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Parsons Behle & Latimer Idaho Employment Law Seminar
Amy A. Lombardo
I. Overview/Review of Legal Definition of Sexual
II. Briefly Describe the “Me, Too” Movement
III. Impacts/Lessons from the “Me, Too” Movement
1. New Focus on ‘What Is Harassment’?
2. How Employers Should Handle Backlash to ‘Me, Too”
3. Corporate Director and Officer Liability
4. Reporting Issues/Workplace Culture
What We Will Cover Today
I. Impacts/Lessons from the “Me, Too” Movement
5. Investigations Scrutinized
6. Dating at Work
7. Confidentiality Agreements
8. Company Risk: Negative Publicity
9. Criminal Acts
10. New Legal Claims & Arguments
What We Will Cover Today
 A recent poll conducted by NBC News and the Wall Street
Journal shows that 48 percent of currently employed
women in the United States say that they have personally
experienced an unwelcome sexual advance or verbal or
physical harassment at work.
Data: NBC/WSJ poll, October 23-26, 2017
How Big a Problem is
Workplace Harassment?
 Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that
violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), a
federal law.
 Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of:
– Sex (including pregnancy and gender nonconformity).
– Race.
– Color.
– Religion.
– National origin.
I. Legal Overview
 Sex As A Protected Class (15 employees +)
Idaho Human Rights Act Federal Statutes (Mostly Title VII)
Race Race
Color Color
Religion Religion
Gender Gender
National Origin National Origin
Disability Age
Sexual Orientation (Still in flux)
Gender identity (Still in flux)
I. Legal Overview
What is Sexual Harassment?
 Unwelcome or unwanted conduct
 Based on one or more of the protected classes
 Quid pro quo, or
 Severe or pervasive enough to alter the conditions of employment
creating a hostile work environment
– Conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work
– Conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment
I. Legal Overview
Sexual harassment exists in two forms:
 Quid pro quo.
 Hostile work environment.
I. Legal Overview
 Quid pro quo is Latin and it means "this for that."
 Quid pro quo harassment applies where a supervisor seeks sexual favors
– In return for a job benefit (for example, a promotion or raise).
– To avoid a job detriment (for example, a demotion or pay cut).
 Quid pro quo harassment also occurs when an employee's reaction to an
advance negatively affects his employment.
 Examples:
– A manager tells her employee that she will give him a raise if he goes on a date with her.
– An employee is passed over for a promotion after rejecting her supervisor's
Quid Pro Quo Harassment
 Involves harassment in the workplace that is:
– Unwelcome.
– Based on protected class status (sex or gender).
– Attributable to the employer.
– Severe or pervasive enough to change the conditions of employment and create an
abusive environment.
 Need not be targeted at the offended individual to give rise to a hostile work
environment claim.
 Examples:
– Turning work discussions into sexual topics.
– Repeatedly asking out an employee who is not interested.
Hostile Work Environment Harassment
Who Can Be A Harasser?
 Supervisors.
 Co-workers.
 Customers.
 Clients.
 Vendors.
 Individuals or groups doing business with the company or on the
I. Legal Overview
 Behaviors that can constitute sexual harassment
– Unwelcome advances or requests for sexual favors
– Pressure for dates or romantic relationship
– Not leaving someone alone when they say no
– Sexual remarks, emails, texts, jokes
– Suggestive looks, vulgar or lewd conduct
– Inappropriate physical contact or gestures
– Anything that could be objectively viewed as unwelcome sexual
Examples of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to
physical actions. Harassment also includes verbal or non-verbal
conduct that rises to the level of being "severe or pervasive."
Examples of sexual harassment include:
 Physical actions, such as:
– Touching or brushing against an individual's clothing, body, or hair.
– Initiating unwanted sexual activity, such as kissing, touching, or hugging.
– Rubbing or touching anyone sexually in the presence of another.
– Exposing oneself.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
 Verbal actions, such as:
– Repeating requests for a date with someone who has not returned an
– Telling unwelcome jokes or stories, often with sexual innuendo.
– Initiating unwelcome flirtations.
– Making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes.
– Making graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body or using
sexually degrading words to describe an individual.
– Using expressions that can be belittling such as "honey," "dear,"
"sweetheart," or "lady supervisor."
Examples of Sexual Harassment (cont'd)
 Non-verbal actions, such as:
– Staring or looking someone up and down.
– Blocking or impeding an individual's movement.
– Following someone inappropriately.
– Giving unwelcome gifts.
– Making sexual gestures.
– Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, books, or
– Winking, blowing kisses, or licking lips.
– Standing or sitting too close to someone.
Examples of Sexual Harassment (cont'd)
Harasser’s Intent is Irrelevant
 Sexual harassment may be unlawful even if not motivated by sexual
 Gender is also irrelevant:
– Men can harass women.
– Women can harass men.
– Men can harass men.
– Women can harass women.
I. Legal Overview
What is Not Harassment?
