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An 81-year-old African American female (AAF) with 
a past medical history (PMH) of hypertension (HTN), 
diabetes type 2 (DM2), coronary artery disease 
status post myocardial infarction (CAD S/P MI) 5 
years ago, and chronic abdominal pain for 2 years 
without a clear reason, was admitted to the hospital 
with a worsening of the same abdominal pain for 2-3 
No chest pain (CP) or shortness of breath (SOB). 
She complains of nausea and vomiting. 
Physical examination 
38.8 C HR-78 bpm-210/100 mm/Hg 
Abdomen: RLQ tenderness, no rebound, soft, +BS. 
The rest of the examination was not remarkable.
What laboratory workup would you suggest? 
CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Amylase, Lipase, 
Urinalysis were all normal. 
KUB (Kidney Ureter Bladder) was nonspecific. 
CT of abdomen showed a dilated stomach, 
stable 3.6 cm AAA (the same size as 2 years ago) and old renal 
Patient was started on IVF, 
Pain meds and Zosyn for T* 38.3. 
Blood cx were taken.
What is the most likely diagnosis? 
Appendicitis? (no, appendectomy was 
done years ago). 
DM Gastro paresis? 
What happened? 
ECG on admission showed deep Qs 
waves in the inferior leads - probably an 
old MI. 
Cardiac enzymes x 1 were ordered.
showing acute 
changes of 
Cardiac enzymes were positive, showing 
troponin elevation
Final diagnosis 
Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 
The catheterization showed a 99% 
occlusion of one of the branches of the 
circumflex artery (Cx). Two stents were 
placed. The right coronary artery (RCA) 
had a 90% proximal stenosis but both 
stent placement and PTCA 
(percutaneous transluminal coronary 
angioplasty) were unsuccessful. The 
patient was scheduled for a repeated 
catheterization for stent placement in 
RCA within 2-3 weeks. 
A diagram of the stent placement in the Cx artery 
Always keep the possibility of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 
patients with risk factors, even with atypical symptoms. MI can be 
completely painless in diabetics and women. We do not need the 
symptoms of chest pain (CP) to diagnose an MI. 
In this case, the RLQ pain was not related to the MI 
but with the previously diagnosed renal cyst.
It may be defined as a development of heart muscle necrosis (a form of cell death) without the ECG 
(electrocardiography) change of ST-segment elevation, resulting from an acute interruption of blood 
supply to a part of the heart and can be demonstrated by an elevation of cardiac markers (CK-MB or 
troponin) in the blood. 
ST-segment elevation indicates full thickness injury of heart muscle. Absence of ST-segment elevation 
in NSTEMI involve (partial thickness) damage of heart muscle. Therefore, NSTEMI is less severe type 
of heart attack compared to STEMI in which full thickness damage of heart muscle develops. 
NSTEMI usually occurs by developing a partial occlusion of a major coronary artery or a complete 
occlusion of a minor coronary artery previously affected by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease 
of artery in which mainly cholesterol deposition occur within the wall of the artery. This deposited 
cholesterol ultimately forms a plaque called atherosclerotic plaque. Many years are required to establish 
an atherosclerotic plaque. 
The most common mechanism of NSTEMI is rupture or erosion of an atherosclerotic plaque that triggers 
platelet aggregation, which lead to formation of a thrombus (blood clot) in a coronary artery. This arterial 
thrombus causes interruption of blood supply to part of the heart muscle; profound changes take place in 
the heart muscle that lead to irreversible changes and death of myocardial cells. Usually, partial 
thickness damage of heart muscle occurs.
Major risk factors: 
1.High serum cholesterol level 
3.Diabetes mellitus 
4.Cigarette smoking 
Minor risk factors: 
1.Increasing age 
2.Male gender 
3.Family history 
4.Physical inactivity 
6.Excess alcohol consumption 
7.Excess carbohydrates intake 
8.Social deprivation 
9.Competitive and stressful lifestyle with type A personality 
10.Diets deficient in fresh vegetables, fruit and polyunsaturated 
fatty acids.
(1)Chest pain: Chest pain is the main symptom. It is constricting, tightening, choking or heavy in character, 
usually located in the centre of the chest, but may radiate to neck, jaw, shoulder, back, and arms (most 
commonly left arms). Occasionally, pain may be felt only at the sites of radiation. In older patients or those with 
diabetes mellitus, painless attack may occur (pain conducting autonomic nerve of the heart are degenerated in 
old age and in diabetes). 
(2) Difficulty in breathing: Breathing difficulty occur when the damage to the heart muscle limits the pumping 
action of the left ventricle, causing acute left heart failure and consequent lung congestion. 
(3) Nausea, vomiting, and sweating: These are due to autonomic nervous system upset. 
(4) Palpitation: It is due to sympathetic nervous system activation. 
(5) Cardiogenic shock: If NSTEMI involve a large territory of heart, patients may present with shock due to 
impaired myocardial function.
Initially, patients with suspected NSTEMI, ECG and cardiac markers estimation are mandatory 
Electrocardiography (ECG): The usual ECG findings of NSTEMI are ST-segment depression 
or T-wave inversion.
Cardiac markers: 
Cardio-specific isoenzyme CK-MB (creatine kinase myocardial band), and cardiospecific proteins 
troponin T and troponin I are rises in blood in NSTEMI. These are released from damaged heart muscle 
cells during and after attack. CK-MB starts to rise at 4-6 hours and falls to normal within 48-72 hours. 
Troponin T and troponin I start to rise at 4-6 hours and remain high for up to two weeks. 
Full blood count: 
WBC (white blood cell) count is usually elevated. ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive 
protein) may also elevate. 
Chest X-ray: 
Assess for signs of lung edema. 
It is done for assessing the function of heart chamber and for detecting important complications.
NSTEMI can lead to several complications immediately following an attack or later in recovery. Usually, 
complications depend on what part of the heart is damaged and the extent of damage. 
