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Rakudo Perl 6
What you can do today

Jonathan Worthington
РИТ++ 2010
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

       XXX TODO
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

              Perl 6
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What is Perl 6?
   Take the things that make Perl great…
     Practical - focus on getting the job done
     Multi-paradigm – because there isn't one
     approach that's good for all problems
     Linguistic influences – because it's a
     programming language
     Making the easy things easy and the hard
     things possible
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What is Perl 6?
   Build a new Perlish language that is…
     More regular – less special cases
     More readable and more maintainable
     More expressive
     More OO, more functional, more
     declarative, more parallel…
     Easy things even easier
     Harder things even more in reach
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
1 Specification, Many Implementations
   Unlike Perl 5, Perl 6 has a written language
     No "official" implementation
   Like Perl 5, Perl 6 has a language test suite
     A conforming implementation should pass
     the test suite
     A kind of "executable specification"
     Currently around 40,000 tests
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What is Rakudo?
   The most actively developed Perl 6 compiler
   Implements a large portion of the Perl 6
   specification (though still some way to go)
   Today passing over 30,000 tests from the
   Perl 6 specification test suite (though the
   suite is still growing ☺)
   Currently targets the Parrot Virtual Machine
   Later in the year, we plan to target at least
   one other platform too
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works
   Written in…
     NQP (Bootstrapped subset of Perl 6)
     Compiler core (grammar and AST construction),
     some of the meta-model, module location/loading)

     Perl 6
     The majority of the built-ins and operators

     Parrot Intermediate Language
     Some lower-level builtins and "glue"

     Dispatchers, signature binder, other VM
     customizations and glue
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: Parsing
   First, Rakudo parses your program
   Parser is written in Perl 6 Regexes
 token statement_control:sym<if> {
     <sym> :s
     [ 'elsif's <xblock> ]*
     [ 'else's <else=.pblock> ]?
   Some scary stuff…
     Might discover new operators during parse
     Have to run BEGIN blocks immediately
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   Whenever we finish parsing something (for
   example, an if statement), we run an "action
   This builds an Abstract Syntax Tree
     A representation of the program that is
     abstracted away from the language syntax
   Most action methods build up a more
   complex AST using smaller bits made by
   things we already parsed
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
   :name('$x'),          :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')   )
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }

   :name('$x'),          :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')   )
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }

   :name('$x'),          :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')   )
                                          :value('The Answer!')
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }

           )                              :pasttype('call'),
                                          …   )
   :name('$x'),          :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')   )
                                          :value('The Answer!')
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }

        … )
           )                              :pasttype('call'),
                                          …   )
   :name('$x'),          :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')   )
                                          :value('The Answer!')
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
              :pasttype('if'), … )

                  … )
           )                                        :pasttype('call'),
                                                    …           )
   :name('$x'),              :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')       )
                                                    :value('The Answer!')
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: AST Construction
   if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
              :pasttype('if'), … )

                  … )
           )                                        :pasttype('call'),
                                                    …           )
   :name('$x'),              :value(42)
   :scope('lexical')       )
                                                    :value('The Answer!')
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
How Rakudo Works: Code Generation
   We take the AST and produce intermediate
   code for the target platform
   Today, we can only produce code in this
   stage for the Parrot VM
   Architecture means that we'll be able to add
   more backends in the future
   Can also insert optimization and program
   analysis phases at any point in the
   compilation pipeline
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

  What You Can
   Do Today In
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
   We'll look at a range of small, everyday
   programming problems and for each one
     The Perl 6 code that solves it
     The output that code gives when run
   Hopefully, a good way for you to start to
   grasp some of the new syntax and features
   Show of some cool Perl 6 features ☺
   All examples shown today work in Rakudo
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Say "Hello, world"
 say "Hello, world!"

