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Introduction to quantum physics and
quantum computing for beginners
An article written by Prashant Pokhrel
“It's too difficult, complex, or bizarre” is the statement I always encounter whenever I engage in
discussions about quantum mechanics or quantum computing. While it's true that these subjects
can be challenging, with a grasp of some fundamental concepts, they become more accessible.
My own experience with quantum mechanics and computing has evolved from a sense of
bewilderment to a moment of clarity. My introduction to quantum mechanics began with online
videos, while my exploration of quantum computing was sparked when I joined Womanium.
In this article, I will simply share my knowledge of quantum mechanics, quantum computing and
my journey in Womanium. Firstly, in quantum physics, there is some basic history, its birth,
quantum phenomena, and so on . Then, in quantum computing, there are some basic history,
Quantum algorithms, quantum models, and many more. Finally, I will share my journey of
Womanium Quantum and some knowledge I had learned.
The purpose of this article was to take part in the Womanium Global Quantum Project (WGQP).I
intend to shape this article in a manner that renders the intricate concepts of quantum mechanics
and quantum computing accessible to newcomers while remaining engaging for those with prior
knowledge in these fields.
While my intention was to provide comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics, I found it
challenging to delve deeply into each one. As a result, I've only touched upon a few key subjects
in this article. This marks my inaugural attempt at writing an article, so I acknowledge the
possibility of errors. Nonetheless, the experience of embarking on this writing journey has been
quite rewarding.
Table of contents
Quantum Mechanics……………………………………………………….. 4-8
Quantum computing………………………………………………………... 9-14
Womanium quantum………………………………………………………... 15-20
References…………………………………………………………………… 21
Acknowledgements:................................................................................ 22
Author’s introduction………………………………………………………… 23
Chapter 1: Introduction to Quantum Physics
What precisely constitutes light? Is it fundamentally a wave or a particle?
Throughout the majority of the 19th century, the consensus among physicists leaned towards light
being primarily a wave. Nevertheless, as new discoveries emerged, a growing body of evidence
suggested that light could also exhibit particle-like behavior. This intriguing duality, where light
behaves both as a particle and a wave, initiated the inception of a fascinating field we now know
as 'quantum mechanics'.
Birth of Quantum mechanics:
The origins of quantum physics can be traced back to an unlikely source: the quest for more
efficient light bulbs. In this historical narrative, the story begins with Max Planck, a German
physicist, who was approached by the German bureau of standards. They sought his expertise
to improve the efficiency of light bulbs, aiming to maximize the amount of visible light produced
while minimizing the electrical power needed.
Planck's initial challenge was to predict the amount of light emitted by a hot filament. He
understood that light was composed of electromagnetic waves, each color of light corresponding
to a different frequency of these waves. The goal was to ensure that the filament emitted as much
visible light as possible, rather than wasting energy on ultraviolet or infrared radiation.
Planck attempted to calculate the amount of light of each color that a hot object would emit based
on established electromagnetic theory. However, he repeatedly encountered discrepancies
between his predictions and experimental results. Frustrated by these inconsistencies, he took a
different approach.
Planck decided to reverse the process and base his calculations on the experimental data he had
gathered. This unconventional method led him to a groundbreaking conclusion: light waves do
not carry energy continuously but rather in discrete packets or "quanta." These quanta have
higher frequencies for light of large energy and lower frequencies for light of smaller energy.
In essence, Planck introduced the revolutionary concept of the quantization of energy, suggesting
that energy is not continuous but rather quantized into discrete units. This idea challenged
conventional wisdom and marked the birth of quantum physics.
Interestingly, Albert Einstein later extended and applied this concept of quantization to explain a
well-known problem, solidifying the foundation of quantum theory.
Basic history of Quantum mechanics
In the early 20th century, prior to the emergence of quantum mechanics, numerous unsolved
mysteries puzzled scientists and hinted at a deeper understanding of reality. Some of these
enigmas included:
● Atomic Spectra: When light passed through a gas, it exhibited a peculiar behavior: the gas
absorbed and emitted specific frequencies of light, giving rise to what we now refer to as
"atomic spectra."
● Stability of Atoms: There was a profound conundrum regarding how atoms maintained
stability. Classical physics suggested that electrons should continuously emit energy and
collapse into the nucleus, which raised questions about atomic stability.
● Radioactivity: The source and mechanism behind radioactivity remained a mystery,
challenging scientists to uncover its underlying principles.
● Photoelectric Effect: An experiment involving the illumination of certain metals with light
revealed an intriguing phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. This experiment
demonstrated that light did not behave solely as a wave but also exhibited characteristics
of particle-like behavior, providing an early glimpse into the concept of wave-particle
Quantum Foundations
Double slit experiment: In this experiment, Electrons are fired through two thin slits and make an
interference pattern on a detector behind. This interference pattern is something you only see
with waves and this is more experimental evidence for particle wave-duality.
Schrodinger equation for a wave function: iħ ∂ψ/∂t = Hψ (where H is hamiltonian operator , ψ is
wave function, ∂ψ/∂t is rate of change, ħ (h-bar) is the reduced Planck constant).
Quantum Phenomena
Quantum phenomena introduces a number of fascinating and sometimes counterintuitive
phenomena that differ from classical physics; here are some key quantum phenomena.
Quantization of Energy: Energy levels in quantum systems are quantized, meaning they can only
have certain discrete values. This is evident in the quantization of electron energy levels in atoms
and the discrete emission/absorption of photons.
Superposition: Quantum states can exist in a superposition, where they are a combination of
multiple possible states simultaneously. This concept is famously illustrated by Schrödinger's cat,
which can be both alive and dead until observed.
Quantum Entanglement: When two particles are entangled, their properties become correlated in
such a way that measuring one particle instantaneously affects the state of the other, even when
they are far apart. This phenomenon has been famously described as "spooky action at a
distance" by Einstein.
Quantum Interference: Quantum waves can interfere constructively or destructively, leading to
observable patterns such as in the double-slit experiment, where particles create an interference
pattern that suggests wave-like behavior.
Quantum Decoherence: Quantum systems can lose their coherence and behave classically when
they interact with their environment. This phenomenon makes it challenging to maintain quantum
states for extended periods.
Quantum Spin: Particles like electrons possess an intrinsic property called spin, which is not
classical angular momentum. Spin has discrete values and plays a crucial role in the behavior of
particles in magnetic fields.
Quantum physics research
Some of the fields of quantum physics research are condensed matter physics, quantum biology,
cold atom physics, quantum chemistry, nuclear physics , particle physics and theoretical physics.
Quantum technology
Whenever a new and intriguing phenomenon is discovered in the realm of physics, one of the
immediate questions that arise is whether we can harness this discovery to advance technology.
Indeed, several everyday technologies capitalize on the remarkable properties of quantum
systems. Here are some notable examples of quantum technology:
Lasers: These devices utilize a process called stimulated emission to generate coherent beams
of light with numerous photons, all exhibiting the same frequency and phase. Although Albert
Einstein laid the groundwork for lasers in a research paper, it wasn't until 1960 A.D. that the
necessary technology allowed for their practical development.
