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Alcohol Beverages
Beer: is a mild intoxicant brewed by a mixture of grains and
usually has 3-6% alcohol by volume.
Ales and Malt Liquor: They are also made by grains and similar
to beer usually contains 6-8% per volume
Wines: It is made by fermenting the juice of fruits. And it has
9-14% per volume.
Hard Liquor: it is made by distilling fermented or brewed grains
or other plants. Usually contains about 35-50%
Concentration of Alcohol
The concentration of Alcohol is indicated by it is Proof Value:
which amounts to two times the percentage concentration. So if
the beverage has an 80 proof, then it contains 40% alcohol by
volume. So two ounces of an 80 proof Vodka it contains 80%
Standard vs Actual Servings
The term one drink or a standard drink refers to a drink with
an amount of 0.6 ounce of alcohol.
12-ounce bottle of beer.
8-ounce Malt liquor
5-ounce glass of a wine.
1.5-ounce shot of liquor.
Even though this is the standard servings size people tend to
drink way more than that.
Calories content
Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram.
In a typical one drink there is 100-120 calories.
In regular beer there is 150 calories.
Light beer contains 100 calories.
5-ounce glass of wine contains 100 calories
3-ounce of Margarita contains 157 calories
6-Ounce of rum and coke contains about 180 calories
Absorption of Alcohol
When Alcohol ingested 20% of it is absorbed from the stomach.
75% is absorbed through the stomach and the upper part of the
small Intestine
The rest is absorbed from the GI (Gastrointestinal)
The rate of absorption is affected by various factors:
Carbonation increases the rate.
Artificial sweeteners have the same affect
Food slows the rate absorption
Drinking high concentrated drinks also slows the rate of
Alcohol Metabolism
Alcohol Metabolizes, transfers into usable and waste parts
mainly in the liver.
Small amount of alcohol is metabolized in the stomach
2-10% of the alcohol excreted unchanged by the lungs, kidneys,
and sweat glands.
Excreted alcohol causes the telltale to smell on a drinker’s
breath and it is the basis analysis of a person’s breath and urine
to tests the alcohol levels.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
BAC: is the ratio of alcohol in a person’s blood by weight, or
the percentage of alcohol measured in deciliter of blood.
It is affected by metabolizes 0.3 ounce of alcohol per hour.
The rate of alcohol metabolism is determined by genetic factors
and drinking behavior.
Although the rate of absorption can be affected by many factors
the rate of Metabolism cannot be slowed.
A person can lower the rate of the BAC only by drinking over
long period of time.
How to calculate BAC
Immediate and Long term affects
Mohammed Bantalal
Immediate affects
Low concentration:
It happens at a BAC of 0.03-0.05%:
Light Headedness
Release of inhibitions
Some people become more sociable, and for them alcohol acts
as a stimulant and enhancing conviviality or assertiveness, and
it is caused because alcohol depresses inhibitory centers in the
Immediate affects continue
High Concentration (0.1% to 0.3%):
The alcohol interferences with motor coordination
Verbal performance
Intellectual functions
Around 0.1% BAC all the functions are reduced. Around 0.2%
most drinkers are completely unable to function. And more than
0.35% can be fetal
Immediate affects
caused by the toxic products of alcohol breakdown, dehydration,
and hormonal affects.
(Individuals are more vulnerable to heart attacks during this
Alcohol poisoning can happen when a person takes a huge dose
of alcohol. Death can be caused to a person by central nervous
system, respiratory depression or inhaling fluids or vomiting
into lungs.
Immediate affects
Mixing Alcohol and drugs
Taking alcohol with drugs that depresses CNS (like
Barbiturates, valium, narcotics like codeine, and Benadryl) can
increases the effects of both drugs and can lead to coma,
respiratory depression, and death.
If more than three drinks are taking with aspirin, ibuprofen, and
etc… it can increase the risk of stomach bleeding.
When cocaine and alcohol are mixed they form a drug called
cocaethylene that can highly lead to death.
