functions like the
captain of a ship, triggering the
events that activate cell growth
and reproduction, protein syn-
thesis, and the release of energy
(glucose metabolism). Because
it is involved in so many major
functions, IGF-I is found in asso-
ciation with almost all the cells
in the body. It improves the func-
tion of GH to build muscle and
burn fat. It is also recognized for
its ability to regenerate and repair
cartilage. As we age, the cells in
our body do not reproduce them-
selves as well, and, since IGF-I is
a primary factor in the ability of
cells to grow and reproduce, it is
highly desirable for its many an-
tiaging and regenerative effects.
Epithelial growth factor:
Stimulates normal skin growth.
Transforming growth
factors A and B: Helpful in heal-
ing wounds and in the synthesis
and	 repair	 of	 RNA	 and	 DNA.	
Trypsin inhibitors and
other protease inhibitors:
Help prevent the destruction
of immune factors and growth
factors by enzymes in the gas-
trointestinal tract. They also
prevent the ulcer-causing bac-
teria, H. pylori, from attaching
to the walls of the stomach. In
this way, they are instrumental
in the healing of gastric ulcers.
Metabolic Factors: The
metabolic factors in colos-
trum aid our utilization of car-
bohydrates and play a role in
normalizing weight problems.
Leptin: A small hor-
mone-like protein that can
suppress appetite and lead to
body weight reduction. Mature
fat cells (adipocytes) release
leptin in the presence of insu-
lin, which is also found in co-
lostrum. Insulin-producing pan-
creatic beta-cells have binding
sites for leptin and it is believed
that the size of fat cells may be
a major factor in determining
the amount of leptin released.
Therefore,	leptin	defi	ciency	may	
be associated with obesity, par-
ticularly in diabetic individuals.
Insulin: Is a hormone re-
quired for the effective utiliza-
tion of glucose (blood sugar) in
the body. Insulin binds to spe-
cifi	c	 sites	 on	 cells,	 facilitating	
their interaction with IGF-I and,
thus, initiating the conversion of
glucose to glycogen, a high-en-
ergy source carbohydrate.
Mineral-binding proteins, espe-
cially lactoferrin and transfer-
rin, not only interfere with the
replication of certain pathogen-
ic microorganisms; they also
serve to capture iron from the
ingested food and present it in
a form that can readily be ab-
sorbed	 by	 the	 body.	 Lactoferrin	
can also bind copper and de-
liver it in a form suitable for
absorption by the body. In ad-
dition, two carrier proteins are
present in colostrum. These as-
sist in calcium absorption. Ca-
sein, which is also an abundant
source of amino acids to build
new protein molecules, is the
fi	rst;	 alpha-lactalbumin,	 which	
is present in appreciable quan-
tities	only	in	fi	rst-milking	colos-
trum, is the other protein carrier.
Cyclic adenosine mo-
nophosphate (CAMP): A phos-
phorylated nucleotide in a very
specialized form that trans-
fers the chemical energy nec-
essary to drive metabolic re-
actions to form new protein,
carbohydrate, and fat molecules.
Enzyme inhibitors: Also
known as “permeability fac-
tors,” are actually small pro-
teins that slow down or inhibit
the enzymatic breakdown of
proteins. They provide protec-
tion to the immune, growth
and metabolic factors as they
pass through the digestive tract.
First-milking colostrum
is a rich source of many health
promoting compounds. Only
unadulterated,	 fi	rst-milking	
products without their fat re-
moved are likely to be rich in
these immune, growth and met-
abolic factors. Some companies
de-fat their colostrum products,
not being sensitive to the fact
that fat is not only a carrier of
many of the most biologically
active components in colostrum
but also that fat protects these
compounds during processing.
I had one episode of the
interstitial cystitis 5 days after
starting	 (fi	rst	 day	 at	 work)	 and	
none	since.		Also	I’ve	noticed	that	
I	 have	 more	 fl	exibility	 in	 gen-
eral and in my shoulder which
has been a very chronic prob-
lem.	 	 	 Thank	 you	 Colostrum6!
-Jean	LaBore
The Natural and Safe Weight-Loss Supplement
Choosing the right nu-
tritional weight-loss supplement
truly can enhance your efforts
to shed those extra pounds. And
when you see quick results, it
provides motivation to stay on
track and achieve long-term suc-
cess. The trick is to be smart
about what you choose and go
for a safe, natural product that
is formulated with ingredients
proven to work. A nutritional
supplement designed to increase
leptin levels in the body is an
excellent choice, as increased
leptin has been shown to dis-
rupt the mechanisms that can
derail your weight-loss plan.
Naturally occurring
leptin was originally developed
as a supplement to build mus-
cle in animals. However, it was
observed that leptin intake was
linked to a dramatic reduction
in food intake and to as much
as a 50 percent reduction in
body weight within months. In
December	2000,	researchers	dis-
covered that when leptin works
in conjunction with insulin like
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and oth-
er natural cofactors, it can also
help restore fat cells to their nor-
mal	size.	IGF-1	directs	the	body’s	
metabolic process, burning fat,
balancing blood sugar and build-
ing lean muscle. A randomized,
controlled trial performed in six
different obesity clinics looked at
the effects of leptin on 73 obese
men and women. In the October
1999 issue of the Journal of the
American Medical Association
researchers reported daily use
of leptin led to a mean weight
loss of 15 pounds in a 24-week
treatment period. More than 95
percent of the lost weight was
from body fat. Although there
was considerable variation in
the amount of weight the in-
dividual subjects lost during
treatment, subjects who took
the highest daily doses of leptin
clearly lost the most weight.
	 LeptiTrim6	 combines	 co-
lostrum, which is rich in IGF-1,
and natural leptin, making it a
unique and powerful weight-loss
supplement that is totally natu-
ral	and	safe.	Dr.	Anthony	Klein-
smith is the lead researcher be-
hind	 LeptiTrim6	 diet	 products	
and	the	nation’s	foremost	leader	
today	on	fi	rst-milking	colostrum.	
He discovered how to produce
the leptin-rich colostrum ex-
tract	that	goes	into	every	Lepti-
Trim6 supplement and product.
	 LeptiTrim6	 prod-
ucts are designed to work
individually or as a team.
LeptiTrim6	 allows	 you	 to	 over-
come	the	fi	ve	underlying	factors	
that prevent you from obtaining
long-term, successful inch loss, by:
• Safely controlling your appetite
• Cleansing your cravings for
• Burning fat
• Increasing lean muscle
• Balancing body chemistries
Colostrum helps heal the heart
“One of my patients had battled heart disease for 27
years. This patient had spent thousands of dollars on
medications, treatments and hospital visits—not to
mention the stress and trauma of it all. A year before
I had contact with [the patient], he had been diag-
nosed with congestive heart failure and given only a
short time to live. I had him start with 20 colostrum
capsules per day, and within a short period of time
he said he felt better. He is now working, and ac-
cording to medical doctors, his heartbeat is normal.”
