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Senior Academics – Economics
                                         Mr. Smith

1. Economics – What does the course involve?
       Probably the most practical social science, this course will help prepare you to
       observe and participate in the economy. You will be able to observe the global,
       national, state, and local economies for purposes that range from voting to
       investing. America’s stability and success has always been partly due to it’s
       thriving economy. This economy will only continue to improve if it’s citizens are
       educated about it. Other important institutions that you may participate in the
       future and will learn about in class include businesses and labor organizations.
       This class will also help you prepare for the most practical and personal economic
       functions. These basic functions include checking, savings, taxes, and
       employment. Academic economics is designed to prepare students for a
       university career.

2. Organization of the Class

Discipline – Strictly follow discipline code and procedure of schools. Respect and
well-mannered behavior will be a must in class. Students will raise hands before
speaking, unless involved in group work. Students will not begin to leave until the
instructor has dismissed them. Those not acting responsibly will face the following

       1.   Deduction of class participation points.
       2.   Warning.
       3.   Retraining.
       4.   Removed from room, alternative assignment.
       5.   Parents contacted
       6.   Office referral.

Insubordination, and harassment despite a warning of other students will result in
immediate dismissal to the office (this includes putting your head down).

Student Responsibilities – Bring all necessary writing materials. Students will be
expected to complete assignments on time. There will be no exceptions. Students will be
on time to class. Class participation will be a must. If you are not present for class,
immediately retrieve instructions and missed course work, this is your responsibility.

Student Attendance – Rules for attendance will be followed strictly. Students legally
absent up to three consecutive days will have three days to make up assignments. Those
absent for more than three days will have a number of days equal to the number missed.
Those not obtaining a legal excuse will receive a 0% on the assignment, even if they have
completed it and turned it in. This includes those illegally tardy! Those that are
consistently absent will be unable to receive benefits of in-class instruction and

Work – Notes will be taken in class with a possibility of notebook checks. Text will be
occasionally used so that you may receive information from as many different forms and
sources as possible. Unannounced quizzes will be used throughout the course to make
sure that you are keeping up to date on all class materials. Tests will occur at the end of
each unit. Current Events will be due at the end of the week. Smaller activities will
count as homework and occasionally we will work on larger projects. Late assignments
will be given 0%. No late work will be accepted. All assignments will be submitted
through the drop box on Blended Schools Blackboard by 11:59pm of assigned date
(Unless otherwise noted). If you have a Blackboard problem, please e-mail right away. Make some attempt to turn in the assignment (by e-
mail if necessary). You may text my e-mail, but please include your name. If you have
technology difficulties, please leave a voicemail at 814-827-2715 X 1240. You will have
to turn in a hard copy by 8:00 am the next school day and you will need proof of the error
(if an error message pops us, take a picture of it or print screen).
 Reading Quizzes – There will be no more than five per unit, but no less than one. These will only be
  on basic terms and concepts, especially when readings have been assigned. Each will be worth ten
 Essays and Papers – Essays and Papers – Will be worth thirty points. They will be
  graded for content, accuracy, explanation, spelling, and grammar. Essays will be at
  least 500 words in length. All papers will use MLA format. Include title, outline,
  body, in-text citations and works cited.
 Projects – Projects – Consisting of a presentation and a 1000 word paper (which will
  include a title, outline and works cited page), projects will be worth 100 points for
  each part. All papers will use MLA format. Semester final exam (midterm),
  class participation and project grade for the quarter will be taken X1 if
  completed, X0 if not.
 Tests – Every unit will have a test. There are six units all together. We should complete three units
  per quarter. These tests will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and essay sections. Each will
  be worth 100 points.
 Exam – Occurring at the end of the semester, this will simply be testing all material presented to that
  point in the course. This will be similar to a regular unit test, but worth 200 points and spread over two
  days. It will count as part of your final and as a grade for quarter 4. Not taking the exam will also
  result in a loss of class participation points.

 Class Participation – Classroom behavior as well as your level of participation will be included in this
  part of the grade. Students wishing to receive the full ten- percent of their grade for class participation
  must answer or ask questions in class at least four times a week. Responses must be more than yes or
  no answers. They will be backed up with an explanation. Disrespectful behavior, being tardy for class,
  not turning in homework, not paying attention, and using class time unwisely will result in a deduction
  of class participation.

 Current Events – Students will read articles from various publications that involve issue of economics
  (national or international news). You must include a link to the article.
You will then write a paragraph summary, a second paragraph of your opinion
       on the matter, and a third paragraph that relates this to economics. You may
       retrieve these articles from any of the following renowned publications.
       Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report, The New York Times, The
       Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. You may also use USA Today. It
       is important to use these national sources instead of local sources so you have
       better access to a wide range of articles. One point will be taken off for each
       direction not followed or if the paragraphs are not at least forty words each in
       length for a total for 120 words. Most of these can be retrieved from the internet
       and most will be available in class. Turn in a total of 6 current events every
       quarter. Here are the following sites:

Washington Post:
New York Times: - this site involves registration, but it is
US News and World Report:
USA Today:

       Each will be worth ten points. This assignment has the following qualities:
             1. Responsibility – Due at end of every week.
             2. Reading - Looking at various and renowned publications.
             3. Writing – Summarizing, expressing yourself, and relating this to class
             4. Awareness – Realization of events that impact this nation and the

