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Phenomenon Behind a Successful Social Networking Sites
Maria Samantha R. Abalos
Thea R. Flores
Eden Rose V. Mendoza
Kolynne Allison E. Ocampo
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Study
1.2. Conceptual Framework
1.3. Statement of the Problem/Hypothesis
1.4. Objective of the Study
1.5. Significance of the Study
1.6. Assumption of the Study
1.7. Scope and Limitations
1.8. Definition of Terms
2. Methodology
3. Results
4. Conclusion
5. Recommendation
6. Bibliography
7. Appendices
This research paper aims to know the phenomenon behind the social networking sites. Social
networking site dates back to 2002, when Jonathan Abrams created the first social networking
site, Friendster. After a few years, it was closed to become a gaming site because the site did not
have a strong connection which means that users of the site were not as linked together, they
only ‘add’ people or users whom they know. Lastly, the users were burdened with learning new
interface since social networking site was a new experience for them, and the loophole and errors
were not fixed immediately (Mcmillan, 2013).
In contrast, the leading site Facebook is in its tenth year of enjoying $1.5 Billion of profit last
quarter of 2013 and an estimated 1.23 Billion active users every month by the end of January
2014 (Rushe, 2014). According to Business Insider, Facebook’s secret to success is that they
made it simple and keep on focusing on its long term value (Blodget,2012). Twitter currently
ranks second with 310 million unique monthly visitors. The site also gained popularity with its
easy-to-use interface.
This occurrence is what the researchers ask: What makes Facebook so popular and how do these
types of websites stay in the market? Researchers will be assessing the situation by means of
survey deployments to college students and data analysis of these results for the purpose of
correct formulation of the key variables, which would create the perfect social networking site.
Background of the Study
Social networking sites (SNS) is considered as a global revolution where communities are built
online. SNS builds online communities for the purpose of staying in touch with friends and
sharing experiences through photos, videos, blog posts, and many more. This revolutionary
community is fairly young at age where Friendster, being the first site to be the closest to
resemble the SNS that we know today, was only released on the year 2002 (Dugan, 2012). With
SNS being such a young industry, the anatomy behind a successful social networking site still
remains a mystery. Especially since the success of these SNS are solely dependent on their users.
The purpose of this study is to gather as much information as possible from university students in
the Philippines which would allow the group to discover the key variables which contribute to
the success of a social networking site and to formulate the perfect balance between these key
variable which would create the perfect social networking site. This would be done by means of
asking three (3) particular questions that revolves around the concept behind the user’s
motivation drivers, intrusion tolerance, and interests retainers. These three (3) particular
questions are: (1) what motivates a person to use/not to use a particular SNS; (2) how can SNS
make money through ads without being intrusive to their users; (3) and what are the key features
that users look for and stay for in a SNS.
Conceptual Framework
MECCA or Means-End Conceptualization of Components for Advertising Strategy would be
used as framework for analysis of the descriptive study about the popularity of social networking
site. It would enable the group to identify the input and output variables by means of looking at
the product attribute features, consumer benefits, leverage points, personal values and
executional framework.
The first variable which is the product attribute features which pertain to the features offered in
social networking sites. For example, Facebook offers video and online chatting, photo and video
sharing, finding friends and family and help users get information and stay updated with recent
news through sharing of posts. In Twitter, users can follow other users online; they can even
follow their favorite artists and/or celebrities and tweet to them. Twitter also has this feature,
which shows what the trending topics are, and with this users are able to stay up to date with
recent news and events.
The second variable is the consumer benefits. Consumer benefits are the advantages that
consumers believe they get from purchasing or using the product. In this case the consumer
benefits of using social networking sites are being connected with friends and family as well as a
tool for being updated with school projects and organization activities. Users get to socialize
with friends and family conveniently through online chatting and photo sharing and posting
messages; these social networking sites help people stay connected everyday especially those
who live far from the other.
The third variable is the leverage points. Leverage points refer to ‘the hook’ that is linked to the
benefits. In this case the leverage points of the users when they use social networking sites are
the satisfying feelings they get when using social networking site. An example is that when they
use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter; it can give them gratification because they
may feel popular and appreciated with all of their followers and friends or may feel more
confident because of all the likes they get from their posts and photos.
The fourth variable is personal values. Personal values refer to what is important to the audience.
To the users of social networking sites their personal values can be socializing, fulfilling a need
to be up to date with things, get information or to just stay connected.
The fifth and final variable for the MECCA model is the executional framework. Executional
framework refers to what material or in this case what social network the users use, which
conveys their personal values. An example would be some might prefer Facebook over Twitter
because a lot of their friends and family are on Facebook. On the other hand, some might prefer
Twitter over Facebook because they can say whatever they want to since their family or parents
are not on Twitter.
