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Module 1 - SLP
Before you start this assignment, be sure that you are familiar
with the following
laws and their amendments:
Americans with Disabilities Act (Click on the link for a brief
Title VII—specifically Religious Accommodation in this
module. (Click on the link
for a brief overview.)
"Reasonable Accommodation" and "Undue Hardship" (Click on
the link for a brief
EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Reasonable Accommodation
and Undue
Hardship Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Click on
the link for a brief
There are primarily two U.S. governmental agencies responsible
for enforcing
EEO laws. They are the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) and
the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).
In this
assignment we will focus on the EEOC, and in Module 2 we
will look at the
Integrate your responses to the following as you prepare your
Under law, employers must meet reasonable accommodation
concerning religion and disability.
What, specifically and succinctly, are these expectations?
Who enforces these expectations?
Provide two specific private sector workplace examples of
accommodations from your readings/research (stating employers
by name)
one for religion and one for disability.
Bring in at least 3 TUI library sources plus any applicable
background readings to
help strengthen your discussion.
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Submit your paper by the module due date. The paper should be
2-3 pages, not
counting the cover and reference pages.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues
and HRM
actions, drawing on your background reading and research.
Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only
resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed
information in the
body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use
APA style of
Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a
cover page, a list of
references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and
Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage
Classical Argument Peer Review
Directions: The author should copy and paste the peer review
form to the end of your rough
draft, after the Works Cited or References page. Submit your
paper to the proper Group or
Discussion Board.
Goals: The goal of the peer review is to help a classmate
improve his or her paper by showing
the author the strengths and weaknesses that may not be
apparent, and to help improve editing
Instructions for the review: The Reviewer should read the
author’s analysis carefully twice, once
to get an overview of the paper, and a second time to provide
constructive criticism that will
assist the author in revising his or her paper. Avoid one word
“yes” or “no” responses. Insert
responses to each question after the question. There is a
minimum of 250 word count for this
peer review.
1. Does this draft respond to the assignment? Explain how the
draft does and/or does not meet
the assignment criteria.
2. Is any obvious evidence or counter evidence overlooked?
3. Has the author considered the audience for this draft? Does
the author assume the audience
has read the argument and provides few details? Has the author
assumed the audience needs the
argument repeated word-for-word? Discuss.
4. Is the evidence clear and effective?
5. How does each paragraph relate to the essay’s main idea?
6. Has the author included a clear statement identifying the
claim and the appeals found in the
argument? If so, discuss the strengths and weaknesses found in
the manner the claim and
appeals were presented.
7. Discuss the language and style used by the author. Is the
language and style readable and
appropriate for the argument? Does the author make the same
grammatical errors over and over?
8. Has the author provided correct citation in the essay and in
the Works Cited? Did the author
consistently and appropriately use MLA format?
Classical Argument
Persuasion and Argument
Persuasion is the process of drawing conclusions and getting
others to accept them and act upon them.
Argumentation is the process of drawing conclusions after
looking at both sides of an issue and getting others to accept
one side based upon logic and careful exploration of facts.
Rhetoric and Audience
Rhetoric is the “art of speaking or writing effectively”
It is a set of skills used in college and in the business world
Effective communication is an important skill in the work force
Effective communication gets our point across without
embarrassment for ourselves or others.
Effective communication understands what the audience does
and does not know about the topic.
Aristotle’s Appeals: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Aristotle was a student of Plato. Later, he was a teacher for
Alexander the Great.
He identified three appeals that can be used to persuade others.
Ethos=Ethics, Credibility
As a writer, you will establish your credibility through careful
research. Articles from experts in the field of study will help
you build your ethos in the paper. An advertisement using ethos
would be a McDonald’s commercial stating the number of years
in business (hence they know how to make a decent hamburger).
A car dealership might also state how long they have been at the
same location. Or, the dealership might make sure you know
“ 2013 Time Dealer of the year award nominee for being among
the nation’s most successful auto dealers who also demonstrate
a long-standing commitment to community service” (Fuson
When using logos in an argument, we provide facts, statistics,
evidence, and reason.
An automobile commercial stating the vehicle gets x mpg is
proving a logos appeal. When gas prices climb, auto makers
want to highlight how many miles per gallon the car can travel.
Therefore, a car advertised as getting 40 mpg would appeal to a
consumer who travels a distance of 40 miles to and from work.
