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Pegg Nadler is a marketing professional with more than thirty years in media, nonprofit, publishing and
retail industries spearheading database marketing and direct marketing strategies. Pegg was the first
database marketer to be named Direct Marketer of the Year by Target Marketing magazine in October
2009. In November 2012, she will receive a Silver Apple from the Direct Marketing Club of New York for
her professional contributions to the DM industry.

Pegg is president of Pegg Nadler Associates, Inc. (PNA), a consulting firm that provides database
marketing and direct marketing solutions to clients. For the past fifteen years, PNA has advised
companies on developing marketing database systems, revamping direct response programs and
restructuring business operations for improved marketing, sales and database performance. Services
include business and product development, relationship marketing and integrated marketing, all as
database-driven initiatives. PNA offers customized client seminars and trainings on best practices in
direct response and database marketing.

Previously, Pegg oversaw database marketing operations at Hachette Filipacchi Media US, Consumer
Reports, Phillips Publishing International and the Smithsonian Institution. She led marketing divisions at
Hadassah, Jindo Furs, The Fur Vault and Belvedere Press. Her database marketing career began at
MetroMail (now Experian) providing data, databases and modeling solutions to the mail order and retail
industries. Pegg launched her direct marketing career at Abrams Books developing products for book
clubs, limited edition publishers, continuity programs and catalog companies.

Pegg is the immediate past president of The Direct Marketing Club of New York and serves on the DMA’s
Ethics Policy Committee as well as its Annual Conference Planning Committee. She is former Chair of
the DMA Nonprofit Federation Advisory Council. As an adjunct faculty member, she taught database
marketing at the undergraduate, graduate and professional level programs for New York University and
Baruch College, CUNY. She is a frequent keynote speaker at national and international conferences on
the uses and abuses of database marketing. Her database marketing articles have appeared in industry
publications including Target Marketing, Inside Direct Mail, DMAW Advents, DMCNY Postings and the
DMA Nonprofit Federation Journal.

Pegg has a BA from The University of Albany. She can be reached at or at 212-
October 2009

       Direct Marketer of the Year:

   Vice President, Database Marketing,
   Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S.

                                   egg Nadler loves the unknown. Where others see challenges, she sees
   Making sense                    opportunities. Where others fear change, she fears boredom.
   and dollars out                     These are some of the qualities that have driven her 30-year direct
                         marketing career, the bulk of which she’s spent advancing database marketing
   of database           operations at commercial and nonprofit organizations and giving back to the
   marketing             direct marketing community. And they’re why she’s Target Marketing magazine’s
                         Direct Marketer of the Year.
                             Speaking over the telephone on a recent Friday evening from her New York
   By Heather Fletcher   office, the vice president of database marketing for magazine publishing empire
                         Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. (HFMUS) quotes a saying from Hungarian Nobel
                         laureate Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt that has verbally captured her
                         world view since she studied English and art history at the University at Albany,
                         State University of New York: “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has
                         seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
                             “My approach to problem solving has actually always been the same,” Nadler
                         says. “And it’s interesting how some people will find this a good approach and
                         others will find that it could be maddening. It has always been very important
                         for me to see the total scope of business in order to come to a decision. And this
                         is probably one of the reasons why I love database marketing—because it really
                         provides that wide picture.”

                         Falling Into Love
                         Nadler began fusing her left and right hemispheres early.
                             The English and art history major entered direct marketing in 1979 by selling
                         art and gift books for Harry N. Abrams.
                             “I fell into direct marketing,” Nadler says. “When I came to New York in
                         the late ’70s, I landed a job at Harry Abrams … and I was first their advertising
which she supervises. So when she accepts
                                                                                                                                                              a new challenge, which is usually “directing
                                                                                                                                                              startup operations, restructuring business
                                                                                                                                                              operations and overhauling marketing
                                                                                                                                                              departments,” she is either in charge of or
                                                                                                                                                              overseeing every aspect of the solution.
                                                                                                                                                                  “I’ve always been the person who can
                                                                                                                                                              see the large business application and put
                                                                                                                                                              the database together and then bring in the
                                                                                                                                                              analytical people who will do the number
                                                                                                                                                              crunching,” she says. “So I’m really a market-
                                                                                                                                                              er who moved into database marketing. …
                                                                                                                                                              While I’ve spent all these years doing direct
                                                                                                                                                              and database marketing, in my heart of hearts
                                                                                                                                                              I’m a marketing, product-development,
                                                                                                                                                              business-development person.”
                                                                                                                                                                  Since diving headfirst into database
                                                                                                                                                              marketing in 1990, Nadler steadily has
                                                                                                                                                              created and overhauled database systems
                                                                                                                                                              and operations for some of the mightiest
                                                                                                                                                              corporations and nonprofits in the country.
                                                                                                                                                              Each situation is different and requires
                                                                                                                                                              her to pull from her well-rounded direct
                                                                                                                                                              marketing background as a vendor, con-
                                                                                                                                                              sultant and client in the commercial and
                                                                                                                                                              nonprofit worlds.
                                                                                                                                                                  For instance, during the time she spent as
                                                                                                                                                              a consultant at the Smithsonian Institution
                                                                                                                                                              providing in-house database marketing
                                                                                                                                                              expertise, Nadler managed operations first
                                                                                                                                                              as a marketing database manager from
                                                                                                                                                              1992 to 1993, then as a marketing strat-
                                                                                                                                                              egy director from 1993 to 1995. In that
                                                              manager and then moved into an area             and mailed catalogs. Catering to the jet set,   capacity, she analyzed the institution’s

                                                              called special sales, which was selling books   Jindo placed computer terminals at kiosks       varied constituencies, including current
                                                              into areas other than bookstores. And …         in airport waiting areas so passengers could    and lapsed audiences.
                                                              really it was direct marketing: catalogs,       click to buy minks before boarding.                 Identifying those high-value donor
                                                              book clubs, continuity programs. That               But her first taste of database market-     prospects, proposing a list revenue pro-
                                                              was my first exposure into direct market-       ing, in 1990 at Metromail Corp. (now            gram to double sales within the first year
                                                              ing. And I thought that it was a little bit     Experian), pulled her in to the direct          for rented database names, developing
                                                              wacky, but that it was much more fun than       marketing specialty. Within 18 months,          database user training programs and estab-
                                                              selling books into bookstores. And it was       she’d secured billings nearing $1 million       lishing Smithsonian’s database marketing
                                                              something that I then stayed with for the       for the marketing information, database         conferences probably already sound over-
                                                              rest of my life.”                               and mail production company.                    whelming.
                                                                  From 1979 to 1990, her direct mar-              “I’ve certainly always been very sys-           But wait. There’s more.
                                                              keting career progressed from moving            tematic,” Nadler says. “My attraction to            “Smithsonian had been using the data-
                                                              art books to selling facsimile editions of      English was that I think that speaking very     base, but not really to the best ability,”
                                                              ancient manuscripts from the Vatican            clearly and getting your message across is      Nadler says. “So I came in, made tweaks
                                                              Library, then to hawking furs in a mostly       an imperative. And probably what has            to the database, worked with all of the dif-
                                                              pre-Internet, fully mid-animal rights move-     attracted me to database marketing is that      ferent parts of the Smithsonian Institution
                                                              ment era. “So being able to sell through        I’ve always … organized … I like to get         to really let them realize that they had a
                                                              the mail and through the phone became           projects done. And it probably is a very        very good resource there. My one favorite
                                                              very important,” Nadler says of her 1988        neat way of wrapping up the world.”             story there at the Smithsonian, and this is
                                                              to 1990 stint with Jindo Furs. Creatively                                                       really not unique to Smithsonian, is that
                                                              working her way around the protester            The Problem Solver                              Smithsonian had a database. It might’ve
                                                              problem, she set up an 800 number for           Speaking of the global picture, Nadler’s        been 9 million [names] when I was there.
                                                              customers to call; secured accounts with        strengths include all aspects of database       And there were names which were not
                                                              the Home Shopping Network, Comp-U-              marketing—with the exception of in-depth        housed on the database, which were in
                                                              Card, American Express and Diners Club;         statistical modeling, the implementation of     each of the development offices, includ-

‘… with the lowering of processing
and technology costs, we are finally able to really
improve our marketing to where everything is
going to be measurable and really everything’s
going to morph into direct. Which is why we’re
calling it integrated marketing.’
                                                                         —Pegg Nadler

ing the central development office. And          appeared from 1997 to 1999, disappearing        the whole political arena, and people
divisions didn’t want to share names. This       when Nadler accepted the full-time job          will be very honest with you about what
is such a common occurrence. Not only in         of re-energizing “the marketing face” of        is truly making them unhappy and what
nonprofits, but in corporations: ‘Don’t want     Hadassah, a nonprofit, pro-Israel Jewish        their aspirations and dreams are. So, as I
you to market to my names. Don’t want            women’s organization. After a four-year         say, it was a big quantum leap to go from
you to contact my names. Want to keep            stint as customer database services direc-      consulting back to working in a corporate
these names suppressed.’ And I really had        tor for Consumers Union, publisher of           environment [at Hachette]. But, as I said, it
to work, very carefully, to demonstrate that     Consumer Reports magazine, it was back to       was certainly for a really good cause. And
the names that were within these various         the milliner in 2004 to get refitted for the    it’s been hard. It’s been challenging. And
development offices were most probably           consultant hat.                                 not for one day have I been bored.”
also on the main database.                           The list of companies seeking her advice         Grabbing Nadler’s attention for a few
    “And by being able to overlay data, bring    as a consultant is so long and so filled with   moments while she’s implementing data-
all of these names together, we would prob-      the “Who’s Who” of brands and nonprof-          base operations in an environment she clas-
ably have a much more effective develop-         its that it simply reads alphabetically, in     sifies as undergoing a revolution can feel
ment strategy if we were able to do that,”       small type, on her résumé: AT&T, B’nai          like pulling a surgeon out of an operating
she continues. “Because we actually showed       B’rith Youth Organization, Corporation for      room. (While headlines about the publish-
that the names that were housed in all of        Public Broadcasting, Discovery Channel,         ing industry have been less than flattering,
these different museums were already on the      Hachette Filipacchi Media …                     reflecting widespread industry trauma—
central database. And once we understood             That’s where, in 2005, she met              from editorial layoffs to magazines folding
what the total correlation was from one area     Hachette’s Philippe Guelton. The HFMUS          altogether—Nadler is energized about the
to another, we were able to make a much          executive vice president and COO had            future. She envisions a personalized multi-
better fundraising pitch.”                       always wanted to build a database. “He          channel experience that’s relevant to the
                                                 had established a database when he was          consumer. More on that later.)
Marketer for All Seasons                         running Hachette’s operations in Japan,”             “We’re in the process of putting together
Of all the hats she’s worn during her direct     Nadler explains.                                a very strong operation,” she says during a
marketing career, Nadler does have a favor-          Guelton hired Nadler as a consultant        quick call on a recent Monday, in between
ite.                                             in 2005, and she worked on the Hachette         planning and budget meetings and search-
    “I love a startup,” Nadler says. “And        project for two years, while mixing in          ing for a director of analysis and modeling.
once the operation is going well, I’m bored.     other consulting projects and adjunct           Database operations, she says, are meant
And that’s when I really like to turn it over.   professorships at New York University           to determine “the new products, businesses
… That’s what I’ve done all along—startup,       and Baruch College, City University             and services Hachette should be offering.
or revamp or overhaul. … And that’s why          of New York. Finally, in 2007, Guelton          And that’s the most fun.”
the consultant role is really a very good        successfully recruited her to work full              “In today’s environment, a rich and fully
role for me, because that’s how I’ve always      time for Hachette so she could complete         developed database is imperative,” Guelton
thought as I’ve gone into companies. And         building and implementing the database          relates. “We are more effective in helping
I’ve been with so many different companies       operations.                                     our advertisers target their prime audiences
that it really has provided me with a very           “The last thing I wanted to do was          and ideal prospects and in providing our
good bird’s-eye view. And it’s so important      give up my consulting,” she says. “It’s so      subscribers with new products and better
to be able to step back and look at what’s       much fun to be on the outside looking in        services. Since joining us in 2005, Pegg
going on.”                                       and letting people tell you what really is      Nadler has been key in leading our efforts
    Pegg Nadler Associates Inc. of New York      troubling them. Because you’re outside          to expand our database capabilities …”
A few of the business leaders who have been influential to Pegg Nadler: Bernice Grossman, Arthur Middleton Hughes, and Don Peppers
 and Martha Rogers.

