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Hello hello, and welcome to Already in Progress! As the name implies, this story has
been going on for a while now. In fact, even Chapter 1 isn’t really Chapter 1, since by the
time I got around to writing anything up, the founder was long dead and her oldest child
was already an elder. You can read the older chapters if you haven’t already and get an
idea of what’s going on.
We’ll start by looking in on two college students. Aren Fuchs (pronounced “Fewkes,”
thank you) is in his sophomore year at I.S.I. and has just moved into off-campus housing.
His best friend since childhood (and kinda-sorta-almost cousin) Rosalie Sanders is just
starting college and has decided to forgo the dorm experience to help him out with the
rent. We now return to our story… Already in Progress…
AREN: Ro, is that you? (snicker) My Esme, what are you wearing?
ROSIE: Hi, Aren. It’s good to see you, too. Thank you for the warm welcome – I’m very
happy to be here. And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?
AREN: What – you colorblind or something? Come on in – I got your room all set up
already. You hungry?
ROSIE: When am I not?
(Deliberate plumbbob – Rosie loves school and was thrilled to go to college, but she
didn’t grow up showing that.)
ROSIE: So, Aren. I just want to say thanks.
AREN: For what?
ROSIE: For letting me move in with you, instead of having to stay at the dorms. You
wouldn’t believe what I’ve heard about their bathrooms. (shudder)
AREN: Hey, I got your back, yo.
ROSIE: I know you do. You’re the best guy I’ve ever met. Really. You’re…great.
Oh boy. This is complicated, because of the whole debatable relationship thing.
(clears throat)
Let’s check in with Aren’s family, who last we saw were getting on with life.
And they’re still just getting on with life. Here’s Aren’s little sister Kitty. Her big
brother’s still rather protective of her – how do you think he’d feel about her reading Man
Maid Lust?
KITTY: I’m sure he’d rather I read about it than actually try it out for myself.
Aren’s fathers are both doing well also. Peter’s become an elder, but that doesn’t seem to
have slowed him down any, does it? And Hunter is now the Chief of Police. Somehow,
you’d think that would rate a nicer uniform, wouldn’t you? Maybe something with a hat?
Peter’s been promoted too: He’s now a Top Secret Researcher. The poor man’s wanted to
be a Mad Scientist ever since Hunter met him – he’s even locked the want himself – but
he’s climbing the ladder so very very slowly. At least he’s enjoying his work and making
Hunter is the reason for Aren and Rosie’s kinda-sorta-almost-cousin relationship. You
see, Hunter’s mother Marie was the sister of Rosalie’s father Marcel. This makes Hunter
and Rosie first cousins. Aren is Hunter’s son by adoption, which on paper makes him
Rosie’s first cousin once removed, but there’s no actual blood connection there.
Technically, Aren and Rosie are different generations, but for lots of reasons involving
relative ages and reproductive choices, they’re only a year apart.
And as long as we’re checking on fathers…
Rosie’s are doing well also, although there’s not too much in the way of excitement.
Marcel spends a lot of time on the phone, making the friends that are oh-so-necessary for
promotion. He’s getting close to his goal of becoming Education Minister.
Zeeshan was promoted to within sight of his LTW of becoming a Media Mogul. This
gave him an extra day off, and he used it to wash the dog.
Snuggles is perhaps a little too enthusiastic about baths.
And how are our college students doing?
Not too well, apparently. Let’s listen in…
AREN: Ro – Rosalie – I am so so so sorry. You know what cow mascots are like…I
didn’t do anything to encourage him, I told him where he could stick his Sweet Talk, and
if he ever comes around here again I will punch him right in the middle of that stupid
mask of his. I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me, but can you please forgive me?
ROSIE: (frostily): Don’t you understand? Well, then, why should I accept your apology?
AREN: Maybe if you tried explaining –
Oooo-kay. Let’s give them a little space, shall we? Let’s see how Lucky is doing. Last we
saw, he had just become engaged to Caryl Cwik, right before graduation. Now that he
and his twin brother Byron are safely graduated, it’s time for wedding bells…
I hope.
Caryl Cwik is now Caryl Miller.
For those of you playing along at home, Lucky (and Byron and Stacey) are cousins to
both Hunter and Rosalie.
CARYL: I am so happy right now, I could just cry. (sniffles) Love, being in love, is the
best thing in the whole world, don’t you think, Toby?
TOBY: Yeah. Of course, I’m a little bit prejudiced. Stacey is…
LUCKY: Whoa whoa, hold up! Little brother at the table here.
TOBY: “Wonderful” is what I was going to say, Mr. Smart Alec.
CARYL: Root, have you met anybody yet?
ROOT: Well, I…Not exactly…
CARYL: Oh, we are going to have to do something about that, aren’t we, Lucky? We’ll
find someone for Root and someone for Byron. I want all my friends to be in love!
And Caryl’s not the only one interested in Byron’s love life…
STACEY (V.O.) (archly): So, who was that guy you were talking to at Lucky’s wedding?
You seemed to be getting along real well.
BYRON (V.O.): “That guy…?” Oh, Jerome? He’s a friend from college.
STACEY (V.O.) (still arch): Lucky said you asked for him to be invited?
BYRON (V.O.): Wha - ? Oh, hey, no, Lucky asked who they should invite and I
suggested Jerome because we were friends in college. All of us. We were all friends –
me, Jerome, and Lucky. You know I don’t go in for that kind of thing. Mushy, touching-
people stuff. Ick.
STACEY (V.O.) (knowingly): Mmm-hmm…
Which reminds me: have Rosie and Aren worked anything out yet?
ROSIE: I don’t want to hear it!