DMP or The Decision Making Process would be used as a framework for the analysis of the
descriptive study of social networking sites and the paradox relationship between popularity and
profitability. This framework would enable the group to identify the input and output variables
by means of recognizing the need, defining the parameters or the need/solution, searching for
information, evaluating alternatives, determining the terms of purchase and determining the
purchase. There is a need to change the perceptions of users towards advertisements in social
networking sites because advertisements are the sources of profit for these social networking
sites but users perceive them negatively they see these ads as forms of hindrances in their
browsing. The parameter of the solution is to make the advertisements as less intrusive and
relevant as possible to its users or viewers. By doing this users would not feel irritated and
bombarded with the ads because it would actually be relevant to them. The search for
information would be done by means of using secondary online research and by conducting a
302 respondents online survey to university students of the Philippines. Alternatives to the initial
solution of lessening the advertising intrusion to SNS users is to make these advertisements as
interesting and appealing as possible to the individual users. To determine the terms of purchase
is to find the balance between making profit with advertising fees and make these advertisements
relevant so that users would not feel intruded by irrelevant ads. Purchase, in this case, is the
current chance of answers that users would click an ad or buys a product from advertisements
that they see on social networking sites.
Statement of the Problem
In order for social networking site (SNS) to develop the perfect environment for building online
communities, it needs to be able to satisfy the preferences and interests of billions of users. The
satisfaction of billions may be difficult to attain due to the diversity in interest and preferences of
human beings. Failure to win over the taste of the masses may lead to the death of the SNS since
popularity is one of the main factors of its continuous growth.
Aside from popularity, social networking site persist to exist because of investors; and investors
only invest when social networking sites are profitable. But the profitability of these social
networking sites depends on two inversely related factors. These factors are popularity and
profitability. These factors are inversely related because popularity of SNS attracts profit-making
advertisements because of the view counts generated; while profitability dissuades social
networking users to continue on using the site because profit-making advertisements are
intrusive (Strickland, n.d). The success and perfection of social networking site depends on this
Objective of the Study
With social network being a popular source for online communications, the growth of social
networking has expanded immensely. The factors of growth for popularity are what this paper
aims to explore. This can be done by means of analyzing the preferences, opinions, and sources
of motivation of University students in the Philippines who use social network site.
Aside from popularity, the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability would also
be analyzed and understood. Since social network requires to cater to billions of users, these sites
require huge amount of capital and profit in order to continue. These site gain money by means
of advertising fees which may or may not jeopardize the sites popularity because of the fact that
these advertisements may or may not annoy people. Yet these advertisements are sort of a
contradiction in order for these social networking sites to continue and to cater to the wants and
needs of its users.
Significance of the Study
The importance of this study is to see what made these top social networks into market leaders.
According to Reader’s Digest survey, Philippines is the Social Networking capital of the world
where 93 percent of the population owns a Facebook account (PH is social networking capital of
the world, 2014). This could translate that Facebook and other sites as part of their daily lives.
With Philippines being the number one in social networking, the Philippines would then be the
best country to test out our objective since majority of it's citizens are composed of netizens. This
research paper can aid to social networking site and business-wise innovations. It is significant to
investigate and solve the paradox between investors that put advertisements on the site and the
Social Networking sites (SNS) users that does not want ads. It would be beneficial for
advertising agencies to know what factors can affect an effective advertisement placement on
social networking sites. It is a possible contribution of knowledge to the social network and
digital media industry by knowing what to have and avoid on creating SNS.
Assumption of the Study
The respondents are university students in the Philippines, male and female, who use social
networking sites with an age ranging from 15 years old to 35 years old. These respondents were
chosen for the study because we assume that they have more reliable knowledge and
understanding about the subject matter having been alive when online sites were developed and
popularized. The respondents were exposed to the technology at a young ages which would have
made it easier for them to understand the modern technology. Thus these respondents would
belong to the age group of active online world users.
The psychographic segmentations of the respondents are those who have a social grade of AB
and broad C. We assume that the respondents who belong in AB and C have regular and daily
access online through their laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets. While the behavioral
segmentation of the respondents are those who use the internet regularly to go to social
networking sites in order to socialize and stay in touch with their friends and family. We assume
that these people constantly check their accounts in social networking sites to chat, share photos,
and stay updated and connected.
Online articles were used as secondary data since the study is based on a modern topic that is
about social networking sites; relevant data and information that are needed are more readily
available and accessible online as well as up to date. Google forms were used as a form of
questionnaire because the survey is intended to reach 300 respondents across the Philippines and
it would be more convenient to reach out to a large amount of people online. To add to that, by
using an online tool for the survey also filters the respondents; if the respondent was able to
answer the online survey we can assume that he or she also owns accounts on social networking
We assume that the statistical data gathered are reliable, valid and accurate because the
respondents are students who are in a university (15-35 years old) that are assumed to use social
networking sites at a daily basis as a form of communication with friends for organization
announcements, school projects, and other reasons for online communication. As university
students in a modern world, it means that they have been exposed to the technology earlier and
therefore have better knowledge and understanding about the subject matter.
