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Hi everyone. Welcome to my first spin off album from my Victorian Legacy. You do not have to read my
legacy to enjoy this, but it might help you to know that Violet is the youngest child from generation two.

The idea for these albums come to me whilst I was writing chapter five. My legacy is written very much
as a narrative of what is happening from a player's point of view with some plot but lots of back and forth
between me and my sims. However I started to wonder if I could write in a different style, and use the
game more as a story telling tool. I didn't really want to change my style of writing for my legacy, so I
thought about doing a series of spin off albums throughout the legacy, each one concentrating on a
different spare or element. Some, such as this one, will have several parts others will, hopefully, be

So now that I've finished the introduction, shall we crack on?
Dear Diary,

although keeping my thoughts in such a way is alien to me, I have decided to make a record of my life as
governess to the Harrison children in the hopes that it may benefit future historians and pass along
knowledge of this way of life.

Violet Legacy.

Day 5 Winter.

I arrived to take up my position as governess at the Harrison household at eight o'clock.

The Harrison's house is Victorian House 4 by Jaylim88 at MTS2, modified and redecorated by me.
Major Harrison seemed very pleasant as he greeted me and showed me around the house and to my
room in the attic. It is a good sized room all in all, even if it is shabby compared to what I have been used
to at home. Having said that it is furnished with everything that I will need
Major Harrison informed me that the children were in bed, but that they knew lessons would start the
next day.

He also informed me that there were cold meats and bread in the kitchen if I wished to make myself
something to eat. I thanked him for this information and once he left I unpacked my things and started to
settle into my new home.
By the time I was completely unpacked I was feeling a bit peckish so I went downstairs and helped
myself to the left-over meats in the larder.

Once I was back in my room I settled down with a book and begun to contemplate what the morrow
would bring. I am both excited and nervous about the path that I have chosen.

Excited because I love a new challenge, and know that through teaching I will continue with my own
education. Nervous because I will be working in someone else's home with children I have never met

Soon my eyes began to grow heavy, so I put my book aside, to write this entry in my diary, before
retiring to bed.
Day 1 Spring.

I arose early this morning, partly out of necessity and partly out of nervous anticipation. After completing
my ablutions I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to break my fast.

On my way I could hear that the children were up and seemed to be giving Nanny Gast a bit of trouble as
she tried to get them ready for the day. Major Harrison had explained the previous night that Nanny Gast
had been employed following his wife's death to take care of the children whilst he was at work.
After a quick breakfast of more cold meats from the night before I went to inspect the room I have been
given to teach the children in. It is a good sized room towards the rear of the property. I feel that this was
once used primarily as somewhere the lady of the house painted due to the paint stains still visible on
the floor.

In any case, two desks have been moved into the room, and there is a well stocked bookcase in the

I had just placed two exercise books on the desks when there was a knock at the door. I looked at my
pocket watch: it was exactly nine o'clock, Nanny Gast had managed to get the children ready on time
after all.
I smiled my thanks to Nanny Gast as the children crept past me into the classroom. Nanny Gast returned
my smile with a hint of knowing in her eye. She then turned and headed towards Catherine's room, I
presume to tidy it and do whatever was necessary before she would be called upon to prepare lunch for
the children.
I had decided to concentrate on teaching Frederick to begin with due to the fact that Major Harrison had
confided in me during my tour of the house that Frederick's attitude had caused concern for his previous

To that end I set Catherine to work reading a book whilst I went through some arithmetic with Frederick.
He was resistant at first, but by the end of the first set of exercises I felt that we were making progress.
Once I had started Frederick on his second set of exercises, I decided to get Catherine to practise her
handwriting, an essential skill for all. Unlike Frederick, she was more than happy to sit down and work.
At five to noon I left the two of them reading whilst I went to see if Nanny Gast had prepared luncheon.
As I approached the classroom I was sure that I could hear a ruckus inside, but on entering Frederick
and Catherine were seated where I had left them. I think that I will have to keep a close eye on the two of
The afternoon was spent in much the same vein until three o'clock when it was time for Catherine's
music lesson. I have to say that she is not very good, and will need much tuition in order to improve. I
only hope that I am up to it.

With lessons over it was time for Nanny Gast to take over the care of the children and I was left to my
own devices. I spent the rest of the day in my room, going over the work that the children had done, and
preparing for tomorrow.

By nine o'clock I was exhausted and retired to bed.
Day 2 Spring.

I again arose early this morning, and after completing my ablutions hurried downstairs for breakfast. On
the stair I met Frederick, who seemed to me to be looking very peaky. I asked him if he was alright. He
bit his lip, looked up at me and replied "You will not laugh or tell me I am being silly will you?"

"Frederick," I replied, "of course not."
He then proceeded to tell me that last night he had awoken feeling thirsty and had gone into the kitchen
to fetch a glass of water. Whilst at the sink he had seen the ghost of his mother, which had scared him
quite badly.
When he had finished his tale he looked at me as if worried about what I would say. I told him that I
believed him, and the universe was full of mysteries.

This soothed him a bit, but he said that he did not understand why his mother had scared him. I thought
about it and replied that maybe the only way that she could get through so that he could see her was to
frighten him. I do not think that he was entirely happy with this explanation, and I must admit neither am
I, after all what sort of a mother would scare her own child? Well I would, but that is besides the point.

It mollified him some what though, and he went back into his room.
Nine o'clock was soon upon me, and the children were once again led into the classroom by Nanny
Gast. I had decided to expand on the start we had made yesterday, and included the new subjects of
Geography and History today.

I do not think that Frederick was best pleased by this, as he complained at first that learning the capitals
of the countries of Europe was too hard.
Catherine on the other hand seemed to be glad to be learning something new, and often interrupted me
with questions regarding what I was saying. Although I want to encourage her inquisitiveness, I did have
to be firm with her and tell her not to interrupt, but rather raise her hand. Not only is it more polite, but I
might also be about to cover what she is asking about.

Today seemed to whiz by and before I knew it, it was time for Nanny Gast to resume her duties.
With lessons finished for the day, I went downstairs to peruse the books on the bookshelf in the sun
room. Whilst walking through the drawing room I noticed a photograph of a beautiful lady on a side table.
I knew that she had to be Jayani, Major Harrison's late wife.
My interest piqued by my conversation with Frederick that morning, I walked over and looked at it intently
for a couple of minutes trying to work out what sort of a woman she had been. I knew very little about
her, and it would be rude to ask.
I turned away from the picture to find Major Harrison standing behind me.

"I see that you have been admiring the photograph of my late wife," he stated.

"Yes Major Harrison. She was very beautiful."
"The most exotic and beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on." he replied walking past me and picking up the
picture I had so recently studied.

"I met her when I was serving in India y'know," he said touching the glass. "She was one of the locals in
the village where I was garrisoned. As soon as I saw her I knew that I had to marry her."
Sadness tinged his voice as he remembered. "We had two and a half wonderful seasons together. She
was my constant companion, and a wonderful mother, before she became ill. She had always said that
that climate here did not agree with her. She was right and she succumbed to tuberculosis at the
beginning of winter."

I was unsure what to say to this, so stuck to the obligatory, "I am sorry about her death Major Harrison. I
never knew her, but her children do her credit."
A smile flitted across his face as he put the photograph down and turned to face me. "Thank you Miss
Legacy. Speaking of the children, it is their birthday tomorrow. I would like you to attend."

"Of course if you wish. I did not realise that they were twins."

"Oh yes, came as quite a surprise I can tell you."

With that he walked out into the garden.
After he had left, I made my way into the sun room to do what I had originally intended. The bookshelf
was stuffed with recent novels, and reference books, as well as publications such as Cornhill magazine.
In truth I was not surprised by this: every bookshelf in the house was well stocked.

I must admit that I quite forgot the time as I picked up book after book and flicked through them.
I was just browsing through an issue of Cornhill magazine, when I heard the door open. Major Harrison
walked in, paused, then sat down in the other chair.

"I see that you are making yourself quite at home Miss Legacy," he said.

"Yes sir." I was unsure where this conversation was going to go. I was aware of the fact that I perhaps
should not be wondering around the house, I am after all an employee, but I have never been a shrinking
violet. It may be that I am too used to the fact that I am the youngest child of a legacy founder, but I am
used to doing what I want, when I want.

Major Harrison nodded at the magazine in my lap. "Have you seen the novel being serialised at the
moment, 'Far From the Madding Crowd' I think it is called?"
This was not what I was expecting. I had however been reading the serial he was enquiring about.

"Yes I have sir."

"And what are your thoughts on it?"

