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Energy Conservation & Weatherization in Little
Rock, AR
February 4, 2017- March 31, 2017
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
a. Abstract
b. History of the Project
i. History of the Sponsoring Organization
ii. Initiation of the Project
iii. Community and Beneficiaries
2. Service Learning
a. Service Learning Goals
b. New Learning and Experiences Acquired
i. Knowledge
ii. Skills
iii. Citizenship
3. Civic Engagement
a. Team-Community Connection
b. Overall Community Impact
c. Information and Insights for the Future
4. Personal Reflections
5. AdvocacyPlan
a. What Worked? What Should Remain the Same?
b. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change?
1. Executive Summary
A. Abstract
Sun 7’s mission for this project was to conserve energy for housing in low-income
neighborhoods throughout the city of Little Rock. The City hopes that this contribution will
lower the energy costs for homeowners in the area, improve air quality, and overall health of the
home. The team’s primary purpose was to support this initiative by performing a series of tests
and services- including but not limited to- blower door and duct blaster testing, gas leak
inspections, caulking and foaming, and the installation of energy saving devices throughout the
infrastructure. This was to ensure that low-income households save on their energy bill, while
also mutually preserving energy output from the utility companies, thereby benefitting both the
Little Rock economy and the environment as a whole.
B. History of the Project
I. History of the Sponsoring Organization
The City of Little Rock’s Energy Conservation Program is a pilot program that was
founded by the mayor of Little Rock, AR two years ago. This program seeks out residents in
low-income neighborhoods and communities whose housing might benefit from any energy
saving initiative.
II. Initiation of the Project
The program’s main motive for creation is to reduce the residents’ energy bill and
increase the level of comfort in their home. It provides free services for those who apply and are
approved in order to ensure that their homes are healthy and safe. This, in turn, will allow
residents to be more economically self-sufficient, benefiting an overall goal of raising the
standard of living for low-income neighborhoods in Little rock.
III. Community & Beneficiaries
Sun 7 primarily worked with homeowners in low-income areas throughout the city of
Little Rock. In order to qualify for the energy conservation services, citizens had to be 62 years
of age or older, or on disability. This typically lead the team into older homes, built between the
1920s and 1970s. The team was generally split up and sent off into various parts of the city for
work, meeting unique families and getting a peek at their lives through their homes. This was a
unique part of the community in Little Rock, oftentimes underserved; it was rewarding for the
members of Sun 7 to participate in a program assisting those with need.
2. ServiceLearning
A. Service Learning Goals
The round 2 service learning goals for Sun 7 included learning more about energy
conservation, the strengths weaknesses of individual team members, and about the community
being served. These goals were approached by attending job-related trainings, team building
exercises, and civic engagement through community events and independent service projects.
Sun 7 successfully achieved these three goals and has developed as a team with a more
meaningful perspective on the project as a result.
B. New Learning and Experiences Acquired
I. Knowledge
The mission statement of Little Rock’s Energy Conservation Program is to give
homeowners the opportunity to make their homes more energy efficient when they may not
otherwise be able to afford to do so. The poverty rate in this area is 17.8%, which is much higher
than the national average. These low-income residents struggle to heat and cool their homes
safely and affordably. The role of NCCC was to work alongside the city in order to conserve
energy in these households, in turn lowering the cost of energy bills and making homes safer and
healthier. Additionally, this project may have a positive impact on the environment, as it reduces
the amount of energy spent and wasted by utility companies that consume non-renewable energy
II. Skills
Sun 7 has acquired many new skills over the course of round 2. In several service
learning activities, the team received an in-depth training that prepared them for journey they
were about to embark on at the worksite. This included technical training, such as use of a
blower door and duct blaster test, which measure the air leakage of a home. Additionally there
was training on how to conduct a carbon monoxide test, a gas leak test, lead-based paint
renovation, and Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) testing, all of which are performed to ensure
the safety of homeowners and workers alike. The team then learned how to react to what these
tests could show them, utilizing different sealants to reduce air leakage. In an effort to reduce
energy waste even further, the team learned to swap aerators in sinks for more efficient ones that
use fewer gallons of water per minute, and replace typical light bulbs with more energy efficient
LEDs and CFLs. Another important lesson taken away from this project was learning the
definition of a healthy home and its impact on the homeowners in the household. The team
became familiar with the seven principles of a healthy home: keeping it dry, clean, well-
ventilated, pest-free, contaminant-free, safe and well-maintained. The skills that Sun 7 has
learned has assisted the citizens of Little Rock in attaining healthier homes and will make team
members more conscious homeowners in the future.