Scope and Limitations
The group used Google forms to construct an online survey. This survey was then distributed to
300 respondents, 21 of these are graduates while there rest are undergraduates. These
respondents are Filipino university students, male and female, who use social networking sites
with an age ranging from 15 years old to 35 years old. The psychographic segmentations of the
respondents are those who have a social grade of AB and broad C. Through Young and
Rubrican’s Cross Cultural Consumer Characterization, the lifestyle classification of the study is
characterized as an ‘explorer’. The target audiences are those who often use social networking
sites and are updated by the trends. They are those who are aware and knowledgeable about its
privileges. The survey also manages and examines the division of the respondents on how well
will they respond and react on a certain type of a survey question, which is then being studied
and analyzed by means of diagrams, tables, charts, and other graphs. The data collecting was
done in the span of three weeks and the sources of information are based on online researches
and answers of the respondents.
Definition of Terms
1. Social networking sites (SNS) is a web-based platform to provide and build user’s
networks with same backgrounds, interests, or real-life connections.
2. Motivation drivers are reasons, which instigates a person to try something or to stay with
3. Intrusion tolerance is the capacity to endure the continued and deliberate placement of an
unwelcomed object at oneself.
4. Interests retainers are factors, which secures or keeps a person’s state of curiosity and
5. Add or adding is by allowing or requesting other users to join your social network link.
6. Feature is a service or good that sets apart each social networking sites.
7. Netizens is a person who interacts with another through the internet.
The group used secondary online research to gather background information on social
networking sites such as its history and some factors for its success. After gathering enough
information, the group decided to conduct an online survey using Google forms that targets
university students of the Philippines who uses social networking sites. The sampling method
was done by means of non-probability quota method where the group decided to gather 302
respondents from different universities. The statistical treatment of the data would be descriptive
research since the study describes the characteristics of target respondents; estimates the
magnitude of the target respondents in the population exhibiting certain preferences, interests,
and motivations; determines the relationship between profitability and popularity; and facilitates
a prediction on how to remedy the paradox relationship between profitability and popularity.
According to the survey results of 302 respondents, most of the respondents are in ages 18 year
old (37%), 19 year old (29%) and age 17 year old (14%) [Appendix 1] with an academic degrees
of mostly undergraduate (93%) while the rest are graduate (7%) [Appendix 2]. Most if not all of
these respondents own a social networking account. Where 99.66% out of the 302 respondents
owns a Facebook account, and 81.45% owns a Twitter account [Appendix 3]. The survey also
showed in Appendix 4-9 that these two sites are the most visited site among the rest of the
choices, where Facebook is voted as the most voted site while Twitter is voted as the second.
The respondents’ social networking habits reflects that 25% of the 302 respondents log in to their
social networks about 2-3 hours a day (77 respondents) and 3-4 hours a day (75 respondents)
[Appendix 11]. Where 96% answered that they last visited these sites “yesterday” in Appendix
10, and mostly through laptops (52%; 158 respondents) and mobiles. (29%; 89 respondents) as
can be seen in Appendix 13.
The survey also shows the top three (3) motivational drivers of the users to try out a social
networking site in Appendix 14. These motivational drivers are: friends & family (29%; 211
people), entertainment (26%; 189 respondents), and school (28%; 203 respondents). While
interests are retained because of the same reason as what motivates them to try. The top interests
retainer was schoolwork, which has 239 response, as can be seen in Appendix 16.
Aside from finding out the motivational driver and the interest retainers, the survey also gathered
what made these users discourage to try a site; and what made them delete or deactivate an
account. 41% respondents are discouraged to try because the site looks unappealing and even
delete/deactivate an account because 20% got bored [Appendix 15 and 17]. Thus most of the
respondents (62% respondents) prefer social networking sites that have a lot of features similar
to Facebook than site that are simple such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram [Appendix 18].
Majority of the users value features such as photo sharing (24%) and chat enables (22%) and
only 14% stated that they valued sites that had a nice layout [Appendix 19].
After knowing the motivational drivers and interest retainers, the survey further inspects the
aspect, which provides as the sustaining power of these sites-- advertising. According to
appendix 20, 64% of the respondents prefer sites that don’t have ads, and 2% prefer to have a lot
of ads. Where 75% of the respondents notice the ads on the sites but 78% don’t take time to look
or click on the ads [Appendix 21-22]. Survey results shows that 47% rarely click on an
advertisement on their profile and only 3% answered most of the time [Appendix 24]. It also
shows that only 66 respondents out of the 302 agree that they may have purchased a product
because of the appeal of the advertisement, while 113 out of 302 respondents strongly disagree
[Appendix 27]. The low intrusion tolerance to advertisements may be because of their perception
of advertising. Only 3 out of 302 respondents feel that advertisements presented to them are
almost always relevant to them [Appendix 25], while only 2 out of 302 respondents strongly
agrees that ads in social networking sites are interesting [Appendix 26]. These low positive
response to advertisements may also change, so long as these negative perception of advertising
of being irrelevant and uninteresting change. According to appendix 23, 54% of the respondent
are willing to respond positively and click on an advertisements so long a it is relevant to them.