Inf luences                                    he was just aware that suddenly there was      tomers differently” by using data to keep
More than just DMRS Group President            a movement away from print and that the        and grow customer relationships.
Bernice Grossman’s friendship and men-         circulation counts weren’t really reflecting       That creative rather than facts-only
toring (see sidebar below) and the wisdom      accurately how many people were involved       approach to database marketing points to
of von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt have           with reading or being exposed to a certain     the last influencer Nadler mentions: Arthur
provided inspiration to Nadler during her      product.”                                      Middleton Hughes. Hughes is the founder
long direct marketing career.                      To that end, Nadler says nonprofits were   of the Database Marketing Institute of Fort
    Nadler says her other direct mar-          the first organizations to take methodical     Lauderdale, Fla., and a senior strategist with
keting influences include Jack Kliger,         approaches to understanding their audienc-     Burlington, Mass.-based e-mail marketing
former president and CEO of Hachette           es, or members. During the ’60s, nonprofits    firm e-Dialog. She interprets his stance as
Filipacchi Media U.S. (who, as of press        were trouncing commercial enterprises          saying that there are two types of database
time, was reportedly taking over as act-       with the exception of those like American      marketers—constructors, who assemble lists
ing CEO of TV Guide). Chairman of the          Express and Reader’s Digest.                   and successfully build the database, and
Magazine Publishers of America from                “What were nonprofits doing early on?”     creators, who take those names and turn
2005 to 2007, Kliger took the unpopular        Nadler asks. “They were writing down all       them into loyal, returning customers.
stance that circulation metrics needed to      their donor information on index cards—            Finally, in Grossman’s case, the admira-
change and magazine publishers needed          the earliest form of database marketing.       tion is clearly mutual. Grossman describes
to embrace digital technology instead          They got it so soon. … Survival. That was      Nadler as a politically savvy “overachiever”
of fighting it. “It is essential, I believe,   the only way that they were going to be able   who has no use for “fluff” and will work as
that our industry moves to a more timely       to keep the funding coming in.”                hard as she makes anyone else work.
system of readership measurement—                  Commercial entities caught on to the           “Pegg is a continual learner,” Grossman
a system that shows the connection             retention concept later, she says, when        says. “She is always asking questions. And
between distribution and readership            aggressive acquisition campaigns no longer     so, when she’s faced with whatever today’s
more effectively,” according to a tran-        worked as easily. Nonprofits, which had        surprise is, business surprise, she can go back
script of Kliger’s “MPA Breakfast with         been cultivating their existing donor bases    to that knowledge store of hers and pull
a Leader” from Dec. 7, 2005.                   all along and moving them up the giving        from it. Also, she’s a really good manager.
    “The whole notion of the measurable        pyramid one step at a time, served as a les-   People work for her for extended periods
audience going beyond what had been the        son to corporate America, Nadler says.         of time. I think that there’s something to
standard magazine circulation base is actu-        Enter the next set of visionaries Nadler   be said for being a good manager; I don’t
ally something that Jack Kliger … began        cites: Don Peppers and Martha Rogers,          think it’s all that easy.
talking about … years ago,” Nadler says.       the founding partners of Norwalk, Conn.-           “I also think that in the competitive world
“And I think when he first spoke about         based customer-centric marketing strategy      of database marketing … she’s done extreme-
it, a lot of people thought that he was        consultancy Peppers & Rogers Group.            ly well because she earned it,” Grossman
just off-base. And he really saw this years    Nadler says the duo talks incessantly about    adds. “… She has this … strategic ability, as
before a lot of other parts of media and ad    one-to-one marketing. Or, as the group’s       opposed to a tactical functionality. She’s able
agencies began to glean onto this. I think     Web site attests, “treating different cus-     to look at the big picture. [The] big picture is,

‘What I want to accomplish.’ And then she           how all business transactions started years            consumers receive a lot more spam. Web
can go down and look at all of the different        ago. [The transactions like] mom and                   sites will load instantly, and online video
issues she has to address to see whether or not     pop shops knowing what color you liked                 will load faster and be more fun.
she can accomplish it. … I certainly think          and when you went out to buy a dress                       Moving from the future of direct mar-
it’s helped her move forward.”                      and what your favorite ice cream flavor                keting to its specific future, as married to
                                                    was. But, as I said, with the lowering of              publishing, Nadler’s excited tone doesn’t
What It Is, What It Was and                         processing and technology costs, we are                change much.
What It Shall Be                                    finally able to really improve our market-                 “This is the most amazing time to be
Nadler is called on to speak to industry            ing to where everything is going to be                 in what we like to say is publishing media,
leaders and college students alike, and             measurable and really everything’s going               because it is changing dramatically,” she
often gives them the same introduction              to morph into direct. Which is why we’re               says. “We’re not talking about evolution
to the craft.                                       calling it integrated marketing. I mean,               anymore; this is revolution. And no one
    “Direct really demanded a response,”            even NYU, in their advanced program                    knows which species is going to make it
Nadler says of the historical difference            for direct marketing, they changed the                 in this catastrophic collision. Will the
between direct marketing and generic                name to integrated marketing to really                 industry collapse? I don’t think so. I think
advertising. “Because you could actually            reflect what was going on.”                            that what we’re going to be left with will
track who was buying what and when.                     Measurement and ROI are now para-                  be a publishing medium that is so dynamic
And, of course, database marketing then             mount to marketers, no matter what chan-               and so important that it’s going to go be
allowed us to ramp this up a notch, because         nel they use, instead of following nebulous            that much better.”
we could be tracking what that individual           metrics like Web site page views and clicks,               So after accomplishing what she set
customer was buying over time.                      she says. “It means that we’re not talking             out to do at Hachette—when database
    “I just feel that we’ve made a quantum          nonsense anymore. We’re truly talking                  operations are running smoothly—what
leap, and I actually talk about database            sense and dollars.” And advancing technol-             will the next decade bring for adventure-
marketing being the great leap backward,”           ogy will only make that more important,                seeking Nadler? With a full-throated
she says of the current state of database           she predicts. Direct mail will survive and             laugh, she answers: “I wish I could tell
marketing. “Because I’ve always said that           be more relevant, mobile marketing will                you. I wish I could tell you that.”	
database marketing has allowed us to get            grow exponentially, and e-mail market-                 yy
to that personal level, which, of course, is        ing will be more targeted—but not before

   What does a database marketer do to have a good time? Why,                     to attend this event and also to lead parts of the event.”
   hang out with other database marketers, of course.                                 Boone adds that Nadler remains active with the DMA,
       From affiliations with the Direct Marketing Association, the               specifically helping shape direct marketing ethical compliance
   Direct Marketing Clubs of New York and Washington, D.C., and                   guidelines.
   the John Caples International Awards to her former professor-                      Nadler does find time to spend with her mentor—Bernice
   ships, it might not seem like Nadler has time to do much else.                 Grossman, president and founder of data marketing consultancy
       For instance, Xenia “Senny” Boone, DMA’s senior vice                       DMRS Group of New York—whom she met 15 years ago at an
   president of corporate and social responsibility, harkens back                 industry event.
   to Nadler’s time as chairwoman of the advisory council of the                      “We usually talk about the various types of software installa-
   DMA Nonprofit Federation (DMANF). From 2003 to 2005,                           tions,” Grossman says. “We talk about different kinds of campaign
   Nadler led the committee while Boone was the DMANF execu-                      management software. We talk about what are the best ways to
   tive director.                                                                 segment and target for ultimate acquisition and retention.We talk
       “She really helped shape what we call the [Nonprofit]                      about data and its value as it relates to enhancing the intelligence
   Leadership Summit,” Boone says. “This was one of her brain-                    of, in her case, subscribers, to be a better marketer.
   childs. You can appreciate putting together events could be                        “… Probably the most recent conversation would’ve been about
   stressful, but she always was a believer in the need for senior-               the comparative evaluation of various software development cam-
   level events for the fundraiser and the marketer for the non-                  paign management tools and their effectiveness for the marketer,”
   profit community and really threw herself into it and really was               Grossman continues. When asked if she could reveal that conversa-
   committed. And when it came to working with the volunteers                     tion’s conclusions, she declines. Because they’re friends, Grossman
   to get them to the event … she was somebody who would                          says, she’ll provide Nadler with opinions “confidentially, for which I
   pretty much do anything to inspire and cajole and get people                   charge everybody else.”

                      Reprinted from Target Marketing® October 2009 © Copyright 2009, North American Publishing Co., Philadelphia PA 19130
2012 DMA Database Marketing Post Intensive

Post Intensive Session on Database Marketing
Developing a 21st Century Database—The Tools, Tactics and Tests to Meet Your Business Needs

Within the past five years, massive changes in data, technology and the web have significantly impacted
the planning, research, marketing and sales processes. Business needs have shifted dramatically with a
focus on faster analysis, broader multi-channel integration and dynamic database information systems.

This nine-hour seminar is designed for the database marketer who is looking to enhance or overhaul
database business operations at their company. The instructor lineup consists of leading industry
professionals who regularly evaluate cutting-edge technologies and best practices in database marketing.
Over the course of two days, attendees will be exposed to current and future systems, trends,
recommendations and pitfalls that lie ahead in the 21st century database marketing landscape.

Day 1 Wednesday, October 17 1:00 – 4:00

Part 1-- 1:00 – 2:00
Marketing ROI: How to Ensure Political, Technical, and Business Success for a Database Project
PEGG NADLER, Pegg Nadler Associates
This session will set a realistic foundation for positioning your database for success within your company.
We will look at war stories and success stories and provide guidance and benchmarks for conducting a
business needs/expectations survey and the justification for the continued investment and deployment in
your marketing database division.

Part 2-- 2:00– 3:00
Re-evaluating Your Marketing Database System: A How To
A “check list” of the most important items to review when re-evaluating your marketing database, your
vendor, and the design and attending functionality of your current solution tool. Attendees will be
provided with a proven method of what to look for and how to know what is and is not working. Before
you conclude your marketing database is broken, learn how to answer the key questions that determine
the state of your database.

Part 3-- 3:10 - 4:00
Deadly Sins and the Ten Commandments: How to Achieve Best-Practices Database Content and Key
Metrics Reporting
JIM WHEATON, Wheaton Group
A database is only as good as its content, and bad content always costs you money. There is nothing
glamorous about creating and maintaining best-practices content. Data audits and other forms of quality
assurance are hard work. The same is true about carefully reflecting the nuances of your business and
data when creating dashboards and reports. This session will tell you why all of this, although often
overlooked, is so important for database success.
Day 2 Thursday, October 18         8:30 – 2:45

Part 4— 8:30 – 9:30
A Primer on Database Systems—Deciphering Differences and Determining Directions
There is a myriad of database technologies on the market today—and this session is designed to equip
attendees with the key benchmarks to assess and select marketing systems that meet their company’s
existing and anticipated needs. Included in this overview will be an examination of current marketing
automation application software, including traditional vendors, B2B, CRM systems and Web content

Part 5—9:30 – 10:45
Leveraging Your Database: Reporting, Templates & Strategic Applications
Identifying the customer, their wants and needs, and what drives their behavior forms the basis for
successful marketing in today’s business environment. Learn how to create a customer balance sheet;
identify where mistakes are being made; and use findings to drive business transformation. Understand
what media is working by looking at different ways in which results are being reported for online and
offline marketing campaigns. Emphasis will be on determining the most practical and actionable methods
to use including marketing performance, lifetime value and business strategy.

Part 6—11:00 – 12:00
Embedded Intelligence, the Next Generation of Analytics
Historically the vast majority of analytic projects have been one-off efforts. By their very nature, such
hand crafted analytics require substantial investment in planning, production and quality control. They are
so labor-intensive that most organizations lack the resources to take advantage of even their most obvious
analytic opportunities. The next generation of analytics is now being embedded into marketing processes.
This session will show how to create such a system of continuous improvement with every analysis.

Break & Boxed Lunch Pickup 12:00 – 12:15 (Boxed Lunch—we will have a working lunch during Part

Part 7—12:15 – 1:15
Navigating the Data Maze
Database marketers are now faced with massive amounts of data, mounting privacy issues and growing
regulations on the use, collection and dissemination of data. This session will look at both traditional and
new sources of data used to shape database analysis programs. We will address the latest trends in
compiled data, co-op databases, online and offline data sources for the B-C and B-B worlds. Best
practices for determining and protecting your customer data needs will be discussed.

Part 8—1:15 – 2:30
Integrating Digital Media Data with Your Marketing Database
RANDY HLAVAC, Lecturer Professor – Northwestern University, Medill IMC (Integrated Marketing
Social media, mobile, web communities and other electronic media hold the potential for providing new,
high impact data to improve the ability of our marketing database systems to drive highly targeted CRM
and electronic programs. But challenges exist using this data. What data is important (and legal) to add to
your database? How do we monitor and assess data quality and impact? How do we entice visitors to
provide data? We will examine how to integrate your social, mobile, web, and CRM marketing efforts
into a single Social CRM system.

Part 9--2:30 – 2:45
Database Intensive Wrap Up
Review, Q&A, General Discussion

                                Marketing ROI:
                            How to Ensure Political, Technical,
                       and Business Success for a Database Project

                                 DMA Database Post Intensive

                             Presented by Pegg Nadler, President
                                 Pegg Nadler Associates Inc.

              Pegg Nadler: Background
•   Database marketing consultant specializing in media, nonprofit,
    publishing and retail industries.

•   Experience: Headed DB operations at Smithsonian, Phillips Publishing,
    Consumers Union, HFMUS. Former National Accounts Manager at
    Metromail (now Experian). Ran marketing operations at Abrams Books,
    Belvedere Press, The Fur Vault, Jindo Furs, Hadassah

•   Clients include AT&T, China Post, Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
    Discovery Channel, DMA, HFMUS, Smithsonian,, Time Life
    Books, US News & World Report

•   Professional Associations: Direct Marketing Club of New York Past
    President, DMA Ethics Policy Committee Member, DMA Annual Planning
    Conference Program Advisor, DMANF former Advisory Council Chair


                Today’s Presentation

•       The Changing Business Landscape
•       Keys to Database Success
•       War Stories
•       Success Stories
•       Lessons Learned
•       Recommendations


             The New Business Reality
                 Integrated marketing
                 Real time analytics & product

                 Data generation explosion

                 Growth of online, mobile &
                 social media

                 Audience fragmentation

                 Databases as key drivers to



                Challenges Still Exist

                    Measurement is         Managing the
                       critical but       customer multi-
                    knowing what to          channel
                   measure & how to       experience is a
                    measure is a key          priority
                   investment theme

                              Today’s customer
                          databases are insufficient
                            to deliver the insight

                   Top Concerns

 Marketing’s        Push to
   changing      reduce costs                                 Integrate
needs are not     internally &                              technologies
                                           Improve ROI
    met by         externally                                  across
  internal IT                                                 channels


                The Big Question

         How do we convince management to
         invest or reinvest in the database?


    What is Key to Database Success?

