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N.E.R.D. New European Researches and Discoveries in
Underwaterarchaeology Conference
zur prähistorischen Archäologie
Band 291
Aus dem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
der Universität Kiel
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
New European Researches and
Discoveries in Underwaterarchaeology
Beiträge der Internationalen Konferenz
der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und
limnische Archäologie
21. -- 23. November 2014 in Kiel
Marijana Christ, Jonas Enzmann, Fritz Jürgens,
Franziska Steffensen, Jana Ulrich und Feiko Wilkes
ISBN 978-3-7749-4055-0
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie.
Detailliertere bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <> abrufbar.
Copyright 2016 by Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
Die Reihe „Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen
Archäologie“ trägt dem Bedürfnis Rechnung, Examensar-
beiten und andere Forschungsleistungen in die Öfentlich-
keit zu tragen. Thematisch indet darin die ganze Breite
des Faches vom Paläolithikum bis zur Archäologie der
Neuzeit ihren Platz.
Ursprünglich hatten sich fünf Universitätsinstitute in
Deutschland zur Herausgabe der Reihe zusammengefun-
den, der Kreis ist inzwischen deutlich größer geworden.
Alle interessierten Professoren und Dozenten sind einge-
laden, als Mitherausgeber tätig zu werden und Arbeiten
aus ihrem Bereich der Reihe zukommen zu lassen. Für die
einzelnen Bände zeichnen jeweils die Autoren und Insti-
tute ihrer Herkunft, die im Titel deutlich gekennzeichnet
sind, verantwortlich. Sie erstellen eine druckfertig gestal-
tete Datei (PDF). Bei gleicherAnordnung des Umschlages
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gen entweder durch sie selbst oder durch den Verlag Dr.
Rudolf Habelt GmbH, der in jedem Fall den Vertrieb der
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Herausgeber sind derzeit:
Kurt Alt (Mainz)
François Bertemes (Halle)
Nikolaus Borofka (Berlin)
Peter Breunig (Frankfurt am Main)
Philippe Della Casa (Zürich)
Manfred K.H. Eggert (Tübingen)
Clemens Eibner (Heidelberg)
Frank Falkenstein (Würzburg)
Ralf Gleser (Münster)
Bernhard Hänsel (Berlin)
Alfred Hafner (Kiel)
Albert Hafner (Bern)
Svend Hansen (Berlin)
Ole Harck (Kiel)
Joachim Henning (Frankfurt am Main)
Christian Jeunesse (Strasbourg)
Albrecht Jockenhövel (Münster)
Tobias L. Kienlin (Köln)
Rüdiger Krause (Frankfurt am Main)
Klára Kuzmová (Trnava)
Amei Lang (München)
Andreas Lippert (Wien)
Jens Lüning (Frankfurt am Main)
Joseph Maran (Heidelberg)
Carola Metzner-Nebelsick (München)
Johannes Müller (Kiel)
Ulrich Müller (Kiel)
Michael Müller-Wille (Kiel)
Mária Novotná (Trnava)
Bernd Päfgen (München)
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos (Heidelberg)
Christopher Pare (Mainz)
Hermann Parzinger (Berlin)
Heidi Peter-Röcher (Würzburg)
Britta Ramminger (Hamburg)
Jürgen Richter (Köln)
Sabine Rieckhof (Leipzig)
Thomas Saile (Regensburg)
Wolfram Schier (Berlin)
Thomas Stöllner (Bochum)
Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen (München)
Biba Teržan (Berlin)
Gerhard Tomedi (Innsbruck)
Ulrich Veit (Leipzig)
Karl-Heinz Willroth (Göttingen)
Andreas Zimmermann (Köln)
Sehr geehrte Frau Vizepräsidentin Frau Prof. Dr. Pistor-Hatam,
sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Müller, sehr geehrte Gäste,
ich freue mich, Sie alle in Kiel, der Stadt am Meer, zu Ihrer internationalen Konferenz
über Themen der Unterwasserarchäologie begrüßen zu dürfen. Ein Blick in die Liste
der Vortragsthemen und der international zusammengesetzten Gruppe von Referen-
tinnen und Referenten lässt eine wirklich interessante und spannende Tagung erwar-
ten. Unterwasserarchäologie ist auch für den Laien besonders faszinierend, weil es
bedeutet, unter besonders schwierigen Bedingungen zu forschen. Neben Ihrer fachli-
chen Kompetenz ist für die meisten von Ihnen eine Ausbildung als Forschungstaucher
Voraussetzung, um auf dem Grund von Meeren, Flüssen oder Seen nach Schifswra-
cken, Hinweisen auf alte Siedlungen oder Häfen suchen zu können. Als jemand, der
hauptsächlich mit einem Dach über dem Kopf und in beheizten Räumen seinen Beruf
ausüben kann, habe ich davor höchsten Respekt.
Geographisch bedingt haben die Meereswissenschaften in Schleswig-Holstein eine lan-
ge Tradition. Mit seiner Lage zwischen den Meeren hat das Land die längste Küsten-
linie in Deutschland. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Flüsse und über 300 Seen. Es über-
rascht daher nicht, dass die Meereswissenschaften, die an dem Helmholtz-Zentrum
für Ozeanforschung GEOMAR und an der Universität Kiel angesiedelt sind, neben
der Medizin den bedeutendsten Forschungsschwerpunkt in Schleswig-Holstein dar-
stellen. Die Universität und das Helmholtz-Zentrum arbeiten eng zusammen, insbe-
sondere im Exzellenzcluster „Future Ocean“. An der Universität existiert ein Zentrum
für Interdisziplinäre Meereswissenschaften - Kiel Marine Sciences. Die Idee dahinter
ist, dass Naturwissenschaftler mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus den
Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Medizin, den Rechtwissenschaften den Ingenieurwis-
senschaften und der Informatik gemeinsam an Fragestellungen zur Rolle des Ozeans
im globalen Wandel arbeiten.
Ein weiterer herausragender Forschungsschwerpunkt an der Universität Kiel und
dem Zentrum für Skandinavische und Baltische Archäologie in Schleswig ist die
Ur- und Frühgeschichte mit der Graduiertenschule „Human Development in Land-
scapes“, an der auch die Archäologie beteiligt ist. Auch hier bestehen gute inter-
disziplinäre Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, z.B für Archäologen mit Biologen, Geolo-
gen, Ozeanographen und Vertreterinnen und Vertretern anderer Fachrichtungen.
Ziel der Graduiertenschule ist eine themengebundene und gleichzeitig fächerüber-
greifende, internationale und praxisnahe Ausbildung. Vielleicht ist das auch für den
einen oder die andere unter Ihnen interessant.
Eine Besonderheit dieser Konferenz ist es, dass sie von Studierenden für Studierende,
Absolventinnen und Absolventen sowie Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden ausgerich-
tet wird. Es ist ganz sicher nicht die Regel, dass Studierende und junge Wissenschaft-
lerinnen und Wissenschaftler ihre eigene Tagungsreihe neben den etablierten Konfe-
renzen organisieren. Es spricht für Sie, die Veranstalter, Referentinnen und Referenten
sowie alle Teilnehmenden, dass Sie diesen Aufwand auf sich nehmen. Ich bin sicher,
dass alle davon proitieren werden. Mit dem Konzept der Veranstaltung haben alle Be-
teiligten die Möglichkeit, zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt in ihrer berulichen Biographie,
praktischen Kenntnisse und wissenschaftlichen Kontakte auszubauen, Erfahrungen
zu sammeln und dadurch ihre wissenschaftliche Karriere optimal vorzubereiten.
Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Kontakte sowie vielseitige
Anregungen für die eigene wissenschaftliche Arbeit.
Karl-Rudolf ‚Rolf‘ Fischer
Sehr geehrter Herr Staatssekretär Fischer,
sehr gehrte Frau Vizepräsidentin Frau Prof. Dr. Pistor-Hatam,
liebe Organisatoren und Gäste!
Ich begrüße Sie im Namen des Institutes für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, der Johanna-
Mestorf-Akademie und der Graduiertenschule „Human Development in Landscapes“.
Wenn die schweizerische Weltenbummlerin und Schriftstellerin Isabelle Eberhardt in
ihrem Büchern „Sandmeere“ die Wüsten mit Wasser vergleicht, bewegt sie sich in
einer guten Tradition der Meistererzählung. Ozeane und Sandmeere – gegensätzliche
Naturräume – einen doch verschiedene Elemente. Die Unendlichkeit und Einsamkeit
und das Fehlen von Trinkwasser. Verdursten kann man sowohl in der Wüste als auch
auf dem Meer.
Nicht umsonst bietet die Unterwasserarchäologie der Öfentlichkeit ein Panorama,
das die Gefühle von Gefahr und Geheimnis bedient. Es sind Bilder gesunkener Schif-
fe, gestrandeter Besatzungen und natürlich die „Höhlen der Toten“, die Blue Note
Productions und die AMLA um Florian Huber jüngst in einem vielfach ausgezeichne-
ten 3D-Film zu Leben erweckt haben.
Wo werden die Grundlagen für derartig wort- und bildmächtigen Erzählungen gelegt?
Es ist das Alltagsgeschäft der archäologischen Denkmalplege, es sind Forschung und
Lehre der Universitäten. Und mit Blick auf diese scheint es fast ein Allgemeinplatz,
dass die CAU mit seinem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte sehr gute Rahmenbedin-
gungen für die Archäologie in Seen und Meeren bietet. Die möchte ich jetzt nicht alle
aufzählen, sondern nur festhalten, dass die vielen Partner und Partnerinnen maritimer
Lehre und Forschung an der CAU ein Netz bilden, das mit vielen anderen Univer-
sitäten und Institutionen außerhalb Schleswig-Holsteins national und international
verknüpft ist. Die Ausbildung zum ForschungstaucherIn ist nach wie vor das missing
link, das Theorie und Praxis, Tauchen und Archäologie nicht nur verbindet, sondern
mit seiner Zertiizierung auch einen Einstieg in die Berufswelt bietet. Weiterhin sind
die Johanna-Mestorf-Akademie und die Graduiertenschule zu nennen. Hier erfolgt
ein integriertes Zusammenspiel von Natur-, Lebens- und Kulturwissenschaftlern –
einmalig in Europa, wie jüngst wieder durch ein internationales Gutachtergremien
bestätigt. Sie garantiert nicht nur eine Internationalisierung, bietet inhaltliche For-
schungscluster und technische Plattformen sowie Promotionsstipendien die Chance,
von der Biograie eines Schifes über soziale, ökonomische oder ökologische Themen
bis zum Kulturgüterschutz Horizonte zu öfnen.
Archäologisches Forschen unter Wasser, im und auf dem Wasser sowie zwischen
Land und Meer hat viele Gesichter und viele Namen. Da sind zunächst einmal die
disziplinären Bezeichnungen wie Feuchtbodenarchäologie, maritime und limnische
Archäologie, Wrackarchäologie oder Unterwasserarchäologie. Archäologischer und
naturwissenschaftlicher Techniken und Methoden bedienen sich alle – unabhängig
von Ein- und Ausgrenzungen, die ich für überlüssig halte und die vor allem in Zeiten
eines Drittmittelkampfes aufgefahren werden. Da sind weiterhin die Gesichter, die in
Kiel mit der Unterwasserarchäologie verbunden sind. Hierzu gehört Ole Harck, der
in bereits 1970er Jahren Taucharchäologie in der Ostsee und den Binnenseen mit Stu-
dierenden betrieb. Mit der AMLA, der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Ar-
chäologie bekommt das Schif nicht nur einen Namen und wechselnde Besatzungen
mit Steuermännern (und Frauen), sondern auch einen Kurs. Viele sind hier zu nennen:
ich möchte keinen Personenkult betreiben, denn alle leisten ihren Teil.Als ehemaligen
Mitarbeiterin und Mitarbeiter möchte ich jedoch Frau Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner
und Herrn Dr. Florian Huber nennen, die seit Mitte der 2000er in Forschung und
Lehre das Feld bestritten haben. Ihrem Einsatz ist es auch zu verdanken, dass die
Unterwasserarchäologie eine solide Basis in der Ausbildung bekommen hat. Da ist
es folgerichtig, wenn sich die Mitglieder der AMLA, die Studierenden der prähistori-
schen und historischen Archäologie vom „undergraduate“ bis zum Promovierten, als
N.E.R.D.s des Themas annehmen und in dieser internationalen Tagung endlich mal
nicht die Admiralität, sondern jene zu Wort kommen lassen, die im Boot sitzen und
wissen, wohin der Kurs gehen soll.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller, Insti-
tuts für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
mit dem Schwerpunkt Frühge-
schichte, Mittelalterarchäologie
und Neuzeitarchäologie
Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters
Note of thanks
We are truly grateful for the work that all our supporters
put in the preparation and realization of the N.E.R.D. in
Underwaterarchaeology Conference that allowed
us to experience a great event.
We are so thankful for the interest and the opening words
to start of the conference by the Secretary of Science
Karl-Rudolf “Rolf” Fischer and Professor Dr. Anja Pis-
tor-Hatam (Vice-President of Student Afairs, Internatio-
nal and diversity of the University of Kiel). We also grea-
tly appreciate the inancial support of Prof. Dr. Ulrich W.
Müller (University of Kiel) as well as his opening words
and assistance with the publication preparations.
We want to thank also Roland Friedrich (Forschungs-
tauchzentrum University of Kiel) for his introductory
words and Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Grundmann (Ask-
lepios Klinik Altona) for his interessting presentation
about diving injuries. We also warmly thank Dr. Martina
Schmode of the International Center (IC) of the Univer-
sity of Kiel for the inancial support and the awesome
opportunity to use the premises next to the Kiel Fjord
that added the proper atmosphere to the conference.
Furthermore we would like to give a big thank you to
the all speakers of the conference who contributed with
their diverse presentations to the success of the confe-
rence as well as the participants did with the interesting
discussions and conversations. We are also truly thankful
for the time and efort of the hard-working helpers in the
background: Rebekka Eckelmann, Lena-Christin Feuring,
Kristian Schober, Sarah Sutter, Thomas Reck (all Univer-
sity of Kiel). We really enjoyed the guided tours at the
Aquarium at Geomar (Kiel) and at the Maritime Museum
Fischhalle (Kiel) during the conference and want to thank
the staf for their insight and friendliness.
Special thanks go to all the sponsors of the AMLA who
not only contributed to the activities during the course of
the conference, but support us all year.
The organizing committee AMLA
Marijana Christ, Jonas Enzmann, Fritz Jürgens, Franziska
Stefensen, Jana Ulrich und Feiko Wilkes
This publication results as part of the irst N.E.R.D. in
Underwaterarchaeology Conference, organized by
members of the AMLA.
The order of the articles follows the lecture program. The
authors are personally responsible for the content of the
AMLA, which is short for working group for maritime
and limnic archeology, was founded in 1997. The mem-
bers of AMLA are Certiied European Scientiic Divers,
and are mostly archaeologists on diferent levels of edu-
cation, but there are also members from related sciences
like biology, geology or oceanography. Most of AMLAs
work is organized by their members.
The primary task of AMLA is to conduct research on the
Underwater Cultural Heritage and bring it more into the
focus of terrestrial archaeology. Alongside, AMLA wants
to create a public awareness of the Underwater Cultu-
ral Heritage, which is endangered due to the building of
pipelines, ofshore windparks and the deepening of ri-
vers for economic purposes. Another important aim is
educating the next generation of archaeologists in the
special conservation situation underwater and practicing
methods for excavation, investigation and interpretation
in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology.
The maritime and freshwater environment of Schleswig-
Holstein has 1190 kilometres of coastline at both seas,
about 360 lakes and 21,700 kilometres of river stretches.
Human populations and communities who have lived
here for the last 20.000 years used these bodies of water
to source food, as transportation routes and as borders.
Besides conducting research projects in German waters,
members of AMLA also carried out projects in the caves
of Yucatan in Mexiko, the Golf of Mexico, in a lake in
Norway, some wells in Southern Germany and gone on
an Excursion to the sunken Roman City of Baiae near
The majority of AMLAs members were trained as Sci-
entiic Divers by the Centre for Scientiic Diving at the
Institute of Geology (Christian-Albrechts-University,
Kiel). Another cooperation exists with the IFM Geomar
Institute, which allows AMLA to conduct regular ield
trips with the research vessels FB Polarfuchs and FK
Littorina into the Kiel Fjord, to survey, monitor and do-
cument wrecks. Together with the Lighthouse Foundati-
on, AMLA has built an archaeological park under water,
where students and recreational divers can be trained in
suitable diving methods for archaeological sites.
AMLA maintains a close cooperation with the State
Department of Archaeology and the State Museum in
Schleswig. Over the past decade, members of AMLA
took part in projects from the Lower Saxony Institute for
Historical Coastal Research and the Maritime Archaeo-
logy Program of the University of Southern Denmark in
Esbjerg. Furthermore, AMLA conducted smaller surveys
in cooperation with diferent county archaeology depart-
ments in Lower Saxony and supported investigations of
the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
of the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel.
As mentioned above, AMLA often pioneers research on
wrecks in the area of Schleswig-Holstein, leading up
to B.A., M.A. and PhD theses. The results of ongoing
research, excavations and surveys of wrecks and other
underwater sites in the Kiel Fjord and the limnological
landscape are shared during international conferences.
By inviting speakers and conducting excursions to archa-
eological sites in other countries in Europe, AMLA has
created an international communication network and an
active dialogue between various research groups.
Creating public awareness for the immense heritage un-
der water is another focus of our research group. We are
connected with local and national TV and radio stations
and publish our work in a variety of magazines, books
and newspapers. Public lectures and presentations at ex-
hibitions and trade fairs result in a wide distribution of
our research and sustainable methods among scientists
and the general public. In addition, recreational divers
can attend workshops and seminars to be trained in ade-
quate diving styles and investigation methods and to
learn what to do if they spot an archaeological site during
one of their dives.
Since 2004, the working group‘s online presence is
available at Visitors will ind general
information as well as news about on-going research pro-
jects and articles about completed excavations.
The development of the conference
The idea for the N.E.R.D. in Underwaterarchaeology
Conference was born early in 2014 after some members
of AMLA had participated at the major Conference for
Underwater Archaeology in Germany „In Poseidonseich“
organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Unterwasserarchäologie e.V. (DEGUWA). The main ad-
vantages of the DEGUWA-Conference, for example an
international audience with great expertise mixed with in-
terested recreational divers seems to us as a disadvantage
to an equal amount. Because of the number of speakers,
detailed discussions were rare. Another point is the lack
of younger researchers, who according to our own experi-
ence often think their research is not interesting enough or
fear their presentational skills are not yet good enough for
a big Conference.
After deining these issues we established the idea to or-
ganise our own conference for people who are at the be-
ginning of their academic career. This was of particular
interest because many members of AMLA were about to
inish their theses or had inished it shortly before. Also,
we thought that it would be be a very good opportunity to
learn how to organise a conference. The third point was
to draw attention to Underwater Archaeology at the Uni-
versity of Kiel and the opportunities provided by the en-
vironmental and institutional surroundings (see irst part).
This point was even more important because the advisor
in UnderwaterArchaeology matters Dr. Florian Huber was
no longer a full time member of the Department for Preh-
istoric and Historical Archaeology, and because the future
of the Scientiic Diving Centre at the Institute of Geology
of the University Kiel was unclear.
Shortly after the idea came up, a group of sixAMLAmem-
bers got together to organize the conference. In a irst mee-
ting, we agreed to keep the conference small because of
inancial issues and our lack of experience. This would be
the irst conference we organised on our own. We decided
to have a maximum of 60 participants including the spea-
kers. From experience at other conferences we thought it
would be nice to provide an excursion as well as an oicial
reception and conference dinner. However, the conference
fee had to be relatively low, because the conference should
address students as its main target group.
Another challenge was the inding a thematic orientation.