The primary objectives of the research, which are to distinguish the factors of popularity of
social networking sites through analyzing different perceptions of University students and
analyze the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability, was achieved using
MECCA or Means-End Conceptualization of Components for Advertising Strategy and DMP or
the Decision Making Process.
Social networking sites have reached a massive growth of popularity because majority are
involved to features such as photo sharing. This photo sharing, according to the survey
conducted, has been a leverage point of the social networking industry. Three motivational
drivers of an effective SNS are associates, households, entertainment, and school. Within it,
users develop high personal values with SNS because they can be socialized, informed, and
connected. The top interest retainer is schoolwork that is identified through leverage point. The
SNS then gave them feature that allows the student to be productive without being physically
present in group negotiations. Correspondingly, executional framework generates the relevance
of users to the SNS by getting their personal interests, that leads to an immense usage like the
Facebook being the most visited and the Twitter being the second.
In the scrutinizing the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability of an SNS,
because of its massive users and visitors, more advertising and marketing companies are now
associating with them. Conversely, very rare respondents agree that advertisements in social
networking sites are stimulating. Users have a very low intrusion tolerance as more than half of
the respondents indicated that they prefer sites that do not use advertisements. The relevance of
the advertisements does not usually meet the user’s perception. The chance that users would
click an advertisement is infrequent thus the purchasing control may be significantly affected.
Consequently, it is needed to make these advertisements as remarkable as possible since more
respondents are willing to associate positively as long as these advertisements are relevant to
Thus popularity is gained by factors such as friends & family, school, and entertainment since
these are the top three (3) interests retainers and motivational drivers. While the low intrusion
tolerance to advertisements, in the gathered results, can be countered by changing the perception
of account owners by means of making advertisements in social networking sites more relevant
thus treating individual SNS users as individuals. Where advertisements would become more
personal and would cater to the individual interests, preferences, and values.
• Identify the motivational drivers and interest retainers of account user
• Provide features that would cater and satisfy them.
• Create ways to keep account users engaged by exploiting their key preferences
• Change perception of advertisements by providing them with relevant ads
• Exploit the information’s placed by user on their account profiles to create a system for
advertising to target their interest
Dugan, L. (2012). The ultimate timeline of social networks 1960-2012 [infographic]. Retrived
Strickland, J. (n.d.). How do social networking sites make money. Retrieved from
Rushe, D. (2014). Facebook posts record quarterly results and reports $1.5bn profit for 2013.
Retrieved from
quarterly-results?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 [Accessed: 22 Mar 2014].
MST Lifestyle. (2013). PH is social networking capital of the world. (2014). [online] May 21,
2013. Retrieved from:
networking-capital-of-the-world/ [Accessed: 22 Mar 2014].
Mcmillan, R. 2013. The Friendster Autopsy: How a Social Network Dies. Wired, [blog]
February 27, 2013, Available at: [Accessed: 24 Mar
Blodget, H. 2012. The 13 Secrets To Facebook's Success. [online] May 17. Available at: [Accessed:
24 Mar 2014].
Appendix 1: Age group
Appendix 2: Academic Degree
Appendix 3: What social networking account do you own?
Appendix 4: Facebook [Which social network do you visit the most? Pick one for each
Appendix 5: Twitter [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)]
Appendix 6: Instagram [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)]
Appendix 7: Tumblr [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each
Appendix 8: Google + [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for
each row)]
Appendix 9: Pintrest [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each
Appendix 10: When was the last time you logged-in to these accounts?
Appendix 11: How many hours in a day do you usually consume with those sites?
Appendix 12: I use social networking account to...
Appendix 13: Which medium do you use the most when visiting those sites?
Appendix 14: What are the top 3 reasons that motivates you TO TRY a new social
network site?
Appendix 15: What discourages you to try / use a social networking site?
Appendix 16: What are the top 3 reasons that motivate you keep on using a social
network site?
Appendix 17: What are the top 3 reasons for deleting/deactivating an account?
Appendix 18: Which do you prefer the most?
Appendix 19: What are the top 3 features you look for when using a social network?
Appendix 20: Which do you prefer the most?
Appendix 21: I take time to watch / look at advertisements on social networking site.
Appendix 22: In your last visit, do you notice any advertising on social networking
Appendix 23: What may be the main reason for you to click an ad?
Appendix 24: How often do you click advertisement in your profile?
Appendix 25: [Most of the social networking sites which I use present ads that are
relevant to me.]
Appendix 26: [I think ads on social networking sites are interesting.]
Appendix 27: Some ads were appealing enough that I tried to buy the product (or
service) that was advertised.

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Adserch final paper

  • 1. ADSERCH Phenomenon Behind a Successful Social Networking Sites by Maria Samantha R. Abalos Thea R. Flores Eden Rose V. Mendoza Kolynne Allison E. Ocampo
  • 2. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study 1.2. Conceptual Framework 1.3. Statement of the Problem/Hypothesis 1.4. Objective of the Study 1.5. Significance of the Study 1.6. Assumption of the Study 1.7. Scope and Limitations 1.8. Definition of Terms 2. Methodology 3. Results 4. Conclusion 5. Recommendation 6. Bibliography 7. Appendices
  • 3. Introduction This research paper aims to know the phenomenon behind the social networking sites. Social networking site dates back to 2002, when Jonathan Abrams created the first social networking site, Friendster. After a few years, it was closed to become a gaming site because the site did not have a strong connection which means that users of the site were not as linked together, they only ‘add’ people or users whom they know. Lastly, the users were burdened with learning new interface since social networking site was a new experience for them, and the loophole and errors were not fixed immediately (Mcmillan, 2013). In contrast, the leading site Facebook is in its tenth year of enjoying $1.5 Billion of profit last quarter of 2013 and an estimated 1.23 Billion active users every month by the end of January 2014 (Rushe, 2014). According to Business Insider, Facebook’s secret to success is that they made it simple and keep on focusing on its long term value (Blodget,2012). Twitter currently ranks second with 310 million unique monthly visitors. The site also gained popularity with its easy-to-use interface. This occurrence is what the researchers ask: What makes Facebook so popular and how do these types of websites stay in the market? Researchers will be assessing the situation by means of survey deployments to college students and data analysis of these results for the purpose of correct formulation of the key variables, which would create the perfect social networking site. Background of the Study Social networking sites (SNS) is considered as a global revolution where communities are built online. SNS builds online communities for the purpose of staying in touch with friends and sharing experiences through photos, videos, blog posts, and many more. This revolutionary community is fairly young at age where Friendster, being the first site to be the closest to resemble the SNS that we know today, was only released on the year 2002 (Dugan, 2012). With SNS being such a young industry, the anatomy behind a successful social networking site still remains a mystery. Especially since the success of these SNS are solely dependent on their users. The purpose of this study is to gather as much information as possible from university students in
  • 4. the Philippines which would allow the group to discover the key variables which contribute to the success of a social networking site and to formulate the perfect balance between these key variable which would create the perfect social networking site. This would be done by means of asking three (3) particular questions that revolves around the concept behind the user’s motivation drivers, intrusion tolerance, and interests retainers. These three (3) particular questions are: (1) what motivates a person to use/not to use a particular SNS; (2) how can SNS make money through ads without being intrusive to their users; (3) and what are the key features that users look for and stay for in a SNS. Conceptual Framework MECCA or Means-End Conceptualization of Components for Advertising Strategy would be used as framework for analysis of the descriptive study about the popularity of social networking site. It would enable the group to identify the input and output variables by means of looking at the product attribute features, consumer benefits, leverage points, personal values and executional framework. The first variable which is the product attribute features which pertain to the features offered in social networking sites. For example, Facebook offers video and online chatting, photo and video sharing, finding friends and family and help users get information and stay updated with recent news through sharing of posts. In Twitter, users can follow other users online; they can even follow their favorite artists and/or celebrities and tweet to them. Twitter also has this feature, which shows what the trending topics are, and with this users are able to stay up to date with recent news and events. The second variable is the consumer benefits. Consumer benefits are the advantages that consumers believe they get from purchasing or using the product. In this case the consumer benefits of using social networking sites are being connected with friends and family as well as a tool for being updated with school projects and organization activities. Users get to socialize with friends and family conveniently through online chatting and photo sharing and posting messages; these social networking sites help people stay connected everyday especially those who live far from the other.