                                           A “decent”
                                           system &
                          The “right”      adequate
                          team of          data

       An “intelligent”



            #1: Key Business Issues
            Begin with an intelligent business strategy

                   Not data, not technology, not tools

       What decisions need to be made to be successful?
What questions do you want to answer to drive your sales & marketing

The competitive advantage comes from how analysis is handled

            Address the problem, not the technical solution


            #2: A Database Champion

                     Statistically       Politically
                       savvy              astute

     Technically                                              IT
      proficient                                         independent

                              Database                          Vendor &
 expert                        Leader                          knowledge



                     #3: The Right Team

                        Statistically               Politically
                          savvy                     astute DB
                         Modelers                    Leader

      Technically                                                     Senior
     proficient DB                                                  Management
       Analysts                                                       Support

                                     Database                               DB Vendor &
 experts                              Team                                    experts


 #4: Top Management’s Commitment
                                      Initial & ongoing

                                      The Big C’s—
                                       CEO, CMO,
                                       COO, CFO,
                   Mandatory                                   People
                 compliance &                                 power—
               participation in DB                          personnel for
                     projects                                  staffing


               #5: A Decent Database

                                            systems &

               Easy access                                             Budget to
                to data by                                              support
                database                                                ongoing
                   team                                                operations

                                                            Adequate &
                               Timely                       comprehensive


 War Stories: Multi-Product Company
       DB manager, no
                                        Opposition to use DB                Modeling programs
     staff, multiple users
                                            by various                      slow to test and/or
       with little training
                                           departments                            rollout
     around the company

     Little DB knowledge,                Little or no funding
        no standardized                  for email, online or               DB staff reductions
         business rules                       social data

     Lack of management                 IT drives DB vendor                 A failed database
         commitment                       selection & build                       project

     Inadequate Funding                  Questionable ROI



                    Lessons Learned

                         • Absence of dedicated trained staff undermined project
 No time for novices       success

                         • No commitment from top C’s to override lack of DB
 Big Guns Support          cooperation throughout company.

                         • Top C’s thought they could save $$ by using IT—major
The Black Hole of IT       mistakes since IT does not know marketing

                         • Penny wise & pound foolish—the company must commit
 Money in the Bank         adequate $$ to fund project properly

War Stories: Membership Organization
                                Data &
        DB initiatives
                              capabilities               ROI unproven
       driven by CEO

       CEO hires DB          Internal
                                                         New DB RFP
         director          modeling team

          Limited            Lack of DB                    No budget
       experience DB          knowledge                     approval
          director         across company

       vendor used as         “Black box”                  DB project
         DB system              models                      stalled



                         Lessons Learned

                              • Don’t let your CEO or management team hire an
No time to be Green             inexperienced database director.

      Penny wise              • You get what you pay for. Spend what you need to hire
     Pound foolish

                              • Your fulfillment company should not serve as your
 Experience counts              database vendor. Find a DB provider with the expertise
                                and services you require.

                              • Transparency in operations, analysis and modeling
Information is power            methodologies are necessary to encourage DB
                                confidence, participation and success across a company.

 Do Your Homework             • Get the DB RFP requirements right the first time.

     Success Story: Hearst Magazines

            No DB, use
                                  DB build begins             ROI plan detailed
        Fulfillment System

       Modeling & Analytics                                   Program test and
                                 VP DB Marketing
       done using disparate                                     rollouts begin

                                                            Ongoing investment
       Senior Management          Commitment to               to improve DB &
          Team makes            modeling & analytics        marketing & real time
       commitment to DBM
                                                             online capabilities

                                Online & offline data
         Select DB vendor



                       Lessons Learned

                               • Big C’s commitment to DB marketing
 Big C’s Support                 for the short and long term success of
                                 the company

     Business                  • Company objectives and goals clearly
    Intelligence                 defined

 DB Partnership                • Build with MDB experts, not IT experts

                               • Hiring a competent DB champion
  DB Champion                    accounts for a quick start and continued
                                 success in DB programs

            Demonstrating ROI: Hearst

 Projected DB Investment                             Actual ROI

• Planned for 200% ROI in 3 years         • DB paid for itself in one year

• Increased mail efficiency, higher       • Consolidating information, getting
  customer response rates,                  clean data, buying better
  reduced marketing execution               demographics and using online
  resources                                 information for DM efforts

• 30% more revenue from internet-         • Resulted in 25-30% offline
  sold subscriptions                        response lift

• New models to produce 5% lift on        • The database enabled reduction
  response for mail                         on outside lists by around 30%


                         Taking Inventory
              What are your company’s business and customer objectives?

                          What obstacles are in the way?

           What data and campaign information can you not integrate today?

           What systems capture customer data across the company?

  What is happening across the company that was not included in the initial DB build?

        What is done in marketing, research, digital, social, editorial, customer
                         service, email, mobile and finance?


  Building the Case for Senior Management

Gather case studies & success stories that pertain
to your particular business & industry

      Identify quick wins & gains vs. a long term
      detailed plan

          Determine a reasonable budget for funding &

               When necessary, think small using test databases
               & prototypes to gain approval

                    Don’t overbuild—meet your current & near future
                    needs since technology & business change



 Critical Areas for Database Success

                                                              A Decent
                                                 Senior       Database &
                                                 Management   Adequate
                                                 Commitment   Data
                              The Right
                              Team of
                  A Savvy



                     Thank you so very much!
                  Please feel free to reach me at:

                            Pegg Nadler
                       Pegg Nadler Associates, Inc.


Bernice Grossman, DMCNY 2001 Silver Apple Award recipient, Vice Chair
of the Marketing Technology Council and Board Member of the ECHO
Academy of Direct Marketing Arts & Sciences, former Chair of the DMA
B-to-B Council, and member of Who’s Who in B-to-B Marketing created
DMRS Group, Inc. (DMRS) in 1983 to be an independent marketing
database consultancy that determines the complete scope of a customer's
project; "architects" the solution, and administrates the vendor solution that
integrates all of the systems to deliver marketing databases (MDB’s) that
have contributed heavily to the success of leading national marketing
programs. (

DMRS assists companies to better manage their marketing information by
showing them how to capture and leverage customer, prospect and suspect
data to best meet marketing’s needs. No matter what channel is used to
generate the data -- mail, internet, call center, social, space, DRTV, etc.,
through the use of a properly designed MDB / CRM enterprise, greater
"reach" is achieved -- and companies can lower acquisition costs and
increase the lifetime value of each and every customer

Bernice is a noted data expert and can testify in the US Court System on data
theft, fraud, and abuse; she is frequently retained to serve in an advisory
capacity on merger and acquisition projects where the data asset needs to
quantified and monetized.

She is a frequent speaker for The DMA, National Center For Database
Marketing, and Direct Marketing Business and Industry Conferences,
DMAW, DMCNY, and NYU’s Direct Marketing Program, among others.
Prior to starting DMRS, Bernice held key direct marketing / marketing
systems positions at AMI Industries, Inc., ABS, McGraw-Hill, and
Scholastic Inc.

Clients on the DMRS roster have included Avis, Chase Manhattan
Mortgage, Coca Cola, Epson, Kansas City Power & Light, Microsoft, Nestle
Food Services, McGraw-Hill, MTV, Pfizer, Simon Property Group, and
United Airlines.

Ms. Grossman is a native of New York City. She graduated from Ithaca
College and attended Hunter College Graduate School.

                 How to Re-Evaluate Your
                      MDB Vendor
                          to Re-Evaluate
                    Your MDB,
                   MDB Functionality
                       MDB Vendor, and/or

                       MDB Functionality
                      Bernice Grossman
                 DMRS GROUP, Inc.
                       Bernice Grossman
                       DMRS GROUP, Inc.

                     Who is DMRS ?
• DMRS has been working with client companies to maximize their data
  marketing efforts since 1983. We are an independent consultancy, we
  own no data, no software, nor any processing services or facilities.

• We manage data audits/assessments and operational needs
   Choosing the right vendors   Data / ETL, MSP / ESP, MDB / CRM, MA
   / SFA    Implementation    End-user marketing applications for off-line
   and on-line

• Our client list spans a broad spectrum of Domestic and International
  businesses including Avis, Epson, Microsoft, Pfizer, United Airlines,
  Nestle, Simon, United States Gypsum, and United Airlines


                           This Session
    • This session will provide a check list of the most important items to
      review when re-evaluating your marketing database, your vendor,
      and the design and attending functionality of your current solution
    • Attendees will be provided with a proven method of what to look for
      and how to know what is and is not working. Before you conclude
      your marketing database is broken, come to this session and learn
      the key questions to ask that will help determine the state of your
    • Key takeaways:
       – What do you need now that you didn't need when your marketing
          database was built?
       – What about your data?
       – How should you review database integration with email and
          social media - what exists now that didn't exist at the time of the

                  First, A Definition
       just so that we’re all on the same page
An MDB (Marketing Database) is a single repository for all data identified as
   relevant to meet the goals of marketing that are defined as actionable and
   accessible for:
        • Capturing data from all channels
        • Consistent data hygiene and de-duplication rules
        • Allows for segmentation and query
        • Integrates Direct, E-Mail, Social Media (transactional, web site, call center,
          behavioral, attitudinal, events – more)
        • Performs complete Campaign Management
        • Measures media performance
        • Manages multi-channel marketing
        • Performs modeling and predicting behavior analyses
        • It is read only. It is NOT a contact management system.


          IS YOUR MDB “BROKEN”?
•   What is “broken”? We’re going to look at a few examples in a moment.
•   Length of contract
•   When does your contract expire?
•   (If inside) Is it time to take it off-site?
•   Are you all integrated?
•   Does your MDB work?
           • What are the metrics you use to decide this?
                – Do the MDB counts match the transaction counts?
                – Does the geography match
           • Who decides that it does or does not work?
•          Does anyone want to use it?
           • Who? Why?
           • Who does not?
•          Is marketing grumbling
•          Is IT smirking

      Some “Broken” Examples
•   Pharmaceutical Company
     – Kept each drug on a separate MDB – became too expensive – realized
       they were paying for certain processes three times but only needed to
       “buy” it once

•   Membership Organization
     – The users were in silos – just like their data
     – Change Management was very difficult
     – Never contemplated the problems of moving data back and forth
       (especially from their SFA to the MDB)

•   Large Retail Shopping Installation
     – Never thought through how to use the response management


    Is Everything Still the Same at the
• Corporate mission statement     • System software information
  and customer service            • Percent of budget applied to
• Total number of staff
                                  • Willingness to provide details
• Key executives
                                    pending litigation
• Ownership information and
  organization chart              • MDB staff attrition over the last
• Quality control procedures        year
  from data receipt to MDB        • Company privacy policy
  update                          • Primary industries that are
• # of customer support staff       served
• # of technical support staff    • Number/type of user group
• Customer mix                      meetings held each year

    Are Their Data Center Capabilities Still
                  the Same?
•   Available data center locations
•   Back up procedures
•   Real-time redundancy (servers, HVAC, etc.)
•   Disaster recovery and business continuity procedures
•   Contingency for downtime and preventive maintenance
•   Physical and data security measures
•   Connectivity options
•   Service levels for problem reporting and resolution
    – Do these meet your needs today?
• Ability to provide support 24 x 7 x 365


            What About …………
• Has their client list changed? How?
• What have they done to enhance their look-up tables for
  company name, title, first name
• Can their solution now support both your marketing and
  contact management/SFA needs? How?
• Have they integrated with an ESP?
   – Who?
   – How are they integrated?
   – Is it really one platform or is it two that are “made” to
     look like one?
• How are they integrating Social Media?
• What is available to you in Real Time? WHY do you
  need real time?

• When was the last time your BRD was updated?
• When was the last time you compared your BRD to what
  you are receiving? This should be done at least 1x/yr
• When was the last time you looked at your ERD?
• Has the staff that manages your MDB changed?
• What do you need now that you didn't need when your
  MDB was built? How old is your MDB?
• Have you reviewed the MDB integration processes with
  email and social media issues that didn't exist at the time
  of the build?


         Do you still have the same
             “25 Questions”?
                    WHAT 25 Questions?
If you had an ideal standard and fresh marketing database,
what questions would you want answered from the data?
        But, there are 2 conditions:
        •    Question must be quantitative!
        •    Question cannot use a subjective word (e.g. big
             or better)!
For example: How many customers who purchase SKU
#123 in Mississippi also purchased SKU #456

    Original Business Goals and Functional
Business goals                               Functional requirements
•   Become customer-centric by               •   Provide access for query and analysis by
    developing a complete view of the            both marketing and sales
    customer with all pertinent data         •   Integrate the mail and email query and
•   Increase effectiveness and efficiency        campaign management functions.
    of acquisition and retention marketing   •   Provide accurate information on new
    with better customer targeting and           customers, cost to acquire customers,
    campaign management                          number of inactive customers, migration
•   Improve overall ROI by marketing to          of customers between value segments
    most valuable customers                      and the cost of migration
•   Target individual customers with         •   Use 3rd party B-to-B data to establish
    specific messages designed to best           corporate hierarchy links of ownership
    meet their needs                             and firmographic profile info
•   Understand customer behavior for         •   Enhance customer data through the use
    each product within channels and             of 3rd party for demographics, lifestyles,
    across the brands                            behavioral, attitudinal


            Has Your Team Changed?
•   Team Champion – Owns the Vision and Articulates it to the Team
•   Marketing (all channels)
     – Direct mail
     – Email
     – Telemarketing
     – Social Media
     – Space
     – Acquisition
     – Retention
     – Product
•   Sales
•   IT
•   Finance
•   Legal

                       THIS IS WHAT IS WAS:

Data locations:                        Files included
     –   Oracle data warehouse            business-to-business
     –   Mainframe flat files
     –   SQL Server                       consumer
     –                   US and International data
2,000,000 eligible records                customers/prospect
   on file. Approx. 50 Gb of
   data representing the last             full postal address, just
   3 years. Growth over the               email, some “handles”
   next 3 years is expected            Estimated # users = 20.
   at a rate of 25% per year.
                             WHAT ABOUT NOW?


         What about your data?

• Is it the same or has it changed in scope
• Have you added new products, services,
  bought other companies, etc.,
• Have you changed the channels you use
  for acquisition and/or retention or the
  amount you use of a channel?
• Have you changed data vendors?