Immediate affect
Alcohol aggression:
In 2012 2.2 million arrests were made that were related to
Alcohol use contributes to 50% of all murders, assaults, and
Immediate affects
Alcohol and sexual decisions:
Alcohol can affect a person decision on having an unprotected
sex. People who drink heavily are more likely to be engaged
with more than one partner, or to engage in high-risk sexual
behaviors. Rates of transmitted sexual diseases are higher
among people who drink heavily than people who drink in
moderate rates.
Long term affects of chronic misuse
Digestive system:
Within just few days fat begins to accumulate on liver cells
resulting in “fatty liver”. If drinking continue it can result to
liver inflammation, that can causes alcohol hepatitis that can
lead to frequent hospitalization in the future or death. Both
diseases are reversible if the person stops drinking. But the
damage has already been done because the cells are damaged
and will be replaced fibrous scar tissue, a condition called
Long term affects of chronic misuse
The Cardiovascular system:
One drink or less a day for women or one drink or two a day for
men can actually reduces the risk of heart diseases for some
people; however, more than that can causes the following:
Elevate blood pressure
Heart attacks and strokes chances will increase
Weakening of the heart muscle ( Cardiac Myopathy)
Long term affects of chronic misuse
Alcohol drinking can increase the chances of having mouth,
throat, larynx, and esophagus cancers. It can also increases the
chance of breast cancer. A study showed even having 3-6 drinks
a week can increase the chances of having breasts cancer.
Alcohol Disorder
Ziyad Al-Zamil
Alcohol Disorder
Alcohol Disorder:
“Misuse of alcohol that leads to clinically significant
Diagnosing alcohol disorders:
The modern diagnose system of alcohol disorders prefer to use
the terms mild, moderate, severe and extreme, rather than
“alcoholic” or “nonalcoholic”. The following criteria can
diagnose if the person alcoholic disorder from mild to extreme.
If the person meets two then they are mild or moderate if
greater than four then they are extreme.
Alcohol Disorders
These are the criteria that are used to diagnose the person:
Alcohol consumed in large amounts over long time period
unsuccessful efforts to control alcohol use
Excessive time spent using alcohol or recovering from it
A strong desire or craving to use alcohol
Alcohol prevents the person from doing their work in home,
work or school
Continued use of alcohol even after diagnosed with physical or
psychological diseases
Important social or recreational activates reduced because of
Persistent alcohol use in situations that are physically risky
A need for increased amounts of alcohol to achieve desired
Symptoms of withdrawal such as, sweating, increased heart rate,
hand tremor, insomnia nausea and anxiety.
Alcohol Disorders
How to recognize if someone have a problem with alcohol? The
following are signs of a person who has problem with alcohol:
Drinking alone
Drinking alcohol to get through tough situations
Using alcohol to “self-medicate” in order to get rid of strong
Feeling uncomfortable when alcohol is not around in certain
Consuming alcohol before risky situations like driving
Drinking almost everyday
Drinking in the morning
Alcohol disorders
Binge drinking
“is a pattern of rapid , periodic drinking that brings a person’s
BAC up to 0.08% or higher”
For men it is typically five drinks or fewer and for women is
four drinks or fewer.
It is the most common way for college to drink is binge
drinking, about 90% of occurs in the form of binge drinking.
And over half of the adults in the united states drink in the form
of binge drinking.
Binge Drinking
Frequent binge drinkers are three to seven times more likely to
do the following:
Engage in unplanned sex
Drive after drinking
Involved in an injury
“A pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functions due
to alcohol; characterized by tolerance of alcohol and withdrawal
Causes of Alcoholism
Join Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group or other treatment
There are also some medical treatments that can be used like:
Disulfiram : Makes the patient ill when drinking
Naltrexone: Reduces the craving of alcohol
Injectable Naltrexone: Single monthly shot administrated by
health professionals
Acamprosate: Help people abstinence after they have stopped
SLU125 Choosing Wellness
Problems and Issues in Wellness Individual Project/Presentation
and Collaborative Learning Activity
This individual project/presentation will provide you with
opportunity to demonstrate course objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and
CT, CV, DM skills. It will
contribute up to 25 points towards your final course grade.
