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Anne Hutchinson Biography Essay
Anne Hutchinson was born in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. In 1591, in those times the dates of
birth were unclear, because they didn't have archives where they could keep all the births written
down, as today. As women used to give birth in their own houses. But we know the date of her
christening was on July 20, 1591. Families didn't usually take a lot of time to baptized there kids,
because on those dates child mortality was very important so if it happened, they will go to the
'paradise'. So we can supposed she borne a few days, maybe a week earlier than her baptism.
Her father was a dissident minister Francis Marbury ( discredited from the anglican clergyman) and
her mother Bridget Dryden.
She learned from her father, to question the religious teachings of the Church of England :
Founded by Henry VIII who declared himself as the leader of the Christian Church in England. Is a
protestant church, and follows the ... Show more content on ...
And she was quickly banished from their religious community, Bay Colony. It was John Winthrop,
who interrogate her for the judgement. ''She challenged the court to name any law she had broken
and to provide evidence for the main charge against her [...]'' (American Jezebel : The uncommon
Life of Anne Hutchinson). Also John Winthrop the one who though women had to be submissive, he
though as well, women could get damage on their brains by thinking about the nature of God and
religious beliefs matters. So he was stating women couldn't even debate about theology, and that
was what Anne Hutchinson was doing. And she got in trouble for it.
Furthermore, Reverend Cotton the one who Hutchinson admired before moving to North America,
was opposing her statement against the Anglican Church. He claimed how Hutchinson and her
followers were guilty of heresy. It was the same opinion as John Winthrop, and the members of the
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Massachusetts Bay Ideals
Over the course of the early stages in America, colonies were formed on the multiple regions of the
eastern coastline. Each colony had their own views on religion, legislation, and moral values that
contributed to the creation of the American ideals. These ideals include democracy, rights, liberty,
and equality. After thoroughly reviewing the weekly readings and notes taken from given lectures, I
believe that the religious Massachusetts Bay society more epitomized American ideals during the
early colonial era. The reasoning that led to this conclusion starts with the legislation of this colony.
The religious Massachusetts Bay colony was founded in the early 1600's by Puritans for religious
freedom. The puritans were considered dedicated
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Chesapeake Colonies Vs New England Colonies Dbq Essay
Although the Massachusetts (New England) and the Chesapeake (Virgina, Maryland) region
colonies were both ruled and settled by the English, as time progressed, there are some blatant major
and minor differences that are apparent between the time period of 1607 and 1700. This caused the
two regions to foster colonies that evolved into two distinct societies by 1700. The differences
between the two colonies can be represented through their differing geographic, economic, political,
religious, and social views.
By 1700, the economics of both colonies were quite different. Virginia was dependent upon a
singular cash crop known as tobacco, while the Massachusetts colonies had a diverse economic
system going on that was dependent upon trade, ship ... Show more content on ...
Virginia developed a society in which the aristocratic planters were at the top of the social ladder,
then farmers, then indentured servants and slaves. In comparison, Massachusetts had much more
equality in their social ladders, with the "elect" being their highest influential and powerful group.
Virginia was focused on man who had nothing but their freedom, and Massachusetts settlers focused
lives around their friends and families. These differences between the two colonies are justified
when looking at the two different Ship Manifests given in Document 2 and 3. In The Ship's List of
Emigrants Bound for New England, the people who are coming to Massachusetts are large families.
(Document 2). However in the Ship's List for Emigrants Bound for Virginia, there are many more
young men traveling without their families. After reading the documents, these differences stem also
from the reasons for establishment. Puritans developed their society around the church, and John
Winthrop seems to say together many times, emphasizing a trait about the settlers. Equality. In
Virginia however, they were more concerned about making money than having everyone be equal,
and thus explains the reasons for different social
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Massachusetts Bay Colony Research Paper
The colonies in the New World finally began to take shape. However, this didn't happen overnight.
There were complications with the Old World, Native Americans, and within their own colonies.
Nevertheless, the thirteen colonies erupted along the Atlantic seaboard. The New England colonies
were founded by English Puritans, and a small group of Puritans, called Separatist, sailed to
Plymouth on the May Flower in 1620. Next, John Winthrop founded the Massachusetts Bay in 1630.
Nonetheless, all of this didn't come easy to them. In the winter of 1620 – 1621, only forty – four
Plymouth pilgrims survived out of 102. The Massachusetts Bay was not a democracy because
Winthrop believed common people couldn't rule. Also, people who challenged the church
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The Beliefs Of Anne Hutchinson And The Puritans
When we look back in time to the 17th century, we often like to think about how the new world
began, and how it successfully developed into more colonies and expanded the way it did. A major
aspect of the colonies and the development of the world we know today was religion, which that
time, caused turmoil among people such as the Puritans. Because of this turmoil, many puritan
societies had traveled to the new world in Massachusetts Bay in order to stop being persecuted by
the Church of England. In Massachusetts Bay, they were able to teach and spread their religion
freely without the fear of persecution. However, with so much freedom, the Puritan society had
become so obsessed with their religion, that they started to make people attend church every day so
that people could be saved from "going to hell." Because of this forced stance on religion, people
often felt the need to speak up about the situation, and when one particular woman voiced her
beliefs of the religion, there was a major crisis for the Puritans. This woman was Anne Hutchinson.
Anne Hutchinson, an American religious reformer, was born as Anne Marbury on July 20, 1591, in
Alford, Lincolnshire, England. Anne Hutchinson was the daughter of Francis Marbury and Bridget
Dryden. Her father, Francis Marbury was an active Presbyterian who thought that the majority of
ministers in the Church of England were leading their listeners to hell because of their inadequate
preaching and their adherence to rituals. Anne
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Roger Williams Beliefs Of Puritans In The United States
The Puritans came to the America's, in 1630 from England, didn't come to spread their religious
interest, but to escape from the England law, which prevented the Puritans from pursuing their
faiths. Once the Puritans settled, in Massachusetts, they were to believe that God had given them
another chance. John Winthrop, Massachusetts governor, and other Puritans believed that they were
unworthy of God, where as other felt that God had blessed them. There were multiple discussions
over religious views, which lead " to a willingness to accept difference." (paragraph 3). Roger
Williams, just like the other Puritans, stayed for a bit at Boston before moving to plymouth Colony,
with his fellow Pilgrims. Elder William Brewster and Governor William Bradford were disappointed
William's choice in his beliefs, which lead to Roger Williams leaving Plymouth and heading ...
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In December 1633 Governor Winthrop persuaded Williams stop advancing the argument, and some
said that the views by Williams need not be punished. But In November 1634, Thomas Dudley, who
had replaced Winthrop as governor that year, determined that Williams had had challenged the of the
oath of allegiance the colony. In April 1635, under Dudley's leadership, Williams was to desist from
his controversial views .In October 1635 the magistrates ordered that Williams be sent out of the
colony. However, William continued to share his beliefs with others, and the following spring
Winthrop decided to seize him and ship him back to England. However, Robert Winthrop was able
to warn Williams, and told him to flee to the area around Narragansett Bay, which would become
known as Providence, the colony of Rhode
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Difference In Development Of The New England And...
Colonial DBQ
Although New England, primarily Massachusetts, and the Chesapeake region, primarily Virginia,
were largely settled by people of English origins, by 1700 these regions had evolved into two
distinct societies. The difference in development occurred for the following three reasons, the
motives of the settlers, the people that settled there and the geography of the respective regions.
One of the most important differences in development for the New England and Chesapeake regions
was the motives of the settlers. The colonists who founded Massachusetts, the Puritans, a reformist
Christian group, largely settled there for religious reasons. The Puritans, led by John Winthrop,
wanted to create a model religious community. The central idea of Puritan Massachusetts is
summarized by John Winthrop when he says "We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a
hill." (Doc. A) One of the most important staples of this community was the idea that God was the
focus of life no matter what. (Doc. E) In contrast, the colonists who established communities in
Virginia settled there with hopes of great wealth in the ... Show more content on ...
As shown in Document B, primarily families decided to travel to Massachusetts, proving the
Puritans emphasis on building a community. Alternatively, since great wealth was promised in the
New World, mainly single men sailed to the Chesapeake region. (Doc. C)Since this was the case,
many brawls broke out on the ship sailing to the New World. (Doc. F) Bacon's Rebellion in 1676
further exemplifies the idea that the colonists from Virginia were very selfish. Bacon's Rebellion
was the uprising of the indentured servants in Virginia due to the unfair treatment they received by
the wealthy. Bacon's argument was that the rich elite had made their money at the expense of
everyone else, showing they only cared about
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Puritans Expository Essay
Reformed Protestant individuals, with the main goal of purifying society, were considered Puritans.
Puritans disagreed with the ritualistic practices of the Church of England, and sought out new land
to practice their own personal beliefs. The first brave group of Puritans to completely disconnect
themselves from the Church were the Pilgrims. In the beginning, the Pilgrims migrated to the Dutch
Republic, but after they began to see their children adopt Dutch language and way of life, the search
for new land started once again. Therefore, in 1620, Pilgrims migrated to the Plymouth Colony
(present–day Massachusetts), which was governed by William Bradford, an English separatist
leader. On board the Mayflower ship, that landed in Cape Cod, Bradford ... Show more content on ...
His famous words "City Upon a Hill "stated that the main goal of colonial people "may be soe
religiously, peaceable, and civilly governed..." (Open Stax,
Chapter 3) This was created to show other colonists how to live in the way that God intended. "First
to hold conformity with the rest of his world, being delighted to show forth the glory of his wisdom
in the variety and difference of the creatures" (Winthrop, Modell of Christian Charity, Paragraph 3)
If any alternative influences entered Massachusetts Bay colony, the Puritans showed that they can be
just as intolerant as the Church of England. For example, Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson
questioned some of the practices of the colony. Williams argued the need for a complete separation
from the Church of England. This was a highly unpopular opinion amongst Puritan people. Williams
also did not think the state could compel true orthodoxy, or a true religious doctrine. These claims
were considered dangerous by Puritan law. Anne Hutchinson also disagreed with Puritan way of life.
She noticed the shallow teaching of Protestantism that emphasized the "covenant of works" opposed
to the "covenant of grace". Literate women also joined Hutchinson to challenge the male minister's
authority, especially the authority of Governor John
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Compare And Contrast Jamestown Virginia And Massachusetts...
In the years 1607 and 1630, the world saw the beginning of two very important English colonies;
Jamestown, Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. England had many reasons behind their
colonization. A major reason was the idea of Mercantilism, a concept in which colonies are said to
exist solely for the benefit of their mother country. The Virginia Company went to Jamestown in
1606 in hope of using the land to cultivate crops and to make a living. In 1630, the Non–Separatist
Puritans went to the New England Area in hopes of setting up a religious commonwealth for the
people. Unlike the Separatists of Plymouth, who wanted to separate from the Church, the Non–
Separatists wanted to reform the Church under the rule of Governor John Winthrop. ... Show more
content on ...
Due to the fact that the colony of Virginia had a dominant skill, the cultivation of tobacco, which
was introduced by John Rolfe in the year 1611, Virginia had much success. Tobacco was an
enumerated good, which was beneficial because eventually, the Navigation Acts favored the
colonies that had enumerated goods (a good that the colony specialized in). The tobacco cultivation
began the year after the period known as the "starving time" in Virginia. "Our ordinary food was but
meal and water so that this...little relieved our wants, whereby with the extremity of the bitter cold
frost...more than half of us died" (Doc 6). John Smith wrote this article 17 years after the foundation
of Virginia. He discussed in it the hardships that the colonists had to go through in order to
understand how to achieve a perfect colony to live in. Jamestown was an aristocratic society because
they were based upon a major plantation economy. The people of Virginia were very selfish and
cared more about the individual, than about their community as a whole. They focused on the
Headwrights System, a system in which the government of Jamestown offered land to every settler
that paid for an indentured servant from England. The indentured servants were told that they would
receive land if they worked for seven years. The lack of land led to a lack of workers, which brought
about the lowest class in 1619, the
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John Winthrop 'A Model Of Christian Charity'
The Writing of John Winthrop's, "A Model of Christian Charity" and Jonathan Edward's,
"Personal narrative," appeared to have diverse purposes and for the intent of an audience who was
receptive and conformable. John Winthrop taught the Puritan people to be an exemplification for
other's observation, "A City upon a Hill". p442 While Jonathon Edward's, "Personal Narrative" was
self–examination or observation of himself preceding a religiosity state and subsequently acceptance
faith and grace. Both writers successfully achieve their objectives. Both writing can be applicable to
Christian lifestyle of today.
In John Winthrop's " A Model of Christian Charity," Winthrop has become governor of
Massachusetts Bay and preaches
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Natural And Moral Liberty By John Winthrop
Introduction. The new boundaries and opportunities in the seventeenth century grew and challenged
an idea of religious liberty. The lifestyle of the first colonists in the New England was heavily
influenced by religion and church. Settlers considered that success of social life depends on the
obedience to God's will. The governor John Winthrop maintained and developed this idea. With a
help of his Speech to the Massachusetts General Court in 1645, he summed up and explained an
important idea of liberty. Winthrop did not only define a blessed way for a better life of the
community but also clarified the role of citizens through the analogy of women's position in the
society. His concept of natural and moral liberty turned up to be suitable and clear for the settlers.
With a help of well–built speech, Winthrop emphasized and explained correlation among society,
authority, and God in the New World.
