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Amnesty International Australia
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is an international non–government organization that actively tries to expose
and prevent human rights abuses. Their mission statement is to "unite people from all over the world
to fight for human rights using our signature tactics: Research, Action, and Advocacy. (n.d. 2016)"
The organization started in 1961, and has "demanded action on over 44,000 cases of human rights
abuses" as of December 14, 2011 (Amnesty International Australia 0:40). The country has 3 million
supporters in 150 different countries. In 2011, one of their major focuses was on releasing prisoners
of conscience, who were individuals that jailed after non–violently expressing their beliefs.
Very recently in the US, there has been more attention focused on the police; namely, police
brutality and racial profiling. More notably in August 9th of 2014, Michael Brown was shot by a
Ferguson Missouri police officer. The teenager was unarmed and was ... Show more content on ...
(n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–us/our–mission
[Amnesty International Australia]. 2011, December 14. 50 years of Amnesty International. [Video
File]. Retrieved from–WnlOCvXw
The Great Firewall of China: Background. (pingp). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–11/FreedomOfInformationChina/the–
Police and Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrived November 29, 2016, from–work/issues/military–police–and–arms/police–and–human–rights
Imprisoned for Peaceful Expression. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–work/cases/china–shi–tao
Breaking Its own Rules: Amnesty's Researcher Bias and Govt Funding. (n.d.). Retrieved November
29, 2016, from
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Amnesty International
Domestic Violence is a hidden secret that occurs in many households. According to NCADV, "1 in
15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are
eyewitnesses to this violence" ("Statistics"). Children are witnessing domestic violence at home and
some are even experiencing it themselves. Abuse can come in different shapes and forms like
physically, verbally, and sexually. This advertisement (ad) focuses on physical abuse children and
mothers face. Parents can often abuse each other which can be difficult for a child to see. Amnesty
International is the organization that is responsible for putting up this ad. Amnesty International is
an organization that fights for human rights for all races and genders around the world. The
organization campaigns for those who are constantly tortured and denied basic human rights. In the
"He has his mother's eyes" advertisement, the organization effectively utilizes lighting, pathos, and a
well known idiom to provoke and raise awareness that abuse takes place in many households
worldwide. First, the advertiser uses a dark background to evoke emotion of misery and terror. Just
by the dark background, the audience can tell this ad is very serious. The boy pictured in the image
has a big purple and red bruise marks on his left ... Show more content on ...
The tone is sorrow, scared, pitiful and misery. The audience should feel the need to stand and speak
up for the voiceless who are living in fear. The phrase "He has his mother's eyes", identifies the pain
and discomfort the child and mother are feeling. The lighting is dark so that it can create a somber
effect. Amnesty International used a child because kids are seen as innocent and pure which means
people will feel very bad for the child. Seeing the child will make people feel like they have a sense
of responsibility to demand actions against domestic
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Amnesty Informative Speech
In 1961, British lawyer Peter Benenson was outraged when two Portuguese students were jailed just
for raising a toast to freedom. He wrote an article in The Observer newspaper and launched a
campaign that provoked an incredible response. His call to action sparked the idea that people
everywhere can unite in solidarity for justice and freedom.
This inspiring moment didn't just give birth to an extraordinary movement, it was the start of
extraordinary social change. Here is a short summary of what amnesty has done throughout history.
In 1963 the first prisoner of conscience was released. This sparks decades of tireless campaigning on
behalf of people persecuted for their beliefs.
Amnesty launches its first campaign against torture in 1972.
In 1977 Amnesty is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for contributing to ... Show more content on ...
They have shifted from a large London base, to open regional offices in cities in Africa, Asia–
Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
Amnesty international has made a huge impact on the world and changed the lives of millions of
people. They stand for so many good causes and bring torturers to justice, change oppressive laws
and so much more. Here are the causes they stand for: Armed conflict, death penalty,
disappearances, discrimination, freedom of expression, living in dignity, torture and so much more.
Now we are going to tell you a little bit about the most important causes in our eyes.
Human rights is a very important issue for amnesty international. Human rights are rights inherent to
all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without
discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and
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Amnesty International Mission Statement
My choice in an International, non–governmental organisation is Amnesty international. Amnesty
International's only focus is improving human rights throughout in the world where it is very much
needed. It is an extremely large organisation of 7 million people and the organisation has no
political, religious, or economic ties (Amnesty International, 2016).
Amnesty International's mission statement is as follows: "Amnesty International's mission is to
undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to
physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from
discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights." (Wikipedia, 2016)
Amnesty international have many campaigns running all ... Show more content on
Large regions of Africa are currently experiencing huge increases in foreign investment and there is
a definite economic boom in terms of international trade, however, the people within these nations
are largely living in extremely poor conditions, where poverty is rife. Africa Not 4 Sale fights for the
right to economic freedom for these people, where the wealth is not sold to foreign investors, but
where the people of the country are given those opportunities to develop themselves and build a
better life through increased earnings from taking the work themselves instead of handing it over to
internationals. Africa Not 4 Sale gets the opportunity to present solutions to the African Economic
Forum, where their suggestions to improve economic fairness and security will be considered
(Amnesty International, 2016). This is vitally important as it is a voice for the people and a stair way
which can be used to feed the needy and empower the people. If talks like this were never taken
seriously or done Africa could be further ripped of it's wealth, while it's people suffer even
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Pros And Cons Of Amnesty International
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International is a Non–Governmental Human Rights
Organization founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson a British lawyer. His newspaper appeal article,
"The Forgotten Prisoners", was published globally on May 1961 and brought in over a thousand
offers of support for the idea of an international organization to protect and ensure human rights.
The organization had taken up more than 200 human rights cases and had set up organized national
bodies in 7 countries and within twelve months the new organization had already sent out
delegations to four countries to represent prisoners, the first year's expenditure was over six
thousand pounds and the principles of independence and strict impartiality were established. The
emphasis of the organization was the ... Show more content on ...
The main focus of its campaign is to: Free all prisoners of conscience and people detained anywhere
because of their beliefs or for their ethnic origin, language, colour, sex, national or social origin,
economic or birth status, or any other status that have not used or advocated violence. Put an end to
extra–judicial executions and disappearances. Amnesty International also opposes abuses by
opposition groups which include taking of hostages, torture, killing of prisoners and other deliberate
or arbitrary killings. Fight to abolish the death penalty, torture and use of other cruel, degrading or
inhumane treatment of prisoners. Ensure prompt and fair trials for political prisoners.
( Amnesty International is independent of any government, economic interest,
political ideology or religion, and is funded mainly by membership fees and public donations. After
more than 50 years of great achievements, Amnesty International is now embarking on a major
process of evolution, to adapt to changes in the world, and to increase the impact of its human rights
work globally. RECENT
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Essay On International Non Governmental Organization
Research an International Non –Governmental Organization that works on behalf of human rights
The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defines an INGO as "any
organization which is not established by inter–governmental agreement" (Resolution 288 (X) 27
February 1950), "including organizations which accept members designated by government
authorities, provided that such membership does not interfere with the free expression of views of
the organizations" (Resolution 1296 (XLV) of 25 June 1968).
An international non–governmental organization (INGO) has the same mission as a non–
governmental organization (NGO), but it is international in scope and has outposts around the world
to deal with specific issues in many countries.
International Non–governmental Organizations can further be defined by their primary purpose.
Some INGOs are operational, meaning that their primary purpose is to foster the community–based
organizations within each country via different projects and operations. Some INGOs are advocacy–
based, meaning that their primary purpose is to influence the policy–making of different countries'
governments regarding certain issues or promote the awareness of a certain issue. Many of the large
INGOs have components of both operational projects and advocacy initiatives working together
within individual countries.
There are many International Non –Governmental Organizations that work on behalf of human
rights issues. Some of these are
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Mahatma Gandhi
How Justice Has Changed the World
How can you change the world? Gandhi, Mother Jones, and Mohamed Zaree, have in many ways
shapes and forms. Gandhi has changed the world by helping not only South Africa, but also India
gain independence from Britain. Mother Jones inspired many people to fight against Child Labor
Laws, and it was eventually banned, and Mohamed Zaree is a leading figure for civil rights in
Egypt. These three individuals have helped enact change by leading and supporting peaceful forms
of protest that eliminate human injustice and support human rights. Mahatma Gandhi is an aspiring,
leading figure for civil rights in India and South Africa, and with the selfless actions he has done, he
has helped both countries gain independence from Great Britain. For example, according to the
authors of "Satyagraha: Gandhi's Legacy," it states, "Much as it had done in the American colonies,
Britain controlled the South African government and all its practices and exacted taxes. It was this
situation that led to much of the racial tension in the country . . . His ultimate goal, however, was to
help India gain independence from Britain. India eventually became independent in 1947, shortly
before Gandhi was assassinated." When Gandhi was alive, both India and South Africa were British
colonies that were impoverished by heavy taxes and extreme laws, and he believed that this was
wrong, so he helped both countries gain independence before he was assassinated in 1947. Gandhi
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The Issue of Capital Punishment in the United States Essay
Death Valley: The Issue of Capital Punishment in the United States
Should capital punishment be practiced in the United States? This question has been highly debated
for many years because of the numerous, often conflicting perspectives from which various parties
have attempted to answer it. These parties range from high–ranking politicians seeking to lower the
national crime rate to the average United States taxpayer who does not want to see his or her money
being spent inefficiently. In addition to such empirical concerns, moral issues such as conceptions of
justice arise as well. After examining the history of the issue, its international status, and the
arguments of the opposing factions, we will recommend that capital punishment ... Show more
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Even states in the U.S. itself have opted to abolish the death penalty. "In the last decade a growing
number of states have ended capital punishment under their national laws and are using and
interpreting international law as an instrument to restrict its use and, ultimately, to abolish it as a
penalty" (Grant 20). At the same time, however, the death penalty remains in use in the majority of
the states and is defended by many staunch supporters. It is apparent that since the beginning of the
death penalty debate in the 1700s, public opinions of the issue have been erratic. Just as it was
difficult to find one solution to the death penalty debate in the past, the same holds true in current
This divisiveness stems from the fact that capital punishment is a very controversial practice.
Whether it is moral to take one's life in retribution for a crime is a matter of opinion. For a country
as large as the United States, choosing a side in this debate will unquestionably alienate one or more
groups of people. The plurality of viewpoints reflects the fact that there are so many ways to define
the key issues. Each position in the debate (e.g. the view that cost is the focal point) is made up of
another subset representing various groups and their respective opinions. The countless number of
varied moral upbringings experienced by those with an interest in the issue is
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The Lack Of Education And Global Inequalities In Kenya
Global inequalities are the things that society identifies as not equal and unfair. There are many
inequalities in Kenya including income, life expectancy, education, water, gender and poverty
inequalities. Although these are negative problems, opportunities in Kenya have shown
improvement as people are starting to make a difference by sending more people to school and
giving children education they need and also food and water for people to survive. Amnesty
International and Unicef are all apart of the world trying to make a difference. Amnesty
International is the world's largest and most–respected human rights organisation. Amnesty
campaigns against abuse of human rights around the world. The other NGO that I have chose is
UNICEF who promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in the world.
The lack of opportunities is a struggle in Kenya for women and children as they are a very poor
country and can't afford food and education for their community. The people that are affected by this
are women and children who are treated differently. Some of the many inequalities for women are
that they are paid less than men, this is due to gender inequality and discrimination against women.
It has scientifically shown that women are earning what men were paid in 2006 and will take
another 118 years for women to be equally paid the same as men. Another inequality for women in
Kenya is that they are less educated than men, this is evident as they have less access to education,
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Amnesty International Against the Death Penalty Essay
Amnesty International Against the Death Penalty The death penalty is enforced in more than 100
countries around the globe. Statistically, there have been 1,708 known executions in 35 of these 100
countries. I=m sure that the true figures are certainly higher. The most common methods of this
controversial act include shooting, electrocution, lethal injection, hanging, stoning, and decapitation.
Around the world, there are presently almost 3,000 people on death row (What is Amnesty
International, 1997, Oct. 29, p. 13). Rushing to stand on behalf of these prisoners is the powerful
social activist group Amnesty International. Amnesty International Aopposes the death penalty in all
cases on the grounds that it is a violation of the ... Show more content on ...
In 1977, their achievements landed them a recipient award of the Nobel Prize for Peace (AAmnesty
International of the U.S.A.,@ 1996, p. 2162).