  • 5. The third variable is the leverage points. Leverage points refer to ‘the hook’ that is linked to the benefits. In this case the leverage points of the users when they use social networking sites are the satisfying feelings they get when using social networking site. An example is that when they use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter; it can give them gratification because they may feel popular and appreciated with all of their followers and friends or may feel more confident because of all the likes they get from their posts and photos. The fourth variable is personal values. Personal values refer to what is important to the audience. To the users of social networking sites their personal values can be socializing, fulfilling a need to be up to date with things, get information or to just stay connected. The fifth and final variable for the MECCA model is the executional framework. Executional framework refers to what material or in this case what social network the users use, which conveys their personal values. An example would be some might prefer Facebook over Twitter because a lot of their friends and family are on Facebook. On the other hand, some might prefer Twitter over Facebook because they can say whatever they want to since their family or parents are not on Twitter. DMP or The Decision Making Process would be used as a framework for the analysis of the descriptive study of social networking sites and the paradox relationship between popularity and profitability. This framework would enable the group to identify the input and output variables by means of recognizing the need, defining the parameters or the need/solution, searching for information, evaluating alternatives, determining the terms of purchase and determining the purchase. There is a need to change the perceptions of users towards advertisements in social networking sites because advertisements are the sources of profit for these social networking sites but users perceive them negatively they see these ads as forms of hindrances in their browsing. The parameter of the solution is to make the advertisements as less intrusive and relevant as possible to its users or viewers. By doing this users would not feel irritated and bombarded with the ads because it would actually be relevant to them. The search for information would be done by means of using secondary online research and by conducting a
  • 6. 302 respondents online survey to university students of the Philippines. Alternatives to the initial solution of lessening the advertising intrusion to SNS users is to make these advertisements as interesting and appealing as possible to the individual users. To determine the terms of purchase is to find the balance between making profit with advertising fees and make these advertisements relevant so that users would not feel intruded by irrelevant ads. Purchase, in this case, is the current chance of answers that users would click an ad or buys a product from advertisements that they see on social networking sites. Statement of the Problem In order for social networking site (SNS) to develop the perfect environment for building online communities, it needs to be able to satisfy the preferences and interests of billions of users. The satisfaction of billions may be difficult to attain due to the diversity in interest and preferences of human beings. Failure to win over the taste of the masses may lead to the death of the SNS since popularity is one of the main factors of its continuous growth. Aside from popularity, social networking site persist to exist because of investors; and investors only invest when social networking sites are profitable. But the profitability of these social networking sites depends on two inversely related factors. These factors are popularity and profitability. These factors are inversely related because popularity of SNS attracts profit-making advertisements because of the view counts generated; while profitability dissuades social networking users to continue on using the site because profit-making advertisements are intrusive (Strickland, n.d). The success and perfection of social networking site depends on this paradox. Objective of the Study With social network being a popular source for online communications, the growth of social networking has expanded immensely. The factors of growth for popularity are what this paper aims to explore. This can be done by means of analyzing the preferences, opinions, and sources of motivation of University students in the Philippines who use social network site. Aside from popularity, the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability would also
  • 7. be analyzed and understood. Since social network requires to cater to billions of users, these sites require huge amount of capital and profit in order to continue. These site gain money by means of advertising fees which may or may not jeopardize the sites popularity because of the fact that these advertisements may or may not annoy people. Yet these advertisements are sort of a contradiction in order for these social networking sites to continue and to cater to the wants and needs of its users. Significance of the Study The importance of this study is to see what made these top social networks into market leaders. According to Reader’s Digest survey, Philippines is the Social Networking capital of the world where 93 percent of the population owns a Facebook account (PH is social networking capital of the world, 2014). This could translate that Facebook and other sites as part of their daily lives. With Philippines being the number one in social networking, the Philippines would then be the best country to test out our objective since majority of it's citizens are composed of netizens. This research paper can aid to social networking site and business-wise innovations. It is significant to investigate and solve the paradox between investors that put advertisements on the site and the Social Networking sites (SNS) users that does not want ads. It would be beneficial for advertising agencies to know what factors can affect an effective advertisement placement on social networking sites. It is a possible contribution of knowledge to the social network and digital media industry by knowing what to have and avoid on creating SNS. Assumption of the Study The respondents are university students in the Philippines, male and female, who use social networking sites with an age ranging from 15 years old to 35 years old. These respondents were chosen for the study because we assume that they have more reliable knowledge and understanding about the subject matter having been alive when online sites were developed and popularized. The respondents were exposed to the technology at a young ages which would have made it easier for them to understand the modern technology. Thus these respondents would belong to the age group of active online world users.