–	T.	Stone,	ND,	CNHP
Not all colostrum is created equal, so make sure to select (Anovite)
colostrum products that…
1.	Contain	only	fi	rst-milking	bovine	colostrum	collected	within	0	to	6	hours	
of birth of the calf.
2. Are complete (none of the components including fat have been removed).
There are more than 650 muscles in the human body, includ-
ing your heart. Indeed, the heart is like any other muscle, requiring blood
to	 supply	 oxygen	 and	 nutrients	 to	 function.	 The	 heart’s	 needs	 are	 provided	
by the coronary arteries, which begin at the base of the aorta and spread
across the surface of the heart, branching out to all areas of the heart muscle.
	 Unfortunately,	 coronary	 heart	 disease	 is	 the	 most	 common	 cause	 of	
death	in	the	United	States.	As	with	any	health	challenge,	“prevention”	is	the	
key.	Although	genetics	play	a	role,	you	can	signifi	cantly	decrease	the	chance	of	
developing heart disease by making lifestyle changes and having regular check-
ups with your physician. Supplementing with colostrum can also help maintain
heart health. Insulin-like growth factor 1, the same IGF-1 found in true six-hour
colostrum, has the ability to regenerate (or regrow) muscle tissue. This is not
limited to just the muscles in our arms or legs but also includes the heart.
A recent study in the February 2012 issue of Cardiovascular Research
demonstrates the cardio protective actions of IGF-1 found in colostrum. The
researchers	found	that	IGF-1	was	benefi	cial	in	mitigating	damage	induced	by	
excessive	 nutrient-related	 stress	 and	 ischemic	 heart	 disease	 (IHD),	 which	 is	
caused by a reduced blood supply to the heart muscle. The study also found
that IGF-1 could actually help reduce cell death and degradation in blood
vessels, preventing the deterioration that contributes to cardiovascular disease.
A pure colostrum (not the defatted kind) can help the heart patient in
so many ways. It contains growth factors that can rebuild damaged muscle tis-
sue; it contains immune factors that can reduce the levels of bacterial and viral
pathogens in the system (which often contribute or cause heart problems in the
fi	rst	place);	it	contains	essential	fatty	acids	that	are	so	important	for	the	main-
tenance of a healthy heart; and it contains proline-rich polypeptides that can
calm the overactive immune response often accompanying coronary damage.
• Dumbbell curls in-
creased from 70 to 75
• Stiff leg deadlifts in-
creased from 160 to
175 Ibs-9%
• Dumbbell incline press-
es increased from 100
to 110 Ibs-10%
• Lateral raises increase
from 50 to 55Ibs-10%
• Reps increased-20%
• Recovery time de-
• Carb and fat crav-
• Gained aprox. 1-3 Ibs
of lean muscle
• Overall improve-
Ron William’s:
• 5X Natural Mr. Uni-
• 5X Natural Mr. World
• 3X Natural Mr. Olym-
• Mr. Natural Interna-
• Mr. Forever Natural
• Natural Mr. America
• Natural Mr. USA
Allergies? Boy what a re-
lief!	Life	Before	Colostrum6	was	
miserable!	 With	 my	 allergy	 re-
lated issues. On my worst days,
it would be nothing for me to
be in the bed sick 3-5 days per
month!	I	was	missing	time	from	
work	 or	 church!	 It	 seemed	 like,	
“If you walked by me I was com-
ing	 down	 with	 something!”	 The	
post nasal drip down the back
of the throat, then into my chest.
Followed by coughing and even-
tually	I	would	get	a	sore	throat!	
I am so thankful that I found
this product. I have my life
back!	 	 Thank	 You	 Colostrum6!
-Coach Macon
I use Colostrum6 powder
with my tiny yorkie puppy...over
1000mg daily, especially during
the period of her vaccinations...
she is only 2 1/2 pounds and is
currently 5 months of age...also,
I have never had a problem with
hypoglycemia, which can be
common with this breed at such
a small body weight...Colos-
trum6	fi	rst	thing	in	the	morning	
with fresh water...she actually sits
and waits for me to “fetch it” out
of my kitchen cabinet. I have a
healthy,	happy	puppy....thank	you!
-Haley Star
“I want to thank you for
all you and your company have
done for me in my quest for
health	 and	 fi	tness.	 	 There	 ar-
en’t	 enough	 words	 to	 express	
how appreciative I am to you
for helping me. I look forward
to being a living testimony to
the effectiveness and impor-
tance	 of	 the	 LeptiTrim6	 System	
in achieving weight loss success”
(Victoria	 has	 been	 on	 the	 Lep-
tiTrim6 products for 9 months
now and is still going strong.)
-Victoria R.
	 In	 20	 weeks,	 with	 the	 aid	 of	 the	 LeptiTrim6	 system,	 I	
have lost 32 pounds, but more importantly, I lost a total of
72	 inches!	 	 Matt	 was	 only	 14	 when	 he	 joined	 the	 challenge.
-Matt A.
I took a nasty spill in my driveway hitting my face on
gravel. Two days later I began putting Colostrum6 on my I in-
juries while also taking internally with amazing results. Al-
most no sign of disaster. And it looks like scarring will be
minimal if any. Thank you for this remarkable product.
-Jennifer Bradley
“I work out at the gym a
lot,” explains Hooker Jr. “I like
the	 fi	tness	 supplement	 Flex6	
Fitness Formula from Immune
Tree made with colostrum. It
has helped with building mus-
cle and recovery time. Good
stuff!”	 He	 says,	 “Colostrum6	 is	
also a great immune booster.”
-John	Lee	Hooker	Jr.
Having nursed my two
children,	 I’ve	 always	 known	 the	
benefi	ts	of	my	children	taking	in	
the colostrum. I love that as an
adult we can continue on with
Natures	 original/fi	rst	 food	 and	
the nutrients that it has available
by taking Colostrum6. Within
the	 fi	rst	 48	 hours	 I	 noticed	 my	
body going through a cleans-
ing process. By the end of the
fi	rst	week	I	could	not	believe	the	
incredible strength and endur-
ance I gained in my workouts. I
can push harder and longer and
when I stop my recovery time
is almost instant. I noticed my
sleep	improve	as	well.	I	don’t	feel	
sluggish or tired throughout the
day anymore either. I originally
began using the colostrum for
its immune building properties.
Little	 did	 I	 know,	 I	 was	 going	
to experience all of these other
wonderful effects from taking
Colostrum6 on a daily basis. I
can’t	wait	to	see	what	other	posi-
tive	benefi	ts	we	are	going	to	have	
further down the road as we con-
tinue to use this product in our
daily life. I will not go without it.