We agreed that we did not want to set any strict thematic
borders. The presentations should be from new or so far
unpresented underwater related research and of course
from students (BA, MA, PhD). We decided to invite peo-
ple from all around Europe to build up a young and inno-
vative network that could result in joined projects. On the
other hand we were looking forward to experience dife-
rent methods or interpretation models due to the diferent
national or academic background of the participants. To
facilitate the discussions between the participants we de-
cided to prepare the whole conference in English and to
ask every speaker to prepare their presentations in Eng-
lish. The general speaking time of 20 minutes was inspi-
red by other conferences but we decided against the trend
of having a 10 minute discussion afterwards. Bearing in
mind how much time we had scheduled, we wanted to
have Friday as an arrival-day with the excursion and the
oicial reception in the evening, the Saturday completely
for presentations and the conference dinner and the Sun-
day morning for more presentations. Based on our expe-
rience at other conferences we decided to close early on
Sunday, so everybody would be able to get home on that
day, avoiding to have nobody listen to the last presenta-
tions because most of the audience has already left. After
that we agreed to the date of the 21st
to 23rd
because by then, most of the ieldwork will be done and
it still leaves enough time before Christmas.
The last part was that we split the tasks (for example the
inancial-plan, the writing of the call of papers etc.) bet-
ween everybody. We were very lucky to have been pro-
vided with a fantastic conference room directly opposite
the Kiel Fjord with a beautiful view by the International
Centre of the University. During the actual organizing
process we faced many challenges, for example inding
a nice place for the Conference dinner which was big
enough for 60 people, that was suitable for having the
evening lecture there, had an acceptable price for the
dinner and ofered food suitable for an international au-
dience. In the end we managed very well, also because
of the generous support that we received from so many
sides (see Acknowledgements)
The conference
On Friday the 21st
of November 2014 we started the confer-
ence weekend with a guided tour in the aquarium of the IFM
Geomar around 2 pm. During the tour, the participants were
able to watch typical animals from the Baltic and North Sea
and to touch starishes and sea urchins. Clearly the highlight
of the tour was watching the seals at the end. After that the
group walked to the Maritime Museum of Kiel, where we
started a short guided tour through the city. The trip required
a lot of imagination, because most of the old center of Kiel
was destroyed during World War II. In the evening we met
up again with most of the participants for the oicial recep-
tion in the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeol-
ogy of the Christian -Albrechts-University (CAU) in Kiel.
After this oicial part there was the opportunity for the
participants to meet each other in a relaxed atmosphere in
the library of the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical
The second day, Saturday the 22nd
November, the lectures in
the conference room of the International Center of the CAU
Kiel started with speeches concerning use and distribution
of logboats as well as diferent methods, which could and
should be used in future underwater archaeological ield-
work.After the irst cofee break we heard lectures about the
submerged settlements in Austria and the potential of artii-
cial lakes for archaeology. In the afternoon we heard about
the ancient harbours at the italian coast of the Adria and the
harbour of Schleswig, followed by lectures about the North
Sea region, which informed about the special work condi-
tions, the historical background and shipbuilding during the
16th century. In the evening we headed to the restaurant
Fuego del Sur, where we had a nice dinner.
On Sunday the 23rd November we started the day with
another lecture on the Nordic shipbuilding in the modern
period before we changed to lectures with a Mediterranean
setting about scattered wreck sites, harbour and shelter sites
in Montenegro and the famous Marsala-Shipwrecks.
Shortly after the conference we noticed that most of the
participants were connected via social media. Thus, we are
thrilled to say that the major goal of the conference, establi-
shing a network of young researchers, was achieved. Hope-
fully, this network will encourage scientiic exchange and
initiate joint projects.
Jonas Enzmann, Kiel 2016
Franziska Stefensen, Feiko Wilkes
Two recent AMLA projects: Excerpt of the lecture at the N.E.R.D. conference
A logboat in the Schlei fjord/Underwater prospections on the mesolithic site Strande LA 163 16
Miran Erič, Gregor Berginc, Rok Kovačič, Kristijan Celec
A short review of the application of 3D documentation methods on selected UW heritage sites
in Slovenia and the Adriatic: the need for changes in methodology 24
Helena Novak
Neolithic Lake Settlements. A new UNESCO World Heritage leads to the emerging
of underwater- and wetland-research in Austria 36
Marie-Claire Ries
New Research on a waterlogged Bronze Age Settlement in Lake Attersee (Austria) 46
Marina Nuovo
Roman harbours: coastal and underwater landscapes in the central-southern Adriatic Sea 56
Julia Goldhammer, Martina Karle
A ish trap basket from Belum (Ldkr. Cuxhaven). Excerpt from the presentation
“Archaeology in the Wadden: Submarine Archaeology without a diving suit” 66
Margaret Logan
A Study of a 16th-century wooden vessel from the Netherlands 72
Philipp Grassel
Late Hanseatic seafaring from Hamburg and Bremen to Iceland, the Faeroe Islands and Shetland 82
Alexander Cattrysse
Deviating from the Course: Clinker Deviations in Northern-European Carvel Shipbuilding 94
Franziska Stefensen, Feiko Wilkes
Two recent AMLA projects:
Excerpt of the lecture at the N.E.R.D. conference
A logboat in the Schlei fjord
One of at least 16 logboats was discovered by a sports
diver near the city of Kappeln in the Schlei fjord in 2007
(Fig. 1). The site of Kappeln already revealed two more
logboats that are similar in construction and shape. In
2009 members of the AMLA documented the wreck for
the irst time. It was partially imbedded in sediment in
a depth of 2–3 m and an incline position. 2011 it was
documented again due to monitoring reasons. In addition
a wood sample was taken. The result of C14
–dating dated
the boat in the 16th
century (Huber 2009). Another sur-
vey was done by the AMLA in 2014 in a framework of a
Bachelor thesis (Steffensen 2015). Main reason for the
third survey was the critical condition of the logboat. The
incline position could result in a disruption of the boat.
Primarily though is the destruction by Teredo navalis. So
the actual ambition was to get a more detailed drawing of
the logboat to save information due to proceeding dam-
age. Furthermore the process of destruction itself should
be documented.
Area of research
The Schlei located in Northern Germany is a 42 km long
fjord that elongates from the Baltic Sea to the city of
Schleswig. Geological features provide great preserva-
tion of especially wooden cultural assets. So the Schlei
is an archive for several submarine indings. The Viking
age onwards the landscape provided great communica-
tion ways between the North- and the Baltic Sea due to
its surrounding rivers Treene and Eider. Beside terrestrial
indings as Haithabu and the Danevirke, cultural assets
underwater like the shipwreck of Karschau, the “Prahm”
of Hedeby and the barrier of Reesholm as well as the
logboat focused in this article are evidence for the impor-
tance of the Schlei fjord throughout time.
The scientiic diving team consisted of ive members of
theAMLAand the survey took place in two days. To relo-
cate the logboat the team set a surface marker buoy by the
coordinates. So the irst diver was able to search the site
in diferent radii using a wreckroll. Due to extraordinary
range of sight between 3 and 5 meters the diver could lo-
cate the boat within minutes. The graphic documentation
of overlapping pictures provided the possibility of a pho-
tomosaic showing the whole length of the logboat (Fig.
2). In addition photos have been taken in diferent angles
to record the position in the sediment (Fig. 3). The qual-
ity of the photos beneited from the unusual good sight as
well. The usual range of sight in the Schlei fjord is < 1 m.
The measurements were documented by an ofset-tech-
nique. The baseline was strained middle lengthwise in
order to document length and breadth of the wreck. One
section was still hidden in the sediment. So it was only
possible to determine a minimum length of ca. 4.50 m.
The inside of the logboat was illed with sediment so that
a determination of shape could only be done by groping.
Measurements and construction
A striking feature of the logboat made of oak is the bulk-
head that is supposedly located in the last third of the
boat. The exposed part can be assumed to be the stern
section due to the position of the bulkhead and the shape
of the hull that is tapered towards the bow (Steffensen
2015). The stern is located about half a meter above the
sediment in a depth of 2.6 m. The spoon shape that was
already stated in 2009 is still slightly visible.At the length
of ca. 1 m the boat starts to be covered by sediment, while
it is completely hidden at a length of 4.50 m. It has a
maximal breadth of 0.8 m and tapers towards the bow.
The bulkhead located at a length of ca. 1.90 m has a pre-
served breadth of 0.12 m. It divides the boat in at least
two compartments.
Preservation – A retrospection
Since the discovery in 2007 the logboat underlay several
changes that had enormous consequences for its preserva-
tion. When discovered, the boat was exposed 2 m in length.
In 2009 the exposure had proceeded to 3.5 m (Huber 2009).
The survey 2014 revealed an exposure of further 80 cm.
However, in the last couple of years sediment shifts uncov-
ered the boat and thus gave access to erosion and vermin.
Additionally to the proceeding exposure of the asset the nat-
ural cover of barnacles and shells increased (Huber 2011).
Comparing the documentation of 2009, 2011 and 2014
in the section of the bulkhead an enormous destruction
of the wood is to be observed (Fig. 4). Whereas in 2009
there was almost no sign of destruction by teredo nava-
lis, the wood was afected dramatically in 2011. Hence
teredo navalis damaged the exposed parts heavily within
only two years.
The most recent monitoring in 2014 showed the wreck in
a fragile condition. The bulkhead lost a lot of matter due
to erosion and teredo navalis. The original height of the
shipside isn’t preserved neither.
Fig. 2 Photomosaik (pictures: F. Huber, mosaic: J. Ulrich).
Fig. 1 Logboats of the Schlei (map: F. Stefensen, 1-13: after Hirte 1987, 14-15: after Kramer 1990, 16: Stefensen 2015).
Fig. 4 Condition oft the wreck (a) 2009, (b) 2011 and (c) 2014 (photo: F. Huber).
Fig. 3 The incline of the logboat in proile (photo: F. Huber).
In 2014 the bulkhead was 6 cm higher than the side itself,
which wasn’t the case before. Due to the heavy erosion
the shape of the hull, especially the shape of the stern,
remains to be presumed. After taking biological samples
of the plant cover shortfall of calcium carbonate was un-
covered in the wood. This indicates that the infestation of
teredo navalis is acute (Halbwidl/Hoppe 2009).
The monitoring of the logboat of Kappeln especially ex-
empliied the changes of wooden cultural asset within a
short period of time, about 6 years in this case. A boat
that appeared stable was infested and damaged of tere-
do navalis within a couple of years. The logboat and its
measurements that were visible can be compared to three
further logboats in the Schlei. Two of them were found at
the site of Kappeln as well. The third logboat was discov-
ered near Kosel and even dated in the same time period
as the logboat focused on in this article. The other two
were not dated. The four logboats can be addressed as
“classic” logboats (cf. Kröger 2011). All of them have
one bulkhead, similar dimensions and no further con-
struction features like lashes, eyes or even veneering. It
is likely they were used as ishing boats.
Franziska Stefensen,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
The Site
The subaquatic site LA 163 is situated about 1.5 kilome-
tres northwest of the Bülk lighthouse, in the western part
of the Kiel fjord estuary (Fig. 5). It was discovered in
October 2011 by two local commercial divers, who noti-
ced four trunks, lying in parallel in a waterdepth of six
metres (Fig. 6). Further dives and the typochronology of
indings veriied it as a waste-disposal area dating to the
older Ertebølle culture (5390–4750 calBC) (Goldham-
mer/Hartz 2015). Additional conirmation was gathered
by dendrochronology and radiocarbon-dating performed
after a sondage excavation was realized in the summer of
2012. It included test drillings and the excavation of 5 m2
of seabed. This provided an insight into the stratigraphy
of the site, proofed a good conservation of organic re-
mains and revealed, amongst numerous other inds, jaw-
bone fragments belonging to two humans.
Initial plan
In order to clarify the dimensions of the site and the ex-
tent of ind bearing layers and preserved surface, a sur-
vey campaign by the NIhK (Niedersächsisches Institut
für historische Küstenforschung- Lower Saxony Institute
for Historical Coastal Research) was executed in August
2014. The author was participant in the AMLA diving
team that performed the task. Furthermore, a section from
the 2012 campaign had to be re-excavated both to obtain
botanic samples and for better photo-documentation of
the proile. To accomplish these tasks within four weeks
and with a team of only four divers, methods of surveying
large areas as fast and eicient as possible were required.
Initially it was planned to conduct the survey mainly by
visual prospection, with the divers scanning the ground
for artifacts or structures of interest and wag away the co-
vering sand every few meters to check the layer below.
The idea of the classic circular search was quickly aban-
doned as compared to a linear search you have to swim
twice the distance to cover the same area. Therefore it
was decided to deploy a 20 meter baseline in intervals of
2 meters, starting from the excavated section, and follow
it paired, each diver scanning one side of the baseline (see
Fig. 8 directly to the east of the excavated area).
This method quickly proved to be highly ineicient due
to several reasons. The dense seagrass covering most part
of the area restricted the already limited ield of view a
diver has, especially considering the small dimensions
most of the objects of interest had. Moreover the layer
of covering sand was much thicker and harder to remove
than estimated. Finally, while the close sequence of base-
lines resulted in a comprehensive coverage of area it was
also very time-consuming, considering the limited time
Thus a diferent approach had to be applied, irstly to
switch to a star-search pattern of baselines protruding
from the excavated area in all directions (Fig. 8) and se-
condly to apply a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV, com-
monly known as scooter) to create sondage pits. The
DPV is a device resembling a small torpedo. Its normal
task is to propel a diver by an electric motor driving a
small screw, but used the wrong way around it becomes
the underwater equivalent of a leaf blower.
The resulting procedure was to irst blow away the co-
Underwater prospections on the mesolithic site Strande LA 163
Fig. 6 The site as found in 2011 (photo: G. Lorenz).
Fig. 5 Location of the site (Goldhammer/Hartz in print).
vering sand to the layer of interest, with one person con-
trolling the DPV while the other diver checked for inds
and supported managing the thrust (Fig. 7). The pit was
then cleaned and the type of sediment, the thickness of
covering sand and the state of the often encountered silex
artifacts (sharp edge, blunt edge, blunt edge and patina-
ted (Fig. 8)) were measured and documented. After the
inal photo documentation the team then moved on to
create the next sondage. The survey pattern was to pro-
duce a sondage every 5 meters, in turns to the left, on and
to the right of the baseline to cover as much area with as
few test pits as possible.
About 160 dives with a dive time close to 80 hours were
accomplished in the course of 16 dive days. Considering
that included in these days were the reexcavation and do-
cumentation of the section from 2012 the applied method
proofed to be fast and efective, although some aspects
may need to be added or reined. Nearly 100 sondage pits
were excavated and documented, covering more than one
hectare of sealoor. A mapping of them utilizing thiessen
polygons shows that in approximately 3500 m² of this
area, primarily in the south and west of the previous ex-
cavation, layers of interest are present (Goldhammer/
Hartz 2015). This provides important information for
the evaluation of the site and planning of future cam-
paigns, focusing now on further exact excavation.
Feiko Wilkes,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Fig. 7 The procedure: Blowing away the covering sediment (1); cleaning the sondage pit, collecting and identifying
artifacts (2); measuring the covering sediment, deining the layer sediment, preparation of photo documentation (3);
logging of the sondage pit (4) (photos: NIhK ).
Fig. 8 The resulting map of the site (modiied after Goldhammer/Hartz in print).
Goldhammer/Hartz 2015
J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Der ertebøllezeitliche Siedlungs-
platz von Strande LA 163, Kr. Rendsburg-Eckernförde,
und die Littorina-Transgression – Submarine Prospek-
tionsarbeiten und Sondagen. Siedlungs- und Küstenfor-
schung an der südlichen Nordseeküste 38, 2015, 29–41.
Goldhammer/Hartz in print:
J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Fished up from the Baltic Sea
– a new Ertebølle site near Stohl clif line (Bay of Kiel).
In: G. Bailey, J. Harf, D. Sakellariou (Hrsg.) UNDER
THE SEA: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes. Springer
Coastal Research Library (Dorderecht - in print).
Halbwidl/Hoppe 2009
E. Halbwidl/K. Hoppe, Der Einluss von Teredo navalis
auf submarine Kulturgüter an der schleswig-holsteini-
schen Ostseeküste. In: U. Müller/S. Kleingärtner/F. Huber
(Hrsg.), Zwischen Nord- und Ostsee 1997-2007. Zehn
Jahre Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäo-
logie (AMLA) in Schleswig-Holstein. Universitätsfor-
schungen zur Prähist. Arch. 165 (Bonn 2009) 99–108.
Hirte 1987
Ch. Hirte, Die Archäologie der monoxylen Wasserfahr-
zeuge im nördlichen Mitteleuropa. Eine Studie zur Re-
präsentativität der Quellen in chorologischer, chronolo-
gischer und kon-zeptioneller Hinsicht (Kiel 1987).
Huber 2009
F. Huber, Tätigkeitbericht der Jahre 2008 und 2009 der
Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie
(AMLA). Starigard 9, 2008/09, 115–124.
Huber 2011
F. Huber, Tätigkeitsbericht der Jahre 2010 und 2011 der
Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie
(AMLA). Starigard 10, 2010/11, 1–9.
Kramer 1990
W. Kramer, Bericht über die archäologischen Untersu-
chungen in der Schlei im Winter 1989/1990.Arch. Nachr.
S-H 1, 1990, 77–98.
Kröger 2011
L. Kröger, Einbäume des Maingebietes – Fähren als ver-
bindendes Element eines mittelalterlichen und frühneu-
zeitlichen Wegesystems. Siedl.- und Küstenforsch. im
südl. Nordseegebiet 34, 2011, 115–128.
Steffensen 2015
F. Stefensen, Die monoxylen Wasserfahrzeuge der Schlei
unter besonderer Betrachtung eines Einbaums des Fund-
platzes LA 11 bei Kappeln., Artikel Jahr-
gang 2015, 52.
In recent decades we have witnessed almost revolutiona-
ry changes in the documentation of underwater heritage.
The research in this area was given a strong impetus by
development of a special discipline within archeology,
strongly stimulated by changes in research philosophy.
It had outgrown the passion for collecting artifacts to en-
gage in data collecting and a carefully considered, less
invasive handling of heritage. Remote sensing of anthro-
pogenic changes, enabled by the use of sonar equipment,
especially in the archaeological research of larger local
and regional areas, brought a new ideological concept.
It made archeologists alter their attitudes to heritage and
opt for more non-invasive research techniques. Simulta-
neous technological development of measurement sen-
sors, information technologies and programming tools
have to revolutionary changes in the profession, enabling
absolutely accurate documentation of sites. Some of the-
se changes appeared also in the archaeological research
in the Eastern Adriatic.
Miran Erič, Gregor Berginc, Rok Kovačič, Kristijan Celec
A short review of the application of 3D documentation methods on
selected UW heritage sites in Slovenia and the Adriatic: the need
for changes in methodology
Fig. 1 Stari Grad Plain, Island Hvar, Croatia: Left (a): Early use of DEM; point density of 25 m to 25 m, interpolated
reconstruction by Tomaž Podobnikar and Zoran Stančič (Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies (IASS) ZRC
SAZU); application of satellite images processed by Krištof Oštir and Z. Stančič (IASS ZRC SAZU) (indication of the
source) combined by historical analysis of Stari Grad Plain and landscape changes in the 19th century by rectiicated
cadastrial maps. Right (b): Detailed micro-analysis of the landscape structures survey of Greek modular parcellation
and anthropogenic changes.
Three dimensional (3D) documentation methods,
used in recent decades in the research of under-
water sites in the region
Digital Elevation Model - DEM (also Digital Terrain
Model - DTM, and Digital Surface Model - DSM,
which includes representation of the vegetation canopy
and infrastructure)
In Slovenia modern methods and datasets began to be
used in archaeology in the 1980s when a group of resear-
chers from the Department of Archaeology started expe-
rimenting with remote data capturing1
. Remote sensing
methods in surveying saw a quick and intensive growth
due to availability of satellite imagery and development
of photogrammetric methods, in particular stereo-photo-
grammetry, the by-products of which were digital relief
models. Because of the nature of archaeological research,
aiming predominately at discovery of anthropogenic
changes in landscape, the latest indings and remote sen-
sing results have opened up a completely new research
area. They brought new knowledge, viewed from a fresh
1 Stančič/Šivic 1988, Stančič/Slapšak 1988.
perspective and with „new eyes“. The earliest testing of
usefulness of remote sensing in the region was carried
out in the test area of the Stari Grad Plain on the island
Hvar. Since 1982, intensive research has been conducted
within various projects on the island2
. On the ground of
the research achievements, the Stari Grad Plain was irst
nominated and then, in 2008, placed on the UNESCO
World Cultural Heritage list as the best preserved cultu-
ral landscape of Greek colonization. This research showed
great usefulness of the remote sensing methods applied. It
was the irst time that satellite images were used in the re-
gion to analyze the surface investigated and that a 3D DEM
was produced by means of photogrammetry (Fig. 1a). The
model was later used for a more detailed analysis of the
location (Fig. 1b). Great usefulness of 3D spatial mode-
ling became apparent when a 3D representation of the Sta-
ri Grad ields was produced, which ofered the possibility
of spatial appreciation of the size of this heritage site. It
was exploited to produce a promotional ilm, which was
added to the documentation for the UNESCO World Cul-
tural Heritage nomination proposal and signiicantly con-
tributed to its inclusion in the list in 2008 (Fig. 2).
