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Acute coronary syndrome
and ECG changes
Case scenario
 A 60-year-old man presented to emergency department following the onset of chest pain approximately
two hours earlier. He had tried several doses of sublingual glyceryl trinitrates (GTN) but his pain had not
resolved. He had became increasingly breathlessness and clammy , with a tight crushing pain across his
chest and left shoulder .
 PMH:
 MI with CABG 2 years.
 Hypertensive for 4 years. Angina 5 years. Diabetes mellitus 2 years.
 FHx:
 Both parents had HTN. Father had heart attack in his early 50’s and died in his 70’s of a second heart
attack; mother died a few years later from a stroke
 Diagnosis ?
 Investigations ?
 Treatment ?
 Complications ?
Learning Objectives
 By the end of this tutorial you must be able to
 1-identify the coronary artery and blood supply of the heart
 2- define acute coronary syndrome and list the risk factors
 3- illustrate pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome
 4- take proper focused history of chest pain
 5-deffrentiate between all DD of chest pain
 6- identify ECG changes during myocardial ischemia
 7-treat acute coronary syndrome as emergency and long term management
Acute coronary syndrome
 Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) encompass a spectrum of unstable
coronary artery disease
 Patients with ACS include those whose clinical presentations cover the
following diagnoses:
 Unstable angina
 Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
 ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
Anatomy and blood supply of the heart
Risk factors of IHD and ACS
Lesser Factors
• Obesity
• Physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle
• Stress, lack of social support, depression
• Homocysteine ;It is amino acid, may have an effect on atherosclerosis by damaging the inner lining of arteries and
promoting blood clots.
• Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency
• High carbohydrate intake Alcohol consumption Lipoprotein A
• Consumption of hardened fat (Diet ; high in satuarted fats and cholestrol is associated with high TG,LDL, VLDL.)
• Chlamydiae pneumonia infection
 An imbalance between the supply of oxygen and the myocardial
demand resulting in myocardial ischaemia
 Supply
 Atheroma, thrombosis, spasm, embolus
 Demand
 Anaemia, hypertension, high cardiac output (thyrotoxicosis, myocardial
Response to injury hypothesis
Accumulation of cholesterol within the vessel wall intima. Smooth muscle cell proliferation
Expansion of fibrous tissue
Chronic inflammatory cells migrate into wall, release cytokines
 Pathogenesis of Atheroma
1. Fatty streak development
2. Atheromatous plaque development
3. Thrombus development
MI : Sequence of events
 usually resulting from acute plaque changes (fissuring ulceration ,rupture or
erosion ) -> exposed collagen -> plt aggregation -> thrombus formation ->
thrombus evolved -> vaso-occlosion -> ischemia (prolonged ) -> myocardial
 Pathophysiology of all 3 is the same
 Unstable Angina (UA)
 ST depression, T Wave inversion or normal
 No enzyme release
 Non-Transmural Myocardial Infarction (NTMI or SEMI)
 ST depression, T Wave inversion or normal
 No Q waves
 CPK, LDH + Troponin release
 Transmural Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
 ST elevation
 + Q waves
 CPK, LDH + Troponin release
Clinical presentation
 Acute central chest pain, lasting >20min, often associated with nausea,
 sweatiness, dyspnoea, palpitations. ACS without chest pain is called
‘silent’; mostly seen in elderly and diabetic patients.
 Silent MIs may present with: syncope, pulmonary oedema, epigastric pain
and vomiting, post-operative hypotension or oliguria,
 acute confusional state, stroke, and diabetic hyperglycemic states
Focused history of chest pain
Personal data
Age, sex, occupation
Chief complain
Chest pain for …
History of presenting complain
Site of pain: Central, retrosternal, diffused Onset: sudden or gradual Character: crushing, stabbing, heavy
Radiation: to arm, shoulder, neck or jaw Associations: shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, palpitation
Timing: Duration
Exacerbating and alleviating factors: Worse with respiration or movement, changing in position Relieving factor: by rest, analgesia or GTN
Severity: (mild, moderate, severe) out of 10
If patient is known case of angina or chest pain in the past, relation of pain with exercise
Cough, tachypnea, orthopnea, syncope, lower limp edema history of trauma
Systemic review:
Full systemic review
Especially: Cough, hemoptysis, fever, heartburn, weight loss, symptoms of heart failure
Past medical history;
Similar condition angina, any previous heart attack or stroke other cardiac diseases DM hypertension
hypercholesterolemia renal disease obesity
Oseophgeal diseases PUD asthma DVT
Family history;
Similar condition DM hypertension cardiac diseases sudden death hypercholesterolemia obesity Renal
Social history:
Socioeconomic status Social surrounding Social habit (smoking ,alcohol)
health insurance
Drug history:
Allergy Long term medication (aspirin, nitrite ...) Current medication
Differential Diagnosis of Chest pain
 Ischemic heart disease (acute coronary syndromes, stable angina)
 Pleurisy
 Esophageal disease (GERD, diffuse oseophgeal spasm)
 Musculoskeletal chest pain
 Dissection of the aorta
 Disease of the spine
 Herpes zoster
 Nonspecific chest pain
 PE
 pneumothorax
 Pericarditis
 patients usually appear restless and in distress.
