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Your 90-Days
Business Training
Aalok Y Shukla

Grow your business
in 90 days
& become a
market leader!
The Click .Conver t.Sell Model
The information within this report is the intellectual
property of Aalok Y Shukla & Click.Convert.Sell.
The model itself is an assimilation of proven marketing
techniques. By assimilating the powerful principles &
works of established authors and leaders in the field
of direct response marketing. It builds on the original
concepts & works of great marketers & business
strategists such as Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Ed Dale,
Robert Cialdini, Joe Polish, Dean Jackson, Brendan
Burchard, Dan Sullivan, Jay Geier, Jay Abraham, Jermaine
Griggs, Nigel Botterill, Robert Collier, Paddi Lund, Pete
Williams, & Hubbard management.
I would encourage you to see the works of the individual
leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their works.
I hope you gain value from this document & it brings you
clarity & opportunity that you can then apply to grow
your own business.
If you have any questions you can get in touch at
© Click.Convert.Sell
the 90-dayS business training  |	

Table of Content

New Customers in 90 days .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
For the Next 90 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
High Value Costumer List. . . . . . . . . . 3
Check Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Management Statistics by Graphing .  .  .  .  . 5
Activity List .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
The Market Leader.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
Promotion and Publicity.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
Multichannel Interactive Marketing.  .  .  .


Phone Handling and Tracking per Source.


Loyal Customer Creation.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


Ultimate Sales Solution.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


Making it Easy to Say YES! .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
Sales Solution Diagnostic Assessment . . . 15
Sales Letter / Video.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


Solution Delivery .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16

To Grow your business in the
next 90 days, you need :
♦♦ More Customers
♦♦ Larger sales from existing customers
♦♦ More frequent purchases from your customers

How long does it take the average person
to decide to buy your product or service?
Do you know who is thinking of buying your
products or services in the next 90 days?

For the next 90 days:
Act on increasing the
value of these three lists:
♦♦ Prospect List: People that may buy in the next 90
♦♦ Your Customer List: RFM Analysis.
Do they have unfulfilled needs that you could
satisfy / upgrade / fulfil better at profit? Get
more referrals?
♦♦ Your High Value Customers List:
Do they get rewarded appropriately?

1, 2, 3.... Start!

In this training, I want to go through how you can
grow your business in 90 days.
There is a lot of information here but I want to
make it an achievable task for you, so that you can
get things done today.
To grow your business in 90 days, you need to look at
three ways to grow your business:

Get more new customers


Get larger sales from existing customers


More frequent purchases from your customers

In order to process this you have to deliver value and
deliver the solutions they want.

New customers in 90 days

How could we break this down? If we want new
customers in 90 days, we have to know how long
it takes for the average person to decide to buy
your quality service. If they have to rethink about
it and do a lot of research you have to initiate a
communication with them now.
Do you know all the people who are thinking of
purchasing your product or service in the next 90
days. If you were a photographer do you know who
is planning on having a baby soon because they
might be looking for new photography for their
baby or to document their pregnancy. You have to
know the problem that they want to solve and you
have to think about the earliest point in which you
could be in communication with them.
These items are very important, because we are
here to solve problems for people.

For the next 90 days

We are actually increasing the value of your
business in three ways; your prospect list is the
people that may buy your product or solution
in the next 90 days. You may have no idea know
who they are because they may be in an invisible
prospect list. They may have a problem which you
cannot visualize or they may have a problem which
you can visualize. For example, people want to sell
a house, you would not know who is thinking of
selling that house unless you knew they inquired
to you. So you must these people visible to you.


|  index
the 90-days business training  |	

Your second goal is
your customer list

In order to analyse, you have to look at the reasons
of the purchases, the purchases frequency and
their monetary value.
Who are your best customers, who spent the most,
when did they last buy from you? Why did they
last buy from you? If they haven’t bought from you
for a while, is there anything you can do to make
them buy and help them better? You want to find
to out if they have any unfulfilled needs that you
can satisfy or better fulfil a profit.
Even if you do a one-time solution like laser
eye surgery for example, can you improve your
relationship with them, add value even after
the event and get more referrals. Then you want
to be certain that if they refer people similar to
themselves they would get the same gold star

