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All of Waxman Emails to Judy Potter 2011
Subject: Diane Rehm
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:51:26 -0500


Your client called in to the Diane Rehm show today, and launched into a malicious and false tirade about
this case. She even mentioned me by name twice and claimed that I was "grooming" her daughter, and
enjoying overnight and weekend visits with her at my house. As you should know by now, that is
categorically false. Mila has never spent an overnight at my house, nor am I "grooming" her or abusing
her. Here is the web site link:
takes-call-from-milas-mama/ And here is the link to the radio show directly: Her call comes at about 39 minutes and 15

Additionally, other people have read the material on her site and concluded that she is making false
claims and exploiting her child. Her response to one person confronting her? She has gone on the attack
and made claims that she is "trafficking" children. I am not kidding. That is her modus operandi. The
web based group War Against Child Abuse has come out against Handrahan, because it has seen
through her spin and evaluated the facts.!/WarAgainstChildAbuse They realize that what your
client is engaged in is a horrible exploitation of a little girl, which takes resources and credibility away from
real victims of child abuse.

Judy, I don't really care that your client called in to Diane Rehm and made the false and malicious things
she made. It is great evidence of 1) her duplicity and malice 2) her mental instability and 3) her campaign
of defamation, and she will end up paying for this economically at some point. Also, unfortunately, she is
shooting herself in the foot with a high caliber rifle in terms of getting contact with Mila and enjoying
parental rights. I don't say that last piece to gloat, believe me.

As I have said numerous times, the best result her for Mila would be for Handrahan to get some help,
become mentally healthy, and then enjoy a co-parenting relationship with Igor. Mila deserves a healthy
and loving mommy in her life. Right now, your client is neither healthy nor loving. How sad for Mila.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: Re: Settlement Demand
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:42:36 -0500


I don't understand this response. The Scheduling Order requires you to "respond in writing by December
27, 2011."

Are you telling me that you cannot even "accept" this demand from us, meaning that you no longer
represent Handrahan? Are you still representing Handrahan?

I am confused.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Potter <>
To: michael waxman <>
Cc: lori handrahan <>
Sent: Sun, Dec 11, 2011 1:13 pm
Subject: RE: Settlement Demand

I am not authorized to accept this offer for a number of reasons. Judy Potter

Subject: Settlement Demand
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:08:16 -0500


As you are no doubt aware, in the lawsuit which I have filed against Handrahan in Federal Court on behalf
of my client, Igor Malenko, the Scheduling Order in Malenko v. Handrahan, Dkt No. 2:11-cv-250-GZS
indicates that "the plaintiff shall make a written settlement demand upon the defendant by December 12,

Accordingly, I am authorized to make the following demand: $1,500,000. If your client is willing to pay
$1.5M in damages for the harm her defamation and other tortious behavior has caused Igor and Mila, and
if she will agree to shut down her web sites and cease defaming Igor, then we are willing to dismiss this
case. Every day that she continues to post defamatory content on the world wide web, every day that her
false claims remain on those sites, Igor's damages are building.

I suspect that the response to this Court-ordered demand will be that your client will post this on her
internet sites as further "evidence" of Igor's "abuse" or my "bullying." I do not hold out much hope for this
case settling. In view of that, perhaps we should discuss consenting to Magistrate Judge Rich presiding
over the jury trial, so that we can obtain a specially assigned date for trial, allowing our witnesses much
more flexibility in presenting themselves for the adjudication of this matter.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: Settlement Demand
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:08:16 -0500


As you are no doubt aware, in the lawsuit which I have filed against Handrahan in Federal Court on behalf
of my client, Igor Malenko, the Scheduling Order in Malenko v. Handrahan, Dkt No. 2:11-cv-250-GZS
indicates that "the plaintiff shall make a written settlement demand upon the defendant by December 12,

Accordingly, I am authorized to make the following demand: $1,500,000. If your client is willing to pay
$1.5M in damages for the harm her defamation and other tortious behavior has caused Igor and Mila, and
if she will agree to shut down her web sites and cease defaming Igor, then we are willing to dismiss this
case. Every day that she continues to post defamatory content on the world wide web, every day that her
false claims remain on those sites, Igor's damages are building.

I suspect that the response to this Court-ordered demand will be that your client will post this on her
internet sites as further "evidence" of Igor's "abuse" or my "bullying." I do not hold out much hope for this
case settling. In view of that, perhaps we should discuss consenting to Magistrate Judge Rich presiding
over the jury trial, so that we can obtain a specially assigned date for trial, allowing our witnesses much
more flexibility in presenting themselves for the adjudication of this matter.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: No limits to Handrahan's craziness
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 14:03:28 -0500


Here is the latest defamatory and outrageous internet posting from your client on her Saving Mila
Facebook site.

Saving Mila Chris & Sue, God bless and thank you so, so much! re: understanding--Mila has been
trafficked. It is clear. Either a Kids for Cash like there was in Penn with judges (see the Saving Mila FB
wall or website or just google Kids for Cash) or she has been trafficked into a well protected ring in Maine
or Waxman has basically purchased my daughter as he vowed he would....

I am asking you to tell your client to stop this nonsense. Accusing me of "purchasing" her child, of
"trafficking" her in some pedophile ring? Seriously? Judy, you know that there is not one scintilla of
evidence for these claims. You know this. When we get into court, I shall be cross-examining Dr.
Handrahan about such baseless and horrendous claims. Your client is not only destroying any chance
she has to be a mother to her child but she is going to ruin herself economically, because there will be
consequences for this kind of horrendous defamation per se, I assure you.

I have to tell you that at this point, I do not understand why you continue to represent her. She is
engaging in systematic defamation and fraud. I certainly hope that you are not supporting her efforts on
these sites, Judy. You can't help her and you can't "win" this case. Your client is absolutely undermining
any efforts you are making to get this case on an even keel and rebuild some credibility for Handrahan's

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Subject: New posting
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 18:27:52 -0500


I do not know how you can be expected to advocate for Handrahan when she is doing everything in her
power to burn every possible bridge in Maine. Check out the latest:


She is calling for a criminal investigation into Michael Waxman, Judge Moskowitz, Judge Alexander, Dean
Crocker, Dan Despard and Janet Mills. She addressed this to Chief Judge LaVerdierre, Governor Paul
LePage, Attorney General William Schneider, Maine State Senate President Kevin Raye, Maine State
House Leader Robert Nutting and Scott Davis.

And she thinks that when she appears before Judge Moskowitz or any other Maine judge (you think the
entire community of judges is not discussing this?) she is going to be well received? Sorry, Judy, you are
one good lawyer, but you are being asked to scale Mount Everest wearing a one piece bathing suit, flip
flops and a back pack with a few granola bars and some Juicy Juice. Her self-declared war reminds me
of Major General William Tecumseh Sherman's "March to the Sea," except that hers is a virtual march
through Maine, burning everything in sight.

Have a good weekend.

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Subject: Leslie Devoe
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 16:17:43 -0500


As you can see in the attached letter I just received from Leslie Devoe, she makes very clear that she
never authorized Handrahan to use her work-product, that Handrahan refuses her demands to take her
work-product off the internet and that Handrahan is not her friend. She was merely paid by Handrahan to
attack first Igor Malenko and then Michael Waxman. This is how Lori Handrahan rolls.

I would not be surprised to learn that Handrahan stiffed her just like she stiffed Maureen Flatley either,
and just as she will likely stiff you as soon as your $15,000 grant has been spent.

I like you Judy. I was hopeful that you might be able to use your reputation and good work to persuade
Handrahan to put down her weapons, end the war, and just learn how to be a co-parenting partner with
Igor. But this web site makes it very, very clear that she has taken this way too far to go back. She has
over 30,000 people who have bought into her lies, her carefully constructed illusion that she is some kind
of victim and that her child is being horribly abused. Even if she really wanted to be a mommy, she has
painted herself into a corner where she cannot just stop fighting Igor, she cannot recant these horrible
accusations, because if she did so, all these thousands of people would realize that she manipulated
them. Do you understand what I am saying?

Handrahan has made it impossible to build any kind of co-parenting relationship with Igor, she has made
it impossible to stop disparaging Igor in front of Mila. She has essentially, destroyed any chance she
otherwise had to be a parent to this little girl. No court is going to allow a parent who has sworn up and

down that the other parent is a monster, who has made false accusation after false accusation, including
in court under oath, who has admitted she will take the child to Africa or Iran when she has the chance so
that the child won't have to see the horrible postings she has placed on the internet, who has dragged her
poor little girl in to hospitals repeatedly for pelvic examination after pelvic examination, urine drug test
after urine drug test, who has sacrificed her daughter's innocence by teaching her to say horrible, false
things about her father sexually abusing her, no court will permit that kind of person to have unsupervised
contact with that child. I don't care how competent her attorney is.

You can't "win" this war which Handrahan has chosen to wage. The best you could have done -- for little
Mila -- would have been to persuade your client to behave rationally, get some help, and be a mommy.
But she won't, she can't, hear you or anyone else deliver that message. Thank you for trying. I honestly
believe you did.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

Subject: Clifford documents
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 17:00:15 -0500


I just spent some time today reviewing the documents produced by DHHS, pursuant to your Clifford
Order. I don't know why you and Handrahan have been so passionate about getting these documents.
They are not helpful to your client at all. Anyone scrutinizing these documents will come away with that
conclusion, I assure you, including any judge in this case.

The documents show your client threatening and bullying the DHHS caseworkers, telling them she
intends to sue DHHS and that the FBI will be involved. She challenges Alicia Cummings, the DHHS
caseworker looking into Handrahan's claims that Igor hit Mila with a frying pan, demanding to know where
she grew up, what her educational and work background is, insinuating that she is not competent and has
some kind of conflict of interest. She admits that she is engaged in frequent audio taping of her child.
Cummings has a very hard time keeping her focused on the issue at hand, since Handrahan continues to
try and give her global spin on what a monster Igor is.

Although Handrahan claims that on Friday, March 25, 2011 when she picked Mila up from the day care,
she had a bruise on her forehead (of course, now the "bruise" has morphed into a "huge contusion"), and
although she claims that the day care permitted her to sit in a feces-filled diaper all day long, DHHS
interviewed the day care personnel and owner and discovered that there was NO bruise on her forehead,
and that Mila was never permitted to sit in a poop-filled diaper. Indeed, the day care owner indicated that
from time to time when Mila napped, she had a pull-up for when she had accidents. Oh, you will also
note that your client told DHHS that she had kept the diaper, and it was in her freezer. Seriously.
Apparently, it is in there, alongside the multiple urine samples Handrahan has taken from her daughter all

by herself (see the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital records, which I'ld be happy to provide for you). The
day care people told DHHS that they had NO concerns about Igor, but had serious concerns about your
client and her bizarre behavior.

Also, you will see the interviews of Mila conducted by Alicia Cummings, and then another one by Chris
Call, who permitted Handrahan's private investigator, Stephen Pickering, to participate. You will see that
Mila was as clear as could be that Igor NEVER hit her with anything, that there were NEVER "bad times"
with Igor. She said, over and over, that she knew her mother said that Igor was hurting her, but that it
was not true. It is amazing to read the interview and see how Pickering tries to trip her up, tries to get her
to say that Igor did hit her with a frying pan. She stands firm and says that he did not. At this point,
Pickering launches into attack mode -- WITH A FOUR YEAR OLD CHILD -- and asks her if she is lying, if
she knows what a lie is. Pickering has no right to be conducting a forensic interview of a little girl. Mila
also tells the DHHS workers that she wants to see her momma, but only if she promises to stop saying
bad things about poppy. She also says that she does not think momma will promise to stop saying bad
things about poppy.

Please feel free to check out the veracity of my summary. It won't take you more than 30 minutes to
review these documents.

We are prepared to go back to Court whenever you are ready, at which time, we shall be demanding that
Igor have Sole Rights and Responsibilities and that Handrahan have no contact at all with this child until
she has undergone a comprehensive psychological evaluation by a psychologist and submitted to
whatever therapy/treatment is recommended. In addition, we shall be demanding that your client pay for
the appointment of a new guardian ad litem, whose primary job will be to communicate with Handrahan's
mental health providers and determine when she may have contact with her child again. Your client's
web sites will be admitted as exhibits in this hearing, as they demonstrate very convincingly what her
mental state is right now.

This position is not spiteful or vengeful. We would like nothing more than for Mila to have a healthy
relationship with her mother as soon as possible. But it is clear beyond peradventure to us that your
client suffers from serious mental illness which prevents her from being a healthy and loving mother to her
child. We are very sad for Mila that she does not have her mommy in her life right now.

The ball is and has been in your client's court. She can either continue to spend all of her time, energy
and money on World War III against Igor, committed to destroying him and me, or she can turn over a
new leaf, turn her prodigious energies and intelligence on herself, and get healthy, and be a mommy.
Completely up to her. We hope that for Mila's sake, she makes the right choice.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: Fwd: More Saving Mila concerns

Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 15:42:06 -0500

Oh, and this as well. This site is not helping your client, Judy. But you won't be able to convince her of
that, I am sure. How very, very, very sad for Mila that her mother is spending every waking hour on this
war instead of on loving her child.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mjwaxy <>
To: megc <>; ckerwin <>; jhoard <>;
taylor <>; lwong <>
Cc: aumedia <>; igormalenko <>; Igor-Malenko <Igor->; william.j.schneider <>; William.Stokes
<>; Janice.Stuver <>; michael.kearney
Sent: Sun, Dec 4, 2011 11:43 am
Subject: More Saving Mila concerns


Here are more responses from Saving Mila followers, discussing murdering Igor Malenko, kidnapping the
child and fleeing the United States to hide in Iran, of all places, and violently harming Michael Waxman.
This site is animating loose cannons to say, and perhaps do, bad things, and AU should distance itself
completely from it, in my view. This is not going to end well at all.

brandyowen says:
December 4, 2011 at 9:58 am
I understand what you are saying. This brings me back around to Karen McCall-Haslet.
Seriously, if a mother KNEW UNEQUIVOCALLY that her child was being repeatedly raped, what does
she do when the courts tell her to give her child to the rapist?
I am not saying I would kill my child, BECAUSE I would kill my ex-husband and sit in prison, if I had
to. No doubt about it, I am street wise enough to know that courts f__k up. Not all of the time, but they do,
it is a game of who’s lawyer golfs with the judge and I ain’t “playin” when it comes to my kids.

Corrupt Judges says:
December 4, 2011 at 3:47 am
We need to have a conversation like you brought up Brandy about what alternatives women have when
faced with these situations. It becomes paralyzing because the courts have so much power. I believe a
lot of mothers consider running away, but realize the US can find them wherever they go – even in any
country. I know some have thought of political asylum – even in Iran they are seeking it b/c of how
abusive it is here. That is actually very unknown and secretive, but is done.
Maybe you can start some articles or forum for that kind of discussion. Mothers are desperately seeking a
way to protect their children from abuse and there’s no where to turn.

Corrupt Judges says:
December 4, 2011 at 3:49 am
When I said “even in Iran” I mean that I have heard of western people seeking asylum in Iran. Of
course, the news won’t cover that b/c Iran is our national enemy. But it is bad when abused
women and children have to seek political asylum with our country’s national enemies in order to
escape abuse.

