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Sun 7, 1
Trail Construction &
Maintenance at
Current River State Park
Salem, MO
Sun 7, 2
Sun 7
November 6, 2016 – December 15, 2016
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary
A. Abstract
B. History of Project
2.Service Learning
A. Goals
B. New Learning and Experiences Acquired
i. Knowledge
ii. Skills
iii. Citizenship
C. Civic Engagement
i. Team Community Connections
ii. Overall Community Impact
iii. Information and Insights for the Future
Sun 7, 3
3.Personal Reflections
4.Advocacy Plan
A. What Worked? What Should Remain the
B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change?
Executive Summary
A. Abstract
Our mission for the Current River project was to finish construction of two
trails that are already underway, and to begin construction of a new trail for local
citizens and tourists. Our
contribution is a significant part in
the Current River State Park’s
future plans to expand the trail
Sun 7 after having completed there 1st trail near
Echo Bluff State Park
Sun 7, 4
network down to Arkansas. NCCC role was to facilitate this process so it would
run through a safer terrain. The state park has limited staff and has used two other
NCCC teams in the past to help with their trail expansion. The park and
community as a whole benefits from this expansion because of the economic
growth that will emerge from public usage. This will serve as a great benefit to the
people of Salem, Missouri, which is currently one of the most economically
challenged communities in the state.
B. History of the Project
Missouri State Parks
oversee 88 parks and historic
landmarks in the state of
Missouri. Its mission is to
protect and maintain the
natural landscape and
landmarks located throughout
the park region. Current River State Park began with a major construction along
the Current River in the 1930s when Alton Box Board Co. started to build their
corporateretreat center. Then, in 1964, the construction of the Ozark National
Scenic Riverways helped to conserve the integrity of the river—the first National
Current River State Park Lodge - Home of Sun 7.
Sun 7, 5
Park to do so. Since then, this national park strives to protect around 170 rare
species and the purity that is encompassed in the scenic national park.
Our project took place just outside of Salem, Missouri, located in Shannon
County. The county primarily relies on the timber industry and tourism to sustain
its small economy. Our project goal is to aid in the construction and maintenance
of the local state parks, which includes building new trails and developing
recreational opportunities for the enjoyment of the community in order to aid and
boostthe economy. AmeriCorps NCCC assisted in the construction of the Current
River Trail, Echo Bluff trail, and began construction of a new trail in Roger Pryor
Pioneer Backcountry Area. With our effort, we hope to attract avid hikers and
nature enthusiasts from around the region in order to boost tourism in the area and
improve the Shannon County economy.
Service Learning
A. Goals
Sun 7 had three service learning goals for round one: understanding the
community we are serving, knowledge of the tools necessary for environmental
work (specifically trail building), and learning about the environment around us.
Sun 7, 6
Each week, Sun 7 participated in a service learning activity suchas tooltraining,
informational discussions, community events, and nature walks.
B. New Learning & Experiences Acquired
i. Knowledge
The mission of Missouri State Parks is to preserve the state's most
outstanding natural landscapes, cultural landmarks, and provide their visitors with
outstanding recreational opportunities. Shannon county is one of the poorestin
Missouri and relies greatly on tourism and lumber as its main source of industry.
The state park attracts tourists from all over the United States, thereby helping to
supportthe local economy. It also offers a beautiful location for hiking, kayaking
and other outdooractivities. The newest state park in the area, Echo Bluff, is
expected to have a huge impact on the overall achievement of our mission.
Americorps NCCC played a large role in creating safe and enjoyable trails along
many of the local scenic routes. The park has limited labor power to help build
these long trails, but with our help and suppport, they have made rapid
advancements in both trail construction and maintenance throughout the region.
ii. Skills
Sun 7, 7
While Sun 7 worked with
Missouri State Parks, they
learned and developed many new
skills and gained useful
knowledge about the landscape
and community. One of the most
important aspects of service
learning was an in depth tool
training, which prepared the team
for the long day’s work ahead out
on the trails. This activity was a
good introduction to our sponsoringorganization and the type of work that they do
because it made the team more familiar with the tools necessary to complete our
work, as well as the staff members that they would be working with for the
duration of the project. Each member of the NCCC team had the opportunity to
learn about the various tools and equipment and practice the necessary safety
techniques associated with them. This educational session with the sponsorsand
their employees prepared Sun 7 for the work ahead and made the team feel more
confident about the task at hand. The sponsorsand employees demonstrated how to
Sun 7 bending earth & moving mountains one
trail at a time
Sun 7, 8
use tools suchas a leaf blower, weed wacker, mcleod, pick mattock, chainsaw,
rock bar, and pulaski. This learning experience made it possible for the team to
safely transport tools to the worksite and use them effectively on the terrain.
