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Usually, the first sentence in a BODY PARAGRAPH. It should
introduce the topic of the paragraph and relate directly back to
the THESIS. (or, in a longer essay, relate it directly back to the
TPS of the preceding paragraph.) Imagine someone asking you,
"How do you want me to think about your topic now?"
This is the specific information you offer as the EVIDENCE for
your topic; it will be the core of your paragraph. Imagine
someone asking you, "Can you show me what you mean?"
Other names for CONCRETE DETAIL: illustrations, examples,
descriptions, quotations, paraphrasing, plot evidence.
During DRAFTING you may rely upon PHRASES like "FOR
EXAMPLE" to introduce CONCRETE DETAIL--this is the kind
of thing to eliminate during REVISION
In the literature essay, CD is often a DIRECT QUOTATION.
This is your explanation for offering the concrete detail you
select--that is, your comment on, discussion about, or
evaluation of the evidence (CD) offered. Imagine someone
asking you, "What exactly does your concrete detail prove?"
You want to suggest how your CD is both relevant and unique.
Other names for COMMENTARY include: insight, analysis,
interpretation, evaluation, response, explication, reflection.
A hint for getting started on COMMENTARY: begin with the
phrase : THIS SHOWS THAT . . . This is the kind of thing to
eliminate during REVISION
Once you understand the different components of a paragraph,
you can choose to MOVE BEYOND THE TEMPLATE. Some
students depart from the FORMAT, some never do.
This whole discussion is based on Toulmin's Model . Here's a
little bit more about it.
The model is a six-step system of argument:
(1) a CLAIM is made;
(2) DATA (also called "GROUNDS"), i.e., facts to support it,
are offered;
(3) a WARRANT for connecting the data/grounds to the claim is
In addition, Toulmin adds
(4) BACKING, the theoretical or experimental foundations for
the warrant, is shown (at least implicitly);
(5) appropriate MODAL QUALIFIERS (some, many, most, etc.)
temper the claim; and
(6) possible REBUTTALS are considered.
But, for now, let us focus on the first three (and add a
concluding sentence.
A claim is a statement that you are asking the other person to
accept. This includes information you are asking them to accept
as true (exposition) or actions you want them to accept and
enact (persuasion).
Many people start with a claim, but then find that it is
challenged. If you just ask me to do something, I will not
simply agree with what you want. I will ask why I should agree
with you. I will ask you to prove you claim. This is where
grounds of data become important.
Data is the basis of real persuasion and is made up of
information and hard facts. It is the truth on which the claim is
based. The actual truth of the data may be less that 100%, as all
data is based on perception and hence has some element of
assumption about it. You want your data to be convincing
enough that it is not challenged. To make it convincing, you
need to explain it clearly to your readers.
Data is usually a very powerful element of persuasion, although
it does affect people differently. Those who are logical or
rational will more likely to be persuaded by data. Those who
argue emotionally and who are highly invested in their own
position will challenge it or otherwise try to ignore it. This is
where the warrant comes into play.
A warrant links data to a claim, legitimizing the claim by
showing the data to be relevant. The warrant should be made
explicit It answers the question 'Why does that data mean your
claim is true?" The warrant may be simple and it may also be a
longer argument with additional sub-elements, including those
described below.
When Billy Joel sings about being in a "New York State of
Mind," there are plenty of people who have some choice words
for that "state." They aren't always nice words. Many people
have the notion that New Yorkers are rude. New Yorkers are
focused; they have places to go, people to meet, and things to
do. They're plain busy.
It takes time being nice. Time, however, is something most
busy New Yorkers do not have.
There is little for Timeniceties when one is focused on the task
of going, meeting, and doing. For example, ask a New Yorker
for information and they give it.
1Some people think that when they get a direct answer without
any additional pleasantries, the respondent is rude. 2There is
no time for "how are you today," no "looks like rain." The
question is asked; the question is answered.
[In addition,] living in a city of nine million people demands
the swift pace that is characteristic of New York. In the hustle
and bustle of city life, New Yorkers often depend on others to
get where the need to go. They ride the subway or busses, take
taxis, or "hoof it."
1For people who like to have control, it can be disturbing to
depend on someone else. So, New Yorkers take precautions.
Moving quickly, bumping, and jostling on the street are the
risks of living a fast-paced life. 2People do not always
apologize. They simply nod, shrug their shoulders, or mutter,
"Sorry." Often, the apology between New Yorkers is unspoken.
It is understood: "no biggie."
Even when they are relaxing, New Yorkers are intent on the
task. at hand. At a baseball game, their job is to cheer the team
to victory. When eating a hot dog on the street, the task it to
avoid wearing the mustard. At Bloomingdales, the mission is to
find it, purchase it, get out. Window shopping, carriage rides
through Central Park, lazy lunches at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel-
-these are activities for tourists. New Yorkers have no time for
these indulgences. They have something to do--now.
