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Apr 22
Medical methods
Surgical methods
 Among the 208 million women estimated to become pregnant
each year worldwide, 59 percent (or 123 million) experience a
planned or intended pregnancy leading to a birth or miscarriage or
a still birth.
 Surgical methods of abortion
 Use of transcervical procedures for terminating pregnancy,
including :
 vacuum aspiration,
 dilatation and curettage (D&C),
 dilatation and evacuation (D&E) and
 transabdominal procedures (hysterotomy and hysterectomy).
 Medication abortion
 Use of pharmacological drugs to terminate pregnancy.
 Sometimes the term “non-surgical abortion” is also used.
 .
Intravenous oxytocin
Intra-amnionic hyperosmotic fluid
- 20% saline
- 30% urea
Prostaglandins E2, F2?, E1, and analogues
- Intra-amnionic injection
- Extraovular injection
- Vaginal insertion
- Parenteral injection
- Oral ingestion
Antiprogesterones (RU 486 [mifepristone] and epostane)
Methotrexate (intramuscular and oral)
Various combinations of the above
 .
Cervical dilatation followed by uterine evacuation
- Curettage
- Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage)
- Dilatation and evacuation (D&E)
- Dilatation and extraction (D&X)
Menstrual aspiration
- Hysterotomy
- Hysterectomy
 .
 .
Usually avoids invasive procedure Invasive procedure
Usually avoids anesthesia Sedation used if desired
Requires two or more visits Usually requires one visit
Days to weeks to complete Complete in a predictable period
Available during early pregnancy Available during early pregnancy
High success rate (~95%)
High success rate (99%)
Bleeding moderate to heavy for a short
Bleeding commonly perceived as light
Requires surveillance to ensure
completion of abortion
Does not require surveillance in all cases
The first steps in providing abortion care are to:
establish that the woman is pregnant
estimate the duration of the pregnancy
confirm that the pregnancy is intrauterine
These are obtained by:
Targeted Investigations
 Past reproductive history
 Breast tenderness/engorgement,
nausea & vomiting, fatigue,
changes in appetite, and increased
frequency of urination
 Previous ectopic pregnancy;
 any bleeding tendencies or
 history of or presence of STIs;
 current use of medications;
 known allergies;
 Physical or cognitive
disabilities/mental illness
 Surgical history
 History of contraceptive use
 Alcohol, tobacco or drug use
 Ask for contraindication for
medication abortion use
 History of sexual violence
 Overall Psychological assesment
Vital Signs: Blood pressure, pulse and temperature
Confirm pregnancy and estimate its duration by a
bimanual pelvic and an abdominal examination
Signs of pregnancy include softening of the cervical
isthmus and softening and enlargement of the uterus.
The uterus is anteverted, retroverted or otherwise
Signs of STIs and other reproductive tract infections
Health conditions, such as anemia
Laboratory Tests:
 Obtaining such tests should not hinder or delay uterine
 Hgb/ Hct
 Blood Group & Rh
 Is not routinely required for the provision of abortion
 Can help identify an intrauterine pregnancy and exclude an
ectopic one
 It may also help determine gestational age and diagnose
pathologies or non-viability of a pregnancy
 Some health-care providers find it helpful before or during
The provision of information is an essential part of
good-quality abortion services
Adequate relevant information and counseling from a
trained health-care professional
Information must be provided to each woman,
regardless of her age or circumstances, in a way that
she can understand, to allow her to make her own
decisions about whether to have an abortion and, if so,
what method to choose.
Information on abortion procedures
what will be done during & after
What & for how long is experienced
pain management available
risks and complications of the method
When to resume her normal activities
Follow-up care
If a choice of abortion methods is available, clear
information about
which methods are appropriate and
the advantages and disadvantages of each available
Contraceptive information and services
Is an essential part of abortion care
GOAL: to begin the chosen method immediately following
This will increase the likelihood that she will continue its
correct and consistent use
Every woman should be informed that ovulation can
return as early as 2 weeks after abortion
Consent Form for Uterine Evacuation
After having consulted with my health service provider about my health condition, I, (name of client)
, hereby consent to a procedure for safe termination of pregnancy. I have been counseled and informed about the
alternative methods and about the possible side effects and outcomes of the procedure.