Hello, world!
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Read input from the console
 print "Enter your name: ";
 my $name = $*IN.get;
 say "Hi $name!";

Enter your name: Jonathan
Hi Jonathan!
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check a value is in a given range
Solution 1
 loop {
     print "Enter a number from 1 to 10: ";
     my $num = $*IN.get;
     unless 1 <= $num <= 10 { say "Fail!" }

Enter a number between 1 and 10: 3
Enter a number between 1 and 10: 42
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check a value is in a given range
Solution 2
 loop {
     print "Enter a number from 1 to 10: ";
     my $num = $*IN.get;
     unless $num ~~ 1..10 { say "Fail!" }

Enter a number between 1 and 10: 3
Enter a number between 1 and 10: 42
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Add up a list of numbers
 my @nums = 1, 5, 7, -2, 3, 9, 11, -6, 14;
 say [+] @nums;

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check if a list is sorted
 my   @a =   1,   1, 2,   3, 5, 8;
 my   @b =   9,   4, 1,   16, 36, 25;
 if   [<=]   @a   { say   '@a is sorted' }
 if   [<=]   @b   { say   '@b is sorted' }

@a is sorted
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Iterate over a list
 my @cities = <Lisbon Tokyo Seoul Riga>;
 for @cities -> $city {
     say "I've been to $city";

I've   been   to   Lisbon
I've   been   to   Tokyo
I've   been   to   Seoul
I've   been   to   Riga
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Iterate over the keys and values of a hash
 my %distances =
     Bratislava =>   1084,
     Stockholm =>    442;
 for %distances.kv   -> $city, $distance {
     say "$city is   $distance km away";

Bratislava is 1084 km away
Stockholm is 442 km away
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check if any of a list of test scores is a pass
 my   @a = 75, 47, 90, 22, 80;
 my   @b = 61, 77, 94, 82, 60;
 my   @c = 45, 59, 33, 11, 19;
 if   any(@a) >= 60 { say "Some passes in A" }
 if   any(@b) >= 60 { say "Some passes in B" }
 if   any(@c) >= 60 { say "Some passes in C" }

Some passes in A
Some passes in B
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check if all of a list of test scores are passes
 my   @a = 75, 47, 90, 22, 80;
 my   @b = 61, 77, 94, 82, 60;
 my   @c = 45, 59, 33, 11, 19;
 if   all(@a) >= 60 { say "All passes in A" }
 if   all(@b) >= 60 { say "All passes in B" }
 if   all(@c) >= 60 { say "All passes in C" }

All passes in B
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Check if none of a list of test scores is a pass
 my   @a = 75,   47, 90,   22,   80;
 my   @b = 61,   77, 94,   82,   60;
 my   @c = 45,   59, 33,   11,   19;
 if   none(@a)   >= 60 {   say   "No passes in A" }
 if   none(@b)   >= 60 {   say   "No passes in B" }
 if   none(@c)   >= 60 {   say   "No passes in C" }

No passes in C
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Get a random item from a list
 my @drinks = <wine beer vodka>;
 say "Tonight I'll drink { @drinks.pick }";

Output (results should vary ;-))
Tonight I'll drink vodka
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Shuffle a list into a random order
 my @competitors = <Tina Lena Owen Peter>;
 my @order = @competitors.pick(*);
 for @order { .say }

Output (results should vary ;-))
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Write and call a subroutine with parameters
 sub greet($greeting, $name) {
     say "$greeting, $name!";
 greet("hello", "masak");

hello, masak
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Write a subroutine that only takes a number
 sub double(Num $n) { 2 * $n }
 say double(21);
 say double("oh no I'm not a number");

Parameter type check failed; expected Num,
but got Str for $n in call to double
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Use multi-subs to react differently by type
 multi double(Num $n) { 2 * $n }
 multi double(Str $s) { $s x 2 }
 say double(21);
 say double("boo");

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Compute factorial (recursively)
 multi fact($n) { $n * fact($n - 1) }
 multi fact(0) { 1 }
 say fact(1);
 say fact(10);

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Compute factorial (using a meta-operator)
 sub fact($n) { [*] 1..$n }
 say fact(1);
 say fact(10);

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Add a new factorial operator (so 10! works)
 sub postfix:<!>($n) { [*] 1..$n }
 say 1!;
 say 10!;

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Declare a class with attributes and a method
 class Product {
     has $.name; # Attr + accessor
     has $!price; # Attr only
     has $.discount is rw;
                  # Attr + lvalue accessor
     method get_price {
         return $!price - $!discount;
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Instantiate a class and call a method on it
 my $prod =
     name      => "Beer",
     price     => 500,
     discount => 60
 say $prod.get_price;

