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An Introduction to Pre-training
General Language Representations
meituan-ai-dm 2020-0717
• Research Context
• BERT Extend
• Static Embeddings
• Word2Vec, Glove, …
• Fixed, can not solve problems such as polysemy
• Dynamic Embeddings
• Autoregressive LM
• Left-to-right or right-to-left
• ELMO/GPT1.0/GPT2.0
• Autoencoder LM
• Denoising Autoencoder
• XLNet
• Bidirectional+ Autoregressive
Pre-training general language representations
Feature extraction
• Transformer: GPT1.0/GPT2.0/BERT series
• Transformer-XL: XLNet
Feature usage
• Feature-based: based on task-specific model(ELMo)
• Fine-tune: add task-specific parameters(GPT, BERT…)
Fine-tuning approaches
• Research Context
• BERT Extend
ELMo: deep contextualised word representation
Instead of using a fixed embedding for each word, ELMo looks at the
entire sentence before assigning each word in it an embedding.
ELMo: deep contextualised word representation
ELMo: deep contextualised word representation
ELMo: deep contextualised word representation
OpenAI GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
• Unsupervised pre-training, maximising the log-likelihood
• Where 𝒰 = 𝑢!, … , 𝑢" is an unsupervised corpus of tokens, 𝑘 is the size of context
window, 𝑃 is modelled as a neural network with parameters Θ.
• where 𝑈 is one-hot representation of tokens in the window, 𝑛 is the total
number of transformer layers, transformer_block() denotes the decoder of
the Transformer model.
(1) pre-training
GPT: (2) Fine-tuning
Given labelled data 𝐶 , including each
input as a sequence of tokens
𝑥!, 𝑥#, … , 𝑥$, each label as 𝑦.
Then maximise the final objective function:
𝜆 is set as 0.5 in the experiment.
ELMo and GPT are all unidirectional
• OpenAI GPT used left-to-right architecture
• ELMo concatenates forward and backward language models
• Why not just use bidirectional LSTMs or Transformer?
• bidirectional would allow each word to indirectly see itself in a
multi-layered context.
• Research context
• BERT Extend
BERT: Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers
• Main ideas
• Propose a new pre-training objective so that a deep
bidirectional Transformer can be trained
• The “masked language model” (MLM): the objective is to
predict the original word of a masked word based only on its
• ”Next sentence prediction”
• Merits of BERT
• Just fine-tune BERT model for specific tasks to achieve
state-of-the-art performance
• BERT advances the state-of-the-art for eleven NLP tasks
Model architecture
• BERT’s model architecture is a multi-layer
bidirectional Transformer encoder
• (Vaswani et al., 2017) “Attention is all you need”
• Two models with different sizes were investigated
• BERTBASE: L=12, H=768, A=12, Total Parameters=110M
• (L: number of layers (Transformer blocks), H is the hidden size,
A: the number of self-attention heads)
• BERTLARGE: L=24, H=1024, A=16, Total Parameters=340M
Differences in pre-training model architectures:
BERT, OpenAI GPT, and ELMo
Transformer Encoders
• Transformer is an attention-based architecture for NLP
• Transformer composed of two parts: Encoding
component and Decoding component
• BERT is a multi-layer bidirectional Transformer encoder
Encoder Block
Encoder Block
Encoder Block
Input sequence
18Attention is all you need. NIPS2017
Input Representation
• Use [CLS] for the classification tasks
• Separate sentences by using a special token [SEP]
• Token Embeddings
• Shape=[vocab_size, token_dim]
• Use pretrained WordPiece embeddings: Byte-Pair Encoding
• just character for Chinese
• Segment Embeddings
• Shape=[token_type, token_dim]
Position Encoding
• Position Encoding is used to make use of the order of the sequence
• Since the model contains no recurrence and no convolution
• Sine and cosine functions of different frequencies
• pos is the position and 𝑖 is the dimension
• Learned positional embeddings
• produce nearly identical results
Attention is all you need. NIPS2017
Convolutional sequence to sequence learning.
Input Representation
• Position Embeddings: Use Learned Positional Embeddings
• Shape=[seq_len, token_dim]
• Why PE changed to LPE in BERT?
• Simply feed in the Input layer? Reordering embedding
• Relative Position Embedding: mask operation+ non-linear functions
Neural Machine Translation with Reordering Embeddings. ACL2019
Input Representation
Just sum all the three embeddings directly?
• Reasonable? Sum of 3 embeddings⟺ concat of 3 one hot + MLP
• Optimal? faster convergence speed+ better performance
Rethinking Positional Encoding in Language Pre-training. arxiv2020.06 MSRA
token-to-token token-to-position position-to-token position-to-position
Task#1: Masked LM
• 15% of the words are masked at random
• The task is to predict the masked words based on its
left and right context
• Static mask vs Dynamic mask in RoBERTa
• Not all tokens were masked in the same
way (example sentence “My dog is hairy”)
• 80% were replaced by the <MASK> token: “My dog is
• 10% were replaced by a random token: “My dog
is apple”
• 10% were left intact: “My dog is hairy”
Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT(but proposed by Google2019/05/31)
Whole Word Masking—BERT WWM
• Mask the whole word: superman=>super ##man
• Where here mask means global mask: [mask], [random], [intact]
• Simple but effective
there [MASK] an ap [MASK] ##le tr [RANDOM] nearby .
[MASK] [MASK] an ap ##p [MASK] tr ##ee nearby .
there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [MASK] ##ee [MASK] .
there is [MASK] ap [MASK] ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] .
there is an! ap ##p ##le tr [MASK] nearby [MASK] .
there is an [MASK] ##p [MASK] tr ##ee nearby [MASK] .
there [MASK] [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] .
there is an ap ##p ##le [RANDOM] [MASK] [MASK] .
there is an [MASK] ##p ##le tr ##ee [MASK] [MASK] .
there [MASK] an ap ##p ##le tr [MASK] nearby [MASK] .
there is an [MASK] [MASK] [RANDOM] tr ##ee nearby .
there is! [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] .
there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby .
there [MASK] [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee [RANDOM] .
there is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby [MASK] .
[MASK] is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby .
there is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby [MASK] .
[MASK] is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] ##ee! nearby .
there is an ap! [MASK] [MASK] tr ##ee nearby .
there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [RANDOM] [MASK] nearby .
Raw Mask Whole Word Masking
ERNIE1.0 Basic-Level Masking, Phrase-Level Masking, Entity-Level Masking
MT-BERT Knowledge-aware Masking
Task#2: Next Sentence Prediction
• Motivation
• Many downstream tasks are based on understanding the
relationship between two text sentences
• Question Answering (QA) and Natural Language Inference (NLI)
• Language modeling does not directly capture that
• The task is pre-training binarized next sentence
prediction task
Input = [CLS] the man went to [MASK] store [SEP] he bought a gallon
[MASK] milk [SEP]
Label = isNext | NotNext
Task#2: Next Sentence Prediction
• Modify in ALBERT
• NSP task is too easy
• Replace NSP with SOP(Sentence-order prediction)
• Modify in RoBERTa
• FULL – SENTENCES: input multiple sentences until length reach 512
• Modify in SpanBERT
• Similar to RoBERTa
• Sentence from another document means noise for MLM task.
• A longer sentence means more context information.
Pre-training procedure
• Training data: BooksCorpus (800M words) + English
Wikipedia (2,500M words)
• Togenerate each training input sequences: sample
two spans of text (A and B) from the corpus
• The combined length is ≤	500 tokens
• 50% B is the actual next sentence that follows A and 50%
of the time it is a random sentence from the corpus
• The training loss is the sum of the mean masked
LM likelihood and the mean next sentence
prediction likelihood
Fine-tuning with BERT
• Context vector 𝐶: Take
the final hidden state
corresponding to the first
token in the input: [CLS].
• Transform to a
probability distribution of
the class labels:
• Research context
• BERT Extend
Unified Language Model Pre-training(UNILM)
• use mask to control how much context the token should attend to
• Pre-training Objectives:
• Unidirectional LM: both left-to-right and right-to-left
• Bidirectional LM
• Sequence-to-sequence LM
• Jointly pre-trained and Share parameters
How A Lite BERT (ALBERT) reduce parameters?
Ø Factorized embedding parameterization
• the WordPiece embedding size E is tied with the hidden layer size H
• E: context-independent H: context-dependent
• 𝑂 𝑉 ∗ 𝐻 ⇒ 𝑂(𝑉 ∗ 𝐸 + 𝐸 ∗ 𝐻)
ALBert_xxlarge V=30000, H=4096, E=128
V * H= 30000 * 4096 = 117M V * E + E * H=30000*128+128*4096=4M
ALBERT: A Lite BERT For Self-Supervised Learning Of Language Representations. ICLR2020
How A Lite BERT (ALBERT) reduce parameters?
Ø Cross-layer parameter sharing
• only sharing feed-forward network
• only sharing attention parameters
• share all parameters across layers(default for albert)
• most of the performance drop appears to come from sharing
the FFN-layer parameters
Speedup comparison 37
An important next step is thus to speed up the training and inference speed!
美团BERT的探索和实践.2019.11.14 38
• 低精度量化:在模型训练和推理中使用低精度表示
• FP32=>FP16甚至INT8、二值网络
• 模型裁剪和剪枝:减少模型层数和参数规模
• 减少Transformer层数对短文本影响较小
• MT-BERT=> MT-BERT-MINI (4层Transformer结构)
• 在线服务TP999 50ms+ -->12-14ms
裁剪前后MT-BERT模型在Query意图分类数据集上F1对比 39
• 模型蒸馏
• 长句子直接裁剪模型会带来更多的性能损失
• 在一定精度要求下,将大模型学到的知识迁移到另一个轻量级小模型上
• 在训练集上训练好一个大模型A(通常叫做teacher model)
• 在transfer set上利用大模型A给每一个样本生成一个soft target
• 在transfer set上对student model B进行训练 cross entropy loss(soft + hard)
• 保留student model进行线上预测,去掉soft target,只保留普通分类的softmax
Distilling the knowledge in a neural network. G Hinton. NIPS2014.
Thanks & QA
Three fine-tuning methods
Ø Fine-Tuning Strategies
• Preprocessing of long text
• truncation methods
• hierarchical methods
• Features from Different layers
• Catastrophic Forgetting
• pre-trained knowledge is erased during learning of new knowledge
• a lower learning rate is necessary to make BERT overcome the
catastrophic forgetting problem(usually {2,3,4,5}𝑒!")
• Layer-wise Decreasing Layer Rate
How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification? 2019
Three fine-tuning methods
• Further Pre-training
• Within-Task Further Pre-Training
• In-Domain Further Pre-Training
• Cross-Domain Further Pre-Training
• Multi-Task Fine-Tuning
How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification? 2019
Inside an Encoder Block
In BERT experiments, the number of blocks
N was chosen to be 12 and 24.
Blocks do not share weights with each
Inside an Encoder Block
In BERT experiments, the number of blocks
N was chosen to be 12 and 24.
Blocks do not share weights with each
Transformer Encoders: Key Concepts
Feed Forward
Self-Attention in Detail
• Attention maps a query and a set of key-value pairs
to an output
• query, keys, and output are all vectors
X1 X2
q1 q2
k1 k2
v1 v2
Use matrices WQ , WK and
WV to project input into
query, key and value vectors
d is the dimension ofk
key vectors
Multi-Head Attention
Head #0 Head #1 Head #7
Linear Projection
Use a weight
matrix Wo
• 深度学习模型训练:单精度(Float 32)与双精度(Double)
• 受限于显存大小,当网络规模很大时Batch Size过小
• 网络学习过程不稳定,影响模型最终效果
• 降低了数据吞吐效率,影响训练速度
• 混合精度训练方式:FP32和FP16混合
• 常识(Common Sense)缺失+缺乏推理能力
• 在MT-BERT预训练过程中融入知识图谱信息:Knowledge-aware Masking
• 美团大脑——大规模的餐饮娱乐知识图谱
• 在预训练之前,对语料做分词,并将分词结果和图谱实体对齐

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An Introduction to Pre-training General Language Representations

  • 1. An Introduction to Pre-training General Language Representations zhangpengfei36 meituan-ai-dm 2020-0717
  • 2. 2 Outline • Research Context • ELMo&GPT • BERT • BERT Extend
  • 3. • Static Embeddings • Word2Vec, Glove, … • Fixed, can not solve problems such as polysemy • Dynamic Embeddings • Autoregressive LM • Left-to-right or right-to-left • ELMO/GPT1.0/GPT2.0 • Autoencoder LM • Denoising Autoencoder • BERT/ERNIE1.0/MTDNN/SpanBERT/RoBERTa • XLNet • Bidirectional+ Autoregressive Pre-training general language representations 3
  • 4. Feature extraction • RNNs: ELMO/ULMFiT/SiATL • Transformer: GPT1.0/GPT2.0/BERT series • Transformer-XL: XLNet Feature usage • Feature-based: based on task-specific model(ELMo) • Fine-tune: add task-specific parameters(GPT, BERT…)
  • 6. 6 Outline • Research Context • ELMo&GPT • BERT • BERT Extend
  • 7. ELMo: deep contextualised word representation Instead of using a fixed embedding for each word, ELMo looks at the entire sentence before assigning each word in it an embedding. 7
  • 8. ELMo: deep contextualised word representation 8
  • 9. ELMo: deep contextualised word representation 9
  • 10. ELMo: deep contextualised word representation 10
  • 11. OpenAI GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) • Unsupervised pre-training, maximising the log-likelihood • Where 𝒰 = 𝑢!, … , 𝑢" is an unsupervised corpus of tokens, 𝑘 is the size of context window, 𝑃 is modelled as a neural network with parameters Θ. • where 𝑈 is one-hot representation of tokens in the window, 𝑛 is the total number of transformer layers, transformer_block() denotes the decoder of the Transformer model. (1) pre-training 11
  • 12. GPT: (2) Fine-tuning Given labelled data 𝐶 , including each input as a sequence of tokens 𝑥!, 𝑥#, … , 𝑥$, each label as 𝑦. Then maximise the final objective function: 𝜆 is set as 0.5 in the experiment. 12
  • 13. 13 ELMo and GPT are all unidirectional • OpenAI GPT used left-to-right architecture • ELMo concatenates forward and backward language models • Why not just use bidirectional LSTMs or Transformer? • bidirectional would allow each word to indirectly see itself in a multi-layered context.
  • 14. 14 Outline • Research context • ELMo&GPT • BERT • BERT Extend
  • 15. 15 BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers • Main ideas • Propose a new pre-training objective so that a deep bidirectional Transformer can be trained • The “masked language model” (MLM): the objective is to predict the original word of a masked word based only on its context • ”Next sentence prediction” • Merits of BERT • Just fine-tune BERT model for specific tasks to achieve state-of-the-art performance • BERT advances the state-of-the-art for eleven NLP tasks
  • 16. 16 Model architecture • BERT’s model architecture is a multi-layer bidirectional Transformer encoder • (Vaswani et al., 2017) “Attention is all you need” • Two models with different sizes were investigated • BERTBASE: L=12, H=768, A=12, Total Parameters=110M • (L: number of layers (Transformer blocks), H is the hidden size, A: the number of self-attention heads) • BERTLARGE: L=24, H=1024, A=16, Total Parameters=340M
  • 17. Differences in pre-training model architectures: BERT, OpenAI GPT, and ELMo 17
  • 18. Transformer Encoders • Transformer is an attention-based architecture for NLP • Transformer composed of two parts: Encoding component and Decoding component • BERT is a multi-layer bidirectional Transformer encoder Encoder Block Encoder Block Encoder Block Input sequence 18Attention is all you need. NIPS2017
  • 19. Input Representation • Use [CLS] for the classification tasks • Separate sentences by using a special token [SEP] • Token Embeddings • Shape=[vocab_size, token_dim] • Use pretrained WordPiece embeddings: Byte-Pair Encoding • just character for Chinese • Segment Embeddings • Shape=[token_type, token_dim] 19
  • 20. Position Encoding • Position Encoding is used to make use of the order of the sequence • Since the model contains no recurrence and no convolution • Sine and cosine functions of different frequencies 20 • pos is the position and 𝑖 is the dimension • Learned positional embeddings • produce nearly identical results Attention is all you need. NIPS2017 Convolutional sequence to sequence learning.
  • 21. Input Representation • Position Embeddings: Use Learned Positional Embeddings • Shape=[seq_len, token_dim] • Why PE changed to LPE in BERT? • Simply feed in the Input layer? Reordering embedding • Relative Position Embedding: mask operation+ non-linear functions 21 Neural Machine Translation with Reordering Embeddings. ACL2019
  • 22. Input Representation Just sum all the three embeddings directly? • Reasonable? Sum of 3 embeddings⟺ concat of 3 one hot + MLP • Optimal? faster convergence speed+ better performance 22 Rethinking Positional Encoding in Language Pre-training. arxiv2020.06 MSRA => token-to-token token-to-position position-to-token position-to-position
  • 23. 23 Task#1: Masked LM • 15% of the words are masked at random • The task is to predict the masked words based on its left and right context • Static mask vs Dynamic mask in RoBERTa • Not all tokens were masked in the same way (example sentence “My dog is hairy”) • 80% were replaced by the <MASK> token: “My dog is <MASK>” • 10% were replaced by a random token: “My dog is apple” • 10% were left intact: “My dog is hairy”
  • 24. Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT(but proposed by Google2019/05/31) Whole Word Masking—BERT WWM • Mask the whole word: superman=>super ##man • Where here mask means global mask: [mask], [random], [intact] • Simple but effective there [MASK] an ap [MASK] ##le tr [RANDOM] nearby . [MASK] [MASK] an ap ##p [MASK] tr ##ee nearby . there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [MASK] ##ee [MASK] . there is [MASK] ap [MASK] ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] . there is an! ap ##p ##le tr [MASK] nearby [MASK] . there is an [MASK] ##p [MASK] tr ##ee nearby [MASK] . there [MASK] [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] . there is an ap ##p ##le [RANDOM] [MASK] [MASK] . there is an [MASK] ##p ##le tr ##ee [MASK] [MASK] . there [MASK] an ap ##p ##le tr [MASK] nearby [MASK] . there is an [MASK] [MASK] [RANDOM] tr ##ee nearby . there is! [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee nearby [MASK] . there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby . there [MASK] [MASK] ap ##p ##le tr ##ee [RANDOM] . there is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby [MASK] . [MASK] is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby . there is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] [MASK] nearby [MASK] . [MASK] is an ap ##p ##le [MASK] ##ee! nearby . there is an ap! [MASK] [MASK] tr ##ee nearby . there is [MASK] ap ##p ##le [RANDOM] [MASK] nearby . Raw Mask Whole Word Masking 24
  • 25. ERNIE1.0 Basic-Level Masking, Phrase-Level Masking, Entity-Level Masking MT-BERT Knowledge-aware Masking 25
  • 26. 26 Task#2: Next Sentence Prediction • Motivation • Many downstream tasks are based on understanding the relationship between two text sentences • Question Answering (QA) and Natural Language Inference (NLI) • Language modeling does not directly capture that relationship • The task is pre-training binarized next sentence prediction task Input = [CLS] the man went to [MASK] store [SEP] he bought a gallon [MASK] milk [SEP] Label = isNext | NotNext
  • 27. 27 Task#2: Next Sentence Prediction • Modify in ALBERT • NSP task is too easy • Replace NSP with SOP(Sentence-order prediction) • Modify in RoBERTa • FULL – SENTENCES: input multiple sentences until length reach 512 • Modify in SpanBERT • Similar to RoBERTa • Sentence from another document means noise for MLM task. • A longer sentence means more context information.
  • 28. 28 Pre-training procedure • Training data: BooksCorpus (800M words) + English Wikipedia (2,500M words) • Togenerate each training input sequences: sample two spans of text (A and B) from the corpus • The combined length is ≤ 500 tokens • 50% B is the actual next sentence that follows A and 50% of the time it is a random sentence from the corpus • The training loss is the sum of the mean masked LM likelihood and the mean next sentence prediction likelihood
  • 29. Fine-tuning with BERT • Context vector 𝐶: Take the final hidden state corresponding to the first token in the input: [CLS]. • Transform to a probability distribution of the class labels: 29
  • 30. 30 Outline • Research context • ELMo&GPT • BERT • BERT Extend
  • 32. Unified Language Model Pre-training(UNILM) • use mask to control how much context the token should attend to • Pre-training Objectives: • Unidirectional LM: both left-to-right and right-to-left • Bidirectional LM • Sequence-to-sequence LM • Jointly pre-trained and Share parameters
  • 33.
  • 35. How A Lite BERT (ALBERT) reduce parameters? Ø Factorized embedding parameterization • the WordPiece embedding size E is tied with the hidden layer size H • E: context-independent H: context-dependent • 𝑂 𝑉 ∗ 𝐻 ⇒ 𝑂(𝑉 ∗ 𝐸 + 𝐸 ∗ 𝐻) ALBert_xxlarge V=30000, H=4096, E=128 V * H= 30000 * 4096 = 117M V * E + E * H=30000*128+128*4096=4M ALBERT: A Lite BERT For Self-Supervised Learning Of Language Representations. ICLR2020 35
  • 36. How A Lite BERT (ALBERT) reduce parameters? Ø Cross-layer parameter sharing • only sharing feed-forward network • only sharing attention parameters • share all parameters across layers(default for albert) • most of the performance drop appears to come from sharing the FFN-layer parameters 36
  • 37. Speedup comparison 37 An important next step is thus to speed up the training and inference speed!
  • 39. MT-BERT模型轻量化 • 低精度量化:在模型训练和推理中使用低精度表示 • FP32=>FP16甚至INT8、二值网络 • 模型裁剪和剪枝:减少模型层数和参数规模 • 减少Transformer层数对短文本影响较小 • MT-BERT=> MT-BERT-MINI (4层Transformer结构) • 在线服务TP999 50ms+ -->12-14ms 裁剪前后MT-BERT模型在Query意图分类数据集上F1对比 39
  • 40. MT-BERT模型轻量化 • 模型蒸馏 • 长句子直接裁剪模型会带来更多的性能损失 • 在一定精度要求下,将大模型学到的知识迁移到另一个轻量级小模型上 • 在训练集上训练好一个大模型A(通常叫做teacher model) • 在transfer set上利用大模型A给每一个样本生成一个soft target • 在transfer set上对student model B进行训练 cross entropy loss(soft + hard) • 保留student model进行线上预测,去掉soft target,只保留普通分类的softmax Distilling the knowledge in a neural network. G Hinton. NIPS2014. 裁剪和知识蒸馏方式在Query-Doc相关性任务上的效果对比 40
  • 42. Three fine-tuning methods Ø Fine-Tuning Strategies • Preprocessing of long text • truncation methods • hierarchical methods • Features from Different layers • Catastrophic Forgetting • pre-trained knowledge is erased during learning of new knowledge • a lower learning rate is necessary to make BERT overcome the catastrophic forgetting problem(usually {2,3,4,5}𝑒!") • Layer-wise Decreasing Layer Rate How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification? 2019 42
  • 43. Three fine-tuning methods • Further Pre-training • Within-Task Further Pre-Training • In-Domain Further Pre-Training • Cross-Domain Further Pre-Training • Multi-Task Fine-Tuning How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification? 2019 43
  • 44. Inside an Encoder Block 44 In BERT experiments, the number of blocks N was chosen to be 12 and 24. Blocks do not share weights with each other Inside an Encoder Block 40 In BERT experiments, the number of blocks N was chosen to be 12 and 24. Blocks do not share weights with each other
  • 45. Transformer Encoders: Key Concepts Multi-head self-attention 45 Self- attention Transformer Encoders Position Encoding Layer NormalizationResidual Connections Position-wise Feed Forward Network
  • 47. Self-Attention in Detail • Attention maps a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output • query, keys, and output are all vectors Input Queries Keys Values X1 X2 q1 q2 k1 k2 v1 v2 Use matrices WQ , WK and WV to project input into query, key and value vectors 47 d is the dimension ofk key vectors
  • 48. Multi-Head Attention X1 X2 ... Head #0 Head #1 Head #7 Concat Linear Projection 48 Use a weight matrix Wo
  • 49. 1.混合精度实现训练加速 • 深度学习模型训练:单精度(Float 32)与双精度(Double) • 受限于显存大小,当网络规模很大时Batch Size过小 • 网络学习过程不稳定,影响模型最终效果 • 降低了数据吞吐效率,影响训练速度 • 混合精度训练方式:FP32和FP16混合 49
  • 50. 3.知识融入 • 常识(Common Sense)缺失+缺乏推理能力 • 在MT-BERT预训练过程中融入知识图谱信息:Knowledge-aware Masking • 美团大脑——大规模的餐饮娱乐知识图谱 • 在预训练之前,对语料做分词,并将分词结果和图谱实体对齐 50