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Academic Fraud, Corruption, and
Implications for Credential Assessment
WENR Report
• In October of 2017, universities around the
world participated in the second annual
“international day of action against contract
cheating” sponsored by the “International
Center for Academic Integrity.”
• The event reflected growing concern about an
increase in educational fraud, which threatens
to devalue higher education and undermine
academic integrity, as well as harm students and
institutional reputations alike.
International Center for Academic Integrity
• Fraud and corruption in education exist in
various forms beyond contract-cheating.
• Its global manifestations include
• diploma mills and the counterfeiting of
academic documents, as well as bribery to
ensure the licensing of academic institutions,
the hiring of academic staff, the passing of
examinations, admission into education
programs and the award of degrees.
Fraud And Corruption In Education
• The problem is an urgent one. From an institutional
perspective, the effect of failure to address fraud and
corrupt practices are sometimes severe.
• The most prominent example may be the University of
Wales, which was abolished in 2011 because it ran
degree validation programs with dubious or downright
illegal overseas partner institutions
• Dickinson State University in North Dakota was placed
on notice by its accreditor, the Higher Learning
Commission after it came out that the university had been
graduating international students from to-up programs with
Chinese and Russian partner institutions without
authenticated documents or appropriate academic
• Reputational damage is another risk of insufficient
controls for vetting students’ qualifications. Western
Kentucky University, for instance, was in 2016 forced to
suspend almost half of its international graduate students
recruited by an India-based agent – an episode documented
by the New York Times.
• After admission offers were made, it turned out that the
students did not meet admission standards and were
academically unfit, despite remedial assistance.
• The institution accrued both real and opportunity costs,
and loss of tuition revenues, and risked a deterioration
of educational quality. Just as devastating was the impact
on the students who were in danger of losing their visas and
investments into education abroad.
Indian Students Lured by Recruiters Asked to
Leave University
• For private companies and the government,
the employment of individuals with bogus
credentials can be a public relations fiasco.
And yet, accounts of persons being employed
in critical positions based on fake degrees
surface regularly in the news, be it at the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security or the
National Nuclear Security Administration.
What can academic institutions and
others do to guard against fraud?
• At the most basic level, the solution involves
robust processes for vetting student
• But just as important is understanding the
size and scope of the problem, its variations,
and the hotspots where it occurs.
• Lasting solutions demand both vigilance and
creativity on the part of admissions personnel,
institutions, governments, and others.
Scoping the Problem
• There’s little doubt that the incidence of
academic fraud and corruption is growing
• Advances in technology, the rapid growth of
international student mobility, and the
globalization and commodification of
education have made fraudulent academic
activity more routine while rendering
detection more difficult.
Academic Fraud And Corruption
Scoping the Problem
• In some countries, the twin problems of academic fraud and
corruption can be extreme.
• The enormous increase in outbound mobility from China in
recent years, for example, has created a perfect breeding ground
for academic fraud.
• Zinch in 2010 estimated that “90 percent of recommendation
letters from Chinese students are fake, 70 percent of college
application essays are not written by the students, and half of all
high school transcripts are falsified.”
• Some U.S. colleges have reported similar problems with large
numbers of applicants from Nigeria applying with identical
transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Problems Of Academic Fraud And
Corruption Can Be Extreme.
Scoping the Problem
• Admissions fraud: A 2007 survey of
students from Eastern European countries
found that 18 to 20 percent of “students in
Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia and 40 percent of
students in Moldova reported that they had
used some illegal method to gain admission
to their university.”
Admissions Fraud
Admissions fraud
• In India, authorities in 2015 busted a crime ring in
the state of Madhya Pradesh led by an assistant
professor in cahoots with officials from the
examinations board Vyapam that helped possibly
more than 2,000 students get admitted into medical
school by unlawful means.
• The outfit sold examination questions, facilitated
“grade improvements,” and provided student
impersonators to take admissions tests in exchange
for more than USD $15,000 per student.
Vyapam that helped possibly more than 2,000
students get admitted into medical school by
unlawful means
Scoping the Problem
• Bribery: Similar amounts may be paid for admission
into universities in Russia, where bribery in education
is endemic, and up to 50 percent of students are said
to experience corruption in their academic careers.
• In one high-profile example, a lecturer at the
distinguished Moscow State University was in 2010
caught accepting a bribe of €35,000 (USD $41,300) for
admission. The nouveau rich in China, on the other
hand, may in some instances pay Illegal “admission
fees” of up to USD $130,000 for acceptance at
prestigious universities.