Last but not least, Sun 7 had a goal of becoming more familiar with each other's strengths
and weaknesses. The team achieved this by working together everyday, and taking time to reflect
on the challenges and achievements of the individuals on the team. “Daily After Action
Reviews” became a part of the routine, allowing a discussion of what worked well and what
could be improved upon. As the project progressed, Sun 7 gained better communication skills
and a vast understanding of how their different strengths could be utilized on a project that
demanded specialized roles.
III. Citizenship
While in Little Rock, Sun 7 made an effort to participate in a variety of community
events. As a diversity activity, the team toured the Little Rock Central High School, a national
historic site that tied together civil rights with the community the members served in. They also
completed independent service projects at Wildwood Park for the Arts, Ferncliff Camp and
Conference Center, and the annual Little Rock Marathon. Getting involved in the community
played an important role in understanding the local culture of the area the team was serving in.
Sun 7 learned that Little Rock is a diverse, urban center with a rich history and compassion for
its community. This added an enjoyable element to the project, as well as tying in the
importance of the initiative.
3. CivicEngagement
A. Team-Community Connection
Sun 7 engaged the community of Little Rock in several different ways. As mentioned
above, corps members volunteered the majority of their Saturday time to local organizations for
independent service hours. The team spent a few days volunteering at a local summer camp-
Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center- to help them revitalize their grounds. They also
volunteered one morning at the Little Rock 5k and 10k. These volunteer opportunities gave Sun
7 an opportunity to serve alongside the community and to learn more about the culture of Little
The team also spent time touring some of Little Rock’s most renowned sites. This
included the Clinton Library, the historic Little Rock Central High School, and Pinnacle
Mountain. The recruiters of the team also ventured out to the local universities, high schools, and
youth programs to inform young citizens of Little Rock about AmeriCorps NCCC and all that
the program has to offer.
Furthermore, the team had the privilege of presenting at a City Hall meeting about the
energy conservation work being done with the city’s Neighborhood and Housing department.
Those present were the Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Manager, and other members of the board.
Overall, Sun 7 fostered a strong and broad connection within the community.
B. Overall Community Impact
Through all of this energy conservation work, Sun 7 was able to represent city
involvement to its residences in a very tangible way; contributing to a safer and more efficient
home environment. In the long run, the hope is that residents of the city will feel comfortable and
secure in knowing that their needs will be met by the city.
The main goal of this project was to reduce energy costs of residents who live in low
income neighborhoods. Hopefully, after the team has completed the project, the residents whose
homes that have been completed will see improvements in savings and the overall quality of
their homes. Additionally, the team provided information to the city about various gas leaks that
will be addressed in the future.
Another product of AmeriCorps NCCC’s work was the environmental impact. The
reduction of gas leaks and air leaks in individuals’ homes will shrink the amount of energy waste
in the community. Additionally, going into these neighborhoods for energy conservation work
makes residents more conscious of the environmental impact of their houses; something they
may not have previously considered.
C. Information and Insights for the Future
This project taught Sun 7 a level of patience, and how to deal with jobs that have a steep
learning curve. The team has had to learn a variety of new skills and concepts, such as how to
come up with solutions to problems on the job, and adapting to new situations as the work day
changes. These are skills the team will carry into Round 3.
4. PersonalReflections
Thomas Adams: Overall I like the project, and I like doing the physical work that comes along
with it. That's what I like to do on my free time. I didn't really know what to expect and what
exact work we would be doing, or what exactly needed to be done. Now that I know what this
project is about, I am going to walk away with a knowledge of what actually goes into making
houses tighter and keeping your home more energy efficient.
Daniel Hoisch: Thinking back, my experience on this project was a major adventure of learning
and discovery. I don’t normally work this in depth with science and technology (being a
Literature Major in college), so I found myself using sections of my brain that weren’t as “fine-
tuned” as others. This project was a major step out of my comfort zone. At first, I was
intimidated by the logistical forms and progress reports that we were required to fill out at the
end of each house. Preparing the blower door test was especially intimidating, bearing a degree
of technical exactitude and detail that I am not normally accustomed to. I realized that the only
way for me to conquer my fear of the technical work on the project was to keep delving further
into it without fear of mistake or failure. There were definitely a lot of intricate details to keep
track of on this project, ranging from blower door test numbers, inventory checks on tools and
materials, dimensional measurements of housing space, and proper sealing procedures for air
leakage. Above all, the important lesson that I learned on this project was to know when to ask
for help, and to admit your shortcomings when you need to improve upon yourself.
Jack Popwell: This project has been very interesting, and I have learned a great deal in a field
that I previously had little knowledge in. I also gained experience in management, as the project
is run sort of like a company. The team during this project is responsible for scheduling and
handling all of the work and setting up appointments with clients so that work can be done on
their house. This management experience will be useful when applying for future jobs and
translating what I have learned in my time here into future management positions. I realized how
important it is to not have a drafty home and how many minor things that can be done to your
home to help you save money on energy bills. I have learned skills and information that I can
bring with me for the rest of my life as well as future careers while on this project and I am
grateful for that.
Callie Rogers: Working with the city of Little Rock to complete this energy conservation project
has been an eye opening experience for me. Although I previously had little interest in energy
conservation, I was excited to be a part of something that would benefit both low income
community members as well as the environment. I came to realize from my first few moments
on the job that this project would be more difficult than I had initially anticipated and would
require skills in areas I was not previously confident nor comfortable in. I believe that stepping
outside of my comfort zone and having a willingness to learn these new skills has played a key
part in the success of myself and the team as a whole thus far. This project has certainly helped
me grow as a person in many ways. I feel that this experience has motivated me to try new things
and to be both curious and persistent when faced with new tasks. I have also gained a better
understanding of what a "healthy home" looks like and how vital it is in the strengthening of
Nathan Weidert: My personal experience on this Round 2 Project in Little Rock, Arkansas has
been pretty nice. I like that we drive around town to different citizen's houses and help them with
improving their homes by making them more airtight. We get to meet a variety of interesting,
new people by going to their homes to do work. They are nice and pleasant to work with. I like
the concept that we are directly serving the citizens of Little Rock, Arkansas. And that I get to
physically see the work that I did to improve their homes. And I know that because there is a
piece of foam board patched over a hole in the ceiling, it’s there because I put it there. And that
gives me a certain satisfaction. I think this project is pretty awesome. And I am glad to be
serving on it. Our project sponsors and site supervisors are all amazing and knowledgeable in
their respective fields of expertise and we are grateful to have them.
Marley Donnelly: I was very excited to get to Little Rock, especially after disaster. To be honest
I wasn't sure what I would be getting into with this project because I don’t know much about
weatherization and energy conservation. I'm glad we are here though. I've learned a lot about
healthy homes and working on home improvements, which I loved. I also enjoyed meeting the
homeowners and getting to talk to the community directly. Also, working for the city was a cool
experience, which makes me think of my city back home and maybe working for them in the
Skylar Sade: I was very excited to learn that my team was going to Little Rock for our second
project. However, I was unsure what the project would encompass. It has turned out to be a very
rewarding project. I like that I get to see the direct results of the energy conservation work that
we’re doing. It’s especially exciting when we get significant results after we’ve sealed up a
home, and we get to tell the homeowner that we made their house 50% more energy efficient.
The skills that I am obtaining on this project will go a long way in life, as I am learning new
things that will help to guide me when I have to think about buying my own home.
Hannah Hinson: I was really looking forward to coming to Little Rock for Round 2. There was
a lot of uncertainty going into this project, because we didn’t know a whole lot about the project
itself. However, our sponsor, Kevin, and our site supervisors, Ron, Raphael, and Daniel are all
very helpful and want to help us learn as much as possible. The project itself is really rewarding.
Being able to go into people’s homes and to see first hand how we are assisting the homeowners
and the difference we make in their energy bills. This project has really helped the team to
become a part of the community, which is something I appreciate tremendously.
Erica Peterson: The time I have spent in Little Rock so far, I learned more than I expected and
explored so much of a community I never anticipated being a part of. This project is mentally
challenging, as it demands a lot of new skills, multitasking, and interaction with homeowners.
Working in low-income communities, there are times when we see homes that require more help
than we can offer. However, it is really rewarding to know that our work can ease some of their
troubles. People have been very welcoming and appreciative, and I love being apart of an
initiative that proposes environmentalism as a solution to economic struggle.
Sheri Parry: In this project, I was able to gain new skills such as how to use and operate a
blower door and duct blaster system. This project also allowed me to use preexisting skills, like
my knowledge of the Google Drive and all the forms contained in it. I have learned a lot about
Little Rock and it’s rich culture. I have been able to interact with homeowners and develop my
professional skills along the way. Even though we perform the same tests and tasks at each
house, it is apparent that each house is unique and requires me to think on my feet if I have not
experienced the obstacle at a previous home. Interacting with the professionals has been very
enriching and they have taught me a lot such as different ways to approach a situation.
Kimberly Higgins: The Little Rock Energy Conservation Project has been a rewarding
challenge for myself and my team. No one knew much about how to make a house "tighter" or
the mechanism that went into incorporating the proper amount of household airflow. We faced a
real learning curve on this project. Our sponsors had to teach us from the ground up. We learned
numerous terms, how to use a variety of sealants, what to look for in a home and how to use
sponsor equipment. It was a real struggle at first but thankfully our sponsors and site supervisors
were patient and very supportive. As time went on the team gained a strong grasp of the project
and we fell into a systematic routine. It was a really unique opportunity to travel around the city
of Little Rock and personally meet its residence.
5. AdvocacyPlan
A. What Worked? What Should Remainthe Same?
One of the biggest strengths of this project is the exposure to hands-on learning in tool
use and technology. When Sun 7 first arrived in Little Rock for the classroom training, the team
knew very little about what the project would entail. At first there was a lecture-type series of
training courses, then the team rapidly proceeded from classroom learning to computer
simulations before jumping into the field. When Sun 7 began work on its first few houses, the
team always had a professional site supervisor either on the premises or on standby in case there
were any questions, and there were usually quite a few during the first few houses. Even after the
problems were identified, the team sometimes had to consult with one of the sponsor’s
employees to better assess what tools and materials were needed. Having access to professional
advice was very useful.
B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change?
Perhaps the biggest issue faced during this project was an occasional lack of housing
leads to contact. Since much of the available work for this project depended on continuous
database construction of interested homeowners, the team was often doing outreach work in the
office when not in the field. The team also took new approaches to finding leads, even going so
far as to take a door-to-door approach in search of prospective homeowners. Additionally, the
team spent time improving upon aspects of the project that may help future teams, such as
communicating to the sponsors which materials are needed, organizing the database, and
developing checklists. The main point of success was Sun 7s ability to be flexible with each day
being different than the last.
Another challenge was the issue of organizing the equipment in the vehicles so that it
would be easier to locate needed materials for the work. This was acted upon thanks to the
efforts of the VSTs, who made sure to do a weekly inventory check and reorganization of
supplies the evening before work. There was also the issue of square footage inside some of the
housing units. Since many of the targeted areas were low income neighborhoods, there was not
always enough space to accompany an eleven-person group indoors. The team addressed this
problem by dividing into two separate groups to work on multiple units throughout the city at
once, and whenever they were together, one group stayed outside to provide assistance and
materials to the indoor crew so as not to take up too much space.