     Data Sources – Marketing Strategies
Have You Added New Ones or Made Significant
DATA                        MARKETING
  •   Transactional Files   •   New Channels
  •   Email                 •   Different Schedules
  •   Web Site Data         •   Re-Organized
  •   Operations            •   New Management
  •   Complaints            •   Decided to Outsource
  •   Reviews               •   Added / Deleted Partners
  •   Tech Support          •   Bought / Sold a Company
  •   Social                •   Other
  •   Other


  Have You Recently Reviewed..

Your data enhancement sources and methodologies
Have you created a “best record” and are the requirements
  still the same
Have you reviewed data standardization and sanitization
What about records with only:
         Postal Addresses.
         E-Mail Addresses.
         Social Media “handles”
What about those record missing “key” data elements

         What About……………
• Response time
   – Do you need increased speed?
   – When was the last time you had the server sized?
• Query capabilities
• Multiple users
   – Have you added or deleted users?
• Simultaneous usage
   – Has this stayed the same?
• Multiple locations
• Data feeds and updates
   – Have you added new ones?


      Remember when you ……
• Created validation rules for all of the data feeds
• Developed Appropriate Audit Reports for
   Data feeds
   Database refreshes
   Standard reports
• Developed Reject procedures – and decided what to do
  what to do when key checkpoints failed
• Do you still follow those rules??

    Created Sanity Checks….
• Standard reports that ran after database
  refreshes and database feeds to verify key
• Threshold reports
     If “x” metric exceeds an appropriate number
     does a red flag goes up?
     Who is advised?
     Are the reports still automatically distributed to
     the appropriate people?
             are those people still at your company?
             are the reports read?


     THE 8 MUST HAVE’S –
 Do You Have More / or Are They
        Just Different?
Direct and E Mail Campaign Management
Social Media Integration
Data Extract
Data Import
Data Mining, Analysis, Tracking & Modeling

 Do Any of These Still Exists?
• Disparate platforms ---- not everything is connected

• No common repository to store everything

• Creating selections is just too complicated – almost no
  one knows SQL except IT

• Data is still not sanitized, standardized, unduplicated nor
  aggregated the same way across all of the sources

• Still no written set of up-to-date business rules

• Sill no written BRD?


   Nice to Have or Now Must
• Real time access
• Data from files not integrated (by name
  and address) with the MDB – integration is
  done by an ID
• Social Media “handles” are matched to
  email addresses
• Bi-synchronous feed with SFA

 What are your users doing?

• What are the work-arounds?
• Might these be the reason your MDB is
• How many are there?
• How can you get these to be integrated
  into the on-going functionality of the
  processes your MSP provides?


         Some Final Thoughts
 • Politics will always rear it’s ugly head – nothing
 • This was a high emotional stressful project and it still
 • There was high, often undirected, energy and its still
 • Big questions like, “who really owns the data”, MUST
   be answered - this is like a moving target!
 • Although there were multiple levels of expectation for
   the Master Marketing Database (MDB), have you
   finally all agreed? Does this need to be reviewed?


Customer Relationship               Extract, Transform, Load
Management (CRM)                    (ETL)

                                  Marketing Automation / Lead
Marketing Service Provider        Management

B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases:
A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers
By Bernice Grossman and Ruth P. Stevens
July 2012
B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers

B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases:
A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers
By Bernice Grossman and Ruth P. Stevens
July 2012

Executive Summary
As part of ongoing research on B-to-B data sources available to marketers, this white paper evaluates the volume and accuracy of B-to-B data available to mar-
keters of information technology (IT) products and services. Nine database suppliers participated in this year’s study. Like the results from our analysis of com-
piled and response data sources in years past, data coverage and accuracy varied considerably among vendors. We conclude by urging marketers to source
tech-buyer data from multiple sources to gain maximum market coverage. We also suggest that marketers who order prospecting data ask very carefully about the
nature of the data sources and compilation methods involved. Finally, we recommend that marketers conduct a pre-test of the data to assess its applicability to
their particular marketing need.

Building on the general enthusiasm surrounding our past three studies on the                          We were very pleased that nine suppliers joined the study, and we extend our
accuracy and completeness of B-to-B compiled and response data, we decided                            gratitude to them. From those who declined, three reasons surfaced. As with
to conduct similar research on the data available in the large and active                             last year’s response data study, some managers of response databases felt that
technology marketing sector.                                                                          only their list-owner clients could make the decision to participate, and the
We found a sizable quantity of suppliers offering compiled data, response data,                       complexity managing all those permissions was too great. Some database
or a combination, to marketers who are trying to reach technology buyers.                             owners felt that our methodology favors vendors with large volumes of data,
Invited to participate were:                                                                          and the strengths of those that compete on quality versus quantity would not
                                                                                                      be made evident in our study. We understand both of these lines of reasoning,
n   ALC                                    n   InsideView                                             and hope we can figure out refinements to our study that will overcome these
n   Broadlook                              n   Mardev-DM2                                             limitations in the future. In the case of a few other vendors, further discussion
n   CardBrowser                            n   MeritDirect MeritBase                                  revealed that they do not offer data for rent or append, but instead make it
n   D&B                                    n   NetProspex                                             available through a proprietary platform—thus being ineligible for inclusion.
n                               n   ReachForce
    Demandbase                                                                                        One relatively unusual aspect of the world of technology marketing is the
n                                          n   Stirista                                                                                   proliferation of specialty data providers who dig deep into the characteristics
n                                          n   TechTarget
    Harte-Hanks                                                                                       of target accounts, particularly among very large enterprises with vast technol-
n                                          n   UBM
    IDG                                                                                               ogy budgets. These vendors invest in capturing useful information like the
n                                          n   Worldata
    Infogroup Targeting Solutions                                                                     specifics of the account’s current installed technology, and their buying
n                                          n   ZoomInfo
                                                                                                      processes, buying roles, budgets and purchase intentions. These vendors

B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers

may not offer as many records as others, but each record is very richly detailed.                     As with our earlier data studies, we asked the vendors to provide company
Examples of such vendors are SalesQuest,, and InsideView. This                           counts in a selection of target industry sectors, plus contact counts for specific
kind of information is extremely valuable for key account planning. But is a                          companies, and complete records on individual business people.
considerably different animal from the prospecting databases studied here.
                                                                                                      We specified the same ten industries as in prior studies, and asked the vendors
The nine participants who contributed information on their tech-buyer data are:                       to tell us how many companies they had in each of the ten, as indicated by SIC.
n                  n   Infogroup                   n    Stirista                           For the contact data, we made two changes from prior studies. First, we dou-
n   D&B                       n   Mardev-DM2                  n    Worldata                           bled the number of companies for whom contact counts were requested. While
n   Harte-Hanks               n   NetProspex                  n    ZoomInfo                           we used the same set of well-known large firms in each of the ten industries as
Our sincere thanks to them, and to everyone else who considered participating.                        in the 2010 and 2011 studies, we added another list of ten smaller firms, in the
                                                                                                      same ten industries, to broaden the understanding of vendor data by company
The scope and intent of the study                                                                     size. This change we made in response to requests by several readers of past
We followed the same approach as used in our earlier research on compiled                             studies who are interested in targeting small/medium businesses versus large
and response databases, to get answers to the concerns of business marketers                          enterprises.
about data volume, completeness and accuracy. By using a similar research
methodology, we also hoped to provide some apples-to-apples comparison                                Second, to get at the tech-buyer question, we specified that the contact counts
among the contents of response databases, compiled databases, and industry-                           be limited to IT professional contacts. We offered the participating vendors
specific databases, over time.                                                                        the following list of technology professional titles, as examples of the types
                                                                                                      of contacts we expected them to include in their counts.

Examples of IT Professional Titles

Architects                                       Directors Technology                             Programmers                                  Systems Analysts
Business Analysts                                Disaster Recovery Specialists                    Project Leaders Technology                   Systems Engineers
CIO's                                            Help Desk                                        Project Managers Technology                  Systems Managers
Computer Operations Managers                     Help Desk Managers                               Quality Assurance                            Systems Programmers
Computer Operators                               Infrastructure Analysts                          Quality Assurance Managers                   Technical Consultants
CTO's                                            LAN Administrators                               Sales Support Engineers                      Technical Liaison
Data Modelers                                    LAN Managers                                     Security Specialists                         Technical Support
Database Administrators (DBA's)                  Network Administrators                           Software Developers                          Telecommunications
Database Analysts                                Network Directors                                Software Development Managers                Telecommunications Managers
Database Managers                                Network Engineers                                Software Engineers                           VP's Technology
Datacommunications                               Network Managers                                 Solution Engineers                           WAN Administrators
Datacommunications Managers                      Network Support                                  Solutions / Services - Tech Sales Reps       Web Developers
Datawarehouse Architects                         NOC Specialists                                  Storage - SAN Administrators                 Web Masters
Desktop Support Managers                         NOC Team Leaders                                 Systems Administrators                       Wireless Communications

B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers

We also recruited ten IT professionals           Individual contacts in the study
in a variety of industries, who agreed           Industry                   Name                       Title                                                  Company
to lend their names and contact infor-           Communications             Michael Green              Sr. Manager, Database Marketing                        Level 3 Communications, LLC
mation. We are grateful for their gen-           Electronics                Al Logiodice               Platform Manager, Development           Sony Electronics
                                                 Financial Services         Michael Spencer            Director, Information Technology                       Barclays Capital
erous support of this study.
                                                 Healthcare Technology      Arthur J Fisher            Marketo & SalesLogix Marketing DBA                     GE Healthcare
We asked only one qualitative ques-              Manufacturing              Doug Lee                   Reporting Manager                                      Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.
tion, inviting the vendors to explain            Marketing                  Dan Spiegel                Vice President of Engineering                          AdMarketplace
                                                 Not-for Profit             Andrew Lazar               Senior Technical Business Analyst/Database Developer   American Institute of Chemical Engineers
their competitive positioning in the
                                                 Optical Equipment          Jeff Harvey                Director of IT                                         Edmund Optics, Inc.
marketplace.                                     Software                   Rick Graham                President                                              Dual Impact Inc.
                                                 Technology                 Dominic Dimascia           VP, Technology Delivery Services                       GSI Commerce
The positioning statements
Here is how the vendors described themselves in response to the following                             ensure the accuracy of our data, vetting information through a rigorous quality
question:                                                                                             assurance process, and linking each contact to a unique company identifier, the
Provide a statement of no more than 150 words that describes your tech data                           D-U-N-S® Number. This connection between contact and company offers key
product/service, including how you are positioned, meaning your competitive                           insight – such as employee count and sales-- that puts a prospect's technology
differentiation. In short, this question is, “Who are you, and how are you dif-                       purchase in context. No one else offers this comprehensive view of contacts
ferent?”                                                                                              and the business they’re in.                                                                                              Harte-Hanks
Launched in September 2011 at Dreamforce, Salesforce is democra-                             Harte-Hanks is the industry’s most trusted source for detailed information and
tizing data by delivering instant access to the business data companies need                          insight into today’s business technology buying market. Our flagship product,
right inside We provide the data foundation customers need to                         the Ci Technology Database™ (CITDB), tracks technology installations, purchase
succeed as a social enterprise by helping them easily find new customers and                          plans and key decision makers at more than four million locations in 25 countries
clean their data right in the cloud. delivers the data foundation with                       in North America, Latin America and Europe. Detailed profiles include:
accurate crowd-sourced contact information and the leading company informa-                           n   Technology purchase plans including budget, need, timing, preferred vendor
tion from Dun & Bradstreet. draws on a community of over 2 million                               and key decision-maker.
strong members which make over a million updates a month, all in real-time to                         n   Installed technology and primary manufacturers for more than 45 products
address the pace of change in business data. stands alone as social,                             including computer hardware, software, networks, storage and telecommu-
transparent, collaborative and integrated directly in -- powering                          nications
marketers to grow their business with complete and quality business data.                             n   Site and enterprise-level IT budgets and IT staffing estimates
D&B                                                                                                   n   Detailed contact information on IT and business decision-makers including
D&B Professional Contacts provides high-quality contact information – includ-                             functional responsibility.
ing email addresses and direct dials – on more than 60 million U.S. business                          n   Plus, 65 descriptive fields including address, telephone, number of employ-
professionals. Our database includes 900+ standardized job titles spanning sole                           ees, annual revenue, industry classifications, DUNS number and fiscal year
proprietorships and multi-billion dollar enterprises. Customers selling into IT                           end. Put the power of the Ci Technology Database to work for you. Contact
organizations have access to IT contacts as well as other business stakeholders                           the technology experts at Harte-Hanks at 1-800-854-8409 or visit
who may be involved in the purchasing decision. D&B takes rigorous steps to                      for more information.
B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers

Infogroup Targeting Solutions                                                                         to deliver targeted prospect lists, data cleansing, and profiling analytics that
Infogroup Targeting Solutions helps companies increase sales and customer                             help to uncover data insight and optimize lead generation results. Voted Best
loyalty through analytically driven consumer and business data and database                           Lead Generation Solution by the SIIA, NetProspex maintains a deep database
marketing solutions. With exclusive access to the Data AxleTM, we build                               of millions of crowd-sourced business contacts verified by CleneStep™
multichannel solutions using contextually relevant information on 230MM                               technology. Thousands of B2B organizations rely on NetProspex to acquire
individuals and 24MM businesses. We incorporate the highest quality, most                             and maintain clean, accurate prospect information to fuel high-performing
accurate and comprehensive compiled and third-party information rich data.                            marketing campaigns. More information at or on
Our response generated data sources contain millions of records of leading IT                         Twitter @NetProspex.
executives and professional IT buyers within the US and Canada. Additionally,
our B2B response driven powerful databases are rich in IT & technology                                Quite often the term 'social media' is used as a buzzword, but we rarely see
related buyer information. We provide solutions and services to support                               practical usage and integration of the data with actionable email addresses.
marketers’ and sales’ efforts throughout the entire marketing and sales cycles                        Stirista combines information from public profiles and websites and connects
by integrating cross-channel data from disparate sources to provide insights                          that information with an email database. This helps IT vendors identify exactly
that ultimately increase efficiency, productivity and target the most responsive                      what technologies and products the IT buyers interested in even before some-
customers and prospects to drive the highest ROI.                                                     one makes a pitch to them. By figuring out, for instance, that an IT department
Mardev-DM2                                                                                            specializes in .NET and is part of an online discussion forum for .NET, one can
Mardevdm2 DecisionMaker® Databases are more than just a masterfile. They                              safely assume that a conference on Linux would not be of much interest to that
are custom built, multi-channel databases that start with all of our individual,                      individual. Stirista knows something beyond the fact that someone is an IT
high quality, direct response lists and end with custom built, single-source                          director and that makes the data exponentially more powerful. It not only
databases that provide marketers with both “deep data” selectivity and larger                         helps with enhanced targeting capabilities but also decreases the potential
volumes of names. Selectable by specific detailed title and level, buying                             of lost revenue and time due to incorrect messaging.
authority, software, hardware, number of PCs, laptops and printers as well as
other IT related site data. It is this combination of depth, quality and coverage,                    Worldata is the leading data agency firm in the U.S. As the largest buyer and
that differentiates Decisionmaker from other masterfiles, improving marketing                         user of 3rd party permissioned email media, Worldata has unique abilities that
outcomes for our varied client-base. Partners include BuyerZone, CFE Media’s                          our clients leverage including: reduced costs, special data availability and
Consulting Specifying Engineer, Control Engineering, Plant Engineering,                               overall best practice knowledge. Our primary focus is with the Email, Direct
Financial Media Group, Ward’s Business Directory, IBIS, Lexis Nexis’s                                 Mail and Telemarketing categories. We help marketers to execute prospect
Corporate Directories, Martindale Hubbell, Advertiser and Agency Redbooks,                            marketing programs, data hygiene initiatives and overall direct marketing
Reed Business Information, RS Means and many other highly reputable                                   strategies. More than 800 customers worldwide from all types of businesses
controlled circulation and media partners.                                                            and organizations—from enterprise technology, publishing, and online
NetProspex                                                                                            education to business services, nonprofits, and associations—use Worldata
NetProspex is the only B2B data provider with a proprietary verification                              to leverage data assets, procure key datasets and find overall solutions to
process to ensure clean, accurate, and up-to-date contact information.                                customer and prospect data initiatives. For more information contact Jay
NetProspex drives customer acquisition by partnering with B2B marketers                               Schwedelson at 800.331.8102 x176

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A Primer on Database Systems
A Primer on Database Systems
A Primer on Database Systems
A Primer on Database Systems
A Primer on Database Systems
A Primer on Database Systems
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A Primer on Database Systems