"Well, I have to say that the thing that strikes me most is the fact that the author appears to be a

"Really, Miss legacy, you astound me! Most people would comment on the evocative imagery first and

I paused and mulled this over. "That is true, but it is the treatment of the heroine which I notice the most.
The serial ends in the current edition, and it is clear that Bathsheba has become a shadow of her former
self, and I will not start on the treatment of poor Fanny Robin."
"But surely it could be said that Bathsheba brought her fate on her self, through her fickle nature and
capriciousness? She had to learn that what was a fleeting thought and a jest to her, i.e. the valentine,
was serious for others."

"That is exactly my point. The author is showing that it is wrong for a woman to be independent, know
her own mind and have a, a sense of fun. The only way in which she can find love and security is by
changing into a submissive and serious woman, whether this is a conscience act on her part or forced on
her by circumstance."

Our conversation carried on until I stifled a yawn, and Major Harrison pulled out his pocket watch.

"My dear Miss Legacy, please forgive me, I fear that I have kept you from your bed. It is nearly half past
eleven!" With that he arose, and held the door open for me, and I retired to my room.
Day 3 Spring.

As per the past two days, I arose early and breakfasted in plenty of time for the children to join me in the
classroom. I had heard the twins as I had made my way to the kitchen, and the look on Nanny Gast's
face as she ushered them in showed me that the two of them were in high spirits this morning.

It was not long before I experienced those spirits first hand. Both Catherine and Frederick were restless
and kept interrupting me as I was trying to teach them.
However, once I had been firm with the both of them, I managed to conduct the rest of the morning's
lessons without incident.

I had already decided that as it was their birthday I was going to cancel lessons that afternoon, and so
after lunch I left the two of them to Nanny Gast's care, and started planning the lessons for after they had
grown up.
That evening we all gathered in the dining room to witness the children becoming teenagers. Despite the
fact that it was a happy occasion, I must say that there was a tinge of sadness in the air caused by Mrs
Harrison's absence. This was especially apparent when Catherine said in a small voice just before
blowing out her candles, "I wish Mama could be here to see this."
After both children had blown out their candles and grown up, they went upstairs to change their clothes,
leaving me alone with Major Harrison. I was about to leave the room for my own when he invited me to
sit a talk with him.

"Please, Miss Legacy. sit with me a while. I have been meaning to ask you how my children are getting
on under your tutelage."
I proceeded to explain to him how both children were making good progress with all subjects that I had
taken to teach them, and how pleased I was with them. I went on to explain the plans that I had made
earlier for what I was going to teach them now that they were teenagers.
It was not long before our conversation turned to other matters, and before I was aware of it, a clock was
striking eleven.

"I am so sorry Miss Legacy, I appear to have kept you up for the second night in a row."

"Do not be Major Harrison, If I had wanted to retire to bed earlier I would have done."

He blinked at my statement, and I wondered if I had spoken too boldly, then he smiled and said, "well if
you will excuse me Miss Legacy I think that I will retire, even if you wish to stay here with the cakes."
With that he got up and left the room. I cleared the table before following his example.
Day 4 Spring.

My days are starting to follow a set routine. I start lessons at nine in the morning , and proceed with
teaching academic subjects until luncheon at twelve. From one o'clock until three o'clock the children get
more practical tuition in subjects such as cookery and mechanics. Catherine's piano lessons also take
place in the afternoons, she has made progress since she I arrived, but she is still not that good.
After today's lesson was over and Catherine had vacated the drawing room I sat down at the piano and
started to play. I had not played since I had arrived and it felt good to loose myself in the music.
I had just started on the third page when I heard clapping. Startled I brought my hands crashing down on
the keys and turned round on the stool to see Major Harrison standing behind me applauding.

"That was wonderful Miss Legacy."

"Thank you sir, " I stammered and stood up.
"Miss Legacy, I was wondering if you would like to dine with the children and I this evening?"

"I would be honoured sir," seemed the appropriate response.

"Good. We dine at eight." With that he turned and left, leaving me with my thoughts.
I dressed carefully for dinner, and to tell the truth I was glad of a chance to wear my formal gown. I had
brought it with me on the off chance that I would need it, and I was thankful for my foresight.
Unfortunately the friend Frederick had invited over was ignorant of the fact that he was expected to
dress, and joined us wearing very casual attire.
All in all it was a very pleasant evening, and our conversation was wide reaching. Since she became a
teenager Catherine has been very concerned with material possessions, and the pursuit of the finer
things in life, and as such was very concerned to hear about a recent spate of burglaries in the area. Her
father did his best to reassure her, but I am not sure that he has succeeded.
Once again the children retired to bed before Major Harrison and myself. I smiled at him "thank you for
inviting me to dine with you this evening sir."

"That is quite alright," he said returning my smile. "I find your company and conversation quite ...

"Likewise Major Harrison."

"Miss Legacy, " he said after a pause, "may I be so bold as to venture to call you Violet, and ask you to
call me Thomas?"

The response left my lips before I had chance to think about it, "I do not think that it is appropriate given
as we are employer and employee, Major Harrison."
He looked down at his hands on the dining table. "Employer and employee," he repeated quietly.

"Yes Miss Legacy, you are right. Well I am going to retire for the night. I bid you good night Governess
Legacy." and with that he rose abruptly and left, leaving me feeling that I had said entirely the wrong
thing at the wrong time.
Day 5 Spring.

This morning, as I was on my way to the kitchen for breakfast I witnessed Thomas on the patio
contorting himself into all sorts of different shapes. I have never seen anything like it in all my life, and I
confess myself to be quite intrigued. I wondered whether to approach him and ask him what he was
doing, when the clock started to chime and I realised that if I wanted to break my fast in time for lessons I
would have to do so without delay.
The weather has been absolutely atrocious today, and we have had a storm raging for most of the day. It
was so bad at one point that a bolt of lightning struck the willow tree by the pond. Luckily the heavy rain
put out the fire and I did not have to call the fire brigade.

The fire did, however, disrupt my lesson for a while, and I had a difficult time calming Catherine down
enough to be able to carry on. She was most concerned that the fire could have spread to the house.
I am so pleased with the progress that Frederick has been making. When I arrived he showed little
inclination to sit down and read a book, or learn the monarchs of England. That has all changed: he is
more than willing to tackle any task that I set him, and has even been discussing with me what subject
he would like to study when he eventually goes to university.
In fact both the children seem to have calmed down since becoming teenagers, and I feel confident in
leaving them studying whilst I leave the room to collect more materials for lessons, or to see if luncheon
is ready.
It was on a trip downstairs to the sun room to pick up a book that I wanted for the next part of the lesson,
that I came across Major Harrison once again contorting himself into knots. I stood as close as I dared
and watched him for a while: I could not help myself. It was the most amazing sight that I have ever
seen! As I stood there, he lifted himself up on one finger, and held the pose for minutes on end. I dare
not make a sound in case I disturbed his concentration, and eventually I withdrew as quietly as possible,
remembering to pick up the book that I required.

Once back in the classroom, I was met with enquiring looks by the two children, so I know that they were
curious why it took so long for me to pop downstairs for a book, but I did not give them a chance to
question me, and proceeded with the rest of the lesson.
I was making my way to the kitchen for a quick dinner when I met major Harrison at the foot of the stairs.
He was himself on his way to the dining room, and he did not seem too pleased to see me.

"Miss Legacy," he greeted me brusquely

I essayed some small talk about the weather as I decided whether or not to ask him about what I had
seen during the day, but he was not open to it, eventually he said rather bluntly, "really. What can I do for
you governess?"
It was obvious that he would rather not speak to me, but he had given me an opening, and so with my
customary candour, I plunged into an explanation of what I had witnessed him doing earlier, and asked
him what on earth it was.

"It is called yoga," came the reply. "I learnt it whilst I was in India, just another memento I brought back
with me. I find that it helps me to focus physically, mentally and spiritually."
I was more than intrigued by this, and before I was aware of it, I had blurted out "will you teach me how
to do it?"

Major Harrison seemed to be taken aback by this, and I believe that he actually gaped at me before
repeating back "teach you Miss Legacy?"

"Yes. I am always open to new experiences, and want to give this yoga a try."

He blinked, and then said "very well. Meet me at seven o'clock tomorrow morning on the patio, and I will
try to teach you."

"Thank you." I said, then turned and walked out of the drawing room, towards the kitchen.

I am very excited about the prospect of learning yoga. I know that I will not be able to contort myself in
the way that he can at first, but I see no reason why I should not improve rapidly.
Day 1 Summer.