The irst DEMs were not very clear due to the sparsity of
points in the grid, the precision being conditioned by the
quality and accuracy of publicly available satellite imagery.
This methodology, based on analyses and comparisons of
DEMs with the data collected from other sources made
it possible to make a historical analysis and „clariica-
tion“ of latter-day, man-produced traces, and soon found
2 See the history of research of the Stari Grad plain. [On line]
Available at: ?p=5 [Ac-
cessed at 24th of March 2015].
Fig. 2 Short promotional reconstructions and visualisation of the Stari Grad Plain in the time of Greek colonization in
the 4th century BC (See also: [On line] Available at: v=0PHEB TJf88 [Accessed on
24th March 2015]). The ilm was produced in 2004 by Miran Erič, Branko Kirigin and Božidar Slapšak (Erič/Kirigin/
Slapšak 2008) with the help of Zoran Stančič, Krištof Oštir and Tomaž Podobnikar (IASS ZRC SAZU) by means of DEM
reconstruction of satellite images (LANDSAT TM 1998) in the production of ArtRebel9 company.
Left: Silhouette of western part of the island Hvar with the Stari Grad Plain to the north.
Right: A SW to NE view of the reconstruction of the probable ancient environment of the Stari Grad Plain.
Fig. 3 Underwater measuring by TST: in shallow water (to the depth of 5 m) by means of a prism on a stick (left
drawing; Gaspari/Erič 2010, p. 60, Fig. 10), and on deeper sites by means of a buoy and a prism (right drawing; ib., p.
60, Fig. 11). Before appearance of 3D measuring techniques TST was very useful, comfortable and much more precise
than the earlier techniques, particularly on underwater river sites and nearby coast (e.g. the Carolingian site Volar in
the Ljubljanica River, discovered in 2003/2004).
Fig. 4 Combined use of diferent topographic 3D databases (DEM) and ield research surveying methods (TST), used
for reconstruction and interpretation of the processes in mankind evolution and of environmental changes in prehistoric
times. To document the Stone Age hunters camp in the Ljubija river at Zalog near Vrhnika on the SW outskirts of the
Ljubljansko barje (Gaspari/Erič 2006a) a DEM with resolution of 12.5 m grid was used as a by-product of the ortho-
graphic evaluation of the vertical air photography (a); for a closer view a DEM with a 5 m grid was used (b); and the
coniguration of the nearby area was examined by means of TST measurements, with a grid of ~2x2 m and an underwa-
ter grid of ~1x1 m (c).
its use also in the research of underwater archaeological
sites. Its applicability in archaeology grew with the rise
of point cloud density and development of 3D DEMs.
In the course of preparation of the state commissioned
orthophotographic mapping documents for Slovenia, by
DFG Consulting from Ljubljana, the imagery accuracy
was steadily improving. Within a 15-year period, fol-
lowing the early 1990s, the density of 100 m x 100 m was
raised to 50 m x 50 m, then 25 m x 25 m, 12.5 m x 12.5
m to inally reach 5 m x 5 m point cloud density. At that
time, this density level provided in archaeology border-
line applicability and data accuracy, which made at least
investigation of larger local sites and regions possible.
Total Station Theodolite - TST (opticals and lasers)
This important instrument brought methodological inno-
vations into archaeology at a time when topographical
of archaeological sites were still being made
by means of manual measuring and georeferencing, be-
fore modern lidar and laser measuring techniques and
photogrammetric 3D modeling were introduced. The
application of TST made it possible, with a bit of inno-
vativeness, to signiicantly upgrade the quality of ield
documentation and, thereby, to improve reconstructional
and interpretative results. Replacing manual data capture,
with its use of measuring grids, tape measurements and
drawing boards under water, TST greatly improved the
results, at least on the underwater sites not deeper than
5m. Under favourable conditions (aquatic environments
without strong currents, proximity of shore) and with the
help of specially adapted buoys, equipped with prisms,
even deeper sites could be documented (Fig. 3). Since
1994, the Underwater Archaeology Division of Slovenia
has regularly made use of this combination and stratii-
cation of diferent data sets in its work on underwater
sites. On one of the most important locations, a Stone-
Age hunters’ campsite on the western edge of Ljubljans-
ko barje4
at Zalog pri Verdu near Vrhnika, diferent data
sets of 3D data layers were applied in diferent scales
(Fig. 4). This type of data capture method on underwater
cultural heritage sites has been practically adopted while
3D measuring instruments has become available at lower
prices and improved data processing algorithms as free
share software availability – a global trend – has greatly
facilitated documentative research work.
3 Up to 1970s all archaeological topography was documented
on the state topographic maps. Topographic maps DTK 1:
50.000 and limited access less DTK 1: 25.000 until the 1991
was in use. Since 1995, the State Geodetic Administration
released also use of TTN 1: 5000. These maps were also a
topographic basis for georeferencing of archaeological
sites. Access to a variety of national topographic bases
including DEM after 2000 fully released.
4 Ljubljansko barje or Ljubljana Moor is the 166 sq km big
typical Karstic ield geologically characterized as moor.
Terrestrial Laser Scanning - TLS
In the last decade we have witnessed a rapid develop-
ment in the ield of measuring instruments and in the
data processing software. Improved algorithms have
made processing of vast volumes of data possible. Even
not too expensive instruments have now reached the
speed of 50pt/sec in spatial data capture while those of
the highest quality can do as many as 1Mpt/sec. Laser
recorded 3D models in lower-priced instruments may
contain from 40k/m2
to as many as 25k/m2
, whereas the
density reached with the highest quality instruments can
be four times higher, and thus also the accuracy of the
document. Errors, in any direction (xyz), can in this type
of 3D models, therefore, not be higher than 1 mm, and in
most cases do not exceed a tenth of a millimeter. Obvi-
ously, the quantity of the data that need to be processed
is enormous. This requires powerful hardware and very
good software solutions, which entails high processing
costs and expert involvement. Therefore, it may be said
that the quality and accuracy of 3D models acquired by
means of TLS may simply be too high to be viable in
investigation of large cultural heritage site areas (e.g. ar-
chitecture, colonization and settlement areas). A common
sense use of diferent measuring techniques and measu-
ring devices for 3D documentation of cultural heritage
is, therefore, called for and necessary if we wish to be-
have rationally. Our work ranges from documentation of
the tiniest objects (e.g. coins, ibulas, small ornaments
etc.) on the one hand to measurements of large cultural
landscapes, which are the subject of cultural heritage
and archaeological investigations on the other. The per-
formance characteristics of TLS measuring instruments
make them most suitable for imaging of cultural herita-
ge areas up to 300 m in radius. Nevertheless, by moving
the instrument several times and acquiring data from a
series of standpoints it is also possible to record larger
areas (Fig. 5). Direct application of TLS techniques for
documentation of underwater cultural heritage and in un-
derwater archaeology is not possible, however, it is often
employed as a source of spatial data in the wider environ-
ment of the heritage and for interpretative placement of
underwater heritage in the broader cultural context.
Thanks to the physical properties of the sound, studying
the loors of water bodies (seas, lakes, rivers, streams)
has a long tradition. The irst single-beam echo-sounders,
invented at the beginning of the 20th century, provided
the irst detailed hypsographic and topographic maps of
the beds of water bodies. The technique of sonar data
capture was patented by the German inventor Alexander
Behm as early as 1913.5
Before his discovery mariners
used to do depth sounding for navigation purposes and
avoidance of accidents by using simple plumb lines and
so gained at least some rough, linear, knowledge of the
morphology of the sea loor. Sonar is a device which
emits and receives an acoustic signal in water. By de-
termining the time (depth) between the emission of the
in the grid recordings it was possible, even with
a single-beam sonar7
, to obtain a rather accurate three-
dimensional image of the bed of a water body. Testing
and application of single-beam echo-sounders on under-
water cultural heritage sites in Slovenia has considerably
heightened accuracy and precision of underwater inds,
and has, in addition, enabled us to link the morphology
of water beds directly with that of the shores and nearby
environment (Fig. 6).8
Such data are needed mainly to
5 Patent DRP No. 282009 from 22nd
July 1913 (Behm 1913).
6 The average speed of the sound travelling in water is between
1450 and 1500 m/sec. It depends on saaltness, pressure and
temperature of water (Pierce 1989).
7 Sonar with a single emiter/receiver of sound.
8 Gaspari/Erič 2006b.
gain an understanding of paleo-environmental changes
and the appearance of heritage. Around 1960, the Ame-
rican navy developed the Sonar Array Sounding System
, a predecessor of the Multi-Beam Echo Sound-
ers (MBES). Today sonars may possess up to 500 emit-
ters/receivers, which can be widened and narrowed in a
fan-like fashion, and can so adjust the recording beam
to the depth of the terrain imaged and so to achieve the
density of points required for the study of cultural heri-
tage remains. A broader angle is used in shallow waters
in order to investigate a broader band and to shorten the
recording time; when, however, the required data are in
deeper waters, the angles between individual measuring
units are narrowed, which increases the data density In
its today’s form, bathymetry10
is a very important tech-
nique for analyses of wide areas of the territorial sea and
continental water bodies and for learning about natural
processes efecting changes in paleo-landscapes and an-
thropogenic changes in the region. The very limitedness
and small size of the Slovenian territorial sea in the Gulf
of Trieste and Alpine lakes in the mountainous northwes-
tern part of Slovenia were ideal locations for testing and
understanding the result content. The amount of know-
ledge on cultural heritage remains, buried in the sea, dou-
bled after acquisition of bathymetric data, and increased
tenfold in the case of Alpine lakes (Fig. 7)11
9 Theberge/Cherkis 2013
10 i.q. hypsometry or topography
11 Slovenian territorial sea (see Erič/Poglajen/Gaspari 2012);
Lake Bled (see: Poglajen/Mozetič/Vranac 2012).
Fig. 5 Successful use of TLS measurements in the 120 m long Great Hall of the Škocjan Caves in the Slovenian Karst
region (a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site), with the river Reka passing through a 6 km long cave system. Left:
Longitudinal cross-section (top) and ground plan (bottom) of the Great Hall with the 15 stand positions of TLS laser
scanner. Right: Visualisation of the point cloud obtained by 3D laser scanning of a part of the Great Hall.
Airborn Laser Scanning - ALS (also Light Detection
and Ranging - Lidar)
ALS is an optical remote sensing technology of great im-
portance for the development of research methodology
and widening of in which landscape cultural heritage and
the processes of past anthropogenic changes are investi-
gated ALS results similarly as multi-beam sonar devices,
by determining the distance between the emitter and the
water bottom surface measured; only that it works op-
tically, using a laser beam. The measurements obtained
produce a 3D image of the Earth surface (as well as a
hypsometric map) The results of the raw data acquired
by ALS are usually referred to as Digital Surface Models
(DSM). They are comprehensive and include both the
infrastructure and the vegetation canopy. By eliminating
these two, the automatically programmed iltering of the
raw DSM data yields a DEM map of the Earth surface
elevations. In Slovenia elevation maps were originally
generated as by-products of orthophotographic carto-
graphy maps (with resolutions of 100 m, 50 m, 12.5 m
and 5 m). ALS images became available in archeology
already in the irst years of the 21st century. They repre-
sented a substantial contribution to the unveiling of past
events in landscape archeology, where speciic landscape
properties are measured with diferent distance sensing
techniques (e.g. aero-archaeology, shallow geophysical
surveys, satellite optical measurements etc.). Earth sur-
face morphology had never before been so accurately
recorded. A minimum data density of 20pt/m2
is needed
Fig. 6 Research of the Ljubljanica riverbed near Bevke, conducted in 2004 within the framework of the European
Fluvial Heritage Project, supported by the European Union (Culture 2000) three diferent 3D topographic databases
(DEM, TLS and single-beam sonar results) were combined to explore this archaeological site from the Bronze and Early
Roman Ages.
Fig. 7 High density bathymetry, using multi-beam sonar, is very appropriate in broader cultural heritage studies to
gain knowledge about the scope of underwater culture heritage sites and to plan protection and management of susta-
inable research and public promotion of the use of 3D models. Left (a): In the Slovenian territorial sea 18 new shipw-
recks were detected against 20 known previously. Middle (b): As until recently only a few modern boats were known to
have sunk in Lake Bled, it was a great surprise that as many as 28 sunken boats, 6 of them most probably older logboats
[e.g. Right (c)], were detected by Sašo Poglajen from Harpha Sea company (see Poglajen/Mozetič/Vranac 2012) in
2008 by means of multi-beam sonar measuring.
to recognize anthropogenic changes in a landscape and to
achieve a complete and non-destructive distance-sensed
identiication of the archaeological remains (Fig. 8).
More prominent remains (big buildings, roads, mounds
etc.) can of course be detected at lower densities. It has to
be admitted that quite a few important past results have
been achieved on the basis of 5 m DTM12
, which means
with a density of 1pt/ar2
. In 2017 already, Slovenia will
have publicly available DEM data for the entire country,
made on the basis of Lidar measurements (with resoluti-
on of 200pt/ar2
). For very precise archaeological spatial
analyses this data may seem somewhat robust13
, but since
there is an obvious trend in the direction of higher data
density, it is possible to expect data density of 2500pt/
in a few years, which completely satisies the requi-
rements in analysing anthropogenic changes and cultural
12 Erič 2004
13 Mlekuž 2013
Higher precision and closer measure scale 3D
scanning of cultural heritage sites and artefacts;
Laser, -structure and -modular White Light Scanners
(WLS) and Photogrammetry.
Underwater archaeology has a long history,14
and has
been practiced on the eastern coast of the Adriatic15
considerable time. In its beginnings it experienced the
same limitations as general photogrammetry. Taking
underwater photographs used to be a lengthy process
because the photos needed to be properly aligned so
that corresponding points in stereo pairs could later be
identiied in the laboratory. In the past this made photo-
grammetry in underwater documentation more expensive
than manual or classical documentation. (Fig. 9, Left)16
Since the technique was time-consuming and the measu-
ring costs high, the photogrammetrically obtained data
density was not high enough and so did not completely
replace classical documentation in the form of drawings
14 Drap et al. 2013
15 Erič et al. 2013
16 Gluščević 2009
Fig. 8 Two applications of ALS methodology in landscape archaeology studies. Left (a): The Škocjan Caves - a
UNESCO Natural Heritage area with registered culture heritage sites; TLS images of the Great Hall cave ceiling and
anthropogenic changes, extracted from point clouds in the Lidar database and integrated into a DEM of the surface
(Lidar scanning with 2500pt/ar2 density; Novakovič et al. 2014). Right (b): Southwestern part of Ljubljansko barje
near Vrhnika showing the estimated position of the settlement of Nauportus (transparent white circle) and the positions
of a Roman logboat from the 1st century AD (1) and a Roman lat-bottomed ship from year 3 AD (2). The topographic
plan, obtained by Lidar scanning [2500pt/ar2
density] allows us to detect paleo-environmental evidence (a, b) of paleo
thrusted ridges of the old coast of the Ljubljansko barje Lake and compare it to anthropogenic changes of the wider
landscape. (c) Slope of the Ljubljanica river channel or/and the coast of the Lake (Erič et al. 2014).
and other ield measurement techniques. Modern com-
puter based photogrammetrical methods now yield data
of much higher density, comparable to that of 3D ima-
ges, which are made up of a dense point cloud, in which
each point has corresponding three-space coordinates.
By taking a number of photos of an object or location
from diferent viewpoints, it is possible to reconstruct an
almost complete 3D model. In the process of capturing
photographs, there are no constraints regarding the place-
ment of cameras One can hold the camera in one’s hands
together with additional equipment. The only thing that
matters is a large enough set of photographs, which must
overlap one other by about 75%. The computer software
that makes a 3D model reconstruction from the video is
already available (Fig. 9, Right).17
The simplicity of use,
in comparison with classical documentation methods, is
the feature that can explain why this approach is so fre-
quently used in archaeological research.
17 Koncani Uhač/Uhač 2012
Fig. 9 A comparison of two archaeological case studies, using 3D Photogrammetry, performed at an interval of app.
15 years. Left: The irst stereo photogrammetric 3D documentation of an underwater archaeological site, carried out on
the island Grebeni (near Silba island in Dalmatia) in the Adriatic in 2001. As at that time no computer applications for
automatic frame tracking existed, the entire tracking processing had to be done manually, which meant each frame had
to be analyzed separately to obtain enough characteristics to stitch all photographs onto the same 3D model. This 3D
Model of a shipwreck, with a 5 x 5m grid, was produced with the help of DFG Consulting company from Ljubljana with
their own software (DoG, SeX, etc.), developed by Tomaž Gvozdanović. The entire 3D modeling process required three
months of work, which makes the method quite impractical and too expensive to be used as a standard method in under-
water archaeology. Right: 15 years later new software with updated algorithms and new frame-tracking applications
made automatic 3D model photogrammetry available. Today this new modern modeling applications are open source
code, i.e. free of charge. (An especially important feature of these applications is completely automatic functioning
and high speed). In the last two years is has become possible to generate photogrammetric 3D models also from video
frames, such as compact cameras, mobile phones or small video cameras. In the Adriatic Sea area a photogrammetric
3D was irst generated from video records of a Bronze Age ship (12th century BC). The Shipwreck was excavated in the
bay of Zambratija near Umag (Croatia) by Ida Koncani Uhač and Marko Uhač from the Archaeological Museum of
Istra in Pula. Video recording was done by Christian Petretich, 3D modeling by Gregor Berginc (3Dimenzija) by means
of Mementify©PHOV.
Fig. 10 3D models of important artefacts show highly precise virtual reconstructions of real inds immediately after
excavations. Site documentation is very important because of the possible occurrence of damage or destruction after
conservation. Left: Stone Age hunters camp at Zalog near Verd on the western edge of Ljubljansko barje in the Slovenian
internal waters. During the excavations in 2004 a rare ind was detected on the underwater site, an almost 9000 year-old
woman’s scull (As the importance of indings push us to use possibilities we have). A 3D model of the scull, with reso-
lution of less than 0.1 mm, was made in the Computer Vision Laboratory of the Faculty for Computer and Information
Science of the University of Ljubljana by Daniel Skočaj, Matjaž Jogan, Alenka Fink and Marko Grzetič. Right: Immediately
after the discovery of a 45000-year old point, made of yew wood (the top part of a palaeolithic hunters weapon) it was 3D
imaged by Kristijan Celec from IB-Procadd Ltd. Ljubljana, by means of ZScanner Z800, with less than 0.01 mm resolution
in any of the three axes (xyz) The ind seems to be very important because according to Marcus Egg from Römisch-
Germanischen Zentralmuseum it was treated with a melamine inish. A comparative analysis will show the diferences
between pre- and after conservation measure of the ratio of the artefact.
Fig. 11 Study of 3D modeling and analysis of documentation accuracy on an Early Roman lat bottom ship, found in
the river Ljubljanica near Sinja Gorica, Slovenia. Left: After analyzing the accuracy of the 3D model constructed with
photogrammetric methods and comparing it with TLS measurements, it was possible to ind an error in TLS measure-
ments. In absence of more exact measurements such errors cannot be identiied if the relationships between the points
are erroneous. Middle: Unexpectedly, we were able to detect the correlation between direction of wrong measurements
and ind the reason for the mistakes in measurements, caused by the divers’s, who by wishing to measure the points as
accuratly as possible, pushed the prism too hard into the low of the river, shown as rosetta. Right: After site aquisition
of the data by Rok Kovačič from Golden Light Photography/Kult Company, a 3D model (with more than 500k pts/cloud
and less than 1 mm error) was built by Gregor Berginc from XLab Company/3dimenzija Company, Slovenia, using a self
developed Mementify©PHOV application.