Student ID:_________________________
Names______________________________________ Tutorial
Day & Time:_____________________________
Criterion Feedback
Very Poor (N) Fair (P) Satisfactory (C) Good (D) Excellent
(HD) Outstanding (HD+)
Preliminaries and overall Presentation:
Title page and neat presentation of the
essay written in standard English with
sufficient headings and sub-headings in
the body of the essay. (5% marks)
Very badly presented
essay; lacks proper
formatting, poor English
and heading & subheading
Fair structure and format but
presentation needs more
Overall acceptable format and
presentation but English
structure, topic heading and
sub-headings need some
Good overall presentation
and format with concise
heading and sub-headings
but English expression could
be improved.
Excellent presentation and
formatting, excellent piece of
work written in standard
Outstanding presentation,
excellent piece of work written in
standard English with innovative
Introduction: Clear introduction of the
specific topic area investigated in the
essay within the broad regulatory and
facilitating roles of governments, with
objective and agenda of the essay with
reference to the assignment question.
(5% marks)
unclear introduction or
lack of linking the topic
within the regulatory and
facilitating roles of govt.,
or objective and agenda of
the essay
Fair introduction, linking it
within the regulatory and
facilitating roles of govt., and
objective and agenda of the
Satisfactory introduction
indicating its regulatory or
facilitating nature and
objective and agenda of the
Very good overall
introduction indicating its
nature of govt. policy with
some clarity of objective and
agenda of the essay
Excellent introduction with
concise positioning of the
topic amongst govt. policies
& some scholarly literature.
Has clear objectives of the
Outstanding introduction with
concise positioning of the topic
amongst govt. policies. Has clear
objective of the essay with
reference to the assignment
Literature Review: Review the relevant
scholarly articles and book chapters on
the selected topic area to demonstrate
your understanding of how government
policies regulate and facilitate the
international marketing activities of
domestic firms in overseas markets or
international marketing activities of
foreign firms in the domestic market. (8%
Literature review lacks
sufficient depth. It is either
very descriptive without
any critical analysis, only
2/3 scholarly works
reviewed, or scholarly
works are not closely
related to the chosen topic
of the essay.
Fair attempt to review
relevant scholarly works with
some depth. It is either
descriptive review of at least
4 scholarly works with some
critical analysis or only 2/3
scholarly works reviewed
with reasonable depth of
Satisfactory attempt to review
relevant scholarly works with
reasonable depth. It is either
descriptive review of at least 5
scholarly works with some
critical analysis or only 3/4
scholarly works reviewed with
reasonable depth of analysis.
Very good attempt to review
relevant scholarly works with
reasonable depth. It is either
descriptive review of at least
6 scholarly works with some
critical analysis or 4/5
scholarly works reviewed
with reasonable depth of
An excellent attempt to
review relevant scholarly
works with reasonable
depth. It is a critical review of
at least 6 relevant scholarly
works and summarised
major points in relation to
the topic of the essay.
An outstanding attempt to
review relevant scholarly works
with reasonable depth. It is a
critical review of at least 6 or
more relevant scholarly works,
summarised major points in
relation to the topic of the essay
and suggest future direction.
Evaluation of Policies: A critical
evaluation of the selected government
policies to demonstrate how a policy
facilitate or regulate international
marketing activities of domestic firms in
overseas markets or international
marketing activities of foreign firms in the
domestic market. (70% marks)
Poor evaluation of govt.
policies. It is just
description of the policies
without enough analysis of
objective of the govt. and
its impact on target firms
and the economy.
Fair evaluation of govt.
policies. It is mainly
descriptive with fair analysis
of objective of the govt. and
its impact on target firms
and the economy. Evaluation
not linked to reviewed
Satisfactory evaluation of govt.
policies. It is descriptive with
some critical analysis of
objective of the govt. and its
impact on target firms and the
economy. Evaluation is weakly
linked to reviewed literature.
Very good evaluation of
govt. policies. It is
descriptive with good critical
analysis of objective of the
govt. and its impact on
target firms and the
economy. Evaluation is
linked to reviewed literature.
Excellent evaluation of govt.
policies. Each policy critically
analysed for its objective of
the govt., its impact on
target firms and the
economy. Evaluation is nicely
linked to reviewed literature
Outstanding evaluation of govt.
policies. Each policy critically
analysed for its objective of the
govt., its impact on target firms
and the economy. Evaluation
linked very well to literature with
own comment.
Conclusion: Summarises evaluation of
govt. policies with some insightful
comments on the effectiveness of the
policies to achieve desired goal of the
government and target business firms (7%
Little or no attempt to
conclude discussion
Weak attempt to conclude
Some attempt to conclude
Good attempt to conclude
discussion in a logical and
concise manner
Excellent synthesis of the
main issues in the evaluation
of policies and identifies any
room improvement.