One week, for a Service Learning Initiative, Sun 7 had a discussionabout
positive and negative experiences in nature and learned new information about
many of the dangers involved in an environmental project. The SLIs researched
information about different kinds of ticks as well as poisonivy, oak and sumac.
The information that lead the discussion was provided by the Missouri Department
of Conservation website.
Learning about ticks and poisonous plants was an SLI that prepared team
members to work in an environment where these are a prominent threat. This
activity made the team feel more comfortable in identifying different kinds of
ticks, as well as promote the preventative measures and methods needed to treat a
tick bite. The SLI also included information about different diseases derived from
the bacteria ticks carry and how these can affect team members. Learning to
identify poisonivy, oak, and sumac was also beneficial, given the nature of the
project. The team learned how to avoid coming in contactwith these poisonous
plants and how to treat an infection from one. The discussion came to a close with
team members sharing their personal experiences surrounding these environmental
Sun 7, 9
dangers as well as good experiences they have had in nature in order to see the
bigger picture of the project.
iii. Citizenship
Sun 7 reached out to the community the moment they stepped out on the
trails. Our enthusiasm for the local
life made for great conversation when
faced with passionate hikers, the first
of many to hike the trails built this
year. One service learning project
revolving around community
engagement was a bluegrass concert
and potluck dinner facilitated by two
park employees. This event is a weekly community gathering in which people from
all over the area gather to listen to a local bluegrass band perform some of their
favorite tunes. This amazing opportunity brings the community together through
two very important aspects of Missouri’s cultural lifestyle: music and food.
C. Civic Engagement
Sun 7 after helping decorate the Echo Bluff Lodge
for upcoming Christmas carols.
Sun 7, 10
i. Team Community Connections
During Round 1, Sun 7 interacted with the community of Salem, Missouri in
numerous ways. Through
Independent Service Projects,
Sun 7 was able to meet the
community outside of the
main project. Every weekend
they would travel through the
town on the way to their ISP,
engaging with and meeting new community members each time. Throughout each
interaction they received a warm welcome from the community and frequent
invitations to return. They served at a local summer camp and retreat center,
Mound Ridge, which helps to connect Salem youth to the natural wonders of the
Ozark region and the surrounding environment. While serving at Mound Ridge,
Sun 7 focused on camp sustainability and expansion. Sun 7 also visited two high
schools, Salem Sr. High Schooland Bunker High School, promoting AmeriCorps
NCCC’s values and it’s mission. Before their departure, they walked in the town’s
local Christmas parade.
ii. Overall Community Impact
Sun 7 at the Salem Holiday Parade wearing NCCC
colors with pride.
Sun 7, 11
Sun 7’s main goal while working at the Current River and Echo Bluff state
parks was to complete and
start new state hiking trails.
The team’s contribution is
part of Missouri State Park’s
vision to connectthese trails
across the Ozark region,
eventually spanning from St.
Louis, Missouri all the way
down to Arkansas. These
trails will promote healthy
living and encourage the local
community to live stronger
and more active lifestyles.
By building these trails, Missouri State Parks hopes to also increase the
ecotourism for Shannon and Dent counties, two of the poorestcounties in
Missouri. Both counties experience low population density and high
unemployment rates. Historically the country has relied on the timber industry as
well as tourism to provide economic sustainability.
Sun 7 group photo at ISP in Mound Ridge Retreat Center.
