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                Look what’s inside:
                                      • Brand New Jr. SCORES Curriculum
                                      • The Unveiling of the Book Zone   • Our Vision for San Francisco

                                                    Our Mission:
                       America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy
                  lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and
November 2011                   character to make a difference in the world.
To All of Our Friends and Supporters:

                                                                                   In the 10 years since the founding of America SCORES Bay Area in 2001, we have increased our impact in the
                                                                                   Bay Area from 150 third through fifth grade students to a predicted 1,300 first through fifth grade students in 2012.

                                                                                   Thank you for all of the support that has carried us through our first decade of service to Bay Area youth. This sup-
                                                                                   port has come in countless ways from hundreds of individuals like you.

                                                                                   The past year in particular has been full of daunting challeng-
                                                                                   es and new and exciting endeavors. Alongside a tumultuous
                                                                                   economy that has impacted children, families, and schools,
                                                                                   we have continued to push forward, imagining new ways to
                                                                                   engage students in sports, literacy, and service-learning.

                                                                                   In this newsletter, we highlight the ways that your support has
                                                                                   helped us to deepen our impact and to innovate our pro-
                                                                                   gram. On page 11, you’ll read about our evolving Jr. SCORES
                                                                                   curriculum and meet Zoomba, the star of the “Legend of the
                                                                                   Golden Boot.” On page 15, you’ll learn about how the Book
                                                                                   Zone delivers excitement and the unexpected (a library on
                                                                                   the soccer field?!). We start on page 5 by sharing our “Vision
                                                                                   for San Francisco” and the change we want for children and
                                                                                                                                                            Colin Schmidt at the Book Zone unveiling
                                                                                   for our city.

                                                                                   While our programs strive to be fun and engaging, there is nothing trivial or silly about the complex issues we
                                                                                   tackle -- issues like poverty and disparities in public health and education.

                                                                                   We do what we do because childhood has no second chances. Because the problems are preventable. Because
                                                                                   we can change the status quo for a better reality for all children no matter their economic status. At America
                                                                                   SCORES, we work hard to put the fun in learning. Six days a week, we push open the door for future success de-
                                                                                   spite tremendous headwinds and risk factors faced daily by the children who wear the America SCORES uniform.

It’s a Wonderful World, But They Made a Few Mistakes                               Students join an America SCORES team and feel a sense of belonging. They have a coach, a mentor, and a
                                                                                   consistent role-model throughout elementary school. Through soccer we address health, physical fitness, and
                                By Daniela B., 5th grade, J. Serra Elementary      nutrition. Through poetry we teach children how to express themselves -- to their friends, family, teachers, and to
                                                                                   the community at-large. At America SCORES, children get an audience and a community that will listen to them,
                       It’s a wonderful world, but they made a few mistakes.       applaud for them, and push them to achieve their goals.
                              Like leaving out freedom, and putting in slavery.
                                                                                   With your continued support, we can help the next generation of economically disadvantage youth. We can
                                       Like no school lunch, and mean teachers.
                                                                                   continue to make our literacy program as fun and as exciting as a soccer game. I hope you will continue to
                  Like needing to leave, especially when you’re having fun.
                                                                                   help us this year -- and the next 10 years -- as we continue to discover new ways to inspire youth and bring about
    Like needing to pay the bills when you’re barely getting enough to eat.
                                                                                   meaningful change.
                        Like everyone caring way too much about prettiness.
                            Like letting there be no help when a person is hurt.   Sincerely,
             Like having one teacher when there are thousands of children.
   Like leaving out peace and happiness, and putting in wars and no jobs.
                                   Like leaving out a warm shelter for everyone
                            and putting in homeless people all over the world.     Colin Schmidt
                       It’s a wonderful world, but they made a few mistakes.       Executive Director

“I was a student at an inner-city school when I was a young kid and I
    know how important those early influences and opportunities are...The
    thing about America SCORES that is so wonderful is that it fosters both
    a team spirit and an individual voice plus a voice that speaks about
    the community.”
                    - Amy Tan, author of the Joy Luck Club and many others

                                                                              OUR VISION FOR
                                                                              SAN FRANCISCO
                                                                              At America SCORES, we have a                 their community. These preventable
                                                                              vision for a better San Francisco            problems persist disproportionately
                                                                              where all children, despite their            for children from low-income families.
                                                                              economic situation, can read and             As early as third grade, nearly 2 out
                                                                              write, play on a sports teams, and           of 3 students from economically
                                                                              contribute to a better quality of life       disadvantaged families are below
                                                                              for all. We work toward this vision          proficient in reading and writing
                                                                              six days a week in San Francisco’s           and an astonishing 2 out of 5 are
                                                                              most challenged public schools. We           overweight or obese.
                                                                              help the poet-athletes of America
                                                                                                                           This reality is unacceptable because
                                                                              SCORES stay on the pathway to
                                                                                                                           we can change it.
                                                                              wellness, academic success, and
                                                                              meaningful work.                             We invite you to be part of the
                                                                                                                           solution and help make San Francisco
                                                                              This is important In San Francisco
                                                                                                                           better for all children -- regardless of
                                                                              because we have an unrelenting
                                                                                                                           income.    The pathway to success
                                                                              achievement         gap,    a    mounting
                                                                                                                           is paved with support from caring
                                                                              health    crisis,   and    thousands    of
                                                                                                                           adults and opportunities for personal
                                                                              children who become detached
                                                                                                                           growth like the ones provided by
                                                                              from     school     and    the   hope   of
                                                                                                                           America SCORES.
                                                                              making a positive contribution to

