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Scalable and Flexible Machine Learning With Scala
Who are we?

     @BigDataSc   @ccsevers
Stuff you will see today …

 Different types of data scientists – Comparison of different
  approaches to develop machine learning flows
 Code
 The five tool tool – Why Scala (and its ecosystem) is the best tool to
  develop machine learning flows (Hint: MapReduce is functional)
 Some more code
 Machine Learning examples – Real life (well … almost) examples
  of different machine learning problems
 Even more code

“Good data scientists understand, in a deep
   way, that the heavy lifting of cleanup and
 preparation is not something that gets in the
way of solving the problem – it is the problem!”
         DJ Patil – Founding member of the LinkedIn data science team

The data funnel

 Real data is an awful, terrible mess
 Cleaning often is a process of operating on data, excluding some
  data, bucketing data and calculating aggregates about the data

        Generate                   map, flatMap, for
        Exclude                    filter
        Bucket                     group, groupBy, groupWith
        Aggregate                  sum, reduce, foldLeft

 These blocks form the basis of most data flows

There are many ways to develop data flows

The mixer

{"schema": {
The Mixer Word Count                               "type": "record",
                                                   "name": "WordCount",                                      "fields": [
from org.apache.pig.scripting import *                {
                                                          "name": "word",
@outputSchema("b: bag{ w: chararray}")                    "type": "string"
def tokenize(words):                                  },
 return words.split(" ")                              {
                                                          "name": "count",
script = """                                              "type": "int"
A = load './input.txt';                               }]}}
B = foreach A generate flatten(tokenize((chararray)$0)) as word;
C = group B by word;
D = foreach C generate group, COUNT(B);
store D into './wordcount’ using AvroStorage("schema");

The Mixer Data Scientist

   Too many occurrences of code inside strings
   Three different languages inside a single file
   User Defined Functions (UDFs) vs. Language Support
   Not real Python, but Jython (which missing some libraries)
   This is just a simple word count!

The Mixer Data Scientist

 Pig is great at extract, transform, load (ETL)
 … as long as you want to use a function that is already part of the
  included library
 … or you get someone else to write it for you (hello, DataFu!)
 Realistically you will need to maintain a Pig code base and a code
  base in some language which can run on the JVM
 Pig Latin is a bit funky, missing a lot of core programming language
 Pig Latin is interpreted so you get (limited) type and syntax
  checking only at runtime

The Expert

The Expert Word Count

hadoop fs –get input.txt input.txt
cp /mnt/hadoop/input.txt ~/MyProjects/WordCount/input.txt

use strict;
use warnings;

my %count_of;
while (my $line = <>) { #read from file or STDIN
  foreach my $word (split /s+/, $line) {
print "All words and their counts: n";
for my $word (sort keys %count_of) {
  print "'$word': $count_of{$word}n";

The Scalable Expert – Hadoop Streaming

 Lets you use any language you want.
 Same issues as Java MapReduce with regards to multiple passes,
  complicated joins, etc.
 Always reading from stdin and writing to stdout.
 Easy to test out on local data
    – cat myfile.txt | | sort |
 Actual data may not be as nice. No type checking on input or output
  can will lead to problems.
 The main reason to do this is so you can use a nice interpreted
  language to do your processing.

The craftsman

The Craftsman Word Count
package org.myorg;                                                  public static class Reduce extends
                                                                    Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> {
import java.util.*;                                                   public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context
                                                                        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
                                                                         int sum = 0;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.*;
                                                                         for (IntWritable val : values) {
                                                                            sum += val.get();
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
                                                                         context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum));
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.TextOutputFormat;

                                                                    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public class WordCount {
                                                                     Configuration conf = new Configuration();

 public static class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text,
IntWritable> {                                                            Job job = new Job(conf, "wordcount");
   private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
   private Text word = new Text();                                      job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);
   public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {                              job.setMapperClass(Map.class);
     String line = value.toString();                                    job.setReducerClass(Reduce.class);
     StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);             job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class);
     while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {                                job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class);
       word.set(tokenizer.nextToken());                                 FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0]));
       context.write(word, one);                                        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1]));
   }                                                                    job.waitForCompletion(true);
 }                                                                  }

The Craftsman Data Scientist

 If you like Java it works fine
 … until you want to do more than one pass, a complicated join or
  anything fancy.
 Cascading solves many of these problems for you but it is still very

