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Thriving in Any Economy
By Getting Back to Basics
   and Working Smart

        Ralph Laurie

   Paper, Pencil or Pen
   Smorgasbord of information
   Notes
   Questions
10 questions about you
1.  Why did you get into dentistry?
2. Do you like/love what you’re doing?

3. What’s the most important thing you can do to build a
      successful practice?
4. Has the practice been effected by the Recession?

5. What is the greatest fear that you face in your practice?

6. What single change would you make tomorrow that would
      benefit your practice?
7. Do you have practice goals? Are they written?

8. Does your practice have a theme? If so, what is it?

9. Do you have a written business plan? Is it a 1 year, 2 year, 5
10. Does the team have written job descriptions?
The Speaker
About the Speaker

   Official Senor Citizen
   36th year in Dentistry
       RCI, Sierra Dental, IDT, CAESY, Lighthouse, TLG

   Lot’s of stories to tell
What I’ve discovered
   Have fun or get out
   Make a difference .
                      (Pat Hyland)
What I’ve discovered
   Your customers expectation, Dentist!
   “NAIL IT”
   You never fail until you give up
   Noble Purpose, Passion & Perseverance
   Love your customers
   Money is important
   Branch and Prune
   Lot of right answers
   Have knowledge, just don’t participate.
   Success or failure lies between your ears
Getting Back to Basics & Working Smart

What We’re Going to Cover Today
1.   The Economic Big Picture
2.   Where you fit in the big picture
3.   The New Consumer
4.   Where you stand now (baseline)
5.   What do you need to do to have a great
Business as usual
   1787 – Ratified the Constitution
   225 – Years as an operating Country
   5
   5
   27
   167
   74%
   The Cycle – Regulation – Deregulation - Regulation
When should you be most paranoid?
When should you be most paranoid?

   During the good times
       Prosperity is temporary

       Be Disciplined, booms always bust

       Be Ready for what’s next   (Sharks in the Water)
Economic Picture
Economic Picture
Economic Picture
Consumer Realty in Alabama
     U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey, 2005-2009 5-year estimates

   $172.5 Billion GDP
   4.8 million population, 1,821 million Households, 2.3
       per household
   Median household Income $42,081 (family of 4, $64,016)

   Single parent families 188,162, 302,000 children
        Average income $25,172
        Child care averages over $5,200 yearly
   Persons at or below Poverty rate 17.1% = (820,000/356,000
Consumer Realty in Alabama
      U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey, 2005-2009 5-year estimates

Consumer Spending Opportunity
   70% of GDP = $120.7 Billion of $172.5
   20% of the consumers spend 40% of
      consumer spending
   $48.28 billion is spent by the Top 20% of the
      wage earners
A Look at Dentistry
   $2.5 Trillion, 16%
   $107 billion - .04%
   Industry Description
        130,000
        616,000
        312
   $650,000 (Dep of Consumer Affairs)
   $148,000 - $227,500
   68% or $442,500
   70% ($928,571 diagnosed)
   $278,571
The new Consumer
Historical Events
    Molding the New Consumer

   1968 – 60 minutes
   October 19, 1973
   1978
   1980's Life Changes
   1999 Repealfinancial speculation, like mortgage back securities banks
      from high-risk
                     of Glass-Steagall Act under Clinton which blocked
        collateralized debt obligations and played a role in the 2008 financial

   2008 Financial collapse, Real Estate bust
        of 2007, high unemployment….
Dentistry’s Brand
Molds the New Consumer’s
Technology has molded
          The New Consumer
   The Internet
       Information
       Surveys
       Blogs
       The World is seconds away
   Truth = My Worldview
        The internet reinforces
          everybody’s opinion
Consumers Expect

   to be the most important part of the
   full disclosure
   greater value for price
   proof
         Internet
         Social Media
   convenience
   you to work on their time frame, not yours.
The Effect on Dentistry
        from the New Consumer
   Each patient has access to the “Land of
      public opinion”
   Case acceptance is lower (ADA)
   Longer time between care visits
   Fewer cosmetic procedures
   Limited Use of Credit Cards
   Difficulty Qualifying for Outside Financing
The Practice Personality

1.   It’s established by,
        The Doctor
        The Team
        The Location
        Potential Patients
        Competitors
        Current Patient Mix
        Current New Patients
The Doctor
   Attitude about the patient and the team
   The goals?
          More Revenue & Profit?
          Reduced Hours?
          Less Stress?
          Happy and Contented?
          Sell my practice?
          Transition into retirement?
   Do you lead or are you lead?
   Is the staff aligned with your goals?
The Team?
Are you on the Same Page?
    What is a team?
       The Coach/Manager/Leader
       The Players
          Try outs
          Season
          Off season conditioning
             Continual Learning
The Team?

   Killers   (Gossip, Triangulation)

      Practice killers                 (Texting, Outside Talking)

      Cutting people from the team
      The way you practice is the
       way you play
The Location
   Physical Location
        Geographics (Dividing Lines, Rivers, Hills, Other)
        Do you have easy access to the practice?