And more comments about Michael Waxman on her Facebook site:

Andrew Unkefer He deserves to be put into slavery in a third world country. Jail isn't justice enough for
something like that. If I saw him, I'd be the one in an orange jump suit behind bars. I can't begin to
understand what you feel right now. Stay strong!
Friday at 6:52pm · LikeUnlike · 1Saving Mila likes this.

(emphasis added in bold).

Word to the wise, AU, distance yourself from this site immediately. Frankly, if your students have been
involved in its creation, you may have to shut the site down in order to avoid any civil, and perhaps
criminal, liability for the actions perpetrated by followers of the site.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Fwd: [New post] Who is Lesley Devoe?
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 12:15:49 -0500


I have generally reached the point where I am not responding any longer to any of Dr. Handrahan's
malicious, false and misleading posts on her web site. There is no persuading her or her followers. Your
client has fortuitously found the holy grail for narcissists - she can get all the attention she wants from
hordes of virtual followers on these sites she has created.

But the post below, containing a report authored by Leslie Devoe is crossing the line for me. Devoe's
report portrays me in such a negative light that I am concerned that someone may decide that he/she
needs to take action to protect Dr. Handrahan from this sinister attorney. I know that Devoe is merely
taking Dr. Handrahan's paranoid directives and running with them, creating a ridiculous picture. But the
followers of this web site do not understand what has taken place in this case. They may merely
conclude that I am some malicious monster threatening a poor, defenseless woman trying to protect her
little girl.

I am asking you NOT to forward this email to your client, for it will simply end up on her web site and
further inflame the passions of some of her followers. If I see it on the web site, I shall know that you did
indeed forward this. I understand that she is your client and that you have responsibilities to her.
 Accordingly, you may feel free to tell her my message by phone. But this is becoming a very, very
dangerous game, I fear. You and I have gotten along remarkably well, given how horrendous this case is.
 I am concerned for my well-being and that of my children and loved ones.

I want this Leslie Devoe report removed, and I want it removed immediately.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

Subject: Visitation?
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 13:05:42 -0500


I have received and reviewed your letter dated November 4, 2011 indicating-- for the first time in 6 months
-- that Dr. Handrahan would like to see her child. I am elated that she now seems to recognize that
seeing her child's face, holding her, telling her that she loves her is an important thing to do for her

However, since you wrote this letter, your client has embarked on a remarkable, high-tech attack on Igor
and on me, in which she is illustrating that she is no longer capable of exercising good judgment, of
promoting her own child's best interest. Indeed, she recently posted a statement which indicates that
when she gets her hands on this child, she intends to flee with her to Africa: "@JordansConcept No worries!
I work in Internation Developement. When I get my daughter back we'll move to Africa and take care of baby elefants
who have lost their moms. That is Mila's dream and I promised to make it real." This comment may be found on
her YouTube posting of the Mila video:

Accordingly, Igor is not willing to agree that Dr. Handrahan can have any visitation at all at this point. We
truly do not know what she is capable of. Indeed, in one of the posts, a woman named Jacklyn C. Ashley
writes "[t]hat man needs to die." And following that comment, your client clicked "like." Honestly, Judy, I
am fearful that your client or someone she pulls into her world will indeed attempt to kill Igor and/or me.
This is quickly getting out of control. Neither Igor nor I feel safe anywhere near your client and if she
shows up near me or Igor, we shall call the police. I am starting to wonder whether I should carry a
concealed weapon. You should see the hateful comments being made about me.

I know Dr. Handrahan believes that this new approach will somehow achieve what her attorneys and her
malicious and false claims to DHHS and the Courts have not, but she is terribly mistaken. All she is
succeeding in doing is scaring Igor and me and making us completely and utterly unwilling to have any
contact with her whatsoever. As we indicated on many occasions before, if Dr. Handrahan wishes to
restart visitation, especially unsupervised visitation, then the onus is on her to demonstrate that she has
turned over a new leaf and merely wishes to be a loving mother, not a digital warrior.

Additionally, we do not know this Joy Silberg. Also, even if this web site had not gone up, we would not
be willing to agree that Dr. Handrahan can enjoy an entire weekend with Mila, when she has not even
spoken to her or seen her in 6 months. Baby steps. Last, you claim that Dr. Handrahan "cannot afford to
pay anyone to supervise." Yet, this recent incredible wave of Internet activity suggests that she has

plenty of money . . . but that she would rather use it for war, rather than spend it on her child. How terribly

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Subject: Handrahan's obsession
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 19:01:05 -0500


Your client has clearly gone off the deep end and is using this new website as her latest toy. She is
posting the emails I send to you, as you can see --

I am a big boy and I have remedies at hand to deal with your client's shenanigans. But Mila does not
have any defenses. Mila just wants to love her mommy and daddy. Dr. Handrahan has doggedly
demonstrated that she does not care very much for her daughter, that she cares much more deeply about
waging World War III in order to destroy Igor. She hates Igor more than she loves her child.

As you know, despite Igor's repeated invitations, she has chosen NOT to see or speak with her child in
almost 6 months. That is an absolute eternity. If I could not see my children for a long period of time, I
would absolutely fall apart, and I would walk across broken glass to see them again. Not Dr. Handrahan,

This new, high-tech approach is not helping Mila. Nor will it help your client. By the way, she owes over
$6,000 in child support arrearages, yet she seems much happier spending her money on new weapons in
her self-styled war.

I'll check the site tomorrow to re-read this same email, I am sure. Have a good night, Judy.

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Subject: The website
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 16:33:40 -0500


Is your client going to take down the website? And the YouTube postings? And the Facebook postings?
And the Tumblr and Twitter postings?

None of this is going to help her. It just makes her look even more crazy and desperate, in my view. And
in the meantime, she is posting defamatory material, and medical records for Igor and Mila, which Igor did
not authorize being published. I suspect that True North and DHHS will not be happy about this.

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Subject: Re: Defamation on the Internet
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 12:45:05 -0500


Is this website coming down or not? I need to decide whether to file for a preliminary injunction as part of
the federal lawsuit. Please advise ASAP.


Subject: Defamation on the Internet
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 12:33:49 -0500


It has just come to my attention that your client has foolishly and maliciously decided to create an internet
site in which she defames Igor (and me) and in which she has posted the videos and audio tapes that she
has fraudulently concocted. This will, of course, be very helpful to Igor in his federal lawsuit, and it will
help us obtain a very large verdict, I believe.

But this is terribly harmful, not just to Igor, but also to poor Mila. Mila will now have a disgusting digital
legacy for the rest of her life.

A loving mother does not behave this way. A loving mother spends her time, money and energy on loving
and supporting her child. Your client, however, is spending her time, money and energy on trying to
destroy Igor and me, and she is using her daughter as a means to that end, even though she is harming

The website can be found here:

Now that I have printed out the contents of the website, feel free to remove it from the web. Indeed, if you
care at all about Mila Malenko, you will make sure this happens.

Also, Igor has only recevied ONE child support check, for the month of September. Has your client quit
her job so that she can avoid paying child support?


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Subject: Handrahan's incessant attacks
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 17:37:34 -0400


Attached is your client's latest attempt to harm me. Please convey to her that I have not forgotten about
her and her defamatory attacks against me. I have a list of people I intend to sue for defamation,
including Dr. Handrahan, and several of her friends. I shall embark on that crusade in 2012.


Your client truly is a remarkable human being. I cannot comprehend how she can get up in the morning
and function without having had any contact with her only child in almost 6 months!! She can continue to
file grievances against me, defame me as much as she wants, write as many emails to the Governor as
she desires . . . I am not going anywhere. I am going to represent Igor as long as I draw breath in this
world. Her malicious efforts to harm have only galvanized my commitment to this case.

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Subject: Expert Designation
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 16:00:04 -0400


I meant to send this yesterday, but it got lost in the shuffle. Do you want me to send along paper copies
by snail mail?

I shall probably continue to ask this question with every single email I send you because I am mystified
and disturbed about your client's refusal to see or speak with her child since May 10, 2011 -- does she
have any desire to see Mila on a supervised basis or to have phone contact? If you would like me to stop
asking this question, then you could simply tell me that Dr. Handrahan has no interest in seeing her child
unless it can be unsupervised, and that she has no interest in phone contact with her child. She is
already telling us that with her choices, but I'd like to see that in black and white. Otherwise, I'll keep

Subject: Moving off the dime . . .
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:05:24 -0400


I am following up on our hearing today with Judge Moskowitz, in which he denied your Motion to Recuse.
As you know, he made another heartfelt effort to get us to resolve this case in some manner, by
agreement. He indicated that since our clients tell diametrically opposed stories, that if we have a hearing
"it is going to go very, very badly for one of them." I am very confident that you will be unable to prove
that Igor has been abusing Mila at all, or that he has been poisoning her. I am very confident that your
client will be stripped of rights and responsibilities (except of course, her obligation to pay child support),
and relegated to supervised visits.

You asked me to tell you what kind of psychotherapeutic treatment, in terms of how many visits, Igor
would require in order to permit unsupervised contact. I tried to explain to you that it is not a matter of
logging a certain number of hours on a therapist's couch. Rather, Igor needs to see some evidence
which makes him feel comfortable/confident that Dr. Handrahan is no longer committed to using Mila as a
pawn in her campaign against Igor. As the Ombudsman indicated, and as I have been saying for months,
she has been bringing Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations, and drug tests, and she has been
saying false, negative things about Igor to Mila and taping and video-taping Mila reciting these
falsehoods. That is very damaging to this child.

Nothing that Dr. Handrahan has done recently has made Igor feel any more comfortable that Dr.
Handrahan has abandoned her quest to destroy him and his relationship with his daughter, or that she
has abandoned the notion of using her daughter as a means to that end. Indeed, the fact that she has
absolutely refused to see or speak with her child in over 5 months only supports Igor's concerns/fears that
Dr. Handrahan cares a great deal more about her private war with Igor than she does about her child.
Seriously, how a parent can go that long without contact with her child is absolutely inconceivable to me.

If your client wants Igor to agree that she can have unsupervised contact with Mila, then she needs to
carry the ball forward and produce some evidence that she is able to be a healthy, safe mother to her
child. Hiring child lobbyists, assembling teams of experts, overwhelming the Governor's Office, DHHS
and the Office of the Ombudsman with information and supporters all claiming that Igor is some kind of
abusive monster is NOT showing Igor that she really wants to be a healthy, safe mom.

Presently, Igor is not going to agree to unsupervised visitation. The Ombudsman recommended DHHS
open a full investigation into Dr. Handrahan and the emotional well-being of Mila in her care. As far as I
am concerned, unless you can provide information which convincingly shows that Dr. Handrahan has
turned over a new leaf, Igor should not change his position at all. Your client cannot buy her way out of

this, or hire another expert to prevail. Instead, she needs to turn her focus inward and try to heal herself
so that she can be a good mom to her child.

In the meantime, if your client has any interest in seeing Mila, or in speaking with her, we are happy to
make that happen. Of course, the visitation would have to be supervised. But as between no contact and
some supervised contact, I know which choice 99.999999% of all parents would choose. She is not
helping herself or her child by refusing to have contact with Mila. That choice labels her as an uncaring
mother, at least in my view, and that is certainly the argument I shall make to the Court. For Mila's
benefit, and because it is in your client's interest not to appear to be an uncaring mother, I suggest your
client make visitation and contact happen as soon as possible.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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From: Mjwaxy <>
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:56 PM
Subject: Ombudsman Report

Governor LePage, Ms. Mayhew, Ms. Mullen, Ms. Veiilleux and Mr. Billings:

Please review the attached report from the Office of the Ombudsman carefully. I hope that you will cease
reflexively doing Dr. Handrahan's bidding whenever she and/or her numerous advisors, attorneys and
friends contact you in the future.

I also hope that DHHS will conduct the investigation which the Office of the Ombudsman strongly
suggested ought to be conducted into Dr. Handrahan. Indeed, if DHHS refuses to follow-up on this report
and open such an investigation, I shall be filing my own complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman.

Enough is enough. Either this administration is committed to protecting children from abuse -- physical as
well as emotional -- or it is not.

And one last word, because I am sure that Dr. Handrahan will react to this with new accusations -- I do
not know Mr. Crocker or Ms. Mowatt. I have never met either of them. I have not paid them money or
made threats against them. They have no reason to write this report in any particular way, other than to
reflect the conclusions which the facts led them to reach. I wish I were one one hundredth as powerful as
Dr. Handrahan claims that I am. I can't even get my kids to clean their rooms!!

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.

One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Ombudsman Report
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:58:06 -0400


I have now read the report a second time, and I must direct your attention to the penultimate page, where
the report reads as follows: "We suggest that DHHS should further investigate the actions of Dr.
Handrahan in relation to the emotional health of her daughter. We suggest that, in addition to a
comprehensive Child Protective Services Investigation, DHHS specifically consider the following:" The
report goes on to list 6 separate concerns regarding Dr. Handrahan.

It is my hope and belief that DHHS will soon be investigating Dr. Handrahan. This recommendation is a
complete vindication of Igor's position regarding contact since May 10, 2011. Igor will not be changing his
mind about this unless and until 1) a DHHS investigation is concluded and/or 2) Dr. Handrahan seeks and
receives help in order to change her attitude and behaviors. Igor merely wants to feel confident that Mila
is safe in Dr. Handrahan's care. He does not feel that she is at this point in time, at least not

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Ombudsman Report
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 08:41:47 -0400


Attached is the Ombudsman's second report. As you might expect, if and when we have any hearing on
rights and responsibilities and custody, the material in this report will be centrally discussed. As I view it,
this report completely supports the steps Mr. Malenko has taken to protect his child from unnecessary
medical examinations, drug testing, and audio and video recording.

I don't say these things to gloat. Mila misses her mommy, I am sure. Igor wants his child to have both
parents in her life. Dr. Handrahan needs to start seeing and speaking with her child again, as soon as
possible. For now, Igor will not permit her to do so unsupervised. But if she takes serious steps to
address whatever issues are compelling her to use her daughter as a tool to harm Igor, our hope is that
unsupervised visits will follow. But we need to see evidence that Dr. Handrahan is truly making an effort
to change her attitude and behavior. Thus far, we have seen no such evidence.

Indeed, now that American University is garnering her wages for child support, we are concerned that she
will simply quit her job to avoid this obligation. Obviously, that also would negatively affect Mila and would
be sad. I hope this does not occur.

Oh, and just to nip your client's paranoia in the bud, I received this report not because I am conspiring
with the Ombudsman's Office, but because since I learned of this investigation, I sent the office a
subpoena to produce this report, which you could just as easily have done. I do not possess the
remarkable powers which your client seems to believe I wield. I am a small, Jewish lawyer with a big
mouth. That's all.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: Marco Petrovic
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 09:16:47 -0400


I have now had several phone calls from a gentleman named "Marco Petrovic." This individual is from
Serbia and apparently Dr. Handrahan played some part in assisting him in getting to this country several
years ago. He works at the Jetport, is married and has a couple of children, I believe.

