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Android & Kotlin
The code awakens #02
Omar Miatello
Member of GDG Milano (Italy)
Android Developer @ Satispay
Personal profile
Google+ Community: Kotlin for Android
Google Presentation
Google Photo
Previously on Android & Kotlin #01:
val a: Int = 1 // val = READ ONLY (getter)
var b: Int = 1 // var = READ/WRITE (getter/setter)
String templates
"My name is $name $surname"
view.setOnClickListener { Log.d("TAG", "Item clicked!") }
Delegated properties (example: lazy)
val item by lazy { MyItem() }
public class HeroAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder> {
private final List<HeroItem> mValues;
private final HeroOnClickListener mListener;
public HeroAdapter(List<HeroItem> items, HeroOnClickListener listener) {
mValues = items;
mListener = listener;
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_hero, parent, false);
return new ViewHolder(view);
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) {
HeroItem item = mValues.get(position);
“Convert Java File to Kotlin File”
(or CMD + ALT + SHIFT + K)
Kotlin vs Java - Part 2
Elvis Operator
class MyKotlinClass {
val a: String = "ciao"
val b: String = null // Error at compile time
#5 Kotlin - Null Safety
class MyKotlinClass {
val a: String = "ciao"
val b: String = null // Error at compile time
val c: String? = null
val d: String? = "ok"
#5 Kotlin - Null Safety
class MyKotlinClass {
val a: String = "ciao"
val b: String = null // Error at compile time
val c: String? = null
val d: String? = "ok"
fun example(e: String, f: String?) {
f.length() // Error at compile time
static class MyUtils {
void example(String e, String f) {
e.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
f.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
#5 Kotlin - Null Safety
class MyKotlinClass {
val a: String = "ciao"
val b: String = null // Error at compile time
val c: String? = null
val d: String? = "ok"
fun example(e: String, f: String?) {
f.length() // Error at compile time
static class MyUtils {
void example(String e, String f) {
e.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
f.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
#5 Kotlin - Null Safety
class MyKotlinClass {
val a: String = "ciao"
val b: String = null // Error at compile time
val c: String? = null
val d: String? = "ok"
fun example(e: String, f: String?) {
f.length() // Error at compile time
if (f != null) {
static class MyUtils {
void example(String e, String f) {
e.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
f.length(); // throw NullPointerException?
if (e != null) {
if (f != null) {
#5 Kotlin - Null Safety
val map = mapOf(
"dog" to "woof",
"cat" to "meow",
"bird" to "tweet",
"mouse" to "squeek")
fun sound(animal: String): String? {
return map.get(animal)
class MyUtils {
static Map<String, String> map = // ...
static String sound(String animal) {
return map.get(animal);
#6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator
val map = mapOf(
"dog" to "woof",
"cat" to "meow",
"bird" to "tweet",
"mouse" to "squeek")
fun sound(animal: String): String? {
return map.get(animal)
fun example() {
val foxSay = sound("fox") ?: "No one knows"
class MyUtils {
static Map<String, String> map = // ...
static String sound(String animal) {
return map.get(animal);
static void example() {
String s = sound("fox");
String foxSay =
s != null ? s : "No one knows";
#6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator
val map = mapOf(
"dog" to "woof",
"cat" to "meow",
"bird" to "tweet",
"mouse" to "squeek")
fun sound(animal: String): String? {
return map.get(animal)
fun example() {
val foxSay = sound("fox") ?: "No one knows"
class MyUtils {
static Map<String, String> map = // ...