We need a better tool

   A five tool tool!
The Pragmatic Data Scientist

   Agile – Iterates quickly
   Productive - Uses the right tool for the right job
   Correct - Tests as much as he can before the job is even submitted
   Scalable – Can handle real world problems
   Simple - Single language to represent Operations, UDFs and Data

The Pragmatic Data Scientist

   Agile – Iterates quickly
   Productive - Uses the right tool for the right job
   Correct - Tests as much as he can before the job is even submitted
   Scalable – Can handle real world problems
   Simple - Single language to represent Operations, UDFs and Data

Agility – Data is complex

Agility – Try before you buy

scala> 1 to 10
res0: Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

scala> 1 until 10
res1: Range = Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

scala> res0.slice(3, 5)
res3: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(4, 5)

scala> res0.groupBy(_ % 2)
res4: Map[Int, IndexedSeq[Int]] =
Map(1 -> Vector(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), 0 -> Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10))

Productivity – Don't reinvent the wheel

Productivity – Have the work done for you

Python Collections Operators   Scala Collections Operators
 map                           foreach       span
 reduce                        map           partition
 filter                        flatMap       groupBy
 sum                           collect       forall
 min/max                       find          exists
                                takeWhile  count
                                dropWhile  fold
                                filter        reduce
                                withFilter    sum
                                filterNot     product
                                splitAt       min/max

Correctness – how to keep your sanity

Scalability – works on more than your machine

 Integrates with Hadoop (more than just streaming)
 Has the support of scalable libraries
 Parallel by design – not just for M/R flows


 Paco Nathan, Evil Mad Scientist, Concurrent Inc., @pacoid, says:
   – “[Scalding] code is compact, simple to understand”
   – “nearly 1:1 between elements of conceptual flow diagram and function
   – “Cascalog and Scalding DSLs leverage the functional aspects of
      MapReduce, helping to limit complexity in process”
 Scala is a functional tool for a fundamentally functional job

Hadoop basics

Let’s count some words

Let’s count some words
 This is the “Hello, World!” of anything tangentially related to
 Let’s try it in Scala first without any Hadoop stuff.

   val myLines : Seq[String] = ... // get some stuff
   val myWords = myLines.flatMap(w => w.split("s+"))
   val myWordsGrouped = myWords.groupBy(identity)
   val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.mapValues(x=>x.size)
   Now write out the words somehow

val countedWords = myLines.flatMap(_.split("s+"))

Let’s count a lot of words

 I’ve gone to the trouble of rewriting this example to run in Hadoop.
 Here it is:
 val myLines : TypedPipe[String] = TextLine(args("input"))
 val myWords = myLines.flatMap(w => w.split("s+"))
 val myWordsGrouped = myWords.groupBy(identity)
 val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.mapValueStream(x =>
 We can make this even better.
 val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.size
 countedWords.write(TypedTsv[(String,Long)](output))

Something for nothing

 Other people have already done the hard work to make the
  previous example run
 The previous example is using Scalding, a Scala library to write
  (mainly) Hadoop MapReduce jobs.
 It even has its own Twitter account, @scalding
 Created by:
    – Avi Bryant @avibryant
    – Oscar Boykin @posco
    – Argyris Zymnis @argyris
 Tweet them now and tell them how awesome it is
 … I’ll wait

Side by side comparison of local and Hadoop

val myWords =                    val myWords =
myLines.flatMap(w =>             myLines.flatMap(w =>
w.split("s+"))                 w.split("s+"))
val myWordsGrouped =             val myWordsGrouped =
myLines.groupBy(identity)        myWords.groupBy(identity)
val countedWords =               val countedWords =

  There are some small differences, mainly due to how the
    underlying Hadoop process needs to happen.

Why does this work?

 Scala has support for embedded domain specific languages (DSLs)
 Scalding includes a couple DSLs for specifying Cascading (and by
  extension Hadoop) workflows.
 Info about Cascading:
 One of the Scalding DSLs, the Typed one, is designed to be very
  close to the standard Scala collections API
 It’s not a perfect mapping due to how Cascading and Hadoop work,
  but in general it is very easy to write your code locally, change a
  couple small bits, and have it run on a Hadoop cluster
 Scalding also has a local mode if you want the syntactic sugar
  without fussing with Hadoop

DSLs for everyone!