I arose early in anticipation of my first yoga lesson with Major Harrison. We started off with breathing
exercises, which Major Harrison explained would help to centre myself, and gentle stretches. We then
progressed to some simple balancing poses.
By the end of the lesson I was surprised by how much progress I had made. I think that it helped that I
have kept myself in good physical condition since my teenage years.

I believe that major Harrison was also pleased and surprised by how well I did, and after the end of the
lesson asked me if I wanted another lesson the next day. I readily agreed.
After changing I was ready to start my day's teaching. I have to say that my practical lessons with the
children have been coming along nicely. Frederick is becoming more logical with every chess game we
play. (Even with me cheating. I know I should not, but I cannot help it!)
In an effort to broaden the range of subjects that I am teaching the children I have started to include
astronomy. Catherine especially seems to like this subject, but she has complained to me about the fact
that our telescope is not the most expensive one on the market. I have slight reservations about that
telescope, having heard some slightly unsettling stories about things that have happened to sims using

Once our lesson had finished, I made my way to my room to plan tomorrow's lessons, and finish marking
today's work.
I had just changed for bed, and was about to climb in, when there came a knock at the door.
I grabbed my dressing gown and went to open it. Standing outside was Major Harrison!

"Major Harrison sir, is everything alright?" I asked.

"No Violet, it is not." he said it so solemnly I did not know what to expect.
He reached up and caressed my cheek. An icy fire spread out from where his fingers touched my skin
and I gasped.

"I cannot deny it any longer," he whispered. "I did not think that I would be able to love again following
the death of Jayani, but you have captured my heart. You are forthright to the point of rudeness, your
curiosity knows no bounds, and I am completely captivated by you."
I stood there gaping at him, my mind trying to assimilate what I had just heard, but to no avail.

"Violet," he choked, "say something, please!" but I could not. No words would present themselves to me.

He swallowed. "Very well then," he said, turned on his heel and marched down the stairs.

At last I found my voice "wait," I cried, but it was too late, I heard a door slam. I started down the stairs,
got half way and changed my mind.
I lay down on my bed to try to make sense of what had just happened. I am so confused! I did not know
that he felt that way, and as to my own feelings....

It is now nearly one, I must try to get some sleep. Maybe it will all be clear in the morning.
Day 2 Summer.

I slept fitfully, the night's events kept playing in my head, but by the morning I had reached a decision.

I rose and dressed earlier than had become my custom, and made my way downstairs. I stopped outside
Major Harrison's bedroom door, and listened to see if I could hear movement within, but all I could hear
was the pounding of my own heart.

I swallowed, and was about to knock when the door opened, and I found myself face to face with Major
Harrison. He seemed startled, but recovered well.

"Miss Legacy," he said stiffly.

"Please can we talk?"

"Very well, follow me."
He led me to the sun room and stood with his back to me staring out at the dark garden.

"I suppose you have decided to tender your resignation?"

"Not as such, no." I replied, "although when I have finished you may not wish me to continue in your

"Oh?" He turned and raised an eyebrow.
"I will not deny," I said after swallowing, "that what you said last night came as a complete surprise." At
this he looked down at his feet. "I did not know that you felt that way, and my failure to answer was not to
do with indifference or rejection, but rather shock." I paused, took a deep breath and continued with my
planned speech.

"Thomas," at this he looked up, and as I gazed into his deep blue eyes I knew that what I was about to
say was the truth. "I feel the same. I love you with all my heart, but I did not realise that I did until I was
faced with the prospect that you loved me too."
I stopped and stood there staring at him. My speech had not been very eloquent, but it was the truth, and
I now waited to see what his response would be.

The seconds stretched for an eternity. "I see," he said at last, and then he quickly took two steps towards
me and pulled me into an embrace.
We stood there for what seemed like forever. I marvelled at the fact that I had only just worked out my
feelings for Thomas when the truth of them had been staring me in the face all the time.
As we separated, Thomas smiled at me. "My love," he said as he dropped to one knee. "I know that this
is sudden, but having revealed my feelings for you, and heard you fell the same, I cannot bear the
thought of not spending the rest of my life with you." With this he pulled a blue velvet box from his trouser

"Violet please say that you will marry me."

The response left my lips with no conscience thought on my part. "Yes, my love I will."
As I stood admiring my engagement ring a thought occurred to me. "Thomas?"

"Yes my flower?"

"You thought that I had rejected you did you not?"

"Yes I did."

"So then, can you please tell me why you had an engagement ring in your pocket?"

He smiled sheepishly at me. "Ah I was hoping that you would not ask that."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a look which said well?
He cleared his throat. "You see, I bought this ring yesterday with the intention of asking you to marry me
last night, but when you said nothing, and I believed you cared not for me, I did not know what to do with

"I could return it, but the humiliation would be too much to bear. I supposed that I could keep it in the
hope that I would meet another whom I would become fond enough of to ask to be my wife, but I picked
that ring for you, and I would always think of you when I saw it."

As he was saying this I saw that engraved on the gold band were miniature violets.

"So," he continued on, "I reached the decision to throw it in the pond. I was on my way to do that when I
found you outside my door."

"I am glad then that I did not delay in finding you this morning, this ring is perfect!" I said smiling.
Unable to contain my emotions any more I threw myself at Thomas and buried my head in his shoulder.

"Thank you." I whispered, tears of joy welling up in my eyes.
Thomas set me down on the floor and wiped away my tears. "I think," he said quietly, "that I can hear the
twins moving upstairs. It would be prudent to tell them before lessons begin, do you not agree?"

I nodded. "Of course, it would be difficult to explain away the ring, and I have no intention of taking it off."

"I will go and fetch them."



"You still want me to teach them then?"

"Of course, somehow I doubt that you would want to give that up."

I chewed my lip as I thought. "No, I would hate that."

"Good, although our arrangement would have to change."

"Yes, we are no longer employer and employee."
He smiled, kissed me tenderly, and walked out to fetch Catherine and Frederick.
By the time Thomas returned with the children the sun had risen, and I had moved into the drawing
room. Thomas joined me on the settee.

"Frederick, Catherine, I have something very important to tell you." he said, putting his arm around me.
"As you know, I loved your mother very much, and following her death I have been sad and lonely. I did
not think that I could be happy again, however, in Violet I believe that I have found that happiness, and I
have asked her to be my wife."

I clasped his hand, and waited to see what the children would say.
Their reactions were different. Frederick seemed to be happy to hear the news, and immediately
congratulated his father and I.
Catherine however, was distressed.

"Father, how could you? Does mother's memory mean nothing to you? and with the governess of all
people. Argh, I cannot believe this!"

With that she got up from her armchair and fled the room.
"I had better go after her." Thomas said as Catherine thundered up the stairs.

"Yes, you had. I will start making plans for our wedding. There is a lot to do." I replied.

"I am willing to help." said Frederick. "If there is anything that you want me to do, let me know."

"Thank you Frederick, I appreciate that," I replied. "In fact I believe that there is so much to be done, that
we may have to cancel lessons for today."
Thomas told me later that he had found Catherine crying in her room. He has not told me everything that
passed between them, but I do know that he explained to her how much I meant to him, and that it would
mean a lot to him if Catherine would be happy for the two of us.
I had just finished writing the invitations and sending them out, when Catherine asked if she could talk to

After we had sat down, Catherine looked down at her hands for a minute, and then started talking.

"I apologise for my reaction earlier Miss Legacy. The truth is that I love and miss my mother very much,
and the thought of you replacing her in my father's affections was too much for me to bear." she cleared
her throat and continued, "after talking to father however, I am prepared to accept you as his wife."
She went silent, and I mulled over what she had said. "Thank you," I finally replied. "Catherine, I do not
want to replace your mother, and in fact I know that I could never do that. No matter how much I love
your father, or he loves me, I know that your mother will always have a place in his heart."

We continued to talk for quite a while. I wanted to make sure that Catherine was going to fine with her
father marrying me, although I knew in my heart of hearts that I would marry Thomas no matter what the
feelings of his family might be.
Frederick was a great help to me today with all of the arrangements that needed to be made for
tomorrow's ceremony. I thanked him when we sat down for dinner and asked if he had managed to find
out what the weather will be like for the ceremony. Thomas and I were quite concerned to hear that he
had heard that it was meant to rain in the morning. I only hope that our unpredictable weather will mean
that if it does rain, it is only a short shower and the sun will soon come out.

After eating, and buzzing with excitement, I retired to bed.
Day 3 Summer.

I arose much earlier than normal due to my excitement and nerves. I cannot believe that I am getting
married today. I never would have thought when I came to work for Major Harrison, that we would fall in
love, or that he would ask me to be his wife. In many ways it is like one of the fairy-tales Father used to
read to me as a child. I only hope that we will live happily ever after.
In an effort to calm myself, I pulled a book from my bookshelf, and started to read. However, I just could
not concentrate on the prose, and after ten minutes I gave up, and set about getting my dress and veil
out ready.