The collaborative learning activity will provide you with
opportunity to demonstrate course objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and
CT, CV, DM skills. It will contribute up to 5
points towards your final course grade.
In keeping with our Choosing Wellness focus, this
project/presentation also takes a proactive approach to wellness.
Although you will interact as a
team, every team member will complete an individual
project/presentation that will be individually assessed.
The team will also collaboratively plan and conduct a learning
activity, and it will be collaboratively assessed.
Please follow specific directions and rubric. Topics and
project/presentation dates will be posted in LearningStudio.
Project at a Glance
Individual project/presentation AND collaborative
learning activity
are due on the same date
1. Select a general wellness topic:
· See general topics/due dates for Problems and Issues in
Wellness Project/Presentation.
2. Sign-up and actively participate in first team meeting:
· Sign-up for team. Confirm general topic/due date. Share
contact information and brainstorm plans.
3. Select an individual problem or issue in wellness topic:
· Read corresponding chapter in course textbook.
· Advise team of your selected individual topic.
4. Select one research-based resource AND one eResource.
(Specifications for Resources)
Each individual team member’s research-based resource must be
approved by professor and:
· Be published in a course approved website. Search tabs titled
“research,” “publications,” or “position papers.”
· Further support your wellness topic.
· Be current (not prior to 2012).
· Not be commerce-based.
Each individual team member’s eResource must:
· Be current (not prior to 2012).
· Be a video clip, app., interactive website, or a self-produced
· Further support your wellness topic.
Consult our course syllabus for a list of course approved
For eResources, also consider that list, or or or TEDtalks, or or YouTube.
5. Complete/type the proposal. Bring it to your team workshop
meeting with the professor:
· Complete the proposal found in LearningStudio. See
“Problems and Issues” tab; “Proposal” link.Bring your research-
based resource to the workshop meeting.
· Schedule subsequent team meetings to take place outside of
class time.
6. Submit this completed/typed template and hard copy of
research-based resource on assigned date.
7. Work with your team to prepare and direct a collaborative
learning activity.
8. Present your project with support from a Power Point, Prezi,
Piktochart or other approved technology
tools to reinforce major concepts-- not as a script to read.
Problems and Issues in Wellness Individual Project/Presentation
and Collaborative Learning Activity
· Complete this template. Use the completed template to prepare
a presentation.
· Use PP, Prezi, Piktochart or other approved technology tool to
enhance the presentation, NOT as a
script to read.
· Submit this completed/typed template and hard copy of
research-based resource on assigned date.
· Collaboratively plan and direct a useful learning activity.
Engage the whole class.
· Please consult requirements/indicators/points/comments as the
____________ Course Section:________
Analyze Course Textbook Information
TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and
Elaborate on This Information in Your
for Template
and Presentation
Team’s Wellness Topic
Team’s Wellness Topic:
Your Selected Individual Wellness Problem or Wellness Issue
Clearly and succinctly state the wellness problem or issue that
you researched per course textbook.
Your Individual Topic:
1, 0
Course Textbook Information Directly Relevant
to Your Wellness Problem or Issue
Based on the course textbook, provide at least 5 important
facts/ideas/concepts directly relevant to your topic.
Specifically explain why/how each is relevant
to your topic. Why
does the information matter? How is it important?
Include corresponding page numbers from textbook.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Analyze Your Research-based Resource From Course Website
Must Meet Specifications for Resources
TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and
Elaborate on This Information in Your
Analyze Your Research-based Resource
Must Meet Specifications for Resources
for Template
and Presentation
Resource Title and Date of
Provide the title of article, study, report, or update.
ALSO, provide the publication date.
Resource title:
Date of publication:
1, 0
Authorship Type
Specify whether authors are researchers, educators, or health
practitioners OR a national health organization, government
agency, educational or medical institution.