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Get/set attributes through accessors
 say $;
 $ = 40;
 say $prod.get_price;
 $ = 'Wine';

Cannot assign to readonly variable.
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Call a method on every object in a list
 my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600);
 my @uc_names = @products>>.name>>.uc;
 for @uc_names { .say }

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Introspect a class to find its methods
 my @meths = Product.^methods(:local);
 for @meths>>.name { .say }

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Sort an array of objects by result of a method
Solution (Example 1)
 my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600);
 my @sorted = @products.sort(*.name);
 for @sorted { .name.say }

Output (Example 1)
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Sort an array of objects by result of a method
Solution (Example 2)
 my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600);
 my @sorted = @products.sort(*.get_price);
 for @sorted { .name.say }

Output (Example 2)
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Find minimum and maximum values from a list
Solution (Example 1)
 my @temperatures = -3, 5, 7, 2, -1, -4, 0;
 say "Minimum was " ~ @temperatures.min;
 say "Maximum was " ~ @temperatures.max;

Output (Example 1)
Minimum was –4
Maximum was 7
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Find minimum and maximum values from a list
Solution (Example 2)
 my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600);
 say "Cheapest: " ~ @products.min(*.get_price).name;
 say "Costliest: " ~ @products.max(*.get_price).name;

Output (Example 2)
Cheapest: Wine
Costliest: Vodka
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Paper, Scissor, Stone game
Solution (Part 1)
 class   Paper { }
 class   Scissor { }
 class   Stone { }
 multi   win(Paper,     Stone)     {   "Win" }
 multi   win(Scissor,   Paper)     {   "Win" }
 multi   win(Stone,     Scissor)   {   "Win" }
 multi   win(::T,       T)         {   "Draw" }
 multi   win(Any,       Any)       {   "Lose" }
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

Paper, Scissor, Stone game
Solution (Part 2)
 say win(Paper, Paper);
 say win(Scissor, Stone);
 say win(Stone, Scissor);

Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

          Rakudo *
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What is Rakudo *?
   Rakudo is making great progress
     Steadily implementing more of the spec
     Steadily passing more and more tests
     Fixing lots of bugs
     Number of active developers is growing
   So far we have been very much focused on
   building Rakudo
   Rakudo * is a release where we instead
   focus on what early adopters need
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What will the release include?
   We make a compiler release every month;
   by contrast, Rakudo * is a distribution
   release including:
     The Rakudo compiler, of course ☺
     Tool for downloading, installing and
     updating modules
     A range of Perl 6 modules that help you
     achieve some common tasks (e.g. HTTP
     client/server, database connectivity, web
     things, YAML…)
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What will the release include?
   We are also aiming to include a couple of
   other projects…
     Zavolaj! – a module that lets you write
     some basic pure Perl 6 bindings to C
     libraries; we built a MySQL client with it
     Blizkost – a Perl 5     Parrot bridge layer
     that will allow you to use Perl 5 modules
     from within Perl 6
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
What Rakudo * Will Do Well
   Rakudo has good coverage of a lot of the
   Perl 6 specification…
     Wide range of built-in operators, types and
     Subs, signatures and multiple dispatch
     Object orientation, including classes,
     roles, introspection and much more
     Perl 6 regexes and grammars (it's the
     same engine we use to parse Perl 6!)
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
Weaker Areas
   Rakudo * will have a lot to offer, and should
   be useful for a range of tasks
   However, it's not The Full Perl 6, and of
   course has some weak spots, including:
     Missing support for threading
     No native types support
     Fairly slow – not much work on
     optimization yet, and no optimizer
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
   Soon ☺
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
   Soon ☺
   Either late May or early-mid June
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
   Soon ☺
   Either late May or early-mid June
   Yes, this year
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

    Get Involved!
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today
Want to learn more?
   Get Rakudo Perl 6 from:
   Lots of Perl 6 resources can be found at:
   Join the friendly IRC channel:
   #perl6 on
   Write modules, write applications, jump into
   the evolving Perl 6 community and make
   your mark on it ☺
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today