City of Little Rock: “ Housing and Neighborhood Programs” Neighborhood and Housing
Department; URL:

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Americorps NCCC Southwest Region Class 23 Sun 7 Round 2b Little Rock Portfolio

  • 1. Energy Conservation & Weatherization in Little Rock, AR SUN 7 February 4, 2017- March 31, 2017 Table of Contents
  • 2. 1. Executive Summary a. Abstract b. History of the Project i. History of the Sponsoring Organization ii. Initiation of the Project iii. Community and Beneficiaries 2. Service Learning a. Service Learning Goals b. New Learning and Experiences Acquired i. Knowledge ii. Skills iii. Citizenship 3. Civic Engagement a. Team-Community Connection b. Overall Community Impact c. Information and Insights for the Future 4. Personal Reflections 5. AdvocacyPlan a. What Worked? What Should Remain the Same? b. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change? 1. Executive Summary A. Abstract Sun 7’s mission for this project was to conserve energy for housing in low-income
  • 3. neighborhoods throughout the city of Little Rock. The City hopes that this contribution will lower the energy costs for homeowners in the area, improve air quality, and overall health of the home. The team’s primary purpose was to support this initiative by performing a series of tests and services- including but not limited to- blower door and duct blaster testing, gas leak inspections, caulking and foaming, and the installation of energy saving devices throughout the infrastructure. This was to ensure that low-income households save on their energy bill, while also mutually preserving energy output from the utility companies, thereby benefitting both the Little Rock economy and the environment as a whole. B. History of the Project I. History of the Sponsoring Organization The City of Little Rock’s Energy Conservation Program is a pilot program that was founded by the mayor of Little Rock, AR two years ago. This program seeks out residents in low-income neighborhoods and communities whose housing might benefit from any energy saving initiative. II. Initiation of the Project The program’s main motive for creation is to reduce the residents’ energy bill and increase the level of comfort in their home. It provides free services for those who apply and are approved in order to ensure that their homes are healthy and safe. This, in turn, will allow residents to be more economically self-sufficient, benefiting an overall goal of raising the standard of living for low-income neighborhoods in Little rock. III. Community & Beneficiaries
  • 4. Sun 7 primarily worked with homeowners in low-income areas throughout the city of Little Rock. In order to qualify for the energy conservation services, citizens had to be 62 years of age or older, or on disability. This typically lead the team into older homes, built between the 1920s and 1970s. The team was generally split up and sent off into various parts of the city for work, meeting unique families and getting a peek at their lives through their homes. This was a unique part of the community in Little Rock, oftentimes underserved; it was rewarding for the members of Sun 7 to participate in a program assisting those with need. 2. ServiceLearning A. Service Learning Goals The round 2 service learning goals for Sun 7 included learning more about energy conservation, the strengths weaknesses of individual team members, and about the community being served. These goals were approached by attending job-related trainings, team building exercises, and civic engagement through community events and independent service projects. Sun 7 successfully achieved these three goals and has developed as a team with a more meaningful perspective on the project as a result. B. New Learning and Experiences Acquired I. Knowledge The mission statement of Little Rock’s Energy Conservation Program is to give homeowners the opportunity to make their homes more energy efficient when they may not otherwise be able to afford to do so. The poverty rate in this area is 17.8%, which is much higher
  • 5. than the national average. These low-income residents struggle to heat and cool their homes safely and affordably. The role of NCCC was to work alongside the city in order to conserve energy in these households, in turn lowering the cost of energy bills and making homes safer and healthier. Additionally, this project may have a positive impact on the environment, as it reduces the amount of energy spent and wasted by utility companies that consume non-renewable energy sources. II. Skills Sun 7 has acquired many new skills over the course of round 2. In several service learning activities, the team received an in-depth training that prepared them for journey they were about to embark on at the worksite. This included technical training, such as use of a blower door and duct blaster test, which measure the air leakage of a home. Additionally there was training on how to conduct a carbon monoxide test, a gas leak test, lead-based paint renovation, and Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) testing, all of which are performed to ensure the safety of homeowners and workers alike. The team then learned how to react to what these tests could show them, utilizing different sealants to reduce air leakage. In an effort to reduce energy waste even further, the team learned to swap aerators in sinks for more efficient ones that use fewer gallons of water per minute, and replace typical light bulbs with more energy efficient LEDs and CFLs. Another important lesson taken away from this project was learning the definition of a healthy home and its impact on the homeowners in the household. The team became familiar with the seven principles of a healthy home: keeping it dry, clean, well- ventilated, pest-free, contaminant-free, safe and well-maintained. The skills that Sun 7 has learned has assisted the citizens of Little Rock in attaining healthier homes and will make team members more conscious homeowners in the future.