“Hostile work environment” and “harassment” are legal terms that
get used too broadly
 “Hostile work environment” or “harassment” refer to illegal discrimination
based on protected class—that is all the law forbids
 Employees sometimes say they work in a hostile work environment when
they think their boss is a jerk
 The conduct still may be unacceptable in the workplace—employees may
still be trained to report this conduct, and should be encouraged to report
conduct for the Company to then decide if the behavior is acceptable or not
I. Legal Overview
Discrimination on the basis of Gender—Federal and State Law
1. Disparate treatment—treating someone differently because of their
protected class
2. Reasonable accommodation (pregnancy)
3. Retaliation—Retaliating against someone for complaining about
potentially illegal activity, or participating or assisting in the pursuit of a
Sexual Harassment is a type of
 In October of 2017, the New York Times published an
article about Harvey Weinstein and decades of sexual
harassment against women in Hollywood
 The floodgates opened
 Social media made it very easy to make public
II. What Is #MeToo?
 Term was first used in 2006 by gender equality activist
Tarana Burke as rallying cry for young sexual harassment
and assault survivors
 Actress Alyssa Milano received a screenshot of the
phrase in October 2017, and later tweeted that if you’ve
been sexually harassed or assaulted, write “me too” as
reply to this tweet
 Overnight, she got more than 30,000 responses
II. What Is #MeToo?
 #Time’sUp shares similar vision for women’s empowerment
with #MeToo, but has somewhat different goals; it was started
by a group of over 300 women in Hollywood
 It’s been described as “solution-based, action-oriented next
step in the #Metoo movement”
 Its focus is getting legislation passed and policies changed
with respect to gender parity and increased opportunities for
 Organizers created the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund
II. What Is #Time’sUp?
What Are the Origins of These Movements?
 In recent years, studies showed that sexual harassment policies and
training had not solved the problem
 Sexual harassment hit a tipping point
 Social movements—helped by social media—brought new attention to
the issue;
 The fact that hundreds of women were coming forward with
accusations against powerful men emboldened lots of other women to
have the courage to also come forward
II. What is #MeToo?
Has the #MeToo Movement Changed
Harassment Law?
 Nothing in the law really changed; the
law is basically the same
 The world, however, is not; the world
– and people’s perceptions and
attitudes toward sexual harassment –
have changed a lot
II. What is #MeToo?
Impact of #MeToo
Employees are still struggling with what is harassment
How Can Employers Recognize Harassment When
Potential Incidents Are Reported?
– There are lots of gray areas— Ex: “You look nice today”
– Do employees know how to say no or communicate that they
are uncomfortable?
– Do employees know how to hear this message?
…….Let’s take a look at a real scenario
Impact 1: New Focus on —
What is Harassment?
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
What are you doing tonight?
Where are you staying?
I checked out today…catching
the last shuttle back to DC
before the storm
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
Probably not a good idea…
You’ll never make it out.
Better to stay in NY…we can
have a drink!
Hmm…but I only drink milk &
Naw..…too risky.
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
There is nothing I would like
more than a good chat
- a great talk with someone I
But if appearances are a concern
. . . that's valid.
Later that evening…after missing her flight to D.C., Employee returns
to her work-issued hotel room. Travel status for all employees were in
a central file which every employee could access.
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
 Employee receives a call that evening: “I’m coming over for
milk and cookies.”
 30 minutes later, knock at the hotel room door.
 Door is opened, employee asks “What are you doing here?”
 Answer: attending a retirement party in the neighborhood.
 After the exchange, executive walks past employee, sits down on
the sofa in the hotel room suite. Placing his arm on the back of the
sofa, he comments “I like our rat-a-tat-tat.”
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
 Employee is standing across the coffee table, 4 feet away.
Employee says, “what do you want from me?”
 Response: “an affair of more than passing affection.”
 Employee: “But you’re married and I’m Catholic.”
 “Don’t tell me you’re like [a co-worker well known for devout
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
 Employee response: “I am.”
 Executive: pats sofa in gesture to sit next to him.
 Employee: sits, but against the back of the sofa with a throw
pillow, brings up case of sexual harassment in one of the
company’s offices, mentions “that caused a lot of pain.”
 Executive leaned over, pressed a finger to employee’s lips, and
said “this is our compact.”
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
 Grabbed [employee] behind [her] neck and tried to force [her]
to kiss him.
 Employee breaks away and says “Tom, I do not want to do this
with you….”
 Executive: “I guess I should go.”
 Employee: “Yeah.”
 The next day, Executive calls Employee and discusses what
happened the night before in a way that made the evening sound
consensual. Or, as a misunderstanding.
 A few months later, when the two are again working in the same
location, Employee finds a note on her desk that says, “Milk and
 At what point do you believe these interactions become
problematic? Or are they not a problem? What if we add in the
fact that there was also a reported instance of unwelcome
touching a few months prior to any of this?
How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
 LeanIn.Org: #MentorHer
– Almost half of male managers are uncomfortable participating in a
common work activity with a woman, such as mentoring, working
alone, or socializing together.
– Almost 30% of male managers are uncomfortable working alone
with a woman—more than twice as many as before.
– The number of male managers who are uncomfortable mentoring
women has more than tripled from 5% to 16%. This means that 1 in
6 male managers may now hesitate to mentor a woman.
Impact 2: How Employers Should Handle
Backlash from the #MeToo Movement
Addressing the backlash
– “I don’t know what is legal”
– “Can I tell a woman she looks nice?”
– “I’m just going to stop working with women”
– “I’m never going to be alone with a woman”
Treating Women in a workplace differently because they are women –
such as refusing to work with women or not including them in certain
out-of-office events, can be evidence of discrimination based upon
Impact 2: How Employers Should Handle
Backlash from the #MeToo Movement
The Company Can be Liable for What It Knows.
Q: Who knew and when did they know?
– Underreporting by managers and supervisors can potentially
make the company liable
– Penn State coaching staff
– USA Gymnastics Organization
– Harvey Weinstein’s organization
Bystander Training & Supervisor Training Are Critical
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
The company will be deemed to “know” about the problem if
managers or supervisors know, have seen something, have
heard rumors, etc.