The third aspect is your
high volume customer list

Not everybody is equal; some people spend a lot
more and demand a lot more attention. It is better
to be more profitable to ensure you treat those
people how they should be treated.
For example if you have got some people who want
the premium service and if they want to purchase
the same premium service for their children and
as a family they are spending a lot of money with
you, you need to make sure that they get special
attention and special treatment. Then you want
to be certain that if they refer people similar to
themselves they would get the same gold star
So what you want do is break up your list, find out
all the people who possibly inquired from you
in the past. Find out also the people who have
purchased from you, run an analysis, a report
from your software or your purchase system;
then start your segmentation. Put data into an
Excel spreadsheet, in order, by price, by date of
purchase and all these information and this is very
important. Your business is your database and it is
your relationship with your database, so you have
got to make it visible to facilitate you to analyse it.

the 90-days business training  |	

Check sheet

Management statistics by graphing

We will go through each topic in detail and let’s
start the basics: we got to be tracking and we
have to quantify the different elements. We have
to know how many phone calls are coming in
from different numbers and how many different
people are inquiring by different channels, which
adverts may be getting clicked on. You have got to
implement tracking systems so that you can start
capturing data. Without data you will be guessing.
If you are guessing you are only limited to the
amount of time you are actually there so you are
being trapped in your business.

For example, if it is a medical practice, you would
be looking at number of new patients per day and
you could graph them. For example you could
graph the number of new patients per day and you
could then see over a month is there a trend? Is it
going up or is it going down, does it stagnate at
a specific point? Then you can get more graphical

What I am going to do is go through a check sheet
for you. It is a quite a powerful check sheet with a lot
of key points called Powerful Business Intelligence
Check Sheet. There are nine strategies to help you
really grow your business.

If you do not have data capture happening 24/7
across your different items, you are not going to
be trapped and locked in there and you will be

The second thing is there is no point in gathering
lots of information unless it is actionable
information. What we need to do is we simply see
trends and this is called management statistics
where graphing is done.

Let me graph the number of letters and phone calls
that were sent out last week versus the number of
new patients that booked in this week. Is there is
a correlation? You will always find this correlation
basically in the more actual outflow you do the
more inflow will happen in terms of new patients
or your new activities and your prospects coming
To make it easy, something what I recommend is get
a report from great software you can plug into your
digital systems and you can then see graphs very
easily. You can automate it so that the information
will be captured directly that will enable you to
see easily how many days emails have been sitting
in you inbox and what percentage of people are
able to get things responded to very quickly and
how people are bouncing off your website without
opting in. How many people are opting in? You can
see these things in one page in a very clear place.


|  The ClickConvertSell Model

Activity list

The third is an activity list and
this a very powerful tool.
You cannot communicate with
everybody the same; everybody
has got their unique needs but
you have also got to respond to
To give you an example, I
just received an email from
a software company about
WordPress; basically there was a
worldwide attack on WordPress
websites and they sent me an
email saying here is the security
link you need to put in. There
was a very clear link, within there
which said, if you do not have a
WordPress website please click this link and it basically said,
do not contact me about WordPress related stuff. What this
is, it is an automation link. If you click this link what then
happens is your database that we mentioned before about
our current customer database You are now segmented as
do not contact about WordPress which means that if we find
out about other items we can communicate or vice versa and
we had an offer for WordPress items. You are sending it to me
and I am not interested in WordPress, you are damaging the
relationship with me.
Activity list is very important this can also be used to see
interest because somebody who is going to purchase from
you, for example, somebody on your prospect list. If they
are reading all your stuff, listening to all your things and
watching all your videos, they are quite interested since they
are actively consuming is that you want them put in front in
a specific time.
This is something very important.
the 90-days business training  |	

The Market Leader

You need to position yourself for success, you need to solve problems which
people really perceive as a problem you want to make sure that they will pay
to get that. You need to have a transformative solution and you got to have
something which actually really improves life for somebody and then you
have to offer them some premium options, have a better version of it. People
who always want the best that’s exactly what they want.
You do not want to commoditize yourself, you want to design your own
unique solutions and name them in your own unique way and you do not
them to be price short. What you are going to do is to make sure that you
protect yourself from Google for comparative terms. In the financial industry,
for example some people create specific names for their financial products
that they cannot be price shopped. You want to make sure it is very easy to
make people understand, use visual positioning, you want to make sure that
you have got simple clean menus that people can understand and they can
look into things in more detail and then they can just choose visually what
would be better.
If you are going to stop by a beach and you ask your friend to get you a soda,
and then you remember there was a rundown convenience store nearby, you
would give a certain amount of money for a soda, but if they said there was
a boutique hotel nearby instead of a convenience store then you would give
more money to your friend to buy you the soda. If you use visual things the
way you present things you can then afford to price it at different levels. You
want to make sure that you have got a complete transformative customer
journey and total risk reversal offer. You see trust these days is very low so it is
very important that you position yourself as the trusted market leader.
You want to be in the category where you are the only one who solved the
problem in that way and you want to make sure you have a unique selling
proposition. There is a specific reason why you should not chose every other
option available to you. When you should design you position in this way,
marketing becomes very easy.

the 90-days business training  |	

Promotion and Publicity

We need to look at how we attract the people who are interested and
operate a solution that may possibly purchase in the next 90 days. How can
we attract them, how can we find out about them, how can we make a list
of our prospects. What you need to do is design your message, you need
to state your problem better then they can state it and you have to make
it attractive and engaging. Pouring out advertising is boring; you have to
engage with them and that has got to be the simplest possible thing.
There is a book called the Robert Collier letter book where he talks about
entering the conversation that is going on in their head, for example for a
home owner it would be «I wonder how much my house is worth?» That
might be the initial question is to find out how much your house is worth,
this would be one of the different media we are going to start with a little
check sheet to see here with a different media. By having the message they
are interested in it is a very low friction for an easy way for them to engage
with you and then what you do is you capture the details in exchange for
giving them the answers to their questions and now the prospect on the
What you can do is then taken them from broadcast they you are sending
information out to interactive where you can look in for engagement.
The key with the prospect list is creating an engagement because you
want people to be engaged with you. You want people to be responding
and asking more and this is how you can tell how a five star prospect is.
Somebody who is happy to deal with you will be looking for action in the
next 90 days or so. By using all of these different elements in different ways,
strategically, you can sequence your communication to make sure that
you can find the people that are the most engaged and the most keen to
purchase and make sure that they have the right information and the right
offer sent for them.
We are talking a lot about computers but don’t forget all the communication
platforms: you have got text messages, postcards, you can also have
interesting direct mail, you can use lumpy mail, you can offer events,
meetup groups, free consultations, etc. There are so many things you can
do and the whole thing is being able to create a talkative message and
being able to broadcast it and get the people broadcasted to engage,
making people engaged to engage further you can then attract the right
number of people with the right motivation.

10	 |  The ClickConvertSell Model

Multichannel Interactive

This is how we are looking at it, we
want to make sure the message and the
sequence in correct.
You have attracted the right people and
you make sure you have compellingly
communicated and that you get
all the contact details you want by
designing your lead capture page
very well. So many are wasting their
money on websites because there is no
engagement within that. There is no way
that the person can get the solution to
the answer to what they want 24 hours
of the day. I am constantly surprised at
the times people opt into my list and
they will send me information on emails
at certain times and this is 24 hours a
day basically and you have to be ready
to solve the problem when they want it
to be solved for them.
You have to make sure that you should have exceptional thank you pages
and make sure you reward engagements. If they click your stuff, offer them
something else which will help them further. The other thing you have
to establish that you are the dominant player in your industry, that you
are shining like nobody else. Have a compelling prospect welcome pack,
making sure that there is no doubt you are the best choice and you deliver
Through active listening, tracking engagement, and consumption of your
material, you can make sure people are really listening to you and learning
more about you. Have them into the act. You have got to remember and
this is a very important thing, you don’t optimise a web page you optimise
a thought sequence.
By building in trust and building in testimonials, showing leadership you
can then make sure that people are pre-motivated and pre-disposed to
chose you. All of these elements make sure that part of your sequencing.
the 90-days business training  |	

Phone Handling
and Tracking per source
When they interact with you, how your staff answers the
phone is very important because the phone is a powerful
personal bonding tool. I remember I had many problems
with direct mail campaigns I used to do and I used to wonder
why there was no response until I found out that the phone
wasn’t being answered in the correct way.
You have to ensure that people are engaged and if somebody
is calling you, it’s because they are basically saying “help me”
- they would not phone you unless they want to get some
information - but they do not just want information, they
want to have a letter of engagement, they want to come in to
see you. You have turn those calls into appointments, don’t
offer too many options and make sure 2 options close.
You can also incentivize your team and make sure you are
a tracking statistics as previously mentioned and you can
graph everything if you want to.
You can use those with an
alternative data capture
system where you can graph
the details and at the same
time use the dashboards
as visual reminders to track
phone calls. Not tracking
phone calls could be a very
important hole in your
marketing flow.