Apparently not. Moving right along…
CARYL: (violent retching noises) Lucky! Luck – *huk*…
LUCKY: Oh my Esme, Caryl, are you okay? Was it the chili? I knew I shouldn’t have
used the sour cream, I knew it didn’t smell quite right, oh Esme, I’m so sorry. Do you
want me to call an ambulance?
CARYL: No, silly. *urp* Just pass me a damp washcloth, will you? It’s not food
poisoning – I’m pregnant!
(Lucky faints.)
CARYL: Sweetheart, I just cannot tell you how happy I am about having this baby with
you. This is going to be the best experience of my whole entire life.
LUCKY: Even better than getting married?
CARYL: Yes, because that was one day, but this is going to be for years and years.
LUCKY: Even though we’re living in my parents’ house? Sleeping in my sister’s old
CARYL: It’s our room now. And I think babies should grow up knowing their
grandparents. This is going to be so wonderful! Now if only we could find someone for
BYRON: Heads up!
JEROME: Haha, nice one! Ow…
BYRON: What? What’s wrong?
JEROME: I think I pulled something in my shoulder catching that. You should be more
careful. (flexes shoulder experimentally) Ow.
BYRON: Here, let me help you with that. Is that better?
JEROME: Yeah, lots better. Thanks.
BYRON: Well, you know, since it’s my fault and all…
CARYL: Lucky! The baby wants mac and cheese! Right now!
LUCKY: I’m on it, honey. Guys, sorry, I need the kitchen.
BYRON: Sure.
JEROME: No problemo. I should be going anyway. Good to see you, Byron.
BYRON: …Yeah, you too.
LUCKY: It’s so cute the way you two flirt. When are you going to ask him out?
BYRON: Wha - ? No, I don’t…I…He…He doesn’t like me like that. And anyway, I –
LUCKY: “Don’t do all that mushy, touching-people stuff”? Sure you do. You touch
people all the time: me, Mom, Dad, Stacey…
BYRON: That’s different and you know it. That’s family.
LUCKY: You gave Jerome a backrub today.
BYRON: Well, I…That…
BYRON: Do you really think he likes me?
LUCKY: Why don’t you ask him?
JEROME: Not when you’re all logical like that, I don’t. This isn’t a math equation.
Loosen up, will you?
BYRON: But…but Mr. Spock is logical…
JEROME: Yeah, and didn’t you listen to McCoy’s big speech to him in “Bread and
Circuses”? He’s totally cutting himself off from life. And anyway, you’re human, not
Vulcan. If I wanted to date an unfeeling calculating machine, I’d go buy myself a servo.
BYRON: …So you have been thinking about dating and me in the same, uh, thought?
JEROME: Call me when you’re less into analyzing everything, okay?
YVONNE: …He really compared him to a robot? Oh, that’s awful. Funny. Accurate. But
still awful that someone would say that to my little boy.
CARYL: They’re not so little anymore, Mother Miller.
YVONNE: Yes, I know. Given that you’re about to make me a grandmother, I suppose
they are men now. But still, a robot?
CARYL: I think it was just the kick in the patootie Byron needed, me. You know he’s
actually asked Jerome on a date tonight? (indrawn hiss)
YVONNE: Are you okay?
CARYL: I’m fine, Mother Miller. It was a Branson-Hicks contraction, I think. I’m not
due for another week and a half. Are you going to finish that?
YVONNE (V.O.): So, Byron, a little bird told me you went on a date with Jerome
tonight. How did that go?
BYRON (V.O.): Oh…okay.
YVONNE (V.O.): Just okay?
(Scream from upstairs)
YVONNE (V.O.): Dear Esme, what was that?
Those contractions weren’t Branson-Hicks.
CARYL: Luckyyyy! I don’t think I can do thisss!
Sure you can, Caryl!
Everyone, this is Tyrone Miller. Tyrone, this is everyone.
CARYL (whispering so as not to wake the baby): I did good?
LUCKY (ditto): You did real good, honey. He’s perfect. And you’re perfect. And I love
you both to bits.
(Whispering. …What? Babies need a lot of sleep.) Awwww. Well, Rosie has been to the
eye doctor and yes, she is indeed colorblind. Fortunately, her sister Cassie is not, and she
helped pick out a new wardrobe. Throw in a cute new hairstyle, and you have a whole
new Rosie. New enough to forgive Aren for the crime of being attractive to the cow
mascot? Let’s find out.
Hooray! So how’s life been treating these two?
ROSIE: Aaaaarennnn…There’s a naked man in my bedroom!
AREN (calling): Yo! That is really not something I needed to know!
ROSIE: I’m trying to work on my term paper! Come get rid of him for me! Pleeeeease?
AREN: Okay, you really need to leave now. Go on, scram.
STREAKER: Dude, your girlfriend’s so uptight. What’s wrong with being natural?
AREN: Off the top of my head? Trespassing. Unlawful entry. Indecent exposure.
Harrassment. Sexual assault. One of my dads is a cop – I can call him and ask what other
charges I should bring if you want.
STREAKER: Chill, dude, I’m leaving.
AREN (calling after him): And she’s not my girlfriend, yo!
College takes so long to play through…While term papers and homework and classes go
on, let’s see how Cassie’s big date with Root went.
CASSIE: Well, this is a complete waste. Look who’s here: one teenage girl, two gay
guys, one married guy, one guy who can’t keep it in his…kilt, one royal witch, and the
Komeinator. Now in blonde!
Um, Cassie? Weren’t you supposed to be on a date with Root?
CASSIE: The schmuck? Yeah, and in the middle of the date I asked him what he wanted
and he told me he wanted to marry Shelby.