Scoping the Problem
• Similar problems exist in higher education: in Kenya, for
instance, recent legislation required members of parliament to
hold a university degree. The law was eventually scrapped, but
it sent panicked politicians rushing to obtain degrees. Some
politicians simply submitted forged credentials.
• In other cases, corrupt university officials graduated prominent, if
often academically unqualified, students from abbreviated or non-
existent study programs.
• When A Kenyan government audit charged universities with the
suspect issuance of degree certificates and the scandal came out,
a number of universities were in 2017 forced to revoke
illegitimate degrees awarded to elected politicians the award of
degrees without appropriate coursework.
In Kenya, For Instance, Recent Legislation Required
Members Of Parliament To Hold A University Degree
Scoping the Problem
• In Uganda, the government investigated Busoga
University in 2016 for issuing more than 1,000
“premium-tuition” degrees to South Sudanese
students, many of them military officers flocking to
Uganda for easy degrees to secure government
positions back home.
• The university allegedly admitted students without
adequate academic prerequisites and graduated
them from “abbreviated” two-month degree
programs. In 2017, Uganda arrested 88 staff members
at Makerere University for corruption in connection
with the alteration of student grades and the issuance of
fraudulent degrees.
University Allegedly Admitted Students
Without Adequate Academic Prerequisites
Scoping the Problem
• Examinations fraud: News of leaked exam
questions and other forms of test-related
fraud are commonplace in many countries.
Scoping the Problem
• When the Cambodian government in 2014
cracked down on the leaking of high school
exam questions by corrupt educators, the pass
rate plunged to only 26 percent, down from 87
percent in the previous year.
• In Nigeria, the West African Examination Council
(WAEC) in 2012 annulled the graduation exam
results of 6.6 percent of all participating
students due to “examination malpractices” –
an incident that led to the de-certification of
113 corruption-plagued schools.
Cambodian government in 2014 cracked down on the leaking of high
school exam questions by corrupt educators, the pass rate plunged to only
26 percent, down from 87 percent in the previous year.
Scoping the Problem
• In Sierra Leone, examinations fraud is reportedly a lucrative
business for organized crime groups – three WAEC examiners
were arrested on corruption charges just in June of 2017.
• Rampant fraud in Egypt, meanwhile, has caused the government to
transport national high school exam questions in a military
helicopter under guard of the Egyptian army.
• In China, hired test-takers – so-called “gunmen” – are a
common problem for administrators of the country’s
competitive university entrance exams an issue that led to
security measures like the installation of iris and fingerprint
scanners at testing centers.
• To curtail cheating on the exams, the government recently even
started to deploy drones to surveil test takers, and since 2016
threatens cheaters with up to 7 years of jail time.
In China, hired test-takers – so-called “gunmen” –
are a common problem for administrators
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• The ghost-writing of academic works is a thriving
racket alongside other forms of academic fraud like
dissertation plagiarism.
• Garden variety plagiarism and the submission of term
papers, theses, and dissertations written by ghostwriters
– so-called contract cheating – have been on the rise in
recent years.
• The ghost-writing industry is thriving with writing
assignments of all kinds readily commissionable
online. In the UK alone, more than 20,000 students
are said to have purchased writing assignment from
essay mills in 2016.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• According to some estimates, there are
currently more than 1,000 English-language
essay mill sites on the web, taking in tens of
millions of dollars annually. The number of
such “contract-written” assignments
submitted by students worldwide is
impossible to quantify.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• In Russia, high-level plagiarism is relatively
common among civil servants and
politicians. Critics describe “an epidemic of
faked dissertations, cooked up through
plagiarism and other unethical means and
pumped out with the help of corrupt
committees that rubber-stamp the bogus
work.” A 2015 study found that one in nine
politicians in the lower house of the Russian
parliament had a plagiarized or fake degree.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• Fabricated Research: A related problem is the
fabrication of scientific journal papers, a
phenomenon that tends to be prominent in
countries where scholars receive monetary
incentives to publish in journals.
• This has motivated some dishonest scholars to
submit articles based on cooked-up research and
fake peer reviews. In 2017, Quartz reported that
more than 50 percent of all articles retracted
by scientific journals for peer review concerns
worldwide were submitted by Chinese authors.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• Shadowy services now provide fake peer reviews on demand.
• China’s Wuhan University has estimated that the country’s
“industry of plagiarism, invented research and fake journal in
2009 was worth USD $150 million, a fivefold increase on just
two years earlier.”