-Rhonda Avila,
Compliments of:
“I have suffered my whole
life being looked at and tor-
mented. I am taking 6 capsules of
Colostrum6 per day look at me
in	just	8	weeks.	Look	at	me	now!”
-Lien	S.
I take colostrum twice
a	 day	 and	 fl	ex	 before	 and	 af-
ter, working out. I have been
on that routine about 4 days
and I guess it has built up in
my system and today, brother,
I just went past all my limits
on	 every	 exercise	 all	 day	 long.!
-Tom Cellie

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Anovite Good News Newspaper

  • 1. Colostrum6 Helps in Cases of an Overly Aggressive Immune Response: For years, colostrum has been used successfully as a whole food for health support by persons with autoimmune disorders—including immune defi ciency, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, rheuma- toid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, aller- gies, cancer and more. One of the reasons is, that it is a particularly rich source of bioactive immune factors. These many immune fac- tors in Anovite Colostrum6 work together to provide incredibly valuable immune support bene- fi ts. Don’t think of colostrum as a cure. It isn’t that, but it does offer several keys to health. Help for Underactive or Over- active Immune Systems: An overactive immune system has been implicated in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and allergies. An underactive system is implicated in increased risk for infectious conditions, cancer and bacterially related heart dis- ease. Anovite colostrum is by no means a cure but offers strategic health support. This is thanks in part to Anovite colostrum being a rich source of a hormone called proline-rich polypeptide (PRP). PRP is a hormone that regulates the thymus gland, stimulating an underactive immune system or subduing an overactive immune system. In a 1979 study published in Immunology, it was shown that PRP could either stimulate or suppress the immune response. PRP causes the body’s immune cells to produce cytokines. Cyto- kines are proteins that regulate the duration and intensity of the body’s immune response. They also are responsible for cell-to- cell communication; boost T-cell activity; and stimulate the body’s production of immunoglobulins. Help for Multiple Sclerosis: Previous virological and immunological studies have sug- gested that multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease trig- gered by a virus infection. In a study published in 1984, a spe- cially produced colostrum was orally administered every morn- ing to 15 patients with MS at a daily dosage of 100 milliliters for 30 days. A measles-negative anti- body control colostrum was oral- ly administered to 5 patients. As a result, among seven high-symp- tom patients, fi ve recipients im- proved and two remained un- changed. Among 8 low-symptom patients, fi ve patients improved and three remained unchanged. Among those receiving the pla- cebo, two patients remained un- changed and three worsened. No side effects were observed in colostrum recipients. “These fi ndings suggest the effi cacy of orally administered anti-mea- sles colostrum in improving the condition of MS patients.” The Doctor’s Prescription: First-milking colostrum is taken from dairy cows within 0 to 6 hours after birth of the calf. This is important to know. The sooner the colostrum is collect- ed, the less diluted it is by the subsequent production of milk, and the greater the concentra- tion of immune factors, growth factors, antioxidants and anti-in- fl ammatory agents. Unfortunate- ly, much of what today is sold as colostrum—especially on the mass market and over the Inter- net by companies that purchase it as simply another bulk com- modity item—comes from the fi rst four to six milking’s after the birth of the calf and is as old as 72 hours. “At Anovite we collect colostrum once,” notes Anthony Kleinsmith, PhD. “Our product is comprised only of ‘fi rst-milk- ing’ colostrum. It is never dilut- ed with transitional milk—never adulterated—never fractionated.” Resources: Anovite colostrum comes in capsules, powder, chewables and lozenges. The usual dosage is six capsules or chewables dai- ly. If using powder, take ½ tea- spoon twice daily with water. Do you or a loved one suffer from? • Diabetes • Lupus • Crohn’s • Fat • Alzheimer’s • Heart Disease • Arthritis • Allergies • Autism • Osteoporosis • Asthma • Fibromyalgia • MS • IBS/LGS • Inflammation ...and more! Get the answers you’re looking for at: Today
  • 2. First-Milking Colostrum Helps Arthritic Joints Feel Young Again Here’s a statistic that’ll make you rub your knuckles: more than 20 percent of Amer- icans suffer from some form of arthritis. Whether it’s osteoar- thritis, caused by wear and tear, or rheumatoid arthritis, caused by an overactive immune system turning against its own tissues, joint pain is so common, most of us just consider it an inevitable fact of aging. But it doesn’t have to be that way. New research is showing that we can support our body’s health against arthri- tis by ingesting a substance we usually encounter only when we’re very young: colostrum. Colostrum, also known as “first milk,” is a fluid produced in the mammary glands of female mammals in late pregnancy and the first hours after giving birth. The first “meal” for a rap- idly growing, immune-deficient newborn, colostrum is rich in the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) super family of proteins, as well as immune factors like proline-rich polypeptides (PRP), and anti-inflammatory sulfur compounds, like MSM. IGF pro- teins aid in the growth of cells, thereby helping to generate new tissues and repair damaged ones. MSM, of which colostrum is a rich natural source. MSM is a well-established analgesic and anti-inflammatory. In combin- ing tissue regenerating growth Colostrum Helps Combat Type 2 Diabetes We have all heard the alarming reports on the preva- lence of type 2 diabetes, but do we know how it works? Or one of the most promising new ways to help fight it? According to mi- crobiologist Alfred E. Fox, PhD, “Type 2 diabetes is considered to be a metabolic deficiency treat- able by exercise, dietary con- trol and supplementation.” One of the most important supple- ments to consider is high-qual- ity first-milking colostrum, like that from Anovite. Colostrum contains important components to help support metabolism and thus help combat type 2 diabetes. Insulin-like growth fac- tor 1 (IGF-1), which is a potent hormone that interacts with almost every cell in the body, is found abundantly in colostrum and may help fight diabetes. Leptin, also present in colostrum, is a hormone like protein that may help sup- press appetite and regulate metabolism of fats. Colostrum, coupled with a well-bal- anced diet and exercise, may contribute to a leaner body mass and as a result decrease the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. “It is also very, very important to recog- nize that all colostrum products are not the same and, despite the claims made by their manufac- turers, they do not all contain every beneficial component at an optimum concentration and, in many cases, they have been manipulated and may be missing some of the essential compo- nents,” says Fox. “When choosing a colostrum product, you should be certain it is made from only first-milking bovine colostrum collected within six to eight hours after birth of the calf and that the colostrum is ‘complete’ and that none of the components have been removed, in- cluding the fat.” Fox goes on to say, “I have per- sonally been responsible for testing of several different brands of colostrum for human use and can attest that the results prove that the