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A language and society
Maqsood Hasni
Translated by
His Eminency
Prof. Sufi Niamat Ali Murtazaee Esq.
Free Abuzar Barqi Kutab’khana July 2017
1- Present research is attached with
the achievement of degree
2-Need changes in educational systems
of the delving countries
3- Man does not live in his own land
4- A person is related to the whole universe
5- Where ever a person
6- Linguistic set up is provided by poetry
7- How to resolve problems of native
and second language
8- A student must be instigated to
do something himself
9- Languages never die till its two speakers
10- A language and society don’t develop
in days
11- Poet cannot keep himself aloof from
the universe
The process of creation is related with man’s service,
development, and keeping him in moment. In modern
times, especially in developing countries, it has been
connected with the achievement of a degree. This
irresponsible and non-serious behavior has kept them
for away from the development, prosperity and
complacency of the advanced countries.
Revision is, no doubt linked with modernity but it is not
an correct and healthy activity to present the old
material with the change of words only. If the revision
provides us with new meaning, this process must be kept
continuous. A researcher, in fact, discovers new
meanings with new references or he testifies or
(defines)/ refutes something old. If he fills papers only
for the achievement of a degree, nobody can get any
advantage from it.
Writing can fill long pieces of papers but nothing
worthwhile comes in the forefront. Someone researched
that earth is round. At it the second researcher says
that earth is not completely round while the third one
says that earth is round like an egg. This matter is
related with research. In fact, experience and study of a
researcher are also involved in his presentation. His
work will be related to the present thing.
It is not necessary that the present thing is the last thing
and there is nothing ahead of it. Certainly, there is a lot
beyond it. The new/ next researcher must go ahead
towards the post (the next). The dimensions related with
the discovery of something are not the last ones. And to
thinks so is stark foolishness. No explanation is the last
In the same way, all the known meaning is not the last
meaning. They can be rejected or new meanings can be
presented and this thing is the real research. It is
necessary that the backward or developing countries or
nations must get rid of this behavior it involves the
theses of the advanced countries that belongs to the
original lines. A degree is, no doubt, a means of
development, but is not a step of development. Therefore
there is no capacity of non-serious and irresponsible
The importance of lecture cannot be denied. Lecture has
been part of education for centuries and it has been
creating great men in different fields who have
performed praise worthy marvels in the life. The trend
and behavior of the present time have changed. It needs
are totally different from the former ones. Therefore
lecture method cannot be totally relied upon as regards
education. The communication of matter to the students
is not possible through this method. With respect to the
fast increasing needs, changes are necessary in the
educational systems of the developing countries. Without
these changes, these countries cannot take part in the
race of developing countries. And they will have to
depend on the others at every step to pace with present
The resources of developing countries are limited. If
these limited resources are lavishly spent on imports,
the burden of loans will be the future of these countries.
There is no doubt that the resources of these countries,
along with in imports, have attached with other
reference for centuries. And the blood suckers are
marring the dream of prosperity. The irony is that the
capital of these countries has usurped by these blood
suckers. The rebellion against these suckers is just like
suicide. But the teachers of these poor countries can do
a lot remaining within the limits of their resources. In
this regard, the need not, at all, to demand anything from
any person/countries. Interest, sympathy and
determination to do something would be the helper.
I suggest some points in this regard. If they are joined
with the lecture, the possibility is there that some way
may be searched out to keep pace with the present race
of awareness:
1- TV has been a thing of daily use and even the poor
house can, to a large extent, afford it. The student must
be molded to pay attention to the relevant programmers.
2- The student must be taught the use of library and the
teachers must be point out the relevant books.
3- There must be quiz programmers regarding the
concerned matter.
4- Group study must be introduced.
5- Debates must be arranged in the class.
6- Promotion test must be divided parts:
* The students must be given homework.
* Classes test be taken in a month.
These two must have 50% marks while the promotion
test should also have
50% marks.
7- In BA a thesis must be written by the students
regarding their course and this thesis must be
compulsory for BA. For example, in literature, the thesis
can be divided into three parts:
• Essays on course
• Fiction
• Poetry
The thesis must be supervised by the class teachers.
8- Encroach the students to prepare notes under
discussion lesson.
Thus a lot of steps can be taken by the teachers,
institutions and the relevant boards/universities.
Grammar is not ‘everything’
Language is a gift to man from the society where he lives
in but the important issue is to convey whatever you
have to others. Expression is better than the horrible
silence. It does not require any grammatical
propositions. I think that grammar is not ‘everything’ but
it is only sources of learning language while not a pillar
for speaking at all. Readers surely understand what the
speaker wants to say without ‘barriers’. What is poor,
rich and right writing? Do Chinese, Urdu or English
speakers always speak according to grammar? Not, not
at all, impossible. The language problem will not arise if
the readers and listeners understand each other; it will
be a good achievement. Should it not be a matter of pride
for the English that a man, whose native language is not
English, write English and tries to convey himself? I love
man and don’t care who he is and from where he is.
I want to provide a positive thought to the language
researchers. I think that man is not different from his
basic living needs. Atmosphere, change of land and
resources may affect his thinking, living standard etc.