Best Practices to Avoid Harassment Lawsuits & Liability
– Have policies prohibiting sexual harassment
– Include in policies multiple ways for an employee to report harassment
– Train employees on the policies and how to report harassment
– Investigate when there is a report (formal or informal) or any officer or
director or employee has knowledge of possible harassment
– Take action when harassment is found.
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
EEOC Checklist: Leadership and Accountability
 A policy that is easy-to-understand and that is regularly communicated to
all employees
 A reporting system that employees know about and is fully resourced
 Discipline that is prompt, consistent, and proportionate to the severity of the
 Accountability for mid-level managers and front-line supervisors to prevent
and/or respond to workplace harassment
 Regular compliance trainings for all employees
 Regular compliance trainings for managers and front-line supervisors
so they know how to prevent, report and/or respond to harassment
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
EEOC Checklist: Leadership and Accountability
The first step for creating a holistic harassment prevention program is for
the leadership of an organization to establish a culture of respect in which
harassment is not tolerated.
 Has leadership allocated sufficient resources for a harassment prevention
 Has leadership allocated sufficient staff time for a harassment prevention
 Has leadership assessed harassment risk factors and taken steps to
minimize those risks?
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
Bonus points if you can check these boxes:
 The company conducts climate surveys on a regular basis to assess the
extent to which harassment is experienced as a problem in the workplace
 The company has implemented metrics for harassment response and
prevention in supervisory employees' performance reviews
 The organization conducts workplace civility training and bystander
intervention training
 The organization has partnered with researchers to evaluate the
organization's holistic workplace harassment prevention effort
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
 The HR Department is the frontline for implementing the
Company’s policies:
– Your actions can make the Company liable
– If you know something, the Company may be deemed to know
it and your failure to act may make the firm liable
– You set an example for those who work at your company
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
Complaints of historic sexual harassment and/or assault
– Harvey Weinstein
– Roger Ailes (former CEO of Fox News, now deceased)
– Bill Cosby
– Peyton Manning (offensive episode occurred when he was 19
years old)
– Charlie Rose (Charlie Rose Show, CBS This Morning, 60
Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
Reporting remains a big problem
– Do employees feel safe to report?
– What if the perpetrator is at the top?
– What about serial perpetrators?
– This comes down to culture and trust
– Swift and appropriate responses build trust
– If your company has not earned this trust in the past, re-set the
Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
 Culture has to change—modeling behavior, women in
 Culture has to come from the top—dignity and respect
 HR cannot do this alone—cannot be a check box
 It is still about policies, training, reporting, investigations, and
swift action
 Employees have to trust the process—action
 Underreporting is a management problem (bystander training)
Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
 Trend for outside parties in certain industries to require
sexual harassment policies and procedures by contract or
– Some industries are passing standards—Screen Actors Guild
Code of Conduct
– Some contracts require policies of vendors, contractors, and
– Some companies are making their policies public—Facebook
Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
 Hostile work environment
– Can be created by managers, employees, temp workers, clients or
vendors—anyone in the “workplace”
– A company “condones” a hostile work environment if the company
does not stop it – you play a critical role in stopping it
– The company can only stop it if it knows about it
Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
 Begin investigation (internal or external)
 Make it clear to the parties that an investigation is being conducted
 Document, document, document
 Remember: the objective of the investigation is not necessarily to
determine whether any law has been violated; rather, it is to determine
whether any company policy has been violated and whether any
employee has engaged in conduct that the company deems
unacceptable in the workplace
 Discipline per company policy
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
 Let the parties know that you cannot guarantee a particular result, but
you can guarantee a fair process
 Maintain impartiality
– Neither what “he said” nor what “she said” should be given any more or less
weight, without first considering all of the relevant witness reports, evidence, and
other circumstances
– Even when dealing with frequent complainer or a “squeaky wheel”
 Give all employees an opportunity to share their side of the story
 Identify witnesses and take statements
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
At the outset:
– Explain the process, and emphasize retaliation is prohibited
– Set expectations
– Start by showing willingness to believe and then listen
– Ask clarifying questions and if something doesn’t make sense, ask
for supporting evidence
– Save tough questions for a later follow up — do not cross-examine
the complaining party
– Reiterate expectations
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
 What if the “situation” resolves itself before the investigation is
– For example, perhaps the complaining employee has been transferred to
a new location and will no longer report to the alleged harasser, or the
alleged harasser has resigned from his or her employment with the
company, or the complaining employee has recanted his or her report of
 Finish the investigation!
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
 What if the alleged perpetrator denies the allegations and
there are no corroborating witnesses or other
corroborating evidence?
(And, as we know, this is not uncommon)
 Then the company needs to make credibility
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
In 1999, the EEOC issued “Enforcement Guidance on Vicarious
Employer Liability for Unlawful Harassment by Supervisors,”
which contains guidance on “credibility determinations”:
“If there are conflicting versions of relevant events, the employer
will have to weigh each party’s credibility. Credibility
assessments can be critical in determining whether the alleged
harassment in fact occurred.
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
“Factors to consider include:
– Inherent plausibility: Is the testimony believable on its face?
Does it make sense?
– Demeanor: Did the person seem to be telling the truth or lying?
– Motive to Falsify: Did the person have a reason to lie?
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
–Corroboration: Is there witness testimony (such as
testimony by eye-witnesses, people who saw the
person soon after the alleged incidents, or people who
discussed the incidents with him or her at around the
time that they occurred) or physical evidence (such as
written documentation) that corroborates the party’s
–Past record: Did the alleged harasser have a history of
similar behavior in the past?