products distributed by Anovite contain the highest-qual- ity complete bovine colostrum available today.” I started using the Colos- trum6 powder, 1/2 teaspoon four times a day along with taking one packet of the LimuZ once a day. I was in pretty good health for I have been on a regiment of good organic product for years. I started taking LimuZ twice a day, one morning and one in the eve- ning. I’m seventy years old my next birthday and I’m doing ev- erything I can to stay off doctors medication. Since I have been taking that extra LimuZ my en- ergy shot way up, my focus is so much better and I am more alert. I just feel good and I tell you, it feels good to feel good. Thank you Dr. K for these wonderful prod- uct’s. God bless you and yours, -Min. John E. Cooper factors then both of those with pain-relieving anti-inflamma- tory components, colostrum provides a holistic natural sup- plement to support one’s health against arthritis. And, unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammato- ry drugs like Tylenol and aspi- rin, colostrum will not inflame the lining of your intestines. Alas, not all colostrum supplements are created equally, nor do all provide colostrum’s most beneficial components at optimal concentrations. When choosing a colostrum supple- ment, you should be certain it is only made from colostrum col- lected within hours of a birth, and that the colostrum is “com- plete,” with none of its compo- nents having been removed. Only Anovite’s Colostrum6 ful- fills these demands, as it’s the only colostrum supplement to be certified by associates of Cor- nell University as “true colos- trum.” Colostrum6 is low heat spray dried, chemical-free, and uses no fillers. Furthermore, the bovine colostrum that goes into making Colostrum6 is recovered from cows within zero-to-six hours of them giving birth. Since it is a “first milking” colostrum, this means all of its nutrients are intact, including natural chymo- sin, which helps enter the gut. Help your body move and feel young again with the joint health-supporting ben- efits of Anovite’s first-milk- ing Colostrum6 products. I’m an ITP disease carrier and I pass it along to my chil- dren. It’s hard to believe that things went so well - especially since all the medical tests said this 3rd baby would be so dif- ficult. With my second baby, I had to have14 IVIG treatments, this time there were only 4 and they were so much different. This baby is healthier and I feel so much better. I no longer have any symptoms of colitis. Colos- trum6 was an answer to many heartfelt prayers and you just can’t imagine how grateful we are. -Laura Sessions
  • 3. LimuZ and Aging: Superfamily of 87 Proteins Evidence suggests that premature human aging results from the individual’s neuro-en- docrine-immune (NEI) system reacting to a stressful environ- ment. Mood, memory and focus are functions of the neurological system. When the nervous sys- tem weakens, it negatively affects many areas of the body. An indi- vidual becomes insulin-resistant, muscle loses tone and the body starts to take on an apple shape. Cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure increase; fatigue sets in; sleep becomes restless. The hormonal or endo- crine system controls everything from metabolic function to the repair and regeneration cycles of cells. As we age, hormonal levels change and the ability to repair and regenerate is reduced. The purpose of the immune system is to keep infectious bacteria, vi- ruses and fungi out and destroy microorganisms that attempt to invade the body. The immune system engulfs and destroys genetically damaged cells. Im- paired immune performance causes the body to fall prey to serious infections, injury and dis- ease. With premature aging, the immune system becomes less ef- fective and the body cannot rid itself of toxins. It takes longer to recover from illnesses and we become vulnerable to disease. Repair and Rebuild Youth: The NEI complex’s ability to reduce, repair and rebuild— conditions necessary to youth— will be destroyed without chemi- cals that cause them to regenerate. The future of nutritional science lies in supplements that address major body systems simulta- neously. LimuZ, an effervescent powder that can be mixed with 2-4oz. of water, delivers vitamin C with fi rst-milking colostrum, Limu, zeolite and acetyl-l-car- nitine for a direct effect on the neuroendocrine-immune axis. Nei to Senility: Premature aging can be slowed with supplements con- taining the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) super family of protein-based peptides. These tiny hormone-like substanc- es are part of a superfamily of 87 proteins that govern cell and tissue repair. First milk contains the entire IGF-1 su- perfamily and delivers them intact into the bloodstream. One Hundred Years of Life without Cancer: There is an island off the coast of Okinawa called Hachi Jo, known as the Island of Longevi- ty. This island has a reputation of producing a disproportional number of centenarians—people who live over 100 years of age. In fact, the residents are rarely stricken with modern diseases such as cancer, irregular blood pressure, strokes, cardiac infarc- tion or Alzheimer’s disease. Cu- rious health-minded researchers questioned their superior lon- gevity, vigor, disease resistance and overall bodily strength and stature. The relative longevi- ty and health was attributed to their consumption of Limu. Re- cent studies credit continuous consumption of seaweed (Limu) in providing the people of Ha- chi Jo with a distinct advantage over the rest of the world’s pop- ulations. Limu has been labeled “one of the most important ma- rine medicinal foodstuffs… to prevent obesity and diabetes.” One active component is alginic acid and another fucoidan, an an- ti-infl ammatory with antioxidant action that blocks buildup of betaamyloid protein (A beta) in the brain. Beta-amyloid concen- trates in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. LimuZ has 40 pounds of Limu (Laminaria japonica) con- densed down to one pound, a 40:1 ratio to give the highest concen- tration available. The content of fucoidan is between 2.5 and 4%. The concentration level of fucoidan extract in LimuZ is over 90%. Protect Brain Tissue: Originating as volcanic rock with a complex unique struc- ture of a crystalline honeycomb that has the power to trap and re- move heavy metals, zeolite, specifi cally Clinoptilolite, is only one of the few minerals in nature that is negatively charged. It attracts toxic metals then captures and cages them in its honeycomb structure. Nerve Growth: Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) increases the levels and utili- zation of nerve growth factor (NGF) in old rats. The stimula- tion of NGF levels can be attained when ALC is given either for long or short periods. Long-term use of ALC completely pre- vents the loss of acetylcholine activity in aged rats “suggesting that ALC may rescue cholinergic pathways from age-associat- ed degeneration.” Dementia is a common mental health problem. Pull Isotonic into Blood: LimuZ with the antioxidant acai can be put into any liquid and is absorbable into the bloodstream because of the isotonic technology. It has the same level of electrolyt- ic balance as our blood so it is pulled into your system. Today’s lifestyle is taking a heavy toll on our health. We are ex- periencing higher stress levels and more toxicity than our parents or even their parents did. Yet, our nutritional intake is far from optimal levels.Everyonefromyourkidstobabyboomerscanexperiencepositive results from using LimuZ on a daily basis. Your body will thank you! The potential benefits: • Anti-Aging • Improved Mental Clarity • Increased Natural Energy • Clearer Skin Tone • Inch-Loss • Heavy Metal Reduction Remove the roadblocks to having your major systems work- ing in the correct manner is what LimuZ was designed to do! WIN A FREE COLOSTRUM6 CAPSULE BOTTLE! The fi rst fi ve people to answer all fi ve questions correctly will be sent a bottle of Colostrum6! The contest will renew at the beginning of every month. 1. What is the average amount of colostrum that can be collected from a mature dairy cow in the fi rst milking (within the fi rst six to eight hours after birthing)? 2. How many components are found within Colostrum? 3. What will happen with Colostral fat 14 days before parturition? 4. Name fi ve Immune Helpers inside of Colostrum. 5. Who, within three days of starting on fi rst-milking colostrum, was sleeping through the night and within seven days, the fl uid buildup in wwand drainage from his ears, nose and back of throat had ceased? Call or email with your answers today at: 877-295-1269,