But why hate, love and revenge are in the same way
everywhere? In my point of view relation between men to
man ever exists and, it is a universal truth. Man loves his
holy ‘Books and Places’ despite language differences. It
means that man does not live in his own land only. His
heart, mind and soul have relation with the other lands
and people. However, man’s hate, love and soul
affiliations cannot be ignored. I think so many similarities
must be happened in the languages. To search these
similarities will be a great service for man. In this way,
language researchers can unite human beings. If man
comes closer, many baseless complications based on
unawareness will be eliminated or reduced at least. In
the present age, language researchers can do a lot for
human beings.
Thinkers will fail to know human problems if expression
remains unspoken. It is our duty to make things good and
easy for human beings. Let man free putting his
expression into words than holding thoughts in his heart
and mind. If some one writes in foreign language than the
native one is surely a ‘fair game’. This effort is a positive
and healthy sign which will lead to some ‘productive
work’ while languages are a communicative tool for
There is no doubt that a person learns/adopts some
habits and behavior from his parents and other from his
near relatives. But this thing is not the completion of his
personality. There are some other factors that affect a
person’s personality, behavior and trends.
While living with parents, a person is related not only to
the members of his family but the whole universe. Any
other person who comes in the house also affects his
personality. His intention is not presentation the getting
this influence. Anything told by his parents and relatives
enter his unconscious. Or some other thing revolving in
society, any event or any affair, all these things are
saved in his brain and are saved in his unconscious.
These things saved in unconscious are brought up
themselves. Or sometimes, the practical forms of those
things get maturity in his mind. In these things, his own
intention has no info interference.
The tragic incident of the sub-continent in 1857 is still
present in this mind and its grudge is felt in it. This
grudge has been given to the people of this are by the
history of this region. In other words, the history of a
nation has its strong hold on personalities. Some
incidents of history are present in papers. But in this
regards, the rulers have their influences, and the real
forms of society are found in society. Words heard from
parents and forefathers remain wondering in society. In
practical forms, their witness can be seen. My writing
has no connection with it, even the least, who is right and
who is not right.
The German, who are European, cannot keep themselves
aloof from the historical events. It admits that some
matters there are the influence of national partiality. And
this thing has deep relation with man’s personality and
this thing cannot be ignore with respect to the
construction of personality. But it is a confirmed fact
that in building up a personality, not only the inherited
qualities but all events, incidents taking place all around
have deep effect. Along with them national partiality has
its own influence. An educated man gets effects from
books. These affect other people unconsciously.
Poetry has worked wonders. It has changed the scenes
of wars. It has enlivened the dead bodies with their
power of rhetorician. These time elements have not a
permanent condition.
I have ever talked about man who is one with respect to
a lot of his natural things. There is one brotherhood in
the entire world. No good work should remain restricted
only to a region or particular people. But its benefits
should be availed by the whole humanity. The question is
whether it is possible or not. The selfish elements keep
the fruit limited to them. As a result of which unpleasant
things occur. And its bad effects are faced by the whole
human race.
Whenever a person
Whenever a person views life with reference to his
personality or a specific group or a particular point, life
goes out of the circle of understanding. This thing
creates a lot of complexities that snatch many men’s
mental peace. In fact, life is link with the whole universe.
Similarly, the universe stands meaningless without the
personal interest of life. The interest of life makes life
beautiful, charming and colorful. In other words, every
link that is limited and particular dissipates after some
time or loses its meanings.
Ghalib, Main Mohammad Bux, Shah Abdul Lateef Bhataee,
Goethe, Tagoor, John Keats, Emily Dickinson etc. has
depths deeper than the deep sea because their thought
is linked with the Universe. Or the universe in deep
rooted in their thought. At this stage, the author himself
is lost because he does not remain a unit rather a lot of
units are inter-related in his thought. To approach their
thought, it is not enough to remain limited to one unit
only. Or we cannot go advance on the basis of only one
unit. Similarly we can’t be restricted to only a few
meanings. To reach some conclusion, it is necessary to
search out link of the universe.
Man is not only a father; he is maternal uncle, paternal
uncle, husband, neighbor, master, slave, son, daughter,
sister etc and also a servant to Allah. He has countless
reference in his personality. To deny some relation of
universe is to deny one of the aspects of one’s identity.
The acceptance of relations not only maintains one’s
identity but save man from division. No religion divides
this unity into units. Rather strengthens the links of
unities and searches out the new references of their
mutual meaningfulness and this affair is not waked at any
stage nor it falls a prey to suspension. Whenever such
situation takes place, it can’t be related to religion.
All this is done by the selfish elements. Their interests
are linked with the division of any unity. For the
achievement of their limited and particular purposes,
they open the door of division in a very cruel way. In the
same reference, the theory of “Divide and Rule”
flourished. Religion, in its originality, is a universal thing.
It connects (man) person with God/Allah and the whole
universe and thus develops the relation of mutual love
and brotherhood with full force and pomp.
Lot things have been written with respect to verse and
poetry. Verse is related to consciousness. It is said that
a good verse contains wisdom. The language of prose
and poetry and their set up are different from each
other. Verse is more effective than prose. But it is
incorrect to assert that prose is weak in its importance.
With respect to expression, the importance of prose is
established. It is also correct that usage is related to
public, the English usages given by the users of a
language have no importance without getting the public
authenticity. We cannot consider unimportant the usages
of the users of the language. I want to say that for the
correction of usages, we have to resort to the verses.
Poetry is standard in this regard. Some matters are
decided and in spite of being commonly wrong, are used.