• Pakistan has a similar academic incentive system and
similar problems. Prominent Pakistani academic Pervez
Hoodbhoy claims that academia in the country is currently
controlled by a “professor mafia“ running publication
“factories” that produce research papers resembling
“actual research so disguised that you don’t get caught.”
More than 100 doctoral programs were recently suspended by
Pakistani authorities due to quality problems.
Prominent Pakistani academic Pervez Hoodbhoy claims that
academia in the country is currently controlled by a
“professor mafia
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• Forged degrees: Perhaps the crudest form of academic
fraud is the counterfeiting or purchasing of downright
forged degrees.
• In one recent episode, Indian authorities in 2017 charged
a man with the sale 2,000 forged degrees in Bangalore, a
city in which no less than 40,000 people are said to have
gained employment on the basis of fake credentials,
according to police estimates.
• Degree shops have recently also sprung up on the on the
Syrian-Turkish border
• In Manila, meanwhile, crude forgeries of academic
documents can be openly purchased for a few dollars
from hole-in-the-wall shops.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
• Corrupt Agents: There are an estimated 20,000
recruitment agencies worldwide funneling students
to countries like Australia, the U.K., and, in recent
years, the U.S., where about 30 percent of
universities are said to be using agents for
undergraduate admissions.
• Reputable agents serve a critical role in student
recruitment and provide valuable services to
students. But agents can be vulnerable to corruption,
especially since they are gatekeepers whose revenues
depend on student headcounts.
Essay Mills and Plagiarism
Corruption in the Accreditation of
Academic Institutions
• Corruption in the accreditation and licensing
of institutions may allow providers of sub-
standard quality to operate.
• In post-Communist Georgia, for instance, a
country that merely had 26 public universities
at the beginning of the 2000s, 209 licenses were
given to new private providers in 2002 alone.
The licenses were granted in a no transparent
process characterized by wide-spread bribery and
swept in a sizeable number of low-quality
Corruption in the Accreditation of
Academic Institutions
Corruption in the Accreditation of
Academic Institutions
• Universities also tried to ensure
accreditation by employing “ghost
professors” to meet lecturer quotas, forging
inventories and bribing site inspectors. In
India, meanwhile, medical education has
recently been tainted by rampant fraud and
the fact that many medical colleges are run
by profit-seeking politicians.
Corruption in the Accreditation of
Academic Institutions
Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic
• According to Reuters, “recruiting companies
routinely provide medical colleges with
doctors to pose as full-time faculty members
to pass government inspections.” The former
president of the Medical Council of India, a
body charged with overseeing medical
education, was arrested in 2010 for seeking
bribes to recommend higher enrolment quotas
at a private medical college.
Corruption in the Accreditation of
Academic Institutions
Diploma Mills
• On rare occasions, corruption in accreditation may
even open a window for diploma mills to gain a
mantle of legitimacy, at least on the internet, where
diploma mills hunt for customers.
• In Pakistan, an even bigger diploma mill operation
run by a company named “Exact” operated without
impunity for ten years, possibly taking in USD $140
million, until the New York Times exposed the scam.
While Exact was not licensed as an academic institution
and no government corruption has been alleged, experts
consider the web of more than 370 diploma mills run
by Exact the largest degree scam in history.
Diploma Mills
Recommendations for Safeguarding
against Fraud
• The spread of academic fraud poses yet
another challenge for universities,
immigration authorities, and employers
when assessing foreign credentials. How can
institutions and others identify academic
fraud that originates in unfamiliar foreign
education systems? Depending on the issue
in play, adopting certain safeguards offers
at least some protection.
Strong Authentication and Verification
• The most essential defences against
fraudulent documents are strong
authentication and verification procedures.
Forged credentials may on occasion be
spotted upon inspection of the physical
documents, but the growing sophistication
of forgeries and inside jobs necessitate more
robust verification procedures.
Strong Authentication and
Verification Procedures
Strong Authentication and Verification
• In high-risk countries, it is prudent to verify documents
with the issuing institutions or government bodies. While
not always foolproof in all countries, governments that are
signatory to the “Hague apostle convention” officially certify
academic documents with an apostle.
• Online verification is also becoming increasingly common,
usually using a unique pin code to check against a
database, a method used by the WAEC.
• The government of Malaysia, a country with a fake Ph.D.
problem, just launched an online database for doctoral degrees.
• Dissertations can often also be referenced in the online
library cataloge of universities.
Hague apostle convention
Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment
Agents and International Admissions Fraud
• When using recruitment agents, follow the
guidelines put forward by institutions like the
“American International Recruitment
Council,” NACAC, the Australian government or
the British Council.