        Parking lot adequate
        Signage
        Condition of building
        Type of building (Mall, House, Strip Mall, Medical Complex)
Potential Patients
 Population Homes, Apartments
 Density  People per household
 Males, Females, Age Groups, Married,
    Single, Children
 Major Employers
 Income levels
 Unemployment
 Poverty
 Insurance based area
 Medicaid based area
The Competition
   How Many?
   Where are they located from you?
   Web Presence?
   Social Networking capabilities?
   What are their hours?
   What do they do that you don’t?
   What don’t they do that you do?
Current New Patients
   Who are they? Male, Female, Families, Age Groups

   Where do they come from? By Zip Codes

   How do they come? Competition, Referral, Advertising,
       Location, Employers, Insurance Groups?

   How Many per year?
Current New Patients
   What’s the Average Amount spent by
     each new patient within One year?
   What’s the Amount diagnosed and
     not accepted?
   After One year, are they still here? On
What we’ve covered

1.   Today’s economic climate
2.   Where you fit in the economy
3.   The new consumer’s mindset
4.   Your Practice Personality

What’s Next?
•   Expense Management
•   Assigning tasks
•   Time Posteriority
•   Live for change
Watch your Expenses

   Make money without adding Revenue

   At a 70% overhead, it takes $333.33 in net
      collections to earn $100.00

   Reduce expenses by 5%, you increases your
      profit by 14.3%. It would take $285.71 to
      generate $100.00
Managing Expenses

Make rules for
  spending   (Awareness)

Lease versus Purchase

Equipment Loans
Managing Expenses

Professional fees, attorney,

Credit card transaction fees
Electronic Claims processing
Managing Expenses

Overtime and Part-time
Lab and supplies

Leverage Marketing Costs
Watch Capital Purchases

   Don't add Expenses without a significant Return
          Negotiate Everything
          Avoid Long-Term Contracts
          Pay cash if you can
          What is the ROI?
          What is the “mean time between failure” rate?
          What are the hidden costs? (shipping & handling)
Watch Capital Purchases
   Ability Vs. Capabilities? Training is

   What are the Psychological
     Mindsets? Subconscious sabotage
The Business Paradox

   You need money to attract new
   You need new patients to attract more
   What do you do and where do you go?
Assigning Tasks
Time Posteriority
Time Posteriority
   There’s Only an Hour In An Hour
   Self Regulating
   Decisions are effected by the degree to which you
      are suffering from posteriority
Live for Change
Change - Only 1 in 100 do it

   It's hard

   There is no magic pill

   You're not ready to listen or change

   There's no perceived “discrepancy”
The Change Pyramid


The Change Pyramid

The Change Pyramid


The Change Pyramid

    Outcom      Identity

The Change Pyramid

    Outcom      Identity


             Begin Again
Psychological Mindsets to Change

Even Keel
Psychological Mindsets to Change


Even Keel
Psychological Mindsets to Change



Even Keel
Psychological Mindsets to Change



Even Keel

Psychological Mindsets to Change



Even Keel


Psychological Mindsets to Change

                 Growth         Overconfidence


Even Keel


Psychological Mindsets to Change

                 Growth         Overconfidence


Even Keel


What we’ve covered
1.    Today’s economic climate
2.    Where you fit in the economy
3.    The new consumer’s mindset
4.    Practice personality
5.    The Team
6.    Expense Management
7.    Assigning tasks
8.    Time Posteriority & the business paradox
9.    Live for change


What’s Next?

You can’t do it all yourself
You can’t do it all yourself

     Task Reduction
Total Tasks 138

  Staff can
  perform 60

   Base line
Total Tasks 138


   Staff can
   perform 60

    Base line
Total Tasks 138

Automation 48

      Staff can
      perform 60

       Base line
Total Tasks 138


Automation 48

      Staff can
      perform 60

       Base line
Implement Task Reduction Strategies
       Patient Communications
           New Patient Tracking
           Practice Surveys
           Appointment Confirmations
           Recall Systems
           Patient Reactivation
           Newsletters
           Practice Marketing
Implement Task Reduction Strategies
        Vendors
           Demand Force
           Smile Reminder

           Patient Activator
Who's your Caddy?
You need a Caddy
It's impossible to do it all on your own

   Forever proposition
      The Wind Changes Constantly
   The Caddy knows the whole game
   He gives the advice, you hit the ball

You need a Caddy - Who do you select?

        Are they Current?
              Last books read, Courses attended
        Who says so besides them?
        Investment?
              Cost, payment options?
              Expenses
              Opportunity Lost Costs
              Time frame
              Where does the coaching take place?
        Is there a GUARANTEE? ROI, Contract?
What we’ve covered
1.    Today’s economic climate
2.    Where you fit in the economy
3.    The new consumer’s mindset
4.    Practice personality
5.    The Team
6.    Expense Management
7.    Assigning tasks
8.    Time Posteriority & the business paradox
9.    Live for change
10.   You can’t do it all yourself

What’s Next?
1. The Interaction Game

2. Ralph’s Laws to Winning
The Interaction
Relationship Management
    This is more important today than ever before

   Objective is to Win Every Interaction
        Richard Cialdini, PHD, Arizona… Persuasion
        Interaction Points
              Industry No Control
              Indirect Contacts In Control
              Outside the Practice In Control
              Inside the Practice Indirect In Control
              Face to face
        It’s the soft stuff that makes the difference
Excel at Relationship Management
     This is more important today than ever before

