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2008 - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.	 I pushed my bike____ the bridge.
A. above 		 B. without 	 C. over 		 D. before 		 E. with
2.	 The President will come, but says his wife will not come with____ .
A. he			 B. her		 C. him		 D. them 			 E. hers
3.	 The letter to Mr. Sengee was opened by____ secretary.
A. her			 B. him 		 C. them		 D. their			 E. his		
4.	 Fame and power____ different people differently.
A. affect		 B. affects	 C. are affected	 D. having affected	 E. were affected
5.	 -“What____ about the new simplified tax law?”
-“It’s more confusing than the old one.”
A. are you thinking			 B. do you think 	
C. have you thought 	 		 D. have you been thinking	 	
E. your thought
6.	 -“Where is Siilegmaa?”
- “She____. ”	
A. is studying in her room 		 B. in her room is studying		
C. studies in her room 			 D. has in her room studied	 	
E. will study in her room
7.	 They left at 10 am and____ a taxi to the airport.
A. take			 B. took		 C. are taking 		 D. have taken	 E. will be taking
8.	 -“Suren is going to be famous someday. She____ in three movies already”
-“I am sure she’ll be a star”
A. has been appearing			 B. have appeared			
C. has appeared				 D. appeared		 	
E. had appeared
9.	 While I____ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch		 B. watched 	 C. has been watching	 D. am watching	 E. was watching
10.	 Orchlon school’s football team____ a championship until last season, when the new coach led them to take first
place in their league.
A. has never won			 B. is never winning 		
C. had never been winning		 D. had never won		
E. was won
11.	 It will be difficult____ a new telephone operator.
A. get			 B. to get		 C. for getting 		 D. having to get	 E. gets
12.	 In many public places it is forbidden ____.
A. smokes		 B. smoking	 C. to smoke		 D. will smoke 	 E. smoke
13.	 If he had left by 6.00 pm, he____ have had time to visit.
A. can			 B. will		 C. shall			 D. would	 E. ought to
14.	 Last year, for the 1st
time, students____ register for courses ahead of time.
A. must 		 B. had to 	 C. should		 D. ought to 	 E. must not
15.	 Discounts____ for members only.
A. offer		 B. offers		 C. are offered		 D. are offering 	 E. to be offered 	
16.	 16. Every child has the right to be fed and____.
A. educate		 B. educates 	 C. educating		 D. education 	 E. educated	
17.	 The policeman agreed____ the accident was not the motorist’s fault.
A. if 			 B. how		 C. that 			 D. what		 E. which
18.	 This model has____ new features._
A. much 		 B. many		 C. a lot 			 D. little		 E. great deal
19.	 In the future please try to drive____.
A. carefuller 		 B. more careful	 C. most carefully 		 D. more carefully	E. most careful
20.	 The court clerk asked the lawyers whether he____ notice of the matter.
A. do ever receive 			 B. had ever received		
C. had never received	 		 D. have never received	 	
E. has ever received - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
21.	 The phone____ constantly since Jerry announced his candidacy for president this morning.
A. has been ringing			 B. rang 			
C. had rung				 D. had been ringing		
E. was being rung
22.	 Mr. Smith has been working for the Department of State____ he passed his law examinations.
A. since 		 B. until		 C. for 		 D. when			 E. with
23.	 I have talked to my boss, but he is unhelpful and_____ anything about the problem.
A. isn’t going to do 			 B. doesn’t do 		
C. will do 				 D. will have to do 		
E. won’t to do
24.	 I wish the sun _____ right now.
A. is shining 				 B. had been shining 		
C. shines 				 D. were shining 			
E. has been shining
25.	 Please give me____ cup of coffee with____ cream and sugar.
A. / - / the / 		 B. /a / - / 	 C. / a / the	 D./ - / - / 		 E. /the / the /
26.	 To get to the city center from here, you can____ catch a street car at the corner____ walk two blocks to the subway
A. either / or				 B. either / nor	
C. would /rather				 D. neither / or			
E. had / better
Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
27.	 The cartel has little opportunities to keep prices at a level that they feel is appropriate.
		 A		 B		 C	 D
28.	 The computer training covered everything from to making a file to creating a database.
			 A		 B	 C		 D
29.	 The policeman ordered the suspect to don’t remove his hands from the hood of the car
			 A		 B	 C	 D
30.	 The future of our company depends finishing the project quickly.
B		 C		 	
31.	 I can tell you if your loan has approved just as soon as the credit report arrives.
	 A			 B		 C		 D
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
32.	 When I was hiking in the mountains I____ on a snake.
A. carried 	 B. stepped 	 C. went 		 D. tripped 		 E. surprised
33.	 You look hot in that coat. Why don’t you ___?
A. take it out	 B. put it on	 C. take it in 	 D. put it away		 E. take it off
34.	 If I wear a long-sleeved shirt, I usually ____ the sleeves.
A. put up 	 B. take up 	 C. roll up	 D. get up 		 E. make up
35.	 Mary looked up the fastest train to Glasgow in the ____.
A. dictionary 	 B. timetable 	 C. program 	 D. catalogue 		 E. referendum
36.	 Everything went dark when the train entered a/ an ____ ._
A. tunnel 	 B. tube 		 C. underground 	 D. metro 		 E. hole
37.	 The ship stopped because two passengers had fallen ____.
A. upside down 		 B. overboard 	
C. underground 			 D. inside out	
E. top down
38.	 Would you prefer ____ potatoes or chips?
A. poached 	 B. ground 	 C. mashed 	 D. powdered 		 E. pickled
39.	 Can you give me the ____ for this pie? It’s delicious.
A. prescriptions			 B. instructions	
C. instrument 			 D. ingredients 		
E. recipe
40.	 There was a wonderful smell of ____ bread in the kitchen.
A. cooking 	 B. roasting 	 C. baking 	 D. grilling 		 E. frying - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
41.	 Is the hamburger for you to eat here or for ____?
A. outside 	 B. go out	 C. sit down 	 D. carry on 		 E. take away
42.	 I bought these jeans very cheaply in the _____ bin .
A. discounts 	 B. reductions 	 C. off 		 D. bargains 		 E. sales
43.	 The washing instructions for this shirt are given on the ____ .
A. label 	 B. notice 	 C. badge 	 D. mark 			 E. announcement
44.	 All the small ____ closed their shops in protest of the price increases.
A. shopping 	 B. shoppers 	 C. shopkeepers 	 D. shop stewards		 E. shop lifters
45.	 I like street markets because you shop in the open ____ .
A. prices 	 B. sunshine 	 C. air		 D. bargains 		 E. barter
46.	 The audience enjoyed the play so much that they ____ for ten minutes.
A. applauded 	 B. screamed 	 C. cried 		 D. moaned 		 E. murmured
47.	 Mr.Tsengel ____ to get involved in the matter.
A. hope	 B. tried		 C. invited	 D. wanting		 E. wishing
48.	 Tennis is a sport that ____ a lot pleasure.
A. demands	 B. takes		 C. requires	 D. provides		 E. obtain
49.	 Time ____ more and more important as the deadline drew near.
A. flies 	 B. study	 	 C. became	 D. appears		 E. runs
Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice.
50.	 Tengis: We should meet once a week to discuss our term project.
Hulan: Wednesday afternoons would be a good time for me.
What are the people discussing?
A. Going on a date					 B. Having a good time
C. Working on an assignment				 D. Meeting next week
E. Project is due Wednesday, next week
51.	 Suren: Alimaa is very close to finishing but she won’t graduate this spring.
Bold: She has to face facts.
What does Bold mean?
A. Alimaa must learn those facts in order to graduate	 B. Alimaa is standing, facing Bold
C. Alimaa has faced many problems this spring		 D. Alimaa has to look forward to spring
E. Alimaa must accept not being able to graduate
52.	 Yondon: I hardly had time to finish the exam.
Dolgor: Really? I finished in no time.
What does Dolgor mean?
A. She is surprised he didn’t finish			
B. She is surprised he took so long to finish
C. She is surprised the exam was so easy
D. She is surprised the exam took hardly any time at all
E. She is surprised that they both had not enough time
53.	 Jack: I’ve misplaced my watch. Could you lend me yours for the afternoon?
Ann: My watch? You’ve never seen me wearing a watch, have you?
What does Ann mean?
A. Her watch is missing 					 B. She has misplaced her watch
C. She doesn’t own a watch				 D. She needs her watch in the afternoon
E. She is so mean
Read the text and choose the one best answer.
In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the S.S. Titanic. It was so
superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed “unsinkable”. So sure of this were the owners that they provided
only twenty life boats and rafts, less than one half the number needed for the two thousand two hundred and twenty
seven passengers on board. Many passengers were aboard the night it rammed an iceberg, only two days at sea and
more than halfway between England and its New York destination. Because the luxury liner was travelling so fast, it
was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. An un-extinguished fire also contributed to the ship’s submersion.
Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to board
the lifeboats. Four hours after the mishap another ship, the Carpathia, rescued the seven hundred and five survivors. The
infamous S.S. Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into
twelve thousand feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland, where it lies today. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
54.	 All of the following are true EXCEPT
A. only a third of those aboard died		 B. the Carpathia rescued the survivors
C. the S.S Titanic sank near Newfoundland 	 D. the S.S Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912
E. lifeboats and rafts were sufficient for only less than half of the passengers
55.	 All of the following contributed to the large death toll EXCEPT
A. panic		 B. fire		 C. speed		 D. The Carpathia		 E. the iceberg
56.	 How many days was the S.S. Titanic at sea before sinking?
A. 2			 B. 4 		 C. 6		 D.12 			 E. 15	
57.	 The word “un-extinguished” is closest in meaning to
A. indestructible	B. uncontrollable			C. undiscovered				
D. unquenched		 E. firefighter
58.	 “Maiden voyage” is closest in meaning to
A. inaugural		 B. most elegant	 C. longest	 D. final	 	 E. most luxurious
59.	 The word ”dubbed” is closest in meaning to
A. looked like		 B. initiated	 C. said		 D. listed		 E. called
60.	 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. The S.S. Titanic proved itself the most seaworthy vessel in 1912
B. Attempts to rescue the S.S. Titanic’s survivors were not successful
C. Over confidence by builders and owners was greatly responsible for the sinking of the vessel
D. A fire and panic were the only causes for the sinking of the ship
E. People shouldn’t panic if there is a submersion
61.	 All of the following are not true EXCEPT
A. There were over 3000 people onboard
B. The story of The S.S. Titanic is not real and it’s only a movie
C. The S.S. Titanic lies near New York
D. The Carpathia saved over a third of the passengers
E. The S.S. Titanic was sailing to Newfoundland
62.	 Which of the following is the best title for the story?
A. The Glory of Carpathia			 B. The Biggest Ship	
C. The Tragedy of The S.S. Titanic		 D. The Destructive Force of an Iceberg		
E. Titanic Movie
2.1. Social Expressions				 (4 items* 1.5 mark each= 6)
Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4.
		 A. Actually, I don’t think that’s right				 ……….
		 B. Could you tell me what time the bank opens? 			 ……….
		C. Would you like some more tea?					……….
		 D. I think you’d better phone the police.				 ……….
			1. Giving advice			2. Asking for information		
			3. Offering something		4. Disagreeing
2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question.
This is the schedule we have planned for you. When you get in on Tuesday night you’ll be met at the airport by our
representative and driven to your hotel, where you’ll have the evening free. The first meeting is scheduled for the next
day, Wednesday morning at ten o’clock. Your presentation is planned for two o’clock, but it may be rescheduled if lunch
runs late. In any case, we hope to get through with everything by Friday at noon to leave you some time to see the city.
Your departure is scheduled for Saturday morning. Does it sound all right with you?
A. When is the presentation scheduled?
	 1. Tuesday night 				 2. Wednesday morning
	 3. Wednesday afternoon			 4. Friday afternoon
B. Under what conditions would the presentation be rescheduled?
	 1. If other presentations are too long.	 2. If a meal is too long
	 3. If people don’t come.			 4. If participants need to leave early.
C. When will the program end?
	 1. Sunday night 				 2. Before the weekend 	
3. Tuesday 				4. Wednesday - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer
Below is the graph that shows the percentage of employed adults in comparison to the percentage of pensioners in
three different countries in 1977 and 2005.
A. The percentage of pensioners in Korea has ____ since 1977.
	 1. dropped to 3% 			 2. increased by 13%
	 3. increased by 10% 		 4. fluctuated between 84%-81%
B. The percentage of employed adults in Japan has ____ from 1977 to 2005.
	 1. fallen by 73% 			 2. gone up to 90%
	 3. fallen by 17% 			 4. increased 2 times
C. The percentage difference between the French and Korean employed adults in 2005 was ____
	 1. 80 %				 2. 81%
	 3. 67% and 86% 			 4. 14%
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.	 The town hall is ____ the library and the museum.
A. about		 B. at		 C. between	 D. into 		 E. during
2.	 The company was known for the quality of____ products.
A. its			 B. it’s		 C. their		 D. their’s	 E. his
3.	 He delivered the reports to the head office____.
A. him			 B. by him	 C. his self	 D. himself 	 E. with him
4.	 - “Let’s go! What’s taking you so long?”
- “I’ll be there as soon as I ____ my keys.”
A. found		 B. will find	 C. find		 D. am finding	 E. was finding
5.	 Next week when there ____ a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher.
A. is being 		 B. is 		 C. will be	 D. will have been	E. is going to be
6.	 - “Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?”
- “I ____ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.”
A. make				 B. will to make		
C. am going to make			 D. will have made		
E. will be made
7.	 The mechanic ordered only the parts he____.
A. need		 B. needed	 C. has need	 D. is needing 	 E. was needed
8.	 Sixty percent of the employees have already____ the training course.
A. completed 		 B. completely	 C. completion	 D. completing	 E. completes
9.	 We____ our anniversary dinner when my uncle called to congratulate us last night.
A. have been having 			 B. were having 		
C. are being had 			 D. had had 			
E. are having
10.	 I suddenly remembered that I____ my keys.
A. had forgotten 			 B. forgot			 C. have forgot 			
D. forget 				 E. was forgot - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
11.	 Gonchig always remembers____ in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars.
A. parked		 B. parking	 C. being parked		 D. to be parked		 E. to park
12.	 It is possible ____ a lot of money on a very small computer.
A. spending		 B. to spend	 C. having spent		 D. to be spending 	 E. spent
13.	 If it ____ tomorrow, the roads will be closed.
A. snows 				 B. will snow	
C. had snowed				 D. were snowing 		
E. would have snowed
14.	 We didn’t see him, so he ____ left early.
A. has			 B. had had	 C. must have		 D. should have		 E. had to
15.	 No one knows how many documents ____ been lost.
A. has			 B. had		 C. have			 D. has had		 E. had had
16.	 Mr. Dorj ____ been chosen to head up the research team.
A. only		 B. just		 C. have only 		 D. has just	 E. only just
17.	 The committee ____ by the breadth of the applicant’s experience.
A. impressed 				 B. impression	
C. impressing				 D. impressive 		
E. was impressed
18.	 It’s easy to learn ____ responsible for it.
A. that 		 B. who’s		 C. that’s			 D. whose		 E. whom
19.	 There ____ in that part of the world.
A. is not much water			 B. is not many water
C. are not much water			 D. are not many water 		
E. are less water
20.	 The more you water this plant, the _____ it will grow.
A. best 		 B. tall 		 C. wetter		 D. faster			 E. fastest
21.	 He said that he ____ well paid for his effort.
A. was 		 B. has		 C. are			 D. were		 E. has been
22.	 ____ his tight schedule, Mr. Tenuun will not be able to visit the plant this week.