Today, Amnesty International has more then 1,000,000 members, subscribers, and regular donors in
more than 100 countries and territories throughout the world. Without including the thousands of
schools, universities, and professional groups that do not register internationally, Amnesty
International holds 4,287 local groups within the International Secretariat. The heart of the
organization lies in London, with over 300 permanent staff members and 95 volunteers from around
the world (AAmnesty International=s facts and figures,@ 1997, Nov. 15, p. 1).
For every organization to work there must be some type of administration, and indeed, Amnesty
International has one. Today, the Secretary General in charge of Amnesty International is Pierre
Sane. In whole, it is governed by a nine–member International Executive Committee. Eight of the
nine members are volunteers, elected every two years by an International Council, and one elected
member of the International Secretariat (AFacts and figures about Amnesty International,@ 1997,
Nov. 1, p. 1).
Finally, the last bit of information about Amnesty International is its main focuses. Standing by its
detailed international statute, Amnesty International=s
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Death Penalty Australia Essay
Introduction. The death penalty has always been a topic of controversy since it was first introduced.
The death penalty has been abolished in a majority of countries across the world, but still remains
active in one third of the world. The death penalty has a lot of ethical and moral matters tied to it. In
a world of individuality there is a divide on the people, for the death sentence and those against it.
Many view it as a barbaric and cruel punishment that violates the constitutional right of a human
being. Whilst other view it as a just punishment for serious crimes. This paper will look at the
history of the death penalty in Australia in body one. Then in body two, lead on to a recent case
known as the 'Bali nine' which was ... Show more content on ...
This would be for crimes ranging from murder to forgery to something as little as theft. The last
person executed in Australia was Ronald Ryan, who was hanged in Melbourne Pentridge Prison in
1967, having been convicted of killing a prison officer during an escape (Maguire & Houghton,
2016) . In the subsequent years after, the death penalty was removed from all statute books in all
Australian jurisdictions.
In 1973 the Australian parliament passed legislation prohibiting capital punishment in the Death
Penalty Abolition Act 1973 (cth)s 4. Before this, Queensland was the first state to abolish the death
penalty in 1922. Tasmania was then the second state to follow in 1968. Tasmania so passed the
criminal code act 1968, similar to that of Queensland's chosen legislation. The act provides that, by
section 2 that 'after the commencement of this act, the sentence of punishment by death shall no
longer be inflicted' In respect to crimes committed against the laws of the state since the
implementation of this act, criminal rates did not rise and the punishment of life imprisonment has
served as an adequate punishment with positive deterrence rates. (Lennan & Williams, 2012).
The Bali Nine.
In April 2015, the execution of two Australian citizens, Andrew Chan and Myuan Sukumeran
brought the death penalty to the forefront of public consciousness. This case was known globally as
the Bali nine. The Bali nine were a
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The Consequences Of Amnesty International
There are many non–governmental organizations around the world that is fighting on behalf of
human rights; however, one non–governmental organization that has singled itself out to deals with
human rights issues is Amnesty International. The reason I have chosen this organization is because
its operation and activities is found in many, if not in all countries of the world. Founded in 1961 by
the British lawyer Peter Benenson in London, the organization has grown to over 7 million
volunteers who take injustice personally. (Amnesty International, n.d). Undoubtedly, there have
been many problems all over the world that involved torture, abuse and illegal arrests of police and
army who are excessively intoxicated with powers to unleash mayhem on the society. The
consequences of these human rights abuses are that many people were brutally murdered and others
simply went missing. Amnesty international has, however, been involved in mass campaign against
these human rights abuses and their efforts have rescue many people who would have suffered
untold suffering. (Amnesty International, n.d)
Amnesty international, as the ... Show more content on ...
This information has proven to be valuable in sensitizing the world on various abuses in many part
of the world. Arguably, the work of Amnesty International is very vital and important in human
existence. Through the reporting of the organization, genocides and mass killings have been averted
in many countries. Human lives are preserved and suffering of civilian has drastically reduced over
the years. Amnesty International unequivocally plays the role of a whistle blower who uses its
powers to fight the injustices committed against poor citizens in many countries and region of the
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Amnesty International : For Survivors Of Wartime Rape
International Publications (2012).
Amnesty International's purpose is "to analyze the failure of the authorities to respect the right to
reparation of survivors of wartime rape." (AI) This purpose is legitimate as out of the tens of
thousands of women who were victims of wartime rape, "fewer than 40 cases have been
prosecuted." (AI) The governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina are cited to have numerous new
legislation being passed that would provide reparations. For example, the Ministry for Human
Rights and Refugees set up a program for victims of violence in conflict, specifically targeting this
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It gives a clear summary of what Amnesty International has done throughout the 2000, providing
useful information about recent history pertaining to social reparation. Knowledge of the programs
present throughout the 2000s is particularly useful to know in order to visualize a timeline of what
has been done post conflict. This paper connects with Salzman as the historical basis of Salzman
allows the Amnesty International article to be read with the cultural understanding that the AI article
alone lacks. The difference in time is important between the two as Salzman's focus is on the UN
prosecution of the perpetrators, while Amnesty International focuses on victims forgotten by time, in
a place where they continue to get no redress for their grievances. This work relates to Ginn as well.
Both papers provide an account into policy and reformations of policy. While Ginn focuses more on
learning from failed court systems, Amnesty International emphasizes the promotion of more
effective social organizations, in order to promote human rights. These articles focus heavily on the
rape survivors' low success count in terms of compensation, which is another strong indicator that
the articles work well together, as the focus does not leave behind those to whom reformations to the
systems are for.
Salzman, Todd A. "Rape camps as a means of
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Attention Getter For Amnesty International
Md. Rakibul Karim (Rocky)
Persuasive Outline
ENG 110
Amnesty International (AI)
Topic: The Extraordinary activities of Amnesty International
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about AI actions and operational plans
1. Introduction:
A) Attention Getter:
Azza Hilal, a great voice from Egypt. When there are any discrepancies she got around, she just
stands for it. In 2011 she has carried her voices against the local government for human rights. But
during the protest the soldiers of Egyptian just attacked her, it was a tremendous hit by them. ...
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Work Segments: Death penalty, Armed Conflict, Arms Control, Corporate Accountability,
Disappearance, Discrepancy, Freedom of expression, International Justice, Living In dignity,
Refuge–Asylum shakers, and migrants, Sexual and reproductive rights, Tortures, United Nations.
E. Great Footsteps: Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi were the prominent examples of
magnificent work of Amnesty International.
F. Work with Region
Africa, East Africa, the Horn and Great Lakes, west– Southern and central Africa and the Caribbean,
North– south America, Asia and The Pacific, East and south Asia and the Pacific.
Working Procedure:
Finances and pay, International Individuality Toolkit, Amnesty International's Statue, AI
Contemporary Slavery Act, Transparency Statement, Ingo Charter, Strategic plan, assessing impact,
Structure and people. They have own office in 80 countries and rest they have a liaison office.
Financial Statement:
Total income:
2015: £ 70 million and expenses: 58 million. This income all came from individuals, not by any
government. Join AI & donate: Any one can join Amnesty international by giving monthly payment
minimum 5 $ which is equivalent to 17 cents a day by online, by phone or by mail.
3. Conclusion:
A. Review what I went
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Amnesty International ( Ai )
Amnesty International (AI) is a Non–Governmental Organization which has the stated mission to
make ensure "a world in which every person – regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual
orientation or gender identity – enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR) and other internationally recognized human rights standards (Our
Mission, 2015)." In order to do this AI publishes research, takes actions that get the attention of
governments and policy makers, and advocate for the advancement of human rights (Our Mission,
2015). It is on these three fronts that I have focused my research.
First and foremost, AI publishes information about human rights and human struggles throughout
the world. On their website, they will publish articles containing the research they have conducted in
order to bring attention to the struggles of a particular group. For example, recently they have
published an article about the struggle of Syrian refugees that have fled into Turkey. In this article
they note that Syrian refugees are facing a failure of an international response to the crisis they are
facing in their home country. They go on to provide specific example with quantitative data about
the 1.6 million refugees of whom only 220,000 are being accommodated in government–run refugee
camps (Turkey: Struggling To Survive: Refugees From Syria In Turkey, 2014). With research and
article like this, AI is able to bring major human rights
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Why Are Child Soldiers Wrong
My name is Abida and I am a student at Wayzata West Middle School. Imagine you, an innocent
five year old, playing on the soccer field. Then, in an instant, you are blindfolded, and you feel
hands on your back. You have been taken, no abducted. There is something heavy placed in your
hand. It's a gun. A booming voice commands you, "Shoot,". So, fearfully you do. You had killed
your best friend that day. Fromm them on out, you are a spy, endure the worst physical torture, and
are even sent out on the first lines of war. There are currently thirteen countries that use over 33
thousand child soldiers. Children as young as four can be apart of the military. Many of the children
have been forced to join or join as a last resort. After these children ... Show more content on ...
Unless a child soldier has proven to pose a threat to the public's safety, the U.S. should grant
amnesty to them because many child soldiers unwillingly join, or go as a last resort and many face
physical and mental problems and need help. Some may say that these child soldiers are no different
than felons, but these children don't know what they are doing and are not morally responsible for
their actions. If the U.S. doesn't grant amnesty to child soldiers, rebel and terrorist groups will grow
stronger, causing more violence to spring up in the world in the future. You can help these brave
children by countering the presidential waiver on the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 signed
by president Obama and offering the impacted youth help and rehabilitation. If you compel to this
simple request, you could truly be known as a great leader. Now the only question is, Will you?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my letter and I hope to take into consideration this
viewpoint on this important, yet controversial,
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Human Rights Abuses Of Fiji Essay
Human Rights Abuses in Fiji
From the time when commander Commodore Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama abrogated Fiji's
constitution and took over the elected government, there have been increasing reports of human
rights violations within the country as well as defilements of the rule of law (Amnesty International,
2014). The main sources of these rights violations have been from overseas tourists, international
and local journalists and also non–profit organisations that have been committed into bringing about
justice for the people whose rights have been constantly oppressed by Bainimarama's regime
(Amnesty International, 2014). These sources have witnessed the situation and have considered it as
a total violation of international human rights which demands immediate action from not only
neighbouring countries but also the international community. Correspondingly, Amnesty
International continued to document cases whereby human rights are being continually ill–treated by
the military (Amnesty International, 2009). For example, earlier this year Amnesty International in
one of their reports documented human rights activists peacefully protesting have been arrested and
incarcerated with no fair trials (Amnesty International, 2009). Furthermore, peaceful demonstrations
and marches have been forced to cancel or subjectively refused as well as having the police break up
secluded meetings of individuals who have gotten together to seek solutions to the government's
unjust actions
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Amnesty International Trial
It is difficult to speak about a human rights NGO and not mention Amnesty International. The
organization has a mission of protecting human rights through the following means as indicated on
their website (–we–are/, Amnesty International): 1– Investigate and
expose facts 2– Lobby governments and powerful bodies to ensure promises are kept and
international laws are respected 3– By telling powerful stories of people we work with, mobilizing
millions of supporters around the world to campaign for change 4– Support people to claim their
rights by means of education and training More recently, Amnesty international has been advocating
for the release of young activists that were arrested in Saudi Arabia. A lot of the youngsters were
under the age of 18 at the time of their arrests. The charge was the act of protest against the
government. This is a serious offence in the country and comes under the anti–terrorism laws
enforced here. Further, the trial is ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the biggest hurdle remains that the country is a closed society and on numerous occasions
has voiced its distaste when it comes to foreign influence in its internal affairs and a direct meddling
with its sovereignty. It has been seen that even lawyers representing some of these protestors were
arrested hence complicating the issue even further. This goes to show you that the influence being
exerted by Amnesty may not entirely have an impact and the biggest weapon in their arsenal
continues to be the millions of supporters it has along with the media outlets it has access to as a
result of its global outreach. We have seen in the past that such efforts have not all been in vain, for
instance in the case of prisoners held in Iran which eventually succumbed to the pressure and
released individuals in
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Personal Reflective Essay On Pursuing A Career
I am a media, communication and development postgraduate who have also studied Asian politics.
The academic training I received not only allows me to accumulate knowledge, but also strengthens
my ability of critical thinking.