EEOC Enforcement Guidance
“None of the above factors are determinative as to
credibility. For example, the fact that there are no
eyewitnesses to the alleged harassment by no means
necessarily defeats the complainant’s credibility, since
harassment often occurs behind closed doors.
Furthermore, the fact that the alleged harasser engaged in
similar behavior in the past does not necessarily mean that
he or she did so again.”
EEOC Enforcement Guidance
 But, what if, even after assessing credibility, the company
concludes that the investigation is inconclusive?
 In that case, the company should consider:
– Ongoing monitoring
– Altering the reporting relationship (but be careful to avoid
liability for retaliation)
– Workplace training on issues implicated by the investigation
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
Regardless of the outcome, keep the conclusions/reports as
private as possible and share the outcome of the
investigation only with those persons within the organization
who have a business reason to know. This means always
sharing the conclusion of the investigation with the
complainant and the accused.
Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
Consensual relationships
According to 2018 CareerBuilder survey (conducted online from
11/28 through 12/20/17)
– 36% of employees have dated a co-worker (compared to 41%
the prior year)
– 30% have dated someone in a higher position (up from 29%)
– 22% have dated their boss (up from 15%)
– 31% of workers who started dating at work ended up getting
Impact 6: Dating in the Workplace
 Consensual Romantic Relationships Among Co-Workers
– Companies need to decide on a policy
– It could include no romance among co-workers
– Or just no romance between supervisors and subordinates
– Disclosure of romance—company decides
– Love contracts
– What happens when love goes wrong
Impact 6: Dating in the Workplace
 Victims are claiming that confidentiality clauses have perpetuated the
– Stormy Daniels and “hush payments”
– Perpetrator may be allowed to have multiple violations in one organization
– Passing the perp to new organizations
– California is considering prohibiting confidentiality clauses
– Microsoft eliminated forced confidential arbitration in sexual harassment claims
– Washington State just prohibited nondisclosure agreements
– New tax law prohibits companies from taking tax deductions for payments (and
attorneys fees) made in sexual harassment cases if the settlement includes a
confidentiality clause
– Expect more in this area
Impact 7: The War on Confidentiality Clauses
Public claims
– How will the company respond?
– We take this seriously
– We will investigate
– We will take action if appropriate
– Follow through
– Using a media consultant or PR expert if needed
Impact 8: Company Risk – Negative Publicity
What if criminal conduct is alleged?
– A company should contact the police if criminal conduct is
alleged and the police have not already been contacted
– The company should cooperate in any criminal prosecution
– The company should conduct its own investigation
Impact 9: Employer Duties When Criminal
Conduct is Alleged
New Legal Claims
– Watch for lawyers to get creative
– Chubb Insurance brought a lawsuit asking the court to declare
that it does not owe Harvey Weinstein or his company
coverage for the litigation under dozens of liability policies
– New York Attorney General has filed civil rights lawsuit against
the Weinstein Company for not protecting its employees
– New lawsuit that Ashley Judd filed against Weinstein
Impact 10: New Legal Theories
 Amy A. Lombardo
Thank You

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Addressing Sexual Harassment in the New #MeToo #TimesUp Environment

  • 1. Parsons Behle & Latimer Idaho Employment Law Seminar ADDRESSING SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE NEW #METOO #TIME’SUP ENVIRONMENT Amy A. Lombardo 208.562.4895 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2018 | BOISE CENTRE EAST
  • 2. 2 I. Overview/Review of Legal Definition of Sexual Harassment II. Briefly Describe the “Me, Too” Movement III. Impacts/Lessons from the “Me, Too” Movement 1. New Focus on ‘What Is Harassment’? 2. How Employers Should Handle Backlash to ‘Me, Too” 3. Corporate Director and Officer Liability 4. Reporting Issues/Workplace Culture What We Will Cover Today
  • 3. 3 I. Impacts/Lessons from the “Me, Too” Movement 5. Investigations Scrutinized 6. Dating at Work 7. Confidentiality Agreements 8. Company Risk: Negative Publicity 9. Criminal Acts 10. New Legal Claims & Arguments What We Will Cover Today
  • 4. 4  A recent poll conducted by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal shows that 48 percent of currently employed women in the United States say that they have personally experienced an unwelcome sexual advance or verbal or physical harassment at work. Data: NBC/WSJ poll, October 23-26, 2017 How Big a Problem is Workplace Harassment?
