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Irfan Khatik Analysis of Algorithms and Computing: Chapter 3 1
Analysis of Algorithm and
Advanced Strategies
Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming
• Basic approach behind dynamic programming:
Approach the problem in a sequential manner.
• The solution is found out in multi-stages.
• DP is used when the solution to the problem can be viewed as
the result of a sequence of decisions.
• E.g.1- Knapsack: Decide the values of xi, 1≤i ≤ n in the
order x1, x2, x3,… such that an optimal sequence of decisions
maximizes Σpixi
• E.g.2- Shortest Path: Decide on the 2nd , 3rd etc vertices
between i and j such that an optimal sequence results in a path
of least length.
• Dynamic programming is a method for
efficiently solving problems that at first seems to
require a lot of time (possibly exponential), provided we
• Subproblem optimality: the global optimum value can be
defined in terms of optimal subproblems
• Subproblem overlap: the subproblems are not independent,
but instead they overlap (hence, should be constructed bottom-
Dynamic Programming
Optimal Substructure
• A problem is said to have optimal sub-structure
if the globally optimal solution can be
constructed from locally optimal solutions to
sub problems.
• If it is not possible to make a stepwise optimal
decisions then one approach is to find all
possible decision sequences and find the best
one. This is called Brute Force.
• DP drastically reduces the no. of operations by
avoiding decision sequences that cannot be
Principle of Optimality
Bellman (1957) stated the principle of optimality
which explains the process of suboptimality as:
• “An optimal policy (or a set of decisions) has
the property that whatever the initial state
and initial decision are, the remaining
decisions must constitute an optimal decision
sequence with regard to the state resulting
from the first decision.”
How is it Different from Others?
• Divide and Conquer: the sub-problems are
over-lapping unlike the ones solved using
Divide and Conquer that need to be
• Greedy Method: In DP, multiple decision
sequences are generated in contrast to GM
where only one decision sequence is
Typical steps of DP
Steps in framing the solution using DP:
• Characterize the structure of an optimal
• Recursively define the value of an optimal
• Compute the value of an optimal solution in
a bottom-up fashion.
• Compute an optimal solution from
computed/stored information.
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Problem: given A1, A2, …,An, compute the
product: A1A2…An , find the fastest way (i.e.,
minimum number of multiplications) to compute
• Suppose two matrices A(p,q) and B(q,r), compute
their product C(p,r) in p  q  r multiplications.
• Matrix Multiplication is associative, so the
multiplication A1xA2xA3xA4 can be done in
several different orders.
– For example, M1M2M3 can be calculated as (M1M2)M3
or M1(M2M3).
– The order of multiplication, i.e. the placement of
parenthesis, will determine the number of scalar
Matrix-chain multiplication –MCM DP
Intuitive brute-force solution:
• Counting the number of parenthesizations by
exhaustively checking all possible
• Let P(n) denote the number of alternative
parenthesizations of a sequence of n matrices:
• P(n) = 1 if n=1
n-1 P(k)P(n-k) if n2
• The solution to the recursion is (2n).
• So brute-force will not work.
MCP DP Steps
• Step 1: structure of an optimal parenthesization
• Let Ai..j (ij) denote the matrix resulting from
• Any parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj must split the
product between Ak and Ak+1 for some k, (ik<j). The
cost = cost of computing Ai..k + cost of computing Ak+1..j
+ # Ai..k  Ak+1..j.
• If k is the position for an optimal parenthesization, the
parenthesization of “prefix” subchain AiAi+1…Ak
within this optimal parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj
must be an optimal parenthesization.
• AiAi+1…Ak  Ak+1…Aj
MCP DP Steps
• Step 2: a recursive relation
• Let m[i,j] be the minimum number of
multiplications for AiAi+1…Aj
• m[1,n] will be the answer
If the final multiplication for Aij is Aij= AikAk+1,j
• m[i,j] = 0 if i = j
min {m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] +pi-1pkpj } if i<j
Step 3: Computing the Optimal
• If by recursive algorithm, exponential time (2n) no
better than brute-force.
• Total number of subproblems: +n = (n2)
• Recursive algorithm will encounter the same
subproblem many times.
• If tabling the answers for subproblems, each
subproblem is only solved once.
• The second hallmark of DP: overlapping subproblems
and solve every subproblem just once.