 The skin is warm and moist.
 Breathing may be labored and rapid. Fine crackles, coarse crackles, or rhonchi may be heard when auscultating the lungs.
 an increased blood pressure related to anxiety or a decreased blood pressure caused by heart failure.
 The heart rate may vary from bradycardia to tachycardia.
 When the patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus position, abnormalities of the precordial pulsations can be felt. These abnormalities
include a lack of a point of maximal impulse or the presence of diffuse contraction.
 On auscultation, the first heart sound may be diminished as a result of decreased contractility.
 A fourth heart sound is heard in almost all patients with MI, whereas a third heart sound is detected in only about 10% to 20% of patients.
 Transient systolic murmurs may be heard
 After about 48 to 72 hours, many patients acquire a pericardial friction rub
 Patients with right ventricular infarcts may present with jugular vein distension, peripheral edema, and an elevated central venous pressure.
 General (routine investigations ): CBC , RFT , RBS , U.G , ESR
 Specific investigation :
 Lipid profile
 Electrocardiogram ECG
 Serum Markers of Infarction (Troponin I and T , CK-MB)
 Chest x-ray
Other Diagnostic Tests
 Radionuclide studies
 Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
 Exercise radionuclide ventriculography
 Echocardiography
 Ambulatory ECG monitoring
 Coronary arteriography
Serum Markers of Infarction
 Certain proteins are released into circulation during an MI
 Creatine kinase CK rises in plasma within 4 to 8 hours, peaks at 24 hours,
returns to normal by 48 hours to 72 hours
 Not specific for myocardial damage: skeletal muscle trauma and IM
injection, and hypothyroidism
 CK-MB isoenzyme is more specific for diagnosis of AMI Not influenced by
skeletal muscle injuries
 CK-MB rises and peaks slightly earlier than total CK and returns to normal
within 36 – 72 hours
 May be elevated in: myocarditis after surgery, hypothyroidism, repetitive
 Acute MI: CK-MB is greater than 2.5% of total serum CK
 Serum CK and CK-MB isoenzyme should be measured on admission, then
12 and 24 hours later in diagnostic evaluation of an acute MI
 Troponin I and T are sensitive and highly specific markers of acute MI
 Levels begin to rise within 3 hours after onset of infarction and remain
elevated for several days
 Higher Troponin I levels or early (+) of Troponin T assay correlate with
greater short-term mortality
 Five-step (and nine-step) process
 • The five-step process (and nine-step) is a logical and systematic process for analyzing ECG tracings
 1. Determine the rate. (Is it normal, fast, or slow?)
 2. Determine the regularity. (Is it regular or irregular?)
 3. Assess the P waves. (Is there a uniform P wave preceding each QRS complex?)
 4. Assess the QRS complexes. (Are the QRS complexes within normal limits? Do they appear normal?)
 5. Assess the PR intervals. (Are the PR intervals identifiable? Within normal limits? Constant in duration?)
 6. Assess the ST segment. (Is it a flat line? Is it elevated or depressed?)
 7. Assess the T waves. (Is it slightly asymmetrical? Is it of normal height? Is it oriented in the same direction as the
preceding QRS complex?)
 8. Look for U waves. (Are they present?)
 9. Assess the QT interval. (Is it within normal limits?)
The ECG can help identify the presence of
ischemia, injury, and/or infarction of the heart
• The three key ECG indicators are:
 ∞ Changes in the T wave (peaking or inversion).
 ∞ Changes in the ST segment (depression or elevation).
 ∞ Enlarged Q waves or appearance of new Q waves.
 • ST segment elevation is the earliest reliable sign that myocardial infarction has occurred
and tells us the myocardial infarction is acute.