• These include the careful vetting of agents to
ensure that they have a proven track record in
working with reputable institutions, are
regarded as reliable by other universities, are
appropriately licensed, maintain adequate
staffing, and use ethical recruitment methods.
Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment
Agents and International Admissions Fraud
Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment
Agents and International Admissions Fraud
• Before setting up contracts, it is advisable to
inspect agency offices on-site, and include
clearly defined quality and admissions
standards in written agreements.
• It is a good idea to provide continued
oversight and training and to rely on a
number of trusted agents, rather than a
multitude of unproven agencies.
Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and
International Admissions Fraud
• It may also be helpful to strengthen
admissions procedures with face-to-face
interviews (whether in person or via Skype)
to assess applicants and detect potential fraud.
• The admissions platform Kira Talent, for
instance, combines written assessments with
video interviews.
Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment
Agents and International Admissions Fraud
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
• In-depth review of written works can help
reveal plagiarism, but is not always a practical
solution, given the high volume of essays that
universities have to assess.
• A common defence against plagiarism,
therefore, is the use of anti-plagiarism software
like “iThenticate,” which can detect at least the
most blatant forms of plagiarism by comparing
text with other publications on the internet.
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
• Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and
Standards Agency also recommends
combating plagiarism and contract cheating
by fostering a culture of academic integrity
at institutions, including the training of staff,
information campaigns for students,
transparent policies and strict and consistent
penalties for plagiarism.
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
• Depending on the situation, another solution
may be to change assessment methods and
augment student assessment with
presentations and oral examinations, so that
grading is not just based on a single high-
stakes essay.
Student Assessment With Presentations
And Oral Examinations
Track Developments in the Field to Guard against
Diploma Mills and Illegitimate Providers
• Assign dedicated staff to closely follow
developments in foreign education systems
and become familiar with the accreditation
mechanisms in these countries.
• Diploma mills and fly-by-night operators
can only go undetected if no proper research
on the official accreditation status of these
enterprises has been done.
Track Developments in the Field to Guard
against Diploma Mills and Illegitimate
Track Developments in the Field to Guard against
Diploma Mills and Illegitimate Providers
• In August 2017, the Zimbabwean
government closed down no less than 223
illegally operating colleges.
• It is important that staff is aware of such
developments to ensure that credentials from
these types of illegitimate institutions don’t
make it past the assessment stage.
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• Safeguards against fraud are, of course, just a
reactive measure against the symptoms of academic
corruption without remedying its causes.
• Fighting endemic corruption at its roots will usually
necessitate a governmental response well outside
• Many experts agree that stamping out corruption in
heavily afflicted countries requires political reforms
to establish transparent regulatory systems, and
tough enforcement to punish and deter unethical
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• In higher education, this usually means that
strong internal quality mechanisms must be
combined with external quality controls and
• Since both the direct state control of
universities, on one hand, and the complete
autonomy of institutions, on the other hand,
facilitates corruption, a middle-ground
approach is often recommended.
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• The use of external examiners to double-grade exams
• Automization of examination forms (barcodes instead of
• Cyber security measures to control access to student
• Use of university rankings based on corruption criteria
• External audits of admissions decisions
• Sanctions on politicians, civil servants and others with
fake degrees
• Legislative protection of whistle blowers
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• Authoritarian governments in states like
Singapore and Rwanda have achieved great
success in combating corruption with zero
tolerance policies, public education
campaigns and stiff penalties for
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• While this approach is less likely to be
replicated in more open societies, success
stories in the fight against corruption often
demonstrate the effectiveness of independent
external monitoring.
• In Romania, for example, the introduction of
an independent university ranking that
includes academic integrity and financial
irregularities as assessment criteria has caused
universities to become more transparent and
compete by adopting better governance practices.
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions
• Georgia, meanwhile, curbed endemic
corruption in university admissions by
taking admissions decisions away from
universities and instituting a centralized
admissions system monitored by external
observers in which each exam is graded by no
less than six different people.
Centralized Admission Process
• Contract Cheating
• Contract cheating is a form of academic
dishonesty in which students get others to
complete their coursework for them by putting
it out to tender.
• Diploma Mill
• an institution or organization that grants large
numbers of educational degrees based on
inadequate or inferior education and
assessment of the recipients.
• Essay Mill
• An essay mill (also term paper mill) is a
business that allows customers to commission
an original piece of writing on a particular
topic so that they may commit academic fraud.
• Exam Impersonator
• Candidate hired to write exam for others,
taking an exam for someone else.
UGC List Of Fake University
What is Academic Integrity?