Sun 7, 12
iii. Information and Insights for the Future
While serving in Current River and Echo Bluff, Sun 7 realized that they
were part of a bigger picture. The trails that Sun 7 was building will eventually
connect to a larger, more intertwined network. It is Missouri State Parks hope that
the ‘Ozark Trail’ will one day rival the Appalachian Trail. Playing a part of such a
grand project at its beginning stages it a humbling experience that we can take
pride in and carry with us into Rounds 2 and 3. The small community of Salem has
shown Sun 7 the importance of community outreach and engagement. Having such
a positive experience in Salem will motivate us to continue to have that connection
with the communities we serve in the future.
Personal Reflections
Thomas Adams: Overall I like the project and I like doing the physical work we
are doing. That's what I live for. I didn't really know what to expect, how we would
be working on the trail, or what exactly needed to be done. Now that I know what
this project is about, I am going to walk away with a knowledge of what actually
goes into building trails and making them safe.
Sun 7, 13
Derrick Derouen:The spike was physically demanding as well as mentally. The
trail work was difficult, and carrying our equipment roughly a mile everyday was
exhausting and strenuous. This was just as stressful as working with a new team
we knew little about. We combated this by learning about each other on the trail
and stretching together to sootheour pain. Overall round one was difficult, yet our
team building experience was very rewarding.
Marley Donnelly: Coming to Salem Missouri, I was extremely excited to explore
this new area of the country that I've never been to before, as well as start our first
project. Trailblazing was one of the projects that I wanted to be involved in
because I have a passionfor hiking. After my first day on the trail my views on
many things changed. Working on trails is a lot harder on the bodythen I ever
anticipated. I will never take another hiking trail for granted, and a hot shower is a
beautiful thing. Though the work is hard, it got better and I enjoy spending my
days outside.
Kimberly Higgins: Trail building for Current River State Park will be
remembered as a physically challenging and mentally rewarding experience. My
time and sweat spent out on the trails has embedded a new appreciation for
Sun 7, 14
walking paths that will stay with me forever. Never before had I taken the time to
consider the actual effort that someone else put forth to create such a simple
enjoyment for all. It didn't take long to learn that a properbench-cut into the
mountain side will last for years to come over a hastily bulldozed path. With this
understanding in mind we steadily tore out tree stumps, unearthed massive rocks
and chipped away at hardened clay. Even though it was physically spending work,
to see and walk a cleared path at the end of the day made it all worth it. Current
River taught us the importance of sustainable trail blazing, and hopefully one day
we will see our paths connect to the greater Ozark region.
Hannah Hinson: I was nervous and excited to have our first round project in a
town as small as Salem, Missouri. Working at Current River State Park has been
an entirely new experience for me and has taught me skills I would have never
learned otherwise. Due to this project, I have a larger appreciation for the hiking
trails across the country. I never knew how much hard work goes in to making the
trails that we all enjoy. A few of our site supervisors, Glynn, Brian, Jack, and
Dylan were so friendly and willing to answer any questions we had and teach us
any skill sets that we needed to know. It feels good to know that all of our hard
work will pay off and that people will hopefully be able to enjoy these trails for
years to come.
Sun 7, 15
Daniel Hoisch: My round one project in Current River State park has been both
exciting and challenging. While trail building and maintenance is taxing on the
body, it gives me a strong sense of appreciation to know what kind of work and
dedication is given to ensure that the public has regular access to nature and its
wonders. I feel as though every day of work on the trail has allowed me to build
both character and stamina. I understood that this was a small town when I arrived,
but I had no idea just how friendly and welcoming the people here in Salem could
be. It was so refreshing to discover the appreciation that circulates through a small
community so quickly. When I think about all of the unsung work that goes into
the infrastructure of just one state park like this one, it feels heartwarming to be a
part of something much bigger than myself.
Sherri Perry: This project has allowed me to gain new skills and a new
appreciation of nature that I would not have experienced otherwise. Some of the
skills that I have developed are how to properly create a trail and using a variety of
tools, such as a pulaski, my favorite tool. I also learned how to sharpen and take
care of the tools. This project challenged me physically and mentally. Waking up
at 6:30 every morning and hiking over a mile to get to our work site at 7:30 am
while carrying all of our necessary tools is something I thought I would never do.
Sun 7, 16
My bodyhas adjusted and I can feel my endurance increasing with each passing
day. When I feel stressed or I feel my energy draining when out on the trail, I just
take a deep breath and turn around to take in the landscape of Ozarks. This helped
me to remember the bigger picture and appreciate a view that, if it weren’t for this
project, I would not be able to enjoy. I am growing with my team. We are from
different regions and we all have very different personalities. It is a learning
process that we all have to go through in order to understand how we can function
as an efficient team.
Erica Peterson: If someone had told me five years ago that I would be out in the
middle of the Ozark forest in Missouri, toting ten pounds worth of tools a mile up a
mountain to build a trail, I would have laughed. Working at Current River State
Park has added a novel chapter to my life that I will never forget. This project
offered several points of challenge that I've always struggled with. I have always
had a hard time exercising my physical strength, and I thought that I would not be
very successfulin this project. However, I have thrived beyond my expectations.
Serving here has shown me that I really can do more than what I give myself credit
for. Most importantly, I have never been happier; being out in nature –– the thing
that I love most –– all day and being able to build something that others may use to
appreciate this forest that I have come to love, is the best part of all.
Sun 7, 17
Jack Popewell:The first project for our team has been a great growing experience
for the team as well as myself. This wasn’t my first experience working with a
state park but it was my first time trail building. In my personal life I love to go
hiking and do long distance trails. Actually building trails has given me a whole
new appreciation for the effort and man power as well as creativity needed to
develop and maintain these trails that myself as well as many other enjoy. The
team coming together as a solid unit was also a personal highlight of mine. This
group is from various backgrounds and didn’t even know each other that well even
from CTI but the chemistry that is here now makes me feel as though I have the
strongest team in the unit and I couldn’t be prouder.
Callie Rogers:Trail building in Missouri State Parks has been an incredible
experience that has given me a new perspective about the environment and the role
it plays in our lives. I did not know what to expect going into the project but I was
eager to be able to work outdoors every day and make it possible for local people
and tourists to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Salem Missouri. The work surprised
me in its level of difficulty. Hiking uphill for over a mile to the project site and
building trail for hours at a time was physically and mentally demanding,
Sun 7, 18
especially the first week on the job. As the project progresses, I know that new
challenges will present themselves but I am excited to discover the true strength in
myself and my team as we rise to those challenges. I know that I will gain a lot of
important life skills over the course of this project, including a broader
understanding of environmental work as well as a greater appreciation for hiking.
Skylar Sade:Formy round one project, I have been working at Current River and
Echo Bluff State Park in Salem, Missouri. While trail building is intense work, I
find it to be a very rewarding experience. I enjoy being outside everyday, having
interesting conversations on the trail with my teammates, and learning about the
history of Salem. The two parks that we have been working at are breathtaking. I
love being this immersed in nature, with little access to my cell phone--something
that I have been looking forward to for awhile. In a way, being here is like my own
version of a Thoreauvian experience, which is exciting because I have always
wanted to experience a simpler way of living. My team is working very well
together and I'm excited to see how we will grow over the next eight months.
Advocacy Plan
Sun 7, 19
A. What Worked? What Should Remain the
Our team chosetheir roles and positions beforehand and operated those
positions to their fullest abilities. Our Project Outreach Liason got us a weekly ISP
within our first few days in the area, and our PT coordinator scheduled our work-
out events ahead of time in the favor of the team as a whole. While on the trails we
worked separately, but as a unit, moving quickly and efficiently. Within 2 weeks,
we had finished a major part of the trail that we believed would have lasted far
longer. Our breaks were well scheduled alongside our lunches and we made
excellent communication with our team leader whenever we felt overworked.
B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change?
Because our project was physically demanding, many of our core members
experienced instances of fatigue and exhaustion. We combated this with stretching
and non-rigorous exercise during our P.T., though it was somewhat difficult
motivating ourselves to continue physical activity after a long day of trailblazing.
However we figured out the solution by applying non-strenuous activities that we
all enjoyed while still keeping us on our toes, including interactive sports suchas
soccerand basketball, as well as stretching circles and group hikes for non-
competitive days. Additionally, limited access to cell service and wifi inhibited
Sun 7, 20
some of the team working on their assigned roles. However, we were still able to
produceseveral recruiting events, have our press release published in the paper,
and reach out to a few organizations.
Missouri State Parks: “About the State Park System”, Missouri Department
of Natural Resources;URL:

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Americorps SouthWest Region Class 23 Sun 7 Round 1 Portfolio

  • 1. Sun 7, 1 Trail Construction & Maintenance at Current River State Park Salem, MO
  • 2. Sun 7, 2 Sun 7 November 6, 2016 – December 15, 2016 Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary A. Abstract B. History of Project 2.Service Learning A. Goals B. New Learning and Experiences Acquired i. Knowledge ii. Skills iii. Citizenship C. Civic Engagement i. Team Community Connections ii. Overall Community Impact iii. Information and Insights for the Future
  • 3. Sun 7, 3 3.Personal Reflections 4.Advocacy Plan A. What Worked? What Should Remain the Same? B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change? 5.References Executive Summary A. Abstract Our mission for the Current River project was to finish construction of two trails that are already underway, and to begin construction of a new trail for local citizens and tourists. Our contribution is a significant part in the Current River State Park’s future plans to expand the trail Sun 7 after having completed there 1st trail near Echo Bluff State Park
  • 4. Sun 7, 4 network down to Arkansas. NCCC role was to facilitate this process so it would run through a safer terrain. The state park has limited staff and has used two other NCCC teams in the past to help with their trail expansion. The park and community as a whole benefits from this expansion because of the economic growth that will emerge from public usage. This will serve as a great benefit to the people of Salem, Missouri, which is currently one of the most economically challenged communities in the state. B. History of the Project Missouri State Parks oversee 88 parks and historic landmarks in the state of Missouri. Its mission is to protect and maintain the natural landscape and landmarks located throughout the park region. Current River State Park began with a major construction along the Current River in the 1930s when Alton Box Board Co. started to build their corporateretreat center. Then, in 1964, the construction of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways helped to conserve the integrity of the river—the first National Current River State Park Lodge - Home of Sun 7.
  • 5. Sun 7, 5 Park to do so. Since then, this national park strives to protect around 170 rare species and the purity that is encompassed in the scenic national park. Our project took place just outside of Salem, Missouri, located in Shannon County. The county primarily relies on the timber industry and tourism to sustain its small economy. Our project goal is to aid in the construction and maintenance of the local state parks, which includes building new trails and developing recreational opportunities for the enjoyment of the community in order to aid and boostthe economy. AmeriCorps NCCC assisted in the construction of the Current River Trail, Echo Bluff trail, and began construction of a new trail in Roger Pryor Pioneer Backcountry Area. With our effort, we hope to attract avid hikers and nature enthusiasts from around the region in order to boost tourism in the area and improve the Shannon County economy. Service Learning A. Goals Sun 7 had three service learning goals for round one: understanding the community we are serving, knowledge of the tools necessary for environmental work (specifically trail building), and learning about the environment around us.
  • 6. Sun 7, 6 Each week, Sun 7 participated in a service learning activity suchas tooltraining, informational discussions, community events, and nature walks. B. New Learning & Experiences Acquired i. Knowledge The mission of Missouri State Parks is to preserve the state's most outstanding natural landscapes, cultural landmarks, and provide their visitors with outstanding recreational opportunities. Shannon county is one of the poorestin Missouri and relies greatly on tourism and lumber as its main source of industry. The state park attracts tourists from all over the United States, thereby helping to supportthe local economy. It also offers a beautiful location for hiking, kayaking and other outdooractivities. The newest state park in the area, Echo Bluff, is expected to have a huge impact on the overall achievement of our mission. Americorps NCCC played a large role in creating safe and enjoyable trails along many of the local scenic routes. The park has limited labor power to help build these long trails, but with our help and suppport, they have made rapid advancements in both trail construction and maintenance throughout the region. ii. Skills
  • 7. Sun 7, 7 While Sun 7 worked with Missouri State Parks, they learned and developed many new skills and gained useful knowledge about the landscape and community. One of the most important aspects of service learning was an in depth tool training, which prepared the team for the long day’s work ahead out on the trails. This activity was a good introduction to our sponsoringorganization and the type of work that they do because it made the team more familiar with the tools necessary to complete our work, as well as the staff members that they would be working with for the duration of the project. Each member of the NCCC team had the opportunity to learn about the various tools and equipment and practice the necessary safety techniques associated with them. This educational session with the sponsorsand their employees prepared Sun 7 for the work ahead and made the team feel more confident about the task at hand. The sponsorsand employees demonstrated how to Sun 7 bending earth & moving mountains one trail at a time
  • 8. Sun 7, 8 use tools suchas a leaf blower, weed wacker, mcleod, pick mattock, chainsaw, rock bar, and pulaski. This learning experience made it possible for the team to safely transport tools to the worksite and use them effectively on the terrain. One week, for a Service Learning Initiative, Sun 7 had a discussionabout positive and negative experiences in nature and learned new information about many of the dangers involved in an environmental project. The SLIs researched information about different kinds of ticks as well as poisonivy, oak and sumac. The information that lead the discussion was provided by the Missouri Department of Conservation website. Learning about ticks and poisonous plants was an SLI that prepared team members to work in an environment where these are a prominent threat. This activity made the team feel more comfortable in identifying different kinds of ticks, as well as promote the preventative measures and methods needed to treat a tick bite. The SLI also included information about different diseases derived from the bacteria ticks carry and how these can affect team members. Learning to identify poisonivy, oak, and sumac was also beneficial, given the nature of the project. The team learned how to avoid coming in contactwith these poisonous plants and how to treat an infection from one. The discussion came to a close with team members sharing their personal experiences surrounding these environmental
  • 9. Sun 7, 9 dangers as well as good experiences they have had in nature in order to see the bigger picture of the project. iii. Citizenship Sun 7 reached out to the community the moment they stepped out on the trails. Our enthusiasm for the local life made for great conversation when faced with passionate hikers, the first of many to hike the trails built this year. One service learning project revolving around community engagement was a bluegrass concert and potluck dinner facilitated by two park employees. This event is a weekly community gathering in which people from all over the area gather to listen to a local bluegrass band perform some of their favorite tunes. This amazing opportunity brings the community together through two very important aspects of Missouri’s cultural lifestyle: music and food. C. Civic Engagement Sun 7 after helping decorate the Echo Bluff Lodge for upcoming Christmas carols.
  • 10. Sun 7, 10 i. Team Community Connections During Round 1, Sun 7 interacted with the community of Salem, Missouri in numerous ways. Through Independent Service Projects, Sun 7 was able to meet the community outside of the main project. Every weekend they would travel through the town on the way to their ISP, engaging with and meeting new community members each time. Throughout each interaction they received a warm welcome from the community and frequent invitations to return. They served at a local summer camp and retreat center, Mound Ridge, which helps to connect Salem youth to the natural wonders of the Ozark region and the surrounding environment. While serving at Mound Ridge, Sun 7 focused on camp sustainability and expansion. Sun 7 also visited two high schools, Salem Sr. High Schooland Bunker High School, promoting AmeriCorps NCCC’s values and it’s mission. Before their departure, they walked in the town’s local Christmas parade. ii. Overall Community Impact Sun 7 at the Salem Holiday Parade wearing NCCC colors with pride.
  • 11. Sun 7, 11 Sun 7’s main goal while working at the Current River and Echo Bluff state parks was to complete and start new state hiking trails. The team’s contribution is part of Missouri State Park’s vision to connectthese trails across the Ozark region, eventually spanning from St. Louis, Missouri all the way down to Arkansas. These trails will promote healthy living and encourage the local community to live stronger and more active lifestyles. By building these trails, Missouri State Parks hopes to also increase the ecotourism for Shannon and Dent counties, two of the poorestcounties in Missouri. Both counties experience low population density and high unemployment rates. Historically the country has relied on the timber industry as well as tourism to provide economic sustainability. Sun 7 group photo at ISP in Mound Ridge Retreat Center.
  • 12. Sun 7, 12 iii. Information and Insights for the Future While serving in Current River and Echo Bluff, Sun 7 realized that they were part of a bigger picture. The trails that Sun 7 was building will eventually connect to a larger, more intertwined network. It is Missouri State Parks hope that the ‘Ozark Trail’ will one day rival the Appalachian Trail. Playing a part of such a grand project at its beginning stages it a humbling experience that we can take pride in and carry with us into Rounds 2 and 3. The small community of Salem has shown Sun 7 the importance of community outreach and engagement. Having such a positive experience in Salem will motivate us to continue to have that connection with the communities we serve in the future. Personal Reflections Thomas Adams: Overall I like the project and I like doing the physical work we are doing. That's what I live for. I didn't really know what to expect, how we would be working on the trail, or what exactly needed to be done. Now that I know what this project is about, I am going to walk away with a knowledge of what actually goes into building trails and making them safe.
  • 13. Sun 7, 13 Derrick Derouen:The spike was physically demanding as well as mentally. The trail work was difficult, and carrying our equipment roughly a mile everyday was exhausting and strenuous. This was just as stressful as working with a new team we knew little about. We combated this by learning about each other on the trail and stretching together to sootheour pain. Overall round one was difficult, yet our team building experience was very rewarding. Marley Donnelly: Coming to Salem Missouri, I was extremely excited to explore this new area of the country that I've never been to before, as well as start our first project. Trailblazing was one of the projects that I wanted to be involved in because I have a passionfor hiking. After my first day on the trail my views on many things changed. Working on trails is a lot harder on the bodythen I ever anticipated. I will never take another hiking trail for granted, and a hot shower is a beautiful thing. Though the work is hard, it got better and I enjoy spending my days outside. Kimberly Higgins: Trail building for Current River State Park will be remembered as a physically challenging and mentally rewarding experience. My time and sweat spent out on the trails has embedded a new appreciation for
  • 14. Sun 7, 14 walking paths that will stay with me forever. Never before had I taken the time to consider the actual effort that someone else put forth to create such a simple enjoyment for all. It didn't take long to learn that a properbench-cut into the mountain side will last for years to come over a hastily bulldozed path. With this understanding in mind we steadily tore out tree stumps, unearthed massive rocks and chipped away at hardened clay. Even though it was physically spending work, to see and walk a cleared path at the end of the day made it all worth it. Current River taught us the importance of sustainable trail blazing, and hopefully one day we will see our paths connect to the greater Ozark region. Hannah Hinson: I was nervous and excited to have our first round project in a town as small as Salem, Missouri. Working at Current River State Park has been an entirely new experience for me and has taught me skills I would have never learned otherwise. Due to this project, I have a larger appreciation for the hiking trails across the country. I never knew how much hard work goes in to making the trails that we all enjoy. A few of our site supervisors, Glynn, Brian, Jack, and Dylan were so friendly and willing to answer any questions we had and teach us any skill sets that we needed to know. It feels good to know that all of our hard work will pay off and that people will hopefully be able to enjoy these trails for years to come.
  • 15. Sun 7, 15 Daniel Hoisch: My round one project in Current River State park has been both exciting and challenging. While trail building and maintenance is taxing on the body, it gives me a strong sense of appreciation to know what kind of work and dedication is given to ensure that the public has regular access to nature and its wonders. I feel as though every day of work on the trail has allowed me to build both character and stamina. I understood that this was a small town when I arrived, but I had no idea just how friendly and welcoming the people here in Salem could be. It was so refreshing to discover the appreciation that circulates through a small community so quickly. When I think about all of the unsung work that goes into the infrastructure of just one state park like this one, it feels heartwarming to be a part of something much bigger than myself. Sherri Perry: This project has allowed me to gain new skills and a new appreciation of nature that I would not have experienced otherwise. Some of the skills that I have developed are how to properly create a trail and using a variety of tools, such as a pulaski, my favorite tool. I also learned how to sharpen and take care of the tools. This project challenged me physically and mentally. Waking up at 6:30 every morning and hiking over a mile to get to our work site at 7:30 am while carrying all of our necessary tools is something I thought I would never do.
  • 16. Sun 7, 16 My bodyhas adjusted and I can feel my endurance increasing with each passing day. When I feel stressed or I feel my energy draining when out on the trail, I just take a deep breath and turn around to take in the landscape of Ozarks. This helped me to remember the bigger picture and appreciate a view that, if it weren’t for this project, I would not be able to enjoy. I am growing with my team. We are from different regions and we all have very different personalities. It is a learning process that we all have to go through in order to understand how we can function as an efficient team. Erica Peterson: If someone had told me five years ago that I would be out in the middle of the Ozark forest in Missouri, toting ten pounds worth of tools a mile up a mountain to build a trail, I would have laughed. Working at Current River State Park has added a novel chapter to my life that I will never forget. This project offered several points of challenge that I've always struggled with. I have always had a hard time exercising my physical strength, and I thought that I would not be very successfulin this project. However, I have thrived beyond my expectations. Serving here has shown me that I really can do more than what I give myself credit for. Most importantly, I have never been happier; being out in nature –– the thing that I love most –– all day and being able to build something that others may use to appreciate this forest that I have come to love, is the best part of all.
  • 17. Sun 7, 17 Jack Popewell:The first project for our team has been a great growing experience for the team as well as myself. This wasn’t my first experience working with a state park but it was my first time trail building. In my personal life I love to go hiking and do long distance trails. Actually building trails has given me a whole new appreciation for the effort and man power as well as creativity needed to develop and maintain these trails that myself as well as many other enjoy. The team coming together as a solid unit was also a personal highlight of mine. This group is from various backgrounds and didn’t even know each other that well even from CTI but the chemistry that is here now makes me feel as though I have the strongest team in the unit and I couldn’t be prouder. Callie Rogers:Trail building in Missouri State Parks has been an incredible experience that has given me a new perspective about the environment and the role it plays in our lives. I did not know what to expect going into the project but I was eager to be able to work outdoors every day and make it possible for local people and tourists to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Salem Missouri. The work surprised me in its level of difficulty. Hiking uphill for over a mile to the project site and building trail for hours at a time was physically and mentally demanding,
  • 18. Sun 7, 18 especially the first week on the job. As the project progresses, I know that new challenges will present themselves but I am excited to discover the true strength in myself and my team as we rise to those challenges. I know that I will gain a lot of important life skills over the course of this project, including a broader understanding of environmental work as well as a greater appreciation for hiking. Skylar Sade:Formy round one project, I have been working at Current River and Echo Bluff State Park in Salem, Missouri. While trail building is intense work, I find it to be a very rewarding experience. I enjoy being outside everyday, having interesting conversations on the trail with my teammates, and learning about the history of Salem. The two parks that we have been working at are breathtaking. I love being this immersed in nature, with little access to my cell phone--something that I have been looking forward to for awhile. In a way, being here is like my own version of a Thoreauvian experience, which is exciting because I have always wanted to experience a simpler way of living. My team is working very well together and I'm excited to see how we will grow over the next eight months. Advocacy Plan
  • 19. Sun 7, 19 A. What Worked? What Should Remain the Same? Our team chosetheir roles and positions beforehand and operated those positions to their fullest abilities. Our Project Outreach Liason got us a weekly ISP within our first few days in the area, and our PT coordinator scheduled our work- out events ahead of time in the favor of the team as a whole. While on the trails we worked separately, but as a unit, moving quickly and efficiently. Within 2 weeks, we had finished a major part of the trail that we believed would have lasted far longer. Our breaks were well scheduled alongside our lunches and we made excellent communication with our team leader whenever we felt overworked. B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change? Because our project was physically demanding, many of our core members experienced instances of fatigue and exhaustion. We combated this with stretching and non-rigorous exercise during our P.T., though it was somewhat difficult motivating ourselves to continue physical activity after a long day of trailblazing. However we figured out the solution by applying non-strenuous activities that we all enjoyed while still keeping us on our toes, including interactive sports suchas soccerand basketball, as well as stretching circles and group hikes for non- competitive days. Additionally, limited access to cell service and wifi inhibited
  • 20. Sun 7, 20 some of the team working on their assigned roles. However, we were still able to produceseveral recruiting events, have our press release published in the paper, and reach out to a few organizations. Reference Missouri State Parks: “About the State Park System”, Missouri Department of Natural Resources;URL: state-park-system