A. Since 		 B. According	 C. Because of 		 D. Accordingly		 E. Despite
23.	 I am so sorry I forgot your birthday. Why don’t you come round tomorrow evening and ____ you a meal?
A. I cook 				 B. I am go to cook 		
C. I will have to cook 			 D. I’ll be cooking 		
E. I’ll cook
24.	 I wish I ____ so that I would feel safe in a boat.
A. can swim 				 B. could swim			
C. could have swum 			 D. cannot swim 			
E. could swum
25.	 When you go to ____ store, please buy a bottle of chocolate milk and ____ dozen oranges.
A. - / a / 		 B. /- / - / 	 C. / the / a/ 		 D. a / the /		 E. the / - /
26.	 True vegetarians eat nothing from animals. In other words, they eat ___ meat ____ dairy products.
A. either / nor				 B. neither / nor			
C. had / better				 D. neither / or			
E. would /rather
Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
27.	 Pete had already saw that musical before he read the reviews about it.
		 A		 B	 C		 D
28.	 They might enjoyed the training course if they had studied more diligently during their college years.
	 A			 B	 C	 D
29.	 Credit cards are usually issued to these with a good history of paying their bills on time.
		 A	 B			 C		 D
30.	 Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night.
			 A		 B	 C		 D
31.	 As soon as they will finish the new administration building, our offices are going to be renovated.
	 A	 B		 	 C				 D - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
32.	 I bought this book mainly because it has a very attractive _____.
A. folder		 B. cover 	 C. coat 		 D. wrapping 		 E. pages
33.	 If you can’t find what you are looking for in the book, use the _____.
A. preface 		 B. list 		 C. directory 	 D. index 		 E. bibliography
34.	 If you don’t know a word, you should ____ in the dictionary.
A. look around 		 B. see it 		 C. look it up 	 D. look it over 		 E. look through
35.	 A large____ of the tree broke off in the storm.
A. trunk 		 B. chair		 C. bark 		 D. branch 		 E. stern
36.	 You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten by____ .
A. cows 		 B. lobsters 	 C. geese 	 D. cockroaches 		 E. mosquitoes
37.	 You can’t tell what someone is like just from their ____.
A. personality 		 B. appearance 	 C. character 	 D. looking 		 E. face off
38.	 I was born in Scotland but I_____ in Northern Ireland. _
A. adult 		 B. brought up 	 C. raised 	 D. rose 			 E. grew up 	
39.	 Nasaa missed the meeting without a good reason ____ she had been told it was critical that she be there. I wouldn’t
want to be in her shoes at work tomorrow.
A. therefore 		 B. despite the fact that 		 C. however 			
D. even 		 E. despite
40.	 Parents and teachers have to try hard to understand the younger ____.
A. generation		 B. teenagers 	 C. people 	 D. adolescents 		 E. matures
41.	 My father likes to be called a ‘senior citizen’, not an old age­­­
A. gentleman 		 B. relative 	 C. lad 		 D. person		 E. pensioner
42.	 James is going to be late. His car has ____ .
A. broken in		 B. broken out 			 C. broken through		
D. broken up 		 E. broken down
43.	 This clock ____ on two small batteries.
A. goes 		 B. moves 	 C. runs 		 D. has 			 E. drives
44.	 This knife is really_____. I’ll have to sharpen it.
A. blunt 		 B. flat 		 C. dull 		 D. frank			 E. even
45.	 Don’t forget to ____ your alarm clock for 6:30.
A. siren 		 B. go off		 C. put 		 D. ring 			 E. set 	
46.	 I am glad I____ my plane! I’ve just heard that it’s been hijacked.
A. delayed 		 B. lost		 C. postponed 	 D. missed 		 E. removed
47.	 After the wedding ceremony, guests attended a ____ in the hall downstairs.
A. lounge		 B. reservoir 	 C. reception	 D. anniversary		 E. lunch
48.	 If it is ____, could you please reply immediately?
A. convenient		 B. convenience	 C. comfortable	 D. inconvenient		 E. conveniently
49.	 Mr. Namdag has ____ at ten o’clock to meet with the director.
A. appointment				 B. appointments 		
C. an appointment			 D. the appointment	 	
E. appointed 	
Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice.
50.	 Mark: I don’t imagine Nancy will want to borrow my notes, will she?
Liz: Not the way you write.
What does Liz mean?
A. Nancy will want to write her own notes
B. She can’t imagine Nancy writing notes
C. She doesn’t want to lend her notes to Nancy
D. She thinks Nancy won’t be able to read his notes
E. She will tell Nancy the way Mark writes
51.	 Badrah: Orgil’s back from the library.
Oyun: He couldn’t have finished that assignment already.
What does Oyun mean?
A. She can’t believe that Orgil has already completed his work
B. She knows that Orgil won’t be able to go back to the library
C. She doesn’t know that Orgil didn’t finish the assignment - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
D. She is certain that Orgil shouldn’t have gone back to the library
E. She doesn’t think that Orgil has already started writing his assignment
52.	 John: Professor Jenson passed out in class.
Mary: Did they discover the reason for it?
What can be understood about Professor Jenson?
A. He returned the class papers		
B. He wasn’t well
C. He passed everyone in the course	
D. He taught the course in the past
E. Prof. Jenson was angry at the class
53.	 Nancy: Dr. Mason’s parents are from Texas, she was raised in Boston and she did her doctoral studies in Chicago.
Robert: That explains her interesting accent.
What does Robert mean?
A. He meant that Dr. Mason’s speech was interesting
B. Dr. Mason speaks like a native		
C. He can’t understand Dr. Mason’s accent
D. He thought Dr. Mason was a foreigner	
E. Dr. Mason’s accent is unidentifiable
Read the text and choose the one best answer.
In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics, The Panama Canal was of-
ficially opened, finally linking theAtlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone
instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete
the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one tenth of what it would cost an average ship
to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but
sold their rights to the U.S, which actually began the construction of the project. The latter controlled it until the end of
the twentieth century when Panama had taken over its duties since the 21st
54.	 Who currently controls the Panama Canal?
A. France 		 B. the U.S	 C. Panama 	 D. Canal Zone		 E. Cape Horn
55.	 The word “locks” is closest in meaning to
A. securities 		 B. knots 		 C. lakes	 	 D. canal gates 		 E. customs
56.	 On the average, how much would it cost a ship to travel around Cape Horn?
A. $1,500 	 	 B. $15,000 	 C. $150,000 	 D. $1,500,000 		 E. $1,550,000
57.	 In what year did construction begin on the canal?
A. 1881 	 	 B. 1920 		 C.1939 	 	 D. 1999 			 E. 2008
58.	 It can be inferred from this passage that
A. the canal is a costly project which should be re-evaluated
B. despite all the problems involved the project is beneficial
C. many captains prefer to sail around Cape Horn because it is less expensive
D. problems have made it necessary for three governments to control the canal over the years.
E. the project should have involved France’s participation
59.	 The word “linking” is closest in meaning to
A. controlling		 B. separating	 C. detaching	 D. joining 		 E. uniting
60.	 The word “initiated” is nearest in meaning to
A. purchased 		 B. launched 	 C. finished 	 D. forced 		 E. made
61.	 All of the following are true EXCEPT
A. it costs so much to pass through the locks because very few ships use them
B. the U.S. received the rights to the canal from the French
C. a ship can pass through the canal in only 8 hours
D. passing through the canal saves thousands of miles of travel time around Cape Horn.
E. more than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year
62.	 Which of the following is the best title for the story?
A. The U.S Intervention in the Panama Canal	
B. France Sells Its Right
C. The Benefits of the Panama Canal 			
D. A Huge Project 					
E. Trilateral Agreement - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4.
A. I’d love to come, but I am already going out that evening. 	 …………
B. Excuse me, but is the bus station anywhere near here? 		 …………
C. I am sorry I am late –it won’t happen again. 			 …………
D. Would you like me to do the washing up?			 .………...
	 1. Asking for directions		 2. Declining an invitation
	 3. Apologizing			 4. Offering to do something
2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question.
Good morning. My name is Bill Roberts. I work in the planning division. As you know, our section has been work-
ing with the problem of how to increase production without sacrificing product quality or plant safety. We are organizing
a committee to come up with an approach to recommend to management, and we ask that all work units send one person
from each shift to the twice weekly meetings. Section quotas plant wide will be reduced for the planning period.
A. What is the problem to be discussed?
	 1. How to improve quality			 2. How to increase production
	 3. How to reduce waste			 4. How to improve safety
B. Who comprises the group?
	 1. Management 				 2. Worker committees
	 3. Outside consultants 			 4. A combination of union and management
C. What will happen during the planning period?
	 1. There will be no pay increases		 2. There will be no overtime
	 3. Quotas will be reduced			 4. Supervisors will submit reports
2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer
The following graph shows the percentage of male and female employees in the tourism industry for three countries
in 1955 and 2007.
A. The percentage of male employees working in tourism industry in China has ____ since 1955.
	 1. dropped to 2% 			 2. increased by 30%
	 3. increased by 28% 		 4. fluctuated between 2%-30%
B. The percentage of female workers working in tourism in Brazil ____ from 1955 to 2007.
	 1. has fallen by 17%		 2. fluctuated between 17%- 33%
	 3. has fallen by 16% 		 4. increased by 16%
C. The percentage difference between the Russian and Chinese female tourism workers in 2007 was ____
	 1. 23 %				 2. 13%		
	 3. 23% and 14%			 4. 9%
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.	 I didn’t want my mother to see her present, so I held it_____ my back.
A. for			B. under		C. in		D. top			E. behind
2.	 Fishermen earn____ living by catching fish from the sea.
A. they 		 B. their		 C. them 		 D. themselves 		 E. theirs
3.	 The girl thought the job was demanding too much of____ time.
A. its			 B. her		 C. the		 D. she’s 			 E. hers - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
4.	 After the sun____, the older people left the picnic.
A. has set		 B. setting	 C. set		 D. was setting		 E. was being set
5.	 Mr. Tuvshin____ trouble with his car, so he has to take the bus to work these days._
A. having 		 B. had had 	 C. to have 	 D. is having 		 E. was having
6.	 I don’t feel well. I ____ home from work tomorrow.
A. am staying		 B. stay		 C. will have stayed	 D. stayed 	 E. to stay
7.	 Once they discovered which part was broken, they____ able to replace it.
A. are 			 B. can		 C. were		 D. will be		 E. would
8.	 The use of computers____ increased in recent years.
A. did			B. has		C. will		D. have			E. are
9.	 When the door-to-door sales person came yesterday, Hulan didn’t hear the door bell because she____ her hair with
her electric hair dryer.
A. were drying		 B. dried 		 C. has dried 	 D. to dry 		 E. was drying
10.	 By the time the train arrived Susan____ to push her way to the front of the crowd.
A. has managed 			 B. had managed 			
C. managed				 D. have been managing 		
E. was managed
11.	 Suren’s children are used to____ after school everyday. They don’t have to walk home.
A. picking up 		 B. be picked up 	 C. pick up 	 D. being picked up 	 E. picked up
12.	 More than anything, Chimgee wanted____ promoted.
A. to be		 B. to do		 C. being 	 D. have			 E. have to be
13.	 If I could speak Spanish, I____ next year studying in Mexico.
A. would have spent 			 B. had spent 		
C. will spend				 D. should spend 		
E. would spend
14.	 They should____ to the seminar last week.
A. had went 		 B. had gone	 C. have went 	 D. have gone		 E. going
15.	 This receipt should____ to your application form J-56.
A. attach		 B. to attach	 C. be attaching	 D. have attached		 E. be attached
16.	 The postman____ not to deliver the package to the front door.
A. asks 		 B. asked		 C. was asked	 D. was asking 		 E. ask
17.	 Mr. Tengis is the kind of manager____ will always try to listen to his workers.
A. who 		 B. whom	 C. when		 D. which 		 E. whose
18.	 You have to pay extra if you take too____ with you.
A. much luggages 			 B. many luggages 		
C. much luggage 			 D. many luggage 		
E. lots of luggages
19.	 This exercise will give you____ practice.
A. farther 		 B. much more	 C. as better 	 D. a lot 			 E. had better
20.	 - “ The people in the apartment upstairs must have a lot of children.”
-“I don’t know how many ____ , but it sounds like they have a dozen.”
A. children they have 			 B. children do they have 		
C. do they have children	 		 D. they have children 		
E. have they children
21.	 The children are at the park. They____ ball for the last two hours, but they don’t seem to be tired yet.
A. has been playing 			 B. to have been playing 		
C. have been playing 			 D. had been playing		
E. are playing
22.	 Her oldest son lives in the city, ____ her other children live at home.
A. so			 B. for		 C. with		 D. even if		 E. but	
23.	 I am going to take these trousers back to the shop, but____ them without a receipt
A. they won’t change			 B. they are going to change	
C. they will be changed 			 D. they won’t be changed	 	
E. they didn’t change
24.	 I wish I____ my job until I’d found another one.
A. have quit 				 B. would be quit 	
C. will have quitted 			 D. quit 	
E. hadn’t quit - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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25.	 The Statue of Liberty was____ gift from ­­­­
____France to_____ United States.
A. / - / the / a / 				 B. / a / - / the / 			
C. / the / - / a / 				 D. / the / a / - /			
E. / - / - / the /
26.	 ____ my cousin____ his wife are vegetarians.
A. would / rather			 B. neither / or		
C. Both / and				 D. had / better			
E. either / nor
Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
27.	 Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation.