 • Pathologic Q waves indicate the presence of irreversible myocardial damage or past
myocardial infarction.
 • Myocardial infarction can occur without the development of Q waves.
Identifying the location of myocardial
ischemia, injury, and infarction
ECG changes Coronary artery
anterior myocardial
Leads V1, V2, V3, and
Left anterior
septal infarctions. Leads V1, V2, and V3 Left anterior
Lateral infarction leads I, a VL, V5, and
Left circumflex
Inferior infarction leads II, III, and aVF. Right coronary
Posterior infarctions reciprocal changes in
leads V1 and V2.
Left c, rt coronary
Early-Stage Acute MI (STEMI)
 the goals of pharmacotherapy for IHD as general
 Decrease amount of myocardial necrosis
 a. Preserve LV function b. Prevent HF
• Prevention of major adverse cardiac events( death & non fatal MI)
• Pain relief
 Treatment of acute life threatening complications
 Modifying risk factors
 Improve the quality of life
 Prevent coronary artery reocclussion
immediate goals of therapy include:
(1) relief of ischemic chest discomfort : (oxygen,nitrate,morphine)
(2) early restoration of blood flow (reperfusion)
To the infarct-related artery to prevent infarct expansion:(asprin&PCI or fibrinolytics)
(3) prevention of coronary artery reocclusion &systemic embolization:(anticoagulants).
(4) Prevention of complications and death:
(long term use of aspirine,B blocker,ACEI)
(5) maintenance of normoglycemia
According to the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
(ACC/AHA) practice guidelines, early pharmacologic therapy should
 (1) intranasal oxygen (if oxygen saturation is less than 90%)
 (2) sublingual (SL) nitroglycerin (NTG) (3) aspirin (4) aβ-blocker
 (5) unfractionated heparin (UFH) or enoxaparin
 (6) fibrinolysis in eligible candidates.
 Morphine is administered to patients with refractory angina as an analgesic and venodilator
that lowers preload.
 These agents should be administered early while the patient is still in the emergency
 7)An angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor should be started within 24 hours of
presentation, particularly in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40%,
signs of heart failure, or an anterior wall MI, if there are no contraindications
 For patients with STE ACS primary PCI (with either balloon angioplasty or stent
placement) is the treatment of choice for reestablishing coronary artery blood flow when the
patient presents within 3 hours of symptom onset.
 Primary PCI may be associated with a lower mortality rate than fibrinolysis, possibly
because PCI opens more than90% of coronary arteries compared with less than 60%
opened with fibrinolytics. The risks of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and major bleeding
are also lower with PCI than with fibrinolysis
 If a patient undergoes PCI,
 UFH is discontinued immediately after the procedure..
 For patients undergoing primary PCI, clopidogrel is administered as a 300- to 600-mg
loading dose followed by a 75 mg/day maintenance dose, in combination with aspirin 325
mg once daily, to prevent subacute stent
 thrombosis and long-term cardiovascular events.
 Abciximab is a first-line GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor for patients undergoing primary PCI who
have not received fibrinolytics. It should not be administered
to STE ACS patients who will not be undergoing PCI. .
Complications of myocardial infarction
 Heart failure
 Rupture of free wall of infarcted ventricle (usually fatal)
 Rupture of the interventricular septum (ventricular septal defect)
 Mitral regurgitation
 Arrhythmias
 Heart block
 Pericarditis
 Thromboembolism
 Dressler’s syndrome
 Ventricular aneurysm
 Prognosis is variable depending on factors such as age and size of infarct.
 Fifty per cent of patients die during the acute event, many before
reaching hospital. A further 10% die in hospital, and of the survivors a
further 10% die in the next 2 years.
Ischemia without
Transmural necrosis
Negative Biomarkers Positive biomarkers Positive biomarkers
No ECG ST-segment elevation
ECG ST-segment
Treatment Invasive or conservative depending on risk Immediate reperfusion
Wilkinson, Ian et al. Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2017.
"Myocardial Infarction: Practice Essentials, Background,
Definitions." N.p., 2017. Web. 8 Oct. 2017.