In my junior year of undergraduate study, I participated in a one–year project of publishing online
news reports on a weekly basis. With the death penalty as my topic of choice, I released a series a
total of 8 reports within three months. In order to diversify contents and keep it interesting for
myself, I had to think about the topic at hand from different perspectives. The weekly deadline was a
major challenge, as this was only one of the projects students were engaged in. The strategy I
adopted at the time was to alternate demanding topics with rather easier ones, to give myself a
breathing space to develop the "hard" topics, and to make sure I had sufficient time. The result was
satisfactory. My project was awarded for being the most frequently covered as the headline of the
week. It not only suggested that I had handled the main theme relatively well, it also showed that I
was able to present each sub–topics in suitable ways. Furthermore, I became accustomed to working
under intense pressure against deadlines.
I have involved voluntarily in Amnesty International since 2009, which explains the reason my
reports were mainly human rights–related. I contributed to the organisations in translations,
volunteer coordination, poster design, event
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Persuasive Essay On Death Penalty
Joshua McCray
POLS 230
Benjamin Bricker
Final Paper 12/8
The death penalty disproportionately targets minorities especially African Americans. In the United
States of America there is an unequal and unfair burden against African Americans in the criminal
justice system. In 2011, African Americans were only 13.6% of the American population (Rastogi,
Johnson, Hoeffel, & Drewery, 2011). However, African Americans in 2011 made up 42% of the total
death row population (Snell, 2011). Although a minority of the total population in the United States,
African Americans make the majority of inmates on death row facing execution. Furthermore, the
death penalty in many states is used as tool that following the racial legacy of Jim Crow laws.
Sentences resulting in death are higher in states with a history of lynching (Schweizer 92). States
with a history of lynching are predominately found in the Southern United states. The Southern
United states has the highest population of death row inmates. In 2009 alone there were 1,630
inmates currently on death row in the South compared to 226 in the North and only 988 in the West
(Schweizer 92). In addition, the race of the victim often will determine the sentence. Results from
the Baldus Study suggested evidence of racial disparity in the state of Georgia based on the victims
race (Schweizer 92). The Baldus study argued African American defendants who committed
murdered white individuals had much higher probability of receiving the death penalty. Prosecutors
in Georgia pursued a verdict of death in 80% of their cases if the defendant was African American
and the victim was white (Schweizer 92). This is purely racial discrimination and prejudice. Finally,
"Since 1977, the overwhelming majority (77%) off death row defendants have been executed for
killing white victims, even though African Americans make up about half of all homicide victims
(Amnesty International)."The race of the both the victim and perpetrator in criminal is irrelevant.
The purpose is to bring justice to the victim, and if the defendant is found guilty give an appropriate
sentence in regards to his crime. This means that the race of the defendant should be irrelevant in
determining the sentence. The death
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Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is the execution of a perpetrator for committing a heinous crime (homicide), and
it is a hotly debated topic in our society. The basic issue is whether capital punishment should be
allowed as it is today, or abolished in part or in whole. My argument is that:
1) Capital punishment is not an effective deterrent for heinous crimes.
2) Life imprisonment can be worse of a punishment than death, not as costly as execution, and better
for rehabilitation.
3) The innocent can be wrongly put to death.
Conclusion: Capital punishment should be abolished.
Though capital punishment might seem like the only way to get revenge, it is morally unjust. Who
are we to decide whether a person should live or die? It is morally ... Show more content on ...
Murderers have the lowest rate of re–committing a homicide than people who have served time for
other offenses (Johnson, 1990).
The Innocent With convictions and executions, there is always a chance that someone was wrongly
filed with charges. What are we to do with these people? In a study of capital convictions from 1900
to 1986 conducted by Radelet and Bedau, 350 cases were identified in which defendants were
mistakenly convicted of crimes they did not commit, and of these 350, 24 were executed. Though 24
un–called for executions in 87 years don't sound too bad, the number should be zero. Society must
determine whether the risk of wrongly executing an innocent person is worth taking to reap the
benefits of executions of convicted murderers.
The latest information for Amnesty International states that 70 countries have completely abolished
the death penalty for all crimes. Thirteen countries have abolished the death penalty for all but
exceptional crimes, such as wartime crimes. Twenty–three countries haven't abolished the death
penalty by law, but haven't carried out any executions in the last ten years. Once abolished, most
countries do not reintroduce the death penalty. Since 1985, 35 countries have abolished the death
penalty. During that period, only four reintroduced it – Nepal then once again abolished it. During
1998 at least 2,258 prisoners are known to have been executed in 37 countries and 4,845 sentenced
to death in 78
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The Effectiveness of Amnesty International
The Effectiveness of Amnesty International
In 1961, two Portuguese students raising a toast to freedom were imprisoned for 7 years. Upon
learning about the controversy, Peter Benenson, a British lawyer published The Forgotten Prisoners
in the Observer newspaper. This became the article that launched Amnesty International and the
worldwide campaign to take action and fight for human rights. Amnesty International or commonly
called "AI" is a worldwide, non for profit organization that advocates and fights for human rights
issues globally. As set forth in the Universal Declaration of Independence, Amnesty International
campaigns to free prisoners of conscience, fight for women's rights, abolish the death penalty and
ultimately restore and fight for human rights. In spite of recent controversy of the International
NGO, Amnesty aims to create an abuse free world using volunteer members of more than 3 million
to write and protest to government officials in order to protect human rights everywhere. Amnesty
International is an efficient advocacy group that investigates global issues and seeks truths in order
to protect and promote a peaceful world.
In countries like Burma and North Korea, citizens are unable to voice their opinion regarding
criticisms of the government. However, when they do, they are immediately imprisoned and cannot
be released. Amnesty International fights to protect the rights of the imprisoned, without necessarily
supporting the views of the victim's
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Capital Punishment
Criminal law is imposed by almost every nation in the world to reduce crime rate and maintain law
and order of the society. An individual who found guilty of a crime will have to face corresponding
punishments. Among all penalties, capital punishment is considered to be the most severe and
cruelest one which takes away criminal's most valuable right in the world, that is, right to live. It is a
heated debate for centuries whether capital punishment should be completely abolished world
widely. The world seems to have mixed opinion regarding this issue. According to Amnesty
International (2010), currently, 97 countries in the world have already abolished capital punishment
while only 58 nations still actively adopt death penalty. ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, this kind of misjudgment can never be reversed in pair with capital punishment. Even
if the innocent is proven to be not guilty in the future, no one is able to return his or her life back to
the body. No matter what compensation the nation could offer afterwards, it will never result in
fairness and equality. Therefore, capital punishment should be abolished to prevent those innocent
people from horrible unfairness.
Last but not least, from a sociologic perspective, capital punishment does not work as intended, to
deter crime rate, rather, it might brutalize individuals, at the same time does nothing good to the
victim's family other than brutal vengeance. The origin of death penalty is served as a vehicle to put
a warning for those potential future criminals that such kind of behavior will lead to death.
However, so far, no clear evidence can be seen that capital punishment, as a mechanism of deterrent,
actually cut down the local crime rate. Ironically, a reversal trend was found by Death Penalty
Information Center (2010) in the USA that the death penalty leads to an increase in local murder
rate. To die might be too easy for the mindless murderers. Also, for the relatives or friends of
criminals put into death through capital punishment, they are more likely to be
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Argumentative Essay On Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) with worldwide movement
of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights." Founded in the UK in 1961,
the organization works to highlight reported deviations from the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights of the United Nations. It attempts to garner public support, most notably in the form of letter
writing campaigns, in the belief that this can exert political pressure. At the 27th International
Council meeting, 2005, it was decided that:
"Amnesty International's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights
enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights
In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action ... Show
more content on ...
For example, Amnesty International did not condemn South Africa's apartheid regime, widely
regarded as an abuse of human rights. This has been interpreted as being due to South Africa's
political and economic links with the British and American governments of the time.
Anti–Israel stance; Just about everything Israel does to defend itself is 'illegal' in the eyes of
Amnesty International. During the Israel Lebanese conflict of 2006, Amnesty was accusing Israel of
war crimes. According to the Jerusalem Post's Alan Dershowitz, through restraint, Israel was able to
minimize the number of civilian casualties in Lebanon, but Amnesty criticized nevertheless. Yet on
Hezbollah's best efforts to embed itself in population centers and to use civilians as human shields,
Amnesty said nothing. "Bigotry, pure and simple.", said Dershowitz.
Gun control and death penalty; Amnesty International supports gun control and opposes death
penalty.(summary of all critical press releases put out by Amnesty over the period
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The Civil Society Discourse
The last section of our research project deals with the civil society discourse in a try to respond to
our primary question regarding who is responsible for the tragedy of deaths at sea. Therefore,
primarily, we attempt to give a concrete definition of the civil society and its engagement in
European migration policy. Then, the second step is to give voice to International Organizations
regarding their views on the matter of responsibility of National Governments, EU and Frontex in
line with the humanitarian challenges that rise up.
To begin with, As Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights in October 2012 explicitly
said "Human rights will not improve much without the direct participation of a robust, free and
independent civil society...."
According to the Migration Policy Institute, a globally accepted definition for the civil society does
not exist but tend to mean the social structure outside the sphere of public administrations and
governments. However, in that context of migration, civil society is "a diverse range of nonstate
actors who may influence formal and informal migration–related rules, practices, and processes,
which may include: migrant–run nongovernmental organizations, professional associations,
religious institutions, trade unions, charities, human rights organizations, advocacy groups, and
many more" (Banulesc–Bodgan N. 2011).
The engagement of the civil society organizations in the European policy discourse regarding the
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Pros And Cons Of Amnesty International Essay
On February 7th, 2010, Gita Sahgal, then head of the Gender, Sexuality and Identity Unit at
Amnesty International, sparked a very public controversy about Amnesty International's approach to
its Counter Terror with Justice campaign when she spoke to the UK's Sunday Times. She argued that
Amnesty International ("AI" or "Amnesty") had gone too far by establishing a partnership with
Moazzam Begg, a UK citizen whose ties to the Taliban were unclear. She told the Times, "I believe
the campaign fundamentally damages Amnesty International's integrity and, more importantly,
constitutes a threat to human rights. To be appearing on platforms with Britain's most famous
supporter of the Taliban, whom we treat as a human rights defender, is a gross error of judgment. In
addition to authoring Enemy Combatant, Begg became the primary spokesperson for the non–
governmental organization (NGO) Cageprisoners, which was founded in October 2003 with the
mission to "raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and other detainees
held as part of the War on Terror. ... Show more content on ...
In the words of Kenaj, a human rights activist, cageprisoners is the only organisation to take
pioneering initiatives with him in organising several tours all around the UK with former US guards
from Guantanamo in order to raise awareness among prisoners regarding human rights. He also says
that he knows Mozamm Begg personally and he is no extremist. He also says that Mozamm Beg and
other released prisoners along with other representatives of caged prisoners had welcomed him on
his visit to them. They displayed very friendly and supportive behaviour to a non Muslim just as
they do with numerous other non–muslim supporters of Universal Human rights. He says that "Is
this we should expect from extremists and supporters of
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Examples Of Political Prisoners And Prisoners Of Conscience
1. Introduction
QUOTE (footnote 1)
1. Political prisoners
1. What is a political prisoner?
There are many different views among scholars regarding this term. This is due to the sheer
complexity of the situation, that people under this 'umbrella' fit into. There isn't any universal
definition for what a political prisoner is. However, a political prisoner is normally grouped as an
individual who is/has been imprisoned for his or her political activities. The refers especially to ones
who criticize or simply oppose the government of their select countries.
Some examples of political prisoners include include:
.... .... .... ....
2. Prisoners of conscience
1. What is a prisoner of conscience? "Prisoner ... Show more content on ...
.... .... ....
1.3 The difference between a political prisoner and a prisoner of conscience (according to Amnesty
According to Amnesty International, prisoners of conscience fall inside the "political prisoner" 'box'
however ar a lot of strictly outlined.
Prisoners of conscience ar people who are imprisoned or had their freedom somehow restricted as a
result of their political or spiritual sexual orientation, beliefs, language, gender, race, economic
standing, ethnic origin, or different social standing.
People who have used or promoted violence, even in the defense of their own personal beliefs are
not able to be classified as prisoners of conscience. (In some cases, using violence prevents some
prisoners from aquiring the designation of 'political prisoner', although this is a controversial issue.)
"Amnesty demands that all prisoners of conscience should be immediately and unconditionally
released. Since it's founding in 1961, it has worked on more than 44,000 cases and successfully
resolved 40,000 of them."