  • 5. 5  Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), a federal law.  Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of: – Sex (including pregnancy and gender nonconformity). – Race. – Color. – Religion. – National origin. I. Legal Overview
  • 6. 6  Sex As A Protected Class (15 employees +) Idaho Human Rights Act Federal Statutes (Mostly Title VII) Race Race Color Color Religion Religion Gender Gender National Origin National Origin Disability Age Disability Sexual Orientation (Still in flux) Gender identity (Still in flux) Pregnancy I. Legal Overview
  • 7. 7 What is Sexual Harassment?  Unwelcome or unwanted conduct  Based on one or more of the protected classes  Quid pro quo, or  Severe or pervasive enough to alter the conditions of employment creating a hostile work environment – Conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work – Conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment I. Legal Overview
  • 8. 8 Sexual harassment exists in two forms:  Quid pro quo.  Hostile work environment. I. Legal Overview
  • 9. 9  Quid pro quo is Latin and it means "this for that."  Quid pro quo harassment applies where a supervisor seeks sexual favors either: – In return for a job benefit (for example, a promotion or raise). – To avoid a job detriment (for example, a demotion or pay cut).  Quid pro quo harassment also occurs when an employee's reaction to an advance negatively affects his employment.  Examples: – A manager tells her employee that she will give him a raise if he goes on a date with her. – An employee is passed over for a promotion after rejecting her supervisor's advances. Quid Pro Quo Harassment
  • 10. 10  Involves harassment in the workplace that is: – Unwelcome. – Based on protected class status (sex or gender). – Attributable to the employer. – Severe or pervasive enough to change the conditions of employment and create an abusive environment.  Need not be targeted at the offended individual to give rise to a hostile work environment claim.  Examples: – Turning work discussions into sexual topics. – Repeatedly asking out an employee who is not interested. Hostile Work Environment Harassment
  • 11. 11 Who Can Be A Harasser?  Supervisors.  Co-workers.  Customers.  Clients.  Vendors.  Individuals or groups doing business with the company or on the premises. I. Legal Overview
  • 12. 12  Behaviors that can constitute sexual harassment – Unwelcome advances or requests for sexual favors – Pressure for dates or romantic relationship – Not leaving someone alone when they say no – Sexual remarks, emails, texts, jokes – Suggestive looks, vulgar or lewd conduct – Inappropriate physical contact or gestures – Anything that could be objectively viewed as unwelcome sexual behavior Examples of Sexual Harassment
  • 13. 13 Sexual harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to physical actions. Harassment also includes verbal or non-verbal conduct that rises to the level of being "severe or pervasive." Examples of sexual harassment include:  Physical actions, such as: – Touching or brushing against an individual's clothing, body, or hair. – Initiating unwanted sexual activity, such as kissing, touching, or hugging. – Rubbing or touching anyone sexually in the presence of another. – Exposing oneself. Examples of Sexual Harassment
  • 14. 14  Verbal actions, such as: – Repeating requests for a date with someone who has not returned an interest. – Telling unwelcome jokes or stories, often with sexual innuendo. – Initiating unwelcome flirtations. – Making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes. – Making graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body or using sexually degrading words to describe an individual. – Using expressions that can be belittling such as "honey," "dear," "sweetheart," or "lady supervisor." Examples of Sexual Harassment (cont'd)
  • 15. 15  Non-verbal actions, such as: – Staring or looking someone up and down. – Blocking or impeding an individual's movement. – Following someone inappropriately. – Giving unwelcome gifts. – Making sexual gestures. – Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, books, or magazines. – Winking, blowing kisses, or licking lips. – Standing or sitting too close to someone. Examples of Sexual Harassment (cont'd)
  • 16. 16 Harasser’s Intent is Irrelevant  Sexual harassment may be unlawful even if not motivated by sexual desire.  Gender is also irrelevant: – Men can harass women. – Women can harass men. – Men can harass men. – Women can harass women. I. Legal Overview
  • 17. 17 What is Not Harassment? “Hostile work environment” and “harassment” are legal terms that get used too broadly  “Hostile work environment” or “harassment” refer to illegal discrimination based on protected class—that is all the law forbids  Employees sometimes say they work in a hostile work environment when they think their boss is a jerk  The conduct still may be unacceptable in the workplace—employees may still be trained to report this conduct, and should be encouraged to report conduct for the Company to then decide if the behavior is acceptable or not I. Legal Overview
  • 18. 18 Discrimination on the basis of Gender—Federal and State Law 1. Disparate treatment—treating someone differently because of their protected class 2. Reasonable accommodation (pregnancy) 3. Retaliation—Retaliating against someone for complaining about potentially illegal activity, or participating or assisting in the pursuit of a claim Sexual Harassment is a type of Discrimination
  • 19. 19  In October of 2017, the New York Times published an article about Harvey Weinstein and decades of sexual harassment against women in Hollywood  The floodgates opened  Social media made it very easy to make public accusations II. What Is #MeToo?
  • 20. 20  Term was first used in 2006 by gender equality activist Tarana Burke as rallying cry for young sexual harassment and assault survivors  Actress Alyssa Milano received a screenshot of the phrase in October 2017, and later tweeted that if you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted, write “me too” as reply to this tweet  Overnight, she got more than 30,000 responses II. What Is #MeToo?
  • 21. 21  #Time’sUp shares similar vision for women’s empowerment with #MeToo, but has somewhat different goals; it was started by a group of over 300 women in Hollywood  It’s been described as “solution-based, action-oriented next step in the #Metoo movement”  Its focus is getting legislation passed and policies changed with respect to gender parity and increased opportunities for women  Organizers created the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund II. What Is #Time’sUp?
  • 22. 22 What Are the Origins of These Movements?  In recent years, studies showed that sexual harassment policies and training had not solved the problem  Sexual harassment hit a tipping point  Social movements—helped by social media—brought new attention to the issue;  The fact that hundreds of women were coming forward with accusations against powerful men emboldened lots of other women to have the courage to also come forward II. What is #MeToo?
  • 23. 23 Has the #MeToo Movement Changed Harassment Law?  Nothing in the law really changed; the law is basically the same  The world, however, is not; the world – and people’s perceptions and attitudes toward sexual harassment – have changed a lot II. What is #MeToo?
  • 25. 25 Employees are still struggling with what is harassment How Can Employers Recognize Harassment When Potential Incidents Are Reported? – There are lots of gray areas— Ex: “You look nice today” – Do employees know how to say no or communicate that they are uncomfortable? – Do employees know how to hear this message? …….Let’s take a look at a real scenario Impact 1: New Focus on — What is Harassment?