Author Identification and Credentials
Provide the author’s name. Also, list
degrees, certifications, and their professional
Specify if this is an agency, national health
organization, or medical institution. If so, provide mission
Authorship type:
Author identification:
Specific credentials/qualifications OR
if applicable, the mission statement:
2, 1, 0
Analyze Your Selected Research-based
From the Website
TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and
Elaborate on This Information in Your
Analyze Your Research-based Information
for Template
and Presentation
Central Purpose
What is the main purpose of this article, study, report, or
Central purpose of the research-based article, study, report or
update found in the website:
1, 0
Research Findings/Conclusions
Based on the research, provide
5 important findings or conclusions directly relevant to your
Specifically explain why/how
each is relevant to your topic. Why does this information
matter? How is it important? Include the corresponding
page numbers.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Explain the effects or consequences.
If we apply the findings, or conclusions
from your research to your wellness topic, two
important implications are…
1.If the wellness practice described in your research continues,
one likely consequence is…
2. One variable that is difficult to control is…
2, 1, 0
After reasoning through research about your selected wellness
topic, you should be able make a recommendation for choosing
Therefore, identify a specific idea that can be applied to your
selected wellness problem or issue.
Next, offer a logical and viable recommendation for applying
the idea.
A specific idea that can be applied to my selected wellness
problem or issue is…
Therefore, my recommendation is…
Specific idea
should be applied by:
so as to:
Accomplish what
2, 1, 0
Requirements/Indicators Analyze Your
video clip, app., interactive website, or a self-produced video
Must Meet Specifications
Please Type Your Answers Here
Analyze Your eResource
Must Meet Specifications
for Template and Presentation
eResource Type, Title, and Date Published or Posted
Author, Agency, Organization
or Institution Responsible for Designing, Publishing, or Posting
Web Address
Which? Video clip, app., interactive website,
or a self-produced video
Author,agency, association or institution:
Web address:
Required or no credit for eResource
List and explain 2 specific examples why this eResource is
relevant to your topic.
2, 1, 0
List and explain 2 ways you would apply the eResource towards
improving wellness (as directly
relevant to your topic).
2, 1, 0
Collaborative Learning Activity
Complete this form. All team members must assist the class
with the collaborative learning activity.
Comments 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Activity Title:
Small Team’s Success:
2 Important Take Away Facts:
To earn the maximum number of points note these
Each individual project/presentation must:
· Include a complete andtyped hard copy of this template. AND
a hard copy of the research-based resource.
· Be submitted and presented on the due date (no late
· Feature correct, clear, and relevant wellness information
promoting wellness-enhancing behaviors.
· Not have major errors of syntax or mechanics.
Each individual presentation will also be assessed on delivery
and organization:
· Establish, and consistently maintain credibility and
· Be articulate, speak up, and vary vocal inflection. Avoid vocal
pauses/idioms (“um,” “uh,” “like” “you guys”).
· Use professional, grammatically correct, and appropriate
· Consistently look at audience, do not read to them, nor
maintain downcast eyes/head.
· Do not diminish or block audience’s view of visual aids.
· Logically order the content. Present visual accompaniment at
optimal times.
· Leave the audience assured the presentation was well
researched and well planned.
The team’s collaborative learning activity must:
· Begin with clear and definitive directions. Fulfill all sections
of the chart.
· Reinforce relevant information from each team member’s
· Engage our whole class in a collaboratively planned/directed
activity promoting wellness-enhancing behaviors.
· Be well timed (both in placement during presentations, and in
· Be professionally and collaboratively executed. Demonstrate
Core Values of Personal Development/Respect.
Highest Level Points = Meets or exceeds requirements and
indicators for template, project and presentation.
Secondary Level Points = Meets requirements and indicators for
template, project and presentation
with minor omission, or need for breadth/depth of detail, or
need for improvement as indicated in comments.
0 Points = Not included, without support, and/or contains or is
based on major errors of information or fact,
and/or is largely unreadable/difficult to understand.
Individual Grade Project/Presentation
Collaborative Grade Learning Activity

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Alcohol ALCOHOL INTAKERakkan FagirahAlco.docx

  • 1. Alcohol ALCOHOL INTAKE Rakkan Fagirah Alcohol Beverages Beer: is a mild intoxicant brewed by a mixture of grains and usually has 3-6% alcohol by volume. Ales and Malt Liquor: They are also made by grains and similar to beer usually contains 6-8% per volume Wines: It is made by fermenting the juice of fruits. And it has 9-14% per volume. Hard Liquor: it is made by distilling fermented or brewed grains or other plants. Usually contains about 35-50% Concentration of Alcohol The concentration of Alcohol is indicated by it is Proof Value: which amounts to two times the percentage concentration. So if the beverage has an 80 proof, then it contains 40% alcohol by volume. So two ounces of an 80 proof Vodka it contains 80% alcohol.
  • 2. Standard vs Actual Servings The term one drink or a standard drink refers to a drink with an amount of 0.6 ounce of alcohol. 12-ounce bottle of beer. 8-ounce Malt liquor 5-ounce glass of a wine. 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. Even though this is the standard servings size people tend to drink way more than that. Calories content Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram. In a typical one drink there is 100-120 calories. In regular beer there is 150 calories. Light beer contains 100 calories. 5-ounce glass of wine contains 100 calories 3-ounce of Margarita contains 157 calories 6-Ounce of rum and coke contains about 180 calories Absorption of Alcohol When Alcohol ingested 20% of it is absorbed from the stomach. 75% is absorbed through the stomach and the upper part of the small Intestine The rest is absorbed from the GI (Gastrointestinal) The rate of absorption is affected by various factors: Carbonation increases the rate. Artificial sweeteners have the same affect Food slows the rate absorption
  • 3. Drinking high concentrated drinks also slows the rate of absorption Alcohol Metabolism Alcohol Metabolizes, transfers into usable and waste parts mainly in the liver. Small amount of alcohol is metabolized in the stomach 2-10% of the alcohol excreted unchanged by the lungs, kidneys, and sweat glands. Excreted alcohol causes the telltale to smell on a drinker’s breath and it is the basis analysis of a person’s breath and urine to tests the alcohol levels. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) BAC: is the ratio of alcohol in a person’s blood by weight, or the percentage of alcohol measured in deciliter of blood. It is affected by metabolizes 0.3 ounce of alcohol per hour. The rate of alcohol metabolism is determined by genetic factors and drinking behavior. Although the rate of absorption can be affected by many factors the rate of Metabolism cannot be slowed. A person can lower the rate of the BAC only by drinking over long period of time. How to calculate BAC
  • 4. ALCOHOL AND HEALTH Immediate and Long term affects Mohammed Bantalal Immediate affects Low concentration: It happens at a BAC of 0.03-0.05%: Light Headedness Relaxation Release of inhibitions Some people become more sociable, and for them alcohol acts as a stimulant and enhancing conviviality or assertiveness, and it is caused because alcohol depresses inhibitory centers in the brain. Immediate affects continue High Concentration (0.1% to 0.3%): The alcohol interferences with motor coordination Verbal performance Intellectual functions Around 0.1% BAC all the functions are reduced. Around 0.2% most drinkers are completely unable to function. And more than 0.35% can be fetal Immediate affects Hangover: caused by the toxic products of alcohol breakdown, dehydration, and hormonal affects.