The Diva?
CASSIE: She’s got money, apparently. Way to rub it in. Schmuck.
Wow. I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe if you called the matchmaker…?
CASSIE: Tried that.
CASSIE: Well, he seemed nice enough. Kind of unemployed-backpacking-permastudent,
but we had stuff to talk about. Nothing special, but he might’ve been fun, you know?
CASSIE: And the schmuck thought it was okay to come into my house when I was on a
date – which was my business – and accuse me of cheating on him. Me! Cheating on him!
Mr. I-Want-To-Marry-Shelby-Now-Please! …Go away, will you? Just leave me alone.
Oh, dear. Is there anyone who isn’t having troubles? I’m almost afraid to see how
Andrew and Opal are doing…
ANDREW: What are you boys doing up? It’s two in the morning. Go back to bed.
JASPER: You’re awake, Daddy.
CHALCEDONY: And Amy’s awake.
JASPER: So we’re having a pillow fight.
ANDREW: No, you’re not. You’re going back to bed, just like Daddy.
JASPER: Amy’s still awake.
ANDREW: Amy is two years old. She doesn’t have school in the morning. Go back to
(Jasper opens his mouth to protest)
ANDREW: Bed, Jasper.
ANDREW (calling from the other room): What part of “Go to bed” didn’t you
understand, Jasper?
JASPER: I’m on my bed, Daddy.
ANDREW: Well, get in your bed and go to sleep.
Oh, what a relief! They didn’t lose the children.
And it’s good to see that Opal hasn’t let the damage to her arm slow her down any. She
still makes sure all three kids are fed, clean, and loved. And that their homework’s done
on time, of course. The physical therapy is helping, but it costs money, and that’s not
something they have a whole lot of.
Jon’s already paying all the medical bills from the original accident, and Colin’s been
dealing with all the legal issues, the maid, and the nanny. Andrew just can’t stand the
thought of asking his brothers for more money, especially when there’s no pain and
suffering involved. At least the kids don’t seem to have suffered any permanent ill effects
from this crisis.
JASPER: Mommy, you can’t leave food on the floor. If you do, the Social Worker will
come get you.
Maybe I spoke too soon…
Would this be something Colin could help with, maybe?
Oh…it looks like he has his own problems…
COLIN: Is that for me?
LEE: No. Go back in your coffin.
COLIN: Are you sure? I get a lot of phone calls.
LEE: It’s not for you. And I really don’t want to have to sweep up your ashes. Please?
(bats eyelashes)
COLIN (sulkily): Fine. (grumbles) I am so sick of being a vampire…
LEE (into the phone): Go ahead, Jon. I’d love to know how he came down with this. You
don’t catch it from toilet seats, you know.
JON (V.O.): Well, we were down at Benevolent Grounds. I mean, Colin and I didn’t go
there together, we were just there at the same time –
LEE (V.O.): Was he there with anyone?
JON (V.O.): No, he was there by himself when I got there. But then this redheaded dead
guy in an opera cape came in –
LEE (V.O.): Kacper. That bastard.
JON (V.O.): Huh? No, his name was Sh-something. Count Sh-something. Um…
LEE (V.O.): Count Kacper Shin. I know who you mean. Go on.
JON (V.O.): Well, this Count guy came in and made a beeline for Colin, just grabbed him
and sank his fangs right into his neck. And then it looked like Colin had some kind of
seizure, and there was this purple glow, and when it was over he was vamped.
LEE (V.O.): Did Colin seem upset? Struggling or anything?
JON (V.O.): No, he uh. Um. Er. …You know, let’s just say he seemed pretty darn happy,
okay? I’m kind of trying to repress that part.
LEE (V.O.): Did you talk to either of them afterward?
JON (V.O.): I asked the Count guy what he thought he was doing, and he said that Colin
had “expressed interest in trying new things.” But I thought Colin wasn’t enjoying being
a vampire?
LEE (V.O.): I…think that maybe Kacper misunderstood. He can be kind of clueless
JON (V.O.): Riiiiight. Okay. Do you need money for the Vamprocillin? I mean, I know
the cash flow’s kind of down right now at your place because Colin can’t get to work,
and the check came in for the cover of that romance novel, so I’m flush right now if you
need a loan…
LEE (V.O.): Nah. I got it. Thanks, Jon. Say hi to Emmy for me.
COLIN: What’s this?
LEE: I know you’re sick and tired of being a vampire, so while you hibernated today –
and at great threat to life and limb I might add – I went on a quest across the highest
mountains and blazingest deserts to bring you the rare, unobtainable cure for vampirism.
Except I obtained it, obviously.
COLIN: …You called Samantha Royce the matchmaker?
LEE: I called Samantha Royce the matchmaker. I bought twenty bottles, just in case
Kacper gets any more cute ideas.
COLIN: You are the best boyfriend ever.
LEE: And don’t you forget it! – Oh, and just so’s you know, if you ever try to go non-
exclusive again without telling me first, we are over.
We’ve heard from him on the phone…Let’s go see for ourselves how Jon and Emmy are
doing with their new addition to the family.
This is Moonshine.
What…you thought I meant a baby? No, Jon and Emmy are perfectly happy to borrow a
niece or nephew when they want to interact with a child.
Besides, a baby would cut into the amount of time they have to spend doting on
Moonshine. They still rolls wants for each other like crazy, but the first thing they both
want to do in the morning is Give Love to Moonshine.
And the garden is coming along quite nicely.
I’d say they seem to be doing okay. Let’s just check on Stacey and Toby real qui – Hang
on…Did you hear that…?
No no nonono…Who are you? Go away go away go away! Wake up, somebody! Dang it,
why can’t one of you be a toddler or an alien?!
ROSALIE: zzzzz… snork hack keff…Wha…Who…? (screams) AREN!
No! He’s going the other way! The other way! The OTHER WAY, you moron! You –
you stupid – !
I’m writing to your boss! “Dear Chief Sanders: Officer Ramin Centowski is a complete
idiot. Please demote him immediately if not sooner.”
ROSALIE: Thank you, Aren. Esme, that was so scary!
AREN: It’s okay, Ro. It’s okay. I got your back. …But why did you call for me? You’re
the one with the body points – you probably coulda kicked his butt.
ROSALIE: You make me feel safe.
Oh, what a relief! Everyone’s all right. Where were we?
Oh, right, Stacey and Toby.
Uh-oh. It looks like Stacey maybe didn’t have such a good day at work…
STACEY (to herself): It’s okay. Screw them. I’ll find a better job. One where they
appreciate Louisiana Gumbo. It doesn’t matter that Tobes has been promoted three times
in three days and I’ve been busted back to Dish Washer. It doesn’t matter.
STACY (to herself): It doesn’t matter at all.
Poor thing…After this, Stacey started rolling wants to Stay Home From Work and Quit
Job. I hope she can stick it out. Her LTW is to be a Celebrity Chef, and once she manages
that, I’ve got a lovely restaurant built for her to own. I know you can’t hear me, Stace, but
hang in there!
AREN: So, Ro, what’dya say? You, me, the Happy Rooster out on the turnpike? I don’t
feel like cooking.
ROSALIE: Me neither. But I don’t think I want to go to the Happy Rooster.
AREN: Benny’s Seafood, then?
ROSALIE: No, not Benny’s either.
AREN: But those are the only two restaurants in town, yo. How else are we supposed to
ROSALIE: I thought we could maybe just call for a pizza. Later.
AREN: …Good idea.
Okay, now I’m confused. Does this mean that they’re a couple or not? They have red
hearts for each other. They obviously are, ahem, compatible. They get jealous when
someone else shows an interest in the other.
AREN: Ro! It’s that guy who’s got a crush on you!
Or at least, Rosalie does.
But last date they were on, Rosie’s want panel was Woohoo with Aren, First Woohoo
with Aren, Wooho in Car with Aren, Give Backrub to Aren…and Write Term Paper.
Every so often, one or the other will roll a fear of being rejected for engagement, but the
only one who’s ever rolled a want to actually Get Engaged was Rosie – and that went
away after she had a good breakfast. On the other hand, the fear of each other’s death is
more-or-less perma-locked.
Maybe they’ll figure it out someday. For now, I’m going to call them friends. With
ORION: So you can make it? Great! I’ll see you then.
Orion? What’s going on?
ORION: What? Can’t a fellow invite his family over for a nice visit?
At three o’clock on Wednesday afternoon?
ORION: I want to see my son and my grandkids. I’m pretty sure that’s not a crime.
Your life bar isn’t looking good. Does that have anything to do with this? Do you know
something I don’t, Ri-ri?
ORION: (smiles) I haven’t been called that in years. …You’d know better than I would, I
think. But it’s probably not long now. And what’s wrong with getting everybody together
before the end, whenever that happens to be?
But…I’ll miss you.
ORION: I’ll miss everyone. But I’ll get to be with Marie again. (lightly) And anyway,
you promised me a suggestively-named drink and hula zombies. I’ll take a Long Slow
Comfortable Screw, please. With an umbrella in it.
You got it, Ri-ri.
So the whole family came over. Mitch hogged the piano, as usual. And Orion and Peter
had a lively discussion about tennis, even though neither of them plays, or even really
understands the rules. They do share an appreciation for athletes in very short white
outfits that show a lot of leg, though.
Orion also imparted some grandfatherly wisdom. Or at least he tried to.
ORION: If you love this girl, then why are you hesitating? Marry her already. Life is too
short for that kind of nonsense.
AREN: Dad’s upset about it. He says we’re cousins and it’s too close.
ORION: Pfffff. You’re not even blood to each other. It’s legal in most jurisdictions,
including this one. And anyway, you’re already sleeping together, so obviously what do
you care?
AREN: Granddad!
ORION: Soon I’ll be dead, I can say what I like. Quit sitting on the fence. Just make up
your mind.
It was a wonderful day of family bonding, and it went on well into the night.
ANDROMEDA: Time to come in, Jasmine.
JASMINE: Awww, but Mom! I’m having a snowball fight with Cousin Kitty and Uncle
ANDROMEDA: You have school tomorrow, sweetie. Come on. Bath, then bed.
Yes, it was a good day, and at the end of it, everyone was still alive.
I wish I could say the same about the next day.
GRIM REAPER: .n. Lo.. ..ow Com…ta… …ew, as… Ri… wa., .r. .and….
I got him the hula zombies, too. But that doesn’t make me feel any happier about this.
Orion Curious Sanders lived to be 81 years old and was one-half of my favorite couple.
His first day of college, he smacked Marie in the face with a pillow, and every day for the
next fifty-six years, he rolled at least one want for her. After she died, he never rolled a
romantic want for anyone else. He was a dedicated father, a loving grandfather, and an
enthusiastic shutterbug. I’ll miss him something awful.
That’s all for this chapter. Please join me next time.
Oh, and the Grim Reaper said “One Long Slow Comfortable Screw, as requested. Right
this way, Mr. Sanders.”

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Already In Progress: Chapter 8

  • 1. Hello hello, and welcome to Already in Progress! As the name implies, this story has been going on for a while now. In fact, even Chapter 1 isn’t really Chapter 1, since by the time I got around to writing anything up, the founder was long dead and her oldest child was already an elder. You can read the older chapters if you haven’t already and get an idea of what’s going on. We’ll start by looking in on two college students. Aren Fuchs (pronounced “Fewkes,” thank you) is in his sophomore year at I.S.I. and has just moved into off-campus housing. His best friend since childhood (and kinda-sorta-almost cousin) Rosalie Sanders is just starting college and has decided to forgo the dorm experience to help him out with the rent. We now return to our story… Already in Progress…
  • 2. AREN: Ro, is that you? (snicker) My Esme, what are you wearing? ROSIE: Hi, Aren. It’s good to see you, too. Thank you for the warm welcome – I’m very happy to be here. And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing? AREN: What – you colorblind or something? Come on in – I got your room all set up already. You hungry? ROSIE: When am I not? (Deliberate plumbbob – Rosie loves school and was thrilled to go to college, but she didn’t grow up showing that.)
  • 3. ROSIE: So, Aren. I just want to say thanks. AREN: For what? ROSIE: For letting me move in with you, instead of having to stay at the dorms. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve heard about their bathrooms. (shudder) AREN: Hey, I got your back, yo. ROSIE: I know you do. You’re the best guy I’ve ever met. Really. You’re…great.
  • 4. Oh boy. This is complicated, because of the whole debatable relationship thing. (clears throat) Let’s check in with Aren’s family, who last we saw were getting on with life.
  • 5. And they’re still just getting on with life. Here’s Aren’s little sister Kitty. Her big brother’s still rather protective of her – how do you think he’d feel about her reading Man Maid Lust? KITTY: I’m sure he’d rather I read about it than actually try it out for myself. …Point.
  • 6. Aren’s fathers are both doing well also. Peter’s become an elder, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed him down any, does it? And Hunter is now the Chief of Police. Somehow, you’d think that would rate a nicer uniform, wouldn’t you? Maybe something with a hat?
  • 7. Peter’s been promoted too: He’s now a Top Secret Researcher. The poor man’s wanted to be a Mad Scientist ever since Hunter met him – he’s even locked the want himself – but he’s climbing the ladder so very very slowly. At least he’s enjoying his work and making friends. Hunter is the reason for Aren and Rosie’s kinda-sorta-almost-cousin relationship. You see, Hunter’s mother Marie was the sister of Rosalie’s father Marcel. This makes Hunter and Rosie first cousins. Aren is Hunter’s son by adoption, which on paper makes him Rosie’s first cousin once removed, but there’s no actual blood connection there. Technically, Aren and Rosie are different generations, but for lots of reasons involving relative ages and reproductive choices, they’re only a year apart. And as long as we’re checking on fathers…
  • 8. Rosie’s are doing well also, although there’s not too much in the way of excitement. Marcel spends a lot of time on the phone, making the friends that are oh-so-necessary for promotion. He’s getting close to his goal of becoming Education Minister.
  • 9. Zeeshan was promoted to within sight of his LTW of becoming a Media Mogul. This gave him an extra day off, and he used it to wash the dog. Snuggles is perhaps a little too enthusiastic about baths. And how are our college students doing?
  • 10. Not too well, apparently. Let’s listen in… AREN: Ro – Rosalie – I am so so so sorry. You know what cow mascots are like…I didn’t do anything to encourage him, I told him where he could stick his Sweet Talk, and if he ever comes around here again I will punch him right in the middle of that stupid mask of his. I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me, but can you please forgive me? ROSIE: (frostily): Don’t you understand? Well, then, why should I accept your apology? AREN: Maybe if you tried explaining – ROSIE: No. Oooo-kay. Let’s give them a little space, shall we? Let’s see how Lucky is doing. Last we saw, he had just become engaged to Caryl Cwik, right before graduation. Now that he and his twin brother Byron are safely graduated, it’s time for wedding bells… I hope.
  • 11. Hooray! Caryl Cwik is now Caryl Miller. For those of you playing along at home, Lucky (and Byron and Stacey) are cousins to both Hunter and Rosalie.
  • 12. CARYL: I am so happy right now, I could just cry. (sniffles) Love, being in love, is the best thing in the whole world, don’t you think, Toby? TOBY: Yeah. Of course, I’m a little bit prejudiced. Stacey is… LUCKY: Whoa whoa, hold up! Little brother at the table here. TOBY: “Wonderful” is what I was going to say, Mr. Smart Alec. CARYL: Root, have you met anybody yet? ROOT: Well, I…Not exactly… CARYL: Oh, we are going to have to do something about that, aren’t we, Lucky? We’ll find someone for Root and someone for Byron. I want all my friends to be in love! And Caryl’s not the only one interested in Byron’s love life…
  • 13. STACEY (V.O.) (archly): So, who was that guy you were talking to at Lucky’s wedding? You seemed to be getting along real well. BYRON (V.O.): “That guy…?” Oh, Jerome? He’s a friend from college. STACEY (V.O.) (still arch): Lucky said you asked for him to be invited? BYRON (V.O.): Wha - ? Oh, hey, no, Lucky asked who they should invite and I suggested Jerome because we were friends in college. All of us. We were all friends – me, Jerome, and Lucky. You know I don’t go in for that kind of thing. Mushy, touching- people stuff. Ick. STACEY (V.O.) (knowingly): Mmm-hmm… Which reminds me: have Rosie and Aren worked anything out yet?