       Thank You
Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today


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Alexei shilov 2010 rit-rakudo

  • 1. Rakudo Perl 6 What you can do today Jonathan Worthington РИТ++ 2010
  • 2. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Intro… XXX TODO
  • 3. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Perl 6
  • 4. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What is Perl 6? Take the things that make Perl great… Practical - focus on getting the job done Multi-paradigm – because there isn't one approach that's good for all problems Linguistic influences – because it's a programming language Making the easy things easy and the hard things possible
  • 5. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What is Perl 6? Build a new Perlish language that is… More regular – less special cases More readable and more maintainable More expressive More OO, more functional, more declarative, more parallel… Easy things even easier Harder things even more in reach
  • 6. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today 1 Specification, Many Implementations Unlike Perl 5, Perl 6 has a written language specification No "official" implementation Like Perl 5, Perl 6 has a language test suite A conforming implementation should pass the test suite A kind of "executable specification" Currently around 40,000 tests
  • 7. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Rakudo
  • 8. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What is Rakudo? The most actively developed Perl 6 compiler Implements a large portion of the Perl 6 specification (though still some way to go) Today passing over 30,000 tests from the Perl 6 specification test suite (though the suite is still growing ☺) Currently targets the Parrot Virtual Machine Later in the year, we plan to target at least one other platform too
  • 9. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works Written in… NQP (Bootstrapped subset of Perl 6) Compiler core (grammar and AST construction), some of the meta-model, module location/loading) Perl 6 The majority of the built-ins and operators Parrot Intermediate Language Some lower-level builtins and "glue" C Dispatchers, signature binder, other VM customizations and glue
  • 10. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: Parsing First, Rakudo parses your program Parser is written in Perl 6 Regexes token statement_control:sym<if> { <sym> :s <xblock> [ 'elsif's <xblock> ]* [ 'else's <else=.pblock> ]? } Some scary stuff… Might discover new operators during parse Have to run BEGIN blocks immediately
  • 11. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction Whenever we finish parsing something (for example, an if statement), we run an "action method" This builds an Abstract Syntax Tree A representation of the program that is abstracted away from the language syntax Most action methods build up a more complex AST using smaller bits made by things we already parsed
  • 12. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; }
  • 13. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :name('$x'), :scope('lexical') )
  • 14. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) )
  • 15. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) )
  • 16. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) ) :value('The Answer!') )
  • 17. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&say'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) ) :value('The Answer!') )
  • 18. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&say'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) ) :value('The Answer!') )
  • 19. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :pasttype('if'), … ) … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&say'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) ) :value('The Answer!') )
  • 20. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: AST Construction if $x == 42 { say "The answer!"; } :pasttype('if'), … ) … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&infix:<==>'), … ) :pasttype('call'), :name('&say'), … ) :name('$x'), :value(42) :scope('lexical') ) ) :value('The Answer!') )
  • 21. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today How Rakudo Works: Code Generation We take the AST and produce intermediate code for the target platform Today, we can only produce code in this stage for the Parrot VM Architecture means that we'll be able to add more backends in the future Can also insert optimization and program analysis phases at any point in the compilation pipeline
  • 22. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Examples: What You Can Do Today In Rakudo
  • 23. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Examples We'll look at a range of small, everyday programming problems and for each one show… The Perl 6 code that solves it The output that code gives when run Hopefully, a good way for you to start to grasp some of the new syntax and features Show of some cool Perl 6 features ☺ All examples shown today work in Rakudo
  • 24. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Say "Hello, world" Solution say "Hello, world!" Output Hello, world!