4                                                                                                                                                                     5
America SCORES in San Francisco                                                                                    America SCORES Students*
    Our goal in San Francisco is to integrate ourselves into school communities and establish programs in 100%
    of schools where 50% or more of students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL). FRPL is the primary                                                                       42% Latino
    indicator to determine if a child or family is “economically disadvantaged” and is a function of income                                    23% African-American
    relative to the poverty level.                                                                                                           21% Asian/Pacific Islander
                                                                                                                           5% Multi-Racial
           2011 School Sites                                                                                              4% White
    3,000 students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL)                                                          5% Other

                                                                                                                                                     79             %         of students qualify for
           Potential New School Sites                                                                                                                                         free or reduced-price
                                                                                                                                                                              lunch (FRPL)
    6,000 students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL)

                                                                                                                                                     45 %
           Schools where less than 50% of students qualify for FRPL                                                                                                           of students are English
                                                                                                                                                                              Language Learners.
    6,000 total students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) in San Francisco

                                                                                                                                                     35 %                     of students scored
                                                                                                                                                                              proficient or higher in
                                                                                                                                                                              English Language Arts

                                                                                                                                                     52 %                     of students scored in
                                                                                                                                                                              the Healthy Fitness
                                                                                                                                                                              Zone for BMI

                                                                                                                                                     53 %                     of students scored in
                                                                                                                                                                              the Healthy Fitness
                                                                                                                                                                              Zone for aerobic

                                                                                                                                                            *in school sites where America SCORES is offered

                                                                                                                   # of America SCORES Participants
                                                                                                                   2001           150
                                                                                                                   2007                         720
         50% of students
         qualify for FRPL
                                                                                                                   2012                                                                     1,370
6                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
    America SCORES partners with urban public schools to provide a high-quality, team-based program that integrates soccer, creative expression, and service-learning. Each team has a writing coach and a soccer coach. We use
    the services of Quality Transformation Team -- an evaluation firm led by Rex Green PhD -- to manage program quality and impact at all school-sites. The reports provide analysis on best practices, cost-effectiveness, and impact of
    services at all program sites. Findings from Quality Transformation Team Spring 2011 evaluation are below. The evaluation report concluded that for $225 per season, 68.5 hours of service per program participant can be provided that will
    result in participants improving on 8 out of 10 targeted changes in their behavior and attitudes.

    Academic and Literacy Skill Development                                                                                      Health and Physical Activity

    90%                          77%                          77%                          64%                                   96%                          92%                         79%                          92%
    of parents say that          of parents say that          of children say that         of parents say that                   of parents say that          of children say             of parents say that          of the students
    because of America           because of America           America SCORES make          because of America.                   because of America           America SCORES              because of America           improved their
    SCORES, their child’s        SCORES, their                them enjoy reading           SCORES, their child                   SCORES, their child          helps them enjoy            SCORES, their child’s        physical fitness during
    confidence in himself/       child does his/her           and writing more.            enjoys reading and                    enjoys playing               playing sports more.        health is better.            the spring season.
    herself is better.           homework better.                                          writing more.                         sports more.

    Connection to School                                      Emotional and Physical Safety                                      Pro-Social Behavior

    76%                          85%                          84%                          93%                                   85%                          81%                         84%                          74%
    of parents say that          of children say that         of children say that         of parents say                        of parents say that          of children say             of children say that         of children say that
    because of America           America SCORES               America SCORES               that their child’s                    because of America           America SCORES              America SCORES               America SCORES
    SCORES, their child          makes them enjoy             makes them feel              relationship with his/                SCORES, their child          makes them want to          helps them get along         helps them get along
    enjoys going to              going to school more.        good about                   her coach has been                    gets along better with       help others more.           better with their family.    better with other kids.
    school more.                                              themselves.                  positive.                             other children.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9
The Legend
                          of the
     Golden Boot
     The Legend of the Golden Boot is a Jr. SCORES curricu-
     lum that takes first and second grade America SCORES
     teams on a mysterious adventure to find the magic
     Golden Boot. Teams must work together, solve prob-
     lems, use their imaginations, and reflect on experiences
     in order to publish a team book and earn the Boot back.
     The Legend of the Golden Boot is a unique, story-based
     curriculum that motivates and inspires young students
     to discover America SCORES values, work as a team,
     and share their own stories with fun, fictional characters
     and the America SCORES community.

10                                                                11
Jr. SCORES members from Bryant Elementary
                                                                                                                                                                                                          holding on to the Golden Boot.

     Who is                                                                                                               Why story-based learning?

                                                                                                                                                                                      tions. In the Legend of the Golden Boot, the narrative

                                                                                                                          Sitting through another hour-long class after a sev-        inspires students to choose to write in order to help the

                                                                                                                          en- hour school day can be a challenge for a new            characters they relate to in the story. The narrative

                                                                                                                          first grader. The narrative of the Golden Boot helps        provides a new, fun and interactive audience, which

                                                                                                                          students approach their after-school time as any-           leads to opportunities for authentic and engaging

                                                                                                                          thing but “more school,” while providing motivation         writing workshops.