    The Point System
         Delight = 1 Point
         Neutral = 0 Points
         Negative = -2
    Winning the Game
         Can’t, the game never ends
    You start at -12 points with most new
Live By Interaction Laws

First Law for Winning Interactions

   Find the
Live By Interaction Laws
Second Law for Winning Interactions

   Never Let your
Live By Interaction Laws
Third Law for Winning Interactions

                +6=    Chaos
Fourth Law for Winning Interactions

Solve the Compromises
 Patient Sacrifices to be your patient
Fifth Law of Winning Interactions

   The Law of Opposites
Money compromise
   Patient Mindset:
   Dentistry is Expensive
   Opposite Mindset:
   We Make Dentistry Affordable
The Law of Opposites
Time compromise
Patient Mindset:

I’m forced to come in when you’re
open even though I work 8 to 5!
Opposite Mindset:

We work on your time frame not ours!
The Law of Opposites

Waiting compromise
Patient Mindset:
I hate waiting after my scheduled appointment
Opposite Mindset:
We will see you no later than 10 minutes from your
scheduled appointed time.
The Law of Opposites

Pain compromise
Patient Mindset:
Dentist equals pain.
Opposite Mindset:
We have a no pain policy. We make
you comfortable, because we care.
The Law of Opposites

Lecture Compromise
Patient Mindset:
I don’t like being talked down
Opposite Mindset:
We don’t lecture, you’re in control.
The Law of Opposites

Pressure compromise
Patient Mindset:
I don’t like being pressured to
accept treatment
Opposite Mindset:
We Listen, Learn, & Educate. The decision to
select treatment is yours.

Sixth Law of Winning Interactions
 Establish a Practice Theme
   The Theme describes you and your
         All your processes, procedures, and marketing
             revolves around the theme
   Dentistry
         Distinctive, Affordable, Patient Centered
         Trust, Knowledge, Compassion
         We work on your time frame, not ours
   Shortcut to decision making for
      you and the patient
Seventh Law of Winning Interactions
     The Practice Portfolio
   It’s the outline of your entire practice
          Who are you
          What do you do
          Where are you located
          When are you open
          Why you’re in business
          How you treat your patients
   This outline is used as a guide for goal setting,
       advertising, systems development
The Practice Portfolio
   State the Practice Theme            When are you open
          Distinctive, Affordable,      What procedures you do
             Patient Centered
                                        High Technology
   Compromises Solved
          No waiting
                                        Photos of
          Dentistry that fits into             The Doctor and Team
             your budget                       The Outside of the
          A no pain policy                         Practice
          Free Second Opinions                 Reception Area
   Doctor & Team Bio’s                        Front Desk
   Where are you located                      Operatories
   How to contact you                         High Tech Equipment
          Web, Phone, Email             Doctor’s Video

Eigth Law of Winning Interactions
       $10,000 Meeting
   The Morning Huddle
   If you live in a mill town does the smell
        go away or do you just become
   Keeps the team, keen
        Interaction Feedback
        What did we do great yesterday?
        What are we going to do today?
        What do we need to change?
What we’ve covered
1.    Today’s economic climate
2.    Where you fit in the economy
3.    The new consumer’s mindset
4.    Practice personality
5.    The Team
6.    Expense Management
7.    Assigning tasks
8.    Time Posteriority & the business paradox
9.    Live for change
10.   You can’t do it all yourself
11.   The Interaction Game
12.   Ralph’s Laws to Winning

What’s Next?
The Interactions you can control
Interaction            Advertising
Points      Referral

Marketing Interactions

The process or technique of
promoting, selling, and
distributing your products and
Marketing Interactions
The Team
     Uniforms
     Name Tags
     Business Cards
     Conduct IN and OUT of the Office
     Presentations
     Trade Events
Marketing Interactions

The Patients
Marketing Interactions
Designed to develop Attention, Interest and move
the prospect to the next Interaction Point
         Direct Mail
             Use your Practice Portfolio
             Develop your target market
             Solve a compromise
             Make an offer
             Be consistent, Be consistent, Be consistent
             Know your return on investment
Interaction                              Advertising
Points                                   Publicity
External Interactions           irie
   Network                                  New
   Google Places                           Patients
   Landing Site
   Mobile Apps
Expectations Theme What, Why   How Who, Where, When,
Interaction                              Advertising
Points                                   Publicity
External Interactions           irie
  Social Network
  Google Places
  Landing Site

    Initial Call
Initial Call
It all comes down to this
       Every inbound call can make you
       This interaction must be at least as
         delightful as the last or you will
       Don’t let your water be off
       Beware of electronic buck passing
Initial Call
1.   Answer by the third ring
2.   Use the appropriate greeting
3.   Identify yourself by name
4.   Maintain a pleasant tone and be business like
5.   Handled the call efficiently without being abrupt
6.   Provide accurate information or refer the caller
        to the appropriate person
7.   Reflect the best image for the company
8.   Ask Permission

Initial Call
1.   Always ask for the

3.   Practice, Practice,
7.   Know the answers to
         commonly asked
Interaction                              Advertising
Points                                   Publicity
External Interactions           irie
  Social Network
  Google Places
  Landing Site