 We’re showing you Scalding in this talk, but there are others that
  are similar.
    – Scoobi:
    – Scrunch:
 All three attempt to make using code to written on Scala collections
  work (almost) seamlessly in Hadoop.
 More on DSLs:
 Some guts:

Fields based DSL

From com.twitter.scalding.Dsl
 * This object has all the implicit functions and values that are used
 * to make the scalding DSL.
 * It's useful to import Dsl._ when you are writing scalding code outside
 * of a Job.
object Dsl extends FieldConversions with TupleConversions with
GeneratedTupleAdders with {
  implicit def pipeToRichPipe(pipe : Pipe) : RichPipe = new
  implicit def richPipeToPipe(rp : RichPipe) : Pipe = rp.pipe
Typed DSL

From com.twitter.scalding.TDsl
/** implicits for the type-safe DSL
 * import TDsl._ to get the implicit conversions from
Grouping/CoGrouping to Pipe,
 * to get the .toTypedPipe method on standard cascading Pipes.
 * to get automatic conversion of Mappable[T] to TypedPipe[T]
object TDsl extends Serializable with GeneratedTupleAdders {
  implicit def pipeTExtensions(pipe : Pipe) : PipeTExtensions = new
  implicit def mappableToTypedPipe[T](mappable : Mappable[T])
    (implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode, conv :
    TupleConverter[T]) : TypedPipe[T] = {
      TypedPipe.from(mappable)(flowDef, mode, conv)

Algebird – It’s like algebra and a bird

 We did something fancy in the previous example:
 val countedWords = myGroupedWords.size
 val countedWords = myGroupedWords.mapValues(x =>
 val countedWords = myGroupedWords.mapValues(x =>
  1L).reduce(implicit mon: Monoid[Long])((l,r) =>,r))

 Scalding uses Algebird extensively to make your life easier.
 Algebird can also be used outside of Scalding with no trouble.
 Algebird has your favorite things like monoids, monads, bloom
  filters, count-min sketches, hyperloglogs, etc.

Counting words with some extra information

 Sometimes we want to know some information about the contexts
  that words occurred in. At eBay, this is often the category that a
  term appeared in.
 Let’s count words and calculate the entropy of the category
  distribution for each word.
    – If you’re unfamiliar with this type of entropy just think of it as a
      measure of how concentrated the distribution is.
    – If you really like formulas it is: Σi p(xi) log(pi)


More code

case class MyAvroOutput(word: String, count: Long,
 entropy: Double) extends AvroRecord
 .flatMap{case(line,cat) => line.split("s+").map(x =>
 .map{ case(word, dist) =>
     val total: Double = dist.values.sum
     val entropy = (-1)*{ count =>
 Math is great

Machine Learning Examples

The reason why you are here

Classification case study

How much should we charge for a
Titanic insurance?

Titanic II case study

 We want to sell life insurance to passengers of Titanic II
 All we have is data from Titanic I
 We have to be able to explain why we charge the prices we do
  (damn regulators!)


Titanic I Data

   Cabin class – e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..
   Name – String
   Age – Integer
   Embark place – String
   Destination – String
   Room – Integer
   Ticket – Integer
   Gender – Male or Female

Titanic Model


Classifier code

object Titanic {
  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
   // parse data
   val reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(
   val passengers =
   val instances =
   // build tree
   val treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder
   val tree = treeBuilder.buildTree(instances)
   // print tree

Titanic Model


Clustering case study

Let’s cluster some eBay


 eBay, like any large site, has a massive number of unique queries
  every day
 Identifying groups of queries based on user behavior might help us
  to understand the individual queries better
 For queries we are unsure of we can even try and match them into
  a cluster that contains queries we know a lot about.
 We can use behavioral things like:
    –   number of searches
    –   number of clicks
    –   number of subsequent bids, buys
    –   number of exits
    –   etc

Let’s use Mahout

 Apache Mahout,, @ApacheMahout, is a
  powerful machine learning and data mining library that works with
 It has a ton of great stuff in it, but many of the drawbacks of using
  Java MapReduce apply.
 It uses some proprietary data formats (is your data in
  VectorWritable SequenceFiles?)
 Luckily for us, there are some nice things that work as standalone
 Coming in release 0.8, there is an excellent single pass k-means
  clustering algorithm we can use.