If the reader finds the evidence given “logical” it will appeal to
the reader.
A pathos appeal will tap into human emotions.
Some commercials are deliberately funny and are geared to
draw us to the restaurant or product being advertised.
From about mid-January until February 14, TV ads focus on
how we should tell our “significant” other “I love you.”
Commercials such as the “Sandals Resort” plays to adults who
want a romantic get-away.
We are frequently told a diamond is a “girl’s best friend” and it
is the way to a woman’s heart.
Commercials that combine logos and pathos are very powerful.
Classic Model for an Argument
Introductory paragraph
Sets the stage for the argument you will present
Ends with your thesis
State your position the issue
Usually placed at end of the paragraph or introduction
Clearly stated.
Often uses emphatic language—should, must, etc.
Background information
Reasons or evidence to support your claim
Begin with general statement
Back statement with specific evidence
Break full claim into sub-claims backed with evidence
Classic Model for an Argument Cont’d
Present (provide) and refute (prove wrong by evidence)
Anticipate objections to your position
State why your views are better than opponent’s view
Show when your argument might be invalid and when the
opponent’s argument might be valid
Concede points when your opponent might be right
Remember, no viewpoint is 100% correct 100% of the time
Can be placed after introduction or before conclusion
Bring essay to a logical end
Importance of the issue in the larger context
Is there a solution?
Works Cited
Include 5 sources supporting your argument and refuting your
opponent’s argument
Classic Pattern
I. Introduction
A.. Background Information: basic information about the issue
(i.e. euthanasia) and the position being argued (i.e. euthanasia
should/should not be allowed).
B. Thesis Statement: states the position to be argued in the
II. Reasons that Support the Thesis Statement
A.. Reason/Argument 1 (main point #1)
1. Supporting paragraph 1
2. Supporting paragraph 2
B. Reason/Argument 2 (main point #2)
1. Supporting paragraph 1
2. Supporting paragraph 2
C. Reason/Argument 3 (main point #3)
1. Supporting paragraph 1
2. Supporting paragraph 2, etc..
Classic Pattern Cont’d.
III. Counter Arguments and Responses to Them
A. Mention the arguments from the other side of the issue (i.e.
if you’re arguing that Euthanasia should be legal in the US,
refute the arguments from the people who think that euthanasia
should not be legal.)
B. Refute opponent’s arguments by showing how evidence used
is not valid.
Note: This section could be placed in the paragraph following
the introduction.
IV. Conclusion
V. Works Cited
Classical Argument Requirements
Use topic approved by your instructor.
Format the paper and document using APA or MLA per your
Essay should be a MINIMUM of 1,200 to 1,500 words PLUS
References/Works Cited per your instructor
The APA Title page and Abstract Page also do not count toward
length requirements.
Use a minimum of five (5) sources. Sources may be from
Annotated Bibliography or new sources found.
If an interview is used, only one (1) interview is allowed. APA
students should note a personal/phone interview does not count
toward meeting minimum source requirements.
Search for sources using the campus online library BEFORE
conducting a search with Google or Yahoo!
Ebscohost, Proquest, Gale databases (Opposing Viewpoints)
are excellent database aggregates for college work. DO NOT
ENGL 112 Classical Argument Paper Instructions
The Classical Argument has its foundations in syllogisms (a
type of deductive reasoning). For
instance, we could state: Americans like to argue. Jean is an
American. Therefore, she likes to
argue. When we use deductive reasoning, we begin with a
generalization and follow a set
process that allows us to reach a specific, logical conclusion.
Topic: For this issue, you will use the topic selected through
the Topic Proposal and approved
by your instructor. The topic selected must be debatable or have
at least two views to be used
for this assignment.
Do not select topics from the following list unless you have
permission from your instructor.
These topics fall into the following categories: too broad (you
will not write a book for this
class), the topic is too current making reliable sources difficult
to obtain, or the instructor has
seen the issues too many times to read another paper on the
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to persuade your
audience your view about the
selected topic is valid. Care must be given in the essay to avoid
terms that may cause an
audience member to stop reading and listening to your point of
view on the topic.
Audience: The audience for your argument is everyone in our
class and everyone in America
and/or the world who is affected or could be affected by your
topic. Think carefully about your
audience. Should you not consider your audience you could lose
the argument before you make
your final “sales pitch” that your view is the best view for the
topic. Remember, your topic
must be approved by your instructor before beginning the essay.
