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Essay On Grey's Anatomy
Representation of race and gender is effortlessly shown throughout the American medical drama
series, Grey's Anatomy. It was released on ABC television in 2005 and continued to air until 2016.
It narrates five medical students in Seattle, Washington's hospital in which they all progress through
the seasons to become a doctor. They also goas well through drama and difficult situations, while
trying to keep their personal love lives maintained. "One of the best things in Grey's Anatomy is
that none of the characters are perfect; they all have glaring imperfections" (Wilson, 2009, p.2).
Grey's Anatomy presents the characters as normal people, dealing with real life problems which
gather a wide audience who can relate to the series. The more content...
For instance, the opening scene of the episode shows Derek and Meredith, which are both white
characters. However, the series also tends to represent different races equally, not just heavily
focusing on the white race. The African American character that holds a major role in the series is
Richard Webber, the chief of surgery. During the first episode, he is introduced touring his fellow
interns around the surgical room, while discussing their roles. Another African American
character that is introduced after is Miranda Bailey, with the role of a female superior doctor who
speaks in a formal and assured manner nicknamed as 'the Nazi' in the hospital because of the way
she treats her interns. For example, she is harsh to everyone in the episode which makes the interns
come to respect her. "Miranda Bailey offers one of the more intriguing examples of how blackness
is figured in a text such as Grey's Anatomy as a matter of personal and communication style, rather
than political and social differences" (Havens, 2013, p. 125). Racial stereotypes are presented in
this series differently, as African Americans are given major roles. This is an advantage towards
destroying the racial stereotype of the audience believing only white characters are intended to main
roles. The series also displays an Asian character, Christina Yang. She is introduced in the first
episode as an
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Anatomy And Physiology Study Guide
1.Distinguish between anatomy and physiology
Anatomy is the study of the structure and shape for the body and its parts and their relationship to
one another. Anatomy is most commonly related to gross anatomical studies because in these
studies preserved animals and their organs are dissected and examined. And microscopic anatomy is
the study of body structures that can only be seen through a microscope. Physiology is the study of
how the body and its parts work or function. Physiology is similar to anatomy in a way that they
have many subdivisions. Physiology has; neurophysiology which explain the function of the nervous
system. It also has cardiac physiology which is the study of the heart. Anatomy and Physiology are
related because it more content...
The next is movement which is the activities promoted by the muscular system. The next is
responsiveness which is the ability to sense changes in the environment and then react to them. The
next is digestion which is the process of breaking down foods into simple molecules. The next is
metabolism which is the chemical reaction that occurs within the body by breaking down complex
substances into simpler building blocks. The next is excretion which is the process of removing
waste from the body. The next is reproduction which is the production of offspring. The last is
growth which is the increasing size of the number of
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Grey's Anatomy Essay
The best television show made is any show that inspires people to follow their dream. There are
many shows they were produced to do just this. They demonstrate that no matter how different you
may be or where you're from anything can be possible if you work hard enough. Motivating the
youth as well as adult population to go after a career or passion. For this reason, no one show is the
greatest of all time for the entire population. Each individual has a show that they admire and enjoy
watching. This show should allow the person to forget all that's on their mind and let them escape
their reality for the short hour in which the productions airs. Grey's Anatomy is this show for me and
many others around the nation. It was the first show more content...
There is always new life lesions integrated into each storyline. There is also a perspective of life
and personality placed with each character. Behind each and every scene there is a greater
purpose that the producer embedded into it. This subconsciously has the watcher learn a lesson
while watching the series and having them more attached to the show. This is all within the
production Grey's Anatomy. Incorporating that there is a way for one to be successful in
whatever they dream whether they are male or female, young or old, rich or poor. The message
that any person no matter who they are can do what they put their mind too even if it is a high
status career. Explaining the work that it takes to get there and obstacles they will have to
overcome. With this accomplishment of a great career due to their hard work it is also possible for
them to have great relationships and family life outside of work. Grey's just as any other well
created series can help sculpt the minds of this generation. Television is an adequate way enforce
much needed societal messages to the population, trying to help change the wrong doings present in
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Anatomy And Anatomy Of Anatomy
The lights in the ER blink as the storm rages on outside. I snap back from the sadness of the
weather to the job at hand. I rush to the ER to see my patient has broken bones, a punctured lung,
and a laceration along his calf. There's so much blood everywhere, coming from every open wound
on his body. His muscles torn apart and his heart pounding trying to stay alive. Now was my chance
everything I learned about anatomy could help me in this moment. No more time to be wasted I go
into the room with anatomy deep in my veins. The knowledge of anatomy helps in the saving of
lives, but we didn't always have this information. Anatomy has a history, however, how did it all
begin, and who brought the knowledge of human anatomy to us. To understand where it all began
we have to journey back to 300 BC in the ancient city of Alexandria where we meet Herophilus. For
him, it wasn't easy to study human anatomy because there was a ban on dissections in Alexandria.
However once that ban was lifted Herophilus was the first person in Greece to publicly dissect both
human cadavers and animals. Herophilus was then deemed the father of anatomy and with more
studying on the brain he learned that it was the center of the nervous system. Before his time though
there was the father of medicine or Hippocrates. Hippocrates was one of the greatest physicians of
his time, and also brought the world of anatomy the Hippocratic oath. Now back to today we've
advanced further in the knowledge of anatomy and
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Anatomy And Physiology: Case Study
1.Identify a related pair of medical, anatomical, or physiology terms that has given you difficulty.
The anatomical terms that have always given me problems are the name of the parts of the bone in
legs and arms: diaphysis, epiphysis, and metaphysis.
2.Explain the system you use to distinguish them in your mind. Include references to any texts or
tools used.
Since I noticed that I have to go back to my references to be able to identify the parts of the bone, I
created a "formula." I used the first letter of the name of the part of the bone with a number in front
to remember that there are two parts with the same name: 2E2M1D that stands for epiphysis x 2,
metaphysis x 2 and diaphysis x 1. Knowing that there are a distal and a proximal
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Ear Anatomy Essay
Ear Anatomy and How Sound Processing Works
Hearing is different from the sense of smell, taste, and sight because it relies on physical movement
such as vibrations in the air that are picked up by the ear which causes the eardrum to vibrate. When
the vibrations carry through the middle ear, they encounter three bones that are named the hammer,
anvil, and the stirrup. These three bones work together to amplify sound waves. The vibrations
move from the middle ear into the cochlea that is known as the inner ear. The vibrations in the inner
ear cause the fluids called perilymph and endolymph to move around and that is when the brain
takes notice. The movement of the fluid bends hair cells that sends signals to the auditory nerve and
interprets them. Groups of neurons are decoding every sound that is heard and arranging them to more content...