Let’s use Mahout, inside Scalding
lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch(new
  args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float])

var count = 0;
val sloppyClusters =
 .map{ str =>
   val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble)
   val cent = new Centroid(count, new DenseVector(vec))
   count += 1
  // This won't work with the current build, coming soon though
 .unorderedFoldTo[StreamingKMeans,Centroid]('centroids->’clusters)(clust){(cl,cent) =>
     cl.cluster(cent); cl}
  .flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable)

Let’s use Mahout, inside Scalding

val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll
 .mapValueStream{centList =>
   lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch(
    new EuclideanDistanceMeasure),
    args("numclusters").toInt, 100)


 These are primarily eBay head queries. Remember that the
  clustering algorithm knows nothing about the text in the query.
 Sample groups:
    – chanel, tory burch, diamond ring, kathy van zeeland handbags, ...
    – ipad 4th generation, samsung galaxy s iii, iphone 4 s, nexus 4, ipad
      mini, ...
    – kohls coupons, lowes coupons
    – jcrew, cole haan, diesel, banana republic, gucci, burberry, brooks
      brothers, …
    – ferrari, utility trailer, polaris ranger, porsche 911, dump truck, bmw
      m3, chainsaw, rv, chevelle, vw bus, dodge charger, ...
    – paypal account,, apple touch icon
      precomposed.png, paypal, undefined, ps3%2520games, michael%25

Clustering Takeaway

 There are some excellent libraries that exist, and even fit the
  functional model
 Scala and Scalding will help you work around the rough edges and
  integrate them into your data flow, rather than having to create new
  data flows
 Being able to prototype locally and in the Scala REPL saves
  massive amounts of developer time

Matrix API case study

Using LinkedIn endorsement data
to rank Scala experts

LinkedIn Endorsements

Page Rank Algorithm


Prepare Data
def prepareData = {
  // read endorsements and transform to edges
  val ends = readFile[Endorsement]("endorsements")
    .filter(_.skill == "Scala")
    .map(e => (e.sender, e.recipient, 1))
def getDominantEigenVector = { … } // outputs to “ranks” (memberId, rank)
def getMembers = {
  // get Bay Area members
  val members = readLatest[Member]("members")
    .filter(_.getRegionCode == 84)
  // join ranks and members
    .map{ case (id, ((_, rank), m)) =>
      (rank, m.getMemberId, m.getFirstName, m.getLastName, m.getHeadline) }
}                                                                             56
Matrix API

 mat.mapValues( func ): Matrix      rowMeanCentering : Matrix
 mat.filterValues( func ) :         rowSizeAveStdev : Matrix
                                     matrix1 * matrix2 : Matrix
 mat.getRow( ind ) :
  RowVector                          matrix / scalar(Scalar) : Matrix
 mat.reduceRowVectors{ f } :        elemWiseOp( mat2 ){ func }
  RowVector                          mat1.hProd( matrix2 ) : Matrix
 mat.sumRowVectors :              mat2/r/c ) : Matrix
                                     matrix.nonZerosWith( sclr )
 mat.mapRows{ func } : Matrix
                                     matrix.trace : Scalar
 mat.topRowElems( k ) :
  Matrix                             matrix.sum : Scalar
 mat.rowL1Normalize : Matrix        matrix.transpose : Matrix
 mat.rowL2Normalize : Matrix        mat.diagonal : DiagonalMatrix

Endorsements Page Rank

Time for Results!

Only one slide left!


Stuff you have seen today …

 There are many ways to develop machine learning programs, none
  of them are perfect
 Scala which reflects the    years of evolution since Java's
  invention, and Scalding which is the same for vanilla MapReduce,
  are a much better alternative
 Machine learning is fun and not necessarily complicated


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Scalable and Flexible Machine Learning With Scala @ LinkedIn