In the event of complications arising during the procedure, I request and authorize the responsible health service
provider to do whatever is necessary to protect my health and wellbeing.
I confirm that the information that I provided to my health service provider is accurate.
Signature ________________________________
Date _____________________________________
The most appropriate methods of abortion differ by the
duration of pregnancy .
The methods summarized are indicative rather than
prescriptive with regard to the time limits
Have been proved to be safe, effective & feasible
The most effective regimens rely on the anti-
progestogen, mifepristone.
Treatment regimens entail an initial dose of
mifepristone followed by administration of a synthetic
prostaglandin analogue
Gemeprost is similar to misoprostol, but it is more
expensive, requires refrigeration, and may only be
administered vaginally.
Up to
7 weeks*
Mifepristone 200
mg Oral
Wait 24-48 hours
Misoprostol 800
mcg Vaginal OR
Buccal OR
Misoprostol 400
mcg Oral
7-9 weeks* Mifepristone 200
mg Oral
Wait 24-48 hours
Misoprostol 800
mcg Vaginal OR
Buccal OR
9 -12 weeks
(63 -84 days)
Mifepristone 200
mg Oral
Wait 36-48
800 mcg
Misoprostol 400
mcg Vaginal or
every 3 hours
for maximum of
4 further doses
>12 weeks
(63 -84 days)
Mifepristone 200
mg Oral Wait 36-48 hours
400 μg oral or 800
μg vaginal
400 μg vaginal or
misoprostol every 3
hours up to a
maximum of five
administered in a
health-care facility.
 200 mg mifepristone administered orally, followed after
36 to 48 hours by:
 400 μg oral or 800 μg vaginal misoprostol followed by
400 μg vaginal or sublingual misoprostol every 3 hours
up to a maximum of five doses, administered in a
health-care facility.
For pregnancies of gestational age greater than 24
weeks, the dose of misoprostol should be reduced due
to the greater sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins,
but the lack of clinical studies precludes specific dosing
For pregnancies of gestational age up to 12 weeks (84
 effectiveness of misoprostol alone is lower.
75–90% effective in completing abortion
800 μg administered vaginally or sublingually, and
repeated at intervals no less than 3 hours but no more
than 12 hours for up to three doses
For pregnancies of gestational age over 12 weeks (84
 although the time to complete abortion is not as short as
when it is used in combination with mifepristone
The recommended regimen is 400 μg of vaginal or
sublingual misoprostol every 3 hours for up to five doses
Up to 12 weeks
(up to 84 days)
Misoprostol 800
Vaginal or
Misoprostol every
3-12 hours for up
to 3 doses until
Return for
confirmation of
abortion in 7-14
Decrease rate of continuing pregnancy
Decrease time of expulsion
Fewer side effect
Improve complete abortion rate
Lower cost
 Up to 9 completed weeks since LNMP
 Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by
 Misoprostol 800 µg vaginally. Insert misoprostol deep into the
vagina or instruct the woman to do so by herself.
 After 12 till 24 weeks completed weeks since LMP
 Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by
 Misoprostol 400µg of oral misoprostol every 3 hours up to a maximum
of 5 doses if abortion does not occur.
 After 24 till 28 weeks completed weeks since LMP
 Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by
 Misoprostol 100µg of oral misoprostol every 3 hours up to a
maximum of 5 doses if abortion does not occur.
It is defined as the presence of gestational cardiac
activity on vaginal ultrasonography 2 weeks after the
initiation of mifepristone
 a retained sac 2 weeks after the administration of
Absence of pregnancy symptoms
History of bleeding, clots, cramps
Absence of signs of infection
Cervix: closed, not tender
Uterus: involutes, firm, not tender
Ultrasound: no growth/ viability
Excessive bleeding
 Soaking more than 2 thick pads/ hour for 2 consecutive hours
 Symptoms of anaemia or hypovolemia
Persistent fever:
 38˚C or higher or
 beginning more than 8 hours after taking misoprostol
No bleeding within 24 hours of taking misoprostol
Women with these warning signs should call or visit the
Pre-Procedure Care:
The first steps in providing abortion care are to
establish that the woman is pregnant and, if she is, to
estimate the duration of the pregnancy.