Outstanding synthesis of the
main issues in the evaluation of
policies, identifies any new policy
to achieve desired objective.
Referencing: Demonstrate the use of
correct citation and referencing style for
the sources of concept, theories and
government policies and any other
materials used in the essay. APA citation
rules are recommended in the
assignment. Demonstrate you familiarity
with rules. (5% marks)
Incorrect use of APA
citation rules in the body
and reference list and all
citations in the body are
not included in the
reference list.
Some formatting errors but
at least 60% of the citations
and references are done
Minor formatting issues but at
least 70% of the citations and
references are done correctly
Correct formatting used for
more than 80% of the
citations and references.
Perfect formatting for
citation throughout the essay
and reference list with minor
error or omission.
Perfect formatting for citation
throughout the essay and
reference list without any error
or omission whatsoever.
Other comments:
Assignment 1 (Essay)
Weight: 15% of assessment
Group or Individual: Individual Assignment
Length: 1500 words (excluding references, title page and
executive summary)
Due date: Week 6
“No manager can afford to ignore the policies and regulations
of the country from which he or she
conducts international marketing transactions. Wherever a firm
is located, it will be affected by
government policies and the legal system.” Czinkota &
Ronkainen (2013, p.133)
Write an essay to explain the statement with emphasis on home
and host country government policies
that facilitate and regulate the international marketing activities
of a business firm with specific example of
such policies from a country of your choice as Home (Country
of Origin) and Host (Export/FDI
Destination) country.
Tips for the Assignment:
Visit relevant government websites of the country of your
choice (your home country is preferred) and
identify policies that facilitate and regulate domestic and
foreign firms’ international marketing activities
within the country. Critically evaluate the facilitating and/or
regulating role of at least three (3) to a
maximum of five (5) such policies. Home country policies may
include promotion of export and other
international business activities (including FDIs in foreign
country markets) of domestic companies, and
any policy that sanction or discourage their international
marketing activities with any foreign company
and foreign market. Host country policies may include
government rules that restrict or regulate
international marketing activities (including FDIs) of foreign
companies within its territory. Your essay can
concentrate either on home government policies for domestic
companies’ international marketing
activities or policies for marketing activities of the foreign
companies in the country.
Suggested Structure:
1. Introduction: Brief introduction highlighting the importance
of understanding home and host
government policies and regulations in international marketing
activities and provide a structure of
the essay (approximately 150 - 200 words)
2. Literature Review: Brief literature review highlighting the
use and outcomes of different
government policies as a background of study topic
(approximately 250 -300 words)
3. Critical analysis of the selected government policies (issues):
This is the core of this
assignment to demonstrate your understanding of the nature of a
policy, its expected objective for
the government, and its likely impact and outcome for the
domestic or foreign companies. Your
discussion must be critical analysis of each policy rather than
simple description. Use any
supporting empirical evidence from the literature review to
support of your argument
(approximately 900 – 1000 words).
4. Conclusion: Conclusion to summaries your discussion,
implication for your company and
comment on any policy (approximately 100 words).
5. References: List all your sources of information for the
essay. Follow details on it provided in the
Unit Guide.
Follow other instructions provided for the assessment task in
the Unit Guide.
Argument Essay
Thesis Statement & Outline Handout
Although _____________(counter claim)________________,
I claim that __________(claim)_________________________
because of ___subclaim1_____, ____subclaim2____, and
OUTLINE using the Toulmin Method
Note: Don’t forget transitions!P1: Intro
broad to specific. ending in thesis statement (featured above).
Typically 5-8 sentences long.
P2: Counter Claim
P3: Subclaim 1
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P4: Subclaim 2
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P5: Subclaim 3
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P6: Conclusion
Review thesis then move to broad. Global relevance. So what?
Typically 5-8 sentences long.
Woicker 1
Student Woicker
Professor Gallego
English 1302
8 February 2016
The Addiction
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, or
CDC, 40 million people
light up a cigarette to calm their daily craving; that’s 40 million
people knowingly deteriorating
their body with each drag. As the leading cause of preventable
disease and death in the United
States, smoking is no phantom to millions. The “cigarette
epidemic” has become so alarming that
fighting the fixation to ultimately save people’s lives has
become necessary. Many
advertisements are created to encourage smokers to quit the
habit, but very few are effective in
doing so. The CDC created an advertisement that features a
former avid smoker, and the battles
she is forced to fight every day because of her notorious
addiction, in attempt to convince
millions to stop buying into the deadly custom. Although it is
extremely difficult to quit
smoking, I claim that Terrie’s commercial convinces people to
give up smoking through its use
of ethos, logos, and pathos.