Natural and Moral Liberty. In the seventeenth century, John Winthrop represented himself as a wise
and glorious politician. He focused people's attention on his speech in 1645 when started it with an
idea of liberty. The tension between authority and freedom inspired ... Show more content on ...
In the next part of the speech, Winthrop illustrated a position of women in society. It was not a
secret that the seventeenth century was a men's world. According to law and social order, women
could not vote or have a possession. Consequently, the majority of women were housewives and had
secondary roles after their husband, father or brothers. However, in spite of this miserable positions
Winthrop showed that women still had some choice, "the woman's own choice makes such a man
her husband; yet, being so chosen, he is her lord" (Foner 31). It is similar how Christians choose
their Savior. Thus, Winthrop pointed out, "she is to be subject to him" (Foner 31). In another word
women's role in the community was invisible and slightest disobedience was severely
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Winthrop 's First Governor Of The Massachusetts Bay Colony
Winthrop was a well educated man who became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
John Winthrop was a visionary utopian who saw fault in the English religious society. Winthrop
called England, "Morally corrupt and over burdened with people," however; Winthrop sought new
land for his children and Christian followers. In 1630 John Winthrop began his "exodus with 900
migrants in search of a new land". Winthrop envisioned a new colony that would reform the
Christian society that he knew of in England. This Christian reformation was lead by Winthrop.
Also, magistrates, and ministers helped develop the blueprint of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
John Winthrop's overall goal was to help colonist work together for the greater good of the whole
John Winthrop's Sermon Upon reaching the new land, serious issues regarding community
formation arose. The Puritans main concern was how they were going to create a community in the
wilderness without each member separating off into different directions. A societal shift was
necessary to preserve the unity of the colony. Magistrates and ministers had to convince the colonist
that their personal salvation depended on the measure on their collective behavior. John Winthrop
called his community, "A city upon a hill," because he wanted to urge the colonist to re–
conceptualize their differences, and sacrifice individuality in order to foster the greater good of the
society. John Winthrop's, "A Model of Christianity"
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John Winthrop's Ideal Christian Community
5) Describe John Winthrop's concept of an ideal Christian community. Do you take issue with it?
Could this community ever flourish? Do you see any remnants of Winthrop's ideas in today's
society? Winthrop wanted the world to watch as he and his followers created a perfect Christian
community. Winthrop wanted the community to follow biblical law, and care for each other. He
wanted the rich to be charitable and the poor to be subservient and view the rich folks as a greater in
the eyes of god. He also wants the community to be very close together. I think that Winthrop ideas
are a bit worrying. I don't believe the poor should be obedient to the will of the rich. I do agree that
the rich should not horde there excess wealth and be charitable ... Show more content on ...
Trace this evolution and explain why you think common beliefs and priorities changed over time.
Starting off with Bradford, God is viewed as a grand protector of the promised people who will do
anything to keep them safe, unless the Pilgrims defied the lord's will. To avoid the punishment from
God, the Pilgrims must praise god for all he has given to the pilgrims and maintain a strict schedule
worship. The pilgrims thought that God loved them and they loved god. Winthrop believes that God
wants the Massachusetts Bay area colony to be a proving ground for a good Christian community.
Winthrop states that charity is the best way to achieve a perfect Christian city. When the rich have
excess food or wealth, they will donate their wealth to those in need. He believes that the
Massachusetts Bay area colony will be a shining example for the whole world to see. Bradstreet
believed that God loves the puritans but uses suffering to test their faith. When she dies she believe
she will be accepted into heaven. Edwards thinks God is an uncaring individual, who has no faith in
the human race to correct its self. He thinks that God expects you to fall as a Christian and will not
try to catch you. I believe that the views of a caring god evolved to the wrathful god to match the
unforgiving environment around the Colonists. The Colonists wanted to believe that their suffering
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Essay about The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
In Puritan led Massachusetts Bay Colony during the days of Anne Hutchinson was an intriguing
place to have lived. It was designed ideally as a holy mission in the New World called the "city upon
a hill," a mission to provide a prime example of how protestant lives should have subsisted of. A key
ingredient to the success of the Puritan community was the cohesion of the community as a whole,
which was created by a high level of conformity in the colony. Puritan leaders provided leadership
for all facets of life; socially, economically, religiously, and even politically. A certain hierarchy was
very apparent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in which ministers always seemed to have gotten
their way. ... Show more content on ...
In the trial against Anne Hutchinson, she was charged, in a vague manner, to be a danger to the
colony because of the spreading of her Antinomian opinions at her meetings. Throughout the entire
trial Anne was slowly being backed into a corner in which ideally she would have then broken down
and admitted to doing all the wrongs in which Governor Winthrop believed she was guilty of, but
she never really did. The evidence against her was so weak in nature, that it seemed that Winthrop,
along with all the other elders and deputies, really needed a confession to completely justify her
banishment. Though unsuccessful in their efforts, even when it was brought up by the Deputy
Governor that Anne went to a meeting of ministers and told them all that they preached the
"covenant of works" to their very faces, Anne stayed with the Fifth Amendment technique and
denied nothing, while admitting nothing. Where I believe she might have messed up is when she
attested to the probability of her saying this of the ministers in private. By saying that, she more than
admitted to being of the same mindset of the ostracized Antinomians. This in turn gave the hungry
judges/jury enough evidence for the banishment. It is my understanding that Anne's type of mischief
was not too uncommon for that time period in Massachusetts. Meetings were held all over between
Puritans discussing religious topics such as Biblical translations and weekly sermons
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John Winthrop A Model Of Christian Charity
John Winthrop, was the leader of the second Puritan group to enter the New World, called the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. This group of Puritans had a much different goal than their Separatists–
Puritan counterparts, their objective being to go abroad and set up a superior Church, that the
Church of England could then model its self after. Therefore, Winthrop gave a sermon before they
reached their new homeland that would govern how everyone should treat one another for the sake
of their goal and for the successfulness of the community itself. This sermon was called "A Model of
Christian Charity", and through it was how the colony formed its structure. Within this sermon was
specific laws and rules for how the people were to handle one another
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Compare And Contrast The Virginia And Massachusetts Bay...
Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies In 1607, the first permanent English settlement in the New
World, known as the Virginia Colony, was founded. Working under the Church of England, this
colony established the basis of English settlement in the New World. Soonthereafter, during 1620,
the Puritans arrived, eventually forming the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The colonists were seeking
religious freedom from the Church of England. In the Instructions for the Virginia Colony and the
"City on a Hill" Speech articles, trade and religion were the two most prominent factors. Through
this, we can better form the purpose of the Virginia and Massachusetts Bay colonies and how they
affected the future of America. Throughout the Instructions for the Virginia Company, the investors
for the Virginia Company discuss the instructions that the future colonists must abide by. The main
focus throughout the piece is to find the "strongest, most wholesome and fertile place" to "better
receive the trade of all the countries." Due to the Virginia Colony working under the Church of
England, the colonists' goal in the New World was to primarily spread their trade to make a larger
profit for the king. That is deeply seen from this article, that, in a ... Show more content on ...
Winthrop claims that "wee are Commaunded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one
another to walk in his wayes and to keep his Commaundements..." Again, the Massachusetts Bay
Colony was founded by people fleeing persecution from the Church of England, thus resulting in
their voyage as one under God only. From this, one can see that their main goal in the New World is
to continue their beliefs, just how they wish (separate from the Church of England). The entire
speech centers around how the colonists will continue to follow God and do as He says, such as "to
love mercy, walk humbly with our
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Letter To The Massachusetts Bay Colony By John Winthrop
In a letter written by John Winthrop he explains to a friend his vision of the settlement in the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop discusses the difficulties in establishing a self–governing and
self–sustaining settlement as well as the conflicts the colonists' amount to with the Indians.
Early New England's colony totaled to above 4,000 colonists. Winthrop describes them as all being
"in good health and well provided of all necessarys: so hath not died about 2 or 3 grown persons".
This means that the colonists are overall healthy with only a few deaths. This is of much importance
for him to mention because it shows the well being of the colonists as well as the colony's
capabilities of providing good health. Winthrop furthers onto this idea of health by saying "it being
verye rare to heare of any sick of agues or other diseases", meaning these diseases and sickness in
New England are rare which is also positive and advantageous. As far as supporting themselves
goes, everyone makes a contribution in different work fields. Winthrop says that this includes "the ...
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Winthrop says the "civil Government is mixt" and all "assist the magistrates making laws, imposing
taxes, and disposing of lands". Within this government "our Churches are governed by Pastors,
Teachers ruling Elders and Deacons, yet the power lies in the whole Congregation". This means that
the Churches became the center for political social and order because the Puritans were very
spiritual and their beliefs were of much importance to them. This means that those Puritan colonists
are very much included because of this belief system, whereas the non–puritans and natives are
more excluded. Winthrop mentions the natives towards the end when he says "they are all dead of
the smallpox" meaning the diseases introduced by the colonists reduced the Indian's population and
caused a lesser role in New
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Puritan Pros And Cons
The Puritans endured many adversities whilst under the rule of King Charles I: son of King James.
King Charles adopted Arminianism; an ideology created by a philosopher named Jacob Arminius.
Arminianism taught that anyone could obtain God's grace; anyone could be saved from the hellfire.
King Charles and his father King James saw themselves to be God's right hand men. They spread
their interpreted version of the faith and forced it onto the people of Britain. Anyone who challenged
them was presumably challenging the authority of God. Puritans feared King Charles and his ability
to do harm to them under the law. The King also disabled Parliament; the House of Common/House
of Lords, leaving no room for Puritans to engage in politics. King Charles sent his Arch Bishop to
arrest Puritans for practicing faith that opposed the beliefs of the Monarch. The Puritans were fed up
and embarked on what was the biggest migration to the Colonies in the history of Colonial America.
There the Puritans would have the freedom to ... Show more content on ...
Colonists began to open schools of thought that taught to fight colors rather than to fight amongst
themselves. In this way they began to promote African slavery in order to cool the tensions between
the rich and the poor colonists. Slaves only needed to be paid for once, than it was free labor
throughout the duration of the slave's existence. Indentured servants were much more expensive.
The idea of indentured whites began to dispel as the colonists grew fonder of each other. They
couldn't fathom the idea that people of color were also deserving of slaves, especially white slaves.
The colonists began to muscle their way into the Chesapeake area with an incentive to purchase as
many African slaves as possible. The Portuguese and the Spanish owned slaves to produce their
sugar. Longstanding racism rendered Africans inferior in order to justify permanent
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Essay on The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
In Puritan led Massachusetts Bay Colony during the days of Anne Hutchinson was an intriguing
place to have lived. It was designed ideally as a holy mission in the New World called the "city upon
a hill," a mission to provide a prime example of how protestant lives should have subsisted of. A key
ingredient to the success of the Puritan community was the cohesion of the community as a whole,
which was created by a high level of conformity in the colony. Puritan leaders provided leadership
for all facets of life; socially, economically, religiously, and even politically. A certain hierarchy was
very apparent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in which ministers always seemed to ... Show more
content on ...
This is when she began flirting with the line of being an Antinomian. Antinomians were radical
Puritans that believed that ministers were beginning to preach more from the "covenant of works"
angle as opposed from the "covenant of grace" position. This was a very controversial outlook upon
one's political and religious leaders, considering a main ideal of the Puritans is that the "covenant of
works" is absolutely wrong. Antinomians were a threat to the Puritan lifestyle of conformity because
it created animosity amongst the members of the colony.
In the trial against Anne Hutchinson, she was charged, in a vague manner, to be a danger to the
colony because of the spreading of her Antinomian opinions at her meetings. Throughout the entire
trial Anne was slowly being backed into a corner in which ideally she would have then broken down
and admitted to doing all the wrongs in which Governor Winthrop believed she was guilty of, but
she never really did. The evidence against her was so weak in nature, that it seemed that Winthrop,
along with all the other elders and deputies, really needed a confession to completely justify her
banishment. Though unsuccessful in their efforts, even when it was brought up by the Deputy
Governor that Anne went to a meeting of ministers and told them all that they preached the
"covenant of works" to their very faces, Anne stayed with the Fifth Amendment technique and
denied nothing,
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John Winthrop's Influence On The Pilgrims
The Pilgrims trailblazed the way, the Puritans took initiative. In American colonial history, the
Pilgrims have been hailed as the first successful group of European settlers to colonize the United
States, however, few are aware of the pioneers who established Massachusetts and created a refuge
against the religious persecution of King Charles I of England. After Charles permanently dissolved
Parliament in 1629, the Puritans saw the king's imposition of the Personal Rule: a time period where
Charles ruled without recourse to Parliament, as a sense of hopelessness regarding their religious
freedom and many prepared to leave England indefinitely. In 1630 newly–elected Governor John
Winthrop would lead that charge of Puritans seeking a nation ... Show more content on ...