Having done that, I tried to mark some exercises that I had set for the children. Goodness knows if I
have marked them correctly or not. I will have to check them at a later date.
I pottered around my room for the rest of the morning, keeping out of the sight of Thomas. After his cab
arrived to take him to the church, I, with the help of Catherine and Elizabeth, got myself ready.

I must admit that I practically ran down the path when my carriage arrived: it was all Catherine,
Frederick, George and Elizabeth could do to keep up with me.
After we arrived at the church, the members of my family went to take their seats, leaving me alone. As I
stood there waiting for the wedding march to begin, I could not help but reflect on what I was doing. For
many women in our society marriage is the ultimate goal; only that and mother-hood are thought to fulfil
them and make them whole. I have never thought like this, although I know my sister does, but in this
moment I could understand those feelings. I wanted to run down that aisle and begin my new life as
Thomas's wife.

The church is Treesuckle Parish Church by DeanoTIK at MTS2, slightly modified by me.
Eventually George started to play the opening chords of the wedding march, and I was free to begin my
walk down the aisle. As I proceeded, passing my family and friends, a tinge of sadness filled me as I
thought of the fact that both my parents had died before seeing this day.

However, as I gazed on the form of my beloved under the wedding arch, these thoughts passed, and I
was once again filled with happiness. I also mused on the fact that I have never understood how a
military man can slouch so much. I would have expected him to stand with his back ram-rod straight, but
he does not.
All such thoughts fled though when I reached the arch and Thomas smiling, took my hand.

"You look so beautiful my love," he whispered, and then we commenced with our vows.

We had decided on a very traditional set of vows, with the two of us promising to love, honour and obey
each other. (Yes, I did insist that he obey me).

By the time we exchanged rings, and the confetti rained down on us my emotions were almost
overwhelming, and tears of joy threatened to stream down my face. Looking up into Thomas's face, I
could see that there too were tears shining in his eyes.
As we shared our first kiss as man and wife, I could not help but look forward to what the future would
bring. I, of course, hoped for happiness, but I knew that we would face everything, be it good or bad,

As we broke apart, I was pleased to see that Catherine had joined in with everyone else in applauding
us. Despite the fact that she had said that she would accept me as her father's wife, I was unsure of how
much she meant that statement, and was glad that she was making an effort.
Thankfully the promised rain had held off, and we were able to retire outside to cut the cake, and thank
everyone for attending.

I was most surprised when, as soon as we done this, Thomas insisted that I change out of my dress and
into my everyday skirt and blouse, which he had, unbeknownst to me, had brought to the church. He
then handed me a suitcase.

"Thomas," I asked, "what is this for?"

"Our honeymoon, of course darling," and right on cue a carriage pulled up outside the church.
I climbed in expecting that we would stop at a local hotel, but instead we made our way out of town,
towards the city.

"Thomas darling," I asked, "where are we going?"

"It is a surprise my love. Did you realise that you still had your veil on?"

"I do?"

"Yes, here let help you with that."
Sometime later the carriage came to a stop, and I looked out, to see that we were at the docks.

"Thomas, where are we going?" I demanded again.

"Darling, it is a surprise." and with that he got out of the carriage, walked around and opened my door.

The R.M.S. Victoriana is actually the QH2 by !jolien! from MTS2, again modified and re-decorated by me.
I hurried up the gang plank onto the ship, trying to ascertain where we were heading by shouting
questions at Thomas's back to no avail. He dodged and evaded every question, eventually running up
the rest of the gang plank to get away from me.
I caught up with him just as he was being given the key to our cabin.

"Welcome aboard Major Harrison," said the steward. "You are in cabin number 2. A member of our crew
will make sure your luggage is waiting for you."

"Thank you my good man."

"So steward," I started, sensing an opportunity, "how long will it take for us to reach our destination?"
"All being well, we should arrive the day after tomorrow Mrs Harrison."

I could think of two destinations that were just under two days sailing away, so I asked "will we be
travelling in a westerly, or an easterly direction?"

I caught Thomas give an almost imperceptible shake of his head to the steward. "One of those, yes
Madam," came the reply. I was about to ask another question, when Thomas put his arm around my
waist and said "come on now my dear, there are others who wish to pick up their cabin keys. We must
not keep the steward from doing his job." With that he steered me away from the desk towards the
Whilst Thomas lounged on the bed in our cabin, I un-packed our things and placed them in the chest of

"I do not understand why you are doing that," said Thomas, "we will be disembarking in a little under
forty-eight hours."

"Because, my darling, if we keep our clothes in our cases, they will get all rumpled and I do not intend to
try to find a place to get them pressed once we arrive at ... where is it we are going again?"
Thomas got off of the bed, and kissed me. "That is one of the reasons I love you so much," he said as
we pulled apart, "you always think about the practicalities."

"And I cannot help but be practical and notice that you have once again evaded my question about our

"Have I? Oh dear that is most remiss of me." and with that he walked out of the cabin.
I grabbed a pillow off of the bed and chased after him. "Tell me, I want to know," I cried as I belted him
with the pillow. Thomas started laughing, so I hit him again; I must admit I hit him a trifle hard, and a few
feathers escaped from the seams.
"Now, darling," he said as he caught his breath, "you know I am not going to tell you. I want it to be a
surprise. Besides being as clever as you are, I am sure that you will be able to work it out." At that
moment, the ship's horn sounded.

"Ah, I think that we are about to depart. I am going up on deck do you wish to come?"

"Yes," I replied, "I will just go and put this back." I held up the pillow.

"I will see you on deck then." As I watched Thomas walk off, with a mixture of exasperation and affection
on my face, the housekeeper came out of one of the cabins opposite. She looked at the pillow in my
hand, and the feathers on the floor. I grinned at her, and went back into our cabin to replace the pillow.
As I closed the door, I was sure I heard her muttering under her breath.
After we had set sail Thomas and I set about exploring the ship. Given the fact that we would only be
staying onboard for a short while, I was surprised at all there was to do. I was especially impressed with
the library, and spent the rest of the afternoon picking up and reading passages from various books.

I had intended to spend some time on deck, and work out the direction we were travelling in by the
position of the sun, but unfortunately not long after we left the dock the promised rain rolled in, and the
sun was obscured from view.
It was still raining by the time we changed for dinner, and made our way to the ship's restaurant.
As I studied the menu, Thomas remarked to me that this was in fact the first time we had dined alone.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, yes it is." I replied "Hopefully we will dine together many more times
my love," and at this he reached across the table and took my hand.
Thomas had ordered champagne for us to celebrate with, and he soon raised his glass in a toast. "To my
beautiful wife Violet. You have made me happier than I could ever imagine being, long may that
happiness continue."

"My darling husband," I responded, "may we have nothing but joy in our life together." As I drank, I could
feel my emotions coming once again to the fore, and had to fight back my tears of joy.
Our meal was lovely, but the service was so slow, that at one point Thomas was forced to complain that
we were likely to grow old before our food arrived. Since the restaurant was all but empty there was no
excuse for this poor service, and I was minded to be a bit more vocal and cutting when complaining, but
as Thomas pointed out we were rather limited to where we could eat whilst on board.
After we had finally finished our meal we danced the night away on the dance floor. In my opinion the
pianist was second rate, but after a while, as I danced in my husband's arms, the music ceased to

Thomas saw me stifle a yawn, and said, "come my dear, it has been a long day, let us retire to our
cabin." I nodded, after all I had been up and on the go for nearly twenty hours.
Once back in our cabin, I drew Thomas towards me. "Are you happy darling?" I asked gazing up at him.

"Very. Are you?"

"I do not think that I have ever been happier." I replied.

"Good," he said. With that he took my hand, and led me to bed.
Later, as I looked deep into my husband's eyes, I reflected on how true my statement to him was. I had
not even thought that it was possible to be as happy as I currently felt. I hoped that the feeling would last,
and my heart full of joy, I drifted off to sleep.

That's it for now, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who created the CC I've been using, both
here and in the main legacy. I found most of it at MTS2 (floors, walls, bedding, lots, object recolours and
some clothing), and All-About-Style (clothing and accessories).