  • 1. Scalable and Flexible Machine Learning With Scala
  • 2. Who are we? @BigDataSc @ccsevers 2
  • 3. Stuff you will see today …  Different types of data scientists – Comparison of different approaches to develop machine learning flows  Code  The five tool tool – Why Scala (and its ecosystem) is the best tool to develop machine learning flows (Hint: MapReduce is functional)  Some more code  Machine Learning examples – Real life (well … almost) examples of different machine learning problems  Even more code 3
  • 4. “Good data scientists understand, in a deep way, that the heavy lifting of cleanup and preparation is not something that gets in the way of solving the problem – it is the problem!” DJ Patil – Founding member of the LinkedIn data science team 4
  • 5. The data funnel  Real data is an awful, terrible mess  Cleaning often is a process of operating on data, excluding some data, bucketing data and calculating aggregates about the data Generate map, flatMap, for Exclude filter Bucket group, groupBy, groupWith Aggregate sum, reduce, foldLeft  These blocks form the basis of most data flows 5
  • 6. There are many ways to develop data flows 6
  • 8. {"schema": { The Mixer Word Count "type": "record", "name": "WordCount", "fields": [ from org.apache.pig.scripting import * { "name": "word", @outputSchema("b: bag{ w: chararray}") "type": "string" def tokenize(words): }, return words.split(" ") { "name": "count", script = """ "type": "int" A = load './input.txt'; }]}} B = foreach A generate flatten(tokenize((chararray)$0)) as word; C = group B by word; D = foreach C generate group, COUNT(B); store D into './wordcount’ using AvroStorage("schema"); """ Pig.compile(script).bind().runSingle() 8
  • 9. The Mixer Data Scientist  Too many occurrences of code inside strings  Three different languages inside a single file  User Defined Functions (UDFs) vs. Language Support  Not real Python, but Jython (which missing some libraries)  This is just a simple word count! 9
  • 10. The Mixer Data Scientist  Pig is great at extract, transform, load (ETL)  … as long as you want to use a function that is already part of the included library  … or you get someone else to write it for you (hello, DataFu!)  Realistically you will need to maintain a Pig code base and a code base in some language which can run on the JVM  Pig Latin is a bit funky, missing a lot of core programming language features  Pig Latin is interpreted so you get (limited) type and syntax checking only at runtime 10
  • 12. The Expert Word Count hadoop fs –get input.txt input.txt cp /mnt/hadoop/input.txt ~/MyProjects/WordCount/input.txt ##!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %count_of; while (my $line = <>) { #read from file or STDIN foreach my $word (split /s+/, $line) { $count_of{$word}++; } } print "All words and their counts: n"; for my $word (sort keys %count_of) { print "'$word': $count_of{$word}n"; } __END__ 12
  • 13. The Scalable Expert – Hadoop Streaming  Lets you use any language you want.  Same issues as Java MapReduce with regards to multiple passes, complicated joins, etc.  Always reading from stdin and writing to stdout.  Easy to test out on local data – cat myfile.txt | | sort |  Actual data may not be as nice. No type checking on input or output can will lead to problems.  The main reason to do this is so you can use a nice interpreted language to do your processing. 13
  • 15. The Craftsman Word Count package org.myorg; public static class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { import; import java.util.*; public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; int sum = 0; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.*; for (IntWritable val : values) { import*; sum += val.get(); import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum)); import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat; } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.TextOutputFormat; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { public class WordCount { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); public static class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { Job job = new Job(conf, "wordcount"); private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text(); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { job.setMapperClass(Map.class); String line = value.toString(); job.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0])); context.write(word, one); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1])); } } job.waitForCompletion(true); } } 15
  • 16. The Craftsman Data Scientist  If you like Java it works fine  … until you want to do more than one pass, a complicated join or anything fancy.  Cascading solves many of these problems for you but it is still very verbose 16
  • 17. We need a better tool A five tool tool! 17