Unlike the Pilgrims, who lost nearly half of their crew after the first winter, the Puritans flourished
in this new land. Settling in Salem, the Puritans quickly went on to found Boston, Charleston and
several other surrounding towns and cities. What originated as an external pressure, King Charles I
persecuting the religious theology of the Puritan people, led to creation of the Massachusetts Bay
Colony. Ultimately there was infighting within New England, which illustrates a domestic pressure
–opposing viewpoints that were publicly expressed– however the Puritans dealt with this opposition
by avoiding the problem altogether, through permanent banishment. Philip Ratcliffe, a servant, and
Roger Williams, a scholarly figure who had traveled on the Arbella with Governor Winthrop
himself, were just a few examples of people whose iconoclastic viewpoints against Puritan beliefs
and values lead them to be forever erased from the Puritan society. Thankfully for our modern
America the Puritans were able to deal with these external and domestic pressures, ultimately
crafting a legacy that would come to define this early colony and the United States for centuries to
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What Was The Role Of Women In The 1600's
In today 's world, women have an important role. They keep the sanity of others in tact, they
maintain the peace, and provide a lot to communities all over the world. Women are just as capable
as men when it comes to intellectual thinking, professions, and ideas. But one thing that cannot be
changed is that men are just naturally physically stronger than women. So in the 1600's and about up
to the 1950's, because women were not as physically strong, they were seen as weak in other aspects
too. They were treated like decorations, just to be seen and not heard, just hang on a wall. But
evidentially this is not true. Women are very powerful in many ways and Anne Hutchinson portrays
that throughout her court case. American Jezebel by Eve ... Show more content on
A room full of ministers all considered her a witch, while others came to believe she was possessed
by the Devil. John Winthrop, the governor, suspected that she was using her 'demonic' powers to
control men by establishing a tight–knit community of women to foster the men 's dreadful
'wickedness.' Hutchinson held weekly public meetings to discuss scripture and theology, and though
it started only with women, it soon became men and women. Hutchinson shared her views and
interpreted passages and doctrines. Governor Winthrop described Anne as: "a woman of haughty
and fierce carriage, a nimble wit and an active spirit, and a very voluble tongue."(LaPlante 3) When
it came time for her trial this is what winthrop said to her;
"Mistress Hutchinson," he began, looking around to ensure that he had the attention of all, "you are
called here as one of those who have troubled the peace of the commonwealth and the churches
here."(LaPlante 7)
There was a rather equal split of supporters for Hutchinson, and supporters of Winthrop, but it was
clear that persecuting Hutchinson wouldn't be as easy as he thought. When Winthrop was asked by
Anne in what she did wrong, he simply didn't have any more examples. After going back and forth,
he finally switched the subject to 'humble' her with the fifth commandment. And after some more
bickering, Anne was about to answer when she fainted before the court. After she got to sit down,
they resumed the trial from where they left off. Going back
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Us History Research Paper
The United States History is an important aspect that people in today's society still learn about it,
there are specific topics that are enormously mentioned in the actual reality. Some of those topics
are; Puritanism, Separatism, Religion and even Politics. Going back to the late 1620s and the 1630s
when King Charles decided to dissolve the Parliament of England, which did not left hope to the
citizens that the will of God will be enforced in England (25). With these events, the people started
to leave England to other places which first was Holland and then to Plymouth Plantation in New
England (27). After Separatism came out to be a real problem in other areas, because of this John
Winthrop decided to leave mother England to go to ... Show more content on ...
Another impression that Morgan says is related when he says "they were painfully aware" referring
to the people who left England, that leaving the country was very painful for them because they
knew that it was not probably the solution, but they need and have to do something because what
was going on in England was against their beliefs and that was wrong because people wanted to do
what God's will was.
However, after the people who have moved to Massachusetts there were thought challenges that
were going to be arisen for the residents and for John Winthrop. The first challenge was going to be
Roger Williams. The problem that Williams represented was that he was going against what
Winthrop believed was better for the community which was to not separate from each other. But,
this did not stop Williams, who is being described by Morgan as "a charming, sweet–tempered,
winning man, courageous, selfless, God–intoxicated–and stubborn– the very soul of separatism
(108). The description that is being given to Williams is not completely positive because Morgan
finishes saying "the very soul of separatism" which was going to be the challenge for Winthrop
because this means that Williams was going away from
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How Is John Winthrop Different From A Model Of Puristian...
In 1630, Puritan leader John Winthrop led the great migration to the New World. On board the ship
Arbella, John Winthrop delivered a sermon titled "A Model of Christian Charity." His speech
outlined the objectives he hoped to achieve in the New World. His ideals slightly influenced the
Puritans judgments and philosophy however not as much as he had initially hoped for. It seems the
judgments of the Suffolk County Court were not influenced by the Arbella sermon. Similarly, it
doesn't appear that Winthrop's sermon influenced the testimony against Bridget Bishop either.
However, the Suffolk County Court cases do differ from the case against Bridget Bishop. The
paradox between the two illustrates both Puritan successes and failures. ... Show more content on ...
Taken as a whole, Winthrop's message of love was his technique to unite his Puritan followers in the
New World.
The ideals of the Arbella sermon do not seem to influence the judgments of the Suffolk County
Court or the testimony against Bridget Bishop. Michael Johnson, author of Reading the American
Past, notes that, "the court records of Suffolk County between 1671 and 1673...illustrate the New
Englanders deviated from the highest aspirations of the Puritan founders and that courts did what
they could to curb those deviations" (52–53). The theme of love in Winthrop's sermon must have
gone unaffected judging by the type of cases in Suffolk County. For example, a wife was sentenced
to be whipped ten times or pay a twenty Shilling fine to the County for striking her husband. For
being drunk and abusing his wife, John Veering was punished by being whipped thirty times and
humiliated by standing in the open marketplace with a sign across his chest declaring his guilt. It is
obvious that the ideals of the Arbella sermon were not present in the case against Bridget Bishop.
She was accused of witchcraft and eight days after her trial she was the first accused witch to be
hung in Salem. Once again, love is not evident in either of the two works.
The cases that came before the Suffolk court differ in a variety of ways from the accusations made
against Bridget Bishop. The
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Difference Between Pilgrims And Puritans
As we have learned so far there were two groups of people that came to the new world in search of
religious freedom. First were the pilgrims who arrived in small numbers upon the mayflower in
1620. The second group was the puritans. Who were the puritans? The puritans were similar to their
cousins the pilgrims, but also had many differences between them as well.
For instance only 102 pilgrims came to the new world, while thousands of puritans came to the new
world. By 1776 almost seventy–five percent of the population of America was of puritan society.
The puritans were well educated and over one–hundred of the puritans went to oxford for schooling
while the pilgrims were highly uneducated. Another difference between these two groups is where
they ... Show more content on ...
William Bradford led the pilgrims. The puritans were led by John Winthrop. John Winthrop was the
first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the chief figure among the Puritan founders of New
England. At age 17 he married his first of four wives. And within in his lifetime he had sixteen
children. He was an ardently religious person. From his early teens Winthrop threw himself into
scriptural study and prayers, and gradually he trained himself into a full–fledged Puritan, convinced
that God had elected him to salvation–or, in Puritan terms, to "sainthood." When, in 1629, the
Massachusetts Bay Company obtained a royal charter to plant a colony in New England, Winthrop
joined the company, pledging to sell his English estate and take his family to Massachusetts if the
company government and charter were also transferred to America. For the remaining 19 years of
his life, Winthrop lived in the New England wilderness, a father figure among the colonists. In the
annual Massachusetts elections he was chosen governor 12 times between 1631 and 1648, and
during the intervening years he sat on the court of assistants or colony
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Sylvia Plath Research Paper
Sylvia came into the world on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts. Sylvia Plath had been
writing since she was a child. She started writing by starting a journal. But when she was eight years
her father died. Sylvia and her father did not have the best relationship. She said that he was a
horrible father to her and compared him to the Nazis in her poem "Daddy". In this poem she talked
about hating her father and how she wanted him to die. She also wrote this poem to cope with the
grief and mixture of feelings she experiences when her father suddenly died of diabetes. Her mother,
Aurelia Plath, soon moved the family after his death and came to Wellesley, Massachusetts. Sylvia's
poems that she wrote in her teens were published in regional newspapers and articles. (Academy of
American Poets). Soon ... Show more content on ...
In college, Sylvia Plath worked for Mademoiselle magazine as a guest editor. Soon after, Plath went
into a depression because she missed the chance to meet her idol, Dylan Thomas, and she was
rejected from attending Harvard's summer program for writing. She tried to commit suicide by
hiding under her bed and taking her mother's pills but she was found before she died. She went to a
mental facility and eventually recovered from her depression. Plath returned to Smith and finished
her degree in 1955 (Biography).
Sylvia Plath received a scholarship after Smith to attend Newnham College in England. She met her
husband, Ted Hughes, there. Ted Hughes was not a very good husband and they went through a
tough relationship. In the end, he left her for another woman, eventually leading her to the
depression that ended her life. While studying at the university's Newnham College, she met Ted
Hughes. Plath published her first poetry collection, The Colossus in 1960, and during the same year,
she gave birth to her daughter, Frieda, and two years later gave birth to her son,
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Compare And Contrast The Massachusetts Bay Colonies And...
Making empires was not the primary goal of the English colonies. The true goal was to build unique
and successful colonies. Those that did were rewarded. Massachusetts Bay and Chesapeake colonies
were both similar and different. The first colony to have been founded in the Chesapeake area was
Virginia, the first three ships sent out were Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. The first
attempt never quite flourished as it would with John Rolfe. Disease from water contamination
caused most of the deaths. John Winthrop founded the Massachusetts Bay colony and did not
exactly make the grand "City on the Hill" he had hoped to make. Both colonies had their
undoubtable strengths and weaknesses, but it is important to connect these distinct colonies for what
they would later become part of, a nation. ... Show more content on ...
Both the original Puritans and Puritan Separatists escaped their home country for religious reasons.
The Puritans who came from Anglia, England to ultimately settle in Massachusetts Bay left because
they felt that the Church of England had not separated itself enough from its Catholic roots. One of
the Chesapeake colonies, ironically enough, was mainly founded on the religious persecution the
people of Massachusetts Bay had imposed upon them. Rhode Island was founded by Roger
Williams and later became home to Anne Hutchinson, both showing motions of antinomianism.
Maryland was another colony in the Chesapeake region that was founded on religious purposes. The
Quakers in England were badly treated and often killed and martyred for their cause. Maryland
became site of a major Quaker population after their previous migration from England to Holland.
The way all of these colonies were founded seemed to revolve around a common need for a better
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Puritan Argumentative Essay
The Puritan settler's beliefs in the relationship between individuals, God, and the community during
the seventeenth century in New England created a sense of us (the Puritans) vs. them (the Native
Americans and non–Puritan colonists), who hindered the idea of a city upon a hill, the perfect
Christian community. From John Winthrop's sermon warning the first settlers of New England about
the retributions God would bring to the community if individuals broke there covenant with God
(Winthrop 17–20). To the way, those same beliefs, brought over by the first Puritan settlers, affected
the future interactions Puritans would have with Native Americans during the times of declension,
and their views towards them as seen in Mary Rowlandson's narrative. ... Show more content on ...
Casper and Richard O. Davies "Individuals could do nothing about their predestination: God's grace
alone, not good deeds, determined their fates" (Casper and Davies, 17). This relationship between
God and the individual would affect the way Puritan colonists' interpreted individual success as a
way of knowing their fate, which separated the rich from the poor, who would not be saved
(Winthrop, 18). This idea of individualism would help create the mentality of us vs them, as seen in
Mary Rowlandson's narrative where she views the behavior of the Native Americans as savagery
and describes them as "heathens" as lesser beings than herself (Rowlandson, 19). The idea of
individualism allows the Puritan colonists to view the Native American behaviors as uncivilized
compared to their own, which then they use to interpret their behaviors as favorable to God and the
behavior of the Native Americans as demonized or against God. Which then begins to create a view
of Native Americans as enemies that hinder the idea of a city upon a hill or a barrier in creating the
perfect Christian community. Which in turn creates the conflicts between the colonists and the
Native Americans as they attempt to convert them into Christianity as seen with the praying Indians
in Rowlandson's narrative
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John Winthrop's A Model Of Christian Charity
Analysis of "A Model of Christian Charity" In 1630, John Winthrop gave his sermon, "A Model of
Christian Charity," while traveling to New England. Winthrop was the new governor of a colony
called "The Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England" ("John Winthrop" 177). He gave his
sermon in order to lay down the laws of the new land for the people of Massachusetts Bay.
Winthrop's sermon is directed towards the settlers of Massachusetts Bay. His role as governor
allowed him to set rules for his people and encourage the settlers of the colony to support one
another as they built their lives in New England. Winthrop's sermon is strongly supported by his
Puritan beliefs, as he makes references to many different books form the Bible. He is straight
forward with his expectations as the new governor of Massachusetts Bay and clearly states his
expectations in his sermon. ... Show more content on ...
Christianity was a strong influencer in Winthrop's sermon and continues to influence the law to this
day. He created cultural and societal laws based on the rules of the Bible. For example, Winthrop
claims, "... if they brother be in want and thou canst help him thou needst not make doubt, what thou
should do, if thou lovest God thou must help him." His sermon suggests the members of the
Massachusetts Bay colony love one another and share with one another, just as Christ did for them.
He continues to say that the wealthy colonists who help those in need should not always expect
equal pay in return from those whom they
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Hester Prynne and Roger Chillingworth in Puritan Society...
Believed by many writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, society corrupts and conforms the
individual, and it is the individual who breaks from consistency and conformity that is most free.
Hester Prynne, a woman punished for adultery, is isolated by herself and her community, but breaks
free from strict Puritan society. Roger Chillingworth, the husband of Hester, isolates himself which
leads to the destruction of himself and the community. Hester Prynne and Roger Chillingworth
experience different types of isolation, and while Hester chooses to transcend Puritan laws and live a
purposeful life regardless of how it affects her, Chillingworth decides to become infatuated with the
sin of Arthur Dimmesdale and live in revenge outside of Puritan ... Show more content on ...
The puritan mindset affected how Hester and Chillingworth viewed there isolation. Hester Prynne's
isolation, though primarily inflicted by the community, was also inflicted by herself, and in her
isolation, Hester became an integral community member at the cost of her femininity and passion.
Hester is primarily isolated by her community as she is forced to wear the scarlet letter for the rest
of her life to separate her as an adulteress. This was common practice for colony members in
Plymouth in 1694 though typically a whipping or death was the punishment (Hawthorne 220). The
isolation caused by her community is not destructive to herself, and in a way, is beneficial for her
soul. Using her needlework as an outlet for her creativity, Hester provided clothes for the poor,
embroidered clothing, and earned back her reputation. Not only would the A come to mean Able, but
it also gave herself a sense of belonging. According to Jennifer McClinton–Temple, such isolation
leaves that person nothing but he or she's mind and therefore inspiring creativity (McClinton–
Temple). Being left to her own faculties, Hester was able to think freely and apart from typical
Puritan ideas. According to Hawthorne, for a Puritan, and a woman no less, to have broken free
from Puritan conformity "would have held to be a deadlier crime than that stigmatized by the scarlet
letter" in the eyes of the Puritan magistrates (Hawthorne
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How Did Puritans Reform Their Religion In The United States?
Puritans were families from England that followed John Winthrop and his idea of reforming their
religion in Massachusetts and spreading their beliefs. Colonists who joined the voyage were those
who had disapproved on the way the Church of England went against the will of god and still had
some of the rituals practiced by the Roman Catholic Church. Winthrop believed the failure of other
colonies was their sins and how god disapproved upon them for their actions.
The puritans that were most likely to have gone on the voyage were those who believed they would
be better off settling in a new land with a well reformed religion that they believed would guarantee
their salvation. Because England only allowed the practice of one religion so this was the primary
cause for them to have fled to the New World. This new land was a 'promised' land were they would
be free and successful only if they followed the ways of God and only his being put to practice.
Coming to the New World meant they would be able to freely reform the Church of England and
practice it without punishment and renew their lives and seek the wellbeing of humans. Puritans
assumed they would be an example to the rest of the world and everyone would lay an eye on them
and follow their ways and beliefs as god said. ... Show more content on ...
Winthrop says god is now frowning on them and evil times were coming due to the sins of the
people and for going against his will, so now he and the Puritans had to convert into purity. The
New World promised them they would find their salvation and be their place of refugee to become
restored humans in god's eyes. Slight fails would be tolerated by god but he would not allow mass
failure like the churches of Europe or the government. These mass failures were another cause to
which the colonies failed at being
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American Influence On Puritan Society
After the Protestant Reformation, a group practicing Puritanism left Great Britain to the Netherlands
for the ability to practice their religion freely. However, the Puritans did not favor the idea of their
children growing up outside of British influences despite having the privilege of freedom of
religion. In 1620, the first group of Puritan settlers sailed to North America aboard the Mayflower. It
wasn't until 1629 when John Winthrop delivered his "city upon a hill" sermon that created a new
perspective and goal for the growing Puritan society. Economic, political, and social difficulties
were faced, but religion stayed a constant center for the Puritan settlements. Both failures and
successes molded the Puritan settlement into what it was in the seventeenth century, which leads
into the influences left by the Puritans in today's society. Upon the ship Arabella, one of nine ships
that transferred Puritans to the New World, John Winthrop wrote his sermon titled "A Model of
Christian Charity". He delivered this sermon to approximately nine hundred Puritans voyaging from
the Netherlands ... Show more content on ...
Strict guidelines were placed to ensure order, the promise for each person reaching his or her own
predestination, and unity. The Puritans built a theocracy with elements from a democracy. Any man
was able to vote as he had a church membership, which was rare to not have in the early years of the
Puritan settlement. All members had to attend town meetings regardless of his or her social status.
More often than not, Sunday morning sermons in cooperated town meetings as the entire
community was in attendance anyways. While Puritan leaders were able to keep the majority of the
population content, few were displeased with the ways of the Puritans. Roger Williams was exiled
from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and purchased land from natives to form his own settlement,
known today as Rhode Island and others to Connecticut or
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Anne Hutchinson's Ethical Role
Hutchinson held Bible study meetings for women that soon had great appeal to men as well.
Eventually, she went beyond Bible study to proclaiming boldly facets of her own theological
interpretations, some of which offended colony leadership. Great controversy ensued, and after an
arduous trial before a jury of officials from both government and clergy, eventually she was
banished from her colony.The assertive Anne was now becoming a religious leader to many, and this
worried John Winthrop, a long time opponent of Anne's views, and the newly appointed Governor of
the Massachusetts Bay colony. Winthrop recognized her as a threat to the authority of the men in
power, and the thought of women expressing their views on Church and communal matters
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Model Of Christian Charity
"A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon written in 1630 by John Winthrop, a Puritan leader.
"The Way to Wealth" is an essay written in 1758 by Benjamin Franklin. Winthrop gives his sermon
on the Arbella while its members are sailing for the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the New World.
Franklin's essay consists of proverbs and advice given throughout his yearly almanac titled "Poor
Richard's Almanack". Both texts discuss the idea of success and how one can attain it. Winthrop
argues that success can be achieved through a sense of community; however, Franklin believes that
success can be attained through individual industry and frugality. In "A Model of Christian Charity",
Winthrop believes that the reason why some people are rich and others ... Show more content on ...
People cannot be lazy if they want to be wealthy. Franklin states, "Sloth makes all things difficult,
but industry all things easy, and that riseth late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his
business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him (Franklin 458–
459). Franklin believes that being lazy will not lead to success, it will only lead to poverty. Someone
attains success though individual industry. This is a central belief in Franklin's essay. A person must
be motivated and not idle if they want to achieve success. Franklin writes, "Early to bed, and early
to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" (Franklin 459). Through this quote, Franklin
articulates that being productive will help a person reach success. Besides individual industry,
Franklin believes that another way of achieving success is through frugality. Being wise with money
is a key aspect in attaining success. Franklin says, "If you would know the value of money, go and
try to borrow some, for, he that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing" (Franklin 461). Someone who
keeps borrowing money and is unable to pay that money back is not responsible and frugal. Franklin
also says, "Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship" (Franklin 460). One should
be mindful of inexpensive thing because eventually they will add up to cost more than large
expenses. Therefore, a
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Political Morality Essay
In Webster's dictionary, morality is defined as "principles
of right and wrong in conduct; ethics." The principles of
morality have countless times evolved over the ages. In earlier
times, death was an easy penalty for many crimes. These crimes
today are considered minor and are penalized with a slap on the
hand. Is this considered wrong? Who is the correct authority to
consult on what is right or wrong? In today's society, two major
factors concern how the way members of society act and behave.
The first is our national government.
Members of our government in positions of authority decide
everything in our lives in the form of laws which determine our
behavior. One of the most important documents written ... Show more content on ...
While this is considered a sin in most christian
religions, the tribes have evolved into cannibalism as a way to
survive in life and have no objections to their eating habits.
The problem arises when the line between government and religion
is crossed. While religion does not have to power to punish one
physically, but rather soulfully of one has sinned. The
government has the power to sentence punishment, yet should have
no power concerning God.
Many different religions have evolved all over the world and
in the process, have people have been prosecuted in their faith.
The first settlers in the new world came here to avoid
prosecution from the powerful church/government of that time.
Specifically, the Church of England headed by the king. Puritan
leaders led their followers to a place where they could express
their religion with no fear of other faiths. One such leader was
John Winthrop.
John Winthrop was a powerful Puritan governor in the colony
of Massachusetts Bay. He believed that this was a calling from
God for him to lead the new religious experiment–a covenant with
God to built a model for mankind. "We shall be a city upon the
hill." declared Winthrop. As governor Winthrop held considerable
power. He distrusted the commoners and thought democracy was the
"meanest and worst" forms of government.
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Contributions Of John Winthrop
John Winthrop plays a huge part in American history. He was a great leader and the founder of if not
the most, one of the historical cities in the land we call home. His efforts established to creating the
great city shall never be forgotten. Many may argue that Columbus' discovery of America was the
most important event that occurs in Chapter 2, I would argue that John Winthrop's desire to create a
"City on a Hill," and governing a successful colony was critical to the founding of the United States.
The mentality John Winthrop possessed and key events he was a part of has molded America into
what it is today.
John Winthrop was known to be a father figure amongst the colonists. Winthrop was a part of the
Puritan religious group. The Puritans were people looking to purify the Church of England under the
reign of King Henry the VIII. Winthrop in 1629 led the Puritans on a verge to America to create a
"City on a Hill" . The Massachusetts Bay Company relocated their headquarters to America and
named where they settled New England. The Massachusetts Bay Company also funds the Puritans
journey to America. The colony is known to be the second to establish in America. A year after
settling 1630, John Winthrop establishes a port named Massachusetts Bay for their new city, Boston.
The city of Boston will become the first major city in America. For his role and leadership in
creating a "City on a Hill", he was known to be a father figure amongst the colonists. I believe that
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The Poetry Of Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath is often described as a feminist poet who wrote about the difficulties women faced
before women's right were a mainstream idea. From reading her poetry, it is quite obvious that
Plath's feminism is extremely important to her, but she also wrote about a lot of day to day
experiences and made them significant through her use of literary devices such as metaphors and
symbols. Plath may also be best known for her autobiographical poetry written in a confessional
style that appeared during the 1950s. She is considered a very important poet of the post–World War
II era. She became widely known following her suicide in 1963 (Bawer). Through Sylvia Plath's
poetry, readers are able to get a glimpse into her personal life. The ... Show more content on ...
Although once Plath had gotten older she moved to England, certainly her time in Winthrop affected
her life and poetry. Her father, Otto Plath, was a German professor of Biology, an entomologist, and
also authored a book about bees; which would later become the subject of many of Plath's later
poems. Her mother, Aurelia Plath was pursuing a career in teaching when she met Sylvia's father. At
the age of eight, Sylvia Plath published her first poem, her father would die in Winthrop, that same
year. This would be the start of her lifelong career as a poet. Plath lived and wrote in the 1950s
through the 1960s in both America and England (Bawer). As a modern period poet and feminist,
growing up during WWII, some of Plath's work was directly related to the issues that were
developing in society at the time. After WWII, societies were often characterized by strict gender
norms. Women were expected to remain safely in their homes, with being a wife and a mother as
their ultimate joy and goal. Art and expression became away from women to escape the everyday
pressures of society.
The poem "The Applicant" gives a glimpse of how Plath personally felt about women's rights and
also touched on male dominance in her marriage. Through the poem, Plath shows the struggles of
young women who are taught by society to pursue marriage and feel their worth only comes from
their physical beauty. The poem begins
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Essay on The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
September 19, 2005
The Threat of Anne Hutchinson
What had Anne Hutchinson done?
Why was Anne Hutchinson such a threat to the Massachusetts Bay colony?
How was Anne Hutchinson's trial an ordeal for her and how was it an ordeal for the community?
Anne Hutchinson, for centuries now, has been seen as a woman who paved the way for religious
freedom. She was a great leader in the cause for religious toleration in America and the
advancement of women in society. Anne
Hutchinson was "a magnetic woman of extraordinary talent and intellect" as well as a woman "who
quickly gained respect among Boston's women as a midwife, healer, and spiritual counselor" (AP, p.
Although Hutchinson is documented to have been ... Show more content on ...
33). This is where I feel
Anne Hutchinson found herself out of favor with Colonial Governor John
Winthrop. Winthrop, who would oversee the trial of Hutchinson, seemed to be an extremist of sorts
when it came to the role of women under the Puritan religion.
He believed "women should be submissive and supportive" and that "there was ample support for
his position in the Bible" (D, p. 33). The fact that Hutchinson began to reveal her own religious
beliefs at her weeknight meetings held in her home was out–of–line with practices of others due to
the accusations that men were present at the meetings. This was forbidden under Puritan law.
Women were allowed to teach other women, almost always younger girls, but were strictly
forbidden against revealing the beliefs or sermons to men. Remember, alone,
Anne was not a threat to the Puritan establishment in Massachusetts Bay.
However, as a woman leading a growing number of men, as well as women, she was a threat to their
authority and had to be stopped. I feel that John Winthrop wanted Anne banished even before she
was found guilty of anything.
One of the crucial beliefs of the Puritan religion was the belief in a
"covenant of grace" as opposed to a "covenant of work." A covenant of grace is the belief that
"salvation came only as a free gift from God" and those who received this "would naturally live
according to God's law" (D, p. 30). A
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Puritan Beliefs In John Winthrop's A City Set On A Hill
"A City set on a Hill" is a phrase that became popularized in the American politics, and it emanates
from the parable of Salt and Light in the New Testament. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus tells the crowd that
was listening to him, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden"
(New King James Version). John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer, had a vision for Boston that
it would be "A City Set on a Hill." This is a vision that has over the years been replicated by the
United States of America as it has strived to set an example on the world stage as a beacon of
freedom and hope for the entire world. The phrase "a city set on a hill" refers to a society that others
people will look up to (Morgan 76). By using this phrase, Winthrop describes the Massachusetts
Bay colony, which he supposed would turn out to be an outstanding example of Puritan
faultlessness. Although this phrase has a religious undertone, it can be used to describe the aspects
that the United States ought to emulate.
"A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon that was delivered by John Winthrop in 1630 while he
was on board of the ship Arbella which was sailing to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This sermon is
best known for its application of the phrase "City upon a Hill" regarding the founding of the United
States, and later used in the description of American exceptionalism (Morgan 112). "A city set on a
hill" stated they intended to live the way God wanted them to live as well as
... Get more on ...