  • 26. 26 INTERNAL COMPANY CHAT How To Recognize Harassment Scenario What are you doing tonight? Where are you staying? I checked out today…catching the last shuttle back to DC before the storm
  • 27. 27 INTERNAL COMPANY CHAT How To Recognize Harassment Scenario Probably not a good idea… You’ll never make it out. Better to stay in NY…we can have a drink! Hmm…but I only drink milk & cookies… [more] Naw..…too risky.
  • 28. 28 INTERNAL COMPANY CHAT How To Recognize Harassment Scenario There is nothing I would like more than a good chat - a great talk with someone I admire. But if appearances are a concern . . . that's valid.
  • 29. 29 Later that evening…after missing her flight to D.C., Employee returns to her work-issued hotel room. Travel status for all employees were in a central file which every employee could access. How To Recognize Harassment Scenario  Employee receives a call that evening: “I’m coming over for milk and cookies.”  30 minutes later, knock at the hotel room door.  Door is opened, employee asks “What are you doing here?”  Answer: attending a retirement party in the neighborhood.
  • 30. 30  After the exchange, executive walks past employee, sits down on the sofa in the hotel room suite. Placing his arm on the back of the sofa, he comments “I like our rat-a-tat-tat.” How To Recognize Harassment Scenario  Employee is standing across the coffee table, 4 feet away. Employee says, “what do you want from me?”  Response: “an affair of more than passing affection.”  Employee: “But you’re married and I’m Catholic.”
  • 31. 31  “Don’t tell me you’re like [a co-worker well known for devout Catholicism]?” How To Recognize Harassment Scenario  Employee response: “I am.”  Executive: pats sofa in gesture to sit next to him.  Employee: sits, but against the back of the sofa with a throw pillow, brings up case of sexual harassment in one of the company’s offices, mentions “that caused a lot of pain.”
  • 32. 32  Executive leaned over, pressed a finger to employee’s lips, and said “this is our compact.” How To Recognize Harassment Scenario  Grabbed [employee] behind [her] neck and tried to force [her] to kiss him.  Employee breaks away and says “Tom, I do not want to do this with you….”  Executive: “I guess I should go.”  Employee: “Yeah.”
  • 33. 33  The next day, Executive calls Employee and discusses what happened the night before in a way that made the evening sound consensual. Or, as a misunderstanding.  A few months later, when the two are again working in the same location, Employee finds a note on her desk that says, “Milk and Cookies?”  At what point do you believe these interactions become problematic? Or are they not a problem? What if we add in the fact that there was also a reported instance of unwelcome touching a few months prior to any of this? How To Recognize Harassment Scenario
  • 34. 34  LeanIn.Org: #MentorHer – Almost half of male managers are uncomfortable participating in a common work activity with a woman, such as mentoring, working alone, or socializing together. – Almost 30% of male managers are uncomfortable working alone with a woman—more than twice as many as before. – The number of male managers who are uncomfortable mentoring women has more than tripled from 5% to 16%. This means that 1 in 6 male managers may now hesitate to mentor a woman. Impact 2: How Employers Should Handle Backlash from the #MeToo Movement
  • 35. 35 Addressing the backlash – “I don’t know what is legal” – “Can I tell a woman she looks nice?” – “I’m just going to stop working with women” – “I’m never going to be alone with a woman” Treating Women in a workplace differently because they are women – such as refusing to work with women or not including them in certain out-of-office events, can be evidence of discrimination based upon gender. Impact 2: How Employers Should Handle Backlash from the #MeToo Movement
  • 36. 36 The Company Can be Liable for What It Knows. Q: Who knew and when did they know? – Underreporting by managers and supervisors can potentially make the company liable – Penn State coaching staff – USA Gymnastics Organization – Harvey Weinstein’s organization Bystander Training & Supervisor Training Are Critical Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 37. 37 The company will be deemed to “know” about the problem if managers or supervisors know, have seen something, have heard rumors, etc. Best Practices to Avoid Harassment Lawsuits & Liability – Have policies prohibiting sexual harassment – Include in policies multiple ways for an employee to report harassment – Train employees on the policies and how to report harassment – Investigate when there is a report (formal or informal) or any officer or director or employee has knowledge of possible harassment – Take action when harassment is found. Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 38. 38 EEOC Checklist: Leadership and Accountability  A policy that is easy-to-understand and that is regularly communicated to all employees  A reporting system that employees know about and is fully resourced  Discipline that is prompt, consistent, and proportionate to the severity of the harassment  Accountability for mid-level managers and front-line supervisors to prevent and/or respond to workplace harassment  Regular compliance trainings for all employees  Regular compliance trainings for managers and front-line supervisors so they know how to prevent, report and/or respond to harassment Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 39. 39 EEOC Checklist: Leadership and Accountability The first step for creating a holistic harassment prevention program is for the leadership of an organization to establish a culture of respect in which harassment is not tolerated.  Has leadership allocated sufficient resources for a harassment prevention effort?  Has leadership allocated sufficient staff time for a harassment prevention effort?  Has leadership assessed harassment risk factors and taken steps to minimize those risks? Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 40. 40 Bonus points if you can check these boxes:  The company conducts climate surveys on a regular basis to assess the extent to which harassment is experienced as a problem in the workplace  The company has implemented metrics for harassment response and prevention in supervisory employees' performance reviews  The organization conducts workplace civility training and bystander intervention training  The organization has partnered with researchers to evaluate the organization's holistic workplace harassment prevention effort Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 41. 41  The HR Department is the frontline for implementing the Company’s policies: – Your actions can make the Company liable – If you know something, the Company may be deemed to know it and your failure to act may make the firm liable – You set an example for those who work at your company Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 42. 42 Complaints of historic sexual harassment and/or assault – Harvey Weinstein – Roger Ailes (former CEO of Fox News, now deceased) – Bill Cosby – Peyton Manning (offensive episode occurred when he was 19 years old) – Charlie Rose (Charlie Rose Show, CBS This Morning, 60 Minutes) Impact 3: Director & Officer Liability