       Grades – The school’s grading system will be followed:
       A: 90-100%                                               D: 60-69%
       B: 80-89%                                                E: 50-59%
       C: 70-79%                                                F: Below 50%

The course will be weighted in the following manner:

Test: 50%
Quizzes: 15%
Class Participation 10%
Projects: 20%
In-Class Work 5%
3. Organization of the Course Material
         I.     Basic Economics - Learn basic terms and structure of the study of
                economics. Explore the economies of the United States and other
                nation-states throughout history. Compare and contrast them and
                analyze the American economy.
                  A. Economics – What is it?
                  Chapter 1 January 24th
                  B. Economic theories & systems - Adam Smith and Karl Marx
                  Chapter 2 January 26th
                  C. Command Economy - Economic History of the Soviet Union
                  D. Free markets, mixed economies and America. - Reaganomics.
                  Chapter 3 January 26th
                  Test January 31st
         II.    Economic Policy in the USA and World– Our collective nature,
                through the government, safeguards or needs and rights. Some believe
                that regulation and taxes are necessary, while other find them to be
                crushing. Students will understand the impacts having little
                government or too much involvement in the economy. Today’s
                economy is interconnected throughout the world and provides the
                USA with income and goods. Students will understand how the global
                economy hurts and helps the economy.
                  A. Taxation.
                  Chapter 14 –February 2rd
                  B. Government Spending
                  Chapter 15 – February 7th
                  C. Global Economy and Free Trade.
                  Chapter 17 – February 9th
                  D. “Developed” World.
                  Chapter 18 – February 14th
                  E. Developing World.
                  February 20th – Freakonomics Review due
                  Test – February 21st
         III.   Macroeconomics - Measuring the economy is done with specific
                means so that values can be compared throughout the world. Despite
                being developed or undeveloped, all nation-states have three major
                economic problems: unemployment, inflation, and poverty. Students
                will recognize how a nation’s economy is measured and the core
                characteristics of these universal problems.
                  A. Measuring the economy.
                  Chapter 12 – February 23rd
                  B. Inflation.
                  Chapter 13 – February 28th
                  C. Unemployment.
                  D. Poverty.
                    Nation-state Presentations- March 5th -9th
                   Test March 13th

6 Current Events Due March 18th
        IV.     Microeconomics– Prices are determined when taking into consideration of
                two variables: supply and demand. Changes in these two variables also
                impact prices. Different types of businesses in different types of markets
                make changes accordingly to their products and their prices. Students will
                comprehend how prices are determined, distinguish between different types
                of businesses and markets and how they impact the economy.
                  A. Demand and Supply.
                  Chapter 4 – March 15th
                  Chapter 5 – March 20nd
                  B. Creation of prices.
                  Chapter 6 – March 22th
                  C. Elasticity.
                  D. Market structure.
                  Chapter 7 – March 29th
                  Test – April 3rd
        V.      Labor– Selling of labor and participation in the labor market is part of all of
                our lives. The education we have, the jobs we pick, and their salaries/wages
                all can be explained by economics. Pay is decided either by supply and
                demand or by collective bargaining by organized labor. Students will be able
                to participate in and understand their rights in the labor market.
                  A. Business organizations.
                  Chapter 8 – April 10th
                  B. Labor market.
                  Chapter 9 – April 12th
                  C. Organized labor.
                  D. Labor Choices
                  E. American Labor Strikes
                  F. American Dreams - April 13th-15th Movie Review Paper due April
                  Test – April 24th
        VI.     Finance (10 days) – Everyone invests in the economy, even if they do not
                know it. Pensions, bank accounts, and insurance policies are all used to
                invest in our economy on behalf of individuals. Students will understand the
                benefits of our financial system and the restraints/supervisions that are placed
                upon it.
                  A. Financial system.
                  Chapters 10 April 26th
                  Chapter 11 May 1st
                  Chapter 15 May 3rd
                  B. Investing, Saving
                  C. Borrowing, Purchases
                  D. Debt and Credit
                  Test – May 8th
                  6 Current Events due May 6th!
Freakonomics book review is due February 2nd
Project for 3rd quarter due March 4th, paper due March 11th.
American Dream Paper due April 23rd.
Project for 4th quarter due May 13th
Last Day for Seniors May 22nd
Final June 1st