  • 6. Last but not least, Sun 7 had a goal of becoming more familiar with each other's strengths and weaknesses. The team achieved this by working together everyday, and taking time to reflect on the challenges and achievements of the individuals on the team. “Daily After Action Reviews” became a part of the routine, allowing a discussion of what worked well and what could be improved upon. As the project progressed, Sun 7 gained better communication skills and a vast understanding of how their different strengths could be utilized on a project that demanded specialized roles. III. Citizenship While in Little Rock, Sun 7 made an effort to participate in a variety of community events. As a diversity activity, the team toured the Little Rock Central High School, a national historic site that tied together civil rights with the community the members served in. They also completed independent service projects at Wildwood Park for the Arts, Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center, and the annual Little Rock Marathon. Getting involved in the community played an important role in understanding the local culture of the area the team was serving in. Sun 7 learned that Little Rock is a diverse, urban center with a rich history and compassion for its community. This added an enjoyable element to the project, as well as tying in the importance of the initiative. 3. CivicEngagement A. Team-Community Connection Sun 7 engaged the community of Little Rock in several different ways. As mentioned above, corps members volunteered the majority of their Saturday time to local organizations for
  • 7. independent service hours. The team spent a few days volunteering at a local summer camp- Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center- to help them revitalize their grounds. They also volunteered one morning at the Little Rock 5k and 10k. These volunteer opportunities gave Sun 7 an opportunity to serve alongside the community and to learn more about the culture of Little Rock. The team also spent time touring some of Little Rock’s most renowned sites. This included the Clinton Library, the historic Little Rock Central High School, and Pinnacle Mountain. The recruiters of the team also ventured out to the local universities, high schools, and youth programs to inform young citizens of Little Rock about AmeriCorps NCCC and all that the program has to offer. Furthermore, the team had the privilege of presenting at a City Hall meeting about the energy conservation work being done with the city’s Neighborhood and Housing department. Those present were the Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Manager, and other members of the board. Overall, Sun 7 fostered a strong and broad connection within the community. B. Overall Community Impact Through all of this energy conservation work, Sun 7 was able to represent city involvement to its residences in a very tangible way; contributing to a safer and more efficient home environment. In the long run, the hope is that residents of the city will feel comfortable and secure in knowing that their needs will be met by the city. The main goal of this project was to reduce energy costs of residents who live in low income neighborhoods. Hopefully, after the team has completed the project, the residents whose homes that have been completed will see improvements in savings and the overall quality of
  • 8. their homes. Additionally, the team provided information to the city about various gas leaks that will be addressed in the future. Another product of AmeriCorps NCCC’s work was the environmental impact. The reduction of gas leaks and air leaks in individuals’ homes will shrink the amount of energy waste in the community. Additionally, going into these neighborhoods for energy conservation work makes residents more conscious of the environmental impact of their houses; something they may not have previously considered. C. Information and Insights for the Future This project taught Sun 7 a level of patience, and how to deal with jobs that have a steep learning curve. The team has had to learn a variety of new skills and concepts, such as how to come up with solutions to problems on the job, and adapting to new situations as the work day changes. These are skills the team will carry into Round 3.
