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                                                                          Connecting Thoughts

 GOVERNMENT                                      BIJOYENDRA SANYAL explores the future
 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act         scope in this month’s special focus!
 has been recently been launched by the
 Manmohan Singh government. ASHISH               BOOKWORM
 KAUSHIK explains its real effects and           In this month’s edition of the bookworm
 implications.                                   LATIKA MAHER presents her views on
                                                 Stephen R. Covey’s highly appreciated best-
 MARKETING                                       selling work – 7 Habits of Highly Effective
 Changing business scenario HARPREET             People.
 KAUR presents the newly evolving
 purchasing practices in the country.            CAMPUS CATCHUP
                                                 Get to know all the latest happenings on the
 HEALTH                                          campus of University School of Management
 Medical tourism is on an upswing in the         Studies with MAYANK GOEL’s first hand
 country with the growth projected to increase   reporting.
 steadily in the coming times. SACHIN
 GUPTA identifies the reasons for this sudden    FACE-TO-FACE
 spurt of health travelers.                      In the interview of the month Mr. D. P.
                                                 Nanda, GM, Moser Bear spoke to RAHUL
 TAXATION                                        BHIMRAJKA about the future plans of the
 SUMIT MAHAJAN presents the highly               company.
 controversial FRINGE BENEFIT TAX in a
 new perspective.                                BIG BULLY
                                                 HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI tame
 BE POSITIVE                                     the bulls and bears of the sensex in this
 The key to success in today’s competitive       monthly roundup of the stock market.
 world is to have a Can – Do Attitude. NEHA
 TIKOO explains 5 easy steps to building a       QUIZZLER
 ‘Can-Do Attitude’.                              Update your business knowledge with this
                                                 month’s edition of QUIZZLER compiled by
 SECTOR ROUNDUP                                  quizmaster BIJOYENDRA SANYAL.
 This month PRABHAT JHA rounds up the
 major happenings in the Automobile sector in    GURU COOL
 the past few months.                            This month ASHISH KAUSHIK talks about
                                                 the works of the famous business guru
 SPECIAL FOCUS                                   Michael Porter. Click here to know your guru!
 The launch of Club One Air gives India its
 first fractional cost based airline.

                                                                         Connecting Thoughts

Welcome to the inaugural issue of ALOHA – Communicating
Thoughts, the monthly magazine of the University School of
Management Studies.

We, the students of the country, have the task of shaping tomorrow.
We have the potential to transform and transcend all – be it old
conventions, standards or above all, our own limitations. Strangely
enough, for a group as important as this, our voice is still not heard. There is no proper
channel for us to speak out – for what we think is right or against what we feel is wrong.

ALOHA is just a small step towards setting that right. It is the voice of the students of
USMS – the mouthpiece through which we would make our opinion known. The views
expressed in here are purely those of the authors, and thus bear no necessary relationship
with the institution. And that’s what ALOHA is – a way to reach out to the rest of the

This first issue marks the fruition of months of hard work and planning. Right from the
initial concept to the final design, everything has been managed by us students. The issue
spans a gamut of articles on varied topics to make this one of the most comprehensive
mirrors of the managerial and economic issues gripping the country.

I am proud to present to you ALOHA – Communicating Thoughts. Hope you like this
small effort on our part.

Editor - ALOHA
                                                                                  Connecting Thoughts

   India's rural job guarantee scheme

   The World Bank says that more than 30         manual work. Through this Bill the
   per cent of the Indian population lives on    government, aims at removing poverty
   less than $1 (Rs 43.50) a day, but Indian     by assuring at least 100 days'
   economists believe the figure of poor --      employment. The minimum daily wage
   especially rural poor -- could be much        had been pegged at Rs 60. State
   higher. We have tried to fight poverty by     governments, Panchayati Raj institutions
   various means, but have met with little       as well as non-government organizations
   success. So what India needs is               would be involved in implementing the
   something more lasting than patchwork         law.
   policies to help its millions of poverty
   stricken people. The government feels
   that the National Rural Employment
   Guarantee Act can solve that problem,
   given that it has the potential to provide
   a livelihood to millions. But will the plan
   succeed? Why is there resistance to it?
   What will it cost the nation?

   According to the last Census, 72 crore
   (720 million) people live in rural areas.     The National Rural Employment
   Currently at around 7.8 per cent, the         Guarantee Act will cost about Rs 40,000
   unemployment has been steadily rising         (Rs     400    billion) crore    annually.
   in India. This has led to a migration of      According to another estimate, however,
   huge numbers of people from rural to          it could cost about Rs 50,000 crore (Rs
   urban areas. With over 65 per cent of         500 billion) annually, or about slightly
   India's population under the age of 35,       less than 2 per cent of GDP. The Rural
   the country needs to create 6 crore (60       Development Ministry currently is
   million) jobs over the next five years to     allocated Rs 24,000 crore (Rs 240
   prevent the unemployment rate from            billion) annually for all its schemes. To
   gaining unmanageable proportions.             meet the total cost of this ambitious
                                                 scheme, states will still have to shell out
   Jean Dreze, a Belgian economist, who is       Rs 4,000 crore (Rs 40 billion). The rest
   currently with the Delhi School of            of the Rs 12,000 crore (Rs 120 billion),
   Economics, is the chief author of the         assuming the total cost works out to Rs
   National Rural Employment Guarantee           40,000 crore, might be raised from other
   Bill, 2004 promises wage employment to        schemes whose allocations may now be
   every rural household, in which adult         merged into this project.
   members volunteer to do unskilled

                                                                                   Connecting Thoughts

   Finance Minister P Chidambaram says           major problems of employment and
   that the government will meet the             development.
   requirement for the job guarantee
   scheme by:                                    The opposition party BJP on the other
                                                 hand brought out the major demerits of
      •   Normal increase in budgetary           the bill, which are as follows:
      •   Savings      from         existing        •   The decision to provide Rs 60
          employment schemes; and                       per day for a guaranteed 100
      •   Additional allocation in gross                days rural employment translated
          budgetary support to states.                  to only Rs 500 a month, which is
                                                        not sufficient to run a family.
   Chidambaram said the states' share in            •   The law could lead to friction
   the funding is only 10 per cent. In his              within a family over selection of
   Budget for 2005-06, Chidambaram had                  the member to be provided the
   stated that the National Food for Work               job.
                                                    •   It is feared that in the process
   Programme would be converted into the                women          and       physically
   National Rural Employment Guarantee                  challenged could be left out.
   Scheme with an allocation of Rs 11,000           •   The decision to make the state
   crore.                                               governments finance 10 per cent
                                                        of the scheme could lead to
   To begin with, as many as 200 districts,             financial problems because of the
   including 150 districts under the Food               poor financial conditions of some
   for Work Programme, would be covered                 states.
   under the Bill. It would be extended to
   all the 600 districts in the country within   With back up of such arguments BJP
   five years. The Bill also provides for        demanded inclusion of the urban sector
   unemployment allowances if the job,           in the bill or a separate bill for the urban
   under the scheme, is not provided in the      sector as 4 crore urban poor are still
   rural households.                             living in slums. There were also
                                                 concerns about increasing fiscal deficit,
   With UPA government taking all the            rising interest rate and corruption level
   credit for the bringing the bill out, Rural   as past initiatives such as food-for-work
   Development Minister Raghuvansh               programme have all resulted in the
   Prasad Singh stressed on the point that       above-mentioned problems creating an
   employment would be generated through         insecure                        environment
   development works, solving the two
                                                                     ASHISH KAUSHIK

                                                                                Connecting Thoughts

   Status of purchasing practices & IT in India

   The business world is changing rapidly       This integration calls for accurate &
   and newer innovations in every field are     timely flow of information throughout
   ruling the roost. The purchasing trends      the supply chain.
   of Indian industries have similarly
   undergone a radical transformation in        Various effective purchasing practices
   the last couple of decades. In 1980s,        could be: -
   companies could reduce cost of their
   products and services to compete in the         1. Single Sourcing - It implies that
   market through                                     number of suppliers should be
   the application                                    reduced to minimum; ideally to
   of strategies like                                 one only.
   time and lean                                   2. Supplier Involvement – Initially
   manufacturing                                      this practice characterized only a
   (this      means                                   buyer - seller relationship, with
   manufacturing                                      price-based decisions being the
   products                                           sole determinant. But now, both
   according to the                                   parties, buyers as well as sellers,
   time period or                                     are interested in long-term
   according to the                                   profits. Thus long-term cost
   seasonal      trends),   total     quality         cutting, quality, capability and
   management amongst others. But these               services form the basis of
   strategies do not help now in further cost         purchasing decisions.
   reduction, so many of the companies             3. Strategic Purchasing - It can be
   discovered effective Supply Chain                  viewed as the pattern of
   Management as the next step to increase            decisions related to acquiring
   profit and market share.                           required materials and services
                                                      that support operations and
       Better purchasing practices and                activities of the organization.
   integration of the processes of the supply         These have to be consistent with
   chain members are two key elements of              the overall corporate competent
   supply chain management. Purchasing                strategy. It means that the various
   practices can be hailed as the foundation          business practices adopted by the
   on which the whole Supply Chain                    organization so as to survive in
   Management structure is based. For                 this competitive business world
   effective management of the supply                 like diversification of products,
   chain, these practices need to be                  price and quality management
   supplemented with the integration of               etc. are well aligned with the
   processes of the supply chain members.             purchasing plan for the future.

                                                                                 Connecting Thoughts

   Adoption of the above purchasing             deliveries    between    manufacturers,
   practices has benefited numerous             suppliers, distributors and customers.
   organizations around the world.              Second one involves the backward
                                                coordination of information, which
   USE    OF              INFORMATION           flows from customers to suppliers and
   TECHNOLOGY                                   for this real time exchange modern IT
                                                tools need to be used rather than
   Exchange         of                          traditional paper based information
   information       at                         systems.
   each and every
   level             at                         USE    OF       INFORMATION
   appropriate time                             TECHNOLOGY IN PURCHASE
   by      appropriate                          PRACTICES IN INDIA
   personnel is the
   need in today’s business scenario.           A survey conducted among 273
   Organizations have to work in                companies results that Indian Companies
   coordinated manner with their suppliers,     have adopted new purchasing practices
   distributors,    and     the    retailers.   to a large extent but the use of IT is very
   Information about consumers purchases,       less. Among the top 5 IT technologies,
   sales forecasts, promotion activities, on-   fax is the most commonly used as a
   hand inventory and production schedules      communication technique. E-mail is the
   is required to be exchanged among the        next most used whereas use of bar
   chain members in real time to effectively    coding and e-commerce is almost nil.
   manage the supply chain. For this there      Thus, Indian companies are at the
   should be integration along the supply       preliminary stage of employing supply
   chain. It can be of two forms. The first     chain management. Because real
   type of integration involves coordinating    integration can only be achieved through
   and integrating the physical flow of         the application of IT tools.