Students will read the book Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, which
is about variety of unusual economic topics. Students will take a set of quizzes on the
book, but must also write a 500 word book review. The review must include a summary
of the book, the point of the author and your opinion. In the paper, you should also
reference a published book review and write whether you agree or disagree with their
opinion of the book. You must also use evidence to support or disprove the author’s
opinion on at least one topic that they have included in the book. The review will follow
MLA format, Times New Roman Size Twelve Font, double spaced with a title page,
outline and works cited page. Papers will be due by February 20 th at 11:59 pm. Grading
will follow the format included on this page. Cite Freakonomics, the published book
review you included, and the source you used to gather facts about one of the topics they
                     Needs Developing (0) Developing (2)          Proficient (4)     Highly Proficient (6)
Focus-Content         Written response is Ideas are scatteredDeveloped ideas and Sophisticated,
(Addressing the       confusing and needs and need further essentially accurate substantial, well-
question)             more information. development.            information. Answer developed ideas.
                      Does not answer        Answer some        most questions with Answer questions and
                      questions proposed questions with         facts.               back up with facts.
                      for paper.             facts.
Organization          Details and examples Details and          Information in       Information is
(Overall order, flow, show confused          examples show logical order with        presented in effective
and transitions)      organization; hard to incorrect           paragraphs and       order; paragraphs and
                      follow                 organization       transitions          transitions help paper
                                                                                     flow smoothly
Introduction/         Introductory/          Introductory/      Introductory/        Introductory/
Conclusion            Conclusion             Conclusion         Conclusion           Conclusion paragraph
                      paragraph is not       paragraph is       paragraph contains a has a sharp, distinct
                      apparent               vague              focus                focus
Style/Mechanics       Lack of                Limited sentence/ Some variety in       Word choice is
                      sentence/word choice word choice and sentence structure        excellent. Few or no
                      variety and repeated mechanical errors and word choice.        mechanical errors. (5
                      weaknesses in          somewhat           Some mechanical      or below)
                      mechanics interfere interfere with        errors. (5-10 )
                      with writing. (15+) writing. (10-15 )
Sources               Insufficient resources Research           Research             Research
                      are used               accomplished by accomplished by two accomplished by three
                                             one well chosen well chosen and         or more well chosen
                                             and stated source. stated sources.      and stated sources.

5 points will be taken off for each instruction not followed or not working on assignment will in

Name                                                                              period
                                    Nation-State Research

As we have discussed in class, nations range from having free markets, to command
economies. No nation is perfectly free or command; instead, they fall on a scale ranging
from one to the other. Below is an example. The USA falls close to free and the former
USSR fell close to command.

Economic continuum:

Free Market--- -------USA----------------------------------------China--------USSR-Command

Choose any nation except the USA and use at least three internet sites to research their
economies. Make sure the CIA fact book is one of these sites. Do not use any wiki sites.

The most important thing you need to do is place your nation on the scale and report on
the condition of the economy. Would it be closer to command or free market? How
much is the government involved? How successful is the nation? This could be summed
up in a thesis statement such as: With low taxes and a moderate amount of government
regulations, the American economy is closer to the free market side of the spectrum while
retaining a high amount of success as proved by its GDP.

What is the background of this nation-state? What historical events have affected their
economy? Is this due to the amount of government involvement? What is their
government like? What type of natural resources do they have? What is the size of their
population? How do they use their land? What is their economy like? (Discuss poverty,
unemployment, stability) How is the government involved in the economy? What
indirect economic signs indicate how well off their nation is? Find five. (Life –

You will complete a PowerPoint presentation that will last 3-5 minutes. You will include
a title slide, at least four bullets of text, a practical illustration on each slide, along with a
works cited slide. You must have a total of seven slides. This is the bare minimum! You
will also submit a 1000 word report summarizing your findings. You will be graded on
the following:
      Creativity (but don’t be annoying)
      Pertinent Information
      Following Directions
      Accuracy
      Speech and Eye Contact
      Clarity of Presentation

Name                                                    period            date _________
                                            Academic Economics
                                             Persuasive Project

Economic policies are usually the most politically pivotal issues. Public interpretation of these policies
influences elections, government regulation, treaties, and much more. These issues are divisive and the
public either splits on the topics and/or has little comprehension of them:

    1.    Minimum Wage – RAISE it.                               16. The USA should send MORE foreign
    2.    Minimum Wage – STAY at $7.25.                              aid.
    3.    Welfare is a SUCCESS.                                  17. The USA should send LESS foreign
    4.    Welfare is a FAILURE.                                      aid.
    5.    Flat taxes are good (example: everyone                 18. Wealthy nations SHOULD forgive
          pays 3%)                                                   poorer nations’ debt.
    6.    Progressive taxes are good (the richer                 19. Wealthy nations SHOULD NOT
          you are, the bigger percentage you pay)                    forgive poorer nations’ debt.
    7.    Regressive taxes are good (example:                    20. Environmental regulations are
          national sales tax).                                       BENEFICIAL for America and the
    8.    Permanent tax cuts would be GOOD                           economy.
          for the economy.                                       21. Environmental regulations are
    9.    Permanent tax cuts would be BAD for                        HARMFUL for America and the
          the economy.                                               economy.
    10.   The government SHOULD USE                              22. PRO-Organized Labor.
          DEFICIT SPENDING.                                      23. ANTI- Organized Labor.
    11.   The government SHOULD NOT USE                          24. Continue to drill for OIL, especially in
          DEFICIT SPENDING.                                          North America.
    12.   Free trade is BENEFICIAL.                              25. Switch resources to ALTERNATIVE
    13.   Free trade is NOT BENEFICIAL.                              FUEL SOURCES.
    14.   We SHOULD have a national health                       26. Continue to use COALS as an energy
          care system.                                                        source.
    15.   We should NOT have a national health                   27. Increase usage of NUCLEAR energy.
          care system.                                           28. Wal-Mart is GOOD for the economy.
                                                                 29. Wal-Mart is BAD for the economy.

You will gather evidence to prepare for your position that you will present to the class. Each person must
have a 1000 word report that has the information you will use when presenting your case (Times New
Roman Size Twelve Font and Double Spaced, MLA). There will also be a title page, outline and a works-
cited page and sources will be cited in the paper. Grading will take into account if you are able to persuade
the audience based on a convincing presentation. Grading will take into account if you are able to persuade
the audience based on a convincing presentation (When presenting you should also counteract any
opposing positions that could be taken to yours) and come up with three questions to ask the opposition.
Students should use at least four sources (one from journals or books) to get a perfect score on that
section of the rubric. NO ENCYCLOPEDIAS! Presentations and paper will be turned in on the same
day. Presenters will be limited between three and five minutes per presentation. Reports will be worth
100 points and the power point presentation itself will be worth 100 points. Presentations will take
place at random and students will not read from their paper or slideshow. Those absent will be pressed to
the end of the list and will probably have to make up the presentation on their own. All should be prepared
to present, on the first day! Papers and presentations will be turned in prior to the first day. Surveys will
be taken at the end of the debates. Students will rate if their opinion has changed and which of the groups
had the most convincing presentation. Students that are selected by the most students as having the more
convincing presentation will receive five points. Students absent the day of their presentation will not be
eligible for the points and will have present on a different day. A visual (simple power point) will
accompany the presentation. They must also be completed and turned in with the paper.

Paper Rubric:
                                          5                         4                          3                          2                            1
              Paper format (x3)           Title page, outline,      Title page, outline,       Title page, outline,       Missing 1                    Missing 2
                                          works cited with no       works cited with 1-5       works cited with +5        component.                   components or 1
                                          errors.                   errors.                    errors.                                                 missing with multiple
              Research (X3)               4 sources for research    3 sources for research     2 sources for research     1 source for research        0 sources for research
                                          cited properly.           cited properly.            cited properly.            cited properly.              cited properly. (x0)

              Written Report (X3)         Organized into clear      Mostly organized into      Organized into             Paragraph form.              No clear paragraphs.
                                          paragraphs.               clear paragraphs.          paragraphs.

              Thesis (X3)                 Outlines clear and        Writes clear thesis        Writes thesis that         Writes thesis that           Unclear thesis that
                                          original thesis that      that matches paper         matches paper topic        matches paper topic          resembles paper topic
                                          matches paper topic       topic and is supported     and is somewhat            and is slightly              and is barely
                                          and is strongly           by points of               supported by points        supported by points          supported by points
                                          supported by points       argument.                  of argument.               of argument.                 of argument.
                                          of argument.
              Spelling/Grammar            No errors.                1-5 errors.                6-10 errors.               10-15 errors.                16-20 errors.
              Position Taken (X4)         Articulates clearly.      Articulates clearly.       Articulates clearly.       Articulates clearly.         Unable or unwilling
                                          State five points of      State four points of       State three points of      State two points of          to articulate clearly,
                                          arguments for and         argument for and two       argument for and one       argument for and             State points of
                                          three against using       against using specific,    against using specific,    refutes opposite             argument using
                                          specific, factual         factual information.       factual information.       position.                    specific, factual
                                          information.                                                                                                 information.

             Rubric for Presentation half of the debate project: Students will present for 3-5 minutes. You will be signaled when three and
             four minutes approach and cut off when five minutes approach. Other five points will be voted on by students.
                         5                          4                        3                          2                       1
Eye Contact (X2)         Looks at audience          Looks at audience half Looks at the audience        Looks at audience       Rarely or never looks
                         almost all of the time,    of the time, looking at  less than half of the      almost all of the time. at audience. Reads
                         glancing at notes          notes.                   time. Reading              Reading from notes      from notes.
                         occasionally.                                       directly from notes        throughout most of
                                                                             throughout                 the presentation.
Questions (x3)           In depth questions that In depth questions that Questions that the             Questions that is       Only two questions
                         the opposition has         the opposition has       opposition answers.        merely factual,         asked.
                         cannot answer.             difficulty answering.                               answered with total

Answering questions         Answers questions          Has difficulty             Has difficulty              Has difficulty              Cannot answer any of
(x3)                        with ease.                 answering one of the       answering two of the        answering all of the        the questions at all.
                                                       questions.                 questions.                  questions.
Voice (X2)                  Voice can be heard at      Voice can be heard at      Voice can be heard at       Voice can be heard at       Voice cannot be heard
                            the back of the room       the back of the room       the back of the room        the back of the room        at the back of the
                            all of the time.           most of the time.          half of the time.           less than half of the       room.
Visual (x3)                 Creative, illustrated      Illustrated with major     Major points or             Distraction from            Major distraction
                            with major points that     points that emphasize      illustrations that          speech. Attention of        from speech.
                            emphasize                  presentation, without      emphasize                   audience or speaker         Attention of audience
                            presentation, without      taking away from           presentation, without       taken away.                 or speaker taken
                            taking away from           speaking ability.          taking away from                                        away.
                            speaking ability.                                     speaking ability.
Time (X2)                   3-5 minutes                Fifteen seconds less or    Thirty seconds less or      Forty-five seconds          One minute less or
                                                       more.                      more.                       less or more.               more.
Debate (X4)                 Articulates clearly.       Articulates clearly.       Articulates clearly.        Articulates clearly.        Unable or unwilling to
                            State five points of       State four points of       State three points of       State two points of         articulate clearly,
                            arguments for and          argument for and two       argument for and one        argument for and            State points of
                            three against using        against using specific,    against using specific,     refutes opposite            argument using
                            specific, factual          factual information.       factual information.        position.                   specific, factual
                            information.                                                                                                  information.

Name                                           date April 24th period

American Dream
Describe the positions of the following organizations on the ensuing negotiations:
Local P-9:

International UFCW:


Families that break away from the strike:


Write a movie review. Summarize the documentary with the information from above in
one paragraph. Secondly, write a paragraph about the point of the movie. What was the
filmmaker attempting to show here? Write a third paragraph reflecting your own
personal opinion of the film. Who do you think is to blame for this breakdown? This is a
matter of opinion. Back up your opinion with an explanation. Who do you think lost or
won the most here? Lastly, write a paragraph on how you think this film portrayed the
plight of unions in the United States. This will typed double-spaced, Times New Roman
size twelve font. Make sure to include name, period and date. (25 points + 5 points for
these notes). The rubric following the book review is for grading your writing. This

short 500 word essay will be worth thirty points. Scoring a six on each category will earn
students thirty points. Main idea or thesis should be the focus of supportive research.
MLA format is necessary. Short papers will follow this rubric.


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Academic economicssyllabus11 12

  • 1. Senior Academics – Economics Mr. Smith 1. Economics – What does the course involve? Probably the most practical social science, this course will help prepare you to observe and participate in the economy. You will be able to observe the global, national, state, and local economies for purposes that range from voting to investing. America’s stability and success has always been partly due to it’s thriving economy. This economy will only continue to improve if it’s citizens are educated about it. Other important institutions that you may participate in the future and will learn about in class include businesses and labor organizations. This class will also help you prepare for the most practical and personal economic functions. These basic functions include checking, savings, taxes, and employment. Academic economics is designed to prepare students for a university career. 2. Organization of the Class Discipline – Strictly follow discipline code and procedure of schools. Respect and well-mannered behavior will be a must in class. Students will raise hands before speaking, unless involved in group work. Students will not begin to leave until the instructor has dismissed them. Those not acting responsibly will face the following consequences: 1. Deduction of class participation points. 2. Warning. 3. Retraining. 4. Removed from room, alternative assignment. 5. Parents contacted 6. Office referral. Insubordination, and harassment despite a warning of other students will result in immediate dismissal to the office (this includes putting your head down). Student Responsibilities – Bring all necessary writing materials. Students will be expected to complete assignments on time. There will be no exceptions. Students will be on time to class. Class participation will be a must. If you are not present for class, immediately retrieve instructions and missed course work, this is your responsibility. Student Attendance – Rules for attendance will be followed strictly. Students legally absent up to three consecutive days will have three days to make up assignments. Those absent for more than three days will have a number of days equal to the number missed. Those not obtaining a legal excuse will receive a 0% on the assignment, even if they have completed it and turned it in. This includes those illegally tardy! Those that are
  • 2. consistently absent will be unable to receive benefits of in-class instruction and participation. Work – Notes will be taken in class with a possibility of notebook checks. Text will be occasionally used so that you may receive information from as many different forms and sources as possible. Unannounced quizzes will be used throughout the course to make sure that you are keeping up to date on all class materials. Tests will occur at the end of each unit. Current Events will be due at the end of the week. Smaller activities will count as homework and occasionally we will work on larger projects. Late assignments will be given 0%. No late work will be accepted. All assignments will be submitted through the drop box on Blended Schools Blackboard by 11:59pm of assigned date (Unless otherwise noted). If you have a Blackboard problem, please e-mail right away. Make some attempt to turn in the assignment (by e- mail if necessary). You may text my e-mail, but please include your name. If you have technology difficulties, please leave a voicemail at 814-827-2715 X 1240. You will have to turn in a hard copy by 8:00 am the next school day and you will need proof of the error (if an error message pops us, take a picture of it or print screen).  Reading Quizzes – There will be no more than five per unit, but no less than one. These will only be on basic terms and concepts, especially when readings have been assigned. Each will be worth ten points.  Essays and Papers – Essays and Papers – Will be worth thirty points. They will be graded for content, accuracy, explanation, spelling, and grammar. Essays will be at least 500 words in length. All papers will use MLA format. Include title, outline, body, in-text citations and works cited.  Projects – Projects – Consisting of a presentation and a 1000 word paper (which will include a title, outline and works cited page), projects will be worth 100 points for each part. All papers will use MLA format. Semester final exam (midterm), class participation and project grade for the quarter will be taken X1 if completed, X0 if not.  Tests – Every unit will have a test. There are six units all together. We should complete three units per quarter. These tests will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and essay sections. Each will be worth 100 points.  Exam – Occurring at the end of the semester, this will simply be testing all material presented to that point in the course. This will be similar to a regular unit test, but worth 200 points and spread over two days. It will count as part of your final and as a grade for quarter 4. Not taking the exam will also result in a loss of class participation points.  Class Participation – Classroom behavior as well as your level of participation will be included in this part of the grade. Students wishing to receive the full ten- percent of their grade for class participation must answer or ask questions in class at least four times a week. Responses must be more than yes or no answers. They will be backed up with an explanation. Disrespectful behavior, being tardy for class, not turning in homework, not paying attention, and using class time unwisely will result in a deduction of class participation.  Current Events – Students will read articles from various publications that involve issue of economics (national or international news). You must include a link to the article.
  • 3. You will then write a paragraph summary, a second paragraph of your opinion on the matter, and a third paragraph that relates this to economics. You may retrieve these articles from any of the following renowned publications. Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. You may also use USA Today. It is important to use these national sources instead of local sources so you have better access to a wide range of articles. One point will be taken off for each direction not followed or if the paragraphs are not at least forty words each in length for a total for 120 words. Most of these can be retrieved from the internet and most will be available in class. Turn in a total of 6 current events every quarter. Here are the following sites: Newsweek: Time: Washington Post: New York Times: - this site involves registration, but it is free. US News and World Report: USA Today: Each will be worth ten points. This assignment has the following qualities: 1. Responsibility – Due at end of every week. 2. Reading - Looking at various and renowned publications. 3. Writing – Summarizing, expressing yourself, and relating this to class material. 4. Awareness – Realization of events that impact this nation and the world. Grades – The school’s grading system will be followed: A: 90-100% D: 60-69% B: 80-89% E: 50-59% C: 70-79% F: Below 50% The course will be weighted in the following manner: Test: 50% Quizzes: 15% Class Participation 10% Projects: 20% In-Class Work 5%
  • 4. 3. Organization of the Course Material I. Basic Economics - Learn basic terms and structure of the study of economics. Explore the economies of the United States and other nation-states throughout history. Compare and contrast them and analyze the American economy. A. Economics – What is it? Chapter 1 January 24th B. Economic theories & systems - Adam Smith and Karl Marx Chapter 2 January 26th C. Command Economy - Economic History of the Soviet Union D. Free markets, mixed economies and America. - Reaganomics. Chapter 3 January 26th Test January 31st II. Economic Policy in the USA and World– Our collective nature, through the government, safeguards or needs and rights. Some believe that regulation and taxes are necessary, while other find them to be crushing. Students will understand the impacts having little government or too much involvement in the economy. Today’s economy is interconnected throughout the world and provides the USA with income and goods. Students will understand how the global economy hurts and helps the economy. A. Taxation. Chapter 14 –February 2rd B. Government Spending Chapter 15 – February 7th C. Global Economy and Free Trade. Chapter 17 – February 9th D. “Developed” World. Chapter 18 – February 14th E. Developing World. February 20th – Freakonomics Review due Test – February 21st III. Macroeconomics - Measuring the economy is done with specific means so that values can be compared throughout the world. Despite being developed or undeveloped, all nation-states have three major economic problems: unemployment, inflation, and poverty. Students will recognize how a nation’s economy is measured and the core characteristics of these universal problems. A. Measuring the economy. Chapter 12 – February 23rd B. Inflation. Chapter 13 – February 28th C. Unemployment. D. Poverty. Nation-state Presentations- March 5th -9th Test March 13th 4
  • 5. 6 Current Events Due March 18th IV. Microeconomics– Prices are determined when taking into consideration of two variables: supply and demand. Changes in these two variables also impact prices. Different types of businesses in different types of markets make changes accordingly to their products and their prices. Students will comprehend how prices are determined, distinguish between different types of businesses and markets and how they impact the economy. A. Demand and Supply. Chapter 4 – March 15th Chapter 5 – March 20nd B. Creation of prices. Chapter 6 – March 22th C. Elasticity. D. Market structure. Chapter 7 – March 29th Test – April 3rd V. Labor– Selling of labor and participation in the labor market is part of all of our lives. The education we have, the jobs we pick, and their salaries/wages all can be explained by economics. Pay is decided either by supply and demand or by collective bargaining by organized labor. Students will be able to participate in and understand their rights in the labor market. A. Business organizations. Chapter 8 – April 10th B. Labor market. Chapter 9 – April 12th C. Organized labor. D. Labor Choices E. American Labor Strikes F. American Dreams - April 13th-15th Movie Review Paper due April 26th Test – April 24th VI. Finance (10 days) – Everyone invests in the economy, even if they do not know it. Pensions, bank accounts, and insurance policies are all used to invest in our economy on behalf of individuals. Students will understand the benefits of our financial system and the restraints/supervisions that are placed upon it. A. Financial system. Chapters 10 April 26th Chapter 11 May 1st Chapter 15 May 3rd B. Investing, Saving C. Borrowing, Purchases D. Debt and Credit Test – May 8th 6 Current Events due May 6th! Freakonomics book review is due February 2nd Project for 3rd quarter due March 4th, paper due March 11th. American Dream Paper due April 23rd. Project for 4th quarter due May 13th Last Day for Seniors May 22nd Final June 1st 5