Information & Counseling
Informed Consent
Cervical Preparations
Pain Manageement
The following groups of women need cervical
preparation regimens:
Nulliparous women and those aged 18 or below with
gestational duration of
more than nine weeks
All pregnant women at gestations more than 12 weeks
Cervical anomalies or previous surgery
Uses include:
 To make abortion procedure quicker and easier to
perform by reducing the
need for mechanical cervical dilatation.
To facilitate the procedure for inexperienced providers.
Osmotic (hygroscopic) dilators
These devices, draw water from cervical tissues and
expand, gradually
dilating the cervix
Requires at least 4 hours to be effective
 Pharmacologic Agents
Misoprostol 400 micrograms (µg) vaginally or orally three
to four hours before
the procedure; or
 Mifepristone200 milligrams(mg) orally 36 hours before
Sources of pain
Psychological pain: anxiety, fear, apprehension
Cervical pain due to dilatation
Uterine cramping due to manipulation
Non-Pharmacological Methods for Relieving
Psychological Pain
- Gentle, respectful interaction and communication
- Verbal support and reassurance
- Gentle, smooth operative technique
- These supplement but do not substitute for drugs
 Pharmacological Means of Addressing Psychological
- Anxiolytics/sedatives: relieve anxiety
- Analgesics: relieve pain
- General anesthesia: for extreme cases
It is a method by which the contents of the uterus are
evacuated through a plastic or metal cannula that is
attached to a vacuum source.
Extremely effective (98 – 100 % of cases, at 12 weeks or
less) and very safe.
A. Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
B. Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA)
Specific safety benefits compared to sharp curettage
- reduced risk of infection
- reduced risk of cervical injury or uterine perforation
- reduced amount of cervical dilatation required
- decreased blood loss
- shortened hospital stay and reduced need for
Specimen likely
to be intact
May require
repeated reloading
of suction
More costly but longer
Less portable
Fragmentation of
specimen possible
Constant suction
It consists of manual
vacuum source (aspirator)
that produces suction and
holds tissues and blood
removed in uterine
evacuation procedures.
Cannulae are attached to
the aspirator to apply suction
and aspirate tissue from the
Intended for uterine aspiration or evacuation
Treatment of incomplete abortion uterine size to 12
weeks LMP
First-trimester abortion (menstrual regulation)
Endometrial biopsy
 Only contraindication: endometrial biopsy in cases of
suspected pregnancy
 1. Prepare instruments
 2. Prepare the woman
 3. Perform cervical antiseptic preparation
 4. Administer paracervical block
 5. Dilate cervix
 6. Insert cannula
 7. Suction uterine contents
 8. Inspect tissue
 9. Perform any concurrent procedures
 10. Process instruments
Disassembling the Aspirator
Assembling the MVA
Creating Vacuum (Charging)
Checking Vacuum Retention
Selection of Cannulae
Ensure pain medication is given at appropriate time
- Ask the woman to empty her bladder
- Put the patient in lithotomy position
- Ask for her permission to start
- Put on barriers and wash hands
- Perform a bimanual exam
Follow No-Touch
 Use antiseptic sponges
to clean cervix and os
and then, if desired,
vaginal walls
Do not retrace areas
previously cleaned
Recommended to
administer when
mechanical dilatation is
Usually 15 – 20 ml of 0.5
to 1 percent lidocaine
solution (< 200 mg)
To allow a cannula approximate to the uterine size
- Required in most but not all cases
- Cannula should fit snuggly in os to hold vacuum
- Use gentle operative technique
- Use progressively larger series of cannulae
- Can use mechanical dilators, laminaria, misoprostol
Gently apply traction to the
Rotate the cannula while
gently applying pressure
Insert cannula slowly until it
touches the fundus, draw
Alternatively, insert just past
internal os
 Attach charged aspirator
Release buttons to start suction
Gently rotate cannula 180 degrees
in each direction
Use “in and out” motion
Do not withdraw cannula opening
beyond external os
Gritty sensation
Frothy – bright red blood
No further conceptus material
Uterus contracts as felt by
movement of cannula
Woman complaining of cramping
or pain
Empty contents of aspirator into container
Look for POC: villi and decidua should be visible
Amnion & chorion are
filmy and transparent;
Decidua is translucent.
Empty contents of aspirator into container
Look for POC: villi and decidua should be visible
Amnion & chorion are
filmy and transparent;
Decidua is translucent.