                                                                    HARPREET KAUR

                                                                                   Connecting Thoughts

   Medical Tourism

   When multi-specialty luxurious private         Current Scenario:
   hospitals came on the horizon in the           Referrals and word of mouth used to be
   early 80’s , many people scoffed at their      the mantra for the hospitals. But now
   classy comforts, 5 star facilities & air       these private hospitals are realizing that
   conditioned atmosphere. But today we           this mantra is loosing its sheen. So they
   are living in an era where all these           coming up with some of the innovative
   facilities are prerequisite to a good,         marketing strategies like - sponsoring
   hospital. Now it looks like as if hospitals    events, associating with neighborhood
   are not attracting patients, rather they are   doctors through which doctors are
   attracting customers who are willing to        referred. Some cases to these hospitals &
   pay more for availing these facilities.        in return they will get some of the perks
                                                  like – invitation to medical seminars,
   The mushrooming of new private                 discount for themselves & their family at
   hospitals, coupled with the rise of an         these hospitals. Some of the other
   urban & middle class willing to pay            strategies adopted include tie-up with
   more for quality healthcare and the hype       medical insurance companies, opening
   surrounding medical tourism in India, is       call centers to enquire about the health
   forcing large private hospitals to act like    of the patients & reminding them about
   a corporate house with marketing & PR          their regular health check-ups after they
   department and spend huge amount of            have been discharged. Some of the big
   money on just marketing .                      private hospitals like Apollo, Escorts and
                                                  Max Healthcare are adopting all these
   Reasons, why private hospitals are             strategies.
   going for aggressive marketing look
   very apparent:

   1] There is a shortage of good medical
   facilities in some parts of India and these
   private hospitals want to fill this gap.
   2] Rising Income of people of India is
   enabling them to demand not only the
   basic medical facilities but some of the
   extended benefits like – air conditioned
   rooms, state of art infrastructure etc.
   3] A huge chunk of foreign patients are
   coming to India for availing cheap
   medical facilities.
   4] Competition in the urban markets is
   forcing these hospitals to differentiate
   themselves through their facilities.

HEALTH                                                                         Connecting Thoughts

   Future trends:                              a year, are expected to double within the
   It        is                                next 2 to 7 years.
   expected                                    More and more private hospitals will go
   that more                                   rural to tap up this huge market and
   and more                                    more and more schemes like “kisan
   private                                     card” by Escorts hospital which requires
   hospitals                                   the farmers to “save a rupee a day “ to
   will come                                   finance their
   up with all                                 medical bills
   their kind                                  will come up.
   of innovative marketing strategies.         Corporation of
   Competition will increase in this sector,   the      Indian
   as some of the foreign hospital chains      Medical
   like Fortis, Wookhardt, and Duncan etc.     Sector      will
   will enter the Indian market soon.          pick up fast
   Hospital rooms with facilities like TV,     and          the
   refrigrator, telephone, sofa set, easy      process from
   chair & dining chairs will become the       illness       to
   norms of day. International patients to     recovery is going to be very smooth and
   India, which currently stood at 1.5 lakhs   patients in the hospitals will have an
                                               amazing experience in the hospitals.

                                                                 SACHIN GUPTA

                                                                                  Connecting Thoughts

   Fringe benefit tax: a new look
                                                benefit & hence tax has to be paid. A
                                                point to be noted here is that there might
                                                not be any benefit to the employee
                                                because the expense is incurred on
                                                behalf of the client but still the amount is
                                                taxable under FBT.

                                                There is further reiteration of this point
                                                as another clarification says that if the
                                                employer has incurred any expense for
                                                any one of the purposes enumerated in
                                                the relevant section, then the whole of
                                                the expense shall be deemed to have
                                                been provided. No segregation of
                                                expenses for employees & for others is
                                                to be allowed. The only saving grace is
                                                that the same amount would not be taxed
                                                as FBT in the hands of the client.

                                                There are occasions when some expense
   If you thought that the fringe benefit tax   has to be incurred with respect to the
   was to be paid by the employer only for      customer or the client. An entity would
   the expenses incurred or benefits            incur such expenses & there might not
   provided to the employee then the latest     be employee in this situation also. Some
   circular from the government will make       of the common expenses in this area
   you change your mind. Various                include hotel stay & air ticket charges.
   explanations & clarifications shows that     These expenses would be classified as
   expenses on a client or a customer &         being taxable & hence FBT will have to
   even dealers would see the fringe benefit    be paid on this.
   tax (FBT) springing into effect.
                                                Next time HLL, NESTLE or COLGATE
   If a company incurs an expenditure for       offer freebies such as cups with a pack
   the client & this out-of-pocket expense is   of tea leaves, cold coffee shakers with
   reimbursed by the client, then the           instant coffee powder or a free
   company that has incurred the                toothbrush with pack of toothpaste, they
   expenditure has to pay FBT on this. The      will have to cough up FBT on such
   client will not pay FBT on this. The         expenditure. All these expenses are to be
   logic here is that head of expense is        treated as sales promotion expenditure
   covered under FBT as a deemed fringe         and therefore, are liable to attract FBT.

                                                                              Connecting Thoughts

   Similarly, free samples of medicines
   distributed     by    pharmaceutical
   companies to doctors also qualify as
   sales promotion expenditure & would
   attract FBT. Consumer durable
   companies that give away freebies,
   such as a DVD player with a colour tv
   or film/music software with a player,
   could be asked to pay FBT on the
   expenditure incurred on free offers.

   The summer holidays of employees may
   now prove expensive for the employers.
   It now appears that the employer will
   have to pay FBT in the years that in
   which employee claims the income tax
   exemption on leave travel assistance       Right now, employees are liable to pay
   (LTA). When the LTA is not included in     tax if the company reimburses expenses
   the salary, the expense would be taxable   of over Rs 15,000 a year for medical
   in the hands of the employer.              treatment in unapproved hospitals. This
                                              is because expenses above this threshold
   The tax liability of companies providing   are treated as a perquisite. However, the
   medical reimbursements to their            CBDT has now clarified those expenses
   employees is to rise. The central board    on medical reimbursement for treatment
   of direct taxes (CBDT) has made it clear   in unapproved hospitals will be taxed.
   that companies will have to pay FBT on     The employer will have to pay FBT if
   reimbursements up to Rs 15,000 for         the amount is below Rs 15,000 & the
   medical expenses incurred by their         employee will have to pay tax if the
   employees in unapproved hospitals.         amount       exceeds       Rs    15,000.
                                                                  SUMIT MAHAJAN

                                                                               Connecting Thoughts

   Boost your attitude
   !!! Accomplish your goals!!!

   "A positive attitude is the one characteristic that all successful people have in
   common." Anon

           “Attitude”- What is attitude? It is   why. We should believe in our selves
   a manner in which one feels, thinks, or       and believe that nothing is impossible
   acts that shows one’s disposition,            because the word impossible itself says
   opinion, or frame of mind etc. In today’s     that ‘I-M-POSSIBLE’.
   world, having a positive attitude is often
   considered a secret to success, but for
   maintaining that attitude; ‘will’ is the      3. With the
   main prerequisite. The power of positive      problem in
   attitude can help us in accomplishing         mind, focus
   whatever goals we set for our selves in       on     what
   life. Conversely, negative thoughts and       you can do
   feelings can prevent us from living the       about it
   life we really want. It is a positive state
   of mind, which manifests in the way one       Finding ways to use what we’re good at
   thinks and acts. One can develop it           is to solve the problem. Generally,
   through the following steps:                  whenever we face a problem we tend to
                                                 think negatively and feel low about it,
                                                 we should curb this habit by looking at
    5 Steps to building a ‘Can-Do                the problem from different perspective
   Attitude’:                                    and thinking about the alternative ways
                                                 of solving our problem.
   1. When you hear yourself say you
   can't do something, stop!                     4. Be open to trying a different
   Resist going down this path – it's a one-
   way STREET, WHICH lowers our                  By perceiving from different outlooks
   confidence    and    demotivates      us.     we can solve any problem that we face.
   Refraining our selves from saying “I          Whatever we do, we should take interest
   can’t” can work wonders. Remember,            in it and make it enjoyable and fun for
   it's a habit – and it can be broken.          ourselves.

   2. Develop a problem solving mind-set

   Look beyond the "can't" to the reason

                                                                                                            Connecting Thoughts

                                                                   at the world, but also our whole
       5. Do it your way                                           environment and the people around us.

       We should make things work for                              Negative attitude says: “You cannot
       ourselves, on our own terms. We should                      achieve success”
       leave a mark on what ever we do and be
       our selves and not imitate anyone.                          Positive attitude says: “You can
                                                                   achieve success, and that is what
               A positive attitude leads to                        everyone wants and strives for”
       happiness and success. It possesses the
       power to change our whole life. When                        Even one single step towards
       we see the bright side of life, our life                    manifesting a positive attitude will bring
       becomes filled with light. This light                       more     light   into     our    life!!!!!!
       affects not only us, and the way we look
                                                                                               NEHA TIKOO

       Your erroneous zones

       Have you ever looked into the mirror and asked            worth. Remember, at no time, under no
       yourself what’s wrong with you? Or have you ever          circumstance is self-hate healthier than self-love.
       said ‘Yes’ when you wanted to say ’No’? Or do             Even if you have behaved in a way that you dislike,
       you feel that it’s not you but others in your life that   loathing yourself will only lead to immobilization
       controls your feelings?                                   and damage. So instead of hating yourself, develop
                                                                 positive feelings. Learn from the error and resolve
       If your answer to any one of these is yes then they       not to repeat it but don’t associate it with your self-
       reflect your erroneous zones. An erroneous zone           worth.
       is a kind of self-destructive behavior that may seem
       perfectly acceptable, but in reality, is harmful to•               You don’t need their approval
       your own happiness.                                       Needing approval is tantamount to saying “your
                                                                 view of me is more important than my opinion of
       So how does one go about overcoming his/her               myself”. You can never escape disapproval no
       erroneous zones?                                          matter how much you want it to go away. For
                                                                 every opinion you have, there is a counterpart out
   •             Taking charge of yourself                       there with exactly the opposite view.
       Don’t judge your intelligence on the basis of your
       ability to solve complex problems. A truer•                         The useless emotions – guilt and worry
       barometer of intelligence is effective, happy life        If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long
       lived each day and each present moment of life.           enough will change a past or future event, then you
       You are intelligent if you know how to choose             are residing on another planet with a different
       happiness over depression. Feelings are not just          reality system. Learning from your mistakes is
       emotions to you. They are reactions you choose to         healthy but guilt is unhealthy because you are
       have and so once you learn that you can feel what         ineffectively using up your energy in the present
       you choose to feel, you will be on the road to            feeling hurt, upset and depressed about a historical
       intelligence – a road where there are no bypaths          happening.
       that lead to nervous breakdowns.
                                                                 So break yourself from the past and free yourself
   •           Self love and self worth                          from all the pressures that drive you towards your
       If you love someone then don’t judge your self            past. Past is over and don’t let your past occupy
       worth on the basis of whether the other person feels      your future.” Your future is an empty canvass
       the same for you or not. You might want the other         and you can paint it the way you want”
       person’s love but it is not essential to your self        SUCHITRA AHUJA

                                                                                            Connecting Thoughts

   Automobiles Sector
   The growth in Indian Automobiles                  of finance at relatively low rates of
   Sector has been high for the past few             interest and price discounts offered by
   years, since 2001-02 to be precise. Post          the dealers and manufacturers have
   liberalization, the arrival of new and            stimulated the demand for vehicles and a
   contemporary models, easy availability            strong growth of the industry.