  • 6. Freakonomics Students will read the book Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, which is about variety of unusual economic topics. Students will take a set of quizzes on the book, but must also write a 500 word book review. The review must include a summary of the book, the point of the author and your opinion. In the paper, you should also reference a published book review and write whether you agree or disagree with their opinion of the book. You must also use evidence to support or disprove the author’s opinion on at least one topic that they have included in the book. The review will follow MLA format, Times New Roman Size Twelve Font, double spaced with a title page, outline and works cited page. Papers will be due by February 20 th at 11:59 pm. Grading will follow the format included on this page. Cite Freakonomics, the published book review you included, and the source you used to gather facts about one of the topics they discussed. Needs Developing (0) Developing (2) Proficient (4) Highly Proficient (6) Criteria Focus-Content Written response is Ideas are scatteredDeveloped ideas and Sophisticated, (Addressing the confusing and needs and need further essentially accurate substantial, well- question) more information. development. information. Answer developed ideas. Does not answer Answer some most questions with Answer questions and questions proposed questions with facts. back up with facts. for paper. facts. Organization Details and examples Details and Information in Information is (Overall order, flow, show confused examples show logical order with presented in effective and transitions) organization; hard to incorrect paragraphs and order; paragraphs and follow organization transitions transitions help paper flow smoothly Introduction/ Introductory/ Introductory/ Introductory/ Introductory/ Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion paragraph paragraph is not paragraph is paragraph contains a has a sharp, distinct apparent vague focus focus Style/Mechanics Lack of Limited sentence/ Some variety in Word choice is sentence/word choice word choice and sentence structure excellent. Few or no variety and repeated mechanical errors and word choice. mechanical errors. (5 weaknesses in somewhat Some mechanical or below) mechanics interfere interfere with errors. (5-10 ) with writing. (15+) writing. (10-15 ) Sources Insufficient resources Research Research Research are used accomplished by accomplished by two accomplished by three one well chosen well chosen and or more well chosen and stated source. stated sources. and stated sources. 5 points will be taken off for each instruction not followed or not working on assignment will in lab/room. 6
  • 7. Name period Nation-State Research As we have discussed in class, nations range from having free markets, to command economies. No nation is perfectly free or command; instead, they fall on a scale ranging from one to the other. Below is an example. The USA falls close to free and the former USSR fell close to command. Economic continuum: Free Market--- -------USA----------------------------------------China--------USSR-Command Choose any nation except the USA and use at least three internet sites to research their economies. Make sure the CIA fact book is one of these sites. Do not use any wiki sites. The most important thing you need to do is place your nation on the scale and report on the condition of the economy. Would it be closer to command or free market? How much is the government involved? How successful is the nation? This could be summed up in a thesis statement such as: With low taxes and a moderate amount of government regulations, the American economy is closer to the free market side of the spectrum while retaining a high amount of success as proved by its GDP. What is the background of this nation-state? What historical events have affected their economy? Is this due to the amount of government involvement? What is their government like? What type of natural resources do they have? What is the size of their population? How do they use their land? What is their economy like? (Discuss poverty, unemployment, stability) How is the government involved in the economy? What indirect economic signs indicate how well off their nation is? Find five. (Life – expectancy) You will complete a PowerPoint presentation that will last 3-5 minutes. You will include a title slide, at least four bullets of text, a practical illustration on each slide, along with a works cited slide. You must have a total of seven slides. This is the bare minimum! You will also submit a 1000 word report summarizing your findings. You will be graded on the following:  Creativity (but don’t be annoying)  Pertinent Information  Following Directions  Accuracy  Speech and Eye Contact  Clarity of Presentation 7
  • 8. Name period date _________ Academic Economics Persuasive Project Economic policies are usually the most politically pivotal issues. Public interpretation of these policies influences elections, government regulation, treaties, and much more. These issues are divisive and the public either splits on the topics and/or has little comprehension of them: 1. Minimum Wage – RAISE it. 16. The USA should send MORE foreign 2. Minimum Wage – STAY at $7.25. aid. 3. Welfare is a SUCCESS. 17. The USA should send LESS foreign 4. Welfare is a FAILURE. aid. 5. Flat taxes are good (example: everyone 18. Wealthy nations SHOULD forgive pays 3%) poorer nations’ debt. 6. Progressive taxes are good (the richer 19. Wealthy nations SHOULD NOT you are, the bigger percentage you pay) forgive poorer nations’ debt. 7. Regressive taxes are good (example: 20. Environmental regulations are national sales tax). BENEFICIAL for America and the 8. Permanent tax cuts would be GOOD economy. for the economy. 21. Environmental regulations are 9. Permanent tax cuts would be BAD for HARMFUL for America and the the economy. economy. 10. The government SHOULD USE 22. PRO-Organized Labor. DEFICIT SPENDING. 23. ANTI- Organized Labor. 11. The government SHOULD NOT USE 24. Continue to drill for OIL, especially in DEFICIT SPENDING. North America. 12. Free trade is BENEFICIAL. 25. Switch resources to ALTERNATIVE 13. Free trade is NOT BENEFICIAL. FUEL SOURCES. 14. We SHOULD have a national health 26. Continue to use COALS as an energy care system. source. 15. We should NOT have a national health 27. Increase usage of NUCLEAR energy. care system. 28. Wal-Mart is GOOD for the economy. 