  • 5. (Individuals are more vulnerable to heart attacks during this stage) Poisoning: Alcohol poisoning can happen when a person takes a huge dose of alcohol. Death can be caused to a person by central nervous system, respiratory depression or inhaling fluids or vomiting into lungs. Immediate affects Mixing Alcohol and drugs Taking alcohol with drugs that depresses CNS (like Barbiturates, valium, narcotics like codeine, and Benadryl) can increases the effects of both drugs and can lead to coma, respiratory depression, and death. If more than three drinks are taking with aspirin, ibuprofen, and etc… it can increase the risk of stomach bleeding. When cocaine and alcohol are mixed they form a drug called cocaethylene that can highly lead to death. Immediate affect Alcohol aggression: In 2012 2.2 million arrests were made that were related to alcohol. Alcohol use contributes to 50% of all murders, assaults, and rape. Immediate affects Alcohol and sexual decisions:
  • 6. Alcohol can affect a person decision on having an unprotected sex. People who drink heavily are more likely to be engaged with more than one partner, or to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. Rates of transmitted sexual diseases are higher among people who drink heavily than people who drink in moderate rates. Long term affects of chronic misuse Digestive system: Within just few days fat begins to accumulate on liver cells resulting in “fatty liver”. If drinking continue it can result to liver inflammation, that can causes alcohol hepatitis that can lead to frequent hospitalization in the future or death. Both diseases are reversible if the person stops drinking. But the damage has already been done because the cells are damaged and will be replaced fibrous scar tissue, a condition called cirrhosis. Long term affects of chronic misuse The Cardiovascular system: One drink or less a day for women or one drink or two a day for men can actually reduces the risk of heart diseases for some people; however, more than that can causes the following: Elevate blood pressure Heart attacks and strokes chances will increase Weakening of the heart muscle ( Cardiac Myopathy) Long term affects of chronic misuse Cancer: Alcohol drinking can increase the chances of having mouth,
  • 7. throat, larynx, and esophagus cancers. It can also increases the chance of breast cancer. A study showed even having 3-6 drinks a week can increase the chances of having breasts cancer. Video Alcohol Disorder Ziyad Al-Zamil Alcohol Disorder Alcohol Disorder: “Misuse of alcohol that leads to clinically significant impairment” Diagnosing alcohol disorders: The modern diagnose system of alcohol disorders prefer to use the terms mild, moderate, severe and extreme, rather than “alcoholic” or “nonalcoholic”. The following criteria can diagnose if the person alcoholic disorder from mild to extreme. If the person meets two then they are mild or moderate if greater than four then they are extreme.
  • 8. Alcohol Disorders These are the criteria that are used to diagnose the person: Alcohol consumed in large amounts over long time period unsuccessful efforts to control alcohol use Excessive time spent using alcohol or recovering from it A strong desire or craving to use alcohol Alcohol prevents the person from doing their work in home, work or school Continued use of alcohol even after diagnosed with physical or psychological diseases Important social or recreational activates reduced because of alcohol Persistent alcohol use in situations that are physically risky A need for increased amounts of alcohol to achieve desired effect Symptoms of withdrawal such as, sweating, increased heart rate, hand tremor, insomnia nausea and anxiety. Alcohol Disorders How to recognize if someone have a problem with alcohol? The following are signs of a person who has problem with alcohol: Drinking alone Drinking alcohol to get through tough situations Using alcohol to “self-medicate” in order to get rid of strong emotions Feeling uncomfortable when alcohol is not around in certain situations Consuming alcohol before risky situations like driving Drinking almost everyday Drinking in the morning
  • 9. Alcohol disorders Binge drinking “is a pattern of rapid , periodic drinking that brings a person’s BAC up to 0.08% or higher” For men it is typically five drinks or fewer and for women is four drinks or fewer. It is the most common way for college to drink is binge drinking, about 90% of occurs in the form of binge drinking. And over half of the adults in the united states drink in the form of binge drinking. Binge Drinking Frequent binge drinkers are three to seven times more likely to do the following: Engage in unplanned sex Drive after drinking Involved in an injury Alcoholism Alcoholism: “A pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functions due to alcohol; characterized by tolerance of alcohol and withdrawal symptoms” Causes of Alcoholism
  • 10. Treatment Join Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group or other treatment groups. There are also some medical treatments that can be used like: Disulfiram : Makes the patient ill when drinking Naltrexone: Reduces the craving of alcohol Injectable Naltrexone: Single monthly shot administrated by health professionals Acamprosate: Help people abstinence after they have stopped drinking SLU125 Choosing Wellness Problems and Issues in Wellness Individual Project/Presentation and Collaborative Learning Activity This individual project/presentation will provide you with opportunity to demonstrate course objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and CT, CV, DM skills. It will contribute up to 25 points towards your final course grade. The collaborative learning activity will provide you with opportunity to demonstrate course objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and CT, CV, DM skills. It will contribute up to 5 points towards your final course grade. Overview:
  • 11. In keeping with our Choosing Wellness focus, this project/presentation also takes a proactive approach to wellness. Although you will interact as a team, every team member will complete an individual project/presentation that will be individually assessed. The team will also collaboratively plan and conduct a learning activity, and it will be collaboratively assessed. Please follow specific directions and rubric. Topics and project/presentation dates will be posted in LearningStudio. Project at a Glance Individual project/presentation AND collaborative learning activity are due on the same date 1. Select a general wellness topic: · See general topics/due dates for Problems and Issues in Wellness Project/Presentation. 2. Sign-up and actively participate in first team meeting: · Sign-up for team. Confirm general topic/due date. Share contact information and brainstorm plans. 3. Select an individual problem or issue in wellness topic: · Read corresponding chapter in course textbook. · Advise team of your selected individual topic. PLEASE SELECT A TOPIC YOU TRULY WANT TO LEARN ABOUT. FOCUS ON WELLNESS-ENHANCING BEHAVIORS AND STRATEGIES TO AVOID OR REDUCE HEALTH RISKS. 4. Select one research-based resource AND one eResource.