Such as IUD insertion or cervical tear repair
Proper handling and cleaning of the instrument used
and to make ready for the next procedure.
 Vagal Reaction
Incomplete evacuation
Uterine or cervical injury or perforation
Pelvic infection
acute hematometra
Physical monitoring
Pain management
Provision of antibiotics
Other health issues
Emotional monitoring and support
Contraceptive counseling
Follow-up care scheduled
Discharge instructions given
Performed first by dilating the cervix & evacuating the
product of conception
- Mechanically scraping out of the contents (sharp
- Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage)
- Both
Before 14 weeks, D&C or vacuum aspiration should be
After 16 weeks, dilatation & evacuation (D&E) is performed
- Wide cervical dilatation
 D&E is the generic term for suction curettage abortions at
>13 wks' gestation.
 D&E differs from suction curettage in two principal ways:
1.D&E requires wider cervical dilation, and
2.Physicians need forceps to evacuate more advanced pregnancies.
 It is the most common technique used for second-trimester pregnancy termination.
 The proportion of abortions performed by curettage techniques is inversely related to GA.
 Uterine perforation
Cervical laceration
Uterine bleeding due to large fetus and placenta
 Similar to Dilatation & Evacuation.
 Evacuation the intracranial content after the delivery of
fetal body
 Minimize uterine and cervical injury.
 Anti microbial prophylaxis recommended
 Generally performed for gestations of 24 weeks or later.
 Aspiration of endometrial cavity using a flexible cannula and
syringe within 1-3 weeks after failure to menstruate
 Several points at early stage of gestation
 Woman not being pregnant
 Implanted zygote may be missed by the curette
 Failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy
 Infrequently, a uterus can be perforated
Abdominal hysterotomy or hysterectomy
 Indications
Significant uterine disease
Failure of medical induction during the 2nd trimester
 .

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Abortion 2.pptx

  • 3.  Among the 208 million women estimated to become pregnant each year worldwide, 59 percent (or 123 million) experience a planned or intended pregnancy leading to a birth or miscarriage or a still birth.  Surgical methods of abortion  Use of transcervical procedures for terminating pregnancy, including :  vacuum aspiration,  dilatation and curettage (D&C),  dilatation and evacuation (D&E) and  transabdominal procedures (hysterotomy and hysterectomy).  Medication abortion  Use of pharmacological drugs to terminate pregnancy.  Sometimes the term “non-surgical abortion” is also used.
  • 4.  . MEDICAL TECHNIQUES Intravenous oxytocin Intra-amnionic hyperosmotic fluid - 20% saline - 30% urea Prostaglandins E2, F2?, E1, and analogues - Intra-amnionic injection - Extraovular injection - Vaginal insertion - Parenteral injection - Oral ingestion Antiprogesterones (RU 486 [mifepristone] and epostane) Methotrexate (intramuscular and oral) Various combinations of the above
  • 5.  . SURGICAL TECHNIQUES Cervical dilatation followed by uterine evacuation - Curettage - Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage) - Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) - Dilatation and extraction (D&X) Menstrual aspiration Laparotomy - Hysterotomy - Hysterectomy
  • 7.  . MEDICATION ABORTION SURGICAL ABORTION Usually avoids invasive procedure Invasive procedure Usually avoids anesthesia Sedation used if desired Requires two or more visits Usually requires one visit Days to weeks to complete Complete in a predictable period Available during early pregnancy Available during early pregnancy High success rate (~95%) High success rate (99%) Bleeding moderate to heavy for a short time Bleeding commonly perceived as light Requires surveillance to ensure completion of abortion Does not require surveillance in all cases
  • 8. The first steps in providing abortion care are to: establish that the woman is pregnant estimate the duration of the pregnancy confirm that the pregnancy is intrauterine These are obtained by: History P/E Targeted Investigations
  • 9.  Past reproductive history  LMP  Breast tenderness/engorgement, nausea & vomiting, fatigue, changes in appetite, and increased frequency of urination  Previous ectopic pregnancy;  any bleeding tendencies or disorders;  history of or presence of STIs;  current use of medications;  known allergies;  Physical or cognitive disabilities/mental illness  Surgical history  History of contraceptive use  Alcohol, tobacco or drug use  Ask for contraindication for medication abortion use  History of sexual violence  Overall Psychological assesment
  • 10. Vital Signs: Blood pressure, pulse and temperature Confirm pregnancy and estimate its duration by a bimanual pelvic and an abdominal examination Signs of pregnancy include softening of the cervical isthmus and softening and enlargement of the uterus. The uterus is anteverted, retroverted or otherwise positioned Signs of STIs and other reproductive tract infections Health conditions, such as anemia
  • 11. Laboratory Tests:  Obtaining such tests should not hinder or delay uterine evacuation  Hgb/ Hct  Blood Group & Rh US  Is not routinely required for the provision of abortion  Can help identify an intrauterine pregnancy and exclude an ectopic one  It may also help determine gestational age and diagnose pathologies or non-viability of a pregnancy  Some health-care providers find it helpful before or during
  • 12. The provision of information is an essential part of good-quality abortion services Adequate relevant information and counseling from a trained health-care professional Information must be provided to each woman, regardless of her age or circumstances, in a way that she can understand, to allow her to make her own decisions about whether to have an abortion and, if so, what method to choose.
  • 13. Information on abortion procedures what will be done during & after What & for how long is experienced pain management available risks and complications of the method When to resume her normal activities Follow-up care
  • 14. If a choice of abortion methods is available, clear information about which methods are appropriate and the advantages and disadvantages of each available method.
  • 15. Contraceptive information and services Is an essential part of abortion care GOAL: to begin the chosen method immediately following abortion This will increase the likelihood that she will continue its correct and consistent use Every woman should be informed that ovulation can return as early as 2 weeks after abortion
  • 16. A Consent Form for Uterine Evacuation After having consulted with my health service provider about my health condition, I, (name of client) , hereby consent to a procedure for safe termination of pregnancy. I have been counseled and informed about the alternative methods and about the possible side effects and outcomes of the procedure. In the event of complications arising during the procedure, I request and authorize the responsible health service provider to do whatever is necessary to protect my health and wellbeing. I confirm that the information that I provided to my health service provider is accurate. Signature ________________________________ Date _____________________________________
  • 17. The most appropriate methods of abortion differ by the duration of pregnancy . The methods summarized are indicative rather than prescriptive with regard to the time limits
  • 18. A
  • 19. Have been proved to be safe, effective & feasible The most effective regimens rely on the anti- progestogen, mifepristone. Treatment regimens entail an initial dose of mifepristone followed by administration of a synthetic prostaglandin analogue Gemeprost is similar to misoprostol, but it is more expensive, requires refrigeration, and may only be administered vaginally.
  • 20. Up to 7 weeks* Mifepristone 200 mg Oral Wait 24-48 hours Misoprostol 800 mcg Vaginal OR Buccal OR Sublingual Misoprostol 400 mcg Oral 7-9 weeks* Mifepristone 200 mg Oral Wait 24-48 hours Misoprostol 800 mcg Vaginal OR Buccal OR Sublingual
  • 21. 9 -12 weeks (63 -84 days) Mifepristone 200 mg Oral Wait 36-48 hours Misoprostol 800 mcg Vaginal Additional Misoprostol 400 mcg Vaginal or Sublingual every 3 hours for maximum of 4 further doses
  • 22. >12 weeks (63 -84 days) Mifepristone 200 mg Oral Wait 36-48 hours 400 μg oral or 800 μg vaginal misoprostol followed 400 μg vaginal or sublingual misoprostol every 3 hours up to a maximum of five doses, administered in a health-care facility.