( )
Step 3: Algorithm
• Array m[1..n,1..n], with m[i,j] records the
optimal cost for AiAi+1…Aj .
• Array s[1..n,1..n], s[i,j] records index k
which achieved the optimal cost when
computing m[i,j].
• Suppose the input to the algorithm is p=<
p0 , p1 ,…, pn >.
MCM DP Steps
MCM DP—order of matrix computations
m(1,1) m(1,2) m(1,3) m(1,4) m(1,5) m(1,6)
m(2,2) m(2,3) m(2,4) m(2,5) m(2,6)
m(3,3) m(3,4) m(3,5) m(3,6)
m(4,4) m(4,5) m(4,6)
m(5,5) m(5,6)
MCM DP Example
MCM DP Steps
• Step 4, constructing a parenthesization
order for the optimal solution.
• Since s[1..n,1..n] is computed, and s[i,j] is
the split position for AiAi+1…Aj , i.e, Ai…As[i,j]
and As[i,j] +1…Aj , thus, the parenthesization
order can be obtained from s[1..n,1..n]
recursively, beginning from s[1,n].
Constructing a Parenthesization Order
for the optimal solution
String Editing
• Two string are given: X= x₁, x₂, x₃,…,xn and
Y=y₁, y₂, …, ym.
– xi, 1<i<n and yj, 1<j<m are members of Alphabet, a
finite set of symbols.
• Transform X into Y using a sequence of edit
operations on X.
• Set of Edit operations available: Insert[I(xi)],
Delete[D(xi)] and Change[C(xi, yj)].
• Cost associated with each operation.
• Total cost of the sequence of operations is the
sum of cost of each edit operation in sequence.
• Problem: Identify a minimum-cost edit sequence
that transforms X into Y.
1. substitute m to n
2. delete the z
Distance = 3
• The problem holds Principle of Optimality.
• Define cost(i, j) to be the minimum cost edit
sequence for transforming x₁ to xi to y₁ to yj
for all values of i and j.
• The cost(n,m) is the cost of an optimal edit
• The recurrence equation for cost(i,j):
• Cost(i, j) = { 0 i=j=0
Cost(i-1, 0) + D(xi) j=0, i>0
Cost(0, j-1) + I(yj) i=0, j>1
Cost’(i, j) i>0, j>0
• Where cost(i,j) =min{ cost(i-1,j) +D(xi),
cost(i-1, j-1) + C(xi, yj), cost(I, j-1) +I(yj)
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
• DNA analysis, two DNA string comparison.
• DNA string: a sequence of symbols A,C,G,T.
• Subsequence (of X): is X with some symbols left out.
• Z=CGTC is a subsequence of X=ACGCTAC.
• Common subsequence Z (of X and Y): a subsequence of X and also
a subsequence of Y.
• Z=CGA is a common subsequence of both X=ACGCTAC and
• Longest Common Subsequence (LCS): the longest one of common
• Z' =CGCA is the LCS of the above X and Y.
• LCS problem: given X=<x1, x2,…, xm> and Y=<y1, y2,…, yn>, find
their LCS.
LCS DP –step 1: Optimal Substructure
• Characterize optimal substructure of LCS.
• Theorem 15.1: Let X=<x1, x2,…, xm> (= Xm)
and Y=<y1, y2,…,yn> (= Yn) and Z=<z1, z2,…,
zk> (= Zk) be any LCS of X and Y,
• 1. if xm= yn, then zk= xm= yn, and Zk-1 is the LCS of
Xm-1 and Yn-1.
• 2. if xm yn, then zk  xm implies Z is the LCS of
Xm-1 and Yn.
• 3. if xm yn, then zk  yn implies Z is the LCS of Xm
and Yn-1.
LCS DP –step 2:Recursive Solution
• What the theorem says:
• If xm= yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1, then append xm.
• If xm  yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and Yn-
1, take which one is longer.
• Overlapping substructure:
• Both LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and Yn-1 will
need to solve LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1.
• c[i,j] is the length of LCS of Xi and Yj .
LCS DP-- step 3:Computing the Length of LCS
• c[0..m,0..n], where c[i,j] is defined as
• c[m,n] is the answer (length of LCS).
• b[1..m,1..n], where b[i,j] points to the
table entry corresponding to the optimal
subproblem solution chosen when
computing c[i,j].