In CDC’s commercial featuring Terrie, ethos is used to convince
the audience by having
a long-time, credible smoker be the spokesperson. In the
commercial, Terrie shows her daily
morning routine, containing things that smoking has forced her
to have to do. Terrie has to put a
wig on, teeth in, and put in a hands-free device that covers a
hole in her throat she got from
smoking to be able to talk. Since she has smoked for multiple
years, she now has to go through
unnecessary and inconvenient steps to make her life feel like
normal after the harm she has done
to her body. Current smokers might see Terrie’s situation and be
fearful that these consequences
Woicker 2
might inflict their lives, which could convince them to stop
smoking. If the spokesperson were
someone who did not actually smoke, the commercial would be
much less convincing and
effective because viewers would not be able to see a first-hand
experience. The credibility that is
built off of having a long-time smoker as the author constructs a
more powerful commercial, as
well as shows ethos.
In comparison to CDC’s commercial, the Food and Drug
Administration, or FDA,
released a commercial of a girl buying cigarettes. In the
commercial, the girl is young, beautiful,
in shape, and has a flawless complexion. It is very evident to
the audience that the girl has
probably never smoked anything in her entire life. Although the
point of the commercial is
extremely important to many, it lacks an influential component
because of the speaker. Since she
is seemingly perfect on the outside, it is hard for current
smokers to connect to her situation and
be convinced to stop smoking, thus the purpose of the
commercial ultimately failing. From its
lack of effectiveness, this shows that ethos and the credibility
of the speaker is vital when trying
to persuade an audience because if the viewers cannot relate,
they will not react.
Near the end of the commercial, logos is used in a simple yet
effective factual statement.
After viewing the routine of what could be the current viewers
normality in a couple years if they
submit themselves to smoking, they are faced with the harsh
truth. In the commercial, one of the
last things the viewer sees is the statement, “smoking causes
immediate damage to your body.”
Although allegedly mild, the straightforward saying forces the
audience to reflect on the harmful
decision they are making every time they light up. Having the
raucous, factual reality that
damage is immediately inflicted upon the body every time a
cigarette is inhaled become apparent
is an influential dynamic in the commercial, which is an
effective tool in convincing the audience
Woicker 3
to quit the habit. The factual statement is a powerful use of
logos that aids in persuading people
to abandon cigarettes.
In the advertisement, Terrie shares her shocking and despairing
everyday routine that
creates an emotional response within the viewer, showing
pathos. Terrie shares her compelling
daily regimen that includes steps many people could not dream
of doing. Just to feel normal,
Terrie must put in teeth, a wig, and a hands-free device to
speak, all of which are now necessary
because her smoking habit caused severe deterioration in her
body. Watching a woman go
through these unthinkable steps makes the viewer feel extremely
somber and sorry for what she
has to go through, eliciting an emotional response. The audience
is faced with an emotional
reaction that sends a jarring reality pulsing through each of
their veins: this could be their future
one-day. Simple things every person takes for granted such as
having teeth, hair and being able
to speak without an aid, is something the audience becomes
abruptly aware of, and suddenly
forms a fear of losing. Pathos is effectively formed from the
infliction of heartbreaking emotions
within the viewers after seeing Terrie’s unnerving daily routine
that could ultimately encourage
and convince them to stop smoking.
Terrie’s advertisement effectively convinces viewers to
consider the health and safety of
their body and stop smoking. Being a long-time smoker, as well
as having a compelling,
traumatic story, Terrie’s experience inspires many to kick the
habit that once seemed impossible
to stop. According to the American Cancer Society, across
America, the average success rate of
quitting smoking without aid is only about 4% to 7% (ACS).
Terrie’s story could raise that rate
because of her impactful story. When people see the struggles
of a woman that has participated
in their same vice, they realize that her current lifestyle could
potentially develop into their
future, a shocking realization that only becomes apparent when
they are faced head on with the
Woicker 4
problem. Terrie’s commercial shines a much-needed light on the
epidemic of smoking, thus
spreading the information that the habit is extremely dangerous
and harmful to the body. The
American society has been bombarded with other
advertisements by cigarette and tobacco
companies that attempt to convince consumers to buy their
product, while neglecting the harm
that their products actually do to the human body. Commercials
like Terrie’s are vital to the
health of millions. Instead of being influenced by uncaring
companies, viewers can finally
understand and visualize their future from Terrie’s struggle if
they continue with the deadly
custom. Smoking is an addictive epidemic that needs an army to
destroy, but if one person is
able to quit, that’s one person’s health and life that has
improved, one person’s story that can
become a motivation towards others to stop, thus moving
towards a world without cigarettes.
Addiction is a serious issue in America that doesn’t seem to
draw much attention, but will affect
us for generations.
Woicker 5
Works Cited
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “CDC: Tips From
Former Smoker.” Advertisement.
YouTube. YouTube, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.
"Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United
States." Smoking and Tobacco Use.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 Dec. 2015. Web. 7
Feb. 2016.
Food and Drug Administration. “Skin.” Advertisement.
YouTube. YouTube, 2014. Web. 1 Feb.
