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Chapter 13 Part 1 – All Good Things…

Hello, and welcome back to another chapter of A Piratical Legacy. I'm sorry I haven't had an update in a while; the life of a
director/producer/screenwriter is a difficult one and I've been very, very busy. Chris has been too, or he would have made me update. Right, Chris?


"Oh. Right! Whatever you say, dear!"

Anyway... let's dive right into the thick of things without any preamble or recap whatsoever, hmm?

Our story continues a few days after the events chronicled in "Sim Spade and the Counterfeit Clam Caper" ...
A few days after shooting finished, Bart Buccaneer, generation four spare to the Piratical Legacy, stopped by my simself's house for a chat.

"I don't see why you can't just tell me, Goddess. I mean, I've got most of it figured out already. You'd only be confirming what I already know. You
say what it is and I'll tell you if I've got it right or not."

I'm sorry, Bart. My lips are sealed, and you know it. We've had this conversation before, hon.

"Well, frammit! Why won't anyone just tell me who my father is? It's not like he's likely to be some kind of dark lord and the knowledge of his
identity will drive me out of my mind or anything."
Sorry, Bart. There's rules. Ineffability and all that.                  them ever read your legacy or something."

"Stupid rules. I've had it up to here with your effing ineffability!"   Maybe you just haven't asked the right one?

Language! Keep it PG-13, Bart.                                          "Well, the only one I haven't asked is Marina*..."

"I meant framming."                                                     Well then. That'd be a good place to start.

Good. Now, think back on the hints you've been given over time.         "I guess I could go to her wedding next week. Elphaba invited me."
Honestly, you will figure this out. I have faith in you.
                                                                        * Marina = smoothiequeen87, writer of the Fitzhugh Legacy &
"Yeah, yeah... female simself, I know the drill. But none of the        Spencer's bachelor challenge. Elphaba is her love child with Gage
simselves I've talked to know who it is! Geez, you'd think none of      Uglacy.
Speaking of Elphaba, she and Hercules both finally teenified. They were pretty excited - they'd been wanting to date for years but weren't old
enough. Once Herc was old enough to drive, though, they both got dressed up in their best clothes and Hercules took Elphaba to the skating rink. It
was a new hotspot and all the kids were going there to date and generally get in trouble.

Besides, Herc had a slight romantic streak, being my Simselfson and all, and he thought that skating together was pretty sweet.
At least, in theory.

The two of them spent more time checking to make sure they had no broken bones than they did twirling together.
Still, as the evening came to a close and Herc walked Elphaba home, he scrounged up the courage to give her a goodnight kiss. And obviously,
Elphaba was all for it!

Awww... young love. So sweet, so innocent.
Hercules and Elphaba weren't the only couple experiencing the bliss of springtime on Pirate Island, though. Marina had finally ditched Gage after
the Counterfeit Clam affair and hooked up with celebrity Shane West, who is an actor. A cute actor, at that.
And they both rolled up the wants for this, of course. Y'know, since I tweaked them so they have three bolts and all. Hey, even a deity can be
apologetic, and inflicting Gagespawn on anyone certainly requires a fair bit of groveling
The wedding was the party of the century, of course. All the   Orikes (Pseudo Legacy)
Simselves and a handful of Buccaneers were in attendance,      Professor Butters-Marius (Squeaky Clean Legacy) (with Flavius
including:                                                     Marius, a creation of Blite27)
                                                               Blite27 (Ten Caesars Legacy)
SimHubby                                                       Candi020765 (Uglacy, Prettacy)
Ephemeral Toast (Apocalypso-A-Go-Go, Uranium's Bachelorette    And, of course, Gage stopped by to wish the happy couple luck and
Challenge, Ugothlacy)                                          happiness, and to try to flirt with Toast. I love the Romance mod
PikaKyle (Say Goodbye Sims! and other stories)                 from MATY. It makes jealousy somewhat more realistic.
Cowforbrains (Again Legacy)
After the ceremony was over, Blite and I headed off to a private corner to conduct contract negotiations for the next episode of Sim Spade.
Ephemeral Toast distracted Gage so that he couldn't cause any trouble. Not that he really cared.

Toast, be glad you can't see his want panel. I'm being nice to you and have no intention of fulfilling any of those unspeakable wants. Too scared of
Uranium, yep.
And young Bart finally cornered the one simself he hadn't yet asked about his heritage.

"I've been wondering when you would come to see me."

"You mean you know what I've been searching for pretty much my whole life and you've never thought to tell me?!?" Bart's anger was palpable.

"Whoa, Bart, I've been constrained by the same rules as Sarah. You know, plot and stuff. I've had the information for you, but you've always had to

"Hey, is it true that your grandmother got scared to death by an accursed ghost?"

"Stop changing the subject!"

"Fine, fine. Your father is an NPC DJ by the name of Cale Kosmokos. He's blond, wears an orange tracksuit, and you're pretty much his spitting

Bart wasn't exactly sure what to think about this revelation. He thought he knew most of the people on the island and he'd never met anyone named
Cale. It was just... a lot of information to process all at once.
The wedding reception for Marina and Shane continued long into the night and a lot of other happy couples were definitely feeling the mood.

But enough with the side stuff. You're wanting to get back at the meat of the legacy, right? Well, I'm happy to oblige.
"Arr! Listen, me child, if ye wants ta be taken seriously as th' Queen o' the Cosmos, ye ought ta wear yer clothes more often," Mary, matriarch of
the family, cornered Ivy, generation three heiress, to lecture her in the kitchen. "This family be gettin' downright depraved! Struttin' around in
skivvies and whatnot. And Pao! Ye be no better, aye?"
"Bart, why is everyone in their underwear in the kitchen?" Generation four heir Roche Buccaneer was more than a bit puzzled, not to mention
faintly disgusted.

"Just ignore them, kiddo," Bart advised as he stared fixedly at his macaroni and cheese. "Ignore them and maybe you won't have high therapist bills
when you're older."
Determined to save poor Roche's eyesight and sanity at all costs, Bart snagged a book off of the shelf and coaxed his half-brother outside to read. It
was summer and warm and bright out until late, and really perfect weather for lounging around outside.

"What's this book called, Bart?" Roche was curious. He'd read most of the kids books on the family bookcase but he hadn't seen this one before.

"It's Great-grandpa Jack's book," Bart explained. "The one he wrote about pirates and ninjas. Since you're going to be the heir, you should really
know as much of the family history as possible. You never know what tidbit of information will help you break the family curse. Somehow, I don't
think we've seen the worst of what it has to throw at us yet."

"I know," Roche said seriously. "I was really scared when Grandma died from the ghosts and I'm more scared thinking that worse things still might

"Don't be scared, bro," Bart said comfortingly. "You're gonna beat the curse. I know it!"
Later that day, Ivy decided that it was finally time for clothes.

"We have a new outfit, Goddess, and new hair."

I can see that, Ivy. Very spiffy.

"We feel that it this look is much more regal than our former ensemble."

You mean because you're wearing clothes now?
Whatcha doin', Alan?

"Well, Goddess, I'm just celebrating the fact that the Syndicate has been put down and Julia is behind bars where she belongs."

I'm proud of you and Shannon, Alan. Really, I am.

"Don't forget my son, Jack, Goddess. He was instrumental in solving that case, almost as much as young Mr. Spade."

Don't worry, Alan. Jack's role in that escapade hasn't escaped me - you can rest assured of that.
It's Emma's simself that Ivy is happily greeting here, although she's still wearing her more conservative clothing from the Sim Spade shoot. She
never did make it on camera there, more's the pity.

Emma, aka simsfunk1, is a moderator and has written several legacies and stories.
"Okay, best nine out of ten."                                                game, it's really only thirty."

"I've already beaten you nine times, Pao."                                   "Pao, you owe me twenty."

"I still have a chance!"                                                     "You sure about that, Blite?"

"Fine, fine... since it's fifty simoleans at stake this time, I suppose we   "Yes. Now, are you going to play or what?"
can have one more round."
                                                                             "Okay, I'm ready. Rock, paper, scissors!"
"Ah, but with the twenty you already owe me from last week's poker
"Oh yeah! My rock so totally crushed your scissors, Pao."