International Day Of Action Against Contract Cheating
iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software
WENR - World Education News & Reviews

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Academic Fraud, Corruption, and Implications for Credential Assessment

  • 1. Academic Fraud, Corruption, and Implications for Credential Assessment WENR Report
  • 2. Introduction • In October of 2017, universities around the world participated in the second annual “international day of action against contract cheating” sponsored by the “International Center for Academic Integrity.” • The event reflected growing concern about an increase in educational fraud, which threatens to devalue higher education and undermine academic integrity, as well as harm students and institutional reputations alike.
  • 3. International Center for Academic Integrity
  • 4. Introduction • Fraud and corruption in education exist in various forms beyond contract-cheating. • Its global manifestations include • diploma mills and the counterfeiting of academic documents, as well as bribery to ensure the licensing of academic institutions, the hiring of academic staff, the passing of examinations, admission into education programs and the award of degrees.
  • 5. Fraud And Corruption In Education
  • 6. Introduction • The problem is an urgent one. From an institutional perspective, the effect of failure to address fraud and corrupt practices are sometimes severe. • The most prominent example may be the University of Wales, which was abolished in 2011 because it ran degree validation programs with dubious or downright illegal overseas partner institutions • Dickinson State University in North Dakota was placed on notice by its accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission after it came out that the university had been graduating international students from to-up programs with Chinese and Russian partner institutions without authenticated documents or appropriate academic prerequisites.
  • 7. Introduction • Reputational damage is another risk of insufficient controls for vetting students’ qualifications. Western Kentucky University, for instance, was in 2016 forced to suspend almost half of its international graduate students recruited by an India-based agent – an episode documented by the New York Times. • After admission offers were made, it turned out that the students did not meet admission standards and were academically unfit, despite remedial assistance. • The institution accrued both real and opportunity costs, and loss of tuition revenues, and risked a deterioration of educational quality. Just as devastating was the impact on the students who were in danger of losing their visas and investments into education abroad.
  • 8. Indian Students Lured by Recruiters Asked to Leave University
  • 9. Introduction • For private companies and the government, the employment of individuals with bogus credentials can be a public relations fiasco. And yet, accounts of persons being employed in critical positions based on fake degrees surface regularly in the news, be it at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or the National Nuclear Security Administration.
  • 10. What can academic institutions and others do to guard against fraud? • At the most basic level, the solution involves robust processes for vetting student qualifications. • But just as important is understanding the size and scope of the problem, its variations, and the hotspots where it occurs. • Lasting solutions demand both vigilance and creativity on the part of admissions personnel, institutions, governments, and others.
  • 12. Scoping the Problem • There’s little doubt that the incidence of academic fraud and corruption is growing worldwide. • Advances in technology, the rapid growth of international student mobility, and the globalization and commodification of education have made fraudulent academic activity more routine while rendering detection more difficult.
  • 13. Academic Fraud And Corruption
  • 14. Scoping the Problem • In some countries, the twin problems of academic fraud and corruption can be extreme. • The enormous increase in outbound mobility from China in recent years, for example, has created a perfect breeding ground for academic fraud. • Zinch in 2010 estimated that “90 percent of recommendation letters from Chinese students are fake, 70 percent of college application essays are not written by the students, and half of all high school transcripts are falsified.” • Some U.S. colleges have reported similar problems with large numbers of applicants from Nigeria applying with identical transcripts and letters of recommendation.
  • 15. Problems Of Academic Fraud And Corruption Can Be Extreme.
  • 16. Scoping the Problem • Admissions fraud: A 2007 survey of students from Eastern European countries found that 18 to 20 percent of “students in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia and 40 percent of students in Moldova reported that they had used some illegal method to gain admission to their university.”
  • 18. Admissions fraud • In India, authorities in 2015 busted a crime ring in the state of Madhya Pradesh led by an assistant professor in cahoots with officials from the examinations board Vyapam that helped possibly more than 2,000 students get admitted into medical school by unlawful means. • The outfit sold examination questions, facilitated “grade improvements,” and provided student impersonators to take admissions tests in exchange for more than USD $15,000 per student.
  • 19. Vyapam that helped possibly more than 2,000 students get admitted into medical school by unlawful means
  • 20. Scoping the Problem • Bribery: Similar amounts may be paid for admission into universities in Russia, where bribery in education is endemic, and up to 50 percent of students are said to experience corruption in their academic careers. • In one high-profile example, a lecturer at the distinguished Moscow State University was in 2010 caught accepting a bribe of €35,000 (USD $41,300) for admission. The nouveau rich in China, on the other hand, may in some instances pay Illegal “admission fees” of up to USD $130,000 for acceptance at prestigious universities.