        Initial Call
     New Patient
       What Type?
Interaction                                              Advertising
  Points                                                   Publicity
 External Interactions                 irie
    Social Network
    Google Places
    Landing Site
       Initial Call

                                                   n   t
                                             a tie
                                     o   P
                              n   tt
    New Patient
Save the Date email    Confirmation email
Welcome Letter         Confirmation Text
Medical Dental Forms   Assistant Call
Interaction                                          Advertising
Points                                               Publicity
External Interactions                  irie
  Social Network
  Google Places
  Landing Site
     Initial Call

                                            n   t
                          S   en
  New Patient                                       Outside Signage
  Scheduled                                         Parking Lot
   Save the Date email                              Windows, Roof, Paint
   Confirmation email                               Foyer
   Confirmation Text                                Other Businesses or
   Assistant Call                                   vacant offices
   Medical Dental Forms
The Internal Marketing Campaign

Lighted Signage

The Internal Marketing Campaign

   The signage

- - - TI - T
Signs Can
 Tell the
Interaction                                 Advertising
Points                                      Publicity
External Interactions             irie
  Social Network
  Google Places
  Landing Site
     Initial Call

  New Patient                              Outside Signage
  Scheduled                                Parking Lot            Reception Area
                                           Landscaping            Meet & Greet
   Save the Date email                     Windows, Roof, Paint   Patient walk through
   Confirmation email                      Foyer
   Confirmation Text                       Other Businesses or
   Assistant Call                          vacant offices
   Medical Dental Forms
Front Door Entry

            Classy looking
            Beware of Law Suits!

             Texting and Glass
             don’t mix.
Meet & Greet
What’s wrong with this?
Meet & Greet
Interaction                                          Advertising
Points                                               Publicity
External Interactions                  irie
  Social Network
  Google Places                                                            Patient Ed in Consult area
                                                       Patients            Dr. & Assistant Review
  Adword                                                                   New Patient Exam
  Landing Site                                                             IntraOral Camera
                                                                           Perio Exam
     Initial Call

                                            n   t
                          S   en
  New Patient                                       Outside Signage
  Scheduled                                         Parking Lot                   Meet & Greet
                                                    Landscaping                   Reception Area
   Save the Date email                              Windows, Roof, Paint          Patient walk through
   Confirmation email                               Foyer
   Confirmation Text                                Other Businesses or
   Assistant Call                                   vacant offices
   Medical Dental Forms
Case Presentation and Follow Up
   Do it Now, if you can
   Set a dollar amount to move them to the
      consultation room
   Set a dollar amount to move to a
      consultation appointment
   Prepare a Visit Report and make it
      available via the Internet (secure) or
      Send via 2 day delivery.
Case Presentation and Follow Up
   Develop a Treatment Findings Report
       Explain this can be used for a second
          opinion. (Builds Credibility and Trust)
       To be shared with spouse or significant
       List Present conditions
       List Pathology Found
       Treatment Recommendations
       Supporting docs / IOC / Xrays
       Optional with $$ amounts
       Include financing options
Case Presentation and Follow Up
   Consultation Visit
       Call the night before
       Clarify any issues prior to the patient coming in
       Be ready with financing options
            CareCredit
            Phased treatment, etc.
            In-House if applicable
            Insurance estimates
       Doctor presents the treatment and goes over the
       Financial Coordinator goes over options and
Interaction                                          Advertising           Case presentation
                                                                           Financial Consult
Points                                               Publicity
                                                                           Case Acceptance
                                                                           Restorative Appointment
                                                                           Hygiene Appointment
External Interactions                  irie
                                     u                                     Patient on Recall
                               Inq                                         Patient Survey
  Social Network
  Google Places
                                                       Patients            Patient Ed in Consult area
                                                                           Dr. & Assistant Review
  Landing Site                                                             New Patient Exam
                                                                           IntraOral Camera
     Initial Call

                                                                           Perio Exam
                                            n   t
                          S   en
  New Patient                                       Outside Signage
  Scheduled                                         Parking Lot                   Meet & Greet
                                                    Landscaping                   Reception Area
   Save the Date email                              Windows, Roof, Paint          Patient walk through
   Confirmation email                               Foyer
   Confirmation Text                                Other Businesses or
   Assistant Call                                   vacant offices
   Medical Dental Forms
Interaction                                          Advertising           Case presentation
                                                                           Financial Consult
Points                                               Publicity
                                                                           Case Acceptance
                                                                           Restorative Appointment
                                                                           Hygiene Appointment
External Interactions                  irie
                                     u                                     Patient on Recall
                               Inq                                         Patient Survey
  Social Network
  Google Places
                                                       Patients            Patient Ed in Consult area
                                                                           Dr. & Assistant Review
  Landing Site                                                             New Patient Exam
                                                                           IntraOral Camera
     Initial Call

                                                                           Perio Exam
                                            n   t
                          S   en
  New Patient                                       Outside Signage
  Scheduled                                         Parking Lot                   Meet & Greet
                                                    Landscaping                   Reception Area
   Save the Date email                              Windows, Roof, Paint          Patient walk through
   Confirmation email                               Foyer
   Confirmation Text                                Other Businesses or
   Assistant Call                                   vacant offices
   Medical Dental Forms
You’ve Come a Long Way
   The Outcome of getting back to basics and
      working smart
        Increase New Patients?
        Improve Case Acceptance?
        Enhance Collections?
        Decrease Stress?
        Work Less Hours?
        Reduce Expenses?
        Strengthen Efficiency and Effectiveness?
            Wide open to view
                        Must be clean
                        Consider Labeling
The Lab