"Fine, fine. I'll pay you tonight at the poker game."

"Fair enough... although I might give you a chance to win it back."

"Gee, that's awfully nice of you, Blite."

"Well, I do have a reputation to uphold."
While his stepfather and Blite were outside competing for business
advantage, Bart surprised his aging grandfather with a hug. Alan was       "Yeah," Bart said. He stared at his feet. "I don't feel like I was
startled, to say the least. While Bart obviously cared about his family,   expecting to feel, Grandpa. I just feel exactly the same. I thought I'd
he wasn't the demonstrative sort.                                          be happy, or sad, or relieved, or accomplished or something."

"What's up, Bart?"                                                         "Maybe it's because you haven't met him yet," Alan shrugged.
                                                                           Sometimes he could be surprisingly insightful.
"I just wanted to say that I love you, grandpa," Bart said, shrugging
awkwardly. "Oh, and I found out who my father is."                         "Maybe you're right, Grandpa," Bart said. He hugged Alan again.
                                                                           "Thanks for listening... it's helped a bit."
"Did you, now?" Alan was a bit relieved. He'd been aching to tell his
grandson for years but had refrained in order to respect Ivy's wishes      "Any time, Bart."
on the matter.
A few days later and it was time for Roche's birthday. He was              for them to participate, which he thought was a bit silly.
anxious about it for a lot of reasons. Perhaps the most pressing was
that once he was a teenager, he would be vulnerable to the curse's         "Make a wish, Roche!" Grandma Mary grinned from across the cake
effects as well.                                                           at him. "Ye should wish ta be a pirate, like yer grandma!"

But there was a party to attend to, and seeing the familiar faces of his   "Or a journalist," Uncle Jack chimed in.
friends and family helped push away the fears for a few minutes.
Who could be down when Uncle Jack, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Anne, and             "Tiger!" cried Uncle Eddie.
their spouses were over? Though Roche did wish that some of his
cousins could have made it. But the party was too late in the evening      "Cheesy diva," Aunt Anne added languidly.
Roche closed his eyes, and blew out the candles, and wished.          Roche had rolled Pleasure, had he? Mary was amused.

When he opened them again, the sparkles had cleared and he was all    I wasn't. Framming Pleasure sims and their measly 500 aspiration
grown up. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life.     point wants.

"I'm going to be a pirate, like Great-Grandpa Jack!" he cried. He     "Soo... when do I get to start dating?" Roche asked idly as he scoped
looked around a bit frantically. "Umm... does anyone mind if I jump   the room.
on the couch?"
                                                                      A silhouette against the window caught his eye. A familiar silhouette,
"Just make sure ye take the rum out first, aye?" Mary grinned. So,    at that.
"Mysterious Gypsy Lady, what are you doing at my birthday party?" Roche asked as he stepped outside into the cool summer evening air.

"You're old enough to know the score now, kid," the sage said with a shrug. "Your family is cursed and you're their only hope."

"I know that already," Roche said. "You told me that on my last birthday. How is this information new?"
"What's new," said the Mysterious Gypsy Lady, "is that I've found
out a bit more about the extent of the curse, Roche. Don't you want to   "Yeah, that's old news," Roche shrugged. "Honestly, mom's
know what you're up against?"                                            concubines are all a bit dim. Thinking they're the only ones and all.
                                                                         Hello! She's kind of married to my dad!"
"Well, why didn't you say so?" Roche demanded. "Of course I want
to know that! This thing has been looming over my head since I was       "Who amazingly has no idea that your mother has a harem," the
little, and it's about time I got some solid answers."                   gypsy said, not bothering to hide her disdain.

"You know that the curse was caused by the death of Anthony              "Enough about my father," Roche said. "Just tell me about the curse.
Greaves, your mother's former concubine who stalked her after he         I know the origin of it, but I don't really know what it does."
caught her with your father, yes?"
"The curse's effect is twofold," the gypsy said slowly. "The first         "Exactly," the gypsy said. "But that's not the worst of it, Roche. The
effect is general bad luck. That's why your grandmother was able to        curse is building itself up to a flash point. Once that point is
be scared to death by the family ghosts. Fortunately, your grandfather     reached... the full effect of the curse will be in place."
was able to save her, because every non-platinum death that happens
on this lot only boosts the strength of the curse. It's almost like it's   "And what's that?" Roche asked impatiently.
feeding off of the unhappy deaths."
                                                                           "Infertility," the gypsy said solemnly. "Roche, unless you can find a
"That's bad," Roche said. He eyed the family cemetary plot. "We've         way to defeat the curse, your family tree ends with you!"
had a lot of deaths since Anthony."
                                                                           "What?!?" Roche shouted. But the gypsy was gone.
Well, it was still his birthday, and Roche decided not to let the gypsy's awful pronouncement worry him. Like many Pleasure sims, he was inclined
to look on the bright side. Besides, he had money to spend and he needed a new look. Like it?

"It's in keeping with the piratical tradition of this family, Goddess."

I can see that. It's very snazzy, Roche. I especially like the hair.
Birthdays and dramatic pronouncements by mysterious gypsies aside, life at the Buccaneer manor continued as usual. Pao worked away in the
military and did some 'work' for brother-in-law Jack on the side, Mary planted her garden, and Alan inspired the law enforcement of tomorrow.

Ivy, on the other hand, resorted to somewhat unorthodox methods in her attempts to recruit more harem members.

"Goddess, it's just that the island citizens are naturally wary of becoming our Chief Concubine," Ivy mentioned to me as she flipped a coin into the
family wishing well.

Can't say as I blame them, dear.

"We think the idea of a curse is ridiculous," Ivy scoffed. "But the islanders are superstitious and so we must resort to wishing like a common
The wishing well dropped off a nice young college lad named Drake Seavey. Ivy wasted no time in outlining her proposition - it wasn't that long
until Pao was due home from work - and Drake enthusiastically agreed to the terms.
"Although we do feel compelled to warn you that our last five concubines have all died horrible deaths through strange accidental occurances," Ivy
added just before the audition commenced.

But that didn't deter Drake in the least.
He accepted the offer of Chief Concubine after a successful audition and then headed outside to play with his favorite toy: the weather machine.

It wasn't long before he'd managed to create a hailstorm.
"Would you consider a queen exercising her monarchly perogative of having a harem to be cheating, mother?"
But Alas, Drake never figured out how to make the hail stop, and before long he was just another statistic.


They've been warned, Grimmy.


Tomorrow? Me?

Captain Jack, being the dutiful patriarch that he is, possessed Commodore Bear as usual and spelled out the facts to Roche.

"That's it, boy. The curse be sealed to the family now. Savvy?"

"Got it, Captain. I'll do my best to break it, you can bet on it."

"Arr... good lad. Now, I'll be tellin' ye where I stored the last o' me rum, aye?"

Once Jack had said his say, Mary and Alan pulled Roche aside to impart their own words of wisdom to him.

"Listen, m'boy, we don't have much longer in this world, aye?" Mary began. "Yer grandpa there has only a few hours, savvy? So listen good."
"This family has a lot of history, Roche," Alan said. "A lot of history. And you need to know it if you're going to have any chance of overthrowing
the family curse."

"A lot of history?" Roche was puzzled. "But I'm only the fourth generation of Buccaneer to be born on this island!"

"History, boy," Alan nodded emphatically. "Take heed of the lessons your elders have for you. Don't jump on the couch you store the rum in. Don't
blow too many bubbles in college."

"Aye," Mary chimed in. "Don't be gettin' rid o' Commodore Bear. He has much wisdom, savvy?"

"Savvy," Bart said.
"And never forget," Mary added as the three of them stood up, "tub pirating is important. Arr!"

"Tub pirating," Roche nodded. "Got it, grandma."

"Now, let me just pass on th' perks I earned runnin' me store," Mary said. She also taught Roche how to be playful enough to tub pirate, eventually
bringing his playfulness from four to eight through constant encouragement.
"I'll miss you when you're gone, grandpa," Roche said, throwing his arms around Alan.

"Don't worry, Roche," Alan said, his ever-present grin lighting up. "You know I'll still be here watching you after I'm gone."

"Just as long as you don't scare me when I'm stargazing!" Roche admonished.

"Hey... don't ask for promises I can't keep," Alan grinned. "Now, why don't you hit the energizer? It's nearly morning and you have a lot to do
While Roche was Energizing, Mary headed out into the pre-dawn gloom to tend her plants. They'd suffered horribly from Drake's hailstorm and
were still looking a bit pale. She'd have to harvest them after Alan died and her practical piratical side insisted on tending them.

"What do ye be doin' out here, Mary?!?" Jack's ghost spluttered as he popped up in the middle of the eggplant patch.

"Frammit, father, ye've made me wet me knickers!" Mary scolded as she tried to recover from her fright. "Couldn't ye wait? Arr!"

"Sweets, ye need ta be trainin' Roche in the ways o' heirdom, not putterin' about with yer plants, savvy?"

"He's Energizing, dad!"

"Oops, me bad. Arr!"
And with that, Jack spend the rest of the evening playing with the spectre of Roux-kitty.
Mary, meanwhile, assisted Roche in his skilling. She was the most highly skilled member of the family and she didn't have many days longer than
Alan. Roche needed to be skilled enough to breeze through university so he could focus on researching occult curses and their counterspells.

And, er, stuff.
While Mary and Roche were upstairs, Bart waited until Pao was busy to
approach his mother.                                                             "We knew him here, and in university," Ivy shrugged. "The last we heard he
                                                                                 was on the island, though."
"Mom, I wanted to let you know that I found out who my father is," he said.
                                                                                 "Well, that settles it," Bart said in a determined voice. "I'm staying here and
"We knew you would find out sooner or later," Ivy said with a resigned           searching for him instead of going to college."
sigh. She didn't look particularly happy - or unhappy either, for that matter.
                                                                                 "We will, of course, support your decision," Ivy shrugged. "But we enjoyed
"I need to find him," Bart said. "Do you know where I could find him?"           college and think you should attend."

"No, we haven't seen your father since you were conceived," Ivy shrugged.        "You're not changing my mind!" Bart said stubbornly. "Finding my father is
"That was right after we got back from university."                              more important than college, okay?"

"You met him here, then?"                                                        Ivy just shrugged.
Alan, meanwhile, invited Shannon over so he could say goodbye.

"So today's the day?" Shannon asked. He sounded... tired.

"Yep, I reckon it is," Alan said. "I wanted to thank you, Shannon, for always being my best friend through thick and thin. You and Elisabeth have
always been very good to Mary and me."

"Best friends do that," Shannon said, hugging Alan awkwardly. "That's what we do."

"That we do, Shannon... that we do."
"Ivy, you've been a good, law-abiding daughter," Alan said, hugging his daughter tight. "Run a tight island when it's your turn, okay?"

"We will do our best," Ivy said. She sniffled a little. "We will miss you, father."
It was Bart's turn next.

"Do me a favor, Bart," Alan said. "Go to college."

"But... my father is here," Bart said slowly. "That's the whole reason I decided not to go. So I can find him."

"I think once you find yourself, you'll find your father," Alan said gently. "I found myself, and your grandmother, in college. Met Shannon there
too. Going to college will help you find your father. I can feel it."

"Well... I'll think about it," Bart said reluctantly. "I guess a year or two couldn't hurt. I don't have to finish my degree."
As the sun slipped lower in the sky, Alan knew it was almost time. He pulled Mary close, and they danced like newlyweds on the grass in front of
their house.
As the clock chimed six o'clock, Alan felt an icy chill race through him. He kissed Mary one list time, and pulled away.

"Goodbye, my love," he whispered.
His entire family was there to see him off, and his closest friends.


"Is there a place for superheroes in the afterlife?"

"Nah, my work here is done."




"Don't mind if I do, Grim. Don't mind if I do."
After Alan departed, the rest of the family and some friends stuck around for a little while and comforted each other.
Shannon was, of course, the hardest-hit. He and Alan had been inseparable, and now he seemed a little... lost.
"Hey Alan, remember how we helped young Mr. Spade solve the Counterfeit Clam case?"

Umm... Shannon... Alan's gone. Remember?

"Oh yeah..."

Nobody was surprised when Elisabeth sent word the next morning that Shannon had died quietly in his sleep, a few hours after the birth of his sixth
grandchild. He died perma-plat, though, and was soon reunited with Alan.

Can't you just picture the two of them at that big old fishin' hole up in the sky?


Aww... you know that you're getting fond of them, Grimmy.

Bart was so traumatized by the loss of his grandfather, he immediately decided to honour Alan's last wish - he would indeed go to college.
He worked very hard and finally managed to secure an athletic scholarship, as his grades were a bit too low to get an academic scholarship. When
he'd decided not to go to college he'd slacked off on his classwork more than a little.
Mary consoled herself by tub-pirating.

"Arr! Tub-pirating can solve any problem, Goddess. Savvy?"

Heh, savvy. Too bad it doesn't actually clean tubs.

The house was feeling empty without Alan's presence, so Ivy decreed that the family should adopt a pet. "We want a dog!"

And so little black girl-puppy Pearl joined the household! Everyone doted on her, but especially Roche.
Bart didn't let himself get too attached as he soon headed to college.
*sigh* They grow up so quickly, don't they. Bart certainly made a striking young adult... very handsome in a rugged sort of way.
Bart wasn't alone in his educational endeavors. He shared Lam Plaza Dormitory with four other people, but he only really became close with these
three: Tom Freshe, Emily Lee, and his second cousin Hadrian Toyonaga.

Quite a few of his other friends and family had chosen to enroll at university in Paris as well, but we'll get to them in a few slides. One dorm at a
Bart adapted pretty well to college life. He spent a lot of time studying, of course, and eventually reaffirmed that he wanted to become a teacher,
just like Professor Butters-Marius. While he didn't know the Professor very well, he'd always admired her and it had been her family tree project
that had started him on his quest to find his father.
Hadrian and Bart often studied together, although they were in          salon, though."
different majors.
                                                                        "Maybe you should stay in school until you figure that out," Bart
"Y'know, Bart," Hadrian said one afternoon as they pored over their     said.
textbooks, "I'm thinking about dropping out."
                                                                        "That's a good idea, Bart," Hadrian grinned. "That's a good idea."
"Really?" Bart was surprised. "I thought you wanted a business
degree."                                                                "Okay, two points here," Bart said, putting his book down. "I'm not
                                                                        my grandfather. And you're not yours! No matter how much you look
"Well, yeah," Hadrian said, "but I kind of want to start running my     like Uncle Shannon." They both laughed.
business now. Still haven't decided if I want a flower shop or a hair
Bart wasn't a bad guy, but he certainly wasn't above cheating at chess either. Poor gullible dormies. Ted Langerack never had a chance.
Hadrian, meanwhile, had other things on his mind.

"Renaud, that hair colour looks awesome on you," Hadrian said.

"Gee, thanks!" Renaud blushed.
And Tom and Emily were dating pretty much from the moment they met. Bart was the only one who really hadn't found anyone special.
He found it kind of annoying, too, that Hadrian would rather study with Renaud than with him. His best friends were all romancing people and he
was left out. It kind of stunk.
So Bart decided to chat up the next girl who dropped by the dorm. That happened to be cheerleader Vamsi Midlock.

"Hey Vamsi, want to go out sometime?" Bart tried. He really wished that his high school girlfriend had decided to go to college. It would have
made the whole dating process much easier.

"Gee, Bart... I'm really flattered," Vamsi said, blushing. "But I don't have time to date right now. Cheerleading consumes my whole life."

"Ahh... okay," Bart said, shrugging. He liked Vamsi, but not enough to be totally crushed at being shot down.
Some of Bart's family and friends were living in Mille House Dorm, across campus from where Bart lived. He didn't get to see them very often,
unfortunately. Their first semester was just too busy.

The Pirate Islanders, though they hadn't known each other very well back home, quickly found themselves hanging out a lot. On one of Bart's rare
visits to Mille House, he took this picture to send home to his family. From left to right, the Pirate Island residents of Mille House were: Elphaba
Uglacy, Hercules Deity, William Curtin, and Autumn Thayer. William is one of Celeste and Other-Alan's children and Autumn is Jack and
Meadow's oldest.
Elphaba and Hercules had been dating for quite some time by this point and were pretty serious in their relationship. I encouraged them at every
opportunity. I wanted grandbabies!
Because Elphaba and Hercules spent so much time "together", Autumn and William spent a lot of time together as well. Fortunately, they had
pretty similar personalities and they were soon best friends.
"Your cousin Autumn is pretty hot," Hercules observed one evening while he and William enjoyed a friendly game of darts.

"I guess," William shrugged. "I hadn't really noticed. We're not that closely related but we are second cousins."

"Hey, that's totally game legal," Hercules grinned. "You should go for it, dude. She totally digs you."

"Really," William said dryly.

"Hey, would I lie to you?" Hercules grinned.

"Umm... maybe?" William laughed.
Because of Elphaba's ... unusual ... features, she found herself the butt of a few jokes in dorm.

"Is that your face or did somebody drop roadkill on your head?" sneered the red-headed girl.

Hercules watched in amusement.
"Oh no, you did not insult me," Elphaba said. She growled, grabbed a glass of water off of a nearby table, and flung the contents in the red-head's

"Beautifully done," Hercules grinned, applauding.
William was pretty sure that Hercules was joking about Autumn liking him but, well, she was awfully pretty. He found himself making excuses to
spend more time with her.
"No, I don't think those pants make your butt look big," Elphaba decided.

"Thanks," Autumn said. "I was a bit worried."

"Wanting to look nice for William?" Elphaba teased.

"What?" Autumn laughed. "No. He's good-looking and all, but we're practically related."

"You mean you haven't even considered it?" Elphaba sounded surprised.

"Well... maybe," Autumn grinned.
A few days later, Meadow dropped by for a quick visit. She'd heard a lot about William in Autumn's letters home and decided to check the guy out
just in case the friendship turned more serious.

"What is your stance on counterfeit pearls?" she demanded.

"They're a great export opportunity for a savvy businessman," William said.

Meadow eyed him critically for a moment. "Yeah... you'll do," she concluded.
I also stopped by to see how things were going in the dorm.

"Oh, fine," Herc said. "Though I'm getting tired of ramen. The cook is lousy and burns everything."

"Eww," I sympathized. "Good on you for not taking advantage of your deific powers and smiting him, though."

"Wait... I have deific powers?"
"Elphaba, I like your hips," I said, eyeing the girl critically. "Child-bearing hips, those are."

"Goddess!" Elphaba exclaimed. "Don't you think that's a bit personal?"

"True," I agreed. "If we're close enough for me to comment on your fertility then you can certainly call me Sarah."

"That's not what I..." Elphaba began, and trailed off.

I grinned. Being a deity is fun sometimes.
"She said what?!?" Autumn was torn between amusement and shock.

"Yeah... she wants ten grandchildren," Elphaba said wearily.

Tee hee.

"Yeah, but Herc has a younger sister," Autumn shrugged. "She can have all the babies."

"I like the way you think, Autumn," Elphaba grinned.
A mother should never witness some things. Let's leave these two alone, shall we?

And, erm, I don't want grandchildren yet!!!
There were four more Pirate Islanders living in Paris. These four were assigned to Casteroff Dormitory... aka the Party Dorm. From left to right we
have: Blake Curtin, Sadism Curtin, Wedge Biggs, and Irony Curtin.

Blake is William's twin brother. Sadism and Irony are the star-babies Other-Alan had about three hours after William and Blake were born. The
four of them are effectively quadruplets.

Wedge is the adopted son of Anne and Marla Biggs.
Y'know, Casteroff has a reputation for being a party dorm, and that reputation is well-earned. All four kids were excited about living there.
Especially Blake and Irony, Popularity and Pleasure, respectively. Wedge, a fortune sim, was just happy to be networking. He had plans to
revitalize the Syndicate's Parisian connection and thus get taken on as Jack's protégé in the island mafia, hence his imitation of his potential
mentor's collegiate fashion sense. As for Sadism... she's Romance. 'Nuff said.
Wedge and Irony, while technically second cousins, are actually not at all related. So they didn't hold back once they realized they were attracted to
each other.
Blake really wanted to find someone special too, but he didn't have much luck. He just wasn't attracted at all to most of the girls in his dorm. They
were pretty, sure, but there just wasn't any chemistry.
Sadism simply wanted to explore all that humanity had to offer. She wasn't particularly picky about the appearance of her targets, although she was
oddly faithful to Jerry Turner. Not that he would have minded. Romance sims aren't particularly jealous in my game.
After searching campus high and low, Blake finally found a woman he was attracted to: Aurora Taylor. She was everything he wanted in a woman
- she was pretty and smart. Blake knew he needed a bright woman in his life as he was pretty sure he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the desk.

Still, he was bright enough to take things slowly, and before he knew it the first semester was over.
Back at Lam Plaza, Bart and his fellow dormies celebrated the start of a new semester with a party! Most of the Pirate Island gang was there,
including De, aka fireflower314, a simself who just happened to be in the area on vacation.

Bart couldn't help but cast surreptitious glances at De. She was very, very pretty... but she wasn't the guest of honour, so he reluctantly went over to
greet Angel Mace, Royal Greek House Placeholder, instead.
"Angel, you look fantastic tonight," Bart said.

"Gee, thanks," Angel grinned. "But you don't have to suck up, you know. You've been in since birth, practically."
With that, Bart promptly ditched Angel and headed over to talk to De.

"I'm glad you could stop by!" he enthused.

"Oh, me too," De said warmly. "I couldn't resist when Herc let me know there was going to be a party for all the PI-ers in Paris. It's almost like
being home again."
"It sure feels like home being next to someone as beautiful as you," Bart replied, a cheesy grin on his face.

De laughed. "That's a pretty lame line, you know."

"It's still true!" Bart insisted. The more he talked to De, the more he knew that he wanted to get to know her better.
The party was a roaring success, so much so that Bart and Hadrian were the only ones able to drag themselves out of bed and into the cafeteria in
the morning.

"Hey, I saw you talking to De all night," Hadrian said with a broad wink. "Something going on there you want to tell your dear cousin about?"

"Maybe," Bart said with a wide grin. "I'm not sure yet."

"Go for her," Hadrian urged. "She's from home, even. It's obviously a match meant to be."

"I dunno," Bart said. "I really like her, but she's a Romance sim and I'm a Family sim. We're kind of an odd pair."

"I've seen weirder," Hadrian shrugged. "Just look at me and Renaud. If I can ever get him to admit he's interested in me, anyway."
"He's still pretending to like girls?" Bart asked.

"Yup, he's dating another one," Hadrian sighed melodramatically. "Third girl this month."

"Eh, either he'll come out or you'll find someone better," Bart said pragmatically. "Enough of this relationship stuff. You know what I really need
right now?"


"Don's chilli. That's what."

"I would kill for a bowl of Don's chilli."
Much to Bart's delight, De showed up later that day.
                                                                          "You've kissed lots of llamas, have you?"
"What brings you here?" he asked.
                                                                          "Well, no," De admitted. "I just read a lot of legacies."
"Oh, I just thought I'd drop by and see if you were free," De said.
"I'm bored. You?"                                                         With a start, Bart realized he had to head to class. "But if you're not
                                                                          busy, stop by in a couple of hours," he said, flashing his best grin at
"Likewise," Bart chuckled. "At this point I'd kiss a llama for some       De. "Or you can hang out here until I get back."
                                                                          "Oh, I'm sure I can find some way of amusing myself," De chuckled.
"Don't bother," De said, making a face. "Trust me... you don't want to
kiss the llamas. Sure, they're cute under the mask and all, but they're   End of Part 1. Part 2 should follow shortly.
so clingy and needy. Such a turn off."                                    -->
"What? I didn't say HOW I'd keep myself amused!"

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A Piratical Legacy Chapter 25 Part 1 - TeenagersA Piratical Legacy Chapter 25 Part 1 - Teenagers
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 25 Part 1 - Teenagers

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A Piratical Legacy Chapter 13 Part 1 - All Good Things...