		 A	 B	 C			 D
28.	 Several delegates flew from England to greeting the ambassador and his family before the concert.
	 A				 B	 C		 D
29.	 The weather has never been as worse as it’s now.
	 A B 	 C D
30.	 There are ten childs playing in the yard near her house, but your child is not among them.
	 A B					 C		 D
31.	 It was him who came running into the classroom with the news.
	 A B			 C	 D
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
32.	 The Nigerian workers accused the Korean company of racial____.
A. judgment		 B. argument 	 C. beliefs 	 D. discrimination 	 E. problem
33.	 Suvdaa ____ birth to a baby girl yesterday afternoon.
A. had 			 B. put 		 C. was 		 D. gave 			 E. delivered
34.	 Tergel has quite a good____ of physics.
A. head		 B. result		 C. pass		 D. marks 		 E. understanding
35.	 I got to class on time ____ I had missed my bus.
A. even though 		 B. nevertheless 	 C. because 	 D. despite 		 E. however
36.	 Most students have quite a good sense of their own____.
A. idea 		 B. ability	 C. grasp		 D. notion 		 E. information
37.	 It should be easy for Tselmeg to find more time to spend with his children ____ he no longer has to work in the
evenings and on weekends.
A. even though		 B. either 	 C. due to 	 D. but 			 E. now that
38.	 If you want to pass the examination, you must study____.
A. rather		 B. rather		 C. enough	 D. through 		 E. thoroughly
39.	 Martin hasn’t quite____ his illness yet.
A. recovered from	 B. got over 	 C. looked after 	 D. suffered 		 E. treated
40.	 ____ Paul brings the money for our lunch, we’ll go right down to the cafeteria.
A. Now that 		 B. Since 	 C. Until 		 D. Whatever 		 E. As soon as
41.	 My mouth is burning! This is ____ spicy food that I don’t think I can’t finish it.
A. such 		 B. too 		 C. so 		 D. very 			 E. extreme
42.	 I was too tired to ____ my suitcase and hang my clothes in the wardrobe.
A. unpack 		 B. disorder 	 C. empty 	 D. put out 		 E. unload
43.	 I wanted to complain about my boss, but I didn’t____.
A. attempt 		 B. courage 	 C. can 		 D. risk 			 E. dare
44.	 Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my ____!
A. muscles 		 B. nerves 	 C. brains 	 D. blood 		 E. pressure
45.	 Just a minute! You have forgotten to____ your check!
A. make 		 B. place 		 C. fold 		 D. mark 			 E. sign
46.	 All my friends have big new cars. I am becoming____ of my old Mini.
A. guilty 		 B. ashamed 	 C. upset 		 D. scared		 E. shy
47.	 The last flight from Athens____ two hours ago.
A. is 			 B. since		 C. departs 	 D. arrived 		 E. for
48.	 He ____ he were younger.
A. wants 		 B. hopes 	 C. wishes 	 D. desires		 E. strives - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
49.	 The official refuses to change his ____.
A. head 		 B. mind 		 C. think 		 D. thought 		 E. brain
Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice.
50.	 Tungaa: Did you get a ticket for the concert tomorrow?
Mandakh: They were sold out weeks ago.
What does Mandakh mean?
A. The concert was sold out 7 days earlier			 B. He bought a ticket weeks ago
C. He reserved a ticket for tomorrow			 D. The concert has been cancelled
E. He couldn’t get a ticket
51.	 Zaya: The physics mid-term exam is next week, isn’t it?
Oyun: No, it’s the following week.
Zaya: Are you sure? I have next week marked in my calendar.
Oyun: That was the original date it was set for, but Prof. Namdag announced the change in our last class meeting.
Zaya: Oh, I missed that day because I had to make an emergency trip to the dentist.
Why was Zaya confused about the date for the mid-term exam?
A. He missed an announcement				 B. He wrote the date incorrectly
C. He confused the date with his dentist appointment	 D. He changed to Prof. Namdag’s class
E. He didn’t understand the announcement
52.	 Tsogtoo: It is a little early for lunch, isn’t it?
Goomaral: I had to leave home before breakfast was ready.
What does Goomaral mean?
A. She had to eat breakfast too early			 B. She can’t have breakfast at this time of day
C. She is always hungry at this time			 D. She missed her breakfast
E. She had to prepare breakfast
53.	 Tuvshin: You were studying part-time for a master’s degree, weren’t you?
Uyanga: Yeah, I used to take evening classes after work, but it got to be too much.
What does Uyanga mean?
A. She’s accustomed to a lot of work			 B. She doesn’t attend evening classes anymore
C. She usually has too much studying to do		 D. She has to study part-time	
E. She doesn’t like evening class
Read the text and choose the one best answer.
Of the six outer planets, Mars, commonly called the Red Planet, is the closest to Earth. Mars, 4,200 miles in diam-
eter and 55 percent of the size of Earth, is 34,600,000 miles from Earth and 141,000,000 miles from the Sun. It takes this
planet along with its two moons, Phobos and Deimos, 1.88 years to circle the Sun compared to 365 days for the Earth.
For many years, Mars had been thought of as the planet with the man-made canals supposedly discovered by an Italian
astronomer, Schiaparelli, in 1877. With the United States spacecraft Viking I’s landing on Mars in 1976, the man-made
canal theory was proven to be only a myth.
The Viking I, after landing on the soil of Mars, performed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures.
The pictures showed that the red color of the planet is due to the reddish, rocky Martian soil. No biological life was
found, though it had been speculated by many scientists. The Viking I also monitored many weather changes including
violent dust storms. Some water vapor, polar ice, and permafrost (frost below the surface) were found, indicating that
at one time there were significant quantities of water on this distant planet. Evidence collected by the spacecraft shows
some present volcanic action, though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant, if not extinct.
54.	 All of the following are true EXCEPT
A. Mars has two moons			 B. It takes longer for Mars to circle the sun than it takes Earth
C. Martian soil is rocky			 D. Mars is larger than Earth
E. Early scholars believed that Mars has man-made canals
55.	 Man-made canals were supposedly discovered by
A. Viking I		 B. Schiaparelli	 C. Phobos	 D. Martian		 E. Deimos
56.	 The word “supposedly” is closest in meaning to
A. actually		 B. presumably	 C. formerly	 D. unquestionably	 E. undoubtedly
57.	 Mars has been nicknamed
A. Viking I		 B. Schiaparelli	 C. Deimos	 D. Martian		 E. The Red Planet
58.	 The word “myth” is closest in meaning to
A. fact 		 B. event 	 C. legend 	 D. enigma 		 E. false - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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59.	 The Viking I exploration accomplished all of the following EXCEPT
A. performing scientific experiments	 B. collecting information showing volcanic action
C. monitoring weather conditions		 D. discovering large quantities of polar ice and permafrost	
E. taking photos
60.	 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Fairly recent studies of this planet reveal data that contradict previously held theories.
B. Very little of the Martian landscape has changed over the years.
C. Scientists are only speculating about the Red Planet.
D. Scientists are no longer interested in the planet because there is no life on it.
E. Life of a Italian astronomer Schiaparelli
61.	 The word “monitored” is nearest in meaning to
A. programmed		 B. televised	 C. censored	 D. viewed		 E. observed
62.	 The word “dormant” is closest in meaning to
A. dangerous		 B. inactive	 C. erupting	 D. significant		 E. catastrophic
2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4.
A. I think that’s the point exactly.					 ……….
B. Would it be all right if I left a bit early today?			 ……….
C. Wait a minute, let me see.					 ……….
D. I’ll definitely bring your camera back tomorrow.			 ……….
	 1. Pausing to think	 2. Promising		 3. Agreeing 	 4. Asking permission
2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question.
Of your customers surveyed by our consulting group, 1,750, or 18 percent, said they always buy your brand. Sixty-
three percent said they buy it occasionally, and the remainder said they bought it only one time. Our consulting group
analyzed the data carefully, looking at both the local and the national market. The group’s opinion is that you could increase
your sales by nearly 40 percent in a two-year period by concentrating advertising on those customers who purchase your
brand only occasionally.
A. Who was surveyed?
	 1. Store managers	
	 2. Television viewers	
	 3. Sales people
	 4. Customers
B. Who conducted the survey?
	 1. A consumer group
	 2. The manufacturer
	 3. A consulting group
	 4. A business school class
C. What is recommended as the result of the survey?
	 1. A more in-depth survey
	 2. That the company concentrates on attracting new customers
	 3. That the company focuses advertising on current customers
	 4. That the company redesigns the package and carry out national advertising
2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer
Below is a graph of the life expectancy for men and women in three different countries in Africa. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
A. The life expectancy rate among men in Ethiopia has ____ since 1975.
	 1. dropped to 51 years 		 2. increased by 55 years
	 3. increased by 4 years 		 4. fluctuated between 54 and 58 years
B. The life expectancy rate among women in Nigeria ____ from 1975 to 2007.
	 1. fell by 18 years		 2. fluctuated between 57 years and 44
	 3. fell by 3 years 			 4. increased to 60 years
C. The life expectancy difference between Nigerian and Rwandan women in 2007 was ____
	 1. 2 years	 2. 62 years 	 3. 60 and 62 years	 4. 61 years
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.	 It was evening before the meeting reached____ end.
A. its			 B. his		 C. it’s	 	 D. their			 E. theirs
2.	 Everyone has to do____ own research.
A. their 		 B. his 		 C. them 		 D. him 			 E. its
3.	 The supervisor would like____ to arrive on time.
A. they		 B. our 		 C. their		 D. theirs			 E. them
4.	 It____ difficult to improve quality, but really it is not.
A. seem		 B. seems	 C. seemed	 D. seemingly		 E. was seemed
5.	 They want to know how long____ staying.
A. he			 B. he is		 C. he will 	 D. he be 		 E. he would
6.	 Mr. Gochoo sometimes wishes he____ better qualified for his job.
A. was 		 B. can		 C. will		 D. were 			 E. could
7.	 The planning team seldom____ before 6.00 am.
A. met			 B. are meeting	 C. were meeting 	D. have been met 	 E. to meet
8.	 She has not____ her mother for ten years.
A. saw			 B. see		 C. seen		 D. to see 		 E. seeing
9.	 Yesterday Tulgaa____ a street when a truck turned the corner very fast and almost hit him.
A. has been crossing 	 B. has crossed 			 C. had crossed 			
D. was crossing 	 E. crosses
10.	 I was proud of myself. I ____ a class all semester until last Friday ,when I had a car accident.
A. have missed 		 B. missed 			 C. hadn’t missed		
D. missing 		 E. was missing
11.	 Would you mind not____ the radio until I have finished with this phone call?
A. being turned on 	 B. to turn on			 C. turn on			
D. to be turned on 	 E. turning on
12.	 The sales manager wants____ all of the remaining units by April 30.
A. selling		 B. by selling	 C. to sell		 D. to selling		 E. sells
13.	 He wouldn’t talk that way about the company if he____ not the owner’s son.
A. was 		 B. will 		 C. had		 D. would		 E. is
14.	 They will stay late tonight, because the project____ completed by tomorrow.
A. is 			 B. was		 C. have to	 D. must have been 	 E. must be
15.	 The meeting____ by the sound of a fire truck going by.
A. interrupted				 B. was interrupted		
C. are interrupting			 D. was having interruption		
E. were interrupted
16.	 He____ to put the packages wherever he could find room.
A. asks 		 B. asked		 C. were asked	 D. was asking		 E. is asking
17.	 People____ study hand writing are called graphologists.
A. who		 B. what		 C. which 	 D. whose 		 E. whom
18.	 Each of the reference____ available in the school library.
A. books on that list are 			 B. books on this list was		
C. book on that list is 			 D. books on that list is	 	
E. book on that list are
19.	 I’ve never owned____ independent cat as this one!
A. a more than 		 B. such an 	 C. a so		 D. as much an		 E. like - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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20.	 - “There is too much noise in this room. I can’t understand what ____.”
A. is the professor saying 		 B. the professor are saying 		
C. is saying the professor			 D. that the professor is saying 	
E. the professor is saying
21.	 Since I bought my son a set of drums, the noise____ my wife and me crazy, but I suppose we will get used to it
pretty soon.
A. drove 				 B. are driving 			
C. had been driving 			 D. will be driving 		
E. has been driving
22.	 Jenny looked at her book____ before she answered the teacher’s question.
A. thoughtfully 				 B. thoughtful 			
C. thoughtfulness 			 D. thoughtless 			
E. thought 	
23.	 The sports club has put up the prices again. ____ my membership.
A. I will cancelled 			 B. I will have been cancelled 	
C. I will be cancelled 			 D. I am going to cancel 		
E. I cancel
24.	 Tom is in trouble with the teacher. Now he wishes he____ class three times this week.
A. has missed 				 B. missed 			
C. hadn’t missed 			 D. will have missed 		
E. would have missed
25.	 Telmen’s father bought him____ bicycle that he wanted for____ his birthday.
A. / - / the /		 B. / a / - /	 C. / the / - /	 D. / the / a /		 E. / - / a /
26.	 Most restaurants in my city have two separate dining areas. Customers can sit ____ in the smoking area ____ in the
nonsmoking area.
A. had / better				 B. whether / or			
C. neither / or				 D. would / rather			
E. either / or
Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
27.	 Library visitors often find that there are too few staff members available to assist them, especially as funding
		 A			 B						 C
for libraries have been cut back.
28.	 The children had been said not to go near the water.
	 A		 B	 C D
29.	 The little boy’s mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his birthday.
A			 B	 C		 D
30.	 We looked to hundreds of documents before we found what we were looking for.
	 A B		 C		 D
31.	 Returning home from work, he was bite by a dog and had to go to the hospital.
A B		 C		 D
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
32.	 I am sorry, I screamed. Something _____ me.
A. depressed		 B. terrifying	 C. scared	 D. afraid			 E. terrible	
33.	 How do you____ about the pollution problem in this country? _
A. view 		 B. think 		 C. believe 	 D. reckon		 E. feel
34.	 It was cold and wet. ____, Bob put on his swimming suit and went to the beach.
A. Therefore		 B. Despite	 C. In spite of	 D. Although		 E. Nevertheless
35.	 I don’t think this program is ____ for young children.
A. suitable 		 B. wonderful	 C. worth		 D. keen			 E. proper
36.	 Boldoo used to be an active person, but now he has to limit his activities ____ problems with his health.
A. in spite of 		 B. because of 	 C. although	 D. nevertheless 		 E. because
37.	 Most young people want to____ more about environmental problems.
A. make out		 B. look up 	 C. deal with 	 D. obtain 		 E. find out - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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38.	 Tenuun is a very good student of languages. His brother Ganzorig, ___ , has never been able to master another
A. even though 		 B. therefore 	 C. while 	 D. on the other hand 	 E. whereas
39.	 More people in cities should____ cycling instead of using cars.
A. take up 		 B. improve on 	 C. set up 	 D. get round to 		 E. give up
40.	 In some countries environmental organizations have been ____ to inform people and gain their support.
A. set off 		 B. make up	 C. set down 	 D. set out 		 E. set up
41.	 The important thing is to believe that problems can be solved, and not to ____.
A. give up 		 B. look up 	 C. make up 	 D. put up 		 E. sign up
42.	 That was a bad fall! Have you____ yourself?
A. wrecked 		 B. hurt 		 C. damaged 	 D. wounded 		 E. broken
43.	 The wind was blowing so much that we couldn’t ____ our tent.
A. build		 B. make up 	 C. construct 	 D. raise			 E. put up
44.	 A: I am hungry. Do you ______ going out for pizza? B: Sure, I’d love to.
A. like 		 B. desire		 C. need		 D. fancy 		 E. want
45.	 I bought these shoes on sale. They were a real____.
A. bargain 		 B. economy 	 C. cheap 	 D. purchase 		 E. barter
46.	 I gave the assistant ten dollars and she gave me four cents____.
A. money 		 B. change 	 C. coins 		 D. rest 			 E. refund
47.	 All questions must be answered____ and you must sign at the bottom where indicated.
A. truth 		 B. honest 	 C. truthful 	 D. truthfully 		 E. trustworthy
48.	 Mr. Chang asked us to choose a restaurant ____ for the company banquet.
A. suited 		 B. suitably 	 C. suitable 	 D. suited to		 E. comfortable
49.	 The parents are _______ having educated their three children well.
A. proud 		 B. pride to 	 C. proud of 	 D. boastful to 		 E. proud about
Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice.