  • 4. Suffering from Crohn’s, Leaky Gut, IBS or Diverticulitis? The newborn gut is unique in that it has not completed mat- uration at the time of birth and needs the growth factors and other components of colostrum to complete its development. The incomplete development of the gut benefits to the newborn as it allows large proteins, such as immunoglobulins, to easily enter the body. However, intesti- nal permeability is not good for older children or adults as it can contribute to conditions such as leaky gut syndrome—a very common (often undiagnosed) condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes inflamed. Inflammation causes damage to the tissue, resulting in excess permeability and un- usually large spaces between the cells of the mucosal lining, which allows bacteria, viruses, fungi and other potentially toxic ma- terials to enter the bloodstream. A high-quality first-milk- ing colostrum can be of sub- stantial value in this regard. The immune factors in colostrum contain a number of antibodies that bind to invading microor- ganisms and hold them in check “When I first started taking colostrum, I was experi- encing the symptoms of several autoimmune diseases—sys- temic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I had digestive problems—colitis, chronic constipation and divertic- ulitis. I had tried a number of natural remedies, but colos- trum made an almost immediate difference with my digestive disturbances. Within several days, I no longer needed laxa- tives, and I knew I was onto something important. My energy picked up, and the aches and pains which were so familiar began to recede. I felt like I did during my younger years. But then, almost as quickly as the relief had come, my symp- toms began to return when I carelessly purchased a differ- ent colostrum product. I tried several other brands of colos- trum—some worked better than others—but nothing out there worked like complete, first-milking Colostrum6 from Anovite.” — Carol Gail Gaylor while they are destroyed by white blood cells. The most important of these antibodies are of the im- munoglobulin A (IgA) type. Not only do they attach themselves to an invading microorganism, but they are also able to stick to tissues, making it easier for white blood cells to destroy the immo- bilized pathogen. The growth factors in colostrum are also of substantial benefit in leaky gut syndrome. It is well document- ed that growth hormone and the insulin like growth factor (IGF) superfamily of proteins aid in the proliferation of new cells. These and other factors in co- lostrum can actually help repair the damaged mucosal tissues. “Anovite makes top-notch complete first-milking colos- trum collected within zero to six hours after the birth of the calf. This means that unlike oth- er colostrum brands, when you use Anovite Colostrum6, you can rest assured that all important nutrients are intact and ready to help you obtain optimum in- testinal health.” —Julie Powell Since my wife and I have been taking LimuZ, we notice the increased energy , gives a calm- ing effect on stressful days, and gives you a restful sleep-you wake up in the morning feeling very alert and rested. We dont want to go without the product! -Darryl Thomas Sr I was having horrible GI is- sues last week... Nausea after every meal being the worst symptom. All of my symptoms went away in 24 hours with Colostrum6! -Amy The Herxheimer – Getting Rid of the Trash The body has an amaz- ing capacity for storing toxins and suppressing the effects of poor eating and environmen- tal pollution. Years of accumu- lated toxins may be held deep within the tissues of our bodies, waiting for an opportunity to be released. If that opportuni- ty never comes, the toxins con- tinue to build up – eventually causing sickness and disease. Dietary supplements and lifestyle changes which sup- ply the body with extra energy, provide an opportunity for the body to finally remove stored waste. This is what is known as a “Herxheimer.” This process can sometimes be uncomfortable as toxins are dumped into the sys- tem to be expelled. It is often ac- companied by fatigue, headaches, fever, bad breath, body odor, skin eruptions, irritability, nausea, di- arrhea and or flu-like symptoms. It can last from as little as a few hours to several days, de- pending on an individual’s health. Healthier people experience shorter periods of discomfort with fewer, if any, symptoms. The “detox” refers to the onset of heal- ing and symptoms usually disappear once the body ad- justs to the process. After that, detox- ification can con- tinue without no- ticeable symptoms. Colostrum6 and Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith’s formu- las are supplements which can provide significant amounts of cellular ener- gy which the body wisely uses to expel the buildup of ac- cumulated toxins. A good portion of waste is stored with- in fatty tissue and it is no wonder that many individuals struggle with excess weight. Fat actually serves to keep toxic buildup away from other tissues of the body. When toxic build up is removed, the fat often fades away, too. Ultimately, this results in greater energy and weight loss for some. It is important to understand that this process is short-term and that it is nor- mal, natural, and healthy. The uncomfortable symptoms result as the immune system sends out an army of white blood cells to engulf the waste materials which have been suddenly let loose into the blood and lymphatic systems. This is the same thing that happens when the body at- tacks a virus or bacterial infec- tion. Mucus is produced, joints become stiff and sore, head- aches result and fatigue sets in. If you experience a herx- heimer, you can either reduce the level of colostrum for sev- eral days and give your body a chance to catch up with the detoxification process, or you can support the detox by do- ing any or all of the following: • Drink plenty of pure water (not tap water) • Eat simply (fresh fruits and vegetables) Avoid food with ad- ditives and preservatives • Breath deeply (rapidly & deep- ly for 60 seconds every hour) • Take Epsom salt or sea salt baths • Get plenty of rest • Have a massage or brush the skin (towards the liver) Helping your body through a herxheimer can make a difference in how quickly and how thoroughly you are able to detoxify. Taking over-the-counter remedies for symptoms will ei- ther prolong or stop the process. Drugs may produce temporary relief, but they often drive tox- ins back into the tissues. Once through the “crisis,” your body will begin to function more efficient- ly and the resultant level of vital- ity will be well worth the effort.
  • 5. #1 Choice for Kids’ Immune Protection Of all the thousands of children’s vitamins and supple- ments marketed today, we’ve pretty much narrowed down our choices to just a few. Well, my three kids have done the work for me. Like all kids, they have very particular opinions on how supplements taste and feel on their tongue and if they don’t feel right, they won’t take them, which means I’ve bought my kids a lot of products that couldn’t pass their own taste tests. One supplement that has not only passed but that they actually LOVE and that I LOVE them taking daily is actually one of the very best for making them immune to common colds, fl u, allergies and all sorts of yucky germs that they will come into contact with during the school year. As a parent, I love Anovite Colostrum6 Strawberry tablets because I know that fi rst milk- ing colostrum is a great whole food supplement that really helps kids. We usually think of colostrum as the fi rst milk of all mammals following birth, rich in immune and growth factors, as important for the newborn, and it defi nitely is. But consumption by humans of the colostrum pro- duced when a dairy animal gives birth is an established tradition in many traditional societies to improve people’s health. Modern researchers also recognize the multitude of immune factors in fi rst-milking colostrum protect children of all ages (as well as adults). At the Center for Stud- ies of Sensory Impairment, Ag- ing and Metabolism, Guatemala City, Guatemala, researchers are also very interested in fi rst-milk- ing colostrum as a means of protecting malnourished, im- poverished children worldwide. “The growth, development and health conditions for children living under deprived conditions in developing countries are so adverse that immediate public health measures to reduce mor- bidity and improve nutrition are urgently needed,” notes a re- port in the August 2002 issue of the European Journal of Clini- cal Nutrition. “Preventing and shortening the course of diar- rhoeal episodes, eliminating pro- tozoal colonization and balanc- ing intestinal microfl ora would all contribute to these goals. “Recent advances in food technology in industrial dairying allow for continuous availabil- ity of stabilized bovine colos- trum concentrate, both natural and hyper immunized against specifi c human pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the pro- ducers themselves, for labora- tory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk allergic. Moreover, substan- tial amounts of orally ingested bovine colostrum concentrate survive their passage through the stomach to remain intact and ac- tive in the lower reaches of the bowel. Studies in animals, human volunteers and naturally infect- ed humans have demonstrated a therapeutic effi cacy of oral bovine colostrum with certain infections. Similarly, attempts to prevent gastrointestinal infec- tions in animals, exposed volun- teers and at risk populations have met with limited success with specifi c pathogens.” The article notes that it is time to begin to assess the feasibility and poten- tial effectiveness and effi ciency of employing seasonal or chron- ic bovine colostrum feeding in populations of deprived infantile populations to reduce the rates of recurrent gastroenteritis and to improve vitality and nutri- tional status in early life. But hey some of these germs are lurk- ing here in North America too. I mean, how many of our kids at one time or another have suf- fered from an episode of stomach upset so bad that it causes diar- rhea? And what about those little bugs that cause lingering sniffl es and snuffl es? The good news is that my kids are rarely under the weather and I attribute this to their daily use of a great mul- tivitamin and, of course, Anovite Colostrum6 Strawberry tablets. Dosage: Have your child chew three to six strawberry fl avored chewables daily. “Children truly benefi t from fi rst-milking colostrum. Anovite Strawberry Moo Chews make taking colostrum easy. Don’t think of colostrum, however, as simply a nutri- tional supplement. Rather, think of it as a whole food con- centrate, for that’s truly what our fi rst-milking colostrum is. If your child has recurrent respiratory illnesses, mid- dle ear infections or too many other common infectious maladies such as colds or fl u, you will be so happy to see his or her health improve with this wonderful formula.” —David Steinman Adverse Effects of Oxygen Starvation OxyQuest is a revolutionary breakthrough in oxygen supplements. It contains only negatively charged electrolytes in a non-toxic formulation. The genius of the formula lies in using two of the most abundant and important electrolytes in body fl uids, sodium & chloride, to act as oxygen carriers. It addresses the 3 root caus- es of almost every ailment and disease in our modern society: • PH - the acid/alkaline balance within the body • Candida - the overgrowth of yeast in the intestines which can migrate to any other part of the body • Leaky Gut Syndrome - excessive permeability of the intestinal lining, linked to allergies, autoimmune condi- tions, malnutrition and a host of other chronic conditions Acidity OxyQuest is highly alkaline, stabilized oxygen. When taken daily in drinking water, it not only supplies oxygen, but it helps to move the body to a more alkaline pH. This is so critical for optimum health that it cannot be overemphasized -especially since it has now been proven that disease cannot exist in a properly alkalized body. Candida OxyQuest is considered to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, working to rid the body of unwanted organisms that fl ourish in an acidic environment - including candida. OxyQuest has the ability to impact the level of candida in the body. Oxygen, alone can kill bacteria, fungus, and many parasites and viruses. Safety OxyQuest is so safe that it has been approved for use intravenously and since the oxygen is stabilized, it will not contribute to free radical damage. A weak solution (1 drop/1 tsp of distilled water) can be used safely in the eyes for many eye infections. Colostrum6 and OxyQuest can also be mixed together in a paste and applied to areas of the mouth and gums. (Tooth decay results from bacteria which fl ourish in an acidic environment). When OxyQuest is combined with the Colostrum6 and applied under the arms, it provides energy almost immediately and is a great support for the lymphatic system. It may also kill bacteria which contribute to body odor.
