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Revolution: The American Revolution
The American Revolution was a major turn point in American History. The main question is what
started this revolution? The seven–year war caused the Parliament to reconsider their primary
revenues to be more beneficial to their large national debt. The rioting and rebellions started from
multiple acts being implemented on the colonists, whom did not approve these laws. They came up
with multiple acts such as The Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Act to possibly reverse this
tremendous amount of debt. The Sugar Act is debatably the most important act to prompt The
American Revolution. Biologically, sugar effects the brain very dramatically than what they knew
around the 1700– 1900's. When sugar is in your bloodstream the body reacts the same way as if more content...
While it was an indirect tax, the colonists were still knowledgeable of its happening. Colonists,
especially those affected directly as merchants and shippers, that the new tax was the major culprit
for their economic struggles. Which made for the Act's repeal began almost immediately, and
protests against the Sugar Act at first focused more on the economic impact rather than the
constitutional issue of taxation without representation.
The Sugar Act of 1764 was immediately shut down, disrupted trade between the American colonies
and French and was one of the laws that accelerated, and ended with, the American Revolution. The
British reacts to this resistance to create the stamp act not knowing all of these acts following the
Sugar Act would be rebelled and cause the American Revolution.
Of course the British Parliament thought other acts and ideas would be different but they received
the same results. Yes, it was one of the very first acts, but The Townshend act really started the
rebellion to where colonist retaliated. By taunting the officers and which caused the Boston
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The American Revolution
Some people believe the American Revolution is strictly liberal, in truth it is conservative
evidenced by the new British policies, colonial reactions and the examinations of what it means
to be conservative vs. liberal. The American Revolution was triggered, by many laws that were
passed between 1763 and 1775 that controlled trade and taxes. This legislation caused pressure
between colonists and imperial officers, who had made it clear that the British Parliament would
not address American complaints relating that the new laws were "too difficult". The British
unwilling participation to react to American demands for modification allowed colonists to argue
that they were part of an increasingly corrupt and oppressive empire in which traditional liberties
were threatened. On April 5, 1764, Parliament passed a revised form of the Sugar and Molasses
Act, which was about to expire. Under the Molasses Act colonial merchants had been required to
pay a tax of sixpence per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses. Because of corruption, they
mostly avoided the taxes and had the intention, that the English product would be cheaper than then
from the French West Indies. This ruined the British West Indies market in molasses and sugar and
the market for rum, which the colonies had been producing in quantity with the French molasses.
Parliament decided it would be clever to make a few changes to the trade rules. The Sugar Act
reduced the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to
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American Revolution Essay
American Revolution One of the most important facets of any revolution is violence. This is often a
response to the heightened repression or other intolerable demands from the government against its
people. The American Revolution is no exception. Following the Seven Years War, England need to
recover some of their finances which were lost due to the war.
Parliament achieved this by the taxation of the American colonies; the Stamp Act of 1765 is an
example of this. This act resulted in outrage from the Colonies and led to rioting, rhetoric, and the
formation of the Stamp Act Congress. These actions quickly led to the repel of the Stamp Act;
however, there were numerous new taxes levied to take their place. The Americans continued to more content...
Like Britain's two loyal colonies; Florida and Quebec. At the time of the Revolutionary War, there
were in actuality fifteen British colonies in America; Florida and Quebec being the two constantly
left out. In 1774 England passed the Quebec Act. This Act made Quebec the fourteenth American
colony. Quebec's loyalty was put to the test within a year of the passing of the Act. The rebelling
"original" thirteen colonies sent two armies north to capture and utilized the Quebecian territory.
Quebec's militia had just enough warning to organize its garrison against the forces of Benedict
Arnold. In midwinter of 1775 Arnold's attempt to take seige of the garrison was put asunder when
he was wounded by Quebec's militia. By the following Spring the attacking forces retreated–and the
battles at Quebec's garrison would be the first and last American Revolution battles fought on
Canadian soil.
Unlike Canada, Britain gained control of Florida in 1763 in exchange for Cuba, which was captured
from Spain during the Seven Years' War. With British rule looming in the future, most of the Spanish
residence which inhabited Florida left, leaving Florida virtually bare. The British did not take into
account the large populations of Indians and blacks which shared the colony with them. The only
two cities with more than a handful of white residence were Pensacola and St. Augustine. These two
cities would become the heart of the new "Floridas".
Parliament split, the then larger
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History : The American Revolution Essay
History never teaches fatalism. There comes a moment when the will of a handful of a Freeman
breaks through the determination and opens up the roads. Human history has always been filled
with individual liberty ideas. Liberty is known to be the idea that is firmly held by men in their
hearts, as they were willing to fight or even die for it. It was an ecstatic feeling when they finally
achieved it. The people had an idea of a constitutional freedom and the moral quality, which was
strongly held in the people's hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the
world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most important chapter in human history just
because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The
American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by
removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the new state, new
species, in the new globe. It inspired liberty worldwide, and this was treasured by all humankind
even today. Benjamin Franklin and otherwise men digested the idea of Locke and Montesquieu,
which brought forth the enlightenment. Their actions changed the way history was flowing, and it
was from then that the American people made the world what it is today. It is believed that without
this revolution, the world could have witnessed the rise of the pioneering liberal country. Through
that, it could be seemingly a
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The American Revolutionary War Essay
The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the
Revolutionary War in the United States, was the prosperous military revolt against Great Britain of
Thirteen American Colonies which joined together as the United States of America in July 1776.
Originally constrained to fighting in those colonies, after 1778 it additionally became a world war
between Britain and France, Netherlands, Spain, and Mysore.
The war had its inchoations in the resistance of many Americans to taxes imposed by the British
parliament, which they held to be unlawful. Formal acts of revolt against British ascendancy
commenced in 1774 when the Patriot Suffolk Resolves efficaciously abolished the licit regime of
the Province more content...