50.	 Khulan: The concert starts at 8:15 and ends at about 10:30.
Orgil: That means we’ll be home around midnight.
What does Orgil mean?
A. It takes more than an hour to get home		 B. They should leave the concert early
C. The concert will end very late			 D. Midnight is too late to get home
E. Orgil doesn’t like concert
51.	 Maral: I studied all night long.
Temuulen: Why don’t you go home and get some shut-eye?
What does Temuulen mean?
A. Maral should close her eyes 			 B. Maral should go home and have lunch
C. Maral should turn off the light			 D. Maral should close up her house
E. Maral should get some sleep
52.	 Sunjee: How can you be so worried about a little exam?
Borgil: Little? This exam could determine whether or not I get a scholarship.
What does Borgil mean?
A. There’s little to worry about			 B. The exam is important to him
C. The exam will be short			 D. He’s never had a scholarship before
E. The exam will determine little or big scholarship
53.	 Suhee: Please don’t let anyone know about the social science experiment.
Solongo: I understand why you want to hush it up.
What does Solongo mean?
A. She thinks he should brush up on his social skills		 B. She understands why it can’t be hurried
C. She agrees that there are reasons not to talk about it
D. She thinks people should know about the experiment	 E. She was somewhat happy
Read the text and choose the one best answer.
After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally
destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two
weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contribu-
tions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was
added in 1968, just sixty- seven years after the first awards ceremony. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards
which vary from $50,000 to $1400,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards-a gold medal, illuminated diploma, and
money-are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics play an important role in the judge’s decisions. Americans have
won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes,
but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
54.	 The word “foresaw” is nearest in meaning to
A. prevailed		 B. postponed	 C. prevented	 D. predicted		 E. guessed
55.	 The Nobel Prize was established in order to
A. recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity.		 B. resolve political differences.		
C. honor the inventor of dynamite.			 D. spend money.				
E. make money.
56.	 In which area have Americans received the most awards?
A. Literature		 B. Peace		 C. Economics	 D. Science		 E. Art
57.	 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
A. awards vary in monetary value
B. ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel’s invention
C. politics plays an important role in selecting the winners
D. a few individuals have won two awards		
E. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942
58.	 In how many fields are prizes given?
A. 2			 B. 5		 C. 6		 D. 10			 E. 8
59.	 It is implied that Nobel’s profession was in
A. economics		 B. medicine	 C. literature	 D. science		 E. peace
60.	 The word “worthwhile” is closest in meaning to
A. economics		 B. prestigious	 C. trivial		 D. wealthy		 E. valuable
61.	 How much money did Nobel leave for the prizes?
A. $ 30,000		 B. $125,000	 C. $155,000	 D. $9,000,000		 E.$3,000,000
62.	 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite
B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity
C. Alfred Nobel left all of his money to science
D. Alfred Nobel’s dynamite is the most destructive weapon in the world
E. Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution to humanity
2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D with an explanation from 1 to 4.
A. Praising someone’s performance.					……….
B. Expressing sympathy.							……….
C. Attracting attention or asking someone to move out of your way. 	 	 ……….
D. Expressing happiness at someone’s success.				 ……….
	 1. Congratulations!		 2. Excuse me!		
	 3. Well done!			 4. You poor thing!
2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question.
Are you looking for a great lasagna? Or any Italian dish, for that matter? Try The Sorrento at 722 Third Street. The
minute you walk in the door, you feel like you are in a south Italian villa, looking over the Bay of Naples. The Sorrento
is open everyday except Wednesday until midnight. During the week, reservations are not necessary but on weekends to
dine before ten p.m. you should phone ahead to assure yourself a table. The Sorrento can accommodate groups of up to
twenty-eight in its new Neapolitan Reception Room.
A. What kind of place is the speaker talking about?
	 1. A hotel	 2. A villa		 3. A market 		 4. A restaurant
B. What day is The Sorrento closed?
	 1. Sunday 	 2. Tuesday 		 3. Wednesday 		 4. Friday
C. For which of the following times are reservations suggested?
	 1. Mondays 	 2. Saturdays		 3. All the time		 4. Never. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer
Below is a graph of the percentage of men and women who are literate in three African countries in 1975 and 2007.
A. The literacy rate amongst women in Somalia has ____ between 1980 and 2007.
	 1. dropped to 40% 			 2. increased by 40%
	 3. fluctuated between 33%-56%		 4. increased by 15%
B. The literacy rate amongst men in Mozambique has ____ from 1980 to 2007.
	 1. fallen by 24%		 2. increased by 24%	 3. fallen to 36%		 4. doubled
C. The literacy rate difference between Somalian and Ugandan men in 2007 was____
	 1. 8 %		 2. 48%		 3. 48% and 56%		 4. 56%
1.	 You look very familiar____ me.
A. to 			 B. on		 C. at		 D. for			 E. onto
2.	 ____ can run faster than Ben Johnson.
A. No			 B. Any		 C. Every		 D. Nobody		 E. So do I
3.	 We would like____ to join our firm.
A. them		 B. they		 C. their		 D. theirs			 E. themselves
4.	 Please____ your name, number and the time of your visit, and somebody will contact you.
A. will leave		 B. are leaving	 C. leave 		 D. left			 E. leaving
5.	 Although he lives alone, he____ not know how to cook.
A. do			B. did		C. can		D. does			E. could
6.	 -“Hurry up! We are waiting for you. What’s taking you so long? ”
- “I ____ for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me.”	
A. wait 		 B. will wait	 C. am waiting	 D. have waited		 E. waited
7.	 Yesterday he____ a warning from his doctor.
A. receives		 B. would receive	C. was receiving	 D. had to receive		 E. received
8.	 The field of biotechnology____ to research that could reduce the incidence of heart attacks.
A. leading		 B. has led	 C. had led	 D. have been leading	 E. has been led
9.	 -“Hello? Nomin? This is George. How are you?”
- “George? What a coincidence! I ____ about you when the phone rang.”
A. was just thinking			 B. just thought			
C. have just been thinking	 	 D. was just thought		
E. am having thought
10.	 By lunch time, Mr. Dagvaa already ____ six hours.
A. worked 		 B. working	 C. was working	 D. had worked		 E. will be working
11.	 Workers were warned___ down into the hole in the ground.
A. to 			 B. not to go	 C. not to going 	 D. against to go		 E. not go	
12.	 The company expects____ more people next year.
A. hire 		 B. hiring 		 C. to hire 	 D. to be hired	 E. going to hire
13.	 If I had known about the funeral, I ____ too.
A. would go		 B. had gone 	 C. will have gone	D. would have gone 	 E. should have gone
14.	 We____ to be able to ship it within ten days.
A. can			 B. must		 C. ought		 D. should 		 E. could - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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15.	 When he looked for his briefcase, he discovered it was____.
A. gone		 B. went		 C. going		 D. missed		 E. goes
16.	 They asked____ they could take the visitors for dinner.
A. why		 B. for		 C. what		 D. where 		 E. which 	
17.	 There are not____ people who dislike sweet things.
A. much		 B. many 	 C. a few 	 D. tons 			 E. little	
18.	 The first and____ important management skill is the ability to listen.
A. best 		 B. main		 C. more		 D. moreover		 E. most
19.	 The Trade Department was asked when the new computers____.
A. arrive 		 B. would arrive			 C. would arriving 			
D. had been arriving 	 E. will arrive 	
20.	 - “ When is Mr. Baldan planning to retire?”
-“Soon, I think. He ____ here for a long time. He’ll probably retire either next year or the year after that.”
A. worked		 B. had been working 		 C. has been working 			
D. is working		 E. was working
21.	 The sporting event took place____ the rain.
A. due to 		 B. owing to 	 C. because of 	 D. in spite of 		 E. however
22.	 The construction worker says he will ____ the building before the end of the year.
A. complete 		 B. completing 	 C. to complete 	 D. to completing 		 E. completion
23.	 When travelling abroad, a person must ____ eating different kinds of food.
A. used to 		 B. had to use			 C. get used to 	
D. have use to 		 E. should used to
24.	 Scientists sent ____ expedition to_____ Mars during____ 1990s.
A. / the / - / a /		 B. / - / the / a / 			 C. / - / - / a /				
D. / the / a / - /		 E. / an / - / the /
25.	 The Director cannot go and____ can his assistant.
A. too			 B. also		 C. either 	 D. neither		 E. or
26.	 These events____ very closely by the European Union.
A. has watched		 B. are watching 			 C. is being watched			
D. has been watched	 E. are being watched	
Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
27.	 By the time we read the paper, the news are old, since we’ve already heard on TV what’s happening in the world.
	 A			 B			 C D
28.	 Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students lost the opportunity to
	 A		 B		 C					 D
lease the apartment.
29.	 That new person from the head office who is working with us reminds me to my uncle.
					 A B	 	 C D	 	
30.	 We needed thousands of pencils for the convention, so we bought the less expensive ones we could find.
		 A			 B		 C		 D
31.	 After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
32.	 The child looked_____ of the small window in the roof.
A. in			 B. out		 C. back		 D. into 			 E. outside
33.	 They stopped along the road to watch the ____ birds feeding in the grass.
A. color		 B. colored	 C. colorfully 	 D. coloring		 E. colorful	
34.	 The boy was ____ ashamed of what he had done.
A. awful 		 B. terrible	 C. terribly	 D. terrifically 		 E. terrific
35.	 People do not like to say how they ____ about each other’s lives.
A. say			 B. worked	 C. opinion	 D. tell 			 E. feel
36.	 Turn _____ the light upon leaving the room.
A. in			 B. through 	 C. over		 D. under			 E. off
37.	 The salesman left a good ____ on his customers.
A. idea 		 B. feeling 	 C. impression	 D. expression		 E. impressive - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
38.	 Patients are told to follow their doctor’s _____.
A. advising 		 B. advise 	 C. recommend 	 D. words 		 E. advice
39.	 The manager can speak five languages ____.
A. good 		 B. fluency 	 C. freely 	 D. fluently 		 E. fluent
40.	 They ____ all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.
A. did 			 B. used 		 C. spent 		 D. occupied 		 E. passed
41.	 The hotel room ____ over a beautiful garden.
A. opened up 		 B. viewed out 	 C. faced up 	 D. vision out		 E. looked out
42.	 Mr. Sambuu had his money stolen and couldn’t _____ his hotel bill.
A. pay out		 B. pay		 C. pay to 	 D. pay up 		 E. pay from
43.	 Take the bus and ____ at Oxford Circus.
A. get in 		 B. get of 	 C. get down 	 D. get away 		 E. get off
44.	 As the little boy cried, large ____ rolled down his cheeks.
A. sweat 		 B. drips 		 C. tears 		 D. streams 		 E. water
45.	 I had a severe toothache and half my face was badly ____.
A. rounded 		 B. injured 	 C. exploded 	 D. swollen 		 E. damaged
46.	 I’ve got a headache and I don’t feel very____.
A. well 		 B. healthy 	 C. fit 		 D. simple 		 E. nervous
47.	 The employees greatly ____ management’s understanding.
A. thank 		 B. grateful	 C. thankful	 D. appreciate		 E. appreciation
48.	 The small chair was a lot ____ than the large one.
A. comfortable				 B. more comfortable			 C. more comfort	
D. the most comfortable			 E. most comfort
49.	 The flight was ____ because of poor weather conditions that developed after takeoff.
A. late					B. cancel				C. taking off	
D. overbooked				E. lately
Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice.
50.	 Bataa: I dropped my physics course because I discovered it didn’t meet my degree requirements. You wouldn’t
know anyone in the class who would like to buy the course book, would you?
Enhee: Not offhand. But if you bought it new and kept the receipt, I am sure you could get your money back or
exchange it for one you do need.
Bataa: I did buy it new, but I thought that the book store wouldn’t refund money on textbooks.
Enhee : They will if you take it back within a reasonable time period. If I were you, I’d go there as soon as possible.
Bataa: Right thanks for the tip.
What will Bataa probably do?
A. Sell the book to a class member			
B. Give the book to Enhee
C. Go to the book store for a refund	
D. Exchange Enhee’s book for her
E. Keep the book for himself
51.	 Natsag: I can’t believe how much I spend for textbooks these days. Everything costs more.
Naraa: I know. The price of hardback books has doubled in the last three years.
What does Naraa mean?
A. Hardback books cost twice as much as before
B. The cost of hardback books goes up two or three times a year
C. The cost of hardback books has gone up twice in the last three years
D. Two years ago hardback books cost a third as much as now
E. The cost of hardback books gone up by a quarter
52.	 Tenuun: Let’s take the stairs.
Onon: Let’s not. There are too many flights to climb.
What does Onon mean?
A. He doesn’t enjoy going climbing			
B. He plans to take the airplane
C. He doesn’t want to use the steps			
D. He thinks they fly too often
E. He doesn’t like either flying or climbing - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв
53.	 Oyun: You are joining us at the museum, aren’t you?
Togoo: I’d love to, but I have to meet my mother at the airport.
What will Togoo probably do?
A. Go the museum					 B. Join the group	
C. Meet them at the airport 				 D. Pick up his mother	
E. He will rent a pick-up
Read the text and choose the one best answer.
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in1821 and immigrated to New York City when she was ten years old.
One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the
nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doc-
tor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a
surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea.
Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By
1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first
for women and children. Besides being the first female physician in the United States and founding her own hospital,
she also established the first medical school for women.
54.	 Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?