                                                                                                                          to complete academic assignments. Props, cartoon                   Emotional Intelligence: Students must learn how

 Zoomba, an America SCORES Bay Area original char-         players to become a soccer team. They need team                characters, illustrations, stories and clues invite stu-     3     to perceive and respond to emotions of char-
                                                                                                                          dents’ imaginations to “leave” the classroom and all        acters in the narrative in order to successfully help these
 acter, is an eight-year-old monkey who was born at        rules, information about being a kid on a team, and help
                                                                                                                          of its stresses behind and embark on an exciting ad-        characters to make decisions. The narrative provides
 the zoo. Unlike the other animals, he is not content      using their new found ability to speak and play together.
                                                                                                                          venture when the bell rings.                                room for a type of imaginative play, in which students
 with life in the cage. He peers enviously through the     They also need extra help when, in week four, the boot
                                                                                                                                                                                      can explore emotions in a safe environment, as they
 bars, watching the humans laugh and play. The other       is stolen. It is up to the Jr. SCORES team to solve the mys-   Four advantages to story-based learning
                                                                                                                                                                                      would when they play “house” or “school.” Students
 animals mock him.                                         tery of the Golden Boot, and convince Zoomba that                     Contextualized Learning: Students are more
                                                                                                                                                                                      who have meaningful interactions with “ball hogs” or
 One day a little girl walked up to his cage, laughed at   their team is worthy of keeping it.                                   likely to remember what they learn when they         “bullies” in the story are more prepared to deal with
 him, and threw her golden soccer shoe into the cage.                                                                     can connect it to a larger context in which it is rela-     similar situations when they arise during the season.
                                                           What is story-based learning?
 “A gift from a human!” thought Zoomba, and he put it                                                                     tive to their lives. The narrative provides frame of ref-
                                                                                                                                                                                             Creativity and Imagination: The process of bring-
 on. His toes tingled, and all of a sudden he could say
                                                           Story-based learning is an exciting new pedagogy
                                                           that uses a narrative to engage students in educa-
                                                                                                                          erence in which students learn to communicate and            4     ing students into the story as characters provides
                                                                                                                          work together to solve meaningful problems in a fun,
 some words! The boot gave the young monkey the            tional activities. To develop the program, America                                                                         participants the tools to use imagination to transform
                                                                                                                          safe and playful environment. Students’ emotional
 gift of language and soccer. Reluctantly, he decided      SCORES Bay Area worked closely with Suzanne Pop-                                                                           their vision of the world and its possibilities. The change
                                                                                                                          and intellectual engagement with the story and the
 to share it with the other animals so he could have       kin, Ph.D, a literature professor at Stanford University                                                                   in perspective will help students to generate and com-
                                                                                                                          characters enriches their learning experiences.
 someone to play with, but that did not work out. The      and U.C. Berkeley, and founder of Bookboing, a com-                                                                        municate new ideas in their writing, art, and discussion.
                                                                                                                                 Intrinsic Motivation: Students learn to read and     Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than
 animals began fighting over the ball, the score of the
 game and the boot.
                                                           pany that develops educational, interactive story-
                                                           based software.
                                                                                                                           2     write better when they choose to engage in           knowledge” and story-based learning is the ultimate
                                                                                                                          these activities, as opposed to when they are simply        exercise in sustained imagination.
 Zoomba and the animals need the help of Jr. SCORES                                                                       trying to earn a grade or follow a teacher’s instruc-
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13

                                                                       BOOk ZONE
                                                           This fall, America SCORES Bay Area announced the                    at an America SCORES Community Saturday Game
                                                           kick-off of an on-field library dubbed The Book Zone                Day and exchange it for free for another book of
                                                           to help improve childhood literacy in the Bay Area.                 their choice.
                                                           Researchers have found that the number of books
                                                           a child owns strongly predicts reading achievement                  The Book Zone promotes reading by providing chil-
                                                           — even after controlling for the parents’ educa-                    dren with access to books and with support and in-
                                                           tion levels and income.      1
                                                                                            America SCORES is in the           centives linked to reading.
                                                           unique position to leverage the excitement around
                                                           the soccer field to help students access books and                  America SCORES is resolved to help children find their
                                                           become life-long readers.                                           voice. Our goal is to provide children with the oppor-
                                                                                                                               tunity to love reading as much as they love playing
                                                           “One study found that in middle income neigh-                       soccer. Yet when students do not have the opportu-
                                                           borhoods the ratio is 13 books per child; in low-                   nity to read independently and own great books, it is
                                                           income neighborhoods, the ratio is one book for                     unlikely they will become authors themselves.3
                                                           every 300 children.”2
                                                                                                                               In San Francisco, nearly two out of three economi-
                                                           As The Book Zone continues to grow, we hope to                      cally disadvantaged students in third grade are be-
                                                           provide each poet-athlete in our program with 10                    low proficient in their reading and writing skills. Of
                                                           books to take home and read at their leisure. When                  children who do not read at grade level by third
                                                           the students finish reading any book, they return it                grade, 74% never catch up.4 This is unacceptable
                                                                                                                                                                Continued on next page...
                                                           1          David Bornstein, “A Book in Every Home, And Then
                                                           Some,” The New York Times 16 May 2011, <http://opinionator.blogs.   3        Literacy Crisis, 2004, Reading Tree, 3 Nov. 2011 <http://
Parents, students, coaches and community members explore   ref=opinion&nl=opinion&emc=tya1>.                                   4        ”Opening the Reading Door,” Children’s Reading Foun-
the Book Zone on opening day. The new field-side library   2          David K. Dickinson and Susan B. Neuman, Handbook of      dation, 2010, Children’s Reading Foundation, 2 Nov. 2011 <http://
                                                           Early Literacy Research (Volume 2. New York, NY 2006).    >.
brings new excitement to reading.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
What are Cleveland Girls…
                                                                                                                                     by Cleveland Elementary School Girls’ Select Team