  • 18. The Pragmatic Data Scientist  Agile – Iterates quickly  Productive - Uses the right tool for the right job  Correct - Tests as much as he can before the job is even submitted  Scalable – Can handle real world problems  Simple - Single language to represent Operations, UDFs and Data 18
  • 19. The Pragmatic Data Scientist  Agile – Iterates quickly  Productive - Uses the right tool for the right job  Correct - Tests as much as he can before the job is even submitted  Scalable – Can handle real world problems  Simple - Single language to represent Operations, UDFs and Data 19
  • 20. Agility – Data is complex 20
  • 21. Agility – Try before you buy scala> 1 to 10 res0: Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) scala> 1 until 10 res1: Range = Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) scala> res0.slice(3, 5) res3: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(4, 5) scala> res0.groupBy(_ % 2) res4: Map[Int, IndexedSeq[Int]] = Map(1 -> Vector(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), 0 -> Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)) 21
  • 22. Productivity – Don't reinvent the wheel 22
  • 23. Productivity – Have the work done for you Python Collections Operators Scala Collections Operators  map  foreach  span  reduce  map  partition  filter  flatMap  groupBy  sum  collect  forall  min/max  find  exists  takeWhile  count  dropWhile  fold  filter  reduce  withFilter  sum  filterNot  product  splitAt  min/max 23
  • 24. Correctness – how to keep your sanity 24
  • 25. Scalability – works on more than your machine  Integrates with Hadoop (more than just streaming)  Has the support of scalable libraries  Parallel by design – not just for M/R flows 25
  • 26. Simplicity  Paco Nathan, Evil Mad Scientist, Concurrent Inc., @pacoid, says: – “[Scalding] code is compact, simple to understand” – “nearly 1:1 between elements of conceptual flow diagram and function calls” – “Cascalog and Scalding DSLs leverage the functional aspects of MapReduce, helping to limit complexity in process”  Scala is a functional tool for a fundamentally functional job 26
  • 28. Let’s count some words  This is the “Hello, World!” of anything tangentially related to Hadoop.  Let’s try it in Scala first without any Hadoop stuff.  val myLines : Seq[String] = ... // get some stuff  val myWords = myLines.flatMap(w => w.split("s+"))  val myWordsGrouped = myWords.groupBy(identity)  val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.mapValues(x=>x.size)  Now write out the words somehow val countedWords = myLines.flatMap(_.split("s+")) .groupBy(identity) .mapValues(_.size) 28
  • 29. Let’s count a lot of words  I’ve gone to the trouble of rewriting this example to run in Hadoop.  Here it is:  val myLines : TypedPipe[String] = TextLine(args("input"))  val myWords = myLines.flatMap(w => w.split("s+"))  val myWordsGrouped = myWords.groupBy(identity)  val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.mapValueStream(x => Iterator(x.size))  We can make this even better.  val countedWords = myWordsGrouped.size  countedWords.write(TypedTsv[(String,Long)](output)) 29
  • 30. Something for nothing  Other people have already done the hard work to make the previous example run  The previous example is using Scalding, a Scala library to write (mainly) Hadoop MapReduce jobs.   It even has its own Twitter account, @scalding  Created by: – Avi Bryant @avibryant – Oscar Boykin @posco – Argyris Zymnis @argyris  Tweet them now and tell them how awesome it is  … I’ll wait 30
  • 31. Side by side comparison of local and Hadoop val myWords = val myWords = myLines.flatMap(w => myLines.flatMap(w => w.split("s+")) w.split("s+")) val myWordsGrouped = val myWordsGrouped = myLines.groupBy(identity) myWords.groupBy(identity) val countedWords = val countedWords = myWordsGrouped. myWordsGrouped. size mapValues(x=>x.size) There are some small differences, mainly due to how the underlying Hadoop process needs to happen. 31
  • 32. Why does this work?  Scala has support for embedded domain specific languages (DSLs)  Scalding includes a couple DSLs for specifying Cascading (and by extension Hadoop) workflows.  Info about Cascading:  One of the Scalding DSLs, the Typed one, is designed to be very close to the standard Scala collections API  It’s not a perfect mapping due to how Cascading and Hadoop work, but in general it is very easy to write your code locally, change a couple small bits, and have it run on a Hadoop cluster  Scalding also has a local mode if you want the syntactic sugar without fussing with Hadoop 32
  • 33. DSLs for everyone!  We’re showing you Scalding in this talk, but there are others that are similar. – Scoobi: – Scrunch:  All three attempt to make using code to written on Scala collections work (almost) seamlessly in Hadoop.  More on DSLs:  Some guts: 33
  • 34. Fields based DSL From com.twitter.scalding.Dsl /** * This object has all the implicit functions and values that are used * to make the scalding DSL. * * It's useful to import Dsl._ when you are writing scalding code outside * of a Job. */ object Dsl extends FieldConversions with TupleConversions with GeneratedTupleAdders with { implicit def pipeToRichPipe(pipe : Pipe) : RichPipe = new RichPipe(pipe) implicit def richPipeToPipe(rp : RichPipe) : Pipe = rp.pipe } } } 34
  • 35. Typed DSL From com.twitter.scalding.TDsl /** implicits for the type-safe DSL * import TDsl._ to get the implicit conversions from Grouping/CoGrouping to Pipe, * to get the .toTypedPipe method on standard cascading Pipes. * to get automatic conversion of Mappable[T] to TypedPipe[T] */ object TDsl extends Serializable with GeneratedTupleAdders { implicit def pipeTExtensions(pipe : Pipe) : PipeTExtensions = new PipeTExtensions(pipe) implicit def mappableToTypedPipe[T](mappable : Mappable[T]) (implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode, conv : TupleConverter[T]) : TypedPipe[T] = { TypedPipe.from(mappable)(flowDef, mode, conv) } } 35
  • 36. Algebird – It’s like algebra and a bird  We did something fancy in the previous example:  val countedWords = myGroupedWords.size  val countedWords = myGroupedWords.mapValues(x => 1L).sum  val countedWords = myGroupedWords.mapValues(x => 1L).reduce(implicit mon: Monoid[Long])((l,r) =>,r))  Scalding uses Algebird extensively to make your life easier.  Algebird can also be used outside of Scalding with no trouble.  Algebird has your favorite things like monoids, monads, bloom filters, count-min sketches, hyperloglogs, etc. 36
  • 37. Counting words with some extra information  Sometimes we want to know some information about the contexts that words occurred in. At eBay, this is often the category that a term appeared in.  Let’s count words and calculate the entropy of the category distribution for each word. – If you’re unfamiliar with this type of entropy just think of it as a measure of how concentrated the distribution is. – If you really like formulas it is: Σi p(xi) log(pi) 37
  • 38. More code case class MyAvroOutput(word: String, count: Long, entropy: Double) extends AvroRecord TypedTsv[(String,Int)] .flatMap{case(line,cat) => line.split("s+").map(x => (x,Map(cat->1L))} .group .sum .map{ case(word, dist) => val total: Double = dist.values.sum val entropy = (-1)*{ count => (count/total)*math.log(count/total)}.sum MyAvroOutput(word,total.toLong,entropy) } .write(PackedAvroSource[MyAvroOutput](output))  Math is great 38
  • 39. Machine Learning Examples The reason why you are here 39
  • 40. Classification case study How much should we charge for a Titanic insurance? 40
  • 41. Titanic II case study  We want to sell life insurance to passengers of Titanic II  All we have is data from Titanic I  We have to be able to explain why we charge the prices we do (damn regulators!) 41
  • 42. Titanic I Data  Cabin class – e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..  Name – String  Age – Integer  Embark place – String  Destination – String  Room – Integer  Ticket – Integer  Gender – Male or Female 42
  • 43. Titanic Model 43
  • 44. Classifier code object Titanic { def main(args: Array[String]) = { // parse data val reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader( "src/main/data/titanic.csv")) val passengers = val instances = // build tree val treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder val tree = treeBuilder.buildTree(instances) // print tree tree.dump(System.out) } } 44
  • 45. Titanic Model 45
  • 46. Clustering case study Let’s cluster some eBay keywords. 46
  • 47. Motivation  eBay, like any large site, has a massive number of unique queries every day  Identifying groups of queries based on user behavior might help us to understand the individual queries better  For queries we are unsure of we can even try and match them into a cluster that contains queries we know a lot about.  We can use behavioral things like: – number of searches – number of clicks – number of subsequent bids, buys – number of exits – etc 47
  • 48. Let’s use Mahout  Apache Mahout,, @ApacheMahout, is a powerful machine learning and data mining library that works with Hadoop.  It has a ton of great stuff in it, but many of the drawbacks of using Java MapReduce apply.  It uses some proprietary data formats (is your data in VectorWritable SequenceFiles?)  Luckily for us, there are some nice things that work as standalone pieces.  Coming in release 0.8, there is an excellent single pass k-means clustering algorithm we can use. 48
  • 49. Let’s use Mahout, inside Scalding lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch(new EuclideanDistanceMeasure,5,10), args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float]) var count = 0; val sloppyClusters = TextLine(args("input")) .map{ str => val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble) val cent = new Centroid(count, new DenseVector(vec)) count += 1 cent } .toPipe('centroids) // This won't work with the current build, coming soon though .unorderedFoldTo[StreamingKMeans,Centroid]('centroids->’clusters)(clust){(cl,cent) => cl.cluster(cent); cl} .toTypedPipe[StreamingKMeans](Dsl.intFields(Seq(0))) .flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable) 49
  • 50. Let’s use Mahout, inside Scalding val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll .mapValueStream{centList => lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch( new EuclideanDistanceMeasure), args("numclusters").toInt, 100) bclusterer.cluster(centList.toList.asJava) bclusterer.iterator.asScala } .values 50
  • 51. Results  These are primarily eBay head queries. Remember that the clustering algorithm knows nothing about the text in the query.  Sample groups: – chanel, tory burch, diamond ring, kathy van zeeland handbags, ... – ipad 4th generation, samsung galaxy s iii, iphone 4 s, nexus 4, ipad mini, ... – kohls coupons, lowes coupons – jcrew, cole haan, diesel, banana republic, gucci, burberry, brooks brothers, … – ferrari, utility trailer, polaris ranger, porsche 911, dump truck, bmw m3, chainsaw, rv, chevelle, vw bus, dodge charger, ... – paypal account,, apple touch icon precomposed.png, paypal, undefined, ps3%2520games, michael%25 20kors 51
  • 52. Clustering Takeaway  There are some excellent libraries that exist, and even fit the functional model  Scala and Scalding will help you work around the rough edges and integrate them into your data flow, rather than having to create new data flows  Being able to prototype locally and in the Scala REPL saves massive amounts of developer time 52
  • 53. Matrix API case study Using LinkedIn endorsement data to rank Scala experts 53
  • 55. Page Rank Algorithm 55
  • 56. Prepare Data def prepareData = { // read endorsements and transform to edges val ends = readFile[Endorsement]("endorsements") .filter(_.skill == "Scala") .map(e => (e.sender, e.recipient, 1)) .write(TSV(”edges")) } def getDominantEigenVector = { … } // outputs to “ranks” (memberId, rank) def getMembers = { // get Bay Area members val members = readLatest[Member]("members") .filter(_.getRegionCode == 84) .groupBy(_.getMemberId.toLong) // join ranks and members readFile[Ranks](”ranks”).withReducers(10).join(members).toTypedPipe .map{ case (id, ((_, rank), m)) => (rank, m.getMemberId, m.getFirstName, m.getLastName, m.getHeadline) } .groupAll.sortBy(_._1).reverse.values .write(TextLine("talk/scalaRanks")) } 56
  • 57. Matrix API  mat.mapValues( func ): Matrix  rowMeanCentering : Matrix  mat.filterValues( func ) :  rowSizeAveStdev : Matrix Matrix  matrix1 * matrix2 : Matrix  mat.getRow( ind ) : RowVector  matrix / scalar(Scalar) : Matrix  mat.reduceRowVectors{ f } :  elemWiseOp( mat2 ){ func } RowVector  mat1.hProd( matrix2 ) : Matrix  mat.sumRowVectors :  mat2/r/c ) : Matrix RowVector  matrix.nonZerosWith( sclr )  mat.mapRows{ func } : Matrix  matrix.trace : Scalar  mat.topRowElems( k ) : Matrix  matrix.sum : Scalar  mat.rowL1Normalize : Matrix  matrix.transpose : Matrix  mat.rowL2Normalize : Matrix  mat.diagonal : DiagonalMatrix 57
  • 58. Endorsements Page Rank Time for Results! 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60
  • 61. Only one slide left! Summary 61
  • 62. Stuff you have seen today …  There are many ways to develop machine learning programs, none of them are perfect  Scala which reflects the years of evolution since Java's invention, and Scalding which is the same for vanilla MapReduce, are a much better alternative  Machine learning is fun and not necessarily complicated 62
  • 63. 63

Editor's Notes

  1. I have been in this room on 3 special occasionsJust this last Friday some of the most influential people in our industry like Jeff Weiner and Reid Hoffman judged our internal mini startup contest called incubatorWhen Bryan Stevenson, the person who got the longest standing ovation on TED was giving a private talk to LinkedIn employeesAnd when we celebrated out successful year by everyone getting new IPadsAnd let me tell you, I have never seen this room so full.So thank you all for coming and I promise you that this talk won’t be nearly as exciting as those occasions 
  2. There are a lot of ways to develop MR flows, when I came to LinkedIn I saw 3 different patterns …
  3. Simple here is as oppose to complex (reference Rich Hickey’s – Simple made Easy talk)
  4. Simple is the key message – if you had to takeaway a single point from the entire talk, this would be it.
  5. ----- Meeting Notes (3/11/13 17:16) -----This is the Facebook user object, well part of it. Avro schemas can get ridiculously big