          Keep the
          door closed
Staff Lounge
    Location in the practice
    There’s no Cup Fairy
Doctor’s Private Office
              Close door if not neat
AGD Lecture
AGD Lecture
AGD Lecture
AGD Lecture
AGD Lecture

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AGD Lecture

  • 1. Thriving in Any Economy By Getting Back to Basics and Working Smart By Ralph Laurie
  • 2. Items  Paper, Pencil or Pen  Smorgasbord of information  Notes  Questions
  • 3. 10 questions about you 1. Why did you get into dentistry? 2. Do you like/love what you’re doing? 3. What’s the most important thing you can do to build a successful practice? 4. Has the practice been effected by the Recession? 5. What is the greatest fear that you face in your practice? 6. What single change would you make tomorrow that would benefit your practice? 7. Do you have practice goals? Are they written? 8. Does your practice have a theme? If so, what is it? 9. Do you have a written business plan? Is it a 1 year, 2 year, 5 year? 10. Does the team have written job descriptions?
  • 5. About the Speaker  Official Senor Citizen  36th year in Dentistry  RCI, Sierra Dental, IDT, CAESY, Lighthouse, TLG  Lot’s of stories to tell
  • 6. What I’ve discovered  Have fun or get out  Make a difference . (Pat Hyland)
  • 7. What I’ve discovered  Your customers expectation, Dentist!  “NAIL IT”  You never fail until you give up  Noble Purpose, Passion & Perseverance  Love your customers  Money is important  Branch and Prune  Lot of right answers  Have knowledge, just don’t participate.  Success or failure lies between your ears  
  • 8.
  • 9. Getting Back to Basics & Working Smart What We’re Going to Cover Today 1. The Economic Big Picture 2. Where you fit in the big picture 3. The New Consumer 4. Where you stand now (baseline) 5. What do you need to do to have a great practice
  • 10. Business as usual  1787 – Ratified the Constitution  225 – Years as an operating Country  5  5  27  167  74%  The Cycle – Regulation – Deregulation - Regulation
  • 11. When should you be most paranoid?
  • 12. When should you be most paranoid? During the good times   Prosperity is temporary   Be Disciplined, booms always bust   Be Ready for what’s next (Sharks in the Water) 
  • 16. Consumer Realty in Alabama U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey, 2005-2009 5-year estimates  $172.5 Billion GDP  4.8 million population, 1,821 million Households, 2.3 per household  Median household Income $42,081 (family of 4, $64,016) $64,016  Single parent families 188,162, 302,000 children  Average income $25,172  Child care averages over $5,200 yearly  Persons at or below Poverty rate 17.1% = (820,000/356,000 households)
  • 17. Consumer Realty in Alabama U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey, 2005-2009 5-year estimates Consumer Spending Opportunity  70% of GDP = $120.7 Billion of $172.5 Billion  20% of the consumers spend 40% of consumer spending  $48.28 billion is spent by the Top 20% of the wage earners
  • 18. A Look at Dentistry  $2.5 Trillion, 16%  $107 billion - .04%  Industry Description  130,000  616,000  312  $650,000 (Dep of Consumer Affairs)  $148,000 - $227,500  68% or $442,500  70% ($928,571 diagnosed)  $278,571
  • 20. Historical Events Molding the New Consumer  1968 – 60 minutes  October 19, 1973  1978  1980's Life Changes  1999 Repealfinancial speculation, like mortgage back securities banks from high-risk of Glass-Steagall Act under Clinton which blocked and collateralized debt obligations and played a role in the 2008 financial collapse.  2008 Financial collapse, Real Estate bust of 2007, high unemployment….
  • 21. Dentistry’s Brand Molds the New Consumer’s Worldview
  • 22.
  • 23. Technology has molded The New Consumer  The Internet  Information  Surveys  Blogs  The World is seconds away  Truth = My Worldview  The internet reinforces everybody’s opinion
  • 24. Consumers Expect  to be the most important part of the equation  full disclosure  greater value for price  proof  Internet  Social Media  convenience  you to work on their time frame, not yours.
  • 25. The Effect on Dentistry from the New Consumer  Each patient has access to the “Land of public opinion”  Case acceptance is lower (ADA)  Longer time between care visits  Fewer cosmetic procedures  Limited Use of Credit Cards  Difficulty Qualifying for Outside Financing
  • 26. The Practice Personality 1. It’s established by,  The Doctor  The Team  The Location  Potential Patients  Competitors  Current Patient Mix  Current New Patients 
  • 27. The Doctor  Attitude about the patient and the team  The goals?  More Revenue & Profit?  Reduced Hours?  Less Stress?  Happy and Contented?  Sell my practice?  Transition into retirement?  Do you lead or are you lead?  Is the staff aligned with your goals?
  • 28. The Team? Are you on the Same Page?  What is a team?  The Coach/Manager/Leader  The Players  Try outs  Season  Off season conditioning  Continual Learning
  • 29. The Team?  Killers (Gossip, Triangulation)  Practice killers (Texting, Outside Talking)  Cutting people from the team  The way you practice is the way you play
  • 30. The Location  Physical Location  Geographics (Dividing Lines, Rivers, Hills, Other)  Do you have easy access to the practice? U-turns  Parking lot adequate  Signage  Condition of building  Type of building (Mall, House, Strip Mall, Medical Complex) 