I'll be back with another legacy chapter soon, but it is going slooowly at the moment, so please be patient
with me :)

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A Victorian Interlude - Violet's Story

  • 1. Hi everyone. Welcome to my first spin off album from my Victorian Legacy. You do not have to read my legacy to enjoy this, but it might help you to know that Violet is the youngest child from generation two. The idea for these albums come to me whilst I was writing chapter five. My legacy is written very much as a narrative of what is happening from a player's point of view with some plot but lots of back and forth between me and my sims. However I started to wonder if I could write in a different style, and use the game more as a story telling tool. I didn't really want to change my style of writing for my legacy, so I thought about doing a series of spin off albums throughout the legacy, each one concentrating on a different spare or element. Some, such as this one, will have several parts others will, hopefully, be shorter. So now that I've finished the introduction, shall we crack on?
  • 2. Dear Diary, although keeping my thoughts in such a way is alien to me, I have decided to make a record of my life as governess to the Harrison children in the hopes that it may benefit future historians and pass along knowledge of this way of life. Violet Legacy. Day 5 Winter. I arrived to take up my position as governess at the Harrison household at eight o'clock. *** The Harrison's house is Victorian House 4 by Jaylim88 at MTS2, modified and redecorated by me.
  • 3. Major Harrison seemed very pleasant as he greeted me and showed me around the house and to my room in the attic. It is a good sized room all in all, even if it is shabby compared to what I have been used to at home. Having said that it is furnished with everything that I will need
  • 4. Major Harrison informed me that the children were in bed, but that they knew lessons would start the next day. He also informed me that there were cold meats and bread in the kitchen if I wished to make myself something to eat. I thanked him for this information and once he left I unpacked my things and started to settle into my new home.
  • 5. By the time I was completely unpacked I was feeling a bit peckish so I went downstairs and helped myself to the left-over meats in the larder. Once I was back in my room I settled down with a book and begun to contemplate what the morrow would bring. I am both excited and nervous about the path that I have chosen. Excited because I love a new challenge, and know that through teaching I will continue with my own education. Nervous because I will be working in someone else's home with children I have never met before. Soon my eyes began to grow heavy, so I put my book aside, to write this entry in my diary, before retiring to bed.
  • 6. Day 1 Spring. I arose early this morning, partly out of necessity and partly out of nervous anticipation. After completing my ablutions I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to break my fast. On my way I could hear that the children were up and seemed to be giving Nanny Gast a bit of trouble as she tried to get them ready for the day. Major Harrison had explained the previous night that Nanny Gast had been employed following his wife's death to take care of the children whilst he was at work.
  • 7. After a quick breakfast of more cold meats from the night before I went to inspect the room I have been given to teach the children in. It is a good sized room towards the rear of the property. I feel that this was once used primarily as somewhere the lady of the house painted due to the paint stains still visible on the floor. In any case, two desks have been moved into the room, and there is a well stocked bookcase in the corner. I had just placed two exercise books on the desks when there was a knock at the door. I looked at my pocket watch: it was exactly nine o'clock, Nanny Gast had managed to get the children ready on time after all.
  • 8. I smiled my thanks to Nanny Gast as the children crept past me into the classroom. Nanny Gast returned my smile with a hint of knowing in her eye. She then turned and headed towards Catherine's room, I presume to tidy it and do whatever was necessary before she would be called upon to prepare lunch for the children.
  • 9. I had decided to concentrate on teaching Frederick to begin with due to the fact that Major Harrison had confided in me during my tour of the house that Frederick's attitude had caused concern for his previous tutors. To that end I set Catherine to work reading a book whilst I went through some arithmetic with Frederick. He was resistant at first, but by the end of the first set of exercises I felt that we were making progress.
  • 10. Once I had started Frederick on his second set of exercises, I decided to get Catherine to practise her handwriting, an essential skill for all. Unlike Frederick, she was more than happy to sit down and work.
  • 11. At five to noon I left the two of them reading whilst I went to see if Nanny Gast had prepared luncheon. As I approached the classroom I was sure that I could hear a ruckus inside, but on entering Frederick and Catherine were seated where I had left them. I think that I will have to keep a close eye on the two of them.
  • 12. The afternoon was spent in much the same vein until three o'clock when it was time for Catherine's music lesson. I have to say that she is not very good, and will need much tuition in order to improve. I only hope that I am up to it. With lessons over it was time for Nanny Gast to take over the care of the children and I was left to my own devices. I spent the rest of the day in my room, going over the work that the children had done, and preparing for tomorrow. By nine o'clock I was exhausted and retired to bed.
  • 13. Day 2 Spring. I again arose early this morning, and after completing my ablutions hurried downstairs for breakfast. On the stair I met Frederick, who seemed to me to be looking very peaky. I asked him if he was alright. He bit his lip, looked up at me and replied "You will not laugh or tell me I am being silly will you?" "Frederick," I replied, "of course not."
  • 14. He then proceeded to tell me that last night he had awoken feeling thirsty and had gone into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Whilst at the sink he had seen the ghost of his mother, which had scared him quite badly.
  • 15. When he had finished his tale he looked at me as if worried about what I would say. I told him that I believed him, and the universe was full of mysteries. This soothed him a bit, but he said that he did not understand why his mother had scared him. I thought about it and replied that maybe the only way that she could get through so that he could see her was to frighten him. I do not think that he was entirely happy with this explanation, and I must admit neither am I, after all what sort of a mother would scare her own child? Well I would, but that is besides the point. It mollified him some what though, and he went back into his room.
  • 16. Nine o'clock was soon upon me, and the children were once again led into the classroom by Nanny Gast. I had decided to expand on the start we had made yesterday, and included the new subjects of Geography and History today. I do not think that Frederick was best pleased by this, as he complained at first that learning the capitals of the countries of Europe was too hard.
  • 17. Catherine on the other hand seemed to be glad to be learning something new, and often interrupted me with questions regarding what I was saying. Although I want to encourage her inquisitiveness, I did have to be firm with her and tell her not to interrupt, but rather raise her hand. Not only is it more polite, but I might also be about to cover what she is asking about. Today seemed to whiz by and before I knew it, it was time for Nanny Gast to resume her duties.
  • 18. With lessons finished for the day, I went downstairs to peruse the books on the bookshelf in the sun room. Whilst walking through the drawing room I noticed a photograph of a beautiful lady on a side table. I knew that she had to be Jayani, Major Harrison's late wife.
  • 19. My interest piqued by my conversation with Frederick that morning, I walked over and looked at it intently for a couple of minutes trying to work out what sort of a woman she had been. I knew very little about her, and it would be rude to ask.
  • 20. I turned away from the picture to find Major Harrison standing behind me. "I see that you have been admiring the photograph of my late wife," he stated. "Yes Major Harrison. She was very beautiful."
  • 21. "The most exotic and beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on." he replied walking past me and picking up the picture I had so recently studied. "I met her when I was serving in India y'know," he said touching the glass. "She was one of the locals in the village where I was garrisoned. As soon as I saw her I knew that I had to marry her."
  • 22. Sadness tinged his voice as he remembered. "We had two and a half wonderful seasons together. She was my constant companion, and a wonderful mother, before she became ill. She had always said that that climate here did not agree with her. She was right and she succumbed to tuberculosis at the beginning of winter." I was unsure what to say to this, so stuck to the obligatory, "I am sorry about her death Major Harrison. I never knew her, but her children do her credit."
  • 23. A smile flitted across his face as he put the photograph down and turned to face me. "Thank you Miss Legacy. Speaking of the children, it is their birthday tomorrow. I would like you to attend." "Of course if you wish. I did not realise that they were twins." "Oh yes, came as quite a surprise I can tell you." With that he walked out into the garden.
  • 24. After he had left, I made my way into the sun room to do what I had originally intended. The bookshelf was stuffed with recent novels, and reference books, as well as publications such as Cornhill magazine. In truth I was not surprised by this: every bookshelf in the house was well stocked. I must admit that I quite forgot the time as I picked up book after book and flicked through them.
  • 25. I was just browsing through an issue of Cornhill magazine, when I heard the door open. Major Harrison walked in, paused, then sat down in the other chair. "I see that you are making yourself quite at home Miss Legacy," he said. "Yes sir." I was unsure where this conversation was going to go. I was aware of the fact that I perhaps should not be wondering around the house, I am after all an employee, but I have never been a shrinking violet. It may be that I am too used to the fact that I am the youngest child of a legacy founder, but I am used to doing what I want, when I want. Major Harrison nodded at the magazine in my lap. "Have you seen the novel being serialised at the moment, 'Far From the Madding Crowd' I think it is called?"
  • 26. This was not what I was expecting. I had however been reading the serial he was enquiring about. "Yes I have sir." "And what are your thoughts on it?" "Well, I have to say that the thing that strikes me most is the fact that the author appears to be a misogynist." "Really, Miss legacy, you astound me! Most people would comment on the evocative imagery first and foremost." I paused and mulled this over. "That is true, but it is the treatment of the heroine which I notice the most. The serial ends in the current edition, and it is clear that Bathsheba has become a shadow of her former self, and I will not start on the treatment of poor Fanny Robin."
  • 27. "But surely it could be said that Bathsheba brought her fate on her self, through her fickle nature and capriciousness? She had to learn that what was a fleeting thought and a jest to her, i.e. the valentine, was serious for others." "That is exactly my point. The author is showing that it is wrong for a woman to be independent, know her own mind and have a, a sense of fun. The only way in which she can find love and security is by changing into a submissive and serious woman, whether this is a conscience act on her part or forced on her by circumstance." Our conversation carried on until I stifled a yawn, and Major Harrison pulled out his pocket watch. "My dear Miss Legacy, please forgive me, I fear that I have kept you from your bed. It is nearly half past eleven!" With that he arose, and held the door open for me, and I retired to my room.
  • 28. Day 3 Spring. As per the past two days, I arose early and breakfasted in plenty of time for the children to join me in the classroom. I had heard the twins as I had made my way to the kitchen, and the look on Nanny Gast's face as she ushered them in showed me that the two of them were in high spirits this morning. It was not long before I experienced those spirits first hand. Both Catherine and Frederick were restless and kept interrupting me as I was trying to teach them.
  • 29. However, once I had been firm with the both of them, I managed to conduct the rest of the morning's lessons without incident. I had already decided that as it was their birthday I was going to cancel lessons that afternoon, and so after lunch I left the two of them to Nanny Gast's care, and started planning the lessons for after they had grown up.
  • 30. That evening we all gathered in the dining room to witness the children becoming teenagers. Despite the fact that it was a happy occasion, I must say that there was a tinge of sadness in the air caused by Mrs Harrison's absence. This was especially apparent when Catherine said in a small voice just before blowing out her candles, "I wish Mama could be here to see this."
  • 31. After both children had blown out their candles and grown up, they went upstairs to change their clothes, leaving me alone with Major Harrison. I was about to leave the room for my own when he invited me to sit a talk with him. "Please, Miss Legacy. sit with me a while. I have been meaning to ask you how my children are getting on under your tutelage."
  • 32. I proceeded to explain to him how both children were making good progress with all subjects that I had taken to teach them, and how pleased I was with them. I went on to explain the plans that I had made earlier for what I was going to teach them now that they were teenagers.
  • 33. It was not long before our conversation turned to other matters, and before I was aware of it, a clock was striking eleven. "I am so sorry Miss Legacy, I appear to have kept you up for the second night in a row." "Do not be Major Harrison, If I had wanted to retire to bed earlier I would have done." He blinked at my statement, and I wondered if I had spoken too boldly, then he smiled and said, "well if you will excuse me Miss Legacy I think that I will retire, even if you wish to stay here with the cakes." With that he got up and left the room. I cleared the table before following his example.
  • 34. Day 4 Spring. My days are starting to follow a set routine. I start lessons at nine in the morning , and proceed with teaching academic subjects until luncheon at twelve. From one o'clock until three o'clock the children get more practical tuition in subjects such as cookery and mechanics. Catherine's piano lessons also take place in the afternoons, she has made progress since she I arrived, but she is still not that good.
  • 35. After today's lesson was over and Catherine had vacated the drawing room I sat down at the piano and started to play. I had not played since I had arrived and it felt good to loose myself in the music.
  • 36. I had just started on the third page when I heard clapping. Startled I brought my hands crashing down on the keys and turned round on the stool to see Major Harrison standing behind me applauding. "That was wonderful Miss Legacy." "Thank you sir, " I stammered and stood up.
  • 37. "Miss Legacy, I was wondering if you would like to dine with the children and I this evening?" "I would be honoured sir," seemed the appropriate response. "Good. We dine at eight." With that he turned and left, leaving me with my thoughts.
  • 38. I dressed carefully for dinner, and to tell the truth I was glad of a chance to wear my formal gown. I had brought it with me on the off chance that I would need it, and I was thankful for my foresight. Unfortunately the friend Frederick had invited over was ignorant of the fact that he was expected to dress, and joined us wearing very casual attire.
  • 39. All in all it was a very pleasant evening, and our conversation was wide reaching. Since she became a teenager Catherine has been very concerned with material possessions, and the pursuit of the finer things in life, and as such was very concerned to hear about a recent spate of burglaries in the area. Her father did his best to reassure her, but I am not sure that he has succeeded.
  • 40. Once again the children retired to bed before Major Harrison and myself. I smiled at him "thank you for inviting me to dine with you this evening sir." "That is quite alright," he said returning my smile. "I find your company and conversation quite ... stimulating." "Likewise Major Harrison." "Miss Legacy, " he said after a pause, "may I be so bold as to venture to call you Violet, and ask you to call me Thomas?" The response left my lips before I had chance to think about it, "I do not think that it is appropriate given as we are employer and employee, Major Harrison."
  • 41. He looked down at his hands on the dining table. "Employer and employee," he repeated quietly. "Yes Miss Legacy, you are right. Well I am going to retire for the night. I bid you good night Governess Legacy." and with that he rose abruptly and left, leaving me feeling that I had said entirely the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • 42. Day 5 Spring. This morning, as I was on my way to the kitchen for breakfast I witnessed Thomas on the patio contorting himself into all sorts of different shapes. I have never seen anything like it in all my life, and I confess myself to be quite intrigued. I wondered whether to approach him and ask him what he was doing, when the clock started to chime and I realised that if I wanted to break my fast in time for lessons I would have to do so without delay.
  • 43. The weather has been absolutely atrocious today, and we have had a storm raging for most of the day. It was so bad at one point that a bolt of lightning struck the willow tree by the pond. Luckily the heavy rain put out the fire and I did not have to call the fire brigade. The fire did, however, disrupt my lesson for a while, and I had a difficult time calming Catherine down enough to be able to carry on. She was most concerned that the fire could have spread to the house.
  • 44. I am so pleased with the progress that Frederick has been making. When I arrived he showed little inclination to sit down and read a book, or learn the monarchs of England. That has all changed: he is more than willing to tackle any task that I set him, and has even been discussing with me what subject he would like to study when he eventually goes to university.
  • 45. In fact both the children seem to have calmed down since becoming teenagers, and I feel confident in leaving them studying whilst I leave the room to collect more materials for lessons, or to see if luncheon is ready.
  • 46. It was on a trip downstairs to the sun room to pick up a book that I wanted for the next part of the lesson, that I came across Major Harrison once again contorting himself into knots. I stood as close as I dared and watched him for a while: I could not help myself. It was the most amazing sight that I have ever seen! As I stood there, he lifted himself up on one finger, and held the pose for minutes on end. I dare not make a sound in case I disturbed his concentration, and eventually I withdrew as quietly as possible, remembering to pick up the book that I required. Once back in the classroom, I was met with enquiring looks by the two children, so I know that they were curious why it took so long for me to pop downstairs for a book, but I did not give them a chance to question me, and proceeded with the rest of the lesson.
  • 47. I was making my way to the kitchen for a quick dinner when I met major Harrison at the foot of the stairs. He was himself on his way to the dining room, and he did not seem too pleased to see me. "Miss Legacy," he greeted me brusquely I essayed some small talk about the weather as I decided whether or not to ask him about what I had seen during the day, but he was not open to it, eventually he said rather bluntly, "really. What can I do for you governess?"
  • 48. It was obvious that he would rather not speak to me, but he had given me an opening, and so with my customary candour, I plunged into an explanation of what I had witnessed him doing earlier, and asked him what on earth it was. "It is called yoga," came the reply. "I learnt it whilst I was in India, just another memento I brought back with me. I find that it helps me to focus physically, mentally and spiritually."
  • 49. I was more than intrigued by this, and before I was aware of it, I had blurted out "will you teach me how to do it?" Major Harrison seemed to be taken aback by this, and I believe that he actually gaped at me before repeating back "teach you Miss Legacy?" "Yes. I am always open to new experiences, and want to give this yoga a try." He blinked, and then said "very well. Meet me at seven o'clock tomorrow morning on the patio, and I will try to teach you." "Thank you." I said, then turned and walked out of the drawing room, towards the kitchen. I am very excited about the prospect of learning yoga. I know that I will not be able to contort myself in the way that he can at first, but I see no reason why I should not improve rapidly.
