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(1a.) Assignment 3: Professional Portfolio—Resume/Vitae and
list of References
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
For this assignment, you will submit the first document to be
included in your Professional Portfolio: Your resume (if you
are seeking employment immediately upon graduation) or your
curriculum vitae (if you are applying to graduate school). At the
end of the document, you should include a list of at least three
references to whom you intend to send a letter requesting a
reference/recommendation, you can also submit your
transcripts, but these documents are optional.
Update your resume (if you are seeking employment
immediately upon graduation) or your curriculum vitae (if you
plan to apply to graduate school). Try to tailor it to your
specific goal. In other words, keep the resume focused on how
your skills apply to the work force and keep the curriculum
vitae focused on your academic goals.
You must also identify three potential references to whom you
intend to send a letter requesting a reference/recommendation,
with their contact information provided (name, address, e-mail
address, and/or telephone number). These can be current or
former professors, employers, supervisors, etc. For each
reference, specify how that person is familiar with your
academic or job performance. A sample Reference List is
available at:
To find tips on writing and organizing resumes, and other
aspects of a career search or graduate school admission, search
the EBSCO database for both résumé and the curriculum vitae
What is the distinction between the resume and the CV? Go to
the EBSCO database and search for: “
Resume or vita? What’s the difference?”
You may want to visit the Psi Chi International Honor Society
in Psychology Website’s page, “The Curriculum Vita: A
Student’s Guide to Preparation” at:
. The article outlines the required sections of the vitae and
provides an image of a sample vitae (click on the links to Figure
1 within the text of the “Sections of the CV” paragraph to view
the sample).
Assignment 4: Review Paper—Topic Proposal & Reference
Page by Wednesday, September 2, 2015.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the
opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you
have an occupational or research interest, and to locate a
minimum of ten scholarly references. A helpful Web site for
organizing and writing a literature review is
You may also want to review the following documents that are
available in the Doc Sharing area of the course:
A sample literature review,
a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word
processor for APA style
a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review”
a PowerPoint tips document
Topic Proposal
Write one to two paragraphs (a) summarizing the problem area
in defining the problem), (b) describing what you already know
about the topic, and c) why you have chosen this topic for your
literature review. The topic should apply psychological research
to an individual, organizational, or social problem. Include a
working title and the objective of the paper.
Reference Page
Search for literature on your selected topic and create a
Reference Page containing at least 10 scholarly references. A
good way to begin searching for relevant literature is to search
for key words related to your topic in a research database.
Narrow your search to articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Another good idea is to check the list of References at the end
of an article to find other relevant work. If you have any
questions about this part, please feel free to set up an
appointment with your instructor or ask the librarian. You will
create a reference page for your literature review paper in an
appropriate APA style. Your resources must come from
scholarly, peer-reviewed journals or books. No Internet
resources may be used here.
(2a.) Behavioral Theorists
Post your response to the question below with at least 300
words in the
Discussion Area
September 5, 2015
Cite information from at least one academic source, such as
your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to
support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly
cite your source(s).
Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of
behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the
researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning.
Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers
the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when
teaching a new subject to an adult and to a child. Identify that
behaviorist, then answer the following questions about his
Describe how that behaviorist would teach an adult a new skill.
Be specific; what is the skill?
What steps would the behaviorist use?
Would that behaviorist use a different approach with a child?
Why do you think this behaviorist’s approach is best?
What issues or problems do you find in the other two
behaviorists’ approaches?
(2b.) Professional Portfolio—Personal Statement/Cover Letter
Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
For this assignment, you will submit the second document to be
included in your Professional Portfolio: Your personal
statement or a cover letter. As you near completion of your
undergraduate education, you have probably been reflecting on
your personal and professional development and goals.
Summarizing so much personal information on paper is not
easy, but it's important. Many employers complain that in
interviews and job applications, students do not seem to know
how to articulate the skills and strengths that they bring to the
In preparation for writing the personal statement/cover letter,
review Dr. Margaret A. Lloyd’s Web site at:
. Learn what you can do with your bachelor’s degree in
Psychology. Determine if you will pursue graduate school or
employment upon graduation. Note choices that seem to apply
to you and why. If more than one, rank these choices. Describe
any concerns you might have regarding your interests. What
level of education will you need to pursue? Have you taken any
previous courses or trained in this area? These links in
particular should be helpful:
Exploring your abilities, interest, skills, & values
Graduate School Options:
Entry-Level Positions
For this assignment, find a graduate program (if you are
preparing your Professional Portfolio with the
Graduate School
focus) or a job opening that you would like to apply to (if you
are preparing your Professional Portfolio with the Employment
focus). Look up the details for the application requirements, and
tailor your personal statement/cover letter to these specific
graduate school/job requirements.