  • 31. Potential Patients  Population Homes, Apartments  Density People per household  Males, Females, Age Groups, Married, Single, Children  Major Employers  Income levels  Unemployment  Poverty  Insurance based area  Medicaid based area 
  • 32. The Competition  How Many?  Where are they located from you?  Web Presence?  Social Networking capabilities?  What are their hours?  What do they do that you don’t?  What don’t they do that you do?
  • 33. Current New Patients  Who are they? Male, Female, Families, Age Groups   Where do they come from? By Zip Codes   How do they come? Competition, Referral, Advertising, Location, Employers, Insurance Groups?   How Many per year?
  • 34. Current New Patients  What’s the Average Amount spent by each new patient within One year?  What’s the Amount diagnosed and not accepted?  After One year, are they still here? On Recall 
  • 35. What we’ve covered 1. Today’s economic climate 2. Where you fit in the economy 3. The new consumer’s mindset 4. Your Practice Personality 1. 2.
  • 36. What’s Next? • Expense Management • Assigning tasks • Time Posteriority • Live for change
  • 37. Watch your Expenses  Make money without adding Revenue  At a 70% overhead, it takes $333.33 in net collections to earn $100.00  Reduce expenses by 5%, you increases your profit by 14.3%. It would take $285.71 to generate $100.00
  • 38. Managing Expenses Make rules for spending (Awareness) Lease versus Purchase Equipment Loans
  • 39. Managing Expenses Professional fees, attorney, accountant Credit card transaction fees  Electronic Claims processing
  • 40. Managing Expenses Overtime and Part-time expenses Lab and supplies  Leverage Marketing Costs
  • 41. Watch Capital Purchases  Don't add Expenses without a significant Return  Negotiate Everything  Avoid Long-Term Contracts  Pay cash if you can  What is the ROI?  What is the “mean time between failure” rate?  What are the hidden costs? (shipping & handling)
  • 42. Watch Capital Purchases  Ability Vs. Capabilities? Training is important  What are the Psychological Mindsets? Subconscious sabotage
  • 43. The Business Paradox  You need money to attract new patients.  You need new patients to attract more money  What do you do and where do you go?
  • 45.
  • 47.
  • 48. Time Posteriority  There’s Only an Hour In An Hour  Self Regulating  Decisions are effected by the degree to which you are suffering from posteriority 
  • 50. Change - Only 1 in 100 do it  It's hard   There is no magic pill   You're not ready to listen or change   There's no perceived “discrepancy” “discrepancy
  • 51. The Change Pyramid Behavior Environment
  • 52. The Change Pyramid Behavior Chaos Environment
  • 53. The Change Pyramid Beliefs Progress Capabilities Behavior Chaos Environment
  • 54. The Change Pyramid New Outcom Identity e Beliefs Progress Capabilities Behavior Chaos Environment
  • 55. The Change Pyramid New Outcom Identity e Beliefs Progress Capabilities Behavior Chaos Environment Begin Again
  • 56. Psychological Mindsets to Change Even Keel
  • 57. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Even Keel
  • 58. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Discrepancy Even Keel
  • 59. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Discrepancy Even Keel Trouble
  • 60. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Discrepancy Even Keel Discrepancy Trouble
  • 61. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Overconfidence Discrepancy Even Keel Discrepancy Trouble
  • 62. Psychological Mindsets to Change Growth Overconfidence Discrepancy Even Keel Discrepancy Trouble
  • 63. What we’ve covered 1. Today’s economic climate 2. Where you fit in the economy 3. The new consumer’s mindset 4. Practice personality 5. The Team 6. Expense Management 7. Assigning tasks 8. Time Posteriority & the business paradox 9. Live for change 1. 2.
  • 64. What’s Next? You can’t do it all yourself
  • 65. You can’t do it all yourself Task Reduction 
  • 66. Total Tasks 138 Staff can perform 60 Base line
  • 67. Total Tasks 138 Posteriority Discrepancy 68 Staff can perform 60 Base line
  • 68. Total Tasks 138 Automation 48 Staff can perform 60 Base line
  • 69. Total Tasks 138 Posteriority Discrepancy 30 Automation 48 Staff can perform 60 Base line
  • 70. Implement Task Reduction Strategies  Patient Communications Software  New Patient Tracking  Practice Surveys  Appointment Confirmations  Recall Systems  Patient Reactivation  Newsletters  Practice Marketing
  • 71. Implement Task Reduction Strategies  Vendors Lighthouse Demand Force Smile Reminder Televox Sesame Patient Activator
  • 73. You need a Caddy It's impossible to do it all on your own  Forever proposition The Wind Changes Constantly  The Caddy knows the whole game  He gives the advice, you hit the ball 
  • 74. You need a Caddy - Who do you select?  Are they Current?  Last books read, Courses attended  Who says so besides them?  Investment?  Cost, payment options?  Expenses  Opportunity Lost Costs  Time frame  Where does the coaching take place?  Is there a GUARANTEE? ROI, Contract?
  • 75. What we’ve covered 1. Today’s economic climate 2. Where you fit in the economy 3. The new consumer’s mindset 4. Practice personality 5. The Team 6. Expense Management 7. Assigning tasks 8. Time Posteriority & the business paradox 9. Live for change 10. You can’t do it all yourself 1.