  • 43. 43 Reporting remains a big problem – Do employees feel safe to report? – What if the perpetrator is at the top? – What about serial perpetrators? – This comes down to culture and trust – Swift and appropriate responses build trust – If your company has not earned this trust in the past, re-set the tone Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
  • 44. 44  Culture has to change—modeling behavior, women in management  Culture has to come from the top—dignity and respect  HR cannot do this alone—cannot be a check box  It is still about policies, training, reporting, investigations, and swift action  Employees have to trust the process—action  Underreporting is a management problem (bystander training) Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
  • 45. 45  Trend for outside parties in certain industries to require sexual harassment policies and procedures by contract or otherwise – Some industries are passing standards—Screen Actors Guild Code of Conduct – Some contracts require policies of vendors, contractors, and others – Some companies are making their policies public—Facebook Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
  • 46. 46  Hostile work environment – Can be created by managers, employees, temp workers, clients or vendors—anyone in the “workplace” – A company “condones” a hostile work environment if the company does not stop it – you play a critical role in stopping it – The company can only stop it if it knows about it Impact 4: Workplace Culture & Reporting
  • 47. 47  Begin investigation (internal or external)  Make it clear to the parties that an investigation is being conducted  Document, document, document  Remember: the objective of the investigation is not necessarily to determine whether any law has been violated; rather, it is to determine whether any company policy has been violated and whether any employee has engaged in conduct that the company deems unacceptable in the workplace  Discipline per company policy Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 48. 48  Let the parties know that you cannot guarantee a particular result, but you can guarantee a fair process  Maintain impartiality – Neither what “he said” nor what “she said” should be given any more or less weight, without first considering all of the relevant witness reports, evidence, and other circumstances – Even when dealing with frequent complainer or a “squeaky wheel”  Give all employees an opportunity to share their side of the story  Identify witnesses and take statements Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 49. 49 At the outset: – Explain the process, and emphasize retaliation is prohibited – Set expectations – Start by showing willingness to believe and then listen – Ask clarifying questions and if something doesn’t make sense, ask for supporting evidence – Save tough questions for a later follow up — do not cross-examine the complaining party – Reiterate expectations Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 50. 50  What if the “situation” resolves itself before the investigation is concluded? – For example, perhaps the complaining employee has been transferred to a new location and will no longer report to the alleged harasser, or the alleged harasser has resigned from his or her employment with the company, or the complaining employee has recanted his or her report of harassment  Finish the investigation! Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 51. 51  What if the alleged perpetrator denies the allegations and there are no corroborating witnesses or other corroborating evidence? (And, as we know, this is not uncommon)  Then the company needs to make credibility determinations Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 52. 52 In 1999, the EEOC issued “Enforcement Guidance on Vicarious Employer Liability for Unlawful Harassment by Supervisors,” which contains guidance on “credibility determinations”: “If there are conflicting versions of relevant events, the employer will have to weigh each party’s credibility. Credibility assessments can be critical in determining whether the alleged harassment in fact occurred. Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 53. 53 “Factors to consider include: – Inherent plausibility: Is the testimony believable on its face? Does it make sense? – Demeanor: Did the person seem to be telling the truth or lying? – Motive to Falsify: Did the person have a reason to lie? Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 54. 54 –Corroboration: Is there witness testimony (such as testimony by eye-witnesses, people who saw the person soon after the alleged incidents, or people who discussed the incidents with him or her at around the time that they occurred) or physical evidence (such as written documentation) that corroborates the party’s testimony? –Past record: Did the alleged harasser have a history of similar behavior in the past? EEOC Enforcement Guidance
  • 55. 55 “None of the above factors are determinative as to credibility. For example, the fact that there are no eyewitnesses to the alleged harassment by no means necessarily defeats the complainant’s credibility, since harassment often occurs behind closed doors. Furthermore, the fact that the alleged harasser engaged in similar behavior in the past does not necessarily mean that he or she did so again.” EEOC Enforcement Guidance
  • 56. 56  But, what if, even after assessing credibility, the company concludes that the investigation is inconclusive?  In that case, the company should consider: – Ongoing monitoring – Altering the reporting relationship (but be careful to avoid liability for retaliation) – Workplace training on issues implicated by the investigation Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 57. 57 Regardless of the outcome, keep the conclusions/reports as private as possible and share the outcome of the investigation only with those persons within the organization who have a business reason to know. This means always sharing the conclusion of the investigation with the complainant and the accused. Impact 5: Employer Investigations Scrutinized
  • 58. 58 Consensual relationships According to 2018 CareerBuilder survey (conducted online from 11/28 through 12/20/17) – 36% of employees have dated a co-worker (compared to 41% the prior year) – 30% have dated someone in a higher position (up from 29%) – 22% have dated their boss (up from 15%) – 31% of workers who started dating at work ended up getting married Impact 6: Dating in the Workplace