Immediate complications 
(A) Heart arrhythmia – Heart arrhythmia is a disturbance of the electrical rhythm of the heart. In 
NSTEMI, damaged heart muscle disrupts electrical signals and produces arrhythmia in which 
heartbeat may be too fast, too slow or irregular. It is the most common complication following an 
attack. The following types of arrhythmia may develop: 
1.Ventricular fibrillation 
2.Ventricular tachycardia 
3.Ventricular ectopics 
4.Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 
5.Atrial fibrillation 
6.Atrial tachycardia 
7.Atrioventricular block 
8.Sinus bradycardia 
In majority of cases arrhythmia is mild and transient. It is controlled by rest, pain relief and medication. 
But, life threatening arrhythmia may develop that is the major cause of death during the first 24 hours 
after an attack.
In majority of cases arrhythmia is mild and transient. It is controlled by rest, pain relief and medication. 
But, life threatening arrhythmia may develop that is the major cause of death during the first 24 hours 
after an attack. 
(B) Acute heart failure – It may develop when the damage area of the heart muscle is large. Suddenly, 
this damaged heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demand and developed acute heart 
(C) Cardiogenic shock – It may develop after the large territory heart muscle damage. It leads to failure 
of the pumping action of the heart. The end results are very low blood pressure with an inadequate supply 
of oxygen rich blood to the tissues of the body. 
(D) Mitral regurgitation – Papillary muscle damage sometimes causes mitral regurgitation. 
Late complications 
(A)Dressler’s syndrome – This syndrome is characterized by fever, pleuritis and percarditis. It is caused 
by an autoimmune reaction to damage heart muscle. It occurs a few weeks or even months after an 
(B) Chronic heart failure – It occurs slowly over time after an attack in which the heart cannot pump 
enough blood to meet the body’s demand.
Patients should be admitted immediately to hospital, preferably to a cardiac care unit because there 
is a significant risk of death. 
(1) Bed rest with continuous monitoring by ECG. 
(2) Inhaled oxygen therapy. 
(3) Relief of pain by opiate analgesic: 
Intravenous morphine 10 mg or diamorphine 5 mg is usually used and may have to be repeated to 
relieve severe pain. 
(4) Antiplatelet therapy: 
Antiplatelet drugs prevent platelet aggregation within coronary artery. A 300 mg tablet of aspirin should 
be given orally as early as possible then 75 mg daily should be continued indefinitely if there are no 
side effects occur. Aspirin reduces the mortality rate of NSTEMI by approximately 25%. In combination 
of aspirin, clopidogrel 600 mg should be given orally as early as possible, followed by 150 mg daily for 7 
days and 75 mg daily thereafter, gives a further reduction in mortality. Ticagrelor 150 mg followed by 90 
mg two times daily is more effective than clopidegrol. High risk patients, especially patients with 
diabetes mellitus or patients who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), should also be 
considered for intake of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blocker (block the final common pathway of 
platelet aggregation), such as tirofiban, abciximab, or eptifibatide.
(5) Anticoagulant therapy: 
Anticoagulant drugs prevent reinfarction, and reduces the risk of thromboembolic complications. 
Anticoagulation can be achieved by using unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight heparin (also 
called fractionated heparin and includes enoxaparin, dalteparin) or a pentasaccharide (fondaparinux). 
Comparatively low molecular weight heparin is more safety and efficacious than unfractionated heparin, 
and pentasaccharide is more safety and efficacious than low molecular weight heparin. The dose 
regimens are: 
1.Enoxaparin: 1 mg/kg body weight two times daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. 
2.Dalteparin: 120 units/kg body weight two times daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. 
3.Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. 
(6) Beta-blockers: 
Beta-blockers reduce arrhythmias, heart rate, blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand, and relive 
pain. Oral beta-blocker atenolol 25-50 mg twice daily, metoprolol 25-50 mg twice daily, or bisoprolol 5 mg 
once daily are usually adequate. Patients with heart rate more than 90 beats/minute or patients with 
hypertension (systolic blood pressure more than 150 mmHg or diastolic more than 90 mmHg), 
intravenous beta-blockers (atenolol 5-10 mg or metoprolol 5-15 mg over 5 minutes) can be given. Beta-blockers 
should be avoided if there is heart failure, heart block, hypotension, or bradycardia.
(7) Nitrates: 
Nitrates act as a vasodilator and relief pain. Nitrates should first be given buccally or by sublingual (under 
tongue) spray. If the patient experiencing persistent ischemic chest pain after 3 doses given 5 minutes 
apart, then intravenous glyceryl trinitrate 0.6-1.2 mg/hour or isosorbide dinitrate 1-2 mg/hour can be given 
until pain relieved or systolic blood pressure falls to less than 100 mgHg. Oral or sublingual nitrates can be 
used once the pain has resolved. 
(8) Statins: 
Irrespective of serum cholesterol level, all patients should receive statin such as atorvastatin, simvastatin, 
or rosuvastatin after NSTEMI. 
(9) ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARBs (angiotensive receptor blockers): 
An ACE inhibitor such as ramipril, enalapril, captopril, or lisinopril is started 1 or 2 days after NSTEMI. 
ACE inhibitor therapy reduces ventricular remodeling, prevent the onset of heart failure, and reduce 
recurrent infarction. An ARB (valsartan, candesartan, losartan or olmesartan) is suitable alternatives in 
patients who are intolerant of ACE inhibitors (ACE inhibitors can cause dry cough).
(10) Coronary angiography and revascularization: 
Before giving revascularization treatment, risk analysis in patients with NSTEMI should be done 
immediately after hospital admission. Several systems are available for risk stratification, but TIMI 
score and GRACE score are the best. These systems categorized the patients into low, medium 
and high risk groups. 