Focus: Narrow the topic into manageable size that will fit the
criteria for this essay. Be a superb
detective and find the best sources to support your view about
the topic.
Development: Once you have an issue, you will need to use
effective reasoning and specific
information to make your position convincing. You are required
to use a minimum of five (5)
outside sources to support your argument. Make sure you use a
variety of source types
(books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and so forth) and were
taken from reliable databases
such as those found on the Virtual Library. Standard reference
works (dictionaries,
encyclopedias, and Wikipedia) should not be used.
Abortion Capital Punishment Censorship
Cell phone use while driving Child Abuse Eating disorders
Euthanasia Evolution Gun Control
Legalizing Marijuana Smoking Stem Cell Research
Review the argumentative techniques studied. As you write
your position on the issue, you will
need to make clear for the reader your reasons for the position
you hold. You will also need to
refute (prove the other positions are not valid) other positions
held by your opponents. Do
not use first person (I, me, my, etc.) or second person (you,
your, etc.) unless in a direct quotation
from a source author.
Focus: The focus is on your position or perspective, while
refuting your opponents.
Audience: The audience is appropriately identified stakeholders
and/or citizens interested in and
affected by the issue.
Organization and Development: As you begin your essay, read
and annotate articles on the issue.
Be sure you find articles supporting your view as well as the
opposing view. Summarize articles
and take notes. Make sure the controlling ideas presented in the
paper are yours and that all
sources are clearly cited in the text of your essay. Include a
Works Cited/Reference page and
proper in-text citations for the documentation style per your
instructor’s requirements.
Use a list or outline to address the following items in your
1. Introduce the issue.
2. Explain the controversy and what others have claimed about
this issue.
3. Explain the prominent positions.
4. Explain in detail how you agree or disagree with the
positions held about your
5. Consider the audience’s value for the paper.
6. Give evidence and support for your claim about the issue.
7. Decide where to put your most powerful evidence.
8. Decide how and where the rest of your evidence will be
9. Decide where in the paper you should show the opposing
10. Acknowledge what has been left out of the discussion about
the topic.
Length, Format, and Minimum Requirements: 1,200 to 1,500
words, plus Works Cited or
Reference page following MLA (7th ed.) or APA (6th ed.)
formatting and documentation
guidelines per your instructor’s guidelines. You are required to
use a minimum of five (5)
outside sources for this essay (more may be used). Do not begin
your research using Google or
Yahoo! search engines. Quality sources from a .com or .net
source seldom happens. Use the
Library tab in Blackboard to access the campus library
databases and e-books.
Coherence: Show the connections between the evidence
presented and your claim.
Due dates: See the calendar for due dates.
Grading: Review the grade rubric to see how the instructor will
grade your essay.
Zihao Song
Project Title: Prison overcrowding- causes impacts and
Thesis statement: with the rising cases of inmates’ deaths it is
logic to ask ourselves several
questions that might lead us to land on the solution to prison
overcrowding problem. The inmates
are not the only people with the problem when it comes to
prison overcrowding; the correctional
institution staffs and the state are part of it. The paper will
focus on the cause of prison over-
crowding and the impacts on the inmates and the society as a
The miserable conditions existing in prisons are quite alarming,
and such issues have
been addressed time to time. The present correctional systems
are still struggling to deal with
some of the same problems experienced in the past while prison
conditions have improved con-
siderably in many ways. Coupled demand for lower costs,
prison, and jail overcrowding keep on
haunting many countries and have led to living space for the
inmates growing smaller each day.
Some exceed capacity since not just are institutions operating at
maximum capacity (Pitts, Grif-
fin III, and Johnson 125).
It forces inmates to live in a small area or even cohabit in
dormitories that are open.
However, there are impacts on prisoners who live in a crowded
prison as well as the staff indi-
rectly. Contradictory to the present correctional reforms that
emphasize on maximizing the op-
Zihao Song
portunities available for inmates have viewed such
overcrowding conditions as degrading and
dehumanizing for the prisoners (MacDonald, Greifinger, and
Kane). The central questions the
paper intends to find answers are:
• Is prison overcrowding a state or global crisis?
• How does overcrowding impact the society?