  • 12. (Specifications for Resources) Each individual team member’s research-based resource must be approved by professor and: · Be published in a course approved website. Search tabs titled “research,” “publications,” or “position papers.” · Further support your wellness topic. · Be current (not prior to 2012). · Not be commerce-based. Each individual team member’s eResource must: · Be current (not prior to 2012). · Be a video clip, app., interactive website, or a self-produced video. · Further support your wellness topic. Consult our course syllabus for a list of course approved websites. For eResources, also consider that list, or or or TEDtalks, or or YouTube. 5. Complete/type the proposal. Bring it to your team workshop meeting with the professor: · Complete the proposal found in LearningStudio. See “Problems and Issues” tab; “Proposal” link.Bring your research- based resource to the workshop meeting. · Schedule subsequent team meetings to take place outside of class time. 6. Submit this completed/typed template and hard copy of research-based resource on assigned date. 7. Work with your team to prepare and direct a collaborative learning activity.
  • 13. 8. Present your project with support from a Power Point, Prezi, Piktochart or other approved technology tools to reinforce major concepts-- not as a script to read. Problems and Issues in Wellness Individual Project/Presentation and Collaborative Learning Activity TEMPLATE · Complete this template. Use the completed template to prepare a presentation. · Use PP, Prezi, Piktochart or other approved technology tool to enhance the presentation, NOT as a script to read. · Submit this completed/typed template and hard copy of research-based resource on assigned date. · Collaboratively plan and direct a useful learning activity. Engage the whole class. · Please consult requirements/indicators/points/comments as the rubric. Name:_______________________________________________ ____________ Course Section:________ Requirements/Indicators Analyze Course Textbook Information TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and Elaborate on This Information in Your Presentation. Points/
  • 14. Comments for Template and Presentation Team’s Wellness Topic Team’s Wellness Topic: Your Selected Individual Wellness Problem or Wellness Issue Clearly and succinctly state the wellness problem or issue that you researched per course textbook. Your Individual Topic: 1, 0 Course Textbook Information Directly Relevant to Your Wellness Problem or Issue Based on the course textbook, provide at least 5 important facts/ideas/concepts directly relevant to your topic. Specifically explain why/how each is relevant to your topic. Why does the information matter? How is it important? Include corresponding page numbers from textbook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
  • 15. Requirements/Indicators Analyze Your Research-based Resource From Course Website Must Meet Specifications for Resources TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and Elaborate on This Information in Your Presentation. Analyze Your Research-based Resource Must Meet Specifications for Resources Points/ Comments for Template and Presentation Resource Title and Date of Publication Provide the title of article, study, report, or update. ALSO, provide the publication date. Resource title: Date of publication: ALSO, STAPLE A HARD COPY OF THIS RESEARCH-BASED RESOURCE TO THIS COMPLETED TEMPLATE. 1, 0 Authorship Type Specify whether authors are researchers, educators, or health practitioners OR a national health organization, government agency, educational or medical institution.