Personal Statement (for those with the Graduate School focus)
This essay may be the single most influential component of a
graduate school application. The statement you write for this
portfolio gives you a forum for presenting yourself to the
admissions committee, scholarship committee, and others who
want to know something about you.
In preparation for writing the statement, read the document
“Preparing Personal Statements” at:
. Here are a few of their suggestions:
find and use
examples of what you've done
generalizations, such as “I'm good with people”
proofread and edit
(and ask others to proofread and make suggestions about) your
statement to be sure it is free of grammatical and typographical
errors, and informal language, “I'm okay with sciences but weak
in math”
Cover Letter (for those with the Employment focus)
cover letter
is a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer. This
letter should include details about yourself and why you feel
you are qualified for the position. Summarize your
undergraduate experiences, your strengths and weaknesses, the
reasons you are applying and how they will help you meet your
professional goals.
Write a cover letter to a prospective employer. The letter, which
should accompany your resume, should summarize why you are
interested in the job and what qualifications and skills make you
an ideal candidate or match for the position. Limit your letter to
one page.
Follow this link for advice on writing a cover letter:
(2c.)Review Paper—Draft of Literature Findings
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Evaluate the evidence.
Create a draft of the findings of the articles you have selected
and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be
sure to address each of the following items in your draft:
1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece.
2. If the articles talk to each other (that is, if they support or
contrast with one another), explain how and why.
3. What does the evidence tell us?
4. Is there another possible explanation you can think of?
Based on what you have read, what is your hypothesis? In other
words, what is your explanation for the findings?
5. How can you refine your question or topic even further, now
that you have described the findings?
Your draft should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New
Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA
style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It
should include a title page with a running head and a reference
page. The body of the paper should be at least 5-6 pages in
You will submit your Review Paper next week, so be sure to
incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor on
this assignment into your final paper for next week. You may
also want to review the following documents that are available
in the
Doc Sharing
area of the course:
A sample literature review,
a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word
processor for APA style
a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review”
(3a.) Identifying Stages of Development
Post your response to the question below with at least 200
words in the
Discussion Area
Saturday, September 12, 2015
. Cite information from at least one academic source, such as
your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to
support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly
cite your source(s).
Both Piaget’s Model of Cognitive Development and Kohlberg’s
Model of Moral Development are outlined in stages, with one
stage building off of the previous stage. Put yourself in the role
of parent, teacher and juvenile justice judge and then in each
role identify why it would be necessary to understand the
cognitive/moral stage from which a child is operating. What are
the most important aspects these development models for a
parent, teacher and judge to be aware of? Provide examples and
be sure to include specific stage characteristics.
(3b.) LASA # 1: Literature Review Paper
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the
opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you
have an occupational or research interest, and to complete a
literature review of the topic, using a minimum of ten scholarly
references. This will allow you to demonstrate mastery of the
program outcomes for the B.A. psychology program at Argosy
University. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a
literature review is
You may also want to review the following documents that are
available in the Doc Sharing area of the course:
A sample literature review,
a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word
processor for APA style
a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review”
Based on your review of the most recent, relevant research
findings on your chosen topic, submit a final version of your
literature review paper, integrating feedback received from your
instructor. Be sure to include a research/focal question,
synthesis of the literature you reviewed, well-established
conclusions, and points of discussion and/or future research.
Begin the review by defining the objective of the paper.
Introduce the reader to your focal question. What is this
question intended to address? You may state your “question” in
the form of a problem if you like. Describe the topic for your
literature review and why you chose this topic. Explain why you
think it is important. It is also useful to tell the reader how the
review is organized in your introduction section, before you the
transition into the body of the review.
Organize your literature review paper by
themes/theories/concepts, rather than article by article. If there
is one major theme you want to highlight, state the theme. If
there are three major themes or streams of thought on the topic,
briefly name them—and then organize the balance of your
literature review around those three streams. Think of themes,
theories, concepts, lines of thought, and ideas as organizing
strategies for your literature review. Your creativity in this
assignment is not the content or findings but the clarity with
which you organize the review and create a context for
understanding the focal question.
When you are done introducing the first line of thought, create a
new paragraph to discuss studies which present another line of
thought or opposing view.