“Guide To Quitting Smoking.” Stay Healthy. American Cancer
Society, 06 Feb. 2014. Web. 9
Feb. 2016.

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  • 1. ABOUT PARAGRAPHS: Paragraphs contain THREE BASIC COMPONENTS 1. TOPIC SENTENCE or CLAIM 2. CONCRETE DETAIL or DATA 3. COMMENTARY or WARRANT TOPIC SENTENCE [TPS aka the "CLAIM"] Usually, the first sentence in a BODY PARAGRAPH. It should introduce the topic of the paragraph and relate directly back to the THESIS. (or, in a longer essay, relate it directly back to the TPS of the preceding paragraph.) Imagine someone asking you, "How do you want me to think about your topic now?" CONCRETE DETAIL [CD aka the "DATA"]: This is the specific information you offer as the EVIDENCE for your topic; it will be the core of your paragraph. Imagine someone asking you, "Can you show me what you mean?" Other names for CONCRETE DETAIL: illustrations, examples, descriptions, quotations, paraphrasing, plot evidence. During DRAFTING you may rely upon PHRASES like "FOR EXAMPLE" to introduce CONCRETE DETAIL--this is the kind of thing to eliminate during REVISION In the literature essay, CD is often a DIRECT QUOTATION. COMMENTARY [CM aka the "WARRANT"]:
  • 2. This is your explanation for offering the concrete detail you select--that is, your comment on, discussion about, or evaluation of the evidence (CD) offered. Imagine someone asking you, "What exactly does your concrete detail prove?" You want to suggest how your CD is both relevant and unique. Other names for COMMENTARY include: insight, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, response, explication, reflection. A hint for getting started on COMMENTARY: begin with the phrase : THIS SHOWS THAT . . . This is the kind of thing to eliminate during REVISION Once you understand the different components of a paragraph, you can choose to MOVE BEYOND THE TEMPLATE. Some students depart from the FORMAT, some never do. This whole discussion is based on Toulmin's Model . Here's a little bit more about it. The model is a six-step system of argument: (1) a CLAIM is made; (2) DATA (also called "GROUNDS"), i.e., facts to support it, are offered; (3) a WARRANT for connecting the data/grounds to the claim is conveyed In addition, Toulmin adds (4) BACKING, the theoretical or experimental foundations for the warrant, is shown (at least implicitly); (5) appropriate MODAL QUALIFIERS (some, many, most, etc.) temper the claim; and (6) possible REBUTTALS are considered.
  • 3. But, for now, let us focus on the first three (and add a concluding sentence. Claim A claim is a statement that you are asking the other person to accept. This includes information you are asking them to accept as true (exposition) or actions you want them to accept and enact (persuasion). Many people start with a claim, but then find that it is challenged. If you just ask me to do something, I will not simply agree with what you want. I will ask why I should agree with you. I will ask you to prove you claim. This is where grounds of data become important. Data Data is the basis of real persuasion and is made up of information and hard facts. It is the truth on which the claim is based. The actual truth of the data may be less that 100%, as all data is based on perception and hence has some element of assumption about it. You want your data to be convincing enough that it is not challenged. To make it convincing, you need to explain it clearly to your readers. Data is usually a very powerful element of persuasion, although it does affect people differently. Those who are logical or rational will more likely to be persuaded by data. Those who argue emotionally and who are highly invested in their own position will challenge it or otherwise try to ignore it. This is where the warrant comes into play. Warrant A warrant links data to a claim, legitimizing the claim by showing the data to be relevant. The warrant should be made explicit It answers the question 'Why does that data mean your
  • 4. claim is true?" The warrant may be simple and it may also be a longer argument with additional sub-elements, including those described below. SAMPLE ESSAY INTRODUCTION AND THESIS When Billy Joel sings about being in a "New York State of Mind," there are plenty of people who have some choice words for that "state." They aren't always nice words. Many people have the notion that New Yorkers are rude. New Yorkers are focused; they have places to go, people to meet, and things to do. They're plain busy. TOPIC SENTENCE It takes time being nice. Time, however, is something most busy New Yorkers do not have. EVIDENCE (OR CONCRETE DETAIL) There is little for Timeniceties when one is focused on the task of going, meeting, and doing. For example, ask a New Yorker for information and they give it. EVALUATION OF EVIDENCE (COMMENTARY) 1Some people think that when they get a direct answer without any additional pleasantries, the respondent is rude. 2There is no time for "how are you today," no "looks like rain." The question is asked; the question is answered. EVIDENCE (CD) [In addition,] living in a city of nine million people demands the swift pace that is characteristic of New York. In the hustle and bustle of city life, New Yorkers often depend on others to
  • 5. get where the need to go. They ride the subway or busses, take taxis, or "hoof it." EVALUATION (CM) 1For people who like to have control, it can be disturbing to depend on someone else. So, New Yorkers take precautions. Moving quickly, bumping, and jostling on the street are the risks of living a fast-paced life. 2People do not always apologize. They simply nod, shrug their shoulders, or mutter, "Sorry." Often, the apology between New Yorkers is unspoken. It is understood: "no biggie." CONCLUSION Even when they are relaxing, New Yorkers are intent on the task. at hand. At a baseball game, their job is to cheer the team to victory. When eating a hot dog on the street, the task it to avoid wearing the mustard. At Bloomingdales, the mission is to find it, purchase it, get out. Window shopping, carriage rides through Central Park, lazy lunches at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel- -these are activities for tourists. New Yorkers have no time for these indulgences. They have something to do--now. MKW3444 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ASSIGNMENT 1 MARKING RUBRIC Student ID:_________________________ Names______________________________________ Tutorial Day & Time:_____________________________