  • 6. Colostrum—TheIndividualComponents andWhatTheyDo First-milking Colostrum6 is a powerful dietary aid for pro- moting great health. This quality fi rst-milking colostrum product helps quench your appetite, pro- motes energy, improves immune health, and enhances overall sense of well-being. To date, over 700 different components have been isolated from fi rst milk- ing colostrum. These work to- gether synergistically to produce the profound healing, health maintenance and rejuvenation support that only fi rst-milking colostrum can provide. The bi- ologically active components in complete fi rst-milking colos- trum can be divided into cate- gories based upon the health aspect where they exert their greatest infl uence. As we go through the discussion of what these substances do, you will see that in some cases the func- tions of these components can be clearly separated into such categories, while, in many cases, the dividing line is not as clear. The major categories are the immune factors (immune help- ers), growth factors (tissue repair helpers), and metabolic factors. Immune Helpers: Many people know that fi rst-milking colostrum is great for their im- mune health. Many different types of immune helpers are pres- ent in fi rst-milking colostrum. These include the following. Proline-rich polypep- tide (PRP): is a hormone that helps regulate the immune sys- tem, keeping it in balance be- tween under- and over-activity. This is extremely important for those persons with autoimmune disease. Proline-rich polypeptide has a balancing effect on the im- mune response and can suppress an overactive immune system in cases where it has begun to attack the tissues of the body. It is also a powerful anti-infl ammatory agent that may help relieve pain. Immunoglobulins: also called antibodies, neutralize pathogens in the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Many people take colostrum for the immuno- globulins (Ig) in an effort to re- ceive immunity for a wide range of pathogens. Thanks to its im- munoglobulins, fi rst-milking co- lostrum consistently has an effect on pathogens that may invade the intestinal tract causing diar- rhea and gastrointestinal illness. Lactoferrin:An iron-bind- ing protein that aids the body in utilizing iron. The ability of lac- toferrin to bind iron is important in keeping invading bacteria in check since they require iron to multiply. Many other functions have been attributed to lactofer- rin, including antimicrobial and antiviral activities, immune regu- lation and cell-growth regulation. Lactoferrin enhances phagocyto- sis (the engulfi ng of harmful or- ganisms by white blood cells) and plays a powerful role in reducing the infl ammation that accom- panies many health problems. Thymosin: A hormone composed of two protein-based chains, known as alpha or beta chains, which are separately present in bovine colostrum. The chains act on the thymus gland independently or in concert with each other to stimulate activa- tion, development and mainte- nance of the immune system. Transfer factors: Small proteins produced in response to the body’s exposure to cer- tain types of microorganisms, particularly those that reside in deep tissues for a long period of time, like the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. They are specifi c for a particular micro- organism and are carried inside certain types of specialized white blood cells. Transfer factors work in concert with various white blood cells and other factors in an attempt to keep pathogenic microorganisms under control. Tissue Repair Help- ers: The tissue repair help- ers in fi rst-milking colostrum are responsible for helping us to fi ght premature aging. Among these are the following: Growth hormone (GH): The single most abundant hor- mone produced by the body, affecting almost every cell. GH levels are highest during teen- age years and they fall rapidly thereafter. GH increases metab- olism, reduces fat and increases muscle mass. It is involved in the regeneration of heart, lung and liver tissue, as well as many oth- er organs and tissues throughout the body. GH stimulates protein synthesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin and bones. It is also considered to be an immune stimulant because it helps the body produce antibod- ies, T-cells and white blood cells. GH even affects neurotrans- mitters in the brain, improv- ing moods and mental acuity. Insulin-like growth fac- tors (IGF) I and II: Belong to a whole family of hormones con- tained in colostrum, called the IGF super family. IGF-I is con- sidered to be the most potent of these. It functions like the captain of a ship, triggering the events that activate cell growth and reproduction, protein syn- thesis, and the release of energy (glucose metabolism). Because it is involved in so many major functions, IGF-I is found in asso- ciation with almost all the cells in the body. It improves the func- tion of GH to build muscle and burn fat. It is also recognized for its ability to regenerate and repair cartilage. As we age, the cells in our body do not reproduce them- selves as well, and, since IGF-I is a primary factor in the ability of cells to grow and reproduce, it is highly desirable for its many an- tiaging and regenerative effects. Epithelial growth factor: Stimulates normal skin growth. Transforming growth factors A and B: Helpful in heal- ing wounds and in the synthesis and repair of RNA and DNA. Trypsin inhibitors and other protease inhibitors: Help prevent the destruction of immune factors and growth factors by enzymes in the gas- trointestinal tract. They also prevent the ulcer-causing bac- teria, H. pylori, from attaching to the walls of the stomach. In this way, they are instrumental in the healing of gastric ulcers. Metabolic Factors: The metabolic factors in colos- trum aid our utilization of car- bohydrates and play a role in normalizing weight problems. Leptin: A small hor- mone-like protein that can suppress appetite and lead to body weight reduction. Mature fat cells (adipocytes) release leptin in the presence of insu- lin, which is also found in co- lostrum. Insulin-producing pan- creatic beta-cells have binding sites for leptin and it is believed that the size of fat cells may be a major factor in determining the amount of leptin released. Therefore, leptin defi ciency may be associated with obesity, par- ticularly in diabetic individuals. Insulin: Is a hormone re- quired for the effective utiliza- tion of glucose (blood sugar) in the body. Insulin binds to spe- cifi c sites on cells, facilitating their interaction with IGF-I and, thus, initiating the conversion of glucose to glycogen, a high-en- ergy source carbohydrate. Mineral-binding proteins, espe- cially lactoferrin and transfer- rin, not only interfere with the replication of certain pathogen- ic microorganisms; they also serve to capture iron from the ingested food and present it in a form that can readily be ab- sorbed by the body. Lactoferrin can also bind copper and de- liver it in a form suitable for absorption by the body. In ad- dition, two carrier proteins are present in colostrum. These as- sist in calcium absorption. Ca- sein, which is also an abundant source of amino acids to build new protein molecules, is the fi rst; alpha-lactalbumin, which is present in appreciable quan- tities only in fi rst-milking colos- trum, is the other protein carrier. Cyclic adenosine mo- nophosphate (CAMP): A phos- phorylated nucleotide in a very specialized form that trans- fers the chemical energy nec- essary to drive metabolic re- actions to form new protein, carbohydrate, and fat molecules. Enzyme inhibitors: Also known as “permeability fac- tors,” are actually small pro- teins that slow down or inhibit the enzymatic breakdown of proteins. They provide protec- tion to the immune, growth and metabolic factors as they pass through the digestive tract. First-milking colostrum is a rich source of many health promoting compounds. Only unadulterated, fi rst-milking products without their fat re- moved are likely to be rich in these immune, growth and met- abolic factors. Some companies de-fat their colostrum products, not being sensitive to the fact that fat is not only a carrier of many of the most biologically active components in colostrum but also that fat protects these compounds during processing. I had one episode of the interstitial cystitis 5 days after starting (fi rst day at work) and none since. Also I’ve noticed that I have more fl exibility in gen- eral and in my shoulder which has been a very chronic prob- lem. Thank you Colostrum6! -Jean LaBore