12	 |  The ClickConvertSell Model

Loyal Customer

Once they come in to see you
are going to make sure they got
experience that nobody else
gave it to them. You would look
at what they experience and
what you want to experience you
can basically draw a line across a
page. You would want to make
sure all the different points which
would make a key difference how
they feel see and learn and get a
solution that they want and you want to look underneath the line
all the different elements of operation that you need to have in
place. At the induction training above the line, below the line and
diagrams and you will also look at the experience and transform
and monopoly the term.
Jermaine Griggs is a fantastic marketer and he has a company called
Hear and Play. What he does is he teaches people to play music by
ear. What he is able to do is scale a personal relationship with him
by using direct mail that comes with cookies to you all these sorts
of thing are automated but it is an experience and it really make
things a lot of difference steps to do.
You want to make sure it is a clear visual journey for people and
what we do is make sure the journey has clear visible steps to do.
You want to make sure a prospective customer is then given the
right solutions that make them have an experience like no-one
the 90-days business training  |	

Ultimate Sales Solution

At the end of the day, if the solution does fit them, there is no point
in selling anything. You need to systematically identify their needs
and wants. The best thing to do is some form of system, this way it
is repeatable and is saleable and always work. Joe Polish for example
created the carpet cleaning diagnosis and he will walk through
somebody’s house and look at which areas of the carpet have more
wear, the people move through things or the different issues; how
often they need to be cleaned and he can put together a whole
order so like then people can see all the different elements that are
Same thing than anything else if caught in a garage, they can
systematically a picture of your car and then take the different
points and see that they can systematically diagnosed and checked
everything. This way you feel they have been thorough and met your
expectations, but further more, properly presented you all the options.
Because, if they make assumptions to you, this person is not going
to change the tires, they may not know that you had a dangerous
skid last week and that you are
worried about it and so you
would change your tires.
You would just systematically
diagnose and make sure
you identify all the different
elements that the person could
benefit from. You make them
aware of the multiple issues in a
simple language, it is not being
confrontational it is just making
sure they are educated as to the
consequences of issues and that
they have got the choice.
Once they have the choice and mostly they can choose from, you can
make a note of the things that they may be interested in for the future
and you can use that for the future to communicate about that.

14	 |  The ClickConvertSell Model

Making it easy to say

Once it is said that they are
interested you want to make
it easy for them. You are going
to give them a compelling
benefit and a presentation and
recommend solutions for them.
Use visual solutions for them like
a menu or some very interesting
leaflets just make sure that they can see everything written
down and they can see a clear guarantees and risk of assets
and they can see a clear guarantee and risk reversal and they
know exactly what they are getting.
An easy pay finance option; these days, if you can provide all
these things, basically, they are ready to go.
Immediate up solution based on customer desires
The other interesting thing is the minute some purchase
something they are interested now and you could actually
present a one time unique offer for a different solution which
could enhance the previous purchase. This unique thing
which is only available at that time and you should always
design something because it could be and that some people
would be interested in a better solution or some people may
value a different bundle of products for their experience. If
you didn’t offer it at that point, you would never necessarily
have a good time to offer that.
This is something that you could build in.
the 90-days business training  |	

Sales Solution
Diagnostic Assessment

You can put it all together now and you can choose the
different elements and you can create your own sequence
and this is the sequence we are talking about. You find your
laser targeted market, who has the specific problem I want
to solve, include mechanisms for tracking in place, on your
landing page, website and tracking phone number. Your
data is now captured, you then start attracting traffic, so you
have created your message, you then start broadcasting it
through your postcard campaigns, or your magazines ads,
or the other things you want to do.
You drive people to a landing page and you can see
how many phone calls came from that place because
how many people filled out the form on your website
and you can see how many people have visited and ;
You then have an authority building sequence in the
emails, videos, webinars but it is targeted to their
specific needs and you are engaging with them and try
to send them and get them
more engaged to what you
are offering.

16	 |  The ClickConvertSell Model

Sales Letter/Video

Once you have done that it is time to present an
offer for them; you can look at a sales letter or sales
video and the way to present all this makes it very
simple and easy for them to understand.
You want to use your solutions menu and design
simple way visually they can choose the different
options for them. This way they know what they
are getting and they can choose themselves. Once
they purchase one item, we may give them an offer,
an opportunity, to purchase something else which
they may have not been thinking about until they
purchase that one item. You then also want to offer
some membership on recurring income strategy
because it might be easier for them to not have to
worry about repurchasing; for example you can set
something up so that every year we need to get
exactly what they want when they wanted to.

Solution Delivery

Deliver world-class solutions and make sure you
deliver best than anybody else cannot deliver that
solution. This time make sure that you have raving
fans and you have got to basically ask people how
much out of ten would you recommend this to
somebody else. You are basically want to find out
how likely is it out of ten that you recommend us to
a friend or colleague. If you get a 9 answer, that is
fantastic because there is net promoter that means
that they are who has got the experience that you
If it is less than that, maybe you have a problem
because they are not loyal to you, they just
purchased because they have to. What you got to
do then? you have to make sure that you then find
out what is wrong so that you can go in an address
that and improve that further as without long term
customers and referrals you are not going to have
future in business.
I hope this all gives you a framework to think
through & if you would like more in depth training
on these elements please visit clickconvertsell.
To stay in touch with Aalok Y Sukla
like ClickConvertSell page on facebook:

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Grow your small business or dental/medical practice with the 90day strategic marketing. blueprint.