A. She couldn’t get admitted to medical school
B. She decided to further her education in Paris
C. In the 19th
century, women were not allowed to become a doctor
D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States
E. A serious eye infection halted her quest
55.	 What main obstacle almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming a doctor?
A. She was a woman					
B. She wrote too many letters
C. She couldn’t graduate from medical school		
D. She couldn’t establish her hospital
E. She had to spend too much time on finding tuition money
56.	 All of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell EXCEPT
A. she became the first female physician in the United States
B. she was the first woman surgeon in the U.S
C. she and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children
D. she established the first medical school for women
E. she was accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia
57.	 How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she graduated from medical school?
A. 10			 B. 21		 C. 28		 D. 36		 E. 37
58.	 The word “abandon” is closest in meaning to
A. undertake 		 B. give up 	 C. continue 	 D. look into	 E. surrender
59.	 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Elizabeth Blackwell overcame serious obstacles to become the first woman doctor in the U.S
B. Elizabeth Blackwell had to abandon her plans to become a doctor because of an eye infection
C. Elizabeth Blackwell even taught music to pay for her medical studies
D. Elizabeth Blackwell founded the first medical school for women
E. Elizabeth Blackwell wanted to set up women’s equal right movement
60.	 The word “founding” means most nearly the same as
A. locating 		 B. looking for 			 C. establishing	
D. buying 		 E. suffragette
61.	 Why was it nearly impossible for Elizabeth Blackwell to get into medical school?
A. She had a serious eye infection 			 B. She had little money to pay tuition		
C. She was too young					 D. Her family didn’t want her to be doctor
E. She wanted to be part of a profession that no woman had ever entered before.
62.	 Which of the following is the best title for the story?
A. Early American Women’s Life				 B. A Woman’s Struggle for Equal Rights
C. The Pioneer						 D. A Key to Success 		
E. Story of Two Women Doctors - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
2.1. Social Expressions 				 (4 items* 1 .5mark each= 6)
Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4.
A. That is very kind of you, I’d love to. 					 ………. 	
B. Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I am afraid I have to go.		 ……….	
C. Shall I carry this bag for you?						 ……….	
D.What do you think I should do?						 ………. 	
	 1. Ending a conversation			 2. Asking for advice
	 3. Offering to do something		 4. Accepting an invitation
2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question.
All passengers on Sunbird Airlines flight 22 are requested to go the Sunbird Airlines ticket counter. Due to a delay
caused by the weather conditions, you will receive a voucher for a complimentary dinner in the airport restaurant.
Boarding time has been rescheduled for 8:30 p.m. You will be advised if there are any further schedule changes. We
sincerely regret any inconvenience caused by this delay.
A. What are passengers to do?		
	 1. Go to the ticket counter		
	 2. Board the airline					
	 3. Go home and return the next day	
	 4. Report to another airline
B. What will passengers be given?
1. A ticket				
	 2. A boarding pass	
3. A dinner				
	 4. A report
C. What caused the problem?
	 1. Airplane equipment failure		
	 2. Too many tickets were sold
	 3. A computer error		
	 4. Weather conditions
2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer
Below is a graph of the percentage of Unemployed citizens and citizens with health coverage in three different
countries in 1988 and 2006.
A. The unemployment rate in the U.S has ____ between 1988 and 2006.
	 1. dropped to 8%				 2. increased by 8%
	 3. increased by 13% 			 4. fluctuated between 4%-13%
B. The unemployment rate in Australia has ____ from 1988 to 2006.
	 1. fallen by 4% 				 2. gone up to 11%
	 3. fallen by 11% 			 4. increased 4 times
C. The percentage difference between the U.K and Australia in citizens with health coverage in 2006 was
	 1. 95 %		 2. 86% 		 3. 95% and 86% 		 4. 9% - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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2008 оны Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн даалгаврын түлхүүр
No. Variation B Variation C Variation D Variation E Variation F
1 C C E A A
2 C A B A D
3 E D B E A
4 A C C B C
5 B B D B D
6 A C A A C
7 B B C A E
8 C A B C E
9 E B E D B
10 D A B C A
11 B E D E D
12 C B A C B
13 D A E A C
14 B C D E D
15 C B E B A
16 E D C B D
17 C E A A B
18 B B C D E
19 D A B B B
20 B D A E C
21 A A C E D
22 A C E A A
23 A E A D C
24 D B E C E
25 B C B C D
26 A B C E E
27 A A A D B
28 C A B B B
29 B B C C D
30 C B B A C
31 B B A C A
32 B B D C B
33 E D D E E
34 C C E E C
35 B D A A E
36 A E B B E
37 B B E E C
38 C E E D E
39 E B A A D
40 C A E E C
41 E E A A E
42 E E A B B
43 A C E E E
44 C C B D C
45 C E E A D
46 A D B B A
47 B C D D D - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье
Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008
48 D A C C B
49 C C B C A
50 C D E C C
51 E A A E A
52 B B D B C
53 C E B C D
54 A C D D E
55 D D B A A
56 A C B D B
57 D A E B C
58 A B C C B
59 E D D D A
60 C B A E C
61 D A E D E
62 C C B E B
2.1a 4 2 3 3 4
2.1b 2 1 4 4 1
2.1c 3 3 1 2 3
2.1d 1 4 2 1 2
2.2A 3 2 4 4 1
2.2b 2 2 3 3 3
2.2c 2 3 3 2 4
2.3a 3 3 3 4 2
2.3b 3 4 4 2 3
2.3c 4 2 1 1 4
No. Variation B Variation C Variation D Variation E Variation F - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed
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баймж бүтээврийн утга
баймж бүтээврийн утгабаймж бүтээврийн утга
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Хими - Спирт
Хими - СпиртХими - Спирт
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  • 1. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье АНГЛИ ХЭЛ 2008
  • 2. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 44 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв VARIATION B Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. I pushed my bike____ the bridge. A. above B. without C. over D. before E. with 2. The President will come, but says his wife will not come with____ . A. he B. her C. him D. them E. hers 3. The letter to Mr. Sengee was opened by____ secretary. A. her B. him C. them D. their E. his 4. Fame and power____ different people differently. A. affect B. affects C. are affected D. having affected E. were affected 5. -“What____ about the new simplified tax law?” -“It’s more confusing than the old one.” A. are you thinking B. do you think C. have you thought D. have you been thinking E. your thought 6. -“Where is Siilegmaa?” - “She____. ” A. is studying in her room B. in her room is studying C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied E. will study in her room 7. They left at 10 am and____ a taxi to the airport. A. take B. took C. are taking D. have taken E. will be taking 8. -“Suren is going to be famous someday. She____ in three movies already” -“I am sure she’ll be a star” A. has been appearing B. have appeared C. has appeared D. appeared E. had appeared 9. While I____ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. A. watch B. watched C. has been watching D. am watching E. was watching 10. Orchlon school’s football team____ a championship until last season, when the new coach led them to take first place in their league. A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won E. was won 11. It will be difficult____ a new telephone operator. A. get B. to get C. for getting D. having to get E. gets 12. In many public places it is forbidden ____. A. smokes B. smoking C. to smoke D. will smoke E. smoke 13. If he had left by 6.00 pm, he____ have had time to visit. A. can B. will C. shall D. would E. ought to 14. Last year, for the 1st time, students____ register for courses ahead of time. A. must B. had to C. should D. ought to E. must not 15. Discounts____ for members only. A. offer B. offers C. are offered D. are offering E. to be offered 16. 16. Every child has the right to be fed and____. A. educate B. educates C. educating D. education E. educated 17. The policeman agreed____ the accident was not the motorist’s fault. A. if B. how C. that D. what E. which 18. This model has____ new features._ A. much B. many C. a lot D. little E. great deal 19. In the future please try to drive____. A. carefuller B. more careful C. most carefully D. more carefully E. most careful 20. The court clerk asked the lawyers whether he____ notice of the matter. A. do ever receive B. had ever received C. had never received D. have never received E. has ever received
  • 3. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 45 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 21. The phone____ constantly since Jerry announced his candidacy for president this morning. A. has been ringing B. rang C. had rung D. had been ringing E. was being rung 22. Mr. Smith has been working for the Department of State____ he passed his law examinations. A. since B. until C. for D. when E. with 23. I have talked to my boss, but he is unhelpful and_____ anything about the problem. A. isn’t going to do B. doesn’t do C. will do D. will have to do E. won’t to do 24. I wish the sun _____ right now. A. is shining B. had been shining C. shines D. were shining E. has been shining 25. Please give me____ cup of coffee with____ cream and sugar. A. / - / the / B. /a / - / C. / a / the D./ - / - / E. /the / the / 26. To get to the city center from here, you can____ catch a street car at the corner____ walk two blocks to the subway station. A. either / or B. either / nor C. would /rather D. neither / or E. had / better Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected. 27. The cartel has little opportunities to keep prices at a level that they feel is appropriate. A B C D 28. The computer training covered everything from to making a file to creating a database. A B C D 29. The policeman ordered the suspect to don’t remove his hands from the hood of the car A B C D 30. The future of our company depends finishing the project quickly. A B C D 31. I can tell you if your loan has approved just as soon as the credit report arrives. A B C D Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 32. When I was hiking in the mountains I____ on a snake. A. carried B. stepped C. went D. tripped E. surprised 33. You look hot in that coat. Why don’t you ___? A. take it out B. put it on C. take it in D. put it away E. take it off 34. If I wear a long-sleeved shirt, I usually ____ the sleeves. A. put up B. take up C. roll up D. get up E. make up 35. Mary looked up the fastest train to Glasgow in the ____. A. dictionary B. timetable C. program D. catalogue E. referendum 36. Everything went dark when the train entered a/ an ____ ._ A. tunnel B. tube C. underground D. metro E. hole 37. The ship stopped because two passengers had fallen ____. A. upside down B. overboard C. underground D. inside out E. top down 38. Would you prefer ____ potatoes or chips? A. poached B. ground C. mashed D. powdered E. pickled 39. Can you give me the ____ for this pie? It’s delicious. A. prescriptions B. instructions C. instrument D. ingredients E. recipe 40. There was a wonderful smell of ____ bread in the kitchen. A. cooking B. roasting C. baking D. grilling E. frying
  • 4. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 46 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 41. Is the hamburger for you to eat here or for ____? A. outside B. go out C. sit down D. carry on E. take away 42. I bought these jeans very cheaply in the _____ bin . A. discounts B. reductions C. off D. bargains E. sales 43. The washing instructions for this shirt are given on the ____ . A. label B. notice C. badge D. mark E. announcement 44. All the small ____ closed their shops in protest of the price increases. A. shopping B. shoppers C. shopkeepers D. shop stewards E. shop lifters 45. I like street markets because you shop in the open ____ . A. prices B. sunshine C. air D. bargains E. barter 46. The audience enjoyed the play so much that they ____ for ten minutes. A. applauded B. screamed C. cried D. moaned E. murmured 47. Mr.Tsengel ____ to get involved in the matter. A. hope B. tried C. invited D. wanting E. wishing 48. Tennis is a sport that ____ a lot pleasure. A. demands B. takes C. requires D. provides E. obtain 49. Time ____ more and more important as the deadline drew near. A. flies B. study C. became D. appears E. runs Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice. 50. Tengis: We should meet once a week to discuss our term project. Hulan: Wednesday afternoons would be a good time for me. What are the people discussing? A. Going on a date B. Having a good time C. Working on an assignment D. Meeting next week E. Project is due Wednesday, next week 51. Suren: Alimaa is very close to finishing but she won’t graduate this spring. Bold: She has to face facts. What does Bold mean? A. Alimaa must learn those facts in order to graduate B. Alimaa is standing, facing Bold C. Alimaa has faced many problems this spring D. Alimaa has to look forward to spring E. Alimaa must accept not being able to graduate 52. Yondon: I hardly had time to finish the exam. Dolgor: Really? I finished in no time. What does Dolgor mean? A. She is surprised he didn’t finish B. She is surprised he took so long to finish C. She is surprised the exam was so easy D. She is surprised the exam took hardly any time at all E. She is surprised that they both had not enough time 53. Jack: I’ve misplaced my watch. Could you lend me yours for the afternoon? Ann: My watch? You’ve never seen me wearing a watch, have you? What does Ann mean? A. Her watch is missing B. She has misplaced her watch C. She doesn’t own a watch D. She needs her watch in the afternoon E. She is so mean Read the text and choose the one best answer. In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the S.S. Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed “unsinkable”. So sure of this were the owners that they provided only twenty life boats and rafts, less than one half the number needed for the two thousand two hundred and twenty seven passengers on board. Many passengers were aboard the night it rammed an iceberg, only two days at sea and more than halfway between England and its New York destination. Because the luxury liner was travelling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. An un-extinguished fire also contributed to the ship’s submersion. Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to board the lifeboats. Four hours after the mishap another ship, the Carpathia, rescued the seven hundred and five survivors. The infamous S.S. Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into twelve thousand feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland, where it lies today.