  • 6. Criterion Feedback Very Poor (N) Fair (P) Satisfactory (C) Good (D) Excellent (HD) Outstanding (HD+) Preliminaries and overall Presentation: Title page and neat presentation of the essay written in standard English with sufficient headings and sub-headings in the body of the essay. (5% marks) Very badly presented essay; lacks proper formatting, poor English and heading & subheading Fair structure and format but presentation needs more attention Overall acceptable format and presentation but English structure, topic heading and sub-headings need some attention Good overall presentation and format with concise heading and sub-headings but English expression could be improved. Excellent presentation and formatting, excellent piece of
  • 7. work written in standard English Outstanding presentation, excellent piece of work written in standard English with innovative ideas Introduction: Clear introduction of the specific topic area investigated in the essay within the broad regulatory and facilitating roles of governments, with objective and agenda of the essay with reference to the assignment question. (5% marks) unclear introduction or lack of linking the topic within the regulatory and facilitating roles of govt., or objective and agenda of the essay Fair introduction, linking it within the regulatory and facilitating roles of govt., and objective and agenda of the essay Satisfactory introduction indicating its regulatory or facilitating nature and objective and agenda of the essay Very good overall
  • 8. introduction indicating its nature of govt. policy with some clarity of objective and agenda of the essay Excellent introduction with concise positioning of the topic amongst govt. policies & some scholarly literature. Has clear objectives of the essay Outstanding introduction with concise positioning of the topic amongst govt. policies. Has clear objective of the essay with reference to the assignment question. Literature Review: Review the relevant scholarly articles and book chapters on the selected topic area to demonstrate your understanding of how government policies regulate and facilitate the international marketing activities of domestic firms in overseas markets or international marketing activities of foreign firms in the domestic market. (8% marks) Literature review lacks sufficient depth. It is either very descriptive without any critical analysis, only 2/3 scholarly works reviewed, or scholarly
  • 9. works are not closely related to the chosen topic of the essay. Fair attempt to review relevant scholarly works with some depth. It is either descriptive review of at least 4 scholarly works with some critical analysis or only 2/3 scholarly works reviewed with reasonable depth of analysis. Satisfactory attempt to review relevant scholarly works with reasonable depth. It is either descriptive review of at least 5 scholarly works with some critical analysis or only 3/4 scholarly works reviewed with reasonable depth of analysis. Very good attempt to review relevant scholarly works with reasonable depth. It is either descriptive review of at least 6 scholarly works with some critical analysis or 4/5 scholarly works reviewed with reasonable depth of analysis.
  • 10. An excellent attempt to review relevant scholarly works with reasonable depth. It is a critical review of at least 6 relevant scholarly works and summarised major points in relation to the topic of the essay. An outstanding attempt to review relevant scholarly works with reasonable depth. It is a critical review of at least 6 or more relevant scholarly works, summarised major points in relation to the topic of the essay and suggest future direction. Evaluation of Policies: A critical evaluation of the selected government policies to demonstrate how a policy facilitate or regulate international marketing activities of domestic firms in overseas markets or international marketing activities of foreign firms in the domestic market. (70% marks) Poor evaluation of govt. policies. It is just description of the policies without enough analysis of objective of the govt. and its impact on target firms
  • 11. and the economy. Fair evaluation of govt. policies. It is mainly descriptive with fair analysis of objective of the govt. and its impact on target firms and the economy. Evaluation not linked to reviewed literature. Satisfactory evaluation of govt. policies. It is descriptive with some critical analysis of objective of the govt. and its impact on target firms and the economy. Evaluation is weakly linked to reviewed literature. Very good evaluation of govt. policies. It is descriptive with good critical analysis of objective of the govt. and its impact on target firms and the economy. Evaluation is linked to reviewed literature. Excellent evaluation of govt. policies. Each policy critically analysed for its objective of the govt., its impact on target firms and the economy. Evaluation is nicely linked to reviewed literature
  • 12. Outstanding evaluation of govt. policies. Each policy critically analysed for its objective of the govt., its impact on target firms and the economy. Evaluation linked very well to literature with own comment. Conclusion: Summarises evaluation of govt. policies with some insightful comments on the effectiveness of the policies to achieve desired goal of the government and target business firms (7% marks) Little or no attempt to conclude discussion Weak attempt to conclude discussion Some attempt to conclude discussion. Good attempt to conclude discussion in a logical and concise manner Excellent synthesis of the main issues in the evaluation of policies and identifies any room improvement. Outstanding synthesis of the main issues in the evaluation of policies, identifies any new policy
  • 13. to achieve desired objective. Referencing: Demonstrate the use of correct citation and referencing style for the sources of concept, theories and government policies and any other materials used in the essay. APA citation rules are recommended in the assignment. Demonstrate you familiarity with rules. (5% marks) Incorrect use of APA citation rules in the body and reference list and all citations in the body are not included in the reference list. Some formatting errors but at least 60% of the citations and references are done correctly Minor formatting issues but at least 70% of the citations and references are done correctly Correct formatting used for more than 80% of the citations and references. Perfect formatting for citation throughout the essay and reference list with minor error or omission.