  • 21. Scoping the Problem • Similar problems exist in higher education: in Kenya, for instance, recent legislation required members of parliament to hold a university degree. The law was eventually scrapped, but it sent panicked politicians rushing to obtain degrees. Some politicians simply submitted forged credentials. • In other cases, corrupt university officials graduated prominent, if often academically unqualified, students from abbreviated or non- existent study programs. • When A Kenyan government audit charged universities with the suspect issuance of degree certificates and the scandal came out, a number of universities were in 2017 forced to revoke illegitimate degrees awarded to elected politicians the award of degrees without appropriate coursework.
  • 22. In Kenya, For Instance, Recent Legislation Required Members Of Parliament To Hold A University Degree
  • 23. Scoping the Problem • In Uganda, the government investigated Busoga University in 2016 for issuing more than 1,000 “premium-tuition” degrees to South Sudanese students, many of them military officers flocking to Uganda for easy degrees to secure government positions back home. • The university allegedly admitted students without adequate academic prerequisites and graduated them from “abbreviated” two-month degree programs. In 2017, Uganda arrested 88 staff members at Makerere University for corruption in connection with the alteration of student grades and the issuance of fraudulent degrees.
  • 24. University Allegedly Admitted Students Without Adequate Academic Prerequisites
  • 25. Scoping the Problem • Examinations fraud: News of leaked exam questions and other forms of test-related fraud are commonplace in many countries.
  • 26. Scoping the Problem • When the Cambodian government in 2014 cracked down on the leaking of high school exam questions by corrupt educators, the pass rate plunged to only 26 percent, down from 87 percent in the previous year. • In Nigeria, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) in 2012 annulled the graduation exam results of 6.6 percent of all participating students due to “examination malpractices” – an incident that led to the de-certification of 113 corruption-plagued schools.
  • 27. Cambodian government in 2014 cracked down on the leaking of high school exam questions by corrupt educators, the pass rate plunged to only 26 percent, down from 87 percent in the previous year.
  • 28. Scoping the Problem • In Sierra Leone, examinations fraud is reportedly a lucrative business for organized crime groups – three WAEC examiners were arrested on corruption charges just in June of 2017. • Rampant fraud in Egypt, meanwhile, has caused the government to transport national high school exam questions in a military helicopter under guard of the Egyptian army. • In China, hired test-takers – so-called “gunmen” – are a common problem for administrators of the country’s competitive university entrance exams an issue that led to security measures like the installation of iris and fingerprint scanners at testing centers. • To curtail cheating on the exams, the government recently even started to deploy drones to surveil test takers, and since 2016 threatens cheaters with up to 7 years of jail time.
  • 29. In China, hired test-takers – so-called “gunmen” – are a common problem for administrators
  • 30. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • The ghost-writing of academic works is a thriving racket alongside other forms of academic fraud like dissertation plagiarism. • Garden variety plagiarism and the submission of term papers, theses, and dissertations written by ghostwriters – so-called contract cheating – have been on the rise in recent years. • The ghost-writing industry is thriving with writing assignments of all kinds readily commissionable online. In the UK alone, more than 20,000 students are said to have purchased writing assignment from essay mills in 2016.
  • 31. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 32. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • According to some estimates, there are currently more than 1,000 English-language essay mill sites on the web, taking in tens of millions of dollars annually. The number of such “contract-written” assignments submitted by students worldwide is impossible to quantify.
  • 33. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 34. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • In Russia, high-level plagiarism is relatively common among civil servants and politicians. Critics describe “an epidemic of faked dissertations, cooked up through plagiarism and other unethical means and pumped out with the help of corrupt committees that rubber-stamp the bogus work.” A 2015 study found that one in nine politicians in the lower house of the Russian parliament had a plagiarized or fake degree.
  • 35. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 36. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 37. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • Fabricated Research: A related problem is the fabrication of scientific journal papers, a phenomenon that tends to be prominent in countries where scholars receive monetary incentives to publish in journals. • This has motivated some dishonest scholars to submit articles based on cooked-up research and fake peer reviews. In 2017, Quartz reported that more than 50 percent of all articles retracted by scientific journals for peer review concerns worldwide were submitted by Chinese authors.