For example, an Urdu word “Kufli” is used as “Kufi”. An
Arabic word “Hoor” is used singularly in Urdu. A Persian
word “Sair” is used for walking. A lot of English words
are used for the meanings different from the original
meanings. In spite of that, they are called English words.
Similarly, a lot of non-English words are used according
English set up. This linguistic set up is provided by
poetry. Poet and society remain hand in glove with each
The linguistic variation in languages happens with
reference to them. In order to whether the usages is
waiting for or waiting to or of , consist of or consist for,
etc we have to resort to Emily Dickinson, Longfellow,
Keats, Coleridge, etc. In order to get the authenticity of
Urdu usages “karvat laina” or “karvat budalna”, we will
have to resort to Mir Sahib or any other ustad poet.
It has always been a controversial matter to express
oneself in a language other than the native language. And
the doors of reflection are ever open in this regard. For
it, there are usually three forms:
• A person fails to express exactly what he wishes.
•The expression gains other meanings.
• A person thinks in native language and express in some
others one.
No doubt, these three aspects are sensitive and weighty
which cannot be ignored in the matter of expression. The
problem of expression in the second language can be
tackled. However, the linguistics will have to direct
research to the new dimensions on the scientific basis.
No language is associated only to a particular nation,
culture, region, race, class or group. Every language, in
fact, is the language of man who speaks it. A language
follows him and fulfills his needs and requirements.
The inter links of languages never come to an end and
neither can they be demolished. Because in friendship or
enmity man does not remain away from another man.
Needs of economic and social interests are attached with
one another. There may be enmity or the critical
situation among nations, civilizations, countries and
ideologies but languages are never enemies of each
other. Link of friendship and affinity always exists among
languages at all levels. It is also interesting that
languages get more development in differences and
The real problem is of the alphabets and phonetics that
really causes disturbance which is solved through
‘compound alphabets’. Chinese is the first greatest
language which is used by many nations in the region. On
the other hand, Urdu/Hindi is the second greatest
language of the world which seems to be operative
around hundreds of the nations while English is the ruling
language of the world. The people attached to these
three languages are interlinked one another in one way
or the other. Their economic survival depends on each
other. To work on the common ‘linguistic similarities’ is
the important area of the present era. In this regard, the
linguistics should pin down the following aspects:
•Common unique /isolated and compound sounds.
•Similar and alternative sounds.
•Prefixes and Suffixes Compounds
•The grammatical adjustment of the co-figured and
co-sounded words.
The linguistics of the world is invited to express them
with reference to the above said thesis.
Cramming or prepared notes can be a means of success
in examination, but in building a personality and getting
awareness, this thing has no role. In this way
best/highest marks can be achieved and these marks
can help in getting highest posts, but their results create
bad effects for the whole country or nation.
It is necessary that a student must be instigated to do
something himself. Powers of his conscious must be
polished/refined the distinction of good and bad must be
produced in him. A problem may be presented before
them and then they must be guided in such a way that
they may ask about it as much as they like. They may
observe and restore to libraries not considering it
worthless thing. Their efforts may be wrong. Something
may be added to it. The points that the student has made
an effort to do something himself. To point out the
sources of the achievement of the matter is the
responsibility of the teacher. To create broad
mindedness is another duty of the teacher.
A student cannot create the habit of study and
experience unless his teacher develops it in him. A
lesson must be prepared in such a way as create desire
in a student to do something himself. A teacher must
prepare dry, pithy and difficult lessons in a such a way
that they become easy. Curiosity must be developed to
know about them. It is necessary that they know the
matter and an unconscious sense may be created to
discover something new. The ability of
suspense/curiosity may flourish in them.
It is a fact that a language is related with its speakers.
So far as the speakers are alive, the language remains
alive. Dr. Sohail Bukhari asserts: Even if two speakers of
a language are alive, the language remains alive. It can
never be destroyed by an invader language. Small
languages are influenced by great or ruler language
rather they affect the ruler language with any attack the
cycle of their expression is widened. The sub-continent
languages have been impressed by Arabic, Persian, and
Turkish etc. But the local languages have not come to an
When a sound or word enters another language, it
adopts the temperament, tendency and culture of the
language. But if a word or sound does not adopt the local
language set up, it remains a refugee or immigrant. In
this regard, a lot of examples can be presented. Hoor,
Ahwah, Aasami, Okat etc., are such words as are present
in Sindhi, Baloochi, Punjabi, Urdu, Pashto, etc. Dictionary
regards them as foreign ones though now they are not
foreign with respect their uses and meanings. An Arab
would never accept them as singular. Similarly a lot of
English words have been used in the sub-continent
languages in their set up. The words Tenshanain,
Advician Taberalat, mint’mar, plas dalna, senti, chibard-
chip board etc are not acceptable by any Englishman as
of his language. By combining infantine to foreign words,
some transitive verbs and idioms have been derived.
However it must be realize that so far as the speakers of
a language are alive, the language is alive. The local and
foreign languages widen the cycles of expression. In
oppression movement is improved. Therefore, we must
not be worried in these street circumstances.
The condition of peace and limitations are not suitable
for the languages as well as nations. Movement, speed
and development born in torture anxiety and oppression.
A Language and society don’t develop in days rather
centuries are required in their construction and
development. In other words centuries are not very
important in the formation and development of a
language. Similarly are taken in their decay or extinction.
A decaying society can exist for fifty or hundred years
by connecting itself with a develop society. During this
while any revolution can occur and any new condition
can come into existence in the society, with new moods,
can keep pace with the international society.