The test was designed to provide information for four areas; auditory attention (the optional auditory
figure–ground screener presented on CD at the start of the test session); basic phonological skills
(Subtest 1: Word Discrimination, Subtest 2: Phonological Segmentation, and Subtest 3:
Phonological Blending); auditory memory (Subtest 4: Number Memory Forward, Subtest 5: Number
Memory Reversed, Subtest 6: Word Memory, and Subtest 7: Sentence Memory; and auditory
cohesion (Subtest 8: Auditory Comprehension and Subtest 9: Auditory Reasoning). This test is
untimed but can be completed in about one hour. It takes about 15–20 minutes to score. It norms
based on data from over 2,000 students and now nationally stratified to match the latest US Census
demographics with regard to gender, ethnicity, residence, geographic location, and parent education
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Anatomical Science Personal Statement
Enclosed please find my application for Anatomy Instructor at Jacobs School of Medicine and
Anatomical Science. I feel confident that I would be an ideal addition to the teaching faculty at the
Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, as you will observe that my experiences,
researches and future plans are highly compatible with a number of your current faculty members.
Moreover, I am presently enrolled in masters in Anatomical Science program, which further polished
my teaching skills by incorporating a thesis project, graduate course–work, a teaching practicum,
anatomical specimen preparation and dissection techniques. My colleagues and I are presented with
a number of far–ranging opportunities from learning how to use an more content...
Now, I have gained competencies to manage and educate learner's belonging to multiple age groups
and cultures, from multidisciplinary professionals to primary school
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Human Anatomy And Physiology Essay
Mr. Browns Dilemma
Mona Sweetwine–Rodriguez
SC–121– Human Anatomy and Physiology I
November 24, 2015
Professor Catherine Rice
Mr. Browns Dilemma
Good Morning Mr. Brown, my name is Mona and I am a physician's assistant. Thank you for
coming in to meet with me today. Today I'll be going over your recent lab work along with the
results. The last time you were in to see the doctor he ordered testing for you that is known as a
lipid panel or a cholesterol panel. A lipid panel is done to measure four main things which are your
cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL
I will now tell you a little about your results and explain what your results mean for your health.
You may feel free to ask any questions to gain clarification of anything that you may not
understand. First I will discuss your Triglyceride level results, I want to explain to you exactly
what triglycerides are before giving you your personal result. Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid)
found in your blood. Whenever you eat something your body automatically turns any calories it feels
is unnecessary for you to have into triglycerides.
The triglycerides are then stored in your fat cells, and later on the hormones in your body will set
free triglycerides to be used as energy for you in between your meals. Your triglyceride level result is
145 mg/dl which is good. A normal triglyceride level is considered to be Less than 150 milligrams
per deciliter (mg/dL). Both Triglycerides and cholesterol are separate types
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What I Learned In Anatomy Class
My hand was sprinting across the page with charcoal in palm, and the finish line of my sketch was
in sight. The image of a model's face was quickly appearing, and the proportions of her eyes–to–nose
and ear–to–mouth were just right. Proportions of the human face were something I learned in art
class, whereas the details in her eyes were something I learned in anatomy class.
I never knew how much I loved science until my love for art developed. As a child, I grew up in a
home where my parents encouraged me to flourish creatively. While we lived in Europe, I thrived on
new adventures as they took me to museums, cathedrals, and castles throughout several countries.
The sculptures and paintings of people always amazed me. My small brain more
During my time there, I shadowed a pediatric doctor. While I was asking him questions, he was
called into an emergency surgery, and I was unfortunately not old enough to watch according to
the hospital restrictions. So as I was waiting around, a PA swooped me up and let me shadow her
instead. I was embarrassed to admit to her that I was not aware of a PA's responsibilities to the
hospital. Throughout the rest of the day, I followed the PA into patient rooms and recovery rooms. I
was able to observe how the PA interacted with patients with such a reassuring and caring attitude
that I had not seen with the previous physician I had met. I not only respected her compassionate
personality, but I related to it.
My senior year, I desired to see more of what life was like as a PA. Thankfully, I was finally within
the age requirement to stand in on surgeries. That day I saw the PA make the first cut and suture the
last stitch. Both were made with such precision and perfection. It hit me; the PA was an artist just
like Rubens, Giorgione, and Michelangelo. The sutures were just as beautiful as the paintings in all
the museums to
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Review Of ' Grey 's Anatomy '
Grey's anatomy is a television show about a group of surgeons and interns who work at Seattle
Grace Hospital. The series emphasizes on a group of doctors who fight to save their patient 's lives
while contending to become the head surgeon. Aside from the competition, they go through a lot of
heartbreak; either relationships problems or family crises throughout each of their lives. The series
began with Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) starting her career as a medical intern with other
interns, who became her friends and roommates later on. Being on air every Wednesday for eleven
years, the show has drawn a beautiful fantasy world, among hospital life; many people, including me
being inspired enough to want to join the field. Even more content...
Neither of them knew their identities until she found him in the hospital elevator wearing his
dark blue surgeon 's uniform, perhaps he was also assigned as a boss of the group she was in. At
first, it was nothing more, nothing less than just a one night stand until they found each other in
the same compound again; the Dr. Christina house party. However, watching his marvelous
surgery technique the whole day and seeing his humble personality, Meredith became madly in
love with him or as she stated started to love him in a very scary way, then they continued
sleeping together until they get caught by someone; his wife. Even though Dr. Sheppard seems
interested in Meredith, he was also "happily" married to Dr. Addison who lives in New York at
that time. So that one night, Meredith had to fly to Chicago for a meeting and Derek was
escorting her to the airport. Unfortunately, that night, his wife was also dreaming about how
happy Derek would be when he see her in their bedroom while flying all the way from New York
to Seattle to surprise him. However, opposing to her dream, she found her husband giving a
goodbye kiss to another woman at the airport gate. Dr. Addison could not believe what she was
watching until Derek run to her and hug her while Meredith was left with a confused face. At first,
Derek apologized and chose his wife over Meredith. However, as days goes by, he could not resist
Meredith's "choose
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Neuroanatomy Essay
Neuroanatomy is the study of structure and function relationships in the brain and nervous system.
As this encompasses a study of both macroscopic and microscopic structures, a variety of
histological tools have been developed to enable that endeavor
Microscopy is an important technique for studying the structure and function of the nervous system.
This is enabled through the use of histological staining, in which a tissue of interest is preserved and
sectioned, and then stained using one of an array of techniques.
Histological staining provides contrast to the tissue so that details can be distinguished. For
example, gray matter contains neuron cell bodies, or somata, that can be stained to become visible
under a microscope. Nissl stains are useful for gray matter. For white matter of the brain, dyes such
as Luxol more content...
Histochemistry studies can reveal the molecular interactions of structures, such as neurotransmitter
production and activity, metabolism, immune function, and other interactions. Histochemistry can
also be used to reveal chemoarchitecture or chemical neuroanatomy.
Immunocytochemistry is a type of histochemistry that makes use of antibodies to visualize cell
types, axons, neuron structures, glial processes, blood vessels, or molecular components of cells like
neurotransmitters and intranuclear proteins. Immunocytochemical studies can also be used for
genomics studies of nervous system cells. Combining these techniques with a fluorescent stain
allows visualization of enzyme binding sites and reactions.
In situ hybridization is also an important histochemical tool for neuroanatomy studies. It uses
synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA) probes to visualize complementary messenger RNA (mRNA)
transcripts of genes in the cell. This can help to reveal gene function.
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Anatomy and Physiology Essay
Anatomy and Physiology
The term homeostasis is used to mean maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal
environment in the organism. Essentially all of the organs and tissues of the body perform functions
that help to maintain these constant conditions. For instance, the lungs provide oxygen to the extra
cellular fluid to replenish oxygen that is being used by the cells; the kidneys maintain constant ion
concentrations and the gastrointestinal system provides nutrients.
Not all substances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract can be used in their absorbed form by the
cells. The liver changes the chemical compositions of many of these substances to more useable
forms more content...
A large segment of the nervous system is called the autonomic system. It operates at a subconscious
level and controls many functions of the internal organs, including level of pumping activity by the
heart, movements of the gastrointestinal tract, and glandular secretion. Neurons are cells that act
like tiny batteries which power electrical circuits within the body. They can transmit impulses from
cell to cell for communication, control, and interpretation of sensory input.
In a typical neuron dendrites respond to stimuli through input to the neuron cell body. When the
stimulus is large enough the cell body sends a one way electrochemical impulse through the axon to
the next neuron or to some effector such as a muscle. The most important part of a neuron is its cell
membrane. Using active transport and special Na+/K+ ion pumps in the membrane of the axon a
neuron creates a resting potential of –70 millivolts. The cell essentially becomes a tiny battery ready
for action. The action is the action potential –– a wave of electro–chemical activity which sweeps
down the axon in one direction, changing its polarity. Depolarization leads to further depolarization
as special electrically sensitive protein gates swing open allowing Na+ ions to enter the cell and K+
ions to escape.
Once depolarized the Na+/K+ pumps quickly re–polarize the axon by
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Human Anatomy Case Study
Biol 1120
Cardiovascular Case Study
Name ______________________________________________
A 32–year old nurse who has rheumatic fever as a child noticed a persistent tachycardia and
light–headedness. Upon examination, chest x rays showed an enlarged left atrium and left ventricle.
ECG analysis showed atrial fibrillation. There was also mild pulmonary congestion. Cardiac
evaluation resulted in the following information:
Cardiac output (CO) 3.2L/min. SV = 40mls Blood pressure (BP) 100/58 mm Hg Left Atrial pressure
(LAP) 16 mm Hg Right ventricular pressure (RVP) 44/8 mm Hg
Heart sounds revealed valvular regurgitation
1. Answer all questions with material that explains your answer. Yes/no answers receive NO credit.
2. more content...
The cause of the light–headedness is the decreased cardiac output. Her cardio output is 3.2L/min.
SV = 40mls .The cause of the mild pulmonary congestion is increased pulmonary capillary
pressure. Atrial fibrillation and decreased C/O and BP would cause dizziness. If the leak is large,
it results in an increase in the pressure in the atrium. Her left atrial pressure is 16 mm Hg
.Hypertrophy of the wall of the atrium can occur and the atrium might dilate. A backpressure of
blood may then cause congestion of blood in the pulmonary veins, which bring blood to the left
atrium from the lungs.
7. Site your references (1pts)
Web MD: Mitral Valve Prolapse:–valve–prolapse–symptoms–causes–and–treatment
American Heart Association: tachycardia
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An Overview of Anatomy Essay
An Overview of Anatomy
Exercise 1: Anatomical Position
A.Explain why it is important to have a universally accepted anatomical position when studying the
structure of humans.
Having a universally accepted anatomical positional is important to avoid confusion. It creates a
reference point so that no matter language or background of different people, they can still
communicate efficiently.
Exercise 2: Surface Anatomy
A.Review Figure 3. Complete the table by placing each letter from the figure next to its
corresponding body landmark.
Body Landmark|Letter|
Popliteal|| D
Buccal|| B
Occipital|G| more content...
Removes undigested waste from the body.|
6.Urinary|Urinary bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra|Eliminates nitrogenous wastes from the body.
Regulates water, electrolyte and acid–based balance of the blood.|
7.Skeletal |Bones, cartilages, tendons, ligaments and joints|Protects and supports body organs, and
provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement. Blood cells are formed within bones.|
8.Cardiovascular|Heart, blood vessels|Transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes
carbon dioxide and waste from the cells through blood.|
9.Nervous|Brain, spinal cord, nerves|As the fast acting control system of the body, it responds to
internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands.|
10.Integumentary |Epidermal and dermal regions and contains cutaneous sense organs|Forms the
external body covering, and protects deeper tissues from injury. Synthesizes vitamin D and houses
cutaneous receptors and sweat and oil glands.|
11.Muscular |Skeletal muscles|Contracts and shortens to provide movement. Generates heat for the
B.Describe how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are related to each other.
Cells are the building blocks of life. Groups of cells make up tissues. Groups of tissues make up
organs. Groups of organs make up organ sysmtems.
A.A jogger steps into a pothole and sprains his ankle. Describe all of the organ systems that would
be affected or involved in this
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Basic Anatomy Essay
Basic Anatomy:
1. List the five vertebral regions found in the human spine. For each vertebral region, identify one or
two distinguishing features of that type of vertebrae.
The cervical vertebral region has 7 bones and is found in the neck region. The thoracic vertebral
region has 12 bones and is found in the chest region. The lumbar vertebral region has 5 bones and
is found in the lower back. The sacral/sacrum vertebral region has 5 bones and is a composite bone.
The coccyx (tailbone) vertebral region has 4 bones and is a composite bone.
2. Discuss normal curvature in the adult human spine. Identify the physical advantage to the human
body these curves provide.
The normal curvature in the adult human spine form a sort of S–shaped more
What is a Harrington rod? From what type of material is it made?
A Harrington rod/implant is a stainless steel surgical device. The rod is implanted along the spinal
column to to treat, among other conditions, a lateral or coronal–plane curvature of the spine, or
scoliosis. The type of material that it is made from is a stainless steel/rod.
2. What might have caused an infection at the site of surgery?
The break in the skin might have caused an infection at the site of the surgery. This infection then
lead to the pus coming out of the swollen surgical area on the skin.
3. Each of the following symptoms felt by Ellen occurred because of a very specific set of
physiological defense mechanisms. Discuss the physiological mechanisms of each of Ellen's
a. Fever: She had a very high fever.
b. Local Redness/Heat: The pains were more than just muscle spasms. It burned, felt hot where the
surgery had been, & when she took off her cast, the skin around her lower spine was swollen and
bright red.
c. Shooting Pains: She had experienced shooting pains up her back.
d. Local Swelling: Skin around her lower spine was swollen.
e. Presence Of Pus: Pus had drained out of the swollen
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Anatomy Reflection
What went wrong
As with other PA faculties, you may be aware of the general complaints made by the first year PA
students about the Anatomy course. I do know my classmates were affected different; however,
these were my own personal challenges with the Anatomy course:
Disorganization of course material o Class reading assignments did not match Lecture o Lecture
PowerPoints were not provided despite request from several students. It was usually provided a
couple of days before the test. This shortened the time to study, memorize and focus on the necessary
anatomical structures.
Lack of guidance on how to study the information presented
–As recommended during the PA orientation, I read the assigned readings for my courses; however,
for anatomy, this exercise quickly became futile only because it did not contribute to helping to
understand lectures provided in class. With voluminous reading assignments, many times, the
anatomy lecture focused little or none from the information in the textbook. Lectures mostly
presented anatomical structures and so focus on images were paramount. Therefore, the reading did
little to help understand lecture material if one is not familiar enough with the anatomical structures.
While this was the case, the PowerPoints with the anatomical structures were not provided.
Insufficient & consistent guidance in the Anatomy Cadaver lab
–Initially there was no tutoring and/or review sessions for the lab. Many of us were confused and
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Dental 101 Teeth Anatomy
Dental 101: Tooth Types And Anatomy Did you know that no other substance in your body is harder
than your teeth? They are as mighty as they are tiny–and much more complex than you think. While
the appearance of your smile typically steals the spotlight, in order to efficiently carry out
essential processes such as chewing and speech, careful attention must be paid to other aspects of
your teeth. From form to function, find out about key features of your teeth that play a critical role
in your oral health. Tooth Anatomy Starting from well below the gumline and up, each and every
tooth is made up of these basic parts: Root Serving as the "anchor" of the tooth, it is buried deep
into the sockets of the jawbone in order to keep the tooth securely in place. Even though it is not
visible to the naked eye, more content...
Similar to the root, it is centrally located, but it can cause individuals pain if exposed due to a
cavity, crack or fracture. Dentin The porous layer that covers the pulp and sits below the outer
tooth enamel. Because of it secretes a mineralized substance, and is soft and flexible, it provides
tooth enamel an added layer of support and helps prevent enamel from fracturing. If the enamel is
compromised and the dentin is exposed, however, it can cause tooth sensitivity. Enamel The hard,
white exterior covering of the tooth. Comprised of calcium phosphate, its hardness serves to protect
the sensitive inner parts of the tooth, but it is still vulnerable to wear and tear, injury and tooth
decay. Although diet and hygiene play important roles in keeping your teeth in good shape,
crowding, bite and/or alignment issues due to genetics can also have a big impact on the condition
of your teeth. Types Of Teeth Adults normally house a set of 32 teeth that are built to serve different
purposes. In general, teeth are classified into one of four functional
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Anatomy And Physiology Personal Statement
Throughout my undergraduate studies, I became fond of the Health Sciences field. My interests in
the field came about when I first took an Anatomy/Physiology course at New Mexico State
University in the United States. In this course, I learned about different aspects of the body and
how certain diseases (infectious and chronic) can impact the body. It was then when I realized that
many of the diseases being discussed in class were preventable. I have always found the medical
professions such as doctors and nurses etc. very interesting. As time has passed by, my interests have
shifted more towards prevention rather than applied medicine. Through my Anatomy/Physiology
course and learning the importance of prevention, I then became academically
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Anatomy And Physiology Research Paper
Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the human body. Anatomy is the study of the internal and
external structure of body parts. Physiology is the study of the function of those body parts. In an
anatomy and physiology course you will examine the body parts and the way that these body parts
function together to keep us alive. The definition of homeostasis is the means or ability to keep the
body stable in order to compensate for environmental changes. A really good example of
homeostasis is the body keeping the average temperature of 98.6 degrees. Homeostasis is important
because cells rely on the body to live and operate. Homeostasis keeps the body environment under
control and keeps the environment right for cells to live and operate. more content...
There are positive feedback mechanisms and negative feedback mechanisms. Positive feedback
is a closed system that occurs in a feedback loop and the response of the system relies on the
feedback system to function. A good example of this would be a blood clot. When a vessel is
harmed, platelets begin to stick to the harmed site and discharge chemicals that pull in more
platelets. The platelets keep on heaping up and discharge chemicals until a coagulation is formed
and you now have a blood clot. Negative feedback is a response that causes a decline in its
function. It is a reaction to some kind of stimulus. It usually causes the output of a system to lessen
which in turn tends to stabilize the system. The skin protects underlying tissues and organs,
excretes salts, water, and organic wastes. It also regulates your body temperature. The hair protects
your scalp from UV rays, cushions blows to the head, and insulates the skull. Nails protect the
sensitive tips of your fingers and your toes. Exocrine glands keep the skin oily, produce sweat, and
secrete earwax to keep the ear from drying out. Ensure the body's inner living tissues and
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The Anatomy And Physiology Of The Human Body
The human body is a very complex organism composed of many systems. Each system in the
human body has a specific function, and without any of these systems working properly life can
be challenging. As a result, it is important to know and understand the anatomy and physiology of
the human body. Many changes in the human body can have positive or negative effects on the
overall health. The lifestyle of a person including diet, age, gender, level of activity and more can
influence someone's overall health. When something in the body is not working as predicted the
human body will have a physical or physiological response. The systems of the body have different
ways of expressing themselves when they are not in balance. As a consequence many changes come
as a result of the affected system and the result can be seen in many ways. For example: when
someone notices that one extremity of his or her body is swollen or does not look the same as the
contralateral side there is something to analyze. In this case, knowing the symptoms can help with
the diagnosis and the possible different treatments. Before diagnosis, and possible treatments for a
condition it is important to know the mechanisms to better treat the problem, in this case
Lymphedema. First, it is important to understand the mechanisms of Lymphedema. There are three
major ways from which fluid in the body travels: the circulatory system, the interstitial spaces
between the cells and the lymphatic system. The circulatory
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Anatomy Essays

  • 1. Essay On Grey's Anatomy Representation of race and gender is effortlessly shown throughout the American medical drama series, Grey's Anatomy. It was released on ABC television in 2005 and continued to air until 2016. It narrates five medical students in Seattle, Washington's hospital in which they all progress through the seasons to become a doctor. They also goas well through drama and difficult situations, while trying to keep their personal love lives maintained. "One of the best things in Grey's Anatomy is that none of the characters are perfect; they all have glaring imperfections" (Wilson, 2009, p.2). Grey's Anatomy presents the characters as normal people, dealing with real life problems which gather a wide audience who can relate to the series. The more content... For instance, the opening scene of the episode shows Derek and Meredith, which are both white characters. However, the series also tends to represent different races equally, not just heavily focusing on the white race. The African American character that holds a major role in the series is Richard Webber, the chief of surgery. During the first episode, he is introduced touring his fellow interns around the surgical room, while discussing their roles. Another African American character that is introduced after is Miranda Bailey, with the role of a female superior doctor who speaks in a formal and assured manner nicknamed as 'the Nazi' in the hospital because of the way she treats her interns. For example, she is harsh to everyone in the episode which makes the interns come to respect her. "Miranda Bailey offers one of the more intriguing examples of how blackness is figured in a text such as Grey's Anatomy as a matter of personal and communication style, rather than political and social differences" (Havens, 2013, p. 125). Racial stereotypes are presented in this series differently, as African Americans are given major roles. This is an advantage towards destroying the racial stereotype of the audience believing only white characters are intended to main roles. The series also displays an Asian character, Christina Yang. She is introduced in the first episode as an Get more content on
  • 2. Anatomy And Physiology Study Guide 1.Distinguish between anatomy and physiology Anatomy is the study of the structure and shape for the body and its parts and their relationship to one another. Anatomy is most commonly related to gross anatomical studies because in these studies preserved animals and their organs are dissected and examined. And microscopic anatomy is the study of body structures that can only be seen through a microscope. Physiology is the study of how the body and its parts work or function. Physiology is similar to anatomy in a way that they have many subdivisions. Physiology has; neurophysiology which explain the function of the nervous system. It also has cardiac physiology which is the study of the heart. Anatomy and Physiology are related because it more content... The next is movement which is the activities promoted by the muscular system. The next is responsiveness which is the ability to sense changes in the environment and then react to them. The next is digestion which is the process of breaking down foods into simple molecules. The next is metabolism which is the chemical reaction that occurs within the body by breaking down complex substances into simpler building blocks. The next is excretion which is the process of removing waste from the body. The next is reproduction which is the production of offspring. The last is growth which is the increasing size of the number of Get more content on
  • 3. Grey's Anatomy Essay The best television show made is any show that inspires people to follow their dream. There are many shows they were produced to do just this. They demonstrate that no matter how different you may be or where you're from anything can be possible if you work hard enough. Motivating the youth as well as adult population to go after a career or passion. For this reason, no one show is the greatest of all time for the entire population. Each individual has a show that they admire and enjoy watching. This show should allow the person to forget all that's on their mind and let them escape their reality for the short hour in which the productions airs. Grey's Anatomy is this show for me and many others around the nation. It was the first show more content... There is always new life lesions integrated into each storyline. There is also a perspective of life and personality placed with each character. Behind each and every scene there is a greater purpose that the producer embedded into it. This subconsciously has the watcher learn a lesson while watching the series and having them more attached to the show. This is all within the production Grey's Anatomy. Incorporating that there is a way for one to be successful in whatever they dream whether they are male or female, young or old, rich or poor. The message that any person no matter who they are can do what they put their mind too even if it is a high status career. Explaining the work that it takes to get there and obstacles they will have to overcome. With this accomplishment of a great career due to their hard work it is also possible for them to have great relationships and family life outside of work. Grey's just as any other well created series can help sculpt the minds of this generation. Television is an adequate way enforce much needed societal messages to the population, trying to help change the wrong doings present in this Get more content on
  • 4. Anatomy And Anatomy Of Anatomy The lights in the ER blink as the storm rages on outside. I snap back from the sadness of the weather to the job at hand. I rush to the ER to see my patient has broken bones, a punctured lung, and a laceration along his calf. There's so much blood everywhere, coming from every open wound on his body. His muscles torn apart and his heart pounding trying to stay alive. Now was my chance everything I learned about anatomy could help me in this moment. No more time to be wasted I go into the room with anatomy deep in my veins. The knowledge of anatomy helps in the saving of lives, but we didn't always have this information. Anatomy has a history, however, how did it all begin, and who brought the knowledge of human anatomy to us. To understand where it all began we have to journey back to 300 BC in the ancient city of Alexandria where we meet Herophilus. For him, it wasn't easy to study human anatomy because there was a ban on dissections in Alexandria. However once that ban was lifted Herophilus was the first person in Greece to publicly dissect both human cadavers and animals. Herophilus was then deemed the father of anatomy and with more studying on the brain he learned that it was the center of the nervous system. Before his time though there was the father of medicine or Hippocrates. Hippocrates was one of the greatest physicians of his time, and also brought the world of anatomy the Hippocratic oath. Now back to today we've advanced further in the knowledge of anatomy and Get more content on
  • 5. Anatomy And Physiology: Case Study 1.Identify a related pair of medical, anatomical, or physiology terms that has given you difficulty. The anatomical terms that have always given me problems are the name of the parts of the bone in legs and arms: diaphysis, epiphysis, and metaphysis. 2.Explain the system you use to distinguish them in your mind. Include references to any texts or tools used. Since I noticed that I have to go back to my references to be able to identify the parts of the bone, I created a "formula." I used the first letter of the name of the part of the bone with a number in front to remember that there are two parts with the same name: 2E2M1D that stands for epiphysis x 2, metaphysis x 2 and diaphysis x 1. Knowing that there are a distal and a proximal Get more content on
  • 6. Ear Anatomy Essay Ear Anatomy and How Sound Processing Works Hearing is different from the sense of smell, taste, and sight because it relies on physical movement such as vibrations in the air that are picked up by the ear which causes the eardrum to vibrate. When the vibrations carry through the middle ear, they encounter three bones that are named the hammer, anvil, and the stirrup. These three bones work together to amplify sound waves. The vibrations move from the middle ear into the cochlea that is known as the inner ear. The vibrations in the inner ear cause the fluids called perilymph and endolymph to move around and that is when the brain takes notice. The movement of the fluid bends hair cells that sends signals to the auditory nerve and interprets them. Groups of neurons are decoding every sound that is heard and arranging them to more content... The test was designed to provide information for four areas; auditory attention (the optional auditory figure–ground screener presented on CD at the start of the test session); basic phonological skills (Subtest 1: Word Discrimination, Subtest 2: Phonological Segmentation, and Subtest 3: Phonological Blending); auditory memory (Subtest 4: Number Memory Forward, Subtest 5: Number Memory Reversed, Subtest 6: Word Memory, and Subtest 7: Sentence Memory; and auditory cohesion (Subtest 8: Auditory Comprehension and Subtest 9: Auditory Reasoning). This test is untimed but can be completed in about one hour. It takes about 15–20 minutes to score. It norms based on data from over 2,000 students and now nationally stratified to match the latest US Census demographics with regard to gender, ethnicity, residence, geographic location, and parent education Get more content on
  • 7. Anatomical Science Personal Statement Enclosed please find my application for Anatomy Instructor at Jacobs School of Medicine and Anatomical Science. I feel confident that I would be an ideal addition to the teaching faculty at the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, as you will observe that my experiences, researches and future plans are highly compatible with a number of your current faculty members. Moreover, I am presently enrolled in masters in Anatomical Science program, which further polished my teaching skills by incorporating a thesis project, graduate course–work, a teaching practicum, anatomical specimen preparation and dissection techniques. My colleagues and I are presented with a number of far–ranging opportunities from learning how to use an more content... Now, I have gained competencies to manage and educate learner's belonging to multiple age groups and cultures, from multidisciplinary professionals to primary school Get more content on
  • 8. Human Anatomy And Physiology Essay Mr. Browns Dilemma Mona Sweetwine–Rodriguez SC–121– Human Anatomy and Physiology I November 24, 2015 Professor Catherine Rice Mr. Browns Dilemma Good Morning Mr. Brown, my name is Mona and I am a physician's assistant. Thank you for coming in to meet with me today. Today I'll be going over your recent lab work along with the results. The last time you were in to see the doctor he ordered testing for you that is known as a lipid panel or a cholesterol panel. A lipid panel is done to measure four main things which are your cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL I will now tell you a little about your results and explain what your results mean for your health. You may feel free to ask any questions to gain clarification of anything that you may not understand. First I will discuss your Triglyceride level results, I want to explain to you exactly what triglycerides are before giving you your personal result. Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. Whenever you eat something your body automatically turns any calories it feels is unnecessary for you to have into triglycerides. The triglycerides are then stored in your fat cells, and later on the hormones in your body will set free triglycerides to be used as energy for you in between your meals. Your triglyceride level result is 145 mg/dl which is good. A normal triglyceride level is considered to be Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Both Triglycerides and cholesterol are separate types Get more content on
  • 9. What I Learned In Anatomy Class My hand was sprinting across the page with charcoal in palm, and the finish line of my sketch was in sight. The image of a model's face was quickly appearing, and the proportions of her eyes–to–nose and ear–to–mouth were just right. Proportions of the human face were something I learned in art class, whereas the details in her eyes were something I learned in anatomy class. I never knew how much I loved science until my love for art developed. As a child, I grew up in a home where my parents encouraged me to flourish creatively. While we lived in Europe, I thrived on new adventures as they took me to museums, cathedrals, and castles throughout several countries. The sculptures and paintings of people always amazed me. My small brain more content... During my time there, I shadowed a pediatric doctor. While I was asking him questions, he was called into an emergency surgery, and I was unfortunately not old enough to watch according to the hospital restrictions. So as I was waiting around, a PA swooped me up and let me shadow her instead. I was embarrassed to admit to her that I was not aware of a PA's responsibilities to the hospital. Throughout the rest of the day, I followed the PA into patient rooms and recovery rooms. I was able to observe how the PA interacted with patients with such a reassuring and caring attitude that I had not seen with the previous physician I had met. I not only respected her compassionate personality, but I related to it. My senior year, I desired to see more of what life was like as a PA. Thankfully, I was finally within the age requirement to stand in on surgeries. That day I saw the PA make the first cut and suture the last stitch. Both were made with such precision and perfection. It hit me; the PA was an artist just like Rubens, Giorgione, and Michelangelo. The sutures were just as beautiful as the paintings in all the museums to Get more content on
  • 10. Review Of ' Grey 's Anatomy ' Grey's anatomy is a television show about a group of surgeons and interns who work at Seattle Grace Hospital. The series emphasizes on a group of doctors who fight to save their patient 's lives while contending to become the head surgeon. Aside from the competition, they go through a lot of heartbreak; either relationships problems or family crises throughout each of their lives. The series began with Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) starting her career as a medical intern with other interns, who became her friends and roommates later on. Being on air every Wednesday for eleven years, the show has drawn a beautiful fantasy world, among hospital life; many people, including me being inspired enough to want to join the field. Even more content... Neither of them knew their identities until she found him in the hospital elevator wearing his dark blue surgeon 's uniform, perhaps he was also assigned as a boss of the group she was in. At first, it was nothing more, nothing less than just a one night stand until they found each other in the same compound again; the Dr. Christina house party. However, watching his marvelous surgery technique the whole day and seeing his humble personality, Meredith became madly in love with him or as she stated started to love him in a very scary way, then they continued sleeping together until they get caught by someone; his wife. Even though Dr. Sheppard seems interested in Meredith, he was also "happily" married to Dr. Addison who lives in New York at that time. So that one night, Meredith had to fly to Chicago for a meeting and Derek was escorting her to the airport. Unfortunately, that night, his wife was also dreaming about how happy Derek would be when he see her in their bedroom while flying all the way from New York to Seattle to surprise him. However, opposing to her dream, she found her husband giving a goodbye kiss to another woman at the airport gate. Dr. Addison could not believe what she was watching until Derek run to her and hug her while Meredith was left with a confused face. At first, Derek apologized and chose his wife over Meredith. However, as days goes by, he could not resist Meredith's "choose Get more content on
  • 11. Neuroanatomy Essay Neuroanatomy is the study of structure and function relationships in the brain and nervous system. As this encompasses a study of both macroscopic and microscopic structures, a variety of histological tools have been developed to enable that endeavor Microscopy Microscopy is an important technique for studying the structure and function of the nervous system. This is enabled through the use of histological staining, in which a tissue of interest is preserved and sectioned, and then stained using one of an array of techniques. Histological staining provides contrast to the tissue so that details can be distinguished. For example, gray matter contains neuron cell bodies, or somata, that can be stained to become visible under a microscope. Nissl stains are useful for gray matter. For white matter of the brain, dyes such as Luxol more content... Histochemistry studies can reveal the molecular interactions of structures, such as neurotransmitter production and activity, metabolism, immune function, and other interactions. Histochemistry can also be used to reveal chemoarchitecture or chemical neuroanatomy. Immunocytochemistry is a type of histochemistry that makes use of antibodies to visualize cell types, axons, neuron structures, glial processes, blood vessels, or molecular components of cells like neurotransmitters and intranuclear proteins. Immunocytochemical studies can also be used for genomics studies of nervous system cells. Combining these techniques with a fluorescent stain allows visualization of enzyme binding sites and reactions. In situ hybridization is also an important histochemical tool for neuroanatomy studies. It uses synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA) probes to visualize complementary messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts of genes in the cell. This can help to reveal gene function. Case Get more content on
  • 12. Anatomy and Physiology Essay Anatomy and Physiology The term homeostasis is used to mean maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal environment in the organism. Essentially all of the organs and tissues of the body perform functions that help to maintain these constant conditions. For instance, the lungs provide oxygen to the extra cellular fluid to replenish oxygen that is being used by the cells; the kidneys maintain constant ion concentrations and the gastrointestinal system provides nutrients. Not all substances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract can be used in their absorbed form by the cells. The liver changes the chemical compositions of many of these substances to more useable forms more content... A large segment of the nervous system is called the autonomic system. It operates at a subconscious level and controls many functions of the internal organs, including level of pumping activity by the heart, movements of the gastrointestinal tract, and glandular secretion. Neurons are cells that act like tiny batteries which power electrical circuits within the body. They can transmit impulses from cell to cell for communication, control, and interpretation of sensory input. In a typical neuron dendrites respond to stimuli through input to the neuron cell body. When the stimulus is large enough the cell body sends a one way electrochemical impulse through the axon to the next neuron or to some effector such as a muscle. The most important part of a neuron is its cell membrane. Using active transport and special Na+/K+ ion pumps in the membrane of the axon a neuron creates a resting potential of –70 millivolts. The cell essentially becomes a tiny battery ready for action. The action is the action potential –– a wave of electro–chemical activity which sweeps down the axon in one direction, changing its polarity. Depolarization leads to further depolarization as special electrically sensitive protein gates swing open allowing Na+ ions to enter the cell and K+ ions to escape. Once depolarized the Na+/K+ pumps quickly re–polarize the axon by Get more content on
  • 13. Human Anatomy Case Study Biol 1120 Cardiovascular Case Study Name ______________________________________________ A 32–year old nurse who has rheumatic fever as a child noticed a persistent tachycardia and light–headedness. Upon examination, chest x rays showed an enlarged left atrium and left ventricle. ECG analysis showed atrial fibrillation. There was also mild pulmonary congestion. Cardiac evaluation resulted in the following information: Cardiac output (CO) 3.2L/min. SV = 40mls Blood pressure (BP) 100/58 mm Hg Left Atrial pressure (LAP) 16 mm Hg Right ventricular pressure (RVP) 44/8 mm Hg Heart sounds revealed valvular regurgitation 1. Answer all questions with material that explains your answer. Yes/no answers receive NO credit. 2. more content... The cause of the light–headedness is the decreased cardiac output. Her cardio output is 3.2L/min. SV = 40mls .The cause of the mild pulmonary congestion is increased pulmonary capillary pressure. Atrial fibrillation and decreased C/O and BP would cause dizziness. If the leak is large, it results in an increase in the pressure in the atrium. Her left atrial pressure is 16 mm Hg .Hypertrophy of the wall of the atrium can occur and the atrium might dilate. A backpressure of blood may then cause congestion of blood in the pulmonary veins, which bring blood to the left atrium from the lungs. 7. Site your references (1pts) Web MD: Mitral Valve Prolapse:–valve–prolapse–symptoms–causes–and–treatment American Heart Association: tachycardia Get more content on
  • 14. An Overview of Anatomy Essay An Overview of Anatomy Exercise 1: Anatomical Position QUESTION: A.Explain why it is important to have a universally accepted anatomical position when studying the structure of humans. Having a universally accepted anatomical positional is important to avoid confusion. It creates a reference point so that no matter language or background of different people, they can still communicate efficiently. Exercise 2: Surface Anatomy A.Review Figure 3. Complete the table by placing each letter from the figure next to its corresponding body landmark. Body Landmark|Letter| Sural|K| Popliteal|| D Tarsal|E| Calcaneal|L| Brachial|F| Cranial|A| Acromial|H| Buccal|| B Axillary|C| Olecrenal|I| Occipital|G| more content... Removes undigested waste from the body.| 6.Urinary|Urinary bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra|Eliminates nitrogenous wastes from the body. Regulates water, electrolyte and acid–based balance of the blood.| 7.Skeletal |Bones, cartilages, tendons, ligaments and joints|Protects and supports body organs, and provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement. Blood cells are formed within bones.| 8.Cardiovascular|Heart, blood vessels|Transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes carbon dioxide and waste from the cells through blood.| 9.Nervous|Brain, spinal cord, nerves|As the fast acting control system of the body, it responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands.| 10.Integumentary |Epidermal and dermal regions and contains cutaneous sense organs|Forms the external body covering, and protects deeper tissues from injury. Synthesizes vitamin D and houses
  • 15. cutaneous receptors and sweat and oil glands.| 11.Muscular |Skeletal muscles|Contracts and shortens to provide movement. Generates heat for the body| QUESTION: B.Describe how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are related to each other. Cells are the building blocks of life. Groups of cells make up tissues. Groups of tissues make up organs. Groups of organs make up organ sysmtems. A.A jogger steps into a pothole and sprains his ankle. Describe all of the organ systems that would be affected or involved in this Get more content on
  • 16. Basic Anatomy Essay Basic Anatomy: 1. List the five vertebral regions found in the human spine. For each vertebral region, identify one or two distinguishing features of that type of vertebrae. The cervical vertebral region has 7 bones and is found in the neck region. The thoracic vertebral region has 12 bones and is found in the chest region. The lumbar vertebral region has 5 bones and is found in the lower back. The sacral/sacrum vertebral region has 5 bones and is a composite bone. The coccyx (tailbone) vertebral region has 4 bones and is a composite bone. 2. Discuss normal curvature in the adult human spine. Identify the physical advantage to the human body these curves provide. The normal curvature in the adult human spine form a sort of S–shaped more content... What is a Harrington rod? From what type of material is it made? A Harrington rod/implant is a stainless steel surgical device. The rod is implanted along the spinal column to to treat, among other conditions, a lateral or coronal–plane curvature of the spine, or scoliosis. The type of material that it is made from is a stainless steel/rod. 2. What might have caused an infection at the site of surgery? The break in the skin might have caused an infection at the site of the surgery. This infection then lead to the pus coming out of the swollen surgical area on the skin. 3. Each of the following symptoms felt by Ellen occurred because of a very specific set of physiological defense mechanisms. Discuss the physiological mechanisms of each of Ellen's symptoms. a. Fever: She had a very high fever. b. Local Redness/Heat: The pains were more than just muscle spasms. It burned, felt hot where the surgery had been, & when she took off her cast, the skin around her lower spine was swollen and bright red. c. Shooting Pains: She had experienced shooting pains up her back. d. Local Swelling: Skin around her lower spine was swollen. e. Presence Of Pus: Pus had drained out of the swollen Get more content on
  • 17. Anatomy Reflection What went wrong As with other PA faculties, you may be aware of the general complaints made by the first year PA students about the Anatomy course. I do know my classmates were affected different; however, these were my own personal challenges with the Anatomy course: Disorganization of course material o Class reading assignments did not match Lecture o Lecture PowerPoints were not provided despite request from several students. It was usually provided a couple of days before the test. This shortened the time to study, memorize and focus on the necessary anatomical structures. Lack of guidance on how to study the information presented –As recommended during the PA orientation, I read the assigned readings for my courses; however, for anatomy, this exercise quickly became futile only because it did not contribute to helping to understand lectures provided in class. With voluminous reading assignments, many times, the anatomy lecture focused little or none from the information in the textbook. Lectures mostly presented anatomical structures and so focus on images were paramount. Therefore, the reading did little to help understand lecture material if one is not familiar enough with the anatomical structures. While this was the case, the PowerPoints with the anatomical structures were not provided. Insufficient & consistent guidance in the Anatomy Cadaver lab –Initially there was no tutoring and/or review sessions for the lab. Many of us were confused and Get more content on
  • 18. Dental 101 Teeth Anatomy Dental 101: Tooth Types And Anatomy Did you know that no other substance in your body is harder than your teeth? They are as mighty as they are tiny–and much more complex than you think. While the appearance of your smile typically steals the spotlight, in order to efficiently carry out essential processes such as chewing and speech, careful attention must be paid to other aspects of your teeth. From form to function, find out about key features of your teeth that play a critical role in your oral health. Tooth Anatomy Starting from well below the gumline and up, each and every tooth is made up of these basic parts: Root Serving as the "anchor" of the tooth, it is buried deep into the sockets of the jawbone in order to keep the tooth securely in place. Even though it is not visible to the naked eye, more content... Similar to the root, it is centrally located, but it can cause individuals pain if exposed due to a cavity, crack or fracture. Dentin The porous layer that covers the pulp and sits below the outer tooth enamel. Because of it secretes a mineralized substance, and is soft and flexible, it provides tooth enamel an added layer of support and helps prevent enamel from fracturing. If the enamel is compromised and the dentin is exposed, however, it can cause tooth sensitivity. Enamel The hard, white exterior covering of the tooth. Comprised of calcium phosphate, its hardness serves to protect the sensitive inner parts of the tooth, but it is still vulnerable to wear and tear, injury and tooth decay. Although diet and hygiene play important roles in keeping your teeth in good shape, crowding, bite and/or alignment issues due to genetics can also have a big impact on the condition of your teeth. Types Of Teeth Adults normally house a set of 32 teeth that are built to serve different purposes. In general, teeth are classified into one of four functional Get more content on
  • 19. Anatomy And Physiology Personal Statement Throughout my undergraduate studies, I became fond of the Health Sciences field. My interests in the field came about when I first took an Anatomy/Physiology course at New Mexico State University in the United States. In this course, I learned about different aspects of the body and how certain diseases (infectious and chronic) can impact the body. It was then when I realized that many of the diseases being discussed in class were preventable. I have always found the medical professions such as doctors and nurses etc. very interesting. As time has passed by, my interests have shifted more towards prevention rather than applied medicine. Through my Anatomy/Physiology course and learning the importance of prevention, I then became academically Get more content on
  • 20. Anatomy And Physiology Research Paper Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the human body. Anatomy is the study of the internal and external structure of body parts. Physiology is the study of the function of those body parts. In an anatomy and physiology course you will examine the body parts and the way that these body parts function together to keep us alive. The definition of homeostasis is the means or ability to keep the body stable in order to compensate for environmental changes. A really good example of homeostasis is the body keeping the average temperature of 98.6 degrees. Homeostasis is important because cells rely on the body to live and operate. Homeostasis keeps the body environment under control and keeps the environment right for cells to live and operate. more content... There are positive feedback mechanisms and negative feedback mechanisms. Positive feedback is a closed system that occurs in a feedback loop and the response of the system relies on the feedback system to function. A good example of this would be a blood clot. When a vessel is harmed, platelets begin to stick to the harmed site and discharge chemicals that pull in more platelets. The platelets keep on heaping up and discharge chemicals until a coagulation is formed and you now have a blood clot. Negative feedback is a response that causes a decline in its function. It is a reaction to some kind of stimulus. It usually causes the output of a system to lessen which in turn tends to stabilize the system. The skin protects underlying tissues and organs, excretes salts, water, and organic wastes. It also regulates your body temperature. The hair protects your scalp from UV rays, cushions blows to the head, and insulates the skull. Nails protect the sensitive tips of your fingers and your toes. Exocrine glands keep the skin oily, produce sweat, and secrete earwax to keep the ear from drying out. Ensure the body's inner living tissues and Get more content on
  • 21. The Anatomy And Physiology Of The Human Body The human body is a very complex organism composed of many systems. Each system in the human body has a specific function, and without any of these systems working properly life can be challenging. As a result, it is important to know and understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Many changes in the human body can have positive or negative effects on the overall health. The lifestyle of a person including diet, age, gender, level of activity and more can influence someone's overall health. When something in the body is not working as predicted the human body will have a physical or physiological response. The systems of the body have different ways of expressing themselves when they are not in balance. As a consequence many changes come as a result of the affected system and the result can be seen in many ways. For example: when someone notices that one extremity of his or her body is swollen or does not look the same as the contralateral side there is something to analyze. In this case, knowing the symptoms can help with the diagnosis and the possible different treatments. Before diagnosis, and possible treatments for a condition it is important to know the mechanisms to better treat the problem, in this case Lymphedema. First, it is important to understand the mechanisms of Lymphedema. There are three major ways from which fluid in the body travels: the circulatory system, the interstitial spaces between the cells and the lymphatic system. The circulatory Get more content on