  • 38. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 39. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • Shadowy services now provide fake peer reviews on demand. • China’s Wuhan University has estimated that the country’s “industry of plagiarism, invented research and fake journal in 2009 was worth USD $150 million, a fivefold increase on just two years earlier.” • Pakistan has a similar academic incentive system and similar problems. Prominent Pakistani academic Pervez Hoodbhoy claims that academia in the country is currently controlled by a “professor mafia“ running publication “factories” that produce research papers resembling “actual research so disguised that you don’t get caught.” More than 100 doctoral programs were recently suspended by Pakistani authorities due to quality problems.
  • 40. Prominent Pakistani academic Pervez Hoodbhoy claims that academia in the country is currently controlled by a “professor mafia
  • 41. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • Forged degrees: Perhaps the crudest form of academic fraud is the counterfeiting or purchasing of downright forged degrees. • In one recent episode, Indian authorities in 2017 charged a man with the sale 2,000 forged degrees in Bangalore, a city in which no less than 40,000 people are said to have gained employment on the basis of fake credentials, according to police estimates. • Degree shops have recently also sprung up on the on the Syrian-Turkish border • In Manila, meanwhile, crude forgeries of academic documents can be openly purchased for a few dollars from hole-in-the-wall shops.
  • 42. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 43. Essay Mills and Plagiarism • Corrupt Agents: There are an estimated 20,000 recruitment agencies worldwide funneling students to countries like Australia, the U.K., and, in recent years, the U.S., where about 30 percent of universities are said to be using agents for undergraduate admissions. • Reputable agents serve a critical role in student recruitment and provide valuable services to students. But agents can be vulnerable to corruption, especially since they are gatekeepers whose revenues depend on student headcounts.
  • 44. Essay Mills and Plagiarism
  • 45. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions • Corruption in the accreditation and licensing of institutions may allow providers of sub- standard quality to operate. • In post-Communist Georgia, for instance, a country that merely had 26 public universities at the beginning of the 2000s, 209 licenses were given to new private providers in 2002 alone. The licenses were granted in a no transparent process characterized by wide-spread bribery and swept in a sizeable number of low-quality providers.
  • 46. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions
  • 47. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions • Universities also tried to ensure accreditation by employing “ghost professors” to meet lecturer quotas, forging inventories and bribing site inspectors. In India, meanwhile, medical education has recently been tainted by rampant fraud and the fact that many medical colleges are run by profit-seeking politicians.
  • 48. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions
  • 49. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions • According to Reuters, “recruiting companies routinely provide medical colleges with doctors to pose as full-time faculty members to pass government inspections.” The former president of the Medical Council of India, a body charged with overseeing medical education, was arrested in 2010 for seeking bribes to recommend higher enrolment quotas at a private medical college.
  • 50. Corruption in the Accreditation of Academic Institutions
  • 51. Diploma Mills • On rare occasions, corruption in accreditation may even open a window for diploma mills to gain a mantle of legitimacy, at least on the internet, where diploma mills hunt for customers. • In Pakistan, an even bigger diploma mill operation run by a company named “Exact” operated without impunity for ten years, possibly taking in USD $140 million, until the New York Times exposed the scam. While Exact was not licensed as an academic institution and no government corruption has been alleged, experts consider the web of more than 370 diploma mills run by Exact the largest degree scam in history.
  • 53. Recommendations for Safeguarding against Fraud • The spread of academic fraud poses yet another challenge for universities, immigration authorities, and employers when assessing foreign credentials. How can institutions and others identify academic fraud that originates in unfamiliar foreign education systems? Depending on the issue in play, adopting certain safeguards offers at least some protection.
  • 54. Strong Authentication and Verification Procedures • The most essential defences against fraudulent documents are strong authentication and verification procedures. Forged credentials may on occasion be spotted upon inspection of the physical documents, but the growing sophistication of forgeries and inside jobs necessitate more robust verification procedures.
  • 56. Strong Authentication and Verification Procedures • In high-risk countries, it is prudent to verify documents with the issuing institutions or government bodies. While not always foolproof in all countries, governments that are signatory to the “Hague apostle convention” officially certify academic documents with an apostle. • Online verification is also becoming increasingly common, usually using a unique pin code to check against a database, a method used by the WAEC. • The government of Malaysia, a country with a fake Ph.D. problem, just launched an online database for doctoral degrees. • Dissertations can often also be referenced in the online library cataloge of universities.
  • 58. Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and International Admissions Fraud • When using recruitment agents, follow the guidelines put forward by institutions like the “American International Recruitment Council,” NACAC, the Australian government or the British Council. • These include the careful vetting of agents to ensure that they have a proven track record in working with reputable institutions, are regarded as reliable by other universities, are appropriately licensed, maintain adequate staffing, and use ethical recruitment methods.