                                                                                                                                                           I’m not a
                                                                                                                                                        scared of boys
                                                                                                                                                          a cry baby
                                                                                                                                                  a mean or angry or rude
                                                                                                                                                     a dramatic cheater
                                                                                                                                                      want to beat her
                                                                                                                                                          a pretty hot
 when we know something as simple as book-owner-                          America SCORES brings play to language and to                        a lightning fast down the field
 ship can make a difference.5                                             sport and now we bring books to children’s homes                                     girl
                                                                          and a library to their soccer fields.   With the help of                     a reading books
     If these students fall behind, their motivation to suc-              our partners and supporters, together we can give                               killer looks
     ceed in school will evaporate.            When it comes to           each child a team, a soccer coach, a writing coach,
                                                                                                                                                       a smarty pants
     reading, childhood has no second chances.                            a jersey, a soccer ball, and writing supplies. And now
                                                                                                                                                        loves to dance
                                                                          we plan to give them books to call their own.
                                                                                                                                                           pony tails
     The implications of illiteracy on individuals can
                                                                                                                                                      and painted nails
     be tragic and the costs to society are enormous.                     We believe children succeed when given support,
                                                                                                                                                         soccer cleats
     Among adults at the lowest level of literacy profi-                  opportunity, and inspiration. The Book Zone has be-
                                                                                                                                                  and San Francisco streets
     ciency, 43 percent live in poverty, and 85 percent                   come one of the important ways America SCORES                                   that’s what
     of juvenile offenders have reading problems. Near-                   helps children turn the page toward a better future.                        a Cleveland girl’s
     ly 50 percent of all adults in U.S. Federal and State                As students learn to read and to express themselves                             …Made of.
     correctional institutions cannot read or write at all.3              and to articulate their goals, they will become the
     Suffice to say that illiteracy and low literacy can be               authors of their future.
     linked to almost every socio-economic problem in
     the United States and abroad.
                                                                                                                                              In October, through a partnership with ASCAP, the Cleveland Girls
                                                                                                                                          collaborated with Chicago-based hip-hop artist Psalm One, a former
 5        “Statistics on Literacy,” First Book, First Book, 2 Nov. 2011
                                                                                                                                        America SCORES Bay Area coach, to write and record an original song.
 <>.                                                                                   The girls recorded at Different Fur Studios in San Francisco.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
                                                                          Y OU!
                                                                   David Agger                                            Hanson Bridgett LLP                                    John Rooke
                                                                   Eric Ashbridge                                         Andrew Hartman                                         Royal Netherlands Embassy
                                                                   Bain & Company                                         Peter Hillenbrand                                      Lorae Russo
                                                                   The Bank of America Foundation                         Joan and John Hillenbrand                              The SAK
                                                                   Kim and Jonathan Barry                                 John Hillman                                           Salesforce Foundation
                                                                   Bay Area Community Resources                           The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation                     San Francisco Department of Children,
                                                                   Bay Area Women’s Soccer LLC                            Hurvis Charitable Foundation                           Youth and Their Families
                                                                   Bay Area Youth Sports Foundation                       Suzanne and Joe Jachinowski                            San Francisco Unified School District
                                                                   Ellen and Patrick Becherer                             Erin Kaiser                                            Sand Fair Foundation
                                                                   Bingham McCutchen LLP                                  Sandra Cohn and Mark Kannett                           Holly and Ned Scheetz
                                                                   Dale and Stephen Block                                 Bonnie and Glenn Keet                                  William Schlough
                                                                   Beth Bodenheimer                                       Nicolas Kenig                                          Anna Schocket
                                                                   Lydia and John Boesch                                  Martha and Raoul Kennedy                               Michael Schoenholz
                                                                   Ron Burks                                              Mathilda Khabbaz                                       Lori Schweitzer
                                                                   Denise Burley                                          Shoukry Khabbaz                                        Mark Setzen
                                                                   Carla Camarena                                         Ibinabo Krukrubo                                       Silver Lake Technology Management, LLC
                                                                   Fred Caven                                             Lisa Lacayo                                            Eva and Ken Sippola
                                                                   City and County of San Francisco                       Sylvie Blumstein and Uri Ladabaum                      Molly and Charles Slaughter
                                                                   Community Youth Center of San Francisco                John Lockhart                                          SoccerFours
                                                                   Justin Conway                                          Richard and Natalie Loggins                            Christina Spence
                                                                   Ron Conway                                             Amy Lyman                                              Sports Basement, Inc.
                                                                   Thomas Cosgrove                                        Sandra and Shep Maher                                  The Starbucks Foundation
                                                                   The Crescent Porter Hale Foundation                    Marketing Werks                                        Brian Stevens
                                                                   Lauren and Alan Dachs                                  Mary A. Crocker Trust                                  Elizabeth Stone
                                                                   Melinda and Peter Darbee                               Karen McGuinn                                          Stubhub
                                                                   Deloitte                                               McKinsey & Company                                     Keri and Mark Talucci
                                                                   Sorel and Jonathan Denholtz                            Joy and Thomas Mistele                                 Conor Taniguchi
                                                                   Michael Dixon                                          Harriet Heyman and Michael Moritz                      Thomson Reuters
                                                                   Ernst and Young                                        Daniel Myers                                           TPG Capital
                                                                   Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund                          Network For Good                                       UCSF Community Partnerships Program
                                                                   Laura and John Fisher                                  Nextag                                                 Union Bank
                                                                   General Mills Foundation                               Erin and Tim O’Donovan                                 James Volpentest
                                                                   GGS Foundation                                         Eamon O’Gorman                                         Priscilla Wallack
                                                                   Giants Community Fund                                  Eric Obeng                                             Wells Fargo
                                                                   Stephen Gillette                                       Frank Patitucci                                        West Contra Costa County Unified School
                                                                   Peter Glikshtern                                       Laura Puccinelli                                       District
                                                                   Goldman Sachs                                          Nonie Ramsay                                           Amy and James Weyhrauch
                                                                   Gale and Dusty Griffin                                 Barbara and Jack Reding                                WLS Spencer Foundation
                                                                   Hahn Family Wines                                      Lily and Andrew Riesenfeld
                                                                   Anne and Lawrence Hambly                               Fred Rodoni

     Xitlaly M. performing at the New York National Poetry SLAM!   We are grateful for all of our generous supporters. The above list reflects all gifts of $500 and up received between April 1, 2010 and November 1, 2011.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
400 Alabama St.
     San Francisco, CA 94110

                                                                                        Why is Zoomba wearing one shoe?

     Operating Board
     Mark Talucci, Chair                        Muhammad A. Nadhiri                           Ibi Krukrubo                                   Lally Weyhrauch
     The SAK                                    UrbanCore, LLC                                Ernst & Young                        

     Jonathan Denholtz,Vice Chair               Sam Fort                                      Richard Loggins
     Digital Media Consultant                   Draper Fisher Jurvetson                       Goldman Sachs

     Christina Spence, Treasurer                Andrew Hartman                                Shep Maher
     Becherer Kannett & Schweitzer              Morgan Stanley                                Thomson Reuters

     Development Board
     Andrew Hartman, Chair                      Carlos Almanderez                             Nayeli Cerpas                                  Kim Klinedinst
     Morgan Stanley                             BACR                                          Independent Research Consultant                Education Director at TRX Training

     Doug Clark                                 Stuart Berman                                 Paul Glover                                    Bret Wallace
     Goldman Sachs                              Bain & Co.                                    Traveler’s Insurance                           TPG

     Advisory Board
     Steve Gillette                             Mathilda Khabbaz                              Conor Taniguchi
     Jones Day                                  citibank                                      Bank of America Merrill Lynch

     Honorary Board
     Ellen Becherer                             Lori Schweitzer
     Woodminster Realty                         Becherer Kannett & Schweitzer

     Staff and Volunteers
     Staff                                                                                    Volunteers
     Colin Schmidt, Executive Director          Angela Bailey, Legacy Awards Director         Mickey Agoglia                    Justin Gamm                  Kristen Merlone
                                                                                              Dimi Barton                       Jennifer Gilbert             Emmanuel Pavia
     Emily Queliza, Associate Director          Shannon Burns, Program & Volunteer Manager    Mackenzie Beaschler               Valerie Guardardo            Danielle Pawling
                                                                                              Othmane Belcaid                   Shawna Gubera                Martha Petrucha
     Eva Gabel Sippola, Dir. of Development &   Roberto Gil, West Contra Costa Program Dir.
                                                                                              Paul Boudet                       Daniela Gulam                Dameon Philpotts
     Health Initiatives
                                                Abby Loomis, Education Program Manager, CAA   Maxwell Breen                     Madeline Hernandez           Dayle Picerne
     Dan Schwer, Communications Director                                                      Sean Burns                        Tannia Hernandez             Brooke Rogers
                                                Genaro Jr. Arana, Program Manager, CAA        Cory Comer                        Mark LaVine                  Karina Soto
     Yuri Morales, Program Director                                                           Jonah Cruz                        Sarah Markus                 Nina Vasques
                                                                                              Sean Dolan                        Hector Mathes                Genki Watanabe
     Marty Mannion, Education Director                                                        Christina Fregoso                 Antaisha McClary

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America SCORES Bay Area 10-Year Newsletter