  • 7. The Natural and Safe Weight-Loss Supplement Choosing the right nu- tritional weight-loss supplement truly can enhance your efforts to shed those extra pounds. And when you see quick results, it provides motivation to stay on track and achieve long-term suc- cess. The trick is to be smart about what you choose and go for a safe, natural product that is formulated with ingredients proven to work. A nutritional supplement designed to increase leptin levels in the body is an excellent choice, as increased leptin has been shown to dis- rupt the mechanisms that can derail your weight-loss plan. Naturally occurring leptin was originally developed as a supplement to build mus- cle in animals. However, it was observed that leptin intake was linked to a dramatic reduction in food intake and to as much as a 50 percent reduction in body weight within months. In December 2000, researchers dis- covered that when leptin works in conjunction with insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and oth- er natural cofactors, it can also help restore fat cells to their nor- mal size. IGF-1 directs the body’s metabolic process, burning fat, balancing blood sugar and build- ing lean muscle. A randomized, controlled trial performed in six different obesity clinics looked at the effects of leptin on 73 obese men and women. In the October 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association researchers reported daily use of leptin led to a mean weight loss of 15 pounds in a 24-week treatment period. More than 95 percent of the lost weight was from body fat. Although there was considerable variation in the amount of weight the in- dividual subjects lost during treatment, subjects who took the highest daily doses of leptin clearly lost the most weight. LeptiTrim6 combines co- lostrum, which is rich in IGF-1, and natural leptin, making it a unique and powerful weight-loss supplement that is totally natu- ral and safe. Dr. Anthony Klein- smith is the lead researcher be- hind LeptiTrim6 diet products and the nation’s foremost leader today on fi rst-milking colostrum. He discovered how to produce the leptin-rich colostrum ex- tract that goes into every Lepti- Trim6 supplement and product. LeptiTrim6 prod- ucts are designed to work individually or as a team. LeptiTrim6 allows you to over- come the fi ve underlying factors that prevent you from obtaining long-term, successful inch loss, by: • Safely controlling your appetite • Cleansing your cravings for sweets • Burning fat • Increasing lean muscle • Balancing body chemistries Colostrum helps heal the heart “One of my patients had battled heart disease for 27 years. This patient had spent thousands of dollars on medications, treatments and hospital visits—not to mention the stress and trauma of it all. A year before I had contact with [the patient], he had been diag- nosed with congestive heart failure and given only a short time to live. I had him start with 20 colostrum capsules per day, and within a short period of time he said he felt better. He is now working, and ac- cording to medical doctors, his heartbeat is normal.” – T. Stone, ND, CNHP Not all colostrum is created equal, so make sure to select (Anovite) colostrum products that… 1. Contain only fi rst-milking bovine colostrum collected within 0 to 6 hours of birth of the calf. 2. Are complete (none of the components including fat have been removed). There are more than 650 muscles in the human body, includ- ing your heart. Indeed, the heart is like any other muscle, requiring blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to function. The heart’s needs are provided by the coronary arteries, which begin at the base of the aorta and spread across the surface of the heart, branching out to all areas of the heart muscle. Unfortunately, coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United States. As with any health challenge, “prevention” is the key. Although genetics play a role, you can signifi cantly decrease the chance of developing heart disease by making lifestyle changes and having regular check- ups with your physician. Supplementing with colostrum can also help maintain heart health. Insulin-like growth factor 1, the same IGF-1 found in true six-hour colostrum, has the ability to regenerate (or regrow) muscle tissue. This is not limited to just the muscles in our arms or legs but also includes the heart. A recent study in the February 2012 issue of Cardiovascular Research demonstrates the cardio protective actions of IGF-1 found in colostrum. The researchers found that IGF-1 was benefi cial in mitigating damage induced by excessive nutrient-related stress and ischemic heart disease (IHD), which is caused by a reduced blood supply to the heart muscle. The study also found that IGF-1 could actually help reduce cell death and degradation in blood vessels, preventing the deterioration that contributes to cardiovascular disease. A pure colostrum (not the defatted kind) can help the heart patient in so many ways. It contains growth factors that can rebuild damaged muscle tis- sue; it contains immune factors that can reduce the levels of bacterial and viral pathogens in the system (which often contribute or cause heart problems in the fi rst place); it contains essential fatty acids that are so important for the main- tenance of a healthy heart; and it contains proline-rich polypeptides that can calm the overactive immune response often accompanying coronary damage. • Dumbbell curls in- creased from 70 to 75 Ibs-7% • Stiff leg deadlifts in- creased from 160 to 175 Ibs-9% • Dumbbell incline press- es increased from 100 to 110 Ibs-10% • Lateral raises increase from 50 to 55Ibs-10% • Reps increased-20% • Recovery time de- creased-25% • Carb and fat crav- ings-none! • Gained aprox. 1-3 Ibs of lean muscle • Overall improve- ment-15% Ron William’s: • 5X Natural Mr. Uni- verse • 5X Natural Mr. World • 3X Natural Mr. Olym- pia • Mr. Natural Interna- tional • Mr. Forever Natural • Natural Mr. America • Natural Mr. USA
  • 8. Allergies? Boy what a re- lief! Life Before Colostrum6 was miserable! With my allergy re- lated issues. On my worst days, it would be nothing for me to be in the bed sick 3-5 days per month! I was missing time from work or church! It seemed like, “If you walked by me I was com- ing down with something!” The post nasal drip down the back of the throat, then into my chest. Followed by coughing and even- tually I would get a sore throat! I am so thankful that I found this product. I have my life back! Thank You Colostrum6! -Coach Macon I use Colostrum6 powder with my tiny yorkie puppy...over 1000mg daily, especially during the period of her vaccinations... she is only 2 1/2 pounds and is currently 5 months of age...also, I have never had a problem with hypoglycemia, which can be common with this breed at such a small body weight...Colos- trum6 fi rst thing in the morning with fresh water...she actually sits and waits for me to “fetch it” out of my kitchen cabinet. I have a healthy, happy puppy....thank you! -Haley Star “I want to thank you for all you and your company have done for me in my quest for health and fi tness. There ar- en’t enough words to express how appreciative I am to you for helping me. I look forward to being a living testimony to the effectiveness and impor- tance of the LeptiTrim6 System in achieving weight loss success” (Victoria has been on the Lep- tiTrim6 products for 9 months now and is still going strong.) -Victoria R. In 20 weeks, with the aid of the LeptiTrim6 system, I have lost 32 pounds, but more importantly, I lost a total of 72 inches! Matt was only 14 when he joined the challenge. -Matt A. I took a nasty spill in my driveway hitting my face on gravel. Two days later I began putting Colostrum6 on my I in- juries while also taking internally with amazing results. Al- most no sign of disaster. And it looks like scarring will be minimal if any. Thank you for this remarkable product. -Jennifer Bradley “I work out at the gym a lot,” explains Hooker Jr. “I like the fi tness supplement Flex6 Fitness Formula from Immune Tree made with colostrum. It has helped with building mus- cle and recovery time. Good stuff!” He says, “Colostrum6 is also a great immune booster.” -John Lee Hooker Jr. Having nursed my two children, I’ve always known the benefi ts of my children taking in the colostrum. I love that as an adult we can continue on with Natures original/fi rst food and the nutrients that it has available by taking Colostrum6. Within the fi rst 48 hours I noticed my body going through a cleans- ing process. By the end of the fi rst week I could not believe the incredible strength and endur- ance I gained in my workouts. I can push harder and longer and when I stop my recovery time is almost instant. I noticed my sleep improve as well. I don’t feel sluggish or tired throughout the day anymore either. I originally began using the colostrum for its immune building properties. Little did I know, I was going to experience all of these other wonderful effects from taking Colostrum6 on a daily basis. I can’t wait to see what other posi- tive benefi ts we are going to have further down the road as we con- tinue to use this product in our daily life. I will not go without it. -Rhonda Avila, Compliments of: “I have suffered my whole life being looked at and tor- mented. I am taking 6 capsules of Colostrum6 per day look at me in just 8 weeks. Look at me now!” -Lien S. I take colostrum twice a day and fl ex before and af- ter, working out. I have been on that routine about 4 days and I guess it has built up in my system and today, brother, I just went past all my limits on every exercise all day long.! -Tom Cellie