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Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online 
Social Networks 
E. del Val, M. Rebollo and V. Botti 
Grupo Tec. Inform.-Inteligencia Artificial 
Universitat Politècnica de València 
CSS 2014 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Analysis of user behavior 
How user interactions evolve in a social network associated to the 
realization of a scheduled event in the real world. 
4 types of events are considered 
TV shows 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
The Hypothesis 
There are significative differences in the behavior of the 
participants in each type of event 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Data set 
twits containing the hashtag of the event are retrieved 
interaction-based network: mentions, replies and retweets 
focus on scheduled events 
temporally annotated network (nodes and links) 
empirical analysis 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
TV shows 
La voz 
innovationreinvented (Nokia) 
EU elections debate 
Twitter awards 2013 
InternetOfThings forum 
CW’13 (web conference) 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Event characterization 
Event N E clust. d path comp. k m GC %sl 
#lomce #24O 61,653 97,570 0.07 27 6.93 8,088 1.58 0.73 49,164 10.80 
#via 41,166 76,094 0.07 23 8.28 8,705 1.85 0.56 30,745 12.19 
#topchef12 26,044 27,155 0.05 25 8.74 10,689 1.04 0.66 12,794 12.29 
#lavoz 45,914 39,891 0.07 9 2.11 19,398 0.87 0.81 17,941 6.95 
#breakingbad 151,473 120,661 0.05 13 3.24 67,060 0.80 0.72 71,130 14.26 
#operacion 107,606 195,470 0.08 23 8.26 19,504 1.82 0.49 85,768 15.06 
#apple 3,367 1,729 0.04 4 1.27 1,827 0.51 0.93 700 1.53 
#nuevos 9,509 10,600 0.05 9 2.09 1,227 1.12 0.62 7,799 6.47 
#innovation 110 95 0.04 3 1.34 32 0.86 0.83 26 10.00 
#IoTWF 4,150 17,545 0.22 9 3.96 330 4.23 0.42 3,680 30.83 
#cw13 1,051 2,608 0.20 9 3.90 60 2.48 0.56 966 19.76 
#seo4seos 367 1,474 0.35 6 2.91 16 4.02 0.30 347 31.07 
#tedx 325 843 0.17 8 3.60 45 2.59 0.32 276 8.60 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Message type 
tv: linear, global, during 
soc: linear, inter., always 
keyn: global, before 
conf: linear, inter., during 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num tweets 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num tweets 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num tweets 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
num tweets 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia 
Figure 2: Evolution of the number of global and individual messages (mentions, retweets, and reply to) in different type of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Network size (links and nodes) 
tv: always, similar 
soc: always, ""links 
keyn: before, ""links 
conf: but after, ""links 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num links or nodes 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num links or nodes 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num links or nodes 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
num links or nodes 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 3: Evolution of the number of nodes and links in different type of events. 
the number of nodes and links increases moderately. People in the analyzed events prefer to talk and interact 
before the event rather than during the keynote. 
In the analyzed conference networks, the number of nodes grows rapidly before the event starts (see Figure 
3d). Then, during the event, there is also an important increase in the number of nodes. Towards the end of the 
event as well as after the event, the number of nodes remains almost constant. If the conference consists on two 
or three days, during the first day is when a most significant increase in the number of new nodes occurs. The 
number of links evolves similarly as the nodes. However, the increase in the number of interactions is produced 
at a higher rate. This means that assistants to a conference are more social and interact with other assistants. 
This behavior is similar to behavior of participants in socio-political networks. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Symmetric links 
tv: low, decreasing 
soc: low, constant 
keyn: lowest 
conf: tipically high, 
% of symmetric links 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
symmetric links 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
% of symmetric links 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
symmetric links 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
% of symmetric links 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
symmetric links 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
% of symmetric links 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
symmetric links 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 4: Evolution of the number of symmetric links in different type of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Cummulative degree distrib. and CCDF 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Path length and diameter 
all: grows before and 
remains constant 
non significative 
path Length 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num steps 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
path Length 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num steps 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
path Length 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
num steps 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
path Length 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
num steps 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 6: Evolution of the average path length and diameter in different type of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
not significative in the 
differences in the values 
("conf, ## keyn) 
clustering dynamics 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
Clustering Degree 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
clustering dynamics 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
Clustering Degree 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
clustering dynamics 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
Clustering Degree 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
clustering dynamics 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
Clustering Degree 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 7: Evolution of the average clustering in different type of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Nodes in the giant component 
all: created before the 
tv and keyn: low 
soc and conf: high 
% of nodes 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
% of nodes that are in the giant component 
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
% of nodes 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
% of nodes that are in the giant component 
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
% of nodes 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
% of nodes that are in the giant component 
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
% of nodes 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 
% of nodes that are in the giant component 
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 8: Evolution of the % of nodes that are part of the giant component in different type of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
tv: official + celebrities 
soc: politics, journalists, 
keyn: media, tech sites, 
conf: official + speakers 
        