Your literature review should hit the high points of each article.
You should not discuss a single article, one by one, like a
grocery list. Zero in on the main theme or finding and then
move on to the next theme. Remember, this is a synthesis, an
integration of all the things you have learned. You are creating
a discussion on paper, which in turn gives the reader a context
for understanding where the scholarship has been, where it is
currently, and where it likely will be heading next. Provide
enough details to help the reader understand the significance of
the studies you cite without “rebuilding Rome.” Be sure to
evaluate the studies and offer critical comments on any
shortcomings you’ve observed or that have been reported by the
Discuss the main findings and their implications. Given the
results of your literature review, what is/are the prevailing
argument(s)? What research question could you ask in order to
further develop this area of study and contribute to the existing
body of knowledge? Complete your review by drawing
conclusions about your body of research and identifying gaps in
the research which still remain to be explored, maybe even by
you! Make an argument as to why your research question is
important and relevant to the current work being done on your
Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of
ideas, and formatting of the text, headings, citations, and
references. Remember to use your own words to describe and
evaluate the articles. Avoid quoting the material and also cite
works when you are discussing someone else’s ideas. Your
paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New
Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA
style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It
should include a title page with a running head, an abstract and
a reference page. The body of the paper should be no less than
5–6 pages in length.
(4a.) Cultural Issues Related to Diagnosis
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Post your response to the question below with at least 300-400
words. Cite information from at least one academic source, such
as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library,
to support your statements. Use current APA standards to
properly cite your source(s).
How might culture contribute to the definition of pathology and
mental illness?
(4b.) Professional Portfolio
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
This assignment requires you to gather a compilation of papers
and projects from this course and previous courses and add them
to your Professional Portfolio. The portfolio is designed to help
you compile all you have learned throughout your
undergraduate studies with the best examples of your work to
represent what you are capable of doing when you graduate the
program. This assignment also gives you a opportunity to
reflect on what you have learned as a student of psychology,
and to prepare to actualize your post-graduation goals. It will
serve as a resource as you navigate the world of prospective
employers and graduate admissions committees. The student
portfolio is also a measure of effectiveness for the Argosy
University baccalaureate program in Psychology. As you
develop professionally following graduation, you can add work
samples and other pertinent materials, as well as modify
existing documents, to reflect that development.
The Professional Portfolio includes two main sections. A
Professional Profile
section that is completed by all students with either an
Graduate School
focus, depending on your post-baccalaureate plans. The second
section holds your
Professional Work Samples
demonstrating your abilities, skills, and competencies across a
range of tasks and objectives. This section also includes a
Final Evaluation
of your work samples, yourself, and the psychology program.
Professional Profile
section summarizes your career planning and professional goals.
You have already compiled the documents for this section in
Modules 1 and 2 of this course. It contains the following
Cover Letter
as a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer This
includes details about yourself and why you feel you are
qualified for the position. (
Personal Statement
describing your immediate and long-term career goals,
including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate in
terms of your knowledge, skills, personal characteristics,
values, and experiences (
Graduate School
Note: The personal statement is attached to the Curriculum
Vitae (
Graduate School
), and the Cover Letter is attached to the Resume (
), so take the time to be creative and not repeat yourself.
with list of References
that is current, accurate, and professional in appearance. (
Curriculum Vitae with list of References
that is current, accurate and professional in appearance. (
Graduate School
A copy of your
Professional Work Samples
section demonstrates your performance and mastery of
Argosy University's program outcomes/competencies for the
Psychology major
. Select 3-5 documents to serve as samples of your best work in
the program. Together, they should illustrate your mastery of
the 7 program outcomes listed below. Examples of the type of
work that would illustrate each outcome is provided below, as
well. The 3-5 documents should be samples of your work that
you completed in previous courses as an undergraduate student.
These outcomes are listed below, along with the assignments
that could be included to demonstrate mastery of the outcome:
Cognitive abilities
(critical thinking and information literacy): Assignments or
projects that demonstrate problem solving, analysis, synthesis,
appropriate use of information resources, etc.
Research skills:
A copy of a research proposal, a survey developed, etc.
Communication skills
(written and oral): A topic paper, presentation outline, or
PowerPoint that demonstrates your written and oral
communication skills.
Ethics & Diversity awareness:
Papers that demonstrate your understanding and/or analysis of
ethical and diversity issues in psychology.
Knowledge of foundations of the field:
Assignments, papers, or projects that demonstrate your
understanding of basic concepts, theories, and empirical
findings in one or more of the domains of psychology, including
biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, and social.