  • 14. AREN: Ro… ROSIE: I don’t want to hear it! Apparently not. Moving right along…
  • 15. CARYL: (violent retching noises) Lucky! Luck – *huk*… LUCKY: Oh my Esme, Caryl, are you okay? Was it the chili? I knew I shouldn’t have used the sour cream, I knew it didn’t smell quite right, oh Esme, I’m so sorry. Do you want me to call an ambulance? CARYL: No, silly. *urp* Just pass me a damp washcloth, will you? It’s not food poisoning – I’m pregnant! (Lucky faints.)
  • 16. CARYL: Sweetheart, I just cannot tell you how happy I am about having this baby with you. This is going to be the best experience of my whole entire life. LUCKY: Even better than getting married? CARYL: Yes, because that was one day, but this is going to be for years and years. LUCKY: Even though we’re living in my parents’ house? Sleeping in my sister’s old room? CARYL: It’s our room now. And I think babies should grow up knowing their grandparents. This is going to be so wonderful! Now if only we could find someone for Byron…
  • 17. BYRON: Heads up! JEROME: Haha, nice one! Ow… BYRON: What? What’s wrong? JEROME: I think I pulled something in my shoulder catching that. You should be more careful. (flexes shoulder experimentally) Ow.
  • 18. BYRON: Here, let me help you with that. Is that better? JEROME: Yeah, lots better. Thanks. BYRON: Well, you know, since it’s my fault and all…
  • 19. CARYL: Lucky! The baby wants mac and cheese! Right now! LUCKY: I’m on it, honey. Guys, sorry, I need the kitchen. BYRON: Sure. JEROME: No problemo. I should be going anyway. Good to see you, Byron. BYRON: …Yeah, you too.
  • 20. LUCKY: It’s so cute the way you two flirt. When are you going to ask him out? BYRON: Wha - ? No, I don’t…I…He…He doesn’t like me like that. And anyway, I – LUCKY: “Don’t do all that mushy, touching-people stuff”? Sure you do. You touch people all the time: me, Mom, Dad, Stacey… BYRON: That’s different and you know it. That’s family. LUCKY: You gave Jerome a backrub today. BYRON: Well, I…That… BYRON: Do you really think he likes me? LUCKY: Why don’t you ask him?
  • 21. JEROME: Not when you’re all logical like that, I don’t. This isn’t a math equation. Loosen up, will you? BYRON: But…but Mr. Spock is logical… JEROME: Yeah, and didn’t you listen to McCoy’s big speech to him in “Bread and Circuses”? He’s totally cutting himself off from life. And anyway, you’re human, not Vulcan. If I wanted to date an unfeeling calculating machine, I’d go buy myself a servo. BYRON: …So you have been thinking about dating and me in the same, uh, thought? JEROME: Call me when you’re less into analyzing everything, okay?
  • 22. YVONNE: …He really compared him to a robot? Oh, that’s awful. Funny. Accurate. But still awful that someone would say that to my little boy. CARYL: They’re not so little anymore, Mother Miller. YVONNE: Yes, I know. Given that you’re about to make me a grandmother, I suppose they are men now. But still, a robot? CARYL: I think it was just the kick in the patootie Byron needed, me. You know he’s actually asked Jerome on a date tonight? (indrawn hiss) YVONNE: Are you okay? CARYL: I’m fine, Mother Miller. It was a Branson-Hicks contraction, I think. I’m not due for another week and a half. Are you going to finish that?
  • 23. YVONNE (V.O.): So, Byron, a little bird told me you went on a date with Jerome tonight. How did that go? BYRON (V.O.): Oh…okay. YVONNE (V.O.): Just okay? (Scream from upstairs) YVONNE (V.O.): Dear Esme, what was that?
  • 24. Those contractions weren’t Branson-Hicks. CARYL: Luckyyyy! I don’t think I can do thisss!
  • 25. Sure you can, Caryl! Everyone, this is Tyrone Miller. Tyrone, this is everyone. TYRONE: Goo!
  • 26. CARYL (whispering so as not to wake the baby): I did good? LUCKY (ditto): You did real good, honey. He’s perfect. And you’re perfect. And I love you both to bits. (Whispering. …What? Babies need a lot of sleep.) Awwww. Well, Rosie has been to the eye doctor and yes, she is indeed colorblind. Fortunately, her sister Cassie is not, and she helped pick out a new wardrobe. Throw in a cute new hairstyle, and you have a whole new Rosie. New enough to forgive Aren for the crime of being attractive to the cow mascot? Let’s find out.
  • 27. Hooray! So how’s life been treating these two?
  • 28. ROSIE: Aaaaarennnn…There’s a naked man in my bedroom! AREN (calling): Yo! That is really not something I needed to know! ROSIE: I’m trying to work on my term paper! Come get rid of him for me! Pleeeeease?
  • 29. AREN: Okay, you really need to leave now. Go on, scram. STREAKER: Dude, your girlfriend’s so uptight. What’s wrong with being natural? AREN: Off the top of my head? Trespassing. Unlawful entry. Indecent exposure. Harrassment. Sexual assault. One of my dads is a cop – I can call him and ask what other charges I should bring if you want. STREAKER: Chill, dude, I’m leaving. AREN (calling after him): And she’s not my girlfriend, yo! College takes so long to play through…While term papers and homework and classes go on, let’s see how Cassie’s big date with Root went.
  • 30. CASSIE: Well, this is a complete waste. Look who’s here: one teenage girl, two gay guys, one married guy, one guy who can’t keep it in his…kilt, one royal witch, and the Komeinator. Now in blonde! Um, Cassie? Weren’t you supposed to be on a date with Root? CASSIE: The schmuck? Yeah, and in the middle of the date I asked him what he wanted and he told me he wanted to marry Shelby. The Diva? CASSIE: She’s got money, apparently. Way to rub it in. Schmuck. Wow. I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe if you called the matchmaker…? CASSIE: Tried that. And?