  • 25. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Read input from the console Solution print "Enter your name: "; my $name = $*IN.get; say "Hi $name!"; Output Enter your name: Jonathan Hi Jonathan!
  • 26. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check a value is in a given range Solution 1 loop { print "Enter a number from 1 to 10: "; my $num = $*IN.get; unless 1 <= $num <= 10 { say "Fail!" } } Output Enter a number between 1 and 10: 3 Enter a number between 1 and 10: 42 Fail!
  • 27. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check a value is in a given range Solution 2 loop { print "Enter a number from 1 to 10: "; my $num = $*IN.get; unless $num ~~ 1..10 { say "Fail!" } } Output Enter a number between 1 and 10: 3 Enter a number between 1 and 10: 42 Fail!
  • 28. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Add up a list of numbers Solution my @nums = 1, 5, 7, -2, 3, 9, 11, -6, 14; say [+] @nums; Output 42
  • 29. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check if a list is sorted Solution my @a = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8; my @b = 9, 4, 1, 16, 36, 25; if [<=] @a { say '@a is sorted' } if [<=] @b { say '@b is sorted' } Output @a is sorted
  • 30. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Iterate over a list Solution my @cities = <Lisbon Tokyo Seoul Riga>; for @cities -> $city { say "I've been to $city"; } Output I've been to Lisbon I've been to Tokyo I've been to Seoul I've been to Riga
  • 31. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Iterate over the keys and values of a hash Solution my %distances = Bratislava => 1084, Stockholm => 442; for %distances.kv -> $city, $distance { say "$city is $distance km away"; } Output Bratislava is 1084 km away Stockholm is 442 km away
  • 32. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check if any of a list of test scores is a pass Solution my @a = 75, 47, 90, 22, 80; my @b = 61, 77, 94, 82, 60; my @c = 45, 59, 33, 11, 19; if any(@a) >= 60 { say "Some passes in A" } if any(@b) >= 60 { say "Some passes in B" } if any(@c) >= 60 { say "Some passes in C" } Output Some passes in A Some passes in B
  • 33. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check if all of a list of test scores are passes Solution my @a = 75, 47, 90, 22, 80; my @b = 61, 77, 94, 82, 60; my @c = 45, 59, 33, 11, 19; if all(@a) >= 60 { say "All passes in A" } if all(@b) >= 60 { say "All passes in B" } if all(@c) >= 60 { say "All passes in C" } Output All passes in B
  • 34. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Check if none of a list of test scores is a pass Solution my @a = 75, 47, 90, 22, 80; my @b = 61, 77, 94, 82, 60; my @c = 45, 59, 33, 11, 19; if none(@a) >= 60 { say "No passes in A" } if none(@b) >= 60 { say "No passes in B" } if none(@c) >= 60 { say "No passes in C" } Output No passes in C
  • 35. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Get a random item from a list Solution my @drinks = <wine beer vodka>; say "Tonight I'll drink { @drinks.pick }"; Output (results should vary ;-)) Tonight I'll drink vodka
  • 36. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Shuffle a list into a random order Solution my @competitors = <Tina Lena Owen Peter>; my @order = @competitors.pick(*); for @order { .say } Output (results should vary ;-)) Peter Lena Owen Tina
  • 37. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Write and call a subroutine with parameters Solution sub greet($greeting, $name) { say "$greeting, $name!"; } greet("hello", "masak"); Output hello, masak
  • 38. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Write a subroutine that only takes a number Solution sub double(Num $n) { 2 * $n } say double(21); say double("oh no I'm not a number"); Output 42 Parameter type check failed; expected Num, but got Str for $n in call to double
  • 39. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Use multi-subs to react differently by type Solution multi double(Num $n) { 2 * $n } multi double(Str $s) { $s x 2 } say double(21); say double("boo"); Output 42 booboo
  • 40. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Compute factorial (recursively) Solution multi fact($n) { $n * fact($n - 1) } multi fact(0) { 1 } say fact(1); say fact(10); Output 1 3628800
  • 41. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Compute factorial (using a meta-operator) Solution sub fact($n) { [*] 1..$n } say fact(1); say fact(10); Output 1 3628800
  • 42. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Add a new factorial operator (so 10! works) Solution sub postfix:<!>($n) { [*] 1..$n } say 1!; say 10!; Output 1 3628800
  • 43. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Declare a class with attributes and a method Solution class Product { has $.name; # Attr + accessor has $!price; # Attr only has $.discount is rw; # Attr + lvalue accessor method get_price { return $!price - $!discount; } }
  • 44. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Instantiate a class and call a method on it Solution my $prod = name => "Beer", price => 500, discount => 60 ); say $prod.get_price; Output 440