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
        
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
        
  
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
        
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 9: Evolution of the betweenness of the ten nodes with the highest betweenness value in different type of events. 
The nodes with the highest betweenness value in the analyzed keynote networks are the nodes that represent 
media, technological web pages, and bloggers. In general, the value of betweenness of these nodes starts 
increasing before the event and after the event (see Figure 9c). However, during the event, the values of 
betweenness remain constant since there are not a high number of interactions (new links) between nodes. 
There is a big difference between the nodes that represent media or web pages and the rest of the nodes that 
represent bloggers or users. 
In the analyzed conference networks, the nodes with the highest betweenness are official accounts and 
speakers. In general, the official account has the highest betweenness value with respect the betweenness of 
the speakers (see Figure 9d). During the event, the betweenness of the official account increases at a higher 
rate than the speakers account. Among the nodes that represent the speakers there is also a difference between 
those that participate in the first sessions and the speakers that participate in later sessions. The betweenness 
of the speakers that participate in the first sessions increases from the beginning. However, the betweenness of 
the speakers that participate in later sessions is initially almost constant and starts to increase once the speaker 
participates in the conference. After the event the betweenness of all nodes remains almost constant. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
Indegree and outdegree 
tv, soc and keyn: indegree 
same as betweenness; 
outdegree anonymous 
conf: balanced 
        
(a) TV show: #topchef12. Indegree 
        
(b) TV show: #topchef12. Outdegree 
        
(c) Socio-political: #viacatalana. Indegree 
        
(d) Socio-political: #viacatalana. Outdegree 
        
  
(e) Keynote: #applekeynote. Indegree 
        
  
(f) Keynote: #applekeynote. Outdegree 
        
(g) Conference: #tedxValencia. Indegree 
        
(h) Conference: #tedxValencia. Outdegree 
Figure 10: Evolution of the indegree and outdegree of the ten nodes with the highest indegree and outdegree value in different type 
of events. 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
"" heterogeneous (even in 
the same event type) 
not significative 
        
(a) TV show: #topchef12. 
        
(b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 
  
        
(c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 
        
(d) Conference: #tedxValencia. 
Figure 11: Evolution of the eigenvector of the ten nodes with the highest eigenvector value in different type of events. 
connection join the network and the eigenvector of the speakers decreases steadily. In contrast, the speakers 
that participate in the event later on have an eigenvector that increases smoothly before their participation in 
the event. Then, when the speakers participate in the event, their eigenvector increases sharply. This means 
that other nodes with a high degree of connection establish a connection with the speakers. After this increase, 
the eigenvector centrality of the last speakers remains almost constant or there is a small decrease. When the 
event is going to finish, the eigenvector of all the nodes remains almost constant. 
6. Discussion 
After the analysis of the networks, we observed that the networks generated from the Twitter events can be 
@mrebollo classified in two main groups based on the type of interactions between users. One group consists of the TV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 
show and keynote networks. The other group consists of the socio-political and conference networks. 
In the group of TV show and keynote networks, users tend to participate in the event through global mes-sages. 
The majority of interactions are unidirectional from unknown users to official accounts or celebrities.
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
two clearly differenced types 
TV shows and keynotes 
global, undirectional messages 
asymmetric: celebrities - annonymous 
low clustering and long pathes 
TV: after & before; keyn: during 
socio-political and conferences 
real communication among participants 
higher symmetry, reciprocity 
conf: official account more participative 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions 
official event account barely influences 
communities created around ’persons of interest’ 
giant component created before event 
2 groups clearly differencied 
significant differences among the 4 groups 
Future work 
follow user activity to complete de information 
include decay in the links 
include specific temporal measures; multiplex structure 
create models for events and user profiles 
@mrebollo UPV 
Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks

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Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks

  • 1. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks E. del Val, M. Rebollo and V. Botti Grupo Tec. Inform.-Inteligencia Artificial Universitat Politècnica de València CSS 2014 @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 2. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Problem Analysis of user behavior How user interactions evolve in a social network associated to the realization of a scheduled event in the real world. 4 types of events are considered TV shows socio-political conferences keynotes @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 3. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions The Hypothesis There are significative differences in the behavior of the participants in each type of event @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 4. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Data set twits containing the hashtag of the event are retrieved interaction-based network: mentions, replies and retweets focus on scheduled events temporally annotated network (nodes and links) empirical analysis @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 5. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Events TV shows La voz Topchef BreakingBad OperacionPalace Keynotes applekeynote nuevosiphone innovationreinvented (Nokia) Socio-political lomce viacatalana EU elections debate Conferences TEDValencia seo4seos Twitter awards 2013 InternetOfThings forum CW’13 (web conference) @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 6. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Event characterization Event N E clust. d path comp. k m GC %sl #lomce #24O 61,653 97,570 0.07 27 6.93 8,088 1.58 0.73 49,164 10.80 #via 41,166 76,094 0.07 23 8.28 8,705 1.85 0.56 30,745 12.19 catalana #topchef12 26,044 27,155 0.05 25 8.74 10,689 1.04 0.66 12,794 12.29 #lavoz 45,914 39,891 0.07 9 2.11 19,398 0.87 0.81 17,941 6.95 #breakingbad 151,473 120,661 0.05 13 3.24 67,060 0.80 0.72 71,130 14.26 #operacion 107,606 195,470 0.08 23 8.26 19,504 1.82 0.49 85,768 15.06 Palace #apple 3,367 1,729 0.04 4 1.27 1,827 0.51 0.93 700 1.53 keynote #nuevos 9,509 10,600 0.05 9 2.09 1,227 1.12 0.62 7,799 6.47 iPhone #innovation 110 95 0.04 3 1.34 32 0.86 0.83 26 10.00 reinvented #IoTWF 4,150 17,545 0.22 9 3.96 330 4.23 0.42 3,680 30.83 #cw13 1,051 2,608 0.20 9 3.90 60 2.48 0.56 966 19.76 #seo4seos 367 1,474 0.35 6 2.91 16 4.02 0.30 347 31.07 #tedx 325 843 0.17 8 3.60 45 2.59 0.32 276 8.60 valencia @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 7. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Message type tv: linear, global, during soc: linear, inter., always keyn: global, before conf: linear, inter., during 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num tweets snapshot global retweets mentions replyTo (a) TV show: #topchef12. 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num tweets snapshot global retweets mentions replyTo (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num tweets snapshot global retweets mentions replyTo (c) Keynote: #applekeynote 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 num tweets snapshot global retweets mentions replyTo (d) Conference: #tedxValencia Figure 2: Evolution of the number of global and individual messages (mentions, retweets, and reply to) in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 9
  • 8. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Network size (links and nodes) tv: always, similar soc: always, ""links keyn: before, ""links conf: but after, ""links 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num links or nodes snapshot links nodes (a) TV show: #topchef12. 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num links or nodes snapshot links nodes (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num links or nodes snapshot links nodes (c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 num links or nodes snapshot links nodes (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 3: Evolution of the number of nodes and links in different type of events. the number of nodes and links increases moderately. People in the analyzed events prefer to talk and interact before the event rather than during the keynote. In the analyzed conference networks, the number of nodes grows rapidly before the event starts (see Figure 3d). Then, during the event, there is also an important increase in the number of nodes. Towards the end of the event as well as after the event, the number of nodes remains almost constant. If the conference consists on two or three days, during the first day is when a most significant increase in the number of new nodes occurs. The number of links evolves similarly as the nodes. However, the increase in the number of interactions is produced at a higher rate. This means that assistants to a conference are more social and interact with other assistants. This behavior is similar to behavior of participants in socio-political networks. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 9. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Symmetric links tv: low, decreasing soc: low, constant keyn: lowest conf: tipically high, constant 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 % of symmetric links 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 symmetric links snapshot (a) TV show: #topchef12. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 % of symmetric links 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 symmetric links snapshot (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 % of symmetric links 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 symmetric links snapshot (c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 % of symmetric links 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 symmetric links snapshot (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 4: Evolution of the number of symmetric links in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 12
  • 10. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Cummulative degree distrib. and CCDF @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 11. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Path length and diameter all: grows before and remains constant non significative differences 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 path Length 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num steps timeStep diameter (a) TV show: #topchef12. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 path Length 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num steps timeStep diameter (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 path Length 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 num steps timeStep diameter (c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 path Length 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 num steps timeStep diameter (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 6: Evolution of the average path length and diameter in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 15
  • 12. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Clustering not significative in the evolution differences in the values ("conf, ## keyn) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 clustering dynamics 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Clustering Degree timeStep (a) TV show: #topchef12. 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 clustering dynamics 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Clustering Degree timeStep (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 clustering dynamics 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Clustering Degree timeStep (c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 clustering dynamics 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Clustering Degree timeStep (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 7: Evolution of the average clustering in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 16
  • 13. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Nodes in the giant component all: created before the event tv and keyn: low soc and conf: high 100 80 60 40 20 0 % of nodes 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 % of nodes that are in the giant component timeStep (a) TV show: #topchef12. 100 80 60 40 20 0 % of nodes 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 % of nodes that are in the giant component timeStep (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana. 100 80 60 40 20 0 % of nodes 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 % of nodes that are in the giant component timeStep (c) Keynote: #applekeynote. 100 80 60 40 20 0 % of nodes 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 % of nodes that are in the giant component timeStep (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 8: Evolution of the % of nodes that are part of the giant component in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks 17
  • 14. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Betweenness tv: official + celebrities soc: politics, journalists, bloggers keyn: media, tech sites, bloggers conf: official + speakers                             (a) TV show: #topchef12.                              (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana.                                (c) Keynote: #applekeynote.                              (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 9: Evolution of the betweenness of the ten nodes with the highest betweenness value in different type of events. The nodes with the highest betweenness value in the analyzed keynote networks are the nodes that represent media, technological web pages, and bloggers. In general, the value of betweenness of these nodes starts increasing before the event and after the event (see Figure 9c). However, during the event, the values of betweenness remain constant since there are not a high number of interactions (new links) between nodes. There is a big difference between the nodes that represent media or web pages and the rest of the nodes that represent bloggers or users. In the analyzed conference networks, the nodes with the highest betweenness are official accounts and speakers. In general, the official account has the highest betweenness value with respect the betweenness of the speakers (see Figure 9d). During the event, the betweenness of the official account increases at a higher rate than the speakers account. Among the nodes that represent the speakers there is also a difference between those that participate in the first sessions and the speakers that participate in later sessions. The betweenness of the speakers that participate in the first sessions increases from the beginning. However, the betweenness of the speakers that participate in later sessions is initially almost constant and starts to increase once the speaker participates in the conference. After the event the betweenness of all nodes remains almost constant. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 15. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Indegree and outdegree tv, soc and keyn: indegree same as betweenness; outdegree anonymous conf: balanced                               (a) TV show: #topchef12. Indegree                                (b) TV show: #topchef12. Outdegree                            (c) Socio-political: #viacatalana. Indegree                              (d) Socio-political: #viacatalana. Outdegree                              (e) Keynote: #applekeynote. Indegree                                 (f) Keynote: #applekeynote. Outdegree                            (g) Conference: #tedxValencia. Indegree                             (h) Conference: #tedxValencia. Outdegree 21 Figure 10: Evolution of the indegree and outdegree of the ten nodes with the highest indegree and outdegree value in different type of events. @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 16. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Eigenvector "" heterogeneous (even in the same event type) not significative                           (a) TV show: #topchef12.                           (b) Socio-political: #viacatalana.                              (c) Keynote: #applekeynote.                           (d) Conference: #tedxValencia. Figure 11: Evolution of the eigenvector of the ten nodes with the highest eigenvector value in different type of events. connection join the network and the eigenvector of the speakers decreases steadily. In contrast, the speakers that participate in the event later on have an eigenvector that increases smoothly before their participation in the event. Then, when the speakers participate in the event, their eigenvector increases sharply. This means that other nodes with a high degree of connection establish a connection with the speakers. After this increase, the eigenvector centrality of the last speakers remains almost constant or there is a small decrease. When the event is going to finish, the eigenvector of all the nodes remains almost constant. 6. Discussion After the analysis of the networks, we observed that the networks generated from the Twitter events can be @mrebollo classified in two main groups based on the type of interactions between users. One group consists of the TV UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks show and keynote networks. The other group consists of the socio-political and conference networks. In the group of TV show and keynote networks, users tend to participate in the event through global mes-sages. The majority of interactions are unidirectional from unknown users to official accounts or celebrities.
  • 17. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Discussion two clearly differenced types TV shows and keynotes global, undirectional messages asymmetric: celebrities - annonymous low clustering and long pathes TV: after & before; keyn: during socio-political and conferences real communication among participants higher symmetry, reciprocity conf: official account more participative @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks
  • 18. Introduction Results. Event analysis Discussion Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions official event account barely influences communities created around ’persons of interest’ giant component created before event 2 groups clearly differencied significant differences among the 4 groups Future work follow user activity to complete de information include decay in the links include specific temporal measures; multiplex structure create models for events and user profiles @mrebollo UPV Analysis of the Evolution of Events on Online Social Networks