After 1778 the British shifted their attention to the southern colonies, which brought them initial
prosperity when they recaptured Georgia and South Carolina for the Crown in 1779 and 1780. In
1781 British forces endeavored to subjugate Virginia, but a French naval victory just outside
Chesapeake Bay led to a Franco–American siege at Yorktown and the capture of over 7,000 British
soldiers. The defeat broke Britain's will to perpetuate the war. Constrained fighting perpetuated
throughout 1782, while tranquility negotiations commenced. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris pacified
the war and apperceived the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by
what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the Mississippi River to the west A wider
international tranquility was acceded, in which several territories were exchanged. The expensive
war drove France into massive debt, which would contribute to the outbreak of a Revolution there as
The principle beneficiaries of the Revolution were financial fascinates.[citation needed] The Patriots
had relucted to raise taxes on either a local or national level during the war, instead issuing worthless
paper mazuma and bonds. Many of the bonds went to politically connected insiders who would later
be instrumental in the formation of a national regime in 1789. Alexander Hamilton's financial
program would permanently fund these bonds by imposing taxes on the public. A
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Argumentative Essay On The American Revolution
The American Revolutionary War in 1755 spouted from a conflict between the British government
and British people living in the then 13 American colonies. The crown and his legislature passed tax
measures, which the people of the thirteen American colonies fiercely opposed. American leaders
took action against taxes because the government that created the laws offered no representation for
those being taxed which is where taxation without any representation stems from. The crown only
allowed upper–class men vote in England and most elections within American colonies, although the
American voting class weren't able to express on the ballots their views of the parliament. In this
______ article, one may find it very important to more content...
in reading this ________ article, it's easy to realize that Georgie Washington's importance of the
revolutionary war, was something that couldn't go unspoken without His Influence on the War, we
as a nation would not be where we are today. June 1755, George Washington Became Commander in
Chief but to many patriots he was much more than the Commander in Chief. He became the calm
voice to those who needed it, George Washington was known to be strongly determined and held a
heavy load of the patriotic duty to country. George Washington was the real backbone into the
Revolution war and kept it from going under during the hardships and unexpected trials and
tribulations that occurred during the long years of war. Without General Washington as the
commander and chief, it's believed that the unthinkable and imaginable could never have succeeded.
His faith in the cause and his devotion to the ideals it embodied made him the symbol of America –
the spirit of the Revolution. Shortly
after George Washington becoming chief, Britain's General Gage a discreet plan to send out
British soldiers to Lexington April 19th, 1775, where their goal was to capture Colonial leaders
such as John Hancock and leader Samuel Adams, then to concord, where they would have to seize
all gunpowder. Fortunately friends of the Americans leaked Gage's plan to the people. Two
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Was The American Revolution Justified Essay
The American Revolution was justified because the colonists were not being treaty fairy and
equally by the British. And according to Jefferson, "people being oppressed have a moral obligation
to rebel against their oppressors". From the beginning, the colonists were not given the full rights as
British men, just because they were not living in that country. The Navigation Acts passed by the
Parliament to restrict colonial trade, and all of colonial trade with Europe had to go through
England, overall they wanted to keep colonies in a position of economic dependency on Britain. And
that was a serious damage in the colonial economies and people's aspirations, it makes many
colonists unhappy and smuggle goods to other country. And more content...
And in order to collect the taxes, the Bratians raisen the Sugar Act and Stamp Act to put more
restrictions on colonial trade and forced colonists to buy special stamped paper. That makes
conlonist getting angry and to against the "Taxation without representation", the only thing they
want to do is to elect their own colonial legislatures. Also the Proclamation of 1763, bans them from
crossing and going to the settlement of the west. So the colonial rebellion is reasonable, they just
deserved to have much more control over their own government. For the resistance, colonies
coordinate to boycott the British goods. And the matter was worsened when the British government
enforced the Townshend Acts through force, it imposed taxes on imported goods from Britain,
which really hurt many colonial merchants. And colonies respond that with more boycott. Although
the Tea Party removed taxes on tea sold by British, but American tea still taxed. So on the December
16th, 1776 the Boston Tea Partydump 90,000 pounds of tea into the ocean to resist. But after that,
British soldiers flooded into Boston, and colonists had to feed and lodge them. The Continental
Congress was formed to reason the King George, in the attempt to keep the peace between Britaish
and colonies, but he refused the negotiation, and sent troops to
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The American Revolution
The American Revolution was the struggle by which thirteen colonies won independence from Great
Britain, to become what we now know as The United States of America. The American Revolution
came about primarily because the colonists had matured. Their interests and goals were so different
and distant from those of the mother country. Local politics, practices, social customs, religious
beliefs, and economic interests had gone so far from the English ways. The American Revolution had
a tremendous impact not only in The United States, but also in Europe and the rest of the world.
The Navigation Acts channeled the flow of colonial raw materials into England and kept foreign
goods and vessels out of colonial ports. The Navigation Acts incorporated multiple laws that were
created over a period of time. The Acts were passed with the theory of mercantilism, which
restricted free trade. They were intended to keep foreign goods and vessels out of colonial ports.
The Navigation Act of 1651 banned imported goods from other countries, unless the ship or cargo
had an all–British crew. The second Act was extended to exports in addition to imports. Four more
Acts were passed between the years of 1662 and 1773, which proposed even more restrictions on
trade. The Molasses Act in 1773 forced the colonists to purchase the more expensive sugar from the
Britain because they had raised the tax on all sugar and molasses products coming from anywhere
else. Smuggling was also a huge result of these
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Arguments For The American Revolution
The American economy has a storied history for its relatively short existence. The British ruled
America until the country was recognized as independent in 1776. There has been much debate
over what was the cause of the American Revolution, but many hypothesize the catalyst to be one of
Britain's aggressive taxation policies, consequentially, leaving the colonists with an incentive to
revolt. In this paper, I will summarize Reid's article, I will then analyze the underlying theories that
Reid uses in making his arguments and show my positions on the incentives that he puts forward. I
will also take a closer look at his model of the political economy and critique its usefulness and
applicability to everyday circumstances as well as its unique interaction with the topic of the
American Revolution. Reid's article sets out to find an explanation for the American Revolution;
specifically, an economic one. As from his title he is attempting to analyze whether there was an
economic burden affecting the American colonies at the time that would incentivize them to move
away from the British government. He addresses the normal supply and demand model that is
ubiquitous in most economic theory. He relates it to the British rule of the period and argues that
this type of model does not adequately model the human factor of political activity that was likely a
very large factor in the American Revolution. Reid argues that the supply–demand model "is static
and incomplete: a shift in
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The American Revolution: A History By Gordon Wood
"The Need for Virtue" from the book The American Revolution: A History by Gordon Wood,
explains that the states, newly separated from England, cannot have a monarchical government
because that is what they despised about their previous homeland. What holds this together is
obedience to the king. What holds a republic together is the virtue of the people. Republics
challenged all the assumptions and principles that a monarchy ran off of which includes, kinship,
war, dependency and inequality. When left alone free people's will run amuck doing what is in the
best interest of them. Monarchies are the parent to the child demanding work for the general will
over their own pursuits. A quote from an English jurist William Blackstone once said,
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American Revolution Motives
The American Revolution started for numerous motives, some of them were; political changes,
declaration of freedom and equal rights. In the British colonies, prior to 1750 provided the basis for a
course to America becoming an independent nation under its own control with its own government.