  • 9. 4. PersonalReflections Thomas Adams: Overall I like the project, and I like doing the physical work that comes along with it. That's what I like to do on my free time. I didn't really know what to expect and what exact work we would be doing, or what exactly needed to be done. Now that I know what this project is about, I am going to walk away with a knowledge of what actually goes into making houses tighter and keeping your home more energy efficient. Daniel Hoisch: Thinking back, my experience on this project was a major adventure of learning and discovery. I don’t normally work this in depth with science and technology (being a Literature Major in college), so I found myself using sections of my brain that weren’t as “fine- tuned” as others. This project was a major step out of my comfort zone. At first, I was intimidated by the logistical forms and progress reports that we were required to fill out at the end of each house. Preparing the blower door test was especially intimidating, bearing a degree
  • 10. of technical exactitude and detail that I am not normally accustomed to. I realized that the only way for me to conquer my fear of the technical work on the project was to keep delving further into it without fear of mistake or failure. There were definitely a lot of intricate details to keep track of on this project, ranging from blower door test numbers, inventory checks on tools and materials, dimensional measurements of housing space, and proper sealing procedures for air leakage. Above all, the important lesson that I learned on this project was to know when to ask for help, and to admit your shortcomings when you need to improve upon yourself. Jack Popwell: This project has been very interesting, and I have learned a great deal in a field that I previously had little knowledge in. I also gained experience in management, as the project is run sort of like a company. The team during this project is responsible for scheduling and handling all of the work and setting up appointments with clients so that work can be done on their house. This management experience will be useful when applying for future jobs and translating what I have learned in my time here into future management positions. I realized how important it is to not have a drafty home and how many minor things that can be done to your home to help you save money on energy bills. I have learned skills and information that I can bring with me for the rest of my life as well as future careers while on this project and I am grateful for that. Callie Rogers: Working with the city of Little Rock to complete this energy conservation project has been an eye opening experience for me. Although I previously had little interest in energy conservation, I was excited to be a part of something that would benefit both low income community members as well as the environment. I came to realize from my first few moments on the job that this project would be more difficult than I had initially anticipated and would
  • 11. require skills in areas I was not previously confident nor comfortable in. I believe that stepping outside of my comfort zone and having a willingness to learn these new skills has played a key part in the success of myself and the team as a whole thus far. This project has certainly helped me grow as a person in many ways. I feel that this experience has motivated me to try new things and to be both curious and persistent when faced with new tasks. I have also gained a better understanding of what a "healthy home" looks like and how vital it is in the strengthening of communities. Nathan Weidert: My personal experience on this Round 2 Project in Little Rock, Arkansas has been pretty nice. I like that we drive around town to different citizen's houses and help them with improving their homes by making them more airtight. We get to meet a variety of interesting, new people by going to their homes to do work. They are nice and pleasant to work with. I like the concept that we are directly serving the citizens of Little Rock, Arkansas. And that I get to physically see the work that I did to improve their homes. And I know that because there is a piece of foam board patched over a hole in the ceiling, it’s there because I put it there. And that gives me a certain satisfaction. I think this project is pretty awesome. And I am glad to be serving on it. Our project sponsors and site supervisors are all amazing and knowledgeable in their respective fields of expertise and we are grateful to have them. Marley Donnelly: I was very excited to get to Little Rock, especially after disaster. To be honest I wasn't sure what I would be getting into with this project because I don’t know much about weatherization and energy conservation. I'm glad we are here though. I've learned a lot about
  • 12. healthy homes and working on home improvements, which I loved. I also enjoyed meeting the homeowners and getting to talk to the community directly. Also, working for the city was a cool experience, which makes me think of my city back home and maybe working for them in the future. Skylar Sade: I was very excited to learn that my team was going to Little Rock for our second project. However, I was unsure what the project would encompass. It has turned out to be a very rewarding project. I like that I get to see the direct results of the energy conservation work that we’re doing. It’s especially exciting when we get significant results after we’ve sealed up a home, and we get to tell the homeowner that we made their house 50% more energy efficient. The skills that I am obtaining on this project will go a long way in life, as I am learning new things that will help to guide me when I have to think about buying my own home. Hannah Hinson: I was really looking forward to coming to Little Rock for Round 2. There was a lot of uncertainty going into this project, because we didn’t know a whole lot about the project itself. However, our sponsor, Kevin, and our site supervisors, Ron, Raphael, and Daniel are all very helpful and want to help us learn as much as possible. The project itself is really rewarding. Being able to go into people’s homes and to see first hand how we are assisting the homeowners and the difference we make in their energy bills. This project has really helped the team to become a part of the community, which is something I appreciate tremendously. Erica Peterson: The time I have spent in Little Rock so far, I learned more than I expected and explored so much of a community I never anticipated being a part of. This project is mentally challenging, as it demands a lot of new skills, multitasking, and interaction with homeowners.