  • 8. The psychographic segmentations of the respondents are those who have a social grade of AB and broad C. We assume that the respondents who belong in AB and C have regular and daily access online through their laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets. While the behavioral segmentation of the respondents are those who use the internet regularly to go to social networking sites in order to socialize and stay in touch with their friends and family. We assume that these people constantly check their accounts in social networking sites to chat, share photos, and stay updated and connected. Online articles were used as secondary data since the study is based on a modern topic that is about social networking sites; relevant data and information that are needed are more readily available and accessible online as well as up to date. Google forms were used as a form of questionnaire because the survey is intended to reach 300 respondents across the Philippines and it would be more convenient to reach out to a large amount of people online. To add to that, by using an online tool for the survey also filters the respondents; if the respondent was able to answer the online survey we can assume that he or she also owns accounts on social networking sites. We assume that the statistical data gathered are reliable, valid and accurate because the respondents are students who are in a university (15-35 years old) that are assumed to use social networking sites at a daily basis as a form of communication with friends for organization announcements, school projects, and other reasons for online communication. As university students in a modern world, it means that they have been exposed to the technology earlier and therefore have better knowledge and understanding about the subject matter. Scope and Limitations The group used Google forms to construct an online survey. This survey was then distributed to 300 respondents, 21 of these are graduates while there rest are undergraduates. These respondents are Filipino university students, male and female, who use social networking sites with an age ranging from 15 years old to 35 years old. The psychographic segmentations of the respondents are those who have a social grade of AB and broad C. Through Young and Rubrican’s Cross Cultural Consumer Characterization, the lifestyle classification of the study is characterized as an ‘explorer’. The target audiences are those who often use social networking
  • 9. sites and are updated by the trends. They are those who are aware and knowledgeable about its privileges. The survey also manages and examines the division of the respondents on how well will they respond and react on a certain type of a survey question, which is then being studied and analyzed by means of diagrams, tables, charts, and other graphs. The data collecting was done in the span of three weeks and the sources of information are based on online researches and answers of the respondents. Definition of Terms 1. Social networking sites (SNS) is a web-based platform to provide and build user’s networks with same backgrounds, interests, or real-life connections. 2. Motivation drivers are reasons, which instigates a person to try something or to stay with something. 3. Intrusion tolerance is the capacity to endure the continued and deliberate placement of an unwelcomed object at oneself. 4. Interests retainers are factors, which secures or keeps a person’s state of curiosity and attention. 5. Add or adding is by allowing or requesting other users to join your social network link. 6. Feature is a service or good that sets apart each social networking sites. 7. Netizens is a person who interacts with another through the internet. Methodology The group used secondary online research to gather background information on social networking sites such as its history and some factors for its success. After gathering enough information, the group decided to conduct an online survey using Google forms that targets university students of the Philippines who uses social networking sites. The sampling method was done by means of non-probability quota method where the group decided to gather 302 respondents from different universities. The statistical treatment of the data would be descriptive research since the study describes the characteristics of target respondents; estimates the magnitude of the target respondents in the population exhibiting certain preferences, interests, and motivations; determines the relationship between profitability and popularity; and facilitates a prediction on how to remedy the paradox relationship between profitability and popularity.
  • 10. Results According to the survey results of 302 respondents, most of the respondents are in ages 18 year old (37%), 19 year old (29%) and age 17 year old (14%) [Appendix 1] with an academic degrees of mostly undergraduate (93%) while the rest are graduate (7%) [Appendix 2]. Most if not all of these respondents own a social networking account. Where 99.66% out of the 302 respondents owns a Facebook account, and 81.45% owns a Twitter account [Appendix 3]. The survey also showed in Appendix 4-9 that these two sites are the most visited site among the rest of the choices, where Facebook is voted as the most voted site while Twitter is voted as the second. The respondents’ social networking habits reflects that 25% of the 302 respondents log in to their social networks about 2-3 hours a day (77 respondents) and 3-4 hours a day (75 respondents) [Appendix 11]. Where 96% answered that they last visited these sites “yesterday” in Appendix 10, and mostly through laptops (52%; 158 respondents) and mobiles. (29%; 89 respondents) as can be seen in Appendix 13. The survey also shows the top three (3) motivational drivers of the users to try out a social networking site in Appendix 14. These motivational drivers are: friends & family (29%; 211 people), entertainment (26%; 189 respondents), and school (28%; 203 respondents). While interests are retained because of the same reason as what motivates them to try. The top interests retainer was schoolwork, which has 239 response, as can be seen in Appendix 16. Aside from finding out the motivational driver and the interest retainers, the survey also gathered what made these users discourage to try a site; and what made them delete or deactivate an account. 41% respondents are discouraged to try because the site looks unappealing and even delete/deactivate an account because 20% got bored [Appendix 15 and 17]. Thus most of the respondents (62% respondents) prefer social networking sites that have a lot of features similar to Facebook than site that are simple such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram [Appendix 18]. Majority of the users value features such as photo sharing (24%) and chat enables (22%) and only 14% stated that they valued sites that had a nice layout [Appendix 19].
  • 11. After knowing the motivational drivers and interest retainers, the survey further inspects the aspect, which provides as the sustaining power of these sites-- advertising. According to appendix 20, 64% of the respondents prefer sites that don’t have ads, and 2% prefer to have a lot of ads. Where 75% of the respondents notice the ads on the sites but 78% don’t take time to look or click on the ads [Appendix 21-22]. Survey results shows that 47% rarely click on an advertisement on their profile and only 3% answered most of the time [Appendix 24]. It also shows that only 66 respondents out of the 302 agree that they may have purchased a product because of the appeal of the advertisement, while 113 out of 302 respondents strongly disagree [Appendix 27]. The low intrusion tolerance to advertisements may be because of their perception of advertising. Only 3 out of 302 respondents feel that advertisements presented to them are almost always relevant to them [Appendix 25], while only 2 out of 302 respondents strongly agrees that ads in social networking sites are interesting [Appendix 26]. These low positive response to advertisements may also change, so long as these negative perception of advertising of being irrelevant and uninteresting change. According to appendix 23, 54% of the respondent are willing to respond positively and click on an advertisements so long a it is relevant to them. Conclusion The primary objectives of the research, which are to distinguish the factors of popularity of social networking sites through analyzing different perceptions of University students and analyze the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability, was achieved using MECCA or Means-End Conceptualization of Components for Advertising Strategy and DMP or the Decision Making Process. Social networking sites have reached a massive growth of popularity because majority are involved to features such as photo sharing. This photo sharing, according to the survey conducted, has been a leverage point of the social networking industry. Three motivational drivers of an effective SNS are associates, households, entertainment, and school. Within it, users develop high personal values with SNS because they can be socialized, informed, and connected. The top interest retainer is schoolwork that is identified through leverage point. The SNS then gave them feature that allows the student to be productive without being physically present in group negotiations. Correspondingly, executional framework generates the relevance
  • 12. of users to the SNS by getting their personal interests, that leads to an immense usage like the Facebook being the most visited and the Twitter being the second. In the scrutinizing the balance and paradox between popularity and profitability of an SNS, because of its massive users and visitors, more advertising and marketing companies are now associating with them. Conversely, very rare respondents agree that advertisements in social networking sites are stimulating. Users have a very low intrusion tolerance as more than half of the respondents indicated that they prefer sites that do not use advertisements. The relevance of the advertisements does not usually meet the user’s perception. The chance that users would click an advertisement is infrequent thus the purchasing control may be significantly affected. Consequently, it is needed to make these advertisements as remarkable as possible since more respondents are willing to associate positively as long as these advertisements are relevant to them. Thus popularity is gained by factors such as friends & family, school, and entertainment since these are the top three (3) interests retainers and motivational drivers. While the low intrusion tolerance to advertisements, in the gathered results, can be countered by changing the perception of account owners by means of making advertisements in social networking sites more relevant thus treating individual SNS users as individuals. Where advertisements would become more personal and would cater to the individual interests, preferences, and values. Recommendations • Identify the motivational drivers and interest retainers of account user • Provide features that would cater and satisfy them. • Create ways to keep account users engaged by exploiting their key preferences • Change perception of advertisements by providing them with relevant ads • Exploit the information’s placed by user on their account profiles to create a system for advertising to target their interest
  • 13. Bibliography Dugan, L. (2012). The ultimate timeline of social networks 1960-2012 [infographic]. Retrived from Strickland, J. (n.d.). How do social networking sites make money. Retrieved from networking-sites-make-money1.htm. Rushe, D. (2014). Facebook posts record quarterly results and reports $1.5bn profit for 2013. Retrieved from quarterly-results?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 [Accessed: 22 Mar 2014]. MST Lifestyle. (2013). PH is social networking capital of the world. (2014). [online] May 21, 2013. Retrieved from: networking-capital-of-the-world/ [Accessed: 22 Mar 2014]. Mcmillan, R. 2013. The Friendster Autopsy: How a Social Network Dies. Wired, [blog] February 27, 2013, Available at: [Accessed: 24 Mar 2014]. Blodget, H. 2012. The 13 Secrets To Facebook's Success. [online] May 17. Available at: [Accessed: 24 Mar 2014].
  • 14. Appendices Appendix 1: Age group Appendix 2: Academic Degree Appendix 3: What social networking account do you own?
  • 15. Appendix 4: Facebook [Which social network do you visit the most? Pick one for each row] Appendix 5: Twitter [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)] Appendix 6: Instagram [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)] Appendix 7: Tumblr [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)]
  • 16. Appendix 8: Google + [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)] Appendix 9: Pintrest [Which social network do you visit the most? (Pick one for each row)] Appendix 10: When was the last time you logged-in to these accounts?
  • 17. Appendix 11: How many hours in a day do you usually consume with those sites? Appendix 12: I use social networking account to... Appendix 13: Which medium do you use the most when visiting those sites? Appendix 14: What are the top 3 reasons that motivates you TO TRY a new social network site?
  • 18. Appendix 15: What discourages you to try / use a social networking site? Appendix 16: What are the top 3 reasons that motivate you keep on using a social network site? Appendix 17: What are the top 3 reasons for deleting/deactivating an account? Appendix 18: Which do you prefer the most?
  • 19. Appendix 19: What are the top 3 features you look for when using a social network? Appendix 20: Which do you prefer the most? Appendix 21: I take time to watch / look at advertisements on social networking site.
  • 20. Appendix 22: In your last visit, do you notice any advertising on social networking websites? Appendix 23: What may be the main reason for you to click an ad? Appendix 24: How often do you click advertisement in your profile?
  • 21. Appendix 25: [Most of the social networking sites which I use present ads that are relevant to me.] Appendix 26: [I think ads on social networking sites are interesting.]
  • 22. Appendix 27: Some ads were appealing enough that I tried to buy the product (or service) that was advertised.