2. International human rights norms and standards
International Human Rights Standards: The Treatment of
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The Youth Justice And Other Legislation Act 2014
In 2014, the Government initiated the Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014.
This act introduced new changes that were made to provide fair outcomes and reasonable
punishments. This assignment will focus on four of the changes made to the act and evaluate how
the introduction of the Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 has impacted on
consequences for youth in the youth justice system. Recommendations for changes the government
could make will also be stated.
Part 4 Division 2 of the Children's Court Act 2000 states that the Childrens Court will now be an
open court for repeat offenders (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). The Court has
the option to hold a proceeding, whether it is an ... Show more content on ...
(Queensland Law Society 2014). This quote shows that, even after going to court once, children will
repeat offences and opening the Childrens Court will not help the rehabilitation of these repeat
offenders. However, the public is let in to see the cases and will learn about the court processes,
providing a better understanding, and if the case is of a sexual nature, the victim will feel much
more comfortable with the court being closed, and will be able to easily tell the complete truth.
The Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 gives the media the authorisation to
publish identifying information of a repeat offender at any stage during a court proceeding.
(Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). A first time offender is anyone who has not
been found guilty, at any time throughout a proceeding. First time offenders being named publicly
remains prohibited by section 301. (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). However,
Ian Brown, President of The Queensland Law Society, states that he strongly believes that publicly
naming a child coming before the courts should be prohibited. He believes letting the media
broadcast classified information of repeat offenders could become a major difficulty in terms of
getting the repeat offender back on the right track. (Department of Justice and Attorney General,
2014). The publishing of a repeat offender's name during a proceeding could
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Amnesty International Rhetorical Analysis Essay
"Amnesty International's Anti–Domestic Violence". Amnesty International's anti–domestic violence
advertisement is a powerful statement about the cycle of abuse. It features a child who appears to be
under ten years old. This child has a horribly blackened eye, and is photographed with the other side
of his face in shadow, which emphasizes the damage to his eye. Everything but the boy's face is
solid black. Overlaying the image is the white text: "He has his mother's eyes". In the bottom right
corner is Amnesty International's logo and website, with a simple plea: "Report abuse." This
advertisement is an effective call to action in the fight against abuse. The advertisement uses pathos
almost exclusively. The advertisement bypasses logos
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Mission Statement Of Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a non profit organization that help in the fighting of human rights all
around the globe, this organization was founded by Peter Benenson in United kingdom 1961.
International has close to about 7 million members all around the world, and their main objective is
to ensure that human rights are never violated and also to help get justice to those whose right has
been tempered with. And also they help them prevent violation of any form of films right both
locally and internationally.
The motto of Amnesty International states that " It is better to light a candle than to curse the
darkness." And there vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights
enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights
In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action focused
on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of
conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to
promote all human rights.
And indeed the motto states it all because Amnesty international services has contributed largely in
the area of ensuring proper human right, they've done so by rendering the services of legal advocacy,
media attentions, direct appeal campaigns, research and lobbying. The Amnesty international has
done greatly in contributing globally where ever there is
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The Role Of Globalisation On Emergence, Development And...
Human rights abuses are one of the major issues in society. With the rise of globalisation and
emergence of international and domestic social movements the problem has been reduced however
it is still alive. This essay aims to investigate the influence of globalisation on emergence,
development and outcomes of social movements that seek to protect human rights. (60 words)
One of the most serious human rights violations are forced child marriages. Child marriage is
defined as a formal marriage or informal union before age 18. Forced marriages have a strong affect
on women 's and children's rights to education, health, equality, and life that is free from violence
and exploitation.
The basic human rights for freedom, education and health are listed in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), however the number of human rights
abuses is still significantly large.
According to the research of California State University the girls are more likely to become the
victims of child marriage than boys. A comparison of the proportion of young girls aged 7–14 who
were forced into marriage in 2005 to boys aged 8–15 who were married in the same year illustrated
the ratio to be 74 to 1 in Pakistan, 68 to 2 in Syria, and 34 to 2 in Iran.
UNICEF research from 2013 shows that more than 700 million girls alive today were married at
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Human Rights Violations in China
Human rights violation in China
The People's Republic of China with a population 1.3 billion, is the third largest country in the
world and has a land size of 960,000 square kilometres. It is a rapidly growing economy, with living
standards being raised every year. However, human rights violations are still a part of daily life in
some part of China and can still be seen in the present time. The most controversial issues include
discrimination, right to live and not to be subject to torture, freedom of religion, opinion, to fair
public hearing, rights to family and the right of movement. (The Consulate General of The People's
Republic of China, 2003),(Infoplease, 2009)
The human rights – the freedom from sex and career status ... Show more content on ...
Rural workers who move to cities, seeking for employment opportunities, are captured and sent
back to their hometown, because the government thinks they are the source of crimes and that they
should be tracked down to maintain China's public image. All–China Women foundation and
constitutions were launched to preserve and enforces rights of women and rural residents in
political, economic, culture and family life, though no improvement was done by the government.
The freedom of religion is also violated. This is evident when China prohibits all religious activities
outside establishments registered; only four religions which are Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and
Islum, are permitted for people to practise and contents are monitored and sometimes modified. The
government has endeavoured to eliminate many types of new religious group, including Falun
Gong. Falun gong has been banned since 1999; security forces kidnap and arrest thousands of Falun
Gong leaders, approximately 3000 practitioners were tortured to death and 6000 was sent to
prison(Human rights watch, 2002), because it had been the most serious threat to the government
since the 1989 Tiananmen student uprising. The governments do not approve of religious
performance, so people would not share ideas that are not beneficial to obedience under a
communist regime.
There is also no freedom of speech in China. Authors of the criticizing articles about China were
executed under the reason, "protection of state
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Amnesty International : Violation Of Human Rights
Amnesty International is a worldwide movement that takes injustice very personally. As Amnesty
strongly believes that human rights should be enjoyed by all. Regarding this, Amnesty currently
focuses on the issue of substandard medical care for individuals in Immigration Detention. The
United States (US) places several hundred thousand people in Immigration Detention every year.
Leaving these vulnerable in a place with inadequate, or non–existent health care. These situations
resulting into great suffering and even in otherwise preventable death. Amnesty International
believes that these situations are in violation of international treaties as well as the 8th amendment
of the US constitution.
In 1977 the US signed the International ... Show more content on ...
Especially these vulnerable people should have access to health care. Leaving those people to suffer
and even die because of a lack of healthcare is cruel and inhumane. This behavior is not only
contradictory to the ICCPR but also to the US constitution, as mentioned in a landmark case, Estelle
v Gamble.
Estelle v Gamble has a similar principle as the current situation with the immigrants, where a
claimant brought a case all the way to the US Supreme Court since he claimed that the state failed to
provide medical treatment while the claimant was imprisoned. During Estelle's imprisonment, he
claimed that the intensive tasks caused him a back injury. He stated that the failure to medical
treatment within the prison was a violation of the 8th amendment of the US constitution as it was
creating a cruel situation and unusual punishment as he also was told he would be moved to the
'farm' if he didn't keep working.
However, the court argued that there is no violation of the US constitution solely based on the fact
that Estelle is a prisoner. The claimant got 17 visits from Dr. Gamble, within three months,
providing him with painkillers. The court did not look at the diagnose techniques or form of
treatment, it only looked at the fact that the claimant got treated by a medical malpractitioner when
he needed. The court looked more at the conduct than at the problem, which is the ignorance of
basic medical
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Persuasive Speech On Death Penalty
I am here to talk to you today about why the death penalty should be abolished in the United States.
The death penalty itself is a very controversial topic because it violates the moral and ethical code
most citizens of the United States share. Most other countries do not have the death penalty, and
only 31 states in the US administer the death penalty as a form of punishment for heinous crimes. I
understand it is justified in the sense that criminals are receiving what they inflicted on others, but is
there really a fair process for deciding who gets the death penalty and who doesn't? Or in deciding
who waits on death row longer than someone else? I believe the death penalty should be abolished
by the United States because it is biased, violates the moral and ethical code of most people, and
completely disregards certain amendments of the United States Constitution such as the fifth and
Traditionally, the justice system has been biased and skewed in more ways than one. The death
penalty is a prime example of this racial injustice. According to Amnesty International, "77% of
death row inmates were executed for the killing of white victims, even though African Americans
make up half of all the homicide victims" ("Death Penalty and Race – Amnesty International USA").
An example of this claim is the story of George Stinney. On June 16, 1944, in Columbia, South
Carolina, a 14 year old African American boy named George Stinney was executed by electric chair
after he was convicted for the murder of two young white girls. Stinney was interrogated with no
lawyer present and was believed to have been forced into confessing, which now is apparent. He
was convicted in less than ten minutes by an all white jury. 70 years after his execution, the state of
South Carolina exonerated him and issued an apology to his family for his wrongful conviction and
execution (Bever 2014). The next point I am going to talk about is how the federal government
claims that deaths by the lethal injection are quick and painless. There are plenty of problems that
could occur with the administering of the drugs. For example, the mixture of drugs could be wrong;
the direction of the flow of injection can be wrong if those administering
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A Critical Evaluation Of Amnesty International
A Critical Evaluation of Amnesty International
In an attempt to evaluate the work of Amnesty International (AI) as an organization, we need to first
delve into the historical background. Amnesty International is an international human rights
organization established in 1961 by a small group of individuals to translate human rights principles
in to practical action influenced by the impassioned newspaper describing the unjust imprisonment
of two prisoners of conscience by a British lawyer, Peter Benenson (Amnesty International [AI],
2015). The group invited other people to join them in advocating for the release of prisoners in
many countries who were in prison for expressing their beliefs. The organization started expanding
by aligning with the suffering of individuals killed, tortured, and imprison for political reasons
(Clark, 2007). Through such effort, Amnesty International started working for the protection of
general human rights through legal means and public pressure at international level.
At the international level, AI wanted to work with the community of nations to hold individual states
accountable for human rights violations. The community of nations exhibited no willingness as AI
started its public campaign. The core principles set down in 1948 by the United Nations in the form
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was violated by most governments who are
signatory to the document. The government representatives making up the UN Commission on
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
In order to stay alive Sarah Beltran Hernandez fled to the United States seeking asylum. Coming
from El Salvador, she was put in prison in Texas. Sarah started to get severe headaches and
nosebleeds. After weeks of only receiving aspirin and being in immense pain Sarah got to see a
doctor who discovered that she had a brain tumor. Then Amnesty International, "a global movement
of millions of people demanding human rights for all people no matter who they are or where they
are" campaigned to free Sarah from prison ("Refugee & Migrant Rights – Amnesty International
USA."). Thousands of people called to demand her passage out of prison. Six days later, Sarah was
released. Sarah also stood against the Department of Homeland Security with Amnesty International
and demanded that they no longer put people with asylum claims in prison. Sarah is now living with
her mom in New York and receiving healthcare. She is currently waiting for her asylum claim to be
respected. Amnesty International is a good organization because it helps people like Sara, and their
pursuit of justice makes me want to give them my $1000, because I want to help them help migrants
and refugees like Sara living in the U.S., and I want to help Amnesty International help victims of
injustice throughout the world. Amnesty International has been protecting human rights for over
fifty–five years. It began with a letter writing campaign after two Portuguese students were jailed for
toasting freedom. In 1977, they won
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Capital Punishment: Just or Unjust? Essay
Capital Punishment: Just or Unjust?
Can you imagine knowing the exact day, time, and place you were going to die, not to mention how
your death was to come about? Day after day of mental pain just knowing that days, hours, minutes
and even seconds from now you are going to be killed. The night before, tossing and turning,
playing through your head just the way you imagine your death is going to be, asking yourself
heaven or hell, suffering or short? If only you can take that one moment of sin back or maybe there
was never a moment of sin at all. After what seems like a hundred of years, the day finally arrives.
You slowly walk into the chamber, your heart is racing, your hands are clammy, and you are shaking
not because it is ... Show more content on ...
The gas chamber, first used in Nevada in 1921, was located in an airtight room with a chair into
which the accused was strapped. Death was then caused by an exposure to cyanide gas. As noted in
the article Debate Over Capital Punishment–A Pro Stance, the suffering caused is easy to see; the
prisoner is writing, vomiting, shaking and gasping for breath for many seconds ("Debate Over").