  • 23.  200 mg mifepristone administered orally, followed after 36 to 48 hours by:  400 μg oral or 800 μg vaginal misoprostol followed by 400 μg vaginal or sublingual misoprostol every 3 hours up to a maximum of five doses, administered in a health-care facility. For pregnancies of gestational age greater than 24 weeks, the dose of misoprostol should be reduced due to the greater sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins, but the lack of clinical studies precludes specific dosing
  • 24. For pregnancies of gestational age up to 12 weeks (84 days)  effectiveness of misoprostol alone is lower. 75–90% effective in completing abortion 800 μg administered vaginally or sublingually, and repeated at intervals no less than 3 hours but no more than 12 hours for up to three doses For pregnancies of gestational age over 12 weeks (84 days)  although the time to complete abortion is not as short as when it is used in combination with mifepristone The recommended regimen is 400 μg of vaginal or sublingual misoprostol every 3 hours for up to five doses
  • 25. Up to 12 weeks (up to 84 days) Misoprostol 800 mcg Vaginal or Sublingual REPEAT Misoprostol every 3-12 hours for up to 3 doses until expulsion Return for confirmation of completed abortion in 7-14 days
  • 26. Decrease rate of continuing pregnancy Decrease time of expulsion Fewer side effect Improve complete abortion rate Lower cost
  • 27.  Up to 9 completed weeks since LNMP  Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by  Misoprostol 800 µg vaginally. Insert misoprostol deep into the vagina or instruct the woman to do so by herself.  After 12 till 24 weeks completed weeks since LMP  Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by  Misoprostol 400µg of oral misoprostol every 3 hours up to a maximum of 5 doses if abortion does not occur.  After 24 till 28 weeks completed weeks since LMP  Mifeprestone PO 200 mg followed 48 hours later by  Misoprostol 100µg of oral misoprostol every 3 hours up to a maximum of 5 doses if abortion does not occur.
  • 28. A
  • 29. It is defined as the presence of gestational cardiac activity on vaginal ultrasonography 2 weeks after the initiation of mifepristone  a retained sac 2 weeks after the administration of mifepristone
  • 30. Absence of pregnancy symptoms History of bleeding, clots, cramps Absence of signs of infection Cervix: closed, not tender Uterus: involutes, firm, not tender Ultrasound: no growth/ viability
  • 31. Excessive bleeding  Soaking more than 2 thick pads/ hour for 2 consecutive hours  Symptoms of anaemia or hypovolemia Persistent fever:  38˚C or higher or  beginning more than 8 hours after taking misoprostol No bleeding within 24 hours of taking misoprostol Women with these warning signs should call or visit the clinic.
  • 32. Pre-Procedure Care: The first steps in providing abortion care are to establish that the woman is pregnant and, if she is, to estimate the duration of the pregnancy. Information & Counseling Informed Consent Cervical Preparations Pain Manageement
  • 33. The following groups of women need cervical preparation regimens: Nulliparous women and those aged 18 or below with gestational duration of more than nine weeks All pregnant women at gestations more than 12 weeks Cervical anomalies or previous surgery
  • 34. Uses include:  To make abortion procedure quicker and easier to perform by reducing the need for mechanical cervical dilatation. To facilitate the procedure for inexperienced providers.
  • 35. Methods: Osmotic (hygroscopic) dilators These devices, draw water from cervical tissues and expand, gradually dilating the cervix Requires at least 4 hours to be effective  Pharmacologic Agents Misoprostol 400 micrograms (µg) vaginally or orally three to four hours before the procedure; or  Mifepristone200 milligrams(mg) orally 36 hours before
  • 36. .
  • 37. Sources of pain Psychological pain: anxiety, fear, apprehension Cervical pain due to dilatation Uterine cramping due to manipulation
  • 38. Non-Pharmacological Methods for Relieving Psychological Pain - Gentle, respectful interaction and communication - Verbal support and reassurance - Gentle, smooth operative technique - These supplement but do not substitute for drugs  Pharmacological Means of Addressing Psychological Pain - Anxiolytics/sedatives: relieve anxiety - Analgesics: relieve pain - General anesthesia: for extreme cases
  • 39. A
  • 40. It is a method by which the contents of the uterus are evacuated through a plastic or metal cannula that is attached to a vacuum source. Extremely effective (98 – 100 % of cases, at 12 weeks or less) and very safe. A. Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) B. Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) Specific safety benefits compared to sharp curettage include - reduced risk of infection - reduced risk of cervical injury or uterine perforation - reduced amount of cervical dilatation required - decreased blood loss - shortened hospital stay and reduced need for