  • 1. 10 YEARS Look what’s inside: • Brand New Jr. SCORES Curriculum • The Unveiling of the Book Zone • Our Vision for San Francisco Our Mission: America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and November 2011 character to make a difference in the world.
  • 2. To All of Our Friends and Supporters: In the 10 years since the founding of America SCORES Bay Area in 2001, we have increased our impact in the Bay Area from 150 third through fifth grade students to a predicted 1,300 first through fifth grade students in 2012. Thank you for all of the support that has carried us through our first decade of service to Bay Area youth. This sup- port has come in countless ways from hundreds of individuals like you. The past year in particular has been full of daunting challeng- es and new and exciting endeavors. Alongside a tumultuous economy that has impacted children, families, and schools, we have continued to push forward, imagining new ways to engage students in sports, literacy, and service-learning. In this newsletter, we highlight the ways that your support has helped us to deepen our impact and to innovate our pro- gram. On page 11, you’ll read about our evolving Jr. SCORES curriculum and meet Zoomba, the star of the “Legend of the Golden Boot.” On page 15, you’ll learn about how the Book Zone delivers excitement and the unexpected (a library on the soccer field?!). We start on page 5 by sharing our “Vision for San Francisco” and the change we want for children and Colin Schmidt at the Book Zone unveiling for our city. While our programs strive to be fun and engaging, there is nothing trivial or silly about the complex issues we tackle -- issues like poverty and disparities in public health and education. We do what we do because childhood has no second chances. Because the problems are preventable. Because we can change the status quo for a better reality for all children no matter their economic status. At America SCORES, we work hard to put the fun in learning. Six days a week, we push open the door for future success de- spite tremendous headwinds and risk factors faced daily by the children who wear the America SCORES uniform. It’s a Wonderful World, But They Made a Few Mistakes Students join an America SCORES team and feel a sense of belonging. They have a coach, a mentor, and a consistent role-model throughout elementary school. Through soccer we address health, physical fitness, and By Daniela B., 5th grade, J. Serra Elementary nutrition. Through poetry we teach children how to express themselves -- to their friends, family, teachers, and to the community at-large. At America SCORES, children get an audience and a community that will listen to them, It’s a wonderful world, but they made a few mistakes. applaud for them, and push them to achieve their goals. Like leaving out freedom, and putting in slavery. With your continued support, we can help the next generation of economically disadvantage youth. We can Like no school lunch, and mean teachers. continue to make our literacy program as fun and as exciting as a soccer game. I hope you will continue to Like needing to leave, especially when you’re having fun. help us this year -- and the next 10 years -- as we continue to discover new ways to inspire youth and bring about Like needing to pay the bills when you’re barely getting enough to eat. meaningful change. Like everyone caring way too much about prettiness. Like letting there be no help when a person is hurt. Sincerely, Like having one teacher when there are thousands of children. Like leaving out peace and happiness, and putting in wars and no jobs. Like leaving out a warm shelter for everyone and putting in homeless people all over the world. Colin Schmidt It’s a wonderful world, but they made a few mistakes. Executive Director 3
  • 3. “I was a student at an inner-city school when I was a young kid and I know how important those early influences and opportunities are...The thing about America SCORES that is so wonderful is that it fosters both a team spirit and an individual voice plus a voice that speaks about the community.” - Amy Tan, author of the Joy Luck Club and many others OUR VISION FOR SAN FRANCISCO At America SCORES, we have a their community. These preventable vision for a better San Francisco problems persist disproportionately where all children, despite their for children from low-income families. economic situation, can read and As early as third grade, nearly 2 out write, play on a sports teams, and of 3 students from economically contribute to a better quality of life disadvantaged families are below for all. We work toward this vision proficient in reading and writing six days a week in San Francisco’s and an astonishing 2 out of 5 are most challenged public schools. We overweight or obese. help the poet-athletes of America This reality is unacceptable because SCORES stay on the pathway to we can change it. wellness, academic success, and meaningful work. We invite you to be part of the solution and help make San Francisco This is important In San Francisco better for all children -- regardless of because we have an unrelenting income. The pathway to success achievement gap, a mounting is paved with support from caring health crisis, and thousands of adults and opportunities for personal children who become detached growth like the ones provided by from school and the hope of America SCORES. making a positive contribution to 4 5
  • 4. America SCORES in San Francisco America SCORES Students* Our goal in San Francisco is to integrate ourselves into school communities and establish programs in 100% of schools where 50% or more of students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL). FRPL is the primary 42% Latino indicator to determine if a child or family is “economically disadvantaged” and is a function of income 23% African-American relative to the poverty level. 21% Asian/Pacific Islander 5% Multi-Racial 2011 School Sites 4% White 3,000 students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) 5% Other 79 % of students qualify for Potential New School Sites free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL) 6,000 students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) 45 % Schools where less than 50% of students qualify for FRPL of students are English Language Learners. 6,000 total students qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) in San Francisco 35 % of students scored proficient or higher in English Language Arts 52 % of students scored in the Healthy Fitness Zone for BMI 53 % of students scored in the Healthy Fitness Zone for aerobic capacity *in school sites where America SCORES is offered # of America SCORES Participants 2001 150 2007 720 SCALE 50% of students qualify for FRPL 2012 1,370 6 7
  • 5. COMMITMENT TO IMPACT America SCORES partners with urban public schools to provide a high-quality, team-based program that integrates soccer, creative expression, and service-learning. Each team has a writing coach and a soccer coach. We use the services of Quality Transformation Team -- an evaluation firm led by Rex Green PhD -- to manage program quality and impact at all school-sites. The reports provide analysis on best practices, cost-effectiveness, and impact of services at all program sites. Findings from Quality Transformation Team Spring 2011 evaluation are below. The evaluation report concluded that for $225 per season, 68.5 hours of service per program participant can be provided that will result in participants improving on 8 out of 10 targeted changes in their behavior and attitudes. Academic and Literacy Skill Development Health and Physical Activity 90% 77% 77% 64% 96% 92% 79% 92% of parents say that of parents say that of children say that of parents say that of parents say that of children say of parents say that of the students because of America because of America America SCORES make because of America. because of America America SCORES because of America improved their SCORES, their child’s SCORES, their them enjoy reading SCORES, their child SCORES, their child helps them enjoy SCORES, their child’s physical fitness during confidence in himself/ child does his/her and writing more. enjoys reading and enjoys playing playing sports more. health is better. the spring season. herself is better. homework better. writing more. sports more. Connection to School Emotional and Physical Safety Pro-Social Behavior 76% 85% 84% 93% 85% 81% 84% 74% of parents say that of children say that of children say that of parents say of parents say that of children say of children say that of children say that because of America America SCORES America SCORES that their child’s because of America America SCORES America SCORES America SCORES SCORES, their child makes them enjoy makes them feel relationship with his/ SCORES, their child makes them want to helps them get along helps them get along enjoys going to going to school more. good about her coach has been gets along better with help others more. better with their family. better with other kids. school more. themselves. positive. other children. 8 9
  • 6. The Legend of the Golden Boot The Legend of the Golden Boot is a Jr. SCORES curricu- lum that takes first and second grade America SCORES teams on a mysterious adventure to find the magic Golden Boot. Teams must work together, solve prob- lems, use their imaginations, and reflect on experiences in order to publish a team book and earn the Boot back. The Legend of the Golden Boot is a unique, story-based curriculum that motivates and inspires young students to discover America SCORES values, work as a team, and share their own stories with fun, fictional characters and the America SCORES community. 10 11
  • 7. Jr. SCORES members from Bryant Elementary holding on to the Golden Boot. Who is Why story-based learning? Zoomba? tions. In the Legend of the Golden Boot, the narrative Sitting through another hour-long class after a sev- inspires students to choose to write in order to help the en- hour school day can be a challenge for a new characters they relate to in the story. The narrative first grader. The narrative of the Golden Boot helps provides a new, fun and interactive audience, which students approach their after-school time as any- leads to opportunities for authentic and engaging thing but “more school,” while providing motivation writing workshops. to complete academic assignments. Props, cartoon Emotional Intelligence: Students must learn how Zoomba, an America SCORES Bay Area original char- players to become a soccer team. They need team characters, illustrations, stories and clues invite stu- 3 to perceive and respond to emotions of char- dents’ imaginations to “leave” the classroom and all acters in the narrative in order to successfully help these acter, is an eight-year-old monkey who was born at rules, information about being a kid on a team, and help of its stresses behind and embark on an exciting ad- characters to make decisions. The narrative provides the zoo. Unlike the other animals, he is not content using their new found ability to speak and play together. venture when the bell rings. room for a type of imaginative play, in which students with life in the cage. He peers enviously through the They also need extra help when, in week four, the boot can explore emotions in a safe environment, as they bars, watching the humans laugh and play. The other is stolen. It is up to the Jr. SCORES team to solve the mys- Four advantages to story-based learning would when they play “house” or “school.” Students animals mock him. tery of the Golden Boot, and convince Zoomba that Contextualized Learning: Students are more 1 who have meaningful interactions with “ball hogs” or One day a little girl walked up to his cage, laughed at their team is worthy of keeping it. likely to remember what they learn when they “bullies” in the story are more prepared to deal with him, and threw her golden soccer shoe into the cage. can connect it to a larger context in which it is rela- similar situations when they arise during the season. What is story-based learning? “A gift from a human!” thought Zoomba, and he put it tive to their lives. The narrative provides frame of ref- Creativity and Imagination: The process of bring- on. His toes tingled, and all of a sudden he could say Story-based learning is an exciting new pedagogy that uses a narrative to engage students in educa- erence in which students learn to communicate and 4 ing students into the story as characters provides work together to solve meaningful problems in a fun, some words! The boot gave the young monkey the tional activities. To develop the program, America participants the tools to use imagination to transform safe and playful environment. Students’ emotional gift of language and soccer. Reluctantly, he decided SCORES Bay Area worked closely with Suzanne Pop- their vision of the world and its possibilities. The change and intellectual engagement with the story and the to share it with the other animals so he could have kin, Ph.D, a literature professor at Stanford University in perspective will help students to generate and com- characters enriches their learning experiences. someone to play with, but that did not work out. The and U.C. Berkeley, and founder of Bookboing, a com- municate new ideas in their writing, art, and discussion. Intrinsic Motivation: Students learn to read and Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than animals began fighting over the ball, the score of the game and the boot. pany that develops educational, interactive story- based software. 2 write better when they choose to engage in knowledge” and story-based learning is the ultimate these activities, as opposed to when they are simply exercise in sustained imagination. Zoomba and the animals need the help of Jr. SCORES trying to earn a grade or follow a teacher’s instruc- 12 13
  • 8. THE AMERICA SCORES BOOk ZONE This fall, America SCORES Bay Area announced the at an America SCORES Community Saturday Game kick-off of an on-field library dubbed The Book Zone Day and exchange it for free for another book of to help improve childhood literacy in the Bay Area. their choice. Researchers have found that the number of books a child owns strongly predicts reading achievement The Book Zone promotes reading by providing chil- — even after controlling for the parents’ educa- dren with access to books and with support and in- tion levels and income. 1 America SCORES is in the centives linked to reading. unique position to leverage the excitement around the soccer field to help students access books and America SCORES is resolved to help children find their become life-long readers. voice. Our goal is to provide children with the oppor- tunity to love reading as much as they love playing “One study found that in middle income neigh- soccer. Yet when students do not have the opportu- borhoods the ratio is 13 books per child; in low- nity to read independently and own great books, it is income neighborhoods, the ratio is one book for unlikely they will become authors themselves.3 every 300 children.”2 In San Francisco, nearly two out of three economi- As The Book Zone continues to grow, we hope to cally disadvantaged students in third grade are be- provide each poet-athlete in our program with 10 low proficient in their reading and writing skills. Of books to take home and read at their leisure. When children who do not read at grade level by third the students finish reading any book, they return it grade, 74% never catch up.4 This is unacceptable Continued on next page... 1 David Bornstein, “A Book in Every Home, And Then Some,” The New York Times 16 May 2011, <http://opinionator.blogs. 3 Literacy Crisis, 2004, Reading Tree, 3 Nov. 2011 <http://>. Parents, students, coaches and community members explore ref=opinion&nl=opinion&emc=tya1>. 4 ”Opening the Reading Door,” Children’s Reading Foun- the Book Zone on opening day. The new field-side library 2 David K. Dickinson and Susan B. Neuman, Handbook of dation, 2010, Children’s Reading Foundation, 2 Nov. 2011 <http:// Early Literacy Research (Volume 2. New York, NY 2006).>. brings new excitement to reading. 14 15
  • 9. What are Cleveland Girls… by Cleveland Elementary School Girls’ Select Team I’m not a scared of boys girl a cry baby girl a mean or angry or rude girl a dramatic cheater want to beat her girl I’m a pretty hot girl when we know something as simple as book-owner- America SCORES brings play to language and to a lightning fast down the field ship can make a difference.5 sport and now we bring books to children’s homes girl and a library to their soccer fields. With the help of a reading books If these students fall behind, their motivation to suc- our partners and supporters, together we can give killer looks ceed in school will evaporate. When it comes to each child a team, a soccer coach, a writing coach, a smarty pants reading, childhood has no second chances. a jersey, a soccer ball, and writing supplies. And now loves to dance girl we plan to give them books to call their own. pony tails The implications of illiteracy on individuals can and painted nails be tragic and the costs to society are enormous. We believe children succeed when given support, soccer cleats Among adults at the lowest level of literacy profi- opportunity, and inspiration. The Book Zone has be- and San Francisco streets ciency, 43 percent live in poverty, and 85 percent come one of the important ways America SCORES that’s what of juvenile offenders have reading problems. Near- helps children turn the page toward a better future. a Cleveland girl’s ly 50 percent of all adults in U.S. Federal and State As students learn to read and to express themselves …Made of. correctional institutions cannot read or write at all.3 and to articulate their goals, they will become the Suffice to say that illiteracy and low literacy can be authors of their future. linked to almost every socio-economic problem in the United States and abroad. In October, through a partnership with ASCAP, the Cleveland Girls collaborated with Chicago-based hip-hop artist Psalm One, a former 5 “Statistics on Literacy,” First Book, First Book, 2 Nov. 2011 America SCORES Bay Area coach, to write and record an original song. <>. The girls recorded at Different Fur Studios in San Francisco. 16 17
  • 10. TH ANk Y OU! David Agger Hanson Bridgett LLP John Rooke Eric Ashbridge Andrew Hartman Royal Netherlands Embassy Bain & Company Peter Hillenbrand Lorae Russo The Bank of America Foundation Joan and John Hillenbrand The SAK Kim and Jonathan Barry John Hillman Salesforce Foundation Bay Area Community Resources The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation San Francisco Department of Children, Bay Area Women’s Soccer LLC Hurvis Charitable Foundation Youth and Their Families Bay Area Youth Sports Foundation Suzanne and Joe Jachinowski San Francisco Unified School District Ellen and Patrick Becherer Erin Kaiser Sand Fair Foundation Bingham McCutchen LLP Sandra Cohn and Mark Kannett Holly and Ned Scheetz Dale and Stephen Block Bonnie and Glenn Keet William Schlough Beth Bodenheimer Nicolas Kenig Anna Schocket Lydia and John Boesch Martha and Raoul Kennedy Michael Schoenholz Ron Burks Mathilda Khabbaz Lori Schweitzer Denise Burley Shoukry Khabbaz Mark Setzen Carla Camarena Ibinabo Krukrubo Silver Lake Technology Management, LLC Fred Caven Lisa Lacayo Eva and Ken Sippola City and County of San Francisco Sylvie Blumstein and Uri Ladabaum Molly and Charles Slaughter Community Youth Center of San Francisco John Lockhart SoccerFours Justin Conway Richard and Natalie Loggins Christina Spence Ron Conway Amy Lyman Sports Basement, Inc. Thomas Cosgrove Sandra and Shep Maher The Starbucks Foundation The Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Marketing Werks Brian Stevens Lauren and Alan Dachs Mary A. Crocker Trust Elizabeth Stone Melinda and Peter Darbee Karen McGuinn Stubhub Deloitte McKinsey & Company Keri and Mark Talucci Sorel and Jonathan Denholtz Joy and Thomas Mistele Conor Taniguchi Michael Dixon Harriet Heyman and Michael Moritz Thomson Reuters Ernst and Young Daniel Myers TPG Capital Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Network For Good UCSF Community Partnerships Program Laura and John Fisher Nextag Union Bank General Mills Foundation Erin and Tim O’Donovan James Volpentest GGS Foundation Eamon O’Gorman Priscilla Wallack Giants Community Fund Eric Obeng Wells Fargo Stephen Gillette Frank Patitucci West Contra Costa County Unified School Peter Glikshtern Laura Puccinelli District Goldman Sachs Nonie Ramsay Amy and James Weyhrauch Gale and Dusty Griffin Barbara and Jack Reding WLS Spencer Foundation Hahn Family Wines Lily and Andrew Riesenfeld Anne and Lawrence Hambly Fred Rodoni Xitlaly M. performing at the New York National Poetry SLAM! We are grateful for all of our generous supporters. The above list reflects all gifts of $500 and up received between April 1, 2010 and November 1, 2011. 18 19
  • 11. 400 Alabama St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Why is Zoomba wearing one shoe? Leadership Operating Board Mark Talucci, Chair Muhammad A. Nadhiri Ibi Krukrubo Lally Weyhrauch The SAK UrbanCore, LLC Ernst & Young Jonathan Denholtz,Vice Chair Sam Fort Richard Loggins Digital Media Consultant Draper Fisher Jurvetson Goldman Sachs Christina Spence, Treasurer Andrew Hartman Shep Maher Becherer Kannett & Schweitzer Morgan Stanley Thomson Reuters Development Board Andrew Hartman, Chair Carlos Almanderez Nayeli Cerpas Kim Klinedinst Morgan Stanley BACR Independent Research Consultant Education Director at TRX Training Doug Clark Stuart Berman Paul Glover Bret Wallace Goldman Sachs Bain & Co. Traveler’s Insurance TPG Advisory Board Steve Gillette Mathilda Khabbaz Conor Taniguchi Jones Day citibank Bank of America Merrill Lynch Honorary Board Ellen Becherer Lori Schweitzer Woodminster Realty Becherer Kannett & Schweitzer Staff and Volunteers Staff Volunteers Colin Schmidt, Executive Director Angela Bailey, Legacy Awards Director Mickey Agoglia Justin Gamm Kristen Merlone Dimi Barton Jennifer Gilbert Emmanuel Pavia Emily Queliza, Associate Director Shannon Burns, Program & Volunteer Manager Mackenzie Beaschler Valerie Guardardo Danielle Pawling Othmane Belcaid Shawna Gubera Martha Petrucha Eva Gabel Sippola, Dir. of Development & Roberto Gil, West Contra Costa Program Dir. Paul Boudet Daniela Gulam Dameon Philpotts Health Initiatives Abby Loomis, Education Program Manager, CAA Maxwell Breen Madeline Hernandez Dayle Picerne Dan Schwer, Communications Director Sean Burns Tannia Hernandez Brooke Rogers Genaro Jr. Arana, Program Manager, CAA Cory Comer Mark LaVine Karina Soto Yuri Morales, Program Director Jonah Cruz Sarah Markus Nina Vasques Sean Dolan Hector Mathes Genki Watanabe Marty Mannion, Education Director Christina Fregoso Antaisha McClary 20