  • 1. CONSULANT BIO Pegg Nadler is a marketing professional with more than thirty years in media, nonprofit, publishing and retail industries spearheading database marketing and direct marketing strategies. Pegg was the first database marketer to be named Direct Marketer of the Year by Target Marketing magazine in October 2009. In November 2012, she will receive a Silver Apple from the Direct Marketing Club of New York for her professional contributions to the DM industry. Pegg is president of Pegg Nadler Associates, Inc. (PNA), a consulting firm that provides database marketing and direct marketing solutions to clients. For the past fifteen years, PNA has advised companies on developing marketing database systems, revamping direct response programs and restructuring business operations for improved marketing, sales and database performance. Services include business and product development, relationship marketing and integrated marketing, all as database-driven initiatives. PNA offers customized client seminars and trainings on best practices in direct response and database marketing. Previously, Pegg oversaw database marketing operations at Hachette Filipacchi Media US, Consumer Reports, Phillips Publishing International and the Smithsonian Institution. She led marketing divisions at Hadassah, Jindo Furs, The Fur Vault and Belvedere Press. Her database marketing career began at MetroMail (now Experian) providing data, databases and modeling solutions to the mail order and retail industries. Pegg launched her direct marketing career at Abrams Books developing products for book clubs, limited edition publishers, continuity programs and catalog companies. Pegg is the immediate past president of The Direct Marketing Club of New York and serves on the DMA’s Ethics Policy Committee as well as its Annual Conference Planning Committee. She is former Chair of the DMA Nonprofit Federation Advisory Council. As an adjunct faculty member, she taught database marketing at the undergraduate, graduate and professional level programs for New York University and Baruch College, CUNY. She is a frequent keynote speaker at national and international conferences on the uses and abuses of database marketing. Her database marketing articles have appeared in industry publications including Target Marketing, Inside Direct Mail, DMAW Advents, DMCNY Postings and the DMA Nonprofit Federation Journal. Pegg has a BA from The University of Albany. She can be reached at or at 212- 861-0846.
  • 3. COVER STORY Direct Marketer of the Year: Pegg Nadler Vice President, Database Marketing, Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. P egg Nadler loves the unknown. Where others see challenges, she sees Making sense opportunities. Where others fear change, she fears boredom. and dollars out These are some of the qualities that have driven her 30-year direct marketing career, the bulk of which she’s spent advancing database marketing of database operations at commercial and nonprofit organizations and giving back to the marketing direct marketing community. And they’re why she’s Target Marketing magazine’s Direct Marketer of the Year. Speaking over the telephone on a recent Friday evening from her New York By Heather Fletcher office, the vice president of database marketing for magazine publishing empire Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. (HFMUS) quotes a saying from Hungarian Nobel laureate Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt that has verbally captured her world view since she studied English and art history at the University at Albany, State University of New York: “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” “My approach to problem solving has actually always been the same,” Nadler says. “And it’s interesting how some people will find this a good approach and others will find that it could be maddening. It has always been very important for me to see the total scope of business in order to come to a decision. And this is probably one of the reasons why I love database marketing—because it really provides that wide picture.” Falling Into Love Nadler began fusing her left and right hemispheres early. The English and art history major entered direct marketing in 1979 by selling art and gift books for Harry N. Abrams. “I fell into direct marketing,” Nadler says. “When I came to New York in the late ’70s, I landed a job at Harry Abrams … and I was first their advertising
  • 4. which she supervises. So when she accepts a new challenge, which is usually “directing startup operations, restructuring business operations and overhauling marketing departments,” she is either in charge of or overseeing every aspect of the solution. “I’ve always been the person who can see the large business application and put the database together and then bring in the analytical people who will do the number crunching,” she says. “So I’m really a market- er who moved into database marketing. … While I’ve spent all these years doing direct and database marketing, in my heart of hearts I’m a marketing, product-development, business-development person.” Since diving headfirst into database marketing in 1990, Nadler steadily has created and overhauled database systems and operations for some of the mightiest corporations and nonprofits in the country. Each situation is different and requires her to pull from her well-rounded direct marketing background as a vendor, con- sultant and client in the commercial and nonprofit worlds. For instance, during the time she spent as a consultant at the Smithsonian Institution providing in-house database marketing expertise, Nadler managed operations first as a marketing database manager from 1992 to 1993, then as a marketing strat- egy director from 1993 to 1995. In that manager and then moved into an area and mailed catalogs. Catering to the jet set, capacity, she analyzed the institution’s COVER STORY PHOTOS: PAUL GODWIN PHOTOGRAPHY, NEW YORK, N.Y. called special sales, which was selling books Jindo placed computer terminals at kiosks varied constituencies, including current into areas other than bookstores. And … in airport waiting areas so passengers could and lapsed audiences. really it was direct marketing: catalogs, click to buy minks before boarding. Identifying those high-value donor book clubs, continuity programs. That But her first taste of database market- prospects, proposing a list revenue pro- was my first exposure into direct market- ing, in 1990 at Metromail Corp. (now gram to double sales within the first year ing. And I thought that it was a little bit Experian), pulled her in to the direct for rented database names, developing wacky, but that it was much more fun than marketing specialty. Within 18 months, database user training programs and estab- selling books into bookstores. And it was she’d secured billings nearing $1 million lishing Smithsonian’s database marketing something that I then stayed with for the for the marketing information, database conferences probably already sound over- rest of my life.” and mail production company. whelming. From 1979 to 1990, her direct mar- “I’ve certainly always been very sys- But wait. There’s more. keting career progressed from moving tematic,” Nadler says. “My attraction to “Smithsonian had been using the data- art books to selling facsimile editions of English was that I think that speaking very base, but not really to the best ability,” ancient manuscripts from the Vatican clearly and getting your message across is Nadler says. “So I came in, made tweaks Library, then to hawking furs in a mostly an imperative. And probably what has to the database, worked with all of the dif- pre-Internet, fully mid-animal rights move- attracted me to database marketing is that ferent parts of the Smithsonian Institution ment era. “So being able to sell through I’ve always … organized … I like to get to really let them realize that they had a the mail and through the phone became projects done. And it probably is a very very good resource there. My one favorite very important,” Nadler says of her 1988 neat way of wrapping up the world.” story there at the Smithsonian, and this is to 1990 stint with Jindo Furs. Creatively really not unique to Smithsonian, is that working her way around the protester The Problem Solver Smithsonian had a database. It might’ve problem, she set up an 800 number for Speaking of the global picture, Nadler’s been 9 million [names] when I was there. customers to call; secured accounts with strengths include all aspects of database And there were names which were not the Home Shopping Network, Comp-U- marketing—with the exception of in-depth housed on the database, which were in Card, American Express and Diners Club; statistical modeling, the implementation of each of the development offices, includ-
  • 5. COVER STORY ‘… with the lowering of processing and technology costs, we are finally able to really improve our marketing to where everything is going to be measurable and really everything’s going to morph into direct. Which is why we’re calling it integrated marketing.’ —Pegg Nadler ing the central development office. And appeared from 1997 to 1999, disappearing the whole political arena, and people divisions didn’t want to share names. This when Nadler accepted the full-time job will be very honest with you about what is such a common occurrence. Not only in of re-energizing “the marketing face” of is truly making them unhappy and what nonprofits, but in corporations: ‘Don’t want Hadassah, a nonprofit, pro-Israel Jewish their aspirations and dreams are. So, as I you to market to my names. Don’t want women’s organization. After a four-year say, it was a big quantum leap to go from you to contact my names. Want to keep stint as customer database services direc- consulting back to working in a corporate these names suppressed.’ And I really had tor for Consumers Union, publisher of environment [at Hachette]. But, as I said, it to work, very carefully, to demonstrate that Consumer Reports magazine, it was back to was certainly for a really good cause. And the names that were within these various the milliner in 2004 to get refitted for the it’s been hard. It’s been challenging. And development offices were most probably consultant hat. not for one day have I been bored.” also on the main database. The list of companies seeking her advice Grabbing Nadler’s attention for a few “And by being able to overlay data, bring as a consultant is so long and so filled with moments while she’s implementing data- all of these names together, we would prob- the “Who’s Who” of brands and nonprof- base operations in an environment she clas- ably have a much more effective develop- its that it simply reads alphabetically, in sifies as undergoing a revolution can feel ment strategy if we were able to do that,” small type, on her résumé: AT&T, B’nai like pulling a surgeon out of an operating she continues. “Because we actually showed B’rith Youth Organization, Corporation for room. (While headlines about the publish- that the names that were housed in all of Public Broadcasting, Discovery Channel, ing industry have been less than flattering, these different museums were already on the Hachette Filipacchi Media … reflecting widespread industry trauma— central database. And once we understood That’s where, in 2005, she met from editorial layoffs to magazines folding what the total correlation was from one area Hachette’s Philippe Guelton. The HFMUS altogether—Nadler is energized about the to another, we were able to make a much executive vice president and COO had future. She envisions a personalized multi- better fundraising pitch.” always wanted to build a database. “He channel experience that’s relevant to the had established a database when he was consumer. More on that later.) Marketer for All Seasons running Hachette’s operations in Japan,” “We’re in the process of putting together Of all the hats she’s worn during her direct Nadler explains. a very strong operation,” she says during a marketing career, Nadler does have a favor- Guelton hired Nadler as a consultant quick call on a recent Monday, in between ite. in 2005, and she worked on the Hachette planning and budget meetings and search- “I love a startup,” Nadler says. “And project for two years, while mixing in ing for a director of analysis and modeling. once the operation is going well, I’m bored. other consulting projects and adjunct Database operations, she says, are meant And that’s when I really like to turn it over. professorships at New York University to determine “the new products, businesses … That’s what I’ve done all along—startup, and Baruch College, City University and services Hachette should be offering. or revamp or overhaul. … And that’s why of New York. Finally, in 2007, Guelton And that’s the most fun.” the consultant role is really a very good successfully recruited her to work full “In today’s environment, a rich and fully role for me, because that’s how I’ve always time for Hachette so she could complete developed database is imperative,” Guelton thought as I’ve gone into companies. And building and implementing the database relates. “We are more effective in helping I’ve been with so many different companies operations. our advertisers target their prime audiences that it really has provided me with a very “The last thing I wanted to do was and ideal prospects and in providing our good bird’s-eye view. And it’s so important give up my consulting,” she says. “It’s so subscribers with new products and better to be able to step back and look at what’s much fun to be on the outside looking in services. Since joining us in 2005, Pegg going on.” and letting people tell you what really is Nadler has been key in leading our efforts Pegg Nadler Associates Inc. of New York troubling them. Because you’re outside to expand our database capabilities …”
  • 6. A few of the business leaders who have been influential to Pegg Nadler: Bernice Grossman, Arthur Middleton Hughes, and Don Peppers and Martha Rogers. Inf luences he was just aware that suddenly there was tomers differently” by using data to keep More than just DMRS Group President a movement away from print and that the and grow customer relationships. Bernice Grossman’s friendship and men- circulation counts weren’t really reflecting That creative rather than facts-only toring (see sidebar below) and the wisdom accurately how many people were involved approach to database marketing points to of von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt have with reading or being exposed to a certain the last influencer Nadler mentions: Arthur provided inspiration to Nadler during her product.” Middleton Hughes. Hughes is the founder long direct marketing career. To that end, Nadler says nonprofits were of the Database Marketing Institute of Fort Nadler says her other direct mar- the first organizations to take methodical Lauderdale, Fla., and a senior strategist with keting influences include Jack Kliger, approaches to understanding their audienc- Burlington, Mass.-based e-mail marketing former president and CEO of Hachette es, or members. During the ’60s, nonprofits firm e-Dialog. She interprets his stance as Filipacchi Media U.S. (who, as of press were trouncing commercial enterprises saying that there are two types of database time, was reportedly taking over as act- with the exception of those like American marketers—constructors, who assemble lists ing CEO of TV Guide). Chairman of the Express and Reader’s Digest. and successfully build the database, and Magazine Publishers of America from “What were nonprofits doing early on?” creators, who take those names and turn 2005 to 2007, Kliger took the unpopular Nadler asks. “They were writing down all them into loyal, returning customers. stance that circulation metrics needed to their donor information on index cards— Finally, in Grossman’s case, the admira- change and magazine publishers needed the earliest form of database marketing. tion is clearly mutual. Grossman describes to embrace digital technology instead They got it so soon. … Survival. That was Nadler as a politically savvy “overachiever” of fighting it. “It is essential, I believe, the only way that they were going to be able who has no use for “fluff” and will work as that our industry moves to a more timely to keep the funding coming in.” hard as she makes anyone else work. system of readership measurement— Commercial entities caught on to the “Pegg is a continual learner,” Grossman a system that shows the connection retention concept later, she says, when says. “She is always asking questions. And between distribution and readership aggressive acquisition campaigns no longer so, when she’s faced with whatever today’s more effectively,” according to a tran- worked as easily. Nonprofits, which had surprise is, business surprise, she can go back script of Kliger’s “MPA Breakfast with been cultivating their existing donor bases to that knowledge store of hers and pull a Leader” from Dec. 7, 2005. all along and moving them up the giving from it. Also, she’s a really good manager. “The whole notion of the measurable pyramid one step at a time, served as a les- People work for her for extended periods audience going beyond what had been the son to corporate America, Nadler says. of time. I think that there’s something to standard magazine circulation base is actu- Enter the next set of visionaries Nadler be said for being a good manager; I don’t ally something that Jack Kliger … began cites: Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, think it’s all that easy. talking about … years ago,” Nadler says. the founding partners of Norwalk, Conn.- “I also think that in the competitive world “And I think when he first spoke about based customer-centric marketing strategy of database marketing … she’s done extreme- it, a lot of people thought that he was consultancy Peppers & Rogers Group. ly well because she earned it,” Grossman just off-base. And he really saw this years Nadler says the duo talks incessantly about adds. “… She has this … strategic ability, as before a lot of other parts of media and ad one-to-one marketing. Or, as the group’s opposed to a tactical functionality. She’s able agencies began to glean onto this. I think Web site attests, “treating different cus- to look at the big picture. [The] big picture is,
  • 7. COVER STORY ‘What I want to accomplish.’ And then she how all business transactions started years consumers receive a lot more spam. Web can go down and look at all of the different ago. [The transactions like] mom and sites will load instantly, and online video issues she has to address to see whether or not pop shops knowing what color you liked will load faster and be more fun. she can accomplish it. … I certainly think and when you went out to buy a dress Moving from the future of direct mar- it’s helped her move forward.” and what your favorite ice cream flavor keting to its specific future, as married to was. But, as I said, with the lowering of publishing, Nadler’s excited tone doesn’t What It Is, What It Was and processing and technology costs, we are change much. What It Shall Be finally able to really improve our market- “This is the most amazing time to be Nadler is called on to speak to industry ing to where everything is going to be in what we like to say is publishing media, leaders and college students alike, and measurable and really everything’s going because it is changing dramatically,” she often gives them the same introduction to morph into direct. Which is why we’re says. “We’re not talking about evolution to the craft. calling it integrated marketing. I mean, anymore; this is revolution. And no one “Direct really demanded a response,” even NYU, in their advanced program knows which species is going to make it Nadler says of the historical difference for direct marketing, they changed the in this catastrophic collision. Will the between direct marketing and generic name to integrated marketing to really industry collapse? I don’t think so. I think advertising. “Because you could actually reflect what was going on.” that what we’re going to be left with will track who was buying what and when. Measurement and ROI are now para- be a publishing medium that is so dynamic And, of course, database marketing then mount to marketers, no matter what chan- and so important that it’s going to go be allowed us to ramp this up a notch, because nel they use, instead of following nebulous that much better.” we could be tracking what that individual metrics like Web site page views and clicks, So after accomplishing what she set customer was buying over time. she says. “It means that we’re not talking out to do at Hachette—when database “I just feel that we’ve made a quantum nonsense anymore. We’re truly talking operations are running smoothly—what leap, and I actually talk about database sense and dollars.” And advancing technol- will the next decade bring for adventure- marketing being the great leap backward,” ogy will only make that more important, seeking Nadler? With a full-throated she says of the current state of database she predicts. Direct mail will survive and laugh, she answers: “I wish I could tell marketing. “Because I’ve always said that be more relevant, mobile marketing will you. I wish I could tell you that.” database marketing has allowed us to get grow exponentially, and e-mail market- yy to that personal level, which, of course, is ing will be more targeted—but not before Extracurriculars What does a database marketer do to have a good time? Why, to attend this event and also to lead parts of the event.” hang out with other database marketers, of course. Boone adds that Nadler remains active with the DMA, From affiliations with the Direct Marketing Association, the specifically helping shape direct marketing ethical compliance Direct Marketing Clubs of New York and Washington, D.C., and guidelines. the John Caples International Awards to her former professor- Nadler does find time to spend with her mentor—Bernice ships, it might not seem like Nadler has time to do much else. Grossman, president and founder of data marketing consultancy For instance, Xenia “Senny” Boone, DMA’s senior vice DMRS Group of New York—whom she met 15 years ago at an president of corporate and social responsibility, harkens back industry event. to Nadler’s time as chairwoman of the advisory council of the “We usually talk about the various types of software installa- DMA Nonprofit Federation (DMANF). From 2003 to 2005, tions,” Grossman says. “We talk about different kinds of campaign Nadler led the committee while Boone was the DMANF execu- management software. We talk about what are the best ways to tive director. segment and target for ultimate acquisition and retention.We talk “She really helped shape what we call the [Nonprofit] about data and its value as it relates to enhancing the intelligence Leadership Summit,” Boone says. “This was one of her brain- of, in her case, subscribers, to be a better marketer. childs. You can appreciate putting together events could be “… Probably the most recent conversation would’ve been about stressful, but she always was a believer in the need for senior- the comparative evaluation of various software development cam- level events for the fundraiser and the marketer for the non- paign management tools and their effectiveness for the marketer,” profit community and really threw herself into it and really was Grossman continues. When asked if she could reveal that conversa- committed. And when it came to working with the volunteers tion’s conclusions, she declines. Because they’re friends, Grossman to get them to the event … she was somebody who would says, she’ll provide Nadler with opinions “confidentially, for which I pretty much do anything to inspire and cajole and get people charge everybody else.” Reprinted from Target Marketing® October 2009 © Copyright 2009, North American Publishing Co., Philadelphia PA 19130
  • 8. 2012 DMA Database Marketing Post Intensive AGENDA Post Intensive Session on Database Marketing Developing a 21st Century Database—The Tools, Tactics and Tests to Meet Your Business Needs Within the past five years, massive changes in data, technology and the web have significantly impacted the planning, research, marketing and sales processes. Business needs have shifted dramatically with a focus on faster analysis, broader multi-channel integration and dynamic database information systems. This nine-hour seminar is designed for the database marketer who is looking to enhance or overhaul database business operations at their company. The instructor lineup consists of leading industry professionals who regularly evaluate cutting-edge technologies and best practices in database marketing. Over the course of two days, attendees will be exposed to current and future systems, trends, recommendations and pitfalls that lie ahead in the 21st century database marketing landscape. Day 1 Wednesday, October 17 1:00 – 4:00 Part 1-- 1:00 – 2:00 Marketing ROI: How to Ensure Political, Technical, and Business Success for a Database Project PEGG NADLER, Pegg Nadler Associates This session will set a realistic foundation for positioning your database for success within your company. We will look at war stories and success stories and provide guidance and benchmarks for conducting a business needs/expectations survey and the justification for the continued investment and deployment in your marketing database division. Part 2-- 2:00– 3:00 Re-evaluating Your Marketing Database System: A How To BERNICE GROSSMAN, DMRS Group A “check list” of the most important items to review when re-evaluating your marketing database, your vendor, and the design and attending functionality of your current solution tool. Attendees will be provided with a proven method of what to look for and how to know what is and is not working. Before you conclude your marketing database is broken, learn how to answer the key questions that determine the state of your database. Part 3-- 3:10 - 4:00 Deadly Sins and the Ten Commandments: How to Achieve Best-Practices Database Content and Key Metrics Reporting JIM WHEATON, Wheaton Group A database is only as good as its content, and bad content always costs you money. There is nothing glamorous about creating and maintaining best-practices content. Data audits and other forms of quality assurance are hard work. The same is true about carefully reflecting the nuances of your business and data when creating dashboards and reports. This session will tell you why all of this, although often overlooked, is so important for database success.
  • 9. Day 2 Thursday, October 18 8:30 – 2:45 Part 4— 8:30 – 9:30 A Primer on Database Systems—Deciphering Differences and Determining Directions MARCUS TEWKSBURY, Experian There is a myriad of database technologies on the market today—and this session is designed to equip attendees with the key benchmarks to assess and select marketing systems that meet their company’s existing and anticipated needs. Included in this overview will be an examination of current marketing automation application software, including traditional vendors, B2B, CRM systems and Web content systems. Part 5—9:30 – 10:45 Leveraging Your Database: Reporting, Templates & Strategic Applications AL BESSIN, Merkle Identifying the customer, their wants and needs, and what drives their behavior forms the basis for successful marketing in today’s business environment. Learn how to create a customer balance sheet; identify where mistakes are being made; and use findings to drive business transformation. Understand what media is working by looking at different ways in which results are being reported for online and offline marketing campaigns. Emphasis will be on determining the most practical and actionable methods to use including marketing performance, lifetime value and business strategy. Part 6—11:00 – 12:00 Embedded Intelligence, the Next Generation of Analytics DOUG NEWELL, Calexus Historically the vast majority of analytic projects have been one-off efforts. By their very nature, such hand crafted analytics require substantial investment in planning, production and quality control. They are so labor-intensive that most organizations lack the resources to take advantage of even their most obvious analytic opportunities. The next generation of analytics is now being embedded into marketing processes. This session will show how to create such a system of continuous improvement with every analysis. Break & Boxed Lunch Pickup 12:00 – 12:15 (Boxed Lunch—we will have a working lunch during Part 7) Part 7—12:15 – 1:15 Navigating the Data Maze RANDY WATSON, Acxiom Database marketers are now faced with massive amounts of data, mounting privacy issues and growing regulations on the use, collection and dissemination of data. This session will look at both traditional and new sources of data used to shape database analysis programs. We will address the latest trends in compiled data, co-op databases, online and offline data sources for the B-C and B-B worlds. Best practices for determining and protecting your customer data needs will be discussed. Part 8—1:15 – 2:30 Integrating Digital Media Data with Your Marketing Database RANDY HLAVAC, Lecturer Professor – Northwestern University, Medill IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)
  • 10. Social media, mobile, web communities and other electronic media hold the potential for providing new, high impact data to improve the ability of our marketing database systems to drive highly targeted CRM and electronic programs. But challenges exist using this data. What data is important (and legal) to add to your database? How do we monitor and assess data quality and impact? How do we entice visitors to provide data? We will examine how to integrate your social, mobile, web, and CRM marketing efforts into a single Social CRM system. Part 9--2:30 – 2:45 Database Intensive Wrap Up Review, Q&A, General Discussion
  • 11. 9/18/2012 Marketing ROI: How to Ensure Political, Technical, and Business Success for a Database Project DMA Database Post Intensive Presented by Pegg Nadler, President Pegg Nadler Associates Inc. Pegg Nadler: Background • Database marketing consultant specializing in media, nonprofit, publishing and retail industries. • Experience: Headed DB operations at Smithsonian, Phillips Publishing, Consumers Union, HFMUS. Former National Accounts Manager at Metromail (now Experian). Ran marketing operations at Abrams Books, Belvedere Press, The Fur Vault, Jindo Furs, Hadassah • Clients include AT&T, China Post, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Discovery Channel, DMA, HFMUS, Smithsonian,, Time Life Books, US News & World Report • Professional Associations: Direct Marketing Club of New York Past President, DMA Ethics Policy Committee Member, DMA Annual Planning Conference Program Advisor, DMANF former Advisory Council Chair 1
  • 12. 9/18/2012 Today’s Presentation • The Changing Business Landscape • Keys to Database Success • War Stories • Success Stories • Lessons Learned • Recommendations 3 The New Business Reality Integrated marketing communications Real time analytics & product offerings Data generation explosion Growth of online, mobile & social media Audience fragmentation Databases as key drivers to revenue 4 2
  • 13. 9/18/2012 Challenges Still Exist Measurement is Managing the critical but customer multi- knowing what to channel measure & how to experience is a measure is a key priority investment theme Today’s customer databases are insufficient to deliver the insight needed Top Concerns Marketing’s Push to changing reduce costs Integrate needs are not internally & technologies Improve ROI met by externally across internal IT channels departments 3
  • 14. 9/18/2012 The Big Question How do we convince management to invest or reinvest in the database? 7 What is Key to Database Success? A “decent” database system & The “right” adequate team of data players An “intelligent” business strategy 8 4
  • 15. 9/18/2012 #1: Key Business Issues Begin with an intelligent business strategy Not data, not technology, not tools What decisions need to be made to be successful? What questions do you want to answer to drive your sales & marketing programs? The competitive advantage comes from how analysis is handled Address the problem, not the technical solution 9 #2: A Database Champion Statistically Politically savvy astute Technically IT proficient independent Database Vendor & Marketing system expert Leader knowledge 10 5
  • 16. 9/18/2012 #3: The Right Team Statistically Politically savvy astute DB Modelers Leader Technically Senior proficient DB Management Analysts Support Database DB Vendor & Marketing system experts Team experts 11 #4: Top Management’s Commitment Initial & ongoing financial backing The Big C’s— CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CTO Mandatory People compliance & power— participation in DB personnel for projects staffing 6
  • 17. 9/18/2012 #5: A Decent Database Robust systems & capabilities Easy access Budget to to data by support database ongoing team operations Adequate & Timely comprehensive updates data 13 War Stories: Multi-Product Company DB manager, no Opposition to use DB Modeling programs staff, multiple users by various slow to test and/or with little training departments rollout around the company Little DB knowledge, Little or no funding no standardized for email, online or DB staff reductions business rules social data Lack of management IT drives DB vendor A failed database commitment selection & build project Inadequate Funding Questionable ROI 14 7
  • 18. 9/18/2012 Lessons Learned • Absence of dedicated trained staff undermined project No time for novices success • No commitment from top C’s to override lack of DB Big Guns Support cooperation throughout company. • Top C’s thought they could save $$ by using IT—major The Black Hole of IT mistakes since IT does not know marketing • Penny wise & pound foolish—the company must commit Money in the Bank adequate $$ to fund project properly War Stories: Membership Organization Data & DB initiatives capabilities ROI unproven driven by CEO concerns CEO hires DB Internal New DB RFP director modeling team issued hired Limited Lack of DB No budget experience DB knowledge approval director across company Fulfillment vendor used as “Black box” DB project DB system models stalled provider 16 8
  • 19. 9/18/2012 Lessons Learned • Don’t let your CEO or management team hire an No time to be Green inexperienced database director. Penny wise • You get what you pay for. Spend what you need to hire expertise. Pound foolish • Your fulfillment company should not serve as your Experience counts database vendor. Find a DB provider with the expertise and services you require. • Transparency in operations, analysis and modeling Information is power methodologies are necessary to encourage DB confidence, participation and success across a company. Do Your Homework • Get the DB RFP requirements right the first time. Success Story: Hearst Magazines No DB, use DB build begins ROI plan detailed Fulfillment System Modeling & Analytics Program test and VP DB Marketing done using disparate rollouts begin hired systems Ongoing investment Senior Management Commitment to to improve DB & Team makes modeling & analytics marketing & real time commitment to DBM online capabilities Online & offline data Select DB vendor integration 18 9
  • 20. 9/18/2012 Lessons Learned • Big C’s commitment to DB marketing Big C’s Support for the short and long term success of the company Business • Company objectives and goals clearly Intelligence defined DB Partnership • Build with MDB experts, not IT experts • Hiring a competent DB champion DB Champion accounts for a quick start and continued success in DB programs Demonstrating ROI: Hearst Projected DB Investment Actual ROI • Planned for 200% ROI in 3 years • DB paid for itself in one year • Increased mail efficiency, higher • Consolidating information, getting customer response rates, clean data, buying better reduced marketing execution demographics and using online resources information for DM efforts • 30% more revenue from internet- • Resulted in 25-30% offline sold subscriptions response lift • New models to produce 5% lift on • The database enabled reduction response for mail on outside lists by around 30% 10
  • 21. 9/18/2012 Taking Inventory What are your company’s business and customer objectives? What obstacles are in the way? What data and campaign information can you not integrate today? What systems capture customer data across the company? What is happening across the company that was not included in the initial DB build? What is done in marketing, research, digital, social, editorial, customer service, email, mobile and finance? 21 Building the Case for Senior Management Gather case studies & success stories that pertain to your particular business & industry Identify quick wins & gains vs. a long term detailed plan Determine a reasonable budget for funding & operations When necessary, think small using test databases & prototypes to gain approval Don’t overbuild—meet your current & near future needs since technology & business change 22 11
  • 22. 9/18/2012 Critical Areas for Database Success A Decent Senior Database & Management Adequate Commitment Data The Right Team of Players A Savvy Database Champion Key Business Issues Identified Questions? Thank you so very much! Please feel free to reach me at: Pegg Nadler President Pegg Nadler Associates, Inc. 212-861-0846 24 12
  • 23. Bernice Grossman, DMCNY 2001 Silver Apple Award recipient, Vice Chair of the Marketing Technology Council and Board Member of the ECHO Academy of Direct Marketing Arts & Sciences, former Chair of the DMA B-to-B Council, and member of Who’s Who in B-to-B Marketing created DMRS Group, Inc. (DMRS) in 1983 to be an independent marketing database consultancy that determines the complete scope of a customer's project; "architects" the solution, and administrates the vendor solution that integrates all of the systems to deliver marketing databases (MDB’s) that have contributed heavily to the success of leading national marketing programs. ( DMRS assists companies to better manage their marketing information by showing them how to capture and leverage customer, prospect and suspect data to best meet marketing’s needs. No matter what channel is used to generate the data -- mail, internet, call center, social, space, DRTV, etc., through the use of a properly designed MDB / CRM enterprise, greater "reach" is achieved -- and companies can lower acquisition costs and increase the lifetime value of each and every customer Bernice is a noted data expert and can testify in the US Court System on data theft, fraud, and abuse; she is frequently retained to serve in an advisory capacity on merger and acquisition projects where the data asset needs to quantified and monetized. She is a frequent speaker for The DMA, National Center For Database Marketing, and Direct Marketing Business and Industry Conferences, DMAW, DMCNY, and NYU’s Direct Marketing Program, among others. Prior to starting DMRS, Bernice held key direct marketing / marketing systems positions at AMI Industries, Inc., ABS, McGraw-Hill, and Scholastic Inc. Clients on the DMRS roster have included Avis, Chase Manhattan Mortgage, Coca Cola, Epson, Kansas City Power & Light, Microsoft, Nestle Food Services, McGraw-Hill, MTV, Pfizer, Simon Property Group, and United Airlines. Ms. Grossman is a native of New York City. She graduated from Ithaca College and attended Hunter College Graduate School.
  • 24. 9/18/2012 How to Re-Evaluate Your MDB MDB Vendor Howand/or to Re-Evaluate Your MDB, MDB Functionality MDB Vendor, and/or By MDB Functionality Bernice Grossman President By DMRS GROUP, Inc. Bernice Grossman President DMRS GROUP, Inc. Who is DMRS ? • DMRS has been working with client companies to maximize their data marketing efforts since 1983. We are an independent consultancy, we own no data, no software, nor any processing services or facilities. • We manage data audits/assessments and operational needs assessments: Choosing the right vendors Data / ETL, MSP / ESP, MDB / CRM, MA / SFA Implementation End-user marketing applications for off-line and on-line • Our client list spans a broad spectrum of Domestic and International businesses including Avis, Epson, Microsoft, Pfizer, United Airlines, Nestle, Simon, United States Gypsum, and United Airlines 1
  • 25. 9/18/2012 This Session • This session will provide a check list of the most important items to review when re-evaluating your marketing database, your vendor, and the design and attending functionality of your current solution tool. • Attendees will be provided with a proven method of what to look for and how to know what is and is not working. Before you conclude your marketing database is broken, come to this session and learn the key questions to ask that will help determine the state of your database. • Key takeaways: – What do you need now that you didn't need when your marketing database was built? – What about your data? – How should you review database integration with email and social media - what exists now that didn't exist at the time of the build? First, A Definition just so that we’re all on the same page An MDB (Marketing Database) is a single repository for all data identified as relevant to meet the goals of marketing that are defined as actionable and accessible for: • Capturing data from all channels • Consistent data hygiene and de-duplication rules • Allows for segmentation and query • Integrates Direct, E-Mail, Social Media (transactional, web site, call center, behavioral, attitudinal, events – more) • Performs complete Campaign Management • Measures media performance • Manages multi-channel marketing • Performs modeling and predicting behavior analyses • It is read only. It is NOT a contact management system. 2
  • 26. 9/18/2012 IS YOUR MDB “BROKEN”? • What is “broken”? We’re going to look at a few examples in a moment. • Length of contract • When does your contract expire? • (If inside) Is it time to take it off-site? • Are you all integrated? • Does your MDB work? • What are the metrics you use to decide this? – Do the MDB counts match the transaction counts? – Does the geography match • Who decides that it does or does not work? • Does anyone want to use it? • Who? Why? • Who does not? • Is marketing grumbling • Is IT smirking Some “Broken” Examples • Pharmaceutical Company – Kept each drug on a separate MDB – became too expensive – realized they were paying for certain processes three times but only needed to “buy” it once • Membership Organization – The users were in silos – just like their data – Change Management was very difficult – Never contemplated the problems of moving data back and forth (especially from their SFA to the MDB) • Large Retail Shopping Installation – Never thought through how to use the response management functionality 3
  • 27. 9/18/2012 Is Everything Still the Same at the MSP? • Corporate mission statement • System software information and customer service • Percent of budget applied to philosophy R&D • Total number of staff • Willingness to provide details • Key executives pending litigation • Ownership information and organization chart • MDB staff attrition over the last • Quality control procedures year from data receipt to MDB • Company privacy policy update • Primary industries that are • # of customer support staff served • # of technical support staff • Number/type of user group • Customer mix meetings held each year Are Their Data Center Capabilities Still the Same? • Available data center locations • Back up procedures • Real-time redundancy (servers, HVAC, etc.) • Disaster recovery and business continuity procedures • Contingency for downtime and preventive maintenance • Physical and data security measures • Connectivity options • Service levels for problem reporting and resolution – Do these meet your needs today? • Ability to provide support 24 x 7 x 365 4