  • 76. What’s Next? 1. The Interaction Game 2. Ralph’s Laws to Winning
  • 78. Relationship Management This is more important today than ever before  Objective is to Win Every Interaction  Richard Cialdini, PHD, Arizona… Persuasion  Interaction Points  Industry No Control  Indirect Contacts In Control  Outside the Practice In Control  Inside the Practice Indirect In Control  Face to face  It’s the soft stuff that makes the difference
  • 79. Excel at Relationship Management This is more important today than ever before  The Point System  Delight = 1 Point  Neutral = 0 Points  Negative = -2  Winning the Game  Can’t, the game never ends  You start at -12 points with most new Patients
  • 80. Live By Interaction Laws First Law for Winning Interactions Find the 1.
  • 81. Live By Interaction Laws Second Law for Winning Interactions Never Let your
  • 82. Live By Interaction Laws Third Law for Winning Interactions +6= Chaos
  • 83. Fourth Law for Winning Interactions Solve the Compromises  Patient Sacrifices to be your patient 
  • 84. Fifth Law of Winning Interactions The Law of Opposites Money compromise Patient Mindset: Dentistry is Expensive Opposite Mindset: We Make Dentistry Affordable
  • 85. The Law of Opposites Time compromise Patient Mindset: I’m forced to come in when you’re open even though I work 8 to 5! Opposite Mindset: We work on your time frame not ours!
  • 86. The Law of Opposites Waiting compromise Patient Mindset: I hate waiting after my scheduled appointment Opposite Mindset: We will see you no later than 10 minutes from your scheduled appointed time. time
  • 87. The Law of Opposites Pain compromise Patient Mindset: Dentist equals pain. Opposite Mindset: We have a no pain policy. We make you comfortable, because we care.
  • 88. The Law of Opposites Lecture Compromise Patient Mindset: I don’t like being talked down too. Opposite Mindset: We don’t lecture, you’re in control.
  • 89. The Law of Opposites Pressure compromise Patient Mindset: I don’t like being pressured to accept treatment Opposite Mindset: We Listen, Learn, & Educate. The decision to select treatment is yours. 
  • 90. Sixth Law of Winning Interactions  Establish a Practice Theme  The Theme describes you and your practice.  All your processes, procedures, and marketing revolves around the theme  Dentistry  Distinctive, Affordable, Patient Centered  Trust, Knowledge, Compassion  We work on your time frame, not ours  Shortcut to decision making for you and the patient
  • 91. Seventh Law of Winning Interactions The Practice Portfolio  It’s the outline of your entire practice  Who are you  What do you do  Where are you located  When are you open  Why you’re in business  How you treat your patients  This outline is used as a guide for goal setting, advertising, systems development 
  • 92. The Practice Portfolio  State the Practice Theme  When are you open Distinctive, Affordable,  What procedures you do Patient Centered  High Technology  Compromises Solved No waiting  Photos of Dentistry that fits into  The Doctor and Team your budget  The Outside of the A no pain policy Practice Free Second Opinions  Reception Area  Doctor & Team Bio’s  Front Desk  Where are you located  Operatories  How to contact you  High Tech Equipment Web, Phone, Email  Doctor’s Video 
  • 93. Eigth Law of Winning Interactions $10,000 Meeting The Morning Huddle  If you live in a mill town does the smell go away or do you just become desensitized?  Keeps the team, keen  Interaction Feedback  What did we do great yesterday?  What are we going to do today?  What do we need to change?
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. What we’ve covered 1. Today’s economic climate 2. Where you fit in the economy 3. The new consumer’s mindset 4. Practice personality 5. The Team 6. Expense Management 7. Assigning tasks 8. Time Posteriority & the business paradox 9. Live for change 10. You can’t do it all yourself 11. The Interaction Game 12. Ralph’s Laws to Winning 1. 2.
  • 98. Interaction Advertising Publicity Points Referral Patients
  • 99. Marketing Interactions Definition The process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing your products and services
  • 100. Marketing Interactions The Team  Uniforms  Name Tags  Business Cards  Conduct IN and OUT of the Office  Presentations  Trade Events
  • 101. Marketing Interactions The Patients Surveys Referrals
  • 102. Marketing Interactions Advertising Designed to develop Attention, Interest and move the prospect to the next Interaction Point  Direct Mail  Use your Practice Portfolio  Develop your target market  Solve a compromise  Make an offer  Be consistent, Be consistent, Be consistent  Know your return on investment
  • 103.
  • 104. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network New Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Mobile Apps
  • 105. Expectations Theme What, Why How Who, Where, When,
  • 106.
  • 107.
  • 108. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Initial Call
  • 109. Initial Call It all comes down to this Every inbound call can make you $1,026 This interaction must be at least as delightful as the last or you will lose Don’t let your water be off Beware of electronic buck passing 
