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Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope (Luke’s story)
Equilibrium – Luke Skywalker, a farmboy on the planet of Tatooine living with his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. When a Jawa trailer shows up
with numerous droids for Luke and Owen to choose as their assistants. They choose a human-like golden droid known as C-3PO and a
smaller chrome and blue droid with a domed head called R2-D2.
Disruption – As Luke is cleaning R2, he accidentally finds a recording of the young woman Princess Leia, who is calling for Obi-Wan Kenobi
to help her and the Rebellion in their battle against the Galactic Empire. Luke, believing that ‘Old Ben’ Kenobi may know who he is, sets off
to find the old ‘wizard’. Upon their meeting, ’Old Ben’ reveals himself to be Obi-Wan and introduces young Luke to his life experiences: the
Jedi Knights, Clone Wars and hands him his father’s lightsabre.
Recognition – Obi-Wan listens to Leia’s recording and tells Luke he should come with him, after seeing his parental figures killed in the Lars’
homestead. They head to Mos Eisley to meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who have arranged a ride with Kenobi to Alderaan, the
Princess’s home planet. However when they arrive at the co-ordinates of that planet there is nothing but rubble – the planet had been
destroyed. Their spaceship the Millennium Falcon is attracted into the Empire’s space station the Death Star, in a rearranged mission to
rescue the princess and escape.
Reparation – Luke, Han and Chewbacca all manage to rescue Leia and return to the ship and escape with the droids, however Kenobi
sacrifices himself by duelling with Darth Vader, the presumed leader of the Empire, distracting him in the process. The Empire manage to
track the Falcon on it’s flight back to the Rebellion base on Yavin 4 and the Death Star attempts to make route, with a Rebel attack squad
heading to take out the Death Star’s weak spot. In the end, Luke is the only one left with three Imperial pilots, including Vader, on his tail.
However Han Solo and Chewbacca reappear with the Falcon and take out Vader’s side ships and damage Vader’s giving Luke a clear passage
to destroy the Death Star and return to Yavin 4.
New Equilibrium – The Death Star is now destroyed, Luke, Han and Chewbacca are now esteemed members of the Rebellion, but the Civil
War continues.
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero Luke Skywalker – The story is mostly seen through his perspective, the original Star Wars
trilogy is essentially his journey from farmboy to Jedi Knight.
The Villian Darth Vader – Not much is known about Vader from the beginning, except that he is in fact
the acting leader of the Galactic Empire and their Stormtroopers.
The Helper Han Solo – Han aids Luke, Kenobi and the droids to the Death Star when Alderaan had
been destroyed, and he would continue to be close to Luke and Leia through the rest of
the OT.
The Donor Obi-Wan Kenobi – An old man, seen by Luke as a ‘wizard’ ever since he was young. He
guides Luke on his first chapter to his destiny and hands him his father’s lightsabre.
The Dispatcher Obi-Wan Kenobi – With his guidance, Luke realises his worth to the galaxy is more than
what he originally thought, setting the course for the rest of the OT.
The Princess or prize Princess Leia – Adopted daughter of Bail Organa of Alderaan, she’s held captive by the
Empire imprisoned aboard the Death Star for the most part in the film.
The Princess’s Father Darth Vader – Little does either he, Leia or Luke know this, Vader would be revealed by the
end of the OT that he is the father of both Luke and Leia, formerly Anakin Skywalker.
The False Hero n/a
Who Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin
What Luke goes with Obi-Wan to protect Alderaan from the Imperial threat of destruction, which they fail as Alderaan gets blown up by the
Death Star. Instead they get sucked into the Death Star with Han Solo and Chewbacca to rescue Leia, whilst Obi-Wan deactivates the
tractor beam that is keeping their ship the Millennium Falcon on board the Death Star. Obi-Wan also distracts Darth Vader during the
Rebels’ escape, sacrificing himself. The Rebels then later destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin.
Why The Rebel Alliance is at civil war with the Empire in an attempt to restore freedom to the galaxy and return to the former glories of the
Galactic Republic. Obi-Wan is considered by Leia to be the last hope for the Rebellion.
When A long time ago…
Where In a galaxy far far away…
How The Rebellion belief in the will and ways of The Force, which binds the events of the galaxy together and gives Jedi and Sith their powers.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who [Hero] – some form of ancient God over 2000 years old in the form of an adult human, set out to secure the [item] to
prevent the awakening of [monster] to destroy the world at the hands of [villain]; [villain] – a scientist aiming to secure the
[item] in order to unleash a monster, leading to him building an empire in the ruins of the planet.
What [Hero] is on the run from [villain] and needs to make his way retrieve [item] to stop [villain] from using it for world
ruination after releasing a monster.
Why [Hero] is an ancient God who has previously battled with [monster], has been awakened from an ice chamber to prevent
the monster ruining the world for [villain]’s benefits.
When 2025/not too distant future from now.
Where Earth/many different areas of Earth
How God-like stuff
Idea 2
Who Swordsman, King, wise-man wizard, princess
What Tyrannical king has a man and a woman killed for treason (of some form). However they manage to get their son to
escape on the horseback of a friend. As the child grows up, he becomes a swordsman and heads off to fulfil his vow to kill
the king and free the kingdom from tyranny.
Why Swordsman wishes to bring back freedom to the kingdom and venge the loss of his parents.
When Medieval period – in a timeline parallel from our own where the monarchy is tyrannical.
Where Some Medieval looking location.
How Adventure from poorer areas of the land to the King’s castle, getting filled with more difficult enemy knights as the
adventure progresses.
Idea 3
Who Historian,
What Wants to restore a historical artifact to a museum
Why Belongs to the museum but was missing for years
When 1920s USA
Where 1920s USA
How Because he’s a Btec Indiana Jones
Mind Map:
Medieval game King ideas:
• Controlling of his land through violence and
• Kills many in his land if they do not obey his
rulings – common reasons include refusal
to worship and not paying taxes
• Will appear as the final fight for the
swordsman on his quest to free the land.
Swordsman ideas:
• Parents were killed as a child, but he
managed to escape somehow.
• Gets taken in by a wizard, who aids him
through his childhood and teaches him
sword mastery.
• Becomes a swordsman as an adult, set off
to kill the king and restore freedom and
peace to the land.
• Meets with a wizard throughout his
adventure to gain new weapons and
abilities to defeat enemy knights.
Wizard ideas:
• Takes in the swordsman from a young age
after he escapes from the King killing his
• Helps the swordsman set off on his quest as
his teacher, grants him extra weapons and
powers as his journey progresses.
Setting ideas:
• Takes place in a Medieval-based setting in a
universe parallel from the one we know,
ruled by a tyrannical King.
• Swordsman starts his journey in the local
villages, before making his way to the
bigger towns, finally making it to the King’s
• Enemies are scattered throughout each
location. As the journey progresses, each
locations contains more enemies, and more
difficult ones too.