The case of the palaeolithic wooden point
In 2004 Slovenian archaeologists obtained very goods
results by 3D scaning of artefact from Stone age hun-
ter camp underwater archaeological site in Zalog near
therefore the 3D documentation methodology
was adopted also to document an artefact of truly great
rarity (Fig. 10, Left).
In 2008 they discovered a pointed wooden object in the
Ljubljanica River near Vrhnika in the Ljubljansko barje
Two wood samples were dated by means of the
AMS 14C method. The wooden point was produced and
used around 45,000 years ago, in the time the Neandert-
hals were gradually becoming extinct and the irst ana-
tomically modern humans were beginning their journey
from the Middle East to Europe. This links the Ljubljani-
ca site with the four other European sites that have produ-
ced the remains of wooden hunting weapons dating back
to the Palaeolithic (Clacton-on-Sea, Lehringen, Schönin-
gen, and Mannheim). After completion of basic research,
the object was 3D-recorded with a high-precision 3D
laser scanner so that its shape could be accurately docu-
mented (Fig. 10, Right).
The case of the early Roman barge
In September 2008 a preventive underwater survey of the
river bed of the Ljubljanica near Sinja Gorica in Slovenia
revealed the remains of a vessel. A closer inspection of the
exposed cross-section of the vessel indicated that the vessel
could be a more than 16 m long barge with a lat bottom and
nearly vertical side planks, coupled with iron clamps.20
preliminary radiocarbon analysis of the wood indicated that
it was built and used ca. 2000 years ago. The Roman barge,
which contained no cargo or other objects, was irst cleaned
of recent sediments. Then the shape of the visible part of the
barge was documented by means of two methods, the ma-
nual survey and photogrammetry. This made it possible to
compare the two methodologies and inally decide to aban-
don and replace the older. The 3D model derived from the
photogrammetrical reconstruction was much more accura-
te and informative than the manually drawn documentati-
on, containing 2D loor and side views, 2D cross sections
and detailed drawings of individual construction elements
(Fig. 11). The 3D model allows an almost equally detailed
examination and analysis of the vessel as observation in
situ. Even the archive photographs of extremely high quali-
ty, which are still useful, cannot match the 3D model.
18 Gaspari 2006; Hincak/Štefančič 2006
19 Gaspari/Erič/Odar 2011
20 Erič et al. 2014
Today it is no longer necessary to discuss and highlight
the importance of the developments in the documentation
of underwater inds in the last 20 years or of the research
into possibilities of implementation of three-dimensional
data capturing, which is presently accessible through a
number of measuring instruments on the one hand, and
a rapid development of computer software and updated
algorithms on the other. It is obvious that the documen-
tation of cultural heritage underwater inds has achieved
outstanding quality, comparable to that of the inds-on
dry land, with errors not exceeding 1 mm. In underwa-
ter documentation this means absolute accuracy. New
measuring techniques, using photogrammetry and new
methods for assessment of 3D data, have moved from
ield to oices and have greatly shortened the need for
the divers’ ield presence. Since divers’ fees represent the
highest item in the costs of a project, this has signiicant-
ly reduced the needed inancial input. At the same time
it has considerably improved safety at work; the results
(of higher quality) are obtained in far shorter time and the
duration of the divers’ exposure is, therefore, also shor-
ter. It can already be predicted, without a shred of doubt,
that archeological methodology teaching materials will
have to be updated as soon as possible and that the ar-
cheologists who are actively involved in research and are
not keeping up with the progress in the profession should
step down and make way for younger colleagues.
Miran Erič,
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia,
Poljanska 40, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gregor Berginc,
Tretja dimenzija Ltd.; XLAB Ltd. Paderšičeva 37, SI-8000
Novo Mesto, Slovenia.
Rok Kovačič,
Kult Ltd. ©Golden Light Photography, Cesta na Laze
14, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kristijan Celec,
Carthago reisenmobil SLO Ltd. Kamenice 2, SI-9233,
Odranci, Slovenia (2008 employed by IB-procadd Com-
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2011 the „Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps“
had been granted the UNECSO World Heritage label
in six middle European countries. Out of 1000 known
lake settlements around the alps 111 were placed under
World Heritage protection (Fig. 1). Five of the 111 lake
settlements are archaeological sites in Austria: Abtsdorf I
(Attersee, Upper Austria), Abtsdorf III (Attersee, Upper
Austria), Litzlberg Süd (Attersee, Upper Austria), See
(Mondsee, Upper Austria), Keutschach (Keutschacher
See, Carinthia) (Fig. 2).
The selection of the underwater sites represents a spec-
trum of important lake settlements from the neolithic to
the bronze age period in Austria. Unfortunately, some
of these famous archaeological sites have a challenging
conservation situation. In order to fulill the terms of the
World Heritage status, the national management asso-
ciation „Kuratorium Pfahlbauten“ was commissioned
to work out concepts to guarantee the safeguarding of
the World Heritage sites. Furthermore the association is
responsible for performing and encouraging research on
lake settlement sites in Austria.
Helena Novak
Neolithic Lake Settlements
A new UNESCO World Heritage leads to the emerging of underwater-
and wetland-research in Austria
Fig. 1 Map of all known lake settlements around the alps (© Palaittes).
For a better understanding of the situation of the archaeo-
logical sites under water, the site management of Upper
Austria implemented a monitoring system in each World
Heritage during the last two years. So, since January
2013, the lake settlements are under continuous control.
Through the constant monitoring, areas, which are ex-
posed to damaging impacts can be identiied. Regular
measurements survey the extent of erosions, washing of
the prehistoric layers. The data that is collected during
monitoring campaigns is crucial for our understanding of
the impact itself and for working out research concepts,
that form the basis for a proper and sustainable preserva-
tion of the sites.
Monitoring system
The monitoring system is a long-term project and mainly
consists of three methods of observation: erosion mar-
kers, coring, surface survey.
Erosion markers
To measure the efect of erosion in the protected areas,
a grid of erosion markers was installed. The markers
are stakes of one meter length, which were put into the
ground, leaving only 10 cm above ground level. At least
two times per year, the site management surveys the ero-
sion markers in order to document the development of se-
dimentation (increase or erosion of sediment coverage).
The regular control also indicates in which season of the
year erosion or deposition of lake sediment takes place.
These are important informations to understand the ori-
gin of erosion. Measurements taken in winter showed
deposition of sediment at the prehistoric settlement area
of Seewalchen at Attersee. During the summer, starting
with the beginning of the shipping season on Attersee,
massive erosion takes place. This is most likely due to
the fact, that the landing base for the large tourist ship
of Attersee is located close to the settlelement area. The
ship`s propellers cause sediment resuspension, which is
transported from the location by a constant water stream
of the nearby river „Ager“. In this way, the natural ero-
sion is massively increased by the impact of the ship`s
propellers. There is good evidence, that without shipping
during summer in the settlement area, erosion would be
minimized or might even be completely absent (Fig. 3).
For a better understanding of the stratigraphy and to esti-
mate the spread of the lake settlements coring is used. The
cores for the sediment extractions are between 1–2 m long
and have a diameter of 9 cm. The amount of material that
can be extracted depends on the compound of the lake
ground. Larger stones or gravel, often used for shore con-
Fig. 2 Map of Austrian lake settlements with UNESCO World Heritage label (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten).
structions, are hardly penetrable structures. Therefore, in
shore areas in most cases only small cores can be extracted
and in some cases even smaller drilling units have to be
used. In these areas, erosion impact is frequent, so preh-
istoric layers are mostly located within 30–50 cm depth
from the sediment surface. Ofshore settlements may be
found underneath huge amounts of lake sediments. At
Litzlberg Süd, for example, the last remains where found
85 m ofshore underneath more than 1m sediment. The
recent indings show that the expansion of the settlement
area reaches much further into the lake than indicated in an
earlier survey in 1977 (Pohl 2014; Fig. 4).
Surface surveying
At least two times per year the research team surveys all
underwater World Heritage sites of Austria. During these
regular campaigns the monitoring systems are expanded
and overhauled. The irst measurements show that the
applied system indicates expected damages at some of
the protected zones. Impacts on smaller areas need spe-
cialized preventive measures and sometimes immediate
protection measures, like started in a buoy-project (q.v.
Litzlberg Süd). Longterm survey of the surface under
water is necessary for a proper monitoring, documenta-
tion and prevention of damages and for meaningful and
qualitative evidence to plan sustainable preservation ar-
New survey methods to collect more accurate data and
for a better visualization of the situation under water are
at test stage. The University of Vienna1
and the company
„Crazy Eye“2
were running tests for the use of Structure
1 Mag. Viktor Jansa wrote his Master-Thesis at the
Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
from the University of Vienna about problems and
possible solutions for monitoring of underwater
sites with new technical methods. He was running
irst tests for the use of SfM at lake settlement sites
of Attersee (Jansa 2013).
2 Mag. Ronny Weßling from the company „Crazy Eye“
reconstructed with SfM a 3D Model of the excavation
Fig. 3 Erosion marks at Litzlberg Süd (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Christian Howe).
from Motion (SfM) under water.
It is possible to compare several 3D models of an area
from diferent monitoring periods to each other and take
measurements within the models. The models could be
used to measure erosion or other changes of surface topo-
graphy. So far SfM was mainly tested on small areas under
water (Jansa 2013, 107–108).
If it would be possible to apply the method for large-scale
surveys, the monitoring would be much more detailed
than a grid of erosion marks ever could be. As part of
the research project „Zeitensprung“ a irst underwater
settlement excavation will be accompanied with SfM in
October 2015. First survey tests at the excavation area
were taken in April 2015 (Weßling 2015).
The monitoring of the last years already provides im-
portant information about the diferent conditions of the
sites and a variation of damaging activities under water.
site from Seewalchen at Attersee (Weßling 2015).
State of the World Heritage sites
See, Mondsee (Upper Austria)
Date: Neolithic, 3971–3357 BC
Ox Cal calibration of C14-Analyses of J. Ofenberger
in 1976 (Hirmann 1999).
The neolithic settlement area is located next to the mouth
of the river Seeache, which connects the two lakes
Mondsee and Attersee. The site was irst discovered in
1872 by Matthäus Much, who collected a huge amount of
indings from there. The collection is still used for educa-
tional purposes by the University of Vienna.
Today, the remains of the former lakeshore settlement are
found 2–5 m underneath the water surface. The constant
undertow in this area causes signiicant erosion. Natural
lake sediments above the cultural layers have washed of
(Fig. 5).
Never the less in this area still exist prehistoric layers of
about 30 cm depth (Pohl 2014). It is remarkable that they
Fig. 4 Coring carried out by Uwitec. Core of Litzlberg Süd with huge amounts of lake sediment on top of the cultural layer
(© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Christian Howe and Henrik Pohl).
had been preserved, after such longterm erosion. Perhaps
the heaviness of erosion increase after modern river regu-
lation or bank ixation during the last 150 years. There is
evidence that constructions like seawalls of concrete in-
terfere with the way waves impact on the ground. That is
why erosion increases at surrounding areas of such tech-
nical modiications (Schröder 2013, 27). However, at
the World Heritage site See at Mondsee there is extensive
erosion and a longterm protection responsibility.
Recent developments in our neighbouring countries al-
ready provide sound methods for preventing erosion.
Such methods are, e.g., covering the cultural layers with
geotextile and gravel. Tests at the archaeological site
Unteruhldingen at Bodensee, for example, show the pro-
tection efect of gravel illing (Hofmann 2013, 46). This
could also be a practicable system for the preservation of
the World Heritage site of Mondsee. Currently, research
strategies are developed in order to learn as much as pos-
sible about the site conditions before covering it.
Litzlberg Süd, Attersee (Upper Austria)
Date: Neolithic
Findings from the site indicate the dating (Hirmann 1999).
The World Heritage sites atAttersee are in good condition.
Natural lake sediments have build up on top of the cultural
layers of all sites of Attersee. Furthermore, at some areas,
stonewort covers the surface. The supericial deposit acts
like a protection zone against exposure. However, impacts
caused by human activities are able to reach the cultural
layers, despite deposits of 0.50 m to more than 1m.
Most of the shore areas at Attersee are private properties.
The owners moore their sailboats on buoys in the World
Heritage zone. The buoys are attached on heavy stones at
the ground with iron chains. The chains of some buoys are
long enough to touch the ground. The problem is that those
chains are under constant movement. The chains stir up the
ground and occasionally form huge craters. The size of the-
se caters may reach over 10 m in diameter with more than
2 m depth. In some cases the chain cuts through the natural
sediments, digs up cultural layers and destroys them. The-
re are also abandoned buoy stones on the ground. In this
cases the craters ill with deposit material and thus are se-
dimented again. If we assume that for each lost buoy stone
a new one was installed, it is most likely that the archaeolo-
gical site is already heavily damaged. To prevent the World
Heritage site from more destruction of that kind, the site
management developed a protection project in cooperation
with the national heritage agencies (Österreichisches Bun-
desdenkmalamt) and the Österreichische Bundesforste as
administrative authority of the lake .
Starting with 2015 the buoy service of Attersee will ins-
tall an intersystem on the sailboat buoys to lift the chains
from the ground. A smaller buoy between the sailboat
buoy and the stone shell prevent the lake bed from dama-
ge caused by the rotation of the chain. The testing phase
started already 2014 and the system is about to be build
up at Litzlberg Süd this year. The monitoring will show if
this method does prove efective. Otherwise the govern-
ment must ind a legitimate solution with the owners of
the sailboat buoys (Fig. 6, 7).
Abtsdorf I, Attersee (Upper Austria)
Date: Bronze Age, 1884–1528 BC
OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of M.-C. Ries, 2014
(Ries 2014).
During prehistoric times the site was a peninsula. Today the
site is covered by shallow water and is located 2–2.5 m un-
derneath the water surface. The site is naturally protec-
ted by sedimental deposit, except in the areas of buoy
craters. In Abtsdorf I we have a similar buoy situation
like in Litzlberg Süd. This protection problem is sympto-
matic for all sites at Attersee. We counted sixteen buoys
at Litzlberg Süd and seven buoys inside the protection
area of Abtsdorf I. It is planned to install the same in-
Fig. 5 See, Mondsee: pile-ield and prehistoric mate-
rial on top of the surface (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/
Christian Howe).
Fig. 6 Remains of the world heritage inside a buoy
crater of Litzlberg Süd (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/
Christian Howe).
tersystem on the sailboat buoys like in Litzlberg Süd as
soon as possible. Meanwhile coring comes into operation
to ind out the maximum spread of the World Heritage
site and to collect data for continuing research projects.
M.-C. Ries examined three cores of Abtsdorf I using mi-
croscopical pollen analysis. During her research she was
also able to take new C14-probes of the site, which date
Abtsdorf I between 17th and 16th century BC. The dates
correspond with the OxCal calibrations of the results of
K. Czech from 1982 (Ries 2014, 25).
Abtsdorf III, Attersee (Upper Austria)
Date: Neolithic, 3654–3104 BC
OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of K. Czech, 1982.
(Hirmann 1999)
Abtsdorf III is situated south of the former peninsula,
where Abtsdorf I is located. Because of the large amount
of sedimental deposit and stonewort the cultural layers
are completely covered, not even posts point out of the
ground. Only with coring methods it is possible to prove
the existence of the World Heritage and determine the
settlement area. The cores show a small cultural layer of
5 cm thickness. To ind out more about the spread of the
settlement area and its stratigraphy coring will be exten-
ded to a larger area. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the
preservation of the World Heritage site Abtsdorf III is in
a good state.
Keutschacher See (Carinthia)
Date: Neolithic, 4200–3650 BC
OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of J. Ofenberger,
1982, and Dendrochronological Analysis of O. Cicho-
cki, 1993. (Hirmann 1999)
The neolithic site of Keutschach was discovered in 1864 by
Ferdinand Hochstätter. It is not only the irst known lake
settlement of Austria, but also the one with the oldest den-
drochronologically conirmed dating (Gleirscher 2014,
17–18, 34).
The site is located in the middle of the lake on a former
island. With the rise of the water level the island sank
below water level. Today, the shallow is 2 m underneath
Fig. 7 Buoy crater at Litzlberg Süd and test „Zwischenboje“ (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Henrik Pohl).
the water surface and the lowest point of the former is-
land is in about 12–15 m depth. Because of the shape of
the shallow in some areas the condition of the archaeo-
logical site is critical. For example, at areas where the
surface topography is sloping, sediment, cultural layers
and posts broke away. Animals, like the pikeperch or
crawish, which dig holes in the ground and deteriora-
te the conservation situation of the site. The dismantled
material drop down from the shallow and at 15 m depth
prehistoric indings remain lying on the ground. These
artifacts cannot be associated with other archaeological
context and poorly qualify for research work. The con-
servation condition of Keutschach is unique and there-
fore challenging. Concepts for provisions are in the state
of elaboration.
Public relations
As underwater sites are not plainly visible, they are par-
ticularly challenging when it comes to public relations.
Furthermore there are two distinct situations jeopardi-
zing the World Heritage: In contrast to Keutschach and
Mondsee, where damages are caused by natural causes,
the cultural layers atAttersee are mostly destroyed by hu-
man inluence. This occurs in most cases because the pu-
blic does not know about the World Heritage sites sitting
on their doorsteps. Although UNESCO demands access
of the World Heritage to the public, we have to keep in
mind, that underwater sites have been plundered a lot by
skin divers in the past. It is therefore imperative to build
up awareness of its existence and its importance to the
„Kuratorium Pfahlbauten“ already carried out some pu-
blic relations projects in the regions of Attersee, Mond-
see and Keutschacher See. Especially school projects, a
series of lectures and the World Heritage festivals have
been very successful. The network of interested schools
and local residents wanting to work on the topic is al-
ready expanding. Regional associations like „Pfahlbau
am Attersee“ ( were founded in Upper
Austria and Carinthia during the past two years.
To provide more visibility for the World Heritage the
government of Upper Austria supported the construction
of three information pavilions in 2013. Regional asso-
ciations make use of the pavilions as a tourist attraction
and as destination for guided World Heritage tours. The
construction of a similar pavilion at Keutschach is in pre-
In collaboration with the communities of Attersee, Seewal-
chen and Mondsee it was also possible to make the World
Heritage „Pile dwellings around the alps“ the focus of the
Upper Austria Provincial Exhibition in 2020 (Oberösterrei-
chische Landesausstellung: „Versunken - Aufgetaucht“).
In 2014 the irst Carinthian World Heritage festival was
celebrated. The ind of a bronze age logboat of the „Satt-
nitz Moor“, a nearby marshland, was reconstructed in the
public bathing area of Keutschach. The wood work was
carried out by a team of experimental archaeologists un-
der the leadership of Wolfgang Lobisser, scientiic staf
member of VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological
Science. The diferences between the use of stone, bron-
ze and iron age tools were analyzed and documented. A
publication about the reconstruction process is at work.
The logboat reconstruction shall be used as a touristic
feature within the summer program at the lake of Keut-
schach. The community of Keutschach also plan to arran-
ge a second World Heritage festival in Carinthia in 2015.
Running Projects and a view to the future
This particular UNESCO World Heritage inspired other
institutions in Austria to focus on the lake villages as re-
search topic. Furthermore it is necessary to accomplish
new research data and information about lake settlements
inAustria in preparations for the large exhibition in 2020.