  • 110. Initial Call 1. Answer by the third ring 2. Use the appropriate greeting 3. Identify yourself by name 4. Maintain a pleasant tone and be business like 5. Handled the call efficiently without being abrupt 6. Provide accurate information or refer the caller to the appropriate person 7. Reflect the best image for the company 8. Ask Permission 
  • 111. Initial Call 1. Always ask for the appointment 2. $1026 3. Practice, Practice, Practice 4. 5. 6. 7. Know the answers to commonly asked questions 
  • 112. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Initial Call New Patient Appointment What Type?
  • 113. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Initial Call n t a tie o P n tt Se New Patient Scheduled Save the Date email Confirmation email Welcome Letter Confirmation Text Medical Dental Forms Assistant Call
  • 114. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Initial Call n t tie Pa o tt S en New Patient Outside Signage Scheduled Parking Lot Landscaping Save the Date email Windows, Roof, Paint Confirmation email Foyer Confirmation Text Other Businesses or Assistant Call vacant offices Medical Dental Forms
  • 115. The Internal Marketing Campaign Lighted Signage DENTIST
  • 116. The Internal Marketing Campaign  The signage - - - TI - T
  • 117. Signs Can Tell the Story
  • 118.
  • 119. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patients Adword Landing Site Initial Call New Patient Outside Signage Scheduled Parking Lot Reception Area Landscaping Meet & Greet Save the Date email Windows, Roof, Paint Patient walk through Confirmation email Foyer Confirmation Text Other Businesses or Assistant Call vacant offices Medical Dental Forms
  • 120. Front Door Entry  Classy looking  Beware of Law Suits!  Texting and Glass don’t mix.
  • 121. Reception ?????
  • 122. Meet & Greet What’s wrong with this?
  • 124. Interaction Advertising Points Publicity Referral External Interactions irie s u Inq Website Social Network Google Places Patient Ed in Consult area Patients Dr. & Assistant Review Adword New Patient Exam Landing Site IntraOral Camera Perio Exam Initial Call Diagnosis n t tie Pa o tt S en New Patient Outside Signage Scheduled Parking Lot Meet & Greet Landscaping Reception Area Save the Date email Windows, Roof, Paint Patient walk through Confirmation email Foyer Confirmation Text Other Businesses or Assistant Call vacant offices Medical Dental Forms
  • 125. Case Presentation and Follow Up  Do it Now, if you can  Set a dollar amount to move them to the consultation room  Set a dollar amount to move to a consultation appointment  Prepare a Visit Report and make it available via the Internet (secure) or Send via 2 day delivery.
  • 126. Case Presentation and Follow Up  Develop a Treatment Findings Report  Explain this can be used for a second opinion. (Builds Credibility and Trust)  To be shared with spouse or significant other  List Present conditions  List Pathology Found  Treatment Recommendations  Supporting docs / IOC / Xrays  Optional with $$ amounts  Include financing options
  • 127. Case Presentation and Follow Up  Consultation Visit  Call the night before  Clarify any issues prior to the patient coming in  Be ready with financing options  CareCredit  Phased treatment, etc.  In-House if applicable  Insurance estimates  Doctor presents the treatment and goes over the details  Financial Coordinator goes over options and schedules 
  • 128. Interaction Advertising Case presentation Financial Consult Points Publicity Referral Case Acceptance Restorative Appointment Hygiene Appointment External Interactions irie s u Patient on Recall Inq Patient Survey Website Social Network Google Places Patients Patient Ed in Consult area Adword Dr. & Assistant Review Landing Site New Patient Exam IntraOral Camera Initial Call Perio Exam n t tie Pa o tt S en New Patient Outside Signage Scheduled Parking Lot Meet & Greet Landscaping Reception Area Save the Date email Windows, Roof, Paint Patient walk through Confirmation email Foyer Confirmation Text Other Businesses or Assistant Call vacant offices Medical Dental Forms
  • 129. Interaction Advertising Case presentation Financial Consult Points Publicity Referral Case Acceptance Restorative Appointment Hygiene Appointment External Interactions irie s u Patient on Recall Inq Patient Survey Website Social Network Google Places Patients Patient Ed in Consult area Adword Dr. & Assistant Review Landing Site New Patient Exam IntraOral Camera Initial Call Perio Exam n t tie Pa o tt S en New Patient Outside Signage Scheduled Parking Lot Meet & Greet Landscaping Reception Area Save the Date email Windows, Roof, Paint Patient walk through Confirmation email Foyer Confirmation Text Other Businesses or Assistant Call vacant offices Medical Dental Forms
  • 130. You’ve Come a Long Way  The Outcome of getting back to basics and working smart  Increase New Patients?  Improve Case Acceptance?  Enhance Collections?  Decrease Stress?  Work Less Hours?  Reduce Expenses?  Strengthen Efficiency and Effectiveness?
  • 132.
  • 133.
  • 134.
  • 135.
  • 137. Sterilization  Wide open to view  Must be clean  Consider Labeling
  • 138. The Lab Keep the door closed
  • 139. Staff Lounge  Location in the practice  There’s no Cup Fairy
  • 140. Doctor’s Private Office  Close door if not neat