  • 31. CASSIE: Well, he seemed nice enough. Kind of unemployed-backpacking-permastudent, but we had stuff to talk about. Nothing special, but he might’ve been fun, you know? And?
  • 32. CASSIE: And the schmuck thought it was okay to come into my house when I was on a date – which was my business – and accuse me of cheating on him. Me! Cheating on him! Mr. I-Want-To-Marry-Shelby-Now-Please! …Go away, will you? Just leave me alone. Oh, dear. Is there anyone who isn’t having troubles? I’m almost afraid to see how Andrew and Opal are doing…
  • 33. ANDREW: What are you boys doing up? It’s two in the morning. Go back to bed. JASPER: You’re awake, Daddy. CHALCEDONY: And Amy’s awake. JASPER: So we’re having a pillow fight. ANDREW: No, you’re not. You’re going back to bed, just like Daddy. JASPER: Amy’s still awake. ANDREW: Amy is two years old. She doesn’t have school in the morning. Go back to bed. (Jasper opens his mouth to protest) ANDREW: Bed, Jasper.
  • 34. ANDREW (calling from the other room): What part of “Go to bed” didn’t you understand, Jasper? JASPER: I’m on my bed, Daddy. ANDREW: Well, get in your bed and go to sleep. Oh, what a relief! They didn’t lose the children.
  • 35. And it’s good to see that Opal hasn’t let the damage to her arm slow her down any. She still makes sure all three kids are fed, clean, and loved. And that their homework’s done on time, of course. The physical therapy is helping, but it costs money, and that’s not something they have a whole lot of. Jon’s already paying all the medical bills from the original accident, and Colin’s been dealing with all the legal issues, the maid, and the nanny. Andrew just can’t stand the thought of asking his brothers for more money, especially when there’s no pain and suffering involved. At least the kids don’t seem to have suffered any permanent ill effects from this crisis.
  • 36. JASPER: Mommy, you can’t leave food on the floor. If you do, the Social Worker will come get you. Maybe I spoke too soon… Would this be something Colin could help with, maybe?
  • 37. Oh…it looks like he has his own problems… COLIN: Is that for me? LEE: No. Go back in your coffin. COLIN: Are you sure? I get a lot of phone calls. LEE: It’s not for you. And I really don’t want to have to sweep up your ashes. Please? (bats eyelashes) COLIN (sulkily): Fine. (grumbles) I am so sick of being a vampire… LEE (into the phone): Go ahead, Jon. I’d love to know how he came down with this. You don’t catch it from toilet seats, you know.
  • 38. JON (V.O.): Well, we were down at Benevolent Grounds. I mean, Colin and I didn’t go there together, we were just there at the same time – LEE (V.O.): Was he there with anyone? JON (V.O.): No, he was there by himself when I got there. But then this redheaded dead guy in an opera cape came in – LEE (V.O.): Kacper. That bastard. JON (V.O.): Huh? No, his name was Sh-something. Count Sh-something. Um… LEE (V.O.): Count Kacper Shin. I know who you mean. Go on. JON (V.O.): Well, this Count guy came in and made a beeline for Colin, just grabbed him and sank his fangs right into his neck. And then it looked like Colin had some kind of seizure, and there was this purple glow, and when it was over he was vamped.
  • 39. LEE (V.O.): Did Colin seem upset? Struggling or anything? JON (V.O.): No, he uh. Um. Er. …You know, let’s just say he seemed pretty darn happy, okay? I’m kind of trying to repress that part. LEE (V.O.): Did you talk to either of them afterward? JON (V.O.): I asked the Count guy what he thought he was doing, and he said that Colin had “expressed interest in trying new things.” But I thought Colin wasn’t enjoying being a vampire? LEE (V.O.): I…think that maybe Kacper misunderstood. He can be kind of clueless sometimes. JON (V.O.): Riiiiight. Okay. Do you need money for the Vamprocillin? I mean, I know the cash flow’s kind of down right now at your place because Colin can’t get to work, and the check came in for the cover of that romance novel, so I’m flush right now if you need a loan… LEE (V.O.): Nah. I got it. Thanks, Jon. Say hi to Emmy for me.
  • 40. COLIN: What’s this? LEE: I know you’re sick and tired of being a vampire, so while you hibernated today – and at great threat to life and limb I might add – I went on a quest across the highest mountains and blazingest deserts to bring you the rare, unobtainable cure for vampirism. Except I obtained it, obviously. COLIN: …You called Samantha Royce the matchmaker? LEE: I called Samantha Royce the matchmaker. I bought twenty bottles, just in case Kacper gets any more cute ideas.
  • 41. COLIN: You are the best boyfriend ever. LEE: And don’t you forget it! – Oh, and just so’s you know, if you ever try to go non- exclusive again without telling me first, we are over. We’ve heard from him on the phone…Let’s go see for ourselves how Jon and Emmy are doing with their new addition to the family.
  • 42. This is Moonshine. What…you thought I meant a baby? No, Jon and Emmy are perfectly happy to borrow a niece or nephew when they want to interact with a child.
  • 43. Besides, a baby would cut into the amount of time they have to spend doting on Moonshine. They still rolls wants for each other like crazy, but the first thing they both want to do in the morning is Give Love to Moonshine.
  • 44. And the garden is coming along quite nicely. I’d say they seem to be doing okay. Let’s just check on Stacey and Toby real qui – Hang on…Did you hear that…?