Similarities Between Edwards And John Winthrop
Sinners in the Hands of the Same God
John Edwards and John Winthrop were two Puritan writers who tried to take on the new world, with
only the rudimentary tools of the unfinished society from which they came. While both authors are
renowned for their sermons during this time, Edwards is known for his drastic and dramatic,
"Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God", and Winthrop for his vision of society in, "A Modell of
Christian Charity". Edwards appeals to all sinners in his sermon, where he warns them that God will
be the judge of their actions, and that their consequences may be severe. While Winthrop on the
other hand, carefully laid out the religious and social principles that would be the Puritan foundation
of their beliefs, stemming from his understanding of the Holy Bible. In Edwards, "Sinners in the
Hands of An Angry God"and Winthrop's, "A Modell of Christian Charity", we see that both writers
had similar beliefs that stemmed from their Puritan background, yet their interpretations of the bible
differed in the way that they expressed these ideologies to the public.
When comparing the two writers, one should note that both Edwards and Winthrop have numerous
traits in common with many of the Puritan writers of this time, as they understood that God was a
deity, promoting people to live honest and moral lives. These two men came from similar walks of
life, as they were both male, highly educated, wealthy, acclimating from desirable religious, and
societal backgrounds,
... Get more on ...

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Anne Hutchinson Biography Essay

  • 1. Anne Hutchinson Biography Essay Anne Hutchinson was born in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. In 1591, in those times the dates of birth were unclear, because they didn't have archives where they could keep all the births written down, as today. As women used to give birth in their own houses. But we know the date of her christening was on July 20, 1591. Families didn't usually take a lot of time to baptized there kids, because on those dates child mortality was very important so if it happened, they will go to the 'paradise'. So we can supposed she borne a few days, maybe a week earlier than her baptism. Her father was a dissident minister Francis Marbury ( discredited from the anglican clergyman) and her mother Bridget Dryden. She learned from her father, to question the religious teachings of the Church of England : Founded by Henry VIII who declared himself as the leader of the Christian Church in England. Is a protestant church, and follows the ... Show more content on ... And she was quickly banished from their religious community, Bay Colony. It was John Winthrop, who interrogate her for the judgement. ''She challenged the court to name any law she had broken and to provide evidence for the main charge against her [...]'' (American Jezebel : The uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson). Also John Winthrop the one who though women had to be submissive, he though as well, women could get damage on their brains by thinking about the nature of God and religious beliefs matters. So he was stating women couldn't even debate about theology, and that was what Anne Hutchinson was doing. And she got in trouble for it. Furthermore, Reverend Cotton the one who Hutchinson admired before moving to North America, was opposing her statement against the Anglican Church. He claimed how Hutchinson and her followers were guilty of heresy. It was the same opinion as John Winthrop, and the members of the Bay ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Massachusetts Bay Ideals Over the course of the early stages in America, colonies were formed on the multiple regions of the eastern coastline. Each colony had their own views on religion, legislation, and moral values that contributed to the creation of the American ideals. These ideals include democracy, rights, liberty, and equality. After thoroughly reviewing the weekly readings and notes taken from given lectures, I believe that the religious Massachusetts Bay society more epitomized American ideals during the early colonial era. The reasoning that led to this conclusion starts with the legislation of this colony. The religious Massachusetts Bay colony was founded in the early 1600's by Puritans for religious freedom. The puritans were considered dedicated ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Chesapeake Colonies Vs New England Colonies Dbq Essay Although the Massachusetts (New England) and the Chesapeake (Virgina, Maryland) region colonies were both ruled and settled by the English, as time progressed, there are some blatant major and minor differences that are apparent between the time period of 1607 and 1700. This caused the two regions to foster colonies that evolved into two distinct societies by 1700. The differences between the two colonies can be represented through their differing geographic, economic, political, religious, and social views. By 1700, the economics of both colonies were quite different. Virginia was dependent upon a singular cash crop known as tobacco, while the Massachusetts colonies had a diverse economic system going on that was dependent upon trade, ship ... Show more content on ... Virginia developed a society in which the aristocratic planters were at the top of the social ladder, then farmers, then indentured servants and slaves. In comparison, Massachusetts had much more equality in their social ladders, with the "elect" being their highest influential and powerful group. Virginia was focused on man who had nothing but their freedom, and Massachusetts settlers focused lives around their friends and families. These differences between the two colonies are justified when looking at the two different Ship Manifests given in Document 2 and 3. In The Ship's List of Emigrants Bound for New England, the people who are coming to Massachusetts are large families. (Document 2). However in the Ship's List for Emigrants Bound for Virginia, there are many more young men traveling without their families. After reading the documents, these differences stem also from the reasons for establishment. Puritans developed their society around the church, and John Winthrop seems to say together many times, emphasizing a trait about the settlers. Equality. In Virginia however, they were more concerned about making money than having everyone be equal, and thus explains the reasons for different social ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Massachusetts Bay Colony Research Paper The colonies in the New World finally began to take shape. However, this didn't happen overnight. There were complications with the Old World, Native Americans, and within their own colonies. Nevertheless, the thirteen colonies erupted along the Atlantic seaboard. The New England colonies were founded by English Puritans, and a small group of Puritans, called Separatist, sailed to Plymouth on the May Flower in 1620. Next, John Winthrop founded the Massachusetts Bay in 1630. Nonetheless, all of this didn't come easy to them. In the winter of 1620 – 1621, only forty – four Plymouth pilgrims survived out of 102. The Massachusetts Bay was not a democracy because Winthrop believed common people couldn't rule. Also, people who challenged the church ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Beliefs Of Anne Hutchinson And The Puritans When we look back in time to the 17th century, we often like to think about how the new world began, and how it successfully developed into more colonies and expanded the way it did. A major aspect of the colonies and the development of the world we know today was religion, which that time, caused turmoil among people such as the Puritans. Because of this turmoil, many puritan societies had traveled to the new world in Massachusetts Bay in order to stop being persecuted by the Church of England. In Massachusetts Bay, they were able to teach and spread their religion freely without the fear of persecution. However, with so much freedom, the Puritan society had become so obsessed with their religion, that they started to make people attend church every day so that people could be saved from "going to hell." Because of this forced stance on religion, people often felt the need to speak up about the situation, and when one particular woman voiced her beliefs of the religion, there was a major crisis for the Puritans. This woman was Anne Hutchinson. Anne Hutchinson, an American religious reformer, was born as Anne Marbury on July 20, 1591, in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. Anne Hutchinson was the daughter of Francis Marbury and Bridget Dryden. Her father, Francis Marbury was an active Presbyterian who thought that the majority of ministers in the Church of England were leading their listeners to hell because of their inadequate preaching and their adherence to rituals. Anne ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Roger Williams Beliefs Of Puritans In The United States The Puritans came to the America's, in 1630 from England, didn't come to spread their religious interest, but to escape from the England law, which prevented the Puritans from pursuing their faiths. Once the Puritans settled, in Massachusetts, they were to believe that God had given them another chance. John Winthrop, Massachusetts governor, and other Puritans believed that they were unworthy of God, where as other felt that God had blessed them. There were multiple discussions over religious views, which lead " to a willingness to accept difference." (paragraph 3). Roger Williams, just like the other Puritans, stayed for a bit at Boston before moving to plymouth Colony, with his fellow Pilgrims. Elder William Brewster and Governor William Bradford were disappointed William's choice in his beliefs, which lead to Roger Williams leaving Plymouth and heading ... Show more content on ... In December 1633 Governor Winthrop persuaded Williams stop advancing the argument, and some said that the views by Williams need not be punished. But In November 1634, Thomas Dudley, who had replaced Winthrop as governor that year, determined that Williams had had challenged the of the oath of allegiance the colony. In April 1635, under Dudley's leadership, Williams was to desist from his controversial views .In October 1635 the magistrates ordered that Williams be sent out of the colony. However, William continued to share his beliefs with others, and the following spring Winthrop decided to seize him and ship him back to England. However, Robert Winthrop was able to warn Williams, and told him to flee to the area around Narragansett Bay, which would become known as Providence, the colony of Rhode ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Difference In Development Of The New England And... Colonial DBQ Although New England, primarily Massachusetts, and the Chesapeake region, primarily Virginia, were largely settled by people of English origins, by 1700 these regions had evolved into two distinct societies. The difference in development occurred for the following three reasons, the motives of the settlers, the people that settled there and the geography of the respective regions. One of the most important differences in development for the New England and Chesapeake regions was the motives of the settlers. The colonists who founded Massachusetts, the Puritans, a reformist Christian group, largely settled there for religious reasons. The Puritans, led by John Winthrop, wanted to create a model religious community. The central idea of Puritan Massachusetts is summarized by John Winthrop when he says "We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill." (Doc. A) One of the most important staples of this community was the idea that God was the focus of life no matter what. (Doc. E) In contrast, the colonists who established communities in Virginia settled there with hopes of great wealth in the ... Show more content on ... As shown in Document B, primarily families decided to travel to Massachusetts, proving the Puritans emphasis on building a community. Alternatively, since great wealth was promised in the New World, mainly single men sailed to the Chesapeake region. (Doc. C)Since this was the case, many brawls broke out on the ship sailing to the New World. (Doc. F) Bacon's Rebellion in 1676 further exemplifies the idea that the colonists from Virginia were very selfish. Bacon's Rebellion was the uprising of the indentured servants in Virginia due to the unfair treatment they received by the wealthy. Bacon's argument was that the rich elite had made their money at the expense of everyone else, showing they only cared about ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Puritans Expository Essay Reformed Protestant individuals, with the main goal of purifying society, were considered Puritans. Puritans disagreed with the ritualistic practices of the Church of England, and sought out new land to practice their own personal beliefs. The first brave group of Puritans to completely disconnect themselves from the Church were the Pilgrims. In the beginning, the Pilgrims migrated to the Dutch Republic, but after they began to see their children adopt Dutch language and way of life, the search for new land started once again. Therefore, in 1620, Pilgrims migrated to the Plymouth Colony (present–day Massachusetts), which was governed by William Bradford, an English separatist leader. On board the Mayflower ship, that landed in Cape Cod, Bradford ... Show more content on ... His famous words "City Upon a Hill "stated that the main goal of colonial people "may be soe religiously, peaceable, and civilly governed..." (Open Stax, Chapter 3) This was created to show other colonists how to live in the way that God intended. "First to hold conformity with the rest of his world, being delighted to show forth the glory of his wisdom in the variety and difference of the creatures" (Winthrop, Modell of Christian Charity, Paragraph 3) If any alternative influences entered Massachusetts Bay colony, the Puritans showed that they can be just as intolerant as the Church of England. For example, Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson questioned some of the practices of the colony. Williams argued the need for a complete separation from the Church of England. This was a highly unpopular opinion amongst Puritan people. Williams also did not think the state could compel true orthodoxy, or a true religious doctrine. These claims were considered dangerous by Puritan law. Anne Hutchinson also disagreed with Puritan way of life. She noticed the shallow teaching of Protestantism that emphasized the "covenant of works" opposed to the "covenant of grace". Literate women also joined Hutchinson to challenge the male minister's authority, especially the authority of Governor John ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Compare And Contrast Jamestown Virginia And Massachusetts... In the years 1607 and 1630, the world saw the beginning of two very important English colonies; Jamestown, Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. England had many reasons behind their colonization. A major reason was the idea of Mercantilism, a concept in which colonies are said to exist solely for the benefit of their mother country. The Virginia Company went to Jamestown in 1606 in hope of using the land to cultivate crops and to make a living. In 1630, the Non–Separatist Puritans went to the New England Area in hopes of setting up a religious commonwealth for the people. Unlike the Separatists of Plymouth, who wanted to separate from the Church, the Non– Separatists wanted to reform the Church under the rule of Governor John Winthrop. ... Show more content on ... Due to the fact that the colony of Virginia had a dominant skill, the cultivation of tobacco, which was introduced by John Rolfe in the year 1611, Virginia had much success. Tobacco was an enumerated good, which was beneficial because eventually, the Navigation Acts favored the colonies that had enumerated goods (a good that the colony specialized in). The tobacco cultivation began the year after the period known as the "starving time" in Virginia. "Our ordinary food was but meal and water so that this...little relieved our wants, whereby with the extremity of the bitter cold frost...more than half of us died" (Doc 6). John Smith wrote this article 17 years after the foundation of Virginia. He discussed in it the hardships that the colonists had to go through in order to understand how to achieve a perfect colony to live in. Jamestown was an aristocratic society because they were based upon a major plantation economy. The people of Virginia were very selfish and cared more about the individual, than about their community as a whole. They focused on the Headwrights System, a system in which the government of Jamestown offered land to every settler that paid for an indentured servant from England. The indentured servants were told that they would receive land if they worked for seven years. The lack of land led to a lack of workers, which brought about the lowest class in 1619, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Natural And Moral Liberty By John Winthrop Introduction. The new boundaries and opportunities in the seventeenth century grew and challenged an idea of religious liberty. The lifestyle of the first colonists in the New England was heavily influenced by religion and church. Settlers considered that success of social life depends on the obedience to God's will. The governor John Winthrop maintained and developed this idea. With a help of his Speech to the Massachusetts General Court in 1645, he summed up and explained an important idea of liberty. Winthrop did not only define a blessed way for a better life of the community but also clarified the role of citizens through the analogy of women's position in the society. His concept of natural and moral liberty turned up to be suitable and clear for the settlers. With a help of well–built speech, Winthrop emphasized and explained correlation among society, authority, and God in the New World. Natural and Moral Liberty. In the seventeenth century, John Winthrop represented himself as a wise and glorious politician. He focused people's attention on his speech in 1645 when started it with an idea of liberty. The tension between authority and freedom inspired ... Show more content on ... In the next part of the speech, Winthrop illustrated a position of women in society. It was not a secret that the seventeenth century was a men's world. According to law and social order, women could not vote or have a possession. Consequently, the majority of women were housewives and had secondary roles after their husband, father or brothers. However, in spite of this miserable positions Winthrop showed that women still had some choice, "the woman's own choice makes such a man her husband; yet, being so chosen, he is her lord" (Foner 31). It is similar how Christians choose their Savior. Thus, Winthrop pointed out, "she is to be subject to him" (Foner 31). In another word women's role in the community was invisible and slightest disobedience was severely ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Winthrop 's First Governor Of The Massachusetts Bay Colony Winthrop was a well educated man who became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Winthrop was a visionary utopian who saw fault in the English religious society. Winthrop called England, "Morally corrupt and over burdened with people," however; Winthrop sought new land for his children and Christian followers. In 1630 John Winthrop began his "exodus with 900 migrants in search of a new land". Winthrop envisioned a new colony that would reform the Christian society that he knew of in England. This Christian reformation was lead by Winthrop. Also, magistrates, and ministers helped develop the blueprint of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Winthrop's overall goal was to help colonist work together for the greater good of the whole population. John Winthrop's Sermon Upon reaching the new land, serious issues regarding community formation arose. The Puritans main concern was how they were going to create a community in the wilderness without each member separating off into different directions. A societal shift was necessary to preserve the unity of the colony. Magistrates and ministers had to convince the colonist that their personal salvation depended on the measure on their collective behavior. John Winthrop called his community, "A city upon a hill," because he wanted to urge the colonist to re– conceptualize their differences, and sacrifice individuality in order to foster the greater good of the society. John Winthrop's, "A Model of Christianity" ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. John Winthrop's Ideal Christian Community 5) Describe John Winthrop's concept of an ideal Christian community. Do you take issue with it? Could this community ever flourish? Do you see any remnants of Winthrop's ideas in today's society? Winthrop wanted the world to watch as he and his followers created a perfect Christian community. Winthrop wanted the community to follow biblical law, and care for each other. He wanted the rich to be charitable and the poor to be subservient and view the rich folks as a greater in the eyes of god. He also wants the community to be very close together. I think that Winthrop ideas are a bit worrying. I don't believe the poor should be obedient to the will of the rich. I do agree that the rich should not horde there excess wealth and be charitable ... Show more content on ... Trace this evolution and explain why you think common beliefs and priorities changed over time. Starting off with Bradford, God is viewed as a grand protector of the promised people who will do anything to keep them safe, unless the Pilgrims defied the lord's will. To avoid the punishment from God, the Pilgrims must praise god for all he has given to the pilgrims and maintain a strict schedule worship. The pilgrims thought that God loved them and they loved god. Winthrop believes that God wants the Massachusetts Bay area colony to be a proving ground for a good Christian community. Winthrop states that charity is the best way to achieve a perfect Christian city. When the rich have excess food or wealth, they will donate their wealth to those in need. He believes that the Massachusetts Bay area colony will be a shining example for the whole world to see. Bradstreet believed that God loves the puritans but uses suffering to test their faith. When she dies she believe she will be accepted into heaven. Edwards thinks God is an uncaring individual, who has no faith in the human race to correct its self. He thinks that God expects you to fall as a Christian and will not try to catch you. I believe that the views of a caring god evolved to the wrathful god to match the unforgiving environment around the Colonists. The Colonists wanted to believe that their suffering was ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay about The Threat of Anne Hutchinson The Threat of Anne Hutchinson In Puritan led Massachusetts Bay Colony during the days of Anne Hutchinson was an intriguing place to have lived. It was designed ideally as a holy mission in the New World called the "city upon a hill," a mission to provide a prime example of how protestant lives should have subsisted of. A key ingredient to the success of the Puritan community was the cohesion of the community as a whole, which was created by a high level of conformity in the colony. Puritan leaders provided leadership for all facets of life; socially, economically, religiously, and even politically. A certain hierarchy was very apparent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in which ministers always seemed to have gotten their way. ... Show more content on ... In the trial against Anne Hutchinson, she was charged, in a vague manner, to be a danger to the colony because of the spreading of her Antinomian opinions at her meetings. Throughout the entire trial Anne was slowly being backed into a corner in which ideally she would have then broken down and admitted to doing all the wrongs in which Governor Winthrop believed she was guilty of, but she never really did. The evidence against her was so weak in nature, that it seemed that Winthrop, along with all the other elders and deputies, really needed a confession to completely justify her banishment. Though unsuccessful in their efforts, even when it was brought up by the Deputy Governor that Anne went to a meeting of ministers and told them all that they preached the "covenant of works" to their very faces, Anne stayed with the Fifth Amendment technique and denied nothing, while admitting nothing. Where I believe she might have messed up is when she attested to the probability of her saying this of the ministers in private. By saying that, she more than admitted to being of the same mindset of the ostracized Antinomians. This in turn gave the hungry judges/jury enough evidence for the banishment. It is my understanding that Anne's type of mischief was not too uncommon for that time period in Massachusetts. Meetings were held all over between Puritans discussing religious topics such as Biblical translations and weekly sermons ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. John Winthrop A Model Of Christian Charity John Winthrop, was the leader of the second Puritan group to enter the New World, called the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This group of Puritans had a much different goal than their Separatists– Puritan counterparts, their objective being to go abroad and set up a superior Church, that the Church of England could then model its self after. Therefore, Winthrop gave a sermon before they reached their new homeland that would govern how everyone should treat one another for the sake of their goal and for the successfulness of the community itself. This sermon was called "A Model of Christian Charity", and through it was how the colony formed its structure. Within this sermon was specific laws and rules for how the people were to handle one another ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Compare And Contrast The Virginia And Massachusetts Bay... Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies In 1607, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, known as the Virginia Colony, was founded. Working under the Church of England, this colony established the basis of English settlement in the New World. Soonthereafter, during 1620, the Puritans arrived, eventually forming the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The colonists were seeking religious freedom from the Church of England. In the Instructions for the Virginia Colony and the "City on a Hill" Speech articles, trade and religion were the two most prominent factors. Through this, we can better form the purpose of the Virginia and Massachusetts Bay colonies and how they affected the future of America. Throughout the Instructions for the Virginia Company, the investors for the Virginia Company discuss the instructions that the future colonists must abide by. The main focus throughout the piece is to find the "strongest, most wholesome and fertile place" to "better receive the trade of all the countries." Due to the Virginia Colony working under the Church of England, the colonists' goal in the New World was to primarily spread their trade to make a larger profit for the king. That is deeply seen from this article, that, in a ... Show more content on ... Winthrop claims that "wee are Commaunded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another to walk in his wayes and to keep his Commaundements..." Again, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by people fleeing persecution from the Church of England, thus resulting in their voyage as one under God only. From this, one can see that their main goal in the New World is to continue their beliefs, just how they wish (separate from the Church of England). The entire speech centers around how the colonists will continue to follow God and do as He says, such as "to love mercy, walk humbly with our ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Letter To The Massachusetts Bay Colony By John Winthrop In a letter written by John Winthrop he explains to a friend his vision of the settlement in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop discusses the difficulties in establishing a self–governing and self–sustaining settlement as well as the conflicts the colonists' amount to with the Indians. Early New England's colony totaled to above 4,000 colonists. Winthrop describes them as all being "in good health and well provided of all necessarys: so hath not died about 2 or 3 grown persons". This means that the colonists are overall healthy with only a few deaths. This is of much importance for him to mention because it shows the well being of the colonists as well as the colony's capabilities of providing good health. Winthrop furthers onto this idea of health by saying "it being verye rare to heare of any sick of agues or other diseases", meaning these diseases and sickness in New England are rare which is also positive and advantageous. As far as supporting themselves goes, everyone makes a contribution in different work fields. Winthrop says that this includes "the ... Show more content on ... Winthrop says the "civil Government is mixt" and all "assist the magistrates making laws, imposing taxes, and disposing of lands". Within this government "our Churches are governed by Pastors, Teachers ruling Elders and Deacons, yet the power lies in the whole Congregation". This means that the Churches became the center for political social and order because the Puritans were very spiritual and their beliefs were of much importance to them. This means that those Puritan colonists are very much included because of this belief system, whereas the non–puritans and natives are more excluded. Winthrop mentions the natives towards the end when he says "they are all dead of the smallpox" meaning the diseases introduced by the colonists reduced the Indian's population and caused a lesser role in New ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Puritan Pros And Cons The Puritans endured many adversities whilst under the rule of King Charles I: son of King James. King Charles adopted Arminianism; an ideology created by a philosopher named Jacob Arminius. Arminianism taught that anyone could obtain God's grace; anyone could be saved from the hellfire. King Charles and his father King James saw themselves to be God's right hand men. They spread their interpreted version of the faith and forced it onto the people of Britain. Anyone who challenged them was presumably challenging the authority of God. Puritans feared King Charles and his ability to do harm to them under the law. The King also disabled Parliament; the House of Common/House of Lords, leaving no room for Puritans to engage in politics. King Charles sent his Arch Bishop to arrest Puritans for practicing faith that opposed the beliefs of the Monarch. The Puritans were fed up and embarked on what was the biggest migration to the Colonies in the history of Colonial America. There the Puritans would have the freedom to ... Show more content on ... Colonists began to open schools of thought that taught to fight colors rather than to fight amongst themselves. In this way they began to promote African slavery in order to cool the tensions between the rich and the poor colonists. Slaves only needed to be paid for once, than it was free labor throughout the duration of the slave's existence. Indentured servants were much more expensive. The idea of indentured whites began to dispel as the colonists grew fonder of each other. They couldn't fathom the idea that people of color were also deserving of slaves, especially white slaves. The colonists began to muscle their way into the Chesapeake area with an incentive to purchase as many African slaves as possible. The Portuguese and the Spanish owned slaves to produce their sugar. Longstanding racism rendered Africans inferior in order to justify permanent ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Essay on The Threat of Anne Hutchinson The Threat of Anne Hutchinson In Puritan led Massachusetts Bay Colony during the days of Anne Hutchinson was an intriguing place to have lived. It was designed ideally as a holy mission in the New World called the "city upon a hill," a mission to provide a prime example of how protestant lives should have subsisted of. A key ingredient to the success of the Puritan community was the cohesion of the community as a whole, which was created by a high level of conformity in the colony. Puritan leaders provided leadership for all facets of life; socially, economically, religiously, and even politically. A certain hierarchy was very apparent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in which ministers always seemed to ... Show more content on ... This is when she began flirting with the line of being an Antinomian. Antinomians were radical Puritans that believed that ministers were beginning to preach more from the "covenant of works" angle as opposed from the "covenant of grace" position. This was a very controversial outlook upon one's political and religious leaders, considering a main ideal of the Puritans is that the "covenant of works" is absolutely wrong. Antinomians were a threat to the Puritan lifestyle of conformity because it created animosity amongst the members of the colony. In the trial against Anne Hutchinson, she was charged, in a vague manner, to be a danger to the colony because of the spreading of her Antinomian opinions at her meetings. Throughout the entire trial Anne was slowly being backed into a corner in which ideally she would have then broken down and admitted to doing all the wrongs in which Governor Winthrop believed she was guilty of, but she never really did. The evidence against her was so weak in nature, that it seemed that Winthrop, along with all the other elders and deputies, really needed a confession to completely justify her banishment. Though unsuccessful in their efforts, even when it was brought up by the Deputy Governor that Anne went to a meeting of ministers and told them all that they preached the "covenant of works" to their very faces, Anne stayed with the Fifth Amendment technique and denied nothing, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. John Winthrop's Influence On The Pilgrims The Pilgrims trailblazed the way, the Puritans took initiative. In American colonial history, the Pilgrims have been hailed as the first successful group of European settlers to colonize the United States, however, few are aware of the pioneers who established Massachusetts and created a refuge against the religious persecution of King Charles I of England. After Charles permanently dissolved Parliament in 1629, the Puritans saw the king's imposition of the Personal Rule: a time period where Charles ruled without recourse to Parliament, as a sense of hopelessness regarding their religious freedom and many prepared to leave England indefinitely. In 1630 newly–elected Governor John Winthrop would lead that charge of Puritans seeking a nation ... Show more content on ... Unlike the Pilgrims, who lost nearly half of their crew after the first winter, the Puritans flourished in this new land. Settling in Salem, the Puritans quickly went on to found Boston, Charleston and several other surrounding towns and cities. What originated as an external pressure, King Charles I persecuting the religious theology of the Puritan people, led to creation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Ultimately there was infighting within New England, which illustrates a domestic pressure –opposing viewpoints that were publicly expressed– however the Puritans dealt with this opposition by avoiding the problem altogether, through permanent banishment. Philip Ratcliffe, a servant, and Roger Williams, a scholarly figure who had traveled on the Arbella with Governor Winthrop himself, were just a few examples of people whose iconoclastic viewpoints against Puritan beliefs and values lead them to be forever erased from the Puritan society. Thankfully for our modern America the Puritans were able to deal with these external and domestic pressures, ultimately crafting a legacy that would come to define this early colony and the United States for centuries to ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. What Was The Role Of Women In The 1600's In today 's world, women have an important role. They keep the sanity of others in tact, they maintain the peace, and provide a lot to communities all over the world. Women are just as capable as men when it comes to intellectual thinking, professions, and ideas. But one thing that cannot be changed is that men are just naturally physically stronger than women. So in the 1600's and about up to the 1950's, because women were not as physically strong, they were seen as weak in other aspects too. They were treated like decorations, just to be seen and not heard, just hang on a wall. But evidentially this is not true. Women are very powerful in many ways and Anne Hutchinson portrays that throughout her court case. American Jezebel by Eve ... Show more content on ... A room full of ministers all considered her a witch, while others came to believe she was possessed by the Devil. John Winthrop, the governor, suspected that she was using her 'demonic' powers to control men by establishing a tight–knit community of women to foster the men 's dreadful 'wickedness.' Hutchinson held weekly public meetings to discuss scripture and theology, and though it started only with women, it soon became men and women. Hutchinson shared her views and interpreted passages and doctrines. Governor Winthrop described Anne as: "a woman of haughty and fierce carriage, a nimble wit and an active spirit, and a very voluble tongue."