                              Passenger Car Market

      2002-03 (A)                                2007-08 (P)
      Total Units - 547,083                      Total Units - 975,703

                        Premium &                                        Premium &
                                                         Executive        Luxury
               Executive Luxury               Mid-size      2%              3%       Mini
      Mid-size             2%                                                        19%
                  0%                Mini       20%

              Compact                                                        56%

                               Projected CAGR                        12.3%

                                                                        Connecting Thoughts

                            Two Wheeler Market

                  Present estimated size    5.4 mn units per year
                  CAGR (last 5 years)       10%

                   Average two-wheelers per 1000 people

                                  India     27
                                  China     08

   Advantage India
     • Largest               Two-Wheeler   Industry Milestones 2003-04
         Manufacturer in the World            • Car production crosses 1 million
     • 2nd Largest Tractor Manufacturer          mark.
         in the World                         • Car exports cross US$ 1 million
     • 5th Largest Commercial Vehicle            mark.
         Manufacturer in the World            • Auto component exports cross
     • Number 1 in Global Motorcycle             US$       1     billion  mark
         Manufacturer is in India
     • 4th Largest Car Market in Asia -
         crossed the 1 million mark

                                                                PRABHAT JHA

                                                                                       Connecting Thoughts

   Fractional cost based airline model-the Indian perspective

   The airline sector in India has grown by        The Indian economy is growing at a
   leaps and bounds in the past few months         berserk speed and business travel is also
   and that has opened a lot of interesting        grown rapidly. The inconvenience and
   possibilities. While most of the new            frequent delays of airline travel
   entrants are in the low cost segment one        increasingly may cause companies to turn
   airline that stands out is Club One Air;        to business aircraft to help solve at least
   India’s first airline based on fractional       part of their air transportation needs. Many
   ownership model. Promoted by Manav              companies recognize that business aircraft
   Singh, it caters to the top executives and      are tools to enhance productivity. Through
   businessmen allowing them to pick up a          point-to-point,       on-demand,       private
   stake in the venture and fly wherever and       transportation, the use of business aircraft
   whenever they want. Besides the flying          can result in considerable timesavings.
   charges, the fractional ownership costs         The need for connecting flights
   between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 2 crore,              disappears, while the time spent at airports
   ranging between one-eighth and one-             is minimized as companies can control
   fourth of an aircraft cost thus enabling a      their    employees'      travel     schedules.
   person to own an aircraft at a fraction of      Employees also can use travel time more
   the cost.                                       effectively, as business jets provide quieter
                                                   working       environments        than     the
   Fractional cost based airline model have        commercial flights.
   been in vogue in the west for some time.
   One of the factors driving the business jet     However many Indian corporate and even
                                 market       is   MNC’s may not want to bear the cost of
                                      growing      buying an aircraft. These companies could
                                    frustration    own them jointly with others through a
                                 with travel       fractional ownership program, thus
                                             on    providing a lucrative market to Club One
                                   commercial      Air and others of its ilk. The number of
                                       airlines.   customers for fractional programs may
                                 Polls      and    expand, as they may prove more attractive
                                 surveys, as       to first-time business aircraft users than
                                 well         as   outright purchases. In the west, fractional
                                  considerable     ownership is an important element in the
                                     anecdotal     business jet market; and its growth has
   evidence, indicate that many corporate          been phenomenal.
   executives resent time spent waiting for
   commercial flights at airports, seeing it as
   lost productivity.

                                                                                  Connecting Thoughts

   In the Indian context its success is          It may also end up with planes that
   largely dependent on how the market           produce no revenue but still have capital
   shapes up in the coming years. One of         and operating costs attached.
   the factors that they need to be careful
   about is price. Even the top segments of      Club One Air must also be extremely
   Indian corporate sector are frigidity         sensitive to demand surges, and the fleet
   about the expenses they acquire. It is        must be sized to meet the greatest of
   expected to face competition from             these. If it is not done, customers will
   airlines offering club card or jet card       have to be paid for any violation of
   programs, which are popular in the west.      timing and availability guarantees. To
   Already there has been a buzz in the          avoid this, it will need to supplement
   industry that Kingfisher is eyeing this       their fleets by chartering other people’s
   market. In general, the card programs         planes, which is an expensive
   provide the benefits of fractional            proposition.
   ownership, but without the need for
   capital investment in a full share.
   Essentially, the programs are simply a
   means to market block charters.

   Another aspect airlines like Club One
   Air need to keep in mind is the fact that
   making money with fractional operations
   is difficult. Unless the airline has a
   tremendous market presence (in terms of
   bases and airplanes), it will need to fly a   Despite all possible roadblocks it may
   large number of non-revenue-producing         face, the future of fractional cost based
   flights. Planes will often need to fly        airlines in India, seem to be bright. Its
   empty somewhere to pick up a customer;        success will go a long way making our
   they might also need to fly empty after       civil aviation sector truly international.
   dropping one off.

                                                               BIJOYENDRA SANYAL

                                                                                   Connecting Thoughts

   7 habits of highly effective people

   In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective            principles, the more       accurate    and
   People Stephen R. Covey presents a             functional they will be.
   holistic, integrated, principle centered
   approach for solving personal and              The book is based on 7 habits, three of
   professional problems. Covey, one of the       which pull us from the level of
   famous management gurus, reveals a             dependence, where the actions we take
   step-by-step pathway for living with           are a result of the situations we are in or
   fairness, integrity, honesty and living        behavior of people around us, to the
   with dignity. He makes us realize how          level of independence, where we act
   important an aspect of our lives ‘change’      rather than being acted upon.
   is, and how we can take the advantage of       Independence is the paradigm of I — I
                        the     opportunities     can do it; I am responsible; I am self-
                        that change creates.      reliant; I can choose. These are included
                                                  in the second part, PRIVATE
                         The book is divided      VICTORY. These three habits are:
                         into four parts. The
                         first part talks about      1. Be       proactive….       Where
                         the paradigms and              proactivity signifies that we do
                         principles.          A         not blame the circumstances for
                         paradigm is how we             our actions. Rather we hold
                         see the world, how             ourselves     responsible       for
                         we           perceive,         everything we do. Proactivity is
                         understand         and         the freedom to choose our
                         interpret what we              response to any stimulus in life.
                         see. Covey states
                         that if we want to          2. Begin with the end in mind……
                         make a significant,            Where Covey lays stress on
   quantum change, we need to work on                   imagining what kind of thoughts
   our basic paradigms. Then he talks about             would we like to hear from the
   principles. He makes us aware of the fact            people associated with us after
   that principles are like lighthouses. They           our death, and act accordingly.
   are natural laws that cannot be broken.              He very effectively exemplifies
   They have an enduring and permanent                  the fact that whatever we do, we
   value. He blends our basic paradigms                 should keep in mind the long-
   with these principles. The more closely              term results emerging from it.
   our paradigms are aligned with these

                                                                            Connecting Thoughts

                                                  a team achieves much more than
      3. Put first things first….. Where          all    the    members   would
         he explains the concept of               individually.
         personal management through
         the “Urgent Vs Important”             Part four of this book, RENEWAL,
         quadrants. One realizes how to        talks about the seventh habit:
         prioritize in order to succeed.
                                               7. Sharpen the saw…. It’s the habit
   The third part, PUBLIC VICTORY, is              that surrounds all the other habits
   where we reach the level of                     and makes all these habits
   interdependence. Interdependence is the         possible. It’s renewing the four
   paradigm of we — we can do it; we can           dimensions of nature - physical,
   cooperate; we can combine our talents           spiritual,       mental        and
   and abilities and create something better       social/emotional.
   together. Covey includes the next three
   habits in this part. These are:             All in all with penetrating insights
                                               and powerful anecdotes, this book
      4. Think Win/Win…. Where the             teaches us principles - principles of
         author emphasizes on going for a      personal vision, personal leadership,
         deal in which both the parties        personal management, interpersonal
         win which will lead to active         leadership, empathic communication,
         efforts from both sides and best      creative cooperation and balanced
         results.                              self-renewal.

      5. Seek first to understand and          It’s a book that gives you not just
         then to be understood… A very         essential tips, which can be used to
         important    aspect   of   an         become good managers, but also can
         interdependent living, where          help a layman to become an effective
         Covey introduces the term             and efficient human being. Its for
         ‘empathy’.                            this reason that it is hailed as one of
                                               the best ever written management
      6. Synergize…. Which means that          book and I recommend you to get a
         in an organization, two plus two      copy for yourself without further
         is not four, its much more than       adieu!
         that. Synergy is the power where

                                                                 LATIKA MAHER

                                                                                 Connecting Thoughts

   August 1st marked the induction of the
   6th batch of University School of
   Management Studies MBA programme-
   +. The whole batch of new comers of all
   the courses of the university were
   addressed by the Vice Chancellor Prof.
   K.K Aggarwal at the University
   Auditorium. Prof Aggarwal introduced
   all the Schools and the Head of different
   departments.     The    students    were
   informed about the infrastructure of the
   university. Also included was a visit to
   the University Information Resource          The students body of USMS- Synergy,
   Center. The students were then offered       was introduced to the freshers by the
   refreshments at the end of the               President of the body Mr. Ravi
   programme.                                   Dhanwariya. Synergy’s structure, goals
                                                and operations were explained in detail
                                                to the rapt audience. Some of the
                                                newcomers then took the podium to
                                                share their impressions of the first day at

                                                The rest of the day saw the healthy
                                                interaction between the newcomers and
                                                their seniors.

                                                This is what some of the new comers
                                                had to say:
   Then the Dean of University School of
   Management Studies, Dr R.K. Mittal at        “This (university) is a whole new
   the seminar hall of USMS, separately         experience for me and I am glad that I
   oriented the new batch of MBA students.      am here” Himanshu Nautiyal
   The event began with the dean giving a
   brief introduction about the school’s        “I never thought the student body
   infrastructure and the facilities. All the   Synergy would be so active….” Sumit
   faculty members gave an introductory         Mahajan
   speech about their background and
   vision for the university.                   “The faculty is illustrious”    Akanksha

                                                                               Connecting Thoughts

   The fresher party of USMS was held at       participants for the title with over 15
   the BLUES Discothèque on the 28th of        guys and 10 girls putting in their best
   August. The place was rocked by the         effort. The first round was the ramp walk
   students of USMS with all of them           in which the contestants showed some
   arriving in style, putting on the hippest   style and attitude on the ramp. Then
   outfits in town. The party began at 11 in   came the introduction round with the
   the morning with a bang and the dance       brief introduction by the participants.
   floor was set on fire. The music was        The final was the talent round in which
   loud and rocking with DJ Sunny exciting     the contestants flaunted the various
   the souls. The party saw some               talents they possessed. Eventually the
   commendable dance performances and          results came out with Miss & Mr.
   happening moves. Everybody had a ball       Fresher award going to Latika Mahar &
   and unlimited snacks and soft drinks        Gaurav Sharma in that order.
   helped the matter. The dance session        Another jam session followed for an
   lasted for four hours followed by the       hour and a half. This was a memorable
   Miss & Mr. Fresher competition. There       occasion with everybody enjoying the
   was fierce competition amongst the          moment to the fullest.

                                                                  MAYANK GOYAL

                                                                               Connecting Thoughts

   General Manager of Moser Bear, Mr. D. P. Nanda

   In a candid talk with Rahul                inflationary conditions prevailing in the
   Bhimrajka, the General Manager of          economy has also contributed to our
   Moser Bear, Mr. D. P. Nanda explains       price tags!
   the secrets behind the run-away success
   of Moser Bear. He also talks about the     Rahul Bhimrajka: - Moser Bear,
   future expansion plans of Moser Bear in    despite being a benchmark in quality,
   India and abroad. The excerpts of the      has reported heavy profit cuts of the past
   interview are:                             one year. Comment.

   Rahul Bhimrajka: - With two-               D. P. Nanda: - This can be attributed to
   production unit in NCR, one in Noida,      two distinct reasons. Firstly as I
   and the other in New Delhi, it has been    mentioned earlier, the increasing prices
   seen that the company is experiencing      of raw materials has hit us badly.
   high communication and traveling costs.    Secondly the international CD sale has
   What has been done to minimize these       taken an unprecedented and unexpected
   costs?                                     dip. To counter this, we are launching
                                              some new formats in the CDs, which
   D. P. Nanda: - We have a hotline           would help us in creating a steady
   between our Delhi and Noida offices,       demand. But, as of now, the market
   and we have our own logistic facilities    demand does not argue well for us.
   apart from the hired truck capacity. We
   have also shifted our loading operations   Rahul Bhimrajka: - the one problem
   from Tuglakabad and moved to a much        that has plagued every corporate in the
   closer location in Dadri. These small      country is that of Power. How do you
   changes have contributed several           deal with it?
   millions to our savings.
                                              D. P. Nanda: - As power is the
   Rahul Bhimrajka: - What is the reason      backbone of our industry, only a small
   that   despite    stable   prices   of     fluctuation too can greatly affect the
   Polycarbonate in the market, the           quality of our products. To tackle this,
   company has seen an increase of around     we have our own powerhouse that
   25% in average costs?                      generates nearly 40 MW of electricity
                                              everyday. We use filter water for the
   D. P. Nanda: - The raw materials used      smooth working of the power plant.
   apart from Polycarbonate, have been
   steadily rising in the international       Rahul Bhimrajka: - What are your
   market.    Moreover,   the    overall      plans to explore the domestic market?

                                                                                Connecting Thoughts

   D. P. Nanda: - It is growing. In fact, we
   believe that the real India lies in its      D. P. Nanda: - We are known in the
   villages, and as the computer penetration    market for our quality price and
   in these areas is increasing, now            logistics, which we handle brilliantly.
   electricity and other infrastructure         Our reach with the suppliers is excellent
   facilities too reaching here, the rural      which help us having a very good
   market is opening up and we are gong to      credibility with our clients. Our major
   market our products more aggressively        threat is from China, as they produce
   in these areas. Also, we would now look      products low in quality and price. But
   to grab a better hold over the urban         because of price difference they are
   market by launching some new format          eating our share. But we will come out
   CDs and other products in the urban          of it soon.
                                                Rahul Bhimrajka: - How does the
   Rahul Bhimrajka: - What was the              attrition rate affect you as compared to
   motive behind joining the Blu-ray Disc       other industries?
                                                D. P. Nanda: - The attrition rates is not
   D. P. Nanda: - Currently our brand is        an issue with us as the salaries, perks,
   not very well known in the international     quality, that we are offering to our
   market, so tie-ups with these types of       clients is as per the existing industry
   associations will get us some exposure       structure.
   as well as popularity in the global
   market space.                                Rahul Bhimrajka: - tell me about the
                                                latest MOU signed between IIT, Delhi
   Rahul Bhimrajka: - Why was HP                and Moser Bear.
   chosen to manufacture optical media
   using the unique “light scribe”              D. P. Nanda: - We engage in extensive
   technology?                                  R&D for the format of our CDs and
                                                other products. The MOU is towards that
   D. P. Nanda: - It is the need of the hour;   end too. As the rural market is still to
   we are paying royalty to HP to get its       capture, we are banking heavily upon
   services.                                    our solar energy products to succeed in
                                                these markets.
   Rahul Bhimrajka: - What is your
   competency in?                               Rahul    Bhimrajka:     -   Thank   you.

                                                               RAHUL BHIMRAJKA

                                                                                  Connecting Thoughts

   "Psychology of trading"
   Successful futures traders always
   acknowledge    the   importance   of           4. MAINTAIN MENTAL CLARITY
   psychology in their trading. Traders           One of the keys to successful trading is
   must be disciplined and remain                 mental independence and clarity - the
   emotionally detached from the market.          ability to free you from concerns that
                                                  might distract you from trading. Whether
   Trading requires management of the             they be family, friends, or financial
   emotional states. Emotional imbalance          concerns, always aim for a complete
   impairs the ability to make congruent          clarity     of     mind      in     your
   decisions. The most optimal state is one       trading. Being clear in your goals and
   of complete emotional detachment, to           maintaining your mental focus will help
   remain calm and to act in accordance to        you stick to your plan and not make rash
   the markets. That includes negative as         decisions      based     on      emotion.
   much as positive emotions - the key
   word is to stay "cool". Following are          5. DON'T PLACE ALL YOUR
   the some important points that a trader        EQUITY       IN     ANY        SINGLE
   should observe in his or her trading           POSITION
   strategy….                                     One of the keys to success in trading is
                                                  lasting in
   1. DISCIPLINE                                  the game.
   Like most things in life, without it you       Don't over
                                                                DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                Bombay Stock Exchange
   won't succeed. Discipline is sticking to       commit
                                                                   Limited is the oldest
   your plan, including your "stops" and          your
                                                                 stock exchange in Asia
   entry points. It is the hardest, but most      account to
   important         rule       of       all.     any single
   Know why you are trading, if it is for the     6. ACCEPT THAT THE MARKET
   thrill, to make a living, whatever it is….     IS ALWAYS RIGHT
   you will enjoy it more and trade better if     The market cannot be controlled by one
   you know why you are doing it.                 person so it has to be accepted that it
                                                  will move regardless of what you want it
   3. TRADE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN                     to do. Fear, greed and hope can cloud
   AFFORD TO LOSE                                 your vision of the market and can
   Futures trading are risky; so don't fund       cause emotional responses detrimental to
   your trading with money, which, if lost,       your trading. The market will go where
   could put you into financial difficulty.       it wants to go.

                                         “THE BIGGEST RISK IN LIFE IS NOT TO TAKE RISK.”

                                                                                Connecting Thoughts

   7. TRADE WITH DEFINITE GOALS                   9.ADMIT         DID YOU KNOW?
   IN MIND                                        THAT           Bombay Stock Exchange
   Profits belong to those who make               YOU             was established as "The
   decisions and act, not those who react.        ARE              Native Share & Stock
   Your trading plan should not only focus        WRONG           Brokers Association" in
   on the best time to get in but also when       Don't fall               1875
   to get out. This involves setting a view       in    love
   for profit taking or loss minimization. It     with      a
   is better to set a stop for a                  losing position. If you get it wrong,
   loss amount and stick to it. If in profit it   admit it, get out, conserve your equity
   is a good plan to set a stop to take a         and wait for another opportunity.
   minimum profit while still giving the
   trade the potential for further profit.        10. LET PROFITS RUN UNTIL YOU
                                                  HAVE A REASON TO CASH IN
   8. DON'T TRADE TOO MANY                        Let profits run until you are given a
   MARKETS                                        reason to cash in, whether that
   Concentrate and focus on a few select          be a trading system signal, a
   markets and completely master them;            fundamental factor or your initial
   this is what professional traders tend to      objective.

                                                  HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI

                                                                                    Connecting Thoughts

   Benefits of online trading
   Trading futures online is not magic.                    especially important if you are
   Even though the information is moving                   placing a market order. Online
   at the speed of light, success in the                   orders get to the trading floor
   market     still   requires     discipline,             faster than telephoned orders.
   knowledge, and patience. There are                  •   Lower              Commissions.
   several benefits to online trading:                     Brokerage firms usually charge
                                                           less for handling an online
      •   Convenience. The financial                       transaction because fewer of their
          information you need for your                    resource are tied up in executing
          trading    decision    -     your                a trade.
          outstanding futures positions, the           •   Control. When you trade online,
          amount of cash you have in your                  you decide (no one else) what to
          account, and the amount of                       do and when to do it.
          margin required for your
          intended trade - can be found on         Accuracy.      Occasionally, messages
          your computer screen.                    between you, your broker, and the
      •   Speed. Futures prices can move           trading floor can be mis-communicated.
          quickly. Once you have made              Online trading reduces the number of
          your trading decision, you want          steps in the order process, therefore
          to place your order ASAP.                reducing      the    chances   of    a
          Speed of the execution is                misunderstanding.

                                                    HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI

    Dear Money
    A situation in which money or loans are very difficult to obtain in a given country. If you do
    have the opportunity to secure a loan, then interest rates are usually extremely high.
    Also known as "tight money".

    Trend Trading
    A trading strategy that attempts to capture gains through the analysis of an asset's momentum
    in a particular direction. The trend trader enters into a long position when a stock is trending
    upward (successively higher highs). Conversely, a short position is taken when the stock is in a
    down trend (successively lower highs).

    Effective Date
    The date, declared by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), on which shares can start
    trading. This usually refers to the date when shares become available for sale in an initial
    public offering.

                                                                               Connecting Thoughts

   1 Which major car company owes its                A. Uncle chips
   postwar existence to British army officer         B. Lays
   Major Ivan Hirst, who scrounged steel             C. Cheetos
   and other materials to keep the heavily           D. None of these
   bombed plant going and then secured a        8. 'Think bright, not white' is used by
   British Army order for 20,000 vehicles?      which company?
        A. Land Rover                                A. National
        B. Bentley                                   B. Onida
        C. Volkswagen                                C. Samsung
        D. Jaguar                                    D. LG
   2 Which famous cheese is made in the         9. What is the alternative name for
   town of Hawes in Yorkshire?                  Consumer Price Index (CPI)?
        A. Cheddar                                   A. Laspeyres Index
        B. Wensleydale                               B. Keynes Index
        C. Stilton                                   C. Paasche Index
        D. Ticklemore                                D. Mundell Index
   3. In which year was the Polo mint           10. Who introduced the concept of
   launched in the U.K., initially being        'Permanent Income Hypothesis'?
   marketed as `the peppermint ring made             A. Adam Smith
   wholly by Rowntree'?                              B. Milton Friedman
        A. 1930                                      C. Franco Modigliani
        B. 1941                                      D. Irving Fisher
        C. 1948                                 11. In what year was the WTO (World
        D. 1955                                 Trade Organisation) created?
   4.What does CNN stand for on the TV               A. 1993
   or Internet?                                      B. 1992
        A. Cable News Network                        C. 1994
        B. Cental News Network                       D. 1995
        C. Complete News Now                    12. According to Okun's Law, a 1%
        D. Crisp Noodle Nest                    increase of unemployment rate results in
   5. 'Quality first, cost second' is used by   a loss of GDP of how many percentage
   which pen company?                           points?
        A. ADD Gel                                   A. 3
        B. Cello                                     B. 5
        C. Reynolds                                  C. 4
        D. Oliver                                    D. 2
   6. 'Prepared to be watched' is used by       13. If an economy uses a floating exchange
   which cycle company?                         rate system then what will happen to GDP if
        A. TI Cycles                            the government decided to use expansionary
        B. Hero Cycles                          fiscal policy?
        C. Avon Cycles                               A. Increases
        D. BSA                                       B. No change
   7. 'No one can eat just one' is used by           C. Decreases
   which chips company?                              D. Nobody knows

                                                                                        Connecting Thoughts

   14. What was the first Indian luxury                   A.   Tata House
   hotel established by the Tatas?                        B.   Jasmshedji House
       A. Taj Mahal Hotel                                 C.   Bombay House
       B. Hotel President                                 D.   TISCO House
       C. Watson Hotel
       D. Hilton Hotel                                21.The Tatas built India’s first steel mill.
   15. The Tata group consists of how                 In which year was it completed?
   many companies?                                        A. 1902
       A. 60                                              B. 1905
       B. 80                                              C. 1911
       C. 125                                             D. 1945
       D. 26                                          22. Which of the following appliance
   16. The merger of which two large                  names once were part of the GM family
   pharmaceutical majors created a new                of companies?
   company Aventis?                                       A. Westinghouse
       A. Ciba and Sandoz                                 B. Frigidaire
       B. Rhone-Poulenc and Hoechst                       C. General Electric
       C. Glaxo and SmithKline Beecham                    D. Whirlpool
       D. Ranbaxy and Cipla                           23. Which Vice-President of General
   17. Which is India's largest                       Motors left the company, formed his
   pharmaceutical company?                            own company and named a car after
       A. GlaxoSmithKline                             himself?
       B. Dr Reddy's                                      A. Hernando DeSoto
       C. Ranbaxy                                         B. Barney Oldfield
       D. Cipla                                           C. John Z. Delorean
   18. Who is the CEO of Dr Reddy's                       D. Edsel Ford
   Laboratories?                                      24.'We move the world' is used by which
       A. G V Prasad                                  courier company?
       B. Satish Reddy                                    A. Professinal Couriers
       C. Dr Anji Reddy                                   B. None of these
       D. Dr Ramoji Reddy                                 C. Blue Dart
   19.Which pharmaceutical company                        D. DHL
   recently acquired a UK-based firm                  25.'Spoil yourself' is used by which car
   called CP Pharmaceuticals?                         company?
       A. Pfizer                                          A. General
       B. Cipla                                           B. Toyota
       C. Wockhardt                                       C. Tata
       D. Ranbaxy                                         D. Opel
   20. What is the headquarters of the Tata
   group called?

                                                                    BIJOYENDRA SANYAL
    1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-a, 6-b, 7-b, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b, 11-d, 12-b, 13-b, 14-a, 15-a, 16-b, 17-c, 18-
                               a, 19-c, 20-c, 21-c22-b, 23-c, 24-d, 25-c

                                                                                  Connecting Thoughts

                                                 strategic choices. He showed different
                             One of the          choices of creating wealth, which had
                             world’s most        been quite limited in the world of
                                  sought-after   traditional trade theories. Several
                             business guru,      scholars have lately extended his
                             strategists and     diamond model.
                                     business    There are four factors, Porter suggested,
                                   conference    that help to make a nation competitive: -
   Michael Porter brings phenomenal              1 .Tough Domestic Rivalry
   knowledge and insight that helps              2. Country Resources
   corporations        achieve         greater   3. Country Infrastructure (including the
   performance. The leading authority on         educational quality of its workforce)
   competitive strategy and international        4. The Cluster Phenomenon
   competitiveness, he is Harvard Business
   School’s     C    Roland       Christensen    Porter also suggested that there were just
   Professor of Business Administration.         three generic strategies for managers to
   Porter speaks to government and               choose from if they wanted to gain
   business audience around the world,           competitive advantage, something that
   including AT&T, First Boston and              he believed was the underlying purpose
   Proctor & Gamble, focusing on                 of every business. These could be briefly
   necessary strategies. Author of 14 books      identified as under: -
   and more than 50 articles, his
   competitive strategy: Techniques for             •   Things could be made as cheaply
   Analyzing Industries and Competitors is              as possible and the firm could
   the leading work in its field.                       become the lowest cost producer
   Traditionally, a nation's international              in a market.
   competitiveness has been explained by
   international trade theories originating         •   Alternatively it could offer
   from Adam Smith. However, today's                    something special or different
   global economy is too complicated to be              which would allow it to
   explained by the traditional trade                   command a premium price.
   theories. Porter introduced a new
   competitiveness theory, the so-called            •   Or, thirdly, it could choose to be
   diamond model. He differentiated his                 what Porter calls a focused
   theory from the traditional trade theories           producer, looking to dominate in
   by arguing that national prosperity is not           a niche market, so that others
   inherited, but created by choices; in                would find it too difficult to
   other words, national wealth is not set by           challenge the firm.
   factor endowments, but created by

                                                                                                                                         Connecting Thoughts

                  To help the firm choose which strategy                                   insight - and strong leadership, the
                  to adopt, Porter has said that it needs to                               willingness to make hard choices and to
                  decide which of five types of industry it                                take a stand against the conventional
                  is         operating         in:         -                               wisdom of the industry.

                             1.   Fragmented
                             2.   Emerging
                             3.   Mature
                             4.   Declining
                             5.   Global

                  Porter has also said that every firm needs
                  to examine the following five forces of
                  competition: -

                       •     The threat of substitute products
                       •     The threat of new entrants
                       •     The bargaining power of
                       •     The bargaining power of buyers
                       •     The state of rivalry among
                             existing companies                                            Honored with numerous titles and
                                                                                           awards, he earned Harvard’s, David A.
                  Always try to do things in ways that are                                 Wells Prize in Economics for his
                  hard for other companies to copy, says                                   research in industrial organization, two
                  Porter. He further adds that finding that                                McKinsey awards and many others.
                  unique position isn't always obvious; in
                  the end, it comes down to creativity and

                                                                                                                        ASHISH KAUSHIK

 The Opinion expressed in this Magazine are solely the author views and should not be interpreted as those of University School Of Management Studies. The Institute and
                                          Editorial Board does not take any responsibility of the facts, views publishes here in.

Aloha (October 2005) - University School of Management Studies Newsletter

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Aloha (October 2005) - University School of Management Studies Newsletter