Eventually, the relationship between the colonists and the British brought in consequences the
Revolutionary War. America political thought came from the Enlightenment, American Revolution,
and American Industrialism. To begin, the main objective of enlightenment was to development the
society using reasons, and stimulating the rational though. Enlightenment, also, created a path for
independent thought, on the areas of physics, mathematics, politics, economics, and medicine. John
Locke made a huge impact on the America colonist by stating the natural rights of life, liberty and
property. The most important federal papers were the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In 1776,
the Continental congress declared the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of
Independence is extremely important because Americans were stating that they were able to hold
their own grown and did not need any of Great Britain's laws. The American Revolution, despite
many of the reasons used more content...
Most determinedly were the Stamp Act, which involved most Americans, the Tea Act, which
damaged the power of the colonies, and the Quartering Act, which maintained Catholic settlement in
the Americas. These acts led a conflict between America and its mother country which consequently
bringing the Revolutionary War and at the end of the day the formation of the United States. This
strong sense of individual freedom, conjoined with the English policy of no taxation without
representation. The restriction of colonial civil liberties, and British military actions, guided to what
is now known as the American
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A revolution is defined as being a generally violent attempt by many people to end one rule of
governing, and to create their own (Websters Dictionary). The founding of our own independent
country is based on such a notion, with our forefathers fighting to gain their freedom from the
oppressive rule of Colonial England. With rampant fears of tyranny from a country deemed a super
power, the American people were divided in their views of creating their own government, making
the definition of a revolution all the more difficult. The years 1775 to 1785 in American history were
enormously fundamental to the founding of the United States. From the famous Battles of Lexington
and Concord which started the war with England, to the drafting of more content...
It wasn't until April 1775 however, that the revolution caught the spark that ignited the war for
independence. One of the most famous battles in our nation's history was the Battle of Lexington
and Concord, in consideration that it was during this battle that the first shots of the American
Revolution were fired, signaling the start of the war for American Freedom. (American Revolution
Center) England, merely presuming that this was simply a small rebellion, had instructed British
Troops under direction from Massachusetts Governor, Thomas Gage, to arrest Samuel Adams and
John Hitchcock and to retrieve the colonial soldier's supply of gunpowder and ammunition stored in
Concord. By attempting to arrest Adams and Hitchcock, key leaders of the revolution, who were
stationed in Lexington at the time, they assumed they would squash the apparent rebellion with their
capture, before it could spiral into war. What British Troops couldn't have anticipated however, was
the gathering of American Patriots, or Minutemen as they were called, stationed on the road between
Lexington and Concord. Having been previously warned by the now famous Paul Revere and his
midnight ride to warn Adams and Hitchcock of the impending redcoats, the Minutemen and
Redcoats clashed together at the site of the Old North Bridge, and thus the "shot heard around the
world" was fired. (American Revolution Center) After
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The American Revolution Essay
In the midst of revolution, influential authors Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas
Jefferson each speak volumes about the clear vision that is to become independent America. It is the
work of these individuals that one may accredit the characterization of America as it stands in the
present day. In a country built on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," certain values have
been deemed favorable by the founding fathers. American political culture has thus been molded into
one representative of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, and nationalism; each of which
Paine, Franklin, and Jefferson advocate for in some capacity through their writings. A memorable
founding father of the United States of America, Thomas Paine, wrote with a fiery passion to instill
the principals of liberty, republicanism, and nationalism in the hearts of revolutionaries who, like
Paine, detested and rejected the rule of the English crown over America. Paine's pamphlets and other
writings would prove to be a large inspiration and final push to those unsure of the necessity of the
American Revolution as they were to–the–point pieces which plainly laid the reasoning behind the
events taking place. One of Paine's most famous pamphlets, Common Sense, expresses an urgent call
for a separation and rebuilding process in America in order to create a representative republic in
place of a tyrannical monarchy. Paine stresses in this document the negative effects that the crown
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How Revolutionary was the American Revolution? The American Revolution set the ground
work for a major change in the New England colonies. It was a time of significant governmental
changes on political and social levels, and a growing ideology on the obedience of a women and
the dissolution of slavery. There were many events that led up to the American Revolution. After
the British defeated France and the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763, Parliament began
enforcing colonists to help pay for debts that were accrued during the war. George Grenville,
Britain's chief minister, constructed laws such as the Stamp Act, Sugar Act and Quartering Act.
These new policies that set in place tariffs on imports, exports, and regulations on trade, infuriated
colonists (Tindall & Shi, pg. 121). Colonist did not want to allow such imposed taxes because the
people themselves were not represented as equal British subjects. "The issue of taxation became a
question of the colonist' place in the imperial system" (Calloway, pg. 14). Also, after the British
victory in the Seven Year war settlers were eager to expand west. British government wanted the
colonist to stay east where trade was a major profit, and to navigate to the north or south. The Royal
Proclamation of 1763 establishes the Appalachian Mountains as the boundary line between British
and Indian lands. This was in part to keep Indian alliances and to keep control on the settler's
expansion. Henry Ellis, Governor of Georgia, spoke of
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The American Revolution Essays
The gun shot that was heard around the world, in 1775 marks the day of the beginning of the of the
American Revolution .During the American Revolution the Seneca people had a critical role. The 3
three Seneca Chief's , Big Tree, Corn Planter, and Half Town wrote a letter to them asking George
Washington to stop killing their people. Some of the Seneca people joined the British, an interesting
fact. Who were considering a revolution despite the fact that Native American's didn't do anything ?
After the research that been done, it can be proven that the American Revolution was actually a
Revolution. In the American Revolution the government changed and the people wanted to leave
British rule resulting in and there was violence. more content...
Because they wanted a new government this it affected them to make a Revolution war and when a
government is overthrown it counts as a Revolution. A key member of the revolution wasBenjamin
Franklin, who wrote the very first draft of the Declaration of Independence.
It was important for the colonists to leave the British rules, so they no longer have to follow the
laws and the punishment of the British . Back when the king had control over America meanings
he gets to decide what he can do, he had control of the judges. Control of the judges was critical as
it dealt with assigning guilt and innocent in the courts. In addition, the king also had enough
power to decide the punishment on the when he or she is guilty party. The British government
holds the right to make the colonist to pay more taxes. If they don't, they can punish them
according to the law. Also, on document K the King of Britain, king George the III "has created
his own set of laws and now feels that he has a right to force us to give food and shelter to British
soldiers, stop us from trading with the rest of the world, and has set up too many taxes for us that
we have no choice in paying. He also wants to punish people without a fair trial and jury." King
George had enough power to create all kinds of laws that made it unfair for the colonists to lead
prosperous lives. Once the colonists were victorious in overthrowing British rule,
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The American Revolution Essay examples
The American Revolution was when the British colonies in America revolted against British rule
for being taxed by people not even living on their land and gained independence by overthrowing
British imperial rule under King George III. The French Revolution was a period of social and
political upheaval in France, marking the decline of powerful monarchies and churches and the rise
of democracy and nationalism. The French Revolution began less than two decades after the
American Revolution. In many ways, the American experience was an inspiration for the citizens of
France. But the people of the two countries had different situations and had different concerns, which
influenced the way each revolution began, progressed, and ended. more content...
The colonists declared "No taxation without representation" and many refused to buy the
imported British goods. The Parliament ended up repealing all of the taxes because of this
except one, a tax on tea. Colonists were already very angered by this time and tragedy struck in
1770 when an angry crowd began to taunt a group of British soldiers, causing them to open fire
and kill five people. This event became known as the Boston Massacre. Three years later, colonists
disguised themselves as Indians and destroyed hundreds of crates of tea on a ship in the Boston
Harbor, this event became known as the Boston Tea Party. Colonists began to organize themselves
into militias to resist the British troops and in April 1775, British soldiers and colonial militia fired
on each other near Lexington and Concord causing the American Revolution to began. The
Continental Congress, representatives sent to Philadelphia to make decisions as a group, established
a Continental Army to defend the colonies against British troops. On July 4, 1776, the Continental
Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson. After the
Battle of Saratoga, the French were convinced that the Americans could defeat the British and
entered into alliance with the new United States. After eight years of war, a peace treaty
acknowledging the independence of the United States of America was signed in 1783. In the Spring
of 1789, the United
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The Events That Led To The American Revolution
Some of the events that were led to the American Revolution forced the colonies to be mad at the
British which surrounded the Seven Years War. One of the main events that happened during the
French and Indian war was trading. A lot of the American colonies had to rely on British for
supplies and they were unhappy because that was there only way for trade. Britain was trying to
control everything and the colonies did not like the way they were governed. An example of this
would be mercantilism, and how the British used these colonies to make money so that they could
get more resources to make more products. In order for this to work they had to have more land, so
they ordered all the colonies to go in a different direction, away from the land.
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The American Revolution And The Civil War Essay
Imagine the feelings one may have when living in circumstances where many rights are carelessly
being taken away. In our modern day, it is hard to conceptualize not being able to live the way one
chooses, yet there was a point in time when we faced imminent threats from both other countries and
our own country. The rejection of human rights is a crucial action which can result in a gruesome
long term conflict. War is said to be inevitable by many but the study of why some of the most
notable battles in history began is even more fascinating; moreover, The American Revolution and
The Civil War are two of the most notorious events in American history thus it is necessary to realize
just how influential and connected they are to one another. What is more, the powerful figures
involved whose dedication prevailed successfully in these ruthless battles. The opposing sides, the
British and the Confederate South, thought what they were doing was just due to tradition and
already accommodated power, however strong driving forces rightfully fought against the British
invasion and fought to end slavery in the South. Ultimately the efforts proved worthwhile. The
cataclysm that was The American Revolution can simply be described as a revolt against the British
government assumed rule over the United States. It was not just a feud over the demands the British,
controlled by King George III, made to the original thirteen colonies regarding tax and trade but an
insurgency to gain
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American Revolution : Causes And Effects
Elexis Holmes
Mr. Ben Wright
U.S. History– TR 11am
Due: 2/6/15
American Revolution Essay
Causes of American Revolution There were many causes of the American Revolution. Which are the
reformation of the British Empire, the Revenue Act, the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act, Townshend
Act, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act, the Coercive Act, the First Continental Congress, the Battles
of Lexington and Concord, and the Second Continental Congress. Trying to reform the British
Empire after the Seven Years' War was one of the causes of theAmerican Revolution. The Seven
Years' war was fought between many people. In the war the British took control over the Northern
colonies east of the Mississippi River and took control over Canada. The British won the war
victoriously but they were left in a lot of debt. British wanted more money from the colonies by
passing any Acts which turned the colonies against them.
The Revenue Act also known as the Sugar Act it started in 1764, this act raised the taxes on sugar
that was imported in from the West Indies. This act was passed to stop the smuggling and to
increase the enforcement for those who get caught smuggling molasses in New England. If you
were caught smuggling you were to be tried by the Vice Admiralty courts and not by a jury. The
people who were affected by this act was the merchants, but it affected the poor merchants way more
than the rich merchants the poor did not agree with this act. The Stamp Act began in 1765, it was
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The American Revolution : The Revolution
The American Revolution Revolutionizes the World
It was the first revolution to majorly succeed and change how people saw their countries, it was the
American Revolution. The American Revolution was the first successful revolution against a
European empire that provided a model for many other colonial peoples who realized that they too
could break away and become self–governing nations (New world Encyclopedia, 1).The American
Revolution was vital to history because ideas seen by other countries started a chain reaction. Many
ideas were taken into account when the Americans revolted against Europe and all of these played
important factors throughout history. Ideas about liberty, equality, representation, and natural rights
were first seen as properly put into action to change old systems in the American Revolution. As the
American Revolution was the first to succeed and earn freedom, it greatly affected countries all
around the world on how they made freedom and equality a part of their government The American
Revolution started when Britain started to tax the colonists without their consent. The stamp acts
started a chain reaction of discontent. The colonists realized they were being treated unfairly and
unequal to the citizens in Britain. Around this time when the Americans were facing discontent,
many Enlightenment ideas were spreading. The colonists took many ideas like John Locke's into
mind when they planned their revolts. They were fighting for natural rights of
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American Revolution Essay

  • 1. Revolution: The American Revolution The American Revolution was a major turn point in American History. The main question is what started this revolution? The seven–year war caused the Parliament to reconsider their primary revenues to be more beneficial to their large national debt. The rioting and rebellions started from multiple acts being implemented on the colonists, whom did not approve these laws. They came up with multiple acts such as The Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Act to possibly reverse this tremendous amount of debt. The Sugar Act is debatably the most important act to prompt The American Revolution. Biologically, sugar effects the brain very dramatically than what they knew around the 1700– 1900's. When sugar is in your bloodstream the body reacts the same way as if more content... While it was an indirect tax, the colonists were still knowledgeable of its happening. Colonists, especially those affected directly as merchants and shippers, that the new tax was the major culprit for their economic struggles. Which made for the Act's repeal began almost immediately, and protests against the Sugar Act at first focused more on the economic impact rather than the constitutional issue of taxation without representation. The Sugar Act of 1764 was immediately shut down, disrupted trade between the American colonies and French and was one of the laws that accelerated, and ended with, the American Revolution. The British reacts to this resistance to create the stamp act not knowing all of these acts following the Sugar Act would be rebelled and cause the American Revolution. Of course the British Parliament thought other acts and ideas would be different but they received the same results. Yes, it was one of the very first acts, but The Townshend act really started the rebellion to where colonist retaliated. By taunting the officers and which caused the Boston Get more content on
  • 2. The American Revolution Some people believe the American Revolution is strictly liberal, in truth it is conservative evidenced by the new British policies, colonial reactions and the examinations of what it means to be conservative vs. liberal. The American Revolution was triggered, by many laws that were passed between 1763 and 1775 that controlled trade and taxes. This legislation caused pressure between colonists and imperial officers, who had made it clear that the British Parliament would not address American complaints relating that the new laws were "too difficult". The British unwilling participation to react to American demands for modification allowed colonists to argue that they were part of an increasingly corrupt and oppressive empire in which traditional liberties were threatened. On April 5, 1764, Parliament passed a revised form of the Sugar and Molasses Act, which was about to expire. Under the Molasses Act colonial merchants had been required to pay a tax of sixpence per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses. Because of corruption, they mostly avoided the taxes and had the intention, that the English product would be cheaper than then from the French West Indies. This ruined the British West Indies market in molasses and sugar and the market for rum, which the colonies had been producing in quantity with the French molasses. Parliament decided it would be clever to make a few changes to the trade rules. The Sugar Act reduced the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to Get more content on
  • 3. American Revolution Essay American Revolution One of the most important facets of any revolution is violence. This is often a response to the heightened repression or other intolerable demands from the government against its people. The American Revolution is no exception. Following the Seven Years War, England need to recover some of their finances which were lost due to the war. Parliament achieved this by the taxation of the American colonies; the Stamp Act of 1765 is an example of this. This act resulted in outrage from the Colonies and led to rioting, rhetoric, and the formation of the Stamp Act Congress. These actions quickly led to the repel of the Stamp Act; however, there were numerous new taxes levied to take their place. The Americans continued to more content... Like Britain's two loyal colonies; Florida and Quebec. At the time of the Revolutionary War, there were in actuality fifteen British colonies in America; Florida and Quebec being the two constantly left out. In 1774 England passed the Quebec Act. This Act made Quebec the fourteenth American colony. Quebec's loyalty was put to the test within a year of the passing of the Act. The rebelling "original" thirteen colonies sent two armies north to capture and utilized the Quebecian territory. Quebec's militia had just enough warning to organize its garrison against the forces of Benedict Arnold. In midwinter of 1775 Arnold's attempt to take seige of the garrison was put asunder when he was wounded by Quebec's militia. By the following Spring the attacking forces retreated–and the battles at Quebec's garrison would be the first and last American Revolution battles fought on Canadian soil. Unlike Canada, Britain gained control of Florida in 1763 in exchange for Cuba, which was captured from Spain during the Seven Years' War. With British rule looming in the future, most of the Spanish residence which inhabited Florida left, leaving Florida virtually bare. The British did not take into account the large populations of Indians and blacks which shared the colony with them. The only two cities with more than a handful of white residence were Pensacola and St. Augustine. These two cities would become the heart of the new "Floridas". Parliament split, the then larger Get more content on
  • 4. History : The American Revolution Essay History never teaches fatalism. There comes a moment when the will of a handful of a Freeman breaks through the determination and opens up the roads. Human history has always been filled with individual liberty ideas. Liberty is known to be the idea that is firmly held by men in their hearts, as they were willing to fight or even die for it. It was an ecstatic feeling when they finally achieved it. The people had an idea of a constitutional freedom and the moral quality, which was strongly held in the people's hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most important chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the new state, new species, in the new globe. It inspired liberty worldwide, and this was treasured by all humankind even today. Benjamin Franklin and otherwise men digested the idea of Locke and Montesquieu, which brought forth the enlightenment. Their actions changed the way history was flowing, and it was from then that the American people made the world what it is today. It is believed that without this revolution, the world could have witnessed the rise of the pioneering liberal country. Through that, it could be seemingly a Get more content on
  • 5. The American Revolutionary War Essay The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in the United States, was the prosperous military revolt against Great Britain of Thirteen American Colonies which joined together as the United States of America in July 1776. Originally constrained to fighting in those colonies, after 1778 it additionally became a world war between Britain and France, Netherlands, Spain, and Mysore. The war had its inchoations in the resistance of many Americans to taxes imposed by the British parliament, which they held to be unlawful. Formal acts of revolt against British ascendancy commenced in 1774 when the Patriot Suffolk Resolves efficaciously abolished the licit regime of the Province more content... After 1778 the British shifted their attention to the southern colonies, which brought them initial prosperity when they recaptured Georgia and South Carolina for the Crown in 1779 and 1780. In 1781 British forces endeavored to subjugate Virginia, but a French naval victory just outside Chesapeake Bay led to a Franco–American siege at Yorktown and the capture of over 7,000 British soldiers. The defeat broke Britain's will to perpetuate the war. Constrained fighting perpetuated throughout 1782, while tranquility negotiations commenced. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris pacified the war and apperceived the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the Mississippi River to the west A wider international tranquility was acceded, in which several territories were exchanged. The expensive war drove France into massive debt, which would contribute to the outbreak of a Revolution there as well. The principle beneficiaries of the Revolution were financial fascinates.[citation needed] The Patriots had relucted to raise taxes on either a local or national level during the war, instead issuing worthless paper mazuma and bonds. Many of the bonds went to politically connected insiders who would later be instrumental in the formation of a national regime in 1789. Alexander Hamilton's financial program would permanently fund these bonds by imposing taxes on the public. A Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On The American Revolution The American Revolutionary War in 1755 spouted from a conflict between the British government and British people living in the then 13 American colonies. The crown and his legislature passed tax measures, which the people of the thirteen American colonies fiercely opposed. American leaders took action against taxes because the government that created the laws offered no representation for those being taxed which is where taxation without any representation stems from. The crown only allowed upper–class men vote in England and most elections within American colonies, although the American voting class weren't able to express on the ballots their views of the parliament. In this ______ article, one may find it very important to more content... in reading this ________ article, it's easy to realize that Georgie Washington's importance of the revolutionary war, was something that couldn't go unspoken without His Influence on the War, we as a nation would not be where we are today. June 1755, George Washington Became Commander in Chief but to many patriots he was much more than the Commander in Chief. He became the calm voice to those who needed it, George Washington was known to be strongly determined and held a heavy load of the patriotic duty to country. George Washington was the real backbone into the Revolution war and kept it from going under during the hardships and unexpected trials and tribulations that occurred during the long years of war. Without General Washington as the commander and chief, it's believed that the unthinkable and imaginable could never have succeeded. His faith in the cause and his devotion to the ideals it embodied made him the symbol of America – the spirit of the Revolution. Shortly after George Washington becoming chief, Britain's General Gage a discreet plan to send out British soldiers to Lexington April 19th, 1775, where their goal was to capture Colonial leaders such as John Hancock and leader Samuel Adams, then to concord, where they would have to seize all gunpowder. Fortunately friends of the Americans leaked Gage's plan to the people. Two Get more content on
  • 7. Was The American Revolution Justified Essay The American Revolution was justified because the colonists were not being treaty fairy and equally by the British. And according to Jefferson, "people being oppressed have a moral obligation to rebel against their oppressors". From the beginning, the colonists were not given the full rights as British men, just because they were not living in that country. The Navigation Acts passed by the Parliament to restrict colonial trade, and all of colonial trade with Europe had to go through England, overall they wanted to keep colonies in a position of economic dependency on Britain. And that was a serious damage in the colonial economies and people's aspirations, it makes many colonists unhappy and smuggle goods to other country. And more content... And in order to collect the taxes, the Bratians raisen the Sugar Act and Stamp Act to put more restrictions on colonial trade and forced colonists to buy special stamped paper. That makes conlonist getting angry and to against the "Taxation without representation", the only thing they want to do is to elect their own colonial legislatures. Also the Proclamation of 1763, bans them from crossing and going to the settlement of the west. So the colonial rebellion is reasonable, they just deserved to have much more control over their own government. For the resistance, colonies coordinate to boycott the British goods. And the matter was worsened when the British government enforced the Townshend Acts through force, it imposed taxes on imported goods from Britain, which really hurt many colonial merchants. And colonies respond that with more boycott. Although the Tea Party removed taxes on tea sold by British, but American tea still taxed. So on the December 16th, 1776 the Boston Tea Partydump 90,000 pounds of tea into the ocean to resist. But after that, British soldiers flooded into Boston, and colonists had to feed and lodge them. The Continental Congress was formed to reason the King George, in the attempt to keep the peace between Britaish and colonies, but he refused the negotiation, and sent troops to Get more content on
  • 8. The American Revolution The American Revolution was the struggle by which thirteen colonies won independence from Great Britain, to become what we now know as The United States of America. The American Revolution came about primarily because the colonists had matured. Their interests and goals were so different and distant from those of the mother country. Local politics, practices, social customs, religious beliefs, and economic interests had gone so far from the English ways. The American Revolution had a tremendous impact not only in The United States, but also in Europe and the rest of the world. The Navigation Acts channeled the flow of colonial raw materials into England and kept foreign goods and vessels out of colonial ports. The Navigation Acts incorporated multiple laws that were created over a period of time. The Acts were passed with the theory of mercantilism, which restricted free trade. They were intended to keep foreign goods and vessels out of colonial ports. The Navigation Act of 1651 banned imported goods from other countries, unless the ship or cargo had an all–British crew. The second Act was extended to exports in addition to imports. Four more Acts were passed between the years of 1662 and 1773, which proposed even more restrictions on trade. The Molasses Act in 1773 forced the colonists to purchase the more expensive sugar from the Britain because they had raised the tax on all sugar and molasses products coming from anywhere else. Smuggling was also a huge result of these Get more content on
  • 9. Arguments For The American Revolution The American economy has a storied history for its relatively short existence. The British ruled America until the country was recognized as independent in 1776. There has been much debate over what was the cause of the American Revolution, but many hypothesize the catalyst to be one of Britain's aggressive taxation policies, consequentially, leaving the colonists with an incentive to revolt. In this paper, I will summarize Reid's article, I will then analyze the underlying theories that Reid uses in making his arguments and show my positions on the incentives that he puts forward. I will also take a closer look at his model of the political economy and critique its usefulness and applicability to everyday circumstances as well as its unique interaction with the topic of the American Revolution. Reid's article sets out to find an explanation for the American Revolution; specifically, an economic one. As from his title he is attempting to analyze whether there was an economic burden affecting the American colonies at the time that would incentivize them to move away from the British government. He addresses the normal supply and demand model that is ubiquitous in most economic theory. He relates it to the British rule of the period and argues that this type of model does not adequately model the human factor of political activity that was likely a very large factor in the American Revolution. Reid argues that the supply–demand model "is static and incomplete: a shift in Get more content on