  • 14. Perfect formatting for citation throughout the essay and reference list without any error or omission whatsoever. Other comments: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________ MKW3444 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Assignment 1 (Essay) Weight: 15% of assessment Group or Individual: Individual Assignment Length: 1500 words (excluding references, title page and executive summary) Due date: Week 6 “No manager can afford to ignore the policies and regulations of the country from which he or she conducts international marketing transactions. Wherever a firm is located, it will be affected by
  • 15. government policies and the legal system.” Czinkota & Ronkainen (2013, p.133) Write an essay to explain the statement with emphasis on home and host country government policies that facilitate and regulate the international marketing activities of a business firm with specific example of such policies from a country of your choice as Home (Country of Origin) and Host (Export/FDI Destination) country. Tips for the Assignment: Visit relevant government websites of the country of your choice (your home country is preferred) and identify policies that facilitate and regulate domestic and foreign firms’ international marketing activities within the country. Critically evaluate the facilitating and/or regulating role of at least three (3) to a maximum of five (5) such policies. Home country policies may include promotion of export and other international business activities (including FDIs in foreign country markets) of domestic companies, and any policy that sanction or discourage their international marketing activities with any foreign company and foreign market. Host country policies may include government rules that restrict or regulate
  • 16. international marketing activities (including FDIs) of foreign companies within its territory. Your essay can concentrate either on home government policies for domestic companies’ international marketing activities or policies for marketing activities of the foreign companies in the country. Suggested Structure: 1. Introduction: Brief introduction highlighting the importance of understanding home and host government policies and regulations in international marketing activities and provide a structure of the essay (approximately 150 - 200 words) 2. Literature Review: Brief literature review highlighting the use and outcomes of different government policies as a background of study topic (approximately 250 -300 words) 3. Critical analysis of the selected government policies (issues): This is the core of this assignment to demonstrate your understanding of the nature of a policy, its expected objective for the government, and its likely impact and outcome for the domestic or foreign companies. Your discussion must be critical analysis of each policy rather than
  • 17. simple description. Use any supporting empirical evidence from the literature review to support of your argument (approximately 900 – 1000 words). 4. Conclusion: Conclusion to summaries your discussion, implication for your company and comment on any policy (approximately 100 words). 5. References: List all your sources of information for the essay. Follow details on it provided in the Unit Guide. Follow other instructions provided for the assessment task in the Unit Guide. Argument Essay Thesis Statement & Outline Handout Although _____________(counter claim)________________, I claim that __________(claim)_________________________ because of ___subclaim1_____, ____subclaim2____, and ____subclaim3____. OUTLINE using the Toulmin Method Note: Don’t forget transitions!P1: Intro broad to specific. ending in thesis statement (featured above). Typically 5-8 sentences long. P2: Counter Claim Claim:
  • 18. Data: Warrant: P3: Subclaim 1 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P4: Subclaim 2 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P5: Subclaim 3 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P6: Conclusion Review thesis then move to broad. Global relevance. So what? Typically 5-8 sentences long. Woicker 1 Student Woicker Professor Gallego English 1302
  • 19. 8 February 2016 The Addiction According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, 40 million people light up a cigarette to calm their daily craving; that’s 40 million people knowingly deteriorating their body with each drag. As the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, smoking is no phantom to millions. The “cigarette epidemic” has become so alarming that fighting the fixation to ultimately save people’s lives has become necessary. Many advertisements are created to encourage smokers to quit the habit, but very few are effective in doing so. The CDC created an advertisement that features a former avid smoker, and the battles she is forced to fight every day because of her notorious addiction, in attempt to convince millions to stop buying into the deadly custom. Although it is extremely difficult to quit smoking, I claim that Terrie’s commercial convinces people to give up smoking through its use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
  • 20. In CDC’s commercial featuring Terrie, ethos is used to convince the audience by having a long-time, credible smoker be the spokesperson. In the commercial, Terrie shows her daily morning routine, containing things that smoking has forced her to have to do. Terrie has to put a wig on, teeth in, and put in a hands-free device that covers a hole in her throat she got from smoking to be able to talk. Since she has smoked for multiple years, she now has to go through unnecessary and inconvenient steps to make her life feel like normal after the harm she has done to her body. Current smokers might see Terrie’s situation and be fearful that these consequences Woicker 2 might inflict their lives, which could convince them to stop smoking. If the spokesperson were someone who did not actually smoke, the commercial would be much less convincing and effective because viewers would not be able to see a first-hand experience. The credibility that is built off of having a long-time smoker as the author constructs a more powerful commercial, as