Medium to high risk patients should be considered for early coronary angiography and 
revascularization, either by PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) or by CABG (coronary artery 
bypass grafting). Early medical treatment is appropriate in low risk patients, and coronary 
angiography and revascularization are reserved for those who fail to settle with medical treatment. 
Early death in NSTEMI is usually due to an arrhythmia. Long term mortality is high in those who have 
extensive damage of heart muscle, poor left ventricular function and persistent ventricular arrhythmia. 
Depression, social isolation and old age are also associated with a higher mortality. According to GRACE 
score, in-hospital death is less than 1% in low risk, 1-9% in medium risk and more than 9% in high risk 
patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. After hospital discharge, more than 80% 
patients survive for a further year, approximately 75% for 5 years, 50% for 10 years and 25% for 20 
Lifestyle after NSTEMI: 
► Restrict physical activities for four to six weeks after attack – death tissue in damage heart muscle 
takes 4-6 weeks to be healed with fibrous tissue. 
► Cessation of cigarette smoking. 
► Maintaining an ideal body weight. 
► Eating a Mediterranean style diet (diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, 
but low in saturated fatty acids). 
► Achieving well control of high pressure and diabetes mellitus if present. 
► Taking regular exercise up to, but not beyond, the point of chest discomfort. 
► Continue secondary prevention drugs therapy including aspirin, clopidogrel, beta-blocker, ACE 
inhibitor, and statin.
GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) score is used for risk assessment in ACS 
(acute coronary syndrome) which includes NSTEMI, STEMI and unstable angina. This score 
is more accurate because it is derived from a multinational registry of unselected patients and 
includes hospitals in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand. 
Risk assessment should be performed at the time of hospital admission and is important 
because it gives an idea about probability of in-hospital death and also guides the appropriate 
treatment plan in NSTEMI and unstable angina. 
Calculation of GRACE score: 
Eight parameters are used for calculating GRACE score that include patient’s age, 
heart rate, systolic blood pressure, Killip class, serum creatinine level, cardiac 
arrest at hospital admission, ST-segment deviation in ECG and elevated 
cardiac marker.
Treatment plan according to GRACE risk stratification: 
In low risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina, medical treatment is appropriate and surgical 
intervention is reserved for those who fail to settle with medical treatment. By contrast, medium and 
high risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina should be treated with multiple drugs and 
considered for early coronary angiography and revascularization. Revascularization can be done 
either by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or by coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). 
Treatment plan in STEMI is not depend on risk stratification. All patients with STEMI should be 
treated immediately with reperfusion therapy by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 
along with multiple drugs. Where PCI cannot be achieved within 120 minutes of diagnosis or PCI is 
not available, thrombolytic therapy (streptokinase, alteplase, tenecteplase, or reteplase) may be 
1. Age: 2. Heart rate: 
Age (years) Score 
≤ 30 0 
30-39 8 
40-49 25 
50-59 41 
60-69 58 
70-79 75 
80-89 91 
≥ 90 100 
Heart rate 
≤ 50 0 
50-69 3 
70-89 9 
90-109 15 
110-149 24 
150-199 38 
≥ 200 46 
3. Systolic blood 
Systolic blood 
pressure (mm Hg) 
≤ 80 58 
80-99 53 
100-119 43 
120-139 34 
140-159 24 
160-199 10 
≥ 200 0
4. Killip class: 
Killip class Score 
I (No heart failure) 0 
II (Crackles audible in lower half of lung field) 20 
III (Crackles audible in whole lung field) 39 
IV (Cardiogenic shock) 59 
5. Serum creatinine level: 
Serum creatinine 
0-34 0-0.38 1 
35-70 0.39-0.79 4 
71-105 0.80-1.19 7 
106-140 1.20-1.58 10 
141-176 1.59-1.90 13 
177-353 2.0-3.99 21 
≥ 354 ≥ 4 28 
6. Cardiac arrest at hospital admission: 
Cardiac arrest at hospital admission Score 
Absent 0 
Present 39 
7. ST-segment deviation in ECG: 
ST-segment deviation in ECG Score 
Absent 0 
Present 28 
8. Elevated serum cardiac marker (Troponin or 
Elevated cardiac 
Absent 0 
Present 14
Risk assessment by GRACE score: 
We can assess risk by summation of score for all eight parameters. 
Total score Risk assessment 
≤ 100 
Low risk patients– In-hospital death 
rate less than 1% 
Medium risk patients – In-hospital 
death rate 1-9% 
≥ 171 
High risk patients – In-hospital death 
rate more than 9%
Probability of in-hospital death by GRACE score: 
Total score In-hospital death (%) 
≤ 60 ≤ 0.2 
70 0.3 
80 0.4 
90 0.6 
100 0.8 
110 1.1 
120 1.6 
130 2.1 
140 2.9 
150 3.9 
160 5.4 
170 7.3 
180 9.8 
190 13 
200 18 
210 23 
220 29 
230 36 
240 44 
≤ 250 ≤ 52
TIMI score 
TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) score is used in patients with NSTEMI (Non ST-segment 
elevation myocardial infarction), STEMI (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) and unstable 
angina to define risk. TIMI Study Group established this risk score. TIMI Study Group is an Academic 
Research Organization affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in 
Boston. This score was derived from patients enlisted to randomized controlled trials of low molecular 
weight heparins. The main advantages of TIMI score are its simplicity and ease of use. 
TIMI risk score for patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina: 
Seven variables are used to assess risk in NSTEMI or unstable angina including age of patient, risk 
factors for coronary artery disease, prior coronary artery stenosis, ST-segment deviation on ECG, prior 
aspirin intake, severe anginal chest pain within 24 hours and elevated cardiac markers. It is done 
immediately after an attack.