  • 45. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Get/set attributes through accessors Solution say $; $ = 40; say $prod.get_price; $ = 'Wine'; Output Beer 460 Cannot assign to readonly variable.
  • 46. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Call a method on every object in a list Solution my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600); my @uc_names = @products>>.name>>.uc; for @uc_names { .say } Output BEER WINE VODKA
  • 47. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Introspect a class to find its methods Solution my @meths = Product.^methods(:local); for @meths>>.name { .say } Output get_price discount name
  • 48. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Sort an array of objects by result of a method Solution (Example 1) my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600); my @sorted = @products.sort(*.name); for @sorted { .name.say } Output (Example 1) Beer Vodka Wine
  • 49. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Sort an array of objects by result of a method Solution (Example 2) my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600); my @sorted = @products.sort(*.get_price); for @sorted { .name.say } Output (Example 2) Wine Beer Vodka
  • 50. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Find minimum and maximum values from a list Solution (Example 1) my @temperatures = -3, 5, 7, 2, -1, -4, 0; say "Minimum was " ~ @temperatures.min; say "Maximum was " ~ @temperatures.max; Output (Example 1) Minimum was –4 Maximum was 7
  • 51. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Find minimum and maximum values from a list Solution (Example 2) my @products = => 'Beer', price => 500), => 'Wine', price => 450), => 'Vodka', price => 1600); say "Cheapest: " ~ @products.min(*.get_price).name; say "Costliest: " ~ @products.max(*.get_price).name; Output (Example 2) Cheapest: Wine Costliest: Vodka
  • 52. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Paper, Scissor, Stone game Solution (Part 1) class Paper { } class Scissor { } class Stone { } multi win(Paper, Stone) { "Win" } multi win(Scissor, Paper) { "Win" } multi win(Stone, Scissor) { "Win" } multi win(::T, T) { "Draw" } multi win(Any, Any) { "Lose" }
  • 53. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Problem Paper, Scissor, Stone game Solution (Part 2) say win(Paper, Paper); say win(Scissor, Stone); say win(Stone, Scissor); Output Draw Lose Win
  • 54. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Rakudo *
  • 55. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What is Rakudo *? Rakudo is making great progress Steadily implementing more of the spec Steadily passing more and more tests Fixing lots of bugs Number of active developers is growing So far we have been very much focused on building Rakudo Rakudo * is a release where we instead focus on what early adopters need
  • 56. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What will the release include? We make a compiler release every month; by contrast, Rakudo * is a distribution release including: The Rakudo compiler, of course ☺ Tool for downloading, installing and updating modules A range of Perl 6 modules that help you achieve some common tasks (e.g. HTTP client/server, database connectivity, web things, YAML…)
  • 57. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What will the release include? We are also aiming to include a couple of other projects… Zavolaj! – a module that lets you write some basic pure Perl 6 bindings to C libraries; we built a MySQL client with it Blizkost – a Perl 5 Parrot bridge layer that will allow you to use Perl 5 modules from within Perl 6
  • 58. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today What Rakudo * Will Do Well Rakudo has good coverage of a lot of the Perl 6 specification… Wide range of built-in operators, types and functions Subs, signatures and multiple dispatch Object orientation, including classes, roles, introspection and much more Perl 6 regexes and grammars (it's the same engine we use to parse Perl 6!)
  • 59. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Weaker Areas Rakudo * will have a lot to offer, and should be useful for a range of tasks However, it's not The Full Perl 6, and of course has some weak spots, including: Missing support for threading No native types support Fairly slow – not much work on optimization yet, and no optimizer
  • 60. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today When? Soon ☺
  • 61. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today When? Soon ☺ Either late May or early-mid June
  • 62. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today When? Soon ☺ Either late May or early-mid June Yes, this year
  • 63. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Get Involved!
  • 64. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Want to learn more? Get Rakudo Perl 6 from: Lots of Perl 6 resources can be found at: Join the friendly IRC channel: #perl6 on Write modules, write applications, jump into the evolving Perl 6 community and make your mark on it ☺
  • 65. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Thank You
  • 66. Rakudo Perl 6: What You Can Do Today Questions?