  • 5. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 47 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 54. All of the following are true EXCEPT A. only a third of those aboard died B. the Carpathia rescued the survivors C. the S.S Titanic sank near Newfoundland D. the S.S Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912 E. lifeboats and rafts were sufficient for only less than half of the passengers 55. All of the following contributed to the large death toll EXCEPT A. panic B. fire C. speed D. The Carpathia E. the iceberg 56. How many days was the S.S. Titanic at sea before sinking? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D.12 E. 15 57. The word “un-extinguished” is closest in meaning to A. indestructible B. uncontrollable C. undiscovered D. unquenched E. firefighter 58. “Maiden voyage” is closest in meaning to A. inaugural B. most elegant C. longest D. final E. most luxurious 59. The word ”dubbed” is closest in meaning to A. looked like B. initiated C. said D. listed E. called 60. What is the main idea of this passage? A. The S.S. Titanic proved itself the most seaworthy vessel in 1912 B. Attempts to rescue the S.S. Titanic’s survivors were not successful C. Over confidence by builders and owners was greatly responsible for the sinking of the vessel D. A fire and panic were the only causes for the sinking of the ship E. People shouldn’t panic if there is a submersion 61. All of the following are not true EXCEPT A. There were over 3000 people onboard B. The story of The S.S. Titanic is not real and it’s only a movie C. The S.S. Titanic lies near New York D. The Carpathia saved over a third of the passengers E. The S.S. Titanic was sailing to Newfoundland 62. Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. The Glory of Carpathia B. The Biggest Ship C. The Tragedy of The S.S. Titanic D. The Destructive Force of an Iceberg E. Titanic Movie 2.1. Social Expressions (4 items* 1.5 mark each= 6) Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4. A. Actually, I don’t think that’s right ………. B. Could you tell me what time the bank opens? ………. C. Would you like some more tea? ………. D. I think you’d better phone the police. ………. 1. Giving advice 2. Asking for information 3. Offering something 4. Disagreeing 2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question. This is the schedule we have planned for you. When you get in on Tuesday night you’ll be met at the airport by our representative and driven to your hotel, where you’ll have the evening free. The first meeting is scheduled for the next day, Wednesday morning at ten o’clock. Your presentation is planned for two o’clock, but it may be rescheduled if lunch runs late. In any case, we hope to get through with everything by Friday at noon to leave you some time to see the city. Your departure is scheduled for Saturday morning. Does it sound all right with you? A. When is the presentation scheduled? 1. Tuesday night 2. Wednesday morning 3. Wednesday afternoon 4. Friday afternoon B. Under what conditions would the presentation be rescheduled? 1. If other presentations are too long. 2. If a meal is too long 3. If people don’t come. 4. If participants need to leave early. C. When will the program end? 1. Sunday night 2. Before the weekend 3. Tuesday 4. Wednesday
  • 6. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 48 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer Below is the graph that shows the percentage of employed adults in comparison to the percentage of pensioners in three different countries in 1977 and 2005. A. The percentage of pensioners in Korea has ____ since 1977. 1. dropped to 3% 2. increased by 13% 3. increased by 10% 4. fluctuated between 84%-81% B. The percentage of employed adults in Japan has ____ from 1977 to 2005. 1. fallen by 73% 2. gone up to 90% 3. fallen by 17% 4. increased 2 times C. The percentage difference between the French and Korean employed adults in 2005 was ____ 1. 80 % 2. 81% 3. 67% and 86% 4. 14% VARIATION Ñ Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. The town hall is ____ the library and the museum. A. about B. at C. between D. into E. during 2. The company was known for the quality of____ products. A. its B. it’s C. their D. their’s E. his 3. He delivered the reports to the head office____. A. him B. by him C. his self D. himself E. with him 4. - “Let’s go! What’s taking you so long?” - “I’ll be there as soon as I ____ my keys.” A. found B. will find C. find D. am finding E. was finding 5. Next week when there ____ a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher. A. is being B. is C. will be D. will have been E. is going to be 6. - “Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?” - “I ____ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.” A. make B. will to make C. am going to make D. will have made E. will be made 7. The mechanic ordered only the parts he____. A. need B. needed C. has need D. is needing E. was needed 8. Sixty percent of the employees have already____ the training course. A. completed B. completely C. completion D. completing E. completes 9. We____ our anniversary dinner when my uncle called to congratulate us last night. A. have been having B. were having C. are being had D. had had E. are having 10. I suddenly remembered that I____ my keys. A. had forgotten B. forgot C. have forgot D. forget E. was forgot
  • 7. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 49 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 11. Gonchig always remembers____ in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars. A. parked B. parking C. being parked D. to be parked E. to park 12. It is possible ____ a lot of money on a very small computer. A. spending B. to spend C. having spent D. to be spending E. spent 13. If it ____ tomorrow, the roads will be closed. A. snows B. will snow C. had snowed D. were snowing E. would have snowed 14. We didn’t see him, so he ____ left early. A. has B. had had C. must have D. should have E. had to 15. No one knows how many documents ____ been lost. A. has B. had C. have D. has had E. had had 16. Mr. Dorj ____ been chosen to head up the research team. A. only B. just C. have only D. has just E. only just 17. The committee ____ by the breadth of the applicant’s experience. A. impressed B. impression C. impressing D. impressive E. was impressed 18. It’s easy to learn ____ responsible for it. A. that B. who’s C. that’s D. whose E. whom 19. There ____ in that part of the world. A. is not much water B. is not many water C. are not much water D. are not many water E. are less water 20. The more you water this plant, the _____ it will grow. A. best B. tall C. wetter D. faster E. fastest 21. He said that he ____ well paid for his effort. A. was B. has C. are D. were E. has been 22. ____ his tight schedule, Mr. Tenuun will not be able to visit the plant this week. A. Since B. According C. Because of D. Accordingly E. Despite 23. I am so sorry I forgot your birthday. Why don’t you come round tomorrow evening and ____ you a meal? A. I cook B. I am go to cook C. I will have to cook D. I’ll be cooking E. I’ll cook 24. I wish I ____ so that I would feel safe in a boat. A. can swim B. could swim C. could have swum D. cannot swim E. could swum 25. When you go to ____ store, please buy a bottle of chocolate milk and ____ dozen oranges. A. - / a / B. /- / - / C. / the / a/ D. a / the / E. the / - / 26. True vegetarians eat nothing from animals. In other words, they eat ___ meat ____ dairy products. A. either / nor B. neither / nor C. had / better D. neither / or E. would /rather Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected. 27. Pete had already saw that musical before he read the reviews about it. A B C D 28. They might enjoyed the training course if they had studied more diligently during their college years. A B C D 29. Credit cards are usually issued to these with a good history of paying their bills on time. A B C D 30. Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night. A B C D 31. As soon as they will finish the new administration building, our offices are going to be renovated. A B C D
  • 8. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 50 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 32. I bought this book mainly because it has a very attractive _____. A. folder B. cover C. coat D. wrapping E. pages 33. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the book, use the _____. A. preface B. list C. directory D. index E. bibliography 34. If you don’t know a word, you should ____ in the dictionary. A. look around B. see it C. look it up D. look it over E. look through 35. A large____ of the tree broke off in the storm. A. trunk B. chair C. bark D. branch E. stern 36. You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten by____ . A. cows B. lobsters C. geese D. cockroaches E. mosquitoes 37. You can’t tell what someone is like just from their ____. A. personality B. appearance C. character D. looking E. face off 38. I was born in Scotland but I_____ in Northern Ireland. _ A. adult B. brought up C. raised D. rose E. grew up 39. Nasaa missed the meeting without a good reason ____ she had been told it was critical that she be there. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes at work tomorrow. A. therefore B. despite the fact that C. however D. even E. despite 40. Parents and teachers have to try hard to understand the younger ____. A. generation B. teenagers C. people D. adolescents E. matures 41. My father likes to be called a ‘senior citizen’, not an old age­­­ _____. A. gentleman B. relative C. lad D. person E. pensioner 42. James is going to be late. His car has ____ . A. broken in B. broken out C. broken through D. broken up E. broken down 43. This clock ____ on two small batteries. A. goes B. moves C. runs D. has E. drives 44. This knife is really_____. I’ll have to sharpen it. A. blunt B. flat C. dull D. frank E. even 45. Don’t forget to ____ your alarm clock for 6:30. A. siren B. go off C. put D. ring E. set 46. I am glad I____ my plane! I’ve just heard that it’s been hijacked. A. delayed B. lost C. postponed D. missed E. removed 47. After the wedding ceremony, guests attended a ____ in the hall downstairs. A. lounge B. reservoir C. reception D. anniversary E. lunch 48. If it is ____, could you please reply immediately? A. convenient B. convenience C. comfortable D. inconvenient E. conveniently 49. Mr. Namdag has ____ at ten o’clock to meet with the director. A. appointment B. appointments C. an appointment D. the appointment E. appointed Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice. 50. Mark: I don’t imagine Nancy will want to borrow my notes, will she? Liz: Not the way you write. What does Liz mean? A. Nancy will want to write her own notes B. She can’t imagine Nancy writing notes C. She doesn’t want to lend her notes to Nancy D. She thinks Nancy won’t be able to read his notes E. She will tell Nancy the way Mark writes 51. Badrah: Orgil’s back from the library. Oyun: He couldn’t have finished that assignment already. What does Oyun mean? A. She can’t believe that Orgil has already completed his work B. She knows that Orgil won’t be able to go back to the library C. She doesn’t know that Orgil didn’t finish the assignment
  • 9. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 51 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 D. She is certain that Orgil shouldn’t have gone back to the library E. She doesn’t think that Orgil has already started writing his assignment 52. John: Professor Jenson passed out in class. Mary: Did they discover the reason for it? What can be understood about Professor Jenson? A. He returned the class papers B. He wasn’t well C. He passed everyone in the course D. He taught the course in the past E. Prof. Jenson was angry at the class 53. Nancy: Dr. Mason’s parents are from Texas, she was raised in Boston and she did her doctoral studies in Chicago. Robert: That explains her interesting accent. What does Robert mean? A. He meant that Dr. Mason’s speech was interesting B. Dr. Mason speaks like a native C. He can’t understand Dr. Mason’s accent D. He thought Dr. Mason was a foreigner E. Dr. Mason’s accent is unidentifiable Read the text and choose the one best answer. In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics, The Panama Canal was of- ficially opened, finally linking theAtlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the U.S, which actually began the construction of the project. The latter controlled it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama had taken over its duties since the 21st century. 54. Who currently controls the Panama Canal? A. France B. the U.S C. Panama D. Canal Zone E. Cape Horn 55. The word “locks” is closest in meaning to A. securities B. knots C. lakes D. canal gates E. customs 56. On the average, how much would it cost a ship to travel around Cape Horn? A. $1,500 B. $15,000 C. $150,000 D. $1,500,000 E. $1,550,000 57. In what year did construction begin on the canal? A. 1881 B. 1920 C.1939 D. 1999 E. 2008 58. It can be inferred from this passage that A. the canal is a costly project which should be re-evaluated B. despite all the problems involved the project is beneficial C. many captains prefer to sail around Cape Horn because it is less expensive D. problems have made it necessary for three governments to control the canal over the years. E. the project should have involved France’s participation 59. The word “linking” is closest in meaning to A. controlling B. separating C. detaching D. joining E. uniting 60. The word “initiated” is nearest in meaning to A. purchased B. launched C. finished D. forced E. made 61. All of the following are true EXCEPT A. it costs so much to pass through the locks because very few ships use them B. the U.S. received the rights to the canal from the French C. a ship can pass through the canal in only 8 hours D. passing through the canal saves thousands of miles of travel time around Cape Horn. E. more than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year 62. Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. The U.S Intervention in the Panama Canal B. France Sells Its Right C. The Benefits of the Panama Canal D. A Huge Project E. Trilateral Agreement
  • 10. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 52 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4. A. I’d love to come, but I am already going out that evening. ………… B. Excuse me, but is the bus station anywhere near here? ………… C. I am sorry I am late –it won’t happen again. ………… D. Would you like me to do the washing up? .………... 1. Asking for directions 2. Declining an invitation 3. Apologizing 4. Offering to do something 2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question. Good morning. My name is Bill Roberts. I work in the planning division. As you know, our section has been work- ing with the problem of how to increase production without sacrificing product quality or plant safety. We are organizing a committee to come up with an approach to recommend to management, and we ask that all work units send one person from each shift to the twice weekly meetings. Section quotas plant wide will be reduced for the planning period. A. What is the problem to be discussed? 1. How to improve quality 2. How to increase production 3. How to reduce waste 4. How to improve safety B. Who comprises the group? 1. Management 2. Worker committees 3. Outside consultants 4. A combination of union and management C. What will happen during the planning period? 1. There will be no pay increases 2. There will be no overtime 3. Quotas will be reduced 4. Supervisors will submit reports 2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer The following graph shows the percentage of male and female employees in the tourism industry for three countries in 1955 and 2007. A. The percentage of male employees working in tourism industry in China has ____ since 1955. 1. dropped to 2% 2. increased by 30% 3. increased by 28% 4. fluctuated between 2%-30% B. The percentage of female workers working in tourism in Brazil ____ from 1955 to 2007. 1. has fallen by 17% 2. fluctuated between 17%- 33% 3. has fallen by 16% 4. increased by 16% C. The percentage difference between the Russian and Chinese female tourism workers in 2007 was ____ 1. 23 % 2. 13% 3. 23% and 14% 4. 9% VARIATION D Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. I didn’t want my mother to see her present, so I held it_____ my back. A. for B. under C. in D. top E. behind 2. Fishermen earn____ living by catching fish from the sea. A. they B. their C. them D. themselves E. theirs 3. The girl thought the job was demanding too much of____ time. A. its B. her C. the D. she’s E. hers
  • 11. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 53 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 4. After the sun____, the older people left the picnic. A. has set B. setting C. set D. was setting E. was being set 5. Mr. Tuvshin____ trouble with his car, so he has to take the bus to work these days._ A. having B. had had C. to have D. is having E. was having 6. I don’t feel well. I ____ home from work tomorrow. A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed E. to stay 7. Once they discovered which part was broken, they____ able to replace it. A. are B. can C. were D. will be E. would 8. The use of computers____ increased in recent years. A. did B. has C. will D. have E. are 9. When the door-to-door sales person came yesterday, Hulan didn’t hear the door bell because she____ her hair with her electric hair dryer. A. were drying B. dried C. has dried D. to dry E. was drying 10. By the time the train arrived Susan____ to push her way to the front of the crowd. A. has managed B. had managed C. managed D. have been managing E. was managed 11. Suren’s children are used to____ after school everyday. They don’t have to walk home. A. picking up B. be picked up C. pick up D. being picked up E. picked up 12. More than anything, Chimgee wanted____ promoted. A. to be B. to do C. being D. have E. have to be 13. If I could speak Spanish, I____ next year studying in Mexico. A. would have spent B. had spent C. will spend D. should spend E. would spend 14. They should____ to the seminar last week. A. had went B. had gone C. have went D. have gone E. going 15. This receipt should____ to your application form J-56. A. attach B. to attach C. be attaching D. have attached E. be attached 16. The postman____ not to deliver the package to the front door. A. asks B. asked C. was asked D. was asking E. ask 17. Mr. Tengis is the kind of manager____ will always try to listen to his workers. A. who B. whom C. when D. which E. whose 18. You have to pay extra if you take too____ with you. A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage D. many luggage E. lots of luggages 19. This exercise will give you____ practice. A. farther B. much more C. as better D. a lot E. had better 20. - “ The people in the apartment upstairs must have a lot of children.” -“I don’t know how many ____ , but it sounds like they have a dozen.” A. children they have B. children do they have C. do they have children D. they have children E. have they children 21. The children are at the park. They____ ball for the last two hours, but they don’t seem to be tired yet. A. has been playing B. to have been playing C. have been playing D. had been playing E. are playing 22. Her oldest son lives in the city, ____ her other children live at home. A. so B. for C. with D. even if E. but 23. I am going to take these trousers back to the shop, but____ them without a receipt A. they won’t change B. they are going to change C. they will be changed D. they won’t be changed E. they didn’t change 24. I wish I____ my job until I’d found another one. A. have quit B. would be quit C. will have quitted D. quit E. hadn’t quit