• From b[m,n] backward to find the LCS.
LCS computation example
LCS DP Algorithm
LCS DP –step 4: Constructing LCS
Example: Shortest Path Problem
Example: Shortest Path Problem
Start Goal
Example: Shortest Path Problem
Start Goal
Recall  Greedy Method for
Shortest Paths on a Multi-stage Graph
• Problem
• Find a shortest path from v0 to v3
Is the greedy solution optimal?
Recall  Greedy Method for
Shortest Paths on a Multi-stage Graph
• Problem
• Find a shortest path from v0 to v3
Is the greedy solution optimal?
The optimal path
Example  Dynamic Programming
min 1,1 3
min 1,2 3
min 0 3
min 1,3 3
min 1,4 3
( , )
( , )
( , )
( , )
( , )
d v v
d v v
d v v
d v v
d v v
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
Dijikstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
DIJKSTRA (G, w, s)
S ← { } // S will ultimately contains vertices of final
shortest-path weights from s
Initialize priority queue Q i.e., Q ← V[G]
while priority queue Q is not empty do
u ← MIN(Q) // Pull out new vertex
S ← S + {u}
// Perform relaxation for each vertex v adjacent to u
for each vertex v in Adj[u] do
Relax (u, v, w)
Irfan Khatik Design and Analysis of Algorithm : Chapter 5 38
BellMan-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm
• Detects negative weight cycle
• If no negative weight cycle in graph ,the it
calculates shortest path otherwise return
z u v x y
1 2 3 4 5
z u v x y
1 2 3 4 5
0 0    
1 0 6  7 
z u v x y
1 2 3 4 5
0 0    
1 0 6  7 
2 0 6 4 7 2
z u v x y
1 2 3 4 5
0 0    
1 0 6  7 
2 0 6 4 7 2
3 0 2 4 7 2
z u v x y
1 2 3 4 5
0 0    
1 0 6  7 
2 0 6 4 7 2
3 0 2 4 7 2
4 0 2 4 7 -2
• I f Bellman-Ford has not converged after V (G)-
1 iterations, then there cannot be a shortest path
tree, so there must be a negative weight cycle.
• Complexity is O(n³) if Adjacency matrices are
used and O(ne) if lists are used.
The All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem:
Floyd-Marshall Algorithm
• Input: A weighted graph, represented by its
weight matrix W.
• Problem: Find the distance between every pair of
• Dynamic programming Design:
– Notation: A(k)(i,j) = length of the shortest path from
node i to node j where the label of every intermediary
node is <= k.
• A(0)(i,j) = W[i,j].
• Principle of Optimality: We already saw that
any sub-path of a shortest path is a shortest path
between its end nodes.
• Recurrence relation:
• Divide the paths from i to j where every
intermediary node is of label <=k into two groups:
– Those paths that do go through node k
– Those paths that do not go through node k.
• The shortest path in the first group is the shortest
path from i to j where the label of every
intermediary node is <= k-1.
• The length of the shortest path of group 1 is
• The length of the shortest path in group 2 is
A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j)
• The shortest path in the two groups is the
shorter of the shortest paths of the two groups,
we get
• The algorithm follows:
A(k)(i,j)=min(A(k-1)(i,j), A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j))
Algorithm AllPaths(cost, a, n)
for i=1 to n do
for j=1 to n do
A(0)(i,j) := cost[i,j];
for k=1 to n do
for i=1 to n do
for j=1 to n do
A(k)(i,j)=min(A(k-1)(i,j),A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j))
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
Informal Knapsack Algorithm
Informal Knapsack Algorithm
Detailed Knapsack Algorithm
Travelling Salesman Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem
TSP and Principle of Optimality
TSP and Principle of Optimality
TSP and Principle of Optimality
• Complexity of TSP = Θ(n²2ⁿ)
• Since computation of g(I,S) with |S|=k requires
k-1 comparisons.
• Better than solving all n! different tours to find
the best one.