The reason he has called me is that he claims he feels harassed by your client and by her private
investigator Stephen Pickering. Apparently, Dr. Handrahan sends him numerous emails and texts, and
Pickering continues to demand that Petrovic make himself available to be interviewed by Pickering.

Petrovic told me that he has nothing but good things to say about Igor, and that he has refused
Handrahan's demands to say bad things about Igor. Both your client and Pickering have
apparently ignored what he claims are his numerous directives to stop calling and texting him.

I am telling you these things because I suspect that Handrahan is trying to conjure some kind of
"statement" from Petrovic which makes false claims that 1) Petrovic has personal knowledge of Igor and
his parenting (Igor has not seen him in over a year), and 2) that Igor is doing bad things to Mila. If such a
"statement" is presented to you, I implore you as an officer of the Court to do some fact-checking of your
own before filing any such statement or affidavit in Court, because from what I have just explained, it
would clearly be a false statement. It is one thing for Dr. Handrahan to willingly perjure herself, as she
has done on multiple occasions, seemingly without hesitation or contrition. It is entirely something
different to manipulate a well-respected attorney to be complicit in filing false statements with the Court.

Incidentally, I suspect that once your client learns of this email, she will immediately begin efforts to get
Mr. Petrovic deported because that is precisely how she rolls. Mark my words . . .

I had hoped that your client would lay down her arms at some point and just be a mommy to her little girl,
instead of continuing to fund and plan World War III. I had hoped that perhaps you and I could help this
family divest itself of acrimony and blackness and focus on what matters -- a little girl who deserves to
have both of her parents in her life in a big way. Apparently your client hates Igor far, far, far more than
she loves her daughter. It is far more important to her to crush Igor and me and anyone else who stands
in her way than to find a way to love her daughter. Very, very, very, very sad.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax
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Subject: Medical Bills?
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:35:04 -0400


I just received the attached letter and bills from your daughter. I am confused. First, these bills are from
months ago, and it may well be too late to obtain payment from the insurance company. Second, where
are the medical records which accompany these bills? No insurance company is going to pay bills if it
does not know what services the bills were provided for. If this treatment was necessitated by an injury

caused by a third party there may be subrogation rights. Furthermore, the services might not even be
covered und the terms of the insurance contract.

Accordingly, please provide me with the medical records for the services which resulted in these bills.
When I have that information, I shall have Igor address payment with his insurance company, although I
suspect it will be too late at that point.

See, this is why Shared Rights and Responsibilities is not working here. If Dr. Handrahan had
communicated with Igor before, during or after the treatment, this situation never would have arisen. But
because these bills are likely just part of your client's ridiculous and malicious quest to stigmatize Igor as
a child abuser, she did not bother to share with him anything about these visits.

Remarkable. Maybe you guys could ask the Governor or Maureen Flatley to help with this? Shoot, she
might have to pay Flatley the over $2,000 she owes her, though. :( I know . . . perhaps a letter writing
campaign. Or better yet, why not ask Stephanie Anderson/FBI to prosecute me for more crimes? Maybe
Nightline or Dateline could help? Most assuredly Stephen Pickering could find a way to dig up some dirt
on me, Igor, Moskowitz, Dalton, Despard, Mills, Crocker, Rabbi Sky and Obama. Oh, and please DO
encourage your client to continue to write to the Governor and his assistants, because it makes for
wonderfully entertaining reading.

Judy, I like you but I am so sick of your client's shenanigans I could scream. I hope she is paying you


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Subject: Handrahan
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:34:16 -0400


1. It has now been 4 months and a week since Dr. Handrahan has seen or spoken with her child. Does
she have any interest in having contact with her daughter on a supervised basis and/or phone calls with
her child?

2. Is your client going to pay ANY child support at ANY time? I understand you and she claim she should
be paying less, based on her new income figures, but why is she not at least paying the amount the Child
Support Tables would require based on the new income figures?


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Subject: Child Support
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 09:20:57 -0400


Your client has not paid child support for months and months. I understand that she feels the child
support order should be amended to reflect her present income, instead of her income in January, 2011.
But why is she not at least paying the child support required using the Child Support Tables and her
present income? Generally, I try very hard to keep child support issues and custody issues separate, and
I detest it when parents mingle the two and say things like, "when you pay me the child support you owe
me, you can see the kids." We are not making visitation or contact at all dependent on receiving child

However, Igor would like to enroll Mila in a day care school. Your client claims that she cares a great deal
about her daughter's education. Let's take her at her word -- please direct your client to make child
support payments so that Mila can enjoy a school experience this year. Igor does not make enough
money to pay for this on his own, especially when he is responsible for 100% of Mila's financial needs.

In this case, I do intend to explain to the Court that although your client claims to love this child and want
nothing but the best for her, she absolutely refuses to pay ANY child support, which seems inconsistent
with her expressions of love and care. It really would be best for all if your client paid child support


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Subject: Re: Settlement discussions?
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:51:31 -0400

A solution to your concerns about the confidentiality of your client's medical records struck me just now. If
we agreed to the appointment of a GAL, paid for by your client, then the GAL could be in charge of
reviewing those records and making a recommendation to the Court as to whether your client is making
therapeutic progress such that unsupervised visitation could occur. We would likely agree with whatever
recommendations a good GAL makes. Whaddya think?

Subject: Settlement discussions?
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 07:54:23 -0400


You sent me an email last week about unsupervised visitation and treatment, and I sent you a response.
Is your client willing to stop the war and enter treatment?


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Subject: Re: Settlement discussions?
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 08:51:23 -0400


The judge tried to focus us on ending this war. You wanted to engage with me about a short cut for your
client to see Mila unsupervised. Igor has no objection to your client taking a direct and possibly even
short path to unsupervised visitation. But the condition precedent to that happening is not some finite
period of time but rather a clear illustration from Dr. Handrahan that she is committed to ending this war
and being a nurturing mother, not a warrior. What can you tell me/show me about that?

And . . . Mila has not seen or spoken with her mother since May 10, 2011. Why doesn't your client wish
to see her child and talk to her, under ANY circumstances? Seriously. The choice Dr. Handrahan is
making NOT to see or speak to her daughter, but rather to use her time and resources to fight a war with
Igor speaks volumes about her priorities. Please encourage Dr. Handrahan to see her child, as soon as


Subject: Response
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:35:23 -0400


Thanks for your email. I wish I could just give you a quick answer, but nothing about
this case is simple. As I said in Judge Moskowitz's chambers to you on Monday -- if you
can help stop this war, and help little Mila have two parents in her life, Igor and I shall be
forever grateful to you.

I take from your email that perhaps Dr. Handrahan is willing to enter a treatment
program, and I am heartened to hear that, because that might help her sincerely
understand that all Igor has done or wanted to do is love this child and ensure that she
is treated with love and care by all those around her. Of course, we need to be

confident that the treater is qualified and will be given the relevant materials, not simply
some unilaterally chosen tidbits. This war is of Dr. Handrahan's making, not Igor's. It
arises out of Dr. Handrahan's relentless campaign to destroy Igor, and to use an army
of people to secure this result. It is true that we have recently taken the offensive by
filing a federal lawsuit, but as I mentioned to you, we would happily dismiss that if we
felt confident that Dr. Handrahan will stop her remarkable offensive against Igor. Igor's
lawsuit and my advocacy on his behalf is merely a reaction to Dr. Handrahan's
extraordinary efforts to brand Igor an abuser, a child molester, a man who poisons his
child with methamphetamines, and her efforts to destroy him and his relationship with

As the natural guardian of this child, Igor has a weighty responsibility to protect her.
Your client has been using Mila as a means to destroy Igor by briinging her to hospitals
for unnecessary examinations and unnecessary drug tests. She has been telling her
false things about her father abusing her, and video taping and audio taping her child
reciting such things. We need to hear that she will stop doing these things. We need to
hear that she will stop making these false and malicious claims. We need to hear and
be convinced that she has seen the light about this. Igor is a loving parent. That's all.
He would never harm his child. We need to hear that your client will stop making claims
that "it is not a matter of IF Igor will kill Mila, but rather WHEN." Perhaps you are not
aware that she has done and said these things. If you want, I can easily supply you
with email after email illustrating your client doing all these things.

Dr. Handrahan needs to stop directing Stephen Pickering to investigate Igor, contact
DHHS, including Commissioner Mayhew, trying to cause trouble for Igor.

Dr. Handrahan needs to stop using Maureen Flatley to cause trouble for Igor.

Dr. Handrahan needs to stop using Justice for Children, including Joan Meier and
Eileen King to cause trouble for Igor.

Dr. Handrahan needs to stop putting together "panels of experts" to influence DHHS to
"substantiate" Igor for abuse.

Dr. Handrahan needs to stop making claims to DHHS that Igor is abusing Mila in any

Dr. Handrahan needs to pay Igor child support arrearages and enter into an agreed
upon amount that can be sent to him by direct deposit. That she has chosen to spend
thousands of dollars on mercenaries to destroy Igor, but has not paid child support so
her child can attend pre-school is simply unconscionable.

If Dr. Handrahan can persuade us that she is taking a new path, that she truly is
abandoning this jihad against Igor, then he and his new wife will happily meet Dr.
Handrahan in the middle and do what is best for Mila, so that she can have both parents
in her life. The agreement about treatment is only one item that will demonstrate to Igor

that Dr. Handrahan sincerely is ready to end this war. The burden at this point is on Dr.
Handrahan to convince us that she is turning over a new leaf and wants to be a mom
more than she wants to be involved in a war to destroy Igor. The burden is on Dr.
Handrahan to show us that she will love Mila and not use her as a means to hurt Igor,
harming her daughter in the process. We sincerely hope that this is her intention, but
we have yet to see any evidence supporting this notion.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Mila
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 08:37:48 -0400


I understand that your client thinks Igor has no right to insist on supervised visitation and that it is
offensive to her rather well-developed ego to have to endure such an "embarrassing" situation. I get that.
Such a restraint would have greatly angered me as well, if that had ever happened.

But, the issue of most importance to all of us in this case should be the welfare of a little girl who has not
seen or had ANY contact with her mother since May 10, 2011. Mila has called many times, and your
client has failed to pick the phone up or call back. Mila has sent post-cards and other mailings and your
client has not even acknowledged receipt of same. Your client claims in emails that she will send Mila
packages. She does not. Your client does not send child support, yet does not make any inquiry about
whether Mila has what she needs. Clearly, and sadly, she is more concerned with building a case against
Igor and destroying him than she is about spending time with her daughter and making sure that her little
girl knows her mommy loves her, misses her and thinks about her all the time.

When your client filed a false and retaliatory PFA Complaint on May 23, 2008, just after Igor had served
her with a divorce complaint, Igor was required to endure supervised visits for 8 months!! He never, ever
missed ONE visit at Connections for Kids, and Mila enjoyed every single visit. Also, when those visits go
well, the supervisors take great notes, and can be called as witnesses to attest to the good parenting

illustrated. That could help your client convince a court that she is on the right path, that her priorities are
aligned appropriately.

I suspect that your client will not be able to do what is best for her daughter because the very idea of
supervised visits offends her. That is truly a shame. I would do ANYTHING to see my kids, under the
same circumstances, and most good parents would as well. Her refusal to communicate with her child is
striking and sad.

We remain open to supervised visitation at Connections for Kids. Let me know if we can begin.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Re: Hearing
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 17:37:46 -0400

1. Thanks.

2. The pros are that everyone is right there in the courtroom and can get on the witness stand fast; also,
with someone like Kaplan especially, no sequestration means he could sit and observe (even before he
testifies) and then his testimony can be informed by what he has heard. The cons might be that a witness
would conform his testimony to be consistent with what someone else said before him/her. I am not
worried about that in this case. Each side pretty much knows what the other side is going to say. Not
many surprises in this case, where the email trail is HUGE!

3. Word to the wise about what Moskowitz thinks on timing -- he will likely tell us each how much time we
have (and keep in mind the cross you do counts towards your time), and he won't budge much on that, so
be surgeon-like in your choices. Ken whined about not having enough time, and Moskowitz did not
listen. Don't assume he'll listen to you, just because you are nicer than Ken! :)

4. I shall spend time this week reviewing that large stack and picking a select few of the documents. I'll
let you know which ones I anticipate using, by Bates Stamp number as soon as I am able.
Oh, I asked Moskowitz's clerk last week which side goes first, and she did not know. I was assuming I
would, since I filed Motions first (back in April), but I could be mistaken. I'm going to try and find that out,
as it may affect how each of us decides to try this case.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mjwaxy

Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: Hearing


As far as I know, we are still on for Monday. Issues to address/agree on:

1. I have an executed Summons showing service of your Motion for Contempt was effected today, and
we shall waive any argument or objection based on insufficient or improper service of process. I expect
you will do the same, as we discussed.

2. I think we should agree to NO sequestration of the witnesses to speed things along. We did this for
the divorce trial as well and it helped the trial go smoother in my view. Please let me know if you agree.

3. As far as anticipated witnesses on my end, I foresee 3 or 4. Igor and his partner, Lily, Kathy Rogers
from North Atlantic Montessori (I subpoenaed her), and possibly Beth Angle. The first three would
discuss what you would expect them to discuss. Beth Angle is a friend of Igor's and has spent time with
Mila on numerous occasions. She will testify about her observations of Mila over time, particularly how
she has been doing the last several months.

4. You have most of the exhibits I shall be admitting, including a number of the documents found in the
FOAA production from the Governor's Office.

Can you please address these numbered comments, so that I know your position? Thanks.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Kaplan
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 20:08:13 -0400


Please reconsider my request to have your expert disclose the names of cases in which he
has testified in court and/or depositions as an expert witness. This is required under the
federal rules. See F.R. Civ. P. 26(2)(v) ("a list of all other cases in which, during the
previous 4 years, the witness testified as an expert at trial or by deposition"). If I had a
chance to depose this expert, chosen by you, I certainly would have asked these questions.

I can only assume, since you directed your client to this particular expert (see report, page
1), that you are familiar with his expert witness qualifications. With all due respect, I do not
think it is fair for you to choose this guy, based on what you know of his background, and
then deny me very general and routine information.

I would like to call the other attorneys involved in cases he has testified in, get copies of his
testimony, and make strategy decisions about whether and/or how to cross examine him.
 Yes, I can voir dire him at the hearing, but that is a waste of time (we only have a total of
three hours, I believe), and it does not give me sufficient time to evaluate and make
strategic decisions.

Accordingly, please reconsider your position. Thanks.

Have a good night.

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Subject: Re: Kaplan
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 18:44:52 -0400

Here's why the medical records are relevant -- Igor was completely unaware until about 2 months ago
that Handrahan had brought his child to the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital on 15 separate occasions in
19 months. Handrahan never informed him. Also, he was unaware that she brought the child in for drug
tests on her urine at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and the Eleanor W. Dixon Clinic on 18 separate
occasions. Handrahan never told him. We did not discover this until I sent a request for medical records
to the hospital. The decisions any parent makes about medical treatment clearly have a direct impact on
the welfare of the child. That Handrahan did not bother to share any of this with Igor is reprehensible.
 That she had her examined and evaluated and tested for conditions that did not exist is worse than

Subject: Kaplan
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 12:57:42 -0400


I may not object to Dr. Kaplan testifying. Have not decided yet. He is clearly qualified, in the Daubert
manner as an expert. And I suppose what he has to say would be "relevant," even if I think his opinions
are easily impeachable. So, I am leaning towards offering no objection.