  • 41. . MVA Inexpensive Small Portable Quiet Specimen likely to be intact May require repeated reloading of suction EVA More costly but longer life Bulky Less portable Noisy Fragmentation of specimen possible Constant suction
  • 42. It consists of manual vacuum source (aspirator) that produces suction and holds tissues and blood removed in uterine evacuation procedures. Cannulae are attached to the aspirator to apply suction and aspirate tissue from the
  • 43. A
  • 44. Intended for uterine aspiration or evacuation Treatment of incomplete abortion uterine size to 12 weeks LMP First-trimester abortion (menstrual regulation) Endometrial biopsy  Only contraindication: endometrial biopsy in cases of suspected pregnancy
  • 45.  1. Prepare instruments  2. Prepare the woman  3. Perform cervical antiseptic preparation  4. Administer paracervical block  5. Dilate cervix  6. Insert cannula  7. Suction uterine contents  8. Inspect tissue  9. Perform any concurrent procedures  10. Process instruments
  • 46. Disassembling the Aspirator Assembling the MVA Creating Vacuum (Charging) Checking Vacuum Retention Selection of Cannulae
  • 47. Ensure pain medication is given at appropriate time - Ask the woman to empty her bladder - Put the patient in lithotomy position - Ask for her permission to start - Put on barriers and wash hands - Perform a bimanual exam
  • 48. Follow No-Touch Technique  Use antiseptic sponges to clean cervix and os and then, if desired, vaginal walls Do not retrace areas previously cleaned
  • 49. Recommended to administer when mechanical dilatation is required Usually 15 – 20 ml of 0.5 to 1 percent lidocaine solution (< 200 mg)
  • 50. To allow a cannula approximate to the uterine size - Required in most but not all cases - Cannula should fit snuggly in os to hold vacuum - Use gentle operative technique - Use progressively larger series of cannulae - Can use mechanical dilators, laminaria, misoprostol
  • 51. Gently apply traction to the cervix Rotate the cannula while gently applying pressure Insert cannula slowly until it touches the fundus, draw back Alternatively, insert just past internal os
  • 52.  Attach charged aspirator Release buttons to start suction Gently rotate cannula 180 degrees in each direction Use “in and out” motion Do not withdraw cannula opening beyond external os
  • 53. Gritty sensation Frothy – bright red blood No further conceptus material aspirated Uterus contracts as felt by movement of cannula Woman complaining of cramping or pain
  • 54. Empty contents of aspirator into container Look for POC: villi and decidua should be visible Amnion & chorion are filmy and transparent; Decidua is translucent.
  • 55. Empty contents of aspirator into container Look for POC: villi and decidua should be visible Amnion & chorion are filmy and transparent; Decidua is translucent.
  • 56. Such as IUD insertion or cervical tear repair
  • 57. Proper handling and cleaning of the instrument used and to make ready for the next procedure.
  • 58.  Vagal Reaction Incomplete evacuation Uterine or cervical injury or perforation Pelvic infection acute hematometra
  • 59. Physical monitoring Pain management Provision of antibiotics Other health issues Emotional monitoring and support Contraceptive counseling Follow-up care scheduled Discharge instructions given
  • 60. Performed first by dilating the cervix & evacuating the product of conception - Mechanically scraping out of the contents (sharp curettage) - Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage) - Both Before 14 weeks, D&C or vacuum aspiration should be performed After 16 weeks, dilatation & evacuation (D&E) is performed - Wide cervical dilatation
  • 61.  D&E is the generic term for suction curettage abortions at >13 wks' gestation.  D&E differs from suction curettage in two principal ways: 1.D&E requires wider cervical dilation, and 2.Physicians need forceps to evacuate more advanced pregnancies.  It is the most common technique used for second-trimester pregnancy termination.  The proportion of abortions performed by curettage techniques is inversely related to GA.
  • 62.  Uterine perforation Cervical laceration Uterine bleeding due to large fetus and placenta
  • 63.  Similar to Dilatation & Evacuation.  Evacuation the intracranial content after the delivery of fetal body  Minimize uterine and cervical injury.  Anti microbial prophylaxis recommended  Generally performed for gestations of 24 weeks or later.
  • 64.  Aspiration of endometrial cavity using a flexible cannula and syringe within 1-3 weeks after failure to menstruate  Several points at early stage of gestation  Woman not being pregnant  Implanted zygote may be missed by the curette  Failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy  Infrequently, a uterus can be perforated
  • 65. Abdominal hysterotomy or hysterectomy  Indications Significant uterine disease Failure of medical induction during the 2nd trimester
  • 66.  .

Editor's Notes

  1. Gritty sensation - Frothy – bright red blood - No further conceptus material aspirated - Uterus contracts as felt by movement of cannula - Woman complaining of cramping or pain