Pharmacotherapy Handbook Seventh Edition Barbara G. Wells, PharmD, FASHP,
FCCP, BCPP & Joseph T. DiPiro, PharmD, FCCP
Essentials of clinical medicine KUMAR and CLARK’S – FIFTH EDITION

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MI tutorial.pdf

  • 1. Acute coronary syndrome and ECG changes BY : KHALED HASSAN
  • 2. Case scenario  A 60-year-old man presented to emergency department following the onset of chest pain approximately two hours earlier. He had tried several doses of sublingual glyceryl trinitrates (GTN) but his pain had not resolved. He had became increasingly breathlessness and clammy , with a tight crushing pain across his chest and left shoulder .  PMH:  MI with CABG 2 years.  Hypertensive for 4 years. Angina 5 years. Diabetes mellitus 2 years.  FHx:  Both parents had HTN. Father had heart attack in his early 50’s and died in his 70’s of a second heart attack; mother died a few years later from a stroke  Diagnosis ?  Investigations ?  Treatment ?  Complications ?
  • 3. Learning Objectives  By the end of this tutorial you must be able to  1-identify the coronary artery and blood supply of the heart  2- define acute coronary syndrome and list the risk factors  3- illustrate pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome  4- take proper focused history of chest pain  5-deffrentiate between all DD of chest pain  6- identify ECG changes during myocardial ischemia  7-treat acute coronary syndrome as emergency and long term management
  • 4. Acute coronary syndrome  Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) encompass a spectrum of unstable coronary artery disease  Patients with ACS include those whose clinical presentations cover the following diagnoses:  Unstable angina  Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)  ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
  • 5. Anatomy and blood supply of the heart
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Risk factors of IHD and ACS
  • 9. Lesser Factors • Obesity • Physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle • Stress, lack of social support, depression • Homocysteine ;It is amino acid, may have an effect on atherosclerosis by damaging the inner lining of arteries and promoting blood clots. • Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency • High carbohydrate intake Alcohol consumption Lipoprotein A • Consumption of hardened fat (Diet ; high in satuarted fats and cholestrol is associated with high TG,LDL, VLDL.) • Chlamydiae pneumonia infection
  • 10. pathophysiology  An imbalance between the supply of oxygen and the myocardial demand resulting in myocardial ischaemia  Supply  Atheroma, thrombosis, spasm, embolus  Demand  Anaemia, hypertension, high cardiac output (thyrotoxicosis, myocardial hypertrophy)
  • 11. Response to injury hypothesis  ATHEROSIS Accumulation of cholesterol within the vessel wall intima. Smooth muscle cell proliferation  SCLEROSIS Expansion of fibrous tissue  INFLAMMATION Chronic inflammatory cells migrate into wall, release cytokines  GROWTH FACTORS/INFLAMMATORY MEDIATORS  Pathogenesis of Atheroma 1. Fatty streak development 2. Atheromatous plaque development 3. Thrombus development
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  • 13. MI : Sequence of events  usually resulting from acute plaque changes (fissuring ulceration ,rupture or erosion ) -> exposed collagen -> plt aggregation -> thrombus formation -> thrombus evolved -> vaso-occlosion -> ischemia (prolonged ) -> myocardial infarction
  • 14.
  • 15.  Pathophysiology of all 3 is the same  Unstable Angina (UA)  ST depression, T Wave inversion or normal  No enzyme release  Non-Transmural Myocardial Infarction (NTMI or SEMI)  ST depression, T Wave inversion or normal  No Q waves  CPK, LDH + Troponin release  Transmural Myocardial Infarction (AMI)  ST elevation  + Q waves  CPK, LDH + Troponin release
  • 16. Clinical presentation  Acute central chest pain, lasting >20min, often associated with nausea,  sweatiness, dyspnoea, palpitations. ACS without chest pain is called ‘silent’; mostly seen in elderly and diabetic patients.  Silent MIs may present with: syncope, pulmonary oedema, epigastric pain and vomiting, post-operative hypotension or oliguria,  acute confusional state, stroke, and diabetic hyperglycemic states
  • 17. Focused history of chest pain Personal data Age, sex, occupation Chief complain Chest pain for … History of presenting complain SOCRATES Site of pain: Central, retrosternal, diffused Onset: sudden or gradual Character: crushing, stabbing, heavy Radiation: to arm, shoulder, neck or jaw Associations: shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, palpitation Timing: Duration Exacerbating and alleviating factors: Worse with respiration or movement, changing in position Relieving factor: by rest, analgesia or GTN Severity: (mild, moderate, severe) out of 10 If patient is known case of angina or chest pain in the past, relation of pain with exercise Cough, tachypnea, orthopnea, syncope, lower limp edema history of trauma
  • 18. Systemic review: Full systemic review Especially: Cough, hemoptysis, fever, heartburn, weight loss, symptoms of heart failure Past medical history; Similar condition angina, any previous heart attack or stroke other cardiac diseases DM hypertension hypercholesterolemia renal disease obesity Oseophgeal diseases PUD asthma DVT Family history; Similar condition DM hypertension cardiac diseases sudden death hypercholesterolemia obesity Renal disease Social history: Socioeconomic status Social surrounding Social habit (smoking ,alcohol) health insurance Drug history: Allergy Long term medication (aspirin, nitrite ...) Current medication
  • 19. Differential Diagnosis of Chest pain  Ischemic heart disease (acute coronary syndromes, stable angina)  Pleurisy  Esophageal disease (GERD, diffuse oseophgeal spasm)  Musculoskeletal chest pain  Dissection of the aorta  Disease of the spine  Herpes zoster  Nonspecific chest pain  PE  pneumothorax  Pericarditis
  • 20. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION  patients usually appear restless and in distress.  The skin is warm and moist.  Breathing may be labored and rapid. Fine crackles, coarse crackles, or rhonchi may be heard when auscultating the lungs.  an increased blood pressure related to anxiety or a decreased blood pressure caused by heart failure.  The heart rate may vary from bradycardia to tachycardia.  When the patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus position, abnormalities of the precordial pulsations can be felt. These abnormalities include a lack of a point of maximal impulse or the presence of diffuse contraction.  On auscultation, the first heart sound may be diminished as a result of decreased contractility.  A fourth heart sound is heard in almost all patients with MI, whereas a third heart sound is detected in only about 10% to 20% of patients.  Transient systolic murmurs may be heard  After about 48 to 72 hours, many patients acquire a pericardial friction rub  Patients with right ventricular infarcts may present with jugular vein distension, peripheral edema, and an elevated central venous pressure.
  • 21. Investigations  General (routine investigations ): CBC , RFT , RBS , U.G , ESR  Specific investigation :  Lipid profile  TFT  Electrocardiogram ECG  Serum Markers of Infarction (Troponin I and T , CK-MB)  Chest x-ray
  • 22. Other Diagnostic Tests  Radionuclide studies  Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy  Exercise radionuclide ventriculography  Echocardiography  Ambulatory ECG monitoring  Coronary arteriography
  • 23. Serum Markers of Infarction  Certain proteins are released into circulation during an MI  Creatine kinase CK rises in plasma within 4 to 8 hours, peaks at 24 hours, returns to normal by 48 hours to 72 hours  Not specific for myocardial damage: skeletal muscle trauma and IM injection, and hypothyroidism
  • 24. CK-MB  CK-MB isoenzyme is more specific for diagnosis of AMI Not influenced by skeletal muscle injuries  CK-MB rises and peaks slightly earlier than total CK and returns to normal within 36 – 72 hours  May be elevated in: myocarditis after surgery, hypothyroidism, repetitive cardioversion  Acute MI: CK-MB is greater than 2.5% of total serum CK  Serum CK and CK-MB isoenzyme should be measured on admission, then 12 and 24 hours later in diagnostic evaluation of an acute MI
  • 25. Troponin  Troponin I and T are sensitive and highly specific markers of acute MI  Levels begin to rise within 3 hours after onset of infarction and remain elevated for several days  Higher Troponin I levels or early (+) of Troponin T assay correlate with greater short-term mortality
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  • 27. ECG  Five-step (and nine-step) process  • The five-step process (and nine-step) is a logical and systematic process for analyzing ECG tracings  1. Determine the rate. (Is it normal, fast, or slow?)  2. Determine the regularity. (Is it regular or irregular?)  3. Assess the P waves. (Is there a uniform P wave preceding each QRS complex?)  4. Assess the QRS complexes. (Are the QRS complexes within normal limits? Do they appear normal?)  5. Assess the PR intervals. (Are the PR intervals identifiable? Within normal limits? Constant in duration?)  6. Assess the ST segment. (Is it a flat line? Is it elevated or depressed?)  7. Assess the T waves. (Is it slightly asymmetrical? Is it of normal height? Is it oriented in the same direction as the preceding QRS complex?)  8. Look for U waves. (Are they present?)  9. Assess the QT interval. (Is it within normal limits?)
  • 28.
  • 29. The ECG can help identify the presence of ischemia, injury, and/or infarction of the heart muscle. • The three key ECG indicators are:  ∞ Changes in the T wave (peaking or inversion).  ∞ Changes in the ST segment (depression or elevation).  ∞ Enlarged Q waves or appearance of new Q waves.  • ST segment elevation is the earliest reliable sign that myocardial infarction has occurred and tells us the myocardial infarction is acute.  • Pathologic Q waves indicate the presence of irreversible myocardial damage or past myocardial infarction.  • Myocardial infarction can occur without the development of Q waves.
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  • 32. Identifying the location of myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarction ECG changes Coronary artery anterior myocardial infarction. Leads V1, V2, V3, and V4 Left anterior descending septal infarctions. Leads V1, V2, and V3 Left anterior descending Lateral infarction leads I, a VL, V5, and V6. Left circumflex Inferior infarction leads II, III, and aVF. Right coronary Posterior infarctions reciprocal changes in leads V1 and V2. Left c, rt coronary
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  • 37. Treatment  the goals of pharmacotherapy for IHD as general  Decrease amount of myocardial necrosis  a. Preserve LV function b. Prevent HF • Prevention of major adverse cardiac events( death & non fatal MI) • Pain relief  Treatment of acute life threatening complications  Modifying risk factors  Improve the quality of life  Prevent coronary artery reocclussion
  • 38. immediate goals of therapy include: (1) relief of ischemic chest discomfort : (oxygen,nitrate,morphine) (2) early restoration of blood flow (reperfusion) To the infarct-related artery to prevent infarct expansion:(asprin&PCI or fibrinolytics) (3) prevention of coronary artery reocclusion &systemic embolization:(anticoagulants). (4) Prevention of complications and death: (long term use of aspirine,B blocker,ACEI) (5) maintenance of normoglycemia
  • 39. According to the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) practice guidelines, early pharmacologic therapy should include:  (1) intranasal oxygen (if oxygen saturation is less than 90%)  (2) sublingual (SL) nitroglycerin (NTG) (3) aspirin (4) aβ-blocker  (5) unfractionated heparin (UFH) or enoxaparin  (6) fibrinolysis in eligible candidates.  Morphine is administered to patients with refractory angina as an analgesic and venodilator that lowers preload.  These agents should be administered early while the patient is still in the emergency department.  7)An angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor should be started within 24 hours of presentation, particularly in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40%, signs of heart failure, or an anterior wall MI, if there are no contraindications
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  • 42.  For patients with STE ACS primary PCI (with either balloon angioplasty or stent placement) is the treatment of choice for reestablishing coronary artery blood flow when the patient presents within 3 hours of symptom onset.  Primary PCI may be associated with a lower mortality rate than fibrinolysis, possibly because PCI opens more than90% of coronary arteries compared with less than 60% opened with fibrinolytics. The risks of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and major bleeding are also lower with PCI than with fibrinolysis  If a patient undergoes PCI,  UFH is discontinued immediately after the procedure..
  • 43.  For patients undergoing primary PCI, clopidogrel is administered as a 300- to 600-mg loading dose followed by a 75 mg/day maintenance dose, in combination with aspirin 325 mg once daily, to prevent subacute stent  thrombosis and long-term cardiovascular events.  Abciximab is a first-line GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor for patients undergoing primary PCI who have not received fibrinolytics. It should not be administered to STE ACS patients who will not be undergoing PCI. .
  • 44. Complications of myocardial infarction  Heart failure  Rupture of free wall of infarcted ventricle (usually fatal)  Rupture of the interventricular septum (ventricular septal defect)  Mitral regurgitation  Arrhythmias  Heart block  Pericarditis  Thromboembolism  Dressler’s syndrome  Ventricular aneurysm
  • 45. Prognosis  Prognosis is variable depending on factors such as age and size of infarct.  Fifty per cent of patients die during the acute event, many before reaching hospital. A further 10% die in hospital, and of the survivors a further 10% die in the next 2 years.
  • 46. summary Definition Ischemia without necrosis Necrosis (nontransmural) Transmural necrosis Diagnosis Negative Biomarkers Positive biomarkers Positive biomarkers No ECG ST-segment elevation ECG ST-segment elevation Treatment Invasive or conservative depending on risk Immediate reperfusion UA NSTEMI STEMI
  • 47.
  • 48. References Wilkinson, Ian et al. Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. "Myocardial Infarction: Practice Essentials, Background, Definitions." N.p., 2017. Web. 8 Oct. 2017. Pharmacotherapy Handbook Seventh Edition Barbara G. Wells, PharmD, FASHP, FCCP, BCPP & Joseph T. DiPiro, PharmD, FCCP Essentials of clinical medicine KUMAR and CLARK’S – FIFTH EDITION