1. Age of patient: 
Age of patient Score 
Less than 65 
65 years or more 1 
2. Risk factors for coronary artery disease: 
Five risk factors are included. These are: 
•Hypertension (high blood pressure) 
•Hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol level) 
•Family history of coronary artery disease 
Number of risk factors for coronary 
artery disease 
Presence of less than three 0 
Presence of three or more 1 
3. Prior coronary artery stenosis: 
Coronary angiography is done to see the stenosis. 
Prior coronary artery 
Less than 50% 0 
50% or more 1 
4. ST-segment deviation on ECG: 
It includes horizontal ST-segment depression or transient 
ST-segment elevation more than 1 mm. 
ST-segment deviation 
on ECG 
Absent 0 
Present 1
5. Prior aspirin intake: 
Prior aspirin intake Score 
No aspirin intake in the 
last 7 days 
Aspirin intake in the last 
7 days 
6. Severe anginal chest pain: 
Severe anginal chest pain Score 
No or one episode in last 
24 hours 
Two or more episodes in 
last 24 hours 
7. Elevated cardiac markers (CK–MB or troponin): 
Elevated cardiac markers Score 
Absent 0 
Present 1 
Risk stratification by TIMI score in patients 
with NSTEMI or unstable angina: 
Risk stratification Score 
Low risk patients 0 – 2 
Medium risk patients 3 – 4 
High risk patients 5 – 7
Plan of treatment according to TIMI score: 
In low risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina, drug therapy is appropriate and surgical 
intervention is reserved for those who fail to settle with drug therapy. By contrast, medium to high risk 
patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina should be treated with multiple drugs and considered for early 
coronary angiography and revascularization. 
Interpretation of TIMI score in NSTEMI or unstable angina: 
Total score 
Rate of death, or new or recurrent 
myocardial infarction, or severe recurrent 
anginal chest pain requiring urgent 
revascularization in 14 days 
0 – 1 4.7% 
2 8.3% 
3 13.2% 
4 19.9% 
5 26.2% 
6 – 7 40.9%
TIMI risk score for patients with STEMI: 
Eleven variables are used to assess risk in STEMI that are age of patient, history of anginal chest pain, 
history of hypertension, history of diabetes, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, Killip class, weight of 
patient, anterior myocardial infarction in ECG, left bundle branch block (LBBB) in ECG and delay to 
treatment after an attack. 
Interpretation of TIMI score in STEMI: 
Total score Risk of death at 30 days 
0 0.8% 
1 1.6% 
2 2.2% 
3 4.4% 
4 7.3% 
5 12.4% 
6 16.1% 
7 23.4% 
8 26.8% 
9 – 16 35.9%
NSTEMI occurs by developing a complete occlusion 
of a minor coronary artery or a partial occlusion of a 
major coronary artery previously affected by 
atherosclerosis. This causes a partial thickness 
damage of heart muscle. 
STEMI occurs by developing a complete occlusion 
of a major coronary artery previously affected by 
atherosclerosis. This causes a full thickness 
damage of heart muscle.
The usual ECG findings of NSTEMI are ST-segment 
depression or T-wave inversion. NSTEMI does not 
show ST segment elevation in ECG (due to partial 
thickness injury of heart muscle) and later does not 
progress to a Q-wave. For this reason, it is also 
called a non–Q-wave myocardial infarction (NQMI). 
STEMI shows ST segment elevation in ECG (due to 
full thickness injury of heart muscle) and later 
progress to a Q-wave. For this reason, it is also 
called a Q-wave myocardial infarction (QWMI). The 
ultimate ECG findings of STEMI are ST-segment 
elevation, pathological Q-wave formation and T-wave 
1) BY ECG: 
The diagnosis of a NSTEMI is based on a 
typical history of chest pain, no ST segment 
elevation in ECG plus elevation of cardiac 
markers in serum. 
The diagnosis of a STEMI is based on a typical 
history of chest pain, ST segment elevation in 
ECG plus elevation of cardiac markers in 
Cardiac markers including CK-MB (creatine 
kinase myocardial band), troponin I and 
troponin T, all elevate both in cases. But the 
elevation of these markers is often mild in 
NSTEMI compared with STEMI 
Complications like cardiogenic shock, left ventricular 
failure, severe mitral regurgitation due to papillary 
muscle rupture, cardiac tamponade due to 
ventricular wall rupture are more in STEMI (due to 
full thickness heart muscle damage) than NSTEMI. 
Long-term mortality is similar or higher in NSTEMI 
compared to STEMI (two year mortality is 
approximately 30% in both cases).
Antiplatelets (Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor), Anticoagulants (Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, Fondaparinux), 
Beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, bisoprolol), Nitrates (isosorbide dinitrate, glyceryl trinitrate), Statins 
(atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, pitavastatin), ACE inhibitors (Ramipril, enalapril, captopril, 
Lisinopril) or ARBs (valsartan, candesartan, losartan, olmesartan) are given both in NSTEMI and STEMI. 
In case of reperfusion therapy, primary PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) is the treatment of choice 
for STEMI. Where primary PCI cannot be achieved within 120 minutes of diagnosis or PCI is not available, 
thrombolytic therapy such as streptokinase, tenecteplase, alteplase or reteplase should be given. 
On the other hand, early coronary angiography and revascularization, either by PCI or by CABG (coronary 
artery bypass grafting) is the treatment of choice for medium to high risk patients with NSTEMI. 
Drug treatment is appropriate in low risk patients with NSTEMI, and coronary angiography and 
revascularization reserved for those who fail to settle with drug treatment (low, medium and high risk 
patients are categorized in NSTEMI by GRACE score) . Thrombolytic therapy is harmful in NSTEMI. The 
aggregate data suggest that patients with NSTEMI may be put at risk of re infarction if thrombolytic therapy 
is used.