  • 21. well as shows ethos. In comparison to CDC’s commercial, the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, released a commercial of a girl buying cigarettes. In the commercial, the girl is young, beautiful, in shape, and has a flawless complexion. It is very evident to the audience that the girl has probably never smoked anything in her entire life. Although the point of the commercial is extremely important to many, it lacks an influential component because of the speaker. Since she is seemingly perfect on the outside, it is hard for current smokers to connect to her situation and be convinced to stop smoking, thus the purpose of the commercial ultimately failing. From its lack of effectiveness, this shows that ethos and the credibility of the speaker is vital when trying to persuade an audience because if the viewers cannot relate, they will not react. Near the end of the commercial, logos is used in a simple yet effective factual statement. After viewing the routine of what could be the current viewers normality in a couple years if they
  • 22. submit themselves to smoking, they are faced with the harsh truth. In the commercial, one of the last things the viewer sees is the statement, “smoking causes immediate damage to your body.” Although allegedly mild, the straightforward saying forces the audience to reflect on the harmful decision they are making every time they light up. Having the raucous, factual reality that damage is immediately inflicted upon the body every time a cigarette is inhaled become apparent is an influential dynamic in the commercial, which is an effective tool in convincing the audience Woicker 3 to quit the habit. The factual statement is a powerful use of logos that aids in persuading people to abandon cigarettes. In the advertisement, Terrie shares her shocking and despairing everyday routine that creates an emotional response within the viewer, showing pathos. Terrie shares her compelling daily regimen that includes steps many people could not dream of doing. Just to feel normal,
  • 23. Terrie must put in teeth, a wig, and a hands-free device to speak, all of which are now necessary because her smoking habit caused severe deterioration in her body. Watching a woman go through these unthinkable steps makes the viewer feel extremely somber and sorry for what she has to go through, eliciting an emotional response. The audience is faced with an emotional reaction that sends a jarring reality pulsing through each of their veins: this could be their future one-day. Simple things every person takes for granted such as having teeth, hair and being able to speak without an aid, is something the audience becomes abruptly aware of, and suddenly forms a fear of losing. Pathos is effectively formed from the infliction of heartbreaking emotions within the viewers after seeing Terrie’s unnerving daily routine that could ultimately encourage and convince them to stop smoking. Terrie’s advertisement effectively convinces viewers to consider the health and safety of their body and stop smoking. Being a long-time smoker, as well as having a compelling, traumatic story, Terrie’s experience inspires many to kick the
  • 24. habit that once seemed impossible to stop. According to the American Cancer Society, across America, the average success rate of quitting smoking without aid is only about 4% to 7% (ACS). Terrie’s story could raise that rate because of her impactful story. When people see the struggles of a woman that has participated in their same vice, they realize that her current lifestyle could potentially develop into their future, a shocking realization that only becomes apparent when they are faced head on with the Woicker 4 problem. Terrie’s commercial shines a much-needed light on the epidemic of smoking, thus spreading the information that the habit is extremely dangerous and harmful to the body. The American society has been bombarded with other advertisements by cigarette and tobacco companies that attempt to convince consumers to buy their product, while neglecting the harm that their products actually do to the human body. Commercials like Terrie’s are vital to the
  • 25. health of millions. Instead of being influenced by uncaring companies, viewers can finally understand and visualize their future from Terrie’s struggle if they continue with the deadly custom. Smoking is an addictive epidemic that needs an army to destroy, but if one person is able to quit, that’s one person’s health and life that has improved, one person’s story that can become a motivation towards others to stop, thus moving towards a world without cigarettes. Addiction is a serious issue in America that doesn’t seem to draw much attention, but will affect us for generations. Woicker 5
  • 26. Works Cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “CDC: Tips From Former Smoker.” Advertisement. YouTube. YouTube, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 1 Feb. 2016. "Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States." Smoking and Tobacco Use. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 Dec. 2015. Web. 7 Feb. 2016. Food and Drug Administration. “Skin.” Advertisement. YouTube. YouTube, 2014. Web. 1 Feb. 2016. “Guide To Quitting Smoking.” Stay Healthy. American Cancer Society, 06 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2016. oQ