29. Wal-Mart is BAD for the economy. You will gather evidence to prepare for your position that you will present to the class. Each person must have a 1000 word report that has the information you will use when presenting your case (Times New Roman Size Twelve Font and Double Spaced, MLA). There will also be a title page, outline and a works- cited page and sources will be cited in the paper. Grading will take into account if you are able to persuade the audience based on a convincing presentation. Grading will take into account if you are able to persuade the audience based on a convincing presentation (When presenting you should also counteract any opposing positions that could be taken to yours) and come up with three questions to ask the opposition. Students should use at least four sources (one from journals or books) to get a perfect score on that section of the rubric. NO ENCYCLOPEDIAS! Presentations and paper will be turned in on the same day. Presenters will be limited between three and five minutes per presentation. Reports will be worth 100 points and the power point presentation itself will be worth 100 points. Presentations will take place at random and students will not read from their paper or slideshow. Those absent will be pressed to the end of the list and will probably have to make up the presentation on their own. All should be prepared to present, on the first day! Papers and presentations will be turned in prior to the first day. Surveys will be taken at the end of the debates. Students will rate if their opinion has changed and which of the groups had the most convincing presentation. Students that are selected by the most students as having the more convincing presentation will receive five points. Students absent the day of their presentation will not be eligible for the points and will have present on a different day. A visual (simple power point) will accompany the presentation. They must also be completed and turned in with the paper. 8
  • 9. Paper Rubric: 5 4 3 2 1 Paper format (x3) Title page, outline, Title page, outline, Title page, outline, Missing 1 Missing 2 works cited with no works cited with 1-5 works cited with +5 component. components or 1 errors. errors. errors. missing with multiple errors. Research (X3) 4 sources for research 3 sources for research 2 sources for research 1 source for research 0 sources for research cited properly. cited properly. cited properly. cited properly. cited properly. (x0) Written Report (X3) Organized into clear Mostly organized into Organized into Paragraph form. No clear paragraphs. paragraphs. clear paragraphs. paragraphs. Thesis (X3) Outlines clear and Writes clear thesis Writes thesis that Writes thesis that Unclear thesis that original thesis that that matches paper matches paper topic matches paper topic resembles paper topic matches paper topic topic and is supported and is somewhat and is slightly and is barely and is strongly by points of supported by points supported by points supported by points supported by points argument. of argument. of argument. of argument. of argument. Spelling/Grammar No errors. 1-5 errors. 6-10 errors. 10-15 errors. 16-20 errors. (X4) Position Taken (X4) Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Unable or unwilling State five points of State four points of State three points of State two points of to articulate clearly, arguments for and argument for and two argument for and one argument for and State points of three against using against using specific, against using specific, refutes opposite argument using specific, factual factual information. factual information. position. specific, factual information. information. Rubric for Presentation half of the debate project: Students will present for 3-5 minutes. You will be signaled when three and four minutes approach and cut off when five minutes approach. Other five points will be voted on by students. 5 4 3 2 1 Eye Contact (X2) Looks at audience Looks at audience half Looks at the audience Looks at audience Rarely or never looks almost all of the time, of the time, looking at less than half of the almost all of the time. at audience. Reads glancing at notes notes. time. Reading Reading from notes from notes. occasionally. directly from notes throughout most of throughout the presentation. presentation. Questions (x3) In depth questions that In depth questions that Questions that the Questions that is Only two questions the opposition has the opposition has opposition answers. merely factual, asked. cannot answer. difficulty answering. answered with total ease. Answering questions Answers questions Has difficulty Has difficulty Has difficulty Cannot answer any of (x3) with ease. answering one of the answering two of the answering all of the the questions at all. questions. questions. questions. Voice (X2) Voice can be heard at Voice can be heard at Voice can be heard at Voice can be heard at Voice cannot be heard the back of the room the back of the room the back of the room the back of the room at the back of the all of the time. most of the time. half of the time. less than half of the room. time. Visual (x3) Creative, illustrated Illustrated with major Major points or Distraction from Major distraction with major points that points that emphasize illustrations that speech. Attention of from speech. emphasize presentation, without emphasize audience or speaker Attention of audience presentation, without taking away from presentation, without taken away. or speaker taken taking away from speaking ability. taking away from away. speaking ability. speaking ability. Time (X2) 3-5 minutes Fifteen seconds less or Thirty seconds less or Forty-five seconds One minute less or more. more. less or more. more. Debate (X4) Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Articulates clearly. Unable or unwilling to State five points of State four points of State three points of State two points of articulate clearly, arguments for and argument for and two argument for and one argument for and State points of three against using against using specific, against using specific, refutes opposite argument using specific, factual factual information. factual information. position. specific, factual information. information. 9
  • 10. Name date April 24th period American Dream Describe the positions of the following organizations on the ensuing negotiations: Local P-9: International UFCW: Hormel: Families that break away from the strike: Public: Write a movie review. Summarize the documentary with the information from above in one paragraph. Secondly, write a paragraph about the point of the movie. What was the filmmaker attempting to show here? Write a third paragraph reflecting your own personal opinion of the film. Who do you think is to blame for this breakdown? This is a matter of opinion. Back up your opinion with an explanation. Who do you think lost or won the most here? Lastly, write a paragraph on how you think this film portrayed the plight of unions in the United States. This will typed double-spaced, Times New Roman size twelve font. Make sure to include name, period and date. (25 points + 5 points for these notes). The rubric following the book review is for grading your writing. This 10
  • 11. short 500 word essay will be worth thirty points. Scoring a six on each category will earn students thirty points. Main idea or thesis should be the focus of supportive research. MLA format is necessary. Short papers will follow this rubric. 11