  • 12. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 54 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 25. The Statue of Liberty was____ gift from ­­­­ ____France to_____ United States. A. / - / the / a / B. / a / - / the / C. / the / - / a / D. / the / a / - / E. / - / - / the / 26. ____ my cousin____ his wife are vegetarians. A. would / rather B. neither / or C. Both / and D. had / better E. either / nor Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected. 27. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation. A B C D 28. Several delegates flew from England to greeting the ambassador and his family before the concert. A B C D 29. The weather has never been as worse as it’s now. A B C D 30. There are ten childs playing in the yard near her house, but your child is not among them. A B C D 31. It was him who came running into the classroom with the news. A B C D Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 32. The Nigerian workers accused the Korean company of racial____. A. judgment B. argument C. beliefs D. discrimination E. problem 33. Suvdaa ____ birth to a baby girl yesterday afternoon. A. had B. put C. was D. gave E. delivered 34. Tergel has quite a good____ of physics. A. head B. result C. pass D. marks E. understanding 35. I got to class on time ____ I had missed my bus. A. even though B. nevertheless C. because D. despite E. however 36. Most students have quite a good sense of their own____. A. idea B. ability C. grasp D. notion E. information 37. It should be easy for Tselmeg to find more time to spend with his children ____ he no longer has to work in the evenings and on weekends. A. even though B. either C. due to D. but E. now that 38. If you want to pass the examination, you must study____. A. rather B. rather C. enough D. through E. thoroughly 39. Martin hasn’t quite____ his illness yet. A. recovered from B. got over C. looked after D. suffered E. treated 40. ____ Paul brings the money for our lunch, we’ll go right down to the cafeteria. A. Now that B. Since C. Until D. Whatever E. As soon as 41. My mouth is burning! This is ____ spicy food that I don’t think I can’t finish it. A. such B. too C. so D. very E. extreme 42. I was too tired to ____ my suitcase and hang my clothes in the wardrobe. A. unpack B. disorder C. empty D. put out E. unload 43. I wanted to complain about my boss, but I didn’t____. A. attempt B. courage C. can D. risk E. dare 44. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my ____! A. muscles B. nerves C. brains D. blood E. pressure 45. Just a minute! You have forgotten to____ your check! A. make B. place C. fold D. mark E. sign 46. All my friends have big new cars. I am becoming____ of my old Mini. A. guilty B. ashamed C. upset D. scared E. shy 47. The last flight from Athens____ two hours ago. A. is B. since C. departs D. arrived E. for 48. He ____ he were younger. A. wants B. hopes C. wishes D. desires E. strives
  • 13. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 55 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 49. The official refuses to change his ____. A. head B. mind C. think D. thought E. brain Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice. 50. Tungaa: Did you get a ticket for the concert tomorrow? Mandakh: They were sold out weeks ago. What does Mandakh mean? A. The concert was sold out 7 days earlier B. He bought a ticket weeks ago C. He reserved a ticket for tomorrow D. The concert has been cancelled E. He couldn’t get a ticket 51. Zaya: The physics mid-term exam is next week, isn’t it? Oyun: No, it’s the following week. Zaya: Are you sure? I have next week marked in my calendar. Oyun: That was the original date it was set for, but Prof. Namdag announced the change in our last class meeting. Zaya: Oh, I missed that day because I had to make an emergency trip to the dentist. Why was Zaya confused about the date for the mid-term exam? A. He missed an announcement B. He wrote the date incorrectly C. He confused the date with his dentist appointment D. He changed to Prof. Namdag’s class E. He didn’t understand the announcement 52. Tsogtoo: It is a little early for lunch, isn’t it? Goomaral: I had to leave home before breakfast was ready. What does Goomaral mean? A. She had to eat breakfast too early B. She can’t have breakfast at this time of day C. She is always hungry at this time D. She missed her breakfast E. She had to prepare breakfast 53. Tuvshin: You were studying part-time for a master’s degree, weren’t you? Uyanga: Yeah, I used to take evening classes after work, but it got to be too much. What does Uyanga mean? A. She’s accustomed to a lot of work B. She doesn’t attend evening classes anymore C. She usually has too much studying to do D. She has to study part-time E. She doesn’t like evening class Read the text and choose the one best answer. Of the six outer planets, Mars, commonly called the Red Planet, is the closest to Earth. Mars, 4,200 miles in diam- eter and 55 percent of the size of Earth, is 34,600,000 miles from Earth and 141,000,000 miles from the Sun. It takes this planet along with its two moons, Phobos and Deimos, 1.88 years to circle the Sun compared to 365 days for the Earth. For many years, Mars had been thought of as the planet with the man-made canals supposedly discovered by an Italian astronomer, Schiaparelli, in 1877. With the United States spacecraft Viking I’s landing on Mars in 1976, the man-made canal theory was proven to be only a myth. The Viking I, after landing on the soil of Mars, performed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures. The pictures showed that the red color of the planet is due to the reddish, rocky Martian soil. No biological life was found, though it had been speculated by many scientists. The Viking I also monitored many weather changes including violent dust storms. Some water vapor, polar ice, and permafrost (frost below the surface) were found, indicating that at one time there were significant quantities of water on this distant planet. Evidence collected by the spacecraft shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant, if not extinct. 54. All of the following are true EXCEPT A. Mars has two moons B. It takes longer for Mars to circle the sun than it takes Earth C. Martian soil is rocky D. Mars is larger than Earth E. Early scholars believed that Mars has man-made canals 55. Man-made canals were supposedly discovered by A. Viking I B. Schiaparelli C. Phobos D. Martian E. Deimos 56. The word “supposedly” is closest in meaning to A. actually B. presumably C. formerly D. unquestionably E. undoubtedly 57. Mars has been nicknamed A. Viking I B. Schiaparelli C. Deimos D. Martian E. The Red Planet 58. The word “myth” is closest in meaning to A. fact B. event C. legend D. enigma E. false
  • 14. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 56 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 59. The Viking I exploration accomplished all of the following EXCEPT A. performing scientific experiments B. collecting information showing volcanic action C. monitoring weather conditions D. discovering large quantities of polar ice and permafrost E. taking photos 60. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Fairly recent studies of this planet reveal data that contradict previously held theories. B. Very little of the Martian landscape has changed over the years. C. Scientists are only speculating about the Red Planet. D. Scientists are no longer interested in the planet because there is no life on it. E. Life of a Italian astronomer Schiaparelli 61. The word “monitored” is nearest in meaning to A. programmed B. televised C. censored D. viewed E. observed 62. The word “dormant” is closest in meaning to A. dangerous B. inactive C. erupting D. significant E. catastrophic 2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4. A. I think that’s the point exactly. ………. B. Would it be all right if I left a bit early today? ………. C. Wait a minute, let me see. ………. D. I’ll definitely bring your camera back tomorrow. ………. 1. Pausing to think 2. Promising 3. Agreeing 4. Asking permission 2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question. Of your customers surveyed by our consulting group, 1,750, or 18 percent, said they always buy your brand. Sixty- three percent said they buy it occasionally, and the remainder said they bought it only one time. Our consulting group analyzed the data carefully, looking at both the local and the national market. The group’s opinion is that you could increase your sales by nearly 40 percent in a two-year period by concentrating advertising on those customers who purchase your brand only occasionally. A. Who was surveyed? 1. Store managers 2. Television viewers 3. Sales people 4. Customers B. Who conducted the survey? 1. A consumer group 2. The manufacturer 3. A consulting group 4. A business school class C. What is recommended as the result of the survey? 1. A more in-depth survey 2. That the company concentrates on attracting new customers 3. That the company focuses advertising on current customers 4. That the company redesigns the package and carry out national advertising 2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer Below is a graph of the life expectancy for men and women in three different countries in Africa.
  • 15. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 57 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 A. The life expectancy rate among men in Ethiopia has ____ since 1975. 1. dropped to 51 years 2. increased by 55 years 3. increased by 4 years 4. fluctuated between 54 and 58 years B. The life expectancy rate among women in Nigeria ____ from 1975 to 2007. 1. fell by 18 years 2. fluctuated between 57 years and 44 3. fell by 3 years 4. increased to 60 years C. The life expectancy difference between Nigerian and Rwandan women in 2007 was ____ 1. 2 years 2. 62 years 3. 60 and 62 years 4. 61 years VARIATION Å Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. It was evening before the meeting reached____ end. A. its B. his C. it’s D. their E. theirs 2. Everyone has to do____ own research. A. their B. his C. them D. him E. its 3. The supervisor would like____ to arrive on time. A. they B. our C. their D. theirs E. them 4. It____ difficult to improve quality, but really it is not. A. seem B. seems C. seemed D. seemingly E. was seemed 5. They want to know how long____ staying. A. he B. he is C. he will D. he be E. he would 6. Mr. Gochoo sometimes wishes he____ better qualified for his job. A. was B. can C. will D. were E. could 7. The planning team seldom____ before 6.00 am. A. met B. are meeting C. were meeting D. have been met E. to meet 8. She has not____ her mother for ten years. A. saw B. see C. seen D. to see E. seeing 9. Yesterday Tulgaa____ a street when a truck turned the corner very fast and almost hit him. A. has been crossing B. has crossed C. had crossed D. was crossing E. crosses 10. I was proud of myself. I ____ a class all semester until last Friday ,when I had a car accident. A. have missed B. missed C. hadn’t missed D. missing E. was missing 11. Would you mind not____ the radio until I have finished with this phone call? A. being turned on B. to turn on C. turn on D. to be turned on E. turning on 12. The sales manager wants____ all of the remaining units by April 30. A. selling B. by selling C. to sell D. to selling E. sells 13. He wouldn’t talk that way about the company if he____ not the owner’s son. A. was B. will C. had D. would E. is 14. They will stay late tonight, because the project____ completed by tomorrow. A. is B. was C. have to D. must have been E. must be 15. The meeting____ by the sound of a fire truck going by. A. interrupted B. was interrupted C. are interrupting D. was having interruption E. were interrupted 16. He____ to put the packages wherever he could find room. A. asks B. asked C. were asked D. was asking E. is asking 17. People____ study hand writing are called graphologists. A. who B. what C. which D. whose E. whom 18. Each of the reference____ available in the school library. A. books on that list are B. books on this list was C. book on that list is D. books on that list is E. book on that list are 19. I’ve never owned____ independent cat as this one! A. a more than B. such an C. a so D. as much an E. like
  • 16. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 58 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 20. - “There is too much noise in this room. I can’t understand what ____.” A. is the professor saying B. the professor are saying C. is saying the professor D. that the professor is saying E. the professor is saying 21. Since I bought my son a set of drums, the noise____ my wife and me crazy, but I suppose we will get used to it pretty soon. A. drove B. are driving C. had been driving D. will be driving E. has been driving 22. Jenny looked at her book____ before she answered the teacher’s question. A. thoughtfully B. thoughtful C. thoughtfulness D. thoughtless E. thought 23. The sports club has put up the prices again. ____ my membership. A. I will cancelled B. I will have been cancelled C. I will be cancelled D. I am going to cancel E. I cancel 24. Tom is in trouble with the teacher. Now he wishes he____ class three times this week. A. has missed B. missed C. hadn’t missed D. will have missed E. would have missed 25. Telmen’s father bought him____ bicycle that he wanted for____ his birthday. A. / - / the / B. / a / - / C. / the / - / D. / the / a / E. / - / a / 26. Most restaurants in my city have two separate dining areas. Customers can sit ____ in the smoking area ____ in the nonsmoking area. A. had / better B. whether / or C. neither / or D. would / rather E. either / or Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected. 27. Library visitors often find that there are too few staff members available to assist them, especially as funding A B C for libraries have been cut back. D 28. The children had been said not to go near the water. A B C D 29. The little boy’s mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his birthday. A B C D 30. We looked to hundreds of documents before we found what we were looking for. A B C D 31. Returning home from work, he was bite by a dog and had to go to the hospital. A B C D Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 32. I am sorry, I screamed. Something _____ me. A. depressed B. terrifying C. scared D. afraid E. terrible 33. How do you____ about the pollution problem in this country? _ A. view B. think C. believe D. reckon E. feel 34. It was cold and wet. ____, Bob put on his swimming suit and went to the beach. A. Therefore B. Despite C. In spite of D. Although E. Nevertheless 35. I don’t think this program is ____ for young children. A. suitable B. wonderful C. worth D. keen E. proper 36. Boldoo used to be an active person, but now he has to limit his activities ____ problems with his health. A. in spite of B. because of C. although D. nevertheless E. because 37. Most young people want to____ more about environmental problems. A. make out B. look up C. deal with D. obtain E. find out
  • 17. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 59 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 38. Tenuun is a very good student of languages. His brother Ganzorig, ___ , has never been able to master another language. A. even though B. therefore C. while D. on the other hand E. whereas 39. More people in cities should____ cycling instead of using cars. A. take up B. improve on C. set up D. get round to E. give up 40. In some countries environmental organizations have been ____ to inform people and gain their support. A. set off B. make up C. set down D. set out E. set up 41. The important thing is to believe that problems can be solved, and not to ____. A. give up B. look up C. make up D. put up E. sign up 42. That was a bad fall! Have you____ yourself? A. wrecked B. hurt C. damaged D. wounded E. broken 43. The wind was blowing so much that we couldn’t ____ our tent. A. build B. make up C. construct D. raise E. put up 44. A: I am hungry. Do you ______ going out for pizza? B: Sure, I’d love to. A. like B. desire C. need D. fancy E. want 45. I bought these shoes on sale. They were a real____. A. bargain B. economy C. cheap D. purchase E. barter 46. I gave the assistant ten dollars and she gave me four cents____. A. money B. change C. coins D. rest E. refund 47. All questions must be answered____ and you must sign at the bottom where indicated. A. truth B. honest C. truthful D. truthfully E. trustworthy 48. Mr. Chang asked us to choose a restaurant ____ for the company banquet. A. suited B. suitably C. suitable D. suited to E. comfortable 49. The parents are _______ having educated their three children well. A. proud B. pride to C. proud of D. boastful to E. proud about Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice. 50. Khulan: The concert starts at 8:15 and ends at about 10:30. Orgil: That means we’ll be home around midnight. What does Orgil mean? A. It takes more than an hour to get home B. They should leave the concert early C. The concert will end very late D. Midnight is too late to get home E. Orgil doesn’t like concert 51. Maral: I studied all night long. Temuulen: Why don’t you go home and get some shut-eye? What does Temuulen mean? A. Maral should close her eyes B. Maral should go home and have lunch C. Maral should turn off the light D. Maral should close up her house E. Maral should get some sleep 52. Sunjee: How can you be so worried about a little exam? Borgil: Little? This exam could determine whether or not I get a scholarship. What does Borgil mean? A. There’s little to worry about B. The exam is important to him C. The exam will be short D. He’s never had a scholarship before E. The exam will determine little or big scholarship 53. Suhee: Please don’t let anyone know about the social science experiment. Solongo: I understand why you want to hush it up. What does Solongo mean? A. She thinks he should brush up on his social skills B. She understands why it can’t be hurried C. She agrees that there are reasons not to talk about it D. She thinks people should know about the experiment E. She was somewhat happy Read the text and choose the one best answer. After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contribu- tions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty- seven years after the first awards ceremony.