Atomic Clocks: Atomic clocks, renowned for their exceptional accuracy, rely on the precise
frequency of light emitted during specific hyperfine transitions in caesium atoms. These clocks
serve as the foundation for the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI technology, widely used in biology and chemistry,
enables non-invasive imaging of the human body's internal structures. It relies on massive
superconducting magnets to generate powerful magnetic fields.
Quantum Cryptography: Exploiting the phenomenon of entanglement, quantum cryptography
provides an exceptionally secure means of communication, forming the basis for the potential
development of a quantum internet.
Quantum Teleportation: This intriguing phenomenon allows the quantum state of one particle to
be transmitted to another distant particle using entanglement and classical communication. It is a
fundamental concept in quantum computing and quantum communication.
Quantum Bits (Qubits): Qubits are the fundamental units of quantum computers, leveraging
principles such as superposition and entanglement to create states that classical computers find
virtually impossible to simulate. The challenge lies in engineering large groups of qubits that
maintain coherence long enough to perform complex computations. Quantum computers have
the potential to explore an exponential number of states simultaneously, placing them in a distinct
complexity class compared to classical computers.
In the world of quantum information, new technologies are continuously developed and refined,
with the promise of transformative advancements in various fields. These quantum technologies
underscore the profound impact that quantum mechanics and quantum computing can have on
our everyday lives.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum computing
Whenever a captivating discovery emerges in the realm of physics, one of the initial inquiries that
arises pertains to its potential applications in technology. Numerous everyday technologies
seamlessly integrate the remarkable attributes of quantum systems. In this discussion, we will
focus on the field of quantum computing.
What are quantum computers?
Quantum physics describes behaviors of atoms, fundamental particles like electrons and
photons, so a quantum computer operates by controlling the behavior of these particles, but in a
way that is completely differ from our regular(classical) computers. They use quantum bits, or
qubits, as the fundamental unit of information instead of classical bits (0s and 1s). Quantum
computers have the potential to revolutionize various fields by solving complex problems that are
practically impossible for classical computers to tackle efficiently. So, quantum computers are not
just a more powerful version of our classical computers, just like light bulbs are not a more
powerful version of candlers.
The Birth of Quantum Computing (1980s):
The idea of quantum computing can be traced back to a famous lecture by physicist Richard
Feynman in 1981. In his talk, titled "Simulating Physics with Computers," Feynman highlighted
the difficulty of simulating quantum systems using classical computers. He argued that classical
computers were fundamentally ill-suited to simulate quantum systems, and therefore, a new kind
of computer—a quantum computer—might be needed to perform such simulations efficiently.
Furthemore, In 1985, British physicist David Deutsch published a paper titled "Quantum theory,
the Church-Turing principle, and the universal quantum computer." In this paper, Deutsch
introduced the concept of a quantum Turing machine, which laid the theoretical foundation for
quantum computing. He demonstrated that a quantum Turing machine could theoretically solve
problems that were intractable for classical Turing machines.
Quantum computers:
Quantum computers have many advantages over classical computers(the one which we use) for
certain problems which comes from their ability to be in a huge number of states at the same time
whereas classical computers can only be in one state at a time.
To understand just how powerful quantum computers are, I would like to show an example
which I saw in the video of TED talk “A beginner's guide to quantum computing by Shohini
Imagine you are in casino in a las vegas and you are playing a game against one of the
Casino’s computer , just like solitaire or chess. However, this is a coin game. It starts
the coin showing heads and the computer will play first. It can choose to flip the coin or
not but you don’t get to see the outcome. Next, it’s your turn. You can also choose to flip
the coin or not, and your move will not be revealed to your opponent (the computer).
Finally, the computer plays again , and can flip the coin or not , and after these three
rounds the coin is revealed. If it is heads, the computer wins but if it is tail you win. If
everything is fair and everyone plays honestly, then there is 50% chance of you winning
the game and 50% chance of losing. In a classical computer, after playing the
game many many times, the winning rate was close to 50% i.e 53%. However, playing
the same game with IBM quantum computers the winning rate of the computer was
97% in a survey of 372 games. Shohini claimed that Quantum computers' losing rate of 3%
was due to operational errors in computers.
How does a quantum computer work?
To understand how quantum computers work , we need to understand 3 things: superposition,
entanglement and interference.The building blocks of classical computers are bits i.e a classical
computer simulates heads or tails as a bit, a zero or one. Meanwhile, the building blocks of
quantum computers are qubits, and quantum computers work very completely differently. A
quantum bit has a more fluid, non binary identity. For usual visualization you can think of them as
arrow pointing in 3d space. If they show up they are in 0 state but if they show down they are in
1 state, just like classical bits, but they also have an option to be in a superposition
state("superposition" refers to a fundamental principle that describes the ability of quantum
systems, such as quantum particles or qubits in a quantum computer, to exist in multiple states
simultaneously.) In other words, its identity is on a spectrum. For example, it could have a 80%
chance of being 0 and 20% chance of being 1 or 30-70,22-78,etc the possibilities are endless.
Now, let’s move onto entanglement:Entanglement is a fundamental and intriguing phenomenon
in quantum mechanics that plays a crucial role in quantum computing and quantum information
processing. It describes a special kind of quantum correlation between two or more quantum
particles, such as qubits, where the properties of these particles become interconnected in a way
that cannot be explained by classical physics. When particles are entangled, changes in the state
of one particle instantly affect the state of the other(s) i.e the probability distribution changes for
the whole system if you change the state of one qubit, regardless of the physical distance
separating them. For 1 qubit we have probability distribution of 2 states , for 2 qubits we got 4
states and this keeps doubling each time ,so for n qubits we got probability distribution of 2^n
Interference: Qubits are really described by quantum wave functions. Wave Functions are
fundamental mathematical descriptions of everything in quantum mechanics. When we get many
qubits entangled together all of their wavefunctions are added together into an overall wave
function describing the states of quantum computers. This adding together of wave functions is
known as interference i.e when we add waves together they can constructively interfere and add
together to make a bigger wave, or destructively interfere to cancel each other out. The overall
wavefunctions of the quantum computer is what sets the different probabilities of the different
states, and by changing the states of different qubits we can change the probabilities that different
states will come out when we measure the quantum computer.
Quantum Algorithms:
There are tons of quantum algorithms , however, I will just point out very few important quantum
Shor’s Algorithms: Mathematician Peter Shor developed an algorithm that could factor large
numbers exponentially faster than the best-known classical algorithms. This discovery posed a
significant threat to classical encryption systems, sparking interest in quantum computing for
cryptography. In 1984, when Peter Shor published a fast quantum algorithm that can efficiently
find large integers it caused quite a stir and many people ,therefore , started taking quantum
computing seriously. Shor’s algorithm can turn intractable problems into a problem that can be
solved in a few seconds. Solved, that is , if you have a quantum computer. Therefore, people are
trying to build quantum computers. Right now, we don’t need to worry about the security of our
bank accounts because today's quantum computers are not able to run Shor’s algorithm in large
numbers yet. To decrypt the security of bank details , we need at least millions of qubits to do so,
but so far the most advanced universal quantum computers have 100.
Grover’s algorithm: Lov Grover introduced an algorithm that could search an unsorted database
quadratically faster than classical algorithms. This algorithm has applications in database
searching and optimization.
Potential Applications of quantum computers:
● Quantum simulations: Quantum simulation is a specialized application of quantum
computing that aims to simulate and model complex quantum systems, such as
molecules, materials, or physical processes, in a highly efficient and accurate manner.
Quantum simulation leverages the unique properties of quantum computers, such as
superposition and entanglement, to address problems that are impractical for classical
computers to solve within a reasonable time frame.
Simulating quantum systems with 30 particles is difficult even on the world’s most powerful
Some potential applications of quantum simulation are: Studying the properties of novel
materials, including superconductors and topological insulators, to discover new materials
with unique characteristics; better catalyst for fertilizer production; improving solar panels
& batteries; simulating the electronic structure of molecules to understand chemical
reactions and optimize materials for drug discovery and materials science; Financial
● Cryptography and Security:
Breaking Encryption: One of the most discussed applications is the ability of quantum
computers to factor large numbers exponentially faster than classical computers using
Shor's algorithm. This could potentially break widely-used encryption methods like RSA (
widely used public-key encryption)and ECC, necessitating the development of quantum-
resistant cryptographic techniques.
Quantum-Safe Encryption: Quantum computing can also be used to enhance
cryptography by developing quantum-safe encryption methods, such as lattice-based
cryptography, which are resistant to quantum attacks.
● Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:
Quantum Machine Learning: Quantum computing can enhance machine learning
algorithms by accelerating tasks like training deep neural networks and searching large
datasets, opening up new possibilities for AI applications.
Quantum AI Assistants: Quantum AI algorithms can improve natural language
processing, enabling more advanced AI assistants and chatbots.
● Environmental Modeling:
Climate Modeling: Quantum computing can enhance climate modeling by simulating
complex atmospheric and oceanic processes with greater accuracy, aiding in climate
change mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Energy Optimization: Quantum computing can optimize energy distribution, grid
management, and renewable energy integration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Quantum Models:
There are different types of quantum models such as circuit model, Topological Quantum
Computing, Measurement based or one way model,Adiabatic Quantum computing, Holonomic
Quantum Computing and quantum annealing, but I will only describe very few of them.
● Circuit model:
The circuit model of quantum computing is similar to classical digital circuits. Quantum
algorithms are represented as sequences of quantum gates that operate on qubits.
It provides a clear and intuitive way to design and understand quantum algorithms. Many
quantum programming languages, like Qiskit and Cirq, are based on this model.
● Measurement based or one way model:
It is closely related to circuit models. In this model, quantum computation is based on
single-qubit measurements on an entangled resource state, such as a cluster state.
Measurements determine the operations to be applied to other qubits.
● Adiabatic Quantum computing:
Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) is a method in quantum computing that's a bit like a
slow transformation. It begins with a simple problem and gradually turns it into a more
complex one using a continuous quantum process.
A key benefit of AQC is its effectiveness in solving optimization problems, and it has shown
potential in practical applications, particularly in tasks related to optimization and machine
No matter what the approach is, they all face a similar set of obstacles which we need to take a
look at first.
Quantum computing obstacles:
● Qubit Stability: Quantum hardware platforms have inherent errors due to decoherence
and noise. Reducing error rates and improving qubit coherence times are essential for
building reliable quantum computers. Quantum bits (qubits) are highly susceptible to
environmental factors, such as temperature fluctuations and electromagnetic radiation.
Maintaining qubit stability for extended periods is a major challenge. You want your qubits
to entangle with each other but don’t want them to entangle with anything else.
One plan to deal with decoherence is quantum error- correction. This is an error correction
scheme to make fault- tolerant quantum by using many entangled qubits together to
represent one noise free qubit. How many you need depends on how good the qubits are
, but estimates are in the range of 100 to 1000 physical qubits , which is a lot of qubits.
● Scalability: Scaling up quantum hardware to accommodate a large number of qubits
while maintaining low error rates is a formidable engineering challenge.
Chapter 3: Womanium Quantum
Firstly, let me tell you guys a few things about Womanium Quantum before I start my own journey.
Womanium Quantum: Womanium Quantum 2023 was a virtual program for quantum-learners
of all ages, genders and nationalities from all over the world. There were 3 enrollment categories:
● WOMANIUM GLOBAL QUANTUM SCHOLAR: It was basically fully funded for quantum
● Student (25$): This Womanium Global Quantum Student rate is for undergraduate
students, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who don’t apply for a
Womanium Quantum Computing Scholarship
● EXECUTIVES & PROFESSIONALS(900$): For Industry Professionals and Executives.
How I joined WOMANIUM QUANTUM 2023 program?
I learned about the WOMANIUM QUANTUM 2023 program through a senior who knew about my
interest in quantum computing. Initially, I was unsure about applying because my knowledge in
this field was limited. However, after careful consideration, I decided to take the plunge and submit
my application.
Although the program had already begun on July 2nd, I submitted my application to Womanium
on July 21st. At that point, I didn't have high hopes of receiving a response, and I was disappointed
because this program represented a significant opportunity for me to explore the world of quantum
To my surprise, just a couple of days later, I received a response from Womanium. Without
hesitation, I proceeded with the enrollment process and submitted my application. The excitement
of starting the lectures and assignments was overwhelming.
After joining Womanium Quantum Program:
Upon enrolling in the program, I discovered that there was a looming deadline for the QNickel
assignment, and I hadn't even attended the lectures for that day. Following some discussions with
fellow Womanium participants, I swiftly began watching the lecture videos.
I decided to prioritize the lectures, starting with the first three introductory videos. However, given
the impending deadline for the Quantum Nickel assignment, I didn't waste any time. I also took
advantage of lecture videos available on YouTube, particularly those related to Quantum Key
Distribution. This decision was influenced by advice from friends on Discord who indicated that
QBronze and QNickel were not prerequisites for understanding Quantum Key Distribution.
Quantum Key distribution:
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication method that uses the principles of
quantum mechanics to enable two parties to generate a shared cryptographic key while
ensuring the security of the key exchange process. QKD offers a level of security that is
theoretically unbreakable, even by a powerful quantum computer. It is designed to protect data
against eavesdropping, making it a critical tool for secure communication, particularly in fields
where data confidentiality is of utmost importance.
Quantum key distribution was taught by Associate Professor Ayesha Khalique and might be
the easiest topic of quantum computing for me. In quantum key distribution, I had already explored
some of the topics such as modular arithmetic ,which I explored when I prepared for the
mathematical olympiad, RSA algorithms, cryptography,etc. I had also learned many new things:
BB84 protocol and some coding knowledge using qiskit. For the assignment part I was confused
in some of the parts, but discord was really helpful for me. The problem I had already faced was
also faced by another colleague. As I enrolled very late my role in discord was to see all the
messages from day 1 of all topics and analyze my mistakes by seeing the hints provided in the
message. I was not active to share my knowledge because I was late to enroll, which I regret till
today. Some of the topics might seem like that , but after exploring basic quantum computing you
will know what this is.
Quantum Computing and programming:
Quantum computing is a field of computing that harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics
to perform certain types of computations significantly faster and more efficiently than classical
computers. Quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits as the fundamental units of
information. Unlike classical bits, which can be either 0 or 1, qubits can exist in superpositions of
both 0 and 1 simultaneously, which allows quantum computers to explore multiple solutions to a
problem at the same time. Quantum programming languages are Qiskit, Cirq and Quipper. They
provide a high-level interface for writing quantum algorithms.
Once I completed the assignments for Quantum Key Distribution, I shifted gears and turned my
attention to the QBronze and QNickel modules. These modules were taught by Assistant
Professor Jibran Rashid and centered around Quantum Computing and Programming. Thanks
to my background in mathematics and some prior knowledge of quantum physics, I found this
module to be quite manageable.
While I encountered some initial challenges and had to rewatch certain lecture videos, concepts
like operators (NOT, IDENTITY, ZERO, ONE, etc.), probability, probabilistic operators, vectors,
quantum states, writing code in Qiskit, entanglement, quantum protocols, Grover’s Algorithm,
Deutsch's Algorithm, eigenstates, and more became part of my learning journey in Quantum
Computing and Programming.
Quantum computing and software:
Quantum computing and software are closely intertwined fields that together form the
foundation for harnessing the power of quantum computers to solve complex problems more
efficiently than classical computers.
Following the completion of the Quantum Computing and Programming lectures, I shifted my
focus to the recorded lecture videos for Quantum Computing Software. This module kicked off
with tasks like installing Blockade and launching it in QBraid, among other things. However, I
rushed through these tasks as the deadline for Quantum Computing and Programming was
As I delved deeper into this module, quantum computing started to seem more complex. Starting
from the second lecture, I found myself needing to replay the content repeatedly. I lost count of
how many times I had to revisit the lectures. One significant mistake I made was not taking notes
while watching the videos; this would have been beneficial.
The module also covered other topics, including PennyLane (an open-source software framework
tailored for quantum machine learning), adding to the breadth of my quantum computing
Quantum computing Hardware:
Quantum computing hardware refers to the physical components and technologies that make up
a quantum computer, enabling it to perform quantum computations. Quantum computers are
fundamentally different from classical computers, and their hardware is designed to manipulate
and utilize quantum bits or qubits, which take advantage of the principles of quantum mechanics
to perform calculations.
Then, I started watching lecture videos of Quantum computing Hardware. In this module, I learned
how qubits are formed:after a ray of atoms trapped inside in a vacuum chamber. Some of the
few things I learned in the lectures
● processes used to make neutral-atom quantum computing like using optical tweezers,
interactions via rydberg states
● Qubits (Quantum Bits): Qubits are the basic units of information in quantum computing,
analogous to classical bits. Unlike classical bits, which can represent either 0 or 1, qubits
can exist in superpositions of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously.
Qubits can be realized using various physical systems, such as superconducting circuits,
trapped ions, photonic states, topological qubits, and more.
● Quantum Gates and Quantum Circuits:
Quantum gates are analogous to classical logic gates and are used to manipulate qubits.
Quantum circuits are sequences of quantum gates that represent quantum algorithms.
Quantum gates perform various quantum operations on qubits, including single-qubit
operations like Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, and Pauli-Z gates, as well as two-qubit gates like the
Controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate.
● The requirements for quantum computation to be successful i.e DiVincenzo criteria.
● Cryogenic engineering used for qubit stabilization. Superconducting qubits operate in a
superconducting state at cryogenic temperatures. Cryogenic engineering ensures that the
surrounding environment, including the wiring and the qubit chip itself, remains at the
necessary low temperatures.
I aim to create an article that's as accessible as possible to beginners, so I won't include all the
intricate details from our studies in the Womanium Quantum Program.
Quantum error-correction:
Now in order, I watched quantum error correction lecture videos;
Quantum error correction is a set of techniques and protocols used in quantum computing to
mitigate and correct errors that naturally occur in quantum systems due to factors like
decoherence and noise. It is a crucial component of building reliable and fault-tolerant quantum
computers, as quantum bits (qubits) are highly susceptible to errors from their surrounding
environment. Quantum Error correction was taught by Assistant professor Abdullah khalid. I
have yet to watch the last video of quantum error correction.
● Classical error-correcting scenario in noise channel , model for noise, and using probability
to find errors to occur; For rg: for 0000 prob is (1-p)^4 whereas for 0001 is p(1-p)^3
● Detecting and correcting by repetition:
Another method of correcting errors is detecting and correcting by repetition. In this
scenario Alice, message sender, sends a message(k) and then the encoder will encode
and send it in the form of a codeword where n>>k. Then after error from the noise
corrupted codeword = c+e(error) . Now, receiver Bob will get an estimated message after
decoding the message. This method is very useful for error-correcting.
● Quantum Error Correction Codes:
Quantum error correction codes are mathematical and algorithmic techniques used to
encode quantum information in a redundant manner, making it possible to detect and
correct errors that occur during quantum computations.
These codes introduce redundancy in the quantum state, allowing errors to be detected
and, in some cases, corrected.
Quantum Sensing:
Quantum sensing refers to a class of measurement techniques that leverage the principles of
quantum mechanics to achieve unprecedented levels of precision and sensitivity in the
measurement of physical quantities. Quantum sensors can detect and measure a wide range of
phenomena, including magnetic fields, gravitational fields, time, rotation, and more. They have
applications in various fields, including fundamental physics, geophysics, navigation, and
medical imaging.
The birth of quantum mechanics : The Origin of Quantum Mechanics (feat. Neil
Introduction of Womanium quantum:
How does a quantum computer work?:
A beginner's guide to quantum computing | Shohini Ghose
Some of the topics of the video:
The Map of Quantum Computing | Quantum Computers Explained
The Map of Quantum Physics
A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll
I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the WOMANIUM TEAM for awarding me a
scholarship to participate in their outstanding program. Over the past few months, my
understanding of quantum computing has grown exponentially, all thanks to the WOMANIUM
QUANTUM PROGRAMME 2023. I am also deeply appreciative of the significant task they
entrusted me with, which prompted me to revisit and expand my knowledge through resources
like YouTube.
While I acknowledge that there is still much more to learn, I can confidently say that I've
acquired a substantial foundation of knowledge for a gap year student. This foundation allows
me to continue self-study, research, and further exploration of quantum computing. I extend my
thanks to all the mentors and lecturers who dedicated their time and expertise to elucidate this
fascinating yet intricate subject in an accessible manner.
Similarly, I am committed to educating students who share a passion for STEM. My goal is to
impart knowledge to them in a manner that's as accessible and comprehensible as
WOMANIUM has done for me.
Author’s introduction
I'm Prashant Pokhrel, hailing from Nepal, and I'm thrilled to connect with you. Currently
navigating a gap year after graduating from high school in 2021, my passion lies at the
intersection of computer science, mathematics, and physics. The world of quantum physics
captured my imagination back in 12th grade, and during my gap year, I embarked on a journey
to understand the fundamentals of quantum computing.
My quantum adventure took a significant leap when I enrolled in the WOMANIUM QUANTUM
PROGRAM 2023. They say that to truly expand your knowledge, you should teach others, as it
engrains the learning deep within your mind. Having completed this program, I am now eager to
impart my newfound knowledge to high school students who are just beginning their journey into
the captivating realms of quantum mechanics and quantum computing.
Through this article, my aim is to introduce quantum physics and quantum computing in a way
that's accessible and engaging for beginners. Let's embark on this educational voyage together,
as we unravel the fascinating mysteries of the quantum world.
Stay curious,
Prashant Pokhrel

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An article written by Prashant Pokhrel.pdf

  • 1. Introduction to quantum physics and quantum computing for beginners An article written by Prashant Pokhrel
  • 2. Preface “It's too difficult, complex, or bizarre” is the statement I always encounter whenever I engage in discussions about quantum mechanics or quantum computing. While it's true that these subjects can be challenging, with a grasp of some fundamental concepts, they become more accessible. My own experience with quantum mechanics and computing has evolved from a sense of bewilderment to a moment of clarity. My introduction to quantum mechanics began with online videos, while my exploration of quantum computing was sparked when I joined Womanium. In this article, I will simply share my knowledge of quantum mechanics, quantum computing and my journey in Womanium. Firstly, in quantum physics, there is some basic history, its birth, quantum phenomena, and so on . Then, in quantum computing, there are some basic history, Quantum algorithms, quantum models, and many more. Finally, I will share my journey of Womanium Quantum and some knowledge I had learned. The purpose of this article was to take part in the Womanium Global Quantum Project (WGQP).I intend to shape this article in a manner that renders the intricate concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum computing accessible to newcomers while remaining engaging for those with prior knowledge in these fields. While my intention was to provide comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics, I found it challenging to delve deeply into each one. As a result, I've only touched upon a few key subjects in this article. This marks my inaugural attempt at writing an article, so I acknowledge the possibility of errors. Nonetheless, the experience of embarking on this writing journey has been quite rewarding.
  • 3. Table of contents Quantum Mechanics……………………………………………………….. 4-8 Quantum computing………………………………………………………... 9-14 Womanium quantum………………………………………………………... 15-20 References…………………………………………………………………… 21 Acknowledgements:................................................................................ 22 Author’s introduction………………………………………………………… 23
  • 4. Chapter 1: Introduction to Quantum Physics
  • 5. What precisely constitutes light? Is it fundamentally a wave or a particle? Throughout the majority of the 19th century, the consensus among physicists leaned towards light being primarily a wave. Nevertheless, as new discoveries emerged, a growing body of evidence suggested that light could also exhibit particle-like behavior. This intriguing duality, where light behaves both as a particle and a wave, initiated the inception of a fascinating field we now know as 'quantum mechanics'. Birth of Quantum mechanics: The origins of quantum physics can be traced back to an unlikely source: the quest for more efficient light bulbs. In this historical narrative, the story begins with Max Planck, a German physicist, who was approached by the German bureau of standards. They sought his expertise to improve the efficiency of light bulbs, aiming to maximize the amount of visible light produced while minimizing the electrical power needed. Planck's initial challenge was to predict the amount of light emitted by a hot filament. He understood that light was composed of electromagnetic waves, each color of light corresponding to a different frequency of these waves. The goal was to ensure that the filament emitted as much visible light as possible, rather than wasting energy on ultraviolet or infrared radiation. Planck attempted to calculate the amount of light of each color that a hot object would emit based on established electromagnetic theory. However, he repeatedly encountered discrepancies between his predictions and experimental results. Frustrated by these inconsistencies, he took a different approach. Planck decided to reverse the process and base his calculations on the experimental data he had gathered. This unconventional method led him to a groundbreaking conclusion: light waves do not carry energy continuously but rather in discrete packets or "quanta." These quanta have higher frequencies for light of large energy and lower frequencies for light of smaller energy. In essence, Planck introduced the revolutionary concept of the quantization of energy, suggesting that energy is not continuous but rather quantized into discrete units. This idea challenged conventional wisdom and marked the birth of quantum physics. Interestingly, Albert Einstein later extended and applied this concept of quantization to explain a well-known problem, solidifying the foundation of quantum theory. Basic history of Quantum mechanics In the early 20th century, prior to the emergence of quantum mechanics, numerous unsolved mysteries puzzled scientists and hinted at a deeper understanding of reality. Some of these enigmas included:
  • 6. ● Atomic Spectra: When light passed through a gas, it exhibited a peculiar behavior: the gas absorbed and emitted specific frequencies of light, giving rise to what we now refer to as "atomic spectra." ● Stability of Atoms: There was a profound conundrum regarding how atoms maintained stability. Classical physics suggested that electrons should continuously emit energy and collapse into the nucleus, which raised questions about atomic stability. ● Radioactivity: The source and mechanism behind radioactivity remained a mystery, challenging scientists to uncover its underlying principles. ● Photoelectric Effect: An experiment involving the illumination of certain metals with light revealed an intriguing phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. This experiment demonstrated that light did not behave solely as a wave but also exhibited characteristics of particle-like behavior, providing an early glimpse into the concept of wave-particle duality. Quantum Foundations Double slit experiment: In this experiment, Electrons are fired through two thin slits and make an interference pattern on a detector behind. This interference pattern is something you only see with waves and this is more experimental evidence for particle wave-duality. Schrodinger equation for a wave function: iħ ∂ψ/∂t = Hψ (where H is hamiltonian operator , ψ is wave function, ∂ψ/∂t is rate of change, ħ (h-bar) is the reduced Planck constant). Quantum Phenomena Quantum phenomena introduces a number of fascinating and sometimes counterintuitive phenomena that differ from classical physics; here are some key quantum phenomena. Quantization of Energy: Energy levels in quantum systems are quantized, meaning they can only have certain discrete values. This is evident in the quantization of electron energy levels in atoms and the discrete emission/absorption of photons. Superposition: Quantum states can exist in a superposition, where they are a combination of multiple possible states simultaneously. This concept is famously illustrated by Schrödinger's cat, which can be both alive and dead until observed. Quantum Entanglement: When two particles are entangled, their properties become correlated in such a way that measuring one particle instantaneously affects the state of the other, even when they are far apart. This phenomenon has been famously described as "spooky action at a distance" by Einstein.
  • 7. Quantum Interference: Quantum waves can interfere constructively or destructively, leading to observable patterns such as in the double-slit experiment, where particles create an interference pattern that suggests wave-like behavior. Quantum Decoherence: Quantum systems can lose their coherence and behave classically when they interact with their environment. This phenomenon makes it challenging to maintain quantum states for extended periods. Quantum Spin: Particles like electrons possess an intrinsic property called spin, which is not classical angular momentum. Spin has discrete values and plays a crucial role in the behavior of particles in magnetic fields. Quantum physics research Some of the fields of quantum physics research are condensed matter physics, quantum biology, cold atom physics, quantum chemistry, nuclear physics , particle physics and theoretical physics. Quantum technology Whenever a new and intriguing phenomenon is discovered in the realm of physics, one of the immediate questions that arise is whether we can harness this discovery to advance technology. Indeed, several everyday technologies capitalize on the remarkable properties of quantum systems. Here are some notable examples of quantum technology: Lasers: These devices utilize a process called stimulated emission to generate coherent beams of light with numerous photons, all exhibiting the same frequency and phase. Although Albert Einstein laid the groundwork for lasers in a research paper, it wasn't until 1960 A.D. that the necessary technology allowed for their practical development. Atomic Clocks: Atomic clocks, renowned for their exceptional accuracy, rely on the precise frequency of light emitted during specific hyperfine transitions in caesium atoms. These clocks serve as the foundation for the Global Positioning System (GPS). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI technology, widely used in biology and chemistry, enables non-invasive imaging of the human body's internal structures. It relies on massive superconducting magnets to generate powerful magnetic fields. Quantum Cryptography: Exploiting the phenomenon of entanglement, quantum cryptography provides an exceptionally secure means of communication, forming the basis for the potential development of a quantum internet. Quantum Teleportation: This intriguing phenomenon allows the quantum state of one particle to be transmitted to another distant particle using entanglement and classical communication. It is a fundamental concept in quantum computing and quantum communication.
  • 8. Quantum Bits (Qubits): Qubits are the fundamental units of quantum computers, leveraging principles such as superposition and entanglement to create states that classical computers find virtually impossible to simulate. The challenge lies in engineering large groups of qubits that maintain coherence long enough to perform complex computations. Quantum computers have the potential to explore an exponential number of states simultaneously, placing them in a distinct complexity class compared to classical computers. In the world of quantum information, new technologies are continuously developed and refined, with the promise of transformative advancements in various fields. These quantum technologies underscore the profound impact that quantum mechanics and quantum computing can have on our everyday lives.
  • 9. Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum computing
  • 10. Whenever a captivating discovery emerges in the realm of physics, one of the initial inquiries that arises pertains to its potential applications in technology. Numerous everyday technologies seamlessly integrate the remarkable attributes of quantum systems. In this discussion, we will focus on the field of quantum computing. What are quantum computers? Quantum physics describes behaviors of atoms, fundamental particles like electrons and photons, so a quantum computer operates by controlling the behavior of these particles, but in a way that is completely differ from our regular(classical) computers. They use quantum bits, or qubits, as the fundamental unit of information instead of classical bits (0s and 1s). Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize various fields by solving complex problems that are practically impossible for classical computers to tackle efficiently. So, quantum computers are not just a more powerful version of our classical computers, just like light bulbs are not a more powerful version of candlers. The Birth of Quantum Computing (1980s): The idea of quantum computing can be traced back to a famous lecture by physicist Richard Feynman in 1981. In his talk, titled "Simulating Physics with Computers," Feynman highlighted the difficulty of simulating quantum systems using classical computers. He argued that classical computers were fundamentally ill-suited to simulate quantum systems, and therefore, a new kind of computer—a quantum computer—might be needed to perform such simulations efficiently. Furthemore, In 1985, British physicist David Deutsch published a paper titled "Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle, and the universal quantum computer." In this paper, Deutsch introduced the concept of a quantum Turing machine, which laid the theoretical foundation for quantum computing. He demonstrated that a quantum Turing machine could theoretically solve problems that were intractable for classical Turing machines. Quantum computers: Quantum computers have many advantages over classical computers(the one which we use) for certain problems which comes from their ability to be in a huge number of states at the same time whereas classical computers can only be in one state at a time. To understand just how powerful quantum computers are, I would like to show an example which I saw in the video of TED talk “A beginner's guide to quantum computing by Shohini Ghose.” Imagine you are in casino in a las vegas and you are playing a game against one of the Casino’s computer , just like solitaire or chess. However, this is a coin game. It starts the coin showing heads and the computer will play first. It can choose to flip the coin or not but you don’t get to see the outcome. Next, it’s your turn. You can also choose to flip the coin or not, and your move will not be revealed to your opponent (the computer). Finally, the computer plays again , and can flip the coin or not , and after these three rounds the coin is revealed. If it is heads, the computer wins but if it is tail you win. If everything is fair and everyone plays honestly, then there is 50% chance of you winning the game and 50% chance of losing. In a classical computer, after playing the
  • 11. game many many times, the winning rate was close to 50% i.e 53%. However, playing the same game with IBM quantum computers the winning rate of the computer was 97% in a survey of 372 games. Shohini claimed that Quantum computers' losing rate of 3% was due to operational errors in computers. How does a quantum computer work? To understand how quantum computers work , we need to understand 3 things: superposition, entanglement and interference.The building blocks of classical computers are bits i.e a classical computer simulates heads or tails as a bit, a zero or one. Meanwhile, the building blocks of quantum computers are qubits, and quantum computers work very completely differently. A quantum bit has a more fluid, non binary identity. For usual visualization you can think of them as arrow pointing in 3d space. If they show up they are in 0 state but if they show down they are in 1 state, just like classical bits, but they also have an option to be in a superposition state("superposition" refers to a fundamental principle that describes the ability of quantum systems, such as quantum particles or qubits in a quantum computer, to exist in multiple states simultaneously.) In other words, its identity is on a spectrum. For example, it could have a 80% chance of being 0 and 20% chance of being 1 or 30-70,22-78,etc the possibilities are endless. Now, let’s move onto entanglement:Entanglement is a fundamental and intriguing phenomenon in quantum mechanics that plays a crucial role in quantum computing and quantum information processing. It describes a special kind of quantum correlation between two or more quantum particles, such as qubits, where the properties of these particles become interconnected in a way that cannot be explained by classical physics. When particles are entangled, changes in the state of one particle instantly affect the state of the other(s) i.e the probability distribution changes for the whole system if you change the state of one qubit, regardless of the physical distance separating them. For 1 qubit we have probability distribution of 2 states , for 2 qubits we got 4 states and this keeps doubling each time ,so for n qubits we got probability distribution of 2^n states. Interference: Qubits are really described by quantum wave functions. Wave Functions are fundamental mathematical descriptions of everything in quantum mechanics. When we get many qubits entangled together all of their wavefunctions are added together into an overall wave function describing the states of quantum computers. This adding together of wave functions is known as interference i.e when we add waves together they can constructively interfere and add together to make a bigger wave, or destructively interfere to cancel each other out. The overall wavefunctions of the quantum computer is what sets the different probabilities of the different states, and by changing the states of different qubits we can change the probabilities that different states will come out when we measure the quantum computer. Quantum Algorithms: There are tons of quantum algorithms , however, I will just point out very few important quantum algorithms. Shor’s Algorithms: Mathematician Peter Shor developed an algorithm that could factor large numbers exponentially faster than the best-known classical algorithms. This discovery posed a significant threat to classical encryption systems, sparking interest in quantum computing for cryptography. In 1984, when Peter Shor published a fast quantum algorithm that can efficiently
  • 12. find large integers it caused quite a stir and many people ,therefore , started taking quantum computing seriously. Shor’s algorithm can turn intractable problems into a problem that can be solved in a few seconds. Solved, that is , if you have a quantum computer. Therefore, people are trying to build quantum computers. Right now, we don’t need to worry about the security of our bank accounts because today's quantum computers are not able to run Shor’s algorithm in large numbers yet. To decrypt the security of bank details , we need at least millions of qubits to do so, but so far the most advanced universal quantum computers have 100. Grover’s algorithm: Lov Grover introduced an algorithm that could search an unsorted database quadratically faster than classical algorithms. This algorithm has applications in database searching and optimization. Potential Applications of quantum computers: ● Quantum simulations: Quantum simulation is a specialized application of quantum computing that aims to simulate and model complex quantum systems, such as molecules, materials, or physical processes, in a highly efficient and accurate manner. Quantum simulation leverages the unique properties of quantum computers, such as superposition and entanglement, to address problems that are impractical for classical computers to solve within a reasonable time frame. Simulating quantum systems with 30 particles is difficult even on the world’s most powerful supercomputers. Some potential applications of quantum simulation are: Studying the properties of novel materials, including superconductors and topological insulators, to discover new materials with unique characteristics; better catalyst for fertilizer production; improving solar panels & batteries; simulating the electronic structure of molecules to understand chemical reactions and optimize materials for drug discovery and materials science; Financial Modeling,etc. ● Cryptography and Security: Breaking Encryption: One of the most discussed applications is the ability of quantum computers to factor large numbers exponentially faster than classical computers using Shor's algorithm. This could potentially break widely-used encryption methods like RSA ( widely used public-key encryption)and ECC, necessitating the development of quantum- resistant cryptographic techniques. Quantum-Safe Encryption: Quantum computing can also be used to enhance cryptography by developing quantum-safe encryption methods, such as lattice-based cryptography, which are resistant to quantum attacks. ● Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Machine Learning: Quantum computing can enhance machine learning algorithms by accelerating tasks like training deep neural networks and searching large datasets, opening up new possibilities for AI applications. Quantum AI Assistants: Quantum AI algorithms can improve natural language processing, enabling more advanced AI assistants and chatbots. ● Environmental Modeling:
  • 13. Climate Modeling: Quantum computing can enhance climate modeling by simulating complex atmospheric and oceanic processes with greater accuracy, aiding in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Energy Optimization: Quantum computing can optimize energy distribution, grid management, and renewable energy integration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Quantum Models: There are different types of quantum models such as circuit model, Topological Quantum Computing, Measurement based or one way model,Adiabatic Quantum computing, Holonomic Quantum Computing and quantum annealing, but I will only describe very few of them. ● Circuit model: The circuit model of quantum computing is similar to classical digital circuits. Quantum algorithms are represented as sequences of quantum gates that operate on qubits. It provides a clear and intuitive way to design and understand quantum algorithms. Many quantum programming languages, like Qiskit and Cirq, are based on this model. ● Measurement based or one way model: It is closely related to circuit models. In this model, quantum computation is based on single-qubit measurements on an entangled resource state, such as a cluster state. Measurements determine the operations to be applied to other qubits. ● Adiabatic Quantum computing: Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) is a method in quantum computing that's a bit like a slow transformation. It begins with a simple problem and gradually turns it into a more complex one using a continuous quantum process. A key benefit of AQC is its effectiveness in solving optimization problems, and it has shown potential in practical applications, particularly in tasks related to optimization and machine learning No matter what the approach is, they all face a similar set of obstacles which we need to take a look at first. Quantum computing obstacles: ● Qubit Stability: Quantum hardware platforms have inherent errors due to decoherence and noise. Reducing error rates and improving qubit coherence times are essential for building reliable quantum computers. Quantum bits (qubits) are highly susceptible to environmental factors, such as temperature fluctuations and electromagnetic radiation. Maintaining qubit stability for extended periods is a major challenge. You want your qubits to entangle with each other but don’t want them to entangle with anything else.
  • 14. One plan to deal with decoherence is quantum error- correction. This is an error correction scheme to make fault- tolerant quantum by using many entangled qubits together to represent one noise free qubit. How many you need depends on how good the qubits are , but estimates are in the range of 100 to 1000 physical qubits , which is a lot of qubits. ● Scalability: Scaling up quantum hardware to accommodate a large number of qubits while maintaining low error rates is a formidable engineering challenge.
  • 16. Firstly, let me tell you guys a few things about Womanium Quantum before I start my own journey. Womanium Quantum: Womanium Quantum 2023 was a virtual program for quantum-learners of all ages, genders and nationalities from all over the world. There were 3 enrollment categories: ● WOMANIUM GLOBAL QUANTUM SCHOLAR: It was basically fully funded for quantum learners. ● Student (25$): This Womanium Global Quantum Student rate is for undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who don’t apply for a Womanium Quantum Computing Scholarship ● EXECUTIVES & PROFESSIONALS(900$): For Industry Professionals and Executives. How I joined WOMANIUM QUANTUM 2023 program? I learned about the WOMANIUM QUANTUM 2023 program through a senior who knew about my interest in quantum computing. Initially, I was unsure about applying because my knowledge in this field was limited. However, after careful consideration, I decided to take the plunge and submit my application. Although the program had already begun on July 2nd, I submitted my application to Womanium on July 21st. At that point, I didn't have high hopes of receiving a response, and I was disappointed because this program represented a significant opportunity for me to explore the world of quantum computing. To my surprise, just a couple of days later, I received a response from Womanium. Without hesitation, I proceeded with the enrollment process and submitted my application. The excitement of starting the lectures and assignments was overwhelming. After joining Womanium Quantum Program: Upon enrolling in the program, I discovered that there was a looming deadline for the QNickel assignment, and I hadn't even attended the lectures for that day. Following some discussions with fellow Womanium participants, I swiftly began watching the lecture videos. I decided to prioritize the lectures, starting with the first three introductory videos. However, given the impending deadline for the Quantum Nickel assignment, I didn't waste any time. I also took advantage of lecture videos available on YouTube, particularly those related to Quantum Key Distribution. This decision was influenced by advice from friends on Discord who indicated that QBronze and QNickel were not prerequisites for understanding Quantum Key Distribution. Quantum Key distribution: Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication method that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to enable two parties to generate a shared cryptographic key while ensuring the security of the key exchange process. QKD offers a level of security that is theoretically unbreakable, even by a powerful quantum computer. It is designed to protect data
  • 17. against eavesdropping, making it a critical tool for secure communication, particularly in fields where data confidentiality is of utmost importance. Quantum key distribution was taught by Associate Professor Ayesha Khalique and might be the easiest topic of quantum computing for me. In quantum key distribution, I had already explored some of the topics such as modular arithmetic ,which I explored when I prepared for the mathematical olympiad, RSA algorithms, cryptography,etc. I had also learned many new things: BB84 protocol and some coding knowledge using qiskit. For the assignment part I was confused in some of the parts, but discord was really helpful for me. The problem I had already faced was also faced by another colleague. As I enrolled very late my role in discord was to see all the messages from day 1 of all topics and analyze my mistakes by seeing the hints provided in the message. I was not active to share my knowledge because I was late to enroll, which I regret till today. Some of the topics might seem like that , but after exploring basic quantum computing you will know what this is. Quantum Computing and programming: Quantum computing is a field of computing that harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform certain types of computations significantly faster and more efficiently than classical computers. Quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits as the fundamental units of information. Unlike classical bits, which can be either 0 or 1, qubits can exist in superpositions of both 0 and 1 simultaneously, which allows quantum computers to explore multiple solutions to a problem at the same time. Quantum programming languages are Qiskit, Cirq and Quipper. They provide a high-level interface for writing quantum algorithms. Once I completed the assignments for Quantum Key Distribution, I shifted gears and turned my attention to the QBronze and QNickel modules. These modules were taught by Assistant Professor Jibran Rashid and centered around Quantum Computing and Programming. Thanks to my background in mathematics and some prior knowledge of quantum physics, I found this module to be quite manageable. While I encountered some initial challenges and had to rewatch certain lecture videos, concepts like operators (NOT, IDENTITY, ZERO, ONE, etc.), probability, probabilistic operators, vectors, quantum states, writing code in Qiskit, entanglement, quantum protocols, Grover’s Algorithm, Deutsch's Algorithm, eigenstates, and more became part of my learning journey in Quantum Computing and Programming. Quantum computing and software: Quantum computing and software are closely intertwined fields that together form the foundation for harnessing the power of quantum computers to solve complex problems more efficiently than classical computers.
  • 18. Following the completion of the Quantum Computing and Programming lectures, I shifted my focus to the recorded lecture videos for Quantum Computing Software. This module kicked off with tasks like installing Blockade and launching it in QBraid, among other things. However, I rushed through these tasks as the deadline for Quantum Computing and Programming was approaching. As I delved deeper into this module, quantum computing started to seem more complex. Starting from the second lecture, I found myself needing to replay the content repeatedly. I lost count of how many times I had to revisit the lectures. One significant mistake I made was not taking notes while watching the videos; this would have been beneficial. The module also covered other topics, including PennyLane (an open-source software framework tailored for quantum machine learning), adding to the breadth of my quantum computing knowledge. Quantum computing Hardware: Quantum computing hardware refers to the physical components and technologies that make up a quantum computer, enabling it to perform quantum computations. Quantum computers are fundamentally different from classical computers, and their hardware is designed to manipulate and utilize quantum bits or qubits, which take advantage of the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations. Then, I started watching lecture videos of Quantum computing Hardware. In this module, I learned how qubits are formed:after a ray of atoms trapped inside in a vacuum chamber. Some of the few things I learned in the lectures ● processes used to make neutral-atom quantum computing like using optical tweezers, interactions via rydberg states ● Qubits (Quantum Bits): Qubits are the basic units of information in quantum computing, analogous to classical bits. Unlike classical bits, which can represent either 0 or 1, qubits can exist in superpositions of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously. Qubits can be realized using various physical systems, such as superconducting circuits, trapped ions, photonic states, topological qubits, and more. ● Quantum Gates and Quantum Circuits: Quantum gates are analogous to classical logic gates and are used to manipulate qubits. Quantum circuits are sequences of quantum gates that represent quantum algorithms. Quantum gates perform various quantum operations on qubits, including single-qubit operations like Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, and Pauli-Z gates, as well as two-qubit gates like the Controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate. ● The requirements for quantum computation to be successful i.e DiVincenzo criteria.
  • 19. ● Cryogenic engineering used for qubit stabilization. Superconducting qubits operate in a superconducting state at cryogenic temperatures. Cryogenic engineering ensures that the surrounding environment, including the wiring and the qubit chip itself, remains at the necessary low temperatures. I aim to create an article that's as accessible as possible to beginners, so I won't include all the intricate details from our studies in the Womanium Quantum Program. Quantum error-correction: Now in order, I watched quantum error correction lecture videos; Quantum error correction is a set of techniques and protocols used in quantum computing to mitigate and correct errors that naturally occur in quantum systems due to factors like decoherence and noise. It is a crucial component of building reliable and fault-tolerant quantum computers, as quantum bits (qubits) are highly susceptible to errors from their surrounding environment. Quantum Error correction was taught by Assistant professor Abdullah khalid. I have yet to watch the last video of quantum error correction. ● Classical error-correcting scenario in noise channel , model for noise, and using probability to find errors to occur; For rg: for 0000 prob is (1-p)^4 whereas for 0001 is p(1-p)^3 ● Detecting and correcting by repetition: Another method of correcting errors is detecting and correcting by repetition. In this scenario Alice, message sender, sends a message(k) and then the encoder will encode and send it in the form of a codeword where n>>k. Then after error from the noise corrupted codeword = c+e(error) . Now, receiver Bob will get an estimated message after decoding the message. This method is very useful for error-correcting. ● Quantum Error Correction Codes: Quantum error correction codes are mathematical and algorithmic techniques used to encode quantum information in a redundant manner, making it possible to detect and correct errors that occur during quantum computations. These codes introduce redundancy in the quantum state, allowing errors to be detected and, in some cases, corrected. Quantum Sensing: Quantum sensing refers to a class of measurement techniques that leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to achieve unprecedented levels of precision and sensitivity in the measurement of physical quantities. Quantum sensors can detect and measure a wide range of phenomena, including magnetic fields, gravitational fields, time, rotation, and more. They have applications in various fields, including fundamental physics, geophysics, navigation, and medical imaging.
  • 20. References: The birth of quantum mechanics : The Origin of Quantum Mechanics (feat. Neil Turok) Introduction of Womanium quantum: How does a quantum computer work?: A beginner's guide to quantum computing | Shohini Ghose Some of the topics of the video:
  • 21. The Map of Quantum Computing | Quantum Computers Explained The Map of Quantum Physics A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll Acknowledgements I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the WOMANIUM TEAM for awarding me a scholarship to participate in their outstanding program. Over the past few months, my understanding of quantum computing has grown exponentially, all thanks to the WOMANIUM QUANTUM PROGRAMME 2023. I am also deeply appreciative of the significant task they entrusted me with, which prompted me to revisit and expand my knowledge through resources like YouTube. While I acknowledge that there is still much more to learn, I can confidently say that I've acquired a substantial foundation of knowledge for a gap year student. This foundation allows me to continue self-study, research, and further exploration of quantum computing. I extend my
  • 22. thanks to all the mentors and lecturers who dedicated their time and expertise to elucidate this fascinating yet intricate subject in an accessible manner. Similarly, I am committed to educating students who share a passion for STEM. My goal is to impart knowledge to them in a manner that's as accessible and comprehensible as WOMANIUM has done for me. Author’s introduction Greetings, I'm Prashant Pokhrel, hailing from Nepal, and I'm thrilled to connect with you. Currently navigating a gap year after graduating from high school in 2021, my passion lies at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and physics. The world of quantum physics captured my imagination back in 12th grade, and during my gap year, I embarked on a journey to understand the fundamentals of quantum computing. My quantum adventure took a significant leap when I enrolled in the WOMANIUM QUANTUM PROGRAM 2023. They say that to truly expand your knowledge, you should teach others, as it
  • 23. engrains the learning deep within your mind. Having completed this program, I am now eager to impart my newfound knowledge to high school students who are just beginning their journey into the captivating realms of quantum mechanics and quantum computing. Through this article, my aim is to introduce quantum physics and quantum computing in a way that's accessible and engaging for beginners. Let's embark on this educational voyage together, as we unravel the fascinating mysteries of the quantum world. Stay curious, Prashant Pokhrel