Lethal Injection, another form of execution, was introduced in 1977 and is now used in twenty–three
states. This is the most widespread method and believed to be the most humane. The convicted is
strapped to a table and injected with sodium thiopentone, loosing consciousness in ten to fifteen
seconds. This is then followed by pancuronium bromide, which blocks respiration, and finally
potassium chloride to stop the heart ("Debate Over").
In the 1930's there were more executions than any other decade. The average executions were one–
hundred and sixty–seven per year, which is an incredibly high number of deaths("Amnesty Facts").
During the 1960's people began challenging the legality of the death penalty. Many people said that
it was "cruel and inhumane" and it violated the Eighteenth Amendment("Amnesty Facts" ). In 1972
the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was cruel and inhumane which is unconstitutional
according to the Eighteenth Amendment. The United States reversed this decision when a "cleaner"
way to bring about death was
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Amnesty International Australia

  • 1. Amnesty International Australia Amnesty International Amnesty International is an international non–government organization that actively tries to expose and prevent human rights abuses. Their mission statement is to "unite people from all over the world to fight for human rights using our signature tactics: Research, Action, and Advocacy. (n.d. 2016)" The organization started in 1961, and has "demanded action on over 44,000 cases of human rights abuses" as of December 14, 2011 (Amnesty International Australia 0:40). The country has 3 million supporters in 150 different countries. In 2011, one of their major focuses was on releasing prisoners of conscience, who were individuals that jailed after non–violently expressing their beliefs. Very recently in the US, there has been more attention focused on the police; namely, police brutality and racial profiling. More notably in August 9th of 2014, Michael Brown was shot by a Ferguson Missouri police officer. The teenager was unarmed and was ... Show more content on ... (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–us/our–mission [Amnesty International Australia]. 2011, December 14. 50 years of Amnesty International. [Video File]. Retrieved from–WnlOCvXw The Great Firewall of China: Background. (pingp). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–11/FreedomOfInformationChina/the– great–firewall–of–china–background/index.html Police and Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrived November 29, 2016, from–work/issues/military–police–and–arms/police–and–human–rights Imprisoned for Peaceful Expression. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from–work/cases/china–shi–tao Breaking Its own Rules: Amnesty's Researcher Bias and Govt Funding. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Rhetorical Analysis Of Amnesty International Domestic Violence is a hidden secret that occurs in many households. According to NCADV, "1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence" ("Statistics"). Children are witnessing domestic violence at home and some are even experiencing it themselves. Abuse can come in different shapes and forms like physically, verbally, and sexually. This advertisement (ad) focuses on physical abuse children and mothers face. Parents can often abuse each other which can be difficult for a child to see. Amnesty International is the organization that is responsible for putting up this ad. Amnesty International is an organization that fights for human rights for all races and genders around the world. The organization campaigns for those who are constantly tortured and denied basic human rights. In the "He has his mother's eyes" advertisement, the organization effectively utilizes lighting, pathos, and a well known idiom to provoke and raise awareness that abuse takes place in many households worldwide. First, the advertiser uses a dark background to evoke emotion of misery and terror. Just by the dark background, the audience can tell this ad is very serious. The boy pictured in the image has a big purple and red bruise marks on his left ... Show more content on ... The tone is sorrow, scared, pitiful and misery. The audience should feel the need to stand and speak up for the voiceless who are living in fear. The phrase "He has his mother's eyes", identifies the pain and discomfort the child and mother are feeling. The lighting is dark so that it can create a somber effect. Amnesty International used a child because kids are seen as innocent and pure which means people will feel very bad for the child. Seeing the child will make people feel like they have a sense of responsibility to demand actions against domestic ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Amnesty Informative Speech In 1961, British lawyer Peter Benenson was outraged when two Portuguese students were jailed just for raising a toast to freedom. He wrote an article in The Observer newspaper and launched a campaign that provoked an incredible response. His call to action sparked the idea that people everywhere can unite in solidarity for justice and freedom. This inspiring moment didn't just give birth to an extraordinary movement, it was the start of extraordinary social change. Here is a short summary of what amnesty has done throughout history. In 1963 the first prisoner of conscience was released. This sparks decades of tireless campaigning on behalf of people persecuted for their beliefs. Amnesty launches its first campaign against torture in 1972. In 1977 Amnesty is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for contributing to ... Show more content on ... They have shifted from a large London base, to open regional offices in cities in Africa, Asia– Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Amnesty international has made a huge impact on the world and changed the lives of millions of people. They stand for so many good causes and bring torturers to justice, change oppressive laws and so much more. Here are the causes they stand for: Armed conflict, death penalty, disappearances, discrimination, freedom of expression, living in dignity, torture and so much more. Now we are going to tell you a little bit about the most important causes in our eyes. Human rights is a very important issue for amnesty international. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Amnesty International Mission Statement My choice in an International, non–governmental organisation is Amnesty international. Amnesty International's only focus is improving human rights throughout in the world where it is very much needed. It is an extremely large organisation of 7 million people and the organisation has no political, religious, or economic ties (Amnesty International, 2016). Amnesty International's mission statement is as follows: "Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights." (Wikipedia, 2016) Amnesty international have many campaigns running all ... Show more content on ... Large regions of Africa are currently experiencing huge increases in foreign investment and there is a definite economic boom in terms of international trade, however, the people within these nations are largely living in extremely poor conditions, where poverty is rife. Africa Not 4 Sale fights for the right to economic freedom for these people, where the wealth is not sold to foreign investors, but where the people of the country are given those opportunities to develop themselves and build a better life through increased earnings from taking the work themselves instead of handing it over to internationals. Africa Not 4 Sale gets the opportunity to present solutions to the African Economic Forum, where their suggestions to improve economic fairness and security will be considered (Amnesty International, 2016). This is vitally important as it is a voice for the people and a stair way which can be used to feed the needy and empower the people. If talks like this were never taken seriously or done Africa could be further ripped of it's wealth, while it's people suffer even ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Amnesty International AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International is a Non–Governmental Human Rights Organization founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson a British lawyer. His newspaper appeal article, "The Forgotten Prisoners", was published globally on May 1961 and brought in over a thousand offers of support for the idea of an international organization to protect and ensure human rights. The organization had taken up more than 200 human rights cases and had set up organized national bodies in 7 countries and within twelve months the new organization had already sent out delegations to four countries to represent prisoners, the first year's expenditure was over six thousand pounds and the principles of independence and strict impartiality were established. The emphasis of the organization was the ... Show more content on ... The main focus of its campaign is to: Free all prisoners of conscience and people detained anywhere because of their beliefs or for their ethnic origin, language, colour, sex, national or social origin, economic or birth status, or any other status that have not used or advocated violence. Put an end to extra–judicial executions and disappearances. Amnesty International also opposes abuses by opposition groups which include taking of hostages, torture, killing of prisoners and other deliberate or arbitrary killings. Fight to abolish the death penalty, torture and use of other cruel, degrading or inhumane treatment of prisoners. Ensure prompt and fair trials for political prisoners. ( Amnesty International is independent of any government, economic interest, political ideology or religion, and is funded mainly by membership fees and public donations. After more than 50 years of great achievements, Amnesty International is now embarking on a major process of evolution, to adapt to changes in the world, and to increase the impact of its human rights work globally. RECENT ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Essay On International Non Governmental Organization Research an International Non –Governmental Organization that works on behalf of human rights issues. The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defines an INGO as "any organization which is not established by inter–governmental agreement" (Resolution 288 (X) 27 February 1950), "including organizations which accept members designated by government authorities, provided that such membership does not interfere with the free expression of views of the organizations" (Resolution 1296 (XLV) of 25 June 1968). An international non–governmental organization (INGO) has the same mission as a non– governmental organization (NGO), but it is international in scope and has outposts around the world to deal with specific issues in many countries. International Non–governmental Organizations can further be defined by their primary purpose. Some INGOs are operational, meaning that their primary purpose is to foster the community–based organizations within each country via different projects and operations. Some INGOs are advocacy– based, meaning that their primary purpose is to influence the policy–making of different countries' governments regarding certain issues or promote the awareness of a certain issue. Many of the large INGOs have components of both operational projects and advocacy initiatives working together within individual countries. There are many International Non –Governmental Organizations that work on behalf of human rights issues. Some of these are ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Mahatma Gandhi How Justice Has Changed the World How can you change the world? Gandhi, Mother Jones, and Mohamed Zaree, have in many ways shapes and forms. Gandhi has changed the world by helping not only South Africa, but also India gain independence from Britain. Mother Jones inspired many people to fight against Child Labor Laws, and it was eventually banned, and Mohamed Zaree is a leading figure for civil rights in Egypt. These three individuals have helped enact change by leading and supporting peaceful forms of protest that eliminate human injustice and support human rights. Mahatma Gandhi is an aspiring, leading figure for civil rights in India and South Africa, and with the selfless actions he has done, he has helped both countries gain independence from Great Britain. For example, according to the authors of "Satyagraha: Gandhi's Legacy," it states, "Much as it had done in the American colonies, Britain controlled the South African government and all its practices and exacted taxes. It was this situation that led to much of the racial tension in the country . . . His ultimate goal, however, was to help India gain independence from Britain. India eventually became independent in 1947, shortly before Gandhi was assassinated." When Gandhi was alive, both India and South Africa were British colonies that were impoverished by heavy taxes and extreme laws, and he believed that this was wrong, so he helped both countries gain independence before he was assassinated in 1947. Gandhi used ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Issue of Capital Punishment in the United States Essay Death Valley: The Issue of Capital Punishment in the United States Should capital punishment be practiced in the United States? This question has been highly debated for many years because of the numerous, often conflicting perspectives from which various parties have attempted to answer it. These parties range from high–ranking politicians seeking to lower the national crime rate to the average United States taxpayer who does not want to see his or her money being spent inefficiently. In addition to such empirical concerns, moral issues such as conceptions of justice arise as well. After examining the history of the issue, its international status, and the arguments of the opposing factions, we will recommend that capital punishment ... Show more content on ... Even states in the U.S. itself have opted to abolish the death penalty. "In the last decade a growing number of states have ended capital punishment under their national laws and are using and interpreting international law as an instrument to restrict its use and, ultimately, to abolish it as a penalty" (Grant 20). At the same time, however, the death penalty remains in use in the majority of the states and is defended by many staunch supporters. It is apparent that since the beginning of the death penalty debate in the 1700s, public opinions of the issue have been erratic. Just as it was difficult to find one solution to the death penalty debate in the past, the same holds true in current times. This divisiveness stems from the fact that capital punishment is a very controversial practice. Whether it is moral to take one's life in retribution for a crime is a matter of opinion. For a country as large as the United States, choosing a side in this debate will unquestionably alienate one or more groups of people. The plurality of viewpoints reflects the fact that there are so many ways to define the key issues. Each position in the debate (e.g. the view that cost is the focal point) is made up of another subset representing various groups and their respective opinions. The countless number of varied moral upbringings experienced by those with an interest in the issue is ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Lack Of Education And Global Inequalities In Kenya Global inequalities are the things that society identifies as not equal and unfair. There are many inequalities in Kenya including income, life expectancy, education, water, gender and poverty inequalities. Although these are negative problems, opportunities in Kenya have shown improvement as people are starting to make a difference by sending more people to school and giving children education they need and also food and water for people to survive. Amnesty International and Unicef are all apart of the world trying to make a difference. Amnesty International is the world's largest and most–respected human rights organisation. Amnesty campaigns against abuse of human rights around the world. The other NGO that I have chose is UNICEF who promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in the world. The lack of opportunities is a struggle in Kenya for women and children as they are a very poor country and can't afford food and education for their community. The people that are affected by this are women and children who are treated differently. Some of the many inequalities for women are that they are paid less than men, this is due to gender inequality and discrimination against women. It has scientifically shown that women are earning what men were paid in 2006 and will take another 118 years for women to be equally paid the same as men. Another inequality for women in Kenya is that they are less educated than men, this is evident as they have less access to education, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Amnesty International Against the Death Penalty Essay Amnesty International Against the Death Penalty The death penalty is enforced in more than 100 countries around the globe. Statistically, there have been 1,708 known executions in 35 of