In the present age, the example of Afghanistan and Iraq
can be present. The process of resistance is going on.
Social prejudice compels them to résistance. With
respect new teachings, a change in their mood and
behavior cannot be rejected. However these people will
not totally become like the new comers. With reference
to new change, newness shall come in them and they will
exist in the coming times with their own reference. Their
language will also develop with respect to their needs.
In one age, different forms are seen in a language. Urdu
novels “Odas Naslainn” And “Chandni Begum” are the
novel of same age, but their languages seen different.
Difference can see in the languages of Sir Philip Sidney
and Coleridge. Goethe’s language and today language is
different. Tagor’s language and today Bengali language is
also different. Why? The basic reason is the social
behavior and condition as well as writer’s attitude and
mood, moreover needs and living style of place will also
be considered with respect to associated with the 2nd
languages .Languages develop and expression are
widened with respect to the past.
Hatred, jealousy, loves beauty’s effects started in the
very beginning. And this succession is still going on. And
it will never end. The series of expression will never
come to an end with respect to these senses. This mater
will remain the same but its form can very. Man will
remain alive till the Last day. Similarly, expression also
never dies. Man’s behavior and insists are transferred to
the coming time and it is an endless series that cannot
be changed.
Languages of thousands of the years old mixed in the
other languages with their own society cutler. I have
already talked with respect to this point in some another
writing. The same is true for sounds. The Eastern and
western languages have many similar sounds. We are to
see the sounds and their references. Re is used for
again, La (Arabic) is used for negative, Na (Urdu) is used
for infinitive. The English came in the subcontinent and
they brought English language and culture. Before them
the Arabs had come. The languages of the subcontinent
were affected. But it was a good effect on the native
languages. They got new sounds, new styles, new essays
and many other references. These things developed the
The People of the past died. The echo of their ideas can
be heard even today. The words of this language of their
sounds are present in all the languages of the world.
A person adopts a foreign culture and language in about
ten years when he live there. As soon as he finds a
person of his native country, his manners will be
changed and he will start speaking his native language. A
Arbi speaks English With the English but as soon as he
finds another Arbi, he starts speaking with him in their
particular tone/accent. It is a separate mater that
English has already affected his speaking.
Man’s basic needs remain the same. The same is true for
behaviors. Languages are not separate from men. Man’s
habits and needs are transferred to the coming
generations. Similarly his medium of expression is also
conveyed to the next generation. Only his features, living
style, way of talking as per situation and dress are
changed. Otherwise nothing is changed. By changing
place, the coming generations lose control over some
sounds but alternative come forth. In this way this action
of expression is not stopped. Whenever expression
stops, revolutions and many other changes are
generated. However these things are also not injurious
to a language. These things are also provide languages
with energy. The culture of Texland and Mohingodaro is
centuries old. Some of their persons might have
survived them who propagated their effects to the
coming generations.
To talk about the death of man is, evidently, based on
ignorance. If man dies, nothing will remain behind.
Everything exists with man. Everything is connected man
and he will ever propagate these things to the coming
Poet is not a space or super natural creature. He, from
his beginning to his end, is related with man. But he is
more sensitive then others in some maters. He starts
the journey of universe from his self. And then returns
to his himself.. Sometimes, in this journey, he becomes
part of the universe. There are very few poets who
travel from their self to universe and then return to
their self. In such poets, Ghalab, Tagor, Goitte, Feng Su
Feng, Coleridge, Longfellow etc. can be cited for example.
The mater, infect, is that poet cannot keep himself aloof
from the universe affairs, incidents and mishaps.
Universal charm and some complexities affect him.
These two elements stir his mind and they wish to travel
in the universe along with the poets expressions. And the
poet cannot check their path with all his determinism.
If he is lost in the universe, he presents what he finds in
original form. In this regard, Urdu poet Nazir Akbar
Abadi and the English poet Wordsworth can be presented
as an example. This thing may be true in itself.
A poet has some or the other ideology and it affects his
master pieces in one way or the other. However he does
not get the status of the first water. To determine
purposes or destination is not proper for a poet in any
way. Whatever he experiences or feels from his
experience, he presents views in the form of words. It is
another matter that the way of feeling changes from
person to person.
Poets cannot be compelled to feel in the same way. In
this case, the compelled and forced poetry asked be
written. Necessarily, the point with will forced to use
symbols and allusions. It depends on the reader to get
the meanings and themes from these symbols and
allusions. Therefore, forced poetry is only poetry. Yes
the reader and critic can determine the destination of
the poetry. Whatever the reader and the critic say is not
the final thing. Their opinion can be rejected at any stage.
Take Ghalib as example whatever he feels regards man
and universe he expressed through words. But feelings
ignore him and take up the guise of words. He cannot
separate himself from man and universe. It is terrorism
or terrorism may be converted into affection. How can
this be made possible? Blood is sacred and not to give it
respect, in no way, proper. For this, it is necessary that
man must be viewed with respect his needs, demands
and psychological references. Doors of awareness and
material development his natural weakness.
My view is that terrorists must be demolished so that
human beings may breathe peacefully. There is also
reality that terrorism must be checked with a greater
must be open everybody regardless of any distinction. I
think without understanding the collective nature of man
and universe, relief and prosperity cannot be brought
 A language and society

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A language and society

  • 1.
  • 2. A language and society By Maqsood Hasni Translated by His Eminency Prof. Sufi Niamat Ali Murtazaee Esq. Presentation Free Abuzar Barqi Kutab’khana July 2017
  • 3. CONTENTS 1- Present research is attached with the achievement of degree 2-Need changes in educational systems of the delving countries 3- Man does not live in his own land 4- A person is related to the whole universe 5- Where ever a person 6- Linguistic set up is provided by poetry 7- How to resolve problems of native and second language 8- A student must be instigated to do something himself 9- Languages never die till its two speakers
  • 4. 10- A language and society don’t develop in days 11- Poet cannot keep himself aloof from the universe
  • 5. PRESENT RESEARCH IS ATTACHED WITH THE ACHIVEMENT OF A DEGREE The process of creation is related with man’s service, development, and keeping him in moment. In modern times, especially in developing countries, it has been connected with the achievement of a degree. This irresponsible and non-serious behavior has kept them for away from the development, prosperity and complacency of the advanced countries. Revision is, no doubt linked with modernity but it is not an correct and healthy activity to present the old material with the change of words only. If the revision provides us with new meaning, this process must be kept continuous. A researcher, in fact, discovers new meanings with new references or he testifies or (defines)/ refutes something old. If he fills papers only for the achievement of a degree, nobody can get any
  • 6. advantage from it. Writing can fill long pieces of papers but nothing worthwhile comes in the forefront. Someone researched that earth is round. At it the second researcher says that earth is not completely round while the third one says that earth is round like an egg. This matter is related with research. In fact, experience and study of a researcher are also involved in his presentation. His work will be related to the present thing. It is not necessary that the present thing is the last thing and there is nothing ahead of it. Certainly, there is a lot beyond it. The new/ next researcher must go ahead towards the post (the next). The dimensions related with the discovery of something are not the last ones. And to thinks so is stark foolishness. No explanation is the last explanation. In the same way, all the known meaning is not the last meaning. They can be rejected or new meanings can be
  • 7. presented and this thing is the real research. It is necessary that the backward or developing countries or nations must get rid of this behavior it involves the theses of the advanced countries that belongs to the original lines. A degree is, no doubt, a means of development, but is not a step of development. Therefore there is no capacity of non-serious and irresponsible behavior.
  • 8. NEED CHANGS IN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS OF THE DEVELPING COUNTRIES The importance of lecture cannot be denied. Lecture has been part of education for centuries and it has been creating great men in different fields who have performed praise worthy marvels in the life. The trend and behavior of the present time have changed. It needs are totally different from the former ones. Therefore lecture method cannot be totally relied upon as regards education. The communication of matter to the students is not possible through this method. With respect to the fast increasing needs, changes are necessary in the educational systems of the developing countries. Without these changes, these countries cannot take part in the race of developing countries. And they will have to depend on the others at every step to pace with present time.
  • 9. The resources of developing countries are limited. If these limited resources are lavishly spent on imports, the burden of loans will be the future of these countries. There is no doubt that the resources of these countries, along with in imports, have attached with other reference for centuries. And the blood suckers are marring the dream of prosperity. The irony is that the capital of these countries has usurped by these blood suckers. The rebellion against these suckers is just like suicide. But the teachers of these poor countries can do a lot remaining within the limits of their resources. In this regard, the need not, at all, to demand anything from any person/countries. Interest, sympathy and determination to do something would be the helper. I suggest some points in this regard. If they are joined with the lecture, the possibility is there that some way may be searched out to keep pace with the present race of awareness: 1- TV has been a thing of daily use and even the poor
  • 10. house can, to a large extent, afford it. The student must be molded to pay attention to the relevant programmers. 2- The student must be taught the use of library and the teachers must be point out the relevant books. 3- There must be quiz programmers regarding the concerned matter. 4- Group study must be introduced. 5- Debates must be arranged in the class. 6- Promotion test must be divided parts: * The students must be given homework. * Classes test be taken in a month. These two must have 50% marks while the promotion test should also have 50% marks. 7- In BA a thesis must be written by the students regarding their course and this thesis must be
  • 11. compulsory for BA. For example, in literature, the thesis can be divided into three parts: • Essays on course • Fiction • Poetry The thesis must be supervised by the class teachers. 8- Encroach the students to prepare notes under discussion lesson. Thus a lot of steps can be taken by the teachers, institutions and the relevant boards/universities. Grammar is not ‘everything’ Language is a gift to man from the society where he lives in but the important issue is to convey whatever you have to others. Expression is better than the horrible silence. It does not require any grammatical propositions. I think that grammar is not ‘everything’ but it is only sources of learning language while not a pillar
  • 12. for speaking at all. Readers surely understand what the speaker wants to say without ‘barriers’. What is poor, rich and right writing? Do Chinese, Urdu or English speakers always speak according to grammar? Not, not at all, impossible. The language problem will not arise if the readers and listeners understand each other; it will be a good achievement. Should it not be a matter of pride for the English that a man, whose native language is not English, write English and tries to convey himself? I love man and don’t care who he is and from where he is. I want to provide a positive thought to the language researchers. I think that man is not different from his basic living needs. Atmosphere, change of land and resources may affect his thinking, living standard etc. But why hate, love and revenge are in the same way everywhere? In my point of view relation between men to man ever exists and, it is a universal truth. Man loves his holy ‘Books and Places’ despite language differences. It means that man does not live in his own land only. His
  • 13. heart, mind and soul have relation with the other lands and people. However, man’s hate, love and soul affiliations cannot be ignored. I think so many similarities must be happened in the languages. To search these similarities will be a great service for man. In this way, language researchers can unite human beings. If man comes closer, many baseless complications based on unawareness will be eliminated or reduced at least. In the present age, language researchers can do a lot for human beings. Thinkers will fail to know human problems if expression remains unspoken. It is our duty to make things good and easy for human beings. Let man free putting his expression into words than holding thoughts in his heart and mind. If some one writes in foreign language than the native one is surely a ‘fair game’. This effort is a positive and healthy sign which will lead to some ‘productive work’ while languages are a communicative tool for expression.
  • 14. A PERSON IS RELATED TO THE WHOLE UNIVERSE There is no doubt that a person learns/adopts some habits and behavior from his parents and other from his near relatives. But this thing is not the completion of his personality. There are some other factors that affect a person’s personality, behavior and trends. While living with parents, a person is related not only to the members of his family but the whole universe. Any other person who comes in the house also affects his personality. His intention is not presentation the getting this influence. Anything told by his parents and relatives enter his unconscious. Or some other thing revolving in society, any event or any affair, all these things are saved in his brain and are saved in his unconscious. These things saved in unconscious are brought up themselves. Or sometimes, the practical forms of those things get maturity in his mind. In these things, his own
  • 15. intention has no info interference. The tragic incident of the sub-continent in 1857 is still present in this mind and its grudge is felt in it. This grudge has been given to the people of this are by the history of this region. In other words, the history of a nation has its strong hold on personalities. Some incidents of history are present in papers. But in this regards, the rulers have their influences, and the real forms of society are found in society. Words heard from parents and forefathers remain wondering in society. In practical forms, their witness can be seen. My writing has no connection with it, even the least, who is right and who is not right. The German, who are European, cannot keep themselves aloof from the historical events. It admits that some matters there are the influence of national partiality. And this thing has deep relation with man’s personality and
  • 16. this thing cannot be ignore with respect to the construction of personality. But it is a confirmed fact that in building up a personality, not only the inherited qualities but all events, incidents taking place all around have deep effect. Along with them national partiality has its own influence. An educated man gets effects from books. These affect other people unconsciously. Poetry has worked wonders. It has changed the scenes of wars. It has enlivened the dead bodies with their power of rhetorician. These time elements have not a permanent condition. I have ever talked about man who is one with respect to a lot of his natural things. There is one brotherhood in the entire world. No good work should remain restricted only to a region or particular people. But its benefits should be availed by the whole humanity. The question is whether it is possible or not. The selfish elements keep the fruit limited to them. As a result of which unpleasant things occur. And its bad effects are faced by the whole
  • 17. human race. Whenever a person Whenever a person views life with reference to his personality or a specific group or a particular point, life goes out of the circle of understanding. This thing creates a lot of complexities that snatch many men’s mental peace. In fact, life is link with the whole universe. Similarly, the universe stands meaningless without the personal interest of life. The interest of life makes life beautiful, charming and colorful. In other words, every link that is limited and particular dissipates after some time or loses its meanings. Ghalib, Main Mohammad Bux, Shah Abdul Lateef Bhataee, Goethe, Tagoor, John Keats, Emily Dickinson etc. has depths deeper than the deep sea because their thought is linked with the Universe. Or the universe in deep rooted in their thought. At this stage, the author himself is lost because he does not remain a unit rather a lot of
  • 18. units are inter-related in his thought. To approach their thought, it is not enough to remain limited to one unit only. Or we cannot go advance on the basis of only one unit. Similarly we can’t be restricted to only a few meanings. To reach some conclusion, it is necessary to search out link of the universe. Man is not only a father; he is maternal uncle, paternal uncle, husband, neighbor, master, slave, son, daughter, sister etc and also a servant to Allah. He has countless reference in his personality. To deny some relation of universe is to deny one of the aspects of one’s identity. The acceptance of relations not only maintains one’s identity but save man from division. No religion divides this unity into units. Rather strengthens the links of unities and searches out the new references of their mutual meaningfulness and this affair is not waked at any stage nor it falls a prey to suspension. Whenever such situation takes place, it can’t be related to religion.
  • 19. All this is done by the selfish elements. Their interests are linked with the division of any unity. For the achievement of their limited and particular purposes, they open the door of division in a very cruel way. In the same reference, the theory of “Divide and Rule” flourished. Religion, in its originality, is a universal thing. It connects (man) person with God/Allah and the whole universe and thus develops the relation of mutual love and brotherhood with full force and pomp.
  • 20. LINGUISTIC SET UP IS PROVIDED BY THE POETRY Lot things have been written with respect to verse and poetry. Verse is related to consciousness. It is said that a good verse contains wisdom. The language of prose and poetry and their set up are different from each other. Verse is more effective than prose. But it is incorrect to assert that prose is weak in its importance. With respect to expression, the importance of prose is established. It is also correct that usage is related to public, the English usages given by the users of a language have no importance without getting the public authenticity. We cannot consider unimportant the usages of the users of the language. I want to say that for the correction of usages, we have to resort to the verses. Poetry is standard in this regard. Some matters are decided and in spite of being commonly wrong, are used. For example, an Urdu word “Kufli” is used as “Kufi”. An Arabic word “Hoor” is used singularly in Urdu. A Persian
  • 21. word “Sair” is used for walking. A lot of English words are used for the meanings different from the original meanings. In spite of that, they are called English words. Similarly, a lot of non-English words are used according English set up. This linguistic set up is provided by poetry. Poet and society remain hand in glove with each other. The linguistic variation in languages happens with reference to them. In order to whether the usages is waiting for or waiting to or of , consist of or consist for, etc we have to resort to Emily Dickinson, Longfellow, Keats, Coleridge, etc. In order to get the authenticity of Urdu usages “karvat laina” or “karvat budalna”, we will have to resort to Mir Sahib or any other ustad poet.
  • 22. HOW TO RESOLVE PROBLEMS OF NATIVE AND SECOND LANGUAGE It has always been a controversial matter to express oneself in a language other than the native language. And the doors of reflection are ever open in this regard. For it, there are usually three forms: • A person fails to express exactly what he wishes. •The expression gains other meanings. • A person thinks in native language and express in some others one. No doubt, these three aspects are sensitive and weighty which cannot be ignored in the matter of expression. The problem of expression in the second language can be tackled. However, the linguistics will have to direct research to the new dimensions on the scientific basis. No language is associated only to a particular nation,
  • 23. culture, region, race, class or group. Every language, in fact, is the language of man who speaks it. A language follows him and fulfills his needs and requirements. The inter links of languages never come to an end and neither can they be demolished. Because in friendship or enmity man does not remain away from another man. Needs of economic and social interests are attached with one another. There may be enmity or the critical situation among nations, civilizations, countries and ideologies but languages are never enemies of each other. Link of friendship and affinity always exists among languages at all levels. It is also interesting that languages get more development in differences and enmity. The real problem is of the alphabets and phonetics that really causes disturbance which is solved through ‘compound alphabets’. Chinese is the first greatest language which is used by many nations in the region. On the other hand, Urdu/Hindi is the second greatest
  • 24. language of the world which seems to be operative around hundreds of the nations while English is the ruling language of the world. The people attached to these three languages are interlinked one another in one way or the other. Their economic survival depends on each other. To work on the common ‘linguistic similarities’ is the important area of the present era. In this regard, the linguistics should pin down the following aspects: •Common unique /isolated and compound sounds. •Similar and alternative sounds. •Prefixes and Suffixes Compounds •The grammatical adjustment of the co-figured and co-sounded words. The linguistics of the world is invited to express them with reference to the above said thesis.
  • 25. A STUDENT MUST BE INSTIGATED TO DO SOMETHING HIMSELF Cramming or prepared notes can be a means of success in examination, but in building a personality and getting awareness, this thing has no role. In this way best/highest marks can be achieved and these marks can help in getting highest posts, but their results create bad effects for the whole country or nation. It is necessary that a student must be instigated to do something himself. Powers of his conscious must be polished/refined the distinction of good and bad must be produced in him. A problem may be presented before them and then they must be guided in such a way that they may ask about it as much as they like. They may observe and restore to libraries not considering it worthless thing. Their efforts may be wrong. Something may be added to it. The points that the student has made
  • 26. an effort to do something himself. To point out the sources of the achievement of the matter is the responsibility of the teacher. To create broad mindedness is another duty of the teacher. A student cannot create the habit of study and experience unless his teacher develops it in him. A lesson must be prepared in such a way as create desire in a student to do something himself. A teacher must prepare dry, pithy and difficult lessons in a such a way that they become easy. Curiosity must be developed to know about them. It is necessary that they know the matter and an unconscious sense may be created to discover something new. The ability of suspense/curiosity may flourish in them.
  • 27. LANGAGUE NEVER DIE TILL ITS TWO SPEAKERS It is a fact that a language is related with its speakers. So far as the speakers are alive, the language remains alive. Dr. Sohail Bukhari asserts: Even if two speakers of a language are alive, the language remains alive. It can never be destroyed by an invader language. Small languages are influenced by great or ruler language rather they affect the ruler language with any attack the cycle of their expression is widened. The sub-continent languages have been impressed by Arabic, Persian, and Turkish etc. But the local languages have not come to an end. When a sound or word enters another language, it adopts the temperament, tendency and culture of the language. But if a word or sound does not adopt the local language set up, it remains a refugee or immigrant. In this regard, a lot of examples can be presented. Hoor,
  • 28. Ahwah, Aasami, Okat etc., are such words as are present in Sindhi, Baloochi, Punjabi, Urdu, Pashto, etc. Dictionary regards them as foreign ones though now they are not foreign with respect their uses and meanings. An Arab would never accept them as singular. Similarly a lot of English words have been used in the sub-continent languages in their set up. The words Tenshanain, Advician Taberalat, mint’mar, plas dalna, senti, chibard- chip board etc are not acceptable by any Englishman as of his language. By combining infantine to foreign words, some transitive verbs and idioms have been derived. However it must be realize that so far as the speakers of a language are alive, the language is alive. The local and foreign languages widen the cycles of expression. In oppression movement is improved. Therefore, we must not be worried in these street circumstances. The condition of peace and limitations are not suitable for the languages as well as nations. Movement, speed and development born in torture anxiety and oppression.
  • 29. A LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY DON’T DEVOLP IN DAYS A Language and society don’t develop in days rather centuries are required in their construction and development. In other words centuries are not very important in the formation and development of a language. Similarly are taken in their decay or extinction. A decaying society can exist for fifty or hundred years by connecting itself with a develop society. During this while any revolution can occur and any new condition can come into existence in the society, with new moods, can keep pace with the international society. In the present age, the example of Afghanistan and Iraq can be present. The process of resistance is going on. Social prejudice compels them to résistance. With respect new teachings, a change in their mood and behavior cannot be rejected. However these people will not totally become like the new comers. With reference
  • 30. to new change, newness shall come in them and they will exist in the coming times with their own reference. Their language will also develop with respect to their needs. In one age, different forms are seen in a language. Urdu novels “Odas Naslainn” And “Chandni Begum” are the novel of same age, but their languages seen different. Difference can see in the languages of Sir Philip Sidney and Coleridge. Goethe’s language and today language is different. Tagor’s language and today Bengali language is also different. Why? The basic reason is the social behavior and condition as well as writer’s attitude and mood, moreover needs and living style of place will also be considered with respect to associated with the 2nd languages .Languages develop and expression are widened with respect to the past. Hatred, jealousy, loves beauty’s effects started in the very beginning. And this succession is still going on. And it will never end. The series of expression will never come to an end with respect to these senses. This mater
  • 31. will remain the same but its form can very. Man will remain alive till the Last day. Similarly, expression also never dies. Man’s behavior and insists are transferred to the coming time and it is an endless series that cannot be changed. Languages of thousands of the years old mixed in the other languages with their own society cutler. I have already talked with respect to this point in some another writing. The same is true for sounds. The Eastern and western languages have many similar sounds. We are to see the sounds and their references. Re is used for again, La (Arabic) is used for negative, Na (Urdu) is used for infinitive. The English came in the subcontinent and they brought English language and culture. Before them the Arabs had come. The languages of the subcontinent were affected. But it was a good effect on the native languages. They got new sounds, new styles, new essays and many other references. These things developed the languages.
  • 32. The People of the past died. The echo of their ideas can be heard even today. The words of this language of their sounds are present in all the languages of the world. A person adopts a foreign culture and language in about ten years when he live there. As soon as he finds a person of his native country, his manners will be changed and he will start speaking his native language. A Arbi speaks English With the English but as soon as he finds another Arbi, he starts speaking with him in their particular tone/accent. It is a separate mater that English has already affected his speaking. Man’s basic needs remain the same. The same is true for behaviors. Languages are not separate from men. Man’s habits and needs are transferred to the coming generations. Similarly his medium of expression is also conveyed to the next generation. Only his features, living style, way of talking as per situation and dress are
  • 33. changed. Otherwise nothing is changed. By changing place, the coming generations lose control over some sounds but alternative come forth. In this way this action of expression is not stopped. Whenever expression stops, revolutions and many other changes are generated. However these things are also not injurious to a language. These things are also provide languages with energy. The culture of Texland and Mohingodaro is centuries old. Some of their persons might have survived them who propagated their effects to the coming generations. To talk about the death of man is, evidently, based on ignorance. If man dies, nothing will remain behind. Everything exists with man. Everything is connected man and he will ever propagate these things to the coming generation.
  • 34. POET CAN NOT KEEP HIMSELF ALOOF FROM THE UNIVERSE Poet is not a space or super natural creature. He, from his beginning to his end, is related with man. But he is more sensitive then others in some maters. He starts the journey of universe from his self. And then returns to his himself.. Sometimes, in this journey, he becomes part of the universe. There are very few poets who travel from their self to universe and then return to their self. In such poets, Ghalab, Tagor, Goitte, Feng Su Feng, Coleridge, Longfellow etc. can be cited for example. The mater, infect, is that poet cannot keep himself aloof from the universe affairs, incidents and mishaps. Universal charm and some complexities affect him. These two elements stir his mind and they wish to travel in the universe along with the poets expressions. And the poet cannot check their path with all his determinism.
  • 35. If he is lost in the universe, he presents what he finds in original form. In this regard, Urdu poet Nazir Akbar Abadi and the English poet Wordsworth can be presented as an example. This thing may be true in itself. A poet has some or the other ideology and it affects his master pieces in one way or the other. However he does not get the status of the first water. To determine purposes or destination is not proper for a poet in any way. Whatever he experiences or feels from his experience, he presents views in the form of words. It is another matter that the way of feeling changes from person to person. Poets cannot be compelled to feel in the same way. In this case, the compelled and forced poetry asked be written. Necessarily, the point with will forced to use symbols and allusions. It depends on the reader to get the meanings and themes from these symbols and allusions. Therefore, forced poetry is only poetry. Yes the reader and critic can determine the destination of
  • 36. the poetry. Whatever the reader and the critic say is not the final thing. Their opinion can be rejected at any stage. Take Ghalib as example whatever he feels regards man and universe he expressed through words. But feelings ignore him and take up the guise of words. He cannot separate himself from man and universe. It is terrorism or terrorism may be converted into affection. How can this be made possible? Blood is sacred and not to give it respect, in no way, proper. For this, it is necessary that man must be viewed with respect his needs, demands and psychological references. Doors of awareness and material development his natural weakness. My view is that terrorists must be demolished so that human beings may breathe peacefully. There is also reality that terrorism must be checked with a greater must be open everybody regardless of any distinction. I think without understanding the collective nature of man and universe, relief and prosperity cannot be brought about.