  • 1. Your 90-Days Business Training Aalok Y Shukla Grow your business in 90 days & become a market leader! The Click .Conver t.Sell Model
  • 2. The information within this report is the intellectual property of Aalok Y Shukla & Click.Convert.Sell. The model itself is an assimilation of proven marketing techniques. By assimilating the powerful principles & works of established authors and leaders in the field of direct response marketing. It builds on the original concepts & works of great marketers & business strategists such as Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Ed Dale, Robert Cialdini, Joe Polish, Dean Jackson, Brendan Burchard, Dan Sullivan, Jay Geier, Jay Abraham, Jermaine Griggs, Nigel Botterill, Robert Collier, Paddi Lund, Pete Williams, & Hubbard management. I would encourage you to see the works of the individual leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their works. I hope you gain value from this document & it brings you clarity & opportunity that you can then apply to grow your own business. If you have any questions you can get in touch at © Click.Convert.Sell
  • 3. the 90-dayS business training  | Table of Content New Customers in 90 days . . . . . . . . . 1 For the Next 90 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 High Value Costumer List. . . . . . . . . . 3 Check Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Management Statistics by Graphing . . . . . 5 Activity List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Market Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Promotion and Publicity. . . . . . . . . . 9 Multichannel Interactive Marketing. . . . 10 Phone Handling and Tracking per Source. 11 Loyal Customer Creation. . . . . . . . . 12 Ultimate Sales Solution. . . . . . . . . . 13 Making it Easy to Say YES! . . . . . . . . . 14 Sales Solution Diagnostic Assessment . . . 15 Sales Letter / Video. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Solution Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 iii
  • 4. To Grow your business in the next 90 days, you need : ♦♦ More Customers ♦♦ Larger sales from existing customers ♦♦ More frequent purchases from your customers KEY QUESTIONS How long does it take the average person to decide to buy your product or service? Do you know who is thinking of buying your products or services in the next 90 days? For the next 90 days: Act on increasing the value of these three lists: ♦♦ Prospect List: People that may buy in the next 90 days ♦♦ Your Customer List: RFM Analysis. Do they have unfulfilled needs that you could satisfy / upgrade / fulfil better at profit? Get more referrals? ♦♦ Your High Value Customers List: Do they get rewarded appropriately?
  • 5.   | 1, 2, 3.... Start! Introduction In this training, I want to go through how you can grow your business in 90 days. There is a lot of information here but I want to make it an achievable task for you, so that you can get things done today. To grow your business in 90 days, you need to look at three ways to grow your business: ♦♦ Get more new customers ♦♦ Get larger sales from existing customers ♦♦ More frequent purchases from your customers In order to process this you have to deliver value and deliver the solutions they want. New customers in 90 days How could we break this down? If we want new customers in 90 days, we have to know how long it takes for the average person to decide to buy your quality service. If they have to rethink about it and do a lot of research you have to initiate a communication with them now. Do you know all the people who are thinking of purchasing your product or service in the next 90 days. If you were a photographer do you know who is planning on having a baby soon because they might be looking for new photography for their baby or to document their pregnancy. You have to know the problem that they want to solve and you have to think about the earliest point in which you could be in communication with them. These items are very important, because we are here to solve problems for people. For the next 90 days We are actually increasing the value of your business in three ways; your prospect list is the people that may buy your product or solution in the next 90 days. You may have no idea know who they are because they may be in an invisible prospect list. They may have a problem which you cannot visualize or they may have a problem which you can visualize. For example, people want to sell a house, you would not know who is thinking of selling that house unless you knew they inquired to you. So you must these people visible to you. 1
  • 7. the 90-days business training  | Your second goal is your customer list In order to analyse, you have to look at the reasons of the purchases, the purchases frequency and their monetary value. Who are your best customers, who spent the most, when did they last buy from you? Why did they last buy from you? If they haven’t bought from you for a while, is there anything you can do to make them buy and help them better? You want to find to out if they have any unfulfilled needs that you can satisfy or better fulfil a profit. Even if you do a one-time solution like laser eye surgery for example, can you improve your relationship with them, add value even after the event and get more referrals. Then you want to be certain that if they refer people similar to themselves they would get the same gold star treatment. The third aspect is your high volume customer list Not everybody is equal; some people spend a lot more and demand a lot more attention. It is better to be more profitable to ensure you treat those people how they should be treated. For example if you have got some people who want the premium service and if they want to purchase the same premium service for their children and as a family they are spending a lot of money with you, you need to make sure that they get special attention and special treatment. Then you want to be certain that if they refer people similar to themselves they would get the same gold star treatment. So what you want do is break up your list, find out all the people who possibly inquired from you in the past. Find out also the people who have purchased from you, run an analysis, a report from your software or your purchase system; then start your segmentation. Put data into an Excel spreadsheet, in order, by price, by date of purchase and all these information and this is very important. Your business is your database and it is your relationship with your database, so you have got to make it visible to facilitate you to analyse it. 3
  • 8.
  • 9. the 90-days business training  | Check sheet Management statistics by graphing We will go through each topic in detail and let’s start the basics: we got to be tracking and we have to quantify the different elements. We have to know how many phone calls are coming in from different numbers and how many different people are inquiring by different channels, which adverts may be getting clicked on. You have got to implement tracking systems so that you can start capturing data. Without data you will be guessing. If you are guessing you are only limited to the amount of time you are actually there so you are being trapped in your business. For example, if it is a medical practice, you would be looking at number of new patients per day and you could graph them. For example you could graph the number of new patients per day and you could then see over a month is there a trend? Is it going up or is it going down, does it stagnate at a specific point? Then you can get more graphical statistics. What I am going to do is go through a check sheet for you. It is a quite a powerful check sheet with a lot of key points called Powerful Business Intelligence Check Sheet. There are nine strategies to help you really grow your business. If you do not have data capture happening 24/7 across your different items, you are not going to be trapped and locked in there and you will be guessing. The second thing is there is no point in gathering lots of information unless it is actionable information. What we need to do is we simply see trends and this is called management statistics where graphing is done. Let me graph the number of letters and phone calls that were sent out last week versus the number of new patients that booked in this week. Is there is a correlation? You will always find this correlation basically in the more actual outflow you do the more inflow will happen in terms of new patients or your new activities and your prospects coming in. To make it easy, something what I recommend is get a report from great software you can plug into your digital systems and you can then see graphs very easily. You can automate it so that the information will be captured directly that will enable you to see easily how many days emails have been sitting in you inbox and what percentage of people are able to get things responded to very quickly and how people are bouncing off your website without opting in. How many people are opting in? You can see these things in one page in a very clear place. 5
  • 10. 6 |  The ClickConvertSell Model Activity list The third is an activity list and this a very powerful tool. You cannot communicate with everybody the same; everybody has got their unique needs but you have also got to respond to them. To give you an example, I just received an email from a software company about WordPress; basically there was a worldwide attack on WordPress websites and they sent me an email saying here is the security link you need to put in. There was a very clear link, within there which said, if you do not have a WordPress website please click this link and it basically said, do not contact me about WordPress related stuff. What this is, it is an automation link. If you click this link what then happens is your database that we mentioned before about our current customer database You are now segmented as do not contact about WordPress which means that if we find out about other items we can communicate or vice versa and we had an offer for WordPress items. You are sending it to me and I am not interested in WordPress, you are damaging the relationship with me. Activity list is very important this can also be used to see interest because somebody who is going to purchase from you, for example, somebody on your prospect list. If they are reading all your stuff, listening to all your things and watching all your videos, they are quite interested since they are actively consuming is that you want them put in front in a specific time. This is something very important.
  • 11. the 90-days business training  | The Market Leader You need to position yourself for success, you need to solve problems which people really perceive as a problem you want to make sure that they will pay to get that. You need to have a transformative solution and you got to have something which actually really improves life for somebody and then you have to offer them some premium options, have a better version of it. People who always want the best that’s exactly what they want. You do not want to commoditize yourself, you want to design your own unique solutions and name them in your own unique way and you do not them to be price short. What you are going to do is to make sure that you protect yourself from Google for comparative terms. In the financial industry, for example some people create specific names for their financial products that they cannot be price shopped. You want to make sure it is very easy to make people understand, use visual positioning, you want to make sure that you have got simple clean menus that people can understand and they can look into things in more detail and then they can just choose visually what would be better. If you are going to stop by a beach and you ask your friend to get you a soda, and then you remember there was a rundown convenience store nearby, you would give a certain amount of money for a soda, but if they said there was a boutique hotel nearby instead of a convenience store then you would give more money to your friend to buy you the soda. If you use visual things the way you present things you can then afford to price it at different levels. You want to make sure that you have got a complete transformative customer journey and total risk reversal offer. You see trust these days is very low so it is very important that you position yourself as the trusted market leader. You want to be in the category where you are the only one who solved the problem in that way and you want to make sure you have a unique selling proposition. There is a specific reason why you should not chose every other option available to you. When you should design you position in this way, marketing becomes very easy. 7
  • 12.
  • 13. the 90-days business training  | Promotion and Publicity We need to look at how we attract the people who are interested and operate a solution that may possibly purchase in the next 90 days. How can we attract them, how can we find out about them, how can we make a list of our prospects. What you need to do is design your message, you need to state your problem better then they can state it and you have to make it attractive and engaging. Pouring out advertising is boring; you have to engage with them and that has got to be the simplest possible thing. There is a book called the Robert Collier letter book where he talks about entering the conversation that is going on in their head, for example for a home owner it would be «I wonder how much my house is worth?» That might be the initial question is to find out how much your house is worth, this would be one of the different media we are going to start with a little check sheet to see here with a different media. By having the message they are interested in it is a very low friction for an easy way for them to engage with you and then what you do is you capture the details in exchange for giving them the answers to their questions and now the prospect on the list. What you can do is then taken them from broadcast they you are sending information out to interactive where you can look in for engagement. The key with the prospect list is creating an engagement because you want people to be engaged with you. You want people to be responding and asking more and this is how you can tell how a five star prospect is. Somebody who is happy to deal with you will be looking for action in the next 90 days or so. By using all of these different elements in different ways, strategically, you can sequence your communication to make sure that you can find the people that are the most engaged and the most keen to purchase and make sure that they have the right information and the right offer sent for them. We are talking a lot about computers but don’t forget all the communication platforms: you have got text messages, postcards, you can also have interesting direct mail, you can use lumpy mail, you can offer events, meetup groups, free consultations, etc. There are so many things you can do and the whole thing is being able to create a talkative message and being able to broadcast it and get the people broadcasted to engage, making people engaged to engage further you can then attract the right number of people with the right motivation. 9
  • 14. 10 |  The ClickConvertSell Model Multichannel Interactive Marketing This is how we are looking at it, we want to make sure the message and the sequence in correct. You have attracted the right people and you make sure you have compellingly communicated and that you get all the contact details you want by designing your lead capture page very well. So many are wasting their money on websites because there is no engagement within that. There is no way that the person can get the solution to the answer to what they want 24 hours of the day. I am constantly surprised at the times people opt into my list and they will send me information on emails at certain times and this is 24 hours a day basically and you have to be ready to solve the problem when they want it to be solved for them. You have to make sure that you should have exceptional thank you pages and make sure you reward engagements. If they click your stuff, offer them something else which will help them further. The other thing you have to establish that you are the dominant player in your industry, that you are shining like nobody else. Have a compelling prospect welcome pack, making sure that there is no doubt you are the best choice and you deliver results. Through active listening, tracking engagement, and consumption of your material, you can make sure people are really listening to you and learning more about you. Have them into the act. You have got to remember and this is a very important thing, you don’t optimise a web page you optimise a thought sequence. By building in trust and building in testimonials, showing leadership you can then make sure that people are pre-motivated and pre-disposed to chose you. All of these elements make sure that part of your sequencing.
  • 15. the 90-days business training  | Phone Handling and Tracking per source When they interact with you, how your staff answers the phone is very important because the phone is a powerful personal bonding tool. I remember I had many problems with direct mail campaigns I used to do and I used to wonder why there was no response until I found out that the phone wasn’t being answered in the correct way. You have to ensure that people are engaged and if somebody is calling you, it’s because they are basically saying “help me” - they would not phone you unless they want to get some information - but they do not just want information, they want to have a letter of engagement, they want to come in to see you. You have turn those calls into appointments, don’t offer too many options and make sure 2 options close. You can also incentivize your team and make sure you are a tracking statistics as previously mentioned and you can graph everything if you want to. You can use those with an alternative data capture system where you can graph the details and at the same time use the dashboards as visual reminders to track phone calls. Not tracking phone calls could be a very important hole in your marketing flow. 11
  • 16. 12 |  The ClickConvertSell Model Loyal Customer Creation Once they come in to see you are going to make sure they got experience that nobody else gave it to them. You would look at what they experience and what you want to experience you can basically draw a line across a page. You would want to make sure all the different points which would make a key difference how they feel see and learn and get a solution that they want and you want to look underneath the line all the different elements of operation that you need to have in place. At the induction training above the line, below the line and diagrams and you will also look at the experience and transform and monopoly the term. Jermaine Griggs is a fantastic marketer and he has a company called Hear and Play. What he does is he teaches people to play music by ear. What he is able to do is scale a personal relationship with him by using direct mail that comes with cookies to you all these sorts of thing are automated but it is an experience and it really make things a lot of difference steps to do. You want to make sure it is a clear visual journey for people and what we do is make sure the journey has clear visible steps to do. You want to make sure a prospective customer is then given the right solutions that make them have an experience like no-one else.
  • 17. the 90-days business training  | Ultimate Sales Solution At the end of the day, if the solution does fit them, there is no point in selling anything. You need to systematically identify their needs and wants. The best thing to do is some form of system, this way it is repeatable and is saleable and always work. Joe Polish for example created the carpet cleaning diagnosis and he will walk through somebody’s house and look at which areas of the carpet have more wear, the people move through things or the different issues; how often they need to be cleaned and he can put together a whole order so like then people can see all the different elements that are needed. Same thing than anything else if caught in a garage, they can systematically a picture of your car and then take the different points and see that they can systematically diagnosed and checked everything. This way you feel they have been thorough and met your expectations, but further more, properly presented you all the options. Because, if they make assumptions to you, this person is not going to change the tires, they may not know that you had a dangerous skid last week and that you are worried about it and so you would change your tires. You would just systematically diagnose and make sure you identify all the different elements that the person could benefit from. You make them aware of the multiple issues in a simple language, it is not being confrontational it is just making sure they are educated as to the consequences of issues and that they have got the choice. Once they have the choice and mostly they can choose from, you can make a note of the things that they may be interested in for the future and you can use that for the future to communicate about that. 13
  • 18. 14 |  The ClickConvertSell Model Making it easy to say YES! Once it is said that they are interested you want to make it easy for them. You are going to give them a compelling benefit and a presentation and recommend solutions for them. Use visual solutions for them like a menu or some very interesting leaflets just make sure that they can see everything written down and they can see a clear guarantees and risk of assets and they can see a clear guarantee and risk reversal and they know exactly what they are getting. An easy pay finance option; these days, if you can provide all these things, basically, they are ready to go. Immediate up solution based on customer desires The other interesting thing is the minute some purchase something they are interested now and you could actually present a one time unique offer for a different solution which could enhance the previous purchase. This unique thing which is only available at that time and you should always design something because it could be and that some people would be interested in a better solution or some people may value a different bundle of products for their experience. If you didn’t offer it at that point, you would never necessarily have a good time to offer that. This is something that you could build in.
  • 19. the 90-days business training  | Sales Solution Diagnostic Assessment You can put it all together now and you can choose the different elements and you can create your own sequence and this is the sequence we are talking about. You find your laser targeted market, who has the specific problem I want to solve, include mechanisms for tracking in place, on your landing page, website and tracking phone number. Your data is now captured, you then start attracting traffic, so you have created your message, you then start broadcasting it through your postcard campaigns, or your magazines ads, or the other things you want to do. You drive people to a landing page and you can see how many phone calls came from that place because how many people filled out the form on your website and you can see how many people have visited and ; You then have an authority building sequence in the emails, videos, webinars but it is targeted to their specific needs and you are engaging with them and try to send them and get them more engaged to what you are offering. 15
  • 20. 16 |  The ClickConvertSell Model Sales Letter/Video Once you have done that it is time to present an offer for them; you can look at a sales letter or sales video and the way to present all this makes it very simple and easy for them to understand. You want to use your solutions menu and design simple way visually they can choose the different options for them. This way they know what they are getting and they can choose themselves. Once they purchase one item, we may give them an offer, an opportunity, to purchase something else which they may have not been thinking about until they purchase that one item. You then also want to offer some membership on recurring income strategy because it might be easier for them to not have to worry about repurchasing; for example you can set something up so that every year we need to get exactly what they want when they wanted to. Solution Delivery Deliver world-class solutions and make sure you deliver best than anybody else cannot deliver that solution. This time make sure that you have raving fans and you have got to basically ask people how much out of ten would you recommend this to somebody else. You are basically want to find out how likely is it out of ten that you recommend us to a friend or colleague. If you get a 9 answer, that is fantastic because there is net promoter that means that they are who has got the experience that you want. If it is less than that, maybe you have a problem because they are not loyal to you, they just purchased because they have to. What you got to do then? you have to make sure that you then find out what is wrong so that you can go in an address that and improve that further as without long term customers and referrals you are not going to have future in business. I hope this all gives you a framework to think through & if you would like more in depth training on these elements please visit clickconvertsell. com
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