Can we agree that my certified medical records from Maine Coast Memorial Hospital from August 2, 2009
to March 27, 2011 come in under the statute?

And I shall have a set of documents from the FOAA request to the Governor available for you to pick up
later this afternoon. I'll shoot you an email with the cost of the copying. I expect to use some of the
documents in that stack as well, during the hearing.

Last (for now), will your client attend the hearing?


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From: Mjwaxy <>
Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 11:23 AM
Subject: Executive meddling in judicial functions?

Dear Ms. Maureen Flatley:

I have just obtained a large production of electronic correspondence from the Office of the Governor in
Maine, pursuant to a Freedom of Access Act request I made some weeks ago. I learned that you have
been engaged by Dr. Handrahan, and I have reviewed several emails from and to you concerning your
efforts to pressure the Governor to conduct some kind of "intervention" in the Malenko v. Handrahan
matter. I have noted that Micki Mullen has claimed that the Governor agrees such extraordinary and
unconstitutional measures are appropriate -- "The Governor agrees that intervention is necessary, and he
will work with Mary [Mayhew, Commissioner of DHHS] to give her whatever support and backing she
needs." See email from Micki Mullen to Lori Handrahan dated June 8, 2011, copied to Handrahan's
Private Investigator Stephen Pickering.

I cannot tell from your biographical data on the web, but it appears that you are not an attorney.
Nonetheless, I would hope that you would understand that our democratic republic is governed by 3
separate branches of government, and that the executive branch of government does not have the right
to meddle in and affect the judicial branch, except in rare cases, such as granting reprieves and pardons.
See Article II, section 2 of the United States Constitution, and Article V, section 11 of the Maine
Constitution. There is a very famous case entitled Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L.
Ed. 60 (1803) in which this "separation of powers" theme was developed and expounded upon. Here is a
link to a summary of that case --

I know that you have personally done a great deal of good in your career and developed a reputation for
fighting for the rights of children. I am surprised, therefore, that you would lend your voice and your
reputation to Dr. Handrahan in this case. You cannot possibly have informed yourself about this case,
otherwise you would realize that Dr. Handrahan's war, which you have joined as yet another mercenary,
does not have a little girl's welfare as its ultimate goal. Igor Malenko is a gentle, kind, nurturing, hard-
working father, not some demonic, violent monster as Dr. Handrahan portrays him. Dr. Handrahan's
hysterical, malicious and paranoid rants have defamed and criticized virtually every single person who
has not agreed to do her bidding. Perhaps you should read some of the court decisions from this terrible
custody battle before you commit to giving Dr. Handrahan any further assistance.

In particular, you should read:

1. The initial decision by our highest court emanating from the Malenko/Handrahan custody battle: http://

2. Then, you should probably turn to Judge Alexander's excellent decision in the case brought against
me, based on Handrahan's malicious falsehoods, for this summarizes the case quite well:

3. You should also read Handrahan's ill-fated appeal of a baseless and malicious PFA she filed against
Mr. Malenko:

4. Next, you really ought to read the decision from Judge Moskowitz on February 1, 2011 taking custody
away from Handrahan and transferring it to Malenko. See attached "PRDecision."

5. I have also attached Judge Jane Bradley's decision dismissing Dr. Handrahan's merit-less Protection
from Harassment case against me. See waxman.PFHDecision.pdf.

I share with you the laudable goal of protecting and helping children, who often have no voice. See page
71 of the most recent Maine Bar Journal, I
have four wonderful children myself, including one daughter. Their mother and I, who have been divorced
for 11 years, are great friends who coparent about as well as anyone I have ever met. My kids are
amazing human beings.

Neither Mr. Malenko nor I would ever do anything to harm any child. Mila is well taken care of and well
loved by Igor. Dr. Handrahan's claims are false and malicious.

No amount of money is worth harming a child, which is precisely what Dr. Handrahan has been doing to
her little girl, and what you are helping her to do again. Please accept my invitation to inform yourself
properly about this case before doing any further work on behalf of Dr. Handrahan. If you like, I can share
with you the certified medical records from Maine Coast Memorial Hospital in Ellsworth Maine showing
that in about a 19 month period, Dr. Handrahan brought her child to the hospital emergency department
15 times including poking, prodding and taking pictures of her vagina, and also dragged her in for 18
separate drug tests on this little girl's urine. I can show you the DHHS report dated April 29, 2011 which
not only unsubstantiates the claims by Dr. Handrahan about Igor hitting Mila in the head with a metal
frying pan, but also notes that Mila twice indicated in forensic interviews with properly trained DHHS
caseworkers, that she knows her papa did not hit her, she knows her mother claims that he did, and she
knows her mother's claims are false. Indeed, her mother even made her recite these falsehoods into a
recording device. This is emotional and physical abuse.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

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Subject: Stuff
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 09:35:51 -0400

Good morning Judy:

Nice meeting your husband this morning. :)

Ok, I plan on placing Bates Stamp numbers on the fairly voluminous documents I received on Friday from
the Governor and then making a copy for you. It looks like about 1,000 pages to me. And, incidentally, it
reflects a REMARKABLE, sustained, well-funded and well-connected effort by your client to destroy Igor.
It has convinced me that no matter what you or I may agree on, she is completely incapable of ceasing
and desisting from engaging in this war. She has criticized and attacked virtually every single person who
has not done precisely what she wants, including Dan Despard, Brenda Harvey, Karen Simone, Michael
Waxman, Judge Moskowitz, Judge Alexander, Rebecca Austin, etc. etc. She claims that Michael
Waxman actually "ghost wrote" Judge Alexander's decision, as well as some or all of Judge Moskowitz's
decisions. She and her friends claim that I have engaged in insurance fraud and witness tampering. She
convened a meeting of 20 people, including her "panel of experts," with DHHS on May 31, 2011, including
a Power Point presentation. She claims to have a connection to Vice President Biden. She has
demanded that Governor LePage conduct some kind of "intervention," constitutional separation of
powers be damned.

And she did all or much of this while completely ignoring her own child. If she had spent any small
fraction of the time, energy and money that she threw at her "panel of experts" and her private
investigator, and her "child lobbyist," Maureen Flatley on enjoying visitation and contact with her child, we
would not be here.
This production of documents from the Governor is very, very helpful and instructive about how Dr.
Handrahan operates and what her motivations are. She is trying desperately to have Igor deported, as
well, even though she denied this under oath on January 14, 2011. How would having her father
deported back to Macedonia be in Mila's best interest?

Judy, you and I will get along fine, and be respectful of one another. But your client has been driving this
bus to the edge of the cliff and I cannot stop the vehicle from going over the cliff at this point. Neither can
you, I do not believe.

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Subject: Re: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:06:57 -0400


Yes, all of the parameters would be mutual except for the last one.

And yes, I was thinking of unsupervised visits if we could get this Order.


Subject: Re: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:36:38 -0400


I am intrigued by, and interested in, discussing a global end to the war, including dropping all law suits,
dismissing all motions, agreeing on an appropriate amount of child support to be paid by direct deposit
every single week as well as taking care of arrearages. Such a denouement would absolutely be in Mila's
best interest. Indeed, I suspect that if these two could agree to go down this path, Mila could start to
enjoy a normal life, being raised and loved by two smart, passionate, loving people.

As you and Lori must understand, Michael Waxman is not going anywhere, and I shall continue to take all
necessary legal steps to protect Igor and Mila and their beautiful bond. But I would much rather spend
my time on other cases. :)

Let me just lay out some of the basic parameters of any such agreement to get a feel for whether or not
Igor and Lori might be able to envision light at the end of the tunnel.

1. Lori terminates her engagement/employment of Private Investigator Stephen Pickering and agrees not
to engage any other PIs.

2. Lori agrees that she will not take Mila in for any more drug tests on her urine, hair, feces or any other
body part or fluid.

3. Lori agrees to drop her claims that Igor is poisoning Mila with methamphetamines or any other drugs.

4. Lori agrees that she will not bring Mila in to any hospital Emergency Department for any condition that
is not an emergency.

5. Lori agrees to find and use a primary care physician for Mila to see for run-of-the-mill conditions, well
checks, essentially anything short of emergent care.

6. Lori agrees to engage with Igor through email regarding Mila -- including where she intends to travel
with her (including actual addresses and contact numbers), how she is doing generally, and including any
concerns about her well-being.

7. Lori agrees that she will not disparage Igor, nor will she permit others to disparage Igor, in Mila's
presence or hearing.

8. Lori agrees that she will not file or have others file any further DHHS claims regarding Igor.

9. Lori agrees to engage and pay the retainer for a Parenting Coordinator like Tommie Burke to resolve
any parenting issues that may arise, so that we do not return to filing motion after motion in the future.

In exchange for such written promises, which I'd like as part of an Order from the Court, Igor would agree
to dismiss the Motion to Modify seeking Sole Rights and Responsibilities, the Motion for Contempt, and
the Federal lawsuit. Again, as part of this, we would agree to a weekly child support amount, to be done
by direct deposit, as well as an amount to be paid for the arrearages that have accumulated.

I have not even run this by Igor yet, but I suspect that if I tell him we are trying to craft an agreement
which offers Mila the chance to have the warfare between her parents end, and offers her the chance to
enjoy both parents in her life without all the nastiness of the past several years, he would jump at this.

Please consider this, discuss it with your client, and get back to me. This would be the greatest gift Mila
could ever receive.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax

Subject: Fwd: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:47:14 -0400

This email highlights the issues that MUST be addressed if we are to find a way to make things better for
Mila. This war needs to stop. Mila keeps getting hit by the cross fire. Can you do anything to help get a
truce declared . . . for MIla?

Thanks. Michael

-----Original Message-----
From: igor malenko <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 8:32 am
Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?


We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false
claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for
unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent
you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse.

You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the
evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing.

I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But that
cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things about
me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical
examinations and drug tests.

You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have
a PFH Order against you.

If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila.

Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400


May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where.
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Subject: Stuff
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 15:20:17 -0400


Good job today. I think your decision to announce to Moskowitz that we were not going to adhere to the
letter of the Court Order no matter what was very, very smart. That got him in a pissy mood, I think.

In any case, let's get our clients served. In Igor's Motions, the Order from Mulhern specifically permits me
to serve both Motions on you (with an Acceptance in my view), and then the Court will schedule a
hearing. Lemme know when you want to serve Igor and I can have him come by my office or yours to
accept it.

Regarding visitation and contact between Mila and Lori, we honestly DO want Mila to have contact. I
would suggest that Lori and Igor make some kind of arrangement for when Lori can call to speak with Mila
or vice versa, several times each week. If Lori wants supervised visitation, we are willing to make that
happen. Igor will not under any circumstances permit Lori to enjoy unsupervised contact. In my mind,
supervised contact is better than nothing. Igor has been forced to do this in the past, and he moved
heaven and earth to enjoy that visitation several times per week. It may not be what Lori wants, but it is
certainly what Mila needs.

Let me know if you need my help in trying to set something up.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax


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Subject: Re: recordings of Mila talking about pan to head
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:46:05 -0400

This recording really upsets me, Judy. A parent who would coach her 4 year old daughter to say such
things is truly beyond help, I fear. I know she sees this as some kind of cataclysmic struggle between
good and evil, which she will do anything to win, but that's not at all what this is.

If your client could find a way to become emotionally healthy, to co-parent her little girl with Igor, then Mila
would have been given the greatest gift she could ever receive. I truly believe that very shortly Judge
Moskowitz will grant Igor Sole Rights. I don't say this to gloat. I am saying it because what happens to
her rights to be with her daughter ARE COMPLETELY WITHIN HER CONTROL. If your client conceded
that she had some mental health issues to address, and then if she were committed to addressing them,
there could be a happy ending to this debacle.

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Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:05:04 -0400

Correct. That requirment was imposed by the custodial father, since it is his obligation to protect his child
from abuse.

I don't understand how anything these individuals may have to say is relevant to whether your client
engaged in Harassment on June 21, 2011. But bring along whomever you want, by all means.


Subject: Court letter requesting Moskowitz
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:42:14 -0400


This goes out today.


P.S. Is your client planning on attending this hearing?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mjwaxy <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:46:11
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Outstanding Motions


I have received your Motion for Contempt (Igor allegly keeping child from
Handrahan) and your Motion to Enforce (visitation). Interestiingly, you indicate
that child support is not an issue, when in fact, your client owes approximately
$5,000 in child support, I believe.

As you may or may not be aware, Igor filed a Motion to Modify (seeking Sole
Rights and Responsibilities after he learned of the false allegations Handrahan
made about hitting Mila in the head with a frying pan, the forced statements into
a recording device to that effect, and the disgusting and unnecessary medical
evaluations and examinations, including multiple urine catches and drug tests) on
April 10, 2011, and a Motion for Contempt (seeking child support among other
things) on April 25, 2011. Your client has successfully and creatively avoided
service of process on both, so Judge Mulhern issued the attached Order.

Accordingly, we need to have a global hearing on all these motions. I shall be
happy to accept service of process of your motions as long as you agree to accept
service of my motions. Deal?

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.
One Monument Way, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 375
Portland, Maine 04112-0375
(207) 772-9558 phone
(207) 772-9567 fax <>

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mjwaxy <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:50:06
To: <>
Subject: Re: Outstanding Motions


I don't ever take a vacation from this case, nor will I. I am available to my
client and friend 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unfortunately, that is
necessary given your client's relentless and malicious behaviors and schemes.

What you choose to do is up to you. I honestly hope that you obtained a very
large retainer because this case never ceases to demand prodigious amounts of
time. Although, it would be wonderful if our clients' resources could be used to
benefit the child, not the attorneys, private investigators and expert witnesses
your client chooses to pay instead of paying child support.


From: Mjwaxy
Sent: Jul 11, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: Motiion to Modify?


Aren't you going to file a Motion to Modify? Your client has claimed that she
lost her job paying her $105,000 shortly following the 2/1/11 Order. She has
claimed that this is the reason she cannot or will not pay child support.
Although I have no idea whether this is true, I have been expecting her/you to
file a Motion to Modify, changing the child support obligation to reflect her new
financial reality. I can only assume from the absense of any such filing, that
Dr. Handrahan continues to earn $105,000 per year or more. The weekly obligation
of $368 continues, as you know, until Igor has been served with a Motion to


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Waxman emails to judy 2011

  • 1. All of Waxman Emails to Judy Potter 2011 To: Subject: Diane Rehm From: CC:; Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:51:26 -0500 Judy: Your client called in to the Diane Rehm show today, and launched into a malicious and false tirade about this case. She even mentioned me by name twice and claimed that I was "grooming" her daughter, and enjoying overnight and weekend visits with her at my house. As you should know by now, that is categorically false. Mila has never spent an overnight at my house, nor am I "grooming" her or abusing her. Here is the web site link: takes-call-from-milas-mama/ And here is the link to the radio show directly: Her call comes at about 39 minutes and 15 seconds. Additionally, other people have read the material on her site and concluded that she is making false claims and exploiting her child. Her response to one person confronting her? She has gone on the attack and made claims that she is "trafficking" children. I am not kidding. That is her modus operandi. The web based group War Against Child Abuse has come out against Handrahan, because it has seen through her spin and evaluated the facts.!/WarAgainstChildAbuse They realize that what your client is engaged in is a horrible exploitation of a little girl, which takes resources and credibility away from real victims of child abuse. Judy, I don't really care that your client called in to Diane Rehm and made the false and malicious things she made. It is great evidence of 1) her duplicity and malice 2) her mental instability and 3) her campaign of defamation, and she will end up paying for this economically at some point. Also, unfortunately, she is shooting herself in the foot with a high caliber rifle in terms of getting contact with Mila and enjoying parental rights. I don't say that last piece to gloat, believe me. As I have said numerous times, the best result her for Mila would be for Handrahan to get some help, become mentally healthy, and then enjoy a co-parenting relationship with Igor. Mila deserves a healthy and loving mommy in her life. Right now, your client is neither healthy nor loving. How sad for Mila. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1890 / Virus Database: 2108/4680 - Release Date: 12/14/11 1
  • 2. To: Subject: Re: Settlement Demand From: CC:; Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:42:36 -0500 Judy: I don't understand this response. The Scheduling Order requires you to "respond in writing by December 27, 2011." Are you telling me that you cannot even "accept" this demand from us, meaning that you no longer represent Handrahan? Are you still representing Handrahan? I am confused. Michael -----Original Message----- From: Judy Potter <> To: michael waxman <> Cc: lori handrahan <> Sent: Sun, Dec 11, 2011 1:13 pm Subject: RE: Settlement Demand I am not authorized to accept this offer for a number of reasons. Judy Potter To: Subject: Settlement Demand From: CC:; Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:08:16 -0500 Judy: As you are no doubt aware, in the lawsuit which I have filed against Handrahan in Federal Court on behalf of my client, Igor Malenko, the Scheduling Order in Malenko v. Handrahan, Dkt No. 2:11-cv-250-GZS indicates that "the plaintiff shall make a written settlement demand upon the defendant by December 12, 2011." Accordingly, I am authorized to make the following demand: $1,500,000. If your client is willing to pay $1.5M in damages for the harm her defamation and other tortious behavior has caused Igor and Mila, and if she will agree to shut down her web sites and cease defaming Igor, then we are willing to dismiss this case. Every day that she continues to post defamatory content on the world wide web, every day that her false claims remain on those sites, Igor's damages are building. I suspect that the response to this Court-ordered demand will be that your client will post this on her internet sites as further "evidence" of Igor's "abuse" or my "bullying." I do not hold out much hope for this case settling. In view of that, perhaps we should discuss consenting to Magistrate Judge Rich presiding over the jury trial, so that we can obtain a specially assigned date for trial, allowing our witnesses much more flexibility in presenting themselves for the adjudication of this matter. 2
  • 3. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1873 / Virus Database: 2102/4675 - Release Date: 12/11/11 To: Subject: Settlement Demand From: CC:; Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:08:16 -0500 Judy: As you are no doubt aware, in the lawsuit which I have filed against Handrahan in Federal Court on behalf of my client, Igor Malenko, the Scheduling Order in Malenko v. Handrahan, Dkt No. 2:11-cv-250-GZS indicates that "the plaintiff shall make a written settlement demand upon the defendant by December 12, 2011." Accordingly, I am authorized to make the following demand: $1,500,000. If your client is willing to pay $1.5M in damages for the harm her defamation and other tortious behavior has caused Igor and Mila, and if she will agree to shut down her web sites and cease defaming Igor, then we are willing to dismiss this case. Every day that she continues to post defamatory content on the world wide web, every day that her false claims remain on those sites, Igor's damages are building. I suspect that the response to this Court-ordered demand will be that your client will post this on her internet sites as further "evidence" of Igor's "abuse" or my "bullying." I do not hold out much hope for this case settling. In view of that, perhaps we should discuss consenting to Magistrate Judge Rich presiding over the jury trial, so that we can obtain a specially assigned date for trial, allowing our witnesses much more flexibility in presenting themselves for the adjudication of this matter. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1873 / Virus Database: 2102/4674 - Release Date: 12/11/11 3
  • 4. To: Subject: No limits to Handrahan's craziness From: CC:; Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 14:03:28 -0500 Judy: Here is the latest defamatory and outrageous internet posting from your client on her Saving Mila Facebook site. Saving Mila Chris & Sue, God bless and thank you so, so much! re: understanding--Mila has been trafficked. It is clear. Either a Kids for Cash like there was in Penn with judges (see the Saving Mila FB wall or website or just google Kids for Cash) or she has been trafficked into a well protected ring in Maine or Waxman has basically purchased my daughter as he vowed he would.... I am asking you to tell your client to stop this nonsense. Accusing me of "purchasing" her child, of "trafficking" her in some pedophile ring? Seriously? Judy, you know that there is not one scintilla of evidence for these claims. You know this. When we get into court, I shall be cross-examining Dr. Handrahan about such baseless and horrendous claims. Your client is not only destroying any chance she has to be a mother to her child but she is going to ruin herself economically, because there will be consequences for this kind of horrendous defamation per se, I assure you. I have to tell you that at this point, I do not understand why you continue to represent her. She is engaging in systematic defamation and fraud. I certainly hope that you are not supporting her efforts on these sites, Judy. You can't help her and you can't "win" this case. Your client is absolutely undermining any efforts you are making to get this case on an even keel and rebuild some credibility for Handrahan's position. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1873 / Virus Database: 2102/4674 - Release Date: 12/11/11 To: Subject: New posting From: CC:; Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 18:27:52 -0500 Judy: I do not know how you can be expected to advocate for Handrahan when she is doing everything in her power to burn every possible bridge in Maine. Check out the latest: 4
  • 5. michael-waxman-on-milas-case/ She is calling for a criminal investigation into Michael Waxman, Judge Moskowitz, Judge Alexander, Dean Crocker, Dan Despard and Janet Mills. She addressed this to Chief Judge LaVerdierre, Governor Paul LePage, Attorney General William Schneider, Maine State Senate President Kevin Raye, Maine State House Leader Robert Nutting and Scott Davis. And she thinks that when she appears before Judge Moskowitz or any other Maine judge (you think the entire community of judges is not discussing this?) she is going to be well received? Sorry, Judy, you are one good lawyer, but you are being asked to scale Mount Everest wearing a one piece bathing suit, flip flops and a back pack with a few granola bars and some Juicy Juice. Her self-declared war reminds me of Major General William Tecumseh Sherman's "March to the Sea," except that hers is a virtual march through Maine, burning everything in sight. Have a good weekend. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1873 / Virus Database: 2102/4674 - Release Date: 12/11/11 To: Subject: Leslie Devoe From: CC:; Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 16:17:43 -0500 Judy: As you can see in the attached letter I just received from Leslie Devoe, she makes very clear that she never authorized Handrahan to use her work-product, that Handrahan refuses her demands to take her work-product off the internet and that Handrahan is not her friend. She was merely paid by Handrahan to attack first Igor Malenko and then Michael Waxman. This is how Lori Handrahan rolls. I would not be surprised to learn that Handrahan stiffed her just like she stiffed Maureen Flatley either, and just as she will likely stiff you as soon as your $15,000 grant has been spent. I like you Judy. I was hopeful that you might be able to use your reputation and good work to persuade Handrahan to put down her weapons, end the war, and just learn how to be a co-parenting partner with Igor. But this web site makes it very, very clear that she has taken this way too far to go back. She has over 30,000 people who have bought into her lies, her carefully constructed illusion that she is some kind of victim and that her child is being horribly abused. Even if she really wanted to be a mommy, she has painted herself into a corner where she cannot just stop fighting Igor, she cannot recant these horrible accusations, because if she did so, all these thousands of people would realize that she manipulated them. Do you understand what I am saying? Handrahan has made it impossible to build any kind of co-parenting relationship with Igor, she has made it impossible to stop disparaging Igor in front of Mila. She has essentially, destroyed any chance she otherwise had to be a parent to this little girl. No court is going to allow a parent who has sworn up and 5
  • 6. down that the other parent is a monster, who has made false accusation after false accusation, including in court under oath, who has admitted she will take the child to Africa or Iran when she has the chance so that the child won't have to see the horrible postings she has placed on the internet, who has dragged her poor little girl in to hospitals repeatedly for pelvic examination after pelvic examination, urine drug test after urine drug test, who has sacrificed her daughter's innocence by teaching her to say horrible, false things about her father sexually abusing her, no court will permit that kind of person to have unsupervised contact with that child. I don't care how competent her attorney is. You can't "win" this war which Handrahan has chosen to wage. The best you could have done -- for little Mila -- would have been to persuade your client to behave rationally, get some help, and be a mommy. But she won't, she can't, hear you or anyone else deliver that message. Thank you for trying. I honestly believe you did. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax To: Subject: Clifford documents From: CC:; Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 17:00:15 -0500 Judy: I just spent some time today reviewing the documents produced by DHHS, pursuant to your Clifford Order. I don't know why you and Handrahan have been so passionate about getting these documents. They are not helpful to your client at all. Anyone scrutinizing these documents will come away with that conclusion, I assure you, including any judge in this case. The documents show your client threatening and bullying the DHHS caseworkers, telling them she intends to sue DHHS and that the FBI will be involved. She challenges Alicia Cummings, the DHHS caseworker looking into Handrahan's claims that Igor hit Mila with a frying pan, demanding to know where she grew up, what her educational and work background is, insinuating that she is not competent and has some kind of conflict of interest. She admits that she is engaged in frequent audio taping of her child. Cummings has a very hard time keeping her focused on the issue at hand, since Handrahan continues to try and give her global spin on what a monster Igor is. Although Handrahan claims that on Friday, March 25, 2011 when she picked Mila up from the day care, she had a bruise on her forehead (of course, now the "bruise" has morphed into a "huge contusion"), and although she claims that the day care permitted her to sit in a feces-filled diaper all day long, DHHS interviewed the day care personnel and owner and discovered that there was NO bruise on her forehead, and that Mila was never permitted to sit in a poop-filled diaper. Indeed, the day care owner indicated that from time to time when Mila napped, she had a pull-up for when she had accidents. Oh, you will also note that your client told DHHS that she had kept the diaper, and it was in her freezer. Seriously. Apparently, it is in there, alongside the multiple urine samples Handrahan has taken from her daughter all 6
  • 7. by herself (see the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital records, which I'ld be happy to provide for you). The day care people told DHHS that they had NO concerns about Igor, but had serious concerns about your client and her bizarre behavior. Also, you will see the interviews of Mila conducted by Alicia Cummings, and then another one by Chris Call, who permitted Handrahan's private investigator, Stephen Pickering, to participate. You will see that Mila was as clear as could be that Igor NEVER hit her with anything, that there were NEVER "bad times" with Igor. She said, over and over, that she knew her mother said that Igor was hurting her, but that it was not true. It is amazing to read the interview and see how Pickering tries to trip her up, tries to get her to say that Igor did hit her with a frying pan. She stands firm and says that he did not. At this point, Pickering launches into attack mode -- WITH A FOUR YEAR OLD CHILD -- and asks her if she is lying, if she knows what a lie is. Pickering has no right to be conducting a forensic interview of a little girl. Mila also tells the DHHS workers that she wants to see her momma, but only if she promises to stop saying bad things about poppy. She also says that she does not think momma will promise to stop saying bad things about poppy. Please feel free to check out the veracity of my summary. It won't take you more than 30 minutes to review these documents. We are prepared to go back to Court whenever you are ready, at which time, we shall be demanding that Igor have Sole Rights and Responsibilities and that Handrahan have no contact at all with this child until she has undergone a comprehensive psychological evaluation by a psychologist and submitted to whatever therapy/treatment is recommended. In addition, we shall be demanding that your client pay for the appointment of a new guardian ad litem, whose primary job will be to communicate with Handrahan's mental health providers and determine when she may have contact with her child again. Your client's web sites will be admitted as exhibits in this hearing, as they demonstrate very convincingly what her mental state is right now. This position is not spiteful or vengeful. We would like nothing more than for Mila to have a healthy relationship with her mother as soon as possible. But it is clear beyond peradventure to us that your client suffers from serious mental illness which prevents her from being a healthy and loving mother to her child. We are very sad for Mila that she does not have her mommy in her life right now. The ball is and has been in your client's court. She can either continue to spend all of her time, energy and money on World War III against Igor, committed to destroying him and me, or she can turn over a new leaf, turn her prodigious energies and intelligence on herself, and get healthy, and be a mommy. Completely up to her. We hope that for Mila's sake, she makes the right choice. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1890 / Virus Database: 2108/4680 - Release Date: 12/14/11 To: Subject: Fwd: More Saving Mila concerns 7
  • 8. From: Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 15:42:06 -0500 Oh, and this as well. This site is not helping your client, Judy. But you won't be able to convince her of that, I am sure. How very, very, very sad for Mila that her mother is spending every waking hour on this war instead of on loving her child. -----Original Message----- From: Mjwaxy <> To: megc <>; ckerwin <>; jhoard <>; taylor <>; lwong <> Cc: aumedia <>; igormalenko <>; Igor-Malenko <Igor->; william.j.schneider <>; William.Stokes <>; Janice.Stuver <>; michael.kearney <> Sent: Sun, Dec 4, 2011 11:43 am Subject: More Saving Mila concerns People: Here are more responses from Saving Mila followers, discussing murdering Igor Malenko, kidnapping the child and fleeing the United States to hide in Iran, of all places, and violently harming Michael Waxman. This site is animating loose cannons to say, and perhaps do, bad things, and AU should distance itself completely from it, in my view. This is not going to end well at all. brandyowen says: December 4, 2011 at 9:58 am I understand what you are saying. This brings me back around to Karen McCall-Haslet. Seriously, if a mother KNEW UNEQUIVOCALLY that her child was being repeatedly raped, what does she do when the courts tell her to give her child to the rapist? I am not saying I would kill my child, BECAUSE I would kill my ex-husband and sit in prison, if I had to. No doubt about it, I am street wise enough to know that courts f__k up. Not all of the time, but they do, it is a game of who’s lawyer golfs with the judge and I ain’t “playin” when it comes to my kids. Corrupt Judges says: December 4, 2011 at 3:47 am We need to have a conversation like you brought up Brandy about what alternatives women have when faced with these situations. It becomes paralyzing because the courts have so much power. I believe a lot of mothers consider running away, but realize the US can find them wherever they go – even in any country. I know some have thought of political asylum – even in Iran they are seeking it b/c of how abusive it is here. That is actually very unknown and secretive, but is done. Maybe you can start some articles or forum for that kind of discussion. Mothers are desperately seeking a way to protect their children from abuse and there’s no where to turn. Corrupt Judges says: December 4, 2011 at 3:49 am When I said “even in Iran” I mean that I have heard of western people seeking asylum in Iran. Of course, the news won’t cover that b/c Iran is our national enemy. But it is bad when abused women and children have to seek political asylum with our country’s national enemies in order to escape abuse. And more comments about Michael Waxman on her Facebook site: 8
  • 9. Andrew Unkefer He deserves to be put into slavery in a third world country. Jail isn't justice enough for something like that. If I saw him, I'd be the one in an orange jump suit behind bars. I can't begin to understand what you feel right now. Stay strong! Friday at 6:52pm · LikeUnlike · 1Saving Mila likes this. (emphasis added in bold). Word to the wise, AU, distance yourself from this site immediately. Frankly, if your students have been involved in its creation, you may have to shut the site down in order to avoid any civil, and perhaps criminal, liability for the actions perpetrated by followers of the site. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1890 / Virus Database: 2108/4680 - Release Date: 12/14/11 To: Subject: Fwd: [New post] Who is Lesley Devoe? From: Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 12:15:49 -0500 Judy: I have generally reached the point where I am not responding any longer to any of Dr. Handrahan's malicious, false and misleading posts on her web site. There is no persuading her or her followers. Your client has fortuitously found the holy grail for narcissists - she can get all the attention she wants from hordes of virtual followers on these sites she has created. But the post below, containing a report authored by Leslie Devoe is crossing the line for me. Devoe's report portrays me in such a negative light that I am concerned that someone may decide that he/she needs to take action to protect Dr. Handrahan from this sinister attorney. I know that Devoe is merely taking Dr. Handrahan's paranoid directives and running with them, creating a ridiculous picture. But the followers of this web site do not understand what has taken place in this case. They may merely conclude that I am some malicious monster threatening a poor, defenseless woman trying to protect her little girl. I am asking you NOT to forward this email to your client, for it will simply end up on her web site and further inflame the passions of some of her followers. If I see it on the web site, I shall know that you did indeed forward this. I understand that she is your client and that you have responsibilities to her. Accordingly, you may feel free to tell her my message by phone. But this is becoming a very, very dangerous game, I fear. You and I have gotten along remarkably well, given how horrendous this case is. I am concerned for my well-being and that of my children and loved ones. 9
  • 10. I want this Leslie Devoe report removed, and I want it removed immediately. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax To: Subject: Visitation? From: Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 13:05:42 -0500 Judy: I have received and reviewed your letter dated November 4, 2011 indicating-- for the first time in 6 months -- that Dr. Handrahan would like to see her child. I am elated that she now seems to recognize that seeing her child's face, holding her, telling her that she loves her is an important thing to do for her daughter. However, since you wrote this letter, your client has embarked on a remarkable, high-tech attack on Igor and on me, in which she is illustrating that she is no longer capable of exercising good judgment, of promoting her own child's best interest. Indeed, she recently posted a statement which indicates that when she gets her hands on this child, she intends to flee with her to Africa: "@JordansConcept No worries! I work in Internation Developement. When I get my daughter back we'll move to Africa and take care of baby elefants who have lost their moms. That is Mila's dream and I promised to make it real." This comment may be found on her YouTube posting of the Mila video: Accordingly, Igor is not willing to agree that Dr. Handrahan can have any visitation at all at this point. We truly do not know what she is capable of. Indeed, in one of the posts, a woman named Jacklyn C. Ashley writes "[t]hat man needs to die." And following that comment, your client clicked "like." Honestly, Judy, I am fearful that your client or someone she pulls into her world will indeed attempt to kill Igor and/or me. This is quickly getting out of control. Neither Igor nor I feel safe anywhere near your client and if she shows up near me or Igor, we shall call the police. I am starting to wonder whether I should carry a concealed weapon. You should see the hateful comments being made about me. I know Dr. Handrahan believes that this new approach will somehow achieve what her attorneys and her malicious and false claims to DHHS and the Courts have not, but she is terribly mistaken. All she is succeeding in doing is scaring Igor and me and making us completely and utterly unwilling to have any contact with her whatsoever. As we indicated on many occasions before, if Dr. Handrahan wishes to restart visitation, especially unsupervised visitation, then the onus is on her to demonstrate that she has turned over a new leaf and merely wishes to be a loving mother, not a digital warrior. Additionally, we do not know this Joy Silberg. Also, even if this web site had not gone up, we would not be willing to agree that Dr. Handrahan can enjoy an entire weekend with Mila, when she has not even spoken to her or seen her in 6 months. Baby steps. Last, you claim that Dr. Handrahan "cannot afford to pay anyone to supervise." Yet, this recent incredible wave of Internet activity suggests that she has 10
  • 11. plenty of money . . . but that she would rather use it for war, rather than spend it on her child. How terribly sad. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Handrahan's obsession From: Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 19:01:05 -0500 Judy: Your client has clearly gone off the deep end and is using this new website as her latest toy. She is posting the emails I send to you, as you can see -- michael-waxman-nov-7-2011 I am a big boy and I have remedies at hand to deal with your client's shenanigans. But Mila does not have any defenses. Mila just wants to love her mommy and daddy. Dr. Handrahan has doggedly demonstrated that she does not care very much for her daughter, that she cares much more deeply about waging World War III in order to destroy Igor. She hates Igor more than she loves her child. As you know, despite Igor's repeated invitations, she has chosen NOT to see or speak with her child in almost 6 months. That is an absolute eternity. If I could not see my children for a long period of time, I would absolutely fall apart, and I would walk across broken glass to see them again. Not Dr. Handrahan, however. This new, high-tech approach is not helping Mila. Nor will it help your client. By the way, she owes over $6,000 in child support arrearages, yet she seems much happier spending her money on new weapons in her self-styled war. I'll check the site tomorrow to re-read this same email, I am sure. Have a good night, Judy. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: The website From: CC:; Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 16:33:40 -0500 Judy: 11
  • 12. Is your client going to take down the website? And the YouTube postings? And the Facebook postings? And the Tumblr and Twitter postings? None of this is going to help her. It just makes her look even more crazy and desperate, in my view. And in the meantime, she is posting defamatory material, and medical records for Igor and Mila, which Igor did not authorize being published. I suspect that True North and DHHS will not be happy about this. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: Defamation on the Internet From: CC:; Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 12:45:05 -0500 Judy: Is this website coming down or not? I need to decide whether to file for a preliminary injunction as part of the federal lawsuit. Please advise ASAP. Michael To: Subject: Defamation on the Internet From: CC:; Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 12:33:49 -0500 Judy: It has just come to my attention that your client has foolishly and maliciously decided to create an internet site in which she defames Igor (and me) and in which she has posted the videos and audio tapes that she has fraudulently concocted. This will, of course, be very helpful to Igor in his federal lawsuit, and it will help us obtain a very large verdict, I believe. But this is terribly harmful, not just to Igor, but also to poor Mila. Mila will now have a disgusting digital legacy for the rest of her life. A loving mother does not behave this way. A loving mother spends her time, money and energy on loving and supporting her child. Your client, however, is spending her time, money and energy on trying to destroy Igor and me, and she is using her daughter as a means to that end, even though she is harming her. The website can be found here: 12
  • 13. Now that I have printed out the contents of the website, feel free to remove it from the web. Indeed, if you care at all about Mila Malenko, you will make sure this happens. Also, Igor has only recevied ONE child support check, for the month of September. Has your client quit her job so that she can avoid paying child support? And last, DOES DR. HANDRAHAN HAVE ANY INTEREST IN VISITING WITH HER CHILD, OR IN HEARING HER VOICE? Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Handrahan's incessant attacks From: CC:; Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 17:37:34 -0400 Judy: Attached is your client's latest attempt to harm me. Please convey to her that I have not forgotten about her and her defamatory attacks against me. I have a list of people I intend to sue for defamation, including Dr. Handrahan, and several of her friends. I shall embark on that crusade in 2012. In the meantime, DOES DR. HANDRAHAN HAVE ANY INTEREREST AT ALL IN SEEING OR SPEAKING WITH HER ALMOST 5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER, WITH WHOM SHE HAS HAD NO CONTACT SINCE MAY 10, 2011??? Your client truly is a remarkable human being. I cannot comprehend how she can get up in the morning and function without having had any contact with her only child in almost 6 months!! She can continue to file grievances against me, defame me as much as she wants, write as many emails to the Governor as she desires . . . I am not going anywhere. I am going to represent Igor as long as I draw breath in this world. Her malicious efforts to harm have only galvanized my commitment to this case. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Expert Designation From: CC:; Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 16:00:04 -0400 Judy: 13
  • 14. I meant to send this yesterday, but it got lost in the shuffle. Do you want me to send along paper copies by snail mail? I shall probably continue to ask this question with every single email I send you because I am mystified and disturbed about your client's refusal to see or speak with her child since May 10, 2011 -- does she have any desire to see Mila on a supervised basis or to have phone contact? If you would like me to stop asking this question, then you could simply tell me that Dr. Handrahan has no interest in seeing her child unless it can be unsupervised, and that she has no interest in phone contact with her child. She is already telling us that with her choices, but I'd like to see that in black and white. Otherwise, I'll keep asking. To: Subject: Moving off the dime . . . From: CC:; Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:05:24 -0400 Judy: I am following up on our hearing today with Judge Moskowitz, in which he denied your Motion to Recuse. As you know, he made another heartfelt effort to get us to resolve this case in some manner, by agreement. He indicated that since our clients tell diametrically opposed stories, that if we have a hearing "it is going to go very, very badly for one of them." I am very confident that you will be unable to prove that Igor has been abusing Mila at all, or that he has been poisoning her. I am very confident that your client will be stripped of rights and responsibilities (except of course, her obligation to pay child support), and relegated to supervised visits. You asked me to tell you what kind of psychotherapeutic treatment, in terms of how many visits, Igor would require in order to permit unsupervised contact. I tried to explain to you that it is not a matter of logging a certain number of hours on a therapist's couch. Rather, Igor needs to see some evidence which makes him feel comfortable/confident that Dr. Handrahan is no longer committed to using Mila as a pawn in her campaign against Igor. As the Ombudsman indicated, and as I have been saying for months, she has been bringing Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations, and drug tests, and she has been saying false, negative things about Igor to Mila and taping and video-taping Mila reciting these falsehoods. That is very damaging to this child. Nothing that Dr. Handrahan has done recently has made Igor feel any more comfortable that Dr. Handrahan has abandoned her quest to destroy him and his relationship with his daughter, or that she has abandoned the notion of using her daughter as a means to that end. Indeed, the fact that she has absolutely refused to see or speak with her child in over 5 months only supports Igor's concerns/fears that Dr. Handrahan cares a great deal more about her private war with Igor than she does about her child. Seriously, how a parent can go that long without contact with her child is absolutely inconceivable to me. If your client wants Igor to agree that she can have unsupervised contact with Mila, then she needs to carry the ball forward and produce some evidence that she is able to be a healthy, safe mother to her child. Hiring child lobbyists, assembling teams of experts, overwhelming the Governor's Office, DHHS and the Office of the Ombudsman with information and supporters all claiming that Igor is some kind of abusive monster is NOT showing Igor that she really wants to be a healthy, safe mom. Presently, Igor is not going to agree to unsupervised visitation. The Ombudsman recommended DHHS open a full investigation into Dr. Handrahan and the emotional well-being of Mila in her care. As far as I am concerned, unless you can provide information which convincingly shows that Dr. Handrahan has turned over a new leaf, Igor should not change his position at all. Your client cannot buy her way out of 14
  • 15. this, or hire another expert to prevail. Instead, she needs to turn her focus inward and try to heal herself so that she can be a good mom to her child. In the meantime, if your client has any interest in seeing Mila, or in speaking with her, we are happy to make that happen. Of course, the visitation would have to be supervised. But as between no contact and some supervised contact, I know which choice 99.999999% of all parents would choose. She is not helping herself or her child by refusing to have contact with Mila. That choice labels her as an uncaring mother, at least in my view, and that is certainly the argument I shall make to the Court. For Mila's benefit, and because it is in your client's interest not to appear to be an uncaring mother, I suggest your client make visitation and contact happen as soon as possible. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Mjwaxy <> Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:56 PM Subject: Ombudsman Report To:,,,paul.lepage@maine .gov, Cc:,,, m,, Governor LePage, Ms. Mayhew, Ms. Mullen, Ms. Veiilleux and Mr. Billings: Please review the attached report from the Office of the Ombudsman carefully. I hope that you will cease reflexively doing Dr. Handrahan's bidding whenever she and/or her numerous advisors, attorneys and friends contact you in the future. I also hope that DHHS will conduct the investigation which the Office of the Ombudsman strongly suggested ought to be conducted into Dr. Handrahan. Indeed, if DHHS refuses to follow-up on this report and open such an investigation, I shall be filing my own complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman. Enough is enough. Either this administration is committed to protecting children from abuse -- physical as well as emotional -- or it is not. And one last word, because I am sure that Dr. Handrahan will react to this with new accusations -- I do not know Mr. Crocker or Ms. Mowatt. I have never met either of them. I have not paid them money or made threats against them. They have no reason to write this report in any particular way, other than to reflect the conclusions which the facts led them to reach. I wish I were one one hundredth as powerful as Dr. Handrahan claims that I am. I can't even get my kids to clean their rooms!! Michael J. Waxman, Esq. 15
  • 16. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Ombudsman Report From: Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:58:06 -0400 Judy: I have now read the report a second time, and I must direct your attention to the penultimate page, where the report reads as follows: "We suggest that DHHS should further investigate the actions of Dr. Handrahan in relation to the emotional health of her daughter. We suggest that, in addition to a comprehensive Child Protective Services Investigation, DHHS specifically consider the following:" The report goes on to list 6 separate concerns regarding Dr. Handrahan. It is my hope and belief that DHHS will soon be investigating Dr. Handrahan. This recommendation is a complete vindication of Igor's position regarding contact since May 10, 2011. Igor will not be changing his mind about this unless and until 1) a DHHS investigation is concluded and/or 2) Dr. Handrahan seeks and receives help in order to change her attitude and behaviors. Igor merely wants to feel confident that Mila is safe in Dr. Handrahan's care. He does not feel that she is at this point in time, at least not unsupervised. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Ombudsman Report From: CC:; Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 08:41:47 -0400 16
  • 17. Judy: Attached is the Ombudsman's second report. As you might expect, if and when we have any hearing on rights and responsibilities and custody, the material in this report will be centrally discussed. As I view it, this report completely supports the steps Mr. Malenko has taken to protect his child from unnecessary medical examinations, drug testing, and audio and video recording. I don't say these things to gloat. Mila misses her mommy, I am sure. Igor wants his child to have both parents in her life. Dr. Handrahan needs to start seeing and speaking with her child again, as soon as possible. For now, Igor will not permit her to do so unsupervised. But if she takes serious steps to address whatever issues are compelling her to use her daughter as a tool to harm Igor, our hope is that unsupervised visits will follow. But we need to see evidence that Dr. Handrahan is truly making an effort to change her attitude and behavior. Thus far, we have seen no such evidence. Indeed, now that American University is garnering her wages for child support, we are concerned that she will simply quit her job to avoid this obligation. Obviously, that also would negatively affect Mila and would be sad. I hope this does not occur. Oh, and just to nip your client's paranoia in the bud, I received this report not because I am conspiring with the Ombudsman's Office, but because since I learned of this investigation, I sent the office a subpoena to produce this report, which you could just as easily have done. I do not possess the remarkable powers which your client seems to believe I wield. I am a small, Jewish lawyer with a big mouth. That's all. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Marco Petrovic From: CC:; Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 09:16:47 -0400 Judy: I have now had several phone calls from a gentleman named "Marco Petrovic." This individual is from Serbia and apparently Dr. Handrahan played some part in assisting him in getting to this country several years ago. He works at the Jetport, is married and has a couple of children, I believe. 17
  • 18. The reason he has called me is that he claims he feels harassed by your client and by her private investigator Stephen Pickering. Apparently, Dr. Handrahan sends him numerous emails and texts, and Pickering continues to demand that Petrovic make himself available to be interviewed by Pickering. Petrovic told me that he has nothing but good things to say about Igor, and that he has refused Handrahan's demands to say bad things about Igor. Both your client and Pickering have apparently ignored what he claims are his numerous directives to stop calling and texting him. I am telling you these things because I suspect that Handrahan is trying to conjure some kind of "statement" from Petrovic which makes false claims that 1) Petrovic has personal knowledge of Igor and his parenting (Igor has not seen him in over a year), and 2) that Igor is doing bad things to Mila. If such a "statement" is presented to you, I implore you as an officer of the Court to do some fact-checking of your own before filing any such statement or affidavit in Court, because from what I have just explained, it would clearly be a false statement. It is one thing for Dr. Handrahan to willingly perjure herself, as she has done on multiple occasions, seemingly without hesitation or contrition. It is entirely something different to manipulate a well-respected attorney to be complicit in filing false statements with the Court. Incidentally, I suspect that once your client learns of this email, she will immediately begin efforts to get Mr. Petrovic deported because that is precisely how she rolls. Mark my words . . . I had hoped that your client would lay down her arms at some point and just be a mommy to her little girl, instead of continuing to fund and plan World War III. I had hoped that perhaps you and I could help this family divest itself of acrimony and blackness and focus on what matters -- a little girl who deserves to have both of her parents in her life in a big way. Apparently your client hates Igor far, far, far more than she loves her daughter. It is far more important to her to crush Igor and me and anyone else who stands in her way than to find a way to love her daughter. Very, very, very, very sad. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Medical Bills? From: CC:; Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:35:04 -0400 Judy: I just received the attached letter and bills from your daughter. I am confused. First, these bills are from months ago, and it may well be too late to obtain payment from the insurance company. Second, where are the medical records which accompany these bills? No insurance company is going to pay bills if it does not know what services the bills were provided for. If this treatment was necessitated by an injury 18
  • 19. caused by a third party there may be subrogation rights. Furthermore, the services might not even be covered und the terms of the insurance contract. Accordingly, please provide me with the medical records for the services which resulted in these bills. When I have that information, I shall have Igor address payment with his insurance company, although I suspect it will be too late at that point. See, this is why Shared Rights and Responsibilities is not working here. If Dr. Handrahan had communicated with Igor before, during or after the treatment, this situation never would have arisen. But because these bills are likely just part of your client's ridiculous and malicious quest to stigmatize Igor as a child abuser, she did not bother to share with him anything about these visits. Remarkable. Maybe you guys could ask the Governor or Maureen Flatley to help with this? Shoot, she might have to pay Flatley the over $2,000 she owes her, though. :( I know . . . perhaps a letter writing campaign. Or better yet, why not ask Stephanie Anderson/FBI to prosecute me for more crimes? Maybe Nightline or Dateline could help? Most assuredly Stephen Pickering could find a way to dig up some dirt on me, Igor, Moskowitz, Dalton, Despard, Mills, Crocker, Rabbi Sky and Obama. Oh, and please DO encourage your client to continue to write to the Governor and his assistants, because it makes for wonderfully entertaining reading. Judy, I like you but I am so sick of your client's shenanigans I could scream. I hope she is paying you well. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Handrahan From: CC:; Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:34:16 -0400 Judy: 1. It has now been 4 months and a week since Dr. Handrahan has seen or spoken with her child. Does she have any interest in having contact with her daughter on a supervised basis and/or phone calls with her child? 2. Is your client going to pay ANY child support at ANY time? I understand you and she claim she should be paying less, based on her new income figures, but why is she not at least paying the amount the Child Support Tables would require based on the new income figures? Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 19
  • 20. To: Subject: Child Support From: CC:; Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 09:20:57 -0400 Judy: Your client has not paid child support for months and months. I understand that she feels the child support order should be amended to reflect her present income, instead of her income in January, 2011. But why is she not at least paying the child support required using the Child Support Tables and her present income? Generally, I try very hard to keep child support issues and custody issues separate, and I detest it when parents mingle the two and say things like, "when you pay me the child support you owe me, you can see the kids." We are not making visitation or contact at all dependent on receiving child support. However, Igor would like to enroll Mila in a day care school. Your client claims that she cares a great deal about her daughter's education. Let's take her at her word -- please direct your client to make child support payments so that Mila can enjoy a school experience this year. Igor does not make enough money to pay for this on his own, especially when he is responsible for 100% of Mila's financial needs. In this case, I do intend to explain to the Court that although your client claims to love this child and want nothing but the best for her, she absolutely refuses to pay ANY child support, which seems inconsistent with her expressions of love and care. It really would be best for all if your client paid child support immediately. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: Settlement discussions? From: Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:51:31 -0400 A solution to your concerns about the confidentiality of your client's medical records struck me just now. If we agreed to the appointment of a GAL, paid for by your client, then the GAL could be in charge of reviewing those records and making a recommendation to the Court as to whether your client is making therapeutic progress such that unsupervised visitation could occur. We would likely agree with whatever recommendations a good GAL makes. Whaddya think? To: Subject: Settlement discussions? From: Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 07:54:23 -0400 Judy: 20
  • 21. You sent me an email last week about unsupervised visitation and treatment, and I sent you a response. Is your client willing to stop the war and enter treatment? Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: Settlement discussions? From: Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 08:51:23 -0400 Judy: The judge tried to focus us on ending this war. You wanted to engage with me about a short cut for your client to see Mila unsupervised. Igor has no objection to your client taking a direct and possibly even short path to unsupervised visitation. But the condition precedent to that happening is not some finite period of time but rather a clear illustration from Dr. Handrahan that she is committed to ending this war and being a nurturing mother, not a warrior. What can you tell me/show me about that? And . . . Mila has not seen or spoken with her mother since May 10, 2011. Why doesn't your client wish to see her child and talk to her, under ANY circumstances? Seriously. The choice Dr. Handrahan is making NOT to see or speak to her daughter, but rather to use her time and resources to fight a war with Igor speaks volumes about her priorities. Please encourage Dr. Handrahan to see her child, as soon as possible. Michael To: Subject: Response From: CC:; Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:35:23 -0400 Judy: Thanks for your email. I wish I could just give you a quick answer, but nothing about this case is simple. As I said in Judge Moskowitz's chambers to you on Monday -- if you can help stop this war, and help little Mila have two parents in her life, Igor and I shall be forever grateful to you. I take from your email that perhaps Dr. Handrahan is willing to enter a treatment program, and I am heartened to hear that, because that might help her sincerely understand that all Igor has done or wanted to do is love this child and ensure that she is treated with love and care by all those around her. Of course, we need to be 21
  • 22. confident that the treater is qualified and will be given the relevant materials, not simply some unilaterally chosen tidbits. This war is of Dr. Handrahan's making, not Igor's. It arises out of Dr. Handrahan's relentless campaign to destroy Igor, and to use an army of people to secure this result. It is true that we have recently taken the offensive by filing a federal lawsuit, but as I mentioned to you, we would happily dismiss that if we felt confident that Dr. Handrahan will stop her remarkable offensive against Igor. Igor's lawsuit and my advocacy on his behalf is merely a reaction to Dr. Handrahan's extraordinary efforts to brand Igor an abuser, a child molester, a man who poisons his child with methamphetamines, and her efforts to destroy him and his relationship with MIla. As the natural guardian of this child, Igor has a weighty responsibility to protect her. Your client has been using Mila as a means to destroy Igor by briinging her to hospitals for unnecessary examinations and unnecessary drug tests. She has been telling her false things about her father abusing her, and video taping and audio taping her child reciting such things. We need to hear that she will stop doing these things. We need to hear that she will stop making these false and malicious claims. We need to hear and be convinced that she has seen the light about this. Igor is a loving parent. That's all. He would never harm his child. We need to hear that your client will stop making claims that "it is not a matter of IF Igor will kill Mila, but rather WHEN." Perhaps you are not aware that she has done and said these things. If you want, I can easily supply you with email after email illustrating your client doing all these things. Dr. Handrahan needs to stop directing Stephen Pickering to investigate Igor, contact DHHS, including Commissioner Mayhew, trying to cause trouble for Igor. Dr. Handrahan needs to stop using Maureen Flatley to cause trouble for Igor. Dr. Handrahan needs to stop using Justice for Children, including Joan Meier and Eileen King to cause trouble for Igor. Dr. Handrahan needs to stop putting together "panels of experts" to influence DHHS to "substantiate" Igor for abuse. Dr. Handrahan needs to stop making claims to DHHS that Igor is abusing Mila in any way. Dr. Handrahan needs to pay Igor child support arrearages and enter into an agreed upon amount that can be sent to him by direct deposit. That she has chosen to spend thousands of dollars on mercenaries to destroy Igor, but has not paid child support so her child can attend pre-school is simply unconscionable. If Dr. Handrahan can persuade us that she is taking a new path, that she truly is abandoning this jihad against Igor, then he and his new wife will happily meet Dr. Handrahan in the middle and do what is best for Mila, so that she can have both parents in her life. The agreement about treatment is only one item that will demonstrate to Igor 22
  • 23. that Dr. Handrahan sincerely is ready to end this war. The burden at this point is on Dr. Handrahan to convince us that she is turning over a new leaf and wants to be a mom more than she wants to be involved in a war to destroy Igor. The burden is on Dr. Handrahan to show us that she will love Mila and not use her as a means to hurt Igor, harming her daughter in the process. We sincerely hope that this is her intention, but we have yet to see any evidence supporting this notion. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Mila From: Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 08:37:48 -0400 Judy: I understand that your client thinks Igor has no right to insist on supervised visitation and that it is offensive to her rather well-developed ego to have to endure such an "embarrassing" situation. I get that. Such a restraint would have greatly angered me as well, if that had ever happened. But, the issue of most importance to all of us in this case should be the welfare of a little girl who has not seen or had ANY contact with her mother since May 10, 2011. Mila has called many times, and your client has failed to pick the phone up or call back. Mila has sent post-cards and other mailings and your client has not even acknowledged receipt of same. Your client claims in emails that she will send Mila packages. She does not. Your client does not send child support, yet does not make any inquiry about whether Mila has what she needs. Clearly, and sadly, she is more concerned with building a case against Igor and destroying him than she is about spending time with her daughter and making sure that her little girl knows her mommy loves her, misses her and thinks about her all the time. When your client filed a false and retaliatory PFA Complaint on May 23, 2008, just after Igor had served her with a divorce complaint, Igor was required to endure supervised visits for 8 months!! He never, ever missed ONE visit at Connections for Kids, and Mila enjoyed every single visit. Also, when those visits go well, the supervisors take great notes, and can be called as witnesses to attest to the good parenting 23
  • 24. illustrated. That could help your client convince a court that she is on the right path, that her priorities are aligned appropriately. I suspect that your client will not be able to do what is best for her daughter because the very idea of supervised visits offends her. That is truly a shame. I would do ANYTHING to see my kids, under the same circumstances, and most good parents would as well. Her refusal to communicate with her child is striking and sad. We remain open to supervised visitation at Connections for Kids. Let me know if we can begin. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: Hearing From: Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 17:37:46 -0400 1. Thanks. 2. The pros are that everyone is right there in the courtroom and can get on the witness stand fast; also, with someone like Kaplan especially, no sequestration means he could sit and observe (even before he testifies) and then his testimony can be informed by what he has heard. The cons might be that a witness would conform his testimony to be consistent with what someone else said before him/her. I am not worried about that in this case. Each side pretty much knows what the other side is going to say. Not many surprises in this case, where the email trail is HUGE! 3. Word to the wise about what Moskowitz thinks on timing -- he will likely tell us each how much time we have (and keep in mind the cross you do counts towards your time), and he won't budge much on that, so be surgeon-like in your choices. Ken whined about not having enough time, and Moskowitz did not listen. Don't assume he'll listen to you, just because you are nicer than Ken! :) 4. I shall spend time this week reviewing that large stack and picking a select few of the documents. I'll let you know which ones I anticipate using, by Bates Stamp number as soon as I am able. Oh, I asked Moskowitz's clerk last week which side goes first, and she did not know. I was assuming I would, since I filed Motions first (back in April), but I could be mistaken. I'm going to try and find that out, as it may affect how each of us decides to try this case. ----- Original Message ----- From: Mjwaxy To: 24
  • 25. Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 3:45 PM Subject: Hearing Judy: As far as I know, we are still on for Monday. Issues to address/agree on: 1. I have an executed Summons showing service of your Motion for Contempt was effected today, and we shall waive any argument or objection based on insufficient or improper service of process. I expect you will do the same, as we discussed. 2. I think we should agree to NO sequestration of the witnesses to speed things along. We did this for the divorce trial as well and it helped the trial go smoother in my view. Please let me know if you agree. 3. As far as anticipated witnesses on my end, I foresee 3 or 4. Igor and his partner, Lily, Kathy Rogers from North Atlantic Montessori (I subpoenaed her), and possibly Beth Angle. The first three would discuss what you would expect them to discuss. Beth Angle is a friend of Igor's and has spent time with Mila on numerous occasions. She will testify about her observations of Mila over time, particularly how she has been doing the last several months. 4. You have most of the exhibits I shall be admitting, including a number of the documents found in the FOAA production from the Governor's Office. Can you please address these numbered comments, so that I know your position? Thanks. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Kaplan From: Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 20:08:13 -0400 Judy: Please reconsider my request to have your expert disclose the names of cases in which he has testified in court and/or depositions as an expert witness. This is required under the federal rules. See F.R. Civ. P. 26(2)(v) ("a list of all other cases in which, during the previous 4 years, the witness testified as an expert at trial or by deposition"). If I had a chance to depose this expert, chosen by you, I certainly would have asked these questions. 25
  • 26. I can only assume, since you directed your client to this particular expert (see report, page 1), that you are familiar with his expert witness qualifications. With all due respect, I do not think it is fair for you to choose this guy, based on what you know of his background, and then deny me very general and routine information. I would like to call the other attorneys involved in cases he has testified in, get copies of his testimony, and make strategy decisions about whether and/or how to cross examine him. Yes, I can voir dire him at the hearing, but that is a waste of time (we only have a total of three hours, I believe), and it does not give me sufficient time to evaluate and make strategic decisions. Accordingly, please reconsider your position. Thanks. Have a good night. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: Kaplan Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 18:44:52 -0400 From: Here's why the medical records are relevant -- Igor was completely unaware until about 2 months ago that Handrahan had brought his child to the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital on 15 separate occasions in 19 months. Handrahan never informed him. Also, he was unaware that she brought the child in for drug tests on her urine at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and the Eleanor W. Dixon Clinic on 18 separate occasions. Handrahan never told him. We did not discover this until I sent a request for medical records to the hospital. The decisions any parent makes about medical treatment clearly have a direct impact on the welfare of the child. That Handrahan did not bother to share any of this with Igor is reprehensible. That she had her examined and evaluated and tested for conditions that did not exist is worse than reprehensible. To: Subject: Kaplan Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 12:57:42 -0400 From: Judy: I may not object to Dr. Kaplan testifying. Have not decided yet. He is clearly qualified, in the Daubert manner as an expert. And I suppose what he has to say would be "relevant," even if I think his opinions are easily impeachable. So, I am leaning towards offering no objection. Can we agree that my certified medical records from Maine Coast Memorial Hospital from August 2, 2009 to March 27, 2011 come in under the statute? 26
  • 27. And I shall have a set of documents from the FOAA request to the Governor available for you to pick up later this afternoon. I'll shoot you an email with the cost of the copying. I expect to use some of the documents in that stack as well, during the hearing. Last (for now), will your client attend the hearing? Thanks. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Mjwaxy <> Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 11:23 AM Subject: Executive meddling in judicial functions? To: Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dear Ms. Maureen Flatley: I have just obtained a large production of electronic correspondence from the Office of the Governor in Maine, pursuant to a Freedom of Access Act request I made some weeks ago. I learned that you have been engaged by Dr. Handrahan, and I have reviewed several emails from and to you concerning your efforts to pressure the Governor to conduct some kind of "intervention" in the Malenko v. Handrahan matter. I have noted that Micki Mullen has claimed that the Governor agrees such extraordinary and unconstitutional measures are appropriate -- "The Governor agrees that intervention is necessary, and he will work with Mary [Mayhew, Commissioner of DHHS] to give her whatever support and backing she needs." See email from Micki Mullen to Lori Handrahan dated June 8, 2011, copied to Handrahan's Private Investigator Stephen Pickering. I cannot tell from your biographical data on the web, but it appears that you are not an attorney. Nonetheless, I would hope that you would understand that our democratic republic is governed by 3 separate branches of government, and that the executive branch of government does not have the right to meddle in and affect the judicial branch, except in rare cases, such as granting reprieves and pardons. See Article II, section 2 of the United States Constitution, and Article V, section 11 of the Maine Constitution. There is a very famous case entitled Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L. Ed. 60 (1803) in which this "separation of powers" theme was developed and expounded upon. Here is a link to a summary of that case -- I know that you have personally done a great deal of good in your career and developed a reputation for fighting for the rights of children. I am surprised, therefore, that you would lend your voice and your reputation to Dr. Handrahan in this case. You cannot possibly have informed yourself about this case, otherwise you would realize that Dr. Handrahan's war, which you have joined as yet another mercenary, does not have a little girl's welfare as its ultimate goal. Igor Malenko is a gentle, kind, nurturing, hard- working father, not some demonic, violent monster as Dr. Handrahan portrays him. Dr. Handrahan's hysterical, malicious and paranoid rants have defamed and criticized virtually every single person who has not agreed to do her bidding. Perhaps you should read some of the court decisions from this terrible custody battle before you commit to giving Dr. Handrahan any further assistance. In particular, you should read: 27
  • 28. 1. The initial decision by our highest court emanating from the Malenko/Handrahan custody battle: http:// 2. Then, you should probably turn to Judge Alexander's excellent decision in the case brought against me, based on Handrahan's malicious falsehoods, for this summarizes the case quite well: 3. You should also read Handrahan's ill-fated appeal of a baseless and malicious PFA she filed against Mr. Malenko: 4. Next, you really ought to read the decision from Judge Moskowitz on February 1, 2011 taking custody away from Handrahan and transferring it to Malenko. See attached "PRDecision." 5. I have also attached Judge Jane Bradley's decision dismissing Dr. Handrahan's merit-less Protection from Harassment case against me. See waxman.PFHDecision.pdf. I share with you the laudable goal of protecting and helping children, who often have no voice. See page 71 of the most recent Maine Bar Journal, I have four wonderful children myself, including one daughter. Their mother and I, who have been divorced for 11 years, are great friends who coparent about as well as anyone I have ever met. My kids are amazing human beings. Neither Mr. Malenko nor I would ever do anything to harm any child. Mila is well taken care of and well loved by Igor. Dr. Handrahan's claims are false and malicious. No amount of money is worth harming a child, which is precisely what Dr. Handrahan has been doing to her little girl, and what you are helping her to do again. Please accept my invitation to inform yourself properly about this case before doing any further work on behalf of Dr. Handrahan. If you like, I can share with you the certified medical records from Maine Coast Memorial Hospital in Ellsworth Maine showing that in about a 19 month period, Dr. Handrahan brought her child to the hospital emergency department 15 times including poking, prodding and taking pictures of her vagina, and also dragged her in for 18 separate drug tests on this little girl's urine. I can show you the DHHS report dated April 29, 2011 which not only unsubstantiates the claims by Dr. Handrahan about Igor hitting Mila in the head with a metal frying pan, but also notes that Mila twice indicated in forensic interviews with properly trained DHHS caseworkers, that she knows her papa did not hit her, she knows her mother claims that he did, and she knows her mother's claims are false. Indeed, her mother even made her recite these falsehoods into a recording device. This is emotional and physical abuse. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax www.waxmanlaw. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 28
  • 29. To: Subject: Stuff Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 09:35:51 -0400 From: CC:; Good morning Judy: Nice meeting your husband this morning. :) Ok, I plan on placing Bates Stamp numbers on the fairly voluminous documents I received on Friday from the Governor and then making a copy for you. It looks like about 1,000 pages to me. And, incidentally, it reflects a REMARKABLE, sustained, well-funded and well-connected effort by your client to destroy Igor. It has convinced me that no matter what you or I may agree on, she is completely incapable of ceasing and desisting from engaging in this war. She has criticized and attacked virtually every single person who has not done precisely what she wants, including Dan Despard, Brenda Harvey, Karen Simone, Michael Waxman, Judge Moskowitz, Judge Alexander, Rebecca Austin, etc. etc. She claims that Michael Waxman actually "ghost wrote" Judge Alexander's decision, as well as some or all of Judge Moskowitz's decisions. She and her friends claim that I have engaged in insurance fraud and witness tampering. She convened a meeting of 20 people, including her "panel of experts," with DHHS on May 31, 2011, including a Power Point presentation. She claims to have a connection to Vice President Biden. She has demanded that Governor LePage conduct some kind of "intervention," constitutional separation of powers be damned. And she did all or much of this while completely ignoring her own child. If she had spent any small fraction of the time, energy and money that she threw at her "panel of experts" and her private investigator, and her "child lobbyist," Maureen Flatley on enjoying visitation and contact with her child, we would not be here. This production of documents from the Governor is very, very helpful and instructive about how Dr. Handrahan operates and what her motivations are. She is trying desperately to have Igor deported, as well, even though she denied this under oath on January 14, 2011. How would having her father deported back to Macedonia be in Mila's best interest? Judy, you and I will get along fine, and be respectful of one another. But your client has been driving this bus to the edge of the cliff and I cannot stop the vehicle from going over the cliff at this point. Neither can you, I do not believe. Michael No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:06:57 -0400 From: CC:; Judy: Yes, all of the parameters would be mutual except for the last one. 29
  • 30. And yes, I was thinking of unsupervised visits if we could get this Order. ___________________________________________________________________________ To: Subject: Re: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:36:38 -0400 From: CC:; Judy: I am intrigued by, and interested in, discussing a global end to the war, including dropping all law suits, dismissing all motions, agreeing on an appropriate amount of child support to be paid by direct deposit every single week as well as taking care of arrearages. Such a denouement would absolutely be in Mila's best interest. Indeed, I suspect that if these two could agree to go down this path, Mila could start to enjoy a normal life, being raised and loved by two smart, passionate, loving people. As you and Lori must understand, Michael Waxman is not going anywhere, and I shall continue to take all necessary legal steps to protect Igor and Mila and their beautiful bond. But I would much rather spend my time on other cases. :) Let me just lay out some of the basic parameters of any such agreement to get a feel for whether or not Igor and Lori might be able to envision light at the end of the tunnel. 1. Lori terminates her engagement/employment of Private Investigator Stephen Pickering and agrees not to engage any other PIs. 2. Lori agrees that she will not take Mila in for any more drug tests on her urine, hair, feces or any other body part or fluid. 3. Lori agrees to drop her claims that Igor is poisoning Mila with methamphetamines or any other drugs. 4. Lori agrees that she will not bring Mila in to any hospital Emergency Department for any condition that is not an emergency. 5. Lori agrees to find and use a primary care physician for Mila to see for run-of-the-mill conditions, well checks, essentially anything short of emergent care. 6. Lori agrees to engage with Igor through email regarding Mila -- including where she intends to travel with her (including actual addresses and contact numbers), how she is doing generally, and including any concerns about her well-being. 7. Lori agrees that she will not disparage Igor, nor will she permit others to disparage Igor, in Mila's presence or hearing. 8. Lori agrees that she will not file or have others file any further DHHS claims regarding Igor. 9. Lori agrees to engage and pay the retainer for a Parenting Coordinator like Tommie Burke to resolve any parenting issues that may arise, so that we do not return to filing motion after motion in the future. In exchange for such written promises, which I'd like as part of an Order from the Court, Igor would agree to dismiss the Motion to Modify seeking Sole Rights and Responsibilities, the Motion for Contempt, and the Federal lawsuit. Again, as part of this, we would agree to a weekly child support amount, to be done by direct deposit, as well as an amount to be paid for the arrearages that have accumulated. 30
  • 31. I have not even run this by Igor yet, but I suspect that if I tell him we are trying to craft an agreement which offers Mila the chance to have the warfare between her parents end, and offers her the chance to enjoy both parents in her life without all the nastiness of the past several years, he would jump at this. Please consider this, discuss it with your client, and get back to me. This would be the greatest gift Mila could ever receive. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax To: Subject: Fwd: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:47:14 -0400 From: This email highlights the issues that MUST be addressed if we are to find a way to make things better for Mila. This war needs to stop. Mila keeps getting hit by the cross fire. Can you do anything to help get a truce declared . . . for MIla? Thanks. Michael -----Original Message----- From: igor malenko <> To: Cc: Sent: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 8:32 am Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Lori, We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse. You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing. I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But that cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things about me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have a PFH Order against you. 31
  • 32. If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila. From: To:; Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400 Igor, May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Stuff Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 15:20:17 -0400 From: CC:; Judy: Good job today. I think your decision to announce to Moskowitz that we were not going to adhere to the letter of the Court Order no matter what was very, very smart. That got him in a pissy mood, I think. In any case, let's get our clients served. In Igor's Motions, the Order from Mulhern specifically permits me to serve both Motions on you (with an Acceptance in my view), and then the Court will schedule a hearing. Lemme know when you want to serve Igor and I can have him come by my office or yours to accept it. Regarding visitation and contact between Mila and Lori, we honestly DO want Mila to have contact. I would suggest that Lori and Igor make some kind of arrangement for when Lori can call to speak with Mila or vice versa, several times each week. If Lori wants supervised visitation, we are willing to make that happen. Igor will not under any circumstances permit Lori to enjoy unsupervised contact. In my mind, supervised contact is better than nothing. Igor has been forced to do this in the past, and he moved heaven and earth to enjoy that visitation several times per week. It may not be what Lori wants, but it is certainly what Mila needs. Let me know if you need my help in trying to set something up. Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax 32
  • 33. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: recordings of Mila talking about pan to head Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:46:05 -0400 From: This recording really upsets me, Judy. A parent who would coach her 4 year old daughter to say such things is truly beyond help, I fear. I know she sees this as some kind of cataclysmic struggle between good and evil, which she will do anything to win, but that's not at all what this is. If your client could find a way to become emotionally healthy, to co-parent her little girl with Igor, then Mila would have been given the greatest gift she could ever receive. I truly believe that very shortly Judge Moskowitz will grant Igor Sole Rights. I don't say this to gloat. I am saying it because what happens to her rights to be with her daughter ARE COMPLETELY WITHIN HER CONTROL. If your client conceded that she had some mental health issues to address, and then if she were committed to addressing them, there could be a happy ending to this debacle. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 To: Subject: Re: (no subject) Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:05:04 -0400 From: CC:; Correct. That requirment was imposed by the custodial father, since it is his obligation to protect his child from abuse. I don't understand how anything these individuals may have to say is relevant to whether your client engaged in Harassment on June 21, 2011. But bring along whomever you want, by all means. Michael To: Subject: Court letter requesting Moskowitz Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:42:14 -0400 From: CC:; 33
  • 34. Judy: This goes out today. Michael P.S. Is your client planning on attending this hearing? No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4703 - Release Date: 12/25/11 -----Original Message----- From: Mjwaxy <> Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:46:11 To: <> Cc: <>; <> Subject: Outstanding Motions Judy: I have received your Motion for Contempt (Igor allegly keeping child from Handrahan) and your Motion to Enforce (visitation). Interestiingly, you indicate that child support is not an issue, when in fact, your client owes approximately $5,000 in child support, I believe. As you may or may not be aware, Igor filed a Motion to Modify (seeking Sole Rights and Responsibilities after he learned of the false allegations Handrahan made about hitting Mila in the head with a frying pan, the forced statements into a recording device to that effect, and the disgusting and unnecessary medical evaluations and examinations, including multiple urine catches and drug tests) on April 10, 2011, and a Motion for Contempt (seeking child support among other things) on April 25, 2011. Your client has successfully and creatively avoided service of process on both, so Judge Mulhern issued the attached Order. Accordingly, we need to have a global hearing on all these motions. I shall be happy to accept service of process of your motions as long as you agree to accept service of my motions. Deal? Michael J. Waxman, Esq. One Monument Way, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 375 Portland, Maine 04112-0375 (207) 772-9558 phone (207) 772-9567 fax <> ----- No virus found in this message. 34
  • 35. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4703 - Release Date: 12/25/11 -----Original Message----- From: Mjwaxy <> Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:50:06 To: <> Subject: Re: Outstanding Motions Judy: I don't ever take a vacation from this case, nor will I. I am available to my client and friend 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unfortunately, that is necessary given your client's relentless and malicious behaviors and schemes. What you choose to do is up to you. I honestly hope that you obtained a very large retainer because this case never ceases to demand prodigious amounts of time. Although, it would be wonderful if our clients' resources could be used to benefit the child, not the attorneys, private investigators and expert witnesses your client chooses to pay instead of paying child support. Michael From: Mjwaxy To: Cc: Cc: Sent: Jul 11, 2011 11:51 AM Subject: Motiion to Modify? Judy: Aren't you going to file a Motion to Modify? Your client has claimed that she lost her job paying her $105,000 shortly following the 2/1/11 Order. She has claimed that this is the reason she cannot or will not pay child support. Although I have no idea whether this is true, I have been expecting her/you to file a Motion to Modify, changing the child support obligation to reflect her new financial reality. I can only assume from the absense of any such filing, that Dr. Handrahan continues to earn $105,000 per year or more. The weekly obligation of $368 continues, as you know, until Igor has been served with a Motion to Modify. Michael 35
  • 36. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 36