• Space Complexity = O(n2ⁿ)

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AAC ch 3 Advance strategies (Dynamic Programming).pptx

  • 1. Irfan Khatik Analysis of Algorithms and Computing: Chapter 3 1 Analysis of Algorithm and Computing Advanced Strategies
  • 3. Dynamic Programming • Basic approach behind dynamic programming: Approach the problem in a sequential manner. • The solution is found out in multi-stages. • DP is used when the solution to the problem can be viewed as the result of a sequence of decisions. • E.g.1- Knapsack: Decide the values of xi, 1≤i ≤ n in the order x1, x2, x3,… such that an optimal sequence of decisions maximizes Σpixi • E.g.2- Shortest Path: Decide on the 2nd , 3rd etc vertices between i and j such that an optimal sequence results in a path of least length. 3
  • 4. • Dynamic programming is a method for efficiently solving problems that at first seems to require a lot of time (possibly exponential), provided we have: • Subproblem optimality: the global optimum value can be defined in terms of optimal subproblems • Subproblem overlap: the subproblems are not independent, but instead they overlap (hence, should be constructed bottom- up). 4 Dynamic Programming
  • 5. Optimal Substructure • A problem is said to have optimal sub-structure if the globally optimal solution can be constructed from locally optimal solutions to sub problems. • If it is not possible to make a stepwise optimal decisions then one approach is to find all possible decision sequences and find the best one. This is called Brute Force. • DP drastically reduces the no. of operations by avoiding decision sequences that cannot be optimal.
  • 6. Principle of Optimality Bellman (1957) stated the principle of optimality which explains the process of suboptimality as: • “An optimal policy (or a set of decisions) has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal decision sequence with regard to the state resulting from the first decision.”
  • 7. How is it Different from Others? • Divide and Conquer: the sub-problems are over-lapping unlike the ones solved using Divide and Conquer that need to be independent. • Greedy Method: In DP, multiple decision sequences are generated in contrast to GM where only one decision sequence is generated.
  • 8. 8 Typical steps of DP Steps in framing the solution using DP: • Characterize the structure of an optimal solution. • Recursively define the value of an optimal solution. • Compute the value of an optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion. • Compute an optimal solution from computed/stored information.
  • 9. Matrix Chain Multiplication • Problem: given A1, A2, …,An, compute the product: A1A2…An , find the fastest way (i.e., minimum number of multiplications) to compute it. • Suppose two matrices A(p,q) and B(q,r), compute their product C(p,r) in p  q  r multiplications. • Matrix Multiplication is associative, so the multiplication A1xA2xA3xA4 can be done in several different orders. – For example, M1M2M3 can be calculated as (M1M2)M3 or M1(M2M3). – The order of multiplication, i.e. the placement of parenthesis, will determine the number of scalar multiplications.
  • 10. 10 Matrix-chain multiplication –MCM DP Intuitive brute-force solution: • Counting the number of parenthesizations by exhaustively checking all possible parenthesizations. • Let P(n) denote the number of alternative parenthesizations of a sequence of n matrices: • P(n) = 1 if n=1 k=1 n-1 P(k)P(n-k) if n2 • The solution to the recursion is (2n). • So brute-force will not work.
  • 11. 11 MCP DP Steps • Step 1: structure of an optimal parenthesization • Let Ai..j (ij) denote the matrix resulting from AiAi+1…Aj • Any parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj must split the product between Ak and Ak+1 for some k, (ik<j). The cost = cost of computing Ai..k + cost of computing Ak+1..j + # Ai..k  Ak+1..j. • If k is the position for an optimal parenthesization, the parenthesization of “prefix” subchain AiAi+1…Ak within this optimal parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj must be an optimal parenthesization. • AiAi+1…Ak  Ak+1…Aj
  • 12. 12 MCP DP Steps • Step 2: a recursive relation • Let m[i,j] be the minimum number of multiplications for AiAi+1…Aj • m[1,n] will be the answer If the final multiplication for Aij is Aij= AikAk+1,j then • m[i,j] = 0 if i = j min {m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] +pi-1pkpj } if i<j ik<j
  • 13. Step 3: Computing the Optimal Cost • If by recursive algorithm, exponential time (2n) no better than brute-force. • Total number of subproblems: +n = (n2) • Recursive algorithm will encounter the same subproblem many times. • If tabling the answers for subproblems, each subproblem is only solved once. • The second hallmark of DP: overlapping subproblems and solve every subproblem just once. ( ) 2 n
  • 14. Step 3: Algorithm • Array m[1..n,1..n], with m[i,j] records the optimal cost for AiAi+1…Aj . • Array s[1..n,1..n], s[i,j] records index k which achieved the optimal cost when computing m[i,j]. • Suppose the input to the algorithm is p=< p0 , p1 ,…, pn >.
  • 16. 16 MCM DP—order of matrix computations m(1,1) m(1,2) m(1,3) m(1,4) m(1,5) m(1,6) m(2,2) m(2,3) m(2,4) m(2,5) m(2,6) m(3,3) m(3,4) m(3,5) m(3,6) m(4,4) m(4,5) m(4,6) m(5,5) m(5,6) m(6,6)
  • 18. MCM DP Steps • Step 4, constructing a parenthesization order for the optimal solution. • Since s[1..n,1..n] is computed, and s[i,j] is the split position for AiAi+1…Aj , i.e, Ai…As[i,j] and As[i,j] +1…Aj , thus, the parenthesization order can be obtained from s[1..n,1..n] recursively, beginning from s[1,n].
  • 19. Constructing a Parenthesization Order for the optimal solution 19
  • 20. String Editing • Two string are given: X= x₁, x₂, x₃,…,xn and Y=y₁, y₂, …, ym. – xi, 1<i<n and yj, 1<j<m are members of Alphabet, a finite set of symbols. • Transform X into Y using a sequence of edit operations on X. • Set of Edit operations available: Insert[I(xi)], Delete[D(xi)] and Change[C(xi, yj)]. • Cost associated with each operation. • Total cost of the sequence of operations is the sum of cost of each edit operation in sequence. • Problem: Identify a minimum-cost edit sequence that transforms X into Y.
  • 21. Example Andrew Amdrewz 1. substitute m to n 2. delete the z Distance = 3
  • 22. • The problem holds Principle of Optimality. • Define cost(i, j) to be the minimum cost edit sequence for transforming x₁ to xi to y₁ to yj for all values of i and j. • The cost(n,m) is the cost of an optimal edit sequence.
  • 23. • The recurrence equation for cost(i,j): • Cost(i, j) = { 0 i=j=0 Cost(i-1, 0) + D(xi) j=0, i>0 Cost(0, j-1) + I(yj) i=0, j>1 Cost’(i, j) i>0, j>0 • Where cost(i,j) =min{ cost(i-1,j) +D(xi), cost(i-1, j-1) + C(xi, yj), cost(I, j-1) +I(yj)
  • 24. 24 Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) • DNA analysis, two DNA string comparison. • DNA string: a sequence of symbols A,C,G,T. • S=ACCGGTCGAGCTTCGAAT • Subsequence (of X): is X with some symbols left out. • Z=CGTC is a subsequence of X=ACGCTAC. • Common subsequence Z (of X and Y): a subsequence of X and also a subsequence of Y. • Z=CGA is a common subsequence of both X=ACGCTAC and Y=CTGACA. • Longest Common Subsequence (LCS): the longest one of common subsequences. • Z' =CGCA is the LCS of the above X and Y. • LCS problem: given X=<x1, x2,…, xm> and Y=<y1, y2,…, yn>, find their LCS.
  • 25. 25 LCS DP –step 1: Optimal Substructure • Characterize optimal substructure of LCS. • Theorem 15.1: Let X=<x1, x2,…, xm> (= Xm) and Y=<y1, y2,…,yn> (= Yn) and Z=<z1, z2,…, zk> (= Zk) be any LCS of X and Y, • 1. if xm= yn, then zk= xm= yn, and Zk-1 is the LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1. • 2. if xm yn, then zk  xm implies Z is the LCS of Xm-1 and Yn. • 3. if xm yn, then zk  yn implies Z is the LCS of Xm and Yn-1.
  • 26. 26 LCS DP –step 2:Recursive Solution • What the theorem says: • If xm= yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1, then append xm. • If xm  yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and Yn- 1, take which one is longer. • Overlapping substructure: • Both LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and Yn-1 will need to solve LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1. • c[i,j] is the length of LCS of Xi and Yj .
  • 27. 27 LCS DP-- step 3:Computing the Length of LCS • c[0..m,0..n], where c[i,j] is defined as above. • c[m,n] is the answer (length of LCS). • b[1..m,1..n], where b[i,j] points to the table entry corresponding to the optimal subproblem solution chosen when computing c[i,j]. • From b[m,n] backward to find the LCS.
  • 30. 30 LCS DP –step 4: Constructing LCS
  • 31. Example: Shortest Path Problem 10 5 3 Goal Start
  • 32. 25 28 40 Example: Shortest Path Problem 10 5 3 Start Goal
  • 33. 25 28 40 Example: Shortest Path Problem 10 5 3 Start Goal
  • 34. Recall  Greedy Method for Shortest Paths on a Multi-stage Graph • Problem • Find a shortest path from v0 to v3 Is the greedy solution optimal?
  • 35. Recall  Greedy Method for Shortest Paths on a Multi-stage Graph • Problem • Find a shortest path from v0 to v3 Is the greedy solution optimal? The optimal path 
  • 36. Example  Dynamic Programming min 1,1 3 min 1,2 3 min 0 3 min 1,3 3 min 1,4 3 ( , ) ( , ) 3 1 min 5 7 ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) d v v d v v d v v d v v d v v                   
  • 37. Dijikstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm DIJKSTRA (G, w, s) { INITIALIZE SINGLE-SOURCE (G, s) S ← { } // S will ultimately contains vertices of final shortest-path weights from s Initialize priority queue Q i.e., Q ← V[G] while priority queue Q is not empty do u ← MIN(Q) // Pull out new vertex S ← S + {u} // Perform relaxation for each vertex v adjacent to u for each vertex v in Adj[u] do Relax (u, v, w) } 37
  • 38. Irfan Khatik Design and Analysis of Algorithm : Chapter 5 38
  • 39. BellMan-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm • Detects negative weight cycle • If no negative weight cycle in graph ,the it calculates shortest path otherwise return failure 39
  • 40. Example z u v x y 1 2 3 4 5
  • 41. z u v x y 1 2 3 4 5 0 0     1 0 6  7  Example
  • 42. Example z u v x y 1 2 3 4 5 0 0     1 0 6  7  2 0 6 4 7 2
  • 43. Example z u v x y 1 2 3 4 5 0 0     1 0 6  7  2 0 6 4 7 2 3 0 2 4 7 2
  • 44. Example z u v x y 1 2 3 4 5 0 0     1 0 6  7  2 0 6 4 7 2 3 0 2 4 7 2 4 0 2 4 7 -2
  • 45. Conclusion • I f Bellman-Ford has not converged after V (G)- 1 iterations, then there cannot be a shortest path tree, so there must be a negative weight cycle. • Complexity is O(n³) if Adjacency matrices are used and O(ne) if lists are used.
  • 46. The All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem: Floyd-Marshall Algorithm • Input: A weighted graph, represented by its weight matrix W. • Problem: Find the distance between every pair of nodes. • Dynamic programming Design: – Notation: A(k)(i,j) = length of the shortest path from node i to node j where the label of every intermediary node is <= k. • A(0)(i,j) = W[i,j].
  • 47. • Principle of Optimality: We already saw that any sub-path of a shortest path is a shortest path between its end nodes. • Recurrence relation: • Divide the paths from i to j where every intermediary node is of label <=k into two groups: – Those paths that do go through node k – Those paths that do not go through node k. • The shortest path in the first group is the shortest path from i to j where the label of every intermediary node is <= k-1. • The length of the shortest path of group 1 is A(k-1)(i,j)
  • 48. • The length of the shortest path in group 2 is A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j)
  • 49. • The shortest path in the two groups is the shorter of the shortest paths of the two groups, we get • The algorithm follows: A(k)(i,j)=min(A(k-1)(i,j), A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j)) Algorithm AllPaths(cost, a, n) { for i=1 to n do for j=1 to n do A(0)(i,j) := cost[i,j]; for k=1 to n do for i=1 to n do for j=1 to n do A(k)(i,j)=min(A(k-1)(i,j),A(k-1)(i,k) + A(k-1)(k,j)) }
  • 50. 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
  • 51. 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge Є
  • 52. Σ Σ 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
  • 53. 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
  • 54. 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge
  • 55. 0/1 Knapsack Problem Merge & Purge Є
  • 63. TSP and Principle of Optimality
  • 64. TSP and Principle of Optimality
  • 65. TSP and Principle of Optimality
  • 66. Complexity • Complexity of TSP = Θ(n²2ⁿ) • Since computation of g(I,S) with |S|=k requires k-1 comparisons. • Better than solving all n! different tours to find the best one. • Space Complexity = O(n2ⁿ)

Editor's Notes

  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction