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Why Spring Kotlin
Sébastien Deleuze
Most popular way to build web applications
Let’s see how far we can go with ...
Migrating a typical Boot application to Kotlin
Step 1
Step 2
Spring Boot 1 Spring Boot 2
based on Spring Framework 5
Step 3
Spring MVC Spring WebFlux
Step 4
Spring WebFlux
Functional API & Kotlin DSL
Spring WebFlux
From Java to Kotlin
Step 1 Kotlin
Step 2 Boot 2
Step 3 WebFlux
Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
Domain model
data class Article(
@Id val slug: String,
val title: String,
val headline: String,
val content: String,
@DBRef val author: User,
val addedAt: LocalDateTime = now())
data class User(
@Id val login: String,
val firstname: String,
val lastname: String,
val description: String? = null)
public class Article {
private String slug;
private String title;
private LocalDateTime addedAt;
private String headline;
private String content;
private User author;
public Article() {
public Article(String slug, String title, String
headline, String content, User author) {
this(slug, title, headline, content, author,;
public Article(String slug, String title, String
headline, String content, User author, LocalDateTime
addedAt) {
this.slug = slug;
this.title = title;
this.addedAt = addedAt;
this.headline = headline;
this.content = content; = author;
public String getSlug() {
return slug;
public void setSlug(String slug) {
this.slug = slug;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
Expressive test function names with backticks
class EmojTests {
fun `Why Spring ❤ Kotlin?`() {
println("Because I can use emoj in function names uD83DuDE09")
> Because I can use emoj in function names
public class UserController {
private final UserRepository userRepository;
public UserController(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public User findOne(@PathVariable String login) {
return userRepository.findOne(login);
public Iterable<User> findAll() {
return userRepository.findAll();
public User save(@RequestBody User user) {
Spring MVC controller written in Java
class UserController(private val repo: UserRepository) {
fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String) = repo.findOne(id)
fun findAll() = repo.findAll()
fun save(@RequestBody user: User) =
Spring MVC controller written in Kotlin
Inferred type hints in IDEA
Show parameter name hints
Select Kotlin
Check “Show function/property/local value return type hints”
kotlin-spring compiler plugin
Automatically open Spring annotated classes and methods
open class Application {
open fun foo() = Foo()
open fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo)
class Application {
fun foo() = Foo()
fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo)
Without kotlin-spring plugin With kotlin-spring plugin
From Java to Kotlin
Step 1 Kotlin
Step 2 Boot 2
Step 3 WebFlux
Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
Spring Kotlin
and officially supports it
Spring Framework 5
Spring Boot 2.0 (M7 available, GA early 2018)
Reactor Core 3.1
Spring Data Kay
Kotlin support out of the box
Kotlin support documentation
Running Spring Boot 1 application with Kotlin
class Application
fun main(args: Array<String>) {, *args)
Running Spring Boot 2 application with Kotlin
class Application
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Declaring additional beans
class Application {
fun foo() = Foo()
fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Customizing SpringApplication
class Application {
fun foo() = Foo()
fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) {
Array-like Kotlin extension for Model
operator fun Model.set(attributeName: String, attributeValue: Any) {
this.addAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue)
public String blog(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("title", "Blog");
model.addAttribute("articles", repository.findAll());
return "blog";
fun blog(model: Model): String {
model["title"] = "Blog"
model["articles"] = repository.findAll()
return "blog"
Reified type parameters Kotlin extension
inline fun <reified T: Any> String, method: HttpMethod,
requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null) =
exchange(url, method, requestEntity, object : ParameterizedTypeReference<T>() {})
List<Article> list = restTemplate
.exchange("/api/article/", GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Article>>(){})
val list: List<Article> = restTemplate
.exchange("/api/article/", GET)
Goodbye type erasure, we are not going to miss you at all!
Null safety
Nothing enforced at type system
No check at compile time
NullPointerException at runtime
Optional only usable for return values
Default is non-null, ? suffix for nullable types
Full check at compile time
No NullPointerException !!!
Functional constructs on nullable values
By default, Kotlin interprets Java types as platform types (unknown nullability)
Null safety of Spring APIs
public interface RestOperations {
URI postForLocation(String url,
Object request,
Object ... uriVariables)
postForLocation(url: String!, request: Any!, varags uriVariables: Any!): URI!
Nullability annotations meta annotated with JSR 305 for generic tooling support
Null safety of Spring APIs
package org.springframework.web.client;
public interface RestOperations {
URI postForLocation(String url,
@Nullable Object request,
Object... uriVariables)
postForLocation(url: String, request: Any?, varargs uriVariables: Any): URI?
freeCompilerArgs =
@Controller // Mandatory Optional
class FooController(val foo: Foo, val bar: Bar?) {
@GetMapping("/") // Equivalent to @RequestParam(required=false)
fun foo(@RequestParam baz: String?) = ...
Leveraging Kotlin nullable information
To determine @RequestParam or @Autowired required attribute
data class FooProperties(
var baseUri: String? = null,
var admin = Credentials()) {
data class Credential(
var username: String? = null,
var password: String? = null)
One of the remaining pain points in Kotlin
JUnit 5 supports non-static @BeforeAll @AfterAll
class IntegrationTests {
private val application = Application(8181)
private val client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8181")
fun beforeAll() { application.start() }
fun test1() { // ... }
fun test2() { // ... }
fun afterAll() { application.stop() }
With “per class” lifecycle defined via or @TestInstance
JUnit 5 supports constructor based injection
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
class HtmlTests(@Autowired val restTemplate: TestRestTemplate) {
fun test1() { // ... }
fun test2() { // ... }
Allows to use val instead of lateinit var in tests
class SimpleTests {
@DisplayName("a calculator")
inner class Calculator {
val calculator = SampleCalculator()
fun `should return the result of adding the first number to the second number`() {
val sum = calculator.sum(2, 4)
assertEquals(6, sum)
fun `should return the result of subtracting the second number from the first number`() {
val subtract = calculator.subtract(4, 2)
assertEquals(2, subtract)
Specification-like tests with Kotlin and JUnit 5
From Java to Kotlin
Step 1 Kotlin
Step 2 Boot 2
Step 3 WebFlux
Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
Spring Framework 5 introduces
a new web stack
Spring MVC
Spring WebFlux
Reactive Streams
WebFlux supports various non-blocking API
Reactor Akka
Let’s focus on Reactor for now
Reactor Akka
Mono is a reactive type for 0..1 element
Flux is for reactive collection and stream
class ReactiveUserController(val repository: ReactiveUserRepository) {
fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): Mono<User>
= repository.findOne(id)
fun findAll(): Flux<User>
= repository.findAll()
fun save(@RequestBody user: Mono<User>): Mono<Void>
interface ReactiveUserRepository {
fun findOne(id: String): Mono<User>
fun findAll(): Flux<User>
fun save(user: Mono<User>): Mono<Void>
Spring WebFlux with annotations
Spring Data Kay provides
Reactive support for
MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra
and Couchbase
val location = "Lyon, France"
.doOnError { logger.error(it.getMessage()) }
.onErrorResume { backupService.fetchWeather(location) }
.map { "Weather in ${it.getLocation()} is ${it.getDescription()}" }
.subscribe { }
fun fetchWeather(city: String): Mono<Weather>
Reactive APIs = functional programming
Reactor Kotlin extensions
Java Kotlin with extensions
Mono.just("foo") "foo".toMono()
Flux.fromIterable(list) list.toFlux()
Mono.error(new RuntimeException()) RuntimeException().toMono()
flux.ofType(User.class) flux.ofType<User>()
StepVerifier.create(flux).verifyComplete() flux.test().verifyComplete()
MathFlux.averageDouble(flux) flux.average()
From Java to Kotlin
Step 1 Kotlin
Step 2 Boot 2
Step 3 WebFlux
Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
val router = router {
val users = …
accept(TEXT_HTML).nest {
"/" { ok().render("index") }
"/sse" { ok().render("sse") }
"/users" {
ok().render("users", mapOf("users" to { it.toDto() }))
("/api/users" and accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) {
("/api/users" and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)) {
WebFlux functional API with Kotlin DSL
class Application {
fun router(htmlHandler: HtmlHandler, userHandler: UserHandler, articleHandler: ArticleHandler) = router {
accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest {
"/api/user".nest {
GET("/", userHandler::findAll)
GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne)
"/api/article".nest {
GET("/", articleHandler::findAll)
GET("/{slug}", articleHandler::findOne)
POST("/", articleHandler::save)
DELETE("/{slug}", articleHandler::delete)
(GET("/api/article/notifications") and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)).invoke(articleHandler::notifications)
accept(TEXT_HTML).nest {
GET("/", htmlHandler::blog)
(GET("/{slug}") and !GET("/favicon.ico")).invoke(htmlHandler::article)
Functional router within Boot
class HtmlHandler(private val userRepository: UserRepository,
private val converter: MarkdownConverter) {
fun blog(req: ServerRequest) = ok().render("blog", mapOf(
"title" to "Blog",
"articles" to articleRepository.findAll()
.flatMap { it.toDto(userRepository, converter) } ))
class ArticleHandler(private val articleRepository: ArticleRepository,
private val articleEventRepository: ArticleEventRepository) {
fun findAll(req: ServerRequest) =
fun notifications(req: ServerRequest) =
Functional handlers within Boot
Under construction ...
Fixing remaining pain points
Functional bean definition
Immutable non-nullable @ConfigurationProperties
data class FooProperties(
val baseUri: String,
val admin: Credential) {
data class Credential(
val username: String,
val password: String)
Boot 2.x ?
See issue #8762 for more details
data class FooProperties(
var baseUri: String? = null,
var admin = Credentials()) {
data class Credential(
var username: String? = null,
var password: String? = null)
ot yet available
Unusable in Kotlin due to a type inference issue, see KT-5464
otlin 1.3
For now, please use:
- WebClient in Kotlin
- WebTestClient in Java
Under construction ...
Fixing remaining pain points
Boot + functional bean DSL
Kotlin Coroutines
Reactor Akka
Spring & Kotlin Coroutines
● Coroutines are Kotlin lightweight threads
● Allows non-blocking imperative code
● Less powerful than Reactive API (backpressure, streaming, operators, etc.)
● kotlinx.coroutines: Reactive Streams and Reactor support
● spring-kotlin-coroutine: experimental Spring support (community driven)
● Warning
○ Coroutine are still experimental
○ No official Spring support yet, see SPR-15413
○ Ongoing evaluation of performances and back-pressure interoperability
Reactive Coroutines interop
Operation Reactive Coroutines
Async value fun foo(): Mono<T> suspend fun foo(): T?
Async collection fun foo(): Mono<List<T>> suspend fun foo(): List<T>
Stream fun foo(): Flux<T> suspend fun foo(): ReceiveChannel<T>
Async completion fun foo(): Mono<Void> suspend fun foo()
class CoroutineUserController(val repository: CoroutineUserRepository) {
suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): User
= repository.findOne(id)
suspend fun findAll(): List<User>
= repository.findAll()
suspend fun save(@RequestBody user: User)
interface CoroutineUserRepository {
suspend fun findOne(id: String): User
suspend fun findAll(): List<User>
suspend fun save(user: User)
Spring WebFlux with Coroutines Experim
Under construction ...
Fixing remaining pain points
Boot + functional bean DSL
Spring Framework 5 introduces
Functional bean definition
Very efficient, no reflection, no CGLIB proxy
Lambdas instead of annotations
Both declarative and programmatic
Functional bean definition Kotlin DSL
val databaseContext =
beans {
environment( { !activeProfiles.contains("cloud") } ) {
bean {
InitializingBean {
initializeDatabase(ref(), ref(), ref())
fun initializeDatabase(ops: MongoOperations,
userRepository: UserRepository,
articleRepository: ArticleRepository) { // ... }
Beans + router DSL fit well together
val context =
beans {
bean {
val userHandler = ref<UserHandler>()
router {
accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest {
"/api/user".nest {
GET("/", userHandler::findAll)
GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne)
bean { Mustache.compiler().escapeHTML(false).withLoader(ref()) }
Bean DSL is extensible and composable !
webfluxApplication(Server.NETTY) { // or TOMCAT
// group routers
routes {
router { routerApi(ref()) }
router { routerHtml(ref(), ref()) }
// group beans
beans {
bean<Baz>() // Primary constructor injection
profile("foo") {
Functional bean definition with Spring Boot
class Application
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) {
addInitializers(databaseContext, webContext)
This nice syntax currently works only for running the application, not tests
Functional bean definition with Spring Boot
class ContextInitializer : ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> {
override fun initialize(context: GenericApplicationContext) {
This more verbose one works for running both application and tests
Functional bean definition with Spring Boot
Come discussing next steps with us
Under construction ...
Fixing remaining pain points
Boot + functional bean DSL
Kotlin is multi-platform
Kotlin/JVM: JVM and Android
Kotlin/JS: transpile to JavaScript
Kotlin/Native: run without any VM (LLVM toolchain)
Kotlin for frontend today with Kotlin/JS
Original JavaScript code
if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
Notification.requestPermission().then(function(result) {
let eventSource = new EventSource("/api/article/notifications");
eventSource.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
let article = JSON.parse(;
let notification = new Notification(article.title);
notification.onclick = function() {
window.location.href = "/" + article.slug;
Kotlin to Javascript
data class Article(val slug: String, val title: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (Notification.permission == NotificationPermission.GRANTED) {
Notification.requestPermission().then { console.log(it) }
EventSource("/api/article/notifications").addEventListener("message", {
val article = JSON.parse<Article>(;
Notification(article.title).addEventListener("click", {
window.location.href = "/${article.slug}"
fun = (this as MessageEvent).data as String // See KT-20743
Type safety, null safety, only 10 Kbytes with Dead Code Elimination tool
Kotlin for frontend tomorrow with WebAssembly
Read “An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly” by Lin Clark for more details
A sandboxed native platform for the Web (W3C, no plugin involved)
Compiling Kotlin to WebAssembly
➔ Kotlin supports WebAssembly via Kotlin/Native
➔ Better compilation target than JS: bytecode, performance, memory
➔ DOM API and GC are coming ...
➔ A Kotlin/Native Frontend ecosystem could arise
Kotlin 1.2 allows sharing code
between platforms
Multi-platform data types and serialization are coming
Follow me on @sdeleuze for fresh Spring + Kotlin news

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Why Spring <3 Kotlin

  • 1. Why Spring Kotlin Sébastien Deleuze @sdeleuze
  • 2. 2 Most popular way to build web applications + Spring Boot
  • 3. 3 Let’s see how far we can go with ... Kotlin + Spring Boot
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 Migrating a typical Boot application to Kotlin
  • 7. 7 Step 2 Spring Boot 1 Spring Boot 2 based on Spring Framework 5
  • 8. 8 Step 3 Spring MVC Spring WebFlux
  • 9. 9 Step 4 Spring WebFlux Functional API & Kotlin DSL Spring WebFlux @nnotations
  • 10. From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
  • 12. 12 Domain model @Document data class Article( @Id val slug: String, val title: String, val headline: String, val content: String, @DBRef val author: User, val addedAt: LocalDateTime = now()) @Document data class User( @Id val login: String, val firstname: String, val lastname: String, val description: String? = null) @Document public class Article { @Id private String slug; private String title; private LocalDateTime addedAt; private String headline; private String content; @DBRef private User author; public Article() { } public Article(String slug, String title, String headline, String content, User author) { this(slug, title, headline, content, author,; } public Article(String slug, String title, String headline, String content, User author, LocalDateTime addedAt) { this.slug = slug; this.title = title; this.addedAt = addedAt; this.headline = headline; this.content = content; = author; } public String getSlug() { return slug; } public void setSlug(String slug) { this.slug = slug; } public String getTitle() { return title; }
  • 13. 13 Expressive test function names with backticks class EmojTests { @Test fun `Why Spring ❤ Kotlin?`() { println("Because I can use emoj in function names uD83DuDE09") } } > Because I can use emoj in function names
  • 14. 14 @RestController public class UserController { private final UserRepository userRepository; public UserController(UserRepository userRepository) { this.userRepository = userRepository; } @GetMapping("/user/{login}") public User findOne(@PathVariable String login) { return userRepository.findOne(login); } @GetMapping("/user") public Iterable<User> findAll() { return userRepository.findAll(); } @PostMapping("/user") public User save(@RequestBody User user) { return; } } Spring MVC controller written in Java
  • 15. 15 @RestController class UserController(private val repo: UserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String) = repo.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll() = repo.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") fun save(@RequestBody user: User) = } Spring MVC controller written in Kotlin
  • 16. 16 Inferred type hints in IDEA Settings Editor General Appearance Show parameter name hints Select Kotlin Check “Show function/property/local value return type hints”
  • 17. kotlin-spring compiler plugin Automatically open Spring annotated classes and methods @SpringBootApplication open class Application { @Bean open fun foo() = Foo() @Bean open fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } Without kotlin-spring plugin With kotlin-spring plugin 17
  • 18. From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
  • 19. Spring Kotlin and officially supports it Spring Framework 5 Spring Boot 2.0 (M7 available, GA early 2018) Reactor Core 3.1 Spring Data Kay
  • 20. 20 Kotlin support out of the box
  • 22. Running Spring Boot 1 application with Kotlin 22 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array<String>) {, *args) }
  • 23. Running Spring Boot 2 application with Kotlin 23 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array<String>) { runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) }
  • 24. Declaring additional beans 24 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } fun main(args: Array<String>) { runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) }
  • 25. Customizing SpringApplication 25 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } fun main(args: Array<String>) { runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) { setBannerMode(OFF) } }
  • 26. Array-like Kotlin extension for Model operator fun Model.set(attributeName: String, attributeValue: Any) { this.addAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue) } @GetMapping("/") public String blog(Model model) { model.addAttribute("title", "Blog"); model.addAttribute("articles", repository.findAll()); return "blog"; } @GetMapping("/") fun blog(model: Model): String { model["title"] = "Blog" model["articles"] = repository.findAll() return "blog" } 26
  • 27. Reified type parameters Kotlin extension inline fun <reified T: Any> String, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null) = exchange(url, method, requestEntity, object : ParameterizedTypeReference<T>() {}) List<Article> list = restTemplate .exchange("/api/article/", GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Article>>(){}) .getBody(); val list: List<Article> = restTemplate .exchange("/api/article/", GET) .getBody(); Goodbye type erasure, we are not going to miss you at all! 27
  • 28. Null safety 28 Nothing enforced at type system No check at compile time NullPointerException at runtime Optional only usable for return values Default is non-null, ? suffix for nullable types Full check at compile time No NullPointerException !!! Functional constructs on nullable values
  • 29. By default, Kotlin interprets Java types as platform types (unknown nullability) Null safety of Spring APIs public interface RestOperations { URI postForLocation(String url, Object request, Object ... uriVariables) } 29 postForLocation(url: String!, request: Any!, varags uriVariables: Any!): URI!
  • 30. Nullability annotations meta annotated with JSR 305 for generic tooling support Null safety of Spring APIs @NonNullApi package org.springframework.web.client; public interface RestOperations { @Nullable URI postForLocation(String url, @Nullable Object request, Object... uriVariables) } 30 postForLocation(url: String, request: Any?, varargs uriVariables: Any): URI? freeCompilerArgs = ["-Xjsr305=strict"] +
  • 31. 31 @Controller // Mandatory Optional class FooController(val foo: Foo, val bar: Bar?) { @GetMapping("/") // Equivalent to @RequestParam(required=false) fun foo(@RequestParam baz: String?) = ... } Leveraging Kotlin nullable information To determine @RequestParam or @Autowired required attribute
  • 32. @ConfigurationProperties @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( var baseUri: String? = null, var admin = Credentials()) { data class Credential( var username: String? = null, var password: String? = null) } One of the remaining pain points in Kotlin
  • 33. 33 JUnit 5 supports non-static @BeforeAll @AfterAll class IntegrationTests { private val application = Application(8181) private val client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8181") @BeforeAll fun beforeAll() { application.start() } @Test fun test1() { // ... } @Test fun test2() { // ... } @AfterAll fun afterAll() { application.stop() } } With “per class” lifecycle defined via or @TestInstance
  • 34. 34 JUnit 5 supports constructor based injection @ExtendWith(SpringExtension::class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT) class HtmlTests(@Autowired val restTemplate: TestRestTemplate) { @Test fun test1() { // ... } @Test fun test2() { // ... } } Allows to use val instead of lateinit var in tests
  • 35. 35 class SimpleTests { @Nested @DisplayName("a calculator") inner class Calculator { val calculator = SampleCalculator() @Test fun `should return the result of adding the first number to the second number`() { val sum = calculator.sum(2, 4) assertEquals(6, sum) } @Test fun `should return the result of subtracting the second number from the first number`() { val subtract = calculator.subtract(4, 2) assertEquals(2, subtract) } } } Specification-like tests with Kotlin and JUnit 5
  • 36. From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
  • 37. Spring Framework 5 introduces a new web stack Spring MVC Blocking Servlet Spring WebFlux Non-blocking Reactive Streams
  • 39.
  • 40. 40 RxJava ? WebFlux supports various non-blocking API CompletableFuture Flow.Publisher Reactor Akka
  • 41. 41 Let’s focus on Reactor for now RxJavaCompletableFuture Flow.Publisher Reactor Akka ?
  • 42. 42 Mono is a reactive type for 0..1 element
  • 43. 43 Flux is for reactive collection and stream
  • 44. 44 @RestController class ReactiveUserController(val repository: ReactiveUserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): Mono<User> = repository.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll(): Flux<User> = repository.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") fun save(@RequestBody user: Mono<User>): Mono<Void> = } interface ReactiveUserRepository { fun findOne(id: String): Mono<User> fun findAll(): Flux<User> fun save(user: Mono<User>): Mono<Void> } Spring WebFlux with annotations Spring Data Kay provides Reactive support for MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra and Couchbase
  • 45. 45 val location = "Lyon, France" mainService.fetchWeather(location) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)) .doOnError { logger.error(it.getMessage()) } .onErrorResume { backupService.fetchWeather(location) } .map { "Weather in ${it.getLocation()} is ${it.getDescription()}" } .subscribe { } fun fetchWeather(city: String): Mono<Weather> Reactive APIs = functional programming
  • 46. Reactor Kotlin extensions Java Kotlin with extensions Mono.just("foo") "foo".toMono() Flux.fromIterable(list) list.toFlux() Mono.error(new RuntimeException()) RuntimeException().toMono() flux.ofType(User.class) flux.ofType<User>() StepVerifier.create(flux).verifyComplete() flux.test().verifyComplete() MathFlux.averageDouble(flux) flux.average()
  • 47. From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API
  • 48. 48 val router = router { val users = … accept(TEXT_HTML).nest { "/" { ok().render("index") } "/sse" { ok().render("sse") } "/users" { ok().render("users", mapOf("users" to { it.toDto() })) } } ("/api/users" and accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) { ok().body(users) } ("/api/users" and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)) { ok().bodyToServerSentEvents(users.repeat().delayElements(ofMillis(100))) } } WebFlux functional API with Kotlin DSL
  • 49. 49 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun router(htmlHandler: HtmlHandler, userHandler: UserHandler, articleHandler: ArticleHandler) = router { accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest { "/api/user".nest { GET("/", userHandler::findAll) GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne) } "/api/article".nest { GET("/", articleHandler::findAll) GET("/{slug}", articleHandler::findOne) POST("/", articleHandler::save) DELETE("/{slug}", articleHandler::delete) } } (GET("/api/article/notifications") and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)).invoke(articleHandler::notifications) accept(TEXT_HTML).nest { GET("/", htmlHandler::blog) (GET("/{slug}") and !GET("/favicon.ico")).invoke(htmlHandler::article) } } } Functional router within Boot
  • 50. @Component class HtmlHandler(private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val converter: MarkdownConverter) { fun blog(req: ServerRequest) = ok().render("blog", mapOf( "title" to "Blog", "articles" to articleRepository.findAll() .flatMap { it.toDto(userRepository, converter) } )) } @Component class ArticleHandler(private val articleRepository: ArticleRepository, private val articleEventRepository: ArticleEventRepository) { fun findAll(req: ServerRequest) = ok().body(articleRepository.findAll()) fun notifications(req: ServerRequest) = ok().bodyToServerSentEvents(articleEventRepository.findWithTailableCursorBy()) } 50 Functional handlers within Boot
  • 51. Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Functional bean definition Multi-platform
  • 52. Immutable non-nullable @ConfigurationProperties @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( val baseUri: String, val admin: Credential) { data class Credential( val username: String, val password: String) } Boot 2.x ? See issue #8762 for more details @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( var baseUri: String? = null, var admin = Credentials()) { data class Credential( var username: String? = null, var password: String? = null) } Currently N ot yet available
  • 53. WebTestClient Unusable in Kotlin due to a type inference issue, see KT-5464 otlin 1.3 For now, please use: - WebClient in Kotlin - WebTestClient in Java
  • 54. Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform
  • 56. Spring & Kotlin Coroutines 56 ● Coroutines are Kotlin lightweight threads ● Allows non-blocking imperative code ● Less powerful than Reactive API (backpressure, streaming, operators, etc.) ● kotlinx.coroutines: Reactive Streams and Reactor support ● spring-kotlin-coroutine: experimental Spring support (community driven) ● Warning ○ Coroutine are still experimental ○ No official Spring support yet, see SPR-15413 ○ Ongoing evaluation of performances and back-pressure interoperability Experim ental
  • 57. Reactive Coroutines interop 57 Operation Reactive Coroutines Async value fun foo(): Mono<T> suspend fun foo(): T? Async collection fun foo(): Mono<List<T>> suspend fun foo(): List<T> Stream fun foo(): Flux<T> suspend fun foo(): ReceiveChannel<T> Async completion fun foo(): Mono<Void> suspend fun foo()
  • 58. 58 @RestController class CoroutineUserController(val repository: CoroutineUserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): User = repository.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") suspend fun findAll(): List<User> = repository.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") suspend fun save(@RequestBody user: User) = } interface CoroutineUserRepository { suspend fun findOne(id: String): User suspend fun findAll(): List<User> suspend fun save(user: User) } Spring WebFlux with Coroutines Experim ental
  • 59. Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform
  • 60. Spring Framework 5 introduces Functional bean definition Very efficient, no reflection, no CGLIB proxy Lambdas instead of annotations Both declarative and programmatic
  • 61. 61 Functional bean definition Kotlin DSL val databaseContext = beans { bean<ArticleEventListener>() bean<ArticleEventRepository>() bean<ArticleRepository>() bean<UserRepository>() environment( { !activeProfiles.contains("cloud") } ) { bean { InitializingBean { initializeDatabase(ref(), ref(), ref()) } } } } fun initializeDatabase(ops: MongoOperations, userRepository: UserRepository, articleRepository: ArticleRepository) { // ... }
  • 62. 62 Beans + router DSL fit well together val context = beans { bean { val userHandler = ref<UserHandler>() router { accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest { "/api/user".nest { GET("/", userHandler::findAll) GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne) } } } bean { Mustache.compiler().escapeHTML(false).withLoader(ref()) } bean<HtmlHandler>() bean<ArticleHandler>() bean<UserHandler>() bean<MarkdownConverter>() }
  • 63. 63 Bean DSL is extensible and composable ! webfluxApplication(Server.NETTY) { // or TOMCAT // group routers routes { router { routerApi(ref()) } router(routerStatic()) } router { routerHtml(ref(), ref()) } // group beans beans { bean<UserHandler>() bean<Baz>() // Primary constructor injection } bean<Bar>() mustacheTemplate() profile("foo") { bean<Foo>() } } See POC
  • 64. Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 64 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array<String>) { runApplication<FooApplication>(*args) { addInitializers(databaseContext, webContext) } } This nice syntax currently works only for running the application, not tests
  • 65. Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 65 class ContextInitializer : ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> { override fun initialize(context: GenericApplicationContext) { databaseContext.initialize(context) webContext.initialize(context) } } context.initializer.classes=io.spring.deepdive.ContextInitializer This more verbose one works for running both application and tests
  • 66. Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 66 Come discussing next steps with us
  • 67. Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform
  • 68. Kotlin is multi-platform Kotlin/JVM: JVM and Android Kotlin/JS: transpile to JavaScript Kotlin/Native: run without any VM (LLVM toolchain)
  • 69. 69 Kotlin for frontend today with Kotlin/JS
  • 70. 70 Original JavaScript code if (Notification.permission === "granted") { Notification.requestPermission().then(function(result) { console.log(result); }); } let eventSource = new EventSource("/api/article/notifications"); eventSource.addEventListener("message", function(e) { let article = JSON.parse(; let notification = new Notification(article.title); notification.onclick = function() { window.location.href = "/" + article.slug; }; });
  • 71. 71 Kotlin to Javascript data class Article(val slug: String, val title: String) fun main(args: Array<String>) { if (Notification.permission == NotificationPermission.GRANTED) { Notification.requestPermission().then { console.log(it) } } EventSource("/api/article/notifications").addEventListener("message", { val article = JSON.parse<Article>(; Notification(article.title).addEventListener("click", { window.location.href = "/${article.slug}" }) }) } fun = (this as MessageEvent).data as String // See KT-20743 Type safety, null safety, only 10 Kbytes with Dead Code Elimination tool
  • 72. 72 Kotlin for frontend tomorrow with WebAssembly Read “An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly” by Lin Clark for more details A sandboxed native platform for the Web (W3C, no plugin involved)
  • 73. 73 Compiling Kotlin to WebAssembly + ➔ Kotlin supports WebAssembly via Kotlin/Native ➔ Better compilation target than JS: bytecode, performance, memory ➔ DOM API and GC are coming ... ➔ A Kotlin/Native Frontend ecosystem could arise Experim ental
  • 74. Kotlin 1.2 allows sharing code between platforms Multi-platform data types and serialization are coming
  • 75. Thanks! Follow me on @sdeleuze for fresh Spring + Kotlin news