  • 1. Chapter 13 Part 1 – All Good Things… Hello, and welcome back to another chapter of A Piratical Legacy. I'm sorry I haven't had an update in a while; the life of a director/producer/screenwriter is a difficult one and I've been very, very busy. Chris has been too, or he would have made me update. Right, Chris?
  • 2. "Vroom!" Ahem. "Oh. Right! Whatever you say, dear!" Anyway... let's dive right into the thick of things without any preamble or recap whatsoever, hmm? Our story continues a few days after the events chronicled in "Sim Spade and the Counterfeit Clam Caper" ...
  • 3. A few days after shooting finished, Bart Buccaneer, generation four spare to the Piratical Legacy, stopped by my simself's house for a chat. "I don't see why you can't just tell me, Goddess. I mean, I've got most of it figured out already. You'd only be confirming what I already know. You say what it is and I'll tell you if I've got it right or not." I'm sorry, Bart. My lips are sealed, and you know it. We've had this conversation before, hon. "Well, frammit! Why won't anyone just tell me who my father is? It's not like he's likely to be some kind of dark lord and the knowledge of his identity will drive me out of my mind or anything."
  • 4. Sorry, Bart. There's rules. Ineffability and all that. them ever read your legacy or something." "Stupid rules. I've had it up to here with your effing ineffability!" Maybe you just haven't asked the right one? Language! Keep it PG-13, Bart. "Well, the only one I haven't asked is Marina*..." "I meant framming." Well then. That'd be a good place to start. Good. Now, think back on the hints you've been given over time. "I guess I could go to her wedding next week. Elphaba invited me." Honestly, you will figure this out. I have faith in you. * Marina = smoothiequeen87, writer of the Fitzhugh Legacy & "Yeah, yeah... female simself, I know the drill. But none of the Spencer's bachelor challenge. Elphaba is her love child with Gage simselves I've talked to know who it is! Geez, you'd think none of Uglacy.
  • 5. Speaking of Elphaba, she and Hercules both finally teenified. They were pretty excited - they'd been wanting to date for years but weren't old enough. Once Herc was old enough to drive, though, they both got dressed up in their best clothes and Hercules took Elphaba to the skating rink. It was a new hotspot and all the kids were going there to date and generally get in trouble. Besides, Herc had a slight romantic streak, being my Simselfson and all, and he thought that skating together was pretty sweet.
  • 6. At least, in theory. The two of them spent more time checking to make sure they had no broken bones than they did twirling together.
  • 7. Still, as the evening came to a close and Herc walked Elphaba home, he scrounged up the courage to give her a goodnight kiss. And obviously, Elphaba was all for it! Awww... young love. So sweet, so innocent.
  • 8. Hercules and Elphaba weren't the only couple experiencing the bliss of springtime on Pirate Island, though. Marina had finally ditched Gage after the Counterfeit Clam affair and hooked up with celebrity Shane West, who is an actor. A cute actor, at that.
  • 9. And they both rolled up the wants for this, of course. Y'know, since I tweaked them so they have three bolts and all. Hey, even a deity can be apologetic, and inflicting Gagespawn on anyone certainly requires a fair bit of groveling
  • 10. The wedding was the party of the century, of course. All the Orikes (Pseudo Legacy) Simselves and a handful of Buccaneers were in attendance, Professor Butters-Marius (Squeaky Clean Legacy) (with Flavius including: Marius, a creation of Blite27) Blite27 (Ten Caesars Legacy) SimHubby Candi020765 (Uglacy, Prettacy) SimMe Ephemeral Toast (Apocalypso-A-Go-Go, Uranium's Bachelorette And, of course, Gage stopped by to wish the happy couple luck and Challenge, Ugothlacy) happiness, and to try to flirt with Toast. I love the Romance mod PikaKyle (Say Goodbye Sims! and other stories) from MATY. It makes jealousy somewhat more realistic. Cowforbrains (Again Legacy)
  • 11. After the ceremony was over, Blite and I headed off to a private corner to conduct contract negotiations for the next episode of Sim Spade.
  • 12. Ephemeral Toast distracted Gage so that he couldn't cause any trouble. Not that he really cared. Toast, be glad you can't see his want panel. I'm being nice to you and have no intention of fulfilling any of those unspeakable wants. Too scared of Uranium, yep.
  • 13. And young Bart finally cornered the one simself he hadn't yet asked about his heritage. "I've been wondering when you would come to see me." "You mean you know what I've been searching for pretty much my whole life and you've never thought to tell me?!?" Bart's anger was palpable. "Whoa, Bart, I've been constrained by the same rules as Sarah. You know, plot and stuff. I've had the information for you, but you've always had to ask." "Well?"
  • 14. "Hey, is it true that your grandmother got scared to death by an accursed ghost?" "Stop changing the subject!" "Fine, fine. Your father is an NPC DJ by the name of Cale Kosmokos. He's blond, wears an orange tracksuit, and you're pretty much his spitting image." Bart wasn't exactly sure what to think about this revelation. He thought he knew most of the people on the island and he'd never met anyone named Cale. It was just... a lot of information to process all at once.
  • 15. The wedding reception for Marina and Shane continued long into the night and a lot of other happy couples were definitely feeling the mood. But enough with the side stuff. You're wanting to get back at the meat of the legacy, right? Well, I'm happy to oblige.
  • 16. "Arr! Listen, me child, if ye wants ta be taken seriously as th' Queen o' the Cosmos, ye ought ta wear yer clothes more often," Mary, matriarch of the family, cornered Ivy, generation three heiress, to lecture her in the kitchen. "This family be gettin' downright depraved! Struttin' around in skivvies and whatnot. And Pao! Ye be no better, aye?"
  • 17. "Bart, why is everyone in their underwear in the kitchen?" Generation four heir Roche Buccaneer was more than a bit puzzled, not to mention faintly disgusted. "Just ignore them, kiddo," Bart advised as he stared fixedly at his macaroni and cheese. "Ignore them and maybe you won't have high therapist bills when you're older."
  • 18. Determined to save poor Roche's eyesight and sanity at all costs, Bart snagged a book off of the shelf and coaxed his half-brother outside to read. It was summer and warm and bright out until late, and really perfect weather for lounging around outside. "What's this book called, Bart?" Roche was curious. He'd read most of the kids books on the family bookcase but he hadn't seen this one before. "It's Great-grandpa Jack's book," Bart explained. "The one he wrote about pirates and ninjas. Since you're going to be the heir, you should really know as much of the family history as possible. You never know what tidbit of information will help you break the family curse. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the worst of what it has to throw at us yet." "I know," Roche said seriously. "I was really scared when Grandma died from the ghosts and I'm more scared thinking that worse things still might happen!" "Don't be scared, bro," Bart said comfortingly. "You're gonna beat the curse. I know it!"
  • 19. Later that day, Ivy decided that it was finally time for clothes. "We have a new outfit, Goddess, and new hair." I can see that, Ivy. Very spiffy. "We feel that it this look is much more regal than our former ensemble." You mean because you're wearing clothes now?
  • 20. Whatcha doin', Alan? "Well, Goddess, I'm just celebrating the fact that the Syndicate has been put down and Julia is behind bars where she belongs." I'm proud of you and Shannon, Alan. Really, I am. "Don't forget my son, Jack, Goddess. He was instrumental in solving that case, almost as much as young Mr. Spade." Don't worry, Alan. Jack's role in that escapade hasn't escaped me - you can rest assured of that.
  • 21. It's Emma's simself that Ivy is happily greeting here, although she's still wearing her more conservative clothing from the Sim Spade shoot. She never did make it on camera there, more's the pity. Emma, aka simsfunk1, is a moderator and has written several legacies and stories.
  • 22. "Okay, best nine out of ten." game, it's really only thirty." "I've already beaten you nine times, Pao." "Pao, you owe me twenty." "I still have a chance!" "You sure about that, Blite?" "Fine, fine... since it's fifty simoleans at stake this time, I suppose we "Yes. Now, are you going to play or what?" can have one more round." "Okay, I'm ready. Rock, paper, scissors!" "Ah, but with the twenty you already owe me from last week's poker
  • 23. "Oh yeah! My rock so totally crushed your scissors, Pao." "Fine, fine. I'll pay you tonight at the poker game." "Fair enough... although I might give you a chance to win it back." "Gee, that's awfully nice of you, Blite." "Well, I do have a reputation to uphold."
  • 24. While his stepfather and Blite were outside competing for business advantage, Bart surprised his aging grandfather with a hug. Alan was "Yeah," Bart said. He stared at his feet. "I don't feel like I was startled, to say the least. While Bart obviously cared about his family, expecting to feel, Grandpa. I just feel exactly the same. I thought I'd he wasn't the demonstrative sort. be happy, or sad, or relieved, or accomplished or something." "What's up, Bart?" "Maybe it's because you haven't met him yet," Alan shrugged. Sometimes he could be surprisingly insightful. "I just wanted to say that I love you, grandpa," Bart said, shrugging awkwardly. "Oh, and I found out who my father is." "Maybe you're right, Grandpa," Bart said. He hugged Alan again. "Thanks for listening... it's helped a bit." "Did you, now?" Alan was a bit relieved. He'd been aching to tell his grandson for years but had refrained in order to respect Ivy's wishes "Any time, Bart." on the matter.
  • 25. A few days later and it was time for Roche's birthday. He was for them to participate, which he thought was a bit silly. anxious about it for a lot of reasons. Perhaps the most pressing was that once he was a teenager, he would be vulnerable to the curse's "Make a wish, Roche!" Grandma Mary grinned from across the cake effects as well. at him. "Ye should wish ta be a pirate, like yer grandma!" But there was a party to attend to, and seeing the familiar faces of his "Or a journalist," Uncle Jack chimed in. friends and family helped push away the fears for a few minutes. Who could be down when Uncle Jack, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Anne, and "Tiger!" cried Uncle Eddie. their spouses were over? Though Roche did wish that some of his cousins could have made it. But the party was too late in the evening "Cheesy diva," Aunt Anne added languidly.
  • 26. Roche closed his eyes, and blew out the candles, and wished. Roche had rolled Pleasure, had he? Mary was amused. When he opened them again, the sparkles had cleared and he was all I wasn't. Framming Pleasure sims and their measly 500 aspiration grown up. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. point wants. "I'm going to be a pirate, like Great-Grandpa Jack!" he cried. He "Soo... when do I get to start dating?" Roche asked idly as he scoped looked around a bit frantically. "Umm... does anyone mind if I jump the room. on the couch?" A silhouette against the window caught his eye. A familiar silhouette, "Just make sure ye take the rum out first, aye?" Mary grinned. So, at that.
  • 27. "Mysterious Gypsy Lady, what are you doing at my birthday party?" Roche asked as he stepped outside into the cool summer evening air. "You're old enough to know the score now, kid," the sage said with a shrug. "Your family is cursed and you're their only hope." "I know that already," Roche said. "You told me that on my last birthday. How is this information new?"
  • 28. "What's new," said the Mysterious Gypsy Lady, "is that I've found out a bit more about the extent of the curse, Roche. Don't you want to "Yeah, that's old news," Roche shrugged. "Honestly, mom's know what you're up against?" concubines are all a bit dim. Thinking they're the only ones and all. Hello! She's kind of married to my dad!" "Well, why didn't you say so?" Roche demanded. "Of course I want to know that! This thing has been looming over my head since I was "Who amazingly has no idea that your mother has a harem," the little, and it's about time I got some solid answers." gypsy said, not bothering to hide her disdain. "You know that the curse was caused by the death of Anthony "Enough about my father," Roche said. "Just tell me about the curse. Greaves, your mother's former concubine who stalked her after he I know the origin of it, but I don't really know what it does." caught her with your father, yes?"
  • 29. "The curse's effect is twofold," the gypsy said slowly. "The first "Exactly," the gypsy said. "But that's not the worst of it, Roche. The effect is general bad luck. That's why your grandmother was able to curse is building itself up to a flash point. Once that point is be scared to death by the family ghosts. Fortunately, your grandfather reached... the full effect of the curse will be in place." was able to save her, because every non-platinum death that happens on this lot only boosts the strength of the curse. It's almost like it's "And what's that?" Roche asked impatiently. feeding off of the unhappy deaths." "Infertility," the gypsy said solemnly. "Roche, unless you can find a "That's bad," Roche said. He eyed the family cemetary plot. "We've way to defeat the curse, your family tree ends with you!" had a lot of deaths since Anthony." "What?!?" Roche shouted. But the gypsy was gone.
  • 30. Well, it was still his birthday, and Roche decided not to let the gypsy's awful pronouncement worry him. Like many Pleasure sims, he was inclined to look on the bright side. Besides, he had money to spend and he needed a new look. Like it? "It's in keeping with the piratical tradition of this family, Goddess." I can see that. It's very snazzy, Roche. I especially like the hair.
  • 31. Birthdays and dramatic pronouncements by mysterious gypsies aside, life at the Buccaneer manor continued as usual. Pao worked away in the military and did some 'work' for brother-in-law Jack on the side, Mary planted her garden, and Alan inspired the law enforcement of tomorrow. Ivy, on the other hand, resorted to somewhat unorthodox methods in her attempts to recruit more harem members. "Goddess, it's just that the island citizens are naturally wary of becoming our Chief Concubine," Ivy mentioned to me as she flipped a coin into the family wishing well. Can't say as I blame them, dear. "We think the idea of a curse is ridiculous," Ivy scoffed. "But the islanders are superstitious and so we must resort to wishing like a common peasant."
  • 32. The wishing well dropped off a nice young college lad named Drake Seavey. Ivy wasted no time in outlining her proposition - it wasn't that long until Pao was due home from work - and Drake enthusiastically agreed to the terms.
  • 33. "Although we do feel compelled to warn you that our last five concubines have all died horrible deaths through strange accidental occurances," Ivy added just before the audition commenced. But that didn't deter Drake in the least.
  • 34. He accepted the offer of Chief Concubine after a successful audition and then headed outside to play with his favorite toy: the weather machine. It wasn't long before he'd managed to create a hailstorm.
  • 35. "Would you consider a queen exercising her monarchly perogative of having a harem to be cheating, mother?"
  • 36. But Alas, Drake never figured out how to make the hail stop, and before long he was just another statistic. "YOU KNOW, THIS GUY JUST HELPED THE CURSE REACH THE FLASH POINT." They've been warned, Grimmy. "JUST CHECKING. I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW." Tomorrow? Me? "I MEANT I WILL SEE YOU HERE TOMORROW. I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT."
  • 37. Captain Jack, being the dutiful patriarch that he is, possessed Commodore Bear as usual and spelled out the facts to Roche. "That's it, boy. The curse be sealed to the family now. Savvy?" "Got it, Captain. I'll do my best to break it, you can bet on it." "Arr... good lad. Now, I'll be tellin' ye where I stored the last o' me rum, aye?" "Sweet!"
  • 38. Once Jack had said his say, Mary and Alan pulled Roche aside to impart their own words of wisdom to him. "Listen, m'boy, we don't have much longer in this world, aye?" Mary began. "Yer grandpa there has only a few hours, savvy? So listen good."
  • 39. "This family has a lot of history, Roche," Alan said. "A lot of history. And you need to know it if you're going to have any chance of overthrowing the family curse." "A lot of history?" Roche was puzzled. "But I'm only the fourth generation of Buccaneer to be born on this island!" "History, boy," Alan nodded emphatically. "Take heed of the lessons your elders have for you. Don't jump on the couch you store the rum in. Don't blow too many bubbles in college." "Aye," Mary chimed in. "Don't be gettin' rid o' Commodore Bear. He has much wisdom, savvy?" "Savvy," Bart said.
  • 40. "And never forget," Mary added as the three of them stood up, "tub pirating is important. Arr!" "Tub pirating," Roche nodded. "Got it, grandma." "Now, let me just pass on th' perks I earned runnin' me store," Mary said. She also taught Roche how to be playful enough to tub pirate, eventually bringing his playfulness from four to eight through constant encouragement.
  • 41. "I'll miss you when you're gone, grandpa," Roche said, throwing his arms around Alan. "Don't worry, Roche," Alan said, his ever-present grin lighting up. "You know I'll still be here watching you after I'm gone." "Just as long as you don't scare me when I'm stargazing!" Roche admonished. "Hey... don't ask for promises I can't keep," Alan grinned. "Now, why don't you hit the energizer? It's nearly morning and you have a lot to do today."
  • 42. While Roche was Energizing, Mary headed out into the pre-dawn gloom to tend her plants. They'd suffered horribly from Drake's hailstorm and were still looking a bit pale. She'd have to harvest them after Alan died and her practical piratical side insisted on tending them. "What do ye be doin' out here, Mary?!?" Jack's ghost spluttered as he popped up in the middle of the eggplant patch. "Frammit, father, ye've made me wet me knickers!" Mary scolded as she tried to recover from her fright. "Couldn't ye wait? Arr!" "Sweets, ye need ta be trainin' Roche in the ways o' heirdom, not putterin' about with yer plants, savvy?" "He's Energizing, dad!" "Oops, me bad. Arr!"
  • 43. And with that, Jack spend the rest of the evening playing with the spectre of Roux-kitty.
  • 44. Mary, meanwhile, assisted Roche in his skilling. She was the most highly skilled member of the family and she didn't have many days longer than Alan. Roche needed to be skilled enough to breeze through university so he could focus on researching occult curses and their counterspells. And, er, stuff.
  • 45. While Mary and Roche were upstairs, Bart waited until Pao was busy to approach his mother. "We knew him here, and in university," Ivy shrugged. "The last we heard he was on the island, though." "Mom, I wanted to let you know that I found out who my father is," he said. "Well, that settles it," Bart said in a determined voice. "I'm staying here and "We knew you would find out sooner or later," Ivy said with a resigned searching for him instead of going to college." sigh. She didn't look particularly happy - or unhappy either, for that matter. "We will, of course, support your decision," Ivy shrugged. "But we enjoyed "I need to find him," Bart said. "Do you know where I could find him?" college and think you should attend." "No, we haven't seen your father since you were conceived," Ivy shrugged. "You're not changing my mind!" Bart said stubbornly. "Finding my father is "That was right after we got back from university." more important than college, okay?" "You met him here, then?" Ivy just shrugged.
  • 46. Alan, meanwhile, invited Shannon over so he could say goodbye. "So today's the day?" Shannon asked. He sounded... tired. "Yep, I reckon it is," Alan said. "I wanted to thank you, Shannon, for always being my best friend through thick and thin. You and Elisabeth have always been very good to Mary and me." "Best friends do that," Shannon said, hugging Alan awkwardly. "That's what we do." "That we do, Shannon... that we do."
  • 47. "Ivy, you've been a good, law-abiding daughter," Alan said, hugging his daughter tight. "Run a tight island when it's your turn, okay?" "We will do our best," Ivy said. She sniffled a little. "We will miss you, father."
  • 48. It was Bart's turn next. "Do me a favor, Bart," Alan said. "Go to college." "But... my father is here," Bart said slowly. "That's the whole reason I decided not to go. So I can find him." "I think once you find yourself, you'll find your father," Alan said gently. "I found myself, and your grandmother, in college. Met Shannon there too. Going to college will help you find your father. I can feel it." "Well... I'll think about it," Bart said reluctantly. "I guess a year or two couldn't hurt. I don't have to finish my degree."
  • 49. As the sun slipped lower in the sky, Alan knew it was almost time. He pulled Mary close, and they danced like newlyweds on the grass in front of their house.
  • 50. As the clock chimed six o'clock, Alan felt an icy chill race through him. He kissed Mary one list time, and pulled away. "Goodbye, my love," he whispered.
  • 52. "Nah, my work here is done." "YOU DO KNOW IT WAS ACTUALLY JACK, DON'T YOU?" "Hmm?" "OH, NEVER MIND. HAVE A LARGE INTOXICATING BEVERAGE WITH A TINY MULTICOLORED UMBRELLA IN IT." "Don't mind if I do, Grim. Don't mind if I do."
  • 53. After Alan departed, the rest of the family and some friends stuck around for a little while and comforted each other.
  • 54. Shannon was, of course, the hardest-hit. He and Alan had been inseparable, and now he seemed a little... lost.
  • 55. "Hey Alan, remember how we helped young Mr. Spade solve the Counterfeit Clam case?" Umm... Shannon... Alan's gone. Remember? "Oh yeah..." *sniff*
  • 56. Nobody was surprised when Elisabeth sent word the next morning that Shannon had died quietly in his sleep, a few hours after the birth of his sixth grandchild. He died perma-plat, though, and was soon reunited with Alan. Can't you just picture the two of them at that big old fishin' hole up in the sky? "YES. CAN'T YOU MAKE THEM SHUT UP?" Aww... you know that you're getting fond of them, Grimmy. "I ADMIT TO NO SUCH THING."
  • 57. Bart was so traumatized by the loss of his grandfather, he immediately decided to honour Alan's last wish - he would indeed go to college.
  • 58. He worked very hard and finally managed to secure an athletic scholarship, as his grades were a bit too low to get an academic scholarship. When he'd decided not to go to college he'd slacked off on his classwork more than a little.
  • 59. Mary consoled herself by tub-pirating. "Arr! Tub-pirating can solve any problem, Goddess. Savvy?" Heh, savvy. Too bad it doesn't actually clean tubs. "Arr!"
  • 60. The house was feeling empty without Alan's presence, so Ivy decreed that the family should adopt a pet. "We want a dog!" And so little black girl-puppy Pearl joined the household! Everyone doted on her, but especially Roche.
  • 61. Bart didn't let himself get too attached as he soon headed to college.
  • 62. *sigh* They grow up so quickly, don't they. Bart certainly made a striking young adult... very handsome in a rugged sort of way.
  • 63. Bart wasn't alone in his educational endeavors. He shared Lam Plaza Dormitory with four other people, but he only really became close with these three: Tom Freshe, Emily Lee, and his second cousin Hadrian Toyonaga. Quite a few of his other friends and family had chosen to enroll at university in Paris as well, but we'll get to them in a few slides. One dorm at a time!
  • 64. Bart adapted pretty well to college life. He spent a lot of time studying, of course, and eventually reaffirmed that he wanted to become a teacher, just like Professor Butters-Marius. While he didn't know the Professor very well, he'd always admired her and it had been her family tree project that had started him on his quest to find his father.
  • 65. Hadrian and Bart often studied together, although they were in salon, though." different majors. "Maybe you should stay in school until you figure that out," Bart "Y'know, Bart," Hadrian said one afternoon as they pored over their said. textbooks, "I'm thinking about dropping out." "That's a good idea, Bart," Hadrian grinned. "That's a good idea." "Really?" Bart was surprised. "I thought you wanted a business degree." "Okay, two points here," Bart said, putting his book down. "I'm not my grandfather. And you're not yours! No matter how much you look "Well, yeah," Hadrian said, "but I kind of want to start running my like Uncle Shannon." They both laughed. business now. Still haven't decided if I want a flower shop or a hair
  • 66. Bart wasn't a bad guy, but he certainly wasn't above cheating at chess either. Poor gullible dormies. Ted Langerack never had a chance.
  • 67. Hadrian, meanwhile, had other things on his mind. "Renaud, that hair colour looks awesome on you," Hadrian said. "Gee, thanks!" Renaud blushed.
  • 68. And Tom and Emily were dating pretty much from the moment they met. Bart was the only one who really hadn't found anyone special.
  • 69. He found it kind of annoying, too, that Hadrian would rather study with Renaud than with him. His best friends were all romancing people and he was left out. It kind of stunk.
  • 70. So Bart decided to chat up the next girl who dropped by the dorm. That happened to be cheerleader Vamsi Midlock. "Hey Vamsi, want to go out sometime?" Bart tried. He really wished that his high school girlfriend had decided to go to college. It would have made the whole dating process much easier. "Gee, Bart... I'm really flattered," Vamsi said, blushing. "But I don't have time to date right now. Cheerleading consumes my whole life." "Ahh... okay," Bart said, shrugging. He liked Vamsi, but not enough to be totally crushed at being shot down.
  • 71. Some of Bart's family and friends were living in Mille House Dorm, across campus from where Bart lived. He didn't get to see them very often, unfortunately. Their first semester was just too busy. The Pirate Islanders, though they hadn't known each other very well back home, quickly found themselves hanging out a lot. On one of Bart's rare visits to Mille House, he took this picture to send home to his family. From left to right, the Pirate Island residents of Mille House were: Elphaba Uglacy, Hercules Deity, William Curtin, and Autumn Thayer. William is one of Celeste and Other-Alan's children and Autumn is Jack and Meadow's oldest.
  • 72. Elphaba and Hercules had been dating for quite some time by this point and were pretty serious in their relationship. I encouraged them at every opportunity. I wanted grandbabies!
  • 73. Because Elphaba and Hercules spent so much time "together", Autumn and William spent a lot of time together as well. Fortunately, they had pretty similar personalities and they were soon best friends.
  • 74. "Your cousin Autumn is pretty hot," Hercules observed one evening while he and William enjoyed a friendly game of darts. "I guess," William shrugged. "I hadn't really noticed. We're not that closely related but we are second cousins." "Hey, that's totally game legal," Hercules grinned. "You should go for it, dude. She totally digs you." "Really," William said dryly. "Hey, would I lie to you?" Hercules grinned. "Umm... maybe?" William laughed.
  • 75. Because of Elphaba's ... unusual ... features, she found herself the butt of a few jokes in dorm. "Is that your face or did somebody drop roadkill on your head?" sneered the red-headed girl. Hercules watched in amusement.
  • 76. "Oh no, you did not insult me," Elphaba said. She growled, grabbed a glass of water off of a nearby table, and flung the contents in the red-head's face. "Beautifully done," Hercules grinned, applauding.
  • 77. William was pretty sure that Hercules was joking about Autumn liking him but, well, she was awfully pretty. He found himself making excuses to spend more time with her.
  • 78. "No, I don't think those pants make your butt look big," Elphaba decided. "Thanks," Autumn said. "I was a bit worried." "Wanting to look nice for William?" Elphaba teased. "What?" Autumn laughed. "No. He's good-looking and all, but we're practically related." "You mean you haven't even considered it?" Elphaba sounded surprised. "Well... maybe," Autumn grinned.
  • 79. A few days later, Meadow dropped by for a quick visit. She'd heard a lot about William in Autumn's letters home and decided to check the guy out just in case the friendship turned more serious. "What is your stance on counterfeit pearls?" she demanded. "They're a great export opportunity for a savvy businessman," William said. Meadow eyed him critically for a moment. "Yeah... you'll do," she concluded.
  • 80. I also stopped by to see how things were going in the dorm. "Oh, fine," Herc said. "Though I'm getting tired of ramen. The cook is lousy and burns everything." "Eww," I sympathized. "Good on you for not taking advantage of your deific powers and smiting him, though." "Wait... I have deific powers?"
  • 81. "Elphaba, I like your hips," I said, eyeing the girl critically. "Child-bearing hips, those are." "Goddess!" Elphaba exclaimed. "Don't you think that's a bit personal?" "True," I agreed. "If we're close enough for me to comment on your fertility then you can certainly call me Sarah." "That's not what I..." Elphaba began, and trailed off. I grinned. Being a deity is fun sometimes.
  • 82. "She said what?!?" Autumn was torn between amusement and shock. "Yeah... she wants ten grandchildren," Elphaba said wearily. Tee hee. "Yeah, but Herc has a younger sister," Autumn shrugged. "She can have all the babies." "I like the way you think, Autumn," Elphaba grinned.
  • 83. A mother should never witness some things. Let's leave these two alone, shall we? And, erm, I don't want grandchildren yet!!!
  • 84. There were four more Pirate Islanders living in Paris. These four were assigned to Casteroff Dormitory... aka the Party Dorm. From left to right we have: Blake Curtin, Sadism Curtin, Wedge Biggs, and Irony Curtin. Blake is William's twin brother. Sadism and Irony are the star-babies Other-Alan had about three hours after William and Blake were born. The four of them are effectively quadruplets. Wedge is the adopted son of Anne and Marla Biggs.
  • 85. Y'know, Casteroff has a reputation for being a party dorm, and that reputation is well-earned. All four kids were excited about living there. Especially Blake and Irony, Popularity and Pleasure, respectively. Wedge, a fortune sim, was just happy to be networking. He had plans to revitalize the Syndicate's Parisian connection and thus get taken on as Jack's protégé in the island mafia, hence his imitation of his potential mentor's collegiate fashion sense. As for Sadism... she's Romance. 'Nuff said.
  • 86. Wedge and Irony, while technically second cousins, are actually not at all related. So they didn't hold back once they realized they were attracted to each other.
  • 87. Blake really wanted to find someone special too, but he didn't have much luck. He just wasn't attracted at all to most of the girls in his dorm. They were pretty, sure, but there just wasn't any chemistry.
  • 88. Sadism simply wanted to explore all that humanity had to offer. She wasn't particularly picky about the appearance of her targets, although she was oddly faithful to Jerry Turner. Not that he would have minded. Romance sims aren't particularly jealous in my game.
  • 89. After searching campus high and low, Blake finally found a woman he was attracted to: Aurora Taylor. She was everything he wanted in a woman - she was pretty and smart. Blake knew he needed a bright woman in his life as he was pretty sure he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the desk. Still, he was bright enough to take things slowly, and before he knew it the first semester was over.
  • 90. Back at Lam Plaza, Bart and his fellow dormies celebrated the start of a new semester with a party! Most of the Pirate Island gang was there, including De, aka fireflower314, a simself who just happened to be in the area on vacation. Bart couldn't help but cast surreptitious glances at De. She was very, very pretty... but she wasn't the guest of honour, so he reluctantly went over to greet Angel Mace, Royal Greek House Placeholder, instead.
  • 91. "Angel, you look fantastic tonight," Bart said. "Gee, thanks," Angel grinned. "But you don't have to suck up, you know. You've been in since birth, practically."
  • 92. With that, Bart promptly ditched Angel and headed over to talk to De. "I'm glad you could stop by!" he enthused. "Oh, me too," De said warmly. "I couldn't resist when Herc let me know there was going to be a party for all the PI-ers in Paris. It's almost like being home again."
  • 93. "It sure feels like home being next to someone as beautiful as you," Bart replied, a cheesy grin on his face. De laughed. "That's a pretty lame line, you know." "It's still true!" Bart insisted. The more he talked to De, the more he knew that he wanted to get to know her better.
  • 94. The party was a roaring success, so much so that Bart and Hadrian were the only ones able to drag themselves out of bed and into the cafeteria in the morning. "Hey, I saw you talking to De all night," Hadrian said with a broad wink. "Something going on there you want to tell your dear cousin about?" "Maybe," Bart said with a wide grin. "I'm not sure yet." "Go for her," Hadrian urged. "She's from home, even. It's obviously a match meant to be." "I dunno," Bart said. "I really like her, but she's a Romance sim and I'm a Family sim. We're kind of an odd pair." "I've seen weirder," Hadrian shrugged. "Just look at me and Renaud. If I can ever get him to admit he's interested in me, anyway."
  • 95. "He's still pretending to like girls?" Bart asked. "Yup, he's dating another one," Hadrian sighed melodramatically. "Third girl this month." "Eh, either he'll come out or you'll find someone better," Bart said pragmatically. "Enough of this relationship stuff. You know what I really need right now?" "What?" "Don's chilli. That's what." "I would kill for a bowl of Don's chilli."
  • 96. Much to Bart's delight, De showed up later that day. "You've kissed lots of llamas, have you?" "What brings you here?" he asked. "Well, no," De admitted. "I just read a lot of legacies." "Oh, I just thought I'd drop by and see if you were free," De said. "I'm bored. You?" With a start, Bart realized he had to head to class. "But if you're not busy, stop by in a couple of hours," he said, flashing his best grin at "Likewise," Bart chuckled. "At this point I'd kiss a llama for some De. "Or you can hang out here until I get back." entertainment." "Oh, I'm sure I can find some way of amusing myself," De chuckled. "Don't bother," De said, making a face. "Trust me... you don't want to kiss the llamas. Sure, they're cute under the mask and all, but they're End of Part 1. Part 2 should follow shortly. so clingy and needy. Such a turn off." -->
  • 97. "What? I didn't say HOW I'd keep myself amused!"