  • 10. The American Revolution: A History By Gordon Wood "The Need for Virtue" from the book The American Revolution: A History by Gordon Wood, explains that the states, newly separated from England, cannot have a monarchical government because that is what they despised about their previous homeland. What holds this together is obedience to the king. What holds a republic together is the virtue of the people. Republics challenged all the assumptions and principles that a monarchy ran off of which includes, kinship, war, dependency and inequality. When left alone free people's will run amuck doing what is in the best interest of them. Monarchies are the parent to the child demanding work for the general will over their own pursuits. A quote from an English jurist William Blackstone once said, Get more content on
  • 11. American Revolution Motives The American Revolution started for numerous motives, some of them were; political changes, declaration of freedom and equal rights. In the British colonies, prior to 1750 provided the basis for a course to America becoming an independent nation under its own control with its own government. Eventually, the relationship between the colonists and the British brought in consequences the Revolutionary War. America political thought came from the Enlightenment, American Revolution, and American Industrialism. To begin, the main objective of enlightenment was to development the society using reasons, and stimulating the rational though. Enlightenment, also, created a path for independent thought, on the areas of physics, mathematics, politics, economics, and medicine. John Locke made a huge impact on the America colonist by stating the natural rights of life, liberty and property. The most important federal papers were the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In 1776, the Continental congress declared the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is extremely important because Americans were stating that they were able to hold their own grown and did not need any of Great Britain's laws. The American Revolution, despite many of the reasons used more content... Most determinedly were the Stamp Act, which involved most Americans, the Tea Act, which damaged the power of the colonies, and the Quartering Act, which maintained Catholic settlement in the Americas. These acts led a conflict between America and its mother country which consequently bringing the Revolutionary War and at the end of the day the formation of the United States. This strong sense of individual freedom, conjoined with the English policy of no taxation without representation. The restriction of colonial civil liberties, and British military actions, guided to what is now known as the American Get more content on
  • 12. A revolution is defined as being a generally violent attempt by many people to end one rule of governing, and to create their own (Websters Dictionary). The founding of our own independent country is based on such a notion, with our forefathers fighting to gain their freedom from the oppressive rule of Colonial England. With rampant fears of tyranny from a country deemed a super power, the American people were divided in their views of creating their own government, making the definition of a revolution all the more difficult. The years 1775 to 1785 in American history were enormously fundamental to the founding of the United States. From the famous Battles of Lexington and Concord which started the war with England, to the drafting of more content... It wasn't until April 1775 however, that the revolution caught the spark that ignited the war for independence. One of the most famous battles in our nation's history was the Battle of Lexington and Concord, in consideration that it was during this battle that the first shots of the American Revolution were fired, signaling the start of the war for American Freedom. (American Revolution Center) England, merely presuming that this was simply a small rebellion, had instructed British Troops under direction from Massachusetts Governor, Thomas Gage, to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hitchcock and to retrieve the colonial soldier's supply of gunpowder and ammunition stored in Concord. By attempting to arrest Adams and Hitchcock, key leaders of the revolution, who were stationed in Lexington at the time, they assumed they would squash the apparent rebellion with their capture, before it could spiral into war. What British Troops couldn't have anticipated however, was the gathering of American Patriots, or Minutemen as they were called, stationed on the road between Lexington and Concord. Having been previously warned by the now famous Paul Revere and his midnight ride to warn Adams and Hitchcock of the impending redcoats, the Minutemen and Redcoats clashed together at the site of the Old North Bridge, and thus the "shot heard around the world" was fired. (American Revolution Center) After Get more content on
  • 13. The American Revolution Essay In the midst of revolution, influential authors Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson each speak volumes about the clear vision that is to become independent America. It is the work of these individuals that one may accredit the characterization of America as it stands in the present day. In a country built on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," certain values have been deemed favorable by the founding fathers. American political culture has thus been molded into one representative of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, and nationalism; each of which Paine, Franklin, and Jefferson advocate for in some capacity through their writings. A memorable founding father of the United States of America, Thomas Paine, wrote with a fiery passion to instill the principals of liberty, republicanism, and nationalism in the hearts of revolutionaries who, like Paine, detested and rejected the rule of the English crown over America. Paine's pamphlets and other writings would prove to be a large inspiration and final push to those unsure of the necessity of the American Revolution as they were to–the–point pieces which plainly laid the reasoning behind the events taking place. One of Paine's most famous pamphlets, Common Sense, expresses an urgent call for a separation and rebuilding process in America in order to create a representative republic in place of a tyrannical monarchy. Paine stresses in this document the negative effects that the crown has Get more content on
  • 14. How Revolutionary was the American Revolution? The American Revolution set the ground work for a major change in the New England colonies. It was a time of significant governmental changes on political and social levels, and a growing ideology on the obedience of a women and the dissolution of slavery. There were many events that led up to the American Revolution. After the British defeated France and the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763, Parliament began enforcing colonists to help pay for debts that were accrued during the war. George Grenville, Britain's chief minister, constructed laws such as the Stamp Act, Sugar Act and Quartering Act. These new policies that set in place tariffs on imports, exports, and regulations on trade, infuriated colonists (Tindall & Shi, pg. 121). Colonist did not want to allow such imposed taxes because the people themselves were not represented as equal British subjects. "The issue of taxation became a question of the colonist' place in the imperial system" (Calloway, pg. 14). Also, after the British victory in the Seven Year war settlers were eager to expand west. British government wanted the colonist to stay east where trade was a major profit, and to navigate to the north or south. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 establishes the Appalachian Mountains as the boundary line between British and Indian lands. This was in part to keep Indian alliances and to keep control on the settler's expansion. Henry Ellis, Governor of Georgia, spoke of Get more content on
  • 15. The American Revolution Essays The gun shot that was heard around the world, in 1775 marks the day of the beginning of the of the American Revolution .During the American Revolution the Seneca people had a critical role. The 3 three Seneca Chief's , Big Tree, Corn Planter, and Half Town wrote a letter to them asking George Washington to stop killing their people. Some of the Seneca people joined the British, an interesting fact. Who were considering a revolution despite the fact that Native American's didn't do anything ? After the research that been done, it can be proven that the American Revolution was actually a Revolution. In the American Revolution the government changed and the people wanted to leave British rule resulting in and there was violence. more content... Because they wanted a new government this it affected them to make a Revolution war and when a government is overthrown it counts as a Revolution. A key member of the revolution wasBenjamin Franklin, who wrote the very first draft of the Declaration of Independence. It was important for the colonists to leave the British rules, so they no longer have to follow the laws and the punishment of the British . Back when the king had control over America meanings he gets to decide what he can do, he had control of the judges. Control of the judges was critical as it dealt with assigning guilt and innocent in the courts. In addition, the king also had enough power to decide the punishment on the when he or she is guilty party. The British government holds the right to make the colonist to pay more taxes. If they don't, they can punish them according to the law. Also, on document K the King of Britain, king George the III "has created his own set of laws and now feels that he has a right to force us to give food and shelter to British soldiers, stop us from trading with the rest of the world, and has set up too many taxes for us that we have no choice in paying. He also wants to punish people without a fair trial and jury." King George had enough power to create all kinds of laws that made it unfair for the colonists to lead prosperous lives. Once the colonists were victorious in overthrowing British rule, Get more content on
  • 16. The American Revolution Essay examples The American Revolution was when the British colonies in America revolted against British rule for being taxed by people not even living on their land and gained independence by overthrowing British imperial rule under King George III. The French Revolution was a period of social and political upheaval in France, marking the decline of powerful monarchies and churches and the rise of democracy and nationalism. The French Revolution began less than two decades after the American Revolution. In many ways, the American experience was an inspiration for the citizens of France. But the people of the two countries had different situations and had different concerns, which influenced the way each revolution began, progressed, and ended. more content... The colonists declared "No taxation without representation" and many refused to buy the imported British goods. The Parliament ended up repealing all of the taxes because of this except one, a tax on tea. Colonists were already very angered by this time and tragedy struck in 1770 when an angry crowd began to taunt a group of British soldiers, causing them to open fire and kill five people. This event became known as the Boston Massacre. Three years later, colonists disguised themselves as Indians and destroyed hundreds of crates of tea on a ship in the Boston Harbor, this event became known as the Boston Tea Party. Colonists began to organize themselves into militias to resist the British troops and in April 1775, British soldiers and colonial militia fired on each other near Lexington and Concord causing the American Revolution to began. The Continental Congress, representatives sent to Philadelphia to make decisions as a group, established a Continental Army to defend the colonies against British troops. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson. After the Battle of Saratoga, the French were convinced that the Americans could defeat the British and entered into alliance with the new United States. After eight years of war, a peace treaty acknowledging the independence of the United States of America was signed in 1783. In the Spring of 1789, the United Get more content on
  • 17. The Events That Led To The American Revolution Some of the events that were led to the American Revolution forced the colonies to be mad at the British which surrounded the Seven Years War. One of the main events that happened during the French and Indian war was trading. A lot of the American colonies had to rely on British for supplies and they were unhappy because that was there only way for trade. Britain was trying to control everything and the colonies did not like the way they were governed. An example of this would be mercantilism, and how the British used these colonies to make money so that they could get more resources to make more products. In order for this to work they had to have more land, so they ordered all the colonies to go in a different direction, away from the land. Get more content on
  • 18. The American Revolution And The Civil War Essay Imagine the feelings one may have when living in circumstances where many rights are carelessly being taken away. In our modern day, it is hard to conceptualize not being able to live the way one chooses, yet there was a point in time when we faced imminent threats from both other countries and our own country. The rejection of human rights is a crucial action which can result in a gruesome long term conflict. War is said to be inevitable by many but the study of why some of the most notable battles in history began is even more fascinating; moreover, The American Revolution and The Civil War are two of the most notorious events in American history thus it is necessary to realize just how influential and connected they are to one another. What is more, the powerful figures involved whose dedication prevailed successfully in these ruthless battles. The opposing sides, the British and the Confederate South, thought what they were doing was just due to tradition and already accommodated power, however strong driving forces rightfully fought against the British invasion and fought to end slavery in the South. Ultimately the efforts proved worthwhile. The cataclysm that was The American Revolution can simply be described as a revolt against the British government assumed rule over the United States. It was not just a feud over the demands the British, controlled by King George III, made to the original thirteen colonies regarding tax and trade but an insurgency to gain Get more content on
  • 19. American Revolution : Causes And Effects Elexis Holmes Mr. Ben Wright U.S. History– TR 11am Due: 2/6/15 American Revolution Essay Causes of American Revolution There were many causes of the American Revolution. Which are the reformation of the British Empire, the Revenue Act, the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act, the Coercive Act, the First Continental Congress, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the Second Continental Congress. Trying to reform the British Empire after the Seven Years' War was one of the causes of theAmerican Revolution. The Seven Years' war was fought between many people. In the war the British took control over the Northern colonies east of the Mississippi River and took control over Canada. The British won the war victoriously but they were left in a lot of debt. British wanted more money from the colonies by passing any Acts which turned the colonies against them. The Revenue Act also known as the Sugar Act it started in 1764, this act raised the taxes on sugar that was imported in from the West Indies. This act was passed to stop the smuggling and to increase the enforcement for those who get caught smuggling molasses in New England. If you were caught smuggling you were to be tried by the Vice Admiralty courts and not by a jury. The people who were affected by this act was the merchants, but it affected the poor merchants way more than the rich merchants the poor did not agree with this act. The Stamp Act began in 1765, it was Get more content on
  • 20. The American Revolution : The Revolution The American Revolution Revolutionizes the World It was the first revolution to majorly succeed and change how people saw their countries, it was the American Revolution. The American Revolution was the first successful revolution against a European empire that provided a model for many other colonial peoples who realized that they too could break away and become self–governing nations (New world Encyclopedia, 1).The American Revolution was vital to history because ideas seen by other countries started a chain reaction. Many ideas were taken into account when the Americans revolted against Europe and all of these played important factors throughout history. Ideas about liberty, equality, representation, and natural rights were first seen as properly put into action to change old systems in the American Revolution. As the American Revolution was the first to succeed and earn freedom, it greatly affected countries all around the world on how they made freedom and equality a part of their government The American Revolution started when Britain started to tax the colonists without their consent. The stamp acts started a chain reaction of discontent. The colonists realized they were being treated unfairly and unequal to the citizens in Britain. Around this time when the Americans were facing discontent, many Enlightenment ideas were spreading. The colonists took many ideas like John Locke's into mind when they planned their revolts. They were fighting for natural rights of Get more content on