static String sound(String animal) {
return map.get(animal);
static void example() {
String s = sound("fox");
String foxSay =
s != null ? s : "No one knows";
#6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView =
(ImageView) myView;
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView =
(ImageView) myView;
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView =
(ImageView) myView;
} else if (myView instanceof TextView) {
TextView textView = (TextView) myView;
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
fun example1(myView: View) {
if (myView is ImageView) {
} else if (myView is TextView) {
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView =
(ImageView) myView;
} else if (myView instanceof TextView) {
TextView textView = (TextView) myView;
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
fun example1(myView: View) {
if (myView is ImageView) {
} else if (myView is TextView) {
fun example2(myView: View) {
when (myView) {
is ImageView -> myView.imageAlpha = 10
is TextView -> myView.text = "Ciao"
class MyUtils {
static void example(View myView) {
if (myView instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView =
(ImageView) myView;
} else if (myView instanceof TextView) {
TextView textView = (TextView) myView;
#7 Kotlin - Smart Cast
fun example() {
val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null,
"Windows Phone")
class MyUtils {
static void example() {
List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android",
"iOS", null, "Windows Phone");
#8 Kotlin - Using collections
fun example() {
val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null,
"Windows Phone")
class MyUtils {
static void example() {
List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android",
"iOS", null, "Windows Phone");
List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : os) {
if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name);
#8 Kotlin - Using collections
fun example() {
val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null,
"Windows Phone")
os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() }
class MyUtils {
static void example() {
List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android",
"iOS", null, "Windows Phone");
List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : os) {
if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name);
Collections.sort(osNotNull, new
Comparator<String>() { @Override
public int compare(String l, String r) {
return r.length() - l.length();
#8 Kotlin - Using collections
fun example() {
val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null,
"Windows Phone")
os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() }
.map { it.toUpperCase() }
class MyUtils {
static void example() {
List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android",
"iOS", null, "Windows Phone");
List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : os) {
if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name);
Collections.sort(osNotNull, new
Comparator<String>() { @Override
public int compare(String l, String r) {
return l.length() - r.length();
for (String name : osNotNull) {
String value = name.toUpperCase();
#8 Kotlin - Using collections
fun example() {
val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null,
"Windows Phone")
os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() }
.map { it.toUpperCase() }
.forEach { print(it) }
class MyUtils {
static void example() {
List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android",
"iOS", null, "Windows Phone");
List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : os) {
if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name);
Collections.sort(osNotNull, new
Comparator<String>() { @Override
public int compare(String l, String r) {
return l.length() - r.length();
for (String name : osNotNull) {
String value = name.toUpperCase();
} }
#8 Kotlin - Using collections
Android Example
From Java to Kotlin!
data class HeroItem(val name: String, val gender: String, val power: Int)
object HeroDummyContent {
private val MALE = "Male"
private val FEMALE = "Female"
val ITEMS = listOf(
HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9),
HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2),
HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4)
dummy/HeroDummyContent.kt > object vs class
object HeroDummyContent {
private val MALE = "Male"
private val FEMALE = "Female"
val ITEMS = listOf(
HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9),
HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2),
HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4)
dummy/HeroDummyContent.kt > listOf(...)
object HeroDummyContent {
private val MALE = "Male"
private val FEMALE = "Female"
val ITEMS = listOf(
HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9),
HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8),
HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2),
HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4)
class HeroAdapter(val mValues: List<HeroItem>, val mListener: Function1<HeroItem, Unit>?) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
// ...
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val hero = mValues[position]
holder.item = hero
holder.nameView.text = "${} (Power: ${hero.power})"
holder.genderView.text = hero.gender
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
// ...
dummy/HeroAdapter.kt > String template
class HeroAdapter(val mValues: List<HeroItem>, val mListener: Function1<HeroItem, Unit>?) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
// ...
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val hero = mValues[position]
holder.item = hero
holder.nameView.text = "${} (Power: ${hero.power})"
holder.genderView.text = hero.gender
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
// ...
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var currentHero: HeroItem? = null
private val adapter by lazy {
HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) {
// onItemClick ...
// ...
MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy)
HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick
val previousHero = currentHero
if (previousHero != null) { // fight
val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) {
"It's a draw"
} else if (previousHero.power > it.power) {
"${} wins!"
} else {
"${} wins!"
Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
currentHero = null
} else { // assign current hero
Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
currentHero = it
MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy) > Smart cast
HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick
val previousHero = currentHero
if (previousHero != null) { // fight
val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) {
"It's a draw"
} else if (previousHero.power > it.power) {
"${} wins!"
} else {
"${} wins!"
Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
currentHero = null
} else { // assign current hero
Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
currentHero = it
MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy) > return if expression
HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick
val previousHero = currentHero
if (previousHero != null) { // fight
val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) {
"It's a draw"
} else if (previousHero.power > it.power) {
"${} wins!"
} else {
"${} wins!"
Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
currentHero = null
} else { // assign current hero
Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
currentHero = it
Developers playground - #EX2
- Aggiungere le proprietà a HeroItem: hair (String?), eyes (String?)
- Mostrarle (se presenti) nella lista
- Se vengono scelti 2 eroi di sesso opposto, viene creato un nuovo eroe
- Si possono usare le proprietà dei genitori, oppure dei valori di default se
Start with:
Omar Miatello, Member of GDG Milano (Italy)
Android Developer @ Satispay

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Боремся с NPE вместе с Kotlin, Павел Шацких СберТех
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Боремся с NPE вместе с Kotlin, Павел Шацких СберТех
Why Kotlin is your next language?
Why Kotlin is your next language? Why Kotlin is your next language?
Why Kotlin is your next language?
Kotlin, smarter development for the jvm
Kotlin, smarter development for the jvmKotlin, smarter development for the jvm
Kotlin, smarter development for the jvm
K is for Kotlin
K is for KotlinK is for Kotlin
K is for Kotlin
What’s new in Kotlin?
What’s new in Kotlin?What’s new in Kotlin?
What’s new in Kotlin?
Save time with kotlin in android development
Save time with kotlin in android developmentSave time with kotlin in android development
Save time with kotlin in android development
Practical tips for building apps with kotlin
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Practical tips for building apps with kotlin
Kotlin on android
Kotlin on androidKotlin on android
Kotlin on android
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Android & Kotlin - The code awakens #02

  • 1. Android & Kotlin The code awakens #02
  • 2. Omar Miatello Member of GDG Milano (Italy) Android Developer @ Satispay Personal profile Google+ Community: Kotlin for Android Google Presentation #01 #02 #03 Google Photo #01 #02 #03
  • 3. Previously on Android & Kotlin #01: Properties val a: Int = 1 // val = READ ONLY (getter) var b: Int = 1 // var = READ/WRITE (getter/setter) String templates "My name is $name $surname" Lambdas view.setOnClickListener { Log.d("TAG", "Item clicked!") } Delegated properties (example: lazy) val item by lazy { MyItem() }
  • 4. dummy/ public class HeroAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder> { private final List<HeroItem> mValues; private final HeroOnClickListener mListener; public HeroAdapter(List<HeroItem> items, HeroOnClickListener listener) { mValues = items; mListener = listener; } @Override public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_hero, parent, false); return new ViewHolder(view); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) { HeroItem item = mValues.get(position); “Convert Java File to Kotlin File” CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + K (or CMD + ALT + SHIFT + K)
  • 5. Kotlin vs Java - Part 2 Null-safety Elvis Operator Smart-cast Collections
  • 6. class MyKotlinClass { val a: String = "ciao" val b: String = null // Error at compile time } #5 Kotlin - Null Safety vs
  • 7. class MyKotlinClass { val a: String = "ciao" val b: String = null // Error at compile time val c: String? = null val d: String? = "ok" } #5 Kotlin - Null Safety vs
  • 8. class MyKotlinClass { val a: String = "ciao" val b: String = null // Error at compile time val c: String? = null val d: String? = "ok" fun example(e: String, f: String?) { e.length() f.length() // Error at compile time } } static class MyUtils { void example(String e, String f) { e.length(); // throw NullPointerException? f.length(); // throw NullPointerException? } } #5 Kotlin - Null Safety vs
  • 9. class MyKotlinClass { val a: String = "ciao" val b: String = null // Error at compile time val c: String? = null val d: String? = "ok" fun example(e: String, f: String?) { e.length() f.length() // Error at compile time f?.length() } } static class MyUtils { void example(String e, String f) { e.length(); // throw NullPointerException? f.length(); // throw NullPointerException? } } #5 Kotlin - Null Safety vs
  • 10. class MyKotlinClass { val a: String = "ciao" val b: String = null // Error at compile time val c: String? = null val d: String? = "ok" fun example(e: String, f: String?) { e.length() f.length() // Error at compile time f?.length() if (f != null) { f.length() } } } static class MyUtils { void example(String e, String f) { e.length(); // throw NullPointerException? f.length(); // throw NullPointerException? if (e != null) { e.length(); } if (f != null) { e.length(); } } } #5 Kotlin - Null Safety vs
  • 11. val map = mapOf( "dog" to "woof", "cat" to "meow", "bird" to "tweet", "mouse" to "squeek") fun sound(animal: String): String? { return map.get(animal) } class MyUtils { static Map<String, String> map = // ... static String sound(String animal) { return map.get(animal); } } #6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator vs
  • 12. val map = mapOf( "dog" to "woof", "cat" to "meow", "bird" to "tweet", "mouse" to "squeek") fun sound(animal: String): String? { return map.get(animal) } fun example() { val foxSay = sound("fox") ?: "No one knows" } class MyUtils { static Map<String, String> map = // ... static String sound(String animal) { return map.get(animal); } static void example() { String s = sound("fox"); String foxSay = s != null ? s : "No one knows"; } } #6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator vs
  • 13. val map = mapOf( "dog" to "woof", "cat" to "meow", "bird" to "tweet", "mouse" to "squeek") fun sound(animal: String): String? { return map.get(animal) } fun example() { val foxSay = sound("fox") ?: "No one knows" } class MyUtils { static Map<String, String> map = // ... static String sound(String animal) { return map.get(animal); } static void example() { String s = sound("fox"); String foxSay = s != null ? s : "No one knows"; } } #6 Kotlin - Elvis Operator vs
  • 14. class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 15. class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) myView; } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 16. class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) myView; imageView.setImageAlpha(10); } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 17. class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) myView; imageView.setImageAlpha(10); } else if (myView instanceof TextView) { TextView textView = (TextView) myView; textView.setText("Ciao"); } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 18. fun example1(myView: View) { if (myView is ImageView) { myView.setImageAlpha(10) } else if (myView is TextView) { myView.setText("Ciao") } } class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) myView; imageView.setImageAlpha(10); } else if (myView instanceof TextView) { TextView textView = (TextView) myView; textView.setText("Ciao"); } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 19. fun example1(myView: View) { if (myView is ImageView) { myView.setImageAlpha(10) } else if (myView is TextView) { myView.setText("Ciao") } } fun example2(myView: View) { when (myView) { is ImageView -> myView.imageAlpha = 10 is TextView -> myView.text = "Ciao" } } class MyUtils { static void example(View myView) { if (myView instanceof ImageView) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) myView; imageView.setImageAlpha(10); } else if (myView instanceof TextView) { TextView textView = (TextView) myView; textView.setText("Ciao"); } } } #7 Kotlin - Smart Cast vs
  • 20. fun example() { val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone") } class MyUtils { static void example() { List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone"); } } #8 Kotlin - Using collections vs
  • 21. fun example() { val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone") os.filterNotNull() } class MyUtils { static void example() { List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone"); List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : os) { if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name); } } } #8 Kotlin - Using collections vs
  • 22. fun example() { val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone") os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() } } class MyUtils { static void example() { List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone"); List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : os) { if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name); } Collections.sort(osNotNull, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String l, String r) { return r.length() - l.length(); } }); } } #8 Kotlin - Using collections vs
  • 23. fun example() { val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone") os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() } .map { it.toUpperCase() } } class MyUtils { static void example() { List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone"); List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : os) { if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name); } Collections.sort(osNotNull, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String l, String r) { return l.length() - r.length(); } }); for (String name : osNotNull) { String value = name.toUpperCase(); } } } #8 Kotlin - Using collections vs
  • 24. fun example() { val os = listOf("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone") os.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.length() } .map { it.toUpperCase() } .forEach { print(it) } } class MyUtils { static void example() { List<String> os = Arrays.asList("Android", "iOS", null, "Windows Phone"); List<String> osNotNull = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : os) { if (name != null) osNotNull.add(name); } Collections.sort(osNotNull, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String l, String r) { return l.length() - r.length(); } }); for (String name : osNotNull) { String value = name.toUpperCase(); print(value); } } } #8 Kotlin - Using collections vs
  • 25. Android Example From Java to Kotlin!
  • 26. dummy/Items.kt data class HeroItem(val name: String, val gender: String, val power: Int)
  • 27. dummy/HeroDummyContent.kt object HeroDummyContent { private val MALE = "Male" private val FEMALE = "Female" val ITEMS = listOf( HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9), HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2), HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4) ) }
  • 28. dummy/HeroDummyContent.kt > object vs class object HeroDummyContent { private val MALE = "Male" private val FEMALE = "Female" val ITEMS = listOf( HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9), HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2), HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4) ) }
  • 29. dummy/HeroDummyContent.kt > listOf(...) object HeroDummyContent { private val MALE = "Male" private val FEMALE = "Female" val ITEMS = listOf( HeroItem("Hulk", MALE, 9), HeroItem("Iron Man", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Thor", MALE, 8), HeroItem("Jessica Jones", FEMALE, 2), HeroItem("Spiderman", MALE, 4) ) }
  • 30. dummy/HeroAdapter.kt class HeroAdapter(val mValues: List<HeroItem>, val mListener: Function1<HeroItem, Unit>?) : RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder>() { // ... override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) { val hero = mValues[position] holder.item = hero holder.nameView.text = "${} (Power: ${hero.power})" holder.genderView.text = hero.gender holder.itemView.setOnClickListener { mListener?.invoke(hero) } } // ... }
  • 31. dummy/HeroAdapter.kt > String template class HeroAdapter(val mValues: List<HeroItem>, val mListener: Function1<HeroItem, Unit>?) : RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder>() { // ... override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) { val hero = mValues[position] holder.item = hero holder.nameView.text = "${} (Power: ${hero.power})" holder.genderView.text = hero.gender holder.itemView.setOnClickListener { mListener?.invoke(hero) } } // ... }
  • 32. MainActivity.kt class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private var currentHero: HeroItem? = null private val adapter by lazy { HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onItemClick ... } } // ... }
  • 33. MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy) HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick val previousHero = currentHero if (previousHero != null) { // fight val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) { "It's a draw" } else if (previousHero.power > it.power) { "${} wins!" } else { "${} wins!" } Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show() currentHero = null } else { // assign current hero Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() currentHero = it } }
  • 34. MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy) > Smart cast HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick val previousHero = currentHero if (previousHero != null) { // fight val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) { "It's a draw" } else if (previousHero.power > it.power) { "${} wins!" } else { "${} wins!" } Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show() currentHero = null } else { // assign current hero Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() currentHero = it } }
  • 35. MainActivity.kt > adapter (lazy) > return if expression HeroAdapter(HeroDummyContent.ITEMS) { // onClick val previousHero = currentHero if (previousHero != null) { // fight val conclusion = if (previousHero.power == it.power) { "It's a draw" } else if (previousHero.power > it.power) { "${} wins!" } else { "${} wins!" } Snackbar.make(fab, "${} vs ${}!n$conclusion", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show() currentHero = null } else { // assign current hero Snackbar.make(fab, "Choose: ${}", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() currentHero = it } }
  • 36. Questions? Developers playground - #EX2 - Aggiungere le proprietà a HeroItem: hair (String?), eyes (String?) - Mostrarle (se presenti) nella lista - Se vengono scelti 2 eroi di sesso opposto, viene creato un nuovo eroe - Si possono usare le proprietà dei genitori, oppure dei valori di default se mancano Start with: Solution:
  • 37. THANKS! Omar Miatello, Member of GDG Milano (Italy) Android Developer @ Satispay