these 100 countries. I=m sure that the true figures are certainly higher. The most common methods of this controversial act include shooting, electrocution, lethal injection, hanging, stoning, and decapitation. Around the world, there are presently almost 3,000 people on death row (What is Amnesty International, 1997, Oct. 29, p. 13). Rushing to stand on behalf of these prisoners is the powerful social activist group Amnesty International. Amnesty International Aopposes the death penalty in all cases on the grounds that it is a violation of the ... Show more content on ... In 1977, their achievements landed them a recipient award of the Nobel Prize for Peace (AAmnesty International of the U.S.A.,@ 1996, p. 2162). Today, Amnesty International has more then 1,000,000 members, subscribers, and regular donors in more than 100 countries and territories throughout the world. Without including the thousands of schools, universities, and professional groups that do not register internationally, Amnesty International holds 4,287 local groups within the International Secretariat. The heart of the organization lies in London, with over 300 permanent staff members and 95 volunteers from around the world (AAmnesty International=s facts and figures,@ 1997, Nov. 15, p. 1). For every organization to work there must be some type of administration, and indeed, Amnesty International has one. Today, the Secretary General in charge of Amnesty International is Pierre Sane. In whole, it is governed by a nine–member International Executive Committee. Eight of the nine members are volunteers, elected every two years by an International Council, and one elected member of the International Secretariat (AFacts and figures about Amnesty International,@ 1997, Nov. 1, p. 1). Finally, the last bit of information about Amnesty International is its main focuses. Standing by its detailed international statute, Amnesty International=s ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Death Penalty Australia Essay Introduction. The death penalty has always been a topic of controversy since it was first introduced. The death penalty has been abolished in a majority of countries across the world, but still remains active in one third of the world. The death penalty has a lot of ethical and moral matters tied to it. In a world of individuality there is a divide on the people, for the death sentence and those against it. Many view it as a barbaric and cruel punishment that violates the constitutional right of a human being. Whilst other view it as a just punishment for serious crimes. This paper will look at the history of the death penalty in Australia in body one. Then in body two, lead on to a recent case known as the 'Bali nine' which was ... Show more content on ... This would be for crimes ranging from murder to forgery to something as little as theft. The last person executed in Australia was Ronald Ryan, who was hanged in Melbourne Pentridge Prison in 1967, having been convicted of killing a prison officer during an escape (Maguire & Houghton, 2016) . In the subsequent years after, the death penalty was removed from all statute books in all Australian jurisdictions. In 1973 the Australian parliament passed legislation prohibiting capital punishment in the Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973 (cth)s 4. Before this, Queensland was the first state to abolish the death penalty in 1922. Tasmania was then the second state to follow in 1968. Tasmania so passed the criminal code act 1968, similar to that of Queensland's chosen legislation. The act provides that, by section 2 that 'after the commencement of this act, the sentence of punishment by death shall no longer be inflicted' In respect to crimes committed against the laws of the state since the implementation of this act, criminal rates did not rise and the punishment of life imprisonment has served as an adequate punishment with positive deterrence rates. (Lennan & Williams, 2012). The Bali Nine. In April 2015, the execution of two Australian citizens, Andrew Chan and Myuan Sukumeran brought the death penalty to the forefront of public consciousness. This case was known globally as the Bali nine. The Bali nine were a ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Consequences Of Amnesty International There are many non–governmental organizations around the world that is fighting on behalf of human rights; however, one non–governmental organization that has singled itself out to deals with human rights issues is Amnesty International. The reason I have chosen this organization is because its operation and activities is found in many, if not in all countries of the world. Founded in 1961 by the British lawyer Peter Benenson in London, the organization has grown to over 7 million volunteers who take injustice personally. (Amnesty International, n.d). Undoubtedly, there have been many problems all over the world that involved torture, abuse and illegal arrests of police and army who are excessively intoxicated with powers to unleash mayhem on the society. The consequences of these human rights abuses are that many people were brutally murdered and others simply went missing. Amnesty international has, however, been involved in mass campaign against these human rights abuses and their efforts have rescue many people who would have suffered untold suffering. (Amnesty International, n.d) Amnesty international, as the ... Show more content on ... This information has proven to be valuable in sensitizing the world on various abuses in many part of the world. Arguably, the work of Amnesty International is very vital and important in human existence. Through the reporting of the organization, genocides and mass killings have been averted in many countries. Human lives are preserved and suffering of civilian has drastically reduced over the years. Amnesty International unequivocally plays the role of a whistle blower who uses its powers to fight the injustices committed against poor citizens in many countries and region of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Amnesty International : For Survivors Of Wartime Rape Amnesty International: "WHEN EVERYONE IS SILENT: REPARATION FOR SURVIVORS OF WARTIME RAPE IN REPUBLIKA SRPSKA IN BOSNIAAND HERZEGOVINA." Amnesty International Publications (2012). Amnesty International's purpose is "to analyze the failure of the authorities to respect the right to reparation of survivors of wartime rape." (AI) This purpose is legitimate as out of the tens of thousands of women who were victims of wartime rape, "fewer than 40 cases have been prosecuted." (AI) The governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina are cited to have numerous new legislation being passed that would provide reparations. For example, the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees set up a program for victims of violence in conflict, specifically targeting this ... Show more content on ... It gives a clear summary of what Amnesty International has done throughout the 2000, providing useful information about recent history pertaining to social reparation. Knowledge of the programs present throughout the 2000s is particularly useful to know in order to visualize a timeline of what has been done post conflict. This paper connects with Salzman as the historical basis of Salzman allows the Amnesty International article to be read with the cultural understanding that the AI article alone lacks. The difference in time is important between the two as Salzman's focus is on the UN prosecution of the perpetrators, while Amnesty International focuses on victims forgotten by time, in a place where they continue to get no redress for their grievances. This work relates to Ginn as well. Both papers provide an account into policy and reformations of policy. While Ginn focuses more on learning from failed court systems, Amnesty International emphasizes the promotion of more effective social organizations, in order to promote human rights. These articles focus heavily on the rape survivors' low success count in terms of compensation, which is another strong indicator that the articles work well together, as the focus does not leave behind those to whom reformations to the systems are for. Salzman, Todd A. "Rape camps as a means of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Attention Getter For Amnesty International Md. Rakibul Karim (Rocky) Persuasive Outline ENG 110 08–27–2017 Amnesty International (AI) Topic: The Extraordinary activities of Amnesty International General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about AI actions and operational plans 1. Introduction: A) Attention Getter: Azza Hilal, a great voice from Egypt. When there are any discrepancies she got around, she just stands for it. In 2011 she has carried her voices against the local government for human rights. But during the protest the soldiers of Egyptian just attacked her, it was a tremendous hit by them. ... Show more content on ... Work Segments: Death penalty, Armed Conflict, Arms Control, Corporate Accountability, Disappearance, Discrepancy, Freedom of expression, International Justice, Living In dignity, Refuge–Asylum shakers, and migrants, Sexual and reproductive rights, Tortures, United Nations. E. Great Footsteps: Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi were the prominent examples of magnificent work of Amnesty International. F. Work with Region Africa, East Africa, the Horn and Great Lakes, west– Southern and central Africa and the Caribbean, North– south America, Asia and The Pacific, East and south Asia and the Pacific. Working Procedure: Finances and pay, International Individuality Toolkit, Amnesty International's Statue, AI Contemporary Slavery Act, Transparency Statement, Ingo Charter, Strategic plan, assessing impact, Structure and people. They have own office in 80 countries and rest they have a liaison office. Financial Statement: Total income: 2015: £ 70 million and expenses: 58 million. This income all came from individuals, not by any government. Join AI & donate: Any one can join Amnesty international by giving monthly payment minimum 5 $ which is equivalent to 17 cents a day by online, by phone or by mail. 3. Conclusion: A. Review what I went
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  • 30. Amnesty International ( Ai ) Amnesty International (AI) is a Non–Governmental Organization which has the stated mission to make ensure "a world in which every person – regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity – enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other internationally recognized human rights standards (Our Mission, 2015)." In order to do this AI publishes research, takes actions that get the attention of governments and policy makers, and advocate for the advancement of human rights (Our Mission, 2015). It is on these three fronts that I have focused my research. First and foremost, AI publishes information about human rights and human struggles throughout the world. On their website, they will publish articles containing the research they have conducted in order to bring attention to the struggles of a particular group. For example, recently they have published an article about the struggle of Syrian refugees that have fled into Turkey. In this article they note that Syrian refugees are facing a failure of an international response to the crisis they are facing in their home country. They go on to provide specific example with quantitative data about the 1.6 million refugees of whom only 220,000 are being accommodated in government–run refugee camps (Turkey: Struggling To Survive: Refugees From Syria In Turkey, 2014). With research and article like this, AI is able to bring major human rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Why Are Child Soldiers Wrong My name is Abida and I am a student at Wayzata West Middle School. Imagine you, an innocent five year old, playing on the soccer field. Then, in an instant, you are blindfolded, and you feel hands on your back. You have been taken, no abducted. There is something heavy placed in your hand. It's a gun. A booming voice commands you, "Shoot,". So, fearfully you do. You had killed your best friend that day. Fromm them on out, you are a spy, endure the worst physical torture, and are even sent out on the first lines of war. There are currently thirteen countries that use over 33 thousand child soldiers. Children as young as four can be apart of the military. Many of the children have been forced to join or join as a last resort. After these children ... Show more content on ... Unless a child soldier has proven to pose a threat to the public's safety, the U.S. should grant amnesty to them because many child soldiers unwillingly join, or go as a last resort and many face physical and mental problems and need help. Some may say that these child soldiers are no different than felons, but these children don't know what they are doing and are not morally responsible for their actions. If the U.S. doesn't grant amnesty to child soldiers, rebel and terrorist groups will grow stronger, causing more violence to spring up in the world in the future. You can help these brave children by countering the presidential waiver on the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 signed by president Obama and offering the impacted youth help and rehabilitation. If you compel to this simple request, you could truly be known as a great leader. Now the only question is, Will you? Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my letter and I hope to take into consideration this viewpoint on this important, yet controversial, ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Human Rights Abuses Of Fiji Essay Human Rights Abuses in Fiji From the time when commander Commodore Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama abrogated Fiji's constitution and took over the elected government, there have been increasing reports of human rights violations within the country as well as defilements of the rule of law (Amnesty International, 2014). The main sources of these rights violations have been from overseas tourists, international and local journalists and also non–profit organisations that have been committed into bringing about justice for the people whose rights have been constantly oppressed by Bainimarama's regime (Amnesty International, 2014). These sources have witnessed the situation and have considered it as a total violation of international human rights which demands immediate action from not only neighbouring countries but also the international community. Correspondingly, Amnesty International continued to document cases whereby human rights are being continually ill–treated by the military (Amnesty International, 2009). For example, earlier this year Amnesty International in one of their reports documented human rights activists peacefully protesting have been arrested and incarcerated with no fair trials (Amnesty International, 2009). Furthermore, peaceful demonstrations and marches have been forced to cancel or subjectively refused as well as having the police break up secluded meetings of individuals who have gotten together to seek solutions to the government's unjust actions ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Amnesty International Trial It is difficult to speak about a human rights NGO and not mention Amnesty International. The organization has a mission of protecting human rights through the following means as indicated on their website (–we–are/, Amnesty International): 1– Investigate and expose facts 2– Lobby governments and powerful bodies to ensure promises are kept and international laws are respected 3– By telling powerful stories of people we work with, mobilizing millions of supporters around the world to campaign for change 4– Support people to claim their rights by means of education and training More recently, Amnesty international has been advocating for the release of young activists that were arrested in Saudi Arabia. A lot of the youngsters were under the age of 18 at the time of their arrests. The charge was the act of protest against the government. This is a serious offence in the country and comes under the anti–terrorism laws enforced here. Further, the trial is ... Show more content on ... Perhaps the biggest hurdle remains that the country is a closed society and on numerous occasions has voiced its distaste when it comes to foreign influence in its internal affairs and a direct meddling with its sovereignty. It has been seen that even lawyers representing some of these protestors were arrested hence complicating the issue even further. This goes to show you that the influence being exerted by Amnesty may not entirely have an impact and the biggest weapon in their arsenal continues to be the millions of supporters it has along with the media outlets it has access to as a result of its global outreach. We have seen in the past that such efforts have not all been in vain, for instance in the case of prisoners held in Iran which eventually succumbed to the pressure and released individuals in ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Personal Reflective Essay On Pursuing A Career I am a media, communication and development postgraduate who have also studied Asian politics. The academic training I received not only allows me to accumulate knowledge, but also strengthens my ability of critical thinking. In my junior year of undergraduate study, I participated in a one–year project of publishing online news reports on a weekly basis. With the death penalty as my topic of choice, I released a series a total of 8 reports within three months. In order to diversify contents and keep it interesting for myself, I had to think about the topic at hand from different perspectives. The weekly deadline was a major challenge, as this was only one of the projects students were engaged in. The strategy I adopted at the time was to alternate demanding topics with rather easier ones, to give myself a breathing space to develop the "hard" topics, and to make sure I had sufficient time. The result was satisfactory. My project was awarded for being the most frequently covered as the headline of the week. It not only suggested that I had handled the main theme relatively well, it also showed that I was able to present each sub–topics in suitable ways. Furthermore, I became accustomed to working under intense pressure against deadlines. I have involved voluntarily in Amnesty International since 2009, which explains the reason my reports were mainly human rights–related. I contributed to the organisations in translations, volunteer coordination, poster design, event ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Persuasive Essay On Death Penalty Joshua McCray POLS 230 Benjamin Bricker Final Paper 12/8 The death penalty disproportionately targets minorities especially African Americans. In the United States of America there is an unequal and unfair burden against African Americans in the criminal justice system. In 2011, African Americans were only 13.6% of the American population (Rastogi, Johnson, Hoeffel, & Drewery, 2011). However, African Americans in 2011 made up 42% of the total death row population (Snell, 2011). Although a minority of the total population in the United States, African Americans make the majority of inmates on death row facing execution. Furthermore, the death penalty in many states is used as tool that following the racial legacy of Jim Crow laws. Sentences resulting in death are higher in states with a history of lynching (Schweizer 92). States with a history of lynching are predominately found in the Southern United states. The Southern United states has the highest population of death row inmates. In 2009 alone there were 1,630 inmates currently on death row in the South compared to 226 in the North and only 988 in the West (Schweizer 92). In addition, the race of the victim often will determine the sentence. Results from the Baldus Study suggested evidence of racial disparity in the state of Georgia based on the victims race (Schweizer 92). The Baldus study argued African American defendants who committed murdered white individuals had much higher probability of receiving the death penalty. Prosecutors in Georgia pursued a verdict of death in 80% of their cases if the defendant was African American and the victim was white (Schweizer 92). This is purely racial discrimination and prejudice. Finally, "Since 1977, the overwhelming majority (77%) off death row defendants have been executed for killing white victims, even though African Americans make up about half of all homicide victims (Amnesty International)."The race of the both the victim and perpetrator in criminal is irrelevant. The purpose is to bring justice to the victim, and if the defendant is found guilty give an appropriate sentence in regards to his crime. This means that the race of the defendant should be irrelevant in determining the sentence. The death ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Capital Punishment Capital punishment is the execution of a perpetrator for committing a heinous crime (homicide), and it is a hotly debated topic in our society. The basic issue is whether capital punishment should be allowed as it is today, or abolished in part or in whole. My argument is that: 1) Capital punishment is not an effective deterrent for heinous crimes. 2) Life imprisonment can be worse of a punishment than death, not as costly as execution, and better for rehabilitation. 3) The innocent can be wrongly put to death. Conclusion: Capital punishment should be abolished. Though capital punishment might seem like the only way to get revenge, it is morally unjust. Who are we to decide whether a person should live or die? It is morally ... Show more content on ... Murderers have the lowest rate of re–committing a homicide than people who have served time for other offenses (Johnson, 1990). The Innocent With convictions and executions, there is always a chance that someone was wrongly filed with charges. What are we to do with these people? In a study of capital convictions from 1900 to 1986 conducted by Radelet and Bedau, 350 cases were identified in which defendants were mistakenly convicted of crimes they did not commit, and of these 350, 24 were executed. Though 24 un–called for executions in 87 years don't sound too bad, the number should be zero. Society must determine whether the risk of wrongly executing an innocent person is worth taking to reap the benefits of executions of convicted murderers. Conclusion The latest information for Amnesty International states that 70 countries have completely abolished the death penalty for all crimes. Thirteen countries have abolished the death penalty for all but exceptional crimes, such as wartime crimes. Twenty–three countries haven't abolished the death penalty by law, but haven't carried out any executions in the last ten years. Once abolished, most countries do not reintroduce the death penalty. Since 1985, 35 countries have abolished the death penalty. During that period, only four reintroduced it – Nepal then once again abolished it. During 1998 at least 2,258 prisoners are known to have been executed in 37 countries and 4,845 sentenced to death in 78 ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Effectiveness of Amnesty International The Effectiveness of Amnesty International In 1961, two Portuguese students raising a toast to freedom were imprisoned for 7 years. Upon learning about the controversy, Peter Benenson, a British lawyer published The Forgotten Prisoners in the Observer newspaper. This became the article that launched Amnesty International and the worldwide campaign to take action and fight for human rights. Amnesty International or commonly called "AI" is a worldwide, non for profit organization that advocates and fights for human rights issues globally. As set forth in the Universal Declaration of Independence, Amnesty International campaigns to free prisoners of conscience, fight for women's rights, abolish the death penalty and ultimately restore and fight for human rights. In spite of recent controversy of the International NGO, Amnesty aims to create an abuse free world using volunteer members of more than 3 million to write and protest to government officials in order to protect human rights everywhere. Amnesty International is an efficient advocacy group that investigates global issues and seeks truths in order to protect and promote a peaceful world. In countries like Burma and North Korea, citizens are unable to voice their opinion regarding criticisms of the government. However, when they do, they are immediately imprisoned and cannot be released. Amnesty International fights to protect the rights of the imprisoned, without necessarily supporting the views of the victim's ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Capital Punishment Criminal law is imposed by almost every nation in the world to reduce crime rate and maintain law and order of the society. An individual who found guilty of a crime will have to face corresponding punishments. Among all penalties, capital punishment is considered to be the most severe and cruelest one which takes away criminal's most valuable right in the world, that is, right to live. It is a heated debate for centuries whether capital punishment should be completely abolished world widely. The world seems to have mixed opinion regarding this issue. According to Amnesty International (2010), currently, 97 countries in the world have already abolished capital punishment while only 58 nations still actively adopt death penalty. ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, this kind of misjudgment can never be reversed in pair with capital punishment. Even if the innocent is proven to be not guilty in the future, no one is able to return his or her life back to the body. No matter what compensation the nation could offer afterwards, it will never result in fairness and equality. Therefore, capital punishment should be abolished to prevent those innocent people from horrible unfairness. Last but not least, from a sociologic perspective, capital punishment does not work as intended, to deter crime rate, rather, it might brutalize individuals, at the same time does nothing good to the victim's family other than brutal vengeance. The origin of death penalty is served as a vehicle to put a warning for those potential future criminals that such kind of behavior will lead to death. However, so far, no clear evidence can be seen that capital punishment, as a mechanism of deterrent, actually cut down the local crime rate. Ironically, a reversal trend was found by Death Penalty Information Center (2010) in the USA that the death penalty leads to an increase in local murder rate. To die might be too easy for the mindless murderers. Also, for the relatives or friends of criminals put into death through capital punishment, they are more likely to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Argumentative Essay On Amnesty International Amnesty International (AI) is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) with worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights." Founded in the UK in 1961, the organization works to highlight reported deviations from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations. It attempts to garner public support, most notably in the form of letter writing campaigns, in the belief that this can exert political pressure. At the 27th International Council meeting, 2005, it was decided that: "Amnesty International's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action ... Show more content on ... For example, Amnesty International did not condemn South Africa's apartheid regime, widely regarded as an abuse of human rights. This has been interpreted as being due to South Africa's political and economic links with the British and American governments of the time. Anti–Israel stance; Just about everything Israel does to defend itself is 'illegal' in the eyes of Amnesty International. During the Israel Lebanese conflict of 2006, Amnesty was accusing Israel of war crimes. According to the Jerusalem Post's Alan Dershowitz, through restraint, Israel was able to minimize the number of civilian casualties in Lebanon, but Amnesty criticized nevertheless. Yet on Hezbollah's best efforts to embed itself in population centers and to use civilians as human shields, Amnesty said nothing. "Bigotry, pure and simple.", said Dershowitz. Gun control and death penalty; Amnesty International supports gun control and opposes death penalty.(summary of all critical press releases put out by Amnesty over the period ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Civil Society Discourse DEFINING CIVIL SOCIETY The last section of our research project deals with the civil society discourse in a try to respond to our primary question regarding who is responsible for the tragedy of deaths at sea. Therefore, primarily, we attempt to give a concrete definition of the civil society and its engagement in European migration policy. Then, the second step is to give voice to International Organizations regarding their views on the matter of responsibility of National Governments, EU and Frontex in line with the humanitarian challenges that rise up. To begin with, As Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights in October 2012 explicitly said "Human rights will not improve much without the direct participation of a robust, free and independent civil society...." According to the Migration Policy Institute, a globally accepted definition for the civil society does not exist but tend to mean the social structure outside the sphere of public administrations and governments. However, in that context of migration, civil society is "a diverse range of nonstate actors who may influence formal and informal migration–related rules, practices, and processes, which may include: migrant–run nongovernmental organizations, professional associations, religious institutions, trade unions, charities, human rights organizations, advocacy groups, and many more" (Banulesc–Bodgan N. 2011). The engagement of the civil society organizations in the European policy discourse regarding the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Pros And Cons Of Amnesty International Essay On February 7th, 2010, Gita Sahgal, then head of the Gender, Sexuality and Identity Unit at Amnesty International, sparked a very public controversy about Amnesty International's approach to its Counter Terror with Justice campaign when she spoke to the UK's Sunday Times. She argued that Amnesty International ("AI" or "Amnesty") had gone too far by establishing a partnership with Moazzam Begg, a UK citizen whose ties to the Taliban were unclear. She told the Times, "I believe the campaign fundamentally damages Amnesty International's integrity and, more importantly, constitutes a threat to human rights. To be appearing on platforms with Britain's most famous supporter of the Taliban, whom we treat as a human rights defender, is a gross error of judgment. In addition to authoring Enemy Combatant, Begg became the primary spokesperson for the non– governmental organization (NGO) Cageprisoners, which was founded in October 2003 with the mission to "raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror. ... Show more content on ... In the words of Kenaj, a human rights activist, cageprisoners is the only organisation to take pioneering initiatives with him in organising several tours all around the UK with former US guards from Guantanamo in order to raise awareness among prisoners regarding human rights. He also says that he knows Mozamm Begg personally and he is no extremist. He also says that Mozamm Beg and other released prisoners along with other representatives of caged prisoners had welcomed him on his visit to them. They displayed very friendly and supportive behaviour to a non Muslim just as they do with numerous other non–muslim supporters of Universal Human rights. He says that "Is this we should expect from extremists and supporters of ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Examples Of Political Prisoners And Prisoners Of Conscience 1. Introduction QUOTE (footnote 1) 1. Political prisoners 1. What is a political prisoner? There are many different views among scholars regarding this term. This is due to the sheer complexity of the situation, that people under this 'umbrella' fit into. There isn't any universal definition for what a political prisoner is. However, a political prisoner is normally grouped as an individual who is/has been imprisoned for his or her political activities. The refers especially to ones who criticize or simply oppose the government of their select countries. Some examples of political prisoners include include: .... .... .... .... 2. Prisoners of conscience 1. What is a prisoner of conscience? "Prisoner ... Show more content on ... .... .... .... 1.3 The difference between a political prisoner and a prisoner of conscience (according to Amnesty International) According to Amnesty International, prisoners of conscience fall inside the "political prisoner" 'box' however ar a lot of strictly outlined. Prisoners of conscience ar people who are imprisoned or had their freedom somehow restricted as a result of their political or spiritual sexual orientation, beliefs, language, gender, race, economic standing, ethnic origin, or different social standing. People who have used or promoted violence, even in the defense of their own personal beliefs are not able to be classified as prisoners of conscience. (In some cases, using violence prevents some prisoners from aquiring the designation of 'political prisoner', although this is a controversial issue.) "Amnesty demands that all prisoners of conscience should be immediately and unconditionally