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  • 2. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts Includes GOVERNMENT BIJOYENDRA SANYAL explores the future National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scope in this month’s special focus! has been recently been launched by the Manmohan Singh government. ASHISH BOOKWORM KAUSHIK explains its real effects and In this month’s edition of the bookworm implications. LATIKA MAHER presents her views on Stephen R. Covey’s highly appreciated best- MARKETING selling work – 7 Habits of Highly Effective Changing business scenario HARPREET People. KAUR presents the newly evolving purchasing practices in the country. CAMPUS CATCHUP Get to know all the latest happenings on the HEALTH campus of University School of Management Medical tourism is on an upswing in the Studies with MAYANK GOEL’s first hand country with the growth projected to increase reporting. steadily in the coming times. SACHIN GUPTA identifies the reasons for this sudden FACE-TO-FACE spurt of health travelers. In the interview of the month Mr. D. P. Nanda, GM, Moser Bear spoke to RAHUL TAXATION BHIMRAJKA about the future plans of the SUMIT MAHAJAN presents the highly company. controversial FRINGE BENEFIT TAX in a new perspective. BIG BULLY HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI tame BE POSITIVE the bulls and bears of the sensex in this The key to success in today’s competitive monthly roundup of the stock market. world is to have a Can – Do Attitude. NEHA TIKOO explains 5 easy steps to building a QUIZZLER ‘Can-Do Attitude’. Update your business knowledge with this month’s edition of QUIZZLER compiled by SECTOR ROUNDUP quizmaster BIJOYENDRA SANYAL. This month PRABHAT JHA rounds up the major happenings in the Automobile sector in GURU COOL the past few months. This month ASHISH KAUSHIK talks about the works of the famous business guru SPECIAL FOCUS Michael Porter. Click here to know your guru! The launch of Club One Air gives India its first fractional cost based airline. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts GOVERNMENT
  • 3. EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the inaugural issue of ALOHA – Communicating Thoughts, the monthly magazine of the University School of Management Studies. We, the students of the country, have the task of shaping tomorrow. We have the potential to transform and transcend all – be it old conventions, standards or above all, our own limitations. Strangely enough, for a group as important as this, our voice is still not heard. There is no proper channel for us to speak out – for what we think is right or against what we feel is wrong. ALOHA is just a small step towards setting that right. It is the voice of the students of USMS – the mouthpiece through which we would make our opinion known. The views expressed in here are purely those of the authors, and thus bear no necessary relationship with the institution. And that’s what ALOHA is – a way to reach out to the rest of the world. This first issue marks the fruition of months of hard work and planning. Right from the initial concept to the final design, everything has been managed by us students. The issue spans a gamut of articles on varied topics to make this one of the most comprehensive mirrors of the managerial and economic issues gripping the country. I am proud to present to you ALOHA – Communicating Thoughts. Hope you like this small effort on our part. ABHINAV PUROHIT Editor - ALOHA
  • 4. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts GOVERNMENT India's rural job guarantee scheme The World Bank says that more than 30 manual work. Through this Bill the per cent of the Indian population lives on government, aims at removing poverty less than $1 (Rs 43.50) a day, but Indian by assuring at least 100 days' economists believe the figure of poor -- employment. The minimum daily wage especially rural poor -- could be much had been pegged at Rs 60. State higher. We have tried to fight poverty by governments, Panchayati Raj institutions various means, but have met with little as well as non-government organizations success. So what India needs is would be involved in implementing the something more lasting than patchwork law. policies to help its millions of poverty stricken people. The government feels that the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act can solve that problem, given that it has the potential to provide a livelihood to millions. But will the plan succeed? Why is there resistance to it? What will it cost the nation? According to the last Census, 72 crore (720 million) people live in rural areas. The National Rural Employment Currently at around 7.8 per cent, the Guarantee Act will cost about Rs 40,000 unemployment has been steadily rising (Rs 400 billion) crore annually. in India. This has led to a migration of According to another estimate, however, huge numbers of people from rural to it could cost about Rs 50,000 crore (Rs urban areas. With over 65 per cent of 500 billion) annually, or about slightly India's population under the age of 35, less than 2 per cent of GDP. The Rural the country needs to create 6 crore (60 Development Ministry currently is million) jobs over the next five years to allocated Rs 24,000 crore (Rs 240 prevent the unemployment rate from billion) annually for all its schemes. To gaining unmanageable proportions. meet the total cost of this ambitious scheme, states will still have to shell out Jean Dreze, a Belgian economist, who is Rs 4,000 crore (Rs 40 billion). The rest currently with the Delhi School of of the Rs 12,000 crore (Rs 120 billion), Economics, is the chief author of the assuming the total cost works out to Rs National Rural Employment Guarantee 40,000 crore, might be raised from other Bill, 2004 promises wage employment to schemes whose allocations may now be every rural household, in which adult merged into this project. members volunteer to do unskilled 1
  • 5. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts GOVERNMENT Finance Minister P Chidambaram says major problems of employment and that the government will meet the development. requirement for the job guarantee scheme by: The opposition party BJP on the other hand brought out the major demerits of • Normal increase in budgetary the bill, which are as follows: support; • Savings from existing • The decision to provide Rs 60 employment schemes; and per day for a guaranteed 100 • Additional allocation in gross days rural employment translated budgetary support to states. to only Rs 500 a month, which is not sufficient to run a family. Chidambaram said the states' share in • The law could lead to friction the funding is only 10 per cent. In his within a family over selection of Budget for 2005-06, Chidambaram had the member to be provided the stated that the National Food for Work job. • It is feared that in the process Programme would be converted into the women and physically National Rural Employment Guarantee challenged could be left out. Scheme with an allocation of Rs 11,000 • The decision to make the state crore. governments finance 10 per cent of the scheme could lead to To begin with, as many as 200 districts, financial problems because of the including 150 districts under the Food poor financial conditions of some for Work Programme, would be covered states. under the Bill. It would be extended to all the 600 districts in the country within With back up of such arguments BJP five years. The Bill also provides for demanded inclusion of the urban sector unemployment allowances if the job, in the bill or a separate bill for the urban under the scheme, is not provided in the sector as 4 crore urban poor are still rural households. living in slums. There were also concerns about increasing fiscal deficit, With UPA government taking all the rising interest rate and corruption level credit for the bringing the bill out, Rural as past initiatives such as food-for-work Development Minister Raghuvansh programme have all resulted in the Prasad Singh stressed on the point that above-mentioned problems creating an employment would be generated through insecure environment development works, solving the two . ASHISH KAUSHIK 2
  • 6. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts MARKETING Status of purchasing practices & IT in India The business world is changing rapidly This integration calls for accurate & and newer innovations in every field are timely flow of information throughout ruling the roost. The purchasing trends the supply chain. of Indian industries have similarly undergone a radical transformation in Various effective purchasing practices the last couple of decades. In 1980s, could be: - companies could reduce cost of their products and services to compete in the 1. Single Sourcing - It implies that market through number of suppliers should be the application reduced to minimum; ideally to of strategies like one only. time and lean 2. Supplier Involvement – Initially manufacturing this practice characterized only a (this means buyer - seller relationship, with manufacturing price-based decisions being the products sole determinant. But now, both according to the parties, buyers as well as sellers, time period or are interested in long-term according to the profits. Thus long-term cost seasonal trends), total quality cutting, quality, capability and management amongst others. But these services form the basis of strategies do not help now in further cost purchasing decisions. reduction, so many of the companies 3. Strategic Purchasing - It can be discovered effective Supply Chain viewed as the pattern of Management as the next step to increase decisions related to acquiring profit and market share. required materials and services that support operations and Better purchasing practices and activities of the organization. integration of the processes of the supply These have to be consistent with chain members are two key elements of the overall corporate competent supply chain management. Purchasing strategy. It means that the various practices can be hailed as the foundation business practices adopted by the on which the whole Supply Chain organization so as to survive in Management structure is based. For this competitive business world effective management of the supply like diversification of products, chain, these practices need to be price and quality management supplemented with the integration of etc. are well aligned with the processes of the supply chain members. purchasing plan for the future. 3
  • 7. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts MARKETING Adoption of the above purchasing deliveries between manufacturers, practices has benefited numerous suppliers, distributors and customers. organizations around the world. Second one involves the backward coordination of information, which USE OF INFORMATION flows from customers to suppliers and TECHNOLOGY for this real time exchange modern IT tools need to be used rather than Exchange of traditional paper based information information at systems. each and every level at USE OF INFORMATION appropriate time TECHNOLOGY IN PURCHASE by appropriate PRACTICES IN INDIA personnel is the need in today’s business scenario. A survey conducted among 273 Organizations have to work in companies results that Indian Companies coordinated manner with their suppliers, have adopted new purchasing practices distributors, and the retailers. to a large extent but the use of IT is very Information about consumers purchases, less. Among the top 5 IT technologies, sales forecasts, promotion activities, on- fax is the most commonly used as a hand inventory and production schedules communication technique. E-mail is the is required to be exchanged among the next most used whereas use of bar chain members in real time to effectively coding and e-commerce is almost nil. manage the supply chain. For this there Thus, Indian companies are at the should be integration along the supply preliminary stage of employing supply chain. It can be of two forms. The first chain management. Because real type of integration involves coordinating integration can only be achieved through and integrating the physical flow of the application of IT tools. HARPREET KAUR 4
  • 8. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts HEALTH Medical Tourism When multi-specialty luxurious private Current Scenario: hospitals came on the horizon in the Referrals and word of mouth used to be early 80’s , many people scoffed at their the mantra for the hospitals. But now classy comforts, 5 star facilities & air these private hospitals are realizing that conditioned atmosphere. But today we this mantra is loosing its sheen. So they are living in an era where all these coming up with some of the innovative facilities are prerequisite to a good, marketing strategies like - sponsoring hospital. Now it looks like as if hospitals events, associating with neighborhood are not attracting patients, rather they are doctors through which doctors are attracting customers who are willing to referred. Some cases to these hospitals & pay more for availing these facilities. in return they will get some of the perks like – invitation to medical seminars, The mushrooming of new private discount for themselves & their family at hospitals, coupled with the rise of an these hospitals. Some of the other urban & middle class willing to pay strategies adopted include tie-up with more for quality healthcare and the hype medical insurance companies, opening surrounding medical tourism in India, is call centers to enquire about the health forcing large private hospitals to act like of the patients & reminding them about a corporate house with marketing & PR their regular health check-ups after they department and spend huge amount of have been discharged. Some of the big money on just marketing . private hospitals like Apollo, Escorts and Max Healthcare are adopting all these Reasons, why private hospitals are strategies. going for aggressive marketing look very apparent: 1] There is a shortage of good medical facilities in some parts of India and these private hospitals want to fill this gap. 2] Rising Income of people of India is enabling them to demand not only the basic medical facilities but some of the extended benefits like – air conditioned rooms, state of art infrastructure etc. also. 3] A huge chunk of foreign patients are coming to India for availing cheap medical facilities. 4] Competition in the urban markets is forcing these hospitals to differentiate themselves through their facilities. 5
  • 9. ALOHA HEALTH Connecting Thoughts Future trends: a year, are expected to double within the It is next 2 to 7 years. expected More and more private hospitals will go that more rural to tap up this huge market and and more more and more schemes like “kisan private card” by Escorts hospital which requires hospitals the farmers to “save a rupee a day “ to will come finance their up with all medical bills their kind will come up. of innovative marketing strategies. Corporation of Competition will increase in this sector, the Indian as some of the foreign hospital chains Medical like Fortis, Wookhardt, and Duncan etc. Sector will will enter the Indian market soon. pick up fast Hospital rooms with facilities like TV, and the refrigrator, telephone, sofa set, easy process from chair & dining chairs will become the illness to norms of day. International patients to recovery is going to be very smooth and India, which currently stood at 1.5 lakhs patients in the hospitals will have an amazing experience in the hospitals. SACHIN GUPTA 6
  • 10. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts TAXATION Fringe benefit tax: a new look benefit & hence tax has to be paid. A point to be noted here is that there might not be any benefit to the employee because the expense is incurred on behalf of the client but still the amount is taxable under FBT. There is further reiteration of this point as another clarification says that if the employer has incurred any expense for any one of the purposes enumerated in the relevant section, then the whole of the expense shall be deemed to have been provided. No segregation of expenses for employees & for others is to be allowed. The only saving grace is that the same amount would not be taxed as FBT in the hands of the client. There are occasions when some expense If you thought that the fringe benefit tax has to be incurred with respect to the was to be paid by the employer only for customer or the client. An entity would the expenses incurred or benefits incur such expenses & there might not provided to the employee then the latest be employee in this situation also. Some circular from the government will make of the common expenses in this area you change your mind. Various include hotel stay & air ticket charges. explanations & clarifications shows that These expenses would be classified as expenses on a client or a customer & being taxable & hence FBT will have to even dealers would see the fringe benefit be paid on this. tax (FBT) springing into effect. Next time HLL, NESTLE or COLGATE If a company incurs an expenditure for offer freebies such as cups with a pack the client & this out-of-pocket expense is of tea leaves, cold coffee shakers with reimbursed by the client, then the instant coffee powder or a free company that has incurred the toothbrush with pack of toothpaste, they expenditure has to pay FBT on this. The will have to cough up FBT on such client will not pay FBT on this. The expenditure. All these expenses are to be logic here is that head of expense is treated as sales promotion expenditure covered under FBT as a deemed fringe and therefore, are liable to attract FBT. 7
  • 11. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts TAXATION Similarly, free samples of medicines distributed by pharmaceutical companies to doctors also qualify as sales promotion expenditure & would attract FBT. Consumer durable companies that give away freebies, such as a DVD player with a colour tv or film/music software with a player, could be asked to pay FBT on the expenditure incurred on free offers. The summer holidays of employees may now prove expensive for the employers. It now appears that the employer will have to pay FBT in the years that in which employee claims the income tax exemption on leave travel assistance Right now, employees are liable to pay (LTA). When the LTA is not included in tax if the company reimburses expenses the salary, the expense would be taxable of over Rs 15,000 a year for medical in the hands of the employer. treatment in unapproved hospitals. This is because expenses above this threshold The tax liability of companies providing are treated as a perquisite. However, the medical reimbursements to their CBDT has now clarified those expenses employees is to rise. The central board on medical reimbursement for treatment of direct taxes (CBDT) has made it clear in unapproved hospitals will be taxed. that companies will have to pay FBT on The employer will have to pay FBT if reimbursements up to Rs 15,000 for the amount is below Rs 15,000 & the medical expenses incurred by their employee will have to pay tax if the employees in unapproved hospitals. amount exceeds Rs 15,000. SUMIT MAHAJAN 8
  • 12. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BE POSITIVE Boost your attitude !!! Accomplish your goals!!! "A positive attitude is the one characteristic that all successful people have in common." Anon “Attitude”- What is attitude? It is why. We should believe in our selves a manner in which one feels, thinks, or and believe that nothing is impossible acts that shows one’s disposition, because the word impossible itself says opinion, or frame of mind etc. In today’s that ‘I-M-POSSIBLE’. world, having a positive attitude is often considered a secret to success, but for maintaining that attitude; ‘will’ is the 3. With the main prerequisite. The power of positive problem in attitude can help us in accomplishing mind, focus whatever goals we set for our selves in on what life. Conversely, negative thoughts and you can do feelings can prevent us from living the about it life we really want. It is a positive state of mind, which manifests in the way one Finding ways to use what we’re good at thinks and acts. One can develop it is to solve the problem. Generally, through the following steps: whenever we face a problem we tend to think negatively and feel low about it, we should curb this habit by looking at 5 Steps to building a ‘Can-Do the problem from different perspective Attitude’: and thinking about the alternative ways of solving our problem. 1. When you hear yourself say you can't do something, stop! 4. Be open to trying a different approach Resist going down this path – it's a one- way STREET, WHICH lowers our By perceiving from different outlooks confidence and demotivates us. we can solve any problem that we face. Refraining our selves from saying “I Whatever we do, we should take interest can’t” can work wonders. Remember, in it and make it enjoyable and fun for it's a habit – and it can be broken. ourselves. 2. Develop a problem solving mind-set Look beyond the "can't" to the reason 9
  • 13. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BE POSITIVE at the world, but also our whole 5. Do it your way environment and the people around us. We should make things work for Negative attitude says: “You cannot ourselves, on our own terms. We should achieve success” leave a mark on what ever we do and be our selves and not imitate anyone. Positive attitude says: “You can achieve success, and that is what A positive attitude leads to everyone wants and strives for” happiness and success. It possesses the power to change our whole life. When Even one single step towards we see the bright side of life, our life manifesting a positive attitude will bring becomes filled with light. This light more light into our life!!!!!! affects not only us, and the way we look NEHA TIKOO Your erroneous zones Have you ever looked into the mirror and asked worth. Remember, at no time, under no yourself what’s wrong with you? Or have you ever circumstance is self-hate healthier than self-love. said ‘Yes’ when you wanted to say ’No’? Or do Even if you have behaved in a way that you dislike, you feel that it’s not you but others in your life that loathing yourself will only lead to immobilization controls your feelings? and damage. So instead of hating yourself, develop positive feelings. Learn from the error and resolve If your answer to any one of these is yes then they not to repeat it but don’t associate it with your self- reflect your erroneous zones. An erroneous zone worth. is a kind of self-destructive behavior that may seem perfectly acceptable, but in reality, is harmful to• You don’t need their approval your own happiness. Needing approval is tantamount to saying “your view of me is more important than my opinion of So how does one go about overcoming his/her myself”. You can never escape disapproval no erroneous zones? matter how much you want it to go away. For every opinion you have, there is a counterpart out • Taking charge of yourself there with exactly the opposite view. Don’t judge your intelligence on the basis of your ability to solve complex problems. A truer• The useless emotions – guilt and worry barometer of intelligence is effective, happy life If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long lived each day and each present moment of life. enough will change a past or future event, then you You are intelligent if you know how to choose are residing on another planet with a different happiness over depression. Feelings are not just reality system. Learning from your mistakes is emotions to you. They are reactions you choose to healthy but guilt is unhealthy because you are have and so once you learn that you can feel what ineffectively using up your energy in the present you choose to feel, you will be on the road to feeling hurt, upset and depressed about a historical intelligence – a road where there are no bypaths happening. that lead to nervous breakdowns. So break yourself from the past and free yourself • Self love and self worth from all the pressures that drive you towards your If you love someone then don’t judge your self past. Past is over and don’t let your past occupy worth on the basis of whether the other person feels your future.” Your future is an empty canvass the same for you or not. You might want the other and you can paint it the way you want” person’s love but it is not essential to your self SUCHITRA AHUJA 10
  • 14. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts SECTOR ROUNDUP Automobiles Sector The growth in Indian Automobiles of finance at relatively low rates of Sector has been high for the past few interest and price discounts offered by years, since 2001-02 to be precise. Post the dealers and manufacturers have liberalization, the arrival of new and stimulated the demand for vehicles and a contemporary models, easy availability strong growth of the industry. Passenger Car Market 2002-03 (A) 2007-08 (P) Total Units - 547,083 Total Units - 975,703 Premium & Premium & Executive Luxury Executive Luxury Mid-size 2% 3% Mini Mid-size 2% 19% 0% Mini 20% 17% 26% Compact Compact 56% 55% Projected CAGR 12.3% 11
  • 15. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts SECTOR ROUNDUP Two Wheeler Market Present estimated size 5.4 mn units per year CAGR (last 5 years) 10% Average two-wheelers per 1000 people India 27 China 08 Advantage India • Largest Two-Wheeler Industry Milestones 2003-04 Manufacturer in the World • Car production crosses 1 million • 2nd Largest Tractor Manufacturer mark. in the World • Car exports cross US$ 1 million • 5th Largest Commercial Vehicle mark. Manufacturer in the World • Auto component exports cross • Number 1 in Global Motorcycle US$ 1 billion mark Manufacturer is in India • 4th Largest Car Market in Asia - crossed the 1 million mark PRABHAT JHA 12
  • 16. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts SPECIAL FOCUS Fractional cost based airline model-the Indian perspective The airline sector in India has grown by The Indian economy is growing at a leaps and bounds in the past few months berserk speed and business travel is also and that has opened a lot of interesting grown rapidly. The inconvenience and possibilities. While most of the new frequent delays of airline travel entrants are in the low cost segment one increasingly may cause companies to turn airline that stands out is Club One Air; to business aircraft to help solve at least India’s first airline based on fractional part of their air transportation needs. Many ownership model. Promoted by Manav companies recognize that business aircraft Singh, it caters to the top executives and are tools to enhance productivity. Through businessmen allowing them to pick up a point-to-point, on-demand, private stake in the venture and fly wherever and transportation, the use of business aircraft whenever they want. Besides the flying can result in considerable timesavings. charges, the fractional ownership costs The need for connecting flights between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 2 crore, disappears, while the time spent at airports ranging between one-eighth and one- is minimized as companies can control fourth of an aircraft cost thus enabling a their employees' travel schedules. person to own an aircraft at a fraction of Employees also can use travel time more the cost. effectively, as business jets provide quieter working environments than the Fractional cost based airline model have commercial flights. been in vogue in the west for some time. One of the factors driving the business jet However many Indian corporate and even market is MNC’s may not want to bear the cost of growing buying an aircraft. These companies could frustration own them jointly with others through a with travel fractional ownership program, thus on providing a lucrative market to Club One commercial Air and others of its ilk. The number of airlines. customers for fractional programs may Polls and expand, as they may prove more attractive surveys, as to first-time business aircraft users than well as outright purchases. In the west, fractional considerable ownership is an important element in the anecdotal business jet market; and its growth has evidence, indicate that many corporate been phenomenal. executives resent time spent waiting for commercial flights at airports, seeing it as lost productivity. 13
  • 17. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts SPECIAL FOCUS In the Indian context its success is It may also end up with planes that largely dependent on how the market produce no revenue but still have capital shapes up in the coming years. One of and operating costs attached. the factors that they need to be careful about is price. Even the top segments of Club One Air must also be extremely Indian corporate sector are frigidity sensitive to demand surges, and the fleet about the expenses they acquire. It is must be sized to meet the greatest of expected to face competition from these. If it is not done, customers will airlines offering club card or jet card have to be paid for any violation of programs, which are popular in the west. timing and availability guarantees. To Already there has been a buzz in the avoid this, it will need to supplement industry that Kingfisher is eyeing this their fleets by chartering other people’s market. In general, the card programs planes, which is an expensive provide the benefits of fractional proposition. ownership, but without the need for capital investment in a full share. Essentially, the programs are simply a means to market block charters. Another aspect airlines like Club One Air need to keep in mind is the fact that making money with fractional operations is difficult. Unless the airline has a tremendous market presence (in terms of bases and airplanes), it will need to fly a Despite all possible roadblocks it may large number of non-revenue-producing face, the future of fractional cost based flights. Planes will often need to fly airlines in India, seem to be bright. Its empty somewhere to pick up a customer; success will go a long way making our they might also need to fly empty after civil aviation sector truly international. dropping one off. BIJOYENDRA SANYAL 14
  • 18. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BOOKWORM 7 habits of highly effective people In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective principles, the more accurate and People Stephen R. Covey presents a functional they will be. holistic, integrated, principle centered approach for solving personal and The book is based on 7 habits, three of professional problems. Covey, one of the which pull us from the level of famous management gurus, reveals a dependence, where the actions we take step-by-step pathway for living with are a result of the situations we are in or fairness, integrity, honesty and living behavior of people around us, to the with dignity. He makes us realize how level of independence, where we act important an aspect of our lives ‘change’ rather than being acted upon. is, and how we can take the advantage of Independence is the paradigm of I — I the opportunities can do it; I am responsible; I am self- that change creates. reliant; I can choose. These are included in the second part, PRIVATE The book is divided VICTORY. These three habits are: into four parts. The first part talks about 1. Be proactive…. Where the paradigms and proactivity signifies that we do principles. A not blame the circumstances for paradigm is how we our actions. Rather we hold see the world, how ourselves responsible for we perceive, everything we do. Proactivity is understand and the freedom to choose our interpret what we response to any stimulus in life. see. Covey states that if we want to 2. Begin with the end in mind…… make a significant, Where Covey lays stress on quantum change, we need to work on imagining what kind of thoughts our basic paradigms. Then he talks about would we like to hear from the principles. He makes us aware of the fact people associated with us after that principles are like lighthouses. They our death, and act accordingly. are natural laws that cannot be broken. He very effectively exemplifies They have an enduring and permanent the fact that whatever we do, we value. He blends our basic paradigms should keep in mind the long- with these principles. The more closely term results emerging from it. our paradigms are aligned with these 15
  • 19. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BOOKWORM a team achieves much more than 3. Put first things first….. Where all the members would he explains the concept of individually. personal management through the “Urgent Vs Important” Part four of this book, RENEWAL, quadrants. One realizes how to talks about the seventh habit: prioritize in order to succeed. 7. Sharpen the saw…. It’s the habit The third part, PUBLIC VICTORY, is that surrounds all the other habits where we reach the level of and makes all these habits interdependence. Interdependence is the possible. It’s renewing the four paradigm of we — we can do it; we can dimensions of nature - physical, cooperate; we can combine our talents spiritual, mental and and abilities and create something better social/emotional. together. Covey includes the next three habits in this part. These are: All in all with penetrating insights and powerful anecdotes, this book 4. Think Win/Win…. Where the teaches us principles - principles of author emphasizes on going for a personal vision, personal leadership, deal in which both the parties personal management, interpersonal win which will lead to active leadership, empathic communication, efforts from both sides and best creative cooperation and balanced results. self-renewal. 5. Seek first to understand and It’s a book that gives you not just then to be understood… A very essential tips, which can be used to important aspect of an become good managers, but also can interdependent living, where help a layman to become an effective Covey introduces the term and efficient human being. Its for ‘empathy’. this reason that it is hailed as one of the best ever written management 6. Synergize…. Which means that book and I recommend you to get a in an organization, two plus two copy for yourself without further is not four, its much more than adieu! that. Synergy is the power where LATIKA MAHER 16
  • 20. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts CAMPUS CATCHUP CAMPUS ROUNDUP August 1st marked the induction of the 6th batch of University School of Management Studies MBA programme- +. The whole batch of new comers of all the courses of the university were addressed by the Vice Chancellor Prof. K.K Aggarwal at the University Auditorium. Prof Aggarwal introduced all the Schools and the Head of different departments. The students were informed about the infrastructure of the university. Also included was a visit to the University Information Resource The students body of USMS- Synergy, Center. The students were then offered was introduced to the freshers by the refreshments at the end of the President of the body Mr. Ravi programme. Dhanwariya. Synergy’s structure, goals and operations were explained in detail to the rapt audience. Some of the newcomers then took the podium to share their impressions of the first day at USMS. The rest of the day saw the healthy interaction between the newcomers and their seniors. This is what some of the new comers had to say: Then the Dean of University School of Management Studies, Dr R.K. Mittal at “This (university) is a whole new the seminar hall of USMS, separately experience for me and I am glad that I oriented the new batch of MBA students. am here” Himanshu Nautiyal The event began with the dean giving a brief introduction about the school’s “I never thought the student body infrastructure and the facilities. All the Synergy would be so active….” Sumit faculty members gave an introductory Mahajan speech about their background and vision for the university. “The faculty is illustrious” Akanksha Gupta 17
  • 21. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts CAMPUS CATCHUP The fresher party of USMS was held at participants for the title with over 15 the BLUES Discothèque on the 28th of guys and 10 girls putting in their best August. The place was rocked by the effort. The first round was the ramp walk students of USMS with all of them in which the contestants showed some arriving in style, putting on the hippest style and attitude on the ramp. Then outfits in town. The party began at 11 in came the introduction round with the the morning with a bang and the dance brief introduction by the participants. floor was set on fire. The music was The final was the talent round in which loud and rocking with DJ Sunny exciting the contestants flaunted the various the souls. The party saw some talents they possessed. Eventually the commendable dance performances and results came out with Miss & Mr. happening moves. Everybody had a ball Fresher award going to Latika Mahar & and unlimited snacks and soft drinks Gaurav Sharma in that order. helped the matter. The dance session Another jam session followed for an lasted for four hours followed by the hour and a half. This was a memorable Miss & Mr. Fresher competition. There occasion with everybody enjoying the was fierce competition amongst the moment to the fullest. MAYANK GOYAL 18
  • 22. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts FACE-TO-FACE General Manager of Moser Bear, Mr. D. P. Nanda In a candid talk with Rahul inflationary conditions prevailing in the Bhimrajka, the General Manager of economy has also contributed to our Moser Bear, Mr. D. P. Nanda explains price tags! the secrets behind the run-away success of Moser Bear. He also talks about the Rahul Bhimrajka: - Moser Bear, future expansion plans of Moser Bear in despite being a benchmark in quality, India and abroad. The excerpts of the has reported heavy profit cuts of the past interview are: one year. Comment. Rahul Bhimrajka: - With two- D. P. Nanda: - This can be attributed to production unit in NCR, one in Noida, two distinct reasons. Firstly as I and the other in New Delhi, it has been mentioned earlier, the increasing prices seen that the company is experiencing of raw materials has hit us badly. high communication and traveling costs. Secondly the international CD sale has What has been done to minimize these taken an unprecedented and unexpected costs? dip. To counter this, we are launching some new formats in the CDs, which D. P. Nanda: - We have a hotline would help us in creating a steady between our Delhi and Noida offices, demand. But, as of now, the market and we have our own logistic facilities demand does not argue well for us. apart from the hired truck capacity. We have also shifted our loading operations Rahul Bhimrajka: - the one problem from Tuglakabad and moved to a much that has plagued every corporate in the closer location in Dadri. These small country is that of Power. How do you changes have contributed several deal with it? millions to our savings. D. P. Nanda: - As power is the Rahul Bhimrajka: - What is the reason backbone of our industry, only a small that despite stable prices of fluctuation too can greatly affect the Polycarbonate in the market, the quality of our products. To tackle this, company has seen an increase of around we have our own powerhouse that 25% in average costs? generates nearly 40 MW of electricity everyday. We use filter water for the D. P. Nanda: - The raw materials used smooth working of the power plant. apart from Polycarbonate, have been steadily rising in the international Rahul Bhimrajka: - What are your market. Moreover, the overall plans to explore the domestic market? 19
  • 23. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts FACE-TO-FACE D. P. Nanda: - It is growing. In fact, we believe that the real India lies in its D. P. Nanda: - We are known in the villages, and as the computer penetration market for our quality price and in these areas is increasing, now logistics, which we handle brilliantly. electricity and other infrastructure Our reach with the suppliers is excellent facilities too reaching here, the rural which help us having a very good market is opening up and we are gong to credibility with our clients. Our major market our products more aggressively threat is from China, as they produce in these areas. Also, we would now look products low in quality and price. But to grab a better hold over the urban because of price difference they are market by launching some new format eating our share. But we will come out CDs and other products in the urban of it soon. markets. Rahul Bhimrajka: - How does the Rahul Bhimrajka: - What was the attrition rate affect you as compared to motive behind joining the Blu-ray Disc other industries? Association? D. P. Nanda: - The attrition rates is not D. P. Nanda: - Currently our brand is an issue with us as the salaries, perks, not very well known in the international quality, that we are offering to our market, so tie-ups with these types of clients is as per the existing industry associations will get us some exposure structure. as well as popularity in the global market space. Rahul Bhimrajka: - tell me about the latest MOU signed between IIT, Delhi Rahul Bhimrajka: - Why was HP and Moser Bear. chosen to manufacture optical media using the unique “light scribe” D. P. Nanda: - We engage in extensive technology? R&D for the format of our CDs and other products. The MOU is towards that D. P. Nanda: - It is the need of the hour; end too. As the rural market is still to we are paying royalty to HP to get its capture, we are banking heavily upon services. our solar energy products to succeed in these markets. Rahul Bhimrajka: - What is your competency in? Rahul Bhimrajka: - Thank you. RAHUL BHIMRAJKA 20
  • 24. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BIG BULLY "Psychology of trading" Successful futures traders always acknowledge the importance of 4. MAINTAIN MENTAL CLARITY psychology in their trading. Traders One of the keys to successful trading is must be disciplined and remain mental independence and clarity - the emotionally detached from the market. ability to free you from concerns that might distract you from trading. Whether Trading requires management of the they be family, friends, or financial emotional states. Emotional imbalance concerns, always aim for a complete impairs the ability to make congruent clarity of mind in your decisions. The most optimal state is one trading. Being clear in your goals and of complete emotional detachment, to maintaining your mental focus will help remain calm and to act in accordance to you stick to your plan and not make rash the markets. That includes negative as decisions based on emotion. much as positive emotions - the key word is to stay "cool". Following are 5. DON'T PLACE ALL YOUR the some important points that a trader EQUITY IN ANY SINGLE should observe in his or her trading POSITION strategy…. One of the keys to success in trading is lasting in 1. DISCIPLINE the game. Like most things in life, without it you Don't over DID YOU KNOW? Bombay Stock Exchange won't succeed. Discipline is sticking to commit Limited is the oldest your plan, including your "stops" and your stock exchange in Asia entry points. It is the hardest, but most account to important rule of all. any single position. 2. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE Know why you are trading, if it is for the 6. ACCEPT THAT THE MARKET thrill, to make a living, whatever it is…. IS ALWAYS RIGHT you will enjoy it more and trade better if The market cannot be controlled by one you know why you are doing it. person so it has to be accepted that it will move regardless of what you want it 3. TRADE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN to do. Fear, greed and hope can cloud AFFORD TO LOSE your vision of the market and can Futures trading are risky; so don't fund cause emotional responses detrimental to your trading with money, which, if lost, your trading. The market will go where could put you into financial difficulty. it wants to go. “THE BIGGEST RISK IN LIFE IS NOT TO TAKE RISK.” 21
  • 25. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BIG BULLY 7. TRADE WITH DEFINITE GOALS 9.ADMIT DID YOU KNOW? IN MIND THAT Bombay Stock Exchange Profits belong to those who make YOU was established as "The decisions and act, not those who react. ARE Native Share & Stock Your trading plan should not only focus WRONG Brokers Association" in on the best time to get in but also when Don't fall 1875 to get out. This involves setting a view in love for profit taking or loss minimization. It with a is better to set a stop for a losing position. If you get it wrong, loss amount and stick to it. If in profit it admit it, get out, conserve your equity is a good plan to set a stop to take a and wait for another opportunity. minimum profit while still giving the trade the potential for further profit. 10. LET PROFITS RUN UNTIL YOU HAVE A REASON TO CASH IN 8. DON'T TRADE TOO MANY Let profits run until you are given a MARKETS reason to cash in, whether that Concentrate and focus on a few select be a trading system signal, a markets and completely master them; fundamental factor or your initial this is what professional traders tend to objective. do. HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI 22
  • 26. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts BIG BULLY Benefits of online trading Trading futures online is not magic. especially important if you are Even though the information is moving placing a market order. Online at the speed of light, success in the orders get to the trading floor market still requires discipline, faster than telephoned orders. knowledge, and patience. There are • Lower Commissions. several benefits to online trading: Brokerage firms usually charge less for handling an online • Convenience. The financial transaction because fewer of their information you need for your resource are tied up in executing trading decision - your a trade. outstanding futures positions, the • Control. When you trade online, amount of cash you have in your you decide (no one else) what to account, and the amount of do and when to do it. margin required for your intended trade - can be found on Accuracy. Occasionally, messages your computer screen. between you, your broker, and the • Speed. Futures prices can move trading floor can be mis-communicated. quickly. Once you have made Online trading reduces the number of your trading decision, you want steps in the order process, therefore to place your order ASAP. reducing the chances of a Speed of the execution is misunderstanding. HIMANSHU NAUTIYAL and VIDHI STOCK JAGRONS Dear Money A situation in which money or loans are very difficult to obtain in a given country. If you do have the opportunity to secure a loan, then interest rates are usually extremely high. Also known as "tight money". Trend Trading A trading strategy that attempts to capture gains through the analysis of an asset's momentum in a particular direction. The trend trader enters into a long position when a stock is trending upward (successively higher highs). Conversely, a short position is taken when the stock is in a down trend (successively lower highs). Effective Date The date, declared by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), on which shares can start trading. This usually refers to the date when shares become available for sale in an initial public offering. 23
  • 27. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts QUIZZLER 1 Which major car company owes its A. Uncle chips postwar existence to British army officer B. Lays Major Ivan Hirst, who scrounged steel C. Cheetos and other materials to keep the heavily D. None of these bombed plant going and then secured a 8. 'Think bright, not white' is used by British Army order for 20,000 vehicles? which company? A. Land Rover A. National B. Bentley B. Onida C. Volkswagen C. Samsung D. Jaguar D. LG 2 Which famous cheese is made in the 9. What is the alternative name for town of Hawes in Yorkshire? Consumer Price Index (CPI)? A. Cheddar A. Laspeyres Index B. Wensleydale B. Keynes Index C. Stilton C. Paasche Index D. Ticklemore D. Mundell Index 3. In which year was the Polo mint 10. Who introduced the concept of launched in the U.K., initially being 'Permanent Income Hypothesis'? marketed as `the peppermint ring made A. Adam Smith wholly by Rowntree'? B. Milton Friedman A. 1930 C. Franco Modigliani B. 1941 D. Irving Fisher C. 1948 11. In what year was the WTO (World D. 1955 Trade Organisation) created? 4.What does CNN stand for on the TV A. 1993 or Internet? B. 1992 A. Cable News Network C. 1994 B. Cental News Network D. 1995 C. Complete News Now 12. According to Okun's Law, a 1% D. Crisp Noodle Nest increase of unemployment rate results in 5. 'Quality first, cost second' is used by a loss of GDP of how many percentage which pen company? points? A. ADD Gel A. 3 B. Cello B. 5 C. Reynolds C. 4 D. Oliver D. 2 6. 'Prepared to be watched' is used by 13. If an economy uses a floating exchange which cycle company? rate system then what will happen to GDP if A. TI Cycles the government decided to use expansionary B. Hero Cycles fiscal policy? C. Avon Cycles A. Increases D. BSA B. No change 7. 'No one can eat just one' is used by C. Decreases which chips company? D. Nobody knows 24
  • 28. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts QUIZZLER 14. What was the first Indian luxury A. Tata House hotel established by the Tatas? B. Jasmshedji House A. Taj Mahal Hotel C. Bombay House B. Hotel President D. TISCO House C. Watson Hotel D. Hilton Hotel 21.The Tatas built India’s first steel mill. 15. The Tata group consists of how In which year was it completed? many companies? A. 1902 A. 60 B. 1905 B. 80 C. 1911 C. 125 D. 1945 D. 26 22. Which of the following appliance 16. The merger of which two large names once were part of the GM family pharmaceutical majors created a new of companies? company Aventis? A. Westinghouse A. Ciba and Sandoz B. Frigidaire B. Rhone-Poulenc and Hoechst C. General Electric C. Glaxo and SmithKline Beecham D. Whirlpool D. Ranbaxy and Cipla 23. Which Vice-President of General 17. Which is India's largest Motors left the company, formed his pharmaceutical company? own company and named a car after A. GlaxoSmithKline himself? B. Dr Reddy's A. Hernando DeSoto C. Ranbaxy B. Barney Oldfield D. Cipla C. John Z. Delorean 18. Who is the CEO of Dr Reddy's D. Edsel Ford Laboratories? 24.'We move the world' is used by which A. G V Prasad courier company? B. Satish Reddy A. Professinal Couriers C. Dr Anji Reddy B. None of these D. Dr Ramoji Reddy C. Blue Dart 19.Which pharmaceutical company D. DHL recently acquired a UK-based firm 25.'Spoil yourself' is used by which car called CP Pharmaceuticals? company? A. Pfizer A. General B. Cipla B. Toyota C. Wockhardt C. Tata D. Ranbaxy D. Opel 20. What is the headquarters of the Tata group called? BIJOYENDRA SANYAL 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-a, 6-b, 7-b, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b, 11-d, 12-b, 13-b, 14-a, 15-a, 16-b, 17-c, 18- a, 19-c, 20-c, 21-c22-b, 23-c, 24-d, 25-c 25
  • 29. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts GURU COOL MICHAEL PORTER strategic choices. He showed different One of the choices of creating wealth, which had world’s most been quite limited in the world of sought-after traditional trade theories. Several business guru, scholars have lately extended his strategists and diamond model. business There are four factors, Porter suggested, conference that help to make a nation competitive: - speakers, Michael Porter brings phenomenal 1 .Tough Domestic Rivalry knowledge and insight that helps 2. Country Resources corporations achieve greater 3. Country Infrastructure (including the performance. The leading authority on educational quality of its workforce) competitive strategy and international 4. The Cluster Phenomenon competitiveness, he is Harvard Business School’s C Roland Christensen Porter also suggested that there were just Professor of Business Administration. three generic strategies for managers to Porter speaks to government and choose from if they wanted to gain business audience around the world, competitive advantage, something that including AT&T, First Boston and he believed was the underlying purpose Proctor & Gamble, focusing on of every business. These could be briefly necessary strategies. Author of 14 books identified as under: - and more than 50 articles, his competitive strategy: Techniques for • Things could be made as cheaply Analyzing Industries and Competitors is as possible and the firm could the leading work in its field. become the lowest cost producer Traditionally, a nation's international in a market. competitiveness has been explained by international trade theories originating • Alternatively it could offer from Adam Smith. However, today's something special or different global economy is too complicated to be which would allow it to explained by the traditional trade command a premium price. theories. Porter introduced a new competitiveness theory, the so-called • Or, thirdly, it could choose to be diamond model. He differentiated his what Porter calls a focused theory from the traditional trade theories producer, looking to dominate in by arguing that national prosperity is not a niche market, so that others inherited, but created by choices; in would find it too difficult to other words, national wealth is not set by challenge the firm. factor endowments, but created by 26
  • 30. ALOHA Connecting Thoughts GURU COOL To help the firm choose which strategy insight - and strong leadership, the to adopt, Porter has said that it needs to willingness to make hard choices and to decide which of five types of industry it take a stand against the conventional is operating in: - wisdom of the industry. 1. Fragmented 2. Emerging 3. Mature 4. Declining 5. Global Porter has also said that every firm needs to examine the following five forces of competition: - • The threat of substitute products • The threat of new entrants • The bargaining power of suppliers • The bargaining power of buyers • The state of rivalry among existing companies Honored with numerous titles and awards, he earned Harvard’s, David A. Always try to do things in ways that are Wells Prize in Economics for his hard for other companies to copy, says research in industrial organization, two Porter. He further adds that finding that McKinsey awards and many others. unique position isn't always obvious; in the end, it comes down to creativity and ASHISH KAUSHIK The Opinion expressed in this Magazine are solely the author views and should not be interpreted as those of University School Of Management Studies. The Institute and Editorial Board does not take any responsibility of the facts, views publishes here in. 27