Knowledge of applied psychology:
Assignments, papers, or projects from courses and/or an
internship that demonstrates your ability to apply psychology to
personal, social, and/or organizational problems.
Interpersonal Effectiveness:
PowerPoint presentations, videos of your presentations that
demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, appreciate
diversity and cultural sensitivity and awareness of your impact
on others.
Once you have assembled your work samples, you will write a
700-1000 word narrative to serve as a preface to the
Professional Work Samples
section. This narrative should consist of a clear and thoughtful
analysis of how each work sample reveals your strengths and
areas for improvement, according to each of the seven areas
addressed in the program outcomes/competencies (listed above).
Towards this purpose, you will complete the
Student Self Appraisal of Learning
first, and then use that to generate the preface . Make sure you
also address how you intend to strengthen your competencies in
all areas as you graduate onto the next step of your professional
career. On which areas will you focus most and why?
This preface should also include an evaluation of the
Psychology program as well as suggestions for the program that
will enable it to help future Psychology majors develop these
strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the future.
Enter each of these components (Professional Profile,
Professional Work Samples, with self- evaluation) into the
Professional Profile Template.
(5a.) LASA # 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Monday, September 28, 2015
Utilizing the information you compiled for your literature
review paper, and the feedback you received from your
instructor about the literature review, prepare a 10-15 minute
Power Point presentation on your topic, summarizing the key
points and conclusions. Be sure to direct this presentation to an
audience in the community. For example, if your paper
pertained to a topic in developmental psychology, direct your
presentation toward parents, or a parenting center. If your topic
pertained to substance abuse, direct it toward a community
service agency which may use this information for educating
teens or parents about preventing drug use, or current clients
about treatments and facilities available. Please state in your
presentation the specific audience toward whom your
presentation is aimed. Include a reference page in APA format,
as well as speaker notes and an audio file with your
Your slides should provide answers to the following questions:
What was your topic?
What question did you hope to answer by completing this
literature review paper? Explain the practical implications of
the conclusions of the literature review and the audience to
which they are directed.
Given the results of your literature review, what is/are the
prevailing argument(s)? In other words, which of those is
supported by the existing evidence? Be sure to include full
coverage of the arguments, including strengths and weaknesses
of each of them, supported by your findings from reviewing the
relevant articles.
Did the researchers consider multicultural factors in their
studies? If not, what factors may be involved? What
multicultural factors should future studies include?
What ethical issues are related to your topic and/or discussed in
the studies you reviewed?
How do the conclusions of your literature review relate to the
various specialization areas in psychology? Tie them to as many
as apply from the following areas: biological, cognitive,
developmental, social, personality theory, psychopathology, and
applied psychology.
How can the conclusions of your literature review inform the
population towards whom your presentation is directed? How
can they apply this information to their daily lives? What advice
or ‘take home message’ can you provide to your audience based
on the research you reviewed?
What research question could you ask in order to further
develop this area of study?
Why is your research question important and relevant to the
current work being done on your topic?
Your presentation should also follow these guidelines:
It should be approximately 10-15 minutes in length.
It should be clear, concise, and professional. Writing should be
free of spelling and grammatical errors; it should conform to
current APA style (including any in-text citations).
It should include graphs, tables, figures, or images illustrating
your ideas.
There should be a final slide listing references in current APA
The bulk of the text should be placed in the Notes pages of each
slide. Keep the amount of text on the slide, itself, to a
You should record an audio file of your oral presentation. You
should also type the text of the speech you would give while
showing these slides to an audience should be typed into the
Notes area. If you are unable to use the audio feature, the Notes
text will suffice.
You can refer to the Power Point tips document provided in the
Doc Sharing section of the course.
(5b.) Internet-Based Psychological Interventions
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
With so many individuals using the Internet today, the
psychology of the individual, the family, the community, and
the society has changed. Some might argue that the traditional
psychological theories cannot be applied and therefore
psychology as an entire field needs to be revamped to
incorporate the impact and the application of internet
technology. As a student completing a bachelor’s degree in
psychology, your future career will undoubtedly incorporate the
use of the Internet in very new ways. Read the following article
from the AUO Library:
Ritterband, L. M., Gonder-Frederick, L., Cox, D. J., Clifton, A.
D., West,
R. W., & Borowitz, S. M. (2003). Internet interventions:
In review,
in use, and into the future.
Professional Psychology: Research and
, 34(5)
, 527-534.
Identify a problem area or psychological issue that could
benefit from the use of an internet intervention. Now, using
what you learned from the article, propose an internet
intervention using the following guidelines:
What problem area would the internet intervention address?
Provide a general description of the proposed internet
How would the effectiveness of the proposed intervention be
What are any legal and ethical issues related to the proposed
intervention? Include the specific APA ethical standard(s) in
your response.

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(1a.) Assignment 3 Professional Portfolio—ResumeVitae and list o.docx

  • 1. (1a.) Assignment 3: Professional Portfolio—Resume/Vitae and list of References by Wednesday, September 2, 2015 For this assignment, you will submit the first document to be included in your Professional Portfolio: Your resume (if you are seeking employment immediately upon graduation) or your curriculum vitae (if you are applying to graduate school). At the end of the document, you should include a list of at least three references to whom you intend to send a letter requesting a reference/recommendation, you can also submit your transcripts, but these documents are optional. Resume/Vitae Update your resume (if you are seeking employment immediately upon graduation) or your curriculum vitae (if you plan to apply to graduate school). Try to tailor it to your specific goal. In other words, keep the resume focused on how your skills apply to the work force and keep the curriculum vitae focused on your academic goals. You must also identify three potential references to whom you intend to send a letter requesting a reference/recommendation, with their contact information provided (name, address, e-mail address, and/or telephone number). These can be current or former professors, employers, supervisors, etc. For each reference, specify how that person is familiar with your academic or job performance. A sample Reference List is available at:
  • 2. To find tips on writing and organizing resumes, and other aspects of a career search or graduate school admission, search the EBSCO database for both résumé and the curriculum vitae guidelines. What is the distinction between the resume and the CV? Go to the EBSCO database and search for: “ Resume or vita? What’s the difference?” You may want to visit the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology Website’s page, “The Curriculum Vita: A Student’s Guide to Preparation” at: . The article outlines the required sections of the vitae and provides an image of a sample vitae (click on the links to Figure 1 within the text of the “Sections of the CV” paragraph to view the sample). (1b). Assignment 4: Review Paper—Topic Proposal & Reference Page by Wednesday, September 2, 2015. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to locate a minimum of ten scholarly references. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature review is . You may also want to review the following documents that are available in the Doc Sharing area of the course: A sample literature review,
  • 3. a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word processor for APA style a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review” a PowerPoint tips document Topic Proposal Write one to two paragraphs (a) summarizing the problem area (be specific in defining the problem), (b) describing what you already know about the topic, and c) why you have chosen this topic for your literature review. The topic should apply psychological research to an individual, organizational, or social problem. Include a working title and the objective of the paper. Reference Page Search for literature on your selected topic and create a Reference Page containing at least 10 scholarly references. A good way to begin searching for relevant literature is to search for key words related to your topic in a research database. Narrow your search to articles in peer-reviewed journals. Another good idea is to check the list of References at the end of an article to find other relevant work. If you have any questions about this part, please feel free to set up an appointment with your instructor or ask the librarian. You will create a reference page for your literature review paper in an appropriate APA style. Your resources must come from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals or books. No Internet resources may be used here. (2a.) Behavioral Theorists
  • 4. Post your response to the question below with at least 300 words in the Discussion Area by Saturday, September 5, 2015 . Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly cite your source(s). Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning. Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when teaching a new subject to an adult and to a child. Identify that behaviorist, then answer the following questions about his approach: Describe how that behaviorist would teach an adult a new skill. Be specific; what is the skill? What steps would the behaviorist use? Would that behaviorist use a different approach with a child? Why do you think this behaviorist’s approach is best? What issues or problems do you find in the other two behaviorists’ approaches?
  • 5. (2b.) Professional Portfolio—Personal Statement/Cover Letter by Wednesday, September 9, 2015. For this assignment, you will submit the second document to be included in your Professional Portfolio: Your personal statement or a cover letter. As you near completion of your undergraduate education, you have probably been reflecting on your personal and professional development and goals. Summarizing so much personal information on paper is not easy, but it's important. Many employers complain that in interviews and job applications, students do not seem to know how to articulate the skills and strengths that they bring to the job. In preparation for writing the personal statement/cover letter, review Dr. Margaret A. Lloyd’s Web site at: . Learn what you can do with your bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Determine if you will pursue graduate school or employment upon graduation. Note choices that seem to apply to you and why. If more than one, rank these choices. Describe any concerns you might have regarding your interests. What level of education will you need to pursue? Have you taken any previous courses or trained in this area? These links in particular should be helpful: Exploring your abilities, interest, skills, & values Graduate School Options: Entry-Level Positions
  • 6. For this assignment, find a graduate program (if you are preparing your Professional Portfolio with the Graduate School focus) or a job opening that you would like to apply to (if you are preparing your Professional Portfolio with the Employment focus). Look up the details for the application requirements, and tailor your personal statement/cover letter to these specific graduate school/job requirements. Personal Statement (for those with the Graduate School focus) This essay may be the single most influential component of a graduate school application. The statement you write for this portfolio gives you a forum for presenting yourself to the admissions committee, scholarship committee, and others who want to know something about you. In preparation for writing the statement, read the document “Preparing Personal Statements” at: . Here are a few of their suggestions: find and use your voice use concrete examples of what you've done avoid generalizations, such as “I'm good with people” proofread and edit (and ask others to proofread and make suggestions about) your statement to be sure it is free of grammatical and typographical errors, and informal language, “I'm okay with sciences but weak in math”
  • 7. Cover Letter (for those with the Employment focus) A cover letter is a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer. This letter should include details about yourself and why you feel you are qualified for the position. Summarize your undergraduate experiences, your strengths and weaknesses, the reasons you are applying and how they will help you meet your professional goals. Write a cover letter to a prospective employer. The letter, which should accompany your resume, should summarize why you are interested in the job and what qualifications and skills make you an ideal candidate or match for the position. Limit your letter to one page. Follow this link for advice on writing a cover letter: . (2c.)Review Paper—Draft of Literature Findings by Wednesday, September 9, 2015 . Evaluate the evidence. Create a draft of the findings of the articles you have selected and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be sure to address each of the following items in your draft: 1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. 2. If the articles talk to each other (that is, if they support or contrast with one another), explain how and why.
  • 8. 3. What does the evidence tell us? 4. Is there another possible explanation you can think of? Based on what you have read, what is your hypothesis? In other words, what is your explanation for the findings? 5. How can you refine your question or topic even further, now that you have described the findings? Your draft should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head and a reference page. The body of the paper should be at least 5-6 pages in length. You will submit your Review Paper next week, so be sure to incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor on this assignment into your final paper for next week. You may also want to review the following documents that are available in the Doc Sharing area of the course: A sample literature review, a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word processor for APA style a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review” (3a.) Identifying Stages of Development Post your response to the question below with at least 200 words in the Discussion Area by
  • 9. Saturday, September 12, 2015 . Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly cite your source(s). Both Piaget’s Model of Cognitive Development and Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development are outlined in stages, with one stage building off of the previous stage. Put yourself in the role of parent, teacher and juvenile justice judge and then in each role identify why it would be necessary to understand the cognitive/moral stage from which a child is operating. What are the most important aspects these development models for a parent, teacher and judge to be aware of? Provide examples and be sure to include specific stage characteristics. (3b.) LASA # 1: Literature Review Paper by Wednesday, September 16, 2015 The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to complete a literature review of the topic, using a minimum of ten scholarly references. This will allow you to demonstrate mastery of the program outcomes for the B.A. psychology program at Argosy University. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature review is . You may also want to review the following documents that are available in the Doc Sharing area of the course: A sample literature review, a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word
  • 10. processor for APA style a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review” Based on your review of the most recent, relevant research findings on your chosen topic, submit a final version of your literature review paper, integrating feedback received from your instructor. Be sure to include a research/focal question, synthesis of the literature you reviewed, well-established conclusions, and points of discussion and/or future research. Begin the review by defining the objective of the paper. Introduce the reader to your focal question. What is this question intended to address? You may state your “question” in the form of a problem if you like. Describe the topic for your literature review and why you chose this topic. Explain why you think it is important. It is also useful to tell the reader how the review is organized in your introduction section, before you the transition into the body of the review. Organize your literature review paper by themes/theories/concepts, rather than article by article. If there is one major theme you want to highlight, state the theme. If there are three major themes or streams of thought on the topic, briefly name them—and then organize the balance of your literature review around those three streams. Think of themes, theories, concepts, lines of thought, and ideas as organizing strategies for your literature review. Your creativity in this assignment is not the content or findings but the clarity with which you organize the review and create a context for understanding the focal question. When you are done introducing the first line of thought, create a new paragraph to discuss studies which present another line of thought or opposing view. Your literature review should hit the high points of each article.
  • 11. You should not discuss a single article, one by one, like a grocery list. Zero in on the main theme or finding and then move on to the next theme. Remember, this is a synthesis, an integration of all the things you have learned. You are creating a discussion on paper, which in turn gives the reader a context for understanding where the scholarship has been, where it is currently, and where it likely will be heading next. Provide enough details to help the reader understand the significance of the studies you cite without “rebuilding Rome.” Be sure to evaluate the studies and offer critical comments on any shortcomings you’ve observed or that have been reported by the authors. Discuss the main findings and their implications. Given the results of your literature review, what is/are the prevailing argument(s)? What research question could you ask in order to further develop this area of study and contribute to the existing body of knowledge? Complete your review by drawing conclusions about your body of research and identifying gaps in the research which still remain to be explored, maybe even by you! Make an argument as to why your research question is important and relevant to the current work being done on your topic. Requirements Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and formatting of the text, headings, citations, and references. Remember to use your own words to describe and evaluate the articles. Avoid quoting the material and also cite works when you are discussing someone else’s ideas. Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract and a reference page. The body of the paper should be no less than
  • 12. 5–6 pages in length. (4a.) Cultural Issues Related to Diagnosis by Saturday, September 19, 2015 Post your response to the question below with at least 300-400 words. Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly cite your source(s). How might culture contribute to the definition of pathology and mental illness? (4b.) Professional Portfolio by Wednesday, September 23, 2015 This assignment requires you to gather a compilation of papers and projects from this course and previous courses and add them to your Professional Portfolio. The portfolio is designed to help you compile all you have learned throughout your undergraduate studies with the best examples of your work to represent what you are capable of doing when you graduate the program. This assignment also gives you a opportunity to reflect on what you have learned as a student of psychology, and to prepare to actualize your post-graduation goals. It will serve as a resource as you navigate the world of prospective employers and graduate admissions committees. The student portfolio is also a measure of effectiveness for the Argosy University baccalaureate program in Psychology. As you develop professionally following graduation, you can add work
  • 13. samples and other pertinent materials, as well as modify existing documents, to reflect that development. The Professional Portfolio includes two main sections. A Professional Profile section that is completed by all students with either an Employment focus or a Graduate School focus, depending on your post-baccalaureate plans. The second section holds your Professional Work Samples demonstrating your abilities, skills, and competencies across a range of tasks and objectives. This section also includes a Final Evaluation of your work samples, yourself, and the psychology program. The Professional Profile section summarizes your career planning and professional goals. You have already compiled the documents for this section in Modules 1 and 2 of this course. It contains the following documents: A Cover Letter as a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer This includes details about yourself and why you feel you are qualified for the position. ( Employment ). OR
  • 14. A Personal Statement describing your immediate and long-term career goals, including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate in terms of your knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, values, and experiences ( Graduate School ). Note: The personal statement is attached to the Curriculum Vitae ( Graduate School ), and the Cover Letter is attached to the Resume ( Employment ), so take the time to be creative and not repeat yourself. A Resume with list of References that is current, accurate, and professional in appearance. ( Employment ). OR A Curriculum Vitae with list of References that is current, accurate and professional in appearance. ( Graduate School ) OPTIONAL: A copy of your Transcript(s)
  • 15. The Professional Work Samples section demonstrates your performance and mastery of Argosy University's program outcomes/competencies for the Psychology major . Select 3-5 documents to serve as samples of your best work in the program. Together, they should illustrate your mastery of all the 7 program outcomes listed below. Examples of the type of work that would illustrate each outcome is provided below, as well. The 3-5 documents should be samples of your work that you completed in previous courses as an undergraduate student. These outcomes are listed below, along with the assignments that could be included to demonstrate mastery of the outcome: Cognitive abilities (critical thinking and information literacy): Assignments or projects that demonstrate problem solving, analysis, synthesis, appropriate use of information resources, etc. Research skills: A copy of a research proposal, a survey developed, etc. Communication skills (written and oral): A topic paper, presentation outline, or PowerPoint that demonstrates your written and oral communication skills. Ethics & Diversity awareness: Papers that demonstrate your understanding and/or analysis of ethical and diversity issues in psychology. Knowledge of foundations of the field: Assignments, papers, or projects that demonstrate your understanding of basic concepts, theories, and empirical findings in one or more of the domains of psychology, including biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, and social. Knowledge of applied psychology: Assignments, papers, or projects from courses and/or an
  • 16. internship that demonstrates your ability to apply psychology to personal, social, and/or organizational problems. Interpersonal Effectiveness: PowerPoint presentations, videos of your presentations that demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, appreciate diversity and cultural sensitivity and awareness of your impact on others. Once you have assembled your work samples, you will write a 700-1000 word narrative to serve as a preface to the Professional Work Samples section. This narrative should consist of a clear and thoughtful analysis of how each work sample reveals your strengths and areas for improvement, according to each of the seven areas addressed in the program outcomes/competencies (listed above). Towards this purpose, you will complete the Student Self Appraisal of Learning first, and then use that to generate the preface . Make sure you also address how you intend to strengthen your competencies in all areas as you graduate onto the next step of your professional career. On which areas will you focus most and why? This preface should also include an evaluation of the Psychology program as well as suggestions for the program that will enable it to help future Psychology majors develop these strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the future. Enter each of these components (Professional Profile, Professional Work Samples, with self- evaluation) into the Professional Profile Template. (5a.) LASA # 2: PowerPoint Presentation by Monday, September 28, 2015 .
  • 17. Utilizing the information you compiled for your literature review paper, and the feedback you received from your instructor about the literature review, prepare a 10-15 minute Power Point presentation on your topic, summarizing the key points and conclusions. Be sure to direct this presentation to an audience in the community. For example, if your paper pertained to a topic in developmental psychology, direct your presentation toward parents, or a parenting center. If your topic pertained to substance abuse, direct it toward a community service agency which may use this information for educating teens or parents about preventing drug use, or current clients about treatments and facilities available. Please state in your presentation the specific audience toward whom your presentation is aimed. Include a reference page in APA format, as well as speaker notes and an audio file with your presentation. Your slides should provide answers to the following questions: What was your topic? What question did you hope to answer by completing this literature review paper? Explain the practical implications of the conclusions of the literature review and the audience to which they are directed. Given the results of your literature review, what is/are the prevailing argument(s)? In other words, which of those is supported by the existing evidence? Be sure to include full coverage of the arguments, including strengths and weaknesses of each of them, supported by your findings from reviewing the relevant articles. Did the researchers consider multicultural factors in their studies? If not, what factors may be involved? What multicultural factors should future studies include? What ethical issues are related to your topic and/or discussed in the studies you reviewed?
  • 18. How do the conclusions of your literature review relate to the various specialization areas in psychology? Tie them to as many as apply from the following areas: biological, cognitive, developmental, social, personality theory, psychopathology, and applied psychology. How can the conclusions of your literature review inform the population towards whom your presentation is directed? How can they apply this information to their daily lives? What advice or ‘take home message’ can you provide to your audience based on the research you reviewed? What research question could you ask in order to further develop this area of study? Why is your research question important and relevant to the current work being done on your topic? Your presentation should also follow these guidelines: It should be approximately 10-15 minutes in length. It should be clear, concise, and professional. Writing should be free of spelling and grammatical errors; it should conform to current APA style (including any in-text citations). It should include graphs, tables, figures, or images illustrating your ideas. There should be a final slide listing references in current APA style. The bulk of the text should be placed in the Notes pages of each slide. Keep the amount of text on the slide, itself, to a minimum. You should record an audio file of your oral presentation. You should also type the text of the speech you would give while showing these slides to an audience should be typed into the Notes area. If you are unable to use the audio feature, the Notes text will suffice. You can refer to the Power Point tips document provided in the Doc Sharing section of the course.
  • 19. (5b.) Internet-Based Psychological Interventions Due Tuesday, September 29, 2015 . With so many individuals using the Internet today, the psychology of the individual, the family, the community, and the society has changed. Some might argue that the traditional psychological theories cannot be applied and therefore psychology as an entire field needs to be revamped to incorporate the impact and the application of internet technology. As a student completing a bachelor’s degree in psychology, your future career will undoubtedly incorporate the use of the Internet in very new ways. Read the following article from the AUO Library: Ritterband, L. M., Gonder-Frederick, L., Cox, D. J., Clifton, A. D., West, R. W., & Borowitz, S. M. (2003). Internet interventions: In review, in use, and into the future. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , 34(5) , 527-534. Identify a problem area or psychological issue that could benefit from the use of an internet intervention. Now, using what you learned from the article, propose an internet intervention using the following guidelines: What problem area would the internet intervention address? Provide a general description of the proposed internet intervention. How would the effectiveness of the proposed intervention be
  • 20. tested? What are any legal and ethical issues related to the proposed intervention? Include the specific APA ethical standard(s) in your response.