  • 55. released. Since it's founding in 1961, it has worked on more than 44,000 cases and successfully resolved 40,000 of them." 2. International human rights norms and standards International Human Rights Standards: The Treatment of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Youth Justice And Other Legislation Act 2014 In 2014, the Government initiated the Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014. This act introduced new changes that were made to provide fair outcomes and reasonable punishments. This assignment will focus on four of the changes made to the act and evaluate how the introduction of the Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 has impacted on consequences for youth in the youth justice system. Recommendations for changes the government could make will also be stated. Part 4 Division 2 of the Children's Court Act 2000 states that the Childrens Court will now be an open court for repeat offenders (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). The Court has the option to hold a proceeding, whether it is an ... Show more content on ... (Queensland Law Society 2014). This quote shows that, even after going to court once, children will repeat offences and opening the Childrens Court will not help the rehabilitation of these repeat offenders. However, the public is let in to see the cases and will learn about the court processes, providing a better understanding, and if the case is of a sexual nature, the victim will feel much more comfortable with the court being closed, and will be able to easily tell the complete truth. The Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 gives the media the authorisation to publish identifying information of a repeat offender at any stage during a court proceeding. (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). A first time offender is anyone who has not been found guilty, at any time throughout a proceeding. First time offenders being named publicly remains prohibited by section 301. (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). However, Ian Brown, President of The Queensland Law Society, states that he strongly believes that publicly naming a child coming before the courts should be prohibited. He believes letting the media broadcast classified information of repeat offenders could become a major difficulty in terms of getting the repeat offender back on the right track. (Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2014). The publishing of a repeat offender's name during a proceeding could ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Amnesty International Rhetorical Analysis Essay "Amnesty International's Anti–Domestic Violence". Amnesty International's anti–domestic violence advertisement is a powerful statement about the cycle of abuse. It features a child who appears to be under ten years old. This child has a horribly blackened eye, and is photographed with the other side of his face in shadow, which emphasizes the damage to his eye. Everything but the boy's face is solid black. Overlaying the image is the white text: "He has his mother's eyes". In the bottom right corner is Amnesty International's logo and website, with a simple plea: "Report abuse." This advertisement is an effective call to action in the fight against abuse. The advertisement uses pathos almost exclusively. The advertisement bypasses logos ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Mission Statement Of Amnesty International Amnesty International is a non profit organization that help in the fighting of human rights all around the globe, this organization was founded by Peter Benenson in United kingdom 1961. International has close to about 7 million members all around the world, and their main objective is to ensure that human rights are never violated and also to help get justice to those whose right has been tempered with. And also they help them prevent violation of any form of films right both locally and internationally. The motto of Amnesty International states that " It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." And there vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International's mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. And indeed the motto states it all because Amnesty international services has contributed largely in the area of ensuring proper human right, they've done so by rendering the services of legal advocacy, media attentions, direct appeal campaigns, research and lobbying. The Amnesty international has done greatly in contributing globally where ever there is ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Role Of Globalisation On Emergence, Development And... Introduction Human rights abuses are one of the major issues in society. With the rise of globalisation and emergence of international and domestic social movements the problem has been reduced however it is still alive. This essay aims to investigate the influence of globalisation on emergence, development and outcomes of social movements that seek to protect human rights. (60 words) Case One of the most serious human rights violations are forced child marriages. Child marriage is defined as a formal marriage or informal union before age 18. Forced marriages have a strong affect on women 's and children's rights to education, health, equality, and life that is free from violence and exploitation. The basic human rights for freedom, education and health are listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), however the number of human rights abuses is still significantly large. According to the research of California State University the girls are more likely to become the victims of child marriage than boys. A comparison of the proportion of young girls aged 7–14 who were forced into marriage in 2005 to boys aged 8–15 who were married in the same year illustrated the ratio to be 74 to 1 in Pakistan, 68 to 2 in Syria, and 34 to 2 in Iran. UNICEF research from 2013 shows that more than 700 million girls alive today were married at early ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Human Rights Violations in China Human rights violation in China The People's Republic of China with a population 1.3 billion, is the third largest country in the world and has a land size of 960,000 square kilometres. It is a rapidly growing economy, with living standards being raised every year. However, human rights violations are still a part of daily life in some part of China and can still be seen in the present time. The most controversial issues include discrimination, right to live and not to be subject to torture, freedom of religion, opinion, to fair public hearing, rights to family and the right of movement. (The Consulate General of The People's Republic of China, 2003),(Infoplease, 2009) The human rights – the freedom from sex and career status ... Show more content on ... Rural workers who move to cities, seeking for employment opportunities, are captured and sent back to their hometown, because the government thinks they are the source of crimes and that they should be tracked down to maintain China's public image. All–China Women foundation and constitutions were launched to preserve and enforces rights of women and rural residents in political, economic, culture and family life, though no improvement was done by the government. The freedom of religion is also violated. This is evident when China prohibits all religious activities outside establishments registered; only four religions which are Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islum, are permitted for people to practise and contents are monitored and sometimes modified. The government has endeavoured to eliminate many types of new religious group, including Falun Gong. Falun gong has been banned since 1999; security forces kidnap and arrest thousands of Falun Gong leaders, approximately 3000 practitioners were tortured to death and 6000 was sent to prison(Human rights watch, 2002), because it had been the most serious threat to the government since the 1989 Tiananmen student uprising. The governments do not approve of religious performance, so people would not share ideas that are not beneficial to obedience under a communist regime. There is also no freedom of speech in China. Authors of the criticizing articles about China were executed under the reason, "protection of state ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Amnesty International : Violation Of Human Rights Amnesty International is a worldwide movement that takes injustice very personally. As Amnesty strongly believes that human rights should be enjoyed by all. Regarding this, Amnesty currently focuses on the issue of substandard medical care for individuals in Immigration Detention. The United States (US) places several hundred thousand people in Immigration Detention every year. Leaving these vulnerable in a place with inadequate, or non–existent health care. These situations resulting into great suffering and even in otherwise preventable death. Amnesty International believes that these situations are in violation of international treaties as well as the 8th amendment of the US constitution. In 1977 the US signed the International ... Show more content on ... Especially these vulnerable people should have access to health care. Leaving those people to suffer and even die because of a lack of healthcare is cruel and inhumane. This behavior is not only contradictory to the ICCPR but also to the US constitution, as mentioned in a landmark case, Estelle v Gamble. Estelle v Gamble has a similar principle as the current situation with the immigrants, where a claimant brought a case all the way to the US Supreme Court since he claimed that the state failed to provide medical treatment while the claimant was imprisoned. During Estelle's imprisonment, he claimed that the intensive tasks caused him a back injury. He stated that the failure to medical treatment within the prison was a violation of the 8th amendment of the US constitution as it was creating a cruel situation and unusual punishment as he also was told he would be moved to the 'farm' if he didn't keep working. However, the court argued that there is no violation of the US constitution solely based on the fact that Estelle is a prisoner. The claimant got 17 visits from Dr. Gamble, within three months, providing him with painkillers. The court did not look at the diagnose techniques or form of treatment, it only looked at the fact that the claimant got treated by a medical malpractitioner when he needed. The court looked more at the conduct than at the problem, which is the ignorance of basic medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Persuasive Speech On Death Penalty I am here to talk to you today about why the death penalty should be abolished in the United States. The death penalty itself is a very controversial topic because it violates the moral and ethical code most citizens of the United States share. Most other countries do not have the death penalty, and only 31 states in the US administer the death penalty as a form of punishment for heinous crimes. I understand it is justified in the sense that criminals are receiving what they inflicted on others, but is there really a fair process for deciding who gets the death penalty and who doesn't? Or in deciding who waits on death row longer than someone else? I believe the death penalty should be abolished by the United States because it is biased, violates the moral and ethical code of most people, and completely disregards certain amendments of the United States Constitution such as the fifth and eighth. Traditionally, the justice system has been biased and skewed in more ways than one. The death penalty is a prime example of this racial injustice. According to Amnesty International, "77% of death row inmates were executed for the killing of white victims, even though African Americans make up half of all the homicide victims" ("Death Penalty and Race – Amnesty International USA"). An example of this claim is the story of George Stinney. On June 16, 1944, in Columbia, South Carolina, a 14 year old African American boy named George Stinney was executed by electric chair after he was convicted for the murder of two young white girls. Stinney was interrogated with no lawyer present and was believed to have been forced into confessing, which now is apparent. He was convicted in less than ten minutes by an all white jury. 70 years after his execution, the state of South Carolina exonerated him and issued an apology to his family for his wrongful conviction and execution (Bever 2014). The next point I am going to talk about is how the federal government claims that deaths by the lethal injection are quick and painless. There are plenty of problems that could occur with the administering of the drugs. For example, the mixture of drugs could be wrong; the direction of the flow of injection can be wrong if those administering ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. A Critical Evaluation Of Amnesty International A Critical Evaluation of Amnesty International In an attempt to evaluate the work of Amnesty International (AI) as an organization, we need to first delve into the historical background. Amnesty International is an international human rights organization established in 1961 by a small group of individuals to translate human rights principles in to practical action influenced by the impassioned newspaper describing the unjust imprisonment of two prisoners of conscience by a British lawyer, Peter Benenson (Amnesty International [AI], 2015). The group invited other people to join them in advocating for the release of prisoners in many countries who were in prison for expressing their beliefs. The organization started expanding by aligning with the suffering of individuals killed, tortured, and imprison for political reasons (Clark, 2007). Through such effort, Amnesty International started working for the protection of general human rights through legal means and public pressure at international level. At the international level, AI wanted to work with the community of nations to hold individual states accountable for human rights violations. The community of nations exhibited no willingness as AI started its public campaign. The core principles set down in 1948 by the United Nations in the form of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was violated by most governments who are signatory to the document. The government representatives making up the UN Commission on ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Persuasive Essay On Immigration In order to stay alive Sarah Beltran Hernandez fled to the United States seeking asylum. Coming from El Salvador, she was put in prison in Texas. Sarah started to get severe headaches and nosebleeds. After weeks of only receiving aspirin and being in immense pain Sarah got to see a doctor who discovered that she had a brain tumor. Then Amnesty International, "a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for all people no matter who they are or where they are" campaigned to free Sarah from prison ("Refugee & Migrant Rights – Amnesty International USA."). Thousands of people called to demand her passage out of prison. Six days later, Sarah was released. Sarah also stood against the Department of Homeland Security with Amnesty International and demanded that they no longer put people with asylum claims in prison. Sarah is now living with her mom in New York and receiving healthcare. She is currently waiting for her asylum claim to be respected. Amnesty International is a good organization because it helps people like Sara, and their pursuit of justice makes me want to give them my $1000, because I want to help them help migrants and refugees like Sara living in the U.S., and I want to help Amnesty International help victims of injustice throughout the world. Amnesty International has been protecting human rights for over fifty–five years. It began with a letter writing campaign after two Portuguese students were jailed for toasting freedom. In 1977, they won ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Capital Punishment: Just or Unjust? Essay Capital Punishment: Just or Unjust? Can you imagine knowing the exact day, time, and place you were going to die, not to mention how your death was to come about? Day after day of mental pain just knowing that days, hours, minutes and even seconds from now you are going to be killed. The night before, tossing and turning, playing through your head just the way you imagine your death is going to be, asking yourself heaven or hell, suffering or short? If only you can take that one moment of sin back or maybe there was never a moment of sin at all. After what seems like a hundred of years, the day finally arrives. You slowly walk into the chamber, your heart is racing, your hands are clammy, and you are shaking not because it is ... Show more content on ... The gas chamber, first used in Nevada in 1921, was located in an airtight room with a chair into which the accused was strapped. Death was then caused by an exposure to cyanide gas. As noted in the article Debate Over Capital Punishment–A Pro Stance, the suffering caused is easy to see; the prisoner is writing, vomiting, shaking and gasping for breath for many seconds ("Debate Over"). Lethal Injection, another form of execution, was introduced in 1977 and is now used in twenty–three states. This is the most widespread method and believed to be the most humane. The convicted is strapped to a table and injected with sodium thiopentone, loosing consciousness in ten to fifteen seconds. This is then followed by pancuronium bromide, which blocks respiration, and finally potassium chloride to stop the heart ("Debate Over"). In the 1930's there were more executions than any other decade. The average executions were one– hundred and sixty–seven per year, which is an incredibly high number of deaths("Amnesty Facts"). During the 1960's people began challenging the legality of the death penalty. Many people said that it was "cruel and inhumane" and it violated the Eighteenth Amendment("Amnesty Facts" ). In 1972 the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was cruel and inhumane which is unconstitutional according to the Eighteenth Amendment. The United States reversed this decision when a "cleaner" way to bring about death was ... Get more on ...