Name ideas:
• Elias
• Elric
• Hereward
• Judd
Name ideas:
• King Edgar
• King Edmund
• King Walter
• King Winton
Name ideas:
• Aldhelm
• Eadwyn
• Sigmund
• Wilfrid
Name ideas:
• Ingsmead
• Kingsland
• Millworth
• Villstead
• Swords
• Axes
• Bow and arrow
• Shield
• Mystic power granted by wizard
later in the adventure
• Swords
• Summon dark energy bolts
• Summon dark knights
• Shoot lightning down from
the sky
• Wizardry
• Summon custom weapons
with special abilities
• Shield
Location concepts:
• Local villages – few knights, lots of
• Towns – more knights than people
• Castles for Barons and King
• Dragon lairs
• King’s knights – on foot and
horseback, with swords and bows
and arrows
• Dark knights – slightly more powerful
than the King’s knights
• Dragon spawn – little dragons
Mood board:
Type of media: Video game
Year of release: 1991
Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES); has since been ported over to the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and
Nintendo Switch
Developer + Publisher: Nintendo
Gameplay overview: The game is played on an overhead view similar to that of the first Legend of Zelda game, and different to the side-scrolling gameplay
that was introduced in the second game – titled ‘The Adventure of Link’. Though similar to the original game in terms of perspective and mechanics, there
are new innovations and elements introduced in ‘A Link To the Past’, such as arrows and bombs don’t need to be paid for with Rupees (the in-game
currency), instead becoming separate items from the start. The game also allows for more flexible movement compared to previous games, as Link, the
game’s protagonist, can be moved diagonally, and also run with the aid of the Pegasus Boots/Shoes. An improvement to attacking with Link’s sword is that it
now swings sideways instead of stabbing directly, which allows for broader range and easier combat.
Aside from the Pegasus Boots, the game also introduced the Master Sword as a recurring item for future games in the series, which is one of the weapons
capable of defeating Ganon, the series antagonist. In ‘A Link To the Past’, Ganon manages to corrupt the Sacred Realm of which he is trapped within, which
creates a parallel universe. The Light World is the ordinary Hyrule, where Link starts his adventure. The Dark World, created as a result of Ganon corrupting
the Sacred Realm, is a decaying version of Hyrule. What may be a desert or a peaceful town in the Light World may be a swamp or a town of thugs in the
Dark World. Link can travel from the Dark World to the Light World by using a Mirror item, and can travel back to the Dark by going through a portal at the
point where he went back to the Light World, or through other hidden portals throughout the Light World.
Reception: The game received near universal acclaim. It was one of the best selling SNES games of all time, 4.61 million units sold worldwide and the Game
Boy Advance port managed to sell 1.4 million copies in the United States alone. It is considered by fans, critics and gamers in general to be one of the best
video games of all time, with the gameplay and the graphics taking spotlight.
Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
Sounds: The music for the game is synthesized as it works for video games throughout the early 1990s. The main song of the game is titled ‘Hyrule Overture’
which plays in the Light World, the rhythm has a triumphant tone due to the higher key notes, like Link is set off for his adventure to keep Zelda safe and the
7 Wise Men sealed. In comparison, ‘The Dark World’ which sounds much more moodier despite keeping the rhythm similar, because of the lower notes. The
soundtrack in the game is generally a mix of these styles depending on Link’s situation. Additionally, the sound effects when you collect a key or a Rupee
from defeating an enemy also gives off a triumphant feel, making the player feel a sense of achievement. This is also the case for secret passages Link may
find through his adventure. As for speech, there are also sound effect that go towards every syllable that is spoken through the text-speech in the game, but
no full-on voiceover of any sort.
Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
Camera: We can see the game uses an overhead camera, which works well for exploration and item collection.
The screen also does well to show the player their life count that can be increased when the player finds more
heart containers and pieces of heart, as well as all of the Rupees, bombs and arrows that Link currently has at
his disposal. You can also see Link’s current item and can change which item he’s currently holding, which will
take the player to another screen full of all the items Link currently has stored.
Colour: Link is notably coloured green, similar to the grass. However the benefit is that Link is outlined which
makes him easy for the player to visibly see and doesn’t blend into the grass. He also has a touch of pink and
brown on his sprite which also makes him easier to make out. This becomes an almost non-issue by the time the
Dark World is introduced, due to the darker shades of green grass almost looking closer to a brown colour. In
addition to the environment and Link himself, the houses and dungeons throughout Hyrule are also easy to
figure out due to their taller build and greyer colour patterns. The insides of houses, dungeons and Zelda’s castle
is usually well lit as well, until those times where the lights are out and the area surrounding Link apart from
where he is directly looking at is black out, which makes for a more nervy atmosphere and more careful
gameplay from the player. Item’s are usually well coloured too as a means for the player to distinguish what it is.
Audience appeal: The audience were most likely intrigued by the cartoonish and colourful art design that Zelda
had traditionally gone for. Other possibilities for why the audience were appealed by this include their thoughts
on the previous Zelda games, or the fact they love adventure-based games in the first place.
Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
promotional poster from Nintendo Power
Image: The image is a mid-shot focused directly on a sword thrusted into a stone with written text on it,
in what looks to be located in the middle of the woods. This implies that there is a hero chosen by fate
coming to collect it to save Hyrule from Ganon, the antagonist. There is also no sight of Link at all in the
poster, linking to the idea that Nintendo intended to use, that the protagonist of the series was the
player, not necessarily Link himself – as in the name screens, you can call the character whatever you
wish to call him/her. This is done to connect the poster and the series with it’s audience on a personal
level. Additionally, the poster may be seen as an homage to the 1963 Disney film ‘Sword In the Stone’ as
there is – quite literally – a sword in a stone.
Style: The art style of the poster looks to be done in a cartoonish/cel-shaded manner, to try and associate
the series to the fact that it is indeed a video game series. Through the colour and lighting we can see a
deliberate spotlight placed down upon the sword, to associate the ideas of the game being about a hero’s
destiny to save their kingdom(?) from evil and darkness. There isn’t a lot of copy featured on the poster,
suggesting the producers are more focused on showing the audience some clues of the game’s focus as a
tease for them to buy it, rather than telling the synopsis in a way that may leave it’s audience
underwhelmed (the narrative of the Zelda series is extremely convoluted as it is now anyway!)
Audience appeal: The poster doesn’t try to tell the audience a lot, instead it aims to show a big hook as to what key event may happen in the
game, leaving them expecting and waiting to buy the game and see what may come from it. The poster also omits Link in any form, instead
trying to get the audience to insert themselves into the poster as if they themselves are the hero of the story, like the aim always was for
Nintendo for the Legend of Zelda series.
Existing Product – Nintendo Power, issue March 1992
Masthead: We can see that the magazine is for
Nintendo Power, already giving us some clues to
the audience – fans of Nintendo games and
video gamers in general.
Image: There is one clear and key image on the cover
of the magazine, a low-angle shot of Link wielding his
shield and sword. We can see his iconic green and
brown clothing, and his wavy light brown/dark blonde
hair, but no clear view of his face, possibly keeping to
Nintendo’s concept that the player is the true hero of
the series. The art style is a cartoonish yet again, this
time most likely done through digital means.
Star/Blob: “NESTLERS Cast Your Vote!” –
Promoting something unrelated to the main
story/topic the magazine is promoting in this
issue, which is the Legend of Zelda game.