  • 50. Day 1 Summer. I arose early in anticipation of my first yoga lesson with Major Harrison. We started off with breathing exercises, which Major Harrison explained would help to centre myself, and gentle stretches. We then progressed to some simple balancing poses.
  • 51. By the end of the lesson I was surprised by how much progress I had made. I think that it helped that I have kept myself in good physical condition since my teenage years. I believe that major Harrison was also pleased and surprised by how well I did, and after the end of the lesson asked me if I wanted another lesson the next day. I readily agreed.
  • 52. After changing I was ready to start my day's teaching. I have to say that my practical lessons with the children have been coming along nicely. Frederick is becoming more logical with every chess game we play. (Even with me cheating. I know I should not, but I cannot help it!)
  • 53. In an effort to broaden the range of subjects that I am teaching the children I have started to include astronomy. Catherine especially seems to like this subject, but she has complained to me about the fact that our telescope is not the most expensive one on the market. I have slight reservations about that telescope, having heard some slightly unsettling stories about things that have happened to sims using it. Once our lesson had finished, I made my way to my room to plan tomorrow's lessons, and finish marking today's work.
  • 54. I had just changed for bed, and was about to climb in, when there came a knock at the door.
  • 55. I grabbed my dressing gown and went to open it. Standing outside was Major Harrison! "Major Harrison sir, is everything alright?" I asked. "No Violet, it is not." he said it so solemnly I did not know what to expect.
  • 56. He reached up and caressed my cheek. An icy fire spread out from where his fingers touched my skin and I gasped. "I cannot deny it any longer," he whispered. "I did not think that I would be able to love again following the death of Jayani, but you have captured my heart. You are forthright to the point of rudeness, your curiosity knows no bounds, and I am completely captivated by you."
  • 57. I stood there gaping at him, my mind trying to assimilate what I had just heard, but to no avail. "Violet," he choked, "say something, please!" but I could not. No words would present themselves to me. He swallowed. "Very well then," he said, turned on his heel and marched down the stairs. At last I found my voice "wait," I cried, but it was too late, I heard a door slam. I started down the stairs, got half way and changed my mind.
  • 58. I lay down on my bed to try to make sense of what had just happened. I am so confused! I did not know that he felt that way, and as to my own feelings.... It is now nearly one, I must try to get some sleep. Maybe it will all be clear in the morning.
  • 59. Day 2 Summer. I slept fitfully, the night's events kept playing in my head, but by the morning I had reached a decision. I rose and dressed earlier than had become my custom, and made my way downstairs. I stopped outside Major Harrison's bedroom door, and listened to see if I could hear movement within, but all I could hear was the pounding of my own heart. I swallowed, and was about to knock when the door opened, and I found myself face to face with Major Harrison. He seemed startled, but recovered well. "Miss Legacy," he said stiffly. "Please can we talk?" "Very well, follow me."
  • 60. He led me to the sun room and stood with his back to me staring out at the dark garden. "I suppose you have decided to tender your resignation?" "Not as such, no." I replied, "although when I have finished you may not wish me to continue in your employ." "Oh?" He turned and raised an eyebrow.
  • 61. "I will not deny," I said after swallowing, "that what you said last night came as a complete surprise." At this he looked down at his feet. "I did not know that you felt that way, and my failure to answer was not to do with indifference or rejection, but rather shock." I paused, took a deep breath and continued with my planned speech. "Thomas," at this he looked up, and as I gazed into his deep blue eyes I knew that what I was about to say was the truth. "I feel the same. I love you with all my heart, but I did not realise that I did until I was faced with the prospect that you loved me too."
  • 62. I stopped and stood there staring at him. My speech had not been very eloquent, but it was the truth, and I now waited to see what his response would be. The seconds stretched for an eternity. "I see," he said at last, and then he quickly took two steps towards me and pulled me into an embrace.
  • 63. We stood there for what seemed like forever. I marvelled at the fact that I had only just worked out my feelings for Thomas when the truth of them had been staring me in the face all the time.
  • 64. As we separated, Thomas smiled at me. "My love," he said as he dropped to one knee. "I know that this is sudden, but having revealed my feelings for you, and heard you fell the same, I cannot bear the thought of not spending the rest of my life with you." With this he pulled a blue velvet box from his trouser pocket. "Violet please say that you will marry me." The response left my lips with no conscience thought on my part. "Yes, my love I will."
  • 65. As I stood admiring my engagement ring a thought occurred to me. "Thomas?" "Yes my flower?" "You thought that I had rejected you did you not?" "Yes I did." "So then, can you please tell me why you had an engagement ring in your pocket?" He smiled sheepishly at me. "Ah I was hoping that you would not ask that." I raised an eyebrow and gave him a look which said well?
  • 66. He cleared his throat. "You see, I bought this ring yesterday with the intention of asking you to marry me last night, but when you said nothing, and I believed you cared not for me, I did not know what to do with it. "I could return it, but the humiliation would be too much to bear. I supposed that I could keep it in the hope that I would meet another whom I would become fond enough of to ask to be my wife, but I picked that ring for you, and I would always think of you when I saw it." As he was saying this I saw that engraved on the gold band were miniature violets. "So," he continued on, "I reached the decision to throw it in the pond. I was on my way to do that when I found you outside my door." "I am glad then that I did not delay in finding you this morning, this ring is perfect!" I said smiling.
  • 67. Unable to contain my emotions any more I threw myself at Thomas and buried my head in his shoulder. "Thank you." I whispered, tears of joy welling up in my eyes.
  • 68. Thomas set me down on the floor and wiped away my tears. "I think," he said quietly, "that I can hear the twins moving upstairs. It would be prudent to tell them before lessons begin, do you not agree?" I nodded. "Of course, it would be difficult to explain away the ring, and I have no intention of taking it off." "I will go and fetch them." "Thomas?" "Yes?" "You still want me to teach them then?" "Of course, somehow I doubt that you would want to give that up." I chewed my lip as I thought. "No, I would hate that." "Good, although our arrangement would have to change." "Yes, we are no longer employer and employee." He smiled, kissed me tenderly, and walked out to fetch Catherine and Frederick.
  • 69. By the time Thomas returned with the children the sun had risen, and I had moved into the drawing room. Thomas joined me on the settee. "Frederick, Catherine, I have something very important to tell you." he said, putting his arm around me. "As you know, I loved your mother very much, and following her death I have been sad and lonely. I did not think that I could be happy again, however, in Violet I believe that I have found that happiness, and I have asked her to be my wife." I clasped his hand, and waited to see what the children would say.
  • 70. Their reactions were different. Frederick seemed to be happy to hear the news, and immediately congratulated his father and I.
  • 71. Catherine however, was distressed. "Father, how could you? Does mother's memory mean nothing to you? and with the governess of all people. Argh, I cannot believe this!" With that she got up from her armchair and fled the room.
  • 72. "I had better go after her." Thomas said as Catherine thundered up the stairs. "Yes, you had. I will start making plans for our wedding. There is a lot to do." I replied. "I am willing to help." said Frederick. "If there is anything that you want me to do, let me know." "Thank you Frederick, I appreciate that," I replied. "In fact I believe that there is so much to be done, that we may have to cancel lessons for today."
  • 73. Thomas told me later that he had found Catherine crying in her room. He has not told me everything that passed between them, but I do know that he explained to her how much I meant to him, and that it would mean a lot to him if Catherine would be happy for the two of us.
  • 74. I had just finished writing the invitations and sending them out, when Catherine asked if she could talk to me. After we had sat down, Catherine looked down at her hands for a minute, and then started talking. "I apologise for my reaction earlier Miss Legacy. The truth is that I love and miss my mother very much, and the thought of you replacing her in my father's affections was too much for me to bear." she cleared her throat and continued, "after talking to father however, I am prepared to accept you as his wife."
  • 75. She went silent, and I mulled over what she had said. "Thank you," I finally replied. "Catherine, I do not want to replace your mother, and in fact I know that I could never do that. No matter how much I love your father, or he loves me, I know that your mother will always have a place in his heart." We continued to talk for quite a while. I wanted to make sure that Catherine was going to fine with her father marrying me, although I knew in my heart of hearts that I would marry Thomas no matter what the feelings of his family might be.
  • 76. Frederick was a great help to me today with all of the arrangements that needed to be made for tomorrow's ceremony. I thanked him when we sat down for dinner and asked if he had managed to find out what the weather will be like for the ceremony. Thomas and I were quite concerned to hear that he had heard that it was meant to rain in the morning. I only hope that our unpredictable weather will mean that if it does rain, it is only a short shower and the sun will soon come out. After eating, and buzzing with excitement, I retired to bed.
  • 77. Day 3 Summer. I arose much earlier than normal due to my excitement and nerves. I cannot believe that I am getting married today. I never would have thought when I came to work for Major Harrison, that we would fall in love, or that he would ask me to be his wife. In many ways it is like one of the fairy-tales Father used to read to me as a child. I only hope that we will live happily ever after.
  • 78. In an effort to calm myself, I pulled a book from my bookshelf, and started to read. However, I just could not concentrate on the prose, and after ten minutes I gave up, and set about getting my dress and veil out ready. Having done that, I tried to mark some exercises that I had set for the children. Goodness knows if I have marked them correctly or not. I will have to check them at a later date.
  • 79. I pottered around my room for the rest of the morning, keeping out of the sight of Thomas. After his cab arrived to take him to the church, I, with the help of Catherine and Elizabeth, got myself ready. I must admit that I practically ran down the path when my carriage arrived: it was all Catherine, Frederick, George and Elizabeth could do to keep up with me.
  • 80. After we arrived at the church, the members of my family went to take their seats, leaving me alone. As I stood there waiting for the wedding march to begin, I could not help but reflect on what I was doing. For many women in our society marriage is the ultimate goal; only that and mother-hood are thought to fulfil them and make them whole. I have never thought like this, although I know my sister does, but in this moment I could understand those feelings. I wanted to run down that aisle and begin my new life as Thomas's wife. *** The church is Treesuckle Parish Church by DeanoTIK at MTS2, slightly modified by me.
  • 81. Eventually George started to play the opening chords of the wedding march, and I was free to begin my walk down the aisle. As I proceeded, passing my family and friends, a tinge of sadness filled me as I thought of the fact that both my parents had died before seeing this day. However, as I gazed on the form of my beloved under the wedding arch, these thoughts passed, and I was once again filled with happiness. I also mused on the fact that I have never understood how a military man can slouch so much. I would have expected him to stand with his back ram-rod straight, but he does not.
  • 82. All such thoughts fled though when I reached the arch and Thomas smiling, took my hand. "You look so beautiful my love," he whispered, and then we commenced with our vows. We had decided on a very traditional set of vows, with the two of us promising to love, honour and obey each other. (Yes, I did insist that he obey me). By the time we exchanged rings, and the confetti rained down on us my emotions were almost overwhelming, and tears of joy threatened to stream down my face. Looking up into Thomas's face, I could see that there too were tears shining in his eyes.
  • 83. As we shared our first kiss as man and wife, I could not help but look forward to what the future would bring. I, of course, hoped for happiness, but I knew that we would face everything, be it good or bad, together. As we broke apart, I was pleased to see that Catherine had joined in with everyone else in applauding us. Despite the fact that she had said that she would accept me as her father's wife, I was unsure of how much she meant that statement, and was glad that she was making an effort.
  • 84. Thankfully the promised rain had held off, and we were able to retire outside to cut the cake, and thank everyone for attending. I was most surprised when, as soon as we done this, Thomas insisted that I change out of my dress and into my everyday skirt and blouse, which he had, unbeknownst to me, had brought to the church. He then handed me a suitcase. "Thomas," I asked, "what is this for?" "Our honeymoon, of course darling," and right on cue a carriage pulled up outside the church. I climbed in expecting that we would stop at a local hotel, but instead we made our way out of town, towards the city. "Thomas darling," I asked, "where are we going?" "It is a surprise my love. Did you realise that you still had your veil on?" "I do?" "Yes, here let help you with that."
  • 85. Sometime later the carriage came to a stop, and I looked out, to see that we were at the docks. "Thomas, where are we going?" I demanded again. "Darling, it is a surprise." and with that he got out of the carriage, walked around and opened my door. *** The R.M.S. Victoriana is actually the QH2 by !jolien! from MTS2, again modified and re-decorated by me.
  • 86. I hurried up the gang plank onto the ship, trying to ascertain where we were heading by shouting questions at Thomas's back to no avail. He dodged and evaded every question, eventually running up the rest of the gang plank to get away from me.
  • 87. I caught up with him just as he was being given the key to our cabin. "Welcome aboard Major Harrison," said the steward. "You are in cabin number 2. A member of our crew will make sure your luggage is waiting for you." "Thank you my good man." "So steward," I started, sensing an opportunity, "how long will it take for us to reach our destination?" "All being well, we should arrive the day after tomorrow Mrs Harrison." I could think of two destinations that were just under two days sailing away, so I asked "will we be travelling in a westerly, or an easterly direction?" I caught Thomas give an almost imperceptible shake of his head to the steward. "One of those, yes Madam," came the reply. I was about to ask another question, when Thomas put his arm around my waist and said "come on now my dear, there are others who wish to pick up their cabin keys. We must not keep the steward from doing his job." With that he steered me away from the desk towards the staircase.
  • 88. Whilst Thomas lounged on the bed in our cabin, I un-packed our things and placed them in the chest of drawers. "I do not understand why you are doing that," said Thomas, "we will be disembarking in a little under forty-eight hours." "Because, my darling, if we keep our clothes in our cases, they will get all rumpled and I do not intend to try to find a place to get them pressed once we arrive at ... where is it we are going again?"
  • 89. Thomas got off of the bed, and kissed me. "That is one of the reasons I love you so much," he said as we pulled apart, "you always think about the practicalities." "And I cannot help but be practical and notice that you have once again evaded my question about our destination." "Have I? Oh dear that is most remiss of me." and with that he walked out of the cabin.
  • 90. I grabbed a pillow off of the bed and chased after him. "Tell me, I want to know," I cried as I belted him with the pillow. Thomas started laughing, so I hit him again; I must admit I hit him a trifle hard, and a few feathers escaped from the seams.
  • 91. "Now, darling," he said as he caught his breath, "you know I am not going to tell you. I want it to be a surprise. Besides being as clever as you are, I am sure that you will be able to work it out." At that moment, the ship's horn sounded. "Ah, I think that we are about to depart. I am going up on deck do you wish to come?" "Yes," I replied, "I will just go and put this back." I held up the pillow. "I will see you on deck then." As I watched Thomas walk off, with a mixture of exasperation and affection on my face, the housekeeper came out of one of the cabins opposite. She looked at the pillow in my hand, and the feathers on the floor. I grinned at her, and went back into our cabin to replace the pillow. As I closed the door, I was sure I heard her muttering under her breath.
  • 92. After we had set sail Thomas and I set about exploring the ship. Given the fact that we would only be staying onboard for a short while, I was surprised at all there was to do. I was especially impressed with the library, and spent the rest of the afternoon picking up and reading passages from various books. I had intended to spend some time on deck, and work out the direction we were travelling in by the position of the sun, but unfortunately not long after we left the dock the promised rain rolled in, and the sun was obscured from view.
  • 93. It was still raining by the time we changed for dinner, and made our way to the ship's restaurant. As I studied the menu, Thomas remarked to me that this was in fact the first time we had dined alone. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, yes it is." I replied "Hopefully we will dine together many more times my love," and at this he reached across the table and took my hand.
  • 94. Thomas had ordered champagne for us to celebrate with, and he soon raised his glass in a toast. "To my beautiful wife Violet. You have made me happier than I could ever imagine being, long may that happiness continue." "My darling husband," I responded, "may we have nothing but joy in our life together." As I drank, I could feel my emotions coming once again to the fore, and had to fight back my tears of joy.
  • 95. Our meal was lovely, but the service was so slow, that at one point Thomas was forced to complain that we were likely to grow old before our food arrived. Since the restaurant was all but empty there was no excuse for this poor service, and I was minded to be a bit more vocal and cutting when complaining, but as Thomas pointed out we were rather limited to where we could eat whilst on board.
  • 96. After we had finally finished our meal we danced the night away on the dance floor. In my opinion the pianist was second rate, but after a while, as I danced in my husband's arms, the music ceased to matter. Thomas saw me stifle a yawn, and said, "come my dear, it has been a long day, let us retire to our cabin." I nodded, after all I had been up and on the go for nearly twenty hours.
  • 97. Once back in our cabin, I drew Thomas towards me. "Are you happy darling?" I asked gazing up at him. "Very. Are you?" "I do not think that I have ever been happier." I replied. "Good," he said. With that he took my hand, and led me to bed.
  • 98. Later, as I looked deep into my husband's eyes, I reflected on how true my statement to him was. I had not even thought that it was possible to be as happy as I currently felt. I hoped that the feeling would last, and my heart full of joy, I drifted off to sleep. *** That's it for now, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who created the CC I've been using, both here and in the main legacy. I found most of it at MTS2 (floors, walls, bedding, lots, object recolours and some clothing), and All-About-Style (clothing and accessories). I'll be back with another legacy chapter soon, but it is going slooowly at the moment, so please be patient with me :)