(LaPlante 3) When it came time for her trial this is what winthrop said to her; "Mistress Hutchinson," he began, looking around to ensure that he had the attention of all, "you are called here as one of those who have troubled the peace of the commonwealth and the churches here."(LaPlante 7) There was a rather equal split of supporters for Hutchinson, and supporters of Winthrop, but it was clear that persecuting Hutchinson wouldn't be as easy as he thought. When Winthrop was asked by Anne in what she did wrong, he simply didn't have any more examples. After going back and forth, he finally switched the subject to 'humble' her with the fifth commandment. And after some more bickering, Anne was about to answer when she fainted before the court. After she got to sit down, they resumed the trial from where they left off. Going back ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Us History Research Paper The United States History is an important aspect that people in today's society still learn about it, there are specific topics that are enormously mentioned in the actual reality. Some of those topics are; Puritanism, Separatism, Religion and even Politics. Going back to the late 1620s and the 1630s when King Charles decided to dissolve the Parliament of England, which did not left hope to the citizens that the will of God will be enforced in England (25). With these events, the people started to leave England to other places which first was Holland and then to Plymouth Plantation in New England (27). After Separatism came out to be a real problem in other areas, because of this John Winthrop decided to leave mother England to go to ... Show more content on ... Another impression that Morgan says is related when he says "they were painfully aware" referring to the people who left England, that leaving the country was very painful for them because they knew that it was not probably the solution, but they need and have to do something because what was going on in England was against their beliefs and that was wrong because people wanted to do what God's will was. However, after the people who have moved to Massachusetts there were thought challenges that were going to be arisen for the residents and for John Winthrop. The first challenge was going to be Roger Williams. The problem that Williams represented was that he was going against what Winthrop believed was better for the community which was to not separate from each other. But, this did not stop Williams, who is being described by Morgan as "a charming, sweet–tempered, winning man, courageous, selfless, God–intoxicated–and stubborn– the very soul of separatism (108). The description that is being given to Williams is not completely positive because Morgan finishes saying "the very soul of separatism" which was going to be the challenge for Winthrop because this means that Williams was going away from ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. How Is John Winthrop Different From A Model Of Puristian... In 1630, Puritan leader John Winthrop led the great migration to the New World. On board the ship Arbella, John Winthrop delivered a sermon titled "A Model of Christian Charity." His speech outlined the objectives he hoped to achieve in the New World. His ideals slightly influenced the Puritans judgments and philosophy however not as much as he had initially hoped for. It seems the judgments of the Suffolk County Court were not influenced by the Arbella sermon. Similarly, it doesn't appear that Winthrop's sermon influenced the testimony against Bridget Bishop either. However, the Suffolk County Court cases do differ from the case against Bridget Bishop. The paradox between the two illustrates both Puritan successes and failures. ... Show more content on ... Taken as a whole, Winthrop's message of love was his technique to unite his Puritan followers in the New World. The ideals of the Arbella sermon do not seem to influence the judgments of the Suffolk County Court or the testimony against Bridget Bishop. Michael Johnson, author of Reading the American Past, notes that, "the court records of Suffolk County between 1671 and 1673...illustrate the New Englanders deviated from the highest aspirations of the Puritan founders and that courts did what they could to curb those deviations" (52–53). The theme of love in Winthrop's sermon must have gone unaffected judging by the type of cases in Suffolk County. For example, a wife was sentenced to be whipped ten times or pay a twenty Shilling fine to the County for striking her husband. For being drunk and abusing his wife, John Veering was punished by being whipped thirty times and humiliated by standing in the open marketplace with a sign across his chest declaring his guilt. It is obvious that the ideals of the Arbella sermon were not present in the case against Bridget Bishop. She was accused of witchcraft and eight days after her trial she was the first accused witch to be hung in Salem. Once again, love is not evident in either of the two works. The cases that came before the Suffolk court differ in a variety of ways from the accusations made against Bridget Bishop. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Difference Between Pilgrims And Puritans As we have learned so far there were two groups of people that came to the new world in search of religious freedom. First were the pilgrims who arrived in small numbers upon the mayflower in 1620. The second group was the puritans. Who were the puritans? The puritans were similar to their cousins the pilgrims, but also had many differences between them as well. For instance only 102 pilgrims came to the new world, while thousands of puritans came to the new world. By 1776 almost seventy–five percent of the population of America was of puritan society. The puritans were well educated and over one–hundred of the puritans went to oxford for schooling while the pilgrims were highly uneducated. Another difference between these two groups is where they ... Show more content on ... William Bradford led the pilgrims. The puritans were led by John Winthrop. John Winthrop was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the chief figure among the Puritan founders of New England. At age 17 he married his first of four wives. And within in his lifetime he had sixteen children. He was an ardently religious person. From his early teens Winthrop threw himself into scriptural study and prayers, and gradually he trained himself into a full–fledged Puritan, convinced that God had elected him to salvation–or, in Puritan terms, to "sainthood." When, in 1629, the Massachusetts Bay Company obtained a royal charter to plant a colony in New England, Winthrop joined the company, pledging to sell his English estate and take his family to Massachusetts if the company government and charter were also transferred to America. For the remaining 19 years of his life, Winthrop lived in the New England wilderness, a father figure among the colonists. In the annual Massachusetts elections he was chosen governor 12 times between 1631 and 1648, and during the intervening years he sat on the court of assistants or colony ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Sylvia Plath Research Paper Sylvia came into the world on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts. Sylvia Plath had been writing since she was a child. She started writing by starting a journal. But when she was eight years her father died. Sylvia and her father did not have the best relationship. She said that he was a horrible father to her and compared him to the Nazis in her poem "Daddy". In this poem she talked about hating her father and how she wanted him to die. She also wrote this poem to cope with the grief and mixture of feelings she experiences when her father suddenly died of diabetes. Her mother, Aurelia Plath, soon moved the family after his death and came to Wellesley, Massachusetts. Sylvia's poems that she wrote in her teens were published in regional newspapers and articles. (Academy of American Poets). Soon ... Show more content on ... In college, Sylvia Plath worked for Mademoiselle magazine as a guest editor. Soon after, Plath went into a depression because she missed the chance to meet her idol, Dylan Thomas, and she was rejected from attending Harvard's summer program for writing. She tried to commit suicide by hiding under her bed and taking her mother's pills but she was found before she died. She went to a mental facility and eventually recovered from her depression. Plath returned to Smith and finished her degree in 1955 (Biography). Sylvia Plath received a scholarship after Smith to attend Newnham College in England. She met her husband, Ted Hughes, there. Ted Hughes was not a very good husband and they went through a tough relationship. In the end, he left her for another woman, eventually leading her to the depression that ended her life. While studying at the university's Newnham College, she met Ted Hughes. Plath published her first poetry collection, The Colossus in 1960, and during the same year, she gave birth to her daughter, Frieda, and two years later gave birth to her son, ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Compare And Contrast The Massachusetts Bay Colonies And... Making empires was not the primary goal of the English colonies. The true goal was to build unique and successful colonies. Those that did were rewarded. Massachusetts Bay and Chesapeake colonies were both similar and different. The first colony to have been founded in the Chesapeake area was Virginia, the first three ships sent out were Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. The first attempt never quite flourished as it would with John Rolfe. Disease from water contamination caused most of the deaths. John Winthrop founded the Massachusetts Bay colony and did not exactly make the grand "City on the Hill" he had hoped to make. Both colonies had their undoubtable strengths and weaknesses, but it is important to connect these distinct colonies for what they would later become part of, a nation. ... Show more content on ... Both the original Puritans and Puritan Separatists escaped their home country for religious reasons. The Puritans who came from Anglia, England to ultimately settle in Massachusetts Bay left because they felt that the Church of England had not separated itself enough from its Catholic roots. One of the Chesapeake colonies, ironically enough, was mainly founded on the religious persecution the people of Massachusetts Bay had imposed upon them. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams and later became home to Anne Hutchinson, both showing motions of antinomianism. Maryland was another colony in the Chesapeake region that was founded on religious purposes. The Quakers in England were badly treated and often killed and martyred for their cause. Maryland became site of a major Quaker population after their previous migration from England to Holland. The way all of these colonies were founded seemed to revolve around a common need for a better religious ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Puritan Argumentative Essay The Puritan settler's beliefs in the relationship between individuals, God, and the community during the seventeenth century in New England created a sense of us (the Puritans) vs. them (the Native Americans and non–Puritan colonists), who hindered the idea of a city upon a hill, the perfect Christian community. From John Winthrop's sermon warning the first settlers of New England about the retributions God would bring to the community if individuals broke there covenant with God (Winthrop 17–20). To the way, those same beliefs, brought over by the first Puritan settlers, affected the future interactions Puritans would have with Native Americans during the times of declension, and their views towards them as seen in Mary Rowlandson's narrative. ... Show more content on ... Casper and Richard O. Davies "Individuals could do nothing about their predestination: God's grace alone, not good deeds, determined their fates" (Casper and Davies, 17). This relationship between God and the individual would affect the way Puritan colonists' interpreted individual success as a way of knowing their fate, which separated the rich from the poor, who would not be saved (Winthrop, 18). This idea of individualism would help create the mentality of us vs them, as seen in Mary Rowlandson's narrative where she views the behavior of the Native Americans as savagery and describes them as "heathens" as lesser beings than herself (Rowlandson, 19). The idea of individualism allows the Puritan colonists to view the Native American behaviors as uncivilized compared to their own, which then they use to interpret their behaviors as favorable to God and the behavior of the Native Americans as demonized or against God. Which then begins to create a view of Native Americans as enemies that hinder the idea of a city upon a hill or a barrier in creating the perfect Christian community. Which in turn creates the conflicts between the colonists and the Native Americans as they attempt to convert them into Christianity as seen with the praying Indians in Rowlandson's narrative ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. John Winthrop's A Model Of Christian Charity Analysis of "A Model of Christian Charity" In 1630, John Winthrop gave his sermon, "A Model of Christian Charity," while traveling to New England. Winthrop was the new governor of a colony called "The Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England" ("John Winthrop" 177). He gave his sermon in order to lay down the laws of the new land for the people of Massachusetts Bay. Winthrop's sermon is directed towards the settlers of Massachusetts Bay. His role as governor allowed him to set rules for his people and encourage the settlers of the colony to support one another as they built their lives in New England. Winthrop's sermon is strongly supported by his Puritan beliefs, as he makes references to many different books form the Bible. He is straight forward with his expectations as the new governor of Massachusetts Bay and clearly states his expectations in his sermon. ... Show more content on ... Christianity was a strong influencer in Winthrop's sermon and continues to influence the law to this day. He created cultural and societal laws based on the rules of the Bible. For example, Winthrop claims, "... if they brother be in want and thou canst help him thou needst not make doubt, what thou should do, if thou lovest God thou must help him." His sermon suggests the members of the Massachusetts Bay colony love one another and share with one another, just as Christ did for them. He continues to say that the wealthy colonists who help those in need should not always expect equal pay in return from those whom they ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Hester Prynne and Roger Chillingworth in Puritan Society... Believed by many writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, society corrupts and conforms the individual, and it is the individual who breaks from consistency and conformity that is most free. Hester Prynne, a woman punished for adultery, is isolated by herself and her community, but breaks free from strict Puritan society. Roger Chillingworth, the husband of Hester, isolates himself which leads to the destruction of himself and the community. Hester Prynne and Roger Chillingworth experience different types of isolation, and while Hester chooses to transcend Puritan laws and live a purposeful life regardless of how it affects her, Chillingworth decides to become infatuated with the sin of Arthur Dimmesdale and live in revenge outside of Puritan ... Show more content on ... The puritan mindset affected how Hester and Chillingworth viewed there isolation. Hester Prynne's isolation, though primarily inflicted by the community, was also inflicted by herself, and in her isolation, Hester became an integral community member at the cost of her femininity and passion. Hester is primarily isolated by her community as she is forced to wear the scarlet letter for the rest of her life to separate her as an adulteress. This was common practice for colony members in Plymouth in 1694 though typically a whipping or death was the punishment (Hawthorne 220). The isolation caused by her community is not destructive to herself, and in a way, is beneficial for her soul. Using her needlework as an outlet for her creativity, Hester provided clothes for the poor, embroidered clothing, and earned back her reputation. Not only would the A come to mean Able, but it also gave herself a sense of belonging. According to Jennifer McClinton–Temple, such isolation leaves that person nothing but he or she's mind and therefore inspiring creativity (McClinton– Temple). Being left to her own faculties, Hester was able to think freely and apart from typical Puritan ideas. According to Hawthorne, for a Puritan, and a woman no less, to have broken free from Puritan conformity "would have held to be a deadlier crime than that stigmatized by the scarlet letter" in the eyes of the Puritan magistrates (Hawthorne ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. How Did Puritans Reform Their Religion