Footer: “The source for news and strategies
straight from the pros” – Highlighting that the
producer should be trusted immediately as the
issues on the topic is coming straight from pros
and people who play the game very often.
Headline/Cover line: “The Legend of Zelda:
A Link To the Past – Magic, Danger and
Daring Deeds” – Letting the audience know
what is indeed the main topic in this issue
of Nintendo Power, as well as some clues as
to what might get spoken about.
This would feature on nearly all Nintendo Power
magazines until the end of its circulation in 2012, thus
may be regarded as the magazine’s slogan.
“Official Nintendo Seal of Quality”: A mark on the
magazine cover to ensure the customer has a
magazine that is checked by Nintendo themselves
and sent out for circulation
Barcode: Is there to ensure that the customer is
able to pay for the magazine upon leaving the shop
Existing Product – The Lord of the Rings: The Two
Towers promotional posters
Images: On the left – The fact that Aragorn is centred in the frame implies
to the audience that not only is he a key part of the story, but at least for
the poster it represents him as a protector and warrior, with the
accompaniment of him posing as if he is ready to fight. The positioning of
Arwen (to the left) and Éowyn (to the right) also hints towards the love
triangle that is present in Aragorn’s arc of the film.
On the right – The face of Saruman (portrayed by the late Sir Christopher
Lee) is centre of the frame, directly addressing the camera with his eyes to
emphasise his role that of the series’ antagonist. We additionally see the
titular Two Towers as well as the pre-Gollum Smeagol – who ironically is
not seen in the film.
Both posters do appear to have been shot in front of a green screen, with
a few particular shots on the right poster taken from film stills (notably the
shot of the titular Two Towers for an example) and edited together to
create the poster. The costumes and props also bare similarities to pre-
recorded history, e.g. the sword being a primary weapon, warn cloth and
Saruman’s long beard.
Colour/Lighting: The colours of the posters distinguish and hint at the
different roles of the characters in the film. We seen Aragorn’s poster is lit
with a mixture of blue and white, colours that identify with protagonists,
heroes and saviours. The combinations of red and yellow on the poster
featuring Saruman distinguish their identity is towards villainy and
Research Summary
• What have you learned from your research?
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• I do think that a lot of sound effects and colour schemes will be based around
what I saw of the Legend of Zelda footage, mixing shades of green with pale-
ish blues and
1. Wikipedia. (2020). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
2. Krow's Graveyard. (2014). The Story Begins | Zelda: A Link to the Past 100% Walkthrough "1/18" (No Commentary). Available: Last accessed 25th Nov
3. Nintendo Power. (1991). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To the Past promotional poster. Available:
3Yb29xRJrH2D8YjqaAIRSD&ust=1606396815869000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJj1jtjvne0. Last accessed
25th Nov 2020.
4. Nintendo Power. (1992). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Available:
power-34-march-1992-zelda-iii-a-link-to-the-past&psig=AOvVaw3H_OA9DaOZZlfJ9k179WCz&ust=16063991626. Last accessed
25th Nov 2020.
5. J R R Tolkien. (2002). The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Aragorn poster. Available:
0QjhxqFwoTCOiV. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
6. J R R Tolkien. (2002). The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers promotional poster. Available:
aw0adVeeVoMOCwEclw7OKMCB&ust=1606402931439000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCOiV8-z9ne. Last
accessed 25th Nov 2020.
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet – Colour scheme
This is my ideal colour scheme for the earlier areas in the game, such as
early village areas based in medieval rural settings and fewer enemies to
defeat. This is to try and welcome the audience to a simpler, less chaotic
period of the story’s timeline.
This colour scheme is intended to be used for the later
areas of the game as the player gets closer to the King’s
fortress and the final area itself. This is mainly to
emphasise the King is evil and is capable of dark magic
This colour scheme is for what I envision the dragon caves
and locations to be based on, including darker shades of
purple, reds, and a brighter gold/yellow shade for lit areas,
such as lamps and the dragons’ flaming breath.
Style sheet – Font choices
My preference would be to use a serif font for logo of the project as I
believe is suits well for a project based on old time period. A few
possible options include:
Cambria Math
Mongolian Bait
Rockwell Nova Light
Times New Roman
Magazine and advert layouts
Copy describing
what is going to
appear in the lead
Barcode +
issue no.
Cover lines
• Cover line 1
• Cover line 2
Hook line/slogan
Release date
Video Game layouts
Boss name
Red line – character hp bar
Blue line – magic ability bar
Purple line – boss hp bar
The playable character
Enemy Boss – mainly the
dragon boss
First cutscene
Wilfrid: “Elric, the time has come for your quest to begin. I will be able to help you.”
Intro level
Wilfrid: “I would like to start things off simply for you. There is a tree over to the right. I would like
you to break it down with your sword and retrieve the treasure within it. Return to me when you’re
*Elric performs task and returns to Wilfrid*
Wilfrid: “There will be many civilians looking to a warrior like you for help. As mundane as they may
be, they will end up being in support of you during your quest. Good luck my young warrior.”
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Sword wielding Knife sliding off of a pot
Character footsteps Authentic footsteps
Attacking with sword Knives clashing together
Jumping Authentic jump with rustling of
leaves/heavy landing
King’s dark magic Lightning/thunder
Wizard’s/Elias’s magic Gushes of wind
Actor Role Location for recording
I can voice act For everyone In my office
- Elric (protagonist)
- King Edmund (antagonist)
- Wilfrid the Wise (wizard)
- Male civilians
I do intend to create my own music rather than use already existing music that is copyright free, in
order for the music to fit well with the project. I am hoping for the music to fit well with the time
period and the setting of the project, most likely using orchestral instruments and strings. I’ll be
creating the soundtrack myself using some form of music creating software.
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Sword sound effects don’t work as I anticipated Look for licence free sword sounds
It doesn’t thunder, no lightning strikes before deadline
and the wind sound isn’t strong enough
Try licence free sounds for the magic
Adobe software becomes unavailable Use alternate software
Using your plans, produce:
• A synopsis for your film
• A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen,
demo level and cut scene
• Sound track for the video game
• A magazine front cover, promoting the film
• Additional advertising to promote the film
Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma.
Animation to be embedded in your blog.
Vengeance Falls synopsis
Ingsmead, 1088. The mystical land is under rule of the new King Edmund, who suddenly asserts himself by forcing his people to worship him like
a God, with disobedience resulting in death.
For young Elric, to see his parents taken in by the King and his elite forces would be an image that burned into his memory forever. Having been
told to run away just before their arrival, Elric’s life was changed, now in need of protection from the tyrannical King he was taken in by the
wizard Wilfrid the Wise, using his magic to gain knowledge of the young boy and his troubled situation, bringing him the promise to take his
vengeance when he comes of age.
12 years later, with King Edmund still having a tight grip of control on the land of Ingsmead, Elric – now a fully grown adult – is willed on by his
tutor Wilfrid and deemed ready to set off on his quest to take vengeance on the King who killed his parents, and to free the land from his
tyranny. With a sword by his side, he begins his quest in the rural town of Sonly, helping the citizens of the misty town with several tasks, one
notably asks Elric to clear away some of the King’s minions from an historic and heralded monument for the townspeople. In return for his small
yet meaningful deeds, some of the citizens agree to help him with his cause for rebellion against the King.
News of Elric’s presence and influence in the town reaches the ears of Ogilvie, a veteran Knight and long-time follower of King Edmund, who
challenges the young warrior to a duel upon his arrival to a recently built castle in the rural environment. Elric outclasses the knight, leaving the
old soldier in a pile of his own blood, taking his sword and shield and continuing his journey.
As he sets himself off for the town of Wimborne – a more populous town nearby a lake – Wilfrid appears by his side to grant him new magical
powers of the wind through his fingertips, utilising them when surrounded by the larger hoards of soldiers that settle themselves in the lakeside
town. As he increases the members willing to join his cause, Elric also defeats Windham, Lord of Wimborne, in a duel.
Vengeance Falls synopsis
Elric is startled as he is then taken off course into the underworld of Ingsmead, met once again by
Wilfrid who grants him the magical power of fire and a new sword specially designed to defeat
Dragon Spawn, creatures who he is met by in the underworld. There he also challenges the
Mother Dragon, blocking his path back to the surface and set to burn him alive. After a tricky
battle, Elric successfully manages to proceed, but depending on how Elric has treated the Dragon
Spawn throughout his time in the underworld, he’ll either have a brief moment of embrace with
the Mother Dragon, apologising for the disturbance and the fighting, or completely ignore and
bypass her as he makes his way back to a snowy Ingsmead.
After making his way through Icegate, Wandermere and Lunaris, defeating King Edmund’s most
trusted and highest ranking fighters, Elric finally arrives at Kingstown with his rebellion, where the
King waits in his most fortified castle. As the battle beneath them continues, Elric and Wilfrid head
into the castle itself and duels with the King, all of them to becoming heavily fatigued, however
Elric manages to kill the King in the end.
Elric and Wilfrid walk out of the castle to see the battle still ongoing, shouting order for the battle
to stop, until Wilfrid uses magic to silence them. Elric then proceeds to make an impassioned
speech about restoring freedom to the land of Ingsmead, that no one should need to fight
anymore, and that everyone can help out each other, whilst also refusing to accept any sort of
title relating to being King.
Poster and Magazine cover
Character designs
Elric Wilfrid
Menu screen
Tutorial level
What were the strengths of my research?
I think looking at a video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past was very well written as it
managed to focus itself on multiple aspects of the game, such as the colours, the music, the camera
angle and most of that did end up being incorporated into what my final product for the level design
came to be.
Additionally, in post, the character sprites that I ended up creating were also based on Link’s sprite
from A Link To the Past, which was due to me struggling to find an inspirational point from were to
start from with creating the sprites.
What were the weaknesses of my research?
I do think that I could have handled the research of the Lord of the Rings posters a lot better than
how I did in the end. Comparing with my Legend of Zelda research, what didn’t help me with the
Lord of the Rings research was the lack of context I had written down beforehand as I am not in
tuned with the Tolkien universe. As a result, I feel the research done for the posters are much less
specific than I would have liked it to be.
What were the strengths of my planning?
I managed to get something planned out for each of the criteria, going into particularly vast detail
for the colour scheme page – of which that I am extremely proud of.
I am also impressed with how the plan for the magazine and poster went. It was fairly simple, but I
believe that the simplicity worked for that section of the planning phase.
What were the weaknesses of my planning?
I think some of my planning could have been more detailed and specific. For example, I listed a
number of fonts that were possibilities for me to use, and I explain only really briefly as to why I felt
that they would be good possibilities to use.
I also think that my plan for the main game screen does look fairly basic in comparison to what it
possibly could have been, and also didn’t include any pixelated-styled photos that would eventually
fit my style of gameplay.
Time Management
Did I manage my time well?
Absolutely not. That mostly came down to the fact I was working from home and it resulted in me
losing the any sort of strict timetable regarding when I should be working, especially going into the
half term week where I still had a few pieces of production left to do.
Consequentially, I feel the overall quality of my work towards the latter weeks of suffered from this
as I felt the work from that period is very rushed, merely in an attempt to get the project finished.
What would I have done if I had more time to produce my work?
I’d like to think that I wouldn’t have rushed with the latter pieces of production towards the end of
the deadline and I would have hopefully prepared for those latter pieces much better as well. I’d
have taken better care into making sure the production work was of the highest possible quality.
Technical Qualities
How similar or different is it to existing products?
As I mentioned early, the character sprites were in fact based off of Link’s default character sprite
from A Link To the Past.
The similarities to The Legend of Zelda’s series doesn’t just end there. I feel that many aspects such
as the colour scheme, the synopsis, ideas and elements taken from D&D all seem to have been
taken from the video game series. Other inspirations include The Witcher and Sonic & The Black
Knight (most notably the idea of a dragon/underworld section from the synopsis).
I’d like to think that the idea of the elder wizard helping out the hero throughout the journey, but
holding himself back just enough for the hero to have enough independence is what separates this
Adventure Project from others similar to it.
Is my work technically detailed enough?
As I mentioned, the latter stages of the production I felt was really rushed and is not of the highest
detail. This was because I had gone past the deadline and as a result the quality of the work did
indeed suffer because of it, becoming over-simplistic and being honest I am not too proud of it.
Aesthetic Qualities
How similar or different is it to existing products?
The overall designs are based on pixels rather than dimensions and 3D models, therefore the
similarities are going to be more based on video games from the 1980s or early 1990s as that was
the more prominent era for pixelated video games.
The magazine cover and poster were both based on the Link To the Past poster and magazine cover
(from Nintendo Power) that I had previously done research for before I underwent production. The
poster depicts a single sword laying in the snow with blood dripping on it, however I do feel the
photoshop work is only just passable at best.
Is it aesthetically pleasing enough?
I am aware of some people are really fond of the concept of video games being pixelated rather
than based on dimensions and computerised 3D models, so in that regard there will be a fanbase
towards the aesthetics.
Aural Qualities
Does my work sound good?
I actually enjoyed creating the music for my project and actually felt that it really fit well with the
world I was aiming to create. I also feel that the music does fit well with the 8-bit aesthetic as well,
focusing on a classical sound, and fairly catchy & marching rhythm to go alongside a world under
rule of a tyrannical king, with the story following the warrior looking to take on the king.
I do feel like I could have added more to the music that I did create, it is a fairly short piece but I do
like what I created.
Audience Appeal
How have I appealed to the target audience?
I have tried to maximise the audience as much as I possibly could in regards to my concepts and
ideas, both from the synopsis and the rest of the production. The overall theme of a medieval single
player adventure is something that people who enjoy historical media would like to see, the
inclusion of the dragon section would be something for D&D and fantasy adventure fans to be
excited for, people who play 8-bit and retro games from the 1980s and 1990s would like to play this,
as well as people who enjoy adventure games.
The aim for me was to build a world that had as much to it as possible, and though the ideas I had
ultimately led to this project, I would like to see if I could take this type of idea further on for
something personal in the future.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final
• Strong synopsis and story ideas
• Good music
• Magazine looks okay
• Good character sprites
• Latter part of production was rushed
• Animation stuff looks simplistic
• Poster isn’t great

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  • 2. Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope (Luke’s story) Equilibrium – Luke Skywalker, a farmboy on the planet of Tatooine living with his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. When a Jawa trailer shows up with numerous droids for Luke and Owen to choose as their assistants. They choose a human-like golden droid known as C-3PO and a smaller chrome and blue droid with a domed head called R2-D2. Disruption – As Luke is cleaning R2, he accidentally finds a recording of the young woman Princess Leia, who is calling for Obi-Wan Kenobi to help her and the Rebellion in their battle against the Galactic Empire. Luke, believing that ‘Old Ben’ Kenobi may know who he is, sets off to find the old ‘wizard’. Upon their meeting, ’Old Ben’ reveals himself to be Obi-Wan and introduces young Luke to his life experiences: the Jedi Knights, Clone Wars and hands him his father’s lightsabre. Recognition – Obi-Wan listens to Leia’s recording and tells Luke he should come with him, after seeing his parental figures killed in the Lars’ homestead. They head to Mos Eisley to meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who have arranged a ride with Kenobi to Alderaan, the Princess’s home planet. However when they arrive at the co-ordinates of that planet there is nothing but rubble – the planet had been destroyed. Their spaceship the Millennium Falcon is attracted into the Empire’s space station the Death Star, in a rearranged mission to rescue the princess and escape. Reparation – Luke, Han and Chewbacca all manage to rescue Leia and return to the ship and escape with the droids, however Kenobi sacrifices himself by duelling with Darth Vader, the presumed leader of the Empire, distracting him in the process. The Empire manage to track the Falcon on it’s flight back to the Rebellion base on Yavin 4 and the Death Star attempts to make route, with a Rebel attack squad heading to take out the Death Star’s weak spot. In the end, Luke is the only one left with three Imperial pilots, including Vader, on his tail. However Han Solo and Chewbacca reappear with the Falcon and take out Vader’s side ships and damage Vader’s giving Luke a clear passage to destroy the Death Star and return to Yavin 4. New Equilibrium – The Death Star is now destroyed, Luke, Han and Chewbacca are now esteemed members of the Rebellion, but the Civil War continues.
  • 3. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero Luke Skywalker – The story is mostly seen through his perspective, the original Star Wars trilogy is essentially his journey from farmboy to Jedi Knight. The Villian Darth Vader – Not much is known about Vader from the beginning, except that he is in fact the acting leader of the Galactic Empire and their Stormtroopers. The Helper Han Solo – Han aids Luke, Kenobi and the droids to the Death Star when Alderaan had been destroyed, and he would continue to be close to Luke and Leia through the rest of the OT. The Donor Obi-Wan Kenobi – An old man, seen by Luke as a ‘wizard’ ever since he was young. He guides Luke on his first chapter to his destiny and hands him his father’s lightsabre. The Dispatcher Obi-Wan Kenobi – With his guidance, Luke realises his worth to the galaxy is more than what he originally thought, setting the course for the rest of the OT. The Princess or prize Princess Leia – Adopted daughter of Bail Organa of Alderaan, she’s held captive by the Empire imprisoned aboard the Death Star for the most part in the film. The Princess’s Father Darth Vader – Little does either he, Leia or Luke know this, Vader would be revealed by the end of the OT that he is the father of both Luke and Leia, formerly Anakin Skywalker. The False Hero n/a
  • 4. WWWWWH Who Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin What Luke goes with Obi-Wan to protect Alderaan from the Imperial threat of destruction, which they fail as Alderaan gets blown up by the Death Star. Instead they get sucked into the Death Star with Han Solo and Chewbacca to rescue Leia, whilst Obi-Wan deactivates the tractor beam that is keeping their ship the Millennium Falcon on board the Death Star. Obi-Wan also distracts Darth Vader during the Rebels’ escape, sacrificing himself. The Rebels then later destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Why The Rebel Alliance is at civil war with the Empire in an attempt to restore freedom to the galaxy and return to the former glories of the Galactic Republic. Obi-Wan is considered by Leia to be the last hope for the Rebellion. When A long time ago… Where In a galaxy far far away… How The Rebellion belief in the will and ways of The Force, which binds the events of the galaxy together and gives Jedi and Sith their powers.
  • 6. Idea 1 Who [Hero] – some form of ancient God over 2000 years old in the form of an adult human, set out to secure the [item] to prevent the awakening of [monster] to destroy the world at the hands of [villain]; [villain] – a scientist aiming to secure the [item] in order to unleash a monster, leading to him building an empire in the ruins of the planet. What [Hero] is on the run from [villain] and needs to make his way retrieve [item] to stop [villain] from using it for world ruination after releasing a monster. Why [Hero] is an ancient God who has previously battled with [monster], has been awakened from an ice chamber to prevent the monster ruining the world for [villain]’s benefits. When 2025/not too distant future from now. Where Earth/many different areas of Earth How God-like stuff
  • 7. Idea 2 Who Swordsman, King, wise-man wizard, princess What Tyrannical king has a man and a woman killed for treason (of some form). However they manage to get their son to escape on the horseback of a friend. As the child grows up, he becomes a swordsman and heads off to fulfil his vow to kill the king and free the kingdom from tyranny. Why Swordsman wishes to bring back freedom to the kingdom and venge the loss of his parents. When Medieval period – in a timeline parallel from our own where the monarchy is tyrannical. Where Some Medieval looking location. How Adventure from poorer areas of the land to the King’s castle, getting filled with more difficult enemy knights as the adventure progresses.
  • 8. Idea 3 Who Historian, What Wants to restore a historical artifact to a museum Why Belongs to the museum but was missing for years When 1920s USA Where 1920s USA How Because he’s a Btec Indiana Jones
  • 9. Mind Map: Medieval game King ideas: • Controlling of his land through violence and fear. • Kills many in his land if they do not obey his rulings – common reasons include refusal to worship and not paying taxes • Will appear as the final fight for the swordsman on his quest to free the land. Swordsman ideas: • Parents were killed as a child, but he managed to escape somehow. • Gets taken in by a wizard, who aids him through his childhood and teaches him sword mastery. • Becomes a swordsman as an adult, set off to kill the king and restore freedom and peace to the land. • Meets with a wizard throughout his adventure to gain new weapons and abilities to defeat enemy knights. Wizard ideas: • Takes in the swordsman from a young age after he escapes from the King killing his family. • Helps the swordsman set off on his quest as his teacher, grants him extra weapons and powers as his journey progresses. Setting ideas: • Takes place in a Medieval-based setting in a universe parallel from the one we know, ruled by a tyrannical King. • Swordsman starts his journey in the local villages, before making his way to the bigger towns, finally making it to the King’s castle. • Enemies are scattered throughout each location. As the journey progresses, each locations contains more enemies, and more difficult ones too. Name ideas: • Elias • Elric • Hereward • Judd Name ideas: • King Edgar • King Edmund • King Walter • King Winton Name ideas: • Aldhelm • Eadwyn • Sigmund • Wilfrid Name ideas: • Ingsmead • Kingsland • Millworth • Villstead Weapons/Abilities: • Swords • Axes • Bow and arrow • Shield • Mystic power granted by wizard later in the adventure Weapons/Abilities: • Swords • Summon dark energy bolts • Summon dark knights • Shoot lightning down from the sky Weapons/Abilities: • Wizardry • Summon custom weapons with special abilities • Shield Location concepts: • Local villages – few knights, lots of people • Towns – more knights than people • Castles for Barons and King • Dragon lairs Enemies: • King’s knights – on foot and horseback, with swords and bows and arrows • Dark knights – slightly more powerful than the King’s knights • Dragon spawn – little dragons
  • 12. Type of media: Video game Year of release: 1991 Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES); has since been ported over to the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch Developer + Publisher: Nintendo Gameplay overview: The game is played on an overhead view similar to that of the first Legend of Zelda game, and different to the side-scrolling gameplay that was introduced in the second game – titled ‘The Adventure of Link’. Though similar to the original game in terms of perspective and mechanics, there are new innovations and elements introduced in ‘A Link To the Past’, such as arrows and bombs don’t need to be paid for with Rupees (the in-game currency), instead becoming separate items from the start. The game also allows for more flexible movement compared to previous games, as Link, the game’s protagonist, can be moved diagonally, and also run with the aid of the Pegasus Boots/Shoes. An improvement to attacking with Link’s sword is that it now swings sideways instead of stabbing directly, which allows for broader range and easier combat. Aside from the Pegasus Boots, the game also introduced the Master Sword as a recurring item for future games in the series, which is one of the weapons capable of defeating Ganon, the series antagonist. In ‘A Link To the Past’, Ganon manages to corrupt the Sacred Realm of which he is trapped within, which creates a parallel universe. The Light World is the ordinary Hyrule, where Link starts his adventure. The Dark World, created as a result of Ganon corrupting the Sacred Realm, is a decaying version of Hyrule. What may be a desert or a peaceful town in the Light World may be a swamp or a town of thugs in the Dark World. Link can travel from the Dark World to the Light World by using a Mirror item, and can travel back to the Dark by going through a portal at the point where he went back to the Light World, or through other hidden portals throughout the Light World. Reception: The game received near universal acclaim. It was one of the best selling SNES games of all time, 4.61 million units sold worldwide and the Game Boy Advance port managed to sell 1.4 million copies in the United States alone. It is considered by fans, critics and gamers in general to be one of the best video games of all time, with the gameplay and the graphics taking spotlight. Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
  • 13. Sounds: The music for the game is synthesized as it works for video games throughout the early 1990s. The main song of the game is titled ‘Hyrule Overture’ which plays in the Light World, the rhythm has a triumphant tone due to the higher key notes, like Link is set off for his adventure to keep Zelda safe and the 7 Wise Men sealed. In comparison, ‘The Dark World’ which sounds much more moodier despite keeping the rhythm similar, because of the lower notes. The soundtrack in the game is generally a mix of these styles depending on Link’s situation. Additionally, the sound effects when you collect a key or a Rupee from defeating an enemy also gives off a triumphant feel, making the player feel a sense of achievement. This is also the case for secret passages Link may find through his adventure. As for speech, there are also sound effect that go towards every syllable that is spoken through the text-speech in the game, but no full-on voiceover of any sort. Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past Camera: We can see the game uses an overhead camera, which works well for exploration and item collection. The screen also does well to show the player their life count that can be increased when the player finds more heart containers and pieces of heart, as well as all of the Rupees, bombs and arrows that Link currently has at his disposal. You can also see Link’s current item and can change which item he’s currently holding, which will take the player to another screen full of all the items Link currently has stored. Colour: Link is notably coloured green, similar to the grass. However the benefit is that Link is outlined which makes him easy for the player to visibly see and doesn’t blend into the grass. He also has a touch of pink and brown on his sprite which also makes him easier to make out. This becomes an almost non-issue by the time the Dark World is introduced, due to the darker shades of green grass almost looking closer to a brown colour. In addition to the environment and Link himself, the houses and dungeons throughout Hyrule are also easy to figure out due to their taller build and greyer colour patterns. The insides of houses, dungeons and Zelda’s castle is usually well lit as well, until those times where the lights are out and the area surrounding Link apart from where he is directly looking at is black out, which makes for a more nervy atmosphere and more careful gameplay from the player. Item’s are usually well coloured too as a means for the player to distinguish what it is. Audience appeal: The audience were most likely intrigued by the cartoonish and colourful art design that Zelda had traditionally gone for. Other possibilities for why the audience were appealed by this include their thoughts on the previous Zelda games, or the fact they love adventure-based games in the first place.
  • 14. Existing Product – The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past promotional poster from Nintendo Power Image: The image is a mid-shot focused directly on a sword thrusted into a stone with written text on it, in what looks to be located in the middle of the woods. This implies that there is a hero chosen by fate coming to collect it to save Hyrule from Ganon, the antagonist. There is also no sight of Link at all in the poster, linking to the idea that Nintendo intended to use, that the protagonist of the series was the player, not necessarily Link himself – as in the name screens, you can call the character whatever you wish to call him/her. This is done to connect the poster and the series with it’s audience on a personal level. Additionally, the poster may be seen as an homage to the 1963 Disney film ‘Sword In the Stone’ as there is – quite literally – a sword in a stone. Style: The art style of the poster looks to be done in a cartoonish/cel-shaded manner, to try and associate the series to the fact that it is indeed a video game series. Through the colour and lighting we can see a deliberate spotlight placed down upon the sword, to associate the ideas of the game being about a hero’s destiny to save their kingdom(?) from evil and darkness. There isn’t a lot of copy featured on the poster, suggesting the producers are more focused on showing the audience some clues of the game’s focus as a tease for them to buy it, rather than telling the synopsis in a way that may leave it’s audience underwhelmed (the narrative of the Zelda series is extremely convoluted as it is now anyway!) Audience appeal: The poster doesn’t try to tell the audience a lot, instead it aims to show a big hook as to what key event may happen in the game, leaving them expecting and waiting to buy the game and see what may come from it. The poster also omits Link in any form, instead trying to get the audience to insert themselves into the poster as if they themselves are the hero of the story, like the aim always was for Nintendo for the Legend of Zelda series.
  • 15. Existing Product – Nintendo Power, issue March 1992 Masthead: We can see that the magazine is for Nintendo Power, already giving us some clues to the audience – fans of Nintendo games and video gamers in general. Image: There is one clear and key image on the cover of the magazine, a low-angle shot of Link wielding his shield and sword. We can see his iconic green and brown clothing, and his wavy light brown/dark blonde hair, but no clear view of his face, possibly keeping to Nintendo’s concept that the player is the true hero of the series. The art style is a cartoonish yet again, this time most likely done through digital means. Star/Blob: “NESTLERS Cast Your Vote!” – Promoting something unrelated to the main story/topic the magazine is promoting in this issue, which is the Legend of Zelda game. Footer: “The source for news and strategies straight from the pros” – Highlighting that the producer should be trusted immediately as the issues on the topic is coming straight from pros and people who play the game very often. Headline/Cover line: “The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past – Magic, Danger and Daring Deeds” – Letting the audience know what is indeed the main topic in this issue of Nintendo Power, as well as some clues as to what might get spoken about. This would feature on nearly all Nintendo Power magazines until the end of its circulation in 2012, thus may be regarded as the magazine’s slogan. “Official Nintendo Seal of Quality”: A mark on the magazine cover to ensure the customer has a magazine that is checked by Nintendo themselves and sent out for circulation Barcode: Is there to ensure that the customer is able to pay for the magazine upon leaving the shop
  • 16. Existing Product – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers promotional posters Images: On the left – The fact that Aragorn is centred in the frame implies to the audience that not only is he a key part of the story, but at least for the poster it represents him as a protector and warrior, with the accompaniment of him posing as if he is ready to fight. The positioning of Arwen (to the left) and Éowyn (to the right) also hints towards the love triangle that is present in Aragorn’s arc of the film. On the right – The face of Saruman (portrayed by the late Sir Christopher Lee) is centre of the frame, directly addressing the camera with his eyes to emphasise his role that of the series’ antagonist. We additionally see the titular Two Towers as well as the pre-Gollum Smeagol – who ironically is not seen in the film. Both posters do appear to have been shot in front of a green screen, with a few particular shots on the right poster taken from film stills (notably the shot of the titular Two Towers for an example) and edited together to create the poster. The costumes and props also bare similarities to pre- recorded history, e.g. the sword being a primary weapon, warn cloth and Saruman’s long beard. Colour/Lighting: The colours of the posters distinguish and hint at the different roles of the characters in the film. We seen Aragorn’s poster is lit with a mixture of blue and white, colours that identify with protagonists, heroes and saviours. The combinations of red and yellow on the poster featuring Saruman distinguish their identity is towards villainy and destruction.
  • 17. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • I do think that a lot of sound effects and colour schemes will be based around what I saw of the Legend of Zelda footage, mixing shades of green with pale- ish blues and
  • 18. Bibliography 1. Wikipedia. (2020). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 2. Krow's Graveyard. (2014). The Story Begins | Zelda: A Link to the Past 100% Walkthrough "1/18" (No Commentary). Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 3. Nintendo Power. (1991). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To the Past promotional poster. Available: 3Yb29xRJrH2D8YjqaAIRSD&ust=1606396815869000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJj1jtjvne0. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 4. Nintendo Power. (1992). The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Available: power-34-march-1992-zelda-iii-a-link-to-the-past&psig=AOvVaw3H_OA9DaOZZlfJ9k179WCz&ust=16063991626. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 5. J R R Tolkien. (2002). The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Aragorn poster. Available: uk%2Fd57_01.html&psig=AOvVaw0adVeeVoMOCwEclw7OKMCB&ust=1606402931439000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA 0QjhxqFwoTCOiV. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 6. J R R Tolkien. (2002). The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers promotional poster. Available: aw0adVeeVoMOCwEclw7OKMCB&ust=1606402931439000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCOiV8-z9ne. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
  • 20. Style Sheet – Colour scheme This is my ideal colour scheme for the earlier areas in the game, such as early village areas based in medieval rural settings and fewer enemies to defeat. This is to try and welcome the audience to a simpler, less chaotic period of the story’s timeline. This colour scheme is intended to be used for the later areas of the game as the player gets closer to the King’s fortress and the final area itself. This is mainly to emphasise the King is evil and is capable of dark magic himself. This colour scheme is for what I envision the dragon caves and locations to be based on, including darker shades of purple, reds, and a brighter gold/yellow shade for lit areas, such as lamps and the dragons’ flaming breath.
  • 21. Style sheet – Font choices My preference would be to use a serif font for logo of the project as I believe is suits well for a project based on old time period. A few possible options include: Century Cambria Math Mongolian Bait Rockwell Nova Light Times New Roman
  • 22. Magazine and advert layouts MASTHEAD HEADLINE Copy describing what is going to appear in the lead article IMAGE Barcode + issue no. Cover lines • Cover line 1 • Cover line 2 Hook line/slogan IMAGE TAGLINE GAME NAME Release date
  • 23. Video Game layouts Boss name Red line – character hp bar Blue line – magic ability bar Purple line – boss hp bar The playable character Enemy Boss – mainly the dragon boss
  • 24. Script First cutscene Wilfrid: “Elric, the time has come for your quest to begin. I will be able to help you.” Intro level Wilfrid: “I would like to start things off simply for you. There is a tree over to the right. I would like you to break it down with your sword and retrieve the treasure within it. Return to me when you’re done.” *Elric performs task and returns to Wilfrid* Wilfrid: “There will be many civilians looking to a warrior like you for help. As mundane as they may be, they will end up being in support of you during your quest. Good luck my young warrior.”
  • 25. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Sword wielding Knife sliding off of a pot Character footsteps Authentic footsteps Attacking with sword Knives clashing together Jumping Authentic jump with rustling of leaves/heavy landing King’s dark magic Lightning/thunder Wizard’s/Elias’s magic Gushes of wind
  • 26. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording I can voice act For everyone In my office - Elric (protagonist) - King Edmund (antagonist) - Wilfrid the Wise (wizard) - Male civilians
  • 27. Music I do intend to create my own music rather than use already existing music that is copyright free, in order for the music to fit well with the project. I am hoping for the music to fit well with the time period and the setting of the project, most likely using orchestral instruments and strings. I’ll be creating the soundtrack myself using some form of music creating software.
  • 28. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Sword sound effects don’t work as I anticipated Look for licence free sword sounds It doesn’t thunder, no lightning strikes before deadline and the wind sound isn’t strong enough Try licence free sounds for the magic Adobe software becomes unavailable Use alternate software
  • 30. Using your plans, produce: • A synopsis for your film • A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen, demo level and cut scene • Sound track for the video game • A magazine front cover, promoting the film • Additional advertising to promote the film Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma. Animation to be embedded in your blog.
  • 31. Vengeance Falls synopsis Ingsmead, 1088. The mystical land is under rule of the new King Edmund, who suddenly asserts himself by forcing his people to worship him like a God, with disobedience resulting in death. For young Elric, to see his parents taken in by the King and his elite forces would be an image that burned into his memory forever. Having been told to run away just before their arrival, Elric’s life was changed, now in need of protection from the tyrannical King he was taken in by the wizard Wilfrid the Wise, using his magic to gain knowledge of the young boy and his troubled situation, bringing him the promise to take his vengeance when he comes of age. 12 years later, with King Edmund still having a tight grip of control on the land of Ingsmead, Elric – now a fully grown adult – is willed on by his tutor Wilfrid and deemed ready to set off on his quest to take vengeance on the King who killed his parents, and to free the land from his tyranny. With a sword by his side, he begins his quest in the rural town of Sonly, helping the citizens of the misty town with several tasks, one notably asks Elric to clear away some of the King’s minions from an historic and heralded monument for the townspeople. In return for his small yet meaningful deeds, some of the citizens agree to help him with his cause for rebellion against the King. News of Elric’s presence and influence in the town reaches the ears of Ogilvie, a veteran Knight and long-time follower of King Edmund, who challenges the young warrior to a duel upon his arrival to a recently built castle in the rural environment. Elric outclasses the knight, leaving the old soldier in a pile of his own blood, taking his sword and shield and continuing his journey. As he sets himself off for the town of Wimborne – a more populous town nearby a lake – Wilfrid appears by his side to grant him new magical powers of the wind through his fingertips, utilising them when surrounded by the larger hoards of soldiers that settle themselves in the lakeside town. As he increases the members willing to join his cause, Elric also defeats Windham, Lord of Wimborne, in a duel.
  • 32. Vengeance Falls synopsis Elric is startled as he is then taken off course into the underworld of Ingsmead, met once again by Wilfrid who grants him the magical power of fire and a new sword specially designed to defeat Dragon Spawn, creatures who he is met by in the underworld. There he also challenges the Mother Dragon, blocking his path back to the surface and set to burn him alive. After a tricky battle, Elric successfully manages to proceed, but depending on how Elric has treated the Dragon Spawn throughout his time in the underworld, he’ll either have a brief moment of embrace with the Mother Dragon, apologising for the disturbance and the fighting, or completely ignore and bypass her as he makes his way back to a snowy Ingsmead. After making his way through Icegate, Wandermere and Lunaris, defeating King Edmund’s most trusted and highest ranking fighters, Elric finally arrives at Kingstown with his rebellion, where the King waits in his most fortified castle. As the battle beneath them continues, Elric and Wilfrid head into the castle itself and duels with the King, all of them to becoming heavily fatigued, however Elric manages to kill the King in the end. Elric and Wilfrid walk out of the castle to see the battle still ongoing, shouting order for the battle to stop, until Wilfrid uses magic to silence them. Elric then proceeds to make an impassioned speech about restoring freedom to the land of Ingsmead, that no one should need to fight anymore, and that everyone can help out each other, whilst also refusing to accept any sort of title relating to being King.
  • 40. Research What were the strengths of my research? I think looking at a video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past was very well written as it managed to focus itself on multiple aspects of the game, such as the colours, the music, the camera angle and most of that did end up being incorporated into what my final product for the level design came to be. Additionally, in post, the character sprites that I ended up creating were also based on Link’s sprite from A Link To the Past, which was due to me struggling to find an inspirational point from were to start from with creating the sprites. What were the weaknesses of my research? I do think that I could have handled the research of the Lord of the Rings posters a lot better than how I did in the end. Comparing with my Legend of Zelda research, what didn’t help me with the Lord of the Rings research was the lack of context I had written down beforehand as I am not in tuned with the Tolkien universe. As a result, I feel the research done for the posters are much less specific than I would have liked it to be.
  • 41. Planning What were the strengths of my planning? I managed to get something planned out for each of the criteria, going into particularly vast detail for the colour scheme page – of which that I am extremely proud of. I am also impressed with how the plan for the magazine and poster went. It was fairly simple, but I believe that the simplicity worked for that section of the planning phase. What were the weaknesses of my planning? I think some of my planning could have been more detailed and specific. For example, I listed a number of fonts that were possibilities for me to use, and I explain only really briefly as to why I felt that they would be good possibilities to use. I also think that my plan for the main game screen does look fairly basic in comparison to what it possibly could have been, and also didn’t include any pixelated-styled photos that would eventually fit my style of gameplay.
  • 42. Time Management Did I manage my time well? Absolutely not. That mostly came down to the fact I was working from home and it resulted in me losing the any sort of strict timetable regarding when I should be working, especially going into the half term week where I still had a few pieces of production left to do. Consequentially, I feel the overall quality of my work towards the latter weeks of suffered from this as I felt the work from that period is very rushed, merely in an attempt to get the project finished. What would I have done if I had more time to produce my work? I’d like to think that I wouldn’t have rushed with the latter pieces of production towards the end of the deadline and I would have hopefully prepared for those latter pieces much better as well. I’d have taken better care into making sure the production work was of the highest possible quality.
  • 43. Technical Qualities How similar or different is it to existing products? As I mentioned early, the character sprites were in fact based off of Link’s default character sprite from A Link To the Past. The similarities to The Legend of Zelda’s series doesn’t just end there. I feel that many aspects such as the colour scheme, the synopsis, ideas and elements taken from D&D all seem to have been taken from the video game series. Other inspirations include The Witcher and Sonic & The Black Knight (most notably the idea of a dragon/underworld section from the synopsis). I’d like to think that the idea of the elder wizard helping out the hero throughout the journey, but holding himself back just enough for the hero to have enough independence is what separates this Adventure Project from others similar to it. Is my work technically detailed enough? As I mentioned, the latter stages of the production I felt was really rushed and is not of the highest detail. This was because I had gone past the deadline and as a result the quality of the work did indeed suffer because of it, becoming over-simplistic and being honest I am not too proud of it.
  • 44. Aesthetic Qualities How similar or different is it to existing products? The overall designs are based on pixels rather than dimensions and 3D models, therefore the similarities are going to be more based on video games from the 1980s or early 1990s as that was the more prominent era for pixelated video games. The magazine cover and poster were both based on the Link To the Past poster and magazine cover (from Nintendo Power) that I had previously done research for before I underwent production. The poster depicts a single sword laying in the snow with blood dripping on it, however I do feel the photoshop work is only just passable at best. Is it aesthetically pleasing enough? I am aware of some people are really fond of the concept of video games being pixelated rather than based on dimensions and computerised 3D models, so in that regard there will be a fanbase towards the aesthetics.
  • 45. Aural Qualities Does my work sound good? I actually enjoyed creating the music for my project and actually felt that it really fit well with the world I was aiming to create. I also feel that the music does fit well with the 8-bit aesthetic as well, focusing on a classical sound, and fairly catchy & marching rhythm to go alongside a world under rule of a tyrannical king, with the story following the warrior looking to take on the king. I do feel like I could have added more to the music that I did create, it is a fairly short piece but I do like what I created.
  • 46. Audience Appeal How have I appealed to the target audience? I have tried to maximise the audience as much as I possibly could in regards to my concepts and ideas, both from the synopsis and the rest of the production. The overall theme of a medieval single player adventure is something that people who enjoy historical media would like to see, the inclusion of the dragon section would be something for D&D and fantasy adventure fans to be excited for, people who play 8-bit and retro games from the 1980s and 1990s would like to play this, as well as people who enjoy adventure games. The aim for me was to build a world that had as much to it as possible, and though the ideas I had ultimately led to this project, I would like to see if I could take this type of idea further on for something personal in the future.
  • 47. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. Strengths: • Strong synopsis and story ideas • Good music • Magazine looks okay • Good character sprites Weaknesses: • Latter part of production was rushed • Animation stuff looks simplistic • Poster isn’t great

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.
  7. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  8. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  9. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  10. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  11. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  12. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  13. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  14. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.