• What cause prison overcrowding and what effect on the
• Are there any solutions to the challenges that have been laid
or implemented by the Unit-
ed States government?
The topic interests me because, one the problem is a national
crisis, and someone needs to
take responsibility. Second, my niece got in trouble and was
serving five years in prison, and
while I made visits, it got me thinking that there is a problem
somewhere that needs to be in the
spotlight. The conditions are not conducive in the prisons and
action needs to be taken before
more deaths of inmates happen (Levan).
People need to learn and know more about the topic because
they could find themselves in
such a position or anybody close to them, and, therefore, it
would be right to bring awareness to
the people of the clear picture of the correctional facilities. In
this research, I tend to use sec-
ondary sources through reviewing previously done research and
relating to the topic. The col-
lected information will be presented in tables and graphs form.
The target population for the re-
search will be the inmates, the correctional facilities staff, and
the community as a whole.
Zihao Song
Works Cited
Levan, Kristine. Prison Violence: Causes, Consequences and
s. Ashgate Publishing,
Ltd., 2012. Google Scholar. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.
MacDonald, Morag, Robert Greifinger, and David Kane. “The
Impact of Overcrowding.” In-
ternational Journal of Prisoner Health 8.1 (2012): n. pag.
Google Scholar. Web. 13 Sept.
Pitts, James MA, O. Hayden Griffin III, and W. Wesley
Johnson. “Contemporary Prison Over-
crowding: Short-Term Fixes to a Perpetual Problem.”
Contemporary Justice Review 17.1
(2014): 124–139. Print.
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Module 1 - Case
Case Assignment
(Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Reinforced
In this Case 1 you will be finding, selecting, and incorporating
the most effective
sources of information to support your discussion of Gelato’s
actions as they
relate to discrimination laws and regulations. Give attention to
the quality of
sources utilized.
Exploring Equal Employment Opportunity and Discrimination
Before starting this assignment, be sure that you are familiar
with the following
laws and their amendments:
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Click on the link for a
brief overview.)
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (Click on the link for a
brief overview.)
Disparate/adverse impact and disparate/adverse treatment. (For
a refresher,
review the videos and PowerPoint presentation referenced on
the Module 1
Background page.)
Begin this Case Assignment by reading the following scenario:
Gelato Cheese Company, a major processor of cheese sold
throughout the
United States, employs one hundred workers at its principal
processing plant. The
plant has a relatively young crew with 85% of the workforce
between the ages of
25 and 35. The plant is in Heartland Corners, U.S.A., which has
a population that
is 50 percent white and 25 percent African American, with the
balance being
Hispanic American, Asian American and others. Gelato requires
a high school
diploma as a condition of employment for its cleaning crew.
Right now, Gelato's
entire cleaning crew is white.
In Heartland Corners, 75% of the white population has
completed high school,
compared with 25% of those in minority groups. How is this
information important
in considering whether Gelato is in compliance with the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
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In your educated opinion, should Gelato make any policy
changes to ensure
compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Should there be changes
to comply with the ADEA? If so, what changes should Gelato
make, and why are
they necessary?
In your discussion be sure to discuss how Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964
and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act may or may not
apply, and how
the concepts of disparate treatment and adverse impact may or
may not apply.
Bring in any applicable background readings plus at least 5 TUI
library sources to
strengthen your position.
Upload your paper by the module due date. The paper should be
4-5 pages, not
counting the cover and reference pages.
Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate your understanding of Title VII and its application
in employment
Demonstrate your understanding of the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act
and its application in employment decisions.
Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts disparate
treatment and
adverse impact, and their application in employment decisions.
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues
and HRM
actions, drawing on your background reading and valid
Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only
resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed
information in the
body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use
APA style of
Provide private sector employer examples (stating employer
names) of HRM
programs, systems, processes and/or procedures, if possible.
Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a
cover page, a list of
references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and
Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and word-usage
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92315, 627 PMPage 1 of 2httpstlc.trident.educontent.docx

  • 1. 9/23/15, 6:27 PM Page 1 of 2 MGT516-SEP2015FT- 1/Module…P.html?d2lSessionVal=fB1eCtqittZjVCDY86kb1xCP 4&ou=63491&d2l_body_type=3 Module 1 - SLP EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY & HRM Before you start this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with the following laws and their amendments: Americans with Disabilities Act (Click on the link for a brief overview.) Title VII—specifically Religious Accommodation in this module. (Click on the link for a brief overview.) "Reasonable Accommodation" and "Undue Hardship" (Click on the link for a brief overview.) EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
  • 2. There are primarily two U.S. governmental agencies responsible for enforcing EEO laws. They are the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). In this assignment we will focus on the EEOC, and in Module 2 we will look at the OFCCP. Integrate your responses to the following as you prepare your paper: Under law, employers must meet reasonable accommodation expectations concerning religion and disability. What, specifically and succinctly, are these expectations? Who enforces these expectations? Provide two specific private sector workplace examples of reasonable accommodations from your readings/research (stating employers by name) one for religion and one for disability. Bring in at least 3 TUI library sources plus any applicable background readings to help strengthen your discussion. and-ada-amendments-act-adaaa/ rights/religiousfreedom/religfreeres/ReligAccommodWPlace-
  • 3. docx.pdf 9/23/15, 6:27 PM Page 2 of 2 MGT516-SEP2015FT- 1/Module…P.html?d2lSessionVal=fB1eCtqittZjVCDY86kb1xCP 4&ou=63491&d2l_body_type=3 Privacy Policy | Contact Submit your paper by the module due date. The paper should be 2-3 pages, not counting the cover and reference pages. SLP Assignment Expectations Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and research. Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information. Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing. Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and
  • 4. conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors. Classical Argument Peer Review Directions: The author should copy and paste the peer review form to the end of your rough draft, after the Works Cited or References page. Submit your paper to the proper Group or Discussion Board. Goals: The goal of the peer review is to help a classmate improve his or her paper by showing the author the strengths and weaknesses that may not be apparent, and to help improve editing skills. Instructions for the review: The Reviewer should read the author’s analysis carefully twice, once to get an overview of the paper, and a second time to provide constructive criticism that will assist the author in revising his or her paper. Avoid one word “yes” or “no” responses. Insert responses to each question after the question. There is a minimum of 250 word count for this peer review. Author: _____________________________________________________
  • 5. Reviewer: ___________________________________________________ 1. Does this draft respond to the assignment? Explain how the draft does and/or does not meet the assignment criteria. 2. Is any obvious evidence or counter evidence overlooked? 3. Has the author considered the audience for this draft? Does the author assume the audience has read the argument and provides few details? Has the author assumed the audience needs the argument repeated word-for-word? Discuss. 4. Is the evidence clear and effective? 5. How does each paragraph relate to the essay’s main idea? 6. Has the author included a clear statement identifying the claim and the appeals found in the argument? If so, discuss the strengths and weaknesses found in the manner the claim and appeals were presented. 7. Discuss the language and style used by the author. Is the language and style readable and appropriate for the argument? Does the author make the same grammatical errors over and over? 8. Has the author provided correct citation in the essay and in the Works Cited? Did the author consistently and appropriately use MLA format?
  • 6. Classical Argument “ ” Persuasion and Argument Persuasion is the process of drawing conclusions and getting others to accept them and act upon them. Argumentation is the process of drawing conclusions after looking at both sides of an issue and getting others to accept one side based upon logic and careful exploration of facts.
  • 7. “ ” Rhetoric and Audience Rhetoric is the “art of speaking or writing effectively” It is a set of skills used in college and in the business world Effective communication is an important skill in the work force Effective communication gets our point across without embarrassment for ourselves or others. Effective communication understands what the audience does and does not know about the topic.
  • 8. “ ” Aristotle’s Appeals: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Aristotle was a student of Plato. Later, he was a teacher for Alexander the Great. He identified three appeals that can be used to persuade others. Ethos=ethics. Logos=logic. Pathos=emotion
  • 9. “ ” Ethos=Ethics, Credibility As a writer, you will establish your credibility through careful research. Articles from experts in the field of study will help you build your ethos in the paper. An advertisement using ethos would be a McDonald’s commercial stating the number of years in business (hence they know how to make a decent hamburger). A car dealership might also state how long they have been at the same location. Or, the dealership might make sure you know “ 2013 Time Dealer of the year award nominee for being among the nation’s most successful auto dealers who also demonstrate a long-standing commitment to community service” (Fuson Automotive).