  • 28. 9/18/2012 What About ………… • Has their client list changed? How? • What have they done to enhance their look-up tables for company name, title, first name • Can their solution now support both your marketing and contact management/SFA needs? How? • Have they integrated with an ESP? – Who? – How are they integrated? – Is it really one platform or is it two that are “made” to look like one? • How are they integrating Social Media? • What is available to you in Real Time? WHY do you need real time? THE CRITICAL QUESTIONS • When was the last time your BRD was updated? • When was the last time you compared your BRD to what you are receiving? This should be done at least 1x/yr • When was the last time you looked at your ERD? • Has the staff that manages your MDB changed? • What do you need now that you didn't need when your MDB was built? How old is your MDB? • Have you reviewed the MDB integration processes with email and social media issues that didn't exist at the time of the build? 5
  • 29. 9/18/2012 Do you still have the same “25 Questions”? WHAT 25 Questions? If you had an ideal standard and fresh marketing database, what questions would you want answered from the data? But, there are 2 conditions: • Question must be quantitative! • Question cannot use a subjective word (e.g. big or better)! For example: How many customers who purchase SKU #123 in Mississippi also purchased SKU #456 Original Business Goals and Functional Requirements Business goals Functional requirements • Become customer-centric by • Provide access for query and analysis by developing a complete view of the both marketing and sales customer with all pertinent data • Integrate the mail and email query and • Increase effectiveness and efficiency campaign management functions. of acquisition and retention marketing • Provide accurate information on new with better customer targeting and customers, cost to acquire customers, campaign management number of inactive customers, migration • Improve overall ROI by marketing to of customers between value segments most valuable customers and the cost of migration • Target individual customers with • Use 3rd party B-to-B data to establish specific messages designed to best corporate hierarchy links of ownership meet their needs and firmographic profile info • Understand customer behavior for • Enhance customer data through the use each product within channels and of 3rd party for demographics, lifestyles, across the brands behavioral, attitudinal 6
  • 30. 9/18/2012 Has Your Team Changed? • Team Champion – Owns the Vision and Articulates it to the Team • Marketing (all channels) – Direct mail – Email – Telemarketing – Social Media – Space – Acquisition – Retention – Product • Sales • IT • Finance • Legal HAS YOUR ENVIRONMENT CHANGED? THIS IS WHAT IS WAS: Data locations: Files included – Oracle data warehouse business-to-business – Mainframe flat files – SQL Server consumer – US and International data 2,000,000 eligible records customers/prospect on file. Approx. 50 Gb of data representing the last full postal address, just 3 years. Growth over the email, some “handles” next 3 years is expected Estimated # users = 20. at a rate of 25% per year. WHAT ABOUT NOW? 7
  • 31. 9/18/2012 What about your data? • Is it the same or has it changed in scope • Have you added new products, services, bought other companies, etc., • Have you changed the channels you use for acquisition and/or retention or the amount you use of a channel? • Have you changed data vendors? Data Sources – Marketing Strategies Have You Added New Ones or Made Significant Changes? DATA MARKETING • Transactional Files • New Channels • Email • Different Schedules • Web Site Data • Re-Organized • Operations • New Management • Complaints • Decided to Outsource • Reviews • Added / Deleted Partners • Tech Support • Bought / Sold a Company • Social • Other • Other 8
  • 32. 9/18/2012 Have You Recently Reviewed.. Your data enhancement sources and methodologies Have you created a “best record” and are the requirements still the same Have you reviewed data standardization and sanitization routines What about records with only: Postal Addresses. E-Mail Addresses. Social Media “handles” What about those record missing “key” data elements What About…………… • Response time – Do you need increased speed? – When was the last time you had the server sized? • Query capabilities • Multiple users – Have you added or deleted users? • Simultaneous usage – Has this stayed the same? • Multiple locations • Data feeds and updates – Have you added new ones? 9
  • 33. 9/18/2012 Remember when you …… • Created validation rules for all of the data feeds • Developed Appropriate Audit Reports for Data feeds Database refreshes Standard reports • Developed Reject procedures – and decided what to do what to do when key checkpoints failed • Do you still follow those rules?? Created Sanity Checks…. • Standard reports that ran after database refreshes and database feeds to verify key metrics • Threshold reports If “x” metric exceeds an appropriate number does a red flag goes up? Who is advised? Are the reports still automatically distributed to the appropriate people? are those people still at your company? are the reports read? 10
  • 34. 9/18/2012 THE 8 MUST HAVE’S – Do You Have More / or Are They Just Different? Query Calculating Reporting Direct and E Mail Campaign Management Social Media Integration Data Extract Data Import Data Mining, Analysis, Tracking & Modeling Do Any of These Still Exists? • Disparate platforms ---- not everything is connected • No common repository to store everything • Creating selections is just too complicated – almost no one knows SQL except IT • Data is still not sanitized, standardized, unduplicated nor aggregated the same way across all of the sources • Still no written set of up-to-date business rules • Sill no written BRD? 11
  • 35. 9/18/2012 Nice to Have or Now Must Have’s • Real time access • Data from files not integrated (by name and address) with the MDB – integration is done by an ID • Social Media “handles” are matched to email addresses • Bi-synchronous feed with SFA What are your users doing? • What are the work-arounds? • Might these be the reason your MDB is “broken” • How many are there? • How can you get these to be integrated into the on-going functionality of the processes your MSP provides? 12
  • 36. 9/18/2012 Some Final Thoughts • Politics will always rear it’s ugly head – nothing changes • This was a high emotional stressful project and it still it • There was high, often undirected, energy and its still there • Big questions like, “who really owns the data”, MUST be answered - this is like a moving target! • Although there were multiple levels of expectation for the Master Marketing Database (MDB), have you finally all agreed? Does this need to be reviewed? LIST OF PLAYERS IN THIS SPACE IS ENDLESS Customer Relationship Extract, Transform, Load Management (CRM) (ETL) Marketing Automation / Lead Marketing Service Provider Management (MSP) 13
  • 37. B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers By Bernice Grossman and Ruth P. Stevens July 2012
  • 38. B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers By Bernice Grossman and Ruth P. Stevens July 2012 Executive Summary As part of ongoing research on B-to-B data sources available to marketers, this white paper evaluates the volume and accuracy of B-to-B data available to mar- keters of information technology (IT) products and services. Nine database suppliers participated in this year’s study. Like the results from our analysis of com- piled and response data sources in years past, data coverage and accuracy varied considerably among vendors. We conclude by urging marketers to source tech-buyer data from multiple sources to gain maximum market coverage. We also suggest that marketers who order prospecting data ask very carefully about the nature of the data sources and compilation methods involved. Finally, we recommend that marketers conduct a pre-test of the data to assess its applicability to their particular marketing need. Building on the general enthusiasm surrounding our past three studies on the We were very pleased that nine suppliers joined the study, and we extend our accuracy and completeness of B-to-B compiled and response data, we decided gratitude to them. From those who declined, three reasons surfaced. As with to conduct similar research on the data available in the large and active last year’s response data study, some managers of response databases felt that technology marketing sector. only their list-owner clients could make the decision to participate, and the We found a sizable quantity of suppliers offering compiled data, response data, complexity managing all those permissions was too great. Some database or a combination, to marketers who are trying to reach technology buyers. owners felt that our methodology favors vendors with large volumes of data, Invited to participate were: and the strengths of those that compete on quality versus quantity would not be made evident in our study. We understand both of these lines of reasoning, n ALC n InsideView and hope we can figure out refinements to our study that will overcome these n Broadlook n Mardev-DM2 limitations in the future. In the case of a few other vendors, further discussion n CardBrowser n MeritDirect MeritBase revealed that they do not offer data for rent or append, but instead make it n D&B n NetProspex available through a proprietary platform—thus being ineligible for inclusion. n n ReachForce Demandbase One relatively unusual aspect of the world of technology marketing is the n n Stirista proliferation of specialty data providers who dig deep into the characteristics n n TechTarget Harte-Hanks of target accounts, particularly among very large enterprises with vast technol- n n UBM IDG ogy budgets. These vendors invest in capturing useful information like the n n Worldata Infogroup Targeting Solutions specifics of the account’s current installed technology, and their buying n n ZoomInfo processes, buying roles, budgets and purchase intentions. These vendors 1
  • 39. B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers may not offer as many records as others, but each record is very richly detailed. As with our earlier data studies, we asked the vendors to provide company Examples of such vendors are SalesQuest,, and InsideView. This counts in a selection of target industry sectors, plus contact counts for specific kind of information is extremely valuable for key account planning. But is a companies, and complete records on individual business people. considerably different animal from the prospecting databases studied here. We specified the same ten industries as in prior studies, and asked the vendors The nine participants who contributed information on their tech-buyer data are: to tell us how many companies they had in each of the ten, as indicated by SIC. n n Infogroup n Stirista For the contact data, we made two changes from prior studies. First, we dou- n D&B n Mardev-DM2 n Worldata bled the number of companies for whom contact counts were requested. While n Harte-Hanks n NetProspex n ZoomInfo we used the same set of well-known large firms in each of the ten industries as Our sincere thanks to them, and to everyone else who considered participating. in the 2010 and 2011 studies, we added another list of ten smaller firms, in the same ten industries, to broaden the understanding of vendor data by company The scope and intent of the study size. This change we made in response to requests by several readers of past We followed the same approach as used in our earlier research on compiled studies who are interested in targeting small/medium businesses versus large and response databases, to get answers to the concerns of business marketers enterprises. about data volume, completeness and accuracy. By using a similar research methodology, we also hoped to provide some apples-to-apples comparison Second, to get at the tech-buyer question, we specified that the contact counts among the contents of response databases, compiled databases, and industry- be limited to IT professional contacts. We offered the participating vendors specific databases, over time. the following list of technology professional titles, as examples of the types of contacts we expected them to include in their counts. Examples of IT Professional Titles Architects Directors Technology Programmers Systems Analysts Business Analysts Disaster Recovery Specialists Project Leaders Technology Systems Engineers CIO's Help Desk Project Managers Technology Systems Managers Computer Operations Managers Help Desk Managers Quality Assurance Systems Programmers Computer Operators Infrastructure Analysts Quality Assurance Managers Technical Consultants CTO's LAN Administrators Sales Support Engineers Technical Liaison Data Modelers LAN Managers Security Specialists Technical Support Database Administrators (DBA's) Network Administrators Software Developers Telecommunications Database Analysts Network Directors Software Development Managers Telecommunications Managers Database Managers Network Engineers Software Engineers VP's Technology Datacommunications Network Managers Solution Engineers WAN Administrators Datacommunications Managers Network Support Solutions / Services - Tech Sales Reps Web Developers Datawarehouse Architects NOC Specialists Storage - SAN Administrators Web Masters Desktop Support Managers NOC Team Leaders Systems Administrators Wireless Communications 2
  • 40. B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers We also recruited ten IT professionals Individual contacts in the study in a variety of industries, who agreed Industry Name Title Company to lend their names and contact infor- Communications Michael Green Sr. Manager, Database Marketing Level 3 Communications, LLC mation. We are grateful for their gen- Electronics Al Logiodice Platform Manager, Development Sony Electronics Financial Services Michael Spencer Director, Information Technology Barclays Capital erous support of this study. Healthcare Technology Arthur J Fisher Marketo & SalesLogix Marketing DBA GE Healthcare We asked only one qualitative ques- Manufacturing Doug Lee Reporting Manager Pasternack Enterprises, Inc. tion, inviting the vendors to explain Marketing Dan Spiegel Vice President of Engineering AdMarketplace Not-for Profit Andrew Lazar Senior Technical Business Analyst/Database Developer American Institute of Chemical Engineers their competitive positioning in the Optical Equipment Jeff Harvey Director of IT Edmund Optics, Inc. marketplace. Software Rick Graham President Dual Impact Inc. Technology Dominic Dimascia VP, Technology Delivery Services GSI Commerce The positioning statements Here is how the vendors described themselves in response to the following ensure the accuracy of our data, vetting information through a rigorous quality question: assurance process, and linking each contact to a unique company identifier, the Provide a statement of no more than 150 words that describes your tech data D-U-N-S® Number. This connection between contact and company offers key product/service, including how you are positioned, meaning your competitive insight – such as employee count and sales-- that puts a prospect's technology differentiation. In short, this question is, “Who are you, and how are you dif- purchase in context. No one else offers this comprehensive view of contacts ferent?” and the business they’re in. Harte-Hanks Launched in September 2011 at Dreamforce, Salesforce is democra- Harte-Hanks is the industry’s most trusted source for detailed information and tizing data by delivering instant access to the business data companies need insight into today’s business technology buying market. Our flagship product, right inside We provide the data foundation customers need to the Ci Technology Database™ (CITDB), tracks technology installations, purchase succeed as a social enterprise by helping them easily find new customers and plans and key decision makers at more than four million locations in 25 countries clean their data right in the cloud. delivers the data foundation with in North America, Latin America and Europe. Detailed profiles include: accurate crowd-sourced contact information and the leading company informa- n Technology purchase plans including budget, need, timing, preferred vendor tion from Dun & Bradstreet. draws on a community of over 2 million and key decision-maker. strong members which make over a million updates a month, all in real-time to n Installed technology and primary manufacturers for more than 45 products address the pace of change in business data. stands alone as social, including computer hardware, software, networks, storage and telecommu- transparent, collaborative and integrated directly in -- powering nications marketers to grow their business with complete and quality business data. n Site and enterprise-level IT budgets and IT staffing estimates D&B n Detailed contact information on IT and business decision-makers including D&B Professional Contacts provides high-quality contact information – includ- functional responsibility. ing email addresses and direct dials – on more than 60 million U.S. business n Plus, 65 descriptive fields including address, telephone, number of employ- professionals. Our database includes 900+ standardized job titles spanning sole ees, annual revenue, industry classifications, DUNS number and fiscal year proprietorships and multi-billion dollar enterprises. Customers selling into IT end. Put the power of the Ci Technology Database to work for you. Contact organizations have access to IT contacts as well as other business stakeholders the technology experts at Harte-Hanks at 1-800-854-8409 or visit who may be involved in the purchasing decision. D&B takes rigorous steps to for more information. 3
  • 41. B-to-B Technology Industry Prospecting Databases: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Data Suppliers Infogroup Targeting Solutions to deliver targeted prospect lists, data cleansing, and profiling analytics that Infogroup Targeting Solutions helps companies increase sales and customer help to uncover data insight and optimize lead generation results. Voted Best loyalty through analytically driven consumer and business data and database Lead Generation Solution by the SIIA, NetProspex maintains a deep database marketing solutions. With exclusive access to the Data AxleTM, we build of millions of crowd-sourced business contacts verified by CleneStep™ multichannel solutions using contextually relevant information on 230MM technology. Thousands of B2B organizations rely on NetProspex to acquire individuals and 24MM businesses. We incorporate the highest quality, most and maintain clean, accurate prospect information to fuel high-performing accurate and comprehensive compiled and third-party information rich data. marketing campaigns. More information at or on Our response generated data sources contain millions of records of leading IT Twitter @NetProspex. executives and professional IT buyers within the US and Canada. Additionally, Stirista our B2B response driven powerful databases are rich in IT & technology Quite often the term 'social media' is used as a buzzword, but we rarely see related buyer information. We provide solutions and services to support practical usage and integration of the data with actionable email addresses. marketers’ and sales’ efforts throughout the entire marketing and sales cycles Stirista combines information from public profiles and websites and connects by integrating cross-channel data from disparate sources to provide insights that information with an email database. This helps IT vendors identify exactly that ultimately increase efficiency, productivity and target the most responsive what technologies and products the IT buyers interested in even before some- customers and prospects to drive the highest ROI. one makes a pitch to them. By figuring out, for instance, that an IT department Mardev-DM2 specializes in .NET and is part of an online discussion forum for .NET, one can Mardevdm2 DecisionMaker® Databases are more than just a masterfile. They safely assume that a conference on Linux would not be of much interest to that are custom built, multi-channel databases that start with all of our individual, individual. Stirista knows something beyond the fact that someone is an IT high quality, direct response lists and end with custom built, single-source director and that makes the data exponentially more powerful. It not only databases that provide marketers with both “deep data” selectivity and larger helps with enhanced targeting capabilities but also decreases the potential volumes of names. Selectable by specific detailed title and level, buying of lost revenue and time due to incorrect messaging. authority, software, hardware, number of PCs, laptops and printers as well as Worldata other IT related site data. It is this combination of depth, quality and coverage, Worldata is the leading data agency firm in the U.S. As the largest buyer and that differentiates Decisionmaker from other masterfiles, improving marketing user of 3rd party permissioned email media, Worldata has unique abilities that outcomes for our varied client-base. Partners include BuyerZone, CFE Media’s our clients leverage including: reduced costs, special data availability and Consulting Specifying Engineer, Control Engineering, Plant Engineering, overall best practice knowledge. Our primary focus is with the Email, Direct Financial Media Group, Ward’s Business Directory, IBIS, Lexis Nexis’s Mail and Telemarketing categories. We help marketers to execute prospect Corporate Directories, Martindale Hubbell, Advertiser and Agency Redbooks, marketing programs, data hygiene initiatives and overall direct marketing Reed Business Information, RS Means and many other highly reputable strategies. More than 800 customers worldwide from all types of businesses controlled circulation and media partners. and organizations—from enterprise technology, publishing, and online NetProspex education to business services, nonprofits, and associations—use Worldata NetProspex is the only B2B data provider with a proprietary verification to leverage data assets, procure key datasets and find overall solutions to process to ensure clean, accurate, and up-to-date contact information. customer and prospect data initiatives. For more information contact Jay NetProspex drives customer acquisition by partnering with B2B marketers Schwedelson at 800.331.8102 x176 4