  • 16. Author Identification and Credentials Provide the author’s name. Also, list degrees, certifications, and their professional affiliations. OR Specify if this is an agency, national health organization, or medical institution. If so, provide mission statement. Authorship type: Author identification: Specific credentials/qualifications OR if applicable, the mission statement: 2, 1, 0 Requirements/Indicators Analyze Your Selected Research-based Information From the Website TYPE Correct, Clear, Relevant Answers Here. Include and Elaborate on This Information in Your Presentation. Analyze Your Research-based Information
  • 17. Points/ Comments for Template and Presentation Central Purpose What is the main purpose of this article, study, report, or update? Central purpose of the research-based article, study, report or update found in the website: 1, 0 Research Findings/Conclusions Based on the research, provide 5 important findings or conclusions directly relevant to your topic. Specifically explain why/how each is relevant to your topic. Why does this information matter? How is it important? Include the corresponding page numbers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Implications Explain the effects or consequences.
  • 18. If we apply the findings, or conclusions from your research to your wellness topic, two important implications are… 1. 2. OR 1.If the wellness practice described in your research continues, one likely consequence is… 2. One variable that is difficult to control is… 2, 1, 0 Recommendation After reasoning through research about your selected wellness topic, you should be able make a recommendation for choosing wellness. Therefore, identify a specific idea that can be applied to your selected wellness problem or issue. Next, offer a logical and viable recommendation for applying
  • 19. the idea. A specific idea that can be applied to my selected wellness problem or issue is… Therefore, my recommendation is… __________________________________________ Specific idea should be applied by: __________________________________________ Whom so as to: __________________________________________. Accomplish what 2, 1, 0 Requirements/Indicators Analyze Your eResource video clip, app., interactive website, or a self-produced video Must Meet Specifications Please Type Your Answers Here Analyze Your eResource Must Meet Specifications Points/ Comments for Template and Presentation eResource Type, Title, and Date Published or Posted Author, Agency, Organization or Institution Responsible for Designing, Publishing, or Posting
  • 20. eResource Web Address Which? Video clip, app., interactive website, or a self-produced video Title: Date: Author,agency, association or institution: Web address: Required or no credit for eResource List and explain 2 specific examples why this eResource is relevant to your topic. 1. 2. 2, 1, 0 List and explain 2 ways you would apply the eResource towards improving wellness (as directly relevant to your topic). 1. 2. 2, 1, 0 Requirements/Indicators Collaborative Learning Activity Complete this form. All team members must assist the class with the collaborative learning activity.
  • 21. Points/ Comments 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Activity Title: Objective: Materials: Process: Small Team’s Success: Accountability: Debrief: 2 Important Take Away Facts: To earn the maximum number of points note these requirements… Each individual project/presentation must: · Include a complete andtyped hard copy of this template. AND a hard copy of the research-based resource. · Be submitted and presented on the due date (no late submissions). · Feature correct, clear, and relevant wellness information promoting wellness-enhancing behaviors. · Not have major errors of syntax or mechanics. Each individual presentation will also be assessed on delivery and organization: · Establish, and consistently maintain credibility and professionalism. · Be articulate, speak up, and vary vocal inflection. Avoid vocal pauses/idioms (“um,” “uh,” “like” “you guys”). · Use professional, grammatically correct, and appropriate language. · Consistently look at audience, do not read to them, nor maintain downcast eyes/head.
  • 22. · Do not diminish or block audience’s view of visual aids. · Logically order the content. Present visual accompaniment at optimal times. · Leave the audience assured the presentation was well researched and well planned. The team’s collaborative learning activity must: · Begin with clear and definitive directions. Fulfill all sections of the chart. · Reinforce relevant information from each team member’s project/presentation. · Engage our whole class in a collaboratively planned/directed activity promoting wellness-enhancing behaviors. · Be well timed (both in placement during presentations, and in duration). · Be professionally and collaboratively executed. Demonstrate Core Values of Personal Development/Respect. Assessment Highest Level Points = Meets or exceeds requirements and indicators for template, project and presentation. Secondary Level Points = Meets requirements and indicators for template, project and presentation with minor omission, or need for breadth/depth of detail, or need for improvement as indicated in comments. 0 Points = Not included, without support, and/or contains or is based on major errors of information or fact, and/or is largely unreadable/difficult to understand. ______/25 Individual Grade Project/Presentation ________5