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  • 2. Case: An 81-year-old African American female (AAF) with a past medical history (PMH) of hypertension (HTN), diabetes type 2 (DM2), coronary artery disease status post myocardial infarction (CAD S/P MI) 5 years ago, and chronic abdominal pain for 2 years without a clear reason, was admitted to the hospital with a worsening of the same abdominal pain for 2-3 days. No chest pain (CP) or shortness of breath (SOB). She complains of nausea and vomiting. Physical examination 38.8 C HR-78 bpm-210/100 mm/Hg Abdomen: RLQ tenderness, no rebound, soft, +BS. The rest of the examination was not remarkable.
  • 3. What laboratory workup would you suggest? CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Amylase, Lipase, Urinalysis were all normal. KUB (Kidney Ureter Bladder) was nonspecific. CT of abdomen showed a dilated stomach, stable 3.6 cm AAA (the same size as 2 years ago) and old renal cysts. Patient was started on IVF, Pain meds and Zosyn for T* 38.3. Blood cx were taken.
  • 4. What is the most likely diagnosis? Diverticulitis? Appendicitis? (no, appendectomy was done years ago). DM Gastro paresis? Gastroenteritis?
  • 5. What happened? ECG on admission showed deep Qs waves in the inferior leads - probably an old MI. Cardiac enzymes x 1 were ordered.
  • 7. EKG AFTER MI showing acute changes of NSTEMI
  • 8. Cardiac enzymes were positive, showing troponin elevation
  • 9. Final diagnosis Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (Non-STEMI).
  • 10. The catheterization showed a 99% occlusion of one of the branches of the circumflex artery (Cx). Two stents were placed. The right coronary artery (RCA) had a 90% proximal stenosis but both stent placement and PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) were unsuccessful. The patient was scheduled for a repeated catheterization for stent placement in RCA within 2-3 weeks. A diagram of the stent placement in the Cx artery TREATMENT IN THIS CASE:
  • 11. SO???!!! Always keep the possibility of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients with risk factors, even with atypical symptoms. MI can be completely painless in diabetics and women. We do not need the symptoms of chest pain (CP) to diagnose an MI. In this case, the RLQ pain was not related to the MI but with the previously diagnosed renal cyst.
  • 12. NSTEMI: It may be defined as a development of heart muscle necrosis (a form of cell death) without the ECG (electrocardiography) change of ST-segment elevation, resulting from an acute interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart and can be demonstrated by an elevation of cardiac markers (CK-MB or troponin) in the blood. ST-segment elevation indicates full thickness injury of heart muscle. Absence of ST-segment elevation in NSTEMI involve (partial thickness) damage of heart muscle. Therefore, NSTEMI is less severe type of heart attack compared to STEMI in which full thickness damage of heart muscle develops. NSTEMI usually occurs by developing a partial occlusion of a major coronary artery or a complete occlusion of a minor coronary artery previously affected by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of artery in which mainly cholesterol deposition occur within the wall of the artery. This deposited cholesterol ultimately forms a plaque called atherosclerotic plaque. Many years are required to establish an atherosclerotic plaque. The most common mechanism of NSTEMI is rupture or erosion of an atherosclerotic plaque that triggers platelet aggregation, which lead to formation of a thrombus (blood clot) in a coronary artery. This arterial thrombus causes interruption of blood supply to part of the heart muscle; profound changes take place in the heart muscle that lead to irreversible changes and death of myocardial cells. Usually, partial thickness damage of heart muscle occurs.
  • 13. Major risk factors: 1.High serum cholesterol level 2.Hypertension 3.Diabetes mellitus 4.Cigarette smoking Minor risk factors: 1.Increasing age 2.Male gender 3.Family history 4.Physical inactivity 5.Obesity 6.Excess alcohol consumption 7.Excess carbohydrates intake 8.Social deprivation 9.Competitive and stressful lifestyle with type A personality 10.Diets deficient in fresh vegetables, fruit and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • 14. Symptoms: (1)Chest pain: Chest pain is the main symptom. It is constricting, tightening, choking or heavy in character, usually located in the centre of the chest, but may radiate to neck, jaw, shoulder, back, and arms (most commonly left arms). Occasionally, pain may be felt only at the sites of radiation. In older patients or those with diabetes mellitus, painless attack may occur (pain conducting autonomic nerve of the heart are degenerated in old age and in diabetes). (2) Difficulty in breathing: Breathing difficulty occur when the damage to the heart muscle limits the pumping action of the left ventricle, causing acute left heart failure and consequent lung congestion. (3) Nausea, vomiting, and sweating: These are due to autonomic nervous system upset. (4) Palpitation: It is due to sympathetic nervous system activation. (5) Cardiogenic shock: If NSTEMI involve a large territory of heart, patients may present with shock due to impaired myocardial function.
  • 15. Diagnosis: Initially, patients with suspected NSTEMI, ECG and cardiac markers estimation are mandatory Electrocardiography (ECG): The usual ECG findings of NSTEMI are ST-segment depression or T-wave inversion.
  • 16. Cardiac markers: Cardio-specific isoenzyme CK-MB (creatine kinase myocardial band), and cardiospecific proteins troponin T and troponin I are rises in blood in NSTEMI. These are released from damaged heart muscle cells during and after attack. CK-MB starts to rise at 4-6 hours and falls to normal within 48-72 hours. Troponin T and troponin I start to rise at 4-6 hours and remain high for up to two weeks. Full blood count: WBC (white blood cell) count is usually elevated. ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) may also elevate. Chest X-ray: Assess for signs of lung edema. Echocardiography: It is done for assessing the function of heart chamber and for detecting important complications.