In The United States? Puritans were families from England that followed John Winthrop and his idea of reforming their religion in Massachusetts and spreading their beliefs. Colonists who joined the voyage were those who had disapproved on the way the Church of England went against the will of god and still had some of the rituals practiced by the Roman Catholic Church. Winthrop believed the failure of other colonies was their sins and how god disapproved upon them for their actions. The puritans that were most likely to have gone on the voyage were those who believed they would be better off settling in a new land with a well reformed religion that they believed would guarantee their salvation. Because England only allowed the practice of one religion so this was the primary cause for them to have fled to the New World. This new land was a 'promised' land were they would be free and successful only if they followed the ways of God and only his being put to practice. Coming to the New World meant they would be able to freely reform the Church of England and practice it without punishment and renew their lives and seek the wellbeing of humans. Puritans assumed they would be an example to the rest of the world and everyone would lay an eye on them and follow their ways and beliefs as god said. ... Show more content on ... Winthrop says god is now frowning on them and evil times were coming due to the sins of the people and for going against his will, so now he and the Puritans had to convert into purity. The New World promised them they would find their salvation and be their place of refugee to become restored humans in god's eyes. Slight fails would be tolerated by god but he would not allow mass failure like the churches of Europe or the government. These mass failures were another cause to which the colonies failed at being ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. American Influence On Puritan Society After the Protestant Reformation, a group practicing Puritanism left Great Britain to the Netherlands for the ability to practice their religion freely. However, the Puritans did not favor the idea of their children growing up outside of British influences despite having the privilege of freedom of religion. In 1620, the first group of Puritan settlers sailed to North America aboard the Mayflower. It wasn't until 1629 when John Winthrop delivered his "city upon a hill" sermon that created a new perspective and goal for the growing Puritan society. Economic, political, and social difficulties were faced, but religion stayed a constant center for the Puritan settlements. Both failures and successes molded the Puritan settlement into what it was in the seventeenth century, which leads into the influences left by the Puritans in today's society. Upon the ship Arabella, one of nine ships that transferred Puritans to the New World, John Winthrop wrote his sermon titled "A Model of Christian Charity". He delivered this sermon to approximately nine hundred Puritans voyaging from the Netherlands ... Show more content on ... Strict guidelines were placed to ensure order, the promise for each person reaching his or her own predestination, and unity. The Puritans built a theocracy with elements from a democracy. Any man was able to vote as he had a church membership, which was rare to not have in the early years of the Puritan settlement. All members had to attend town meetings regardless of his or her social status. More often than not, Sunday morning sermons in cooperated town meetings as the entire community was in attendance anyways. While Puritan leaders were able to keep the majority of the population content, few were displeased with the ways of the Puritans. Roger Williams was exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and purchased land from natives to form his own settlement, known today as Rhode Island and others to Connecticut or ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Anne Hutchinson's Ethical Role Hutchinson held Bible study meetings for women that soon had great appeal to men as well. Eventually, she went beyond Bible study to proclaiming boldly facets of her own theological interpretations, some of which offended colony leadership. Great controversy ensued, and after an arduous trial before a jury of officials from both government and clergy, eventually she was banished from her colony.The assertive Anne was now becoming a religious leader to many, and this worried John Winthrop, a long time opponent of Anne's views, and the newly appointed Governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Winthrop recognized her as a threat to the authority of the men in power, and the thought of women expressing their views on Church and communal matters ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Model Of Christian Charity "A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon written in 1630 by John Winthrop, a Puritan leader. "The Way to Wealth" is an essay written in 1758 by Benjamin Franklin. Winthrop gives his sermon on the Arbella while its members are sailing for the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the New World. Franklin's essay consists of proverbs and advice given throughout his yearly almanac titled "Poor Richard's Almanack". Both texts discuss the idea of success and how one can attain it. Winthrop argues that success can be achieved through a sense of community; however, Franklin believes that success can be attained through individual industry and frugality. In "A Model of Christian Charity", Winthrop believes that the reason why some people are rich and others ... Show more content on ... People cannot be lazy if they want to be wealthy. Franklin states, "Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all things easy, and that riseth late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him (Franklin 458– 459). Franklin believes that being lazy will not lead to success, it will only lead to poverty. Someone attains success though individual industry. This is a central belief in Franklin's essay. A person must be motivated and not idle if they want to achieve success. Franklin writes, "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" (Franklin 459). Through this quote, Franklin articulates that being productive will help a person reach success. Besides individual industry, Franklin believes that another way of achieving success is through frugality. Being wise with money is a key aspect in attaining success. Franklin says, "If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for, he that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing" (Franklin 461). Someone who keeps borrowing money and is unable to pay that money back is not responsible and frugal. Franklin also says, "Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship" (Franklin 460). One should be mindful of inexpensive thing because eventually they will add up to cost more than large expenses. Therefore, a ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Political Morality Essay In Webster's dictionary, morality is defined as "principles of right and wrong in conduct; ethics." The principles of morality have countless times evolved over the ages. In earlier times, death was an easy penalty for many crimes. These crimes today are considered minor and are penalized with a slap on the hand. Is this considered wrong? Who is the correct authority to consult on what is right or wrong? In today's society, two major factors concern how the way members of society act and behave. The first is our national government. Members of our government in positions of authority decide everything in our lives in the form of laws which determine our behavior. One of the most important documents written ... Show more content on ... While this is considered a sin in most christian religions, the tribes have evolved into cannibalism as a way to survive in life and have no objections to their eating habits. The problem arises when the line between government and religion is crossed. While religion does not have to power to punish one physically, but rather soulfully of one has sinned. The
  • 134. government has the power to sentence punishment, yet should have no power concerning God. Many different religions have evolved all over the world and in the process, have people have been prosecuted in their faith. The first settlers in the new world came here to avoid prosecution from the powerful church/government of that time. Specifically, the Church of England headed by the king. Puritan leaders led their followers to a place where they could express their religion with no fear of other faiths. One such leader was John Winthrop. John Winthrop was a powerful Puritan governor in the colony of Massachusetts Bay. He believed that this was a calling from God for him to lead the new religious experiment–a covenant with God to built a model for mankind. "We shall be a city upon the hill." declared Winthrop. As governor Winthrop held considerable power. He distrusted the commoners and thought democracy was the "meanest and worst" forms of government. ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Contributions Of John Winthrop John Winthrop plays a huge part in American history. He was a great leader and the founder of if not the most, one of the historical cities in the land we call home. His efforts established to creating the great city shall never be forgotten. Many may argue that Columbus' discovery of America was the most important event that occurs in Chapter 2, I would argue that John Winthrop's desire to create a "City on a Hill," and governing a successful colony was critical to the founding of the United States. The mentality John Winthrop possessed and key events he was a part of has molded America into what it is today. John Winthrop was known to be a father figure amongst the colonists. Winthrop was a part of the Puritan religious group. The Puritans were people looking to purify the Church of England under the reign of King Henry the VIII. Winthrop in 1629 led the Puritans on a verge to America to create a "City on a Hill" . The Massachusetts Bay Company relocated their headquarters to America and named where they settled New England. The Massachusetts Bay Company also funds the Puritans journey to America. The colony is known to be the second to establish in America. A year after settling 1630, John Winthrop establishes a port named Massachusetts Bay for their new city, Boston. The city of Boston will become the first major city in America. For his role and leadership in creating a "City on a Hill", he was known to be a father figure amongst the colonists. I believe that ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. The Poetry Of Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath is often described as a feminist poet who wrote about the difficulties women faced before women's right were a mainstream idea. From reading her poetry, it is quite obvious that Plath's feminism is extremely important to her, but she also wrote about a lot of day to day experiences and made them significant through her use of literary devices such as metaphors and symbols. Plath may also be best known for her autobiographical poetry written in a confessional style that appeared during the 1950s. She is considered a very important poet of the post–World War II era. She became widely known following her suicide in 1963 (Bawer). Through Sylvia Plath's poetry, readers are able to get a glimpse into her personal life. The ... Show more content on ... Although once Plath had gotten older she moved to England, certainly her time in Winthrop affected her life and poetry. Her father, Otto Plath, was a German professor of Biology, an entomologist, and also authored a book about bees; which would later become the subject of many of Plath's later poems. Her mother, Aurelia Plath was pursuing a career in teaching when she met Sylvia's father. At the age of eight, Sylvia Plath published her first poem, her father would die in Winthrop, that same year. This would be the start of her lifelong career as a poet. Plath lived and wrote in the 1950s through the 1960s in both America and England (Bawer). As a modern period poet and feminist, growing up during WWII, some of Plath's work was directly related to the issues that were developing in society at the time. After WWII, societies were often characterized by strict gender norms. Women were expected to remain safely in their homes, with being a wife and a mother as their ultimate joy and goal. Art and expression became away from women to escape the everyday pressures of society. The poem "The Applicant" gives a glimpse of how Plath personally felt about women's rights and also touched on male dominance in her marriage. Through the poem, Plath shows the struggles of young women who are taught by society to pursue marriage and feel their worth only comes from their physical beauty. The poem begins ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Essay on The Threat of Anne Hutchinson Richard September 19, 2005 The Threat of Anne Hutchinson Questions: What had Anne Hutchinson done? Why was Anne Hutchinson such a threat to the Massachusetts Bay colony? How was Anne Hutchinson's trial an ordeal for her and how was it an ordeal for the community? Anne Hutchinson, for centuries now, has been seen as a woman who paved the way for religious freedom. She was a great leader in the cause for religious toleration in America and the advancement of women in society. Anne Hutchinson was "a magnetic woman of extraordinary talent and intellect" as well as a woman "who quickly gained respect among Boston's women as a midwife, healer, and spiritual counselor" (AP, p. 92). Although Hutchinson is documented to have been ... Show more content on ... 33). This is where I feel Anne Hutchinson found herself out of favor with Colonial Governor John Winthrop. Winthrop, who would oversee the trial of Hutchinson, seemed to be an extremist of sorts when it came to the role of women under the Puritan religion. He believed "women should be submissive and supportive" and that "there was ample support for his position in the Bible" (D, p. 33). The fact that Hutchinson began to reveal her own religious beliefs at her weeknight meetings held in her home was out–of–line with practices of others due to the accusations that men were present at the meetings. This was forbidden under Puritan law. Women were allowed to teach other women, almost always younger girls, but were strictly forbidden against revealing the beliefs or sermons to men. Remember, alone, Anne was not a threat to the Puritan establishment in Massachusetts Bay. However, as a woman leading a growing number of men, as well as women, she was a threat to their authority and had to be stopped. I feel that John Winthrop wanted Anne banished even before she was found guilty of anything. One of the crucial beliefs of the Puritan religion was the belief in a "covenant of grace" as opposed to a "covenant of work." A covenant of grace is the belief that "salvation came only as a free gift from God" and those who received this "would naturally live according to God's law" (D, p. 30). A ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Puritan Beliefs In John Winthrop's A City Set On A Hill "A City set on a Hill" is a phrase that became popularized in the American politics, and it emanates from the parable of Salt and Light in the New Testament. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus tells the crowd that was listening to him, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden" (New King James Version). John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer, had a vision for Boston that it would be "A City Set on a Hill." This is a vision that has over the years been replicated by the United States of America as it has strived to set an example on the world stage as a beacon of freedom and hope for the entire world. The phrase "a city set on a hill" refers to a society that others people will look up to (Morgan 76). By using this phrase, Winthrop describes the Massachusetts Bay colony, which he supposed would turn out to be an outstanding example of Puritan faultlessness. Although this phrase has a religious undertone, it can be used to describe the aspects that the United States ought to emulate. "A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon that was delivered by John Winthrop in 1630 while he was on board of the ship Arbella which was sailing to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This sermon is best known for its application of the phrase "City upon a Hill" regarding the founding of the United States, and later used in the description of American exceptionalism (Morgan 112). "A city set on a hill" stated they intended to live the way God wanted them to live as well as ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Similarities Between Edwards And John Winthrop Sinners in the Hands of the Same God John Edwards and John Winthrop were two Puritan writers who tried to take on the new world, with only the rudimentary tools of the unfinished society from which they came. While both authors are renowned for their sermons during this time, Edwards is known for his drastic and dramatic, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God", and Winthrop for his vision of society in, "A Modell of Christian Charity". Edwards appeals to all sinners in his sermon, where he warns them that God will be the judge of their actions, and that their consequences may be severe. While Winthrop on the other hand, carefully laid out the religious and social principles that would be the Puritan foundation of their beliefs, stemming from his understanding of the Holy Bible. In Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"and Winthrop's, "A Modell of Christian Charity", we see that both writers had similar beliefs that stemmed from their Puritan background, yet their interpretations of the bible differed in the way that they expressed these ideologies to the public. When comparing the two writers, one should note that both Edwards and Winthrop have numerous traits in common with many of the Puritan writers of this time, as they understood that God was a deity, promoting people to live honest and moral lives. These two men came from similar walks of life, as they were both male, highly educated, wealthy, acclimating from desirable religious, and societal backgrounds, ... Get more on ...