  • 10. “ ” Logos=Logic When using logos in an argument, we provide facts, statistics, evidence, and reason. An automobile commercial stating the vehicle gets x mpg is proving a logos appeal. When gas prices climb, auto makers want to highlight how many miles per gallon the car can travel. Therefore, a car advertised as getting 40 mpg would appeal to a consumer who travels a distance of 40 miles to and from work. If the reader finds the evidence given “logical” it will appeal to the reader.
  • 11. “ ” Pathos=Emotion A pathos appeal will tap into human emotions. Some commercials are deliberately funny and are geared to draw us to the restaurant or product being advertised. From about mid-January until February 14, TV ads focus on how we should tell our “significant” other “I love you.” Commercials such as the “Sandals Resort” plays to adults who want a romantic get-away. We are frequently told a diamond is a “girl’s best friend” and it is the way to a woman’s heart. Commercials that combine logos and pathos are very powerful.
  • 12. “ ” Classic Model for an Argument Introductory paragraph Sets the stage for the argument you will present Ends with your thesis State your position the issue Usually placed at end of the paragraph or introduction Clearly stated. Often uses emphatic language—should, must, etc. Body Background information Reasons or evidence to support your claim Begin with general statement Back statement with specific evidence Break full claim into sub-claims backed with evidence
  • 13. “ ” Classic Model for an Argument Cont’d Present (provide) and refute (prove wrong by evidence) Counterarguments Anticipate objections to your position State why your views are better than opponent’s view Show when your argument might be invalid and when the opponent’s argument might be valid Concede points when your opponent might be right Remember, no viewpoint is 100% correct 100% of the time Can be placed after introduction or before conclusion Conclusion Bring essay to a logical end Importance of the issue in the larger context Is there a solution? Works Cited Include 5 sources supporting your argument and refuting your opponent’s argument
  • 14. “ ” Classic Pattern I. Introduction A.. Background Information: basic information about the issue (i.e. euthanasia) and the position being argued (i.e. euthanasia should/should not be allowed). B. Thesis Statement: states the position to be argued in the essay II. Reasons that Support the Thesis Statement A.. Reason/Argument 1 (main point #1) 1. Supporting paragraph 1 2. Supporting paragraph 2
  • 15. B. Reason/Argument 2 (main point #2) 1. Supporting paragraph 1 2. Supporting paragraph 2 C. Reason/Argument 3 (main point #3) 1. Supporting paragraph 1 2. Supporting paragraph 2, etc.. “ ” Classic Pattern Cont’d. III. Counter Arguments and Responses to Them A. Mention the arguments from the other side of the issue (i.e. if you’re arguing that Euthanasia should be legal in the US, refute the arguments from the people who think that euthanasia
  • 16. should not be legal.) B. Refute opponent’s arguments by showing how evidence used is not valid. Note: This section could be placed in the paragraph following the introduction. IV. Conclusion V. Works Cited “ ” Classical Argument Requirements Use topic approved by your instructor. Format the paper and document using APA or MLA per your instructor.
  • 17. Essay should be a MINIMUM of 1,200 to 1,500 words PLUS References/Works Cited per your instructor The APA Title page and Abstract Page also do not count toward length requirements. Use a minimum of five (5) sources. Sources may be from Annotated Bibliography or new sources found. If an interview is used, only one (1) interview is allowed. APA students should note a personal/phone interview does not count toward meeting minimum source requirements. Search for sources using the campus online library BEFORE conducting a search with Google or Yahoo! Ebscohost, Proquest, Gale databases (Opposing Viewpoints) are excellent database aggregates for college work. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA! “
  • 18. ” ENGL 112 Classical Argument Paper Instructions The Classical Argument has its foundations in syllogisms (a type of deductive reasoning). For instance, we could state: Americans like to argue. Jean is an American. Therefore, she likes to argue. When we use deductive reasoning, we begin with a generalization and follow a set process that allows us to reach a specific, logical conclusion. Topic: For this issue, you will use the topic selected through the Topic Proposal and approved by your instructor. The topic selected must be debatable or have at least two views to be used for this assignment. Do not select topics from the following list unless you have permission from your instructor. These topics fall into the following categories: too broad (you will not write a book for this class), the topic is too current making reliable sources difficult to obtain, or the instructor has seen the issues too many times to read another paper on the issue. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to persuade your audience your view about the selected topic is valid. Care must be given in the essay to avoid terms that may cause an audience member to stop reading and listening to your point of view on the topic.