  • 45. No no nonono…Who are you? Go away go away go away! Wake up, somebody! Dang it, why can’t one of you be a toddler or an alien?!
  • 46. ROSALIE: zzzzz… snork hack keff…Wha…Who…? (screams) AREN!
  • 47. No! He’s going the other way! The other way! The OTHER WAY, you moron! You – you stupid – ! I’m writing to your boss! “Dear Chief Sanders: Officer Ramin Centowski is a complete idiot. Please demote him immediately if not sooner.”
  • 48. ROSALIE: Thank you, Aren. Esme, that was so scary! AREN: It’s okay, Ro. It’s okay. I got your back. …But why did you call for me? You’re the one with the body points – you probably coulda kicked his butt. ROSALIE: You make me feel safe. Oh, what a relief! Everyone’s all right. Where were we? Oh, right, Stacey and Toby.
  • 49. Uh-oh. It looks like Stacey maybe didn’t have such a good day at work… STACEY (to herself): It’s okay. Screw them. I’ll find a better job. One where they appreciate Louisiana Gumbo. It doesn’t matter that Tobes has been promoted three times in three days and I’ve been busted back to Dish Washer. It doesn’t matter.
  • 50. STACY (to herself): It doesn’t matter at all. Poor thing…After this, Stacey started rolling wants to Stay Home From Work and Quit Job. I hope she can stick it out. Her LTW is to be a Celebrity Chef, and once she manages that, I’ve got a lovely restaurant built for her to own. I know you can’t hear me, Stace, but hang in there!
  • 51. AREN: So, Ro, what’dya say? You, me, the Happy Rooster out on the turnpike? I don’t feel like cooking. ROSALIE: Me neither. But I don’t think I want to go to the Happy Rooster. AREN: Benny’s Seafood, then? ROSALIE: No, not Benny’s either. AREN: But those are the only two restaurants in town, yo. How else are we supposed to eat?
  • 52. ROSALIE: I thought we could maybe just call for a pizza. Later. AREN: …Good idea.
  • 53. Okay, now I’m confused. Does this mean that they’re a couple or not? They have red hearts for each other. They obviously are, ahem, compatible. They get jealous when someone else shows an interest in the other.
  • 54. AREN: Ro! It’s that guy who’s got a crush on you! Or at least, Rosalie does. But last date they were on, Rosie’s want panel was Woohoo with Aren, First Woohoo with Aren, Wooho in Car with Aren, Give Backrub to Aren…and Write Term Paper. Every so often, one or the other will roll a fear of being rejected for engagement, but the only one who’s ever rolled a want to actually Get Engaged was Rosie – and that went away after she had a good breakfast. On the other hand, the fear of each other’s death is more-or-less perma-locked. Maybe they’ll figure it out someday. For now, I’m going to call them friends. With benefits.
  • 55. ORION: So you can make it? Great! I’ll see you then. Orion? What’s going on? ORION: What? Can’t a fellow invite his family over for a nice visit? At three o’clock on Wednesday afternoon? ORION: I want to see my son and my grandkids. I’m pretty sure that’s not a crime. Your life bar isn’t looking good. Does that have anything to do with this? Do you know something I don’t, Ri-ri? ORION: (smiles) I haven’t been called that in years. …You’d know better than I would, I think. But it’s probably not long now. And what’s wrong with getting everybody together before the end, whenever that happens to be? But…I’ll miss you. ORION: I’ll miss everyone. But I’ll get to be with Marie again. (lightly) And anyway, you promised me a suggestively-named drink and hula zombies. I’ll take a Long Slow Comfortable Screw, please. With an umbrella in it. You got it, Ri-ri.
  • 56. So the whole family came over. Mitch hogged the piano, as usual. And Orion and Peter had a lively discussion about tennis, even though neither of them plays, or even really understands the rules. They do share an appreciation for athletes in very short white outfits that show a lot of leg, though.
  • 57. Orion also imparted some grandfatherly wisdom. Or at least he tried to. ORION: If you love this girl, then why are you hesitating? Marry her already. Life is too short for that kind of nonsense. AREN: Dad’s upset about it. He says we’re cousins and it’s too close. ORION: Pfffff. You’re not even blood to each other. It’s legal in most jurisdictions, including this one. And anyway, you’re already sleeping together, so obviously what do you care? AREN: Granddad! ORION: Soon I’ll be dead, I can say what I like. Quit sitting on the fence. Just make up your mind.
  • 58. It was a wonderful day of family bonding, and it went on well into the night. ANDROMEDA: Time to come in, Jasmine. JASMINE: Awww, but Mom! I’m having a snowball fight with Cousin Kitty and Uncle Hunter! ANDROMEDA: You have school tomorrow, sweetie. Come on. Bath, then bed. Yes, it was a good day, and at the end of it, everyone was still alive.
  • 59. I wish I could say the same about the next day. GRIM REAPER: .n. Lo.. ..ow Com…ta… …ew, as… Ri… wa., .r. .and….
  • 60. I got him the hula zombies, too. But that doesn’t make me feel any happier about this.
  • 61. Orion Curious Sanders lived to be 81 years old and was one-half of my favorite couple. His first day of college, he smacked Marie in the face with a pillow, and every day for the next fifty-six years, he rolled at least one want for her. After she died, he never rolled a romantic want for anyone else. He was a dedicated father, a loving grandfather, and an enthusiastic shutterbug. I’ll miss him something awful. That’s all for this chapter. Please join me next time. ***************************** Oh, and the Grim Reaper said “One Long Slow Comfortable Screw, as requested. Right this way, Mr. Sanders.”