  • 59. 59  Consensual Romantic Relationships Among Co-Workers – Companies need to decide on a policy – It could include no romance among co-workers – Or just no romance between supervisors and subordinates – Disclosure of romance—company decides – Love contracts – What happens when love goes wrong Impact 6: Dating in the Workplace
  • 60. 60  Victims are claiming that confidentiality clauses have perpetuated the problem – Stormy Daniels and “hush payments” – Perpetrator may be allowed to have multiple violations in one organization – Passing the perp to new organizations – California is considering prohibiting confidentiality clauses – Microsoft eliminated forced confidential arbitration in sexual harassment claims – Washington State just prohibited nondisclosure agreements – New tax law prohibits companies from taking tax deductions for payments (and attorneys fees) made in sexual harassment cases if the settlement includes a confidentiality clause – Expect more in this area Impact 7: The War on Confidentiality Clauses
  • 61. 61 Public claims – How will the company respond? – We take this seriously – We will investigate – We will take action if appropriate – Follow through – Using a media consultant or PR expert if needed Impact 8: Company Risk – Negative Publicity
  • 62. 62 What if criminal conduct is alleged? – A company should contact the police if criminal conduct is alleged and the police have not already been contacted – The company should cooperate in any criminal prosecution – The company should conduct its own investigation Impact 9: Employer Duties When Criminal Conduct is Alleged
  • 63. 63 New Legal Claims – Watch for lawyers to get creative – Chubb Insurance brought a lawsuit asking the court to declare that it does not owe Harvey Weinstein or his company coverage for the litigation under dozens of liability policies – New York Attorney General has filed civil rights lawsuit against the Weinstein Company for not protecting its employees – New lawsuit that Ashley Judd filed against Weinstein Impact 10: New Legal Theories
  • 64. 64  Amy A. Lombardo 208.562.4895 Thank You

Editor's Notes

  1. Intro: AAL, partner at PBL, practiced law for 13 years, 6 years + 9 days at PBL. All types of litigation, focus on employment law, health law, government relations. Particular interest in harassment law because it is increasingly important, and because I do closely follow most news stories in this area.
  2. - Start with the practical: as HR professionals, do we know what harassment is when we see it? Are there grey areas? How do we draw the line between what behavior is OK and what is not in our workplaces? We’re going to use three scenarios to illustrate the most difficult cases – and I hope we’re going to get interactive in discussing how to know which of these are workplace harassment issues and how we can best address them.
  3. - Start with the practical: as HR professionals, do we know what harassment is when we see it? Are there grey areas? How do we draw the line between what behavior is OK and what is not in our workplaces? We’re going to use three scenarios to illustrate the most difficult cases – and I hope we’re going to get interactive in discussing how to know which of these are workplace harassment issues and how we can best address them.
  4. What is sexual harassment as a legal concept and where did it come from?
  5. Presenter Notes: To make a prima facie case of quid pro quo harassment, an employee must prove: He is a member of a protected group. Unwelcomed sexual advances were made. The harassment was sexually motivated. The plaintiff's reaction to the advances negatively affected tangible aspects of his employment (such as compensation or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment). Respondeat superior has been determined (meaning that the harasser had authority over the harassed employee, either by virtue of being his supervisor or by otherwise influencing the terms and conditions of his employment).
  6. Presenter Notes: For hostile work environment claims, the severity of the conduct is judged by both: An objective standard (whether any reasonable person would find the conduct abusive). A subjective standard (whether the employee in question found the conduct abusive). Hostile work environment claims can also be based on posters or other displays in the office or on a computer that are offensive and create an abusive or hostile work environment.
  7. Sexual harassment is a topic currently in the news, but legally there is more activity in discrimination on the basis of disability, retaliation claims have been prevalent for a number of years, and in cases regarding discrimination on the basis of gender, the key cases are currently being filed in traditionally male-dominated industries, like law, accounting, and finance.
  8. So what changed in the law this last year to create the #MeToo and #Time’sUp movements?
  9. Differentiate between what an employer can and should do in these cases, and the role of law enforcement for addressing criminal allegations.
  10. Scenario is this is a large corporation, and we’re going to look at an interaction between an Employee and an Executive. The first relevant interaction between the two takes place on an internal company chat network. Let’s take a look, and I may ask you questions as we go – hopefully this can be a little interactive. I want all of you in the audience to think about raising your hand at the point at which this interaction becomes problematic. I’ve included the dialogue as reported between the parties, but I’ve removed any internal commentary or explanatory commentary. So for example, if this is a woman employee, and at the time she tells her story, she add things like I was feeling X, or I thought that of course he would understand Y, I’ve removed those because all you get are the facts. Ready? 
  11. Employee doesn’t remember responding on the phone call from Executive, stating he was coming to her hotel room. I open the door. I ask in an intentionally skeptical way, trying to slow this down, “What are you doing here?”
  12. (Pulp Fiction quote).
  13. I open the door. I ask in an intentionally skeptical way, trying to slow this down, “What are you doing here?”
  14. I open the door. I ask in an intentionally skeptical way, trying to slow this down, “What are you doing here?”
  15. I open the door. I ask in an intentionally skeptical way, trying to slow this down, “What are you doing here?”
  16. To take advantage of the Faragher Ellerth affirmative defense, and to stop harassment from happening in the first place, employers should
  17. Companies need to fix the underreporting problem
  18. Culture Change May be forced by the outside into companies, depending on industry.
  19. Investigations have been scrutinized in light of the me, too movement.