  • 59. Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and International Admissions Fraud
  • 60. Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and International Admissions Fraud • Before setting up contracts, it is advisable to inspect agency offices on-site, and include clearly defined quality and admissions standards in written agreements. • It is a good idea to provide continued oversight and training and to rely on a number of trusted agents, rather than a multitude of unproven agencies.
  • 61. Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and International Admissions Fraud • It may also be helpful to strengthen admissions procedures with face-to-face interviews (whether in person or via Skype) to assess applicants and detect potential fraud. • The admissions platform Kira Talent, for instance, combines written assessments with video interviews.
  • 62. Safeguards against Corrupt Recruitment Agents and International Admissions Fraud
  • 63. Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism • In-depth review of written works can help reveal plagiarism, but is not always a practical solution, given the high volume of essays that universities have to assess. • A common defence against plagiarism, therefore, is the use of anti-plagiarism software like “iThenticate,” which can detect at least the most blatant forms of plagiarism by comparing text with other publications on the internet.
  • 65. Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism • Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency also recommends combating plagiarism and contract cheating by fostering a culture of academic integrity at institutions, including the training of staff, information campaigns for students, transparent policies and strict and consistent penalties for plagiarism.
  • 67. Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism • Depending on the situation, another solution may be to change assessment methods and augment student assessment with presentations and oral examinations, so that grading is not just based on a single high- stakes essay.
  • 68. Student Assessment With Presentations And Oral Examinations
  • 69. Track Developments in the Field to Guard against Diploma Mills and Illegitimate Providers • Assign dedicated staff to closely follow developments in foreign education systems and become familiar with the accreditation mechanisms in these countries. • Diploma mills and fly-by-night operators can only go undetected if no proper research on the official accreditation status of these enterprises has been done.
  • 70. Track Developments in the Field to Guard against Diploma Mills and Illegitimate Providers
  • 71. Track Developments in the Field to Guard against Diploma Mills and Illegitimate Providers • In August 2017, the Zimbabwean government closed down no less than 223 illegally operating colleges. • It is important that staff is aware of such developments to ensure that credentials from these types of illegitimate institutions don’t make it past the assessment stage.
  • 72. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • Safeguards against fraud are, of course, just a reactive measure against the symptoms of academic corruption without remedying its causes. • Fighting endemic corruption at its roots will usually necessitate a governmental response well outside academia. • Many experts agree that stamping out corruption in heavily afflicted countries requires political reforms to establish transparent regulatory systems, and tough enforcement to punish and deter unethical behaviour.
  • 74. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • In higher education, this usually means that strong internal quality mechanisms must be combined with external quality controls and audits. • Since both the direct state control of universities, on one hand, and the complete autonomy of institutions, on the other hand, facilitates corruption, a middle-ground approach is often recommended.
  • 76. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • The use of external examiners to double-grade exams • Automization of examination forms (barcodes instead of names) • Cyber security measures to control access to student records • Use of university rankings based on corruption criteria • External audits of admissions decisions • Sanctions on politicians, civil servants and others with fake degrees • Legislative protection of whistle blowers
  • 78. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • Authoritarian governments in states like Singapore and Rwanda have achieved great success in combating corruption with zero tolerance policies, public education campaigns and stiff penalties for corruption.
  • 80. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • While this approach is less likely to be replicated in more open societies, success stories in the fight against corruption often demonstrate the effectiveness of independent external monitoring. • In Romania, for example, the introduction of an independent university ranking that includes academic integrity and financial irregularities as assessment criteria has caused universities to become more transparent and compete by adopting better governance practices.
  • 82. Beyond Academia: Broader Solutions • Georgia, meanwhile, curbed endemic corruption in university admissions by taking admissions decisions away from universities and instituting a centralized admissions system monitored by external observers in which each exam is graded by no less than six different people.
  • 84. Terminology • Contract Cheating • Contract cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which students get others to complete their coursework for them by putting it out to tender.
  • 85. Terminology • Diploma Mill • an institution or organization that grants large numbers of educational degrees based on inadequate or inferior education and assessment of the recipients.
  • 86. Terminology • Essay Mill • An essay mill (also term paper mill) is a business that allows customers to commission an original piece of writing on a particular topic so that they may commit academic fraud.
  • 87. Terminology • Exam Impersonator • Candidate hired to write exam for others, taking an exam for someone else.
  • 88. UGC List Of Fake University • Universities.aspx
  • 89. References What is Academic Integrity? • International Day Of Action Against Contract Cheating • iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software • WENR - World Education News & Reviews • assessment#_ftn3