  • 19. Audience: The audience for your argument is everyone in our class and everyone in America and/or the world who is affected or could be affected by your topic. Think carefully about your audience. Should you not consider your audience you could lose the argument before you make your final “sales pitch” that your view is the best view for the topic. Remember, your topic must be approved by your instructor before beginning the essay. Focus: Narrow the topic into manageable size that will fit the criteria for this essay. Be a superb detective and find the best sources to support your view about the topic. Development: Once you have an issue, you will need to use effective reasoning and specific information to make your position convincing. You are required to use a minimum of five (5) outside sources to support your argument. Make sure you use a variety of source types (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and so forth) and were taken from reliable databases such as those found on the Virtual Library. Standard reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias, and Wikipedia) should not be used. Abortion Capital Punishment Censorship Cell phone use while driving Child Abuse Eating disorders Euthanasia Evolution Gun Control Legalizing Marijuana Smoking Stem Cell Research
  • 20. Review the argumentative techniques studied. As you write your position on the issue, you will need to make clear for the reader your reasons for the position you hold. You will also need to refute (prove the other positions are not valid) other positions held by your opponents. Do not use first person (I, me, my, etc.) or second person (you, your, etc.) unless in a direct quotation from a source author. Focus: The focus is on your position or perspective, while refuting your opponents. Audience: The audience is appropriately identified stakeholders and/or citizens interested in and affected by the issue. Organization and Development: As you begin your essay, read and annotate articles on the issue. Be sure you find articles supporting your view as well as the opposing view. Summarize articles and take notes. Make sure the controlling ideas presented in the paper are yours and that all sources are clearly cited in the text of your essay. Include a Works Cited/Reference page and proper in-text citations for the documentation style per your instructor’s requirements. Use a list or outline to address the following items in your paper. 1. Introduce the issue. 2. Explain the controversy and what others have claimed about this issue. 3. Explain the prominent positions.
  • 21. 4. Explain in detail how you agree or disagree with the positions held about your issue. 5. Consider the audience’s value for the paper. 6. Give evidence and support for your claim about the issue. 7. Decide where to put your most powerful evidence. 8. Decide how and where the rest of your evidence will be presented. 9. Decide where in the paper you should show the opposing views. 10. Acknowledge what has been left out of the discussion about the topic. Length, Format, and Minimum Requirements: 1,200 to 1,500 words, plus Works Cited or Reference page following MLA (7th ed.) or APA (6th ed.) formatting and documentation guidelines per your instructor’s guidelines. You are required to use a minimum of five (5) outside sources for this essay (more may be used). Do not begin your research using Google or Yahoo! search engines. Quality sources from a .com or .net source seldom happens. Use the Library tab in Blackboard to access the campus library databases and e-books. Coherence: Show the connections between the evidence presented and your claim. Due dates: See the calendar for due dates. Grading: Review the grade rubric to see how the instructor will grade your essay.
  • 22. Zihao Song Proposal Project Title: Prison overcrowding- causes impacts and solutions. Thesis statement: with the rising cases of inmates’ deaths it is logic to ask ourselves several questions that might lead us to land on the solution to prison overcrowding problem. The inmates are not the only people with the problem when it comes to prison overcrowding; the correctional institution staffs and the state are part of it. The paper will focus on the cause of prison over- crowding and the impacts on the inmates and the society as a whole. Introduction The miserable conditions existing in prisons are quite alarming, and such issues have been addressed time to time. The present correctional systems are still struggling to deal with some of the same problems experienced in the past while prison
  • 23. conditions have improved con- siderably in many ways. Coupled demand for lower costs, prison, and jail overcrowding keep on haunting many countries and have led to living space for the inmates growing smaller each day. Some exceed capacity since not just are institutions operating at maximum capacity (Pitts, Grif- fin III, and Johnson 125). It forces inmates to live in a small area or even cohabit in dormitories that are open. However, there are impacts on prisoners who live in a crowded prison as well as the staff indi- rectly. Contradictory to the present correctional reforms that emphasize on maximizing the op- Zihao Song portunities available for inmates have viewed such overcrowding conditions as degrading and dehumanizing for the prisoners (MacDonald, Greifinger, and Kane). The central questions the paper intends to find answers are: • Is prison overcrowding a state or global crisis?
  • 24. • How does overcrowding impact the society? • What cause prison overcrowding and what effect on the inmates? • Are there any solutions to the challenges that have been laid or implemented by the Unit- ed States government? The topic interests me because, one the problem is a national crisis, and someone needs to take responsibility. Second, my niece got in trouble and was serving five years in prison, and while I made visits, it got me thinking that there is a problem somewhere that needs to be in the spotlight. The conditions are not conducive in the prisons and action needs to be taken before more deaths of inmates happen (Levan). People need to learn and know more about the topic because they could find themselves in such a position or anybody close to them, and, therefore, it would be right to bring awareness to the people of the clear picture of the correctional facilities. In this research, I tend to use sec- ondary sources through reviewing previously done research and relating to the topic. The col-
  • 25. lected information will be presented in tables and graphs form. The target population for the re- search will be the inmates, the correctional facilities staff, and the community as a whole. Zihao Song Works Cited Levan, Kristine. Prison Violence: Causes, Consequences and Solution s. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2012. Google Scholar. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. MacDonald, Morag, Robert Greifinger, and David Kane. “The Impact of Overcrowding.” In- ternational Journal of Prisoner Health 8.1 (2012): n. pag. Google Scholar. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.
  • 26. Pitts, James MA, O. Hayden Griffin III, and W. Wesley Johnson. “Contemporary Prison Over- crowding: Short-Term Fixes to a Perpetual Problem.” Contemporary Justice Review 17.1 (2014): 124–139. Print. 9/23/15, 6:27 PM Page 1 of 3 MGT516-SEP2015FT- 1/Module…e.html?d2lSessionVal=fB1eCtqittZjVCDY86kb1xCP 4&ou=63491&d2l_body_type=3 Module 1 - Case EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY & HRM Case Assignment (Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Reinforced
  • 27. Level) In this Case 1 you will be finding, selecting, and incorporating the most effective sources of information to support your discussion of Gelato’s actions as they relate to discrimination laws and regulations. Give attention to the quality of sources utilized. Exploring Equal Employment Opportunity and Discrimination Claims Before starting this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with the following laws and their amendments: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Click on the link for a brief overview.) Age Discrimination in Employment Act (Click on the link for a brief overview.) Disparate/adverse impact and disparate/adverse treatment. (For a refresher,
  • 28. review the videos and PowerPoint presentation referenced on the Module 1 Background page.) Begin this Case Assignment by reading the following scenario: Gelato Cheese Company, a major processor of cheese sold throughout the United States, employs one hundred workers at its principal processing plant. The plant has a relatively young crew with 85% of the workforce between the ages of 25 and 35. The plant is in Heartland Corners, U.S.A., which has a population that is 50 percent white and 25 percent African American, with the balance being Hispanic American, Asian American and others. Gelato requires a high school diploma as a condition of employment for its cleaning crew. Right now, Gelato's entire cleaning crew is white. In Heartland Corners, 75% of the white population has completed high school, compared with 25% of those in minority groups. How is this
  • 29. information important in considering whether Gelato is in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964? adea/ 9/23/15, 6:27 PM Page 2 of 3 MGT516-SEP2015FT- 1/Module…e.html?d2lSessionVal=fB1eCtqittZjVCDY86kb1xCP 4&ou=63491&d2l_body_type=3 Privacy Policy | Contact In your educated opinion, should Gelato make any policy changes to ensure compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Should there be changes to comply with the ADEA? If so, what changes should Gelato make, and why are they necessary?
  • 30. In your discussion be sure to discuss how Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act may or may not apply, and how the concepts of disparate treatment and adverse impact may or may not apply. Bring in any applicable background readings plus at least 5 TUI library sources to strengthen your position. Upload your paper by the module due date. The paper should be 4-5 pages, not counting the cover and reference pages. Assignment Expectations Demonstrate your understanding of Title VII and its application in employment decisions. Demonstrate your understanding of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and its application in employment decisions.
  • 31. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts disparate treatment and adverse impact, and their application in employment decisions. Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and valid research. Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information. Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing. Provide private sector employer examples (stating employer names) of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures, if possible. Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a
  • 32. cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and word-usage errors. 9/23/15, 6:27 PM Page 3 of 3 MGT516-SEP2015FT- 1/Module…e.html?d2lSessionVal=fB1eCtqittZjVCDY86kb1xCP 4&ou=63491&d2l_body_type=3