One of the important tasks of the association „Kuratori-
um Pfahlbauten“ is to initiate such endeavors and form a
link between the upcoming scientiic projects in this ield
of study. Following projects have been approved:
„Beyond lake settlements: Studying Neolithic En-
vironmental changes and human impact at small
lakes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.“
Project lead: Timothy Taylor - University of Vienna
Funding: FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfond, DACH Lead
Agency-Verfahren (2014–2017)
Short description:
The international project investigates the human impact
on the landscape and the changes of the natural environ-
ment around lakes. Small shallow lakes were chosen, be-
cause of the paleoecological focus. Smaller lakes might
preserve undisturbed laminated annual sediments with
potential for generating ultra-high-resolution diachro-
nic data on vegetation, paleoclimate and human impact
(Hafner 2015). In Austria also larger lakes are going to
be investigated due to the research gap compared to the
other collaborating countries in this matter. With the use
of GIS (geographical information system) a landscape
model of the area Attersee and Mondsee will be built
connected to a data bank with archaeological data of the
region. During my Master theses I am allowed to use the
model for my research. I am going to work on landscape
data connected to prehistoric human settlements. Dife-
rent parameters in the landscape might signal places of
human residence on lake shores. The results hopefully
lead us to unknown archaeological sites of Attersee and
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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. N.E.R.D. New European Researches and Discoveries in Underwaterarchaeology Conference
  • 4. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie Band 291 Aus dem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Kiel 2016 Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
  • 5. 2016 Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn N.E.R.D. New European Researches and Discoveries in Underwaterarchaeology Conference Beiträge der Internationalen Konferenz der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie 21. -- 23. November 2014 in Kiel herausgegeben von Marijana Christ, Jonas Enzmann, Fritz Jürgens, Franziska Steffensen, Jana Ulrich und Feiko Wilkes
  • 6. ISBN 978-3-7749-4055-0 Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie. Detailliertere bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <> abrufbar. Copyright 2016 by Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
  • 7. VORWORT DER HERAUSGEBER Die Reihe „Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie“ trägt dem Bedürfnis Rechnung, Examensar- beiten und andere Forschungsleistungen in die Öfentlich- keit zu tragen. Thematisch indet darin die ganze Breite des Faches vom Paläolithikum bis zur Archäologie der Neuzeit ihren Platz. Ursprünglich hatten sich fünf Universitätsinstitute in Deutschland zur Herausgabe der Reihe zusammengefun- den, der Kreis ist inzwischen deutlich größer geworden. Alle interessierten Professoren und Dozenten sind einge- laden, als Mitherausgeber tätig zu werden und Arbeiten aus ihrem Bereich der Reihe zukommen zu lassen. Für die einzelnen Bände zeichnen jeweils die Autoren und Insti- tute ihrer Herkunft, die im Titel deutlich gekennzeichnet sind, verantwortlich. Sie erstellen eine druckfertig gestal- tete Datei (PDF). Bei gleicherAnordnung des Umschlages haben die verschiedenen beteiligten Universitäten jeweils eine speziische Farbe. Finanzierung und Druck erfol- gen entweder durch sie selbst oder durch den Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, der in jedem Fall den Vertrieb der Bände sichert. Herausgeber sind derzeit: Kurt Alt (Mainz) François Bertemes (Halle) Nikolaus Borofka (Berlin) Peter Breunig (Frankfurt am Main) Philippe Della Casa (Zürich) Manfred K.H. Eggert (Tübingen) Clemens Eibner (Heidelberg) Frank Falkenstein (Würzburg) Ralf Gleser (Münster) Bernhard Hänsel (Berlin) Alfred Hafner (Kiel) Albert Hafner (Bern) Svend Hansen (Berlin) Ole Harck (Kiel) Joachim Henning (Frankfurt am Main) Christian Jeunesse (Strasbourg) Albrecht Jockenhövel (Münster) Tobias L. Kienlin (Köln) Rüdiger Krause (Frankfurt am Main) Klára Kuzmová (Trnava) Amei Lang (München) Andreas Lippert (Wien) Jens Lüning (Frankfurt am Main) Joseph Maran (Heidelberg) Carola Metzner-Nebelsick (München) Johannes Müller (Kiel) Ulrich Müller (Kiel) Michael Müller-Wille (Kiel) Mária Novotná (Trnava) Bernd Päfgen (München) Diamantis Panagiotopoulos (Heidelberg) Christopher Pare (Mainz) Hermann Parzinger (Berlin) Heidi Peter-Röcher (Würzburg) Britta Ramminger (Hamburg) Jürgen Richter (Köln) Sabine Rieckhof (Leipzig) Thomas Saile (Regensburg) Wolfram Schier (Berlin) Thomas Stöllner (Bochum) Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen (München) Biba Teržan (Berlin) Gerhard Tomedi (Innsbruck) Ulrich Veit (Leipzig) Karl-Heinz Willroth (Göttingen) Andreas Zimmermann (Köln)
  • 8.
  • 9. 7 Sehr geehrte Frau Vizepräsidentin Frau Prof. Dr. Pistor-Hatam, sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Müller, sehr geehrte Gäste, ich freue mich, Sie alle in Kiel, der Stadt am Meer, zu Ihrer internationalen Konferenz über Themen der Unterwasserarchäologie begrüßen zu dürfen. Ein Blick in die Liste der Vortragsthemen und der international zusammengesetzten Gruppe von Referen- tinnen und Referenten lässt eine wirklich interessante und spannende Tagung erwar- ten. Unterwasserarchäologie ist auch für den Laien besonders faszinierend, weil es bedeutet, unter besonders schwierigen Bedingungen zu forschen. Neben Ihrer fachli- chen Kompetenz ist für die meisten von Ihnen eine Ausbildung als Forschungstaucher Voraussetzung, um auf dem Grund von Meeren, Flüssen oder Seen nach Schifswra- cken, Hinweisen auf alte Siedlungen oder Häfen suchen zu können. Als jemand, der hauptsächlich mit einem Dach über dem Kopf und in beheizten Räumen seinen Beruf ausüben kann, habe ich davor höchsten Respekt. Geographisch bedingt haben die Meereswissenschaften in Schleswig-Holstein eine lan- ge Tradition. Mit seiner Lage zwischen den Meeren hat das Land die längste Küsten- linie in Deutschland. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Flüsse und über 300 Seen. Es über- rascht daher nicht, dass die Meereswissenschaften, die an dem Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung GEOMAR und an der Universität Kiel angesiedelt sind, neben der Medizin den bedeutendsten Forschungsschwerpunkt in Schleswig-Holstein dar- stellen. Die Universität und das Helmholtz-Zentrum arbeiten eng zusammen, insbe- sondere im Exzellenzcluster „Future Ocean“. An der Universität existiert ein Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Meereswissenschaften - Kiel Marine Sciences. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass Naturwissenschaftler mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Medizin, den Rechtwissenschaften den Ingenieurwis- senschaften und der Informatik gemeinsam an Fragestellungen zur Rolle des Ozeans im globalen Wandel arbeiten. Ein weiterer herausragender Forschungsschwerpunkt an der Universität Kiel und dem Zentrum für Skandinavische und Baltische Archäologie in Schleswig ist die Ur- und Frühgeschichte mit der Graduiertenschule „Human Development in Land- scapes“, an der auch die Archäologie beteiligt ist. Auch hier bestehen gute inter- disziplinäre Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, z.B für Archäologen mit Biologen, Geolo- gen, Ozeanographen und Vertreterinnen und Vertretern anderer Fachrichtungen. Ziel der Graduiertenschule ist eine themengebundene und gleichzeitig fächerüber- greifende, internationale und praxisnahe Ausbildung. Vielleicht ist das auch für den einen oder die andere unter Ihnen interessant. Eine Besonderheit dieser Konferenz ist es, dass sie von Studierenden für Studierende, Absolventinnen und Absolventen sowie Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden ausgerich- tet wird. Es ist ganz sicher nicht die Regel, dass Studierende und junge Wissenschaft- lerinnen und Wissenschaftler ihre eigene Tagungsreihe neben den etablierten Konfe- renzen organisieren. Es spricht für Sie, die Veranstalter, Referentinnen und Referenten sowie alle Teilnehmenden, dass Sie diesen Aufwand auf sich nehmen. Ich bin sicher, dass alle davon proitieren werden. Mit dem Konzept der Veranstaltung haben alle Be- teiligten die Möglichkeit, zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt in ihrer berulichen Biographie, praktischen Kenntnisse und wissenschaftlichen Kontakte auszubauen, Erfahrungen zu sammeln und dadurch ihre wissenschaftliche Karriere optimal vorzubereiten. Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Kontakte sowie vielseitige Anregungen für die eigene wissenschaftliche Arbeit. Wissenschaftsstaatssekretär Karl-Rudolf ‚Rolf‘ Fischer
  • 10.
  • 11. 9 Sehr geehrter Herr Staatssekretär Fischer, sehr gehrte Frau Vizepräsidentin Frau Prof. Dr. Pistor-Hatam, liebe Organisatoren und Gäste! Ich begrüße Sie im Namen des Institutes für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, der Johanna- Mestorf-Akademie und der Graduiertenschule „Human Development in Landscapes“. Wenn die schweizerische Weltenbummlerin und Schriftstellerin Isabelle Eberhardt in ihrem Büchern „Sandmeere“ die Wüsten mit Wasser vergleicht, bewegt sie sich in einer guten Tradition der Meistererzählung. Ozeane und Sandmeere – gegensätzliche Naturräume – einen doch verschiedene Elemente. Die Unendlichkeit und Einsamkeit und das Fehlen von Trinkwasser. Verdursten kann man sowohl in der Wüste als auch auf dem Meer. Nicht umsonst bietet die Unterwasserarchäologie der Öfentlichkeit ein Panorama, das die Gefühle von Gefahr und Geheimnis bedient. Es sind Bilder gesunkener Schif- fe, gestrandeter Besatzungen und natürlich die „Höhlen der Toten“, die Blue Note Productions und die AMLA um Florian Huber jüngst in einem vielfach ausgezeichne- ten 3D-Film zu Leben erweckt haben. Wo werden die Grundlagen für derartig wort- und bildmächtigen Erzählungen gelegt? Es ist das Alltagsgeschäft der archäologischen Denkmalplege, es sind Forschung und Lehre der Universitäten. Und mit Blick auf diese scheint es fast ein Allgemeinplatz, dass die CAU mit seinem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte sehr gute Rahmenbedin- gungen für die Archäologie in Seen und Meeren bietet. Die möchte ich jetzt nicht alle aufzählen, sondern nur festhalten, dass die vielen Partner und Partnerinnen maritimer Lehre und Forschung an der CAU ein Netz bilden, das mit vielen anderen Univer- sitäten und Institutionen außerhalb Schleswig-Holsteins national und international verknüpft ist. Die Ausbildung zum ForschungstaucherIn ist nach wie vor das missing link, das Theorie und Praxis, Tauchen und Archäologie nicht nur verbindet, sondern mit seiner Zertiizierung auch einen Einstieg in die Berufswelt bietet. Weiterhin sind die Johanna-Mestorf-Akademie und die Graduiertenschule zu nennen. Hier erfolgt ein integriertes Zusammenspiel von Natur-, Lebens- und Kulturwissenschaftlern – einmalig in Europa, wie jüngst wieder durch ein internationales Gutachtergremien bestätigt. Sie garantiert nicht nur eine Internationalisierung, bietet inhaltliche For- schungscluster und technische Plattformen sowie Promotionsstipendien die Chance, von der Biograie eines Schifes über soziale, ökonomische oder ökologische Themen bis zum Kulturgüterschutz Horizonte zu öfnen. Archäologisches Forschen unter Wasser, im und auf dem Wasser sowie zwischen Land und Meer hat viele Gesichter und viele Namen. Da sind zunächst einmal die disziplinären Bezeichnungen wie Feuchtbodenarchäologie, maritime und limnische Archäologie, Wrackarchäologie oder Unterwasserarchäologie. Archäologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Techniken und Methoden bedienen sich alle – unabhängig von Ein- und Ausgrenzungen, die ich für überlüssig halte und die vor allem in Zeiten eines Drittmittelkampfes aufgefahren werden. Da sind weiterhin die Gesichter, die in Kiel mit der Unterwasserarchäologie verbunden sind. Hierzu gehört Ole Harck, der in bereits 1970er Jahren Taucharchäologie in der Ostsee und den Binnenseen mit Stu- dierenden betrieb. Mit der AMLA, der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Ar- chäologie bekommt das Schif nicht nur einen Namen und wechselnde Besatzungen mit Steuermännern (und Frauen), sondern auch einen Kurs. Viele sind hier zu nennen: ich möchte keinen Personenkult betreiben, denn alle leisten ihren Teil.Als ehemaligen Mitarbeiterin und Mitarbeiter möchte ich jedoch Frau Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner und Herrn Dr. Florian Huber nennen, die seit Mitte der 2000er in Forschung und Lehre das Feld bestritten haben. Ihrem Einsatz ist es auch zu verdanken, dass die Unterwasserarchäologie eine solide Basis in der Ausbildung bekommen hat. Da ist es folgerichtig, wenn sich die Mitglieder der AMLA, die Studierenden der prähistori- schen und historischen Archäologie vom „undergraduate“ bis zum Promovierten, als N.E.R.D.s des Themas annehmen und in dieser internationalen Tagung endlich mal nicht die Admiralität, sondern jene zu Wort kommen lassen, die im Boot sitzen und wissen, wohin der Kurs gehen soll. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller, Insti- tuts für Ur- und Frühgeschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt Frühge- schichte, Mittelalterarchäologie und Neuzeitarchäologie
  • 12. 10 Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters
  • 13. 11 Note of thanks We are truly grateful for the work that all our supporters put in the preparation and realization of the N.E.R.D. in Underwaterarchaeology Conference that allowed us to experience a great event. We are so thankful for the interest and the opening words to start of the conference by the Secretary of Science Karl-Rudolf “Rolf” Fischer and Professor Dr. Anja Pis- tor-Hatam (Vice-President of Student Afairs, Internatio- nal and diversity of the University of Kiel). We also grea- tly appreciate the inancial support of Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Müller (University of Kiel) as well as his opening words and assistance with the publication preparations. We want to thank also Roland Friedrich (Forschungs- tauchzentrum University of Kiel) for his introductory words and Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Grundmann (Ask- lepios Klinik Altona) for his interessting presentation about diving injuries. We also warmly thank Dr. Martina Schmode of the International Center (IC) of the Univer- sity of Kiel for the inancial support and the awesome opportunity to use the premises next to the Kiel Fjord that added the proper atmosphere to the conference. Furthermore we would like to give a big thank you to the all speakers of the conference who contributed with their diverse presentations to the success of the confe- rence as well as the participants did with the interesting discussions and conversations. We are also truly thankful for the time and efort of the hard-working helpers in the background: Rebekka Eckelmann, Lena-Christin Feuring, Kristian Schober, Sarah Sutter, Thomas Reck (all Univer- sity of Kiel). We really enjoyed the guided tours at the Aquarium at Geomar (Kiel) and at the Maritime Museum Fischhalle (Kiel) during the conference and want to thank the staf for their insight and friendliness. Special thanks go to all the sponsors of the AMLA who not only contributed to the activities during the course of the conference, but support us all year. The organizing committee AMLA Marijana Christ, Jonas Enzmann, Fritz Jürgens, Franziska Stefensen, Jana Ulrich und Feiko Wilkes This publication results as part of the irst N.E.R.D. in Underwaterarchaeology Conference, organized by members of the AMLA. The order of the articles follows the lecture program. The authors are personally responsible for the content of the articles.
  • 14. 12 Preface AMLA, which is short for working group for maritime and limnic archeology, was founded in 1997. The mem- bers of AMLA are Certiied European Scientiic Divers, and are mostly archaeologists on diferent levels of edu- cation, but there are also members from related sciences like biology, geology or oceanography. Most of AMLAs work is organized by their members. The primary task of AMLA is to conduct research on the Underwater Cultural Heritage and bring it more into the focus of terrestrial archaeology. Alongside, AMLA wants to create a public awareness of the Underwater Cultu- ral Heritage, which is endangered due to the building of pipelines, ofshore windparks and the deepening of ri- vers for economic purposes. Another important aim is educating the next generation of archaeologists in the special conservation situation underwater and practicing methods for excavation, investigation and interpretation in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology. The maritime and freshwater environment of Schleswig- Holstein has 1190 kilometres of coastline at both seas, about 360 lakes and 21,700 kilometres of river stretches. Human populations and communities who have lived here for the last 20.000 years used these bodies of water to source food, as transportation routes and as borders. Besides conducting research projects in German waters, members of AMLA also carried out projects in the caves of Yucatan in Mexiko, the Golf of Mexico, in a lake in Norway, some wells in Southern Germany and gone on an Excursion to the sunken Roman City of Baiae near Naples. The majority of AMLAs members were trained as Sci- entiic Divers by the Centre for Scientiic Diving at the Institute of Geology (Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel). Another cooperation exists with the IFM Geomar Institute, which allows AMLA to conduct regular ield trips with the research vessels FB Polarfuchs and FK Littorina into the Kiel Fjord, to survey, monitor and do- cument wrecks. Together with the Lighthouse Foundati- on, AMLA has built an archaeological park under water, where students and recreational divers can be trained in suitable diving methods for archaeological sites. AMLA maintains a close cooperation with the State Department of Archaeology and the State Museum in Schleswig. Over the past decade, members of AMLA took part in projects from the Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research and the Maritime Archaeo- logy Program of the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg. Furthermore, AMLA conducted smaller surveys in cooperation with diferent county archaeology depart- ments in Lower Saxony and supported investigations of the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology of the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. As mentioned above, AMLA often pioneers research on wrecks in the area of Schleswig-Holstein, leading up to B.A., M.A. and PhD theses. The results of ongoing research, excavations and surveys of wrecks and other underwater sites in the Kiel Fjord and the limnological landscape are shared during international conferences. By inviting speakers and conducting excursions to archa- eological sites in other countries in Europe, AMLA has created an international communication network and an active dialogue between various research groups. Creating public awareness for the immense heritage un- der water is another focus of our research group. We are connected with local and national TV and radio stations and publish our work in a variety of magazines, books and newspapers. Public lectures and presentations at ex- hibitions and trade fairs result in a wide distribution of our research and sustainable methods among scientists and the general public. In addition, recreational divers can attend workshops and seminars to be trained in ade- quate diving styles and investigation methods and to learn what to do if they spot an archaeological site during one of their dives. Since 2004, the working group‘s online presence is available at Visitors will ind general information as well as news about on-going research pro- jects and articles about completed excavations. The development of the conference The idea for the N.E.R.D. in Underwaterarchaeology Conference was born early in 2014 after some members of AMLA had participated at the major Conference for Underwater Archaeology in Germany „In Poseidonseich“ organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V. (DEGUWA). The main ad- vantages of the DEGUWA-Conference, for example an international audience with great expertise mixed with in- terested recreational divers seems to us as a disadvantage to an equal amount. Because of the number of speakers, detailed discussions were rare. Another point is the lack of younger researchers, who according to our own experi- ence often think their research is not interesting enough or fear their presentational skills are not yet good enough for a big Conference. After deining these issues we established the idea to or- ganise our own conference for people who are at the be- ginning of their academic career. This was of particular interest because many members of AMLA were about to inish their theses or had inished it shortly before. Also, we thought that it would be be a very good opportunity to learn how to organise a conference. The third point was to draw attention to Underwater Archaeology at the Uni- versity of Kiel and the opportunities provided by the en- vironmental and institutional surroundings (see irst part). This point was even more important because the advisor in UnderwaterArchaeology matters Dr. Florian Huber was no longer a full time member of the Department for Preh- istoric and Historical Archaeology, and because the future of the Scientiic Diving Centre at the Institute of Geology of the University Kiel was unclear.
  • 15. 13 Shortly after the idea came up, a group of sixAMLAmem- bers got together to organize the conference. In a irst mee- ting, we agreed to keep the conference small because of inancial issues and our lack of experience. This would be the irst conference we organised on our own. We decided to have a maximum of 60 participants including the spea- kers. From experience at other conferences we thought it would be nice to provide an excursion as well as an oicial reception and conference dinner. However, the conference fee had to be relatively low, because the conference should address students as its main target group. Another challenge was the inding a thematic orientation. We agreed that we did not want to set any strict thematic borders. The presentations should be from new or so far unpresented underwater related research and of course from students (BA, MA, PhD). We decided to invite peo- ple from all around Europe to build up a young and inno- vative network that could result in joined projects. On the other hand we were looking forward to experience dife- rent methods or interpretation models due to the diferent national or academic background of the participants. To facilitate the discussions between the participants we de- cided to prepare the whole conference in English and to ask every speaker to prepare their presentations in Eng- lish. The general speaking time of 20 minutes was inspi- red by other conferences but we decided against the trend of having a 10 minute discussion afterwards. Bearing in mind how much time we had scheduled, we wanted to have Friday as an arrival-day with the excursion and the oicial reception in the evening, the Saturday completely for presentations and the conference dinner and the Sun- day morning for more presentations. Based on our expe- rience at other conferences we decided to close early on Sunday, so everybody would be able to get home on that day, avoiding to have nobody listen to the last presenta- tions because most of the audience has already left. After that we agreed to the date of the 21st to 23rd November because by then, most of the ieldwork will be done and it still leaves enough time before Christmas. The last part was that we split the tasks (for example the inancial-plan, the writing of the call of papers etc.) bet- ween everybody. We were very lucky to have been pro- vided with a fantastic conference room directly opposite the Kiel Fjord with a beautiful view by the International Centre of the University. During the actual organizing process we faced many challenges, for example inding a nice place for the Conference dinner which was big enough for 60 people, that was suitable for having the evening lecture there, had an acceptable price for the dinner and ofered food suitable for an international au- dience. In the end we managed very well, also because of the generous support that we received from so many sides (see Acknowledgements) The conference On Friday the 21st of November 2014 we started the confer- ence weekend with a guided tour in the aquarium of the IFM Geomar around 2 pm. During the tour, the participants were able to watch typical animals from the Baltic and North Sea and to touch starishes and sea urchins. Clearly the highlight of the tour was watching the seals at the end. After that the group walked to the Maritime Museum of Kiel, where we started a short guided tour through the city. The trip required a lot of imagination, because most of the old center of Kiel was destroyed during World War II. In the evening we met up again with most of the participants for the oicial recep- tion in the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeol- ogy of the Christian -Albrechts-University (CAU) in Kiel. After this oicial part there was the opportunity for the participants to meet each other in a relaxed atmosphere in the library of the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology. The second day, Saturday the 22nd November, the lectures in the conference room of the International Center of the CAU Kiel started with speeches concerning use and distribution of logboats as well as diferent methods, which could and should be used in future underwater archaeological ield- work.After the irst cofee break we heard lectures about the submerged settlements in Austria and the potential of artii- cial lakes for archaeology. In the afternoon we heard about the ancient harbours at the italian coast of the Adria and the harbour of Schleswig, followed by lectures about the North Sea region, which informed about the special work condi- tions, the historical background and shipbuilding during the 16th century. In the evening we headed to the restaurant Fuego del Sur, where we had a nice dinner. On Sunday the 23rd November we started the day with another lecture on the Nordic shipbuilding in the modern period before we changed to lectures with a Mediterranean setting about scattered wreck sites, harbour and shelter sites in Montenegro and the famous Marsala-Shipwrecks. Shortly after the conference we noticed that most of the participants were connected via social media. Thus, we are thrilled to say that the major goal of the conference, establi- shing a network of young researchers, was achieved. Hope- fully, this network will encourage scientiic exchange and initiate joint projects. Jonas Enzmann, Kiel 2016
  • 16.
  • 17. 15 Inhalt Franziska Stefensen, Feiko Wilkes Two recent AMLA projects: Excerpt of the lecture at the N.E.R.D. conference A logboat in the Schlei fjord/Underwater prospections on the mesolithic site Strande LA 163 16 Miran Erič, Gregor Berginc, Rok Kovačič, Kristijan Celec A short review of the application of 3D documentation methods on selected UW heritage sites in Slovenia and the Adriatic: the need for changes in methodology 24 Helena Novak Neolithic Lake Settlements. A new UNESCO World Heritage leads to the emerging of underwater- and wetland-research in Austria 36 Marie-Claire Ries New Research on a waterlogged Bronze Age Settlement in Lake Attersee (Austria) 46 Marina Nuovo Roman harbours: coastal and underwater landscapes in the central-southern Adriatic Sea 56 Julia Goldhammer, Martina Karle A ish trap basket from Belum (Ldkr. Cuxhaven). Excerpt from the presentation “Archaeology in the Wadden: Submarine Archaeology without a diving suit” 66 Margaret Logan A Study of a 16th-century wooden vessel from the Netherlands 72 Philipp Grassel Late Hanseatic seafaring from Hamburg and Bremen to Iceland, the Faeroe Islands and Shetland 82 Alexander Cattrysse Deviating from the Course: Clinker Deviations in Northern-European Carvel Shipbuilding 94
  • 18. 16 Franziska Stefensen, Feiko Wilkes Two recent AMLA projects: Excerpt of the lecture at the N.E.R.D. conference A logboat in the Schlei fjord Introduction One of at least 16 logboats was discovered by a sports diver near the city of Kappeln in the Schlei fjord in 2007 (Fig. 1). The site of Kappeln already revealed two more logboats that are similar in construction and shape. In 2009 members of the AMLA documented the wreck for the irst time. It was partially imbedded in sediment in a depth of 2–3 m and an incline position. 2011 it was documented again due to monitoring reasons. In addition a wood sample was taken. The result of C14 –dating dated the boat in the 16th century (Huber 2009). Another sur- vey was done by the AMLA in 2014 in a framework of a Bachelor thesis (Steffensen 2015). Main reason for the third survey was the critical condition of the logboat. The incline position could result in a disruption of the boat. Primarily though is the destruction by Teredo navalis. So the actual ambition was to get a more detailed drawing of the logboat to save information due to proceeding dam- age. Furthermore the process of destruction itself should be documented. Area of research The Schlei located in Northern Germany is a 42 km long fjord that elongates from the Baltic Sea to the city of Schleswig. Geological features provide great preserva- tion of especially wooden cultural assets. So the Schlei is an archive for several submarine indings. The Viking age onwards the landscape provided great communica- tion ways between the North- and the Baltic Sea due to its surrounding rivers Treene and Eider. Beside terrestrial indings as Haithabu and the Danevirke, cultural assets underwater like the shipwreck of Karschau, the “Prahm” of Hedeby and the barrier of Reesholm as well as the logboat focused in this article are evidence for the impor- tance of the Schlei fjord throughout time. Method The scientiic diving team consisted of ive members of theAMLAand the survey took place in two days. To relo- cate the logboat the team set a surface marker buoy by the coordinates. So the irst diver was able to search the site in diferent radii using a wreckroll. Due to extraordinary range of sight between 3 and 5 meters the diver could lo- cate the boat within minutes. The graphic documentation of overlapping pictures provided the possibility of a pho- tomosaic showing the whole length of the logboat (Fig. 2). In addition photos have been taken in diferent angles to record the position in the sediment (Fig. 3). The qual- ity of the photos beneited from the unusual good sight as well. The usual range of sight in the Schlei fjord is < 1 m. The measurements were documented by an ofset-tech- nique. The baseline was strained middle lengthwise in order to document length and breadth of the wreck. One section was still hidden in the sediment. So it was only possible to determine a minimum length of ca. 4.50 m. The inside of the logboat was illed with sediment so that a determination of shape could only be done by groping. Measurements and construction A striking feature of the logboat made of oak is the bulk- head that is supposedly located in the last third of the boat. The exposed part can be assumed to be the stern section due to the position of the bulkhead and the shape of the hull that is tapered towards the bow (Steffensen 2015). The stern is located about half a meter above the sediment in a depth of 2.6 m. The spoon shape that was already stated in 2009 is still slightly visible.At the length of ca. 1 m the boat starts to be covered by sediment, while it is completely hidden at a length of 4.50 m. It has a maximal breadth of 0.8 m and tapers towards the bow. The bulkhead located at a length of ca. 1.90 m has a pre- served breadth of 0.12 m. It divides the boat in at least two compartments.
  • 19. 17 Preservation – A retrospection Since the discovery in 2007 the logboat underlay several changes that had enormous consequences for its preserva- tion. When discovered, the boat was exposed 2 m in length. In 2009 the exposure had proceeded to 3.5 m (Huber 2009). The survey 2014 revealed an exposure of further 80 cm. However, in the last couple of years sediment shifts uncov- ered the boat and thus gave access to erosion and vermin. Additionally to the proceeding exposure of the asset the nat- ural cover of barnacles and shells increased (Huber 2011). Comparing the documentation of 2009, 2011 and 2014 in the section of the bulkhead an enormous destruction of the wood is to be observed (Fig. 4). Whereas in 2009 there was almost no sign of destruction by teredo nava- lis, the wood was afected dramatically in 2011. Hence teredo navalis damaged the exposed parts heavily within only two years. The most recent monitoring in 2014 showed the wreck in a fragile condition. The bulkhead lost a lot of matter due to erosion and teredo navalis. The original height of the shipside isn’t preserved neither. Fig. 2 Photomosaik (pictures: F. Huber, mosaic: J. Ulrich). Fig. 1 Logboats of the Schlei (map: F. Stefensen, 1-13: after Hirte 1987, 14-15: after Kramer 1990, 16: Stefensen 2015).
  • 20. 18 Fig. 4 Condition oft the wreck (a) 2009, (b) 2011 and (c) 2014 (photo: F. Huber). Fig. 3 The incline of the logboat in proile (photo: F. Huber).
  • 21. 19 In 2014 the bulkhead was 6 cm higher than the side itself, which wasn’t the case before. Due to the heavy erosion the shape of the hull, especially the shape of the stern, remains to be presumed. After taking biological samples of the plant cover shortfall of calcium carbonate was un- covered in the wood. This indicates that the infestation of teredo navalis is acute (Halbwidl/Hoppe 2009). Results The monitoring of the logboat of Kappeln especially ex- empliied the changes of wooden cultural asset within a short period of time, about 6 years in this case. A boat that appeared stable was infested and damaged of tere- do navalis within a couple of years. The logboat and its measurements that were visible can be compared to three further logboats in the Schlei. Two of them were found at the site of Kappeln as well. The third logboat was discov- ered near Kosel and even dated in the same time period as the logboat focused on in this article. The other two were not dated. The four logboats can be addressed as “classic” logboats (cf. Kröger 2011). All of them have one bulkhead, similar dimensions and no further con- struction features like lashes, eyes or even veneering. It is likely they were used as ishing boats. Franziska Stefensen, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany The Site The subaquatic site LA 163 is situated about 1.5 kilome- tres northwest of the Bülk lighthouse, in the western part of the Kiel fjord estuary (Fig. 5). It was discovered in October 2011 by two local commercial divers, who noti- ced four trunks, lying in parallel in a waterdepth of six metres (Fig. 6). Further dives and the typochronology of indings veriied it as a waste-disposal area dating to the older Ertebølle culture (5390–4750 calBC) (Goldham- mer/Hartz 2015). Additional conirmation was gathered by dendrochronology and radiocarbon-dating performed after a sondage excavation was realized in the summer of 2012. It included test drillings and the excavation of 5 m2 of seabed. This provided an insight into the stratigraphy of the site, proofed a good conservation of organic re- mains and revealed, amongst numerous other inds, jaw- bone fragments belonging to two humans. Initial plan In order to clarify the dimensions of the site and the ex- tent of ind bearing layers and preserved surface, a sur- vey campaign by the NIhK (Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung- Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research) was executed in August 2014. The author was participant in the AMLA diving team that performed the task. Furthermore, a section from the 2012 campaign had to be re-excavated both to obtain botanic samples and for better photo-documentation of the proile. To accomplish these tasks within four weeks and with a team of only four divers, methods of surveying large areas as fast and eicient as possible were required. Initially it was planned to conduct the survey mainly by visual prospection, with the divers scanning the ground for artifacts or structures of interest and wag away the co- vering sand every few meters to check the layer below. The idea of the classic circular search was quickly aban- doned as compared to a linear search you have to swim twice the distance to cover the same area. Therefore it was decided to deploy a 20 meter baseline in intervals of 2 meters, starting from the excavated section, and follow it paired, each diver scanning one side of the baseline (see Fig. 8 directly to the east of the excavated area). Method This method quickly proved to be highly ineicient due to several reasons. The dense seagrass covering most part of the area restricted the already limited ield of view a diver has, especially considering the small dimensions most of the objects of interest had. Moreover the layer of covering sand was much thicker and harder to remove than estimated. Finally, while the close sequence of base- lines resulted in a comprehensive coverage of area it was also very time-consuming, considering the limited time frame. Thus a diferent approach had to be applied, irstly to switch to a star-search pattern of baselines protruding from the excavated area in all directions (Fig. 8) and se- condly to apply a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV, com- monly known as scooter) to create sondage pits. The DPV is a device resembling a small torpedo. Its normal task is to propel a diver by an electric motor driving a small screw, but used the wrong way around it becomes the underwater equivalent of a leaf blower. The resulting procedure was to irst blow away the co- Underwater prospections on the mesolithic site Strande LA 163
  • 22. 20 Fig. 6 The site as found in 2011 (photo: G. Lorenz). Fig. 5 Location of the site (Goldhammer/Hartz in print).
  • 23. 21 vering sand to the layer of interest, with one person con- trolling the DPV while the other diver checked for inds and supported managing the thrust (Fig. 7). The pit was then cleaned and the type of sediment, the thickness of covering sand and the state of the often encountered silex artifacts (sharp edge, blunt edge, blunt edge and patina- ted (Fig. 8)) were measured and documented. After the inal photo documentation the team then moved on to create the next sondage. The survey pattern was to pro- duce a sondage every 5 meters, in turns to the left, on and to the right of the baseline to cover as much area with as few test pits as possible. Results About 160 dives with a dive time close to 80 hours were accomplished in the course of 16 dive days. Considering that included in these days were the reexcavation and do- cumentation of the section from 2012 the applied method proofed to be fast and efective, although some aspects may need to be added or reined. Nearly 100 sondage pits were excavated and documented, covering more than one hectare of sealoor. A mapping of them utilizing thiessen polygons shows that in approximately 3500 m² of this area, primarily in the south and west of the previous ex- cavation, layers of interest are present (Goldhammer/ Hartz 2015). This provides important information for the evaluation of the site and planning of future cam- paigns, focusing now on further exact excavation. Feiko Wilkes, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany Fig. 7 The procedure: Blowing away the covering sediment (1); cleaning the sondage pit, collecting and identifying artifacts (2); measuring the covering sediment, deining the layer sediment, preparation of photo documentation (3); logging of the sondage pit (4) (photos: NIhK ).
  • 24. 22 Fig. 8 The resulting map of the site (modiied after Goldhammer/Hartz in print).
  • 25. 23 Literature Goldhammer/Hartz 2015 J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Der ertebøllezeitliche Siedlungs- platz von Strande LA 163, Kr. Rendsburg-Eckernförde, und die Littorina-Transgression – Submarine Prospek- tionsarbeiten und Sondagen. Siedlungs- und Küstenfor- schung an der südlichen Nordseeküste 38, 2015, 29–41. Goldhammer/Hartz in print: J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Fished up from the Baltic Sea – a new Ertebølle site near Stohl clif line (Bay of Kiel). In: G. Bailey, J. Harf, D. Sakellariou (Hrsg.) UNDER THE SEA: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes. Springer Coastal Research Library (Dorderecht - in print). Halbwidl/Hoppe 2009 E. Halbwidl/K. Hoppe, Der Einluss von Teredo navalis auf submarine Kulturgüter an der schleswig-holsteini- schen Ostseeküste. In: U. Müller/S. Kleingärtner/F. Huber (Hrsg.), Zwischen Nord- und Ostsee 1997-2007. Zehn Jahre Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäo- logie (AMLA) in Schleswig-Holstein. Universitätsfor- schungen zur Prähist. Arch. 165 (Bonn 2009) 99–108. Hirte 1987 Ch. Hirte, Die Archäologie der monoxylen Wasserfahr- zeuge im nördlichen Mitteleuropa. Eine Studie zur Re- präsentativität der Quellen in chorologischer, chronolo- gischer und kon-zeptioneller Hinsicht (Kiel 1987). Huber 2009 F. Huber, Tätigkeitbericht der Jahre 2008 und 2009 der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie (AMLA). Starigard 9, 2008/09, 115–124. Huber 2011 F. Huber, Tätigkeitsbericht der Jahre 2010 und 2011 der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie (AMLA). Starigard 10, 2010/11, 1–9. Kramer 1990 W. Kramer, Bericht über die archäologischen Untersu- chungen in der Schlei im Winter 1989/1990.Arch. Nachr. S-H 1, 1990, 77–98. Kröger 2011 L. Kröger, Einbäume des Maingebietes – Fähren als ver- bindendes Element eines mittelalterlichen und frühneu- zeitlichen Wegesystems. Siedl.- und Küstenforsch. im südl. Nordseegebiet 34, 2011, 115–128. Steffensen 2015 F. Stefensen, Die monoxylen Wasserfahrzeuge der Schlei unter besonderer Betrachtung eines Einbaums des Fund- platzes LA 11 bei Kappeln., Artikel Jahr- gang 2015, 52.
  • 26. 24 Introdution In recent decades we have witnessed almost revolutiona- ry changes in the documentation of underwater heritage. The research in this area was given a strong impetus by development of a special discipline within archeology, strongly stimulated by changes in research philosophy. It had outgrown the passion for collecting artifacts to en- gage in data collecting and a carefully considered, less invasive handling of heritage. Remote sensing of anthro- pogenic changes, enabled by the use of sonar equipment, especially in the archaeological research of larger local and regional areas, brought a new ideological concept. It made archeologists alter their attitudes to heritage and opt for more non-invasive research techniques. Simulta- neous technological development of measurement sen- sors, information technologies and programming tools have to revolutionary changes in the profession, enabling absolutely accurate documentation of sites. Some of the- se changes appeared also in the archaeological research in the Eastern Adriatic. Miran Erič, Gregor Berginc, Rok Kovačič, Kristijan Celec A short review of the application of 3D documentation methods on selected UW heritage sites in Slovenia and the Adriatic: the need for changes in methodology Fig. 1 Stari Grad Plain, Island Hvar, Croatia: Left (a): Early use of DEM; point density of 25 m to 25 m, interpolated reconstruction by Tomaž Podobnikar and Zoran Stančič (Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies (IASS) ZRC SAZU); application of satellite images processed by Krištof Oštir and Z. Stančič (IASS ZRC SAZU) (indication of the source) combined by historical analysis of Stari Grad Plain and landscape changes in the 19th century by rectiicated cadastrial maps. Right (b): Detailed micro-analysis of the landscape structures survey of Greek modular parcellation and anthropogenic changes.
  • 27. 25 Three dimensional (3D) documentation methods, used in recent decades in the research of under- water sites in the region Digital Elevation Model - DEM (also Digital Terrain Model - DTM, and Digital Surface Model - DSM, which includes representation of the vegetation canopy and infrastructure) In Slovenia modern methods and datasets began to be used in archaeology in the 1980s when a group of resear- chers from the Department of Archaeology started expe- rimenting with remote data capturing1 . Remote sensing methods in surveying saw a quick and intensive growth due to availability of satellite imagery and development of photogrammetric methods, in particular stereo-photo- grammetry, the by-products of which were digital relief models. Because of the nature of archaeological research, aiming predominately at discovery of anthropogenic changes in landscape, the latest indings and remote sen- sing results have opened up a completely new research area. They brought new knowledge, viewed from a fresh 1 Stančič/Šivic 1988, Stančič/Slapšak 1988. perspective and with „new eyes“. The earliest testing of usefulness of remote sensing in the region was carried out in the test area of the Stari Grad Plain on the island Hvar. Since 1982, intensive research has been conducted within various projects on the island2 . On the ground of the research achievements, the Stari Grad Plain was irst nominated and then, in 2008, placed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list as the best preserved cultu- ral landscape of Greek colonization. This research showed great usefulness of the remote sensing methods applied. It was the irst time that satellite images were used in the re- gion to analyze the surface investigated and that a 3D DEM was produced by means of photogrammetry (Fig. 1a). The model was later used for a more detailed analysis of the location (Fig. 1b). Great usefulness of 3D spatial mode- ling became apparent when a 3D representation of the Sta- ri Grad ields was produced, which ofered the possibility of spatial appreciation of the size of this heritage site. It was exploited to produce a promotional ilm, which was added to the documentation for the UNESCO World Cul- tural Heritage nomination proposal and signiicantly con- tributed to its inclusion in the list in 2008 (Fig. 2). The irst DEMs were not very clear due to the sparsity of points in the grid, the precision being conditioned by the quality and accuracy of publicly available satellite imagery. This methodology, based on analyses and comparisons of DEMs with the data collected from other sources made it possible to make a historical analysis and „clariica- tion“ of latter-day, man-produced traces, and soon found 2 See the history of research of the Stari Grad plain. [On line] Available at: ?p=5 [Ac- cessed at 24th of March 2015]. Fig. 2 Short promotional reconstructions and visualisation of the Stari Grad Plain in the time of Greek colonization in the 4th century BC (See also: [On line] Available at: v=0PHEB TJf88 [Accessed on 24th March 2015]). The ilm was produced in 2004 by Miran Erič, Branko Kirigin and Božidar Slapšak (Erič/Kirigin/ Slapšak 2008) with the help of Zoran Stančič, Krištof Oštir and Tomaž Podobnikar (IASS ZRC SAZU) by means of DEM reconstruction of satellite images (LANDSAT TM 1998) in the production of ArtRebel9 company. Left: Silhouette of western part of the island Hvar with the Stari Grad Plain to the north. Right: A SW to NE view of the reconstruction of the probable ancient environment of the Stari Grad Plain.
  • 28. 26 Fig. 3 Underwater measuring by TST: in shallow water (to the depth of 5 m) by means of a prism on a stick (left drawing; Gaspari/Erič 2010, p. 60, Fig. 10), and on deeper sites by means of a buoy and a prism (right drawing; ib., p. 60, Fig. 11). Before appearance of 3D measuring techniques TST was very useful, comfortable and much more precise than the earlier techniques, particularly on underwater river sites and nearby coast (e.g. the Carolingian site Volar in the Ljubljanica River, discovered in 2003/2004). Fig. 4 Combined use of diferent topographic 3D databases (DEM) and ield research surveying methods (TST), used for reconstruction and interpretation of the processes in mankind evolution and of environmental changes in prehistoric times. To document the Stone Age hunters camp in the Ljubija river at Zalog near Vrhnika on the SW outskirts of the Ljubljansko barje (Gaspari/Erič 2006a) a DEM with resolution of 12.5 m grid was used as a by-product of the ortho- graphic evaluation of the vertical air photography (a); for a closer view a DEM with a 5 m grid was used (b); and the coniguration of the nearby area was examined by means of TST measurements, with a grid of ~2x2 m and an underwa- ter grid of ~1x1 m (c).
  • 29. 27 its use also in the research of underwater archaeological sites. Its applicability in archaeology grew with the rise of point cloud density and development of 3D DEMs. In the course of preparation of the state commissioned orthophotographic mapping documents for Slovenia, by DFG Consulting from Ljubljana, the imagery accuracy was steadily improving. Within a 15-year period, fol- lowing the early 1990s, the density of 100 m x 100 m was raised to 50 m x 50 m, then 25 m x 25 m, 12.5 m x 12.5 m to inally reach 5 m x 5 m point cloud density. At that time, this density level provided in archaeology border- line applicability and data accuracy, which made at least investigation of larger local sites and regions possible. Total Station Theodolite - TST (opticals and lasers) This important instrument brought methodological inno- vations into archaeology at a time when topographical surveys3 of archaeological sites were still being made by means of manual measuring and georeferencing, be- fore modern lidar and laser measuring techniques and photogrammetric 3D modeling were introduced. The application of TST made it possible, with a bit of inno- vativeness, to signiicantly upgrade the quality of ield documentation and, thereby, to improve reconstructional and interpretative results. Replacing manual data capture, with its use of measuring grids, tape measurements and drawing boards under water, TST greatly improved the results, at least on the underwater sites not deeper than 5m. Under favourable conditions (aquatic environments without strong currents, proximity of shore) and with the help of specially adapted buoys, equipped with prisms, even deeper sites could be documented (Fig. 3). Since 1994, the Underwater Archaeology Division of Slovenia has regularly made use of this combination and stratii- cation of diferent data sets in its work on underwater sites. On one of the most important locations, a Stone- Age hunters’ campsite on the western edge of Ljubljans- ko barje4 at Zalog pri Verdu near Vrhnika, diferent data sets of 3D data layers were applied in diferent scales (Fig. 4). This type of data capture method on underwater cultural heritage sites has been practically adopted while 3D measuring instruments has become available at lower prices and improved data processing algorithms as free share software availability – a global trend – has greatly facilitated documentative research work. 3 Up to 1970s all archaeological topography was documented on the state topographic maps. Topographic maps DTK 1: 50.000 and limited access less DTK 1: 25.000 until the 1991 was in use. Since 1995, the State Geodetic Administration released also use of TTN 1: 5000. These maps were also a topographic basis for georeferencing of archaeological sites. Access to a variety of national topographic bases including DEM after 2000 fully released. 4 Ljubljansko barje or Ljubljana Moor is the 166 sq km big typical Karstic ield geologically characterized as moor. Terrestrial Laser Scanning - TLS In the last decade we have witnessed a rapid develop- ment in the ield of measuring instruments and in the data processing software. Improved algorithms have made processing of vast volumes of data possible. Even not too expensive instruments have now reached the speed of 50pt/sec in spatial data capture while those of the highest quality can do as many as 1Mpt/sec. Laser recorded 3D models in lower-priced instruments may contain from 40k/m2 to as many as 25k/m2 , whereas the density reached with the highest quality instruments can be four times higher, and thus also the accuracy of the document. Errors, in any direction (xyz), can in this type of 3D models, therefore, not be higher than 1 mm, and in most cases do not exceed a tenth of a millimeter. Obvi- ously, the quantity of the data that need to be processed is enormous. This requires powerful hardware and very good software solutions, which entails high processing costs and expert involvement. Therefore, it may be said that the quality and accuracy of 3D models acquired by means of TLS may simply be too high to be viable in investigation of large cultural heritage site areas (e.g. ar- chitecture, colonization and settlement areas). A common sense use of diferent measuring techniques and measu- ring devices for 3D documentation of cultural heritage is, therefore, called for and necessary if we wish to be- have rationally. Our work ranges from documentation of the tiniest objects (e.g. coins, ibulas, small ornaments etc.) on the one hand to measurements of large cultural landscapes, which are the subject of cultural heritage and archaeological investigations on the other. The per- formance characteristics of TLS measuring instruments make them most suitable for imaging of cultural herita- ge areas up to 300 m in radius. Nevertheless, by moving the instrument several times and acquiring data from a series of standpoints it is also possible to record larger areas (Fig. 5). Direct application of TLS techniques for documentation of underwater cultural heritage and in un- derwater archaeology is not possible, however, it is often employed as a source of spatial data in the wider environ- ment of the heritage and for interpretative placement of underwater heritage in the broader cultural context.
  • 30. 28 Bathymetry Thanks to the physical properties of the sound, studying the loors of water bodies (seas, lakes, rivers, streams) has a long tradition. The irst single-beam echo-sounders, invented at the beginning of the 20th century, provided the irst detailed hypsographic and topographic maps of the beds of water bodies. The technique of sonar data capture was patented by the German inventor Alexander Behm as early as 1913.5 Before his discovery mariners used to do depth sounding for navigation purposes and avoidance of accidents by using simple plumb lines and so gained at least some rough, linear, knowledge of the morphology of the sea loor. Sonar is a device which emits and receives an acoustic signal in water. By de- termining the time (depth) between the emission of the sound6 in the grid recordings it was possible, even with a single-beam sonar7 , to obtain a rather accurate three- dimensional image of the bed of a water body. Testing and application of single-beam echo-sounders on under- water cultural heritage sites in Slovenia has considerably heightened accuracy and precision of underwater inds, and has, in addition, enabled us to link the morphology of water beds directly with that of the shores and nearby environment (Fig. 6).8 Such data are needed mainly to 5 Patent DRP No. 282009 from 22nd July 1913 (Behm 1913). 6 The average speed of the sound travelling in water is between 1450 and 1500 m/sec. It depends on saaltness, pressure and temperature of water (Pierce 1989). 7 Sonar with a single emiter/receiver of sound. 8 Gaspari/Erič 2006b. gain an understanding of paleo-environmental changes and the appearance of heritage. Around 1960, the Ame- rican navy developed the Sonar Array Sounding System (SASS)9 , a predecessor of the Multi-Beam Echo Sound- ers (MBES). Today sonars may possess up to 500 emit- ters/receivers, which can be widened and narrowed in a fan-like fashion, and can so adjust the recording beam to the depth of the terrain imaged and so to achieve the density of points required for the study of cultural heri- tage remains. A broader angle is used in shallow waters in order to investigate a broader band and to shorten the recording time; when, however, the required data are in deeper waters, the angles between individual measuring units are narrowed, which increases the data density In its today’s form, bathymetry10 is a very important tech- nique for analyses of wide areas of the territorial sea and continental water bodies and for learning about natural processes efecting changes in paleo-landscapes and an- thropogenic changes in the region. The very limitedness and small size of the Slovenian territorial sea in the Gulf of Trieste and Alpine lakes in the mountainous northwes- tern part of Slovenia were ideal locations for testing and understanding the result content. The amount of know- ledge on cultural heritage remains, buried in the sea, dou- bled after acquisition of bathymetric data, and increased tenfold in the case of Alpine lakes (Fig. 7)11 . 9 Theberge/Cherkis 2013 10 i.q. hypsometry or topography 11 Slovenian territorial sea (see Erič/Poglajen/Gaspari 2012); Lake Bled (see: Poglajen/Mozetič/Vranac 2012). Fig. 5 Successful use of TLS measurements in the 120 m long Great Hall of the Škocjan Caves in the Slovenian Karst region (a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site), with the river Reka passing through a 6 km long cave system. Left: Longitudinal cross-section (top) and ground plan (bottom) of the Great Hall with the 15 stand positions of TLS laser scanner. Right: Visualisation of the point cloud obtained by 3D laser scanning of a part of the Great Hall.
  • 31. 29 Airborn Laser Scanning - ALS (also Light Detection and Ranging - Lidar) ALS is an optical remote sensing technology of great im- portance for the development of research methodology and widening of in which landscape cultural heritage and the processes of past anthropogenic changes are investi- gated ALS results similarly as multi-beam sonar devices, by determining the distance between the emitter and the water bottom surface measured; only that it works op- tically, using a laser beam. The measurements obtained produce a 3D image of the Earth surface (as well as a hypsometric map) The results of the raw data acquired by ALS are usually referred to as Digital Surface Models (DSM). They are comprehensive and include both the infrastructure and the vegetation canopy. By eliminating these two, the automatically programmed iltering of the raw DSM data yields a DEM map of the Earth surface elevations. In Slovenia elevation maps were originally generated as by-products of orthophotographic carto- graphy maps (with resolutions of 100 m, 50 m, 12.5 m and 5 m). ALS images became available in archeology already in the irst years of the 21st century. They repre- sented a substantial contribution to the unveiling of past events in landscape archeology, where speciic landscape properties are measured with diferent distance sensing techniques (e.g. aero-archaeology, shallow geophysical surveys, satellite optical measurements etc.). Earth sur- face morphology had never before been so accurately recorded. A minimum data density of 20pt/m2 is needed Fig. 6 Research of the Ljubljanica riverbed near Bevke, conducted in 2004 within the framework of the European Fluvial Heritage Project, supported by the European Union (Culture 2000) three diferent 3D topographic databases (DEM, TLS and single-beam sonar results) were combined to explore this archaeological site from the Bronze and Early Roman Ages. Fig. 7 High density bathymetry, using multi-beam sonar, is very appropriate in broader cultural heritage studies to gain knowledge about the scope of underwater culture heritage sites and to plan protection and management of susta- inable research and public promotion of the use of 3D models. Left (a): In the Slovenian territorial sea 18 new shipw- recks were detected against 20 known previously. Middle (b): As until recently only a few modern boats were known to have sunk in Lake Bled, it was a great surprise that as many as 28 sunken boats, 6 of them most probably older logboats [e.g. Right (c)], were detected by Sašo Poglajen from Harpha Sea company (see Poglajen/Mozetič/Vranac 2012) in 2008 by means of multi-beam sonar measuring.
  • 32. 30 to recognize anthropogenic changes in a landscape and to achieve a complete and non-destructive distance-sensed identiication of the archaeological remains (Fig. 8). More prominent remains (big buildings, roads, mounds etc.) can of course be detected at lower densities. It has to be admitted that quite a few important past results have been achieved on the basis of 5 m DTM12 , which means with a density of 1pt/ar2 . In 2017 already, Slovenia will have publicly available DEM data for the entire country, made on the basis of Lidar measurements (with resoluti- on of 200pt/ar2 ). For very precise archaeological spatial analyses this data may seem somewhat robust13 , but since there is an obvious trend in the direction of higher data density, it is possible to expect data density of 2500pt/ ar2 in a few years, which completely satisies the requi- rements in analysing anthropogenic changes and cultural heritage. 12 Erič 2004 13 Mlekuž 2013 Higher precision and closer measure scale 3D scanning of cultural heritage sites and artefacts; Laser, -structure and -modular White Light Scanners (WLS) and Photogrammetry. Underwater archaeology has a long history,14 and has been practiced on the eastern coast of the Adriatic15 for considerable time. In its beginnings it experienced the same limitations as general photogrammetry. Taking underwater photographs used to be a lengthy process because the photos needed to be properly aligned so that corresponding points in stereo pairs could later be identiied in the laboratory. In the past this made photo- grammetry in underwater documentation more expensive than manual or classical documentation. (Fig. 9, Left)16 . Since the technique was time-consuming and the measu- ring costs high, the photogrammetrically obtained data density was not high enough and so did not completely replace classical documentation in the form of drawings 14 Drap et al. 2013 15 Erič et al. 2013 16 Gluščević 2009 Fig. 8 Two applications of ALS methodology in landscape archaeology studies. Left (a): The Škocjan Caves - a UNESCO Natural Heritage area with registered culture heritage sites; TLS images of the Great Hall cave ceiling and anthropogenic changes, extracted from point clouds in the Lidar database and integrated into a DEM of the surface (Lidar scanning with 2500pt/ar2 density; Novakovič et al. 2014). Right (b): Southwestern part of Ljubljansko barje near Vrhnika showing the estimated position of the settlement of Nauportus (transparent white circle) and the positions of a Roman logboat from the 1st century AD (1) and a Roman lat-bottomed ship from year 3 AD (2). The topographic plan, obtained by Lidar scanning [2500pt/ar2 density] allows us to detect paleo-environmental evidence (a, b) of paleo thrusted ridges of the old coast of the Ljubljansko barje Lake and compare it to anthropogenic changes of the wider landscape. (c) Slope of the Ljubljanica river channel or/and the coast of the Lake (Erič et al. 2014).
  • 33. 31 and other ield measurement techniques. Modern com- puter based photogrammetrical methods now yield data of much higher density, comparable to that of 3D ima- ges, which are made up of a dense point cloud, in which each point has corresponding three-space coordinates. By taking a number of photos of an object or location from diferent viewpoints, it is possible to reconstruct an almost complete 3D model. In the process of capturing photographs, there are no constraints regarding the place- ment of cameras One can hold the camera in one’s hands together with additional equipment. The only thing that matters is a large enough set of photographs, which must overlap one other by about 75%. The computer software that makes a 3D model reconstruction from the video is already available (Fig. 9, Right).17 The simplicity of use, in comparison with classical documentation methods, is the feature that can explain why this approach is so fre- quently used in archaeological research. 17 Koncani Uhač/Uhač 2012 Fig. 9 A comparison of two archaeological case studies, using 3D Photogrammetry, performed at an interval of app. 15 years. Left: The irst stereo photogrammetric 3D documentation of an underwater archaeological site, carried out on the island Grebeni (near Silba island in Dalmatia) in the Adriatic in 2001. As at that time no computer applications for automatic frame tracking existed, the entire tracking processing had to be done manually, which meant each frame had to be analyzed separately to obtain enough characteristics to stitch all photographs onto the same 3D model. This 3D Model of a shipwreck, with a 5 x 5m grid, was produced with the help of DFG Consulting company from Ljubljana with their own software (DoG, SeX, etc.), developed by Tomaž Gvozdanović. The entire 3D modeling process required three months of work, which makes the method quite impractical and too expensive to be used as a standard method in under- water archaeology. Right: 15 years later new software with updated algorithms and new frame-tracking applications made automatic 3D model photogrammetry available. Today this new modern modeling applications are open source code, i.e. free of charge. (An especially important feature of these applications is completely automatic functioning and high speed). In the last two years is has become possible to generate photogrammetric 3D models also from video frames, such as compact cameras, mobile phones or small video cameras. In the Adriatic Sea area a photogrammetric 3D was irst generated from video records of a Bronze Age ship (12th century BC). The Shipwreck was excavated in the bay of Zambratija near Umag (Croatia) by Ida Koncani Uhač and Marko Uhač from the Archaeological Museum of Istra in Pula. Video recording was done by Christian Petretich, 3D modeling by Gregor Berginc (3Dimenzija) by means of Mementify©PHOV.
  • 34. 32 Fig. 10 3D models of important artefacts show highly precise virtual reconstructions of real inds immediately after excavations. Site documentation is very important because of the possible occurrence of damage or destruction after conservation. Left: Stone Age hunters camp at Zalog near Verd on the western edge of Ljubljansko barje in the Slovenian internal waters. During the excavations in 2004 a rare ind was detected on the underwater site, an almost 9000 year-old woman’s scull (As the importance of indings push us to use possibilities we have). A 3D model of the scull, with reso- lution of less than 0.1 mm, was made in the Computer Vision Laboratory of the Faculty for Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana by Daniel Skočaj, Matjaž Jogan, Alenka Fink and Marko Grzetič. Right: Immediately after the discovery of a 45000-year old point, made of yew wood (the top part of a palaeolithic hunters weapon) it was 3D imaged by Kristijan Celec from IB-Procadd Ltd. Ljubljana, by means of ZScanner Z800, with less than 0.01 mm resolution in any of the three axes (xyz) The ind seems to be very important because according to Marcus Egg from Römisch- Germanischen Zentralmuseum it was treated with a melamine inish. A comparative analysis will show the diferences between pre- and after conservation measure of the ratio of the artefact. Fig. 11 Study of 3D modeling and analysis of documentation accuracy on an Early Roman lat bottom ship, found in the river Ljubljanica near Sinja Gorica, Slovenia. Left: After analyzing the accuracy of the 3D model constructed with photogrammetric methods and comparing it with TLS measurements, it was possible to ind an error in TLS measure- ments. In absence of more exact measurements such errors cannot be identiied if the relationships between the points are erroneous. Middle: Unexpectedly, we were able to detect the correlation between direction of wrong measurements and ind the reason for the mistakes in measurements, caused by the divers’s, who by wishing to measure the points as accuratly as possible, pushed the prism too hard into the low of the river, shown as rosetta. Right: After site aquisition of the data by Rok Kovačič from Golden Light Photography/Kult Company, a 3D model (with more than 500k pts/cloud and less than 1 mm error) was built by Gregor Berginc from XLab Company/3dimenzija Company, Slovenia, using a self developed Mementify©PHOV application.
  • 35. 33 The case of the palaeolithic wooden point In 2004 Slovenian archaeologists obtained very goods results by 3D scaning of artefact from Stone age hun- ter camp underwater archaeological site in Zalog near Verd,18 therefore the 3D documentation methodology was adopted also to document an artefact of truly great rarity (Fig. 10, Left). In 2008 they discovered a pointed wooden object in the Ljubljanica River near Vrhnika in the Ljubljansko barje area.19 Two wood samples were dated by means of the AMS 14C method. The wooden point was produced and used around 45,000 years ago, in the time the Neandert- hals were gradually becoming extinct and the irst ana- tomically modern humans were beginning their journey from the Middle East to Europe. This links the Ljubljani- ca site with the four other European sites that have produ- ced the remains of wooden hunting weapons dating back to the Palaeolithic (Clacton-on-Sea, Lehringen, Schönin- gen, and Mannheim). After completion of basic research, the object was 3D-recorded with a high-precision 3D laser scanner so that its shape could be accurately docu- mented (Fig. 10, Right). The case of the early Roman barge In September 2008 a preventive underwater survey of the river bed of the Ljubljanica near Sinja Gorica in Slovenia revealed the remains of a vessel. A closer inspection of the exposed cross-section of the vessel indicated that the vessel could be a more than 16 m long barge with a lat bottom and nearly vertical side planks, coupled with iron clamps.20 A preliminary radiocarbon analysis of the wood indicated that it was built and used ca. 2000 years ago. The Roman barge, which contained no cargo or other objects, was irst cleaned of recent sediments. Then the shape of the visible part of the barge was documented by means of two methods, the ma- nual survey and photogrammetry. This made it possible to compare the two methodologies and inally decide to aban- don and replace the older. The 3D model derived from the photogrammetrical reconstruction was much more accura- te and informative than the manually drawn documentati- on, containing 2D loor and side views, 2D cross sections and detailed drawings of individual construction elements (Fig. 11). The 3D model allows an almost equally detailed examination and analysis of the vessel as observation in situ. Even the archive photographs of extremely high quali- ty, which are still useful, cannot match the 3D model. 18 Gaspari 2006; Hincak/Štefančič 2006 19 Gaspari/Erič/Odar 2011 20 Erič et al. 2014 Conclusion Today it is no longer necessary to discuss and highlight the importance of the developments in the documentation of underwater inds in the last 20 years or of the research into possibilities of implementation of three-dimensional data capturing, which is presently accessible through a number of measuring instruments on the one hand, and a rapid development of computer software and updated algorithms on the other. It is obvious that the documen- tation of cultural heritage underwater inds has achieved outstanding quality, comparable to that of the inds-on dry land, with errors not exceeding 1 mm. In underwa- ter documentation this means absolute accuracy. New measuring techniques, using photogrammetry and new methods for assessment of 3D data, have moved from ield to oices and have greatly shortened the need for the divers’ ield presence. Since divers’ fees represent the highest item in the costs of a project, this has signiicant- ly reduced the needed inancial input. At the same time it has considerably improved safety at work; the results (of higher quality) are obtained in far shorter time and the duration of the divers’ exposure is, therefore, also shor- ter. It can already be predicted, without a shred of doubt, that archeological methodology teaching materials will have to be updated as soon as possible and that the ar- cheologists who are actively involved in research and are not keeping up with the progress in the profession should step down and make way for younger colleagues. Miran Erič, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Poljanska 40, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Gregor Berginc, Tretja dimenzija Ltd.; XLAB Ltd. Paderšičeva 37, SI-8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia. Rok Kovačič, Kult Ltd. ©Golden Light Photography, Cesta na Laze 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Kristijan Celec, Carthago reisenmobil SLO Ltd. Kamenice 2, SI-9233, Odranci, Slovenia (2008 employed by IB-procadd Com- pany).
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  • 37. 35 Novaković et al. 2014 G. Novaković/D. Mlekuž/L. Rozman/A. Lazar/B. Peric/R. Cerkvenik/K. Peternelj/M. Erič, New approa- ches to understanding the world natural and cultural heri- tage by using 3D technology: UNESCO’s Škocjan Cave, Slovenia, International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 3/4 (Oxford 2014), 629–642. Pierce 1989 A. D. Pierce, Acoustics: an introduction to its physical principles and applications. (Acoustical Society of Ame- rica and American Institute of Physics, New York, 1989). Poglajen/Mozetič/Vranac 2012 S. Poglajen/D. Mozetič/D. Vranac, High-resolution Hy- drographic Survey of Lake Bled. Summary/Visokore- solucijska hidrografska izmera Blejskega jezera. In: A. Gaspari (ed.) The unknown Lake Bled: underwater cul- tural heritage and the results of archaeological research/ Neznano Blejsko jezero: podvodna kulturna dediščina in rezultati arheoloških raziskav. Vestnik XX (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljublja- na 2008), 32–39. Stančič/Slapšak 1988 Z. Stančič/B. Slapšak, A modular analysis of the ield sis- tem of Pharos. In: J.C. Chapman/J. Bintlif/V. Gafney/B. Slapšak (eds.) Recent developments in Yugoslav archaeolo- gy. BAR International Series 431 (Oxford 1988), 191–198. Stančič/Šivic 1988 Z. Stančič/P. Šivic, Photogrammetric documentation of archaeological excavations. In: 11th International simpo- sium: Soia, 4–7 october 1988, Contributions of modern photogrammetry remote sensing and image processing methods to the architectural and urbany heritage. Bul- garian National Commitee of ICOMOS: International Commitee of Architectural Photogrammetry CIPA (Soia 1989) 213–223. Theberge/Cherkis 2013 E.A.Theberge and Z.N. Cherkis, A Note on Fifty Years of Multi-beam, May 2013 [On line] Available at: http:// Note_on_Fifty_Years_ofMultibeam.html [Accessed at 25th March 2015].
  • 38. 36 2011 the „Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps“ had been granted the UNECSO World Heritage label in six middle European countries. Out of 1000 known lake settlements around the alps 111 were placed under World Heritage protection (Fig. 1). Five of the 111 lake settlements are archaeological sites in Austria: Abtsdorf I (Attersee, Upper Austria), Abtsdorf III (Attersee, Upper Austria), Litzlberg Süd (Attersee, Upper Austria), See (Mondsee, Upper Austria), Keutschach (Keutschacher See, Carinthia) (Fig. 2). The selection of the underwater sites represents a spec- trum of important lake settlements from the neolithic to the bronze age period in Austria. Unfortunately, some of these famous archaeological sites have a challenging conservation situation. In order to fulill the terms of the World Heritage status, the national management asso- ciation „Kuratorium Pfahlbauten“ was commissioned to work out concepts to guarantee the safeguarding of the World Heritage sites. Furthermore the association is responsible for performing and encouraging research on lake settlement sites in Austria. Helena Novak Neolithic Lake Settlements A new UNESCO World Heritage leads to the emerging of underwater- and wetland-research in Austria Fig. 1 Map of all known lake settlements around the alps (© Palaittes).
  • 39. 37 For a better understanding of the situation of the archaeo- logical sites under water, the site management of Upper Austria implemented a monitoring system in each World Heritage during the last two years. So, since January 2013, the lake settlements are under continuous control. Through the constant monitoring, areas, which are ex- posed to damaging impacts can be identiied. Regular measurements survey the extent of erosions, washing of the prehistoric layers. The data that is collected during monitoring campaigns is crucial for our understanding of the impact itself and for working out research concepts, that form the basis for a proper and sustainable preserva- tion of the sites. Monitoring system The monitoring system is a long-term project and mainly consists of three methods of observation: erosion mar- kers, coring, surface survey. Erosion markers To measure the efect of erosion in the protected areas, a grid of erosion markers was installed. The markers are stakes of one meter length, which were put into the ground, leaving only 10 cm above ground level. At least two times per year, the site management surveys the ero- sion markers in order to document the development of se- dimentation (increase or erosion of sediment coverage). The regular control also indicates in which season of the year erosion or deposition of lake sediment takes place. These are important informations to understand the ori- gin of erosion. Measurements taken in winter showed deposition of sediment at the prehistoric settlement area of Seewalchen at Attersee. During the summer, starting with the beginning of the shipping season on Attersee, massive erosion takes place. This is most likely due to the fact, that the landing base for the large tourist ship of Attersee is located close to the settlelement area. The ship`s propellers cause sediment resuspension, which is transported from the location by a constant water stream of the nearby river „Ager“. In this way, the natural ero- sion is massively increased by the impact of the ship`s propellers. There is good evidence, that without shipping during summer in the settlement area, erosion would be minimized or might even be completely absent (Fig. 3). Coring For a better understanding of the stratigraphy and to esti- mate the spread of the lake settlements coring is used. The cores for the sediment extractions are between 1–2 m long and have a diameter of 9 cm. The amount of material that can be extracted depends on the compound of the lake ground. Larger stones or gravel, often used for shore con- Fig. 2 Map of Austrian lake settlements with UNESCO World Heritage label (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten).
  • 40. 38 structions, are hardly penetrable structures. Therefore, in shore areas in most cases only small cores can be extracted and in some cases even smaller drilling units have to be used. In these areas, erosion impact is frequent, so preh- istoric layers are mostly located within 30–50 cm depth from the sediment surface. Ofshore settlements may be found underneath huge amounts of lake sediments. At Litzlberg Süd, for example, the last remains where found 85 m ofshore underneath more than 1m sediment. The recent indings show that the expansion of the settlement area reaches much further into the lake than indicated in an earlier survey in 1977 (Pohl 2014; Fig. 4). Surface surveying At least two times per year the research team surveys all underwater World Heritage sites of Austria. During these regular campaigns the monitoring systems are expanded and overhauled. The irst measurements show that the applied system indicates expected damages at some of the protected zones. Impacts on smaller areas need spe- cialized preventive measures and sometimes immediate protection measures, like started in a buoy-project (q.v. Litzlberg Süd). Longterm survey of the surface under water is necessary for a proper monitoring, documenta- tion and prevention of damages and for meaningful and qualitative evidence to plan sustainable preservation ar- rangements. New survey methods to collect more accurate data and for a better visualization of the situation under water are at test stage. The University of Vienna1 and the company „Crazy Eye“2 were running tests for the use of Structure 1 Mag. Viktor Jansa wrote his Master-Thesis at the Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology from the University of Vienna about problems and possible solutions for monitoring of underwater sites with new technical methods. He was running irst tests for the use of SfM at lake settlement sites of Attersee (Jansa 2013). 2 Mag. Ronny Weßling from the company „Crazy Eye“ reconstructed with SfM a 3D Model of the excavation Fig. 3 Erosion marks at Litzlberg Süd (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Christian Howe).
  • 41. 39 from Motion (SfM) under water. It is possible to compare several 3D models of an area from diferent monitoring periods to each other and take measurements within the models. The models could be used to measure erosion or other changes of surface topo- graphy. So far SfM was mainly tested on small areas under water (Jansa 2013, 107–108). If it would be possible to apply the method for large-scale surveys, the monitoring would be much more detailed than a grid of erosion marks ever could be. As part of the research project „Zeitensprung“ a irst underwater settlement excavation will be accompanied with SfM in October 2015. First survey tests at the excavation area were taken in April 2015 (Weßling 2015). The monitoring of the last years already provides im- portant information about the diferent conditions of the sites and a variation of damaging activities under water. site from Seewalchen at Attersee (Weßling 2015). State of the World Heritage sites See, Mondsee (Upper Austria) Date: Neolithic, 3971–3357 BC Ox Cal calibration of C14-Analyses of J. Ofenberger in 1976 (Hirmann 1999). The neolithic settlement area is located next to the mouth of the river Seeache, which connects the two lakes Mondsee and Attersee. The site was irst discovered in 1872 by Matthäus Much, who collected a huge amount of indings from there. The collection is still used for educa- tional purposes by the University of Vienna. Today, the remains of the former lakeshore settlement are found 2–5 m underneath the water surface. The constant undertow in this area causes signiicant erosion. Natural lake sediments above the cultural layers have washed of (Fig. 5). Never the less in this area still exist prehistoric layers of about 30 cm depth (Pohl 2014). It is remarkable that they Fig. 4 Coring carried out by Uwitec. Core of Litzlberg Süd with huge amounts of lake sediment on top of the cultural layer (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Christian Howe and Henrik Pohl).
  • 42. 40 had been preserved, after such longterm erosion. Perhaps the heaviness of erosion increase after modern river regu- lation or bank ixation during the last 150 years. There is evidence that constructions like seawalls of concrete in- terfere with the way waves impact on the ground. That is why erosion increases at surrounding areas of such tech- nical modiications (Schröder 2013, 27). However, at the World Heritage site See at Mondsee there is extensive erosion and a longterm protection responsibility. Recent developments in our neighbouring countries al- ready provide sound methods for preventing erosion. Such methods are, e.g., covering the cultural layers with geotextile and gravel. Tests at the archaeological site Unteruhldingen at Bodensee, for example, show the pro- tection efect of gravel illing (Hofmann 2013, 46). This could also be a practicable system for the preservation of the World Heritage site of Mondsee. Currently, research strategies are developed in order to learn as much as pos- sible about the site conditions before covering it. Litzlberg Süd, Attersee (Upper Austria) Date: Neolithic Findings from the site indicate the dating (Hirmann 1999). The World Heritage sites atAttersee are in good condition. Natural lake sediments have build up on top of the cultural layers of all sites of Attersee. Furthermore, at some areas, stonewort covers the surface. The supericial deposit acts like a protection zone against exposure. However, impacts caused by human activities are able to reach the cultural layers, despite deposits of 0.50 m to more than 1m. Most of the shore areas at Attersee are private properties. The owners moore their sailboats on buoys in the World Heritage zone. The buoys are attached on heavy stones at the ground with iron chains. The chains of some buoys are long enough to touch the ground. The problem is that those chains are under constant movement. The chains stir up the ground and occasionally form huge craters. The size of the- se caters may reach over 10 m in diameter with more than 2 m depth. In some cases the chain cuts through the natural sediments, digs up cultural layers and destroys them. The- re are also abandoned buoy stones on the ground. In this cases the craters ill with deposit material and thus are se- dimented again. If we assume that for each lost buoy stone a new one was installed, it is most likely that the archaeolo- gical site is already heavily damaged. To prevent the World Heritage site from more destruction of that kind, the site management developed a protection project in cooperation with the national heritage agencies (Österreichisches Bun- desdenkmalamt) and the Österreichische Bundesforste as administrative authority of the lake . Starting with 2015 the buoy service of Attersee will ins- tall an intersystem on the sailboat buoys to lift the chains from the ground. A smaller buoy between the sailboat buoy and the stone shell prevent the lake bed from dama- ge caused by the rotation of the chain. The testing phase started already 2014 and the system is about to be build up at Litzlberg Süd this year. The monitoring will show if this method does prove efective. Otherwise the govern- ment must ind a legitimate solution with the owners of the sailboat buoys (Fig. 6, 7). Abtsdorf I, Attersee (Upper Austria) Date: Bronze Age, 1884–1528 BC OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of M.-C. Ries, 2014 (Ries 2014). During prehistoric times the site was a peninsula. Today the site is covered by shallow water and is located 2–2.5 m un- derneath the water surface. The site is naturally protec- ted by sedimental deposit, except in the areas of buoy craters. In Abtsdorf I we have a similar buoy situation like in Litzlberg Süd. This protection problem is sympto- matic for all sites at Attersee. We counted sixteen buoys at Litzlberg Süd and seven buoys inside the protection area of Abtsdorf I. It is planned to install the same in- Fig. 5 See, Mondsee: pile-ield and prehistoric mate- rial on top of the surface (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/ Christian Howe). Fig. 6 Remains of the world heritage inside a buoy crater of Litzlberg Süd (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/ Christian Howe).
  • 43. 41 tersystem on the sailboat buoys like in Litzlberg Süd as soon as possible. Meanwhile coring comes into operation to ind out the maximum spread of the World Heritage site and to collect data for continuing research projects. M.-C. Ries examined three cores of Abtsdorf I using mi- croscopical pollen analysis. During her research she was also able to take new C14-probes of the site, which date Abtsdorf I between 17th and 16th century BC. The dates correspond with the OxCal calibrations of the results of K. Czech from 1982 (Ries 2014, 25). Abtsdorf III, Attersee (Upper Austria) Date: Neolithic, 3654–3104 BC OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of K. Czech, 1982. (Hirmann 1999) Abtsdorf III is situated south of the former peninsula, where Abtsdorf I is located. Because of the large amount of sedimental deposit and stonewort the cultural layers are completely covered, not even posts point out of the ground. Only with coring methods it is possible to prove the existence of the World Heritage and determine the settlement area. The cores show a small cultural layer of 5 cm thickness. To ind out more about the spread of the settlement area and its stratigraphy coring will be exten- ded to a larger area. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the preservation of the World Heritage site Abtsdorf III is in a good state. Keutschacher See (Carinthia) Date: Neolithic, 4200–3650 BC OxCal calibration of C14-Analyses of J. Ofenberger, 1982, and Dendrochronological Analysis of O. Cicho- cki, 1993. (Hirmann 1999) The neolithic site of Keutschach was discovered in 1864 by Ferdinand Hochstätter. It is not only the irst known lake settlement of Austria, but also the one with the oldest den- drochronologically conirmed dating (Gleirscher 2014, 17–18, 34). The site is located in the middle of the lake on a former island. With the rise of the water level the island sank below water level. Today, the shallow is 2 m underneath Fig. 7 Buoy crater at Litzlberg Süd and test „Zwischenboje“ (© Kuratorium Pfahlbauten/Henrik Pohl).
  • 44. 42 the water surface and the lowest point of the former is- land is in about 12–15 m depth. Because of the shape of the shallow in some areas the condition of the archaeo- logical site is critical. For example, at areas where the surface topography is sloping, sediment, cultural layers and posts broke away. Animals, like the pikeperch or crawish, which dig holes in the ground and deteriora- te the conservation situation of the site. The dismantled material drop down from the shallow and at 15 m depth prehistoric indings remain lying on the ground. These artifacts cannot be associated with other archaeological context and poorly qualify for research work. The con- servation condition of Keutschach is unique and there- fore challenging. Concepts for provisions are in the state of elaboration. Public relations As underwater sites are not plainly visible, they are par- ticularly challenging when it comes to public relations. Furthermore there are two distinct situations jeopardi- zing the World Heritage: In contrast to Keutschach and Mondsee, where damages are caused by natural causes, the cultural layers atAttersee are mostly destroyed by hu- man inluence. This occurs in most cases because the pu- blic does not know about the World Heritage sites sitting on their doorsteps. Although UNESCO demands access of the World Heritage to the public, we have to keep in mind, that underwater sites have been plundered a lot by skin divers in the past. It is therefore imperative to build up awareness of its existence and its importance to the public. „Kuratorium Pfahlbauten“ already carried out some pu- blic relations projects in the regions of Attersee, Mond- see and Keutschacher See. Especially school projects, a series of lectures and the World Heritage festivals have been very successful. The network of interested schools and local residents wanting to work on the topic is al- ready expanding. Regional associations like „Pfahlbau am Attersee“ ( were founded in Upper Austria and Carinthia during the past two years. To provide more visibility for the World Heritage the government of Upper Austria supported the construction of three information pavilions in 2013. Regional asso- ciations make use of the pavilions as a tourist attraction and as destination for guided World Heritage tours. The construction of a similar pavilion at Keutschach is in pre- paration. In collaboration with the communities of Attersee, Seewal- chen and Mondsee it was also possible to make the World Heritage „Pile dwellings around the alps“ the focus of the Upper Austria Provincial Exhibition in 2020 (Oberösterrei- chische Landesausstellung: „Versunken - Aufgetaucht“). In 2014 the irst Carinthian World Heritage festival was celebrated. The ind of a bronze age logboat of the „Satt- nitz Moor“, a nearby marshland, was reconstructed in the public bathing area of Keutschach. The wood work was carried out by a team of experimental archaeologists un- der the leadership of Wolfgang Lobisser, scientiic staf member of VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science. The diferences between the use of stone, bron- ze and iron age tools were analyzed and documented. A publication about the reconstruction process is at work. The logboat reconstruction shall be used as a touristic feature within the summer program at the lake of Keut- schach. The community of Keutschach also plan to arran- ge a second World Heritage festival in Carinthia in 2015. Running Projects and a view to the future This particular UNESCO World Heritage inspired other institutions in Austria to focus on the lake villages as re- search topic. Furthermore it is necessary to accomplish new research data and information about lake settlements inAustria in preparations for the large exhibition in 2020. One of the important tasks of the association „Kuratori- um Pfahlbauten“ is to initiate such endeavors and form a link between the upcoming scientiic projects in this ield of study. Following projects have been approved: „Beyond lake settlements: Studying Neolithic En- vironmental changes and human impact at small lakes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.“ Project lead: Timothy Taylor - University of Vienna Funding: FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfond, DACH Lead Agency-Verfahren (2014–2017) Short description: The international project investigates the human impact on the landscape and the changes of the natural environ- ment around lakes. Small shallow lakes were chosen, be- cause of the paleoecological focus. Smaller lakes might preserve undisturbed laminated annual sediments with potential for generating ultra-high-resolution diachro- nic data on vegetation, paleoclimate and human impact (Hafner 2015). In Austria also larger lakes are going to be investigated due to the research gap compared to the other collaborating countries in this matter. With the use of GIS (geographical information system) a landscape model of the area Attersee and Mondsee will be built connected to a data bank with archaeological data of the region. During my Master theses I am allowed to use the model for my research. I am going to work on landscape data connected to prehistoric human settlements. Dife- rent parameters in the landscape might signal places of human residence on lake shores. The results hopefully lead us to unknown archaeological sites of Attersee and Mondsee.