  • 13. Working in low-income communities, there are times when we see homes that require more help than we can offer. However, it is really rewarding to know that our work can ease some of their troubles. People have been very welcoming and appreciative, and I love being apart of an initiative that proposes environmentalism as a solution to economic struggle. Sheri Parry: In this project, I was able to gain new skills such as how to use and operate a blower door and duct blaster system. This project also allowed me to use preexisting skills, like my knowledge of the Google Drive and all the forms contained in it. I have learned a lot about Little Rock and it’s rich culture. I have been able to interact with homeowners and develop my professional skills along the way. Even though we perform the same tests and tasks at each house, it is apparent that each house is unique and requires me to think on my feet if I have not experienced the obstacle at a previous home. Interacting with the professionals has been very enriching and they have taught me a lot such as different ways to approach a situation. Kimberly Higgins: The Little Rock Energy Conservation Project has been a rewarding challenge for myself and my team. No one knew much about how to make a house "tighter" or the mechanism that went into incorporating the proper amount of household airflow. We faced a real learning curve on this project. Our sponsors had to teach us from the ground up. We learned numerous terms, how to use a variety of sealants, what to look for in a home and how to use sponsor equipment. It was a real struggle at first but thankfully our sponsors and site supervisors were patient and very supportive. As time went on the team gained a strong grasp of the project and we fell into a systematic routine. It was a really unique opportunity to travel around the city of Little Rock and personally meet its residence.
  • 14. 5. AdvocacyPlan A. What Worked? What Should Remainthe Same? One of the biggest strengths of this project is the exposure to hands-on learning in tool use and technology. When Sun 7 first arrived in Little Rock for the classroom training, the team knew very little about what the project would entail. At first there was a lecture-type series of training courses, then the team rapidly proceeded from classroom learning to computer simulations before jumping into the field. When Sun 7 began work on its first few houses, the team always had a professional site supervisor either on the premises or on standby in case there were any questions, and there were usually quite a few during the first few houses. Even after the problems were identified, the team sometimes had to consult with one of the sponsor’s employees to better assess what tools and materials were needed. Having access to professional advice was very useful. B. What Didn’t Work? What Should Change? Perhaps the biggest issue faced during this project was an occasional lack of housing leads to contact. Since much of the available work for this project depended on continuous database construction of interested homeowners, the team was often doing outreach work in the office when not in the field. The team also took new approaches to finding leads, even going so far as to take a door-to-door approach in search of prospective homeowners. Additionally, the team spent time improving upon aspects of the project that may help future teams, such as communicating to the sponsors which materials are needed, organizing the database, and
  • 15. developing checklists. The main point of success was Sun 7s ability to be flexible with each day being different than the last. Another challenge was the issue of organizing the equipment in the vehicles so that it would be easier to locate needed materials for the work. This was acted upon thanks to the efforts of the VSTs, who made sure to do a weekly inventory check and reorganization of supplies the evening before work. There was also the issue of square footage inside some of the housing units. Since many of the targeted areas were low income neighborhoods, there was not always enough space to accompany an eleven-person group indoors. The team addressed this problem by dividing into two separate groups to work on multiple units throughout the city at once, and whenever they were together, one group stayed outside to provide assistance and materials to the indoor crew so as not to take up too much space. References City of Little Rock: “ Housing and Neighborhood Programs” Neighborhood and Housing Department; URL: and-neighborhood/