  • 17. Complications: NSTEMI can lead to several complications immediately following an attack or later in recovery. Usually, complications depend on what part of the heart is damaged and the extent of damage. Immediate complications (A) Heart arrhythmia – Heart arrhythmia is a disturbance of the electrical rhythm of the heart. In NSTEMI, damaged heart muscle disrupts electrical signals and produces arrhythmia in which heartbeat may be too fast, too slow or irregular. It is the most common complication following an attack. The following types of arrhythmia may develop: 1.Ventricular fibrillation 2.Ventricular tachycardia 3.Ventricular ectopics 4.Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 5.Atrial fibrillation 6.Atrial tachycardia 7.Atrioventricular block 8.Sinus bradycardia In majority of cases arrhythmia is mild and transient. It is controlled by rest, pain relief and medication. But, life threatening arrhythmia may develop that is the major cause of death during the first 24 hours after an attack.
  • 18. In majority of cases arrhythmia is mild and transient. It is controlled by rest, pain relief and medication. But, life threatening arrhythmia may develop that is the major cause of death during the first 24 hours after an attack. (B) Acute heart failure – It may develop when the damage area of the heart muscle is large. Suddenly, this damaged heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demand and developed acute heart failure. (C) Cardiogenic shock – It may develop after the large territory heart muscle damage. It leads to failure of the pumping action of the heart. The end results are very low blood pressure with an inadequate supply of oxygen rich blood to the tissues of the body. (D) Mitral regurgitation – Papillary muscle damage sometimes causes mitral regurgitation. Late complications (A)Dressler’s syndrome – This syndrome is characterized by fever, pleuritis and percarditis. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction to damage heart muscle. It occurs a few weeks or even months after an NSTEMI. (B) Chronic heart failure – It occurs slowly over time after an attack in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demand.
  • 19. Treatment: Patients should be admitted immediately to hospital, preferably to a cardiac care unit because there is a significant risk of death. (1) Bed rest with continuous monitoring by ECG. (2) Inhaled oxygen therapy. (3) Relief of pain by opiate analgesic: Intravenous morphine 10 mg or diamorphine 5 mg is usually used and may have to be repeated to relieve severe pain. (4) Antiplatelet therapy: Antiplatelet drugs prevent platelet aggregation within coronary artery. A 300 mg tablet of aspirin should be given orally as early as possible then 75 mg daily should be continued indefinitely if there are no side effects occur. Aspirin reduces the mortality rate of NSTEMI by approximately 25%. In combination of aspirin, clopidogrel 600 mg should be given orally as early as possible, followed by 150 mg daily for 7 days and 75 mg daily thereafter, gives a further reduction in mortality. Ticagrelor 150 mg followed by 90 mg two times daily is more effective than clopidegrol. High risk patients, especially patients with diabetes mellitus or patients who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), should also be considered for intake of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blocker (block the final common pathway of platelet aggregation), such as tirofiban, abciximab, or eptifibatide.
  • 20. (5) Anticoagulant therapy: Anticoagulant drugs prevent reinfarction, and reduces the risk of thromboembolic complications. Anticoagulation can be achieved by using unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight heparin (also called fractionated heparin and includes enoxaparin, dalteparin) or a pentasaccharide (fondaparinux). Comparatively low molecular weight heparin is more safety and efficacious than unfractionated heparin, and pentasaccharide is more safety and efficacious than low molecular weight heparin. The dose regimens are: 1.Enoxaparin: 1 mg/kg body weight two times daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. 2.Dalteparin: 120 units/kg body weight two times daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. 3.Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg daily usually for 8 days by subcutaneous injection. (6) Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers reduce arrhythmias, heart rate, blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand, and relive pain. Oral beta-blocker atenolol 25-50 mg twice daily, metoprolol 25-50 mg twice daily, or bisoprolol 5 mg once daily are usually adequate. Patients with heart rate more than 90 beats/minute or patients with hypertension (systolic blood pressure more than 150 mmHg or diastolic more than 90 mmHg), intravenous beta-blockers (atenolol 5-10 mg or metoprolol 5-15 mg over 5 minutes) can be given. Beta-blockers should be avoided if there is heart failure, heart block, hypotension, or bradycardia.
  • 21. (7) Nitrates: Nitrates act as a vasodilator and relief pain. Nitrates should first be given buccally or by sublingual (under tongue) spray. If the patient experiencing persistent ischemic chest pain after 3 doses given 5 minutes apart, then intravenous glyceryl trinitrate 0.6-1.2 mg/hour or isosorbide dinitrate 1-2 mg/hour can be given until pain relieved or systolic blood pressure falls to less than 100 mgHg. Oral or sublingual nitrates can be used once the pain has resolved. (8) Statins: Irrespective of serum cholesterol level, all patients should receive statin such as atorvastatin, simvastatin, or rosuvastatin after NSTEMI. (9) ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARBs (angiotensive receptor blockers): An ACE inhibitor such as ramipril, enalapril, captopril, or lisinopril is started 1 or 2 days after NSTEMI. ACE inhibitor therapy reduces ventricular remodeling, prevent the onset of heart failure, and reduce recurrent infarction. An ARB (valsartan, candesartan, losartan or olmesartan) is suitable alternatives in patients who are intolerant of ACE inhibitors (ACE inhibitors can cause dry cough).
  • 22. (10) Coronary angiography and revascularization: Before giving revascularization treatment, risk analysis in patients with NSTEMI should be done immediately after hospital admission. Several systems are available for risk stratification, but TIMI score and GRACE score are the best. These systems categorized the patients into low, medium and high risk groups. Medium to high risk patients should be considered for early coronary angiography and revascularization, either by PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) or by CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting). Early medical treatment is appropriate in low risk patients, and coronary angiography and revascularization are reserved for those who fail to settle with medical treatment. Prognosis: Early death in NSTEMI is usually due to an arrhythmia. Long term mortality is high in those who have extensive damage of heart muscle, poor left ventricular function and persistent ventricular arrhythmia. Depression, social isolation and old age are also associated with a higher mortality. According to GRACE score, in-hospital death is less than 1% in low risk, 1-9% in medium risk and more than 9% in high risk patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. After hospital discharge, more than 80% patients survive for a further year, approximately 75% for 5 years, 50% for 10 years and 25% for 20 years.
  • 23. Lifestyle after NSTEMI: ► Restrict physical activities for four to six weeks after attack – death tissue in damage heart muscle takes 4-6 weeks to be healed with fibrous tissue. ► Cessation of cigarette smoking. ► Maintaining an ideal body weight. ► Eating a Mediterranean style diet (diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, but low in saturated fatty acids). ► Achieving well control of high pressure and diabetes mellitus if present. ► Taking regular exercise up to, but not beyond, the point of chest discomfort. ► Continue secondary prevention drugs therapy including aspirin, clopidogrel, beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor, and statin.
  • 24. GRACE SCORE: GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) score is used for risk assessment in ACS (acute coronary syndrome) which includes NSTEMI, STEMI and unstable angina. This score is more accurate because it is derived from a multinational registry of unselected patients and includes hospitals in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand. Risk assessment should be performed at the time of hospital admission and is important because it gives an idea about probability of in-hospital death and also guides the appropriate treatment plan in NSTEMI and unstable angina. Calculation of GRACE score: Eight parameters are used for calculating GRACE score that include patient’s age, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, Killip class, serum creatinine level, cardiac arrest at hospital admission, ST-segment deviation in ECG and elevated cardiac marker.
  • 25. Treatment plan according to GRACE risk stratification: In low risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina, medical treatment is appropriate and surgical intervention is reserved for those who fail to settle with medical treatment. By contrast, medium and high risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina should be treated with multiple drugs and considered for early coronary angiography and revascularization. Revascularization can be done either by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or by coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Treatment plan in STEMI is not depend on risk stratification. All patients with STEMI should be treated immediately with reperfusion therapy by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) along with multiple drugs. Where PCI cannot be achieved within 120 minutes of diagnosis or PCI is not available, thrombolytic therapy (streptokinase, alteplase, tenecteplase, or reteplase) may be given.
  • 26. 1. Age: 2. Heart rate: Age (years) Score ≤ 30 0 30-39 8 40-49 25 50-59 41 60-69 58 70-79 75 80-89 91 ≥ 90 100 Heart rate (beats/minute) Score ≤ 50 0 50-69 3 70-89 9 90-109 15 110-149 24 150-199 38 ≥ 200 46 3. Systolic blood pressure: Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) Score ≤ 80 58 80-99 53 100-119 43 120-139 34 140-159 24 160-199 10 ≥ 200 0
  • 27. 4. Killip class: Killip class Score I (No heart failure) 0 II (Crackles audible in lower half of lung field) 20 III (Crackles audible in whole lung field) 39 IV (Cardiogenic shock) 59 5. Serum creatinine level: Serum creatinine (μmol/L) Serum creatinine (mg/dl) Score 0-34 0-0.38 1 35-70 0.39-0.79 4 71-105 0.80-1.19 7 106-140 1.20-1.58 10 141-176 1.59-1.90 13 177-353 2.0-3.99 21 ≥ 354 ≥ 4 28 6. Cardiac arrest at hospital admission: Cardiac arrest at hospital admission Score Absent 0 Present 39 7. ST-segment deviation in ECG: ST-segment deviation in ECG Score Absent 0 Present 28 8. Elevated serum cardiac marker (Troponin or CK-MB): Elevated cardiac marker Score Absent 0 Present 14
  • 28. Risk assessment by GRACE score: We can assess risk by summation of score for all eight parameters. Total score Risk assessment ≤ 100 Low risk patients– In-hospital death rate less than 1% 101-170 Medium risk patients – In-hospital death rate 1-9% ≥ 171 High risk patients – In-hospital death rate more than 9%
  • 29. Probability of in-hospital death by GRACE score: Total score In-hospital death (%) ≤ 60 ≤ 0.2 70 0.3 80 0.4 90 0.6 100 0.8 110 1.1 120 1.6 130 2.1 140 2.9 150 3.9 160 5.4 170 7.3 180 9.8 190 13 200 18 210 23 220 29 230 36 240 44 ≤ 250 ≤ 52
  • 30. TIMI score TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) score is used in patients with NSTEMI (Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction), STEMI (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) and unstable angina to define risk. TIMI Study Group established this risk score. TIMI Study Group is an Academic Research Organization affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. This score was derived from patients enlisted to randomized controlled trials of low molecular weight heparins. The main advantages of TIMI score are its simplicity and ease of use. TIMI risk score for patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina: Seven variables are used to assess risk in NSTEMI or unstable angina including age of patient, risk factors for coronary artery disease, prior coronary artery stenosis, ST-segment deviation on ECG, prior aspirin intake, severe anginal chest pain within 24 hours and elevated cardiac markers. It is done immediately after an attack.
  • 31. 1. Age of patient: Age of patient Score Less than 65 0 years 65 years or more 1 2. Risk factors for coronary artery disease: Five risk factors are included. These are: •Hypertension (high blood pressure) •Hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol level) •Family history of coronary artery disease •Diabetes •Smoking Number of risk factors for coronary artery disease Score Presence of less than three 0 Presence of three or more 1 3. Prior coronary artery stenosis: Coronary angiography is done to see the stenosis. Prior coronary artery stenosis Score Less than 50% 0 50% or more 1 4. ST-segment deviation on ECG: It includes horizontal ST-segment depression or transient ST-segment elevation more than 1 mm. ST-segment deviation on ECG Score Absent 0 Present 1
  • 32. 5. Prior aspirin intake: Prior aspirin intake Score No aspirin intake in the 0 last 7 days Aspirin intake in the last 7 days 1 6. Severe anginal chest pain: Severe anginal chest pain Score No or one episode in last 0 24 hours Two or more episodes in last 24 hours 1 7. Elevated cardiac markers (CK–MB or troponin): Elevated cardiac markers Score Absent 0 Present 1 Risk stratification by TIMI score in patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina: Risk stratification Score Low risk patients 0 – 2 Medium risk patients 3 – 4 High risk patients 5 – 7
  • 33. Plan of treatment according to TIMI score: In low risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina, drug therapy is appropriate and surgical intervention is reserved for those who fail to settle with drug therapy. By contrast, medium to high risk patients with NSTEMI or unstable angina should be treated with multiple drugs and considered for early coronary angiography and revascularization. Interpretation of TIMI score in NSTEMI or unstable angina: Total score Rate of death, or new or recurrent myocardial infarction, or severe recurrent anginal chest pain requiring urgent revascularization in 14 days 0 – 1 4.7% 2 8.3% 3 13.2% 4 19.9% 5 26.2% 6 – 7 40.9%
  • 34. TIMI risk score for patients with STEMI: Eleven variables are used to assess risk in STEMI that are age of patient, history of anginal chest pain, history of hypertension, history of diabetes, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, Killip class, weight of patient, anterior myocardial infarction in ECG, left bundle branch block (LBBB) in ECG and delay to treatment after an attack. Interpretation of TIMI score in STEMI: Total score Risk of death at 30 days 0 0.8% 1 1.6% 2 2.2% 3 4.4% 4 7.3% 5 12.4% 6 16.1% 7 23.4% 8 26.8% 9 – 16 35.9%
  • 35. NSTEMI VS STEMI PAHOPHYSIOLOGY OF NSTEMI: NSTEMI occurs by developing a complete occlusion of a minor coronary artery or a partial occlusion of a major coronary artery previously affected by atherosclerosis. This causes a partial thickness damage of heart muscle. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF STEMI: STEMI occurs by developing a complete occlusion of a major coronary artery previously affected by atherosclerosis. This causes a full thickness damage of heart muscle.
  • 36. ECG FINDINGS OF NSTEMI: The usual ECG findings of NSTEMI are ST-segment depression or T-wave inversion. NSTEMI does not show ST segment elevation in ECG (due to partial thickness injury of heart muscle) and later does not progress to a Q-wave. For this reason, it is also called a non–Q-wave myocardial infarction (NQMI). ECG FINDINGS OF STEMI: STEMI shows ST segment elevation in ECG (due to full thickness injury of heart muscle) and later progress to a Q-wave. For this reason, it is also called a Q-wave myocardial infarction (QWMI). The ultimate ECG findings of STEMI are ST-segment elevation, pathological Q-wave formation and T-wave inversion.
  • 37. DDX OF NSTEMI & STEMI: 1) BY ECG: The diagnosis of a NSTEMI is based on a typical history of chest pain, no ST segment elevation in ECG plus elevation of cardiac markers in serum. The diagnosis of a STEMI is based on a typical history of chest pain, ST segment elevation in ECG plus elevation of cardiac markers in serum. 2) CARDIAC MARKERS: Cardiac markers including CK-MB (creatine kinase myocardial band), troponin I and troponin T, all elevate both in cases. But the elevation of these markers is often mild in NSTEMI compared with STEMI COMPLICATIONS: Complications like cardiogenic shock, left ventricular failure, severe mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle rupture, cardiac tamponade due to ventricular wall rupture are more in STEMI (due to full thickness heart muscle damage) than NSTEMI. PROGNOSIS: Long-term mortality is similar or higher in NSTEMI compared to STEMI (two year mortality is approximately 30% in both cases).
  • 38. TREATMENT: Antiplatelets (Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor), Anticoagulants (Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, Fondaparinux), Beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, bisoprolol), Nitrates (isosorbide dinitrate, glyceryl trinitrate), Statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, pitavastatin), ACE inhibitors (Ramipril, enalapril, captopril, Lisinopril) or ARBs (valsartan, candesartan, losartan, olmesartan) are given both in NSTEMI and STEMI. In case of reperfusion therapy, primary PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) is the treatment of choice for STEMI. Where primary PCI cannot be achieved within 120 minutes of diagnosis or PCI is not available, thrombolytic therapy such as streptokinase, tenecteplase, alteplase or reteplase should be given. On the other hand, early coronary angiography and revascularization, either by PCI or by CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) is the treatment of choice for medium to high risk patients with NSTEMI. Drug treatment is appropriate in low risk patients with NSTEMI, and coronary angiography and revascularization reserved for those who fail to settle with drug treatment (low, medium and high risk patients are categorized in NSTEMI by GRACE score) . Thrombolytic therapy is harmful in NSTEMI. The aggregate data suggest that patients with NSTEMI may be put at risk of re infarction if thrombolytic therapy is used.

Editor's Notes

  1. The Killip classification is a system used in individuals with an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), in order to risk stratify them. Individuals with a low Killip class are less likely to die within the first 30 days after their myocardial infarction than individuals with a high Killip class Patients were ranked by Killip class in the following way: Killip class I includes individuals with no clinical signs of heart failure. Killip class II includes individuals with rales or crackles in the lungs, an S3, and elevated jugular venous pressure. Killip class III describes individuals with frank acute pulmonary edema. Killip class IV describes individuals in cardiogenic shock or hypotension (measured as systolic blood pressure lower than 90 mmHg), and evidence of peripheral vasoconstriction (oliguria, cyanosis or sweating). Within a 95% confidence intervalthe patient outcome was as follows: Killip class I:81/250 patients;32% (27–38%).Mortality rate was found to be 6%.(current 30 day mortality 2.8)Killip class II:96/250 patients;38% (32–44%).Mortality rate was found to be 17%.(current 30 day mortality 8.8)Killip class III:26/250 patients;10% (6.6–14%).Mortality rate was found to be 38%.(current 30 day mortality 14.4)Killip class IV:47/250 patients;19% (14–24%).Mortality rate was found to be 67%.