  • 18. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 60 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $50,000 to $1400,000. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards-a gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money-are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics play an important role in the judge’s decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes. 54. The word “foresaw” is nearest in meaning to A. prevailed B. postponed C. prevented D. predicted E. guessed 55. The Nobel Prize was established in order to A. recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity. B. resolve political differences. C. honor the inventor of dynamite. D. spend money. E. make money. 56. In which area have Americans received the most awards? A. Literature B. Peace C. Economics D. Science E. Art 57. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT A. awards vary in monetary value B. ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel’s invention C. politics plays an important role in selecting the winners D. a few individuals have won two awards E. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 58. In how many fields are prizes given? A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10 E. 8 59. It is implied that Nobel’s profession was in A. economics B. medicine C. literature D. science E. peace 60. The word “worthwhile” is closest in meaning to A. economics B. prestigious C. trivial D. wealthy E. valuable 61. How much money did Nobel leave for the prizes? A. $ 30,000 B. $125,000 C. $155,000 D. $9,000,000 E.$3,000,000 62. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity C. Alfred Nobel left all of his money to science D. Alfred Nobel’s dynamite is the most destructive weapon in the world E. Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution to humanity 2.1. Match each sentence ”A” to “D with an explanation from 1 to 4. A. Praising someone’s performance. ………. B. Expressing sympathy. ………. C. Attracting attention or asking someone to move out of your way. ………. D. Expressing happiness at someone’s success. ………. 1. Congratulations! 2. Excuse me! 3. Well done! 4. You poor thing! 2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question. Are you looking for a great lasagna? Or any Italian dish, for that matter? Try The Sorrento at 722 Third Street. The minute you walk in the door, you feel like you are in a south Italian villa, looking over the Bay of Naples. The Sorrento is open everyday except Wednesday until midnight. During the week, reservations are not necessary but on weekends to dine before ten p.m. you should phone ahead to assure yourself a table. The Sorrento can accommodate groups of up to twenty-eight in its new Neapolitan Reception Room. A. What kind of place is the speaker talking about? 1. A hotel 2. A villa 3. A market 4. A restaurant B. What day is The Sorrento closed? 1. Sunday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Friday C. For which of the following times are reservations suggested? 1. Mondays 2. Saturdays 3. All the time 4. Never.
  • 19. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 61 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer Below is a graph of the percentage of men and women who are literate in three African countries in 1975 and 2007. A. The literacy rate amongst women in Somalia has ____ between 1980 and 2007. 1. dropped to 40% 2. increased by 40% 3. fluctuated between 33%-56% 4. increased by 15% B. The literacy rate amongst men in Mozambique has ____ from 1980 to 2007. 1. fallen by 24% 2. increased by 24% 3. fallen to 36% 4. doubled C. The literacy rate difference between Somalian and Ugandan men in 2007 was____ 1. 8 % 2. 48% 3. 48% and 56% 4. 56% VARIATION F 1. You look very familiar____ me. A. to B. on C. at D. for E. onto 2. ____ can run faster than Ben Johnson. A. No B. Any C. Every D. Nobody E. So do I 3. We would like____ to join our firm. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs E. themselves 4. Please____ your name, number and the time of your visit, and somebody will contact you. A. will leave B. are leaving C. leave D. left E. leaving 5. Although he lives alone, he____ not know how to cook. A. do B. did C. can D. does E. could 6. -“Hurry up! We are waiting for you. What’s taking you so long? ” - “I ____ for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me.” A. wait B. will wait C. am waiting D. have waited E. waited 7. Yesterday he____ a warning from his doctor. A. receives B. would receive C. was receiving D. had to receive E. received 8. The field of biotechnology____ to research that could reduce the incidence of heart attacks. A. leading B. has led C. had led D. have been leading E. has been led 9. -“Hello? Nomin? This is George. How are you?” - “George? What a coincidence! I ____ about you when the phone rang.” A. was just thinking B. just thought C. have just been thinking D. was just thought E. am having thought 10. By lunch time, Mr. Dagvaa already ____ six hours. A. worked B. working C. was working D. had worked E. will be working 11. Workers were warned___ down into the hole in the ground. A. to B. not to go C. not to going D. against to go E. not go 12. The company expects____ more people next year. A. hire B. hiring C. to hire D. to be hired E. going to hire 13. If I had known about the funeral, I ____ too. A. would go B. had gone C. will have gone D. would have gone E. should have gone 14. We____ to be able to ship it within ten days. A. can B. must C. ought D. should E. could
  • 20. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 62 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 15. When he looked for his briefcase, he discovered it was____. A. gone B. went C. going D. missed E. goes 16. They asked____ they could take the visitors for dinner. A. why B. for C. what D. where E. which 17. There are not____ people who dislike sweet things. A. much B. many C. a few D. tons E. little 18. The first and____ important management skill is the ability to listen. A. best B. main C. more D. moreover E. most 19. The Trade Department was asked when the new computers____. A. arrive B. would arrive C. would arriving D. had been arriving E. will arrive 20. - “ When is Mr. Baldan planning to retire?” -“Soon, I think. He ____ here for a long time. He’ll probably retire either next year or the year after that.” A. worked B. had been working C. has been working D. is working E. was working 21. The sporting event took place____ the rain. A. due to B. owing to C. because of D. in spite of E. however 22. The construction worker says he will ____ the building before the end of the year. A. complete B. completing C. to complete D. to completing E. completion 23. When travelling abroad, a person must ____ eating different kinds of food. A. used to B. had to use C. get used to D. have use to E. should used to 24. Scientists sent ____ expedition to_____ Mars during____ 1990s. A. / the / - / a / B. / - / the / a / C. / - / - / a / D. / the / a / - / E. / an / - / the / 25. The Director cannot go and____ can his assistant. A. too B. also C. either D. neither E. or 26. These events____ very closely by the European Union. A. has watched B. are watching C. is being watched D. has been watched E. are being watched Identify and circle the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected. 27. By the time we read the paper, the news are old, since we’ve already heard on TV what’s happening in the world. A B C D 28. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students lost the opportunity to A B C D lease the apartment. 29. That new person from the head office who is working with us reminds me to my uncle. A B C D 30. We needed thousands of pencils for the convention, so we bought the less expensive ones we could find. A B C D 31. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed. A B C D Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 32. The child looked_____ of the small window in the roof. A. in B. out C. back D. into E. outside 33. They stopped along the road to watch the ____ birds feeding in the grass. A. color B. colored C. colorfully D. coloring E. colorful 34. The boy was ____ ashamed of what he had done. A. awful B. terrible C. terribly D. terrifically E. terrific 35. People do not like to say how they ____ about each other’s lives. A. say B. worked C. opinion D. tell E. feel 36. Turn _____ the light upon leaving the room. A. in B. through C. over D. under E. off 37. The salesman left a good ____ on his customers. A. idea B. feeling C. impression D. expression E. impressive
  • 21. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 63 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 38. Patients are told to follow their doctor’s _____. A. advising B. advise C. recommend D. words E. advice 39. The manager can speak five languages ____. A. good B. fluency C. freely D. fluently E. fluent 40. They ____ all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach. A. did B. used C. spent D. occupied E. passed 41. The hotel room ____ over a beautiful garden. A. opened up B. viewed out C. faced up D. vision out E. looked out 42. Mr. Sambuu had his money stolen and couldn’t _____ his hotel bill. A. pay out B. pay C. pay to D. pay up E. pay from 43. Take the bus and ____ at Oxford Circus. A. get in B. get of C. get down D. get away E. get off 44. As the little boy cried, large ____ rolled down his cheeks. A. sweat B. drips C. tears D. streams E. water 45. I had a severe toothache and half my face was badly ____. A. rounded B. injured C. exploded D. swollen E. damaged 46. I’ve got a headache and I don’t feel very____. A. well B. healthy C. fit D. simple E. nervous 47. The employees greatly ____ management’s understanding. A. thank B. grateful C. thankful D. appreciate E. appreciation 48. The small chair was a lot ____ than the large one. A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. more comfort D. the most comfortable E. most comfort 49. The flight was ____ because of poor weather conditions that developed after takeoff. A. late B. cancel C. taking off D. overbooked E. lately Read the short conversation and question. Then select the letter of the best answer choice. 50. Bataa: I dropped my physics course because I discovered it didn’t meet my degree requirements. You wouldn’t know anyone in the class who would like to buy the course book, would you? Enhee: Not offhand. But if you bought it new and kept the receipt, I am sure you could get your money back or exchange it for one you do need. Bataa: I did buy it new, but I thought that the book store wouldn’t refund money on textbooks. Enhee : They will if you take it back within a reasonable time period. If I were you, I’d go there as soon as possible. Bataa: Right thanks for the tip. What will Bataa probably do? A. Sell the book to a class member B. Give the book to Enhee C. Go to the book store for a refund D. Exchange Enhee’s book for her E. Keep the book for himself 51. Natsag: I can’t believe how much I spend for textbooks these days. Everything costs more. Naraa: I know. The price of hardback books has doubled in the last three years. What does Naraa mean? A. Hardback books cost twice as much as before B. The cost of hardback books goes up two or three times a year C. The cost of hardback books has gone up twice in the last three years D. Two years ago hardback books cost a third as much as now E. The cost of hardback books gone up by a quarter 52. Tenuun: Let’s take the stairs. Onon: Let’s not. There are too many flights to climb. What does Onon mean? A. He doesn’t enjoy going climbing B. He plans to take the airplane C. He doesn’t want to use the steps D. He thinks they fly too often E. He doesn’t like either flying or climbing
  • 22. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 64 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 53. Oyun: You are joining us at the museum, aren’t you? Togoo: I’d love to, but I have to meet my mother at the airport. What will Togoo probably do? A. Go the museum B. Join the group C. Meet them at the airport D. Pick up his mother E. He will rent a pick-up Read the text and choose the one best answer. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in1821 and immigrated to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doc- tor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first female physician in the United States and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women. 54. Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. She couldn’t get admitted to medical school B. She decided to further her education in Paris C. In the 19th century, women were not allowed to become a doctor D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States E. A serious eye infection halted her quest 55. What main obstacle almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming a doctor? A. She was a woman B. She wrote too many letters C. She couldn’t graduate from medical school D. She couldn’t establish her hospital E. She had to spend too much time on finding tuition money 56. All of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell EXCEPT A. she became the first female physician in the United States B. she was the first woman surgeon in the U.S C. she and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children D. she established the first medical school for women E. she was accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia 57. How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she graduated from medical school? A. 10 B. 21 C. 28 D. 36 E. 37 58. The word “abandon” is closest in meaning to A. undertake B. give up C. continue D. look into E. surrender 59. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Elizabeth Blackwell overcame serious obstacles to become the first woman doctor in the U.S B. Elizabeth Blackwell had to abandon her plans to become a doctor because of an eye infection C. Elizabeth Blackwell even taught music to pay for her medical studies D. Elizabeth Blackwell founded the first medical school for women E. Elizabeth Blackwell wanted to set up women’s equal right movement 60. The word “founding” means most nearly the same as A. locating B. looking for C. establishing D. buying E. suffragette 61. Why was it nearly impossible for Elizabeth Blackwell to get into medical school? A. She had a serious eye infection B. She had little money to pay tuition C. She was too young D. Her family didn’t want her to be doctor E. She wanted to be part of a profession that no woman had ever entered before. 62. Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. Early American Women’s Life B. A Woman’s Struggle for Equal Rights C. The Pioneer D. A Key to Success E. Story of Two Women Doctors
  • 23. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 65 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 2.1. Social Expressions (4 items* 1 .5mark each= 6) Match each sentence ”A” to “D” with an explanation from 1 to 4. A. That is very kind of you, I’d love to. ………. B. Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I am afraid I have to go. ………. C. Shall I carry this bag for you? ………. D.What do you think I should do? ………. 1. Ending a conversation 2. Asking for advice 3. Offering to do something 4. Accepting an invitation 2.2. Read the short talk or announcement and choose the best answer to each question. All passengers on Sunbird Airlines flight 22 are requested to go the Sunbird Airlines ticket counter. Due to a delay caused by the weather conditions, you will receive a voucher for a complimentary dinner in the airport restaurant. Boarding time has been rescheduled for 8:30 p.m. You will be advised if there are any further schedule changes. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused by this delay. A. What are passengers to do? 1. Go to the ticket counter 2. Board the airline 3. Go home and return the next day 4. Report to another airline B. What will passengers be given? 1. A ticket 2. A boarding pass 3. A dinner 4. A report C. What caused the problem? 1. Airplane equipment failure 2. Too many tickets were sold 3. A computer error 4. Weather conditions 2.3. Analyze the graph and choose the appropriate answer Below is a graph of the percentage of Unemployed citizens and citizens with health coverage in three different countries in 1988 and 2006. A. The unemployment rate in the U.S has ____ between 1988 and 2006. 1. dropped to 8% 2. increased by 8% 3. increased by 13% 4. fluctuated between 4%-13% B. The unemployment rate in Australia has ____ from 1988 to 2006. 1. fallen by 4% 2. gone up to 11% 3. fallen by 11% 4. increased 4 times C. The percentage difference between the U.K and Australia in citizens with health coverage in 2006 was ____ 1. 95 % 2. 86% 3. 95% and 86% 4. 9%
  • 24. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 66 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв 2008 оны Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн даалгаврын түлхүүр No. Variation B Variation C Variation D Variation E Variation F 1 C C E A A 2 C A B A D 3 E D B E A 4 A C C B C 5 B B D B D 6 A C A A C 7 B B C A E 8 C A B C E 9 E B E D B 10 D A B C A 11 B E D E D 12 C B A C B 13 D A E A C 14 B C D E D 15 C B E B A 16 E D C B D 17 C E A A B 18 B B C D E 19 D A B B B 20 B D A E C 21 A A C E D 22 A C E A A 23 A E A D C 24 D B E C E 25 B C B C D 26 A B C E E 27 A A A D B 28 C A B B B 29 B B C C D 30 C B B A C 31 B B A C A 32 B B D C B 33 E D D E E 34 C C E E C 35 B D A A E 36 A E B B E 37 B B E E C 38 C E E D E 39 E B A A D 40 C A E E C 41 E E A A E 42 E E A B B 43 A C E E E 44 C C B D C 45 C E E A D 46 A D B B A 47 B C D D D
  • 25. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 67 Àíãëè õýëíèé хичээлийн äààëãàâàð - 2008 48 D A C C B 49 C C B C A 50 C D E C C 51 E A A E A 52 B B D B C 53 C E B C D 54 A C D D E 55 D D B A A 56 A C B D B 57 D A E B C 58 A B C C B 59 E D D D A 60 C B A E C 61 D A E D E 62 C C B E B 2.1a 4 2 3 3 4 2.1b 2 1 4 4 1 2.1c 3 3 1 2 3 2.1d 1 4 2 1 2 2.2A 3 2 4 4 1 2.2b 2 2 3 3 3 2.2c 2 3 3 2 4 2.3a 3 3 3 4 2 2.3b 3 4 4 2 3 2.3c 4 2 1 1 4 No. Variation B Variation C Variation D Variation E Variation F
  • 26. - Өөрийгөө бэлд Byambaa Avirmed Одооноос онлайнаар - өөрийгөө бэлдье 68 Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв